DIY gym drawings. Make a simulator at home according to drawings and diagrams

If you want to develop muscles, but there is no opportunity to visit the gym or purchase expensive equipment, you can make a machine with your own hands. The process requires a minimum amount of time and money, and the result will not be inferior to purchased sports equipment in terms of training efficiency. We'll talk about how to make your own gym with a set of homemade exercise equipment below.

After all, the weight of Olympic and bumper plates can be the same as that of an ordinary homemade barbell with concrete plates. But people are drawn to miracle simulators, bright colors and good advertising.

It is worth noting that nothing will work for free. You will have to spend an adequate amount of money to make equipment and training equipment.

So why do it yourself if you still have to spend money? The answer is simple, you will save on the production of exercise equipment 10 times the amount you would spend on expensive equipment.

The most essential equipment for your home gym

It is worth giving your preference to free weights. If your goals are to build a harmoniously developed, strong body, then, undoubtedly, your choice should fall on the queen of strength sports.

Exercise equipment

  • Barbell. The bar can be made from a variety of materials; we will come to this issue later. For, you will need plates for the barbell, it is advisable to have them in pairs, for at least 150 kilograms. Also, the barbell set requires a W-shaped bar. This type of bar is necessary for pumping up the arms and relieving stress on the joints.
  • , it is advisable that they be collapsible, as they will take up less space.
  • Press Bench, preferably with an adjustable backrest. This bench is necessary for performing presses at different angles, flyes, pullovers and other exercises.
  • , one of the most easily accessible exercise machines. They are distinguished by ease of manufacture and availability of materials. The range of exercises is wide, so this exercise machine will perfectly complement the gym.
  • Power frame, will ensure your safety while performing squats, deadlifts and presses. A universal simulator that has a simple design and is distinguished by increased safety.
  • Roller trainer, to perform various pulls. With the help of such a machine you can develop your lats and triceps well.
  • For you will need punching bag and.

Here is the most necessary set for bodybuilding and maintaining physical fitness in general.

What kind of sports equipment can you make with your own hands?

If desired, we can also produce a fitness room of the latest generation, but we will produce only the most necessary equipment.

The barbell is a fairly simple exercise machine to make. For it you can use pipes and metal, and for pancakes stumps, homemade concrete pancakes, metal blanks, car flywheels and anything that can sit on our bar.

For dumbbells, you can make blanks from reinforcement and metal pipes, pancakes from plastic bottles and concrete blanks. The main condition is to make the dumbbell collapsible.

The bench is easy to make. You can make one universal, with an adjustable angle, and the other at an angle of 45, 70, 90 degrees.

The product is affordable and not expensive, but the pear will require some work. The simulator will cost some money, but will last a long time.

What is needed for production

First, let's break everything down into items and inventory.


To make the neck, we need a metal pipe with a diameter of 30mm and a thickness of 6mm. The length of the neck should be from 1.6 m to 2 m.

Separators, which will separate the working surface for gripping and the place for the pancakes. For the dividers we will need 2 strong bolts or cut out 2 pieces of metal plate with a diameter of 50 mm. We drill out the center of the plates by 30mm, and we have ready-made separators; all that remains is to weld them onto the pipe.

Neck locks. They are useful for firmly fixing the weights on the barbell. You can purchase 2 spring locks or take 2 pieces of pipe with a diameter of 31 mm and drill a hole in them and secure them with a bolt.

Pancakes. To make pancakes, we will need to make a mold from boards and metal. For filling we will use high-grade concrete and reinforce it with wire.

To make the construction of the pancakes more durable and more beautiful, you will need to cover the pancakes with concrete enamel, this will provide protection from moisture, and concrete dust will not fall off them.


To make dumbbells we will need: 2 pieces of pipe, pancake molds, locks. The manufacturing technology is the same as that of the barbell. It is advisable to do everything at once.

For the bench we will need: a metal square, dimensions 50x50x4. The length is only about 8.3 meters. Board dimensions 1.3 by 0.3 m. It will be needed for the base.

metal plate, for making petals. They are installed on the bench posts and serve as holders for the barbell.
To make a functional station that will contain a horizontal bar and bars, we will need metal for the base and pipes for the crossbars. Concrete for pouring the structure. Provided that the station will be installed on the street. It is also worth welding the crossbar at a height for attaching gymnastic rings and a punching bag.

Power frame, the design is complex and requires the use of precise drawings and a large amount of materials. So it should be dealt with separately.

Punching bag

To make a punching bag, you will need either regular bags for storing cereals, or tarpaulin or tarpaulin. Dimensions for manufacturing - height at least 1 meter, weight must be taken into account from 40 to 60 kg. 2 metal rings that will give shape to the punching bag, 4 carabiners, a meter of chain and the padding itself. You can use rags, old things and sawdust as padding.

Also, in addition to everything, you should have a welding machine and all accessories for it, cement, sand, crushed stone and a thinking head that will be responsible for the manufacturing process

Description of the manufacturing process, step-by-step instructions


  • To make a barbell, we first make blanks for pancakes, cut them out and knock together a circle shape from boards. We measure the middle and insert a piece of pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. We get a centered base. We trim the edges with tin and connect it with self-tapping screws. The form is ready. We make forms using the same principle for dumbbells. You can adjust the dimensions of the mold yourself, keep in mind that the larger the pancake, the heavier it will be.
  • Now we need to make a frame that will firmly hold our concrete. This frame is knitted from wire and placed on the bottom of the mold.
  • To prepare durable high-grade concrete, we must mix 1 bag of high-grade cement, 2 bags of crushed stone and one and a half bags of sand. All this is diluted with water until a uniform mass is obtained and placed in molds. We smooth out all the unevenness with a spatula and lay another layer of wire. Be sure to tread and compact the concrete base to avoid the formation of cavities in the pancakes. Leave the molds until the solution dries completely. On average it will take 3 days.
  • After the concrete solution has dried, carefully remove the pancakes from the molds; this must be done very carefully, if they do not come out, carefully beat the edges of the molds with a hammer and the pancakes can be taken out. Cover the finished pancakes with concrete paint and leave to dry.
  • Let's start making the necks. We will make 2 of them, one is a classic bench press, the second will be W-shaped. For a classic bar, we take our blank, grind it so that it is smooth and comfortable. After grinding, using a welding machine, we weld the holders at a distance of 40 cm from the edges. We will use bolts as locks. Then we drill 4 holes on these 40 cm for installing locks.
  • To make a W-shaped neck, we take a blank pipe, We clamp it in a vice and evenly bend the middle to a W shape. For space for the pancakes, we retreat 20 cm and weld the holders.


The design of dumbbell bars is made according to the same principle as a classic bar.

Press Bench

The bench press will have a more complex design.

We take our raw material, in the form of a square metal pipe, and make blanks from it. We need to consider the design and dimensions. Our piece is completely enough for manufacturing, and the drawing itself can be found on the Internet.

Punching bag

For the punching bag we need to choose the material. The best choice remains canvas fabric. If you don’t have the opportunity and skills to sew a bag yourself, then it’s better to take it to a tailor shop. It should be warned that the upper ring is not sewn in completely, but rather that 4 gaps 1 cm long are placed. Carabiners will be placed on these gaps.

After the bag is ready, you need to start stuffing it. The density is determined for each person individually, but if you are new to the sport, then you should not fill the bag tightly in order to avoid injuries and allow your hands to get used to it.


At the end of all the work, we get a set for developing strength, namely a barbell, a W-shaped bar, a pair of dumbbells, a bench and a pear.

According to the period of use, the pancakes will last for at least 2 years, the pear, if properly cared for and not exposed to a humid environment, will last about 5 years. The bars and bench are forever.

Comparison of the cost of the materials used and the cost of purchasing a new simulator

As a result, we spent about 10 thousand rubles on all the material, provided that we use only high-quality materials.

Now let’s look at the average prices for new inventory:

  • Olympic barbell with a set of weights for 120 kg. Rubber protection will cost you about 50 thousand rubles.
  • The price for a pair of dumbbells of 20 kg is 15,000 rubles.
  • The average price of a bench press is from 5 thousand.
  • Punching bag from 3.5 thousand. As a result, we save more than 70 thousand rubles.

Difficulty of manufacturing

The complexity of making such simulators depends on your abilities and imagination. If you have a significant lack of skills, you can use the services of professionals. According to calculations, this could cost approximately another 10 thousand rubles, but when compared with the amount for branded equipment, you will still be able to save in the end. But if you still decide to do everything yourself, you will receive a set of useful skills that will be useful in the future for expanding the gym.

Safety of use

It is worth noting that you can get injured even with the most modern exercise equipment. It is worth remembering the golden rule of bodybuilding “There should be moderation in everything,” which means, carefully work on the technique, and the weight of the burden will gradually increase on its own. Therefore, the likelihood of getting injured depends primarily on you.

Look at the prices of small dumbbells in stores! Why is there a whole dumbbell, one 10 kg weight plate costs more than $18! For what? This article describes how to make exercise equipment at home and inexpensively. You will find useful tips for making an entire gym with your own hands below. You will learn how you can not only make inexpensive exercise equipment, but also, if you wish, you can set up a small business selling high-quality sports equipment.

To figure out how to make an inexpensive gym at home or just some exercise equipment, you should first highlight some points. For example, it should be noted that not everything can be done completely free of charge. Unless you are a metal mechanic and also have a whole warehouse of scrap metal at home. It is difficult to make many exercise equipment at home, for example, for (exercise bikes, treadmills, etc.). Theoretically, this is possible, but in order for them to be close in appearance and capabilities to factory professional ones, you will have to spend a lot of extra money, time and nerves.

But there are also positive aspects, and they outweigh the above disadvantages. For example, all the basic “hardware” (barbells, dumbbells, benches, racks), and, if desired and with additional diligence, many other exercise equipment, can be made several times cheaper and no less high quality than expensive store-bought counterparts.

The most necessary equipment for a homemade gym

To make bodybuilding equipment at home , you need to select those that will be as simple as possible in their design, the most reliable, and the most effective for building muscle mass. Almost all machines for building muscle and strength are built on the principle of lifting weights using specific muscles. But even when you come to a fitness club, you will see that many of the machines that are complex in their design are mostly used by beginners. And the most “curvy” guys spend most of their time doing exercises with barbells and dumbbells. When used correctly, you can load any part of the body. But for this you need to be able to select them of different weights for certain exercises, as well as a bench with the ability to adjust the backrest.

As for different weights, the easiest and cheapest way to do this is to make collapsible dumbbells and barbells at home. After all, a set of dumbbells will cost much more than a pair of collapsible ones. And making them is much easier, because you don’t necessarily need to use welding and casting. But it’s easier to make just different benches, rather than one with a backrest adjustment function. For example, one is completely horizontal, and the other is somewhere at 70° (you can also do it at 90°, but it’s enough to move the horizontal one to the wall and strengthen it) or not to do the second one at all. One barbell rack will be enough, which will allow you to perform bench presses, deadlifts and put the barbell down during rest between exercises. But even if you have a partner, if you do a gym at home , then it will be difficult to completely manage without a stand . The height for the barbell should either be interchangeable (at least 2 positions) - for the bench press and deadlift, or then make two separate racks.

It will be very useful to have a horizontal bar and parallel bars when training, and making them simpler than the rest of the equipment. But you should also make a belt or come up with another design for hanging a “weight.” Without this, it will be almost impossible to build muscle mass using only your body weight. A backpack is not suitable for such a design - it will not withstand the load, and the weight distribution itself will be incorrect. But something hooked to the legs will be effective, but inconvenient. Therefore, the best option would be a belt.

So the main things you need to make a home gym at home:

Types of vultures by form

1) barbell – at least one. According to the standard, you need to have a long bar (weight about 20 kg ideally), as well as 1 short one (weight about 10 kg) - straight, EZ-shaped or W-shaped bar (see picture), depending on the exercises you plan to perform. But at home, the neck will most likely be made of pipe and will differ from the standard parameters. You can see how to do it with a detailed description.

2) 2 dumbbell bars with threaded ends for a large nut.

3) for starters, there will be enough pancakes like these: 4 pieces of 5 kg, 2 - 10 kg, 2 - 20 kg. But provided that the diameter of the hole is universal for dumbbells and barbells. But this is also ideal, because pancakes are more expensive than anything else. In general, it is important to have at least some identical weights to hang on the barbell and dumbbell.

The minimum weight of one dumbbell depends on the ability to perform basic exercises. It should be taken in such a way that it allows you to do 8 - 10 repetitions. For most people, 4 weight plates of 5 kg for dumbbells will be enough to start with.

4) a horizontal bar for the ability to be taken with a wide grip. You shouldn’t do it in a doorway, it’s better to do it on a wall or on a street;

5) bars. For economy and speed of installation, wall-mounted ones are suitable.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, in order to make exercise machines inexpensively and with high quality, you will have to work a little. But considering the current exorbitant prices for sports equipment for many and the inability to visit fitness clubs, it’s worth it. The main problem is the material, and how to use it is the idea that arises. Where to get it is described above. If you set up a scheme for the production of equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, benches, then this will be a profitable business. After all, there will always be demand, and prices in stores are very high. And here the client is no longer as interested in a perfect aesthetic appearance as practicality and accessibility.

Strength training is needed by people who not only want to gain muscle definition. They are an integral part of fitness programs, as they help reduce weight, develop and strengthen muscles and bones. To achieve the first result, you can even train at home several times a week.

A home multi-station (or fitness station) is no less effective, reliable and durable than its counterparts from fitness clubs.

Its peculiarity is the combination of several simulators into one. They are characterized by greater versatility in compact sizes. It can work many muscle groups. Even for beginners, the machine’s settings are clear and convenient, which simplifies training at home.

Multistation for home BodySolid-PHG-1000

Strength training equipment for home is not only kettlebells, barbells, and dumbbells, although they are the first to come to mind. These are those sports equipment that belong to the group of free weights and have been popular for many centuries. They are effective, but require attention - an awkward movement can easily lead to serious injury. In this case, strength training equipment will help you get into shape without damaging your body.

Homemade exercise machine in the garage

Three types of strength training equipment

  1. First. Homemade. They are designed for practicing at home. Therefore, their main characteristics are compactness and low weight.
  2. Second. Fitness class strength training equipment. Most often found in small gyms. They have a large number of workstations that allow you to train different muscle groups. Such exercise machines are designed for heavy loads. They can also be installed at home. These are the multistations we are talking about.
  3. And the third type is professional strength training equipment. They are designed for large gyms. Loads on them can reach hundreds of kilograms, so they are very durable and have a smooth ride. Such simulators are most often used to perform one exercise on specific muscles.

Professional multistation for halls Inspire-M4

The design of the simulator allows you to accurately adjust the technique of the exercises performed, directing a person’s movements along one correct trajectory. Training on such a simulator takes place without the risk of injury.

For example, the Adidas ADBE-10250 fitness station has several workstations: overhead row, butterfly, chest press, biceps desk, leg unit and rowing row.

Equipped home gym with multi-station

The next group is simulators with a free trajectory. They differ in that they do not limit freedom of movement during exercise, allowing maximum activation of muscle function. Such sports devices are suitable for experienced athletes, as they require certain skills and good coordination of movement.

A power station has an advantage over free weights - you can change the load with a slight movement, and there is no need to waste space on storing additional weights, disks or dumbbells.

This means that during training you can add additional weight and get better results.

Choosing the right exercise machine

The first selection criterion is price. The difference between expensive and cheap exercise machines is the maximum compliance with human biomechanics. A team of engineers, special designers and trainers is working to create a good sports equipment. The result is a simulator that is not only effective, but also meets safety standards and takes into account all the nuances of natural body movements. This also means the complete absence of unnecessary additional stress on the joints and tendons.

Horizontal hyperextension machine

Another important selection parameter is the material. It is better to choose a strength trainer for home made of sheet steel. The service life of the simulator is affected by the strength of the connections and the quality of the main frame. Cheap models are dangerous because they become loose much faster.

For tall and heavy-set people, it is important to consider the maximum weight of the multistation user. The Adidas fitness station indicates a maximum user weight of 135 kg.

A necessary element of a sports station is cables. Inexpensive options suffer from insufficient cable strength, which leads to serious injuries. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the possibility of changing loads.

A drawing of hyperextension will help you do it yourself

A high-quality exercise machine will allow the user to easily change the weight, inclination and height of the seats.

The functionality of the device plays an important role, since a home exercise machine should allow you to perform exercises to develop different muscle groups.

Homemade power frame

Don't forget about the manufacturer. Popular companies such as Adidas guarantee safety, reliability and durability. When buying a cheap product from a dubious manufacturer, you risk your health.

Popular home exercise machine

Home multistations are produced by different companies. Practical, compact and convenient exercise machines are produced by Adidas, Precon, Life Fitness. The average price of a home exercise machine is 150,000 rubles, and individual models can cost up to 500,000. Exercise machines with a fixed trajectory of movement will cost a little less. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the functions that are necessary. A weight bench for bench press is required. Multifunctionality directly affects the cost.

Adidas ADBE 10250 trainer

One of the popular models that combines low price and quality is the Adidas ADBE 10250.

This model has good characteristics:

  • Reliable steel frame.
  • Thick wide pillow.
  • There are European quality certificates.
  • Model 10250 is available in black, white and red.
  • The warranty for Adidas 10250 is two years.
  • Overhead row with wide and narrow grip.
  • Stack weight up to 100 kg.

Classes on Adidas ADBE 10250 in the fitness room

The performance characteristics of the Adidas 10250 are also noteworthy:

  • The maximum rowing load of the Adidas 10250 model is 95 kg.
  • Reconstructed exercises for Adidas ADBE 10250 - photo from instructions

    The Adidas 10250 power station is one of the few multifunctional sports equipment in its price class from a world-famous manufacturer, allowing you to do exercises to develop different muscle groups. The Adidas company has been improving the technology for producing home exercise equipment for many years and today has the largest number of positive reviews among users.

    DIY trainer

    A modern multistation can not only be bought, but also made with your own hands at home. Creating a multifunctional simulator will require certain materials and skills, but it will allow you to make a unique model according to your personal requirements. The bench press is a popular sports equipment. There are many types.

    Types of exercise equipment you can make yourself

    You can make both iron and wood with the desired coating yourself. The work begins with searching or creating drawings.

    An example of a drawing of a simulator that you can create with your own hands:

    • In addition to the drawings, you will need a welding machine and sufficient free space.
    • A homemade sports device will allow you to perform several types of exercises, depending on the design.

    Minimum and optimal set:

    • Power bench.
    • Installation in the form of a horizontal bar.
    • Installation in the form of bars.

    Materials for the simulator - profile steel pipes

    The materials you will need are several pipes with a round and square cross-section, foam rubber and durable material for covering the armrests, and a sheet of chipboard. Square pipes are cut:

    • 40 cm – two pieces,
    • 55 cm – three pieces,
    • 65 cm – two pieces,
    • 75 cm – one piece,

    For round pipes length:

    • 75 cm – one piece,
    • 20 cm - two pieces,
    • 15 cm - six pieces.

    Creating a design for the simulator frame

    The pipes are welded into a single structure according to the drawings. A rectangular weight bench is cut out of chipboard, covered with foam rubber and covered with fabric. A power bench can also be made from boards. The main thing is high-quality and comfortable coverage. After all, a wooden bench is less durable and is recommended only for beginners.

    The lower part of the frame of a homemade exercise machine

    Drawings and complexity of work

    If you decide to make a home multistation with your own hands, think over the progress of the work, and also calculate the possible costs of purchasing materials and the expected operating time.

    Finished simulator frame

    The drawings of some exercise equipment, for example, for running, are very complex and it is almost impossible to make such sports equipment with your own hands without additional help and expensive materials. A treadmill, as an example, made with your own hands will turn out to be unnecessarily bulky and inconvenient to use. It’s easier and more convenient to buy such a simulator in a store.

    When planning to start working on creating a home multifunctional exercise machine with your own hands, pay attention to the ease of drawings and the availability of materials.

    The finished simulator can be supplemented with various equipment

    You can make several options for parallel bars or a weight bench with your own hands. To begin with, this will be a good experience and will allow you to evaluate your strength before moving on to more complex simulators.

    You can find a good example of a simple but functional drawing of a simulator with your own hands in this book:

    Book of drawings for home exercise equipment

    A home-made exercise machine can be more compact than a purchased one, but at the same time meet the tasks assigned to it.

    There is hardly any need to say once again that a healthy lifestyle is good. Many of us have sedentary jobs, which contribute to deterioration of posture and appearance in general, and there is no time for fitness. However, you can exercise at home. This requires almost no special equipment. Although, if you have a desire, you can make an abdominal exercise machine with your own hands. This will help strengthen your core muscles. But let's talk about everything in order.

    General concepts and information

    We can say with 100% confidence that the core muscles can be pumped up without exercise machines or any equipment. This is true. For example, for this purpose there is a horizontal bar with which we can raise our legs while hanging. An effective exercise, however, requires a certain base. It is enough to find a suitable support for your legs, and you can start pumping your abs on the floor. All this has been known for a long time. But the fact is that making it yourself will help increase the effectiveness of training and the level of comfort. These are quite important factors that should not be ignored. Now let's move on to the practical part of this article and understand the main points.

    What is a "Roman chair"?

    You've probably heard about this popular simulator many times. In general, it has quite a lot of names: “Roman board”, “Roman bench”, etc. But, regardless of this, the design is the same everywhere, and, therefore, the same muscles work.

    According to legend, a similar athletic equipment appeared in Rome. It was the gladiators who began to use it first. Maybe this is true, or maybe not, no one can say for sure today. But in any case, we will try to make a similar abdominal exercise machine with our own hands. There is nothing complicated about this. You need a certain tool and material. But let's talk about everything in order.

    Preparatory work

    The design presented in this article assumes use by an athlete weighing no more than 90 kilograms. If you weigh a little more, then the frame should be made of thicker corners and larger diameter pipes. As for tools and materials, you will find almost everything in your workshop. If you don’t have something, you can ask your friends or neighbors for it, or, as a last resort, rent it.

    As for the material, to make a “Roman chair” we will need a 3.5-meter board or fiberboard 1000x400 cm, some dense foam rubber, as well as fasteners (nuts and bolts). The tools needed are approximately the following: a drill with drills, a grinder and a welding machine. Another important point: you will need drawings of the simulators. This will help you stick to the dimensions as much as possible and comply with the design features of the projectile.

    Assembly work

    Well, now let’s proceed directly to assembling the unit. In most cases, it makes sense to make it 50-80 cm high. In this case, to give stability to the projectile, it is advisable to tilt the front post outward. The length of the bar for attaching the legs is fixed directly under the athlete. Since everyone's height is different, it is advisable to make it adjustable. Some drawings of simulators imply rigid fastening, others - hinged, that is, movable. The length of the legs of the simulator is selected individually and can vary from 40 to 70 cm. It is impractical to make legs that are too high. It is better to stop at 50-60 cm. It is advisable to put rubber pads on the ends of the pipes, which will slightly increase stability. It is better to further strengthen the central pillar with a gusset. All metal parts of the frame are connected to each other by welding.

    How to make a simulator: important details

    If you have never done welding before, you can either entrust this process to a specialist, or try to do everything yourself. But it is advisable to train on some scrap metal. Please note that the board of the “Roman chair” consists of several parts, due to the angles of inclination. It is better to screw it to the base using bolts. The bolt must go through the board, pipe and fastening strip. Such a connection will be very reliable, but you still need to periodically tighten the nuts.

    What you still need to do is cover the footrest bolsters with foam rubber. This is necessary so that nothing puts pressure on the limbs during the exercises. Actually, you can also lay foam rubber under the board and cover it with some suitable material. In general, the projectile is ready for use.

    and everything about him

    A device called a gymnastic roller appeared quite a long time ago. It is very simple in design, but despite this, it is very effective. Of course, when working with a gymnastic roller, not only the abs work, but also some other muscles. However, many athletes use it as a tool for working the core muscles, and it does this job really well. Today there are various designs of gymnastic rollers. In particular, the number of wheels changes, which ensures high stability. As for manufacturing, you can make such a basic simulator yourself very quickly. Let's see exactly how.

    Assembling a gymnastic roller

    So, the key element in our case is one or more wheels. Their diameter should not be less than 10-20 cm. In addition, it is important to choose an option that would allow you to conveniently place the brushes so that they do not touch the floor during exercises. Another option is to remove the wheel from a stroller or bicycle. This will be a completely normal decision. By the way, it is advisable to take two identical wheels at once, which will allow you to more effectively maintain balance during work.

    You will also need a pipe. Its length should be about 30 cm, and its diameter should be approximately 3-3.5 cm. As for the material, there is not much difference; you can give preference to both metal and plastic. In any case, these turn out to be quite durable and reliable. In our case, the pipe plays the role of an axle and must fit the holes of the wheels.

    Homemade abdominal exercise machine: reviews

    Today you can see a huge number of reviews and recommendations from home craftsmen regarding the manufacture of athletic equipment. So, abdominal exercise machines are not the last place on this list. For example, there are a lot of instructions on how to make homemade exercise machines for pumping up the core muscles. Reviews note that the easiest and fastest option is a gymnastic roller. And the most difficult of the apparatuses is considered by many to be a full-fledged bench or “Roman chair”.

    If we talk about something mediocre, then knowledgeable people recommend a prefix for In general, in reviews of amateur athletes, there is always advice to make such equipment yourself, rather than buy it. Especially if you work out at home.

    Basically, now you know how to make an abdominal exercise machine with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in this process, the main thing is to have desire and patience. If something goes wrong, try again, and you will be able to create a decent and effective simulator.

    Find out how you can design the perfect exercise machine for developing all the muscles of the body at home with minimal money.

    The content of the article:

    Many people would like to go in for sports, but for various reasons they cannot start going to the gym. It could be a lack of free time or shyness. Now we will not talk about the reasons that may prevent you from starting to train, since there can be many of them. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to make a simulator with your own hands.

    Of course, many simulators are very difficult to make, although theoretically possible. Let's take a treadmill as an example, which you can also make yourself, but this will require serious financial and time investments. Perhaps, if you want to have this cardio simulator, it is easier to buy it. But some types of sports equipment and equipment can be made independently. After reading this article, you will learn how to make a simulator with your own hands.

    Creating exercise equipment for your own gym

    In order for you to be able to effectively engage in bodybuilding at home, you will need not the most sophisticated equipment and a few sports equipment. They can be made independently if desired. If you go into the gym and pay attention to the people training there, you will often see beginners occupy the machines, while more experienced athletes actively work with barbells and dumbbells.

    To effectively pump up all muscle groups, these two sports equipment are enough for you. But at the same time, you should remember the need for progression of the load. An incline bench is also of great importance for achieving the desired result.

    If we talk about dumbbells, then it is much easier to make a couple of collapsible equipment yourself, and in this case you will not need welding. On the contrary, it is easier to make two benches - horizontal and at an angle of 70 degrees. You should also remember about the rack for the barbell, and here you can make one with the ability to change its height, or two. In the second case, the height of the racks should be designed for performing bench presses and deadlifts.

    It is also advisable to make a horizontal bar and parallel bars. Of all the necessary equipment for your hall, they are the easiest to manufacture. The last product to consider is a weight belt. At a certain point, it will no longer be enough for you to work only with your own body weight on the horizontal bar and you will need additional load. In this situation, the best solution is a belt.

    So, let's summarize and see what we need to create our own home gym:

    • Grif.
    • A pair of dumbbells.
    • Universal plates with the same mounting hole for barbells and dumbbells, although you can make them separately for each of the implements.
    • A horizontal bar, preferably wall-mounted or outdoors.
    • Wall beams.
    • Bar stand with adjustable height or two fixed ones.
    • Punching bag optional.
    • Jump rope.

    How to make a simulator with your own hands?

    You can quickly find drawings of the necessary equipment on the Internet. However, you should visit a sporting goods store and look at some of the machines to get an idea of ​​their design. Now we will look at the simplest equipment and find out how to make these exercise machines with your own hands or where you can get them.

    Bars and horizontal bar

    Making a strong and safe horizontal bar yourself and installing it indoors is quite difficult and quite expensive. Thus, we can recommend purchasing parallel bars with a horizontal bar in an online store. Installing a horizontal bar outdoors is also not the best solution, since you will not use it in winter, but it is necessary to carry out training. They will cost you between $60 and $70.

    As we have already said, it is better to give preference to a wall-mounted horizontal bar rather than installing it in a doorway. In this case, you can safely use a wide grip. In order to save space, it is also worth taking wall-mounted bars. However, there is also the option of a horizontal bar and bars, so to speak, 2 in 1. You can even take a wall bars, which has its advantages, but this equipment will cost more.

    Barbell and dumbbells

    To make dumbbells, barbells and racks you will need materials and this is the main problem. Sometimes you can find recommendations online about the possibility of using Concrete for making discs. However, this material is significantly inferior to steel and cast iron, so it is still not advisable to use it. However, steel pipes are not cheap and this should also be kept in mind. Here are some tips on how you can purchase this material as cheaply as possible:
    • Place advertisements in the newspaper of your city about the purchase of old dumbbells, barbells and weights. There is a high probability that these sports equipment are in someone’s basement and are not being used.
    • Visit a scrap metal collection point.
    • Seek help from relatives or friends who work at the enterprise.

    By the way, you will most likely still have to contact someone working at the enterprise. This is due to the fact that making pancakes and vultures at home is quite difficult. Enterprises have special machines and the process of making pancakes or bars will be significantly simplified.

    Punching bag

    Compared to other necessary equipment, making a punching bag is the easiest. As a material, you can use ordinary shopping bags (at least three pieces). After that, insert them into each other, and all you have to do is fill them with filler.

    However, it is best to make a pear bag from a dense material, and fabric is much easier and cheaper to find compared to iron. The length of the punching bag should be about 1.3 meters, but you probably know its shape. You can fill the pear with sand or small wood sawdust. You can attach the pear to the wall, but for this you will need to make a special bracket. The best option seems to be attaching it to the horizontal bar.

    Other sports equipment

    With a jump rope, everything is extremely simple and you should buy it and not make it yourself. It should also be said that in many strength movements you can use an expander instead of a barbell. This sports equipment is inexpensive and can be purchased at any specialty store. But you need to make dumbbells, because without them, training will not be as effective.

    You can see for yourself that making a simulator with your own hands is not very difficult, but the main problem is finding the necessary materials. If you have access to a variety of materials and machines, you can create a great gym yourself.

    Today we talked about how to make simple exercise machines with your own hands. But if desired, you can make more complex ones. Moreover, in many cases you can even get by with wood for this, although metal structures are much more reliable. On the Internet you can find a large number of drawings of various types of simulators and the whole point is only in the availability of free time and materials with machines.

    How to make a Strongman simulator yourself using welding, see this video: