Develop an optimal workplace for a software engineer, calculate illumination, calculate information load. Computer workplace lighting

The premises must have natural and artificial lighting. Location of workstations behind monitors for adult users in basements not allowed.

Area per one workplace with a computer for adult users should be at least 6 m2, and the volume should be at least -20 m3.

Rooms with computers must be equipped with heating, air conditioning or effective supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

For interior decoration In the interior of rooms with computers, diffusely reflective materials with a reflection coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7-0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5-0.6; for the floor - 0.3-0.5.

Floor surface in areas where computers are used, it must be level, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet, and have antistatic properties.

There should be a first aid kit and a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in the room to extinguish a fire.

Requirements for microclimate, ionic composition and concentration of harmful chemicals in indoor air

At the workplaces of personal computer users, optimal microclimate parameters must be ensured in accordance with SanPin According to this document, for category of severity of work 1a, the air temperature should be no more than 22-24 o C in the cold period of the year, 20-25 o C in the warm period of the year. Relative humidity should be 40-60%, air movement speed -

ha - 0.1 m/s. It is worth saying that a heating and air conditioning system is used to maintain optimal microclimate values. It is worth saying that to increase the humidity in the room, you should use humidifiers with distilled or boiled drinking water.

The ionic composition of the air must contain the following number of negative and positive air ions; the minimum required level is 600 and 400 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the optimal level is 3,000-5,000 and 1,500-3,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the maximum permissible is 50,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air. It is worth saying that to maintain the optimal ionic composition of the air, dust removal and disinfection of indoor air, it is recommended to use devices from the Diod plant of the Ellion series.

Requirements for lighting of premises and workplaces

IN computer rooms there should be natural and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is provided through window openings with a natural lighting coefficient KEO of no less than 1.2% in areas with stable snow cover and no less than 1.5% in the rest of the territory. The luminous flux from the window opening should fall on the operator’s workplace on the left side.

Artificial lighting in computer operating rooms should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting.

The illumination on the table surface in the area where the document is placed should be 300-500 lux. It is allowed to install local lighting fixtures to illuminate documents. Local lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen and increase the screen illumination to more than 300 lux. Direct glare from light sources should be limited. The brightness of luminous surfaces (windows, lamps) in the field of view should be no more than 200 cd/m2.

Reflected gloss on work surfaces is limited by the right choice lamp and location of workplaces in relation to natural source Sveta. The brightness of glare on the monitor screen should not exceed 40 cd/m2. The glare index for sources of general artificial lighting in premises should be no more than 20, the discomfort index in administrative and public premises should not be more than 40. The brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3:1 - 5:1, and between working surfaces and wall surfaces and equipment 10:1.

For artificial lighting of rooms with personal computers, lamps of the LPO36 type with mirrored grilles, equipped with high-frequency ballasts, should be used. It is allowed to use luminaires of direct light, mainly reflected light of type LPO13, LPO5, LSO4, LPO34, LPO31 with fluorescent lamps of type LB. It is allowed to use local lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps. Lamps should be located in the form of solid or broken lines on the side of workstations parallel to the user's line of sight for different locations of computers. With a perimeter arrangement, the lines of lamps should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge, facing the operator. The protective angle of the lamps must be at least 40 degrees. Local lighting fixtures must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees.

To provide standard values lighting in the premises, glass should be cleaned window openings and lamps at least twice a year and carry out timely replacement of burnt-out lamps.

Requirements for noise and vibration in premises

Noise levels at workplaces of personal computer users should not exceed the values ​​established by SanPiN 2.2.4/ and amount to no more than 50 dBA. At workplaces in premises where noisy units are located, the noise level should not exceed 75 dBA, and the vibration level in the premises acceptable values according to SN 2.2.4/ category 3, type “b”.

You can reduce the noise level in rooms by using sound-absorbing materials with maximum sound absorption coefficients in the frequency range 63-8000 Hz for finishing walls and ceilings of premises. An additional sound-absorbing effect is created by plain curtains made of thick fabric, hung in a fold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the fence. The width of the curtain should be 2 times the width of the window.

Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces

Workplaces with personal computers in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, preferably from the left.

Workplace layouts with personal computers, the distances between desktops with monitors must be taken into account: the distance between the side surfaces of the monitors is at least 1.2 m, and the distance between the monitor screen and the back of another monitor is at least 2.0 m.

Desktop can be of any design that meets modern requirements ergonomics and allowing for convenient placement of equipment on the work surface, taking into account its quantity, size and nature of the work performed. It is advisable to use tables that have a special work surface separate from the main tabletop for placing the keyboard. Work tables with adjustable and non-adjustable working surface height are used. If there is no adjustment, the table height should be between 680 and 800 mm.

Table working surface depth should be 800 mm (allowed at least 600 mm), width - between 1,600 mm and 1,200 mm. Working surface The table should not have sharp corners or edges, and have a matte or semi-matte finish.

The work desk must have legroom with a height of at least 600 mm, a width of at least 500 mm, a depth at knee level of at least 450 mm and at the level of the outstretched legs of at least 650 mm.

Fast and accurate reading of information is ensured by placing the screen plane below the user's eye level, preferably perpendicular to the normal line of sight (normal line of sight 15 degrees down from the horizontal)

Keyboard should be located on the table surface at a distance of 100-300 mm from the edge facing the user.

For the convenience of reading information from documents, movable stands (lecterns) are used, the dimensions of which in length and width correspond to the size of the documents installed on them. The music rest is placed in the same plane and at the same height as the screen.

To ensure a physiologically rational working posture and create conditions for changing it during the working day, lift-and-swivel work chairs with a seat and backrest that are adjustable in height and tilt angles, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat, are used.

The design of the chair should ensure:
  • the width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;
  • seat surface with rounded front edge;
  • adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400-550 mm and tilt angle forward up to 15 degrees and back up to 5 degrees.;
  • the height of the back support surface is 300±20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;
  • backrest angle vertical plane within 0±30 degrees;
  • adjustment of the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat within 260-400 mm;
  • stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50-70 mm;
  • adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230±30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350-500 mm;
  • the surface of the seat, back and armrests should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, non-electrifying, airtight coating, easily cleaned from contamination.

The workplace must be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an inclination angle of the supporting surface of the stand up to 20 degrees. The surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge.

Work and rest mode when working with a computer

The work and rest schedule requires adherence to a certain duration continuous operation on the PC and breaks, regulated taking into account the duration of the work shift, types and categories labor activity.

Types of work activities on a PC are divided into 3 groups: group A - work on reading information from the screen with a preliminary request; group B - work on entering information; group B - creative work in dialogue mode with a PC.

If during a work shift the user implements different types work, then his activity belongs to that group of work for which at least 50% of the work shift time is spent.

Categories of severity and intensity of work on a PC are determined by the level of load for work shift: for group A - by the total number of readable characters; for group B - by the total number of characters read or entered; for group B - based on the total time of direct work on the PC. The table shows the categories of severity and intensity of work depending on the level of load during the work shift.

The number and duration of regulated breaks, their distribution during the work shift is established depending on the category of work on the PC and the duration of the work shift.

With an 8-hour work shift and working on a PC, regulated breaks should be set:
  • for the first category of work, 2 hours from the start of the shift and 2 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each;
  • for the second category of work - 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after a lunch break lasting 15 minutes each or lasting 10 minutes every hour of work;
  • for the third category of work - 1.5-2.0 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after a lunch break lasting 20 minutes each or lasting 15 minutes every hour of work.

With a 12-hour work shift, regulated breaks should be established in the first 8 hours of work similar to breaks during an 8-hour work shift, and during the last 4 hours of work, regardless of the category and type of work, every hour lasting 15 minutes.

The duration of continuous work on a PC without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

When working on a PC during the night shift, the duration of regulated breaks increases by 60 minutes, regardless of the category and type of work activity. The material was published on http://site

Unregulated breaks (micro-pauses) lasting 1-3 minutes will be effective.

It is advisable to use regulated breaks and micro-pauses to perform a set of exercises and gymnastics for the eyes, fingers, as well as massage. It is advisable to change sets of exercises after 2-3 weeks.

It is worth saying - PC users doing work with high level tension, psychological relief is indicated during regulated breaks and at the end of the working day in specially equipped rooms (psychological relief rooms)

Medical, preventive and health measures. All professional PC users must undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations upon entry to work, periodic medical examinations with the mandatory participation of a therapist, neurologist and ophthalmologist, as well as general analysis blood and ECG.

Women are not allowed to work on a PC from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Myopia, farsightedness and other refractive errors must be fully corrected with glasses. It is worth saying that for work you should use glasses selected taking into account the working distance from the eyes to the display screen. In case of more serious visual impairments, the question of the possibility of working on a PC is decided by an ophthalmologist.

Can be used to relieve fatigue of accommodative muscles and train them computer programs type Relax.

For those who work intensively, it is advisable to use such the latest tools prevention of vision, such as glasses LPO-trainer and ophthalmic simulators DAK and “Sniper-ultra”.

Leisure is recommended to be used for passive and active rest(exercises on exercise machines, swimming, cycling, running, playing tennis, football, skiing, aerobics, walks in the park, forest, excursions, listening to music, etc.) Twice a year (in spring and late autumn) it is recommended to carry out a course of vitamin therapy for a month. You should stop smoking. Smoking should be strictly prohibited in workplaces and in rooms with PCs.

Ensuring electrical and fire safety in the workplace

Electrical safety.

At the user's workplace there is a display, keyboard and system unit. When the display is turned on, a high voltage of several kilovolts is created on the cathode ray tube. Therefore, it is forbidden to touch back side display, wipe dust from the computer when it is turned on, work on the computer in damp clothes and with wet hands.

Before starting work, you should make sure that there are no power cords hanging from the table or hanging under the table, that the plug and power cord are intact, that there is no visible damage to the equipment and work furniture, that the near-screen filter is not damaged and that it is grounded.

Static electricity currents induced during computer operation on the monitor, system unit and keyboard cases can lead to discharges when these elements are touched. It must be remembered that such discharges do not pose a danger to humans, but can lead to computer failure. It is worth saying that to reduce the magnitude of static electricity currents, neutralizers, local and general air humidification, and the use of floor coverings with antistatic impregnation can be used.

Fire safety

Fire safety - the state of an object in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, and in the event of one occurring, the impact on people of its dangerous factors is prevented and the protection of material assets is ensured.

Fire protection is a complex of organizational and technical events, aimed at ensuring the safety of people, preventing fire, limiting its spread, as well as creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing.

Fire safety is ensured by a fire prevention system and fire protection. All office premises must have a “Fire Evacuation Plan”, regulating the actions of personnel in the event of a fire and indicating the location of fire equipment.

Fires in CCs pose a particular danger as they are associated with large material losses. Feature

CC - small areas of premises. As is known, a fire can occur due to the interaction of flammable substances, an oxidizer and ignition sources. All three main factors necessary for a fire to occur are present in the premises of a computer center.

The flammable components at the CC will be: Construction Materials for acoustic and aesthetic finishing of premises, partitions, doors, floors, punched cards and punched tape, cable insulation, etc.

Ignition sources in the CC can be electrical circuits from computers, devices used for Maintenance, power supply, air conditioning devices, where, as a result of various violations, overheated elements, electric sparks and arcs are formed that can cause fires of flammable materials.

Let us note the fact that modern computers have a very high density of elements. electronic circuits. Connecting wires and cables are located in close proximity to each other. When flowing through them electric current a significant amount of heat is released. When this happens, the insulation may melt. It is worth saying that ventilation and air conditioning systems are used to remove excess heat from the computer. When continuously operated, these systems pose an additional fire hazard.

For most premises of the CC the category fire danger IN.

It is important to note that one of the most important tasks of fire protection— protection of building premises from destruction and ensuring their sufficient strength under impact conditions high temperatures in case of fire. Taking into account the high cost of the electronic equipment of the computer center, as well as the category of its fire hazard, buildings for the computer center and parts of the building for other purposes, in which computers are located, must be of the first and second degree of fire resistance. It is worth saying, for making building structures can be used traditionally brick, reinforced concrete, glass, metal and others non-flammable materials. The use of wood should be limited, and if used, it is extremely important to impregnate it with fire retardants.

Computer technology is currently used in almost all organizations. The use of this equipment by workers can provide Negative influence on their health and even lead to emergency situations and industrial accidents. In order to avoid this, workers must follow safety precautions when working with a computer.

Negative factors when working at a computer

An employee who uses a computer in his or her work activities may be influenced by the following negative factors:

  • electromagnetic and infrared radiation;
  • noise of a running computer (or several computers);
  • risk of electric shock in case of short circuit;
  • possibility of fire.

Rules for working at the computer

Obliges the employer to develop and approve labor safety instructions and ensure that employees are familiar with them. Thus, an organization may approve a special document that provides rules for performing labor operations with computer equipment, which may be called, for example, safety instructions when working at a computer. Separate provisions on this issue may be contained in the labor protection instructions for office workers.

In some industries economic activity standard instructions on labor protection are approved. For example, Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2001 N 162 approved the Instructions on labor protection when working on a personal computer TOI R-45-084-01.

Let's look at the safety rules for each stage of working with a computer.

1. Before starting work: check the serviceability of the electrical wiring, sockets and plugs of the computer, and grounding of the PC.

2. During operation:

  • It is necessary to handle wires carefully;
  • It is forbidden to work with a faulty computer;
  • Do not clean your computer while it is under voltage;
  • It is unacceptable to independently repair equipment in the absence of special skills;
  • Do not place liquids near the computer or work with wet hands;
  • You must not touch others while working with your PC. metal structures(for example, batteries);
  • Smoking and eating food in close proximity to the PC, etc. are not allowed.

3. In emergency situations:

  • In case of any problems, you must immediately disconnect the PC from the network;
  • if a bare wire is detected, immediately notify all workers and avoid contact with the wire;
  • in the event of a fire, take measures to extinguish it using fire extinguishers (workers must know where they are);
  • In case of electric shock, provide first aid and call an ambulance.

4. Upon completion of work:

  • turn off computer;
  • It is advisable to wet clean the workplace;
  • turn off the power supply.

Workplace organization

Constant work at the computer causes deviations in the employee’s health, in particular:

  • the load on vision leads to its deterioration, redness of the eyes, and the occurrence of “dry eye syndrome”;
  • failure to comply with workplace organization standards can lead to curvature of the spine, joint diseases and pain of various types;
  • prolonged concentration of attention on the screen causes fatigue.

The procedure for organizing work with a computer is determined by SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03, put into effect on June 30, 2003.

Here are some requirements imposed by SanPiN for a PC user's workplace:

  • the distance from the monitor to the eyes should be from 600 to 700 mm, but not less than 500;
  • The employee’s chair must be adjustable in height and provide the ability to rotate and change posture while working;
  • table height - from 680 to 800 mm;
  • The surface of the table should allow optimal placement of everything necessary for work, etc.

Breaks from working at the computer

In order to avoid employee overwork, SanPiN recommends taking breaks of 10 to 15 minutes after 45 to 60 minutes of work. During the break, the employee should perform eye exercises and physical exercises provided for in Appendices 8 - 10 to SanPiN.

Following the rules for working with a computer will reduce negative impact computer on employee health. However, most often it is the employees who neglect these rules, and the employer’s task in this case is to constantly bring to the attention of its employees information about the consequences of non-compliance with the above requirements and, by its orders, organize mandatory breaks in work.

Good afternoon friends! The topic of today's article is organizing a computer workplace. I hope the information will be useful not only to office workers and remote workers, but also to attentive parents and everyone who comes into contact with a PC in one way or another.

Beautiful pictures on the topic of remote work present us with a girl comfortably lounging on the sofa with a laptop, and next to her there is also a baby, not taking her eyes off the monitor.

But this cannot be called a work environment, and besides, everyone knows that doing so is harmful. Let's not succumb to provocation and will analyze in order how to create a business corner so that you can be in front of the computer with minimal losses to your health.

In the office

Office workers who spend at least 8 hours in front of a monitor risk damaging their eyesight and posture. In addition, not all employers pay due attention to equipment installation standards. But to limit harm to health, make the most of the recommendations of experts:

1. Computers in the room should be no closer than 2 meters from each other, and in no case opposite.

2. It is advisable to install the monitor in a corner.

3. 50 cm - minimum distance from eyes to screen.

4. Place the keyboard 10 - 30 cm from you.

5. The system unit and other PC elements should not be placed close to a wall or other objects to avoid overheating.

6. The office must have adequate ventilation and air humidification. If this is not enough, ventilate the room.

7. Window and lamp light should fall from the left.

8. In rooms without natural light, you need to combine general (ceiling) and task (wall, table) light. It is desirable that it should not be directed, but diffuse.

9. Install a footrest if the employer has not taken care of this.

10. The laser printer emits harmful radiation, and it is advisable to install it as far as possible from the desk, preferably in a separate room. Jet printer not harmful. When placing, keep in mind: both of them are afraid of dust, direct sunlight and proximity to heating devices.

11. If you are right-handed, place your phone and organizer to your right.

At home

At home, it is much easier to properly arrange your workplace. And doing this is no less important, because those who process some of the documentation on the weekend or are busy have to sit at the computer for a long time.

If conditions permit, separate the work area from the bedroom. This will benefit you too, and less dust will accumulate in your equipment. In the absence of a separate room, you can use a partition. In the photo, part of the loggia is reserved for the office.

A competent space design will not only put you in a businesslike mood, but will also protect your health. Remember about good lighting. White ceiling, light walls (recommended beige, light green, lemon color) reflect light well, which is important for the eyes. Psychologists unanimously claim that the color green creates a calm environment and at the same time increases productivity.

Be sure to place your computer in a well-lit area and place the light on the left side, close to the front edge of the monitor.

Contrary to popular belief, flowers do not protect against harmful radiation, but it does modern models PC and small. Therefore, instead of thickets on the windowsill, it is better to place one small plant to maintain air humidity, for example, aloe.

Purchase furniture in accordance with the following standards:

12. A computer desk must be between 680 and 800 mm in height, have a working surface depth of at least 600 mm, and a width of at least 1,200 mm. It’s good if there is a separate pull-out shelf for the keyboard.

13. Instead of a chair, use a special chair that is adjustable in height, distance from the back to the front edge of the seat and the angle of the backrest. A quality chair has armrests, a rounded front seat surface, and is covered in non-electrifying fabric that is easy to clean.

Creative people will find it useful to place ideas near the table that can be written down or put on sticky notes. And, of course, a couple of inspiring little things: your vacation photo or any beautiful object. And the productivity of freelancing will increase a couple of motivating quotes.

Yes, working from home requires powerful self-stimulation - otherwise there is a danger of becoming lazy. Perhaps communication will give you new strength.

Rules for parents

By spending a lot of time at the computer, we unwittingly set an example for children. Alas, in modern society It will not be possible to “take and cancel” this technique for minors. But you can protect them from harmful influences using the following rules:

14. The main rule: the computer should not be a primary interest for children. Develop other hobbies in a timely manner.

15. Remember the dangers of a child spending a long time at the computer. A first grader is allowed to communicate with a “friend” for half an hour a day; after 15 minutes, at least a 10-minute break is required. For schoolchildren over 12 years old - 2 hours, duration of one session - up to 30 minutes.

16. The lighting in the room should be sufficient, but not excessive. IN dark room You can't sit at the computer!

17. Furniture must be appropriate for the child’s height (see picture).

18. There should be enough space for knees under the table.

19. Make sure that your child’s feet reach the floor; use a special footrest.

20. Even sitting in an orthopedic chair, a child may slouch - control his posture.

The following figure shows how to sit at the computer correctly.

Order in the workplace

Try to keep only necessary items on the table. Minimalism increases focus on the process. Here is an example of obvious overkill.

If you don’t print documents too often, you can place the printer on a nearby table - it will be an extra reason to get up and stretch.

Avoid the habit of eating and drinking in front of a screen. This has been shown to interfere with the normal absorption of food. And, of course, it’s dangerous for technology (especially sweet tea for laptops).

Do not forget about timely cleaning using special napkins.

Safety precautions when working at a computer

Safety rules are often the last thing we think about. But, if a fire caused by improper operation seems to be something incredible, then equipment breakdown is quite common. Therefore, adhere to simple rules:

21. Before starting work, make sure that electrical wiring is in good working order, the socket and plug have no cracks, the wires do not hang over the edge of the table, do not lie on the floor where there is a danger of crushing them with something heavy.

22. In a house with small children, an outlet with protection from external influences is desirable.

23. Cords should not come into contact with heating devices to avoid damage.

24. Avoid network congestion household appliances, because this may lead to overheating of the wires, which, if the automation is not working, will lead to a fire.

25. You cannot work on a computer with visible external damage.

26. Do not place foreign objects on the system unit: this interferes with normal cooling and damages the PC.

27. Do not work in a damp room or with wet hands.

28. Do not place liquids (water in a cooler or tea in a glass) near the computer.

29. Remove dust from all areas of your computer in a timely manner. Clean the system unit as needed (about once a year).

30. Do not leave the computer running for a long time and do not abuse shutdown - use sleep mode.

No matter how comfortable you sit in a cozy chair, keep in mind that prolonged sedentary work increases fatigue. Therefore, even getting carried away interesting task, do not waste time on rest. Sometimes, during short-term gymnastics or walking, the thought works even better than when concentrating on the letters.

Therefore, dear colleagues, follow the following advice from doctors:

31. Try to take breaks from work every 1.5 - 2 hours. If this is difficult in the office, at least change your position more often, stretch, turn in your chair, and do leg exercises.

32. Don't forget about your eyes: blink more often while working, allow yourself to look away from the screen for a couple of minutes and close your eyes. In this case, it is useful to do various exercises: rotate the pupils clockwise and counterclockwise, gently tap on the head with the pads of your fingers, lightly press on the eyelids.

33. When looking through papers while working, keep them on stands to reduce strain on your eyes. If you have to read a lot of texts that do not require continuous editing, it is better to print them out.

34. The neck becomes stiff from sedentary work - to avoid this, it is recommended to turn it in a direction from time to time. different sides, raise and lower your shoulders.

35. After finishing working with the computer, do not rush to immediately relax in front of the TV - it is better to relax a little with your eyes closed, take a walk, listen to silence or do physical labor.

And remember that for busy people sedentary work, active weekends and vacations are very useful. Be in nature, travel.

Subscribe, we are glad to be useful to you!

The premises must have natural and artificial lighting. The location of workstations behind monitors for adult users in basements is not permitted.

Area per one with a computer for adult users should be at least 6 m2, and the volume should be at least -20 m3.

Rooms with computers must be equipped with heating, air conditioning or effective supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

For interior decoration of rooms with computers, diffusely reflective materials with a reflectance coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7-0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5-0.6; for the floor - 0.3-0.5.

Floor surface in areas where computers are used, it must be level, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet, and have antistatic properties.

There should be a first aid kit and a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in the room to extinguish a fire.

Requirements for microclimate, ionic composition and concentration of harmful chemicals in indoor air

At the workplaces of personal computer users, optimal microclimate parameters must be ensured in accordance with SanPin According to this document, for category 1a of severity of work, the air temperature should be no more than 22-24 o C in the cold period of the year, 20-25 o C in the warm period of the year. Relative humidity should be 40-60%, air movement speed -

ha - 0.1 m/s. To maintain optimal microclimate values, a heating and air conditioning system is used. To increase indoor air humidity, use humidifiers with distilled or boiled drinking water.

The ionic composition of the air must contain the following number of negative and positive air ions; the minimum required level is 600 and 400 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the optimal level is 3,000-5,000 and 1,500-3,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the maximum permissible is 50,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air. To maintain the optimal ionic composition of the air, dust removal and disinfection of indoor air, it is recommended to use devices from the Diod plant of the Ellion series.

Requirements for lighting of premises and workplaces

Computer rooms should have natural and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is provided through window openings with a natural lighting coefficient KEO of no less than 1.2% in areas with stable snow cover and no less than 1.5% in the rest of the territory. The luminous flux from the window opening should fall on the operator’s workplace on the left side.

Artificial lighting in computer operating rooms should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting.

The illumination on the table surface in the area where the document is placed should be 300-500 lux. It is allowed to install local lighting fixtures to illuminate documents. Local lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen and increase the screen illumination to more than 300 lux. Direct glare from light sources should be limited. The brightness of luminous surfaces (windows, lamps) in the field of view should be no more than 200 cd/m2.

Reflected glare on work surfaces is limited by the correct choice of luminaire and the location of workstations in relation to the natural light source. The brightness of glare on the monitor screen should not exceed 40 cd/m2. The glare index for sources of general artificial lighting in premises should be no more than 20, the discomfort index in administrative and public premises should not be more than 40. The brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3:1 - 5:1, and between working surfaces and wall surfaces and equipment 10:1.

For artificial lighting of rooms with personal computers, lamps of the LPO36 type with mirrored grilles, equipped with high-frequency ballasts, should be used. It is allowed to use luminaires of direct light, mainly reflected light of type LPO13, LPO5, LSO4, LPO34, LPO31 with fluorescent lamps of type LB. It is allowed to use local lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps. Lamps should be located in the form of solid or broken lines on the side of workstations parallel to the user's line of sight for different locations of computers. With a perimeter arrangement, the lines of lamps should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge, facing the operator. The protective angle of the lamps must be at least 40 degrees. Local lighting fixtures must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees.

To ensure the standard values ​​of illumination in the premises, the glass of window openings and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner.

Requirements for noise and vibration in premises

At the workplaces of personal computer users, they should not exceed the values ​​​​established by SanPiN 2.2.4/ and amount to no more than 50 dBA. At workplaces in premises housing noisy units, the noise level should not exceed 75 dBA, and the vibration level in the premises is within the permissible values ​​according to SN 2.2.4/ category 3, type “b”.

The noise level in rooms can be reduced by using sound-absorbing materials with maximum sound absorption coefficients in the frequency range 63-8000 Hz for finishing the walls and ceilings of rooms. An additional sound-absorbing effect is created by plain curtains made of thick fabric, hung in a fold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the fence. The width of the curtain should be 2 times the width of the window.

Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces

Workplaces with personal computers in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, preferably from the left.

Workplace layouts with personal computers, the distances between desktops with monitors must be taken into account: the distance between the side surfaces of the monitors is at least 1.2 m, and the distance between the monitor screen and the back of another monitor is at least 2.0 m.

Desktop can be of any design that meets modern ergonomic requirements and allows for convenient placement of equipment on the work surface, taking into account its quantity, size and nature of the work performed. It is advisable to use tables that have a special work surface separate from the main tabletop for placing the keyboard. Work tables with adjustable and non-adjustable working surface height are used. If there is no adjustment, the table height should be between 680 and 800 mm.

Table working surface depth should be 800 mm (allowed at least 600 mm), width - 1,600 mm and 1,200 mm, respectively. Working surface The table should not have sharp corners or edges, and have a matte or semi-matte finish.

The work desk must have legroom with a height of at least 600 mm, a width of at least 500 mm, a depth at knee level of at least 450 mm and at the level of the outstretched legs of at least 650 mm.

Fast and accurate reading of information is ensured by positioning the screen plane below the user's eye level, preferably perpendicular to the normal line of sight (normal line of sight 15 degrees down from the horizontal).

Keyboard should be located on the table surface at a distance of 100-300 mm from the edge facing the user.

To make it easier to read information from documents, movable stands (lecterns) are used, the dimensions of which in length and width correspond to the dimensions of the documents placed on them. The music rest is placed in the same plane and at the same height as the screen.

To ensure a physiologically rational working posture and create conditions for changing it during the working day, lift-and-swivel work chairs with a seat and backrest that are adjustable in height and tilt angles, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat, are used.

The design of the chair should ensure:
  • the width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;
  • seat surface with rounded front edge;
  • adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400-550 mm and tilt angle forward up to 15 degrees and back up to 5 degrees.;
  • the height of the back support surface is 300±20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;
  • the angle of inclination of the backrest in the vertical plane is within 0±30 degrees;
  • adjustment of the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat within 260-400 mm;
  • stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50-70 mm;
  • adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230±30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350-500 mm;
  • the surface of the seat, back and armrests should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, non-electrifying, airtight coating, easily cleaned from contamination.

The workplace must be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an inclination angle of the supporting surface of the stand up to 20 degrees. The surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge.

Work and rest mode when working with a computer

The work and rest regime provides for compliance with a certain duration of continuous work on a PC and breaks, regulated taking into account the duration of the work shift, types and categories of work activity.

Types of work activities on a PC are divided into 3 groups: group A - work on reading information from the screen with a preliminary request; group B - work on entering information; Group B - creative work in dialogue mode with a PC.

If during a work shift the user performs different types of work, then his activity is classified as a group of work for which at least 50% of the work shift time is spent.

Categories of severity and intensity of work on a PC are determined by the level of load during the work shift: for group A - by the total number of characters read; for group B - by the total number of characters read or entered; for group B - based on the total time of direct work on the PC. The table shows the categories of severity and intensity of work depending on the level of load during the work shift.

The number and duration of regulated breaks, their distribution during the work shift is established depending on the category of work on the PC and the duration of the work shift.

With an 8-hour work shift and working on a PC, regulated breaks should be set:
  • for the first category of work, 2 hours from the start of the shift and 2 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each;
  • for the second category of work - 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after a lunch break lasting 15 minutes each or lasting 10 minutes every hour of work;
  • for the third category of work - 1.5-2.0 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after a lunch break lasting 20 minutes each or lasting 15 minutes every hour of work.

With a 12-hour work shift, regulated breaks should be established in the first 8 hours of work similar to breaks during an 8-hour work shift, and during the last 4 hours of work, regardless of the category and type of work, every hour lasting 15 minutes.

The duration of continuous work on a PC without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

When working on a PC during the night shift, the duration of regulated breaks increases by 60 minutes, regardless of the category and type of work activity.

Unregulated breaks (micro-pauses) lasting 1-3 minutes are effective.

It is advisable to use regulated breaks and micro-pauses to perform a set of exercises and gymnastics for the eyes, fingers, as well as massage. It is advisable to change sets of exercises after 2-3 weeks.

PC users who perform work with a high level of tension are advised to have psychological relief during regulated breaks and at the end of the working day in specially equipped rooms (psychological relief rooms).

Medical, preventive and health measures. All professional PC users must undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations upon entry to work, periodic medical examinations with the mandatory participation of a therapist, neurologist and ophthalmologist, as well as a general blood test and ECG.

Women are not allowed to work on a PC from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Myopia, farsightedness and other refractive errors must be fully corrected with glasses. For work, glasses must be used that are selected taking into account the working distance from the eyes to the display screen. In case of more serious visual impairments, the question of the possibility of working on a PC is decided by an ophthalmologist.

To relieve fatigue of accommodative muscles and train them, computer programs such as Relax are used.

For those who work intensively, it is advisable to use the latest means of vision prevention, such as LPO-trainer glasses and DAK and Sniper-Ultra ophthalmological simulators.

Leisure is recommended to be used for passive and active recreation (exercise on exercise machines, swimming, cycling, running, playing tennis, football, skiing, aerobics, walks in the park, forest, excursions, listening to music, etc.). Twice a year (in spring and late autumn) it is recommended to take a course of vitamin therapy for a month. You should stop smoking. Smoking should be strictly prohibited in workplaces and in rooms with PCs.

Ensuring electrical and fire safety in the workplace

Electrical safety.

At the user's workplace there is a display, keyboard and system unit. When the display is turned on, a high voltage of several kilovolts is created on the cathode ray tube. Therefore, it is forbidden to touch the back of the display, wipe dust from the computer while it is turned on, or work on the computer in wet clothes and with wet hands.

Before starting work, you should make sure that there are no power cords hanging from the table or hanging under the table, that the plug and power cord are intact, that there is no visible damage to the equipment and work furniture, that the near-screen filter is not damaged and that it is grounded.

Static electricity currents induced during computer operation on the monitor, system unit and keyboard cases can lead to discharges when touching these elements. Such discharges do not pose a danger to humans, but can lead to computer failure. To reduce the magnitude of static electricity currents, neutralizers, local and general air humidification, and the use of floor coverings with antistatic impregnation are used.

Fire safety

Fire safety - the state of an object in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, and in the event of one occurring, the impact on people of its dangerous factors is prevented and the protection of material assets is ensured.

Fire protection is a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring the safety of people, preventing fire, limiting its spread, as well as creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing.

Fire safety is ensured by a fire prevention system and a fire protection system. All office premises must have a “Fire Evacuation Plan”, regulating the actions of personnel in the event of a fire and indicating the location of fire equipment.

Fires in CCs pose a particular danger as they are associated with large material losses. Feature

CC - small areas of premises. As is known, a fire can occur due to the interaction of flammable substances, an oxidizer and ignition sources. All three main factors necessary for a fire to occur are present in the premises of a computer center.

Combustible components in a computer center are: building materials for acoustic and aesthetic finishing of premises, partitions, doors, floors, punched cards and punched tape, cable insulation, etc.

Sources of ignition in a computer can be electrical circuits from a computer, devices used for maintenance, power supply devices, air conditioning, where, as a result of various violations, overheated elements, electric sparks and arcs are formed that can cause ignition of flammable materials.

Modern computers have a very high density of electronic circuit elements. Connecting wires and cables are located in close proximity to each other. When electric current flows through them, a significant amount of heat is released. In this case, the insulation may melt. Ventilation and air conditioning systems are used to remove excess heat from the computer. When operated continuously, these systems pose an additional fire hazard.

Fire hazard category B is established for most premises of the CC.

One of the most important tasks of fire protection— protecting building premises from destruction and ensuring their sufficient strength in conditions of exposure to high temperatures during a fire. Taking into account the high cost of the electronic equipment of the computer center, as well as the category of its fire hazard, buildings for the computer center and parts of the building for other purposes in which computers are located must be of the first and second degree of fire resistance. For the manufacture of building structures, as a rule, brick, reinforced concrete, glass, metal and other non-combustible materials are used. The use of wood should be limited, and if used, it must be impregnated with fire retardants.

"HR service and personnel management of the enterprise", 2008, N 5

Computer standards

When you read the sanitary rules and regulations when organizing a workplace equipped with a computer, you are horrified: how can all this be observed?! And the source of natural light (that is, the window) should be on the north-east side of the room, and the distances between workplaces should be such that the average employer renting an office would simply go broke on the rent of the “standard” space. On the other hand, what to do? It’s not for nothing that all these standards and regulations are approved at the state level, people come to check their compliance and punish the negligent? This means they are still needed. And first of all - for the health of employees who work in your office on computers, and not just for the sake of replenishing the budget with further fines. Therefore, read and remember.

So, for workplaces equipped with computers (PC or PC), state Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) have been developed, which are the main document for the operation of PCs. The exact name of this document is “SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work.” It was approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated 03.06.2003 N 118.

Sanitary rules apply throughout the Russian Federation and must be applied as individual entrepreneurs, so legal entities who operate PCs.

Primary requirements Sanitary rules are aimed at preventing or reducing harmful and dangerous factors for people when working with computers, which can be divided into the following types:

Electromagnetic and electrostatic fields;

Negative effects on vision that occur when perceiving and displaying information from a display screen;

Insufficient or uneven lighting of the workplace;

Excessive noise and vibration;

Inconsistency of microclimate parameters at workplaces (temperature, relative humidity, air speed) with current sanitary standards;

Inconsistency of the workplace with the anthropometric data of the employee on the PC;

The monotony of work.

All these factors cause increased fatigue, memory impairment, headache, trophic diseases, eye diseases, sleep disorders, pain in the wrists and fingers, diseases of the spine, central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, internal organs and etc.

Here is once again confirmation that the PC user’s workplace and the computer itself must comply with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

Standards for computers

Already during production, each type of PC is subject to sanitary and epidemiological examination in accredited testing laboratories. Therefore, employers who have purchased high-quality and certified equipment should not worry: compliance with all rules and regulations will be checked beforehand.

It is only important for the employer to remember that the computer design must be able to rotate the body in different planes (horizontal, vertical) with fixation in a given position. PC cases should be painted in soft, calm tones, that is, the case, keyboard and other computer blocks and devices should have a matte surface, shiny parts should not be used so as not to create glare. The monitor must have brightness and contrast control (as a rule, all modern monitors have this capability).

Workplace requirements

Now let's talk about the basic requirements for workstations equipped with a PC. We will not dwell on conditions the implementation of which the employer cannot independently control (for example, standards for the level of electromagnetic fields, noise, vibration, etc.). Instrumental control over such indicators is carried out by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies or accredited testing laboratories (centers).

In turn, employers will be able to ensure compliance with sanitary requirements:

To the premises;

To lighting;

To the organization of workplaces;

To organize medical care for PC users;

To carry out state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and production control.

We will tell you about them in more detail.

Premises requirements

Per user of a computer with a cathode ray monitor and auxiliary equipment(printer, scanner, etc.) the area of ​​the room must be at least 6 square meters. m. Without auxiliary devices, the area may be less than 4.5 square meters. m. There are no separate standards established for PC users with LCD monitors. Therefore, we advise their lucky owners to adhere to the generally established standards and wait for legislative updates.

At designer finishing In rooms where PC users work, diffusely reflective materials should be used to eliminate the glare, glare and discomfort of light reflection from walls and ceilings.

For creating safe conditions when working on a computer, the premises must be equipped protective grounding(zeroing). Do not place the PC close to power cables, high voltage transformers, technological equipment which may interfere with computer operation.

Workplace lighting requirements

The room in which workstations equipped with a PC are located must be sufficiently well lit: that is, both natural and artificial lighting are necessary. Window openings should face north and northeast. In this case, the windows must be equipped with adjustable devices (blinds, curtains, etc.).

Reference. Other lighting requirements are specified in the current standards for natural and artificial lighting, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2003 N 34 “On the implementation of SanPin 2.2.1/”.

Artificial lighting in PC rooms should be uniform. At workplaces where there is constant document flow, a combined lighting system is used: that is, a local lighting lamp is added to the general lighting, which must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40°.

The desktop is installed so that the side of the monitor is facing the light openings. Then natural light will fall from the left.

The lighting should not create glare on the screen surface and should be no more than 300 lux, and the illumination of the table surface in the working document area should be 300 - 500 lux. Of course, measuring this value yourself is problematic. But if we consider the usual watts, then on average you need 18 - 25 W per 1 sq. m of premises. We repeat that these are very rough calculations, since not only the number of light bulbs plays a role in lighting a space, but also the color of the walls, the height of the ceiling, the materials used to decorate the room (matte or shiny), and many other factors.

For artificial lighting, it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps type LB or compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). The use of metal halide lamps is allowed. In local lighting fixtures, conventional incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, can be used.

For rooms where PCs are used, luminaires with mirror parabolic grilles, which are equipped with electronic ballasts (EPG), can also be used. But the use of lamps without diffusers and shielding grilles is not allowed.

To maintain normal lighting parameters in rooms where computers are used, glass is cleaned and washed window frames and lamps at least twice a year. And, of course, burnt out lamps are replaced in a timely manner.

General requirements for workplace organization

PC users

When placing workstations where computers are located, the distance between desktops with monitors (towards the rear of the surface of one monitor and the screen of another monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of the monitors - 1.2 m.

If there are sources of harmful substances in the room with computers production factors, then PC user workstations should be located in isolated booths with organized air exchange. Workplaces equipped with computers, when performing creative work, must be isolated by partitions 1.5 - 2.0 m high.

The monitor screen should be located from the user's eyes at a distance of 600 - 700 mm, but not closer than 500 mm.

And now - about the design of furniture and its ergonomics for a PC user.

The design of the work table should ensure optimal placement of the equipment used on the work surface. The height of the working surface of the table for adult users should be adjusted within the range of 680 - 800 mm. The modular dimensions of the working surface of a PC table should be considered: width - 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 mm and depth - 800, 1000 mm. The work desk must have legroom of at least 600 mm in height, at least 500 mm in width, at least 450 mm in knee depth and at least 650 mm in legroom.

The design of a work chair or armchair should ensure that the PC user maintains a rational posture so that it is possible to change the posture to prevent fatigue. The type of chair or armchair must be selected taking into account the user’s height, nature and duration of work with the PC.

The work chair (chair) must have:

The width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;

Seat surface with rounded front edge;

Adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400 - 550 mm and tilt angles forward up to 15° and backward up to 5°;

The tilt angle of the backrest in the vertical plane is within +30°;

Adjustable armrests in height above the seat. The keyboard should be located on the table surface at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the edge facing the user, or on a special surface separated from the table top.

Medical care for PC users

Professional users, that is, persons who work on a computer more than 50% of their working time, must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

Persons who do not have medical contraindications are allowed to work with computers.

From the time pregnancy is established, women are transferred to jobs that do not involve the use of a PC, or their time working on a computer is limited (no more than 3 hours per work shift), subject to compliance with the hygiene requirements established by the Sanitary Rules.

Work with a PC is organized depending on the type and category of work activity.

Types of work activities are divided into three groups:

Group A - work on reading information from the monitor screen;

Group B - work on entering information;

Group B - creative work in dialogue mode with a PC.

In addition, for types of work activities, three categories of severity and intensity of work with a PC were established:

Group A - based on the total number of characters read per work shift (but not more than 60,000 characters per shift);

Group B - based on the total number of characters read or entered per shift (but not more than 40,000 characters per shift);

Group B - based on the total time of direct work with a PC per work shift (but not more than 6 hours per shift).

Therefore, depending on the category of work activity and the level of load per work shift when working with a PC, total time regulated breaks. Table 1 shows the recommended times for regulated breaks.

Table 1

Total time of regulated breaks depending on

on the duration of work, type and category of labor

activities with a PC

To reduce user fatigue, work shifts are organized by alternating work on a PC with other work. If it is not possible to alternate types of work activities, then it is recommended to take breaks of 10 to 15 minutes every 45-60 minutes of work.

The duration of continuous work on the computer without regulated breaks should not exceed 1 hour.

On the night shift (that is, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), regardless of the category and type of work activity, the duration of regulated breaks should increase by 30%.

In order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual analyzer, and to eliminate physical inactivity, it is advisable to perform complexes physical exercise(see example 1).

1. Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, for a count of 1 - 4, then open your eyes, relaxing your eye muscles, look into the distance for a count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

2. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1 - 4. Do not let your eyes get tired. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

3. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count 1 - 4, then look straight into the distance on the count 1 - 6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with your gaze fixed to the left, up and down. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

4. Shift your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1 - 6; then go up to the left - down to the right and look into the distance at the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

Example 2. Let's give an example proper organization workplace when working with the computer of accountant Sazonova I.P.

1. Room and lighting.

This room has both natural and artificial lighting. The window faces north. The premises are equipped heating devices and air conditioning system. Walls and ceilings are painted matte paint. Conducted daily indoors wet cleaning. Workplace area of ​​Sazonova I.P. is 6 sq. m. The table stands on the side of the window, the light falls from the left. The window has adjustable blinds. Artificial lighting is uniform. Additionally, the desk is equipped with a table lamp.

2. Desk.

The desktop can freely accommodate a monitor, keyboard, mouse, as well as documents, books, and papers. The table is located in a row with other tables at a distance of 2 meters, and the distance between the rows is 1.2 m.

3. Chair (armchair).

The chair allows you not only to maintain the correct posture, taking into account the characteristics of I.P. Sazonova’s figure, but also to change it to reduce static tension in the muscles of the cervico-brachial region and back. The chair is adjustable in height, seat and back angles, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat. The surface of the seat, back and armrests is semi-soft, with a coating that does not slip, does not electrify and allows air to pass through.

4. Monitor.

The monitor is placed on the table directly in front of I.P. Sazonova. at a distance of approximately 600 mm.

5. Keyboard and mouse.

The keyboard and mouse are positioned so that the elbows are parallel to the surface of the table and at right angles to the shoulder. Wrists are not bent. The keyboard is located 10 - 15 cm from the edge of the table.

In the process of working with a PC, accountant Sazonova I.P. has regulated breaks, which she uses for gymnastics.


Leading HSE Engineer

LLC "Troika-logisticcenter"

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