Width of the interior door frame. Door frame thickness of interior doors

One of the stages of repair is selection interior doors. Everything matters: material, texture, color, design. And dimensions. Incorrectly selected dimensions mean extra money and time for adjusting the opening to the canvas or vice versa. Meanwhile existing standard sizes interior doors fit the vast majority of openings.

How to calculate

The overall dimensions of the structure that will fit into the opening are the sum of the height and width of the canvas, the thickness of the box and the width of the installation gap of one and a half to two centimeters. And three centimeters on the threshold, if provided.

The width of the box depends on the thickness of the walls of the opening. The standard dimensions of door frames and the doors themselves are always 7.5 centimeters in width. If the box turns out to be wider, it will have to be filed; if already, installation of additional elements will be required.


Standard sizes of interior doors (leaves):

For openings with a height of 1.94-2.03 meters, 1.9 meter canvases are suitable;

201-204 centimeters – two meters;

Width door leaf 55 centimeters is designed for an opening of 63-65;

0.6 meters – 66-76 cm;

0.7 meters – up to 87;

80 centimeters – up to 97;

90 centimeters – 98-110;

Dimensions of interior doors with a frame, consisting of 2 panels:

Two doors of 0.6 meters – 128-130;

Double-leaf models with canvases of 60 and 80 centimeters - 148-150;

The same with canvases of 90 and 60 centimeters - 159-160.

There is also a certain correspondence between width and height, which applies to both Russian and European models. Standard sizes door frame interior door:

Width 55 centimeters – height 190;

60 – 190-200;

In addition, there are GOST standards for the sizes of doors/frames/openings for various rooms:

Size of the door to the bathroom and toilet: 55-60 centimeters width, 190-200 height, thickness 5-7 cm;

Size of a door with a frame for a room: 80 centimeters width, 200 centimeters height, wall thickness (frame width) - from 7 to 20 centimeters;

Standard dimensions of interior doors for the kitchen: two meters high, 70 centimeters wide, wall thickness 7 cm.

Door blocks consist of two parts - the leaf and the frame. Most manufactured door blocks have standard leaf sizes from 60 to 90 cm. The dimensions of door frames, regardless of the dimensions of the door leaf, exceed its dimensions by a certain amount. But this figure is not standard for all door frame models and may differ less in lighter door frames.

How to measure thickness?

First of all, let’s define the terms and agree on what exactly is meant by the thickness of the door frame. Since this size is often confused with the depth of the box, let’s clarify right away: take a look at the image below. The thickness of the door frame is a distance equal to the difference between the width of the door frame and the width of the door leaf divided in two. The depth in the diagram is labeled “Wall thickness in the opening” and is 5-7 cm. The minimum depth for standard door frames is 65 mm. Other size options are already non-standard dimensions and to order, check their availability at the place of purchase.

Having decided on the concept of thickness, let’s calculate it for standard door blocks. In classic door models, generally recognized manufacturers have door frame dimensions larger than the door leaf dimensions by 70 mm, both in width and height, if the frame has a threshold. So, for example, for a door leaf with a width of 800 mm, the width of the frame will be 870 mm. Using these dimensions, it is easy to find out what the standard thickness of the door frame of interior doors is. To do this we use the formula:

  • Tk = (Shk - Shp) / 2

Where Tk is the thickness of the door frame, Shk is the width of the frame, Shp is the width of the leaf

Using the example of a door leaf with a width of 800 mm, the calculation will look like this:

  • Tk = (870 mm - 800 mm) / 2 = 35 mm

The resulting value will be standard thickness of the door frame of interior doors, she equal to 35 mm.

There are also lightweight door frames, the sizes of which differ from standard ones. The thickness of such a box will be less than 35 mm and before purchasing, check with the seller what kind of door you are buying. IN Lately Door manufacturers have begun to produce more lightweight frames, and there is a possibility that when purchasing, you may accidentally choose just such a model. The thickness of the timber (or MDF) used for lightweight boxes is 25 mm.

Types of door frames on video

Why else do you need to know the thickness of the box?

It is no coincidence that the thickness of the door frame is 3.5 cm. As we have already written, the dimensions doorway are also calculated depending on the size of the door leaf and in standard interior openings they are 10 cm larger than the width of the canvas. Thus, we get a distance from the door leaf to the doorway equal to 5 cm. This is where 3.5 cm of the thickness of the frame and a 1.5 cm gap are placed for fixing the door frame in the wall using polyurethane foam.

Installation of the door block (leaf + frame) occurs not only on polyurethane foam. Although each method includes its use, technologies differ in the type of additional fasteners used during installation. Most often, simple wooden spacers or pegs are used, which are inserted into the space between the frame and the opening. With their help, the block in the opening is leveled: each peg is driven in tightly so that the door frame does not deform, but the entire block is held tightly in the opening. When it is sufficiently firmly fixed with spacers, polyurethane foam is applied into the voids using a special gun. It is also important to install horizontal spacers inside the box so that the foam does not subsequently deform the box when it expands.

Thus, we found out that the standard thickness of the door frame of an interior door is 3.5 cm. It is also important to remember that in last years Manufacturers are increasingly producing non-standard boxes. They are also called lightweight and are used in cases where there is a need to install a wider blade in a small one. doorway.

Before you start finishing walls and floor surface, you need to install interior doors. Only for inexperienced repairmen this process may seem easy. In vain. If you make the slightest mistake in measurements, you can assume that the money spent on purchasing the door was thrown away.

Door openings - conventional and non-standard solutions

When going to buy a door frame and leaf, you must first fix the dimensions of the opening for the interior door. Based on the available numbers, you can choose a product that suits all parameters. A standard type of door leaf generally has a height of 2 meters and a width of 60 and 80 cm. It is very rare to find products with a height of 1.9 m and a width of 40/55/90 cm. As for the thickness of the door frame, it can vary from 1.5 to 4 cm.

The table, which shows standard sizes products:

Canvas options Light opening parameters
Width(cm)Height (m)Width(cm)Height (m)
55 63-65

1.94 – 2.30 m

60 66-76
60 66-76

from 2.10 to 2.40 m

70 77-87
80 88-97
90 98-110
120 (2 doors)128-130
140 148-150
150 158-160

As a rule, standard products are used for arranging different rooms apartments or houses. At the same time, interior doors with different parameters are often purchased for one apartment, which is explained by the difference in the sizes of the door openings, for example:

  • Bathroom: door opening depth – from 5 to 7 cm, height – from 1.9 to 2 m, width – from 55 to 60 cm.
  • Kitchen: depth – 7 cm, height – 2 m, width – 70 cm;
  • Bedroom and living room: opening depth – 7-20 cm, height – 2 m, width – 80 cm.

When installing a double-leaf product, changes concern only the width of the doors, which can be 60+60 or 40+80 cm. The depth of the opening usually changes upon completion of the finishing work.

The choice of box size should be approached carefully, otherwise it may turn out that the product delivered from the store slightly does not fit into the opening. It's good if design features the walls and layout allow it to be expanded. Although even plasterboard wall, due to the need to transfer metal profile, not so easy to process. Therefore, owners most often have to shell out money for the manufacture of an oversized model of an interior door.

As for non-standard door openings, most likely they are a consequence of the decisions of property owners who wished to add individuality to the interior of a house or apartment. Thus, the parameters of the doorway can be either increased or decreased. The main thing when ordering a box and canvas is to follow the basic rules (see table), which include not only information about the selection of a design, but also the correct relationship of elements.

What size opening should be left for doors: 60, 70, 80 cm

Next, let's look at an example of what the size of a doorway should be for doors with a width of 60, 70 and 80 cm. For example, if a door is purchased, and the opening for it is still in the project, then when a crucial moment comes, the question arises of how wide it should be. The basic rule is that when leaving a hole for a door of any size, in addition to the thickness of the frame, you should also take into account the need to reserve space for technological gaps.

Thus, in order to prevent rubbing, a gap should be provided between the door leaf and the frame. And in order to be able to adjust the position of the product elements and perform foaming, it is necessary to leave a sufficient gap between the door jamb and the wall. It turns out that for a canvas 600 mm wide you need at least a 700 mm opening. Using the same principle, the width of the opening for 70 and 80 cm doors is determined.

To eliminate discrepancies in measurements, we do not recommend neglecting the following rules:

  1. 1. The height of the door opening is measured in three places (center, left and right).
  2. 2. Width is measured at the bottom, halfway up and at the top.
  3. 3. When taking measurements, check the evenness of all sides of the opening.

If we are talking about an installation or a toilet, then the height of the opening is measured, taking into account that after installing the threshold, which in this case is mandatory, it will decrease slightly. What else you need to pay attention to when leaving a gap under the door frame is its thickness. Because if the wall is thicker than the box, then you will have to install an extension, and if, on the contrary, it is thinner, then you will need to cut the box lengthwise. The problem that has arisen should not be left unsolved, otherwise it will be difficult to give an aesthetic appearance to a product installed incorrectly.

What is an extension and how to install it

The standard addition is made of MDF or chipboard; it is also called an additional board or plank. A variety of shades and textures allows you to choose this type elements to match the color of the existing box. The fastening of the extensions should be done as tightly as possible. They are mounted on the box before or after its installation. WITH back side The boxes have grooves into which you need to insert expandable elements. But before that, you should calculate the exact width of the bar, and if necessary, adjust it to fit required sizes. The material can be easily cut with a jigsaw and a hand saw.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that when attaching the strip using self-tapping screws, the risk of mechanical damage to the frame increases, while placing the extension on an adhesive substance significantly reduces the likelihood of deformation of the door frame during operation.

If the thickness of the box is large, then it is better to use self-tapping screws.

Fill the gap formed between the wall and the extended frame with polyurethane foam, which will provide it with additional stability. At the same time, we recommend using foam with a minimum expansion coefficient, otherwise even a properly fixed box will simply become deformed. For this reason, only ½ or ¾ of the void volume needs to be filled with foam. We complete the work process by decorating the perimeter of the door with platbands.

Sooner or later, the owner of the house has to decide on replacing doors. An old door leaf may be broken, outdated in design, and not liked by others appearance. Sometimes you have to increase or decrease the doorway, for this you need to know how to correctly measure the thickness of the door frame. About issues related to self-installation or changing doors, we’ll talk about it in our article.

Door sizes

This work is not very difficult; even an amateur who knows a little how to use a tool can handle it. It is very important to do everything consistently and strictly adhere to the technology.

There are standard door leaf sizes on the domestic market. This is due to the fact that the equipment used to manufacture doors has standard formats widths: 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm, 90 cm.

The height remains constant - two meters. Often required Not standard doors, the height of which can be 3 meters and the width – one meter.

If the customer requires other sizes, the price will be higher for the following reason:

  • Reconfiguration of equipment.
  • Extra time costs.
  • Manufacturing of products according to individual orders.

Some clients order sliding or double doors. The production of such products is noticeably more expensive. Often expensive ones are used non-standard materials, for example, mahogany.

  • It's good to calculate everything.
  • Decide on the material.
  • Take all measurements.

The most reasonable option: call the craftsman who will make the product so that he can personally inspect the “front” future work. A professional person can do anything organizational work perform faster and more accurately. The specialist will also give qualified advice on how to door block and its further operation. If you are determined to install the door yourself, you will have to study a little about the measurement and installation process itself so that the end result does not disappoint.

By measuring the opening for the door, you can choose a completely new location, which may be more convenient. Always leave a space of 20-30 centimeters from the wall to the door so that a switch can be installed there, and the door can also open at an angle of more than ninety degrees.

You should definitely check whether it is possible to cut a new doorway in a particular wall.

If the building is old, then an extra opening can provoke the destruction of the wall.

Taking measurements

A door frame is a U-shaped or O-shaped. The last option occurs if a threshold is provided. The element is mounted in the opening, and the door leaf is hung on it.

The profile of the door frame does not have a rectangular design; usually a protrusion of 0.5-1 cm is the protrusion with which, after complete installation the door will slam, causing it to open in one (the desired) direction. In some assemblies, rubber noise insulation is attached to this very protrusion, which also prevents the door from being damaged during use and the door slams shut softly and smoothly. But this protrusion also slightly conceals the space of the opening, and as a result you get not 60, but 58 cm of width. This point is worth considering when you plan to move furniture or interior items in and out through an installed door.

It is also worth noting that during repairs the door is installed last. Usually, the ceiling, walls, and floor are done first, and only after everything is done, a master is invited to install doors and trim, if they are needed. Of course, sometimes the ceiling can be left until the end repair work, but the floor and walls are what the future door will be attached to and therefore it is worth taking care of their finishing in advance. To do this, it is necessary that the width, height, and depth of the opening be correctly calculated for the dimensions of the new door.

Let’s look at how to correctly take these dimensions using the example of a door leaf with dimensions of 2000 by 60 cm:

  • At a height of 200 cm, you need to add 3-4 cm (the thickness of the MDF, chipboard or wood board that you are going to install). Add 3-4 cm (the opening between the board and the wall for good fixation of the mounting foam and wooden pegs), so 200 + 4 + 4 = 208 cm (masters advise adding no more than 10 cm, 6-8 is ideal).
  • With a width of 60 centimeters, we do the same thing - 60+4+4=68 cm or 60+3+3=66, you can take the average value - 67 cm (no more than 10 cm for reliable fixation).

A gap of 10 cm should be left only if you are not sure of the dimensions of the future door and intend to change it over time for another one. This will make it easier to increase the opening during subsequent work after a certain time.

Veneered doors have a larger frame size due to their top coating.

When forming a doorway at the renovation stage, one should not lose sight of flooring. Some laminate substrates are more than one centimeter wide, or when pouring the floor, it can take 2-5 cm; even ordinary linoleum takes from one centimeter. This must be taken into account so that later you don’t get the classic mistake of novice craftsmen, when the prepared height of 2.08 m turns into 2.01 m. Often you have to cut off a piece of the top of the opening again to optimal installation doors. If you do everything right preparatory work, then installing a new door will not be difficult.

Standard thickness the door frame of the interior door is 3.5 centimeters. Today, box production is becoming more common non-standard sizes(in everyday life they are called lightweight). Their use is due to the need to install the canvas a little wider in size.

When determining the thickness of the doorway, the following points must be taken into account:

  • In standard houses, it is usually 7-10 cm before plastering the walls, which allows for noise insulation between rooms to be at a low level. Plaster usually takes away 1-5 cm, this certainly makes the sound quieter when passing through the wall.
  • Well, if you decide to install a profile with glass wool, then you can safely add all 10-15 cm to the additional board when ordering the box. Such boards complement the opening if standard quantity(7-10 cm) is not enough to completely cover.

There are two types of additional boards (planks) - telescopic and conventional. The usual additional strip is simple wooden plank, cut off on both sides (on one side it rests on the frame, on the other - with a platband, if you look at the door in section). Telescopic is a box with special grooves inside for installing extensions or platbands. Telescopic is the most convenient and durable option, because the fasteners will be less subject to mechanical stress during installation and, as a result, will last longer than ordinary additional strips.


Door hardware on today's market is a fairly popular product that is varied in style and shape. Best models are now made in Italy, France and Spain, but domestic production Lately, it has been practically on par with its European counterparts (except in price).

Door showrooms are usually open for a long time with the same supplier, for whose quality they are responsible. You can always return or change purchased products and again choose hinges, locks, handles yourself. If it is not possible to install the fittings, on-call technicians can do it.

Block installation

Installation of a door block (leaf + frame) is not always carried out by specialists using installation foam, but any of the methods implies the use of it. Exist various techniques according to the type of additional fasteners that are used during installation. Typically, spacers or pegs made of wood are used; they are inserted into the cavity between the opening and the frame. With the help of such elements, the block in the opening is also leveled according to the installation level: each peg must be driven in tightly so that the box does not become deformed, and the entire block is held firmly in the opening.

When the new doorway is secured tightly enough with wooden stakes, using. It is very important to use horizontal stakes inside the space from the box to the wall, so that after expansion the foam does not cause visible changes in the structure of the box. It is recommended to ensure that there are no distortions; the cross-section of the doors must remain within the specified dimensions. All this will guarantee that the door will last long years.

After applying the foam, it is advisable not to use the door for a while, but leave it closed for a day (until the foam has completely hardened, in order to avoid deformation of the box).

Examples and options

The door leaf should be chosen based on the amount of light in the room where it will be installed. new door. It is even possible to install completely glass, frosted or sandblasted doors, if the purpose of the room behind the door allows it. Through such doors, sunlight will penetrate well, which will allow you to save on electricity and, moreover, daylight is perceived much more favorably by the human eye.

Sections of the article:

In order to know the standard sizes of interior doors with frames, you need to study generally accepted standards. In addition, there is a special table with exact indicators. It is necessary when ordering, purchasing, and then installing the door leaf indoors. Each manufacturer has its own methodology for creating doors, but they are required to adhere to regulations. Below are the GOST standards on the basis of which standard doors are produced, tables with dimensions and possible markings.

Door size standards

GOST parameters must be taken into account not only when creating a door or frame, but also when calculating the opening. GOST standards related to interior doors:

  • Opening to the kitchen - GOST 702007;
  • For toilets and bathrooms - GOST 55-60190-2005-7;
  • Bedroom – GOST 802007-20;
  • Living room - GOST 2007-20.

The last one is about double doors and the opening, which must comply with the standard. Most often, when installation is carried out without the participation of a specialist, the standards prescribed in these documents are not taken into account. The construction market offers a lot modern models door leaves, but most often their size indicators have standard numbers: 200 cm, width 60-80 centimeters. The thickness of the box varies from 15 mm to 45 mm, but if you do individual order at the factory or this homemade production, then thickness indicators may vary.

If you do not comply with GOST standards for door sizes, this may lead to the need to expand the opening.

Common parameters

GOST standards state that the parameters of the box must correspond to the dimensions of the canvas, taking into account the gaps required for installation of the structure. If the manufacturer created the model correctly, the indicators will be as follows:

The proportionality of the frame and the thickness of the wall opening must be observed. If you purchased a canvas of a smaller size, it doesn’t matter, you can use such a device as an extension. It will tightly close the gap and hide the miscalculation.

The standard door frame size, which is specified in regulations, for a door to a room the height should be 190-200 cm. If the doorway is two meters, then the door itself is ordered several centimeters smaller. If this is not taken into account, then it will not be able to open and close freely.

The standard thickness of the canvas is 4.5 cm. The width, as a rule, depends on the dimensions of the room itself.

Double doors have their own characteristics. Wide openings can be present at the entrance to any room, but they are most often found in living rooms. GOST reports that the width of these canvases should vary from 120 to 150 cm. These parameters contain functionality and ease of use.

The most big sizes door frames used by manufacturers in Russia for interior doors are 90 cm wide. As a rule, they are placed on industrial production, in offices or large country houses. The opening should be proportional to the room itself. If the room is small, then a massive door leaf will look awkward or cumbersome. It is worth noting that this parameter was used in Soviet “Stalin” cars, since living space very spacious. Such doors are produced in small quantities, and not very large enterprises They are made exclusively to order.


The dimensions of the door directly depend on the dimensions of the opening. The markings are even absolutely identical doors may vary, but all are wooden door designs must comply with GOST 6629-88. It states that these parameters are used for the manufacture of interior doors for residential and public buildings. The type of product is marked with the letter “P”, which means panel, and the letter “D” indicates that the product is prefabricated. There is a difference in the type of cloth. If the abbreviation is “O”, it means the product is glazed, and if the letter is “U”, then the glass is made with continuous filling.

You can also find markings in the form of the letter “P”, which means that the product has a threshold, or “L”, telling the buyer that the door is left-handed.

Canvas and box sizes

According to SNiP, the standard size of an interior door with a frame is divided into several separate indicators, which are reflected in the table:

Indicators of the door leaf, cm/width*height Opening, cm/width and height
60*200 68-71/205-207
70*200 78-81/205-207
80*200 88-91/205-207
90*200 98-101/205-207
60*190 68-71/195-197
55*190 63-66/195-197
60+60*200 128-131/205-207

If speak about European standard, then the ratio will be as follows:

The Russian width of the canvas for the kitchen will be 70 cm, for the toilet or bath - 60 cm, and for the room - 90 cm.

Measurement formulas

To take measurements yourself, it is not necessary to call a specialist for this. First you need to take into account such nuances as:

  • Height;
  • Width;
  • Thickness;
  • Platband parameters.

If the height of the canvas is 200 cm, the width is 70 cm, the frame is 3 cm thick, then the gap should be 1 cm, the door block should be 2 cm, and the height of the threshold should be 2 cm. To make calculations, these numbers must be substituted into the following formula: W dv +2*T k+Mz+2*Bd. The result will be: 70+2*3+1+2*2=81cm. If you need to find the height of a doorway with the same parameters, then the formula is as follows: B dv + B p + 2 * T, it turns out: 200 + 2 + 2 * 3 = 208. As a result, it turns out that a door with parameters of 200 by 70 requires a doorway measuring 208 by 81.

The standard opening depth is 7.5 cm, so manufacturers create door frames for this size. If the door has already been purchased, but it turns out to be smaller than required, you can find a way out of the situation - buy additional elements.

Algorithm for measuring the size of a doorway

The measurement process itself is no less important. Experts assure that it is precisely in this work that mistakes are most often made, and, accordingly, subsequent calculations will be incorrect. In order for the door frame in a residential or public space for interior doors to be measured correctly, and the dimensions to allow correct calculations to be made, the following sequence of actions must be followed:

  • First, the height changes from the floor itself to the top of the opening. If you are sure that it is not level, measurements should be taken in the middle;
  • The width is measured from the middle of the left to the middle of the right casing;
  • The depth can only be known by taking comprehensive measurements: at the top, middle and bottom to find the widest value.

Standard table for calculating doorways:

If a person lives in an apartment or house with a standard layout, then the indicators of his measurements will be identical to those indicated in the table.

Box and gaps

When purchasing a door leaf, you need to pay attention to the dimensions of the interior doors, which are indicated on the packaging. There should be an explanation that the dimensions are written along with the box. As a rule, they should be increased by 10-15 cm when compared with the door dimensions. We must not forget that a gap should be left between the wall and the mounting panel, so the parameters of the panel should be less than the characteristics of the frame. Experts also recommend purchasing the structure along with cash, frame and fittings.

To make the box, manufacturers use bars, which can also vary in size. Average width: 1.5-4.0 cm, but the standard indicator: 3.0-3.5 cm. Only with the latest indicators can you count on the structure being strong enough and will last for many years. It is important to pay attention to the thickness of the box. It is best that it matches the parameters of the wall. For brick buildings it is 7.5 cm, and for wood it is 10 cm.


When it comes to standard premises, the applicant should not have any difficulties in choosing a door design and installing it. This applies more to apartments. When a person builds a house on his own custom design, then the doors will have to be made to order, after taking measurements. If a person is afraid of making mistakes in measurements, then it is better to entrust this work to specialists.