Strong personality examples of Russian people. Strong personality

Books about strong personalities reveal the theory of the basic psychological functions that help a person perceive the world: about the mind, feelings, intuitive data and internal perception. The very concept of “a strong personality of our time” helps to characterize a strong-willed and open individual with extraordinary thinking, creativity, care and ambition.


Who can be called a strong personality?

Characteristic feature strong-willed person self-confidence appears. A strong and experienced person acts according to only one rational decision in the situation that has arisen. Awareness of one's capabilities and the desire to expand them are characteristic features that a strong personality of our time possesses.

What kind of strong personality is she? The main character traits include a different perception of difficulties and doubts - she is attracted to everything that provokes fear and weakness in other people. She goes against stereotypes and rules.

She is characterized by setting goals and actions aimed at achieving them, regardless of obstacles. A strong personality strives to conquer heights that were previously inaccessible to others. She stands above material wealth and love whims.

– communication skills. A strong and courageous person does not try to persuade anyone to his point of view or impose it. He correctly perceives the natural traits of people. A strong person changes himself to achieve a given goal. He is responsible for his own destiny.

IN labor activity, a strong and enterprising person motivates himself not by the amount of payment, but by interest, the desire to demonstrate his abilities, and learn new things.

A strong person is an individual who reveals the real feelings experienced in a particular situation (weak people tend to hide them). A strong personality clearly expresses her emotions, if she is sad, she will directly report it.

A strong personality does not assert authority for itself - an unshakable nature is true to itself. All her actions are special while demonstrating her uniqueness. A strong and creative person often gives in to incredible ideas that are immediately brought to life.

A strong personality is a person whom you don’t need to adapt to; he is open and sincere, and captivates with his good sense of humor and love of life. A strong and optimistic person will easily joke about himself, and this indicates mental balance and stability.

While studying the question of what a strong personality is, famous psychologists developed MBTI psychological testing tests. Its peculiarity is manifested in the measurement human factors that a strong and brave person possesses. With the help of these tests, it is easy to determine his inclination towards the type of activity, his style of action and decision-making that provides a feeling of comfort and confidence.

A strong person is determined by 4 scales:

  • consciousness (introversion and extraversion);
  • mastery of situations (reasoning and intuitive factors);
  • making decisions based on (logical and pathos);
  • preparation of decisions (wise and irrational).

A strong personality is a person in whom a pessimist, a realist and a realist live, which allows him to be prepared in advance for any outcome throughout the day. Such people are confident in everything, which gives them peace and stability.

Examples of outstanding personalities

  • Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicist);
  • Nick Vujicic (motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare inherited disorder that results in the absence of all four limbs);
  • Esther Verger (wheelchair tennis player);
  • Andrea Bocelli (singer, classical and popular music performer);
  • Charlize Theron (actress, model and producer);
  • Jason Statham (actor);
  • Alexey Maresyev (Soviet military pilot. Hero of the Soviet Union);
  • Luc Besson (film director, screenwriter and producer).

In fact, there are many examples of outstanding people; we will tell you more about just some of the representatives in the video below:

Strong personalities in history in Russia:

  • Speaking about strong personalities in the history of Russia, we can mention Alexander Nevsky (1220 - 1263) - the son of Prince Ya. Vsevolodovich. Being a talented commander and a prudent politician, after the Mongol invasion he refused to encourage the Pope to join the general opposition to the Mongols. The strong personality of the governor manifested itself in courage and wisdom, realizing the weak state of Rus'. Many strong and powerful individuals can envy the political actions he developed, which influenced the reduction of the devastating raids of the Tatars. He strengthened laws and order in the country.
  • Speaking about strong and extraordinary personalities, False Dmitry I (circa 1580 - 1606) comes to mind - an impostor who introduced himself as the son of Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry. True name - Yu. B. Otrepyev (genus - small-scale Galician nobles). He became famous as a strong personality while serving as slaves for the Romanov boyars and crowning the kingdom. On May 8, 1606, he married Maria Mniszech, the daughter of a voivode from Poland.
  • Catherine II and Emelyan Pugachev. The Empress was strong in spirit, and her familiarity with the Russian environment allowed her to perfectly understand the interests of the state. It was the qualities that strong and intelligent individuals possess that allowed her to cope with all the “inherited” difficulties. The Empress dissolved the alliance of Peter III with Frederick II, and the 7-year war ended without the active participation of Russia.

Catherine II behaved like a strong personality when canceling preparations for war with Denmark. Of the two decrees of her predecessors, she approved the right to enjoy noble benefits and abolished the confiscation of church property. As many strong people say historical figures, the first decision allowed her to receive support from the nobility, the second - from clergy. However, this did not stop Catherine from confiscating the church jewelry later.

  • Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev - a simple Cossack and a strong man, being not trained in literacy and politics - raised the people against lawlessness and intolerable living conditions.
    Leafing through the history of a state, one can draw a conclusion about how a strong personality influences its development.

Books about outstanding personalities

Books about strong and outstanding personalities indicate that each of us is influenced by television and radio alerts and strangers:

  • “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie. A strong person and an expert in human relationships answers all questions regarding life's troubles and self-knowledge. He explains how strong and sensible individuals reveal their inner potential and choose the right path to real life.
  • “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” - the strong and caring personalities of J. Gray (American psychologist and analyst). This book helps to understand the complexity of perception of the opposite sex. Simple and accessible information is presented by a family psychologist - a strong person who helps strengthen relationships with loved ones.

The theory of the emergence of outstanding people

The theory about the “solar power of people of the 20th century” was put forward by the Russian scientist E. Samokhvalov. According to his statements, strong and talented individuals appear in relation to sunspots. From his works it is known that people of the first two groups have great talents:

  • the most strong-willed and extraordinary individual in 1956 - 59;
  • people of strong spirit: 1936 - 37, 1947 - 50;
  • average: 1935 – 39;
  • weak: 1930 – 35

How to become an independent person

Character is a set of certain qualities that a person possesses - strong and strong-willed personality. It is defined by courage, honesty, loyalty and integrity. By developing a strong spirit, strong and caring individuals strive to be productive within their interests or chosen activities. To develop it, you should know the basic definitions of unshakable people.

What influences strength of character:

  1. Strong and confident individuals know how to maintain control over their instincts and impulses.
  2. Control yourself and resist the temptations encountered in everyday life.
  3. Strong and sensible individuals have freedom from stereotypes.
  4. They learn to show love and respect for other individuals.

The role of unshakable people in public life

You should know why a strong personality is important to others:

  • Strong character helps in achieving goals and building resilience to failure.
  • Strong and wise individuals tend to analyze and investigate the causes of failures, instead of complaining.
  • Confident people know how to admit their shortcomings, frivolity and weakness.
  • Manifestation of strong character in constantly changing life situations, stands out in the ability to move forward, overcoming obstacles.
  • A strong personality knows how to empathize with weaker people and love them as themselves. You should carefully examine your motives - they must be selfless.
  • A strong and honest person always seeks the truth. Preferring reason to ordinary emotions avoids succumbing to prejudice. Strong and kind individuals resolve issues in a reasonable manner. The main guideline is facts and arguments.

A strong personality guards against irrational motives. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas developed a basic list of human feelings: love and hate, motivation and fear, happiness and sadness, anger. Strong and great individuals direct their actions to overcome intellectual obstacles in order to overcome their phobias, sadness or anger.

A strong and positive person will always find the answer to any question, guided by life experience and good habits, freed from emotions. An excessive and sensitive attitude towards the current situation is a sign of weakness of character, and resistance to temptation, on the contrary, indicates the characteristics that strong and rational individuals possess.

Classification of qualities of significant people

The uniqueness of people's activity is embodied in their volitional qualities. They act in the form of stable, independent psycho-formations and indicate conscious self-regulation of people’s behavior.

Strong-willed people manifest themselves in the form of perseverance, clear goal setting and endurance. Weakness of will is measured by unprincipled, lack of initiative, incontinent, timid and stubborn qualities.

Basic (primary) properties of will

According to the classification of V.K. Kalin, volitional qualities, manifested in the form of energy, patience, endurance and courage, are called basal (primary). Functional Features act as unidirectional regulators of the action of consciousness, manifested in the form of volitional efforts:

  • energy manifests itself in the form of the ability to quickly activate one’s energy through volitional effort;
  • patience is considered to be maintaining the intensity of work activity at a certain level and when internal discomfort manifests itself (fatigue, lack of mood, pain effects);
  • endurance is characterized by volitional efforts aimed at quickly slowing down actions, feelings and thoughts that impede the implementation of an idea;
  • courage is the ability to maintain the stability of mental functionality in a dangerous situation. A feature of the characteristic is an increase in activity. In other words, courage refers to confronting fear and taking justifiable risks for the sake of a goal.

Systemic volitional qualities

The remaining manifestations of volitional regulation appear in the form of combinations of unidirectional manifestations of consciousness. They are related to different areas(volitional, emotional, intellectual). Volitional properties are divided into secondary and systemic. For example, courage manifests itself in the form of courage, endurance, energy, and determination - in the form of endurance and courage.

System indicators are manifested in the form of perseverance, discipline and the ability to make decisions independently. They are characterized by determination, initiative and organization.

Basal (primary) properties are the basis for systemic (secondary) indicators, their core. With weak indicators of basal properties, difficulties arise in the manifestation of more complex characteristics.

Purposefulness, as a quality, is caused by the ability to use common and sustainable goals, determined by the firmness of convictions. Such people clearly see the goal and have a clear plan to achieve it.

Persistent characteristics are reflected in the ability to constantly and for a long time go towards a goal without losing energy when overcoming difficulties. A correct assessment of circumstances allows them to find what helps them achieve their goals. Negative qualities stubbornness and negativity appear.

The fundamental properties are the use of stable principles and norms to regulate human relations.

Willpower is determined by the level of manifestation of independence and initiative.

Independent actions are justified by the ability to implement one’s actions without outside help, the presence of a critical assessment of other people’s actions from the height of one’s own views and prejudices.

Initiative is characterized by the ability to have a non-standard approach to business and its implementation.

The systemic manifestation of positive primary and secondary volitional indicators affects the formation of people’s willpower. This determines high motivation in action. goes along with perseverance and swiftness.

Disorders of volitional actions

Pronounced disorders of secondary properties are displayed in the form of abulia and apraxia.

Abulia is characterized by the inability to make decisions and actions. The reason is disturbances in the dynamics of relationships between the cortex cerebral hemisphere and subcortex.

The norm of volitional acts includes optimal impulsive actions. When the intensity of impulses is low, the manifestation of a volitional act is impossible. Exceeding the level affects instant discharge (as in a state of passion), that is, there is no justification for the goal and motivation. The action remains unconscious, without choice or will.

Aware of the existence of an obligation to carry out orders, patients with abulia are unable to implement it. They obey a random stimulus that appears in the visual field. For example, when they see a flower bed, they tear off the plants. At the same time, there are no intentions of forming a bouquet, and the person does not understand what to do with them next.

Apraxia is impaired goal setting when performing actions. The disease is caused by damage to the frontal region of the brain and is noticeable during voluntary movements, actions and behaviors.

The patient can stick out his tongue in order to moisten his dry lips, but he is not able to carry out such actions at the request of the doctor. Another patient may use a spoon and a glass while eating, but without specific circumstances, he cannot implement these actions. He does not close his eyes at the doctor’s request, and when asked to get ready for bed, he responds.
All volitional acts of sick people are based on a specific situation from which they cannot free themselves.


Having started publishing articles on preparing for the holidays, I no longer want to “leave” the topic of relaxation into household topics, so today’s article will be, especially since there haven’t been similar ones on the blog for a long time)

Although it is difficult to call it purely entertaining, reading about people who, despite numerous failures, achieved their goal is both interesting and educational.

We are all human and we all tend to doubt: is it worth starting our own business, is it worth striving for the goal, will it work out, will we have enough strength? Some people spend their whole life in such turmoil. And some try to do something, but at the first failure they give up: “After all, fate favors only the lucky ones, doesn’t it? How can I belong to their number?

Read interesting stories from the lives of great people. They didn’t give up, they respected themselves and showed a lot of wonderful personal qualities. As a result, we achieved a lot.

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was initially unlucky: he was youngest child in the family of a merchant who managed to lose all his meager savings. Thomas was sent to school, but after four months the boy was turned out of the door, declaring him a “brainless idiot.”

And he turned out to be amazing person this Thomas Edison, Interesting Facts- living proof of this. He began to invent toys for himself because he couldn’t ask his parents for money for “all sorts of nonsense,” and at the age of ten he built a toy railroad and a sawmill.

The guy was twelve when he started selling apples on the train, and spent all the money he earned on his passion, chemistry. By cunning or flattery, he won the right to equip a baggage car as a laboratory and learned to print a newspaper (it became the first weekly publication for passengers).

But two years later there was a fire in his carriage. According to one legend, the senior conductor threw the boy out of the train, and the printing press and assorted flasks with retorts followed him. As a result strong blow Thomas lost his hearing, but survived and did not give up.

He never allowed himself to be disappointed or doubted, which is why his success story is so amazing.

Inventing the famous incandescent lamp, Thomas Edison carried out 1999 (!) experiments and only in 2000 achieved what he wanted.

Once a young man asked him: what does it feel like to be wrong 1999 times? “Young man,” Edison replied, “I have never made a mistake. On the contrary, I invented 1999 ways to avoid making light bulbs.”

The Beatles

The fifties were booming in England. People shook off the ashes of war, they wanted to dance and sing. Musical groups appeared like mushrooms after rain, and many of them played fancy skiffle.

Hooligan John Lennon also wanted to try. He knew how to compose songs, and just at that time the exemplary boy Paul McCartney turned up, he famously strummed rock and roll on the guitar and even knew how to tune it! In addition, he had a friend named George Harrison, also an excellent guitarist. It seemed like all the ingredients for success were there, but he wasn’t waiting for them around the next corner.

Interesting facts for fans and everyone who loves the Beatles .

It wasn’t long before they found “their” fourth participant. His place was occupied by the most different people, one of them wasn't even a musician.

Record labels showed no interest in the newcomers, stating that "they sound bad, guitar bands are out of fashion, so there's no future for these guys."

At the Decca recording studio, the Beatles were rejected on the grounds that: “We don’t like their sound. They have no future in the music industry."

During the first tour to Hannover (Germany), the group was deported from the country.

However, producer Brian Epstein believed in his young protégés, and he was completely right.

Walt Disney

They say that dad, who was always unemployed, got drunk and beat little Waltie. He cried from pain and resentment, and his mother read him fairy tales to calm him down. This is probably why, when he was already a 12-year-old boy, he decided to become a cartoonist.

Fate did not want to smile on Waltie for a long time, but he still turned out to be worthy of heading the list of people who did not give up.

Walt drew cartoons and comics, submitting them to various magazines and getting rejected everywhere. And at the age of 18 he got a job as a cartoonist and was kicked out in disgrace “for incompetence.”

Started with a friend own business earning “crazy money” ($135), but the business collapsed. Then Walt began drawing cartoons in the garage, however, his first duology about Alice according to Carroll failed. Disney then came up with a profitable character called Oswald the Rabbit. This time the rights to it were stolen by an insidious deceiver.

Walt gritted his teeth and created Donald Duck. And also Mickey Mouse for company. However, everyone was sarcastic about both of them, and in general, criticizing the “mouse studio” became good form, nevertheless, things progressed.

But as soon as decent sums loomed in the accounts, competitors lured away Disney's best animator, his best, long-time friend. And then the resilient Walt broke down. He started drinking, and then decided to take his own life. Fortunately, doctors saved him, allowing Walt Disney's success story to continue.

The animator slowly pulled himself out of depression and financial collapse. I came up with the idea of ​​selling souvenirs with characters from my cartoons, thus receiving money for the production of Snow White. But again, the project ate up all the profits from the souvenirs, and not a single bank would give a loan to Disney. He started drinking again for a reason nervous breakdown. Then he finally found five million to continue filming.

He always moved forward through a lot of obstacles. His idea to build Disneyland turned out to be another hassle. Even brother called the future park a “cheap fair.” But today the name Walt Disney is known all over the world.

He is part of the culture, a founder and innovator in the world of cinema. In addition: winner of 29 Oscars, the Legion of Honor and more than seven hundred other insignia. And he left a billion dollar fortune to his heirs.

Success stories of rich people

Oprah Winfrey

It is impossible to list in a few words all the failures, difficulties, and grievances that fill the success story of Oprah Winfrey. She was able to earn a capital of two and a half billion through... intimate conversations. But I didn’t come to this right away.
Her mother was a frivolous girl of eighteen years old. She gave birth to her daughter “by accident” and disliked her from the moment of birth. She dropped it off with her grandmother in the Mississippi wilderness, and she went off to the city to “search for happiness.” Grandmother turned out to be a kind, sensitive and caring person. Thanks to her, the girl’s talents were discovered early: she loved to “interview” animals, and at the age of 5 she gave such heartfelt speeches in church that everyone said: “The Holy Spirit descended on the child!”

But then Oprah was taken in by her grief-stricken mother. They lived in terrible poverty, and on top of that, the girl, from the age of nine, was repeatedly subjected to sexual violence from cousins. As a result, having matured a little, she couldn’t stand it and ran away wherever she looked. She gave birth and buried a premature baby, wanted to commit suicide, got addicted to drugs and slept with pushers for a fix.

Only when she got to her father’s house did she begin to get back on her feet. And she even managed to get on television, though with with great difficulty, then the woman with dark color skin was considered a creature of the lowest class. Everywhere she was shown the door as “unsuitable”; for example, Oprah was fired from the Baltimore news because she was too emotional.

Today she is an idol and idol of Americans; her programs are watched with bated breath. And Oprah Winfrey certainly deserves all this.

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone, “Sly,” was born into a family of poor Italian immigrants, in the creepy New York neighborhood of “Hell’s Kitchen.” The birth was difficult; the baby’s nerve endings were damaged. Therefore, part of his cheeks, tongue and lips remained paralyzed.

He studied at a special school for troubled teenagers, grew up among drug addicts, bandits and prostitutes, having learned a simple truth from childhood: if you want to survive, strike first. Need I say that Sylvester Stallone's success story turned out to be incredibly complex?

Stallone dreamed of cinema: he acted in extras, went to screen tests, wrote unsuccessful scripts, played several “passing” roles... But it was as if no one saw him, he was invisible! His crazy dream of becoming an actor was openly mocked.

Tired of endless lack of money, his wife left him. Sly had only a dog left, and an empty, cold apartment - the heating and electricity were turned off for the malicious defaulter. Then I had to sell my dog ​​to buy food and not die of hunger. Reluctantly, because friends are not sold, he did it - there was nothing to feed the dog. Sly swore that he would buy him out as soon as he got the money.

Where there! He found himself at a dead end, forced to keep warm in public libraries until he finally came up with a script about boxer Rocky Balboa, timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of American independence, although at first they did not want to take the script anywhere.

Finally, a couple of young producers agreed to take a risk and offered $15,000 for the script. But they didn’t need Stallone as an actor who offered himself “in addition.” And he categorically refused any money offered, because he wanted to play Rocky himself.

Time passed, the producers raised the rates: $100,000, $250,000... Sylvester said no. Bent from poverty, he continued to say “no” and eventually achieved his goal - he was hired for the main role, paying the initially offered price for the script.

And Stallone bought back his dog, which was sold for $50, giving the entire fee for him - 15,000.

After the premiere of the film, he woke up famous. Then there were many ups and downs. He is considered the record holder for nominations for the infamous Golden Raspberry. Many whispered that it was better for Sly to leave the cinema. He was declared bankrupt several times and forced to sell his share in the Planet Hollywood cinema for debts.

But, like the beloved heroes of his films, Stallone finds the strength to get up after every fall.


This is now the beautiful Beyoncé - the idol of millions, one of the highest paid singers, but in the past not everyone recognized her talent. It is worth telling Beyoncé fans interesting facts about her biography.

As part of a girl group, she took part in the most prestigious talent competition on national television. And... she was defeated.

After the first failure, she decided to continue her career only at the suggestion of her parents, for which her father quit his job, and her mother worked on the girl’s image, but everything turned out terribly wrong: the producers either agreed to “take under the wing” of the young Destiny’s Child, then they tore up contracts, the girls mercilessly scandalized between themselves. Beyoncé's parents were so exhausted that they announced a divorce.

And only a few years later the project finally started working. And today her fortune is estimated at three hundred million dollars.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg's name on the poster of any movie is a sign of quality. These days, the author of “Jurassic Park,” “Indiana Jones,” “Jaws,” “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,” “Saving Private Ryan,” “Poltergeist,” “The Terminal” and a host of other gorgeous films is known not only to film fans.

And if you like the work of Steven Spielberg, interesting facts from his biography will definitely impress you.

Firstly, he is extremely scrupulous about his name. If he considers the finished film to not meet standards, he will definitely demand that mention of himself be removed from the credits.

Secondly, in his youth he tried to enter the Film School at the University of California, but received low scores on the exams and failed twice.

Deciding to go from the other side, he became a student at a technical college, and in free time He was filming his first short film, which was noticed by Universal Studios. Since then, Stephen has moved forward confidently.

And Spielbegr still entered the film school, but only 37 years after his first failures))

Examples of strong personalities

Joy Mangano

History knows many strong personalities and examples famous people, whose biography may well be a role model.

One of these is an American housewife named Joy Mangano, real example making the proverbial American dream come true.

This woman was born with an inventive streak. She lived in poverty, went to work early, and her first job was a veterinary clinic. After watching naughty flea-infested dogs, Joy invented a flea collar that could glow in the dark.

But since I was a teenager, I was unable to bring my idea to life. Instead, it was done by a “senior comrade”, to whom the idea brought millions. The offended girl decided that next time she would definitely grab fate by the tail and become an example of people who achieved success from scratch.

A few years later, already being a mother with three children, she came up with a miracle mop. The device had a cotton rag and a simple wringer mechanism - if you have something similar in your home, then remember that we have to thank the ordinary American Joy Mangano for the self-wringing mop))

For the first batch of one hundred mops, the inventor collected money from friends, humiliated herself and begged. And then... in 20 minutes in the TV store she managed to sell 18,000 pieces. Today they are sold at ten million a year, and Joy has become one of the richest women businessmen - she has built an Empire for the development of useful little things for the household.

Michael Jordan

Each segment of science and technology, art and sports has a unique strong personality - examples of athletes are clear proof of this.

The famous basketball player Michael Jordan did not strive for anything special as a child.

He was lazy, defiant to teachers, and did not study well. He only liked sports. More precisely - baseball, where he achieved excellent results, becoming the champion of his state.

And then he became interested in basketball. But the guy wasn’t tall enough, the coach didn’t believe in the short player and didn’t take him to the senior team.

After being cut from his college basketball team, he went home, locked himself in his room, and cried. Nevertheless, Michael began to give all his best on full blast in the “little league”, deciding to compensate for this with a high jump, which later became his signature and for which he received the nickname “Air Jordan”. Michael even grew ten centimeters.

“I lost almost three hundred games. I missed over nine thousand times. I failed constantly. And that’s the only reason I achieved success,” Jordan would later say.

Now do you understand why you should never give up? Even if life is in full swing and constantly hits you on top of your head, fight, and let the success stories of the rich and famous become a fulcrum for you. Don't listen to those who want to lower your self-esteem.

Einstein said: “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will die—confident in its stupidity.”

You can read about the same incredible stories of people, but not so famous, who achieved what they dreamed of in the articles: and.

Every person throughout his life meets a large number of people who behave differently and turn out to be decent, mean, weak, strong-willed and other personalities. How should a person prove himself so that he can be said to be a strong personality? This is a person who has certain character traits, such as self-confidence and self-confidence, determination, optimism, the ability to look at things realistically, perseverance, the ability to take responsibility for decisions made, the ability to control the situation, be a leader and lead other people.

Prominent people in history

Not every person who lived in the past or exists today can be said to be a truly strong personality. Examples of people who became famous for their unbending willpower, their ability to lead entire nations, for their fateful responsible decisions that changed the outcome of many major events, captured the history of our state and the whole world. Such people can be called Prince Vladimir, Vasily II, Alexander Nevsky, Empress Catherine II, Emperor Peter I, Nicholas II and many others.

A specific example of a strong personality

We could give examples of a strong personality in history for a long time, but I would like to consider one outstanding person as a role model. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in human history, can deservedly be considered such a person. The strength of this man's personality is beyond doubt. He went through many trials and difficulties during preparation for the space flight and during the flight itself. Yuri Gagarin was a very purposeful, efficient person, capable of mobilizing in difficult times to make the right decision. He was able to maintain inner calm in absolutely any situation and convey this calm state to others. It is this trait - the ability not to panic and make informed decisions in a difficult situation - that was the main characteristic of an astronaut for the first manned flight into space.

Yuri Alekseevich was a simple, open person, he helped other cosmonauts and his colleagues prepare for the flight. He knew how to organize people and lead them. Every morning Gagarin took him to morning exercises out into the courtyard of his family and the residents of his entire house, going around each apartment and ringing the doorbell. He did not allow anyone to shirk or be capricious. And no one even tried to refuse - all people happily listened to the advice and instructions of this outstanding man.

Having become famous, Yuri Gagarin passed the test of fame and did not become arrogant. But not everyone can withstand the pressure of fame in order to remain the same person, a model of endurance and self-control.

It's a shame that this great person died early, died during a plane crash, the true cause of which still remains unclear. If his fate had turned out differently and he had not died, we can say with confidence that he would have done many more important things, he would have been able to lead many people and show them the right path in life. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin - real example strong personality in human history.

Strong personality: examples was last modified: December 15th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

There are so many people in the world who have willpower, strong character and good intentions. There are people who are hard to scare. Such people are called strong personalities.

There are many strong personalities in our country. It has always been this way. IN Russian literature Many works describe strong personalities. Such heroes include Ilya Muromets, Taras Bulba, Vasily Terkin and many other literary characters. These individuals might not have strong muscles, but they did not have to take mental strength. A strong personality is able to move from words to deeds and is always ready to take responsibility for his actions.

Complete essay on the topic Strong personality (6th grade) - social studies

When we talk about a strong personality, I want to imagine a person who has a muscular body and can swing his fists. Everything is so simple at first glance. In practice, everything turns out to be completely different.

A strong personality is considered to be a person who is not afraid of difficulties, is ready to solve problems and is not afraid of change. A strong personality easily makes connections, makes plans for the future and knows that everything will work out. A strong personality is not afraid of reality, always assesses the situation sensibly and strives to help people.

Not every person is ready to control their own destiny. I can’t make decisions and take risks.

The most interesting thing is that a strong personality is not born, one becomes one gradually. A strong personality cultivates positive qualities and is ready to take responsibility for all events that happen in life. A person with a strong-willed character achieves everything through his work. Understands that everything in life has a price.
Such people are always open to communication, are not afraid to speak out loud about their desires and always satisfy their needs.

It’s good when a strong personality can serve as an example for people who are indecisive and unsure of themselves. Many millionaires and politicians achieve everything on their own, going through disappointment, poverty, fear and uncertainty. But they become strong while moving, strengthening their faith in themselves, their capabilities and prospects. Nobody gets anything right away. It is always necessary, first of all, to work on yourself. And any work is hard. And in order to dispel all self-doubts, you need to constantly set new goals for yourself, constantly complicating them, strive to take on more responsibility and constantly develop. To do this, you need to become more positive and cheerful.

6th grade, Social studies

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  • The world is constantly changing, for the worse, and at the same time the people are gradually changing with it. The skin of a generation of people is becoming more severe and full of signs. The most widespread thought is that every generation changes every day 25 years

  • Characteristics and image of Dmitry Korshunov (Mitka) in Sholokhov’s novel Quiet Don essay

    In the novel Quiet Don, written by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov between 1925 and 1940, features a hero named Dmitry Korshunov.

There are many good things in the world and strong people. But it’s worth taking an example from the best. Those who have lived such a life after which it is not scary to die. The lives of these great people are examples of real love, real friendship, real fortitude, real kindness.

But in our time of total confusion, it is not always easy to distinguish between the real great people among the simply famous and those who dreamed of being great. Among the so-called "stars".

Such strong people as Alexander Nevsky, Admiral Nakhimov, Admiral Ushakov will always shine for us. But fortitude is not somewhere in the past. Heroes are born in our time, and they are not necessarily war heroes.

The distance (online) course helps you find courage and calm: “ Overcoming fears and anxieties"

The truth about the 6th company of the Pskov landing

This material stands out from a number of other materials in this section of our site. There is no detailed portrait of one person here. This is a collective portrait of the feat of 90 Russian soldiers and officers who simply fulfilled their military duty to their Motherland. And yet this feat shows an example of the strength of the human spirit and inspires. Especially against the backdrop of meanness and betrayal, which took place at the same time, in the same place, and became one of the causes of the tragedy.
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Firefighter Evgeny Chernyshev: remained on the line of fire

Evgeniy Chernyshev, head of fire extinguishing service capital administration Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, died on March 21, 2010 while extinguishing a fire in a building on 2nd Khutorskaya in the north of Moscow, organizing the rescue of people from the fire.
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Archimandrite Alipiy Voronov: the best defense is an offensive

Having gone through the entire war from 1942 to Berlin, he became a monk. And every monk must be a strong person. Already as abbot of one of the last unclosed Russian monasteries, he gave battle to a many times superior enemy. He gave battle and won. Heroes " tough nuts to crack“The boys are funny compared to the Russian knight in black clothes.
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Boyar Evpatiy Kolovrat - death as victory

Nowadays, when Russia is again occupied, captured without a fight and destroyed by enemies, Evpatiy’s feat inspires many. But, as always, there are provocateurs who try to distort the truth and steal the healthy grain from everything that is healthy. One neo-pagan hardrock band released the song “Evpatiy Kolovrat.” The song would be good if the chorus did not repeat the strange definition given to the knight by its authors - “Perun’s soldier”...
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Teenagers - heroes of the Great Patriotic War

IN Soviet time portraits of these strong people hung in every school. And every teenager knew their names. Zina Portnova, Marat Kazei, Lenya Golikov, Valya Kotik, Zoya and Shura Kosmodemyansky. But there were also tens of thousands young heroes, whose names are unknown. They were called “pioneer heroes”, Komsomol members.
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Prince Alexander Nevsky: the sun of the Russian land

Another person, in the place of Alexander Nevsky, would have burned down the Novgorod suburbs, as was done during any siege, and shut himself up with the people in the fortress, waiting for reinforcements from his father. Alexander, who was only 20 years old at the time, acted differently. He, with a small army of Novgorodians and Ladoga residents, came to Izhora and took the enemy by surprise.
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Admiral Ushakov - invincible naval commander

Neapolitan Minister Mishuru enthusiastically wrote to Admiral Ushakov: “In 20 days, a small Russian detachment returned two-thirds of the kingdom to my state. Of course, there was no other example of such an event: Russian troops alone could perform such a miracle.”...
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Innokenty Sibiryakov: “Help, I’m terribly rich!”

Innokenty Sibiryakov, a gold miner at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, struggled all his life... with wealth. Having started the fight as a 14-year-old boy, having gone through slander (often from people who had benefited from him) and psychiatric examinations, he ended it only shortly before early death- schemanik. He won.
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Mikhail Skobelev: fearless general

So who was this strong man about whom they dared to say “Suvorov’s equal”? If he was so great, then why is his name mentioned so rarely now?
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Colonel Konstantin Vasiliev: life is for friends

The most important thing in life is probably to be a spiritually strong person and spiritually pure. It's so hard though! I constantly grab my bad, sinful little head and understand: what are you doing, Konstantin Ivanovich?!
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Nikolai Pirogov: War on pain

The ability to remain cool while a person is writhing under your knife was mandatory for a professional surgeon in the 19th century. It didn’t work out that way for Pirogov: the more he absorbed medical secrets, the more sensitive he became to other people’s pain.
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Elisaveta Fedorovna Romanova: mercy and purity

How beautiful she was! How many of the most noble women were jealous of her dazzling beauty, how many of the most worthy men, royalty admired her rare, fragile, captivating beauty and sought her hand in marriage!..
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Good Doctor Haas

Stories about Doctor Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz are still told in hospitals and prisons in Moscow. In the life of this good and strong man there was no “alien” pain and “bad” people. He did not have his own family, because he believed that there was not enough time for the outcasts: convicts, the poor, the sick.

Admiral Nakhimov. The name of this strong man is known and always revered in Russia, but for the majority it is associated mainly with Sinop and the defense of Sevastopol in Crimean War. And not everyone knows how not only heroic, but also full of drama, the life of Admiral Nakhimov, this glorious son of the Fatherland, was...
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Metropolitan Seraphim Chichagov: fiery

His military career formed as follows: ensign, second lieutenant, lieutenant, adjutant of His Imperial Majesty's comrade general, general, staff captain, colonel. In 1877-1878 he took part in the Russian-Turkish campaign. For his bravery during the siege of Plevna and the capture of Telisha, he was awarded a personal weapon by General Skobelev.
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