Born in the year of the metal monkey. Character traits of people born in the year of the Monkey

1980 who? 1980 is the year of which animal? - Year of the White Metal Monkey. The Year of the White Metal Monkey occurs every 60 years. It was there in 1920, it was there in 1980, and it will be there in 2040. Very often metal is associated with something cold, dark and rainy, but a lot depends on the metal itself.

He can create beauty and create destruction in an attempt to achieve his desired goal. “Iron” will, independence, determination, determination and directness, these are the main qualities that Metal endowed its ward. This is the most strong sign among other Monkeys. The White Metal Monkey is a warrior who fights until victory.

This is how one can characterize the White Metal Monkey of 1980. This is a fighter who is used to winning at everything. Much easier to build for own business than working for someone. And if she works “for her uncle,” she is always looking for part-time work on the side. Financial independence means a lot to her. Prefers to work alone, achieving his goals independently. She is determined, smart and self-confident.

The White Monkey of 1980 has much more determination and willfulness than one person needs. She is highly motivated to achieve success in all areas of her endeavor. High social status and financial independence are the main values ​​of this Monkey. If suddenly something does not go according to plan, then the Monkey can drop everything and take on something new. Still, like all Monkeys, even the Monkey in Metal Armor does not have the patience to bring all matters to their logical conclusion.

Monkeys require originality in everything, and very often this threatens that they may spend their lives alone. But as soon as a person born in 1980 falls in love, such talents as generosity and kindness are revealed. In relationships they show all their best qualities, there will be passion, fun, originality, and loyalty.

Those born in 1980 are endowed with strong charisma, they love to command and control everything, and at the same time they can be very dangerous opponents, since they do not know the word “flexibility”. They are fanatical and somewhat alien. After all, a monkey clad in steel armor rarely pays attention to other people; the main thing for it is to take everything from life. And for this she will do anything; her methods are not entirely clear to those around her. And this is precisely where its strength and weakness lie.

People of 1980 always make decisions boldly; they are disgusted by monotonous and monotonous work. They are knowledgeable about ethics and very creative. However, they are excessively strict with themselves and those around them, which is why both of them suffer from time to time. They never justify or explain their actions, so they look mysterious in the eyes of others. These are excellent judges and lawyers.

Representatives of 1980 are not averse to visiting and communicating a lot. For them, the feeling of loneliness is somewhat unpleasant; they treat relatives warmly and caringly and are well informed in everything related to finances. They often love autumn, do well in dry climates, enjoy spicy foods more, are attracted to mountaineering, and the color purple brings good luck.

A person born in the year of the Monkey is usually talented and intelligent; he is not afraid to take risks to satisfy his curiosity. Strives to be the first in everything, but does not know how to work in a team. The inquisitive Monkey is an inexhaustible source creative ideas, but she needs to be mentored and guided. The Monkey can cope with almost any confusion by soberly assessing the situation. Ambitious and educated, she can achieve great success in any career she chooses.

The Monkey's weaknesses are the opposite side of the Monkey's strengths. This is a craving for superiority, selfishness, vanity, envy. Monkeys have a highly developed sense of competition. They love to demonstrate their intelligence and courage and are convinced that other people cannot compare with them. The typical Monkey loves to have fun, but never wastes his time on something useless. She successfully exploits other people's weaknesses to gain power over them. Monkeys are big pedants and difficult to please. They know how to manipulate people, but do not abuse it. They try to be honest, but can lie if it is in their interests.

Metal Monkey –1980

This is the Fighting Monkey - strong-willed and independent. She is always very concerned about her material security. Knows how to invest money wisely. He prefers to have his own business, and if he works for someone else, he usually also earns money on the side. He may lose his savings by trying to get rich in risky ventures.

Under the influence of the element of Metal, the Monkey becomes especially ambitious and demonstrative in its actions. Her aspirations are high, she craves recognition and applause. And it’s hard not to admire her because she always strives for self-improvement.

The Metal Monkey is characterized by passion and love of life; He is a warm, positive and very persuasive person. Everything he creates is not only useful, but also aesthetically pleasing. The Metal Monkey may well be a trendsetter.

At worst, the Metal Monkey, endowed with an analytical mind, can be extremely self-confident and overly proud. Such a Monkey will have few supporters.

Water Monkey –1992

This is a materialistic Monkey who lives according to the principle “you - for me, I - for you.” Likes to turn up his nose. Kind, but secretive. She will not act too directly or reveal her intentions. He knows how to patiently achieve his goal. Water gives the Monkey strong feeling goals.

The Water Monkey is able to gracefully compromise and work around barriers instead of wasting time and energy trying to overcome them.

The Water Monkey is original and distinctive; she gently motivates both herself and others, and her ideas meet almost no resistance due to the skill and dexterity with which she presents them. She knows how to present everything in the most favorable light. Has a deep understanding of how human relationships work and uses this knowledge to achieve his goals.

IN bad mood The Water Monkey becomes indecisive and absent-minded. But if she does not close herself off from people, she will be able to get out of all troubles with honor.

Wooden Monkey – 1944

For this type of Monkey, good relationships with other people are important. But the Wood Monkey, if possible, does not interfere in the affairs of others. She is noble, but more restless than other Monkeys. Endowed with the spirit of a pioneer. Always aware of everything that is happening around him, very interested in new discoveries and unusual worldviews. The element of Wood gives the Monkey an intuitive mindset, which helps her predict the likely outcome of events. She is constantly looking for answers to questions and does not like to back down.

Adhering to high personal standards, the Wood Monkey always strives to rise above the existing situation. She is never completely satisfied with what she has, she is always looking for where the grass is greener, and therefore this Monkey is constantly drawn to new challenges.

This is an economical person who is able to bring order to any work he decides to take on. He rarely exaggerates anything, is not prone to empty speculation... and little by little, millimeter by millimeter, he destroys obstacles in his path.

Fire Monkey – 1956

An active and energetic Monkey, a born leader and inventor. Self-confident and decisive, expressive and truthful, she loves the opposite sex very much.

Fire gives her great vitality; she tends to dominate and lecture those who are not as assertive as herself. The Fire Monkey has a rich imagination, and she needs to make sure that her ideas do not get ahead of her. She is inventive, but very careful about calculating the consequences.

The Fire Monkey is always irresistibly drawn to the heights of her profession. She is a very strong competitor and quite greedy. Her creative power is fueled by will, urgent need and initiative.

The Fire Monkey is the strongest and most powerful of all Monkeys. She enjoys being in control of the situation. She can be intractable and stubborn if she is in a bad mood. Likes to argue. She is lucky in risky ventures because she knows how to accurately calculate the risk. But, demonstrating assertiveness and concentration to others, this Monkey secretly darkly suspects everyone of possible betrayal.

Soil Monkey – 1968

By nature, the Soil Monkey is serene, reliable, calm and collected. She is open to the world and loves to selflessly help and do charity work.

She quietly craves admiration and recognition of her talents and gratitude for her services and is very offended if this does not happen. Sometimes she seems eccentric. Her thoughts are deep, but she finds it difficult to explain their original course to other people. As a rule, the Soil Monkey is an intellectual person. He gets a good education or at least very well read. In general, the Soil Monkey is honest and straightforward and, thanks to diligence and a sense of duty, achieves a lot.

The Soil Monkey is not particularly fond of entertaining others, but is genuinely kind to and loves those he cares about. She is not as fussy with her pride as other Monkeys, and can devote herself to selfless service to the common good. She values ​​her integrity and may even be too law-abiding.

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Years of the Monkey:

1908,1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

In China, the Monkey is believed to bring success and protection. In the south of the country and in Tibet, families proudly spoke of their descent from monkeys.

But at the same time, the Chinese believe that unreliable and contradictory people are born this year. Being the most eccentric of all the signs, the Monkey, nevertheless, always remains the soul of society: she has humor, she is crafty and cunning.

It seems that the Monkey gets along with all signs, but this agreement is often just a tactic. She is self-serving. Playful, even helpful, the Monkey covers up its opinions of others with undeniable friendliness. In fact, she despises all other signs and considers herself superior to the rest.

She is very persuasive and enjoys talking and participating in discussions. Her friendliness and confident manners help her gain admirers. She's always happy to help useful advice, although she prefers to rely only on her own judgment.

The monkey is smart and well-read; has an outstanding memory that can only be envied. She is able to remember the smallest details of what she saw, read or heard. Ultimately, she needs this memory because everything is a mess.

The monkey is unique and has a rich imagination. There are practically no problems for her. She is an optimist, and her life is rich in events and adventures. Having a well-developed survival instinct, she will be able to get out of the most seemingly hopeless situations.

Many Monkeys are temperamental and headstrong people, quick-tempered but easy-going. Real monkeys, living in packs, raise a cry in case of danger, throwing twigs and nuts from the trees at the enemy. So it is with people. If the Monkey has an enemy, it will not fight him one on one. She will call all her relatives and friends and, having created a “support group”, will feel confident, climb onto a branch and from an unattainable height will drop “coconuts” on the enemy, that is, she will begin to fight him from a distance.

The monkey is a careerist. And she has all the data to succeed. This is an invaluable worker, but capricious, with strong character. There is almost no field of activity where she cannot succeed. However, she is easily distracted and convinced. She wants to do everything right there, this minute. The slightest obstacle can ruin her mood and throw off her plans.

Thanks to their artistry and ability to work with information, they make good artists, journalists, intermediaries, secretaries, and administrators. They can find their calling in the theater, cinema, and television. And they will be happy and successful in this field. Commercial activities will also bring them success.

Monkeys are good at sensing the mood of the people around them and are able to find weak sides others and use this to achieve their goals. Many Monkeys are skilled intriguers, swindlers and charlatans. They are completely devoid of conscience and remember it only when they themselves are treated unfairly. They don't need morality.

The Monkey is not scrupulous and can easily lie if necessary for business. She can commit dishonest acts if she is sure of impunity, but the Monkey is easy to catch. Some Monkeys are like this flexible consciousness leads to theft, but this cannot be called a rule.

Monkeys are prone to narcissism. They are fascinated by their own reflection in the mirror. But with all these negative traits(vanity, deceit, lack of scrupulousness) they are not too angry with the Monkey, since he has been very successful in the art of pleasing.

Possessing various talents, she knows how to make money and knows its value, but she loves a luxurious life too much to deny herself anything.

The overactive and active Monkey is actually melancholic. She has a skeptical view of the world. And where there is skepticism, there is always intelligence training. So, despite the general unsystematic thinking, the Monkey is by no means stupid. Rather, she can be called abstruse. Her thinking lacks simplicity, but everything else is more than enough.

The symbolism of this sign is multifaceted. Denoting lower forces, darkness, unconscious activity, the Monkey can be both a destroyer and a creator. It all depends on where she directs her power, which is beyond logic and reason.

The first part of her life will be happy. The second is stormy, vague, her plans will often collapse. The third part will be calm.

Monkey man. Characteristic

The Monkey man is ambitious, resourceful, and not lacking in talent. The main property is the incredible physical strength of Monkey men.

Those born under this sign are mostly careerists. They are especially good at work that requires communication with people. They are successful in large enterprises, in financial transactions, and in all areas where intelligence and awareness are required. Sometimes they are ready to make a deal with their conscience. But in general they can achieve success in any field. Politics, diplomacy, commerce, industry are no secret for them - they can take on anything, afford anything, especially if they have a higher education.

The Monkey man can achieve fame if he follows his calling. He just has to avoid verbal outpourings that can tire people.

As a rule, relationships with the opposite sex do not work out for Monkeys. He himself does not know how to love, and it is difficult to love him. His internal qualities are not conducive to this. He is superficial and selfish, the main thing for him is to be loved. As a rule, the Monkey becomes a dictator in the family. The Monkey man is aggressive, loves to suppress and impose his will. Behind his rigidity and desire to completely control family members are self-doubt, internal instability, low self-esteem and all kinds of fears.

Monkey woman. Characteristic

The Monkey woman needs a man as the support of her life. She is attracted to them by material security, reliability and intelligence. If family life seems monotonous to her, she easily cheats. The Monkey woman is very touchy. She does not like to listen to the truth addressed to her.

The main advantages of Monkeys in the sphere of traditional female values ​​are beauty, peace, comfort, tenderness, care, bottomless eyes, depth and beauty born of inner peace. After the boundless, irrepressible, sometimes very strange activity of Monkey men, women's evenness and smoothness are amazing. Balance, harmony, sense of proportion and an abyss of taste. Nothing pathological, no shocking, no defiant gestures.

At the same time, she is inventive and original to the extreme and is able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. But, if she does not immediately begin to implement her ideas, she abandons the matter halfway.

Being very diplomatic and cunning, the Monkey can always get out of the most difficult situations. Most Monkeys have absolutely no patterns in behavior, family relationships, in communication with the outside world. It is difficult to catch them by the tail, although you know for sure that they can lie at any moment. Posturing and an irresistible craving for entertainment - this is how you can define it inner essence. She madly loves noisy parties and holidays, where she can show off her non-existent advantages. The monkey always tries to be the center of attention and is ready to go out of his way for this.

She is independent, and nothing can be imposed or suggested to her.

She will not find happiness in love. The relationship between man and woman will be bad. Passionate, she will easily find a hobby, but will quickly become fed up and look for another love. Unfortunately, these searches will be in vain. Her relationships are unstable.

Her innate humor saves her from despair. Moreover, she can laugh at her own sorrows and draw appropriate conclusions.

To keep his life partner, the Monkey tries to have children. But in most Monkeys, paternal and maternal feelings are poorly developed.

Species of Monkey

Metal monkey (1920, 1980, 2040)

Water Monkey (1932,1992, 2052)

Wooden Monkey (1944, 2004, 2064)

Fire Monkey (1956, 2016)

Earth Monkey (1908, 1968, 2028)

Born in the year of the Monkey

Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, René Descartes, Giordano Bruno, George Byron, Benedict Spinoza, John Milton, Ivan Kozhedub, Alexandra Kollontai, Alexander Herzen, Yegor Ligachev, Boris Polevoy, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Georgy Chicherin, Anton Denikin, Joseph Chamberlain.

Monkey is the ninth sign of the 12-year Eastern (Chinese) cycle lunar calendar animals. It is associated with the energy "yang" and the element "metal". The corresponding zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

The monkey symbolizes: intelligence, cunning, sociability, observation, ingenuity, curiosity, cautionselfishness, deceit, intemperance, rancor, frivolity, lack of concentration

Monkey Years Chart

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Monkey

The characteristics of the Monkey introduces the positive and negative qualities of this animal. It helps to get to know people born under this sign better and to see the peculiarities of building their personal and work relationships.

Character traits

Positive. The Monkey's whole life is a game, and only according to its rules. At first communication, she seems like a simpleton. In fact, the Monkey is smart, cunning and observant. This allows her to achieve a lot in life.

Characteristic positive qualities:

  • mind: Monkey is a good strategist; she brilliantly makes plans and brings them to life; able to grasp information on the fly, process it instantly and remember it;
  • cunning: under a harmless appearance hides a cunning nature; she knows how to use hidden levers and always gets her way; at the same time, the Monkey does not use this quality to harm others, it is peaceful;
  • sociability: The Monkey is always in the center of events; she is cheerful, easy to talk to, has a good sense of humor, so she always has a lot of friends and acquaintances; she is the life of the party and the queen of parties;
  • observation: always knows to the smallest detail about the events that happen around; immediately analyzes any action of others and how it will affect her interests;
  • ingenuity: able to find a way out of any deadlock situation; rich life experience and intelligence often help her out and give her the opportunity to emerge victorious;
  • curiosity: The Monkey always strives for new knowledge; Everything comes easy to her, so she can change her field of activity without fear of the difficulties of the profession.

Negative. Negative traits The character of the representatives of this sign is overlapped by their ability to communicate, natural intelligence and brightness. Therefore, the Monkey has a positive image among his social circle.

Negative qualities:

  • selfishness: strives to ensure that everything happens only according to her scenario; everyone must revolve around her and follow her instructions and requests;
  • deceit: back side Monkey's tricks; although she does not intentionally cause harm, she still uses “forbidden techniques” on occasion; plays on the weaknesses of others to get his own way;
  • incontinence: the Monkey has an impetuous emotional character, which she does not seek to change; prone to rapid mood swings and often speaks the truth;
  • vindictiveness: if someone from the environment inadvertently caused her harm, the Monkey will never forget this; if possible, she will “return the favor”;
  • frivolity: rarely thinks about what her actions lead to; easily changes the vector of his activities.

Love and relationships

The monkey chooses his companions calm person. She develops an easy relationship with such a partner if he succumbs to her charm and brightness. In family life, she often makes scandals and is jealous for any reason. Therefore, relationships can go wrong at any moment.

Sociable and charming, she easily finds fans. If the relationship reaches the stage of creating a family, the Monkey needs to pay attention to his shortcomings and try not to bring his partner to the point of “white heat”. Then the marriage will be happy.

Career and profession

Virtually any field of activity is suitable for a monkey. A sharp mind, resourcefulness, and caution in business make her an excellent business partner. She is not shy about learning and asking her colleagues for advice, so her work is never idle.

The only thing that can prevent her from reaching professional heights is excessive enthusiasm. She often gets down to business without calculating either the funds or her own capabilities. In difficult situations, her ingenuity, charm and flattery help her.

Recommended professions. Considering the nature of the Monkey, professions with frequent changes of tasks are suitable for her. After all, she can't stand routine. The Monkey becomes a good diplomat, editor, writer, journalist, banker, speculator, actor.

, Fire Monkey, Earth Monkey, Metal Monkey, Water Monkey.

The Water Monkey is very reserved and wary, does not like other people’s advice, and is sensitive to criticism. She is a good strategist: before taking on any business, she will think everything over carefully and will strictly adhere to the planned plan of action, which she does not initiate anyone into in advance. She doesn’t trust her secrets to anyone, but she can easily unravel plans that she can use for her own purposes. This Monkey is attentive, sensitive, and always tries to improve relationships, which he can ruin because of any trifle.

This is a materialistic Monkey who lives according to the principle “you - for me, I - for you.” Likes to turn up his nose. Kind, but secretive. She will not act too directly or reveal her intentions. He knows how to patiently achieve his goal. Water gives the Monkey a strong sense of purpose. The Water Monkey is able to gracefully compromise and work around barriers instead of wasting time and energy trying to overcome them.

The Water Monkey is original and distinctive; she gently motivates both herself and others, and her ideas meet almost no resistance due to the skill and dexterity with which she presents them. She knows how to present everything in the most favorable light. Has a deep understanding of how human relationships work and uses this knowledge to achieve his goals. In a bad mood, the Water Monkey becomes indecisive and absent-minded. But if she does not close herself off from people, she will be able to get out of all troubles with honor.

Water Monkey according to Chinese Horoscope

The water monkey is the most sensitive and secretive of all its fellows, and also very touchy. Her ability to understand and perceptiveness helps her adapt well in any environment. She has the talent to get through the eye of a needle and still benefit from it. But deep down in his soul, he is a good person, good-natured and affectionate. If she sees that a person is worthy of trust, then she will easily reveal her plans.

This man is witty and unusual. Eccentric and sensitive, she is able to easily destroy any barriers with just her personal charm. Among its shortcomings can only be indecision and the inability to choose the right direction.

Water Monkey Man

The whole life of a man of this sign is subject to strict rules. It seems that he shies away a little from society and is in constant thought. Although he is a friendly person, he feels free among a huge crowd of people. He will not be shy to speak in front of a wide audience, and will also receive loud applause. But still, the Water Monkey is a calm man and likes to spend time alone. He enjoys thinking, reflecting, and building hypotheses. He is not decisive and is cautious in his judgments. But he will complete the assigned task brilliantly, because he will think through all his steps in advance. This responsible man is in good standing with management.

The Water Monkey is a rather timid man, but proud. It is difficult for him to take the first step, he is too afraid to hear a refusal. But having made a choice, he will remain faithful to him until the end of his days. The chosen one can count on a calm family life without betrayal and lies. This is an amazingly faithful person, ready to devote himself to his family. True, you shouldn’t expect complete frankness from him; he won’t share his experiences even with his beloved wife and children. But he is always ready to listen, you can turn to him with any request. A man of this sign cannot be called a tyrant, but he will not allow himself to be pushed around. Ready to compromise, will try to achieve peace and understanding between all family members.

Water Monkey Woman

This sweet woman seems defenseless and timid, she behaves so reservedly. The truth will never miss its benefits; it will find a way to defend its own interests. He won’t quarrel or sort things out, but will simply work out the right strategy behavior. Quite ambitious, it is important for her to prove her superiority. The Water Monkey is not a very decisive woman; this feature of her character prevents her from achieving success. Sometimes it’s easier for her to cheat than to prove long and hard that she’s right. This is a real woman who knows how to manage the feelings and emotions of other people, especially men. She has good intuition and hard work, so most often she turns out to be a winner.

IN love relationships The Water Monkey seeks understanding; it does not need a narcissistic egoist. A man should help her solve problems, but do it as tactfully as possible. What she values ​​most in people is reliability, but excessive talkativeness and obsessive behavior can push her away forever. He prefers to experience his failures alone and can only open up to a limited circle of people. She will be happy with a man who is ready to compromise and cannot stand quarrels and scandals. A stormy showdown tires a woman of this sign too much. She likes a quiet, calm life, in which there is no place for jealousy and suspicion. Water Monkey for a strong marriage without separations and divorces.