Old chest of drawers in decoupage style. Decoupage of an old cabinet

Many people are accustomed to perceiving furniture as something permanent and not subject to change... Pieces of furniture, as a rule, are bought rarely and expected to be used for a long time. And this is justified: furniture is not cheap, this part of the interior is quite heavy and it is simply difficult to perform any manipulations with it. What to do if there are no new funds for purchase, but you really want to update the situation? You can try to use skillful hands and decorate old furniture using decoupage.

A little about the history of decoupage

The French word “decoupage” is translated into Russian as “cutting”. The decoupage technique entered our lives most fully in the 20th century, but the origins of this decorative creativity go back to the distant 12th century, not in French history, but in China. In this country, the Chinese poor decorated their homes with carved fragments.

Mentions of decorating furniture with cut-out paper pictures can be found in historical documents in Germany and Poland. They date back to the 15th century.

The highest point of decoupage creativity was celebrated in Europe in the 17th century. It was at this time that furniture imported from China and Japan with beautiful inlays became popular. But such furniture was unaffordable for many who wanted to purchase it, and such items were brought in in limited quantities.

This is where mahogany specialists from Venice showed their ingenuity and a little cunning. They simply cut out oriental motifs from paper and pasted them onto furniture surfaces, covering them with multi-layers of varnish. Cabinet makers had to apply 30-40 layers of varnish to achieve an analogy with the one imported from eastern countries furniture.

Local Venetian craftsmen valued their “masterpieces” much cheaper, which is why they were sold more readily.

Following furniture, similar imitation pictures began to be glued to the walls and ceilings of homes. Basically, this was done by people of low income, trying to follow fashion in the interiors of wealthy people.

Gradually, decoupage began to win the hearts of women more and turned into a means of decorating various women's objects and gizmos: fans, screens, boxes.

Techniques and materials have changed over time, but the most important thing remains - decorating something through the skillful use of decoupage principles.

Today, the decoupage technique is an integral part of styles such as.

Decoupage techniques

There are five main types of decoupage:

  1. Straight (the image is glued to outside decorated thing or object).
  2. Reverse (used to decorate transparent glass surfaces, in this case the picture is pasted face to face back side glass object).
  3. Volumetric (some of the decorative elements are deliberately made higher than all the others; for this, many layers of decoupage fragments or special modeling masses are used).
  4. Smoky (this type of decoupage is to imitate artistic painting, the border between the image and the surface is almost invisible, a smoky halo appears around the picture).
  5. Decopatch (the entire surface of the object is covered with paper pieces of different textured materials - napkins, corrugated paper, sheet paper, etc.)

The choice of decoupage technique depends on the decorator’s idea and the style of design of the entire room into which decoupaged items will be “introduced.”

Materials for decoupage

No decoupage required large quantity materials.

Having paper pictures and suitable glue, you can get a wonderful decorative element. There is also a small nuance - to give individuality and nobility to products decorated using the decoupage technique, you may also need Additional materials.

Application of paper

Favorite pictures from postcards, colorful magazines, labels and even wallpaper - all this can become an object that is pasted during decoupage. Calendars, newspaper notes, wrapping paper in in capable hands decorators can find their second life as a decorative element.

Helper napkins

The main materials that are affordable in price, quality, and variety are paper napkins. You can use regular three-layer napkins and small four-layer paper handkerchiefs. These napkins are sold both in hardware supermarkets and in specialized handicraft shops. When purchasing napkins from “craft supplies”, you can buy them individually, choosing the only one that you need according to your creative plan.

Cards for decoupage

There are also special glossy cards with drawings on sale - thematic sheets of paper different sizes, which are grouped into so-called decoupage cards. These “helpers” for needlewomen can be produced in a double-sided version (for reverse decoupage) and in several identical copies (to add volume).

The advantages of decoupage cards are that they practically do not tear when wet, and almost do not change size when gluing. If napkins are glued mainly to a light surface, then fragments of decoupage cards can also be used on dark coatings. The cards are very elastic and resistant to friction.

Textured paper

You can use rice paper to decoupage large and glass surfaces. It is easy to use and even a novice needlewoman can handle it. The only requirement when working with it is not to cut out fragments, but to tear them out. The paper is fibrous and lays easily on the surface. The raw material for its production is rice straw.

Rice paper napkins will give the product an original and unusual look, because they completely repeat the shape of the object (due to the fibrous structure).

There is also mulberry and banana paper, which are also loved by decoupage artists. Rough and loose, such paper includes various inclusions; it is used in background and textured coatings.


To make the decoupage product look neat and high quality, you need to purchase glue for water based. Of course, it is best to use specially developed glue, but in the absence of one, you can use regular PVA.

Surface coating materials

For painting and aging surfaces use:

  • acrylic and oil paints;
  • pigments;
  • metallized pastes;
  • bitumen.

To make the coating look like gold plated gold leaf and metallized foil are used.

The materials used by decoupage masters are not limited to those listed above; in fact, there are much more of them.

DIY furniture decoupage with napkins: step-by-step instructions

There is room for your creativity and bringing your decoupage ideas to life - furniture. To begin with, you can practice on something inexpensive - highchair, stool, coffee table.

Having decided to change appearance your furniture using decoupage, use these step-by-step instructions:

  1. We create in our heads or on a sheet of paper a project of what we want to get as a result of decoupage.
  2. We purchase necessary materials, suitable for the design (decoupage cards, napkins, glue, varnish)
  3. Sand the surface of the furniture using fine sandpaper.
  4. We fill the pores of the furniture (if any) with special products.
  5. We cut out a piece of napkin that we will glue to the furniture.
  6. Having cut out the desired fragment, we separate the “extra” layers, leaving only the outer one, with the pattern.
  7. Coat the fragment with glue using a small brush. For convenience, you can put it on polyethylene or a stationery file.
  8. Carefully, so as not to damage the cut piece of napkin, transfer it to the prepared surface of the furniture (it is very convenient to do this using a file) and stroke it with a brush, trying to “drive out” all the bubbles and smooth out all the creases.
  9. After waiting for the fragment to dry (don’t rush!!!), we cover the glued picture with a transparent water-based varnish.

It is advisable to repeat the last step at least three to four times, and the time between varnish coatings should be sufficient for the previous layer to dry (at least one hour).

DIY decoupage of old furniture: video

Decoupage – great option to transform old but dear furniture. What if the furniture is outdated and you don’t have the funds to purchase new ones? What to do if a piece of furniture is very dear to you and represents some important piece of your life?

You can try changing your appearance old furniture using decoupage.

Decoupage of furniture as a decoration method has been used for quite a long time. It is gaining more and more popularity. This type of finishing allows you to breathe new life into outdated interior items for little money, update or restore their appearance by pasting them with designs from paper, napkins, wallpaper, fabric and covering them protective layer varnish

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Main types of decoupage techniques

Decorating furniture using the decoupage technique is divided into types, which are based on the same processes. However, there are also differences:

  1. Direct, or classic look, involves gluing elements onto the surface of furniture and coating the design with varnish.
  2. When implementing reverse decoupage, the picture is glued onto a transparent surface with back side. At the same time, it is fixed front part element.
  3. A fairly innovative volumetric technique is designed to highlight fragments of work through the use of modeling paste, putty, artistic gel, fabric or other more complex technologies and materials.
  4. Artistic decoupage is the coloring of a pasted image in order to add color, soften or emphasize the transitions of shades.
  5. The decopatch method is somewhat reminiscent of a mosaic. Decoration involves gluing not individual motifs, but many small elements to fill the entire surface of the furniture.

To enhance the effect of decoupage, the following basic techniques are used:

  • Coating the image with gold, silver or other metallic paints.
  • Adding shadows to a painting using pastels or a dry brush.
  • Coloring the outline with colored paints.
  • Artificial aging of furniture.
  • Creating cracks on the surface using the craquelure method.
  • Patination is an imitation of erasing or fading of paint in selected areas by applying spots of a different color.

The process of restoring or decorating interior items can be used in any designer style. The main thing is to choose the right elements.

Decoupages of furniture in the shabby chic style were included in a separate line of decoration. The exclusive feature of this method is the use of soft lines, pastel colors and a white background. Let's apply it to rare things that reflect the spirit of old England.


Do-it-yourself furniture decoupage with napkins is the most common. With its help, you can update even just a purchased item by simply adding an image to its surface without additional processing.

To implement the decor, choose napkins with a pattern of the desired style, carefully cut out the necessary motifs (most often flowers or landscapes), glue them with PVA and cover them with transparent varnish. Working with this thin material requires patience and a steady hand from the performer. The most difficult thing in this process is not to tear the image cut out of the napkin. Therefore, air bubbles are removed with a soft brush.


Often after repairs a small amount remains finishing materials, which are no longer used for gluing on walls. The remaining wallpaper can be used to decorate furniture facades. In this case, the paper can cover not only small areas, reserved for the picture, but also the entire surface.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of furniture with wallpaper is identical to pasting with napkins, however, the thickness of the material requires the use of special glue. Various motifs are cut along the contour, smeared glue mixture and apply it to the right place. You need to level the paper with a brush with stiffer bristles. After drying, the drawing is opened with varnish.

Before decoupaging entire areas with wallpaper, for example, covering the front of a door or the seat of a chair with rectangular inserts, you need to take measurements and cut out the appropriate blanks. In this case, glue is applied to the surface of the furniture, and a sheet of paper is gradually secured from one edge to the other.


Do-it-yourself decoupage of old furniture is done using fabrics. You can cut out a design from an old curtain or its remnants, use satin ribbons and openwork lace, a single piece of fabric to fit the size of the facade.

First, PVA glue is applied to the surface to be treated. It is given time to dry and covered with another layer. The fabric is lubricated with glue and secured in the desired place. After complete drying, the decor is opened acrylic varnish.

Decoupage ideas in the kitchen

We often inherit pieces of furniture that have retained their quality and functional properties, but have lost their attractive appearance. In this case, the question is raised about restoring the facades with your own hands and at the same time creating original interior items.

Decoupage of a cabinet or kitchen chest of drawers can be done using any method, taking into account the style of the room:

  1. Country or Provence will be emphasized by images of butterflies, wildflowers, landscapes or still lifes.
  2. Eco-style accepts everything related to nature: flower bouquets, vines, waterfall patterns, zebra or leopard colors.
  3. Black and white newspaper clippings, silhouettes of human figures or faces, and theater posters will fit well into the retro style.
  4. Any interior will be successfully emphasized by various geometric figures, covers of popular glossy magazines.

Tables, chairs, dishes, porcelain containers and flower vases are decorated. They create panels and paintings based on kitchen motifs.

Necessary tool

Before you begin the process of updating or decorating, you need to stock up on materials for decoupaging furniture: napkins with all kinds of motifs, pieces of wallpaper or fabric.

The following tools will be required:

  • Special scissors for decoupage or manicure with sharp tips, a stationery knife.
  • Tassels different widths: small for fine work and wider for processing large areas.
  • Sandpaper for leveling surfaces, removing roughness and pre-sanding the varnish layer.

You will need PVA glue for napkins or fabric; if the decoupage technique is performed with wallpaper, then wallpaper glue. The varnish is chosen according to the desired result: matte or glossy, acrylic or water-based.

If you plan to create a three-dimensional drawing or tint, you will need modeling paste or putty and paints. In addition, in the process of preparing surfaces, a primer is used, and if painting is necessary, aerosol paint is used.

Decoupage of kitchen furniture

To understand all the nuances of the process, you need to start with simple decoration. You can decoupage furniture in the Provence style with your own hands using paper napkins with the image of a bouquet of flowers.

To make the master class complete, you should consider all types of surfaces and techniques for working with them.

Surface preparation

High-quality surface preparation is the key to a positive result.

If decorated wooden wall, old chips, knots, holes cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is necessary to first putty all visible imperfections. The surface is then carefully sanded sandpaper. First the coarser spray, then the finest. Preparations are coming to an end wooden surface applying a wood primer.

If the design will be glued to plastic or glass furniture, it is important to degrease it with alcohol or dishwashing detergent and lightly sand it. For primer, it is better to use acrylic art or automotive primer.

Metal furniture must be degreased, sanded and be sure to get rid of old rust. This will help lemon acid and soda, vinegar, but it is best to purchase a special solvent. Metal is primed using the same means as plastic (glass).

The term "decoupage" is French word, meaning "cutting". It belongs to the types of applications that are glued to wood, glass, metal and plastic surfaces. You have already met, but did not know, that colorful frames, pots, kitchen boards, colorful figurines and furniture covered with paintings from wallpaper and napkins are products made in the spirit of decoupage.

This is functional and easy way design of decorative elements will give even a child the opportunity to create unusual craft. Decoupage will allow creative people to create a masterpiece without spending a lot of time and materials. The designs you like just need to be cut out, distributed on the surface to be decorated and secured with special means.

Individuals who are not afraid to experiment and spend time on creativity may like decoupage of old furniture. This technique requires quality materials and patience. This option will update and improve the interior, but it will not take much time.

Materials that are used when decoupaging furniture with your own hands include bright three-layer napkins and extra pieces of wallpaper. Nowadays, along with the above, fabric is used. Contrasting, colorful patterns and elegant fabric textures will transform old, sloppy furniture into designer creations.

At the end, the decorated surface is varnished so that the item lasts a long time and looks attractive. In addition to paper, you can use lace, leather and drawings from magazines for decoupage.

Today we will watch a master class in furniture decoupage and learn how to decorate interior items.

Often in Everyday life The word "vintage" is used. In apartment decor, vintage means bringing old things back to life. Not everyone can afford to buy vintage furniture, because they will have to fork out big bucks. But creating an inexpensive, unique analogue is within the power of any person. The main thing you need to have with you is a rich imagination and openwork multi-layer napkins.

Decorating cabinets and cabinets in the kitchen using napkins

To freshen up the look of an old one kitchen set, buy paper napkins with a contrasting vintage pattern, cut out the pictures you like and start creating “updated” furniture.

Beginners should first practice on thick cardboard or covered plywood chipboard. Having “stuffed” your hand, you can start decorating kitchen cabinet. For this we need:

  • High-quality three-layer napkins with a bright pattern;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Acrylic paint and varnish.

If you are decorating old furniture, then clean and level the surface with sandpaper and degrease with an alcohol-containing product.

Then cover the selected surface acrylic paint, let dry. Then, cut out the design you like and separate the two bottom layers.

Apply glue to the place where the picture will be glued and place the picture, carefully straighten its surface, remove air bubbles. Using a natural brush, apply glue upper layer drawing - this will protect it from tearing after subsequent paintings.

When the pattern is dry, carefully apply acrylic varnish. Its advantage is that it dries quickly and does not “stink” of chemicals, which makes it possible to varnish furniture indoors. After 3-4 hours you have a new vintage cabinet.

Following the given step by step instructions you can decorate the doors of bedside tables, wall cabinets, and the visible part of the cabinet.

Decoupage wallpaper

Wallpaper is used to decorate only furniture that does not fit new interior or is considered obsolete. Wallpaper with a fashionable print that harmoniously matches the decor will refresh the furniture and give it a second chance at “life.” Wallpaper design methods are varied. You can wallpaper both individual parts (doors, drawers) and the entire visible surface as a whole.

For beginners in furniture decoupage, it is better to start with simpler models. For example, you can decorate a table top using a single piece of fabric.

This lesson with step by step photos furniture decoupage will show you how to decorate a table correctly and tastefully. Typically, the material from which the table top is made is chipboard, boards, or solid wood board.

We need:

  • Acrylic lacquer;
  • Roller;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Vinyl or non-woven wallpaper of the desired shade;
  • PVA glue.

As in the previous case, clean the lid with alcohol and level it with sandpaper. We measure the dimensions of the lid and cut off the corresponding, even fabric with a small allowance. Then we coat the entire surface to be decoupaged and the back of the wallpaper with PVA glue. Carefully place the wallpaper and begin to level it using a roller.

Using a roller, we remove air bubbles and level the paper over the entire surface. Let the wallpaper dry. Afterwards, we sand the edge of the lid and cover the top layer with acrylic varnish. Ready product It will look like it was purchased.

Decoupage of an old stool

In every house and apartment there is an old, shabby stool that is a pity to throw away. How to turn old things into a real masterpiece, a rarity? The answer is simple - napkin decoupage. This technique will help you make a vintage stool without spending a lot of personal time and money. For this we need:

  • Acrylic paint and varnish;
  • Three-layer vintage napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brushes with natural bristles;
  • Sandpaper.

We begin the work, as in all other cases, by leveling and degreasing the surface with sandpaper and alcohol. After cleaning the seat, we cover it with two layers of cream, white or beige paint. Let it dry so it doesn't stick to the tools.

We divide the napkin into layers, and glue the top layer with the pattern facing outward. We dilute the glue with water in a 1:1 ratio and treat the surface of the pattern with the mixture. During the coating process, we align the picture and remove air from under the napkin. Let the glue dry. Afterwards, we varnish the surface. Voila! The vintage stool is ready.

Fabric decoupage of a sleeping chest of drawers

Decorating a chest of drawers with fabric occurs if it is outdated, peeling and does not fit into the overall background of the room. For work we need:

  • Scraps of fabric;
  • Scissors;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Acrylic paint in pastel colors and varnish;
  • Roller.

First, use a solvent to remove old paint and sand the entire working surface with sandpaper. Cover with a primer and paint with beige or milky acrylic paint. Give it time to dry. Afterwards, cover the chest of drawers with PVA glue and glue the fabric special glue. Using a roller, spread the fabric over the work surface and remove any air bubbles.

Depending on your preferences, select the color, pattern and number of patches. Let the fabric dry and periodically spray it with glue from a spray bottle. This is done so that the fabric does not wrinkle and sticks well. We cover the product with transparent acrylic varnish in several layers, giving each layer a certain amount of time to dry.

Photo ideas for decoupage furniture

The decoupage technique for decorating products and decoupage furniture is again at the peak of popularity. This is the simplest and affordable way update interior, give old furniture individuality and sophistication. Using various images on paper or matter, a little imagination and creative inspiration, you can turn furniture facades, doors, table tops and backrests into works of art.

Furniture decoupage: preparing materials

Select the image you want to transfer to the surface of the furniture. This could be a drawing on paper, a napkin, or a fragment wallpaper, print on textiles or skin, lace. It is advisable to purchase special decoupage glue, but in the absence of one, PVA will do. You will also need a sponge, a soft brush and acrylic varnish.

Important! Depending on the decoupage technique and style future product you may need additional materialsand tools.

Work process

  • We prepare the surface. If without treatment, then it does not need to be washed. Lacquered or painted furniture must be degreased (dishwashing liquid is suitable), rubbed with sandpaper and dust removed.
  • If the furniture is really old and has cracks and chips, we will mask them with wood putty and furniture wax.
  • Prime the surface with transparent acrylic varnish. Dark furniture It is better to paint it in light colors.
  • Apply to the base adhesive composition and place the images cut out along the contour in the order prescribed by the previously drawn up sketch.
  • After the glue has dried, the composition is coated with acrylic varnish. If desired, additional decorative techniques are used.

Application of napkins

Quite often, table napkins, which are usually multi-layered, are used as images. All you need is a top layer with a pattern. The surface of the base must be light. When applying varnish, the napkin becomes more transparent, and against a dark background the design will lose its contrast.