Scenario for the extracurricular activity "Christmas gatherings (Christmas game "Carols").

Christmas is a special mysterious time when all prohibitions are lifted and mystical powers are sent to earth. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the eve of this great holiday, young girls are trying to find out what fate has in store for them. It’s so interesting to have at least a glimpse into the future, to find out what’s ahead.

In this article, I will tell you how to spend an unusual Christmas evening with your girlfriends. So get ready to touch the mystery and find out what awaits you in the new year. Just remember, the result is not a sentence. Just be confident in your happiness.

Yuletide fortune-telling for Christmas

Yuletide fortune-telling is a pagan tradition that originated in ancient Rus'. They were given special meaning, considered the most accurate and truthful. Our ancestors believed that during Christmas time the border between our world and the other world was erased.

Folk customs were carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation, despite the fact that the church tried to fight superstitions. They have survived to this day almost unchanged.

Twelve days, from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, were considered holidays. The people were relaxing and having fun: carols and fortune telling were especially popular.

Three January evenings were considered the best time to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what fate had in store:

  • Rozhdestvensky – 6.01
  • Vasilievsky (Shchedrets) – 13.01
  • Epiphany – 18.01

For divination, places were chosen that were loved by the “evil spirits”: bathhouses, canopies, abandoned houses. To perform the mysterious ritual, the girls left their homes secretly, without crossing themselves or praying. Definitely filmed pectoral cross, belt, shoes, let down their hair, remaining in only a shirt. It was impossible to talk to anyone along the way.

January 18 was considered the last evening when it was possible to look into the future. Our ancestors believed that as long as Christ was not baptized, divination was not such a big sin. You could wash it off by plunging into an ice hole at Epiphany.

Nowadays, fortune telling has become an interesting ritual that allows you to touch something mysterious. Many people perceive this action as a simple game. However, the purpose of divination has remained the same since ancient times. They wonder about what worries a girl’s heart most – love and marriage.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas

According to beliefs, the most powerful day is Christmas Eve. This night you are under the protection of good spirits and angels. To carry out magical rituals more accurately, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • In city apartments, it is not recommended to carry out the ritual in the bedroom. The best place for fortune telling - kitchen
  • Desirable time for fortune telling - dark time days, or better yet, after midnight
  • If you have pets, lock them in another room, they may interfere with contact with otherworldly forces
  • Remove icons and other church paraphernalia, if any.
  • Turn off the lights, ensure silence, light candles
  • Tune in to the mystery that will take place in this room
  • Let your hair down, take off your jewelry
  • Do not cross your legs and arms, this can cut off your connection with the other world.
  • Before starting the ritual, draw a circle around yourself with a candle. This will protect you from exposure evil spirits

Now you know how to prepare for a magical ritual so that nothing interferes with your connection with higher powers.

Fortune telling for Christmas with friends

There were hundreds of ways to help get answers to your pressing questions. Some, of course, are difficult to repeat in modern conditions. Therefore, let's look at those that can be reproduced using simple means at hand.

On the ashes

Prepare a not too thick sheet of white paper, a saucer and a candle. Focus on the issue that worries you. Place the crumpled leaf on a plate, set it on fire, and wait until it burns completely. Study the resulting silhouette:

  • House, building - imminent wedding. If the girl is married, the figure symbolizes a calm, happy family life.
  • Tree (branches pointing to the sky) - good news, fulfillment of desires, good luck in any endeavor.
  • Tree (branches down) - failure awaits you. Avoid obviously unpleasant situations. Be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people. Don't trust everyone.
  • Candle (ring) - a rich marriage with a person older in age.
  • Ruins, ruins - difficult tasks, troubles, worries. Possible illness or separation from a loved one.
  • Transport is a long-awaited journey.
  • A bird is good news, success in any business.
  • Wolf (dog) - an unexpected meeting, dramatic changes.
  • Mountain - you will encounter obstacles, difficulties on life path. Only perseverance will help you overcome them.
  • Cave, pit - trouble, serious illness.
  • Man - global changes await you. For single people, this symbol portends a pleasant romantic relationship.

The images that arise carry a prediction. By being smart, you can get the correct answer to the question that concerns you.

On strings

This ritual will help unmarried girls answer the question of who will be the first from a friendly company to get married. To do this, cut equal pieces of thread various colors that need to be taken in left hand, and with the right one - set it on fire. Whose thread burns out first will soon become a happy wife.

On matches

Secure two matches in the box. Light it up while thinking about who you like. If the heads of the matches reach towards each other, you will be together.

Do you want to know what the coming year will be like for you? Take the apples that were on the Christmas table. They will “tell” you everything.

on apples

Cut the apples in half. If the bones remain intact, next year will be successful.

Where will you go

Silently, without saying a word, go out into the street. Blindfold your unmarried friend and turn clockwise three times. Watch which way she goes. If from home, they will propose to her this year.

The next fortune telling is probably familiar to many from childhood.

On the book

You take a book (magazine) and think about a question. You open the page at random, without looking, put your finger on the line, and read the answer.

On coffee beans

You take a handful of coffee beans, make a wish, and place them on the table one at a time. The friends, without hesitation, name the first words that come to mind. The word with which the last grain lands on the table will become a prediction.

How soon will I get married?

Hang the ring on a thread (if you have long, luxurious hair, use your own hair) and place it in a glass filled with water. Now count! How many times does the ring hit the walls of a glass, so many years to wait until the wedding.

To find out how soon your family can expect a new addition, use in the following ways fortune telling. You can also find out the gender of your unborn child.

To add to the family

We blindfold the friend and give her a knife, the handle of which should be wooden. Place the pie in the center of the table. Please cut off a piece. If the knife:

  • didn’t touch the pie - there will be no addition to the family in the coming years
  • touched the middle of the pie - a boy will be born this year
  • dropped to the edge of the pie - expect the birth of a girl in the next couple of years

How to find out the gender of your unborn child

On wool thread a ring is suspended and placed over the open palm of the fortuneteller. If the ring starts to move in a circle, you are having a girl. If it swings in different sides- boy.

Invite your friends to look into the coming year with the following interesting option predictions.

Find out the future

Take the bowls in which you put - gold or silver ring, a coin, a piece of bread, sugar, an onion, salt, and pour water into one of them. The fortuneteller closes her eyes and chooses any cup.

For money

Prepare three saucers and a coin, which your assistants should hide under one of the plates. If you can guess where the money is hidden the first time, expect a salary increase and an unexpected inheritance this year. From the second and third, your financial situation will remain the same.

"Yes or no"

Sit with your friends around the table. Place a circle in front of you cutting board. Place pieces of paper with the words “yes” and “no” along the edges, and a knife in the center. Focus on a question that requires a simple answer. Spin the knife three times, the tip will indicate the answer.

What girl doesn't dream of seeing what her future groom will be like? This mysterious ritual will definitely please your unmarried girlfriends.

For the betrothed

Fill your glass cold water. Throw in a ring, preferably gold. Look carefully at the swaying water. In a couple of minutes, the image of the man who will become your husband should appear.

Fortune telling on cards

Pick up a deck of 36 cards and make a wish. Shuffle the cards, thinking about the mystery, and place them in three piles. Now take out three cards from the bottom, then from the middle and from the top. Place them in three rows in the order you took them out. That is, in the top row are the top cards and so on.

  • 4 aces or 2 jacks (queens, kings) + 2 aces - a wish will come true
  • 4 ladies - problems in personal life
  • 4 kings - success in business
  • 4 jacks - wasted effort
  • Jack (queen or king) + ace, the rest are small cards - expect trouble
  • 3 aces + card with people – enemies have appeared in your surroundings
  • queen, jack, king, ace + “change” - don’t expect changes in the new year
  • small cards - you have begun a bad streak in life

The simple method described below will help you and your friends answer the most important questions.

By candlelight

Take a bowl half filled with water. Attach pieces of paper with exciting questions to the edges. For example: “I’ll get married this year,” “ career”, “health problems”, “I will make a profit”, “I will give birth to a child” and so on.

Take a small tablet, place a lit candle on it, and lower it into the water. The piece of paper that lights up first is a prediction for the coming year.

On beans

A simple way to find out whether your wish will come true or not. Focus on what you want. Scoop a handful of beans from the cup. An even number of beans means the wish will come true, an odd number – no.

Our great-grandmothers cast spells not only on certain objects, they often turned to the guardian of the house - the brownie.

Question to the brownie

Place a bowl of milk in the passage between the rooms. Light a candle, dripping wax into a cup, say: “Brownie, my friend, come, drink some milk, taste the wax.” Consider the silhouette of a frozen figure:

  • Stars, flowers - good luck
  • animals are enemies
  • ring - marriage
  • cross - illness

Betrothed, mummered

Place two mirrors with their reflective surfaces facing each other. Place two candles between them. Place a comb nearby. Concentrate your attention on the mirror that is facing you. Say the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come comb me.” In the reflected “corridor” you should see a vision of the future groom. When you see him, say “Forget me!”

Do you want to know if you are destined to be together? I will tell you how our ancestors did it.

For a life together

Write the names of your favorite guys on pieces of paper. Light the candles in the flame. Place on saucers. After the papers burn out, collect the ashes in your palm. Open the window, put out your hand:

  • If the ashes fly to the side, you can’t be together
  • If it remains in the palm of your hand or flies to you, a future together with your loved one awaits you.

Find out the name of your betrothed

Fill the bowl with water. Attach pieces of paper with men's names to the edges. Place the candle in half the shell walnut, launch into the water. Whichever name he floats to, that’s what the groom will be called. Every girl should light her own candle.

Many people know how to tell fortunes using frozen wax. It turns out that you can find out the future by using an ordinary chicken egg.

On a raw egg

Place cups in front of you hot water. Take the eggs and release the whites into the water. Based on the shape in which it curled up, interpret the answer:

  • Home - happy family life
  • Stars - fame, dizzying success
  • Bird - to wealth
  • Flowers - love
  • Knife, sword - danger
  • Crown - a dream come true
  • Bridge, transport - long road
  • Fish - luck

When solving symbols, use your imagination and inner voice.

On the coffee grounds

Brew ground coffee, drink, cover the cup with a saucer. Scroll clockwise several times with the words: “Faith, Hope, Love.” Place the mug on the saucer, pick it up, and take a closer look at the silhouettes. Find the meaning of the symbols on the Internet in advance and print it out.

Finally, I would like to say, dear girls, believe in good things, and they will definitely come true. If the result of fortune telling is unpleasant, don’t take it to heart, don’t get upset, just be careful. Remember, each of you is the architect of your own happiness.

May all your wishes and dreams come true in the New Year!

Christmas is one of the brightest and most solemn holidays in Christianity. It is believed that it should be celebrated with family, among relatives and friends. In addition to the feast, fortune telling is usually practiced on this holiday. This is a very interesting activity that even children can take part in.

The two weeks of winter holidays coincide with Christmastide, which begins on January 6 and ends on January 19, when the Orthodox world celebrates Epiphany. The ancestors were sure that Christmastide - best time in order to know the future. On any of these days, fortune telling is considered the most accurate and prophetic.

Let us give examples of the most interesting fortune telling for children who will diversify Christmas evenings. In addition, many fortune tellings are also useful for children - they develop imagination, as well as the ability to count and read.

Christmas fortune telling with rice grains

Fill the bowl with rice. Ask yourself a question or make a wish and place your palm in the dish. Count how many grains of rice stick to your palm. An even number is a negative answer, an odd number is a positive answer.

Christmas fortune telling with tangerines

For this fortune telling, you will need as many tangerines as people want to know the future. Each child makes a wish or asks a question that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” After this, everyone peels their fruit and counts the number of slices. If there is an even number of them, it means that the wish will come true; an odd number means that the wish will come true after some time.

Christmas fortune telling using the Holy Book

For this fortune telling, you need to take a book and, without opening it, say out loud the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then you should open the page and read the text on the hidden line - it is the Christmas prophecy. If the line bears little resemblance to a mystical prediction, parents will have to come up with what it really means. After all, the baby should not remain upset.

Christmas fortune telling with walnut shells

Prepare a wide bowl and pour water into it. Attach the words written on pieces of paper to the edges of the bowl: “luck”, “happiness”, “wealth”, “unexpected acquaintance”, “travel”, “changes in life”, “pleasant surprise”, “winning”. Walnut shells are set afloat according to the number of participants. To differentiate between the shells, you can place different colored cake candles in them. After all the shells are on the water, the participants carefully begin to blow on them, trying not to knock them over. Turned over shells are eliminated from fortune telling. Which inscription the boat sticks to is what will happen to the child in the coming year.

Christmas fortune telling for the future using ice

You need to pour water into a bowl or saucer and put it out in the cold on Christmas night. When the morning comes, carefully study the ice with your child: if it has risen, the coming year will be good; if it has frozen evenly, the year will be calm; if it has moved in waves, there will be both happiness and minor troubles.

Fortune telling with wax for a brownie

This fortune telling is suitable for the little ones. First you need to show the children pictures of the brownie and tell about his character. Tell us about the traditions: they cajoled the brownie by putting out food for him at night, and when moving to another home, they lured him into an old shoe to take him with him, because this creature has long been considered the protector of the house.

For fortune telling, you need to take a small saucer, pour milk or water into it and place it near the threshold. Then you should melt a candle in a metal bowl, saying: “Brownie, dear master, come quickly, drink milk, talk about fate.” Melted wax needs to be poured into cold milk, and then determined what shape is obtained. Each figure can be assigned some hidden meaning: stars - to interesting events and holidays, a cross - for sadness, a flower - for joy, an animal - for the appearance of a new friend, lines - for travel. Wax grapes mean good luck and happiness in the coming year, a mushroom predicts health and longevity, a dragon predicts the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of all goals. The silhouette of the month predicts profit, the bell - good news, the leaf warns of envious people and ill-wishers.

Remember that during Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling with children, you need to look for only positive meaning in all predictions.



Up to fifteen girls can participate in the performance, with lines distributed among them.
For the scene you will need a basin, a jug of water, a scarf, straw, brushwood, a large dish, candles in candlesticks, and matches.

Girls, girls! And my grandmother told me that in the old days at Christmas time she and her friends would tell fortunes!

All. And mine told me! Yes, yes, we always wondered at Christmas!
- And I know that fortune telling is not a very godly thing.
- That’s right, it’s a sin to look into fate!
- But I want it so much!
- Do you know that evil spirits help us tell fortunes? That’s why it’s a sin to ask her about her fate...
- Where exactly do so many unclean things come from around Christmas?
- But my grandmother said that the Lord God was so happy about the birth of his son that he opened the gates of hell, released all the evil spirits, go for a walk, they say, rejoice, but know your time - only on Christmastide, they say, you have such an indulgence... Here it is and plays tricks on holy evenings, plays tricks and helps girls tell fortunes.
- Yes, yes, that’s why the belts, amulets, and crosses were removed during fortune telling, so as not to frighten off the unclean one...
- Oh, girls, I'm scared!..

Don't be afraid, we are together!
- How to guess, do you know?
- I read about one ancient fortune telling! The girl went into the barn without a candle and in the dark, without looking, grabbed the first log she came across, and then looked at it in the light in the upper room. If you come across a smooth log, without a hitch, it means that the husband will be good, kind, flexible, if it’s a little dry, then he’s old, and if it’s cracked, he’ll be angry and bad.

The girls also took off their felt boots from their left feet and threw them over the gate. And then they ran out and looked in which direction the felt boots lay with their toes. If suddenly it turns out to be turned back, towards the girl’s house, it means that she will live at home for another year, she won’t get married this year, and if in some other direction, then from there, that means, she will wait for matchmakers.

Girls, I know such fortune-telling! They took a handful of straw and scattered it on the table, under the tablecloth. And then they took turns putting their hands under the tablecloth and pulling two straws. If you suddenly pull out two identical ones, it means the future a year will pass no change. And if the straws turn out to be different lengths, expect changes in your life!

Oh, girls, let's try it!

All. Let's!
- But we don’t even have straw!
- It doesn’t matter, you can do it with matches! Give me some boxes! Break a few matches in half and put a few in whole. So, cover them with a napkin. Who will be the first to pull?

I! I! (Orobev.) Oh, I'm afraid!

Who's going to catch you? Let me go first!

(It pulls, everyone is commenting.)

And now me!

(Everyone pulls one by one.)

You can even tell fortunes on a scarf!

All. Like this?

It's very simple. For friendship. We crumple the scarf. Four people grab a corner and pull (unfold the scarf). Those whose corners are adjacent will be friends all next year, and those whose corners are opposite will quarrel!

Well, here's another! We won't quarrel!

And I remembered another interesting fortune telling! It's called "Pouring Wax". Bring a dish of water and candles! Who wants to try?
- I want!
- Carefully pour the wax from the candle into the water. The water, by the way, must be holy or from a spring.
So. Now take out the figure - the wax has frozen in the water. What does it look like?
- Can I do it now?

(Everyone comments on the resulting wax figure and wonder about her sign.)

And there is another old, very beautiful fortune telling. It's called "underwater singing". You need to put one of your things in the dish. In the old days, girls put a ring, an earring, a necklace, a bracelet... (The girls lay down.) Now cover the dish with a scarf and shake. And we begin to sing an old scrying, fortune-telling song. Each verse of this song contains some kind of prophecy. While the prophecy is being sung, I put my hand under the scarf, and whose thing I come across, I pull it out. This means that what was sung in the song will come true. Shall we try? We just sit quietly, listen carefully, the song is very ancient...


Whisks, noisemakers
They'll hang you again, eh.
They'll make some more noise.
Who will take it out, eh.
So it will come true!
The truth will come true, oh
It won't pass!

Whose ring?
- Oh, I think it’s mine!
“They’ll hang the corollas again, they’ll make some noise.” This means you won’t get married this year!
- That's right, still be a bride!
- You'll still have time!

Sleds with undercuts,
Those sleighs are far away, a-e,
They'll take me!
Who will take it out, eh.
So it will come true!
The truth will come true, oh
It won't pass!

Whose bracelet?
- Mine, mine!
- A journey awaits you in the new year! Those sleighs will take you far! You’ll probably go to another country, see a lot of new things, and then tell us about it!

Rich men live across the river,
They're digging for gold, yeah.
All with a shovel!
Who will take it out, eh.
So it will come true!
The truth will come true, eh.
It won't pass!

Whose ring?
- My!
- Congratulations! You will have many gifts this year! Your most cherished dreams will come true!

There is a star above the stove
Rising high!
Who will take it out, eh,
So it will come true!
The truth will come true, oh
It won't pass!

Whose ring? A star is good luck! Great joy and good luck await you in the new year! Maybe you will become an excellent student, or maybe you will find a treasure, or maybe a new friend who will be even better than the treasure! Good luck awaits you! Congratulations!

Who will we sing to, a-e,
So be good to him!
Who will take it out, eh,
So it will come true!
The truth will come true, oh
It won't pass!

We wish everyone well in the new year!
- Happiness!
- Well-being!
- Health!
- And good luck!

All. Merry Christmas to you guys!

HOSTS in costumes of evil spirits.

Ved: Hello, little people! Girls and boys!

Vedas: Merchants and workers, Cooks and carpenters!

Ved: You probably think that evil spirits are doing this on a holy holiday?

Ved: That’s just the point, the holiday has not yet arrived, it’s still just Christmastide, i.e. Christmas Eve.

Ved: And at this time, evil spirits - well, all sorts of kikimors, banniks, brownies, devils, goblin and other undead and trash - are very active, and therefore more accessible for contact.

Ved: After all, it is from us, from evil spirits, that people receive answers to Christmas fortune-telling. Everyone is interested in knowing what awaits them in the new year.

1 ved: So we invite you to contact us. We've been given a little time to have fun. With the first crow of the roosters we disappear, as expected.

2 Vedas: Fortune telling, divination is a fascinating, mysterious and dangerous process. This is suitable for people with strong nerves.

1st ved: Aren't you afraid to embark on such dangerous adventures? First, let's check how well you know us. What representatives of evil spirits do you know? (Auction)

Ved: Well, we met. You know us. And don’t forget - we are not angels, we are evil spirits. We love to play dirty tricks and plot all sorts of intrigues.

Ved: So, if we play a cruel joke on someone, don’t be offended. We are warning you. And you know us.

Comic fortune telling for adults

Ved: So, for the first fortune telling session we need hardworking girls who will agree to sort out the peas. Which one of you is brave? (3 people)

(They are asked to take a handful of peas from the bag, then, at the leader’s signal, they place one pea on the table. The leader casts a spell).

Ved (female): Sailor, recruiter, general's uniform, student, businessman, amateur cook, stupid, boring, wait for a miracle. (At which word the peas run out, such a betrothed awaits the girl)

on which word the peas ended - that’s what awaits

Ved: And now we need young guys and unmarried men with strong teeth. Which are capable of cracking nuts. (3 people)

(The young men take a handful of nuts from the bag and also put them on the table, one at a time).

Ved (husband): Let's see what kind of girl you meet in the new year. Svetlana, Natasha, narrow waist, dark skin, scary face, glutton, singer, skinny girl, brown hair, wonderful beauty?

which word ends with nuts - that’s what awaits

Ved: But now we need especially courageous people who are not afraid to find out about their bankruptcy or wealth. (For them - a handful of coffee beans)

Vedas: Cupronickel, brass and gold, silver, cast iron and cotton wool, mansion, palace, hut, barn, 15th floor, Ford, Toyota for hire, Mercedes and scooter, Volvo, Skoda , “Zaporozhets”, what is most dear to you.

Comic fortune telling for children

Ved: To maintain justice, we invite children to the stage. But only those who don’t like candy (5-6 people)

Ved (children): Unsealed, chewing gum - two, three - leggings, five - owl, six - mermaid, seven - dolphin, 8-9 - Aladdin, 10-20 - friend on the way, 38 - enter the house.

If you get a bad fortune

Ved: Don't be upset. To make up for your failure, we will fulfill your every wish. Where is my wish box?

(a token is pulled from the box, a wish is written on it. The player reads it out and it is immediately fulfilled)

Christmas for adults. Games

Ved: I want to ask women: do you like it when people compliment you? Tell me, men, do you like to be praised? Women, how often do you praise your men? I'm afraid not. Is it true? Tell me, men, how many of you often hear praise or compliments from women? Now we need a man who is not afraid of female praise. (1-2 people)

Ved: Now the girl will praise you. Your task is to manifest iron will and no matter what, keep a serious expression on your face. If he smiles, it means he’s gone.

Ved: (in a kokoshnik) oh, how cute! Eyes like stars. Muscles are like stone (Touches biceps), figurine. like a stork, and the buds. (Suddenly) Kiss me!

Vedas: which of the representatives of the strong still wants to demonstrate willpower? Who has a cheerful character? Who loves to smile? (1 person) There is another task for you. The girl will scold you now. But no matter what, you should smile radiantly and maintain a happy expression. As soon as you stop smiling, you lose.

Ved: Hey, why are you running here? Why are you sticking out like a pole? I found a parking spot. Why are you smiling?! Oh, you gray, sleepy gopher, why are you burning?

Ved: Thank you for your participation. You did great. Consider this prank a witch's joke. You understand that you still have all the fun ahead of you, but we are only waiting for the first rooster. So we try to break away from the soul.

Ved: If we have offended you, you need to free yourself from bad influence, i.e. shout, whistle, stomp. Let's hold a competition of whistlers and screamers. Who's louder? Let's start! (In order not to offend anyone, a prize is thrown into the hall: whoever could, ate it.)

Christmas fortune telling for well-being

Ved: For the next fortune telling, we ask brave and smart girls to come forward who can answer the following questions:

1) What does her betrothed give the girl? (ring) (1 person)

2) When the wheat is harvested, what remains? (Straw) (1 person)

3) How did people greet guests in Rus'? (Bread and salt) (1 person)

(In the end there should be 3 girls on stage)

Ved: And the last question for all of you: do you have a betrothed? Now we will find out what kind of betrothed you will have this year. (They bring out a tray. On it lie: a ring, a hook made of straw, a piece of bread. This is covered with a scarf, the girls spin around it to the music. As soon as the music stops, they randomly pull from under the scarf who will get what. If in their hands: a ring - will marry a dandy, bread - a rich man, a hook - a poor man (he will be hunched over like a hook all his life, earning his bread)

Ved: We want to remind the girl who is unlucky that everything can still change. And we, for our part, are ready to fulfill any of your wishes. (They bring out a box of wishes. The girl pulls out a token, reads the wish, and it is immediately fulfilled)

Vedas: Usually fortune telling is intended for unmarried girls. But now I am inviting 2 women of unknown age and any marital status.

Ved: The main thing is that they are brave, courageous, and not afraid to publicly announce their age. (2 people)

Ved: yes, women are not asked their age. And we won't either. But we rely on your honesty. I'm announcing an age auction. let's start with the lady who is located from me right hand. What is your name?

Ved: Whoever from the audience guesses the age of (name) will receive a prize from us. So, the initial figure is 7 years. Who is bigger? (Women themselves say more, less or correctly)

Vedas: now let’s move on to the lady on the left hand. Your name? (This auction is also held) (It is better if one is an adult woman, and the other is a young girl or child)

Ved: Thank you for your courage, for your honesty. This is a rare quality these days. Many of you have the treasure of honesty.

Ved: Are you honest? Then come join us.

Ved: And you? Come here too.

Ved: To participate, you need to have some little thing in your pocket: A key, a coin, a ring, a scarf, a comb, etc.

Weed: We will tell your fortune. To do this, you must place a small object from your pocket on the tray. (spread) We cover everything with a scarf. Shake. Now each of you will pull out any little thing, and I will tell you what awaits you this year.

Ved: And your honesty will manifest itself in not taking someone else’s thing for yourself, but then returning it to its rightful owner.

Ved: So, please! (Shakes the tray. Everyone pulls a little thing from under the scarf at random. The presenter predicts fate. Whoever gets the key will receive a new home, a ring - changes in his personal life, a scarf - he will grieve, a coin - he will get rich)

Ved: And again, for those who are unlucky, we grant any wish. (Box of wishes)

Ved: It can be difficult for people at any time; difficulties constantly haunt us throughout our lives. But in the most difficult situations, in the most hopeless situations, faith in a better future supports us, hope for happiness helps, and love saves us. I ask women with the names Vera, Nadezhda, Love to come to me.

Ved: Here is a box with names. Draw your betrothed. (Women call a name. The leader chooses a man with this name. 3 pairs are formed).

(Another option is for women to cast lots at the spectators. Whichever of the men catches comes out)

Ved: Oh, what wonderful couples! (They are called, for example, Vera and Andrey, Nadezhda and Alexander, etc.) History knows many couples in love: Romeo and Juliet, Tahir and Zukhra...

Now I will name the names of literary heroes, and you must name his beloved or beloved. (Addresses each pair. If they answer immediately, they receive a token. If they hesitate, the question is passed on to the next pair):

Natasha Rostova – Andrei Bolkonsky

Budulai – Claudia

Isaura – Leoncio (Alvaro)

Scarlet – Rhett Butler

Malvina – Pinocchio

Eden Koepfel – Cruz Castillo

Mason – Julia

Luis Alberto – Marianna

Little Red Riding Hood - wolf

Ved: And now I would like to ask men what qualities, in your opinion, your beloved should have? (called)

Ved: And it should also be economical. She cooks, spends money, but also knows how to count it.

Men can help ladies. So, who's the quickest?

Ved: Well, the women did it. Passed the quick-thinking test. Now I want to test men's vigilance. Try to determine your lady's waist size in glasses. How many glasses are there in your lady's waist? (Whoever guessed right gets a token)

Improvised fairy tale scenes

Ved: And the last thing. You need to show unity, agreement and confess your love to each other without words, using tokens.

1 pair – Oak Rowan

2 pairs – Cockerel Hen

3 pairs – Dove to Dove

You have a minute to prepare.

Ved: (The second presenter helps them prepare)

Ved: And I address the audience. I see that you are smiling. And your smiles are so nice, so different. Tell me what smiles are like (auction)

(The winner is called onto the stage and asked to show the smile he named. They are awarded the prize)

So we sorted out the smiles. And now I ask our wonderful couples to show us how to confess love.

1 pair: (The presenter reads the text, they depict)

Why are you standing there swaying?

Thin Rowan?

Bowing my head

All the way to the tyn

There, across the road,

Beyond the wide river

Just the same

The oak stands tall

as if to me, rowan,

Move to Oak,

I wouldn't do it then

Bend and swing.

2nd pair: (The Cockerel runs around the Hen, declaring his love to her)

3rd pair: (leader reads the words)

Hush children,

Don't make noise, be quiet

Pigeons kiss on the roof.

Here she is

Love rejoices:

Dove with Dove

Ved: I don’t presume to judge who portrayed love better, I’m addressing the audience. Which couple did you like best? (With the help of applause, the best are chosen. They get a token)

(Which pair has more tokens is awarded the main prize)

Ved: If you remember the Bible, then Faith, Hope and Love had a mother. What is her name? (Sofia) If there is a girl or woman here, or even a little girl named Sophia, then I ask her to come up on stage and accept a gift from us. (If Sophia is not present, an auction of lullabies is held with the audience). (Sofia calls 3 male names. Men with these names are asked to leave the audience. Or they throw 3 lots. Whoever caught it goes on stage)

Ved: Dear sirs, among you we need to choose the best, the most worthy. The one who will have the honor of presenting a gift to Sophia. We can't do this. you understand, the name is holy, and we are evil spirits. So all hope is on you. (Takes them to the finish line)

Ved: Imagine that you are in a hurry to go on a date with a girl. And for every step, say a kind word, a gentle one, a compliment. As I uttered the word, so I took a step. The winner is the one who reaches Sophia first and kisses her hand.

(The winner is given a gift, which he must give to Sophia. There is one more task for him: Present the gift beautifully, knightly, gracefully. Upon completion of the task, he is awarded a prize)

Ved: Yes, love is the main thing driving force, this is a perpetual motion machine. Only love inspires people to great deeds. Only love makes people achieve the impossible. Only love can unite a man and a woman forever. Only love works miracles.

Ved: She makes them happy, puts out their quarrels, makes their eyes glow. A man cannot be without a woman, a woman cannot be without a man.

Ved: A man and woman without love is nonsense. Sorry for the expression.

Ved: Soon the roosters will crow and it will be time for us to leave. Your holiday is just beginning, and it’s time for us to hide. Congratulations!

Ved: Love and tolerance to you

Ved: Happiness and goodness

Ved: Love, but don’t over-love. Be patient, but don't be impatient. Believe, but don't misrepresent. If you want God, have him. If you don’t want to, still be tolerant and kind.

Vedas: To all believers and non-believers - (together) MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Ved: The holiday begins, and we say goodbye to you.

Ved: Thank you for your attention. See you soon. (Solemn music. In the light of a spotlight above the square, a bird appears - an angel. He stretches out his wings to the people)

Angel: And there was a miracle on Earth,

And there was a miracle in heaven

As the sun burst into rays

A star in the midnight darkness.

She floated over a world of tears,

And her light shone

And speaking to the poor shepherds,

That Christ was born.

Many years ago, in ancient city Bethlehem, Mary gave the world her son Jesus, who was destined to atone for the sins of the human race at the cost of his suffering. At the moment of his birth, a new star lit up in the sky and illuminated the path to happiness, goodness and justice for people.

Since then, on January 7, all Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ. This is a holiday of goodness and light, forgiveness and love, a holiday of holiness and purity, deliverance from evil, from envy, from evil spirits and all filth.

Angel: I would like to know if you know the commandments of Christ? (Shows a gift) This gift will be received from me by the one who names all 10 commandments, or at least most them (competition).

Angel? Thank you, good people! May these 10 commandments of the Savior accompany you throughout your life. remember them not only today. When you go to bed at night, remember your parents, remember those you offended today. And in your soul, in your thoughts, ask them for forgiveness. Wish health and happiness to the people who are dear to you. May your souls be open to goodness, may anger and envy never settle in them. Human life is short. Hurry up to love each other! Hurry to do good. And, if the Earth is round, then good will return to you in kind. And everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds.

(The angel rises again)

Good luck to you! Peace! Of good! Happy holiday, Merry Christmas. And may God be with you.

(Phonogram “On Christmas Eve”)


  1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. May you have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth below, or that is in the waters under the earth. Do not worship them or serve them; For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand [generations] of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who takes His name in vain.
  4. Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. Work six days and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. You shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your maidservant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your livestock, nor your stranger who is with you, so that your servant and your maidservant rested, as did you. And remember that [you] were a slave in the land of Egypt, but the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, so that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
  6. Dont kill.
  7. Don't commit adultery.
  8. Don't steal.
  9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, and you shall not covet your neighbor’s house, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that your neighbor has.

Municipal educational institution
Ploskosha Secondary School
Extracurricular event for schools of the general education district
"Yuletide fortune-telling"
/for students in grades 5-8/

Educational: using theatricalization and entertainment, instill in children an interest and love for the traditions of the Russian people
Developmental: develop children's cognitive and creative activity. Educational: to instill in children a sense of love for the traditions of their people, a culture of communication between children of different educational institutions..
the scene is designed as peasant hut: table, samovar, fortune telling dish, mugs, wooden spoons, a Christmas tree stands nearby;
for fortune telling - 3 rings, a coin, a button, a mirror, water, a handkerchief, a key, bread, a glass, a coal; napkins, rice grains; knife, piece of bread, salt, mirror, bottle; numbers from 1 to 30; 11 pieces of wood; dish.
Russian folk costumes for presenters, costumes for mummers;
computer, music.
Progress of the event
(The song “Christmastide” plays)
1 led. It’s nice to say words like this, when meeting your guests at the door: - We are so glad to see you, dear guests, Well, hello, come in quickly! 2 ved. Today, for the sake of our meeting, we lit holiday candles, So that they bring us closer to you with magically wondrous lights. 3 Vedas Many years ago, when every house had a hearth, on Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve) a Christmas log was lit in the hearth, which burned for the next 12 days and nights until Epiphany, while Christmastide continued. Now the logs have been replaced by candles, which help create a cozy, slightly mysterious atmosphere on long winter evenings. 1 led. Winter is a special time for Russian people. It's no coincidence that she's so rich folk holidays, who recently returned to our lives. Christmas Eve, Christmas, Epiphany... How many unusual, fabulous things are hidden in Christmas and Epiphany evenings. So today you and I will be guests at Christmas gatherings, where Christmas fortune-telling took place.
(The song “Kolyada” sounds. The curtain opens. There is a cleanly decorated room on the stage. There is a table in the middle. There is a beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the corner. The grandmother and her grandchildren are sitting at the table: Svetlana, Natasha and Lisa. On the table is a teapot, cups, and a basket of sweets. Everyone is drinking tea. (Scene “At Grandma’s”) Svetlana. What a merry Christmas! I really like him. Beautiful tree, present. Lisa. Grandma, when are Christmastide? Natasha. Is it true that you can tell fortunes on Christmastide? Lisa. Have you ever wondered, grandma? Grandmother. Oh, you bombarded me with questions, dear girls. Girls. Tell me, grandma, tell me. Grandmother. Christmastide began with the Nativity of Christ and continued until Epiphany. This holiday was very diverse in its customs, rituals, and signs. During Christmas time we went from house to house to glorify them. Young people dressed up as different animals: bears, goats, putting on a sheepskin coat with the fur on top. They tried not to be recognized. They loved to dress up. The men dressed up as old ladies and gypsies, and the women, trimming their mustaches with burnt cork, portrayed young hussars and Circassians. It was a time of jokes, laughter, and fun. In the evenings and at night they told fortunes. Of course, fortune telling is not a Christian custom. He came to us from paganism. And although the church does not approve of fortune telling, in Rus' fortune telling has become folk pastime. Both young and old wondered, but especially young people wanted to know their fate. During Christmas time, there are “holy evenings” (from January 7-13) - for fun, funny fortune-telling and “terrible evenings” (from January 14-19) - for dangerous, risky ones. Fortune telling on Vasilyev's evening - the eve of January 14th, is considered the most “faithful”, i.e. on Old New Year and Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18). Simple people They believed that it was on Christmas days that one could try to find out one’s fate from the evil spirits. Fortune telling existed great amount. Svetlana. Grandma, tell me about fortune telling.
Grandmother. But, dear Svetlana, even our writers and poets described fortune telling. There is such a poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, he wrote a poem named after him - “Svetlana”, and several methods of fortune telling are listed there. Now I’ll read you a few lines. Once every Epiphany evening The girls wondered: They took the shoe off their feet and threw it behind the gate; They cleared the snow, listened to the window sill, fed the counting chicken with grain, burned hot wax, into a bowl with clean water They laid a gold ring, emerald earrings, spread out a white cloth, and sang in tune over the bowl.
(Knock on the door. 7 carolers appear and sing) Carolers:
Kolyada, Kolyada! Open the gate!
The carol arrived on the eve of Christmas.
With crumpets, with flatbreads,
With pork feet.
-Kolyada, Kolyada! Bring me some pie!
Give it to me, don't break it,
But in general, come on.
Whoever gives pie will get cattle, belly,
Whoever doesn’t give me a pie, we will take the cow by the horns. Children: What’s that noise? What's all the fuss? Who is walking around the yards there? Carolers: 1. The carol arrived on Christmas Eve. Give me the cow, Butterhead! And God bless the one who is in this house! The Lord would endow you with life, and being, and wealth! 2. We sow, we sow, we congratulate you on the New Year! For the New Year, for new happiness, produce wheat, peas, lentils! On the field - in heaps! In the oven - pies! Happy New Year, Happy new happiness, host, hostess, dear guests!
We welcome you with bread and salt,
We'll treat you to porridge and tea!
wooden spoons,
The pies are rosy.
Come in, dear guests, have a seat!
Guests were invited to the table, but Christmas dinner does not have a variety of dishes. The main and necessary dish on this table is kutia. Animal figurines made from dough were a mandatory part of the Christmas table: small cows, bulls, sheep. Such figurines were placed on tables, windows and given to relatives and mummers. After a noisy, cheerful tour of houses, the youth gathered in a gathering hut. They cleaned it, decorated it, prepared firewood and wood in advance, and made costumes and masks for the mummers. They held general gatherings and ate everything that was given to them. There is no Christmas time without fortune telling. For girls, this is the main meaning and purpose of Christmas evenings. You could guess at any time, the most accurate fortune telling were from the seventh to the nineteenth of January, but fortune telling on the eve of Christmas, New Year, and Epiphany was considered the most important and significant.
Svetlana. I heard about one fortune telling - girls collected rings, cufflinks, earrings, put them in a dish, covered them with a napkin. Small pieces of bread were placed on top of the napkin. First they sang a song to bread and salt and took pieces. When going to bed, they put them under their heads, wondering what they would dream about. Lisa. And what kind of songs are these? Did they sing about the dish in the kitchen? (Children laugh) Grandma. You shouldn’t laugh; indeed, there is a dish in this fortune telling. To tell fortunes with subbly songs, several girlfriends gathered in the house of one of the girls. A white tablecloth was spread on the table and a dish was placed on it. They poured it into the dish clean water, and the girls each put something of their own there: some an earring, some a ring, some a ring. And then the dish was covered with a scarf. The girls began to sing, and one of them took out objects at random. Under whatever words of the song your item was received, that was the fate that awaited you. Most often, girls wanted to know about their marriage: what kind of husband would be - whether he would be kind or rich. Of course, the song did not say: “You will get married on such and such a date next month,” no, everything in the song was like in riddles: you had to understand secret meaning songs. For example, if the song mentioned bread, grain, loaf, pancakes or pies, then the girl knew that it was about wealth, she was told about a happy, prosperous life. And if they sang about a ring, a ring, then this means that the girl will soon get married. Presenter No. 3 Just don’t take fortune telling too seriously. Let it be a game that will bring pleasure to both us and our guests. The very word “fortune telling” is akin to the Hebrew word “Gad” - this is how the goddess of happiness was called. Fortune telling in ancient times meant serving this goddess. Let's try to look into the future?
Girls: Grandma, let's tell our fortunes. The girls each put in a dish: Natasha - an earring from her ear, Lisa - a ring, Svetlana removes small beads from her neck. Grandmother. Put something in the dish. That's great, well done. (start guessing)
(The mummers begin to sing a song to any, most simple motive.) We will sing a song, Everyone has a turn in it, We are all very interested in what the new year will bring. If you taught and worked, you can sleep peacefully. Your diary “has fun” - In it the grades are only “five” And you are probably sad: You are in the yard all day, And therefore, believe me, “Two” and “three” are running towards you. Mom will bring a new doll with curls to her daughter, And for you a bag of sweets, A steamer with a white mast. And you will have a construction set (Grandfather bought it a long time ago), There will be a big cake for you on a platter. Chocolate and marshmallows. You will soon be satisfied, The song promises you this: You will have the opportunity to sway on the wave in the Black Sea. Is this fortune telling true or false - We will just have to wait. Well, as the legend says, the Song must be trusted. During the song, the children are very animated, laugh, rejoice at the predictions
Children: Thank you, grandma. We learned a lot today. (the scene is over)
Ved. No. 1 The presenters invite girls from among the spectators, take a large dish into which they put the lots of the invited girls, and cover it with a scarf. Everyone sits in a circle and the girls - the presenters - begin to sing the following songs: Each lot has its own song (songs can be repeated)
At the end of the song, the dish was shaken and a lot was drawn through a scarf: whoever was taken out, the song was addressed to him. (Russian folk song sounds)
(Girls performing sub-bowl songs come out.) To wealth. The cochet was rummaging through the rubble, and the cochet dug up a pearl. Whoever sang, good for you!
Whoever gets it, it will come true, Whoever it comes true, it won’t pass! For the wedding.
Seki, mother, cabbage, bake pies, Holy evening, Holy evening. Guests come to you, mother, suitors come to me. To you, mother, in bast shoes, to me - in boots. To whom we sing, it will be with goodness, to whom it will come true and will not fail. To girlhood.

I’m sitting on the bench, thank you! I carry threads for a long time, thank you! I’ll sit still, thank you, I’ll still drive, thank you! Whoever takes out the ring will have it come true, It will come true soon, it will not pass away. To separation.
A sparrow sits on a new city, glory! The sparrow is looking at the other side, glory! To whom we sing a song, goodness, glory to him! It will come true, it will not pass! To wealth.
The strip is unharvested - And the rye is thick - not tight. To whom we sing, it will be good, to whom it will come true, it will not fail!
Presenter No. 1
We offer you a fortune telling game “What awaits you in the future” (Fortune telling No. 1)
Condition: each participant, blindfolded, is asked to choose one of the proposed objects at random, and then their meaning is explained:
Ring - for the upcoming wedding;
Coin - to wealth;
Button - to big family;
Mirror - good health;
Water - riotous life, drunkenness;
Handkerchief - grieve in the new year;
The key is to acquire a new home.
Fortune telling on rice grains. (Fortune telling No. 2)
(jar of rice grains, napkins)
They hold their left hand over the jar of rice, palm down, and, concentrating, ask a question out loud. Then take a handful of rice from it and pour it onto a spread napkin. An even number of grains is a positive answer. Odd is negative.
Fortune telling game (Fortune telling No. 3)
(a piece of bread, salt, a bottle, a mirror, a knife)
The fortune-telling girl is blindfolded, rotated several times around an axis and placed facing the table. She must take the first object she comes across from the table. If she takes:
Knife - the groom will be a bully,
Mirror - the groom will be a fashionista,
Salt is a bad groom
A bottle - there will be a drunkard,
Bread is a rich groom.

Digital fortune telling (Fortune telling No. 4)
(table with columns of numbers) The participant pulls out a number from the bag, the presenter reads the prediction in accordance with the pulled out number.
1 23 17 10 29
15 2 22 27 9
8 24 13 3 21
20 7 4 25 14
26 12 19 28 5
6 30 11 16 18
You’ve already buried your talent, take care of the rest.
The path of your life is prosperous.
You do a lot of good, and because of your virtue your life will be prolonged.
You have pain in your heart and soul. Be patient, there's not much left.
In old age you will live in peace and joy.
Our life is like the sea, the one who left you will beat you with a wave.
You eat one, you eat another, and then they eat you too.
Don't always listen to people's advice.
Look around. Some people have it much worse, but God pities you.
The time will come and you will get what you strive for.
Help your neighbor and you will be happy.
You'll be careful on the street, but at home you'll get burned.
All your sorrows will disappear.
You will love, but they will beat you.
Take care of your luggage, then there will be no thefts. Keep your eyes open!
Expect new things.
Don't drive around at night without anything to do if you're not tired of living.
Whom the heart loves will destroy you.
If you don't recognize the ford, don't go into the water.
Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
The table will be rich, the bed will be soft, and life will be bitter.
It’s easy to get married if you don’t get married.
Dress up, get ready, and stay there.
The mother spoke and warned; the child acted in his own way.
The sick person will recover, and the healthy person will get sick.
One will start saving, and the other will go on a spree.
Your self-love will become even greater.
You will find solace in mashed potatoes and cutlets.
You will complain about your health, but you will live a long time.
Get the nonsense out of your head and move on with your life.
Ved. They told fortunes not only in the hut, but also on the street, for example, they went into the barn at night and pulled out the first log they found. Whatever log you come across is your betrothed, betrothed. I suggest trying this fortune telling too.
Fortune telling game (Fortune telling No. 5)
Fortune telling by log. You need to stand with your back to the woodpile and take 1 log with your left hand.
Interpretation of fortune telling:
The log is smooth. With smooth thin bark, the guy is handsome and young.
The bark is thick and rough - the guy is ugly.
The bark on the log is peeled off in places or completely missing - poor guy.
The cracked log is an old guy, pockmarked, with physical disabilities.
A big log is a strong, tough guy.
A knotty log means there will be a large family.
Fortune telling game (Fortune telling No. 6) Fortune telling by log.
Take an armful of firewood with your eyes closed, and then count them.
(An even number means you’ll be together, an odd number means you’ll be alone all year.)
Fortune telling is a game using rings. (Fortune telling No. 7)
You need to take a bowl, put three rings in it: copper, silver and gold. Pour millet into a bowl and with the words: “The chicken was rummaging around in the rubble, the chicken found a ring, whoever takes it out will get it, whoever gets it will come true,” get the ring.
Interpretation of fortune telling:
Copper - no changes are expected in your personal life.
Silver - you will meet a guy or girl.
Golden - you will meet your betrothed (betrothed).
Host: Also, the girls went to “listen” outside the village, to the crossroads: in which direction the dog barks - that’s where they go and get married.
We eavesdropped under the windows: they were swearing - in bad house If you get married, they laugh - in a good way. Having taken off the cross and without blessing, the girl and her friend walked to the stable, stood with their backs to the door and hit them three times with their left heel and said: “If I get married, put on a bridle.” If the horses jangle their bridles, then the fortuneteller will get married this year.
Fortune-telling at night in an empty bathhouse with the help of a mirror and candles was considered scary, but the most accurate. Not every girl decided to look out for her betrothed like this.
At Epiphany they told fortunes on the water. By the way, guys, Epiphany is a holiday in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the sacred Jordan River. On this day, the main thing is the blessing of water in the church and an ice hole on the river. They poured water into a deep bowl and said:
You, water, don't make noise,
Don't be crazy, don't make noise.
Don't go overboard,
Tell me how it is,
Predict the future!
The dishes with water were carried outside and placed on a bench near the porch, and in the morning they looked at what happened.
The ice froze evenly -
Life will be straight.
The ice rises in mounds -
Both grief and happiness will be with you.
The ice froze out like a hole -
The year will be with a gap.
Presenter No. 1: (Warm-up)
We sat, we wondered, our little legs were tired.
Don’t be bored, don’t yawn, get up to “Rucheek” quickly!
So that our guests do not fall asleep and stretch their bones,
You guys don't sit, you invite them too!
Playing “Rucheek” with everyone present accompanied by folk music.
Host: Today we looked into the distant past of our people, saw how our grandparents spent their time, and revived the tradition of Christmas gatherings.
(The song “Seven Gifts for Christmas” plays)
Presenter: Presentation of certificates to meeting participants. What would a get-together be without tea and pies? Dear guests, we invite everyone to the table.