Robotics: everything you need to know about robots. Robotics: history

Very soon robots will become a close part of public life. Perhaps they will clean up the streets, perhaps they will build houses. In the meantime, the field of robotics is actively developing and promising. We closely monitor how our mechanical friends are doing, and we believe that it is they who will lend us a hand into the world of truly high technology. Join us.

Baby giraffes and antelopes have the amazing ability to adapt to walking within minutes of birth. It allows them to immediately adapt to a hostile environment full of predators and other dangers. This feature of cubs has long inspired biologists and engineers to create robotic limbs that can quickly adapt to their environment through trial and error. It seems that technicians from the Viterbi School of Engineering have finally managed to do it.

Paleontologists around the world are trying to learn as much as possible about the animal world of the distant past. They are trying to find out what the animals looked like, what they ate, and how they moved. Scientists from Switzerland and Germany have made a big step forward in this matter - they have created a robotic skeleton of a lizard that lived more than 300 million years ago. To recreate realistic movements they used computer modelling and data collected during excavations. The result is very interesting and is shown in the video.

Robotics- an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems.

The word "robotics" (in its English version"robotics") was first used in print by Isaac Asimov in the science fiction story "Liar", published in 1941.

Robot (Czech robot, from robota — forced labor or rob — slave) — an automatic device created on the principle of a living organism.

Acting according to a pre-programmed program and receiving information about the outside world from sensors (analogues of the sensory organs of living organisms), the robot independently carries out production and other operations usually performed by humans (or animals). In this case, the robot can both communicate with the operator (receive commands from him) and act autonomously.

“Modern robots, created on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology, are used in all areas human activity. People got faithful assistant, capable of not only performing work that is dangerous to human life, but also freeing humanity from monotonous routine operations.” I. M. Makarov, Yu. I. Topcheev. “Robotics: History and Prospects”

Appearance and design modern robots can be quite varied. Currently, they are widely used in industrial production various robots, appearance which (for reasons of technical and economic nature) is far from “human”.


Information about the first practical use of the prototypes of modern robots — mechanical people with automatic control — belongs to the Hellenistic era.

Then, four gilded female figures were installed on the lighthouse built on the island of Pharos. During the day they glowed in the rays of the sun, and at night they were brightly illuminated, so that they were always clearly visible from afar. These statues, turning at certain intervals, beat off the bottles; at night, they made trumpet sounds, warning sailors about the proximity of the shore.

The prototypes of robots were also mechanical figures created by the Arab scientist and inventor Al-Jazari (1136-1206). So, he created a boat with four mechanical musicians who played tambourines, a harp and a flute.

Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci

A drawing of a humanoid robot was made by Leonardo da Vinci around 1495. Leonardo's notes, found in the 1950s, contained detailed drawings of a mechanical knight capable of sitting, extending his arms, moving his head and opening his visor. The design was most likely based on anatomical studies recorded in Vitruvian Man. It is unknown whether Leonardo tried to build a robot.

From the beginning of the 18th century, reports began to appear in the press about machines with “signs of intelligence,” but in most cases it turned out that this was a fraud. Living people or trained animals were hidden inside the mechanisms.

French mechanic and inventor Jacques de Vaucanson created the first working humanoid device (android) in 1738 that played the flute. He also made mechanical ducks that were said to be able to peck food and "defecate."

Types of robots

Industrial robots
The advent of numerically controlled machine tools has led to the creation of programmable manipulators for a variety of machine loading and unloading operations.

Appearance in the 70s. microprocessor control systems and the replacement of specialized control devices with programmable controllers made it possible to reduce the cost of robots by three times, making their mass implementation in industry profitable. This was facilitated by the objective prerequisites for the development of industrial production.

Despite their high cost, the number of industrial robots in countries with developed manufacturing is growing rapidly. The main reason for mass robotization is:

“Robots perform complex production operations 24 hours a day. The manufactured products have high quality. They... don’t get sick, don’t need a lunch break or rest, don’t go on strike, don’t demand a raise wages and pensions. Robots are not affected by temperature environment or exposure to gases or emissions of aggressive substances dangerous to human life.”

Medical robots
IN last years robots are increasingly used in medicine; in particular, are being developed various models surgical robots.

As early as 1985, the Unimation Puma 200 robot was used to position a surgical needle during computer-controlled brain biopsies.

In 1992, the ProBot robot developed at Imperial College London performed the first prostate surgery, marking the beginning of practical robotic surgery.

Da Vinci robot

Since 2000, Intuitive Surgical has commercially produced the Da Vinci robot, designed for laparoscopic surgeries and installed in several hundred clinics around the world.

Household robots

One of the first examples of successful mass industrial implementation of household robots was the AIBO mechanical dog from Sony Corporation.

iRobot robot vacuum cleaner

In September 2005, the first humanoid robots, Wakamaru, produced by Mitsubishi, went on sale for the first time. The robot, worth $15 thousand, is capable of recognizing faces, understanding certain phrases, giving information, performing some secretarial functions, and monitoring the premises.

Robotic cleaners (in essence, automatic vacuum cleaners) are becoming increasingly popular, capable of cleaning an apartment independently and returning to their place to recharge without human intervention.

Combat robots

A combat robot is an automatic device that replaces a person in combat situations or when working in conditions incompatible with human capabilities, for military purposes: reconnaissance, fighting, mine clearance, etc.


Combat robots are not only automatic devices with anthropomorphic action that partially or completely replace a person, but also operating in the air and aquatic environment, which is not a human habitat (aircraft unmanned remote control, underwater vehicles and surface ships).

Currently, most combat robots are telepresence devices, and only a very few models have the ability to perform some tasks autonomously, without operator intervention.

At the Georgia Institute of Technology, under the leadership of Professor Henrik Christensen, insectomorphic robots resembling ants have been developed that are capable of inspecting a building for the presence of enemies and booby traps (delivered to the building by a “main robot” - a mobile robot on a caterpillar track).

Flying robots have also become widespread among the troops. At the beginning of 2012, about 10 thousand ground and 5 thousand flying robots were used by the military around the world; 45 countries around the world were developing or purchasing military robots.

Robot scientists

The first robot scientists Adam and Eve were created as part of the Robot Scientist project at Aberystwyth University and in 2009 one of them made the first scientific discovery.

The robots used to study ventilation shafts can certainly be classified as robot scientists. Great Pyramid Cheops. With their help, the so-called “Gantenbrink doors”, etc. "Cheops niches". Research continues.

Travel system

To move around open areas, a wheeled or tracked propulsion device is most often used (Warrior and PackBot are examples of such robots).

Walking systems are used less frequently (BigDog and Asimo are examples of such robots).

BigDog robots

For uneven surfaces, hybrid structures are created that combine wheeled or tracked travel with complex kinematics of wheel movement. This design was used in the lunar rover.

Indoors, at industrial facilities, robots move along monorails, along floor tracks, etc. To move along inclined or vertical planes, pipes use systems similar to “walking” structures, but with vacuum suction cups.

Robots are also known that use the principles of movement of living organisms - snakes, worms, fish, birds, insects and other types of robots of bionic origin.

Robot Tuna

Pattern recognition system

Recognition systems are already capable of identifying simple three-dimensional objects, their orientation and composition in space, and can also complete missing parts using information from their database (for example, assembling a Lego constructor).


Currently, DC motors, stepper motors and servos are commonly used as drives.

There are developments of engines that do not use motors in their design: for example, the technology of reducing material under the influence of an electric current (or field), which makes it possible to achieve a more accurate correspondence of the robot’s movement to the natural smooth movements of living beings.

Mathematical basis

Aibo robot

In addition to the already widely used neural network technologies, there are self-learning algorithms for the interaction of the robot with surrounding objects in the real three-dimensional world: the robot dog Aibo, under the control of such algorithms, went through the same stages of learning as a newborn baby, independently learning to coordinate the movements of its limbs and interact with surrounding objects (rattles in playpen). This provides another example of a mathematical understanding of the algorithms of the work of higher nervous activity in humans.


Systems for constructing a model of the surrounding space using ultrasound or scanning with a laser beam are widely used in racing robotic cars (which already successfully and independently pass real city routes and roads on rough terrain, taking into account unexpected obstacles).


In Japan, the development of robots that have an appearance that at first glance is indistinguishable from a human does not stop. The technique of simulating emotions and facial expressions of robots is being developed.

In June 2009, scientists at the University of Tokyo introduced the humanoid robot “KOBIAN”, capable of expressing its emotions — happiness, fear, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust — through gestures and facial expressions.


The robot is able to open and close its eyes, move its lips and eyebrows, and use its arms and legs.

Robot manufacturers

There are companies specializing in the production of robots (among the largest are iRobot Corporation). Robots are also produced by some companies working in the field of high technology: ABB, Honda, Mitsubishi, Sony, World Demanded Electronic, Gostai, KUKA.

Robot exhibitions are held, e.g. the world's largest International robot exhibition (iRex) (held in early November every two years in Tokyo, Japan).

Roboticists represent a combination of opposites. As specialists, they are skilled in the intricacies of their specialization. As generalists, they are able to cover the whole problem to the extent that their extensive knowledge base allows. We present to your attention interesting material on the topic of skills and abilities that a real roboticist needs.

And besides the material itself, there are also comments from one of our robotic experts, the curator of the Yekaterinburg, Oleg Evsegneev.

Robotics engineers generally fall into two categories: thinkers (theorists) and doers (practitioners). This means roboticists must be different good combination two opposing work styles. “Investigative” people generally like to solve problems by thinking, reading and studying. On the other hand, practitioners like to solve problems only by getting their hands dirty, so to speak.

Robotics requires a delicate balance between intense exploration and the relaxed pause of working on a real problem. The presented list included 25 professional skills, grouped into 10 skills essential for robot builders.

1. Systems thinking

A project manager once noted that many people involved in robotics end up being project managers or systems engineers. This makes special sense, since robots are very complex systems. A specialist working with robots must be a good mechanic, electronics engineer, electrician, programmer, and even have knowledge of psychology and cognitive activity.

A good roboticist is able to understand and theoretically justify how all these various systems interact together and harmoniously. If a mechanical engineer can quite reasonably say: “this is not my job, we need a programmer or an electrician,” then a roboticist must be well versed in all these disciplines.

In general, systems thinking is an important skill for all engineers. Our world is one large, super complex system. Systems engineering skills help to correctly understand what is connected and how in this world. Knowing this, you can create efficient systems control of the real world.

2. Programmer's mindset

Programming is a pretty important skill for a roboticist. It doesn't matter whether you're working on low-level control systems (using just MATLAB to design controllers) or whether you're a computer scientist designing high-level cognitive systems. Robot engineers can be involved in programming work at any level of abstraction. The main difference between regular programming and robot programming is that the roboticist interacts with hardware, electronics, and the clutter of the real world.

More than 1,500 programming languages ​​are used today. Although you obviously won't need to learn them all, a good roboticist has a programmer's mindset. And they will feel comfortable learning any new language, if suddenly necessary. And here we smoothly move on to the next skill.

Comment by Oleg Evsegneev: I would add that creating modern robots requires knowledge of low, high and even ultra-high level languages. Microcontrollers must operate very quickly and efficiently. To achieve this, you need to delve into the architecture of the computing device, know the features of working with memory and low-level protocols. A robot's heart may be heavy operating system eg ROS. Here you may already need knowledge of OOP, the ability to use serious computer vision, navigation and machine learning packages. Finally, in order to write a robot interface on the web and connect it to the Internet, it would be a good idea to learn scripting languages, such as python.

3. Self-learning ability

It is impossible to know everything about robotics; there is always something unknown that will have to be studied when the need arises when implementing the next project. Even after receiving higher education in robotics and several years of work as a graduate student, many are just beginning to truly understand the basics of robotics.

The desire to constantly learn something new is an important ability throughout your career. Therefore, using learning methods that are effective for you personally and having good reading comprehension will help you quickly and easily gain new knowledge when the need arises.

Comment by Oleg Evsegneev: This is a key skill in any creative endeavor. You can use it to gain other skills

4. Mathematics

There aren't many foundational skills in robotics. One such core skill is mathematics. You will probably have a hard time succeeding in robotics without proper knowledge of at least algebra, calculus, and geometry. This is due to the fact that on basic level Robotics relies on the ability to understand and manipulate abstract concepts, often represented as functions or equations. Geometry is especially important for understanding topics such as kinematics and technical drawings (of which you will likely do a lot during your career, including some done on a napkin).

Comment by Oleg Evsegneev: The behavior of a robot, its reaction to surrounding stimuli, its ability to learn - this is all mathematics. A simple example. Modern drones fly well thanks to the Kalman filter, a powerful mathematical tool for refining data about the robot’s position in space. The Asimo robot can distinguish objects thanks to neural networks. Even a robot vacuum cleaner uses complex mathematics to navigate its way around a room.

5. Physics and applied mathematics

There are some people (pure mathematicians, for example) who strive to operate with mathematical concepts without reference to the real world. Robot creators are not this type of person. Knowledge of physics and applied mathematics is important in robotics because real world is never as precise as mathematics. Being able to decide when a calculation is good enough to actually work with is a key skill for a robotics engineer. Which brings us smoothly to the next point.

Comment by Oleg Evsegneev: Eat good example– automatic stations for flight to other planets. Knowledge of physics makes it possible to calculate the trajectory of their flight so accurately that after years and millions of kilometers the device ends up in the precisely specified position.

6. Analysis and choice of solution

Being a good roboticist means constantly making engineering decisions. What to choose for programming - ROS or another system? How many fingers should the designed robot have? Which sensors should I choose to use? Robotics uses many solutions and among them there is almost no single correct one.

Thanks to the vast knowledge base used in robotics, you might be able to find better solutions to certain problems than experts from more specialized disciplines. Analysis and decision making are necessary in order to extract maximum benefit from your solution. Analytical thinking skills will allow you to analyze a problem from multiple perspectives, while critical thinking skills will help you use logic and reasoning to balance strengths and weak sides every decision.

A robot is programmable mechanical device, capable of performing tasks and interacting with the external environment without human assistance. Robotics is the scientific and technical basis for the design, production and application of robots.

The word "robot" was first used by Czech playwright Karl Capek in 1921. His work Rossum's Universal Robots was about a class of slaves, artificially created humanoid servants fighting for their freedom. The Czech word "robota" means "forced slavery". The word "robotics" was first used by famous science fiction author Isaac Asimov in 1941.

Basic robot components

Robot components: body/frame, control system, manipulators, and chassis.

Body/frame: The body, or frame, of the robot can be of any shape and size. Initially, the body/frame provides the structure of the robot. Most people are familiar with humanoid robots used in filmmaking, but in reality, most robots have nothing in common with a human form. (NASA's Robonaft, introduced in the previous section, is an exception). Typically, a robot design focuses on functionality rather than appearance.

Control system: The robot's control system is the equivalent of a central nervous system person. It is designed to coordinate the control of all elements of the robot. Sensors react to the robot’s interaction with the external environment. The sensor responses are sent to the central processing unit (CPU). The CPU processes data using software and makes decisions based on logic. The same thing happens when you enter a custom command.

Manipulators: To complete a task, most robots interact with the external environment as well as the world around them. Sometimes objects need to be moved external environment without direct participation from operators. Manipulators are not an element basic design robot, like its body/frame or control system, that is, the robot can work without a manipulator. This course focuses on the topic of manipulatives, especially Unit 6.

Chassis: Although some robots can perform assigned tasks without changing their location, robots are often required to be able to move from one location to another. To perform this task, the robot needs a chassis. The chassis is a driving means of movement. Humanoid robots are equipped with legs, while the running gear of almost all other robots is implemented using wheels.

Applications and examples of robots

Today, robots have many applications. Applications fall into three main categories:

  • industrial robots;
  • research robots;
  • educational robots.

Industrial robots

In industry, high speed and precision are required to perform a huge number of jobs. For many years, people were responsible for carrying out such work. With the development of technology, the use of robots has made it possible to speed up and improve the accuracy of many production processes. This includes packaging, assembly, painting and palletizing. Initially, robots performed only special types of repetitive work that required compliance with a simple set of rules. However, with advances in technology, industrial robots have become much more agile and are now capable of making decisions based on complex feedback from sensors. Today, industrial robots are often equipped with vision systems. By the end of 2014, the International Robotics Federation predicted the use of industrial robots worldwide to be over 1.3 million units!

Robots can be used to perform complex, dangerous tasks, or tasks that humans are unable to perform. For example, robots are capable of defusing bombs, serving nuclear reactors, explore the depths of the ocean and reach the farthest reaches of space.

Research robots

Robots have a wide range of applications in the world of research, as they are often used to perform tasks that humans are helpless to perform. The most dangerous and complex environments are found below the Earth's surface. For the purpose of studying outer space and planets solar system have been used at NASA for a long time spacecraft, landers and rovers with robotic functions.

Robots Pathfinder and Sojourner

Pathfinder was developed for the Mars mission. unique technology, allowing the delivery of an equipped landing module and a robotic rover, Sojourner, to the surface of Mars. Sojourner was the first rover sent to the planet Mars. The Sojourner rover weighs 11 kg (24.3 lb) on the surface of Earth and approx. 9 pounds and is comparable in size to a baby stroller. The all-terrain vehicle has six wheels and can move at speeds of up to 0.6 meters (1.9 feet) per minute. The mission was launched to the surface of Mars on July 4, 1997. Pathfinder not only completed its direct mission, but also returned to Earth with a huge amount collected data and exceeded its design life.

All-terrain vehicles Spirit and Opportunity

The Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) Spirit and Opportunity were sent to Mars in the summer of 2003 and landed in January 2004. Their mission was to research and classify large quantity rocks and soils with the goal of finding traces of water on Mars, in hopes of sending a human mission to the planet. Although the planned duration of the mission was 90 days, in reality it exceeded six years. During this time, countless geological data about Mars were collected.

Robotic arm of a spaceship

When NASA designers first began designing the spacecraft, they were faced with the challenge of safe and efficient delivery to space a huge, but, fortunately, weightless volume of cargo and equipment. The Remote Manipulation System (RMS), or Canadarm (Canadian Remote Manipulator), made its first spacewalk on November 13, 1981.

The hand has six movable joints that simulate the human hand. Two joints are located in the shoulder, one in the elbow, and three more in the hand. At the end of the hand there is a gripping device capable of grasping or hooking the required load. In zero gravity, the arm is capable of lifting 586,000 pounds of weight and placing it with amazing precision. The total mass of the arm on the surface of the Earth is 994 pounds.

RMS has been used to launch and search for satellites, and has also proven to be an invaluable aid to astronauts during the repair process. space telescope Hubble. Last mission Canadarm as part of the spacecraft launched in July 2011 and became the ninetieth mission of this robot.

Mobile service systems

The Mobile Servicing System (MSS) is a similar system to the RMS and is also known as Canadarm 2. The system was designed to be installed on the International Space Station as an object manipulator. The MSS is designed to maintain equipment and instruments installed on the International Space Station, as well as to assist in the transportation of food and equipment within the station.


As part of the STS-123 space mission in 2008, spaceship Endeavor transported the last part of the flexible arm special purpose Dextre.

Dextre is a robot equipped with two big hands. The robot is capable of performing precision assembly tasks that were previously performed by astronauts during entry into space. open space. Dextre can transport objects, operate tools, and install or remove equipment on the space station. Dextre is also equipped with lighting, video equipment, a tool base, and four tool holders. Sensors allow the robot to “feel” the objects it is handling and automatically respond to movements or changes. The team can monitor the work using four installed cameras.

The design of the robot resembles a person. Top part his body can rotate at the waist, and his shoulders are held by arms located on both sides.

Robots in education

Robotics has become a fun and accessible tool for teaching and supporting STEM, design, and problem-solving approaches. In robotics, students have the opportunity to realize themselves as designers, artists and technicians at the same time, using own hands and head. This opens up enormous possibilities for the application of scientific and mathematical principles.

IN modern system Education, given financial constraints, middle and high schools are constantly searching for cost-effective ways to teach complex programs that combine technology with multiple disciplines to students to prepare them for careers. Teachers immediately see the advantages of robotics and this training course, since they implement an interdisciplinary method of combining various disciplines. In addition, robotics offers the most affordable and reusable equipment.

Today, more than ever, schools are using robotics programs in the classroom to bring curriculum to life and meet a wide range of academic standards required for students. Robotics not only provides a unique and broad basis for teaching a variety of technical disciplines, but also a field of technology that has a significant impact on the development of modern society.

Why is robotics important?

As can be seen from the section “Application possibilities and examples of robots,” robotics is a new field of technology used in many areas of human life. An important factor development of society is the education of all its members in terms of existing technologies. But this is not the only reason for the growing importance of robotics. Robotics uniquely combines the foundations of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines. During classroom learning, students learn various disciplines and their interrelationships, using modern, technological and exciting tools. In addition, the visual representation of projects required of students encourages them to experiment and be creative in finding aesthetically pleasing and workable solutions. By combining these aspects of work, students take their knowledge and capabilities to the next level.

Today, robotics is conquering more and more industries and is increasingly being introduced into various areas. human life. And if earlier robots could play the role of a person, replacing him in factories, where monotonous actions are often required during assembly line production, for example, in the production of cars, now the times have come when robots can be found in every home to help a person solve pressing problems, and help save our time and effort.

Household robots designed to help people in their Everyday life, are gaining more and more popularity, which is not at all surprising, because the variety of robots is growing every year. Today these include vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, window cleaners, pool cleaners, and even snow removal robots.

By the way, back in 2007, Bill Gates drew attention to the significant potential of this technological area by publishing the article “A Robot in Every Home,” where he reflected the prospects that would open up to society thanks to the introduction of household robots.

The subject of this article will be short review types of household robots that are gaining popularity. We'll look at several robots designed for different household applications, see how they work, what they can do, how they should be used, and how easy they are to handle.

Since the robot vacuum cleaner is an autonomous device, it is necessarily equipped not only with a battery, but also with a camera that helps it navigate the room so as not to clean the same place twice.

The robot simply pre-builds an optimal cleaning map, based on data from the camera, then proceeds directly to cleaning, after which it returns to the starting point associated with the charger.

On board the vacuum cleaner there are all the necessary sensors (including a gyroscope), allowing the device to measure the distance to an obstacle, estimate the height of the base of furniture above the floor (whether it can move under it), detect a collision, determine the presence of a dust collector in place, etc. Intelligent electronics allow the robot to navigate normally among furniture and walls while working.

The dust collector is compact and located close to the brushes. To move, the robot uses two wheels with which it can turn. Two guide brushes sweep debris towards the turbo brush, which in turn directs the debris into the dust bin, where the suction device finally captures the debris. All this equipment is powered by a capacity of several ampere-hours.

Thanks to the presence of a gyroscope, the robot vacuum cleaner always “knows” its angle of inclination, and therefore there is no chance that it will get stuck. The only drawback of such robotic vacuum cleaners is their low suction power. They are suitable for cleaning smooth floor coverings, such as linoleum or laminate, but they are unlikely to cope with cleaning heavily soiled carpet.

In any case, a robot vacuum cleaner can make our lives a lot easier. Every time a person sees dust on the floor, a person no longer has to run for a broom to sweep it up. It is enough to program the robot for regular cleaning, and it will independently carry out preventive maintenance throughout the entire apartment, home or even office.

There are two types of window cleaning robots. The first type is a robot made of two parts, one of which contains the control electronics, and the other contains the cleaning mechanism. Two parts are attached to window glass With different sides, and are held on it by permanent magnets.

First, the robot sets itself a map to work with, first reaching each edge of the glass, thus measuring the size of the surface that needs to be washed, then it begins to wash it, moving in a zigzag.

Four microfiber pads serve as cleaning tools, and movement is achieved through the interaction of permanent magnets and the control module.

In the center between the pads there is a hole from which the detergent is supplied. The device is powered by the built-in lithium battery. All a person needs to do is start the machine, and he will do everything himself, using detergent pre-filled in a special tank.

The second type of window cleaning robot is a robot with vacuum suction cups. Such a robot has only one and only working module for one side of the window.

The robot essentially wipes the glass by moving left and right across its surface, without the use of rotating pads. Here we use a replaceable napkin, which must be pre-moistened detergent manually.

The robot is powered from the mains, although it performs work autonomously; once you turn it on and install it on the glass. There is a backup battery in case of a power outage in the house. The user just has to install the robot on the glass and turn it on.

The operating principle of these robots is as follows. The first step is to lay a limiter cable through which direct current flows and which defines the boundary working area robotic lawn mower. This autonomous lawn mower is equipped with all necessary sensors, including obstacle sensors, like robot vacuum cleaners, so that the lawn mower can avoid a tree, curb or flower bed.

The limit cable is necessary to prevent the lawn mower from falling into a pond or trying to mow rocks. garden path, thereby causing harm to yourself. The cable fences the perimeter, flower beds, stone paths, and ponds.

During operation, the lawn mower moves chaotically across the area within the perimeter, cutting off the grass with knives. Some models do not move chaotically, but in a spiral or zigzag, it depends on the manufacturer.

The parameters of robotic lawn mowers differ. First of all, the working width. Agree, with a working width of 56 cm, compared to 24 cm, the job will go and be completed faster. Power also matters.

A lawn mower with a power of 500 watts and a working width of 56 cm will cover the same area much faster than a 100 watt model. The battery here certainly determines the area that the robot can serve on one charge. There are robotic lawn mowers designed for 4 hectares, and there are ones for all 30 hectares.

Does the kit come with a charging base so that the lawnmower can pull itself up, recharge and continue working? The consumer needs to pay attention to this when choosing a model, otherwise he will have to carry the robot himself to recharge, which is not always convenient.

If there is a charging base station, then a person will be able to program the lawn mower for the entire season and not worry about the schedule for mowing the lawn.

The robot has a power cord and a pair of wheels for moving along the bottom and walls of the pool. Depending on the length of the wire, the size of the pool that the robot can handle is normalized. The robot's brushes rotate independently of the wheels and easily remove mucus and dirt by directing it through the filter.

Water along with dirt is sucked into the filter compartment of the robot, then the water is thrown back into the pool, and the dirt settles on the filter. Then you just need to pull out the filter and rinse it under water.

The pool cleaning robot first cleans the bottom, then moves along the walls, sticking to them. So, 70% of the time is spent on cleaning the bottom, and 30% on cleaning the walls of the pool. A typical pool has a bottom area of ​​28 sq.m. an average robot will clean in 2-3 hours.

Despite the fact that the water passes through the robot’s filter, being sucked in by its pump, the pool owner will need to use the pool’s water purification system as always; the robot will not replace it, it will only clean the surfaces, but not the water itself. However, the robot will relieve its owner not only from the need to clean the pool manually, but also from the need to observe the cleaning process.

Finally, a robot snow blower is the most relevant solution for our latitudes. Instead of waving a shovel where large snow removal equipment cannot pass, a snow removal robot will help. The robot is controlled from a smartphone via Wi-Fi, and it looks like an interactive game.

Raising and lowering the bucket, moving back and forth on tracks, turning around - all this can be done by the robot, which the operator controls remotely, even while sitting warmly at home at the computer.

The eyes of the robot are a video camera, through which the user can assess the situation in order to then guide the robot to perform snow removal work.

A capacious battery, charged from an outlet, will allow you to clear snow for several hours without the need to carry snow manually, especially when it comes to cleaning large areas, near buildings, where snow removal equipment simply cannot get through.

As you can see, the range of household robots today is quite wide, and each person will certainly find among those available on the market today exactly what will make life easier for him. Some people need to regularly clean their summer garden pool, while others are tired of clearing snow in winter.

Anyone who has animals in the house will think about purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner, some of which get along well with animals. If you live in an area with heavily polluted air and the windows often become dusty, the robot will help you wash the windows. What can we say about a robotic lawn mower, which will allow its owner to do other things more important matters or just relax while the robot takes care of the lawn.

Andrey Povny