Script for working with a proposal to a potential client. Telephone sales scripts - techniques, examples and templates for effective calls

Why use ready-made scripts if you have a team of experienced managers?

Firstly, because sooner or later newbies/trainees may appear without experience and skills in working with objections. Secondly, the right script can help out a manager if he is confused, lost in thought and the client is about to lose his temper, but there is no time for thinking and improvisation.

A script is a ready-made script that can be used to build a dialogue with a client and get the expected result. Needed if you have regular telephone sales and a desire to increase the efficiency of calls.

What are the disadvantages?

The script can limit the manager and be the reason why sales fail when it is written incorrectly or there is a strict attitude to follow only the written algorithm. A step left or right means execution. The script is an average universal solution, following which the likelihood of a positive outcome of the conversation is greater. But this is not a 100% guarantee. Having a script does not mean turning off your imagination and following only a memorized algorithm.

Managers often make mistakes when calling clients.

  • Poor presentation and lack of a clearly formulated proposal.
  • Transition to price without voicing the benefits of the product for the client’s needs.
  • Weak arguments in favor.
  • The goal of the conversation was not achieved. The manager answered the questions and made no attempt to engage the client (offer to send a CP, schedule a meeting).

If there ready-made template for calls, there is less chance of making a mistake.

Universal script for sales

The basic stages of any script are:

  1. Establishing contact. Greeting + introduction.
  2. Identifying needs or problems
  3. Presentation of the product, focusing on how it can help.
  4. Answers on questions. Work with objections.
  5. Target action. Sending a CP at the end of the conversation, setting up a meeting, agreeing on the next call.

For example:

Greetings: Hello.

Acquaintance: My name is Natalya, I am the manager of the company “N”, we are engaged in repairs industrial equipment. How can I contact you? (Semyon Semenovich).

Establishing contact: Semyon Semyonovich, is it convenient for you to talk to me for 3 minutes now?

Suggestive questions: Tell me, what equipment do you use in your work? How often do breakdowns occur? How long does it take to eliminate them?

Target: We offer... We give a guarantee... We will fix it for free in case of a repeated breakdown... Our specialists will come and fix it at a time convenient for you...

Answers to questions: With us you will receive the additional advantage of...

Ending a conversation: Thank you. Have a nice day.

If everything is done correctly at the problem identification stage, then the presentation of the product will not raise any objections.

For b2b clients, the script will be approximately the same, but a preparatory stage will be added


  • Collection of preliminary information. Finding someone responsible for purchasing or making a decision official+ his email. If you can’t find it via the Internet, you can, for example, find out by calling the secretary: “Tell me how to correctly spell the manager’s full name...”, “We would like to send a personalized invitation to an industry exhibition for the full name, tell me which address is best?”
  • Sending a commercial proposal.
  • Call + visiting the secretary.

How does an incoming call differ from an outgoing call?

When a client calls, the manager’s task is to demonstrate excellent knowledge of the product and its scope. The questions can be very diverse and you need to be prepared for them. If you have a ready-made script, it’s easier to navigate.

Example of an incoming call to a real estate agency

A: Hello, AN "May". My name is Svetlana.

TO: Hello. I am interested in buying an apartment on Lenina, I found your ad on Avito. Is it still relevant?

A: How can I contact you?

TO: Leonid

A: Nice to meet you. Leonid, can you specify the advertisement number?

TO: 2#189324#67

A: Thank you. Apartment on Lenina, 14, 70 sq.m. On the 9th floor. It's like that?

TO: Yes.

A: The announcement is current. Do you have questions or want to watch it right away?

TO: Yes, tell me, are there meters installed there? Is there a telephone and internet? Is it possible to install an electric stove?

A: Yes, it's all there. It's already there gas stove, but you can also install an electric one.

TO: I would like to see.

A: Great. When would it be convenient for you to arrive today within two hours or tomorrow afternoon?

TO: Better today?

A: Okay, call me when you get there and I'll meet you.

TO: Fine.

A: Thanks, see you.

Example of a cold calling template

What is the difference between these calls? The client knows nothing about the company or the product. The manager’s task is to briefly form an idea of ​​the company, identify the pain of a potential buyer, and tell how to solve it with the help of the product.

Greetings: Good afternoon.

Acquaintance: Employee name + company name with a brief explanation of what they do.

For example: Our company supplies furniture fittings. We have a large assortment for any request and affordable prices.

+ find out the client's name.

Establishing contact: Make sure this is the person who will make the decision on cooperation. And find out if he now has a few minutes to talk or is it better to call back at another time (which?).

Leading questions: For example, “Are you using this product?” and then “Then you probably often have difficulties with...”. That is, those that will help reveal the client’s pain.

Answers on questions: Arguments and more arguments. Why does the client need your product?

Ending a conversation: Thank you. Goodbye. (Based on the results of the call, the contact moves to the next stage).

Learn more about handling objections

Most often these are statements like this:

  • We don't need it
  • No money
  • Expensive
  • We have been working with one supplier for a long time
  • We will call you back
  • Send CP

In the response template, you can pre-prescribe several convincing options for arguments in favor, which will make the work of managers easier. For example:

- “I understand that now you have no time for me and you want to hang up the phone quickly. Let’s meet and in a calm atmosphere I’ll tell you about our product, you can ask questions and decide whether you need us or not.”

“I’m not suggesting that you abandon your suppliers, I’m offering you a choice, the opportunity to compare whose conditions are better. You yourself will decide with whom it is more profitable to cooperate. Let's meet and maybe our offer will interest you...”

No money. “Yes, you are right, there are always not enough of them, but let’s calculate how much you will save/earn for the company if you accept our offer...”

- “What needs to be done to cooperate with you?”

What a manager needs to remember when cold calling

1. The initiative should always remain with the manager. Use the counter-question tactic. The client’s task is to find out the necessary information and hang up. The manager’s task is to schedule a meeting, agree on the next step, and finally sell. Questions help you break through a client's defenses and avoid objections.

2. Avoid overly long phrases. Remember that this is a dialogue, not a monologue. Moreover, the more information is dumped on the client, the less he will hear from what is said. This will most likely make him angry and he will hang up the call. Pause and speak in short sentences. Save main principle dialogue “you give me - I give you.”

3. Remember the purpose of the call (to make an appointment). If you tell all the information over the phone, the client will no longer be interested, he found out what he wanted. The manager’s task is to intrigue and bring the client to a meeting.

If you work in CRM INTRUM, you can configure

And managers will be able to make and receive calls, having before their eyes a ready-made script with possible answers and examples of working with objections.

During a conversation, you can simultaneously fill out the data received from the contact into the card.

If the client is already registered in the CRM database, his data will be automatically inserted into the text of the script when calling.

During a conversation, the manager can quickly move through the branches of the script.

You can set up step-by-step scenarios for different situations: cold calls, receiving incoming calls from new clients, etc. This way, your managers will always have ready-made recommendations, which will increase the success of negotiations.


A good script is a cheat sheet, not a rigid set of rules. It helps the manager quickly navigate and choose best option answer in order to direct the conversation in the right direction, avoid difficult moments, and not get stuck if the question is a dead end.

Thanks to this article, you will be able to set up your interlocutor in a friendly manner, without stooping to familiarity, convince a potential buyer of the honesty of your intentions, and solve the client’s problem in two minutes to ensure that the deal is closed.

We sell professional detergents organizations. Scripts for communicating with the client We have been using them for five years: we use them in working with “warm” customers whom we met at events or to whom we visited the site. When communicating with “cold” clients, we do not use scripts, as they do not produce results. We work with “warm” people over the phone and talk in person.

We downloaded twenty scripts from the network, analyzed them and filled them with the necessary content. We chose a standard scheme: greeting, question (whether you are interested in the product), offer and handling objections. The wording was borrowed from the found scripts. Six months later, we saw that calls were converted into orders only if managers improvised. Sales did not change the structure, but quickly adapted to the client: they changed the greeting, questions and wording of the proposal. At first, the conversion was low - 20%.

Best article of the month

We have prepared an article that:

✩will show how tracking programs help protect a company from theft;

✩will tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explains how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

We analyzed the changes that the sales team made on the fly and adjusted the scenario. In greetings they switched to “you”, in questions they offered solutions to problems, in proposals they focused on the fairness of the transaction, when dealing with objections they compared themselves with competitors, they went to the client’s site and presented a gift. The deal closing stage was removed: it turned out to be unnecessary. When the new script was implemented, the conversion increased to 99%. I'll tell you what elements they relied on.

  • Sales scripts, or How to sell without annoying clients

An informal greeting increases script conversion

Initial data. The dialogue with the client began with a standard “Hello”, introduction of the company and manager. Next, the salesperson reminded where he met the interlocutor. It took 40 seconds to call and greet.

Problem. Clients did not react to the impersonal standard greeting and understood: we would impose the product. 20% of potential customers cut off the conversation: “Call back later.” We concluded: people don’t want to listen to a boring introduction and waste time on a company they don’t remember.

Solution. In 65% of cases, friendly relations are established with exhibition visitors, so sales people say: “Hello, this is Alena from ChistoProsto.” We met at the exhibition, remember?” When talking with other clients, they limit themselves to the standard “Hello” and address the interlocutor by name. When it’s not the decision maker who picks up the phone, they ask: “Who’s in charge here?” Colleagues of the decision maker do not hesitate to shift responsibility and connect them with the right employee. Greeting now takes 10 seconds. and interests the client - buyers stopped hanging up.


    To improve the script, offer help

    Initial data. Previously, questions like “Do you use dishwasher?. If they received a positive answer, they continued: “Are you interested in detergents for her?” In 95% of cases, the interlocutor did not hang up and answered - affirmatively or negatively. The manager offered the product, but 60% of the customers ended the dialogue.

    Problem. The obvious question seemed stupid to the buyer. Sometimes the salesperson would get a snide response like, “I have no idea, ask the dishwasher.” The manager tried to extinguish the aggression by asking about the budget or the brand of the product. But the client understood: a purchase offer would follow. This stage lasted 25 seconds.

    Solution. After the greeting, the manager offered help. We call “warm” contacts, so we know the priorities of buyers. At the event, they ask what products customers use. If cheap, for a person more important is the price, if expensive - quality. To those who pay attention to the price, we say: “We will reduce the cost of detergents. Interesting?". For adherents of quality we offer: “We will clean your premises clean. Do you believe?" For government agencies, we focus on speed: “Our products will wash away grease in a second, and cleaners will work faster.” We use bright wording to immediately interest the client. Prospects continue the conversation 98% of the time. We spend a maximum of 50 seconds on this stage.

    • Sales manager conversation scripts: development algorithm, examples

    Mutual benefit

    Initial data. We described the types and benefits of products. They listed the facts and cited positive reviews from other customers. But when they named the price, the client refused because of the high cost. This stage took at least 30 seconds.

    Problem. The client was tired of listening to uninteresting offers. Sales found out this after the second call: the interlocutor did not remember what he was told the last time. We get it: Buyers don't end the conversation at the offer stage out of politeness. Only 10% of customers hung up, but the rest did not order anything.

    Solution. We set the wrong goal - to sell a product without making sure that the client needs it. The task was changed: not to sell, but to show the benefits. Sales says: “Let's not waste time playing cat and mouse. We will save your money without losing quality - we invite you to try our product.” There is another formulation: “I will not persuade you to buy. But the offer is profitable - you’ll save money.” They stopped listing the types of goods: if the client is interested, he will look at the website. The proposal stage was reduced to 10 seconds. and made it intriguing.

    • Expertise, emotions and tricks in scripts, or How to increase the value of a product for the buyer

    Comparison with competitors also increases script conversion

    Initial data. In response to the proposal, the client most often promised to think about it. Sales asked again what they weren’t happy with and promised to solve the problem. If the interlocutor spoke about a high price, they offered the product cheaper, giving a calculation: how much the customer will lose if he does not buy it right away.

    Problem. We didn't hear our interlocutor. The client did not need the product without justification for its benefits.

    Solution. To deal with objections, we compare the product with competitors’ products (picture), offer to meet and demonstrate the product. We come to the site and see what the client washes and how. If problems arise, we offer a solution. If there are no problems, we focus on reducing the cost. In 95% of cases we sell the product. IN difficult situations We give the product as a gift and add: “Test and share the result.” After the test, 70% of customers buy the product.

    • Telephone techniques: 6 tips to avoid getting confused

    Brevity. The script will not bring results if the dialogue with the client drags on. The maximum time for the first conversation is two minutes.

    Control. Call customers yourself once a day and ask questions about salespeople. Don't use direct questions, ask: “Do you think our products are effective and cost-effective? Are you satisfied with the product? If the customer is dissatisfied, find out the reasons and find a responsible manager. Sales may not provide additional documents, do not tell us how to properly use the product. Sometimes a client does not purchase a product due to personal hostility towards the seller. If you change the manager at the buyer’s request, you will increase the number of transactions.

    New script elements increased the conversion to purchases from 1-2 to 99%.

And today, cold calling remains one of the most common methods of promoting a company. The reason is obvious - compared to personal meetings, in the same period of time you can talk to a large number of potential clients and optimize sales.

Spam is easy to block; the email sent to email may never be read, but commercials and often go completely unnoticed. Everyone answers personal calls. Will it be possible to interest the buyer in this way? This is a different aspect. But the manager definitely needs to try.

Critics of cold calling say the method is labor intensive and low in efficiency. According to the survey, the result of a cold call (the number of successful transactions, sales) varies between 3-10%.

What are cold calls?

Cold calling is making phone calls strangers in order to offer them certain goods or services. The reason for low efficiency is most often the lack of manager training, bad examples, incorrect scripts and incorrect sales tactics. The result is a negative reaction from a potential buyer.

Many managers claim that their the main objective- call as soon as possible more people. The more attempts, the more likely it is that someone will agree to the deal.

This is precisely the reason for low sales performance. You need to strive to interest your interlocutor, make the conversation useful and exciting, and leave positive emotions. It's no secret that most often cold calling causes irritation. To change this point of view, the sales manager needs to “hook” the interlocutor, arouse his interest, then present the product, neutralizing doubts about making a purchase, and sell the product.

Tools for successful cold calling

When a manager implements cold call, his potential buyer hears only the voice, without seeing the interlocutor. Such a client treats what he hears with distrust, and he does not always want to waste time on empty conversation. Therefore, the technique of making cold calls must be carefully designed and thought out.

Shell and base composition

The basis successful work is a complete, up-to-date database. It doesn’t matter what you do or sell cosmetics. To replenish the client base, the sales manager needs to implement paid information programs that are generated from reliable sources. Examples of such operating databases are Interfax and Fira Pro. You can use various paid and free programs to store and process data.

Negotiation experience and talent

Sales managers who talk about the low effectiveness of cold calls cannot organize them correctly. To grow sales, you need to immerse the manager in a comfortable environment. An unsure, trembling voice, a feeling of discomfort, a monotonous timbre of the voice will not give the expected results, and the cold call will fail. If the manager has doubts about the products being sold, the potential client will certainly not buy it.

Negotiation experience is also important. Experienced managers know in advance what their interlocutor will ask or how their interlocutor will answer, which allows them to calmly work according to the developed scenario, using scripts and examples. That is why a new employee needs to undergo preliminary training and training. There is a small exception to this statement - there are people with an innate talent for persuasion. They quickly establish contact with a potential buyer, pointing out the advantages and benefits of the purchase. Such an employee is very valuable, but there are very few such “nuggets”, while the rest need to learn a lot about the cold calling technique.

The most important skill is to cope with your emotions and make the buyer react to them. If the operator is relaxed and can carry on a conversation at ease, the interlocutor will be interested in communicating with him.

First impression

You will never have a second chance to make a first impression. This stage is the most “fateful”. When a person receives a call from a sales manager, he usually imagines a tired, stone-faced person with a microphone and headset connected, who does not care who he is talking to. There is no desire to continue the conversation with such a person, so in 99.9% of cases a cold call is already doomed to failure.

The key task of the operator is to become interesting to the interlocutor from the first seconds. You need to understand his train of thought, be on the same wavelength with him, make him think, and evoke response emotions (sometimes even negative ones). To get a similar reaction from a cold call, just ask a provocative question. Alternatively, ask whether the interlocutor is authorized to make a decision, or compare his company with a competing organization. As a result, as a rule, he begins to enter into a discussion, which, if properly managed, can lead to a constructive result. But the sales manager should not abuse negative emotions, pleasant communication is much more effective.

Customers' choices must be respected. Often the interlocutor already has a supplier and is used to buying the products offered elsewhere or in a different way. There is no need to point out an offer that he “can’t refuse.” It’s better to communicate, find out what he likes and what doesn’t suit him, what the client gives preference to when making a purchase. Include this block in the script and example dialogue. After that, offer an alternative, indicating all the benefits of your company.

Cold call script for selling services

The term “script” means a pre-thought-out algorithm of actions, a pre-compiled template. A well-chosen script is a reliable tool for successful sales. The use of scripts is especially important if the sales manager makes a call for the first time.

There is a person on the other side of the line who knows nothing about you. In this case, it is necessary to build the most fruitful foundation for cooperation and making further cold calls, or to understand that the person does not need the services of our company, that there is no need to waste your precious time on him. Then there are repeated cold calls along a pre-planned path, which are aimed at results.

Script creation algorithm

In the work of a manager, it is important to gradually collect cold calling scripts and gradually improve sales techniques. WITH at this moment dialogue begins. The more important goals are set, the more professional managers are needed.

Key points when determining the purpose of a cold call:

  • updating the database, identifying the target audience;
  • provision useful information to the interlocutor;
  • offering something interesting and free (a buffet at the end of a certain event, providing a trial product);
  • receiving a response from the interlocutor regarding the company's proposal.

Examples of goals:

  1. inviting freelancers to training on the topic “”;
  2. informing the furniture manufacturer about new equipment for the production of upholstered furniture.

Diagnostics of the client base

You can spend a long time talking to someone, but if you misjudge their potential, you can waste your time and render your cold call useless. Therefore, at the time of negotiations, the manager needs to find out whether the person needs this service, how many units of product he needs, and whether he is ready to spend money on the purchase. But this needs to be done unobtrusively.

Client diagnostic example:

  1. Are you planning to expand your network next year?
  2. Can your equipment cope with the volume of orders? Are you planning to update it?

Presentation and analytics of answers

The presentation should be bright, interesting, concise and structured. To do this, the manager must draw up sales scripts.

Advice: present only the action you want to achieve from the listener (invitation to a meeting, information about a product). You should not present the entire company and distract your interlocutor with unnecessary information. At any moment a person can simply hang up.

Examples of targeted cold call presentations to consider when writing your script:

  1. At our training, you can not only learn about, but also evaluate the activities of competitors, find out what tools and techniques they use, and communicate with potential employers. Agree, this will be a great example and help for your self-development and growth.
  2. At the presentation of new equipment for furniture production, you will be able to appreciate latest developments and achievements, analyze the effectiveness of various business processes by which furniture is manufactured. This will give you the opportunity to better assess your real growth potential.

Call handling and closing

Since the probability of rejection when calling a cold call is very high, there is no need to be afraid of getting a negative response. After hearing an objection, you need to focus on the purpose of the call, not on the objection. You must try to get around the obstacle that prevents you from achieving the desired result of a cold call.

If the listener constantly makes different objections, turn them into advantages, promising to solve all the issues. The script will not be successful if you fail to interest the potential buyer in the need to implement the task set for you.

Example #1:

I already have enough orders and I don’t need the training offered.
- Our training will introduce radically new opportunities; you will learn how to improve your skills and double your earnings. Our event will open up new horizons for you, the scale of which you have never even thought about before.

Example #2:

I don't have free time for your presentation.
- Our event will discuss issues that will save time on solving various minor issues. After spending just two hours, you will understand why you are constantly monitoring production workshops instead of focusing on strategic issues that would move the company forward.

If the client agreed (or refused), the cold call to the sales manager needs to be closed correctly. Show the importance of the client for your organization and agree on further cooperation. Even if you receive a refusal, leave positive emotions about yourself, try to be remembered as a competent employee with whom you can work in the future.

Advice: Scripts should not be standardized. When compiling them, you need to take into account the specifics of the service or product being sold, and the purpose of the cold call. A potential buyer may have heard the standard script many times: “Hello! We are a dynamically developing company, 200 years on the market, etc.” To interest him, you need to stand out among the same type of uninteresting offers. To do this, take the time to create a unique script that will pique the interest of the listener.

Cold calling: example dialogue

There is no person who does not want to buy a certain product, there is a seller who cannot sell it correctly. Purposefulness, tactfulness, result orientation - these and other qualities will be needed by a sales manager to achieve his goal. Let's look at an example of a cold call:

Good afternoon
- Hello!
- Limited Enterprise Company, manager Angela. Could you put me through to the CEO?
- He's not in now.
- When can I talk to him?
- Never, because he is very busy and cannot give you time. I am his deputy, ask me all questions.
- Great, please tell me what is your name?
- Maksim.
- Maxim, very nice. We are organizing a new business training on the topic “How to attract new customers and increase sales?” Are your managers searching for new buyers?
- They are looking. But, unfortunately, both for me and for general director I don’t have time to attend your training.
- Would you like to increase your work efficiency so that lack of time no longer bothers you?
- You know, so far everything is fine with me, everything suits me, I already consider my business plans successful. Thank you.
- Do I understand correctly - all your sales managers are 100% busy?
- Yes, 100% and even more.
- It’s so good that we contacted you on time. The goal of our training is to redistribute the workload among managers with higher efficiency. Just imagine - one of your managers will be able to manage 2-3 times more clients. The training will cover the topic of sales optimization and. Should I sign you up for it?
- Thank you, but I can’t find time for this.
- Okay, then I will inform you about the date of the next training so that you can redistribute your time and attend it.
- It is not necessary. I’m telling you, we are doing business successfully, all the schemes have been worked out.
- Everything is so great with you, but there is not enough time for development. It doesn't happen that way.
- It seems to me that when there is no time, it’s very good. Everyone is busy, working, the company is thriving.
- That is, you have reached the pinnacle of your success and do not want to develop any more. But for some reason, when they remember your area, a completely different company comes first. Are they your competitors?
- It’s very difficult to argue with you. When and where will your training take place?

After this, the parties exchange contacts and agree on a meeting.

Examples of telephone sales techniques

In order for cold calls to lead to the expected result and provide high efficiency, the sales manager needs to get acquainted with various examples and create scripts.

The first example is a ledge, used in case of a negative answer as a fulcrum and a basis for further dialogue. Let's consider this technology in the example (after introduction and meeting the manager).

Hello, I am a manager at Consalting Ltd, we provide training for management personnel. How to increase sales efficiency, make more efficient use of the organization’s internal resources, and increase turnover. Are you interested in this topic?
- Yes, I am periodically interested in courses for self-development.

Sorry, but such an event is too expensive for me and my company. You are asking a lot for your services.
- This is what everyone who has not attended our trainings says. Many people with whom we regularly collaborate reacted the same way at first. But after the first lesson, they changed their point of view, because they were able to save many times more, increasing their turnover.
- Okay, we can discuss this.

Another example of dialogue:

Andrey Vladimirovich, good afternoon.
- Hello.
- My name is Anatoliy. I'm calling you from Constanta.
- On what issue?
- We sell waste recycling accelerators. They are made according to new technology, make it possible to save resources compared to equipment that is used today.
- Sorry, but I am not interested in your proposal.
- Is it possible, before you hang up, to find out whether you use gasoline or gas accelerators?
- We don’t use them at all at the enterprise.
- How then do you destroy waste?
- No way.
- But this is fraught with large fines. Especially after amendments to the legislation. How timely we came to you! We recommend that you read ours. Our prices are more favorable than those of our competitors, and we can provide a discount. How would you like to meet and discuss terms?
- Okay, come to our office.

When communicating with a potential client, immediately include him in the dialogue. This way you will arouse his interest. Leave all the details of the presentation for a personal meeting, the main thing is to show the relevance of the proposed product.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

Cold calling is a current sales optimization method used by many companies. In order to make them effective, do not be afraid to express yourself, communicate with the client as with a good, respected comrade. Be confident in your words. To achieve success, you need to work hard on yourself. And most importantly, know how to accept refusals, as there will be some. a large number of. Don’t be upset, take into account mistakes, develop new sales scripts for yourself.

In contact with

The essence of this technique is for the manager to convince the interlocutor why he needs to communicate with him right now. The clarity hook can be used in different ways in conversation scripts:

1) Hook “Established agreements until the moment of contact”

This is the most powerful clarity hook. Before you get to the point of your call/visit, remind the client what you agreed on last time.

Very often, salespeople make this mistake: they agree with the client on the next communication to discuss some information, call on time and immediately after the greeting begin to move on to the essence of the conversation. But the client had a lot of other calls/meetings in the week since their last contact. He may not immediately remember who you are and what you are talking about. Therefore, first make it clear: who is calling and why, remind them of the agreements. And only then move on to the essence of the call/meeting.

If you are calling for the first time, you can use the phrase “You were recommended to me” in the conversation script.

This hook is used in the script, among other things, when the secretary switches you to a conversation with the right person. You explain your appeal to him, that he was recommended as a specialist on such and such an issue.

The main point of this part of the script is the clarification question: “Have you been recommended to me correctly? Are you really responsible for such and such a direction?” It is extremely important to get a positive answer to this question. Then the interlocutor will no longer be able to refer to being busy or the importance of other matters in order to stop communicating with you. And the conversation will last as long as you need.

3) “Public Reason” Hook

The most difficult thing is if the decision maker immediately gets in touch with you, and before this conversation there were no preliminary agreements between you.

Alternatively, the hook for clarity in the conversation script could be the phrase: “I went to your website, saw something..., so I’m calling.”

This is the weakest hook, however, it still creates a connection between your message and the client.

4) Hook for the meeting “Interesting”

When you already have an appointment, a good hook in the conversation script would be the phrase:

  • “You made an appointment with me, which means you are potentially interested in our offer”;
  • “Therefore, I suggest you familiarize yourself with...”;
  • “Let's talk about what exactly interests you...”

That is, offer to move on to the essence of the meeting, based on the client’s previously demonstrated interest in your product.

A script is a written algorithm of actions, phrases, questions and answers. Scripts are needed by everyone who communicates with the client. Especially if this is the “first line” - telephone or live contact with the client. Scripts allow you to standardize the service, reduce stress, save time, and allow employees to confidently conduct a conversation by managing the dialogue. Scripts lay out the diversity of events like moves on a chessboard. Knowing your options, you can always choose the right move.

The implementation of standards (scripts) significantly simplifies the lives of employees and clients, and also leads to increased business results, strengthens reputation and forms internal discipline. And this stage for an organization means a transition from chaos to structure. By introducing standards, the company moves to new level.

How to create scripts?
Briefly the scheme is:

  1. You study the business process, the entry and exit points of communications, how contact with the client occurs now. Break it down into stages/parts
  2. Watching work in the fields / listening telephone records and fix errors
  3. Study how competitors work / call leading companies under the guise of a client / collect diagrams
  4. Use common sense and the experience of a trainer, write a prototype script
  5. Discuss and approve with management

You can use the training to create scripts. To do this, we model the same stages, only the participants themselves draw the processes and model the scripts.

It may look like the photo. It can be seen that first in the group we identified processes, clients and products. And then they pasted phrases and questions. After that I transferred everything to electronic variant. So during the training, together with the group, we created a prototype of the scripts.

Let's return to the option of creating scripts by the trainer. I'll tell you about specific example beauty salon. The request from management can be expressed in one phrase: “Teach how to speak on the phone correctly”

On the one hand, this is a very simple request. But on one condition: if there are work standards. If no one in the company knows the standards, the coach is entrusted with a mission that at first seems impossible: to write standards, namely telephone conversation scripts. Simply put, the script of a telephone conversation, specific questions and expected answers from the employee.

If there is no support in the form of " Salon guest service standard”, or another simple regulatory document, effective control levers disappear. You can't manage what you can't measure!

An example of creating scripts for a beauty salon (Algorithm)

Action Result
STEP #1 The trainer makes incoming calls to all employees. “Mystery shopper”
  • Diagnostics weak points and resources.
  • “Photo of a call”, analysis of results
EXAMPLE No. 1 “Situation analysis – processing incoming calls”
  • Administrators say the name of the salon and give their name
  • In general, the dialogue is led by the client
  • The manner of communication (emotional background) of administrators is “friendly - indifferent”
  • The administrator only reacts passively (writes down, answers questions about cost)
  • They ask questions: “What day should I sign you up for?”
  • In fact, they do not determine the client’s needs, they work according to the rules – call and make an appointment
  • No other services offered
  • They don’t know how to handle objections, they simply ignore them
  • The client himself asks if it is possible to get a manicure or pedicure.
  • They conduct a dialogue in an informative style, using monosyllabic answers: “Yes, that’s right, we have manicures, and also cosmetic services.” After a client asked about cosmetic services. But they make no attempt to sell these services
STEP #2 We outline the required points of the script
  • Write down the key points phone call
  • Highlight the key “reference points” of the call
EXAMPLE No. 2 “Break the conversation into standard stages”
  1. Greetings, contact
  2. Withdrawing a request or suggestion from a stylist if the request is generated by the client
  3. Service offer
  4. Upselling (cross-selling)
  5. Call summary (time, service, master)
  6. Parting
STEP#3 We process the results through several information filters (at least two filters)
  • Filter No. 1

Independent work with information: searching for scripts from related industries on the Internet

  • Filter No. 2

Calls to competitors in the industry, recording and analysis of the phone call

Choosing “catchy phrases”

  • Filter No. 3

Call or meet with an expert in this field ( I called my colleague from the beauty industry)

EXAMPLE No. 3 “TRIAL SCRIPT (fragments)”
  1. Good (morning, afternoon, evening)!
  2. Salon of Dmitry Vinokurov, Irina.
  3. How can I be of assistance to you?
  4. How can I contact you? (find out name)
  5. Which service would you like to sign up for?
  6. Are you calling for the first time, or are you our regular customer?
  7. Which stylist (specialist) would you like to make an appointment with?
  8. What time is convenient for you?
  9. What phone number can I contact you to remind you about your appointment?
  10. So, ( Maria, we call the client's name!), I have made an appointment for you on Tuesday, February 19 at 15:00 with master Sergei
STEP #4 Viability testing during training, together with employees (administrators)

P.S. I gave the administrators the task to approach the stylists THEMSELVES and find out the advantage of each service, according to the specialists