Garden house for year-round use. Eleven original country houses from around the world Country house architecture

September 29, 2015. Portner

Dividing by style and placing on shelves all the architectural varieties of private houses found on the market in the Moscow region is incredible difficult task, since the architecture of houses built over the last 25 years is a mixture of author’s expressionism, eclecticism, successful and not so successful experiments with architectural styles known to us. Rough, stylistic country houses can be divided:

1. Post-Soviet style- characterize red brick houses built in the first half of the 90s, when the opportunity arose to build your own house of a large area. It was important to master the maximum volume with the available budget. The premises were cut out intuitively, and then architects were invited to use the finished box to somehow “play with” it. Roofs were often covered with metal tiles or soft roof. Most of secondary offers on Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway refers to houses in this style, whose owners have already built new proper housing for themselves, and are trying to get rid of the old one, located on expensive plots, but not cheaply. Photo 1.

2. Classic style mainly found in the architecture of large houses and estates on Rublevskoye Highway, with an area of ​​1500 sq.m. and more. Houses of symmetrical shapes, with pompous entrance groups and corresponding layouts, which become hostage to symmetrical eclectic facades. For finishing, natural stone such as limestone, travertine, dolomite and granite is used mainly for cladding the basement and porch. The roof is made of folded copper, lead or zinc-titanium sheet, or natural stone- slate. The cost of building such houses depends on the complexity of the stone decor, but is approximately $1,500-2,000 per sq.m., excluding interior finishing and engineering systems. This style can be roughly divided:

  • Neoclassicism- a style popular in the 17th-19th centuries, recognizable by its strict, elegant lines and lack of unnecessary decoration, inspired by architectural art ancient periods Ancient Greece and Rome. Photo 2.1.

    Neo-Baroque- a style popular in Europe in the 17th-18th centuries, which is characterized by spatial scope, unity, fluidity of complex, usually curvilinear forms and excess of facade decor. Photo 2.2.

3. Architecture of houses in style Modern(known in different countries as Art Nouveau, Art Nouveau or Secession) is distinguished by the rejection of straight lines and angles in favor of more natural, “natural” lines, the use of new materials (metal, glass) and the flourishing of applied art - the facades were generously decorated with stylized plant patterns, flexible flowing forms. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, there was a desire to create buildings that were both aesthetic and functional. The roofs take on complex shapes with decorative half-timbering. The following materials are used on facades: stone, plaster, wood, mosaic, ceramic tile, bronze, stained glass. Photo 3 (by AM Oleg Carlson).

4. Victorian style characterizes the variety of varieties of eclectic retrospectivism from the end of the 19th century - the revival of earlier European styles and adaptation to new design possibilities with the assimilation of Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Persian and Arabic styles of decorative art. It is mainly associated not with buildings in Britain, but with houses built in the fashionable bourgeois resorts of Normandy, especially in the famous town of Deauville. Photo 4.

The cost of building homes in Modern or Victorian architecture is higher than classic homes, but emphasizes the owner's commitment to the decorative arts.

Just as today we do not dress in the style of the 17th, 18th or 19th centuries and do not ride carriages or horses, building new houses in the style of Classicism, Modernism or the Victorian period is considered anachronistic because it does not correspond to the spirit of our times. For more than a hundred years, architects have not been trained anywhere in the world to design according to classical canons. Thus, the risk of an architect overstepping into the field of kitsch is very high and, in fact, is confirmed in 90% of cases.

5. Castle style (or the so-called Disney style among architects) refers to pure kitsch and is characteristic of countries of Eastern Europe(especially Romania) and China. In business-class cottage villages, it was in demand before the 2008 crisis. In most cases, inexpensive finishing materials that imitate natural ones are used to decorate the facades and roofs of houses built in the castle style. The cost of construction of such houses is approximately 1,000-1,500 dollars per sq.m., excluding interior finishing and engineering systems. Photo 5.

6. Wright style often called all houses with speakers hipped roofs, but the architecture of the famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright since the beginning of the 20th century has been characterized by the “organic” form of houses, with a decrease in volume on the upper floors so that the house with a terraced roof fits organically into the terrain. Despite the fact that F.L. Wright created houses during the Art Deco era, “the last great style of the 20th century,” and his architecture deserves its own shelf as the first houses of the modern style, where functionalism began to dominate the aesthetics of symmetrical facades. High-quality brick, stone, wood, a lot of glazing and elements of applied art are used to decorate the facades. Low-slope roofs are usually covered with folded copper sheets. The cost of construction of such houses is approximately 1,300-1,800 dollars per sq.m., excluding interior finishing and engineering systems. Photo 6 (by Portner Architects).

7. Country style represents a variety of houses that were traditionally built in different countries of the world, mainly in villages and provincial suburbs. The following style trends fall into this category:

    Log houses in all its varieties. Prefabricated, but with certain restrictions in finishing. The cost of construction of such houses is approximately 600-1,500 dollars per sq.m., excluding interior finishing and engineering systems. Photo 7.1.

    Chalet (Alpine style) with gable roofs and second attic floor. Finishing of the facades of the first floor is made of stone, the second one is made of wood or plaster with wooden half-timbering. Roofing made of slate, shingles or natural tiles. The cost of construction of such houses is approximately 1,000-1,500 dollars per sq.m., excluding interior finishing and engineering systems. Photo 7.2.

    Italian (Mediterranean) classics characterized by brick or plastered facades, with simple stone decor in the form of cornices, window frames and corner reinforcements. Large terraces with awnings, pergolas, window shutters and other elements have the primary function of protecting from the sun, but are an integral part of this style. Photo 7.3.

  • English (Tudor) style recognizable by its brick or half-timbered facades, with small windows, straw or slate roofs and high chimneys With decorative elements. Photo 7.4.

    Belgian style characterized by the use of hand-molded bricks of different colors to decorate the facades, gable roofs at a large slope angle and decorative gable cornices. Photo 7.5.

    American-Canadian houses came from the suburbs of North America, but taking into account the Russian mentality, they were localized taking into account the changes construction technology from wood-frame to stone (brick, foam block). Houses of this style usually have a built-in or attached garage for 2 cars. In the struggle for this category of buyers, developers allowed savings, sometimes even in terms of violations of foundation construction and waterproofing technologies. Cottage villages are being built up en masse with this commercial type of house, since their cost is quite low and Constructive decisions simple, but instead of the usual 600-700 dollars in the USA, in Russia the price of construction fluctuates around 1000 dollars per sq.m., excluding interior finishing and engineering systems. As a result of tuning this style, the Castle style appeared. Photo 7.6.

8. Modern style All architecture after the Art Deco era is called. Modern architecture implies a complete absence of style canons and an experiment in using the possibilities of new building materials. It also has several stages of development:

    Functionalism characterizes the presence large areas glazing, clean geometric shapes (usually rectangular), no frills in the decoration of facades and the use of large undivided planes of the same material, a variety of roof shapes (often flat). The concise style philosophy is sincerity and pragmatism: “form is determined by function, and façade by form.” Photo 8.1 (by Portner Architects).

    Minimalism strives for the triumph of good taste - the greatest possible simplicity of execution, adherence to the basic rules of composition, the use of natural materials, maximum attention to detail, a single color scheme, lighting design and the desire to achieve maximum functionality. Photo 8.2 (by Maxim Winkelaar and Bob Ronday).

    Deconstructivism tried to free architecture from the hegemony of aesthetics, beauty, functionality and build a building, renouncing all generally accepted deep principles of creating architectural structures, including: tectonics, balance, verticals and horizontals - destroying the old principles and creating something of his own. Photo 8.3 (by McBride Charles Ryan).

    High tech with its aesthetics of metal, machines and industrial architecture. Photo 8.4 (author AM Alexey Kozyr).

    Eco-tek (Bio-tek), where the architectural expressiveness of building structures is achieved by borrowing natural forms and direct use of living nature forms in architecture, in the form of elements of the natural landscape and living plants. Photo 8.5 (by Guz Architects).

    Vanguard– a bright and non-standard style, unexpected and provocative color solutions, contrasts and shapes, using textures and materials that are incompatible at first glance, with extraordinary solutions when combining volumes and planes, creating asymmetrical designs, fancy shapes and bends. Photo 8.5 (author AM Atrium).

The cost of building houses with modern architectural style is approximately 1,000-1,500 dollars per sq.m., excluding interior finishing and engineering systems.

It should be emphasized that almost each of the above architectural styles also has its own pseudo-style, where various reasons deviates from standard canons, the proportions and composition of the facades are lost and inexpensive imitations of natural finishing materials are used.

In order for the dacha to correspond to its purpose: to create an environment for rest, relaxation, and a pleasant pastime, it is necessary to make the house and the surrounding area interesting and comfortable. Emerging virtual ideas cannot always be implemented in life, including during the construction and design of such a vacation spot as a dacha. Photo ideas are perfectly perceived visually and can be an excellent option for implementation.

Dacha is a country house in which seasonal (summer) stay is expected. However, the dacha is not limited to one house, it is a whole complex, which includes:

  • basic house construction;
  • additional outbuildings and household buildings;
  • structures for open recreation areas;
  • landscaped local area.

Only with the correct, convenient location of all zones and their appropriate design, the dacha will become a real place of relaxation. A beautiful summer cottage is an area surrounded and filled with greenery and vegetation. These can be both decorative plantings and fruit-bearing trees and shrubs. The proposed photos show dachas in summer. Bright colors in several tiers: trees, shrubs, flower beds are irreplaceable elements summer cottage.

Helpful advice! If a dacha or plot of land is purchased with trees, it is better to try to preserve them as much as possible. It will take several years to grow new ones.

The communications requirements of country houses are somewhat different, but comfortable arrangement of the dacha remains one of the primary tasks. No shower cabin or bathtub can replace an outdoor shower. Made from solid wood, timber, slats, it can become a real decoration of the site.

Staying at the dacha involves spending most of the time outdoors, so having an open light structure for relaxation is prerequisite. Drinking, process water, it is better to have a toilet on the site, and not just in the house. The supply of drinking water can be arranged in the form of a fountain. You can arrange a faucet with technical water like a spring, covering it with natural stone.

Buildings for gardening tools or small workshops are usually moved to the far corners of the site. Even if hidden from the eyes of guests, they should be decorative to visually contribute to a positive psychological mood while staying at the dacha.

Architecture of wooden country houses: photos of interesting and affordable ideas

The design of a dacha begins with the exterior of the building, which is based on the architectural features of the building. Wood is environmentally friendly, looks organically natural conditions. Such a house does not require additional internal and exterior finishing, with the exception of protective coating and tinting (if desired). When using this material there are no restrictions on area and number of floors country house.

The appearance of wooden structures does not require significant decorative additions. The proposed photos show one-story box houses made of timber and logs. Small windows and a blank entrance door will make the rooms cozy and conducive to privacy. Large window openings and glass doors will contribute to the contemplation of nature, a feeling of inextricable unity with it.

But two- and three-story wooden houses, having only a main wall box, look rough and uninteresting. A balcony, even a small one, will add liveliness to the building. And this is clearly demonstrated by the photos. The canopy at the entrance can be made into a terrace floor, creating a beautiful open place recreation. If the 2nd floor is located in attic, then the external staircase will serve as a significant architectural addition.

An excellent option for a wooden dacha can be houses of an original shape, for example, in the form of a barrel, an irregular parallelepiped, an oval, a hut without windows, etc.

Small room sizes and, therefore, the absence of a large number of objects for various purposes will promote complete relaxation. When determining the architecture of the future building for the dacha, it is worth taking into account several important points:

  • it is not the size, but the interior of the dacha that creates the conditions necessary for relaxation;
  • all premises must be functional and conducive to a positive attitude;
  • even the smallest building needs to be divided into zones.

Helpful advice! Choosing wooden house as a country house, it should be taken into account that even with special treatment, the timber and log house require annual renewal of the protective layer.

Features of the design of dachas made of blocks, panels and bricks

Popular and technically acceptable for construction country houses are the following materials:

  1. Gas silicate blocks having big sizes(8 times more than a brick), they are light and easy to cut. The presence of air-filled drip spaces in their structure allows the house to remain warm.
  2. Sandwich panels are blocks made of wood materials and insulation, attached to a frame.
  3. Brick is a building material that has the properties of stone.

Buildings made of gas silicate blocks and sandwich panels require additional processing - plastering and applying a layer of paint. Creating a design for a country house made from these materials is a simple task, since there is freedom of choice due to the variety of assortments. The difficulty lies in the correct use of colors.

If housing construction is painted in a bright color, it will become defiantly dominant, and therefore create beautiful plot it will be extremely difficult. Natural shades of greenery and flower buds will be muted, and natural beauty will be less noticeable. It is better if the base is white, pastel colors, cold light shades. You should not use more than two colors to paint your house, so as not to create a feeling of unnecessary diversity.

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How to properly plan a site. DIY landscape design: landscaping, decorative designs, garden buildings and ponds.

Brick is durable and promising from a design point of view. Brick, which looks like stone, blends organically into the natural environment. To add decorativeness to a country house, various masonry methods are used. Straight, semicircular, spiral columns will become a worthy decoration of country houses. Window openings, steps, etc., unusually decorated with brick, also contribute to aesthetics. The photo shows areas where brick was used as the main building material. This material is a combination of practicality and aesthetics, giving buildings originality and beauty.

Registration of summer cottages located in the forest zone

The site, located in a forest area, requires special treatment both in terms of design and in matters of landscaping the dacha. In such cases, it is necessary to give priority to environmental friendliness, complementing the overall picture with details and decorative elements.

Are flower beds, flower beds, beds, and fruit trees needed in such areas? Of course, but only if there are suitable soils, otherwise the plants will lack light and moisture. It should also be remembered that the proximity of the forest implies a large number of birds that can destroy crops at the seedling level. If there are trees on the site that have been “inherited” or are visually part of the forest, it is better to place flower beds next to the house so that they form a unity with the building. If you don’t have a large free area, you shouldn’t start a garden.

Under the crowns of large trees, it is more appropriate to install not a gazebo, which will lose its attractiveness against the backdrop of the natural bends of the branches, but a canopy that reveals the trunks and the ground greenery framing them.

Helpful advice! When creating the design of a summer cottage in a forest area, you must strive not to start from scratch, but to subordinate ideas to existing conditions.

You should not destroy nature on your site for the sake of everyday needs. Cutting down a pine tree that is decades old in order to place a carport in a convenient place is, to say the least, impractical.

Suggested design photos summer cottages will help you choose, if not a design style as a whole, then individual elements that will adequately decorate a dacha located in a forest area.

Landscape design for summer cottages: photos of the most interesting ideas

Dachny landscape design is designed to bring three components into harmony:

  • engineering buildings;
  • vegetation;
  • design style.

There is an impressive list of landscape design styles, each with its own characteristics and advantages. Typical summer cottage plots are 6–10 acres in size, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to arrange all the compositions and buildings on them according to Feng Shui - taking into account the movement of water and wind. However, individual details, elements and design methods adopted will help create a beautiful summer cottage. Photos depicting dachas, where the ethno-trend dominates, can serve as a source of ideas for lovers of naturalness, bordering on chaos. Lawns, wicker hedges, and simple plants in tubs are the main elements of this design.

Ideas that involve an abundance of flower beds, bright flower beds against the backdrop of perfectly trimmed green lawns are for connoisseurs of the Dutch style. Mandatory decorative elements for a garden in this style are funny sculptures of gnomes, frogs, fish, mermaids, as well as other animals and fairy-tale creatures.

Widely used and perfectly decorate the site alpine coaster(tiered arrangement of the flower bed), green borders (trimmed bushes), arches and pergolas with hanging plants, hedges (densely planted plants), alleys (paved paths along which plants are planted on both sides).

In order to create an interesting landscape design, it is necessary not only to position the plants correctly, but also to provide them with conditions for further growth. For this purpose, before starting to create design project necessary:

  • obtain information about the composition of the soil cover in places where plants are planted;
  • carefully study the climatic conditions necessary for the planned types of flora;
  • take into account the desired and impossible proximity of various plant species;
  • consider creating conditions for caring for vegetation and other design elements.

To implement the last point, you will need to lay communications accordingly and stock up on the necessary equipment.

Helpful advice! If the area has paths lined with pebbles, it is recommended to purchase a vacuum cleaner to collect leaves and other debris. Sweeping is ineffective for paths with such a coating, and fallen leaves left over the winter when rotting will leave dark spots on the pebbles, which will lead to a loss of aesthetics.

Arrangement of a summer cottage with your own hands: photos, tips and recommendations

Inviting a designer to decorate a summer cottage is an expensive pleasure. And the option proposed by a specialist is not always satisfactory; constant approvals and clarifications are necessary. If you have a little free time and a great desire, you can decorate the dacha with your own hands. It is possible to do this both by attracting significant funds and using various economical options. The design sequence could be as follows:

  • identification of mandatory and desirable objects;
  • compiling a list of necessary materials, including plant materials;
  • calculation of financial, physical and time costs.

If it is possible to order delivery of processed workpieces, the task is simplified. However, making decorative elements from available materials is a more exciting process. For example, from trunks and branches sanded with your own hands on a summer cottage you can build:

  • gazebo;
  • canopy;
  • swing;
  • arch;
  • hedge

If you can’t come up with the shape of the buildings yourself, it’s worth looking at photos of the design of your summer cottage with your own hands. Among the mass of ideas, you will definitely be able to choose an interesting one. The following can be used as green spaces:

  • ground cover plants, many species of which grow in the forest zone;
  • young trees that make up the dense undergrowth;
  • wildflowers;
  • wild shrub.

If transplanted carefully, there will be no harm to the environment, and the plants will benefit from thinning. If the site is open and is constantly under the rays of the scorching summer sun, it is necessary to lay paths to remote buildings, shaded by arches braided with vertical climbing plants. The main house building can be shaded by planting such plants. Dividing into zones is easy to do with the help of vertical screens and green hedges.

The proposed selection of photos of do-it-yourself summer cottage design will not only help you decide on an idea, but will also tell you which materials are preferable to use when decorating.

Small houses for a summer residence: advantages and ways to solve capacity problems

Many people prefer small country houses. The reason for this is a number of advantages of this type of dacha:

  • insignificant financial costs for construction;
  • short construction period;
  • does not take up much space on the site;
  • Little effort is required for maintenance: repairs, cleaning.

It’s easy to create the interior of a country house similar type, since due to the small area, many decorative elements will not be required. The design style of such a house should be in harmony with the construction material and the shape of the building.

Problems are most often caused by the need to place everything you need: a sleeping place, an area for cooking and eating, a work corner or an area where you can do what you love - drawing, knitting, writing. Should be used as a sleeping place folding sofa. During the daytime you can seat guests on it, and at night it can fully replace a bed.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to purchase a sofa with a drawer. In this case, there will be no need to invent a place for bed linen and a warm blanket, which is rarely used during the summer season, but is always available.

Will significantly save space. The magazine version can be used for its intended purpose and for tea drinking small company. For lunches, you will need to transform the table and use a larger tabletop.

Furniture design in small houses is very important as it forms the basis of the interior. In houses made of timber or logs, it is better to install furniture made of solid wood or with a surface wood veneer covering. Woody MDF materials and chipboard look organically in brick buildings with unplastered, open walls. In block and panel structures, plastic is quite appropriate, artificial rattan, glass and metal.

The problem is small country houses sometimes it is to provide natural light. If the size of the dacha is so small that it is impossible to install a full-fledged window, you can make a double-leaf front door with big glass inserts. Small country houses most often do not have attics. Therefore, a window installed between the roof rafters is an architectural highlight and an excellent source of light. In the photo, do-it-yourself dachas are offered interesting options placement of windows.

Photos of recreation areas in the country: a variety of designs and their design

A dacha is, first of all, a place to relax. Without the presence of a light building on the site, designed for relaxation in the fresh air, a dacha cannot be considered a full-fledged one. Structures that represent an open recreation area can be:

  • terrace;
  • veranda;
  • balcony;
  • alcove;
  • pergola;
  • canopy

The terrace, veranda and balcony are buildings adjacent to the house, therefore in plan design design they are completely dependent on the main house construction and are most often made of the same material. Vases and flower pots can be an excellent aesthetic addition to these buildings. The photo shows dachas with interesting architectural solutions for placing open recreation areas, built-in and attached structures.

The gazebo, pergola and canopy are free-standing structures. They can be in harmony not only with the main structure, but also with the design of the surrounding elements. The structures often have lattice side walls designed for weaving plants along them, stone columns that make up a composition with a fountain, a log frame emphasizing the unity with the natural surrounding nature. It is lightweight buildings in small dachas that often form the basis of the design of the site. Photo proposals for designs made from various materials will help create a cozy outdoor seating area.

Dachas: photos of non-standard solutions to common dacha problems

It is almost impossible to purchase a dacha or a plot for its construction and be absolutely satisfied with the conditions. We have to change, adjust, create something. There are several problems typical for summer cottages.

Mosquitoes. If the site is located near water, these annoying insects do not allow you to calmly enjoy the fresh evening air and admire the sunset. Remedies against them in open space are practically of no help. The easiest way out is to plant wild onions or calendula around the open seating area. Not single flowers, but a dense frame. Moreover, the simultaneous use of these two types of plants will enhance the effect.

Neighbours. The site is new, the green spaces are still low, the gazebo is easily visible to the neighbors, this creates a feeling of discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to order a banner and install it in the right place. It will not only solve this problem, but will also serve as a decorative element for the dacha.

Helpful advice! You should not purchase a banner with images of nature, as this will cause a negative reaction. Let it contain your favorite symbols, heroes, indicators of profession, abstraction, that is, something that contributes to pleasant memories and feelings.

Lack of water. You can make an artificial reservoir by concreteing a hole or using it for waterproofing plastic film. If the dominant desire is only to contemplate and enjoy the damp coolness, a reservoir size of 150x100x50 cm will be quite sufficient. For swimming, you will need larger dimensions of the structure; the bottom and walls should be laid out exclusively with film: using the solution is costly, labor-intensive, and difficult to ensure tightness. Photos of the design of dachas with artificial reservoirs will tell you which option to choose.

Lack of fertile soil. Growing vegetables or herbs in the garden is the desire of many summer residents. This is often impossible to do due to the unsuitability of the soil. This problem can be solved with the help of containers, where you need to fill either the brought black soil or a soil mixture prepared from the existing soil and additives necessary for fertility. It is recommended to decorate the container, and then it will not only become a mini-vegetable garden, but will also decorate the area.

You shouldn’t drag out the design of your dacha for many years, so as not to start each season with solving problems and tasks. Photos offered in this article beautiful dachas will help you make the right choice and enjoy the amazing and incredibly beautiful design.

A magnificent garden house in an area near Washington DC designed by architect Robert Gurney. The pavilion with an adjacent swimming pool was built in the backyard of a private house next to a forest. The ancient trees surrounding the site and the well-planned landscaping on the owner's property inspired Gurney to create a design that allows the surrounding landscape to be admired in any season.

The architect's task was to coordinate the architecture of the garden pavilion with existing house and geometric garden layout. This determined architectural style and the choice of materials to create the present, new paths and adjacent areas. Traditional stone and wood are used along with concrete, glass and metal on the roof of the garden house. Natural woodland surrounds a modern-style plot with original garden sculpture, precise geometry of plantings and platforms, a strict rectangular pool and a minimalist summer shower on the end wall of the pavilion.

The degree of glazing is impressive: part of the facade is created by frameless glass walls; in addition, there are five high doors filled with tempered glass. This exterior design provides excellent visibility from inside the house to the outside. The well-organized garden plantings, the nearby swimming pool and the wall of trees behind the fence guarantee spectacular views throughout the seasons.

Unlike most garden houses, this building can be used all year round. A large fireplace and heated floors are designed to provide a comfortable atmosphere even in winter. Large slab floors, mahogany walls and spruce ceiling paneling add charm natural materials, and stylish furniture and a steel kitchen island bring modern style to the interior.

For most city residents, their favorite dacha is almost a heavenly place where you can always escape from the bustle of the metropolis. We have prepared a review of inexpensive, original and comfortable solutions for country houses from all over the world.

Life in a container.
This creation of architects from San Antonio is easy to make yourself at your dacha. They simply built a door, windows, heating and cooling system, and an innovative green roof into an ordinary steel shipping container. They ingeniously turned an ordinary object into a cozy place to live. Bamboo flooring and trendy wall coverings bring their design vision to life. This small and modern building can without a doubt be called a real home!

For scientific purposes.
In order to explore the possibilities of small housing, interior designer Jessica Helgerson moved her family into a cottage measuring just 50 square meters. meters. Jessica designed the cottage herself. It is located 15 minutes from Portland, Oregon.

Jessica used mostly recycled materials to build her micro-mansion. Thanks to this, and the use of a green roof, the house cost her much less than she expected. In addition, such a house does not consume a lot of energy for heating and cooling. This fairly economical house is suitable for people who like to spend several months at a time in the country. Such a house optimally combines all the necessary amenities and a compact size.

Self-sufficient house.
If you have neither water nor electricity at your dacha, don’t despair! Better take advantage of the experience of American architects from the state of New England. They managed to build a hut that is completely self-sufficient solar energy. It has a shed roof and is covered with corrugated siding. A rainwater container and a boiler that instantly heats the water provide the house with drinking and domestic water. Louvre doors protect the hut from the elements.

Perfect square.
This square house, with an area of ​​73 sq. meters, located in Minnesota and has a bright blue exterior and a cheerful interior painted bright yellow. However, it is not only this unusual combination of colors that makes it special.
This house consists of two modules, which are seamlessly connected to each other by a massive porch. Protective screens with magnetic traps do not allow insects to enter the house on summer nights, which makes it simply ideal housing for the summer period.

Recycled beauty.
It is not necessary to purchase expensive building materials to build a country house. For example, Brad Kittel from Tiny Texas Houses believes that there is already a sufficient quantity building materials and there is no need to use new ones. His tiny houses are made from 99% recycled building materials (including doors, windows, siding, furniture, door handles, flooring and pillars supporting the porch).

Do it yourself.
Do you dream of a small and cozy house, the construction of which would not take a lot of time and money? Nothing could be easier! The Jamaica Cottage Shop, in the USA, sells a building kit from which you can easily build a wooden cottage measuring 5x6 meters. Assembling such a micro-house takes approximately 40 hours. The interior of such a residence can be assembled to your own taste. You can also add a partition to form a sleeping area as a second floor.

It won't grow moss.
Are you going to the country? Don't forget to take your home with you! Such a mini-house, located on a platform with a trailer, will always be with you, wherever you go. In just six square meters, the craftsmen from Tumbleweed Tiny House managed to accommodate a bathroom, kitchen, built-in desk and sofa, as well as a sleeping place. Such a house costs approximately $160 per square meter in disassembled form, and $390 in a “semi-finished” state.

Micro house.
Don't rush to send your old household trash to the landfill. Perhaps it will be useful to you for building a country house! Follow the example of Derek Didriksen, who lives in Massachusetts and applies his practical outlook to building tiny houses. He builds them from unnecessary things. For example, he used a torn-off washing machine door as a window. The cost of his micro-houses does not exceed $200.

House in a cube.
Originals and lovers of everything unusual can try to build a box house in their dacha, distinctive feature which is a highly functional design. The area of ​​the box house, designed by architect Semi Rintala, is only 19 square meters. meters. Surprisingly, it even has a guest room. The sitting bench in the living room turns into a bed. The style of this house is a cultural mixture of Finnish summer houses and Japanese traditions.

Hidden treasure.
Nestled in the forests of Hilverstoom in the Netherlands, this house was designed by architect Piet Hein Iik. It is created in the traditional style of wooden huts. Instead of jagged wooden beams The exterior of the house consists of cross-cut logs. This design move allows the house to get lost among the surrounding forest.

Victorian era.
Lovers of beauty can turn their country house into a real work of art, just as the new owner of the former hunting lodge in the Catskills, Sandra Foster, did. She remodeled it into a romantic Victorian style home. She did the carpentry work herself and used mostly recycled materials. Thus, she managed to create a cozy, secluded corner filled with books and illuminated by a crystal chandelier.

Each of us travels the world. Some people go far and long, exploring a world unknown to us, while others go abroad only once a year, on vacation. But we all understand that calendars, postcards and souvenirs are only a small reminder of where we have been and what we have seen. We offer you a completely new format for such memories - recreating at the dacha the famous architecture of the places you visited. For obvious reasons, it is simply not possible to completely recreate everything interesting and original in our world, and therefore we will personally start with the most famous ones. For example, let's take some wonders of the world, add to the collection the buildings of the capitals of Europe, take something incredible from Asia and Africa, and also simply recreate in miniature what is beautiful and impressive in a standard form.

We would like to warn you right away that such a design of a dacha is a labor-intensive and expensive pleasure, and therefore, before starting the project, be sure to evaluate your own capabilities and professionalism, as well as the budget that you can allocate for such a task.

This is the main section of a new website article about interesting and original architecture that we want to reproduce on our own site. There will be not only famous buildings here, but also something that can simply decorate the dacha nicely. You have the right to independently regulate your choices and determine what you want to build. But you just need to understand that the quality of the object depends on you. We only offer the method and materials, but you reproduce the architecture with your own hands... so the result is your responsibility!

Chinese wall at the dacha

Yes, even that! We will start with this structure, since it is the simplest. You can build a wall from any picture downloaded on the Internet, or take images from travel magazines, there are many different angles there.

We immediately choose a place and build the Great Wall of China from ordinary bricks. If at all in miniature form, then it is possible to create a building material from high-density polystyrene foam. Not only bricks can be cut from it, but also additional architectural structures.

We immediately build from bricks. We will need a platform, possibly even made of inexpensive concrete, which is poured with a layer of 15-20 cm onto a drainage pad. It is needed for the strength of the entire structure. Further along it, you can begin construction using a standard solution of cement, sand and water. The main thing here is to correctly depict the lines, shape, and present the desired atmosphere. But it is worth knowing that all this is conveyed by the decor, and therefore the initial construction does not play a special role.

We are building a wall from polystyrene foam. Polystyrene high strength has quite interesting qualities. You can cut out almost anything you need from it.

Glue this material It can be done with many adhesives, and sometimes even polyurethane foam works best. In principle, it can be used to display many additional elements. For example, the same wall columns, turns. You will only need to cut the foam to shape and plaster on top.

Let's move on to finishing the building. All that is needed is paint of suitable shades.

You can paint both brick and polystyrene walls. Dilute the paint so that it is the same color and different shades, and then work further according to the original plan and image. As a result, you may end up with a very serious architectural element, around which it is now worth working with additions - creating steps, a forest, hillocks.

Eiffel Tower at the dacha

The Eiffel Tower is very interesting design, which would take a lot of time to repeat in miniature. There is not so much physical labor involved, but rather time spent on details, because everything needs to be made as similar as possible.

The tower is welded out of metal and installed on concrete frame or a metal embedded base to have good strength. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first, because the main guides of the tower will need to be bent, and three encircling metal belts will need to be made along the entire “growth” of the tower.

It is clear that it is unlikely that anyone will observe all the details and reproduce such a masterpiece with their own hands, but it is still possible to create a good likeness.

Installation on a solid base, attaching the four main parts that form the tower, and then tying it with simpler material - reinforcement, rod, wire. Don’t forget to also install light lighting inside; the evening view of such beauty will be stunning.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a miracle in a country garden

The Leaning Tower of Pisa at the dacha is something experimentally new. But why can some architecture on your own site be repeated in miniature form, but this cannot?

You just have to want it, and such a tower will be built. At the same time, its construction will take less time and will be easier than the same Eiffel head.

Why is this so? The answer is simple - most often duplicates, if you can call them that, are built from lightweight materials. It’s quite difficult to install a heavy structure at an angle without it collapsing over time... especially if you don’t professional builder or designer. Therefore, it is enough to build a tower from plastic or even very thick cardboard, which is then sealed with high quality or sealed with protective varnishes and oils.

A huge plus is that only the base will have to be built, then you will simply need to stretch cardboard with a tower design onto a plastic or light aluminum frame. It could even be a high-quality photo print that will look amazing from afar. If you draw, it is better to first paint the drawing on cardboard or paper, and only after that install the material on the finished inclined frame.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon in the landscape

We talked a lot about living fences, vertical flower beds and hanging gardens, and therefore this design will not be too complex an architectural element. The good thing is that it is not necessary to build it according to a strictly defined format. You can fantasize, invent, copy or even combine everything into a single project, the main thing is that it turns out beautifully and attractively.

Most often, similar projects are based on castles and structures of that time, which were built from a variety of building materials. Further, they are populated by living plants - herbs, ornamental shrubs, flowers, sometimes even bonsai. It is only very important to first prepare sites, containers, compartments, balconies and other places for planting on such a structure.

Building pyramids in the country

You can start with a heavier structure and build pyramids from shell rock. Its color and texture are perfect for such an architectural masterpiece. One has only to select a site for construction, install a waterproofing layer of ordinary film or more expensive material, and get down to business.

Everything you need to play Egyptian pyramids, this is shell rock in the volume that you expect, free hands in gloves, and a medium grinder.

Having arranged the base, you build a pyramidal structure, and when building the upper part of the pyramid, you simply cut the stone with a grinder. You can cope with this task in just a day, scatter sand dunes near the pyramid and enjoy the beautiful view.

You can also build a frame-type pyramid, for example, make it from a profile and plywood. The design is durable and lightweight, as well as the ability to quickly disassemble the pyramid and assemble it in the right place.

You can devote time to many historical buildings that will easily take their place in the garden of your dacha, but we cannot talk about all of them, their number is very large. But you, in view of your own professionalism, can reproduce even complex elements - monuments, the structure of the Taj Mahal, amphitheaters and others. But you can always move on to more typical, but no less interesting buildings for a summer residence, which can positively influence the landscape design of the site. These could be lighthouses, forts, more modern buildings and structures that are world landmarks.

How to register a summer cottage (video)

What is needed for the architectural design of a dacha

To decorate your dacha in a similar format, completely change your neighbors’ worldview on the landscape and get world-renowned architecture on your site, you you need to follow some rules:

  • Always start work only with a high-quality and prepared project;
  • Work only with quality material which is familiar to you, and determine feasible tasks for yourself;
  • It is imperative to complete everything from the beginning, because incompleteness is the worst thing that can happen in decor;
  • Correctly choose sizes, shapes and colors, be sure to base your choice on the initially established style of the summer cottage;
  • Skillfully combine several architectural elements, pour them into an already established, ready-made design of the dacha.

Let’s say right away that if such a task seems difficult or completely impossible to you, it is better not to start the process. It would be much better to buy plaster figures or plastic elements for garden decoration than to waste time, money and nerves!

The architectural design of a summer cottage has many directions, and the one we have chosen is not the most popular and in demand. But it is one of those that can really “change the picture” in a qualitative way and bring something exclusive and extremely unusual into the landscape.