Modern beautiful courtyards: landscape design around a private house. Creative ideas and photos for decorating a country yard with your own hands Landscaping the backyard

Depending on the type of house itself, whether it is individual or guest, huge or small, built in a village, cottage community, historical part of the city or on endless expanses of land measured in tens of hectares, the design of the yard of a private house changes. Based on the location of the hacienda, based on the possible use of the land and taking into account your own preferences, you can begin to plan the landscape areas of the yard and select the objects that decorate them.

Ways to implement the plan:

  • on one's own;
  • by the craftsmen of a company specializing in landscape work;
  • by hired workers, who are organized and controlled by the owner of the house himself.

Each owner has his own home

Bench among a luxurious flower garden

The location of the home dictates the corresponding design requirements for the surrounding area.

buildingsHouse in a cottage villageHouse in the villageHouse in the historical centerEstateCountry house in gardening
Features affecting the design projectClosed area

Same type buildings

Regulated height, transparency and fence material (or lack thereof)

Strict requirements for appearance secondary buildings on the site

You can choose a style according to your desires, but build, be sure to comply with technical standards

If the appointment land plot Private household plots, then outbuildings in the yard are allowed

It is prohibited to violate urban planning norms or urban development plans

Its appearance must correspond to the existing image of the city

Fulfillment of any fantasy, limited only by available meansA small area intended for recreation and gardening. Due to the minimal space, mini-zones of the yard landscape are planned

In addition to the above features, each type of private house has characteristics that influence the main design solutions when developing a zonal landscape project courtyard area.

Planning of private areas

The styles most often used in the design of the yard of any private house are English landscape, Japanese garden, French regular, Mediterranean, Russian estate style, as well as “domestic”, free from all signs of the times, i.e. eclecticism, a combination of a variety of elements. When implementing the landscape design of your property, there is no need to maintain the style completely; you can limit yourself to only a few techniques and “throw” a stylistic flair over the object.

No matter how you position the house (it is recommended to plan the construction of the main building so as not to shade the garden area), it is still the center of the yard. Pedestrian paths, a driveway, and the rest of the estate's buildings are connected to it. Each of the elements must correspond to the main building on the site, emphasize it, and present the author’s design of the courtyard of a private house to the view of the visiting guest in the best possible way.

All private property can be divided into three large areas, according to their purpose. These include: a place of rest, an area bordering the main house, green Zone with outbuildings.

Read more about landscape design zones

The recreation area can be divided into a place where the active part of the family spends time, the sector " summer cuisine"and a corner of relaxation and quiet rest. The first includes a gazebo, children's Corner(sandbox, swing, ladder), tree house, sports ground. The second consists of a barbecue, barbecue, and oven complex. The third unites a pond, a bathhouse complex, shady corners garden: an openwork bench for book lovers under a tall tree, summer house creative solitude. They should be decorated with flowerpots that support the overall garden color scheme. The combination of color, peace and aroma is what relaxation in a country house is all about.

The “green” zone includes a vegetable garden, an orchard, and hedges of berry bushes. It should be located away from the entrance to the site in order to minimize the contact of roadside dust and exhaust smoke with the plants. Outbuildings can be designed in a rustic or fairytale style. A fad that has become fashionable among absolutely urban residents is a chicken coop for laying hens, made according to an original design, which will decorate the site. And the cellar - Bilbo's hobbit house with an earthen grass roof - will allow you to show your creative imagination.

Sometimes it is recommended to make a green roof “pseudo-grass”, to replace freezing grasses, which require a significant layer of soil, fertilizing, and regular watering, with drought-resistant creeping succulents and low-growing sedums. These plants create a spectacular voluminous carpet that does not require special care.

The adjacent territory, consisting of a facade entrance zone ( entry group, parking, garage, gate) and the area adjacent to the house with reverse side, is the business card of the owners. It is very important not only what is behind the fence, but also what others see when approaching the house. A paved driveway, an attractive fence, a beautiful mailbox on a gate or a stone fence post, blooming bindweed - everything creates the atmosphere of a friendly, hospitable home, pleases the eyes of neighbors, and evokes the admiration of people passing by.

The private side implies access from the house to the garden, the presence of a patio where groups of forged or wicker furniture, an alpine slide or a man-made fountain are placed. Plan your yard design so that the living room window, the central room in the house, has a beautiful view. Looking at the garden changing from season to season - snow-covered, blooming, bright autumn - you will admire the creation of your own hands every time.

Special objects of a large-scale estate

When designing a large space, the priorities of the owners, the direction of their activities, and hobbies are taken into account. On the territory of the estate, special areas include stables, alleys for riding and walking, a garden, and a park with trees connected by lawns. For the owners, their adult children, and service personnel, several buildings are provided far from each other. Other buildings - a garage housing a collection of vintage cars, a pseudo-barn as a place for an art gallery, an elevated belvedere allowing views of the surrounding area, an indoor swimming pool, a winter greenhouse - reflect the hobbies of the owners. A tennis court, a football field, a mini-golf course, a boat pier, large bodies of water surrounded by canals, with passages connecting individual corners of the estate can also be planned.

In addition to large objects, a large space must be filled with “highlights”, corners where it is interesting to look, and once you get there, you will not want to leave. A gazebo entwined with grapes, a white statue in the thickets of blooming jasmine, a sun lounger behind a plant curtain where you can hide from your family, feel the taste of solitude, merging with nature.

As a special decorative technique on the territory of a large estate, it is interesting to use signs with the names of routes, designed based on the style general design. This is organizationally correct, and in addition, it will allow you to play “Find Me” with guests.

Gardening fun

Let’s pay a little more attention to the design of the “green” zone of a private house. In garden design, the favorite of recent years has been the regular vegetable garden, a replica of the French royal gardens. In addition to the aesthetic impression, this option for arranging a garden area is convenient when caring for and working in it. Paths with hard surface, high borders, bordering beds, symmetry, clear lines, adherence to proportions make it almost ideal. Plant objects planted as if on a ruler, necessarily ranked by height, the configuration of bushes maintained by annual formative pruning, fruit trees on trellises - all this makes the garden mathematically harmonious, visible in different planes with a pronounced volume of details. And the lush colors of garden vegetation smooth out the impression of a soulless standard, introducing the turbulence of life.

Regular planning organizes a garden of minimal dimensions well. Clearly calculated space required for each plant, raised or stepped beds, flatly distributed branches fruit trees Taking up less space, dense plantings of vegetable crops make it possible to realize all desires and show unlimited flights of imagination in a limited area.

The complete opposite of a regular garden is a free-style garden, where different plants are mixed, and their presence is determined only by desire. Following the principle “dear to my heart”, rose bushes are placed here in the neighborhood, decorative cabbage, marigolds, potatoes. The vegetable garden is separated from other space and the barbarity of domestic animals. And the guard in front of the gate can be a figurine of a funny man in a wide-brimmed hat. An interesting technique is to plant succulents on the brim of a hat in a thin layer of substrate, which do not require a lot of soil and moisture.

Site lighting is an effective design technique

Landscape design the yard cannot be imagined without lighting in dark time days. At night, the garden and houses take on different shapes, emphasized by the rays of lamps, selected according to the style and material of manufacture. general design local area.

You can organize the lighting of paths by laying a network electrical cables, powering them from the main source of electricity, or provide for the use of completely free solar energy. When using the latter option, you won’t get fabulously bright lighting, but the storage batteries will perform their main function – to ensure the safe movement of people along private paths in the evening.

With light you can play up a special object in the adjacent space. Well-thought-out light groups will limit the recreation area that goes around the path, highlighting a pond with shining lights on the water surface - a charming sight that attracts you like a magnet. Sitting on the shore of an illuminated pond, looking at the stars - for the sake of this pleasure, a country house is built, the design of its yard is thought out.

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Sometimes people look longingly at photographs of fabulously beautiful green-flowering designs of private homesteads and believe that they may not have enough money for such beauty. This is only partly true: if you create a landscape design for the courtyard of a private house (we will definitely show the photo) systematically, then you can create an equally beautiful one for yourself. paradise. It’s just that not everyone knows where to start, but a good advisor, an online magazine website, will tell you and show you how you can and should create your own little Eden.

A harmoniously designed and properly decorated local area will have a calming effect. This is a single ensemble of living nature and human creations

When there are a lot of fantasies and ideas wandering around in your head, in which the yard becomes a fairy tale, it is very difficult to draw up an action plan. The biggest mistake would be not to think through the design of the territory as a whole, but to act chaotically, designing everything “piece by piece.” In this case, individual zones may turn out beautiful, but the same impression that pictures of luxurious mansions in magazines make can never be achieved.

You can usually find zoning recommendations in articles. This is true, but private home properties are sometimes such that you first need to decide on the function of the front, back yard and recreation area. At the planning and design stage, you need to clearly understand: all buildings and green spaces require maintenance. It’s not enough to plant a tree or make a flowerbed; plantings need regular care. Therefore, if there is not enough time for something, from the word “absolutely”, you should not include such an object in the plan if you do not want to see the yard in unsightly desolation.

Front yard

Based on the size of the site, they plan the placement of various functional and aesthetic buildings. The arrangement of the local area of ​​a private house includes a garage, flower beds, a platform in front of the house, a path to the guest house and to the backyard, ornamental trees. The front yard is the front yard of the house, and the photos confirm this.

Must be beautiful both outside and inside. This is an architectural form that serves as the distant background of the entire site.

The path leading to a country house can wind between green spaces or be straight, creating an alley. If the yard is small, then a winding path will be inappropriate.

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In the backyard there are usually outbuildings, a swimming pool, a bathhouse, a vegetable garden, a sports ground, and a children's recreation area. It’s easy to make the backyard in a private house cozy with your own hands. Why shouldn’t a bathhouse be combined with a home? After all, for many it is very convenient. Well, the rules fire safety no one has canceled it, and it is better to locate such a fire-hazardous building away from the house. In addition, a separate building provides a completely different atmosphere of privacy and comfort.

Gradually, acting according to the planned plan, the yard will be improved and acquire the desired appearance. If you develop all the stages in as much detail as possible, right down to where to purchase what material and at what time of year, the result will be impressive. Of course, you need to understand that the art of landscape design is not a one-day process. Plants planted along the fence will not amaze with their majestic beauty in the first year; perennial vines also take time, like woody forms. In any case, you should put your dream yard on paper and figure out point by point what is in what order and how to do it.

Patio area

The patio area is a relaxation area where you can have a good time with a glass of juice in good company or with a book.

It is possible to exclude a recreation area, but this is the same as depriving your own soul of recharging.

Design of a private house courtyard with photos of functional areas of modern courtyards

Everyone loves order in the house and understands why it is needed. With the territory of the yard, everything is the same: each zone performs its own function.

Summer kitchen and dining room

Summer home kitchen was once a very popular and necessary building in rural areas. But even today it has not lost its meaning:

  • in the hot summer it is much easier to cook outdoors;
  • modern summer buildings assume the presence of an oven or barbecue, which allows you to prepare especially tasty dishes;
  • the dining room, located nearby, gathers all guests close to the source of the aroma of delicious food in the fresh air;
  • even in rainy weather it is pleasant to gather in the summer dining room overlooking the beautiful garden.

Improvement of a recreation area in the courtyard of a private house

The recreation area includes benches, upholstered furniture, swings, gazebos, open playgrounds.

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Gazebos in the courtyard of a private house with photo examples

A gazebo is chosen according to preferences: some people don’t like open buildings, while others find it cramped in closed spaces.

Advice! If there are always a lot of guests, or the family is very large, then the gazebo is made taking into account the number of seats required.

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Elegant ones can be made from a variety of materials. The photos you will find in this review demonstrate the most best ideas and design solutions.

Open areas

Open areas do not require a canopy or roof; they are placed either in the shade of trees or in bright sun.

Play area and swimming pool

The word “child” is usually associated with the phrase “play area”, but not everyone has children. It's not just about children's play area- adults also love ball games, tennis, and sports equipment. If space allows, why not set aside a corner for physical relaxation?

The pool can be quite small, the main thing is that there is a water drainage system and a covering that protects the water from blooming in the sun.


Not everyone has the desire to plant a garden: caring for seedlings, spraying trees, pruning, treating, harvesting and processing them require time and effort. But is it really bad when plump apples and pears are at hand, bright orange sea buckthorn hangs in juicy clusters, a beautiful dogwood with its fire berries decorates the plot? There are many different shrubs and trees that, in addition to bearing fruits in summer and autumn, decorate the garden with wonderful flowers in spring.

Grandparents' vegetable garden is a thing of the past: why exhaust yourself weeding paths if they can be cultivated once and for all?

Recommendation! It is not necessary to pave paths between the beds; the lawn will exclude any weed.

Arrangement of the yard of a private house depending on the stylistic direction I

Many people like to look at photos of beautiful courtyards of a private house, hoping to create a miracle with their own hands on their own plot. Well, it's absolutely real. If you don’t try to arrange the territory in the same style, you will end up with something motley, devoid of a single concept. Such a yard would not be called special. When there is a desire to create something aesthetic, cultured, beautiful, they do not act on the principle “I made it from what was.”

The issue of choosing a style is the second most important point after zoning. All materials and decorative elements must be selected in accordance with the chosen garden style. Among the styles in which you can arrange your yard are Mediterranean, English and Japanese. They are not found all the time and amaze with their novelty, originality and culture.

Mediterranean style

How to decorate the yard of a private house in a Mediterranean style? For northern yards this is quite problematic due to the characteristics of the local flora. In general, the style reflects the shores south seas: an abundance of processed and untreated stone, rounded pebbles, terraces, stairs, shading from the sun. In northern gardens there is no need to shade the garden at all, but terracing allows you to grow more heat-loving plants in the summer.

The abundance of stone eliminates excess vegetation, but people whose garden is located in the steppe zone should take into account that the stone heats up well, and not every plant will be happy about this, because the climate is by no means marine!

English style

If you want to improve the yard in a private house, as in the photos showing decorous English gardens, then you should immediately understand that it will not be possible to create perfect option. Many plants in an English garden will feel better in the harsh conditions of Siberia than in the hot steppe lands. But if you want, you can create an oasis in the desert, right?

For English style Naturalness is characteristic in everything except the neatly trimmed lawn. The lush greenery here is divided by winding paths, the flower beds have irregular shape, the trees look untrimmed, but in fact, each leaf is in its place by the will of the gardener.

Japanese style

The refined taste of the Japanese, their special sense of beauty and ability to find beauty in those things that other people will pass by - everything is reflected in Japanese style in the garden.

If the main characteristics of the owner of the house are patience, hard work, and the ability to contemplate, then such a garden will become the embodiment of the mystery of the soul for a person.

Do-it-yourself courtyard design for a private house with photo examples

Today there are many finished projects landscape design of the courtyard of a private house with photos and instructions for creation. They come not only from desires, but also from financial capabilities. Often people try to decorate the garden with whatever they can get their hands on: yes, parrots made from tires look funny, but where in Japanese or English garden can you find the wheels? You need to remember that the main thing is to stick to the chosen style, and not get upset at everything that you come across on the Internet.

How to decorate your yard with flower beds and flower beds with your own hands

It is not difficult to create flower beds. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Consider the layering of plants.
  2. The flowerbed should have plants that bloom at different times.
  3. Plants are selected strictly for the climate zone.
  4. The soil must meet the requirements of the crops.

How to decorate the yard of a private house with curly trimmed bushes with photos of cutting ideas

Decorating the yard of a private house with topiary bushes with your own hands requires the ability to work with garden shears and pruning shears. If you don’t have such skills, then you should study all the nuances of the work before giving the plants a hairdresser’s execution.

Do-it-yourself decoration of the yard of a private house in winter with photos of options

How to decorate the area near your house in winter? Photos of examples of winter country courtyards will serve as a hint for this.

Original and practical ways organize space in small yard. Don’t be afraid to combine objects that seem incompatible at first glance; use optical illusion and zoning techniques.

You will definitely find your own, comfortable and amazing design that will bring you pleasure and arouse the admiration of others!


The area should not be flat and easily visible. You should not lay straight paths that visually shorten distances.

Design your yard to accommodate functional areas. Arches, screens, container plants, paving with different materials, and terracing will help you zone your site.

Make even a short walk around the site rich in sensations: plant spicy, aromatic plants; a gravel path can rustle pleasantly underfoot; berry bushes will give you the opportunity to eat some delicious berries.

Make the paths so that two people can walk along them.

We organize storage spaces and select colors

Where to store garden tools, children's toys, bicycle or watering hoses?

Decide where to store these things. Then there will be more free space in the yard, the eye will not cling to piles of scattered objects, and the feeling of clutter will disappear.

Not for the yard large sizes limit the color palette to a few calm shades. For example, white, silver, pearl, sand colors will be an excellent contrast for plants and yard elements, and will also be clearly visible even in the dark.

Light colors will visually make the space lighter and more voluminous. Cool shades of blue and gray will visually push back the boundaries of the yard.

Dark-colored plants in the background will create an additional effect of depth. Your territory will appear larger than it actually is.

Using lighting

The level of illumination plays a big role in the perception of the space of the yard. Brightly lit areas immediately catch the eye, shady areas are convenient for secluded resting places, hidden from view. Be sure to take these nuances into account when planning.

Use artificial lighting, because even in the dark you can highlight interesting elements or entire areas: a patio, a central path, a bench, a beautiful plant or a flowerpot.

Options LED backlight You will definitely like it for its efficiency and ease of placement. This type of lighting is easy to install and invisible during the day.

Flowers and plants

You should not plant a lot of different plants if the area is limited. Focus on a few spectacular species, trees with a neat, narrow crown.

Place tall (evergreen) plants in the background, plant low bushes of hydrangeas, roses, astilbe in the middle, and low-growing petunias, pelargonium, coleus, hosta, heuchera, and lobelia in the foreground.

Use vertical gardening, and also use other surfaces with good access for planting plants and lawns (for example, the roof of a garage).

Check out the landscaping in your yard with moss! Having a small territory, this method should definitely not be overlooked. As a result, you will get mega green spaces without any loss in area. Be sure to see how it works and see for yourself!

Use container plants to quickly change the layout of your yard.

There are many ways to incorporate a barbecue area, hearth, or fire pit into a small yard design. The warmth and glow of such a garden hearth is no less pleasant than from an expensive and large one. There are also models of barbecues that are attached to the wall and do not occupy the territory of the site at all.

For lovers of water, melodious murmur and freshness in the air, there is also good news: in a small area of ​​your yard it is quite possible to place a small fountain, organize a stream or a mini pond.

If you have absolutely no free space, build a beautiful birdbath. All of these options are sure to add freshness and attract birds, dragonflies, and butterflies to your yard!

Creating a harmonious image of a yard located around a private house is a type of landscape design. And if you decide to independently bring this creative activity into reality, you should analyze some of its aspects and principles, and also get acquainted with useful recommendations specialists who will tell you how to design the courtyard of a private house so that it not only satisfies your taste, but also reflects the general style of the site.

A beautiful yard - a fashion trend or a necessity

The external surroundings of the yard play a significant role, since this is what the household and guests who enter the house see. Therefore, it is important that the atmosphere in this space is conducive to a pleasant pastime and relaxation.

You should carefully consider the location of flower beds and flower beds, green groups, various buildings, decorative elements decorating the garden. The design of the courtyard of a private house should please, attract and be harmonious at any time of the year.

Basic principles of design and planning

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to order a landscape design project for a yard area from professionals, since this pleasure is not cheap.

However, if you turn on your creative imagination and devote enough effort and time to transforming the yard, you will create Beautiful design Anyone can do the yard with their own hands.

Gathering in the yard around the fire with family and friends and watching the dancing flames is one of the favorite pastimes of household members in the countryside.

The key is to define the house as the central dominant point of the entire surrounding landscape. It is he who will determine the style of the remaining buildings, and in this direction it is important to achieve harmony of the future image of the courtyard with the design of the building.

When starting to design the local area, they carefully study the entire site, since it is important to take into account its features. This will allow you to decide which design elements will be used, for example, when there are differences in elevation.

  • In such situations, free-standing gazebos look impressive.
  • It fits no less organically into the design of the courtyard of a private house. picturesque rock garden.
  • Elements of vertical gardening, flowers in hanging planters.
  • A flat surface requires clear planning of placement tracks, flower beds, decorative ponds , landings.

Before you start decorating the yard, you need to decide on the need to build utility rooms, selecting a place for their location and identifying design elements that will hide their possibly not very impressive external surfaces.

Depending on the area of ​​the site, the number of priority zones is calculated, among which there may be playgrounds and sports grounds, recreation areas, kitchen corners etc.

Having a separate barbecue area in the courtyard of a private house is the dream of any summer resident

Private courtyard areas

When determining the necessary zones, be sure to take into account the area of ​​the site. If there is not too much space, you can solve the problem by combining several functional elements. For example, you can successfully combine a terrace with a gazebo, a designated recreation area with a barbecue and a summer kitchen, a gazebo and a bathhouse.

When thinking about the possibility of receiving guests, they allocate an area where you can quickly and mobilely install a barbecue or barbecue oven, arrange folding garden furniture, and attach small hanging umbrellas that protect from direct sun.

Having decided on everyone key elements, build an accurate diagram to scale. The diagram determines the direction of the paths connecting the functional areas.

  1. A well-visible area is allocated for children's corners.
  2. Car parking can be located in the area in front of the house.
  3. The recreation area will be comfortably located on the side of the house among a group of trees.
  4. A well-lit place is allocated for the beds; one of the sides of the site is perfect for this.
  5. If there is enough space at the back of the house, then it is convenient to place the greenhouse and vegetable garden there.

The previously drawn up plan should be carefully analyzed, the necessary adjustments made, and only after that can detailed planning be started directly on the site.

Hanging swings are an essential attribute of a modern garden

How to delimit zones in the garden

To delimit the courtyard of a private house into different zones, you can use a variety of landscape elements, the main thing is that each of them is harmoniously combined with each other. The most popular methods are:


The design of the yard looks aesthetically pleasing if it has an arch. It’s even better if you plant climbing plants next to it that form beautiful twists. Most often, arches are placed over paths leading to a recreation area or playground.

A picturesque arch at the entrance to the courtyard - great way transform the site


Low shrubs that respond well to pruning form beautiful green fences. It is appropriate to use them to allocate a small area of ​​lawn for outdoor games. If necessary, you can put here light furniture and have a picnic.


A low fence - a strict wooden one, wicker willow twigs or openwork plastic, painted in different colors, you can designate or sandbox. They look good as fencing around beds, turning them into a decorative element of the landscape.


Stationary or portable bamboo, rattan, and wicker screens provide excellent protection from drafts and create the necessary shade.

They can be placed near a decorative pond, placing comfortable lounge chairs, rocking chairs, and children's swings nearby. If necessary, such screens will allow you to hide from prying eyes.

Paths in the country: functionality and main purpose

On any site country paths and the paths are necessary element. They perform several functions, ensuring safety of movement, and also being an element of site zoning.

  • Equipping garden paths using various materials. The most common option is to fill the paths with fine gravel or pebbles. More and more often there are types of this material painted in different shades, which bring amazing spots of color into the surrounding space, making the area attractive and bright.

A static, reliable and durable surface of paths in the courtyard of a private house can be obtained using paving or concrete tiles. Paths made of cobblestones or bricks look no less elegant.

Wood cuts pre-impregnated with anti-rotting compounds look original. Fill the remaining pockets between them with colored bark, sand or pebbles.

Such colorful paths can easily become a separate decorative area, where sculptures from intricately intertwined rhizomes and stumps will be installed in combination with plantings of juniper and conifers.

A beautiful yard design whose photo cannot help but inspire

There are several objects that are increasingly appearing in courtyards near private houses. These include:

  • Artificial reservoirs;
  • Comfortable seating areas around the fire;
  • Equipped barbecue areas;
  • Multifunctional children's playgrounds.

Artificial pond in the yard

Water has always symbolized the harmony of life, served as a source of good mood and energy for the whole day, so it is often used when decorating the courtyard of a private house with your own hands.

  • Depending on the area of ​​the plot, it can be equipped with pool, small pond, cascade, fountain or ordinary trickle.
  • In spacious areas it is appropriate to make volumetric stationary swimming pools by choosing reliable materials. Most often, the foundation pit is made concrete, since you can find plastic mold Large sizes are quite problematic.

For a decorative small pond, it is enough to dig a hole of any shape and cover it double layer film, ensuring enough reliable waterproofing. The banks are reinforced with bricks, pebbles or small cobblestones.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to create stationary reservoirs, so summer residents are increasingly resorting to the use of inflatable tanks. For decoration, reeds, low-growing shrubs and bright flowers emitting the most delicate aroma.

The marsh iris looks great with this water composition, and if there is a need to decorate the surface of the water, then containers with water lilies and lotuses can be placed in the pond. Varieties of floating plants such as hornwort or duckweed may also be located on the surface.

If there is a waterfall on the site, an excellent place for relaxation is created. The sound of water jets sparkling in the sun is relaxing and soothing.

Important! You can purchase an artificial waterfall or make it yourself by placing a pump in a water tank.

Relaxation area with fireplace

The area where the stove, outdoor fireplace, barbecue is installed becomes a favorite place for the whole family. Here you can sit with friends, relax at home, and cook barbecue and other delicious food over an open fire.

For convenience, a massive table is installed, comfortable benches. Such a corner is complemented with sun loungers and hammocks. A good solution would be to install a canopy that protects from rain.

Open dining room

To have a nice time over lunch at outdoors, it is not necessary to make a special area for the dining room. You can level the area under the spreading trees and place garden sofas, a table, and chairs there.

Decoration of a summer cottage yard (photo)

If the house is located approximately in the center of the site, then usually a garage is built at the entrance, in front of which they organize parking space. Thus with back side There is enough space left at home, which, with proper design, can be turned into comfortable corners for relax.

Beautiful plot near the house can be obtained if you equip it dining area, erecting a low wooden platform surrounded by hedges. It would be appropriate to plant picturesque flower beds and flower beds nearby.

Important! It is more convenient to use folding furniture so that you can remove it as needed, freeing up space.

If the area is spacious, then a massive, stable furniture group is installed. It can be built from stone or made from solid wood. Such options look respectable and prestigious.

The design of the courtyard of a private house can be decorated with varieties of forged furniture. Chairs, armchairs and tables wicker from wicker or rattan look no less impressive.

It should be noted that the easiest to clean are plastic items, from which dirt can be easily removed with a stream of water. While wooden furniture needs to be constantly updated with paint or varnish. Metal parts also require maintenance and must be protected from corrosion.

When placing a recreational area in the backyard, it is advisable to level the surface and cover it with regular or colored pebbles. Long-lasting coating will be provided stone slabs. As a fence, you can make a border from concrete or ceramic blocks. Bright accessories that will decorate the design of the courtyard of a private house and give it individuality look great on such a site.

A play or sports corner can be conveniently located next to the recreation area. A slide and swing are installed here, supplemented with various sports equipment. A barbecue area is harmoniously located in the backyard. Usually a stationary hearth with a canopy is installed and the necessary furniture is selected.

Courtyard lighting

  • Thoughtful yard lighting allows you to provide additional charm to the site. Illuminated fountains, individual groups of plants, decorative sculptures, and the water surface of reservoirs look especially advantageous in the evening.

When creating sites different zones, can be installed on the floor LED lights, which in the dark create the feeling of stars glowing under your feet. Incredible mystery and originality are represented by LED lamps mounted in special small platforms in the form of leaves and buds of water lilies and lilies floating on the water.

Advice! If it is necessary to illuminate paths, use dim flashlights placed low from the ground. Along the central path, poles equipped with bright lanterns should be installed. Such multi-tiered lighting becomes the pride of homeowners, as it turns the site into a wonderfully attractive spectacle.

Placing plants in the garden

By arranging plants in different groups, you can create a harmonious image of the territory. This advantage is taken into account during planning.

Important! Coniferous varieties are not placed near areas, verandas and terraces, since you will have to constantly clean up fallen needles. Deciduous trees are not planted near reservoirs, which will keep the water clean longer.

The tallest varieties should not be placed in the center. They highlight the far boundaries of the territory most favorably. Recommended use flowering species plants located in containers and hanging pots. They can easily, for example, transform a fence around a site or decorate a gazebo or veranda.

Decor for the site

When developing the design of the courtyard of a private house, you should think through every little detail. One of these important details is the use of decorative elements to decorate the site.

The most popular are bright decorative sculptures of animals, birds, and fairy-tale characters. You can make them yourself from any available material, such as plastic bottles.

Figures cast from plaster or concrete look no less natural, but their manufacture will require special silicone molds.

Colorful fairy-tale characters and various art objects look great inside flower beds and on alpine hills. They give a special charm to children's playgrounds.

Figures of fish and frogs are in harmony with bodies of water. Various dragonflies, bees, and birds go well with the greenery of the trees, settling on their branches.

If you design your own backyard area systematically and without haste, then this activity will turn into an exciting creativity in which all household members will be able to show their artistic inclinations.

We hope that our article will help you create an original and beautiful design for the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can later also post on the Internet for public viewing.

Walking along the streets of the private sector, you involuntarily pay attention to the design of the courtyards. Particularly attractive are the beautiful, tastefully decorated landscapes, near which you want to linger longer. Unusual compositions with artificial ponds, waterfalls, with topiary elements, etc. are interesting. Creating an extraordinary landscape in the yard requires work and knowledge of the basics of its design.

Principles of planning a yard near a private house

A yard is a part of a plot of land adjacent to a private house. It is divided into a front, or front yard, and a back yard. The front yard is located between the facade of a residential building and the fence. It is open to everyone who wants to look beyond the fence, and is the calling card of the owners. For this reason, its design is treated with particular scrupulousness.

The backyard is behind the house and hidden from prying eyes. A secluded resting place is set up here, outbuildings are located, poultry and animals are kept.

The layout of the yard largely depends on the size of the plot and the needs of the family. But there are general principles for its improvement that the majority adhere to. The list of objects located in the yard includes technical buildings and decorative elements landscape. The first of them are a necessity, since they provide comfort to the owners of the house, and the second are needed to satisfy their aesthetic needs.

Objects of technical significance include a garage, parking, summer kitchen, guest house, gazebo, and dog enclosure. The garage and area for vehicles are usually located immediately behind the gate, and other buildings are located in the depths, where noise from the road does not come and street dust does not penetrate. An aviary or dog house is located in a remote corner, but not too far from the outer fence.

Objects of decorative value are flower beds, ponds, deciduous and coniferous plantings, lawns, small architectural structures, etc. Their number depends on the area of ​​the yard and such elements in most situations are located along fences and walls of outbuildings.

It is not customary to fill the space directly in front of the porch with vegetation - it should remain free for movement. Tile or other paving covering is laid on the site at the entrance to the house.

An exception. When the yard is spacious enough, flower beds are laid out near the porch on the side of the steps, where the flower beds do not interfere with movement.

Relaxation area in the front yard

A gazebo or shed is a common addition to the front yard. They are surrounded by flower beds and climbing plants, and together they make up a landscape composition.

If you have free space, you can complement the picture with any hydraulic structure: waterfall, fountain, artificial pond. The proximity of water contributes to a special microclimate, especially desirable near a vacation spot.

It is very popular to arrange a patio in front of the porch. The proximity to the front door of the house makes it possible to spend every free minute outdoors. Here you can drink a cup of morning coffee, gather with your family for evening tea, or have a private conversation with friends.

A table and several chairs are installed on a small paved area - these are the most necessary items in arranging a patio area. To create a cozy environment, potted plants and sheer curtains provide light shade, comfortable wicker furniture and sofa cushions are used.

Important. Create in the front yard full-fledged place rest is possible when it is isolated from the road by a blank fence or high hedge. Otherwise, it will not be very comfortable to spend time having a sincere conversation under the gun of prying eyes. Moreover, you won’t be able to relax in a hammock or on a garden sofa swing.

How to arrange your backyard

Backyard project with gazebo, patio area and pond

There is space between the house and the garden, which is used in two directions: as a garage with parking for a car and as a recreation area. If there is enough space, you can do both, separating them with a hedge, a vertical green screen or a flower bed. In this case, the garage with parking is located closer to the gate.

The backyard is best place for setting up a recreation area near a private house. Here it is easy to create a completely isolated space, inaccessible to the views of neighbors and street dust. On one side it is protected from the wind by the wall of the house, on the other by an orchard, and on the side of the neighboring plot it is separated by a fence. By building a light canopy, you can spend time in the sitting area in the backyard without fear of summer rain.

This is where it is most convenient to create a barbecue area, install a grill or fold a garden stove.

This is also a suitable area for creating a sports ground, a place for children to play with a sandbox and swings.

Naturally, the backyard, regardless of its purpose, is decorated various types flower beds, it is appropriate to plant tall coniferous and deciduous trees here.

Paths and paving

Hard surfaces in the yard are important from a hygienic point of view. It allows you to keep the yard clean and easier to care for: washing, removing leaves, throwing away snow. Most often, continuous paving is used, when paving slabs are laid most of yard area. From the paving, paths are laid in different directions to help you get to different areas: garden, auxiliary buildings, shower, bathhouse, etc.

Ford-type paving is used mainly to create paths to various objects. The principle of its design is that a gap is left between individual tiles.

At the same time, for ease of movement, the distance should not be more than 30 cm, and the tiles themselves are chosen to be large enough so that the foot fits completely on them. The space between elements of tracks of this type is filled lawn grass, pebbles, small crushed stone.

What to make paving and paths from:

  • Paving stones. Thick, brick-like tiles can easily support the weight of a car, which is why they are used for installation in parking lots. A blind area, a patio area, and a path between the gate and the house are made from paving stones;
  • Concrete molded tiles. Ideal for creating garden paths;
  • Flagstone. Flat slabs are integrated into the lawn, combined with crushed stone filling and pebbles;
  • Decking. Waterproof composite material imitating wood. Placed on a leveled area covered with gravel or fine crushed stone. For greater reliability, the decking is sometimes mounted on a timber sheathing;
  • Modular covering. Plastic plates with a relief anti-slip pattern, connected by a tongue-and-groove or tongue-and-groove lock;
  • Rolled plastic covering. Used to create temporary and seasonal paths.

You can also make a concrete screed with the prospect that in the future some tile material will be laid on it.

Plants in the yard design

Flower beds and flower beds help create a special flavor near the house. The type of vegetation is selected depending on the style in which the site is designed. The size of the yard, the degree of illumination and the design of the house are also taken into account.


The spring explosion of colors will be provided by bulbous plants: tulips, lilies, hazel grouse, daffodils, muscari, alliums, saffrons. Their flowering period is not very long, but many species and varieties allow you to choose plants so that it lasts from April to early June. At the end of flowering, the bulbous plants wither completely, modestly giving way to other garden crops.

Coniferous plants

Variety of shapes firs, pines, junipers and thujas opens up space for landscaping the yard area. They are used in the creation, present in, planted in rocky gardens and as tapeworms on green lawns. Popular are short and dwarf species, because they are suitable for decorating small yards and are used as container crops.

Dwarf conifers

Ornamental shrubs

Background plants are designed to highlight the bright colors of beautifully flowering perennials. Of interest in this performance snowberry, privet, tamarisk, mackerel, lilac. They will cover the fence and barn and will not distract attention from more sophisticated plantings, such as roses, hydrangeas, peonies or irises.

Shrubs with decorative foliage and lush flowering act as dominant plants. This barberry thunberg, different kinds , euonymus, viburnum buldenezh, louisiana, bladdercarp viburnum.

Advice. Evergreen shrubs and trees will add effectiveness to the flower arrangement: boxwood, mahonia holly, holly, cinquefoil, aucuba.


The basis of flower beds are herbaceous perennials. They define the backbone of the flowerbed around which the rest of the composition is built. For sunny suitable places erigeron, liatris, anemone, yucca, and grows well in the shade sedum and hosta.

The space left between the perennials is filled with annual flowers that bloom all summer.


As if they were created to decorate a courtyard area. They weave around gazebos, arches, fences, and porch posts. Climbing plantings are used to create green screens when zoning the garden, separating outbuildings from the front part of the yard.

Clematis in the gardening of the gazebo

Frequently landed clematis. Their not too dense foliage allows light to pass through well, and at the same time creates a kind of curtain that protects open windows from dust.

Always in demand climbing roses, which can be planted near the porch, at the gate, at the entrance to the gazebo. Their long flowering provides an atmosphere of festivity throughout the summer season.

Climbing roses on a garden arch

Features of the yard landscape

The total area of ​​the land plot does not always affect the size of the yard. Rather, how much land can be allocated to a yard depends on whether the owners plan to grow vegetables and fruits or not. If so, then on a small plot, the vegetable garden and garden often take priority to the detriment of the yard area.

Small yard design

It is difficult to create a large yard on a plot of 6 acres, but you can deceive perception and expand it visually. A tiny pond will capture your attention and distract from the surrounding background.

The illusion of increasing territory will be stronger if the reservoir is made elongated. It is best to place it along the longest line. A similar effect of expanding space is felt in a landscape with a fountain installed on a hill.

If the plot has an elongated shape, a small strip of land remains between the facade of the building and the fence for the construction of a front garden.

It is most practical to pave this area, leaving narrow strips of earth around the perimeter along the fence for flower beds. Also suitable option when the flower garden breaks up behind the fence. It will visually somewhat distance the yard from the road and brighten up its cramped space. In such a situation, the garage takes up space in the very corner, and parking is also located outside the fence.

Advice. It is recommended to arrange a resting place near a house with a small yard in the backyard. It will be more peaceful to spend your leisure time here. A gazebo is sometimes located close to the house and shares a common wall with it.

Yard design on a plot of 10 acres

A plot of land of 10 acres allows you to allocate approximately 3 acres for the front yard (but this is not a rule and depends on the location of the house on the site). Classic version, when the house is moved as close as possible to the boundary with the neighbors, and the porch is turned towards the gate. In such a situation, there remains sufficient space on the opposite side for arranging a yard with a front garden. Not only a recreation area is arranged here. There is still enough space left to create a beautiful landscape with a mixborder, rose garden, and alpine slide.

Since you can’t do without a garage, it is taken out as close as possible to the gate: only a parking area remains between the gate and the garage.

This layout has its advantages. A building of technical importance (garage) blocks the view from the street, so behind its walls you can create a full-fledged recreation area, a children's playground, and build a sauna.

Yard design on a plot of 15 acres

On a large plot of land there is a unique opportunity to build a house deep in the plot. The area in front of the cottage is completely at the disposal of its owners. It is divided into two main zones: an ornamental garden and a recreation area.

The main elements of the garden are the flower beds, which are located on both sides of the path leading from the gate to the porch. The design of flower beds is very diverse, but when laying them out, it should be taken into account that the diversity of flower beds and the accumulation of many types of vegetation tires the eye. Landscape designers It is recommended to alternate flower beds with trimmed lawns and separate them with low hedges.

The uneven terrain with the rocky landscape looks original. If the site is flat and its area allows, you can artificially create differences in elevation, fill them with decorative crushed stone and create a corner of the mountain landscape.

An artificial pond, wide steps on steep slopes - all these are interesting ideas for decorating the area in front of the house.

There may be more than one recreation area in a large yard. They are created according to interests: a secluded place of relaxation, gatherings with family, gathering with a noisy group.

Each subzone is equipped accordingly, for example, a hammock in the shade of a pergola, a carved tea gazebo, an open hearth (barbecue, barbecue) under a canopy.

An important detail in yard design: lighting

An essential detail in arranging a yard is lighting. The main objects that should be illuminated first are the front porch, paths, outbuildings and recreation areas. Electric exterior lights are suspended above the porch. They are mounted in such a way that the steps of the stairs can be clearly seen.

On path routes, it is important to provide special lighting dangerous areas: slopes, turns, steps. For this purpose, garden lamps are often used. solar powered. They just stick into the soil on the side of the road.

Garden lights are convenient because they require no wiring and do not consume electricity. But they do not always provide full light. In inclement weather there is not enough to charge them sun rays. Therefore, if possible, it is better to organize electric lighting in autumn and winter.