Calculation of heating batteries per room. Calculation of heating radiators and required thermal power

Warmth in housing is the basis of comfort, health and well-being. Taking into account that it takes 6 or more months to warm up, a properly thought-out heating complex also saves users’ finances. The calculator simplifies the calculation of heating radiators by area.


In private households, heating is individual, in high-rise buildings - general, but in any case, radiators form the basis. They are the ones who provide heating to the room, and energy consumption and temperature depend on their properties and quantity. The calculator allows you to calculate heating radiators by area by entering actual indicators into the fields. The counting procedure is carried out manually in simplified and detailed formats.

Types of radiators

The process of heating the air and maintaining its sufficient temperature depends on the batteries - metal, size, connection to the complex and their placement. Before calculating the number of radiator sections, you will need to find out the metal of manufacture.


Indicators of various metals:

  • A 350 aluminum - 138 W;
  • A 500 made of aluminum - 185 W;
  • S 500 made of aluminum – 205 W;
  • L 350 made of bimetal – 130 W;
  • L 500 made of bimetal – 180 W;
  • Made of cast iron - 160 W.

Batteries are grouped according to their center length:

  • 200 mm;
  • 350 mm;
  • 500 mm;
  • 600 mm.


This type of coolant is characterized by its relatively low cost and aesthetic appearance. The design is integral and the number of sections is not adjustable. Steel walls are thin and require anti-corrosion protection. During operation, protection against water hammer and mechanical damage is necessary, since the seams can leak. Considering the low heat capacity of the structure, installing it in an apartment is impractical. IN private building This option is more acceptable, since it is possible to independently regulate the degree of heating of the coolant.


Cast iron

Models with maximum heat transfer. Unlike Soviet radiators, modern ones are presented in decent design options, while maintaining positive properties.

This type of battery is practical and convenient:

  • the number of sections can be adjusted;
  • water hammers are not dangerous for them;
  • the walls of the sections are little susceptible to corrosion processes;
  • The device is suitable for any coolant.

Cast iron batteries are different large mass and demand high-quality installation And reliable fastening(wall and floor options available).

In addition, batteries take a long time to heat up.


With high heat transfer aluminum structures have little weight. Appearance elegant and diverse, which allows you to install them in any room. The structures can be either solid or prefabricated, consisting of several sections.

Since aluminum is susceptible to oxygen corrosion, the battery requires appropriate anti-corrosion protection. If available, operational characteristics this type of radiator is superior to all others.


The devices are installed in the private sector due to increased exposure to water hammer. With central heating this cannot be resisted.


Made from two layers. External aluminum, has high heat dissipation. The second is made of an alloy that is not destroyed by corrosion. This design ensures long-term operation. However, the cost of these models is quite high, so it is important how to calculate the number of bimetallic radiator sections per room. They are characterized by stronger thermal conductivity than cast iron.

Simple calculation

Connecting heating to high-rise buildings, the number and location of devices is made on the basis of complex technical calculations. They are produced by specialists based on SNiP 41-01-2003. Regulatory rules stipulate, for example, how many sections of a bimetallic radiator are needed per 1 m² of area:

  • in the center -100 W;
  • in the north – 150-200 W;
  • in the south - 60 W.

Different types of radiators for a home heating system Source

SNiP stipulates how many battery sections are needed for square meter building area, taking into account the composition of the alloy:

  • bimetal – 1.8 sq. m;
  • aluminum – 2.0 sq. m;
  • cast iron - 1.5 sq. m.

The user can make an approximate calculation independently. The purchased radiator comes with a user manual. It contains device data and power. Using these indicators, you can calculate radiator sections by room area using the template:

room area (in sq. m) X100 W / section power (numbers in instructions)

The data obtained are used with heated floors above and below, not on a corner, in a brick building, with a distance to the top of up to 3 m.

Calculation by volume

For wall heights of more than 3 meters, size calculations of heating radiators are used. For 1 sq. m of housing:

  • for buildings made of panel blocks - 41 W;
  • for buildings from brickwork– 34 W.


Heat transfer = room area X wall height X standard power (41 or 34).


The resulting total is divided by the standard output of the section and the required number is obtained.

Example of a simple calculation

In calculations, the average option of 1300 W is accepted. It is added by 20% and leads to higher value. Thus, they buy a device with a power of 1600 W. If 1 section is 160 W, then 10 pieces will be required.

To find out how many sections of a bimetallic radiator are needed for 18 m² with a wall height of 2.7 m, we substitute the numbers:

18 X 100=1800 W.

Then the required complex is selected. The consumer can buy a device of a suitable size, with a length from 0.8 to 2.0 m and a height of 0.3-0.6 m.

Then you need to decide on the metal.


Video description

About calculating the number of battery sections in the video:

Detailed calculation

The number of sections of heating radiators can be calculated taking into account additional coefficients. The standard power is assumed to be per 1 sq. m 100 W. Additional indicators that affect the atmosphere in the building are taken into account:

Heat transfer = area X 100 X K1 X K2 X K3 X K4 X K5 X K6 X K7 X K8 X K9 X K10

Each coefficient affects the thermal conditions of the room.

K1– the number of walls in contact with outdoor temperatures, where:

  • for one surface, take 1;
  • with two surfaces – 1.2;
  • with three – 1.3;
  • with four walls in contact with the atmosphere - 1.4.

In this case, the corner rooms will be the coldest.

K2– an indicator that takes into account the relationship to the poles. Surfaces in the shade will be cooler because they are not exposed to the heat of the sun's rays:

  • northern surface -1.1;
  • east side -1.1;
  • southern surface -1;
  • western surface of the building -1.


K3- an indicator showing the degree of insulation. In addition to standard construction, residents can insulate walls with special products both outside and inside, reducing heat loss.

Thermal insulation reduces heating requirements:

  • masonry walls with a thickness of two bricks without additional insulation – 1;
  • masonry walls with a thickness of one brick without additional insulation – 1.27;
  • with additional insulating material - 0.85.

K4– indicator indicating temperature regime terrain. Temperature in different regions very different. For the indicator, information from the hydrometeorological service about the lowest temperatures is used:

  • from -10 °C the indicator is 0.7;
  • from -15 °C the indicator is 0.9;
  • from -20 °C indicator 1.1;
  • from -25 °C indicator 1.3;
  • below -35 °C – 1.5.

K5– takes into account the height of the walls in the room. To heat a larger volume, more power will be required:

  • with a standard indicator of 2.7 m - 1;
  • from 2.8 to 3 m – 1.05;
  • from 3.1 to 3.5 m – 1.1;
  • from 3.6 to 4.0 m – 1.15;
  • more than 4 m - 1.2.


K6– takes into account the temperature in rooms above and below the calculated one. Apartments on the top and first floors will require greater heat transfer. It should be taken into account that in multi-storey buildings It is prohibited to install a heated floor system. It can be insulated using special materials at the request of the owners. The attic is made warm in private households.

Applicable indicator:

  • cold, unheated room above -1;
  • insulated surface at the top – 0.9;
  • heated room above – 0.8.

K7- an indicator that takes into account heat leakage through the surface of the glass.

Even modern ones metal-plastic windows I let heat through and this factor must be taken into account when calculating heating. Wooden frames have high heat loss rates:

  • wooden frame material and two glasses - 1.27;
  • metal-plastic frames with double glass – 1;
  • double-glazed unit with two glasses and argon as a filler or two-chamber – 0.85.

It's not just the material that matters window frames, but also the size of the glazing surface.


K8– an indicator that takes into account the ratio of the surface area of ​​the windows to the entire room:

  • ratio less than 0.1 – indicator 0.8;
  • ratio from 0.11 to 0.2 – indicator 0.9;
  • ratio from 0.21 to 0.3 – indicator 1.0;
  • ratio from 3.1 to 0.4 –1.1;
  • ratio from 4.1 to 0.45 –1.2.

K9– takes into account how the blocks are embedded in general scheme. The heating device is connected to a system through which heating fluid is pumped. Radiators are inserted into the pipes, releasing the temperature into the atmosphere. After cooling, the coolant returns through the pipes to the boiler and heats up, closing the cycle in a circle.


The order in which radiators are connected and inserted into the heating structure directly affects the air temperature:

  • diagonal: heat at bottom, return at bottom (1.0);
  • diagonal: heating at the top, return at the bottom (1.25);
  • one-way: heating at the top, return at the bottom (1.03);
  • one-way: heating at the bottom, return at the bottom (1.28);
  • double-sided: heating-return at the bottom on both sides (1.13);
  • double-sided: heating-return at the bottom on one side (1.28).

K10– coefficient that determines the closedness of devices. It is customary to install heating under glazing. This is due to the fact that the veil warm air from the heating appliances rises and prevents low-temperature air from the window from penetrating inside. Therefore, even when there is ice on the glass, it can be warm inside.


Types of installation:

  • the device is mounted on the wall without covering it with anything –0.9;
  • the device covers a window sill or other object –1.0;
  • the device is fixed in a niche – 1.0;
  • the device covers the window sill and the grille on the side of the room –1.12;
  • The device is hidden behind an aesthetic grille -1,2.

Substitute all indicators and multiply. Before calculating the number of sections of a heating radiator when purchasing, study the indicators from the manufacturer in the technical documentation. The total figure is divided by the power of 1 device. The result will be the desired number.

Structures larger than ten sections are not used. Take two devices from size 5 in one.

Manufacturers write maximum heating values ​​in the product data sheet. Therefore, the minimum indicated figure is substituted in the calculations.

When studying the components of heating systems in an online store, the calculator calculates heating radiators per area online.

Data is provided for each model. The figure is sometimes given not in W, but as coolant flow. You can recalculate: 1 l/min is considered as 1 kW of power.

Single pipe system

There are some special features when using a system with a single-pipe connection. A cooler coolant reaches the device installed further. In order not to count the temperature individually, a simplified procedure is used.


First, calculate as for two-pipe system, and then add the required number of radiator sections. The percentage of heat reduction at the connecting joints determines the number of additional sections. The drop in heating temperature is typically assumed to be 20% at a more distant junction.

Video description

Additionally, see how to connect radiators to single pipe system:

Using old metrics

In production repair work and replacing previous heating equipment, you can use the previous data. If the temperature level is heating season satisfied, then the thermal power remains the same. Old batteries will lose 10-15% of their thermal conductivity over time due to internal corrosion. Therefore, the new ones will require a smaller number of sections with a similar battery material.

When installing devices in designer versions, you should approach the installation with special care. Unconventional solutions significantly change the air heating system.



As a result, before making a purchase, the user can independently calculate the preliminary need for devices using a simplified or detailed formula or use a calculator on the Internet.

There are several methods for calculating the number of radiators, but their essence is the same: find out the maximum heat loss of the room, and then calculate the number of heating devices required to compensate for them.

There are different calculation methods. The simplest ones give approximate results. However, they can be used if the premises are standard, or coefficients can be applied that allow one to take into account the existing “non-standard” conditions of each specific room (corner room, access to a balcony, wall-to-wall window, etc.). There is a more complex calculation using formulas. But essentially these are the same coefficients, only collected in one formula.

There is another method. It determines the actual losses. Special device— thermal imager — determines real heat loss. And based on this data, they calculate how many radiators are needed to compensate for them. Another good thing about this method is that the thermal imager image shows exactly where the heat is lost most actively. This could be a marriage at work or building materials, crack, etc. So at the same time we can improve the situation.

Calculation of heating radiators by area

The easiest way. Calculate the amount of heat required for heating, based on the area of ​​the room in which the radiators will be installed. You know the area of ​​each room, and the heat requirement can be determined by building regulations SNiPa:

  • for the average climate zone, 60-100 W are required for heating 1 m 2 of living space;
  • for areas above 60 o, 150-200 W are required.

Based on these standards, you can calculate how much heat your room will require. If the apartment/house is located in the middle climate zone, heating an area of ​​16 m 2 will require 1600 W of heat (16*100=1600). Since the standards are average, and the weather is not constant, we believe that 100W is required. Although, if you live in the south of the middle climate zone and your winters are mild, count 60W.

A power reserve in heating is needed, but not very large: with an increase in the amount of power required, the number of radiators increases. And the more radiators, the more coolant in the system. If for those connected to central heating this is not critical, then for those who have or are planning individual heating, a large volume of the system means large (extra) costs for heating the coolant and greater inertia of the system (less accurately maintained set temperature). And a logical question arises: “Why pay more?”

Having calculated the room's heat requirement, we can find out how many sections are required. Each heating device can produce a certain amount of heat, which is indicated in the passport. Take the found heat requirement and divide it by the radiator power. Result - required amount sections to make up for losses.

Let's count the number of radiators for the same room. We determined that 1600W needed to be allocated. Let the power of one section be 170W. It turns out 1600/170 = 9.411 pieces. You can round up or down at your discretion. You can turn it into a smaller one, for example, in the kitchen - there are plenty of additional heat sources there, and a larger one - better in a room with a balcony, a large window or in a corner room.

The system is simple, but the disadvantages are obvious: ceiling heights can be different, wall material, windows, insulation and a number of other factors are not taken into account. So the calculation of the number of sections of heating radiators according to SNiP is approximate. For an accurate result, you need to make adjustments.

How to calculate radiator sections by room volume

This calculation takes into account not only the area, but also the height of the ceilings, because all the air in the room needs to be heated. So this approach is justified. And in this case the technique is similar. We determine the volume of the room, and then, according to the standards, we find out how much heat is needed to heat it:

Let's calculate everything for the same room with an area of ​​16m2 and compare the results. Let the ceiling height be 2.7m. Volume: 16*2.7=43.2m3.

  • IN panel house. The heat required for heating is 43.2m 3 *41V=1771.2W. If we take all the same sections with a power of 170 W, we get: 1771 W/170 W = 10,418 pcs (11 pcs).
  • IN brick house. The heat needed is 43.2m 3 *34W=1468.8W. We count the radiators: 1468.8W/170W=8.64pcs (9pcs).

As you can see, the difference is quite large: 11 pieces and 9 pieces. Moreover, when calculating by area, we got the average value (if rounded in the same direction) - 10 pcs.

Adjusting results

In order to obtain a more accurate calculation, you need to take into account as many factors as possible that reduce or increase heat loss. This is what the walls are made of and how well they are insulated, how big windows, and what kind of glazing they have, how many walls in the room face the street, etc. To do this, there are coefficients by which you need to multiply the found values ​​of heat loss in the room.


Windows account for 15% to 35% of heat loss. The specific figure depends on the size of the window and how well it is insulated. Therefore, there are two corresponding coefficients:

  • ratio of window area to floor area:
    • 10% — 0,8
    • 20% — 0,9
    • 30% — 1,0
    • 40% — 1,1
    • 50% — 1,2
  • glazing:
    • three-chamber double-glazed window or argon in a two-chamber double-glazed window - 0.85
    • ordinary double-glazed window — 1,0
    • regular double frames - 1.27.

Walls and roof

To account for losses, the material of the walls, the degree of thermal insulation, and the number of walls facing the street are important. Here are the coefficients for these factors.

Thermal insulation level:

  • brick walls two bricks thick are considered the norm - 1.0
  • insufficient (absent) - 1.27
  • good - 0.8

Availability of external walls:

  • interior space - no losses, coefficient 1.0
  • one - 1.1
  • two - 1.2
  • three - 1.3

The amount of heat loss is influenced by whether the room is located on top or not. If there is a habitable heated room on top (the second floor of a house, another apartment, etc.), the reduction factor is 0.7, if there is a heated attic - 0.9. It is generally accepted that an unheated attic does not affect the temperature in any way (coefficient 1.0).

If the calculation was carried out by area, and the ceiling height is non-standard (a height of 2.7 m is taken as the standard), then a proportional increase/decrease using a coefficient is used. It is considered easy. To do this, divide the actual ceiling height in the room by the standard 2.7 m. You get the required coefficient.

Let's do the math for example: let the ceiling height be 3.0m. We get: 3.0m/2.7m=1.1. This means that the number of radiator sections that was calculated by area for a given room must be multiplied by 1.1.

All these norms and coefficients were determined for apartments. To take into account the heat loss of a house through the roof and basement/foundation, you need to increase the result by 50%, that is, the coefficient for a private house is 1.5.

Climatic factors

Adjustments can be made depending on average winter temperatures:

  • -10 o C and above - 0.7
  • -15 o C - 0.9
  • -20 o C - 1.1
  • -25 o C - 1.3
  • -30 o C - 1.5

Having made all the required adjustments, you will receive a more accurate number of radiators required to heat the room, taking into account the parameters of the premises. But these are not all the criteria that influence the power of thermal radiation. There are also technical subtleties, which we will discuss below.

Calculation of different types of radiators

If you are planning to install sectional radiators standard size(with an axial distance of 50 cm in height) and have already selected the material, model and right size, there should not be any difficulties in calculating their quantity. Most reputable companies that supply good heating equipment, the website contains technical data for all modifications, including thermal power. If it is not the power that is indicated, but the coolant flow rate, then it is easy to convert to power: the coolant flow rate of 1 l/min is approximately equal to the power of 1 kW (1000 W).

The axial distance of the radiator is determined by the height between the centers of the holes for supplying/removing coolant.

To make life easier for customers, many websites install a specially designed calculator program. Then the calculation of heating radiator sections comes down to entering data on your premises in the appropriate fields. And at the exit you have finished result: number of sections of this model in pieces.

But if you're just guessing possible options, then it is worth considering that the radiators are the same size from different materials have different thermal power. Methodology for calculating the number of sections bimetallic radiators It is no different from the calculation of aluminum, steel or cast iron. Only the thermal power of one section can be different.

  • aluminum - 190W
  • bimetallic - 185W
  • cast iron - 145W.

If you are just figuring out which material to choose, you can use this data. For clarity, we present the simplest calculation of sections of bimetallic heating radiators, which takes into account only the area of ​​the room.

When determining the number of heating devices made of bimetal of a standard size (center distance 50 cm), it is assumed that one section can heat 1.8 m 2 of area. Then for a room of 16 m 2 you need: 16 m 2 /1.8 m 2 = 8.88 pcs. Let's round up - we need 9 sections.

We calculate similarly for cast iron or steel bars. All you need is the following rules:

  • bimetallic radiator - 1.8m2
  • aluminum - 1.9-2.0 m 2
  • cast iron - 1.4-1.5 m 2.

This is data for sections with center distance 50cm. Today there are models on sale with the most different heights: from 60cm to 20cm and even lower. Models 20cm and below are called curb. Naturally, their power differs from the specified standard, and if you plan to use a “non-standard”, you will have to make adjustments. Either look for passport data, or do the math yourself. We proceed from the fact that the heat transfer of a heating device directly depends on its area. As the height decreases, the area of ​​the device decreases, and, therefore, the power decreases proportionally. That is, you need to find the ratio of the heights of the selected radiator with the standard, and then use this coefficient to correct the result.

For clarity, let's do the calculation aluminum radiators by area. The room is the same: 16m2. We count the number of sections of standard size: 16m 2 /2m 2 = 8 pcs. But we want to use small sections with a height of 40 cm. We find the ratio of radiators of the selected size to standard ones: 50cm/40cm=1.25. And now we adjust the quantity: 8pcs * 1.25 = 10pcs.

Adjustment depending on heating system mode

Manufacturers indicate in their passport data maximum power radiators: in high-temperature mode of use - the coolant temperature in the supply is 90 o C, in the return - 70 o C (indicated by 90/70) in the room there should be 20 o C. But in this mode modern systems The heating works very rarely. Typically, a medium power mode of 75/65/20 or even a low temperature mode with parameters of 55/45/20 is used. It is clear that the calculation needs to be adjusted.

To take into account the operating mode of the system, it is necessary to determine the temperature pressure of the system. Temperature pressure is the difference between the temperature of the air and the heating devices. In this case, the temperature of the heating devices is considered as the arithmetic average between the supply and return values.

To make it clearer, we will calculate cast iron heating radiators for two modes: high temperature and low temperature, standard size sections (50cm). The room is the same: 16m2. One cast iron section in high temperature mode 90/70/20 heats 1.5 m 2. Therefore, we need 16m 2 / 1.5 m 2 = 10.6 pcs. Round up - 11 pcs. The system plans to use a low temperature mode of 55/45/20. Now let’s find the temperature difference for each of the systems:

  • high temperature 90/70/20- (90+70)/2-20=60 o C;
  • low temperature 55/45/20 - (55+45)/2-20=30 o C.

That is, if a low-temperature operating mode is used, twice as many sections will be needed to provide the room with heat. For our example, a room of 16 m2 requires 22 sections of cast iron radiators. The battery turns out to be big. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why this type of heating devices is not recommended for use in networks with low temperatures.

With this calculation, you can also take into account the desired air temperature. If you want the room to be not 20 o C, but, for example, 25 o C, simply calculate the thermal pressure for this case and find the desired coefficient. Let's do the calculation for the same cast iron radiators: the parameters will be 90/70/25. We calculate the temperature difference for this case (90+70)/2-25=55 o C. Now we find the ratio 60 o C/55 o C=1.1. To ensure a temperature of 25 o C you need 11 pcs * 1.1 = 12.1 pcs.

Dependence of radiator power on connection and location

In addition to all the parameters described above, the heat transfer of the radiator varies depending on the type of connection. Considered optimal diagonal connection with supply from above, in this case there is no loss of thermal power. The greatest losses are observed when lateral connection- 22%. All others are average in efficiency. Approximate percentage losses are shown in the figure.

The actual power of the radiator also decreases in the presence of obstructing elements. For example, if a window sill hangs from above, the heat transfer drops by 7-8%; if it does not completely block the radiator, then the loss is 3-5%. When installing a mesh screen that does not reach the floor, the losses are approximately the same as in the case of an overhanging window sill: 7-8%. But if the screen completely covers the entire heating device, its heat transfer is reduced by 20-25%.

Determining the number of radiators for single-pipe systems

There is another very important point: all of the above is true for when a coolant with the same temperature enters the input of each radiator. It is considered much more complicated: there, increasingly colder water flows to each subsequent heating device. And if you want to calculate the number of radiators for a one-pipe system, you need to recalculate the temperature every time, and this is difficult and time-consuming. Which exit? One of the possibilities is to determine the power of the radiators as for a two-pipe system, and then, in proportion to the drop in thermal power, add sections to increase the heat transfer of the battery as a whole.

Let's explain with an example. The diagram shows a single-pipe heating system with six radiators. The number of batteries was determined for two-pipe wiring. Now we need to make an adjustment. For the first heating device everything remains the same. The second one receives coolant with a lower temperature. We determine the % drop in power and increase the number of sections by the corresponding value. In the picture it turns out like this: 15kW-3kW=12kW. We find the percentage: the temperature drop is 20%. Accordingly, to compensate, we increase the number of radiators: if 8 pieces were needed, there will be 20% more - 9 or 10 pieces. This is where knowing the room will come in handy: if it’s a bedroom or a children’s room, round up, if it’s a living room or other similar room, round down. You also take into account the location relative to the cardinal directions: in the north you round up, in the south you round down.

This method is clearly not ideal: after all, it turns out that the last battery in the branch will have to have simply enormous dimensions: judging by the diagram, coolant with specific heat capacity equal to its power, and in practice it is unrealistic to remove all 100%. Therefore, usually when determining the power of a boiler for single-pipe systems, they take a certain reserve, install shut-off valves and connect radiators through a bypass so that the heat transfer can be adjusted and thus compensate for the drop in coolant temperature. One thing follows from all this: the number and/or size of radiators in a single-pipe system must be increased, and more and more sections must be installed as you move away from the beginning of the branch.


An approximate calculation of the number of sections of heating radiators is simple and quick. But clarification depending on all the features of the premises, size, type of connection and location requires attention and time. But you can definitely decide on the number of heating devices to create a comfortable atmosphere in winter.

The heating problem in our latitudes is much more acute than in Europe with its mild climate and warm winters. In Russia Substantial part The territory is under the rule of winter for up to 9 months a year. Therefore, it is very important to pay sufficient attention to the selection of heating systems and calculation of the power of heating radiators.

Unlike, where only the area is taken into account, the power of heating radiators is calculated according to a different scheme. In this case, you should also take into account the height of the ceilings, that is, the total volume of the room in which it is planned to install or replace the heating system. There is no need to be afraid. Ultimately, the entire calculation is based on elementary formulas, which will not be difficult to master. Radiators will heat the room thanks to convection, that is, air circulation in the room. Heated air rises and displaces cold air. In this article you will get the simplest calculation of the power of heating radiators

Let's take a room with an area of ​​15 square meters and a ceiling height of 3 meters. The volume of air to be heated in the heating system will be:

V=15x3=45 cubic meters

Next, we calculate the power that will be required to heat a room of a given volume. In our case - 45 cubic meters. To do this, you need to multiply the volume of the room by the power required to heat one cubic meter of air in a given region. For Asia and the Caucasus it is 45 watts, for the middle zone 50 watts, for the north about 60 watts. As an example, let's take a power of 45 W and then we get:

45×45=2025 W - power required to heat a room with a cubic capacity of 45 meters

Selecting a radiator based on calculation

Steel radiators

Let's leave the comparison of heating radiators out of the picture and note only the nuances that you need to have an idea about when choosing a radiator for your heating system.

In the case of calculating the power of steel heating radiators, everything is simple. There is the necessary power for an already known room - 2025 watts. We look at the table and look for steel batteries that produce the required number of watts. Such tables are easy to find on the websites of manufacturers and sellers of similar products. Pay attention to the temperature conditions at which the heating system will be operated. It is optimal to use the battery in 70/50 C mode.

The table indicates the type of radiator. Let's take type 22, as one of the most popular and quite worthy in its consumer qualities. A 600x1400 radiator is perfect. The power of the heating radiator will be 2015 W. It's better to take a little extra.

Aluminum and bimetallic radiators

Aluminum and bimetallic radiators are often sold in sections. Capacity in tables and catalogs is indicated for one section. It is necessary to divide the power required to heat a given room by the power of one section of such a radiator, for example:

2025/150 = 14 (rounded to whole numbers)

We received the required number of sections for a room with a volume of 45 cubic meters.

Don't overdo it!

14-15 sections for one radiator is the maximum. Installing radiators of 20 or more sections is ineffective. In this case, you should split the number of sections in half and install 2 radiators of 10 sections each. For example, place 1 radiator near the window, and the other near the entrance to the room or on the opposite wall.

Co steel radiators Also. If the room is large enough and the radiator is too large, it is better to install two smaller ones, but with the same total power.

If a room of the same volume has 2 or more windows, then good decision There will be a radiator installed under each of the windows. In case of sectional radiators everything is quite simple.

14/2=7 sections under each window for a room of the same volume

Radiators are usually sold in 10 sections, it is better to take an even number, for example 8. A supply of 1 section will not be superfluous in case of severe frosts. This will not change the power much, but the heating inertia of the radiators will decrease. This can be useful if cold air often enters the room. For example, if this office space, which customers often visit. In such cases, radiators will heat the air a little faster.

What to do after the calculation?

After calculating the power of heating radiators for all rooms, it will be necessary to select a pipeline by diameter and taps. Number of radiators, length of pipes, number of taps for radiators. Calculate the volume of the entire system and select a suitable boiler for it.

For humans, home is often associated with warmth and comfort. To keep your home warm, you need to pay due attention to the heating system. Modern manufacturers use Newest technologies for the production of heating system elements. However, without proper planning of such a system, these technologies may be useless for certain premises.

First of all, you need to understand for what purposes the room will be used. What temperature regime is desirable in it? There are many subtleties in this matter that need to be taken into account. It is advisable to do with precise calculation heating radiator power and heat loss. It is better to install heating radiators in the part of the room where it is coldest. In the above example, the installation of radiators near windows was considered. This is one of the most profitable and effective options placement of elements heating system.

Video on calculating battery power

Every home owner faces important questions when installing heating. What type of radiator should I choose? How to calculate the number of radiator sections? If a house is being built for you by professional employees, they will help you perform the calculations correctly so that the distribution of heating batteries in the building is rational. However, this procedure can be carried out independently. You will find the formulas necessary for this below in the article.

Types of radiators

Today there are the following types of heating batteries: bimetallic, steel, aluminum and cast iron. Radiators are also divided into panel, sectional, convector, tubular, and design radiators. Their choice depends on the coolant, the technical capabilities of the heating system and the financial capabilities of the home owner. How to calculate the number of radiator sections per room? This does not depend on the type. In this case, only one indicator is taken into account - radiator power.

Calculation methods

In order for the heating system in the room to work efficiently and to keep it warm and comfortable in winter, you need to carefully. For this, the following calculation methods are used:

  • Standard - carried out on the basis of the provisions of SNiP, according to which heating 1m2 will require a power of 100 watts. The calculation is carried out using the formula: S / P, where P is the power of the department, S is the area of ​​the selected room.
  • Approximate - to heat a 1.8 m2 apartment with ceilings 2.5 m high, you will need one radiator section.
  • Volumetric method - heating power of 41 W is taken per 1 m 3. The width, height and length of the room are taken into account.

How many radiators will be needed for the whole house?

How to calculate the number of radiator sections for an apartment or house? Calculations are carried out for each room separately. According to the standard, the thermal power per 1 m 3 of room volume, which has one door, window and external wall, is considered to be 41 W.

If the house or apartment is “cold”, with thin walls, have many windows, the house does not have an apartment, but the apartment is located on the first or last floor, then to heat them you need 47 W per 1 m 3, and not 41 W. For a house built from modern materials using different insulation materials for walls, floors, ceilings with metal-plastic windows. you can take 30 W.

To replace cast iron radiators, there is the simplest calculation method: you need to multiply their number by the resulting number - the power of new devices. When purchasing aluminum or bimetallic batteries for replacement, the calculation is carried out in the ratio: one cast iron rib to one aluminum one.

Rules for calculating the number of branches

  • The radiator power increases: if the room is at the end and has one window - by 20%; with two windows - by 30%; windows facing north also require an increase of another 10%; installing a battery under a window - 5%; covering the heating device with a decorative screen - by 15%.
  • The power required for heating can be calculated by multiplying the size of the room area (in m2) by 100 W.

In the product passport, the manufacturer indicates the specific power, which makes it possible to calculate the proper number of sections. Do not forget that heat transfer is affected by the power of an individual section, and not by the size of the radiator. Therefore, placing and installing several small appliances in a room is more effective than installing one large one. Heat coming from different sides will heat it evenly.

Calculation of the number of compartments of bimetallic batteries

  • Dimensions of the room and the number of windows in it.
  • Location of a specific room.
  • The presence of unclosed openings, arches and doors.
  • Heat transfer power of each section indicated by the manufacturer in the passport.

Stages of calculations

How to calculate the number of radiator sections if all the necessary data is recorded? To do this, determine the area by calculating the derivatives of the width and height of the room in meters. Using the formula S = L x W, calculate the joint area if they have open openings or arches.

Next, the total battery is calculated (P = S x 100), using a power of 100 W to heat one m2. Then the proper number of sections is calculated (n = P / Pc) by dividing the total thermal power by the heat transfer of one section indicated in the passport.

Depending on the location of the premises, calculation of the required number of branches bimetallic device made taking into account correction factors: 1.3 - for angular; use a coefficient of 1.1 - for the first and last floors; 1.2 - used for two windows; 1.5 - three or more windows.

Carrying out calculations of battery sections in the end room, located on the first floor of the house and having 2 windows. The dimensions of the room are 5 x 5 m. The heat output of one section is 190 W.

  • We calculate the area of ​​the room: S = 5 x 5 = 25 m2.
  • We calculate the thermal power in general: P = 25 x 100 = 2500 W.
  • We calculate the required sections: n = 2500 / 190 = 13.6. We round up, we get 14. We take into account the correction factors n = 14 x 1.3 x 1.2 x 1.1 = 24.024.
  • We divide the sections into two batteries and install them under the windows.

We hope that the information presented in the article will tell you how to calculate the number of radiator sections for your home. To do this, use the formulas and make a relatively accurate calculation. It is important to choose the right section power that is suitable for your heating system.

If you cannot independently calculate the required number of batteries for your home, it is best to seek help from specialists. They will perform a competent calculation, taking into account all the factors affecting the efficiency of the installed heating devices, which will ensure warmth in the house during the cold period.

Bimetal radiators, consisting of steel and aluminum parts, are most often purchased as a replacement for failed ones. cast iron batteries. Outdated models of heating devices cannot cope with their main task - good heating premises. In order for the purchase to be of any use, you need to do correct calculation sections of bimetallic heating radiators according to the area of ​​the apartment. How to do it? There are several ways.

Simple and fast calculation method

Before you start replacing old batteries with new radiators, you need to make the correct calculations. All calculations are carried out based on the following considerations:

  • Keep in mind that the heat dissipation of a bimetallic radiator will be slightly higher than that of a cast iron counterpart. With a high-temperature heating system (90 °C), the average figures will be 200 and 180 W, respectively;
  • It’s okay if the new heating device heats up a little more powerfully than the old one, it’s worse if it’s the other way around;
  • Over time, the efficiency of heat transfer will decrease slightly due to blockages in the pipes in the form of deposits of products of the active interaction of water and metal parts.

From everything written above, one conclusion can be drawn - the number of sections of a new bimetallic radiator should be no less than that of a cast iron one. In practice, it usually happens that they install a battery literally 1-2 sections larger - this is a necessary reserve, which will not be superfluous, given the last point of the list above.

Power calculations based on room dimensions

It doesn't matter whether you decide to install radiators in completely new apartment, or you are replacing old stuff left over from Soviet times, you need to calculate the sections bimetallic batteries heating. So, what computational methods exist to select the battery of the required power? Taking into account the dimensions of the apartment, calculations are made taking into account either area or volume. The last option is more accurate, but first things first.

Plumbing standards in force throughout Russia define minimum values power of heating devices per 1 square meter of housing. This value is equal to 100 W (in the conditions of central Russia).

Calculation of bimetallic heating radiators per square meter of room is very simple. Measure the length and width of the room with a tape measure and multiply the resulting values. Multiply the resulting number by 100 W and divide by the heat transfer value for one section.

For example, let's take a room of 3x4 m, this is a small room, and very powerful heaters are not needed here. Here is the calculation formula: K = 3x4x100/200 = 6. In the example given, the heat output of 1 section of the battery is taken to be 200 W.

  • the results will be close to maximum accuracy only if the calculations are carried out for a room with ceilings no higher than 3 meters;
  • not taken into account in this calculation important factors- number of windows, sizes doorways, presence of insulation in the floor and walls, wall material, etc.;
  • the formula is not suitable for places with extremely low temperatures in winter, for example, Siberia and the Far East.

Calculations of sections will be more accurate if all three dimensions are taken into account in the calculations - the length, width and height of the room; in other words, you need to calculate the volume. The calculation is carried out using a similar algorithm as in the previous case, but other values ​​should be taken as a basis. Sanitary standards, set for heating at 1 cubic meter- 41 W.

  • The volume of the room is: V = 3x4x2.7 = 32.4 m3
  • The battery power is calculated by the formula: P = 32.4x41 = 1328.4 W.
  • Calculation of the number of cells, formula: K = 1328.4/20 = 6.64 pcs.

The number obtained as a result of calculations is not an integer, so it must be rounded up - 7 pcs. By comparing the values, it is easy to discover that the latter method is more accurate and efficient than calculating battery sections by area.

How to calculate heat losses

A more accurate calculation will require taking into account one of the unknowns - the walls. Especially it concerns corner rooms. Let’s assume that the room has the following parameters: height - 2.5 m, width - 3 m, length - 6 m.

The object of calculation in this case is the external wall. Calculations are made using the formula: F = a*h.

  • F - wall area;
  • a - length;
  • h - height;
  • The unit of account is meter.
  • According to calculations, it turns out F = 3x2.5 = 7.5 m2. Square balcony doors and windows is subtracted from total area walls.
  • The area has been found, all that remains is to calculate the heat loss. Formula: Q = F*K*(tin + tout).
  • F - wall area (m2);
  • K is the coefficient of thermal conductivity (its value can be found in SNiPs; for these calculations the value taken is 2.5 (W/m2).

Q = 7.5x2.5x(18+(-21)) = 56.25. The result obtained is added to the other heat loss values: Qroom. = Qwalls+Qwindows+Qdoors. The final number obtained during the calculations is simply divided by the thermal power of one section.

Formula: Qroom/Nsections = number of battery sections.

Correction factors

All the above formulas are accurate only for the middle zone of the Russian Federation and interior spaces with average insulation rates. In reality, absolutely identical rooms does not exist, in order to obtain the most accurate calculation, it is necessary to take into account correction factors by which the result obtained from the formulas should be multiplied:

  • corner rooms - 1.3;
  • Far North, Far East, Siberia - 1.6;
  • take into account the place where the heating device will be installed; decorative screens and boxes conceal up to 25% of the thermal power, and if the battery is also in a niche, then add an additional 7% to energy losses;
  • the window requires an increase of 100 W of power, and doorway- 200 W.

For country house the result obtained during the calculations is additionally multiplied by a factor of 1.5 - the attic without heating is taken into account and external walls buildings. However, bimetal batteries are more often installed in apartment buildings, than in private ones due to the high cost, especially compared to batteries made of aluminum.

Effective power accounting

One more parameter cannot be discounted when making calculations about radiators. The documents enclosed with the heater indicate battery power values ​​depending on the type of heating system. When choosing heating radiators, take into account the thermal pressure - roughly speaking, this is the temperature regime of the coolant supplied to the system heating the house.

In documents for a heating device, a power for a pressure of 60 °C is often found; this value corresponds to a high-temperature heating mode of 90 °C (the temperature of the water supplied to the pipes). This is true for older houses with systems that were in place back in the Soviet times. In modern new buildings, heating technologies of a different type are no longer required for full heating. high temperatures coolant in the pipes. Thermal pressure in new houses is significantly lower - 30 and 50 °C.

To calculate bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment, you need to make simple calculations: multiply the power calculated using the previous formulas by the value of the actual thermal pressure and divide the resulting number by the value indicated in the data sheet. As a rule, such calculations reduce the effective power of radiators.

Take this into account when making calculations - in all formulas, substitute the effective power value that corresponds to the actual thermal pressure in the heating system of your home.

When making calculations, be guided by simple, but important rule- it’s better to make a slightly larger mistake than to endure the cold due to errors in calculations. Russian winters are unpredictable and can be record cold even in middle lane countries, so a small margin of 10% will not be superfluous. To regulate the heat supply, install two taps - one on the bypass, and the second to shut off the coolant supply. By adjusting the taps, you can control the temperature in the room.


So to carry it all out necessary calculations and choose a radiator with a power suitable for your home, use the given calculation formulas, they are simple and quite accurate. The main nuance is exact value actual power of your heating system. By spending a little time with a calculator in your hands, you will avoid mistakes when buying a heating device, and in winter time your home will always maintain a comfortable temperature.