Rating of insurance companies by industrial enterprises. The best MTPL insurance company: list, features and reviews

When compiling ratings of insurance companies, the financial performance of insurers and the results of popular voting are assessed. The frequency of litigation involving insurance companies and the compliance of CASCO rules are also taken into account.

Expert rating of insurance companies

The expert rating of insurance companies (or the reliability rating of insurance companies) is compiled on the basis of data from the authoritative rating agency "Expert RA". When determining the rating, the financial performance of insurers is assessed. According to the Expert RA classification, the following assessments are used:

  • Maximum level of reliability.
  • , , Very high level of reliability.
  • , ,High level of reliability.
  • , ,Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • , ,Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • , , Low level of reliability.
  • Very low level of reliability.
  • Unsatisfactory level of reliability.
  • Failure to fulfill obligations.
  • A temporary administration was introduced.
  • Bankruptcy, license revocation, liquidation.
  • 3 IC – rating “Maximum level of reliability” (ruAAA): VTB Insurance, Ingosstrakh, SOGAZ.
  • 10 SK – rating “Very high level of reliability” (ruAA+, ruAA, ruAA-): AIG, AlfaStrakhovanie, Alliance, VSK, MAX, Renaissance Insurance, RESO-Garantiya, Rosgosstrakh, RSHB-Strakhovanie, Energogarant.
  • 13 SK – rating “High level of reliability” (ruA+, ruA, ruA-): Absolut Insurance, D2 Insurance, Zetta Insurance, Liberty Insurance, Mafin, Medexpress, OSK, PARI, Spasskie Vorota, Surgutneftegaz, Chulpan, ERGO, Yugoria.
  • 10 IC – rating “Satisfactory level of reliability” (ruBBB+, ruBBB, ruBBB-, ruBB+, ruBB, ruBB-): ASKO-INSURANCE, Geopolis, EUROINS, Paritet-SK, POLIS-GARANT, Soglasie, Sterkh, Insurance Business Group, Tinkoff Insurance, UralSib.
  • 1 SK – rating “Low level of reliability” (ruB+, ruB, ruB-): Help.
  • 1 SC – rating “Unsatisfactory level of reliability” (ruCC): CORRECT.

A high rating (ruA- or higher) is recognition of the company’s reliability by the expert community. The described situation reflects the situation as of March 19, 2020.

People's rating of insurance companies

Policyholders evaluate a variety of non-obvious performance indicators of insurance companies. Among them, for example, the quality of services, the friendliness of the staff, the speed of service, the speed of processing the necessary documents, and so on. At the same time, a regional company may receive a high rating, while a large insurance organization with an extensive branch network, on the contrary, may “go into the red.”

The national rating of insurance companies has a number of features. Thus, policyholders are much more likely to share bad experiences, and there are more negative reviews than neutral or positive ones. In addition, reviews are not always objective. Sometimes messages with an overly emotional tone are left by policyholders who themselves violated the terms of the contract and did not receive compensation as a result of their own actions.

Anyone can influence the formation of the people's rating - to do this, just leave a review of the work of the insurance company.

Financial rating of insurance companies

Financial rating compares insurers based on statistical indicators. The financial rating is based on the official reports of insurers, which are published quarterly by the Central Bank of Russia. Sales of insurance services to legal entities and individuals are taken into account.

The key indicator being assessed is the level of payments. The payout rate shows the percentage of premiums that the insurance company paid out as claims per year. The optimal payout level on the Russian market is approximately 55-65%.

If the percentage is too high (say, 75% or higher), the insurance company inadequately assesses the risks or significantly reduces sales volumes. Both situations indicate potential financial problems for the insurer.

If the percentage is too small (say, 40% or less), the insurer is likely to save on payments. The company underestimates the amount of insurance compensation or often refuses to pay for insured events. This hypothesis is indirectly confirmed by the judicial rating of insurance companies. If a company skimps on payouts, it almost certainly also has a high litigation rate relative to its reported losses.

Judicial rating

The court rating evaluates how many lawsuits involving an insurance company occur per reported insured event. Insurers do not always sue policyholders. Sometimes two insurance companies act as opponents in court. Financiers also litigate against other legal entities in non-insurance cases, such as landlords or government agencies.

However, practice shows that the lion's share of litigation falls on litigation with policyholders. That is why the judicial rating of insurers makes it possible to fairly accurately assess the likelihood of litigation when filing an insured event.

Loyalty rating of insurance rules

The CASCO loyalty rating helps to understand how much the company's voluntary car insurance rules take into account the interests of the car owner. The higher the loyalty of the rules, the less likely it is that controversial situations will arise when settling a loss.

OSAGO is a system of compulsory civil liability insurance designed to act as a guarantor of the protection of property and health of road users. The key difference between MTPL and CASCO is that the insurance policy is aimed at the health and transport of third parties, and not at one’s own, as is the case with CASCO, which, moreover, is carried out on a voluntary basis.

There are a huge number of companies operating according to the MTPL standard in the insurance market. A considerable proportion of such organizations have an extremely short life span - they appear, suffer losses, go bankrupt and disappear, while liability to clients, in the event of an insured event, often remains outstanding.

To prevent you from getting burned by cooperating with unscrupulous insurers, we have prepared for you a rating of MTPL insurance companies that you can trust unconditionally. This selection will be useful to everyone - from experienced drivers whose insurance policy is expiring to beginners who are just planning to purchase their first car.

Principles for compiling the rating of MTPL insurers

The first thing you need to remember is that you can only cooperate with insurance companies that are members of the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers). This is one of the basic guarantees that the organization is not a scam company. You can check this on the official website of the RSA, where there are lists indicating members of the association, as well as a selection of companies that have withdrawn or been excluded from the RSA, as a result of which they do not have the right to full-fledged insurance activities.

The profile research of rating agencies (RAs) allows you to choose the best one from among the RCA member companies. These are private organizations that, guided by their own methods, annually compile reliability ratings of insurance companies. What’s interesting is that the request for an assessment of one’s own activities initially comes from the insurers themselves - this is a paid service, and the analysis requires a huge number of financial documents, which the rating agency can only receive at the will of the insurance company.

An insurance company that has been assessed by a rating agency receives a certain reliability class. It indicates how capable the organization is of fulfilling its insurance obligations to clients and covering its financial expenses arising in the course of its activities. The reliability class is a serious indicator that should be trusted; even government authorities take it into account in the process of accreditation and regulation of the activities of insurance companies.

  • Class "A" - high reliability;
  • Class "B" - average reliability;
  • Class “C” - low reliability;
  • Class “D” – potential possibility of technical default;
  • Class “E” - issued to companies that have declared bankruptcy, have lost their license to carry out insurance activities, or to liquidated organizations.

You shouldn’t even look towards organizations that are assigned classes E and D - cooperation with them will not bring anything good. Of greatest interest are insurers with reliability classes A, B and, with a stretch, C. Each of these classes is divided into 2 gradations, with one or two pluses, which indicate the position of the insurer in its segment.


  • “A++” is the highest (exceptional rating) of reliability that an insurance company can receive, “A+” is a very high reliability rating;
  • “B++”—acceptable, “B+”—sufficient, “B”—satisfactory reliability;
  • “C++” - low, “C+” - very low, “C” - unsatisfactory (pre-default) reliability.

The Expert RA rating agency analyzes the activities of the insurance company and issues a certificate of receipt of a certain reliability class, which remains valid for one calendar year.

However, when studying ratings from expert agencies, it is worth considering that the level of reliability of the insurance company in them is determined by analyzing the financial stability of the company, that is, based on how consistently the insurer fulfills all its financial obligations in the long term. But this says nothing about the quality of its services and approach to cooperation with clients.

To have complete information, along with official ratings, it makes sense to study customer reviews of the insurance company you are interested in. Therefore, we have separately prepared for you a user rating of insurance companies 2017 OSAGO, which we were able to do after analyzing many specialized forums and Internet resources.

Reliability rating "Expert RA"

Above are the most popular MTPL insurers among motorists; in addition to them, the following companies maintain an A++ rating:

  • "Alliance";
  • "MAX";
  • "RosGosStrakh";
  • "SOGAZ";
  • "Agreement";
  • "UralSIB";
  • "Energogarant".
  • "Helios";
  • "Zurich";
  • "ORANTA";
  • "MSK";
  • "ZHASO";
  • "Guta Insurance";
  • "Surgutneftegaz";
  • Liberty Insurance.

Any of these companies can be considered for purchasing an MTPL policy without fear about the future. These are large organizations that have earned a good reputation and do everything to confirm it in practice.

  1. "Rossgosstrakh" - the volume of payments for 2016 is 83,435,839 thousand rubles.
  2. "SOGAZ" - 63,913,169 thousand rubles.
  3. Ingosstrakh – 41,192,947 thousand rubles.
  4. "RESO-Garantiya" - 40,167,654 thousand rubles.
  5. "Alfa Insurance" - 27,930,673 thousand rubles.
  6. “Consent” - 23,613,700 thousand rubles.
  7. "VTB Insurance" - 15,888,150 thousand rubles.
  8. "Alliance" - 14,757,499 thousand rubles.
  9. Renaissance Insurance - 13,032,376 thousand rubles.
  10. "Uralsib" - 12,029,059 thousand rubles.

Rating of MTPL insurance companies based on customer reviews

A survey of consumers of insurance company services was conducted at the end of last year on the Internet resource IC-Ratings, whose visitors determined the following rating of insurance companies for 2016.

  1. "AlfaStrakhovanie"
  2. Aviva.
  3. "Alliance".
  4. "VTB Insurance".
  5. "Guta Insurance"
  6. "Ingosstrakh"
  7. "ERGO Rus".
  8. "Megaruss-D".
  9. "National Insurance Group".
  10. "Renaissance Insurance".

If we compare the official ratings of the Expert RA agency and the opinions of clients, it becomes obvious that, based on their results, the companies Alfa Insurance and VSK have the best reputation, which we recommend for cooperation to all motorists. We hope that our rating of insurance companies 2017 OSAGO will be useful to you!

Operation of a motor vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation is permitted only if you have an MTPL policy, which is mandatory. In addition to the auto insurance policy, each car owner can additionally insure their property against damage.

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This insurance policy is called CASCO. The main difference between the insurances is the recipient of the insurance payment.

In case of payment, the payment is due to the injured party, and under CASCO – to the insured car. Based on statistical data, we can make a rating of the most popular insurers in Moscow for issuing a voluntary insurance policy.

What is CASCO

So, CASCO is a voluntary car insurance policy. Insured events under the contract may be:

  • theft and theft of an insured car;
  • Road accidents of varying severity and in different situations, for example, a collision that occurred in a parking lot near a house or a shopping center. To receive payment in the event of a road accident, it does not matter who is at fault for the collision. Car repairs will be covered by insurance in any case;
  • collision with wild animals;
  • impact of third parties and foreign objects on the vehicle, for example, a fallen tree;
  • impact of natural disasters and so on.

A complete list of insured events is specified in the contract. If there are many cases in which insurance payment is made, then CASCO is considered complete. If the insurance is limited to accidents and theft, then it is called partial.

In most cases, full CASCO is required when obtaining a car loan and acts as an additional guarantee for the bank to repay the borrowed funds in any situation.

The cost of the policy is influenced by factors such as:

  • the region in which the vehicle is registered;
  • Insurance Company. Unlike MTPL, CASCO tariffs are not regulated by government agencies, but are set by insurers independently. Therefore, the selection of an insurance organization is one of the most important factors in purchasing a policy;
  • characteristics of the insured vehicle. The greater the power and cost of the car, the higher the cost of the policy itself will be;
  • additionally installed equipment. To reduce the cost of insurance, you can install a modern anti-theft system. If the car has a standard anti-theft system, then the cost of CASCO will be higher;
  • length and experience of drivers. A system of benefits and discounts has been developed for people who have extensive experience in accident-free vehicle operation;
  • list of insured events. The more situations the policy covers, the higher its cost;
  • set of additional services. Many insurance companies, in order to attract customers, include additional services in the cost of the insurance policy that are provided free of charge. The most common service is an emergency commissioner or a tow truck;
  • statistical data on the theft rate of a specific make and model of a vehicle. Such statistics are maintained constantly and are based on traffic police data.

The greater the probability of an insured event occurring, the correspondingly higher the cost of the policy itself. This aspect is not taken into account by all insurance organizations, but it does exist.

The only significant disadvantage of the CASCO insurance policy is its high cost.

To save money when purchasing insurance, you can:

  • purchase . However, it should be remembered that in the event of an insured event, the amount of the deductible will reduce the amount of the insurance payment. For example, a franchise of 10,000 rubles will reduce each payment by 10,000 rubles;
  • reduce the number of insurance cases, that is, apply for CASCO insurance only for the most likely events. For example, if a car is stored in a guarded garage at night, and in a guarded parking lot during the day, then the risk of theft is reduced to 5–7%. Consequently, theft can be excluded from insured events;
  • Some companies offer their clients to pay for the policy in several equal payments. This condition can be both a positive and a negative factor. For example, when an insured event occurs, the insurance is paid by 50%, therefore, the payment will be only 50% of the damage received.

In addition, the provision of installments affects the cost of CASCO towards its increase. It is more expedient to pay for insurance in one payment.

When concluding an insurance contract, the policy amount is established by agreement of the parties. The owner of a car, at his own discretion, can take out a policy for the full or partial cost of the car.

This factor is especially relevant for people who purchase a vehicle partially with borrowed funds. The bank requires that the insurance cover only the loan amount.

Insurance that is not issued for the full value of the car will cost the owner less. It should be noted that during the insurance period the insurance amount cannot be changed.

With the right choice of insurance company and package of services, CASCO can be a reliable assistant in the event of an emergency.

Rating of insurance companies in Moscow

To simplify the choice of an insurance company, various statistical agencies annually conduct surveys of citizens and compile ratings. In addition, analytical agencies check the activities of insurers and assign a certain reliability rating every year.

By cost

To find out the rating of insurers by the cost of a CASCO insurance policy, we will make an online calculation for the most popular car in the first half of 2020, the Hyundai Solaris, released in 2020 and having an engine power of 123 hp.

The results of calculating the cost of insurance are shown in the table:

Name of the insurance company Cost of CASCO policy, rub.
Renaissance Insurance (exclusively includes protection against theft and total loss) 23 530
Renaissance Insurance 36 428
26 676
Invest-Alliance 30 350
40 468
Reso-Garantiya 41 288
Ingosstrakh 44 679
Agreement 58 300
MSK 65 350
Liberty 66 750
Jaso 91 800

Most companies determine the amount of insurance payment independently or based on an independent examination.

To obtain insurance, you must provide certificates from the State Traffic Inspectorate, however, damages such as broken glass or a chip in the paintwork can be paid without any additional documents.

By reliability

In terms of reliability, insurance companies can be assigned the following types of rating (from least high to low):

  1. Ingosstrakh;
  2. Reso-Garantiya;
  3. Agreement;
  4. AlfaStrakhovanie;
  5. Renaissance Insurance;
  6. Sogaz;
  7. Alliance;
  8. Jaso.
  • Uralsib;
  • Ergo Rus;
  • Zetta;
  • Liberty.
  • Tinkoff Insurance (A);
  • Swiss-Garant (B+);
  • Gayde (A);
  • Bin insurance (A).

However, it should be taken into account that choosing the least reliable insurance company and the lower cost of the policy does not always lead to quick receipt of insurance payment and correct calculation of the amount of damage.

People's rating

Leaders and Outsiders

The Yugoria company took first place in the rating with 30.8 points. She is less likely than others to refuse payments under comprehensive insurance (in 2.6% of cases) and under compulsory motor liability insurance (in 0.7%). At the same time, the average payment for comprehensive insurance at Yugoria is 68.7 thousand rubles, which is 4.3 thousand rubles higher than the market average. But for compulsory motor liability insurance, Yugoria pays, on the contrary, a little less than average - 44 thousand rubles. (the market average is 47.9 thousand rubles), but this did not prevent her from leading the rating.

Yugoriya General Director Alexey Okhlopkov says that this assessment algorithm is quite objective and really reflects the quality of insurance companies’ fulfillment of their obligations. According to Okhlopkov, the main reason why Yugoria refuses to pay under comprehensive insurance is: “the event does not have signs of an insured event or the client applies without documents from the competent authorities for the second insured event (for the first, this is permitted by the company’s rules).” The main reason for refusals under compulsory motor liability insurance is policies that were not valid at the time of the accident.

Okhlopkov, however, considers the use of the average payment indicator to be a disadvantage of the methodology - its low size may be due to the peculiarities of the company’s work with car services, if the client repairs the car at the company’s expense, and does not receive money in hand.

Of the 20 companies, eight pay better than the market average, and 12 pay worse. The worst result, according to the RBC rating, is the company "Capital Insurance". She was in last place in the ranking with a final score of 14.8. The low rating is due to the fact that the company very often refuses payments: 9.5% of refusals for comprehensive insurance and 5% for MTPL. In addition, payments under compulsory motor liability insurance at Capital Insurance are half the market average and amount to an average of 21.7 thousand rubles. However, the volume of fees for both types of insurance here does not exceed 1 billion rubles. The company did not respond to RBC's request. Rosgosstrakh, which is part of the same group as Capital Insurance, declined to comment.

VTB Insurance has the highest percentage of refusals to pay. The company does not pay 11.4% of those who applied for compensation under comprehensive insurance policies. The amount of payments for this type of insurance averages 88.4 thousand rubles. - more than the other 19 companies.

The company’s deputy general director, Evgeniy Nisselson, is surprised by the number of refusals in the Central Bank’s statistics: “According to our internal data, the number of refusals to pay under comprehensive insurance policies does not exceed 4%. The level of payments to individual clients is quite high.”

Calculation errors

Insurers criticize the calculation methodology. According to the head of the property and auto insurance department of SG Uralsib, Maria Barsova, the portfolios of insurance companies for comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance can vary greatly from company to company, and this affects the size of the average payment for both types of insurance. “One company insures more expensive cars, another company insures cheaper ones,” she says. “It is not entirely correct to compare the amounts of payments of these companies.” According to her, the size of average payments may be influenced by the regional distribution of the contract portfolio.

Maxim Shashlov, head of the actuarial and methodological department of RESO-Garantiya, says that insurers can take into account the costs of settling insurance events (examination, evacuation, legal costs, etc.) differently. “Some companies include them in the payment amounts, while others reflect them separately in all reporting forms,” says Shashlov. Director of the Department of Analysis, Methodology and Control of the Soglasie insurance company Andrey Dyatlovsky notes that the calculations do not take into account all indicators of the quality of claims settlement: the share of payments in court, the timing of payments, the number of complaints - that is, those that directly affect the difficulty of obtaining compensation.

According to his colleague, Mikhail Petryaev from the retail insurance department of RESO-Garantiya, the estimates do not take into account the increase in average payments due to legal costs. Clients, if they are dissatisfied with the payment, go to court; in this case, the insurer bears additional legal costs. “Often, a higher average payout does not mean that clients received more money, since a significant part of the payout went towards additional legal costs,” he said.

The main criteria for assessing the ease of receiving comprehensive insurance payments should be the timing and quality of car repairs, says Ekaterina Zakharova, representative of the RESO-Garantiya retail insurance department. “The reduction in payments is influenced by agreements with stations on the cost of repairs, in particular spare parts, labor and paint materials,” she says. It was the size of the average payments for comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance, which at RESO-Garantia are below the market average, that did not allow the company to reach the top of the rating.

“Insurers are hostile to absolutely any rating, since it is easier to fish in troubled waters: now there are no guidelines for the consumer on the market at all, and companies do not need to make any special efforts to fight for clients,” Nikolai Tyurnikov from GlavStrakhControl explains criticism of insurers " He believes that the rating can be used as one of the criteria when deciding where to insure a car.

This is how a good insurance company (OSAGO) works.


Each case is individual. Even after analyzing reviews on forums, it is difficult to determine which organization is the best insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance. All clients face the same problems:

  • long processing of the application (it may take a month to verify documents);
  • underestimated amount of payments (each insurance company checks all the appraisers’ calculations with the RSA directory, the resulting value is adjusted for the VAT refund, and the rest must be paid to the client).

The most affected are the clients who purchased an insurance policy in Crimea. Not all insurance companies have their offices there. Therefore, clients have to return to Rosgosstrakh for payments.

Insurance rate

Low prices should alert potential customers. Dumping is carried out by small or completely new companies that are trying to attract customers. The strategy is appropriate only at the first stage of work. Over time, it faces bankruptcy. There is no point in chasing low prices when concluding a long-term contract.

The amount of payment upon the occurrence of an insured event is calculated based on the tariff multiplied by the amount of coverage chosen by the client. The resulting value is corrected by correction factors. In the case of compulsory motor liability insurance, this may be the driver’s age, place of residence, method of storing the car, driving experience, etc. The more inexperienced the driver and the older the car, the more risks the company will have to cover. This in turn will affect the amount of the contribution. A “penny” policy cannot cover all risks. The insurer will not fulfill its promise. The client will lose funds and insurance protection.

The presence of bonuses and loyalty programs, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the company’s image. A large company can reduce prices for regular customers.


  • highly reliable - class A;
  • satisfactory risk level - class B;
  • low level of reliability - class C;
  • bankruptcy - class D;
  • license revocation - class E.

The best companies are further divided into three more groups: reliable, very reliable and extremely reliable.

The agency does not evaluate the work for free. Therefore, not all companies are included in the rating. At the same time, the absence of a company on the list does not mean that it cannot be trusted. “People’s” ratings evaluate quantitative indicators, while agencies evaluate qualitative ones. To derive a more or less adequate assessment, one should focus on data from several sources over one long period.

“EXPERT RA” rating scale

External factors:

  • volume, dynamics of changes in assets, equity, capital, insurance premium;
  • the organization’s position in the market (participation in associations, associations, reputation, brand, relations with supervisory authorities and specialization);
  • corporate governance (owners' potential, risk management, organizational structure, infrastructure, transparency of activities);
  • geography (availability of a developed branch network).

Insurance business:

  • insurance risks, profit by type of insurance);
  • client base (presence of permanent counterparties, share of terminated contracts, methods of distribution of policies, reinsurance partners);
  • reinsurance activities (reliability, efficiency and diversification of protection, reinsurance of risks, ratio of the amount of payments to own funds).

Financial indicators are analyzed for:

  • liquidity and solvency;
  • profitability and loss ratio;
  • investment policy.

It is quite difficult to determine which is the best insurance company for compulsory motor third party liability insurance. The “popular” vote rating has a right to exist, although it is very subjective and biased. Reviews from real people should also be viewed with skepticism, since any insurer has fans and opponents. Despite all the listed factors, it is possible to imagine the general tone of reviews about the leaders of the insurance market in order to determine the best insurance companies for compulsory motor liability insurance payments.

"VTB Insurance"

Over the 16 years of its existence, the insurance group has opened branches in 114 cities across all regions of the Russian Federation. The international agency Standard & Poor's assigned VTB Insurance the highest rating among Russian companies, BB+. In 2015, the EXPERT RA agency ranked the company among the most reliable. In addition to car insurance services, the company provides a wide range of other products: property protection, savings, investment programs.


The oldest insurance group in the Russian Federation is the leader in the number of open branches. In the EXPERT RA rating, ROSGOSSTRAKH ranks first in terms of premiums paid, reserves and assets. Although in some regions, cases of violation of the law were recorded when clients were forced to purchase car insurance policies. For such violations, the organization’s license was temporarily taken away.


Another large one, and according to compulsory motor liability insurance, it ranks second in the number of collected premiums in the Russian Federation. The group structure includes 9 domestic and foreign organizations serving 14 million people and 40 thousand legal entities. The main advantages of the organization include the optimal price-quality ratio for OSAGO policies.

Final stage

Before making a final decision, it is worth visiting the offices of several organizations to:

  • evaluate the level of service;
  • request calculations and compare them;
  • study the terms of the contract.

The best MTPL insurance company will not only select an individual tariff, but will also tell you in detail about the main nuances of the contract.


It is quite difficult to determine which insurance company is better for compulsory motor liability insurance. Reviews from real people are subjective and most often associated with inflated expectations for payments. “People's” ratings also do not provide an adequate assessment of financial condition. Official reports are analyzed in detail by professional analysts once a year. But even after collecting all the information, it is difficult to determine which is the best insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance. After all, there is also the factor of human error, from which no one is immune.