Do-it-yourself connection of polypropylene pipes without welding. Connecting polypropylene pipes - different technologies for your convenience

Polypropylene pipes are used in the installation of water supply systems, for the installation of irrigation systems and for heating. Popularity of the material and various areas use is determined by its characteristics: strength, durability, ease of connection. An important argument in favor of polypropylene pipes was their price, which is significantly lower than that of metal-plastic or metal analogues.

Service life of a plastic pipeline with cold water is 50 years, such an impressive figure forces the replacement of outdated lines with this type of highway. Sealing of joints - most important factor for any pipeline, therefore the viability of the system depends on the quality of installation. In this article we will talk about how to connect polypropylene pipes with metal, polyethylene, steel, and also consider various options welding

Materials and tools

If you decide to save on installation services and do it yourself, then you need to buy or rent a special soldering iron with attachments. In addition to this you will need:

  • tape measure and marker for marking;
  • scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • cleaning for pipes.

There are several types of polypropylene pipes, which differ in their area of ​​use:

  1. PN 10, 16 – used for laying cold water pipes;
  2. PN 20 - universal pipes with thick walls, they can withstand hot water at temperatures up to 80ºC, therefore they are suitable for heating installations;
  3. PN 25 is a composite pipe with a metal or nylon layer, which is peeled off during soldering. It is used for heating systems, the final heating temperature is 95°C.

A distinctive characteristic of connecting polypropylene pipes is the absence of joints directly between the pipes. If their diameter is less than 50 mm, all parts can be connected with fittings for various purposes:

  • couplings - connect sections of the same diameter;
  • crosses - used to create branches;
  • plugs - seal the end of the pipe;
  • adapters - used to connect pipes of different diameters;
  • union fittings - connect to flexible hoses.

How to operate a welding machine

The principle of connecting a pipeline is to heat the elements and quickly connect them. Household pipe welding machines have a power of up to 1 kW. It is enough to quickly and efficiently heat the material, but for industrial purposes more powerful and expensive devices are used. The soldering iron comes with attachments that correspond to the diameter of various pipes. The pipe is heated from the outside, and the fitting from the inside.

The operation of the soldering iron begins with connecting it to the network and setting the desired heating temperature, depending on the diameter of the plastic pipes being welded. The average value is 250–270°C. Such heat requires caution, touching a hot part will cause a burn; for safety reasons, you should wear gloves.

Soldering process

To cut pipes, use a hacksaw or sharp scissors, which do not deform the plastic. The incision is made at a right angle. If burrs appear on the end, they are carefully cleaned off. After cutting, the soldering depth is marked. You need to measure the section of pipe that will fit into the tee or coupling and mark a line with a marker. The size of this section depends on the diameter of the pipes; the larger it is, the greater the immersion in the connecting element.

If you have to work with reinforced pipes, the algorithm of actions changes. Must be cleaned before soldering upper layer pipes consisting of aluminum foil, basalt or nylon fiber. Special tool designed so as to remove the required layer size.

Careful removal of the foil is very important; a small amount of material remaining on the pipe will ruin the tightness of the soldering.

A soldering iron with nozzles selected according to the diameter of the pipes is installed on a flat and durable surface. On both sides, a pipe and a fitting are simultaneously put on the heated nozzle, deepening to the intended line. The heating time of the plastic depends on the size of the pipes: for 20 mm, 6 seconds are enough, and for 32 mm, 8 seconds are required. After maintaining a set period of time, the elements are removed and firmly fixed into each other, while turning movements must not be made. For strong adhesion of the joint it will take from 4 to 10 seconds, during which time the polypropylene will harden and form a permanent connection.

Failure to comply with the recommended heating time leads to the formation of leaks - in case of insufficient heating or sealing of the internal space - in case of excessive overheating. If a melt appears, you should not try to remove it immediately; the melted plastic will become more deformed. You need to wait until it cools and cut off the excess.

Without experience, in order to understand how to solder pipes correctly, you can make several training connections. It is convenient to work with short connections by placing welding machine on the table, in this position you can perform all possible job, and joining a partially laid highway is more difficult. The soldering iron nozzle is put on a fixed polypropylene pipe, and a tee is inserted into the second part, while the device is supported by weight. When making a highway, you need to monitor the order of the connections being made. Try to avoid docking hard to reach places where it will be difficult to use a soldering iron.

It is important to keep the material clean and dry, because dirt and moisture reduce the quality of the pipe connection. Even a small amount of moisture deforms the material when heated. Chemical composition pipes from different manufacturers may not match, this will lead to a leaky joint. It is necessary to buy all the material - pipes and fittings - from one manufacturer.

The temperature in the room where polypropylene is installed should not fall below +5°C.

Crimp connection method

Pipeline joining by soldering is reliable and durable, it is impossible to disassemble it, and sometimes this is exactly what is required for repairs. In addition, it is not always possible to purchase or borrow a welding machine; in such cases, they use the method of connecting polypropylene pipes without soldering. For this, fittings with threads and a clamping ring are used. They are called collet or crimp, such a connection can withstand a pressure of sixteen atmospheres.

For a mechanical connection, it is necessary to purchase several additional parts: angles designed for joining of different diameters, a tee, soldered and combined couplings with external and internal thread, plugs, adapters with external threads, elbows and tees with a union nut, Ball Valves, various fittings with factory threads.

To ensure tightness, joints and seals are generously lubricated with silicone.

To work, you will need a crimp wrench, which can be purchased at the same time as the fittings. Having cut off the required part of the pipe, firmly insert it into the fitting, wrap the thread of the element with thread to seal it and tighten the ferrule and nut, completely tightening it with a wrench. This connection method takes much longer than welding, but it is convenient for connecting polypropylene pipes to radiators.

Joining a steel pipe with a polypropylene pipe

When installing heating or plumbing, there are areas where metal and plastic need to be joined. The connection between a polypropylene pipe and a metal pipe occurs using special adapters. This fitting has a smooth plastic hole on one side and a threaded metal insert on the other. The polypropylene pipe is connected by welding, and the metal pipe is screwed with a wrench. The resulting joint does not have the strength of a welded joint, but will serve long term.

After complete installation of the system, it is necessary to conduct a test run of water to check the tightness of all connection points of pipes and other elements. If threaded connections leak, they need to be tightened.

Self-installation plumbing or heating from polypropylene pipes is a completely doable task. To implement it, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the plastic welding machine and installation technology. To better understand all the nuances of the process, you should watch a video in which experienced installers share their experience.

To connect such pipes you need to use special fittings. Such a connection is necessary in cases where water was introduced into the house using HDPE pipes, and further distribution of water inside the house is carried out using polypropylene pipes. So, we can distinguish 2 types of connections:

  1. In the first case, you attach a threaded coupling to the HDPE pipe, where there will be a clamp connection on one side, and a similar coupling on the polypropylene one. It’s just that there will be a solder joint on one side, and a threaded joint on the other. In both cases, FUM tape or tow is used for threading to seal the joint and avoid leaks.
  2. In another case, a flange connection is used. A rubber seal is installed between the flanges. The flanges are bolted together.

Modern technologies make it possible to create reliable and durable communications using polypropylene pipes. They are not subject to corrosion. Therefore they are widely used. But in this case important point is to connect polypropylene pipes with your own hands. This can be done by soldering or using a method without welding. Therefore, it is not necessary to involve a specialist. Let's look at each in more detail.

And for this process you will need a welding machine, which experts often call an “iron.” This device is a simple device that runs on electricity. In the kit it often has nozzles of different diameters with instructions.

The joining of such products occurs when their ends are exposed to high temperature. But there is one subtlety here. The pipes are heated from the outside, and the connection elements from the inside. This is the only way to get strong knots.

Step by step process:

  1. First, the soldering iron is turned on, it should be heated to 270 degrees. The products are cut into the required pieces and cleaned. You can make convenient notes to understand what depth to immerse them in the heating apparatus.
  2. We evenly insert the pipes and connection elements onto the nozzles of the device. This is also important for quality soldering.
  3. After the element and pipe have melted, they are removed from the device and connected to each other. The evenness of the soldering is also important here. You need to press down lightly, but do not scroll around the axis. Pressure also affects the quality of soldering.
  4. After joining the elements, they need to be held motionless for several minutes.

When performing manipulations, you should pay attention to one more important nuance. The inner surface of the seams should not lose permeability. After all, when melted, a small bump appears, which is dangerous if the product is of small diameter.

Heavy influx of material caused by excessive heating should also be avoided. To check the permeability of the pipe, you can blow it out and run water through it.

It is recommended that if you do not have soldering experience, you can first practice before starting to perform basic manipulations. And therefore, it is recommended to purchase materials with a reserve, because in addition to training, defects can certainly occur during the main work. It is highly undesirable to run or go to the store again while soldering is in progress. For more information regarding DIY soldering, you can also watch a video on the topic.

As for the device itself, it is not necessary to buy it. The device can be rented from someone.

However, this method without welding has one significant drawback. The procedure time is significantly longer compared to welding. And this must be taken into account when choosing a pipe connection method.

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In short, there is nothing scary or very difficult about connecting polypropylene pipes with your own hands. As with most technologies, it requires clear and correct execution established technological standards. To do this, you can additionally familiarize yourself with video materials. Then the process will be completed not only quickly, but also efficiently. And this is already a guarantee of the durability and reliability of the resulting water supply or heating system.

It is not necessary to use welding. After all, you can get by alternative way. However, the disadvantage of this solution will be the increase in time of all work. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a method taking this point into account. Then everything will go smoothly, and the constructed system will gain the required strength and reliability.

How to connect polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are much more convenient and practical than their metal counterparts. Their main advantages:

  1. easy installation;
  2. not a lot of weight;
  3. not subject to corrosion;
  4. not expensive.

Due to their advantages, they are becoming increasingly popular.

One more important advantage This material is that you don’t need to hire anyone for installation; everything can be done with your own hands. Therefore, if you need to replace an old leaking water supply system, you can safely get to work. Polypropylene can be joined by soldering or using cold method.

Method 1 - soldering

This method requires the presence of a special welding machine, which experts call an “iron.” An iron is a kind of soldering iron powered by electricity. It comes with nozzles of different diameters.

If you are not going to professionally install water pipes, you do not need to buy such a device. You can rent it; usually all sellers provide this service. The process of soldering polypropylene pipes is not complicated.

Video: How to solder pipes with your own hands

Soldering technology

Polypropylene products are joined under high temperature. The pipe itself must be heated with outside, and all connecting elements are from the inside. This creates a strong connection.

Soldering stages

  • Turn on the soldering iron, it should heat up to 270 degrees C. While heating occurs, you can cut the necessary workpieces and clean them. For convenience, you can make notes that will show to what depth to immerse them in the welding machine. They are cut with a special pipe cutter or a regular hacksaw. If cutting is done with a hacksaw, you should pay attention to the burrs and if they remain, they must be cut off with a knife.
  • After the soldering iron has heated up to the required temperature, we insert the pipe and connecting elements onto its nozzles. For high-quality soldering, all elements must be inserted evenly. Movements must be fast and confident. Parts that are exposed to heat must not be moved or twisted.
  • When all the elements are well heated, they are removed from the soldering iron and connected to each other. This is also done with quick and confident movements. The parts are connected with light pressure (without rotation) and fixation for 10-15 seconds.
  • After this procedure, you can proceed to soldering the next unit and so on until the bitter end, when the water supply is completely soldered.

Read also: Condensation on pipes

Heated polypropylene cools quickly, resulting in the formation of a durable and reliable connection. In just an hour, water can be supplied to the system.

Method 2 - without soldering

This is a connection method that does not require soldering equipment. With this method, there are two options: connection with compression fittings and the so-called “ cold welding».

For the option with compression fittings, you only need a special crimp wrench. This wrench is usually sold complete with fittings.

If you choose the “cold welding” option, then you will need a special “aggressive” glue. It is applied to the parts, after which they are connected and pressed, fixing them in this position for several seconds.

Connecting polypropylene pipes with glue is only suitable for cold water pipes. Connecting polypropylene pipes without soldering has a big drawback, namely, compared to soldering, the time required to install the pipeline is significantly longer.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there is nothing complicated in independently connecting polypropylene pipes. Like most others construction work, you will be required to conscientiously and strictly comply with all technological standards.

Then the process of connecting polypropylene pipes will be completed quickly and, most importantly, efficiently. And the quality of the work performed is the key to durable and reliable operation water supply and heating systems.

Watch the video: How to properly solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands

How to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering?

Owners of private houses and apartments are often faced with the problem of pipeline restoration. Many of them decide to replace old products with polypropylene pipes. Even a person without special skills can install such a water supply system. However, first you need to figure out how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering.

Cold connection of polypropylene pipes

General information

During the construction of private houses, they increasingly began to install polypropylene water pipes. The popularity of such products is justified by their low cost, long service life, ease of installation and lack of rust. They are used to create water supply and heating systems. Three types of products are produced from polypropylene:

  • copolymer;
  • block copolymer;
  • homopolymer.

The above products can be combined different ways. Many people use the connection of polypropylene pipes without soldering.

Advantages and disadvantages of solderless connections

This method has several serious advantages, due to which some people refuse to solder pipeline elements. These include:

  • Small financial costs. During soldering, you have to use expensive equipment that is not available to everyone.
  • Easy to install. It is much easier to install pipeline elements without soldering, since you do not have to use a soldering apparatus and monitor such parameters as pressure and soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes.
  • Water pipeline restoration speed. If the products were soldered together and a serious breakthrough occurred, then recovery may take a long time. It will take time to wait for a specialist with the necessary equipment. This problem will disappear if connections are made in other ways.

However, connecting plastic pipes without soldering has one serious drawback - installation of the pipeline can take much longer.

Connection methods

Insertion into a polypropylene pipe without soldering is carried out different methods. The choice of method directly depends on the purpose of the pipeline, the size and type of elements used. The most common connection methods include:

  • Use of flanges. This type of connection is quite reliable. The products are connected with bolts that are screwed into special holes in the flanges.
  • Use of fittings. These products are made of cast iron or steel. They are used when working with small diameter pipes. The advantage of fittings is that they allow you to make transitions between parts of the pipeline and connect them at different angles.
  • Use of couplings. To use them, threads are made on the pipes and wrapped with tow to make the connection more airtight.
  • Gluing. This method cannot be used for water pipes with hot water. During installation, glue is used, which is applied to the parts.


If the technology of soldering polypropylene pipes is not used, then they are connected using fittings. They are connecting elements that are most often installed at turns and branches of the pipeline. The fittings consist of a body, a cover, a sleeve and a clamping ring located in a special socket. They also have a folded ring with which the polypropylene pipe is fixed.

When installing a water supply system, it is necessary to use pipes that comply with all standards.”

The ovality of the cross-section of products should be within 1% -1.5% of the diameter. If fittings with a diameter of less than 50 mm are used during operation, installation is carried out manually.

Before connecting plastic pipes without soldering fittings, you must adhere to step by step instructions:

  1. Pipe cutting. They must be cut at right angles.
  2. Removing hangnails. The surface of the products that will be placed in the fittings must be perfectly flat.
  3. Installing the nut. It is removed from the fitting and installed on the pipe, after which the clamping ring is put on it.
  4. Pipe installation. It fits into the fitting all the way and is secured with a nut and a clamping ring.


Flanges are used if you need to connect plastic pipes without soldering. This connection is very reliable, as it can withstand temperatures up to 650 degrees Celsius and cope with pressures up to 20-30 MPa. The diameter of the flanges reaches 3000 millimeters. During selection optimal size the pressure of the pipeline and the material of the products from which it will consist are taken into account.

Flange connection of PP pipes

Flanges are made of cast iron or steel. They can be:

  • Cast. They are part of the fitting or pipe structure.
  • Welded. It is made in the form of a washer, which will have to be attached to the structure yourself.

When using them, you must follow these recommendations:

  • At the place where the pipeline elements will be connected, you need to make a special cut. At the same time, it must be done so that hangnails do not appear.
  • A gasket is installed on the cut, which should protrude by 15 cm.
  • The flange is attached to the gasket and connected to the flange that is installed on the second pipe.

Also, when performing such work, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • You cannot install two or more gaskets on one flange, as this will make the connection less airtight;
  • When installing the water supply system, it is recommended to use rag cardboard gaskets;
  • the bolts should not protrude too much above the nuts;
  • The gaskets must be installed in such a way that their outer cross-section does not touch the bolts.


They are used during the creation of pressure and non-pressure pipelines. Connecting plastic pipes without soldering using couplings with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, just follow these rules:

  • the edges of the joined elements are cut so that the cut is perfectly smooth;
  • the place where the coupling will be installed is indicated by a marker;
  • the coupling is coated with a special lubricant;
  • Using a mark applied with a marker, the coupling is put on the pipe.

Connecting PP pipes with a coupling


Connecting plastic pipes without soldering fittings can be done using glue. Before this, the surface of the products must be prepared. First you need to cut the product using special scissors and remove burrs sandpaper. All fitting and gluing locations are marked with a marker. After this, you can begin gluing, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Degreasing. Before using glue, you must use a cleaner and degrease all areas where it will be applied.
  2. Applying glue. The glue must be applied thin layer to the places where the fittings will be installed.
  3. Pipe installation. They are installed all the way into the fittings. This must be done very carefully so that the parts do not wobble too much.
  4. Drying. The glue will dry completely within 15-20 minutes. However, the pipeline only needs to be filled no earlier than every other day.

Gluing PP PVC pipes


Polypropylene pipes are connected in various ways. Having figured out how to connect polypropylene pipes with each other and with metal pipes, you can install the pipeline yourself.

How to connect polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are used in the installation of water supply systems, for the installation of irrigation systems and for heating. The popularity of the material and various areas of use are due to its characteristics: strength, durability, ease of connection. An important argument in favor of polypropylene pipes was their price, which is significantly lower than that of metal-plastic or metal analogues.

The service life of a plastic pipeline with cold water is 50 years; such an impressive figure makes it necessary to replace outdated lines with this type of pipeline. The tightness of joints is the most important factor for any pipeline, therefore the viability of the system depends on the quality of installation. In the article we will talk about how to connect polypropylene pipes with metal, polyethylene, steel, and also consider various welding options.

Materials and tools

Soldering iron for welding

If you decide to save on installation services and do it yourself, then you need to buy or rent a special soldering iron with attachments. In addition to this you will need:

  • tape measure and marker for marking;
  • scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • cleaning for pipes.

There are several types of polypropylene pipes, which differ in their area of ​​use:

  1. PN 10, 16 – used for laying cold water pipes;
  2. PN 20 - universal pipes with thick walls, they can withstand hot water at temperatures up to 80ºC, therefore they are suitable for heating installations;
  3. PN 25 is a composite pipe with a metal or nylon layer, which is peeled off during soldering. It is used for heating systems, the final heating temperature is 95°C.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings

A distinctive characteristic of connecting polypropylene pipes is the absence of joints directly between the pipes. If their diameter is less than 50 mm, all parts can be connected with fittings for various purposes:

  • couplings - connect sections of the same diameter;
  • crosses - used to create branches;
  • plugs - seal the end of the pipe;
  • adapters - used to connect pipes of different diameters;
  • union fittings - connect to flexible hoses.

How to operate a welding machine

Welding polypropylene

The principle of connecting a pipeline is to heat the elements and quickly connect them. Household pipe welding machines have a power of up to 1 kW. It is enough to quickly and efficiently heat the material, but for industrial purposes more powerful and expensive devices are used. The soldering iron comes with attachments that correspond to the diameter of various pipes. The pipe is heated from the outside, and the fitting from the inside.

The operation of the soldering iron begins with connecting it to the network and setting the desired heating temperature, depending on the diameter of the plastic pipes being welded. The average value is 250–270°C. Such a high temperature requires caution; touching a hot part will cause a burn; for safety reasons, you should wear gloves.

Soldering process

To cut pipes, use a hacksaw or sharp scissors that do not deform the plastic. The incision is made at a right angle. If burrs appear on the end, they are carefully cleaned off. After cutting, the soldering depth is marked. You need to measure the section of pipe that will fit into the tee or coupling and mark a line with a marker. The size of this section depends on the diameter of the pipes; the larger it is, the greater the immersion in the connecting element.

Pipe stripper

If you have to work with reinforced pipes, the algorithm of actions changes. Before soldering, it is necessary to clean the top layer of the pipe, consisting of aluminum foil, basalt or nylon fiber. A special tool is designed to remove the required layer size.

Careful removal of the foil is very important; a small amount of material remaining on the pipe will ruin the tightness of the soldering.

Reinforced pipe

A soldering iron with nozzles selected according to the diameter of the pipes is installed on a flat and durable surface. On both sides, a pipe and a fitting are simultaneously put on the heated nozzle, deepening to the intended line. The heating time of the plastic depends on the size of the pipes: for 20 mm, 6 seconds are enough, and for 32 mm, 8 seconds are required. After maintaining a set period of time, the elements are removed and firmly fixed into each other, while turning movements must not be made. For strong adhesion of the joint it will take from 4 to 10 seconds, during which time the polypropylene will harden and form a permanent connection.

Heating temperature and time

Failure to comply with the recommended heating time leads to the formation of leaks - in case of insufficient heating or sealing of the internal space - in case of excessive overheating. If a melt appears, you should not try to remove it immediately; the melted plastic will become more deformed. You need to wait until it cools and cut off the excess.

Try to solder less by weight

Without experience, in order to understand how to solder pipes correctly, you can make several training connections. It is convenient to work with short connections by placing the welding machine on the table; in this position, you can do all possible work, and joining a partially laid line is more difficult. The soldering iron nozzle is put on a fixed polypropylene pipe, and a tee is inserted into the second part, while the device is supported by weight. When making a highway, you need to monitor the order of the connections being made. Try to avoid joining in hard-to-reach places where it will be difficult to use a soldering iron.

It is important to keep the material clean and dry, because dirt and moisture reduce the quality of the pipe connection. Even a small amount of moisture deforms the material when heated. The chemical composition of pipes from different manufacturers may not be the same, this will lead to leaky joints. It is necessary to buy all the material - pipes and fittings - from one manufacturer.

The temperature in the room where polypropylene is installed should not fall below +5°C.

Crimp connection method

Connection diagram using a collet fitting

Pipeline joining by soldering is reliable and durable, it is impossible to disassemble it, and sometimes this is exactly what is required for repairs. In addition, it is not always possible to purchase or borrow a welding machine; in such cases, they use the method of connecting polypropylene pipes without soldering. For this, fittings with threads and a clamping ring are used. They are called collet or crimp, such a connection can withstand a pressure of sixteen atmospheres.

For a mechanical connection, you need to purchase several additional parts: elbows designed for joining of different diameters, a tee, solder and combined couplings with external and internal threads, plugs, adapters with external threads, elbows and tees with a union nut, ball valves, various fittings with factory thread.

Clamp fitting structure

To ensure tightness, joints and seals are generously lubricated with silicone.

To work, you will need a crimp wrench, which can be purchased at the same time as the fittings. Having cut off the required part of the pipe, firmly insert it into the fitting, wrap the thread of the element with thread to seal it and tighten the ferrule and nut, completely tightening it with a wrench. This connection method takes much longer than welding, but it is convenient for connecting polypropylene pipes to radiators.

Compression fittings

Joining a steel pipe with a polypropylene pipe

When installing heating or plumbing, there are areas where metal and plastic need to be joined. The connection between a polypropylene pipe and a metal pipe occurs using special adapters. This fitting has a smooth plastic hole on one side and a threaded metal insert on the other. The polypropylene pipe is connected by welding, and the metal pipe is screwed with a wrench. The resulting joint does not have the strength of a welded joint, but will serve for a long time.

Connection with metal pipe

After complete installation of the system, it is necessary to conduct a test run of water to check the tightness of all connection points of pipes and other elements. If threaded connections are leaking, they must be tightened.

Self-installation of plumbing or heating from polypropylene pipes is a completely doable task. To implement it, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the plastic welding machine and installation technology. To better understand all the nuances of the process, you should watch a video in which experienced installers share their experience.

How to connect a polyethylene pipe to a polypropylene pipe

To connect such pipes you need to use special fittings. Such a connection is necessary in cases where water was introduced into the house using HDPE pipes, and further distribution of water inside the house is carried out using polypropylene pipes. So, we can distinguish 2 types of connections:

  1. In the first case, you attach a threaded coupling to the HDPE pipe, where there will be a clamp connection on one side, and a similar coupling on the polypropylene one. It’s just that there will be a solder joint on one side, and a threaded joint on the other. In both cases, FUM tape or tow is used for threading to seal the joint and avoid leaks.
  2. In another case, a flange connection is used. A rubber seal is installed between the flanges. The flanges are bolted together.

In any home, sooner or later the question arises. And if previously only steel or cast iron pipes, then now most owners give preference polymer materials. For example, excellent option replacements will become, they are well suited for both cold and hot water. Such products have an attractive appearance, able to withstand big differences pressure and are light in weight. In addition, it is very easy to install such a system even on your own. This article will tell you how to connect correctly.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

Such building materials have many advantages over similar products. The advantages include the following indicators:

Scope of application of polypropylene pipes

This material is resistant to various aggressive environments. Therefore, in addition to household use, polypropylene parts are successfully used in chemical industry. Scope of application similar material like this:

  • Organization of water supply to houses - installation of risers, intra-house wiring, connection to metal pipes, when partial repairs pipeline;
  • Device heating system– using this type of pipes you can easily create a heating system. They are suitable both for replacing common risers and for intra-apartment wiring with connection to metal heating radiators. It is also possible to use a heated floor for the system;
  • In industry - for pumping various liquids.

Installation of polypropylene pipes

The installation technology of any pipeline system implies a clear diagram according to which the connection will be made. To begin with, draw on a sheet of paper detailed drawing indicating all water intake points if water supply is planned. When installing heating, it is necessary to indicate all radiators and the collector, if any. All work can be divided into items that are performed sequentially. The instructions for execution look like this:

  • The individual parts of the entire system will be assembled. Installation is carried out using special welding equipment;
  • When the individual parts are hermetically welded, final assembly begins;
  • The system is attached to the wall using special fasteners, if you plan open type wiring and fits into pre-made grooves if the wiring is closed.

In order for the entire structure to work correctly after installation, it is important to know how to connect polypropylene pipes correctly.

When there is a need to connect polypropylene parts, but there is no welding equipment at hand, you can use it, in which case welding equipment is not needed. Various adapters are used for this purpose. Select a part the right size and destination will not be difficult. Connecting polypropylene pipes without soldering is quite simple, due to the metal insert at one end of the fitting. Such units are also characterized by tightness and reliability.

To install a piping system using compression fittings It is enough to have only a crimp wrench on hand, which most often comes complete with adapters. To assemble a structure in this way, you will need to spend more time than using welding - this also needs to be taken into account when choosing an assembly option.

Tools and materials required for work

To complete the work quickly and efficiently, you should stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • A special soldering iron. If it is not possible to buy a high-quality device, then it is better to rent it from a store, since cheap devices may be of poor quality and the joints will be unreliable;
  • Grinder - if you plan to connect to a metal pipeline;
  • Fittings for various purposes;
  • As a sealant, you can use a special tape or tow;
  • Locksmith's keys;
  • Hammer for secure fastening finished system to Wall.

Performing soldering

To make high-quality and tight connections, it is important to purchase good soldering iron for plastic pipes. The soldering iron is placed on a flat surface using small legs that come with the device. It is advisable to keep parts of pipes that are intended for welding in a horizontal position, this makes soldering much easier and more convenient. If there is a need to weld vertically standing pipes, then you can’t do without an assistant. The soldering iron is removed from the legs, while the partner firmly fixes the pipe to the joint, the master needs to carefully solder it.

If pipes with a diameter of less than 63 mm are welded, then socket or socket welding is used. The connection is made using a coupling, and if threaded units are required, they are made using fittings. When working with pipes with a diameter of more than 63 mm, butt welding is performed - this is the most reliable and airtight type of connection of such products. When the pipeline is made of pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm, a manual welding machine can be used.

When doing the work yourself, all soldering can be divided into several successive stages:

  • The soldering iron is plugged in and heats up well, usually 10-15 minutes are enough. While waiting for heating, you can once again check whether all the pieces are there and cut the missing ones;
  • When heating of the device is completed, we place the pipe and connection on its nozzles. It is important to do this clearly and quickly; you cannot twist or pull the parts, as the soldering will be uneven;
  • When the elements are heated, they are removed from the nozzles and connected to each other by lightly pressing. There is no need to twist the parts - this will reduce the tightness of the joint;
  • After one node is completed, the remaining nodes begin to be soldered and continue until the entire pipeline system is completed.

After heating, polypropylene pipes cool quickly, resulting in a very tight connection. A system installed in this way can be supplied with water within an hour.

If you need to connect polypropylene pipes with metal products, then fittings are used that have a thread for metal and a smooth coupling for polymer. The work algorithm looks like this:

  1. The steel pipe is first prepared for work; to do this, the old coupling on it is unscrewed, and if there is none, the pipe is cut with a grinder, its end is lubricated with oil and a new thread is cut;
  2. The thread is degreased, a sealing material is screwed onto it, tow or elastic tape can be used. The winding should be carried out along the thread, usually one or two turns are enough;
  3. In this case, the fitting is fastened manually, without the use of keys or other tools. Otherwise, if over-tightened, the part may be permanently damaged;
  4. Lastly, the polypropylene element is welded to the flat end of the coupling.

What to pay attention to when working

When performing such repairs, it is worth paying attention Special attention for the following details:

  1. The room should be well ventilated, as soldering produces harmful smoke. In addition, you need to use means personal protection respiratory tract;
  2. It is best to cut polypropylene pipes with plastic scissors. If they are not at hand and a hacksaw is used, then the edges will need to be carefully sanded;
  3. When working, you must use work gloves or gloves, as molten plastic may come into contact with the skin of your hands.

Why pipe connections must be strong

For a comfortable stay in a house or apartment, it is not enough to have luxurious furnishings and innovative household appliances. It is necessary that nothing disturbs the comfort and well-being of the living family. A high-quality heating and water supply system will eliminate damage to furniture and flooring, as well as problems with neighbors in case of water leakage. Doing major repairs you don’t need to skimp on replacing risers and general wiring - this will help significantly save money on additional repairs that will have to be done if the pipes leak at some point.

It is best to use proven materials that have excellent performance characteristics. Polypropylene pipes can be used for any type of wiring, be it cold water or heating system. This material has proven itself high quality By affordable price. All installation work can be done independently, which will also significantly save money. Now you know how to connect polypropylene pipes correctly.

Most modern pipes in the house are made of plastic. Their installation does not require complex and bulky equipment, so installation and replacement can be done independently, including metal pipes with plastic ones. You will still need some skills and equipment, but more on that later.

Plastic pipes - the choice of the century

Plastic has long taken its strong place in the arrangement of all types of water supply systems.

Advantages of a plastic pipeline:

  • Easy installation;
  • Not subject to corrosion;
  • Very light structures;
  • The inside of the pipes does not become overgrown;
  • Versatility - heating, water supply and sewerage;
  • The warranty period for plastic is from 50 to 70 years;
  • The price is much lower than metal.

Among plastics, polypropylene pipes are the best because they are more durable than polyethylene pipes and can withstand high pressure and temperature.

Polypropylene pipes can be different brands from PN 10 to PN 25. The number indicates the number of atmospheres that the product can withstand.

PN 10 is designed for 10 atmospheres and a temperature of 25ºC and is only suitable for cold pipelines. PN 16 can operate at 16 atmospheres and 60ºС - for cold and hot water supply, as well as heated floors. Whereas PN 20 and PN 25 numbers can withstand 20 and 25 atmospheres and 95 ºС, respectively, which makes them suitable for installing heating systems and hot water supply, as well as other systems.

If you use reinforced pipe PN 25, then the place where it connects to the fitting will need to be treated with a shaver to remove aluminum foil.

Installation of plastic pipes

A plastic pipe can be connected to both plastic and metal. Of course, the methods of such connection differ from each other.

Types of polypropylene pipe connections

Speaking of options for joining polypropylene, you have a choice that depends on the availability of special equipment for soldering, as well as the nature of the section of pipeline that you will be installing.

Connection methods:

  • Demountable threaded connection - for brands PN 10 and PN 16;
  • Welding – for grades PN 20 and PN 25.

Threaded connections are used both for connecting plastic to plastic and plastic to metal. And if for plastic it is Alternative option installation, then for plastic with metal - the only one. Solderless connections are made for cold non-pressure systems. This is done using compression fittings, and the connections themselves are additionally sealed.

Welding of polypropylene pipes with polypropylene

Let's take a closer look at the most common connection option - soldering. It allows you to get the most airtight and durable result, so it is used in any system.

Tools and materials

To make such a permanent connection, you need a special welding machine, which is also called a soldering iron. This device has special nozzles of different diameters with non-stick Teflon coating. This soldering iron can be purchased or rented. Professional options are very expensive, but you can get by with a simple option that makes seams no worse than expensive ones.

In addition to the soldering iron, you need: a pipe, fittings, a knife for plastic pipes, a tape measure and a pencil.

Attention! Under no circumstances should this covering be cleaned with metal scrapers, only with a canvas rag or wooden instrument. Also teach that you need to clean the nozzle after each soldered part, but only in a warm state.

Welding stages

Important! Welding of polypropylene pipes occurs at 260ºС, so you need to use work gloves.

The welding process can be described step by step as follows:

Connections of reinforced polypropylene pipes

Such pipes (PN 25) have features in their structure - aluminium foil, so it will not be possible to connect them without preliminary processing. For this you need special device– a shaver that strips a certain layer of propylene and aluminum. The socket of the fitting is designed so that a pipe with the top layer removed enters it. The stripping depth is defined as the depth of the socket plus 2 mm. But if you purchased plastic parts and a tool from the same company, the shaver will remove the top layer of the required depth.

Connection requirements

It is very important to follow all the rules for installing parts such as ball valves, angles and tees. But in principle, any connection of a pipeline segment must be checked for quality at several points.

Main requirements for connections:

  • Alignment. This indicator must be as accurate as possible and the error cannot be greater than the thickness of the pipe wall;
  • Seam quality. A continuous, uniform bead of melted plastic should form around the fitting socket;
  • Fitting surface. The fitting after welding should not show any cracks or folds caused by overheating.

How to connect a polypropylene pipe to a metal one

There are also several options here:

  • threaded connection with fittings;
  • flange connection.

Threaded connection between plastic and metal

To solve such a problem as connecting pipes made of polypropylene and metal, there is universal device– threaded fittings. On the one hand, these parts can have an internal or external thread for connecting to a metal pipe, and on the other, a coupling for soldering a plastic pipe. Such connections are detachable, which in some cases is very convenient.

Threaded connection steps:

  1. The metal pipe at the desired junction with the plastic one is unscrewed, and if there is no coupling, it is cut off;
  2. If the section is cut, then there is no thread on it, but this defect is easily corrected with the help of a thread cutter. This device applies a new thread to the end of the pipe;
  3. After unscrewing the coupling or applying new threads, it must be cleaned and sealed. It is important that the layer of sealant is applied no more than the norm in 1-2 layers;
  4. Now you can screw the fitting onto a metal thread, but this must only be done manually;
  5. The last step is to weld plastic product to the smooth coupling of the fitting. The process is exactly the same as soldering plastic products.

Flange connection between plastic and metal

In addition, a flange connection is used, which is also detachable. To do this, you need to purchase bushings for flanges that are welded to the pipe, or metal slip-on flanges. These types of installation are used to connect polypropylene pipes with metal pipes, with valves, pumps and such connections that will subsequently need to be disassembled for cleaning or repair.

There are several types of flanges:

  • Free-standing with support on a straight shoulder for mounting light structures with a diameter of no more than 300 mm, as well as heavy ones with a diameter of up to 150 mm;
  • Free, supported on a conical collar for pipeline sections with a diameter of no more than 200 mm;
  • Wedge joints are used everywhere.

Plastic and metal are most often connected using the first method, that is, with a loose flange on a straight shoulder. The main task is to ensure that the dimensions of polypropylene and metal elements corresponded to each other.

Connection steps using flanges:

As you can see, connecting polypropylene pipes to polypropylene pipes is a fairly simple process. Most often, soldering is used with a special soldering iron, since such connections are reliable and not subject to leakage. We advise you to buy a couple of extra fittings (you can use cheap ones) and a piece of pipe to practice using a soldering iron. Monitor the quality of the seam and when you see that you are able to create an even seam bead, start soldering real systems. Also, a soldering iron and special fittings are useful for installing polypropylene pipes with metal ones. The process for this is described in this article.

Polypropylene pipes in a cold water supply system will last 50 years, and in hot water pipelines - at least 25 years. How to connect polypropylene pipes to each other or to a metal pipeline? You will find the answer to these questions in our article. Do not forget that when planning to make a replacement water pipes hot or cold supply yourself, you need not only to choose a joining method, but to stock up on the necessary tools.

Connection methods

  1. Butt welding.
  2. Socket connection.
  3. With the use of fittings.

When choosing a connection method, you must remember that welded pipelines cannot be dismantled.

Butt welding

To connect pipes with a diameter of more than 50 mm, the butt welding method is used. In this case, a professional welding machine is used.

How to properly connect polypropylene pipes with a diameter of less than 50 mm? A tool is used - a soldering iron to connect plastic pipes (the so-called “iron”).

Technological process for ironing:

  • Preparation of pipes - cutting to size, cleaning the ends, marking the immersion depth using a marker.
  • Heating the soldering iron to soldering temperature – 260-270 o C.
  • Pipes and connecting parts are placed on the soldering iron nozzles strictly perpendicularly.
  • Time delay for melt.

Warming up parts on a soldering iron

  • Elements and pipes are removed from the nozzles and connected to each other with light squeezing, without twisting. It must be taken into account that the size of the seam depends on the compression force. When soldering small-diameter pipes, it is important that the weld bump does not block the internal passage of the pipe. You should also avoid excessive heat, which significantly degrades the quality of the seam.

In order to “catch” the holding time and the compression force, you need to practice on pipe scraps, this will allow you to avoid defects when carrying out basic work.

  • Delay time for cooling.

Socket connection

For joining pipes with a diameter of less than 40 mm, socket soldering is used. For connection, a welding machine with special nozzles and a centering device is used.

Stages of work:

  • cutting the pipe using special scissors;
  • cleaning the ends;
  • heating the device to the required temperature;
  • welding (the operation must be performed quickly to avoid deformation);
  • fixation of elements, eliminating mechanical loads.

The quality of each compound must be checked immediately after cooling.

The socket connection can also be made cold using glue. With this type of connection, it is necessary to perform a preliminary “trying” - checking how the pipe fits into the fitting. If the fit is too loose, the connection will not be sealed, and if it is too tight, the pipe will move the adhesive layer when inserted. During preliminary adjustment, you need to mark the parts to be connected with a single line.

Carrying out the work step by step:

  • cut;
  • stripping;
  • degreasing with a cleaner;
  • applying glue (on the outer part of the pipe liberally, on inner part connecting element thin layer);
  • connection (the pipe is rotated when inserted into the fitting to distribute the glue evenly);
  • removing excess glue;
  • waiting time for the glue to harden.

Using fittings

Another “cold” joining method is using fittings. The tool is a crimp wrench that comes with the fittings.

Joining plastic and metal pipes

You can connect polypropylene pipes to metal ones using fittings. This type of connection allows you to connect heating devices, water supply equipment, and switch to pipes of other diameters or from other materials.

Types of fittings:

  • press fittings;
  • crimping;
  • push fittings.

When working with pipes with a diameter of more than 40 mm, the threaded connection is placed on the metal part of the pipeline.

Connecting polypropylene pipes to metal pipes using special adapters greatly simplifies the work.

Connect metal-plastic pipe with polypropylene you can use a compression fitting.

After connecting pipes and fittings, it is necessary to check the pipeline for leaks. Water is supplied to the system and each connection is checked for leaks. If necessary, seal the joints or tighten the threaded connections. In the case of hot water supply, check the system by supplying hot water.