Strategic partner of Russia. Basic Research

“It was not we who spoiled them, and we always stand for normal relations with all states, both in the East and in the West.” (Vladimir Putin about relations with partners)

Today, only a lazy politician of a particular country does not use this vague connective - strategic partner. Strategic partner in business, in foreign policy etc. In an attempt to clarify for myself the meaning of these two words, specific example- in Russia, several pictures pop up at once - China, India, Cuba... and a number of other countries that usually oppose themselves to the United States and its vision of strategic partnership.

There is an opinion that Russia has fewer and fewer partners and friends in foreign policy. In fact, this is far from the case. Most of Russia’s strategic partners have not changed their attitude towards Russia, with the exception of distraught Turkey, already a former strategic partner, and a number of EU countries. By the way, the leaders of the European Union countries have repeatedly stated that the real attitude towards Russia differs from the antipathies forced from outside. However, today we will list the main key, strategically important partners of Russia, whose relations have become stronger and more reliable over the years.

Russia and Cuba

One of the most bright examples strategic partnership between the two countries is Cuba and the USSR in the era of the Cuban missile crisis. When America broke off all relations with Cuba, declaring a naval and economic blockade on this small country, the USSR came to the rescue, becoming an indispensable supplier of everything that Cuba needed and that the Americans had previously supplied there. As a result, Cuba has been reoriented to a large extent towards our standards and our technologies, including military ones.

After the collapse of the USSR, relations were lost and Russian influence on the island was reduced to a minimum. Aid to Cuba stopped, and a humanitarian catastrophe began on the island. Russia’s second arrival on Liberty Island occurred during the reign of the current Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were restored, and embassies of the two countries reappeared.

Fun fact: Russian-Cuban diplomatic relations were established in 1902. After the October Revolution in Russia, they were actually torn apart and restored only in October 1942. Cuba (like almost all Latin American countries) for a long time didn't recognize Soviet Russia. Nevertheless, unofficial ties between the two countries continued - in 1925, Mayakovsky visited Cuba on his way to Mexico, and in 1931, the white emigrant Yavorsky became the head of the first professional ballet school on the island.

In 1952, through a coup in Cuba, Fulgencio Batista, a military dictator and American protege who worked closely with the American mafia and the US leadership, came to power for the second time. During his reign, American monopolies controlled almost 70% of the Cuban economy, and relations with the USSR deteriorated sharply. That same year, Stalin broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba. In 1959, the revolution won in Cuba, the leaders of which were Fidel and Raul Castro, Ernesto Che Guevara, after which Fidel Castro came to power, and in 1960 diplomatic relations were restored.

The attitude of the Soviet leadership towards the new Cuban government remained uncertain until the United States attempted to overthrow Castro by force in April 1961 during the failed operation in the Bay of Cochins.

In May 1961, Fidel openly proclaimed that Cuba would follow the socialist path of development. This dramatically changed the Kremlin's attitude towards Cuba. Soviet engineers, military specialists and weapons immediately went to Liberty Island to prevent a repeat of the American intervention.

In 1962, Raul Castro visited the USSR, where he met with Nikita Khrushchev. They agreed that in order to secure Cuba from American aggression, Soviet medium-range missiles should be stationed on the island. On October 14, 1962, the Americans discovered the deployment of Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba, the Cuban Missile Crisis erupted. The world was on the verge of World War III, where two superpowers, armed to the teeth - the USA and the USSR, were ready at any moment to move from words to deeds...

In essence, strategic partnership in security matters then and now implies the presence of a common enemy. And such an enemy for Cuba and the USSR, and now for the Russian Federation, is “US policy.” I want to emphasize that it is not the state itself, but the specific policies of those in power, and the residents of this country themselves have nothing to do with it...

As stated above, new round relations between the Russian Federation and Cuba occur during the reign of the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. On July 12, 2014, Vladimir Putin visited Cuba as part of a trip to Latin America and met with Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Cuba Raul Castro. Before this, he wrote off 90% of Cuba's debts to the USSR, and the remaining 10% ($3.5 billion) is supposed to be invested in the Cuban economy by repaying it in equal semi-annual payments over 10 years...

Thus, strategically important relations with Cuba were restored in all key areas: healthcare, industry, culture, military-technical issues, cooperation in the space sector...

Another strategic partner of Russia, China, has also succeeded in cooperation with Cuba, where it is actively involved in Internet and communications issues in this area. The volume of Chinese investments in Cuba increased by 57%... It is obvious that Russia and China, the two most successful strategic partners, are interested in cooperation with Cuba according to pre-agreed plans for joint actions. According to the principle - friends of my friends are my friends, as well as enemies... And the desperate attempts of a suddenly enlightened America to restore relations with Cuba look, to put it mildly, ridiculous. It is impossible to erase the historical memory of the Cuban people, it is unrealistic to make amends... The moment for restoring strategically important relations between the United States and Cuba has been missed.

Russia and China

Relations between Russia and China are of key importance in Russian foreign policy. China in the current conditions is Russia's main partner and ally - both in military-political and economic terms. The economies of Russia and China complement each other well, and the threat posed by the NATO bloc is pushing our countries to create a defensive alliance.

China's most important goal is to create the so-called New Silk Road, the land part of which is a transport corridor through Kazakhstan and Russia to Europe. Also, the most important international projects that are being implemented with the participation of Russia and China are the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the BRICS Development Bank and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Bank.

The Chinese consider Russia their main ally and partner, and Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most popular foreign politician in China.

It is very characteristic that at the APEC 2014 summit in Beijing festive table, behind which the leaders of the Pacific countries gathered, was decorated in the colors of the Russian flag - this clearly shows who the main guest is for the Chinese. At the previous APEC 2013 summit, held on the Indonesian island of Bali, Chinese leader Xi Jinping specially planned a meeting with Putin on his birthday, which they celebrated with a celebratory dinner.

Also, Xi Jinping personally came to the opening of the 2014 Sochi Olympics, which the leaders of most Western countries did not do.

August 23, 2015 in an article for “ Russian newspaper", Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted that Russian-Chinese relations "are the best in history and continue to develop progressively."

Strategic cooperation agreements between Russia and China: Shanghai Accords 2014

On May 20, 2014 in Shanghai, during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the head of the Russian delegation, a number of strategic agreements (46 documents in total) on cooperation between Russia and China were signed, including:

  • Signed agreement on strategic cooperation between Russian and Chinese railways : Russian Railways and the Chinese Railways will jointly develop transport infrastructure (including border crossings), jointly develop tariff plans and marketing campaigns in order to create competitive tariff conditions for rail transportation on transit routes China - Russia - Europe.
  • Signed cooperation agreements on the use of national currencies: VTB and Bank of China will develop partnerships in various areas, and in general, Russia and China intend to increase the volume of direct payments in national currencies in mutual trade between countries.
  • Signed agreement on the creation of a Russian-Chinese wide-body long-range aircraft: JSC "United aircraft manufacturing corporation"and the Chinese corporation COMAC will create an airliner that should occupy significant market shares both in Russia and China, as well as in third countries.
  • Signed memorandum on joint construction of a new bridge across the Amur: Construction should be completed by 2016, the new bridge will shorten the route for Russian cargo supplied to China by 700 kilometers, and will also allow the transportation of 21 million tons of cargo for export to China. 80% of construction will be financed by China, 20% by Russia.
  • Signed cooperation agreements between a number of ministries, regions and enterprises of Russia and China.
  • Sales contract signed liquefied gas within the framework of the Yamal LNG project between NOVATEK OJSC and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).
  • Signed agreements on the implementation of a number investment projects with China's participation Far East .
  • 6 contracts were signed between Eurocement Group and China CAMC Engineering for the construction of new technological lines for the production of cement in European Russia.
  • A number of agreements on joint projects and cooperation in the field of mechanical engineering, chemical industry and infrastructure construction were signed.

China has announced its readiness to zero out import duties on Russian gas, and Russia has announced its readiness to zero out the mineral extraction tax for gas fields which will supply gas to China.

Russia and China also agreed to more closely coordinate their foreign policy steps.

The largest gas supply contract in history

On May 21, 2014, the Russian Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) entered into a thirty-year gas supply agreement - the contract provides for the supply of up to 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year with a total price of $400 billion over 30 years. The exact price of gas was not announced, but it is known that it exceeds $350 per thousand cubic meters. The contract is the largest in the history of the gas industry of the USSR and Russia, and, apparently, the largest gas supply agreement in the entire history of the global gas industry.

Gazprom head Alexey Miller announced further plans for cooperation with China: “38 billion is just the beginning. Because our Chinese partners and I agreed that as soon as we sign a contract on the eastern route, we begin negotiations on the western route. But as for the western route, there is one fundamental difference in terms of the resource base: this is the same base from which we supply gas to Europe.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the implementation of the project for the western route of gas supplies to China will make China the largest consumer of Russian gas in the world. According to Putin, Russia will begin the largest construction project in the world, and the Russian-Chinese energy alliance will become the pillar of the entire Asia-Pacific region.

“The Chinese people and the Russian people mutually supported, helped each other, they are comrades-in-arms in the war against fascism and militarism,” noted the President of the People’s Republic of China, emphasizing that citizens of the two countries “will defend peace hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder, promote development and contribute our contribution to ensuring lasting peace on the planet and the progress of all mankind.”

Russia and India

India holds a special place among Russia’s strategically important partners. It would be very good to secure mutual support with another country whose population exceeds 1.3 billion inhabitants.

Vladimir Putin himself spoke about the strategically important partnership in 2012. On the eve of the official visit of the Russian President to India, an article by Vladimir Putin was published in the Hindu newspaper. Here are just a few important excerpts from this article:

“I am glad to have the opportunity to address the readers of one of the most influential Indian newspapers, The Hindu.” On the eve of my visit to New Delhi, I would like to outline approaches to the further development of the strategic partnership between Russia and India.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. Over the past decades, we have accumulated vast experience in working together and achieved success in a variety of areas. Changed political eras, but the principles of bilateral relations remained unchanged - mutual trust and equality. Let me emphasize: deepening friendship and cooperation with India is one of the priorities of our foreign policy. And we have every right to say that they are truly unique and privileged in nature.

A truly historic step was the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between Russia and India, signed in October 2000. Special meaning and the timeliness of this step were confirmed by developments in the first decade of the 21st century. After all, today we, and the entire civilization, face serious challenges. These are uneven global development, economic and social instability, and a lack of trust and security.

In these conditions, Russia and India are demonstrating an example of responsible leadership and collective action in the international arena.

We have a common goal - to make the world in which we live more just, democratic, secure, and to help resolve global and regional problems, including the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, and in Afghanistan.

I would like to note that our general work within the BRICS framework. Year after year, the authority of this association is strengthened. And this is natural. The initiatives we put forward are aimed at building a new architecture for a multipolar world order. The same constructive approach is manifested in our interaction in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multilateral formats. We are committed to a meaningful dialogue with the Indian side within the framework of the commenced Russian presidency of the G20.

Joint steps in the international arena, participation in the development of global trade rules, building up business, scientific, technical and humanitarian ties are the basis for achieving a new quality of partnership.

We attach particular importance to bilateral trade and investment relations. The growing economic potential of Russia and India is largely complementary. Our trade turnover has overcome the consequences of the global crisis, and in 2012 we expect a record figure of over $10 billion. Our next goal is to reach the level of $20 billion by 2015.

To do this, it is necessary to use all reserves, maintain direct contacts between business circles, and stimulate the creation of effective investment, technological, and industrial alliances in the most dynamic and promising areas. For example, in the energy sector, primarily nuclear..."

Read the entire article on the official Kremlin website.

Relations between Russia and India are developing systematically and at the same time rapidly: the other day it became known that Russia and India are planning to build a gas pipeline, negotiations are planned for May this year. In addition, it is planned to discuss the possibility of supplying oil from Russia to India.

Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that India was, is and will be Russia’s main strategic partner in military-technical cooperation.

India accounted for 35.6% of Russia's military exports in 2013 ($4.7 billion out of $16.7 billion).

At the end of April 2015, the Federation Council named the largest buyers of Russian weapons. The bulk of supplies in 2014 came from India (28 percent), followed by Iraq (11 percent), China (9 percent), Vietnam (7 percent) and Venezuela (6 percent).

It is indicative that 60-80% of weapons in India come from Russian exports. It is our weapons that are recognized by the Indian authorities as the highest quality in the world. India does not skimp and purchases almost all types of weapons, including submarines. India's helicopter fleet numbers more than 400 aircraft and by 2017 will be replenished with another 50 aircraft. The strength of Russia's military exports is very good.

Cooperation between Russia and India is very beneficial in last years in the oil industry. A prominent representative of Russia is the Rosneft company, which signed a series of important documents with the Indian side emphasizing the “transition from energy dependence to an energy partnership between the two countries.”

India currently claims to be one of the leaders influencing the global oil market. The fact is that consumption in the country is growing at a rapid pace. Experts are already suggesting that India may overtake Japan in terms of oil consumption. Considering that with the increase in the purchasing power of Indian citizens and companies, the growth in fuel consumption will only increase, it is likely that India will be able to, if not overtake, then come close to China and the United States, which are now leaders in oil consumption. Thus, thanks to the cooperation of Rosneft with Indian partners, it will be possible to strengthen Russia’s position in the global oil market.

Other countries are Russia's strategic partners

South Africa.“The Republic of South Africa is Russia’s leading and reliable strategic partner in Africa. We cooperate constructively in almost all areas. This also applies to the two-sided format, this applies to working in different international organizations such as the UN, BRICS, WTO, IAEA" (Vladimir Putin at a meeting with his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma)

Brazil. Just like South Africa, India, China is part of a strategic partnership with Russia within the framework of the BRICS project. Brazil became Russia's official strategic partner only on October 18, 2005, when the heads of the two countries signed the “Russian-Brazilian Strategic Alliance.”

It is important to note that Brazil is Russia’s largest trading partner in Latin America: in 2007–2013, Brazil accounted for 29.7% Russian exports to Latin America and 45.4% of imports from the Russian Federation to this region. True, trade volumes in absolute numbers are small - the annual trade turnover of the two countries in 2011 amounted to only $1.9 billion. In total, from 2007 to 2013, the value of exports from the Russian Federation to Brazil amounted to $12.4 billion, and Brazilian imports for the same period amounted to $27.6 billion. Brazil is one of the main suppliers of raw sugar, coffee, beef and pork to the Russian Federation, and fertilizers make up a significant share of Russian exports.

Russia and Brazil are unique among other giant states because they have reserves incomparable to any other country. natural resources and minerals. Take, for example, fresh water, the global shortage of which, according to scientists, will begin to be felt in the 20s of this century. Brazil and Russia share the world championship in its reserves.

And Brazil, like Russia, is rich in rare earth and non-ferrous metals, the possession of which guarantees the independent development of their scientific and technological potential in long years forward. According to estimates by Brazilian researcher M. Bruckmann, US dependence on certain non-ferrous and rare earth metals concentrated in Latin America varies from 49 to 100%. Thus, for niobium alone, which is actively used in the aerospace industry (Brazil owns 98% of its world reserves), the US dependence is 85%.

In recent years, cooperation between the two countries in the field of energy has noticeably intensified - participation Russian companies in the construction of hydroelectric power stations in Brazil. The foundation was laid for cooperation in the field of joint development of Brazil's fuel resources and the implementation of energy projects in other Latin American countries.

CIS. Also, the main strategic partners are neighboring countries. The most prominent representatives are fraternal Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbadjan, Abkhazia... For obvious reasons, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine dropped out of the list of strategically important partners...

Latin America. The European Union's support for sanctions against Russia caused a sharp reassessment of relations, both diplomatic and strategically important. The question arose: who will we be friends with? Having introduced retaliatory sanctions against the European Union, Moscow turned towards its new Latin American partners, who had long dreamed of establishing new business contacts and increasing trade exchanges with Russia. Russia has begun negotiations with diplomats from a number of Latin American countries on the replacement of those products that it has banned from purchasing from the European Union, the United States and other countries, in particular Australia, Canada and Norway, namely: meat, meat and dairy products, fruits, vegetables and fresh fish. They are one of the main items of Latin American export.

Currently, the most large-scale Russian-Latin American projects are being implemented in the field of energy: construction of hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, oil and gas production. Things are also going well with the supply of Russian weapons. Especially to Venezuela, which has become the second importer of Russian weapons after India.

The second most important trading partner in Latin America is Argentina, the volume of mutual trade with which amounts to billion 873 million dollars; followed by Venezuela: $1 billion 732 million; Mexico: billion 414 million; Ecuador: billion 299 million; Peru: 725 million; Chile: 455 million and Cuba: 225 million...

Argentina exports dried fruits, meat and dairy products, and purchases from Russia nuclear reactors, vehicles and pharmaceutical industry products.

To summarize, it can be emphasized that Russia’s strategic partners today are those countries where the spheres of influence of Washington or the European Union are weakened or are unacceptable by the leaders of these countries. The expansion of Russia's cooperation with Latin America and other countries that are Russia's strategic partners has reshaped the standard ideas about the key players in the international arena in both geopolitical and geo-economic rivalry.

I remember one of last meetings Vladimir Putin with German businessmen in Moscow, where he expressed a very important thought:

“Germany is Russia’s second trading partner in terms of trade turnover after China, and both sides should value this.

- We have a lot of good ones promising projects, and I hope that your interest in cooperation with Russia with your partners will only increase and you will not miss your opportunities in the Russian market. It would be foolish to test the accumulated potential of cooperation and miss the opportunities that Russian market provides. For our part, we have done and will do everything to create the most favorable conditions for all our foreign partners."

It is obvious that Europe must also wake up and take courage. Independently and independently express your vision of partnership in relations with the country whose market is the most favorable and in demand. “And to miss this opportunity,” as the President of Russia emphasized, “is stupid.”

And a little more about the persistent myth that supposedly the whole world is against Russia.

All our BRICS partners: Brazil, India, China, South Africa - four countries that, together with Russia, account for 43% of the planet's population. If we include here other countries that are also partners of Russia, it turns out that the majority of humanity lives in those countries that advocate cooperation/partnership with Russia, and not against it.

It's obvious that most of planet clearly does not sympathize with the Western idea of ​​a unipolar world, perceiving tough and unyielding Russia as the only country capable of putting an end to the dominance of some countries over others.”

Strategic partnership (cooperation)(strategic alliance) is a general name for forms of cooperation of resources and coordination of the activities of companies in order to obtain mutual benefits (). Strategic partnership is the cooperation of one company with another, larger and more powerful, to achieve common economic and strategic goals.

The basis of a strategic partnership is cooperation between the management of firms, due to mutual participation in capital, the coincidence of strategic interests in development and production, expansion of sales markets, entering new markets, etc. Strategic partnership involves coordinating the activities of participating firms.

Based on the degree of deepening cooperation and pooling of resources, the following forms of strategic partnership are distinguished:

  • training of personnel of one company by specialists of another to master new production;
  • agreement on production, assembly and transfer of products (buy-back compensation transactions);
  • transfer of a patent under license;
  • agreement on joint marketing research;
  • partnership in exploration, R&D and co-production.

Strategic partners can be selected among domestic and foreign companies. In this case, both firms of equal size and firms that differ in scale and market coverage become partners. Often a strategic partnership is effective way for small firms (especially those engaged in the field of advanced technologies) to enter new markets with their unique product.

A common form of strategic partnership is entrepreneurial networks, the participants of which coordinate their activities both in the short and long term. An important form of strategic partnership is the so-called technology parks (science cities), within which the interaction of science, high-tech production, modern computerized infrastructure and the sphere of vocational education takes place.

Strategic partnership relations are built on the following principles:

  • the partners’ common interest in fruitful cooperation, mutual recognition of the strategic nature of the relationship;
  • willingness to take into account the interests of the other party, to make compromises to achieve strategic goals, even if such actions are ambiguously appropriate from the point of view of one’s own benefit;
  • mutual refusal of discriminatory (moreover, ultimatum) actions towards each other;
  • long-term nature of partnerships, because strategic partnerships are established not for two or three years, but for a long term;
  • the presence of effective mechanisms for implementing this format of relations;
  • legal consolidation of the content and mechanisms of strategic partnership in bilateral documents, because the strategic goals of cooperation should not change depending on the change of leadership in both states;
  • discipline, consistency and predictability, constant fulfillment by partners of their obligations;
  • high efficiency of strategic partnership - the returns from such cooperation should be felt by both parties, not only state and political elites, but also economic entities, ordinary citizens of both countries.

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Voronezh State University

engineering technologies, Voronezh, Russia

Strategic partnership: advantages and directions of development

Suyazova G.A.

The development strategy includes several solution options. One of them is a strategic alliance or strategic partnership, at the global level this is the cooperation of one country with another, more powerful and larger, to achieve common economic and strategic goals. A partnership involves collaboration that produces better results than could be obtained from a conventional transaction. strategic partnership economic communication

In today's changing economy, strategic partnerships allow states to create a serious competitive advantage through access to the resources and capabilities of a partner, namely markets, technologies, capital and people. Creating a team allows participants in the process to collectively expand their resources and abilities, and from this grow and expand much faster and more efficiently.

Compared to conventional types of cooperation, strategic partnership is the highest level. The partners have similar values, national interests and recognize the need to develop bilateral trade and deepen cooperation. In order to give cooperation a strategic nature, an economic, political, social international environment is created that promotes mutual complementarity, the development of competition, as well as forms of management within the country and in cooperation with a partner. Despite the fact that some countries prefer short-termism, strategic partnership is still a long-term phenomenon. It can also be at both the bilateral and multilateral levels. Multilateral strategic cooperation involves the creation of strategic alliances or alliances. For example, NATO and the EU can be considered such alliances.

Strategic partnerships have many benefits.

First, trade and investment barriers are overcome when entering foreign markets. This allows for the development of international imports and exports. Secondly, the state gains access to financial resources, products, partner technologies. This creates new markets for goods and a new range of goods for customers. Benefits include strengthening the brand in the market through partner channels, reducing the cost and risk of scientific development, setting technological standards and releasing products in accordance with these standards.

Strategic cooperation needs to be strengthened through organizational and constructive steps.

To begin with, political dialogue with strategic partners should be improved to build trust and prevent conflicts. Also important step mutual investment in the economy will be stimulated.

It is necessary to deepen military and military-technical cooperation with strategic partners by signing agreements, intensify interregional cooperation with strategic partners, and consider the possibility of creating trade missions.

It is also important to strengthen information support for the development of strategic cooperation and adopt bilateral agreements in the field of information exchange. Broad public support requires awareness of life in partner countries through the Internet, television and radio broadcasting.

Of course, it is not entirely true to say that a strategic partnership brings only benefits. Here we have our own weak sides. First, conflicts associated with differences in the cultures of participants in a strategic alliance can significantly weaken cooperation between companies and hinder the creation of partnerships. Or joint decision-making may require a significant amount of time, drag on, and end too long. a large number compromises. And finally, the state is at great risk of being suppressed by its partner. In this case, there can be no talk of any further development.

But in general, with the right partnership tactics, the benefits of strategic partnerships outweigh its disadvantages and dangers.

This type of cooperation, known as strategic partnership, has developed significantly, but has undergone significant changes in recent years. Single tactical goals inherent in traditional joint forms, were replaced by global strategies, views and approaches to forming partnerships changed. You need to think of strategic partnerships as a means to help you achieve a goal, as an extension of your influence by respecting your competitors. Planning and communications are key components of successful strategic alliances.

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