Mother-in-law is a virgin. Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law - how to establish peaceful relationships

Today there is great opportunity find out about the nature of the future mother-in-law. If you have already acquired a “second” mother, astrological horoscope Zodiac signs will still help you: build new or correct existing relationships with her.


He is an extremely emotional and impulsive person. These qualities quite seriously spoil Aries’s life: in a fit of anger and irritation, such a mother-in-law is capable of saying a lot of unnecessary things to close people—her daughter-in-law in the first place.

She is also distinguished by her desire to succeed in everything. He adores his son: whoever offends him is an enemy for a long time, if not forever. Failures make the representative of the fire sign fall into depression. He can take on several things at once, but not finish any of them. An insignificant, but still a plus: the Aries mother-in-law loves to sleep longer.

Mother-in-law Taurus

He has remarkable patience, so he rarely loses his temper. So the scandalous daughter-in-law will have to try to “sweat” in order to involve such a mother-in-law in a quarrel. The representative of the zodiac sign Taurus is a rather indecisive person. She lives by the principle “if you hurry, you make people laugh.” But the fruits of her labors “grow” to the envy of everyone, striking the hardest, reliable foundation and brightness without pretentiousness. The way to the heart of a Taurus mother-in-law lies through being attentive when receiving practical advice from her.

Gemini Mother-in-Law

A representative of the air element loves to talk and is very offended if she receives indifference from a possible interlocutor. She is very active, everything is on fire in her hands. The Gemini mother-in-law tries with all her might to give the impression of a serious person, but it doesn’t work out well. The reason for this appearance“second” mother - it often contains details that are not without some comedy.

She watches her daughter-in-law and evaluates her every move.


He sincerely loves his son, so he is unlikely to “gnaw” his wife, especially over trifles. However, the daughter-in-law should not delude herself on this score: the second mother perceives her named daughter more as a free housekeeper for her own child, a servant, than a worthy party in all respects. True, we must give her credit - she does not get involved in family quarrels, on the contrary, she even avoids it, and in the literal sense of the word. A Cancer mother-in-law will make a wonderful grandmother.


This royal lady, oddly enough, treats her daughter-in-law quite well. And if she often invites her second mother to visit, for holidays or just to “chat”, and even presents desired gifts for birthdays, she generally dotes on her son’s wife.

Characterized by generosity. A tangible minus: rejection of criticism of any kind, especially from the daughter-in-law. Thus, it is possible to suddenly become an enemy of your mother-in-law for years.


In the representative of the air element more disadvantages than advantages. First of all, she is boring and touchy. Secondly, she is petty and obsessed with cleanliness to the point of insanity. Thirdly, she is difficult to please.

Otherwise, the mother-in-law, born under the sign of Virgo, is quite a normal woman with whom you can find mutual language- provided that oddities are ignored.


A good option for a “second mother” for anyone, even the most demanding daughter-in-law. The Libra mother-in-law is famous for her diplomacy and ability, and most importantly, her desire to adapt to her son’s wife. The disadvantages are the following: she is a big fan of gossip and intrigue, every now and then she washes dirty laundry in public, and is extremely dependent on other people’s opinions.


The owner of a very specific sense of humor, which is sometimes painted in black tones. amateur various kinds intrigue.

Energetic vampire. But if she realizes her own guilt in what she has done, she begins to engage in self-flagellation, since she still has a conscience. Getting into quarrels with your Scorpio mother-in-law is more expensive for yourself.


Successful personality. Regardless of age, he occupies a high position, as they say, “spins”, so he also has additional income, often more than one. Owns many necessary connections. Fortune truly loves the representative of the fire sign. A Sagittarius mother-in-law will respect her daughter-in-law, provided she has similar success in life. Invasion of personal space is unforgiving.


She has a lot of masculine qualities, which, by the way, help in life. Decisive, looking for benefits everywhere, but without fanaticism, has a sense of purpose. I am inclined to help with deeds, words, but not with money. I must say, her advice is very useful and effective. It is undesirable to quarrel with your Capricorn mother-in-law; the offense will be mortal. But there is a plus: after the skirmish you won’t see her for a very long time...


Distinctive features of the representative air sign: unpredictability, love of arguing and lecturing others. Compassionate - if she decides to help anyone, she will give her last. An original mother-in-law, to say the least, but quite harmless - she really has a kind heart.


A real treasure trove of paranormal abilities. This helps her in life: her Fish-mother-in-law easily avoids danger and senses benefits a mile away. Loves everything unknown. He has a love for painting, music, poetry - everything spiritual and lofty. But in quarrels he always looks for those to blame. And even if she understands that it is her fault, she still “turns the arrows” - that’s her nature.

I want to believe that stellar advice will not let you down in your relationship with your husband’s mother. Let them make the latter more harmonious, bringing only joy!

Nadezhda Ponomarenko

Mother-in-law-Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Your “second mother” is generous and merciful. In her relationship with her son, the Aries woman will not tolerate any scandals. She will approach her young wife with the same standards, but only if she perceives her as her own. By maintaining distance in a relationship, you are guaranteed any help you need. But be careful! You shouldn’t get too close to your husband’s mother, because in this case you risk becoming her overprotective child.

Mother-in-law-Taurus (21.04 - 20.05)

Usually a Taurus mother-in-law behaves calmly and very rationally, but in relation to her son’s young wife she can become super caring. She is ready to accept you into her family only as a beloved daughter. In this case, care and guardianship awaits you, but in addition you will receive a million quibbles over trifles. We advise you to learn to keep a reasonable distance, because only in this case will your Taurus mother-in-law not try to interfere in your family. But you shouldn’t conflict with her! Conspiracies and intrigues await you, and maybe even open scandals. So try not to become a victim of provocation.

Mother-in-law-Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)

In relationships with both her son and daughter-in-law, the Gemini mother-in-law knows how to avoid conflicts. She is ready to provide the necessary assistance to the young people in the first years of their life together, but only if you and her get along in character. Otherwise, you will be surprised by her irritability, excessive straightforwardness and impulsiveness, so be careful. We advise you to immediately build warm, friendly relationships and become a real daughter for your mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law-Cancer (21.06 - 22.07)

For many daughters-in-law, the character of a Cancer mother-in-law comes as a complete surprise. In this role, the hospitable Rakinya turns into an imperious person who wants to control not only her son, but also his entire newly-made family. But such a mother-in-law will always provide emergency help and support if necessary. She may be stingy, but she can always give valuable advice. We recommend maintaining distance from your Cancer mother-in-law. Only in this case will you be guaranteed peace of mind.

Mother-in-law-Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

The mother-in-law, born under the sign of Leo, is strict with everyone around her, but not with her son. If she likes her daughter-in-law, then the Lioness will fully show all her positive traits. If you decide not to get too close to her, then your mother-in-law will be absolutely indifferent to you. In this case, only her superficial interest awaits you without any concern for your fate.

Mother-in-law-Virgo (23.08 - 23.09)

A caring Virgo in her relationship with her son begins to strongly resemble a Capricorn woman - demanding and domineering, practical and reserved. This attitude does not escape the young daughter-in-law either. With such a mother-in-law new family there is every chance of remaining in a powerless position. We advise you to behave with restraint, then your “second mother” will calm down and again become homely and caring. After all, all her power is caused only by the fear that the young will make mistakes.

Mother-in-law-Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

This mother-in-law is sweet and pleasant. Libra has a good friendly relationship with his son. We advise you to get close to your Libra mother-in-law, because in this case you will become her own daughter, whom she will surround with real warmth and care.

Mother-in-law-Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11)

A representative of this zodiac sign will be loyal to both her son and his young wife. The Scorpio mother-in-law is able to forgive them a lot. However, we do not recommend quarreling with her, since Scorpio’s love of intrigue, curiosity and vindictiveness can significantly ruin your life. family life. Keep your distance from her, and then your mother-in-law will provide you with the necessary help. Of course, it won’t be possible without criticism, but you’ll have to be patient.

Mother-in-law-Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21)

Despite the fact that in ordinary life The archer is sociable and active; having become a mother-in-law, she turns into a self-centered tyrant. We advise you to keep a reasonable distance from her and under no circumstances become a daughter. Love each other from a distance with your mother-in-law, so you both will have a better chance of maintaining a positive relationship.

Mother-in-law-Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)

Despite her occupation, a Capricorn mother-in-law will always be strict and restrained. She tries to act according to the rules of the role assigned to her, and demands the same from those around her. Such a mother-in-law will treat her young daughter-in-law calmly, balancedly and without unnecessary emotions. Since communicating with Capricorn in everyday life is quite pleasant, we advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her. You don’t want to deal with the always suspicious and grumpy “second mother”?

Mother-in-law-Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02)

The Aquarius woman in the role of mother-in-law does not change at all. If the daughter-in-law does not move away from her, such a mother-in-law will be sociable, but superficial, curious and not very sincere. In other words, this is the ideal mother-in-law friend. If she does not notice any special affection on your part, then she will simply leave you and your husband to live at your own discretion, from time to time engaging in lengthy moralizing.

Mother-in-law-Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

Representative of this zodiac sign can easily be classified as impractical and dreamy women. However, with a daughter-in-law, a Pisces mother-in-law is capable of showing character traits Cancer: capriciousness and touchiness, caring and sincerity. We do not recommend moving away from her, since in this case the attitude towards you will be rather cool.

And one general advice lastly. No matter who your mother-in-law is according to the horoscope, both of you should remember the simple truth: “As it comes around, so it will respond!”

Two lines of relationships: mother-in-law and son-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law - in the minds of the overwhelming majority Russian population are inextricably linked with irreconcilable confrontation. It is impossible not to admit that the second surpassed the first in its unique popularity. Anecdotes are written about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they are discussed on forums on the Internet, and articles are written about this type of personal relationship in magazines and newspapers. And almost always the wife’s “second mother” is declared to be the root of all evil. Astrology will help you avoid unnecessary clashes between your mother-in-law and a new family member. If you find out in advance what possible traits character of the daughter-in-law, this will not be difficult to do.

Aries daughter-in-law

A leader by nature. Therefore, in relations with her mother-in-law, she will strive to gain the upper hand. In any case, you shouldn’t expect submission from her. The Aries daughter-in-law zealously takes on new things, but usually abandons what she started halfway or shifts it onto the shoulders of others. Likes to criticize people. If it is expected that the daughter-in-law will live with her husband in the mother-in-law’s house, the latter is recommended to immediately determine the spheres of influence of her son’s wife.

Daughter-in-law Taurus

The complete opposite of Aries: he does not strive for leadership, his character is even, calm. The daughter-in-law, born under the sign of Taurus, has a pronounced love of cooking. This suggests that she will happily take on the responsibilities of cooking, provided she lives in the same house with her mother-in-law. Disadvantages: in acute situations, the Taurus daughter-in-law becomes emotional, and also unreasonably jealous of her husband. And her marriage is full of male friends, with whom she does not intend to part. You can really win the Taurus daughter-in-law’s affection with expensive gifts.

Gemini Daughter-in-Law

Sharp-tongued, talkative, restless and immensely curious - these are the disadvantages of a representative of the third sign in zodiac circle. But the advantages are much more significant: the Gemini daughter-in-law knows how to do several things at the same time without compromising the quality of any of them, and is the owner of unparalleled commercial abilities. It is definitely beneficial for a mother-in-law to have a close friendship with such a new daughter.

Daughter-in-law Cancer

In manners, behavior, and often appearance, it resembles a cat. Favorite pastime, respectively: eating and sleeping. The disadvantages of a Cancer daughter-in-law also include an overwhelming sense of ownership, confusion of the concepts of “mine” and “someone else’s,” and distrust. She shows excessive caution in everything, but has a well-developed intuition.

Leo Daughter-in-Law

She feels like a queen and behaves accordingly. She is characterized by such qualities as touchiness, pomp, resentment, vindictiveness, and narcissism. Routine and gray everyday life are not for the representative of the zodiac sign Leo. Expensive gifts from her to her husband’s mother are possible even for no reason, but this is not an act of goodwill, not an expression of love, not even an attempt to establish good relations. For the mother-in-law, such a step by the daughter-in-law should be regarded as a way for the latter to get rid of an annoying thing.

Virgo Daughter-in-Law

Thrifty, active, clean – a real housewife! Everything would be fine if this situation were not overshadowed negative traits character of the Virgo daughter-in-law: skepticism, pedantry, rejection of criticism even fair and from an authoritative person, the ability to make mountains out of molehills every now and then. In addition, she is too sensitive to her health.


She enters her husband’s family quickly and unnoticed, as if she had always lived there. Shows sincere respect and love for her husband’s parents, for the husband himself, for their common children, which instantly wins the heart of the mother-in-law. However, there are pitfalls here too. The daughter-in-law, born under the zodiac sign of Libra, knows how to play on men's weaknesses. She is a born flirt, and she does not strive to eradicate this trait even after marriage. However, there are still more positive qualities: in addition to those already listed, these include determination and the ability to smooth out difficult moments in tense situations.

Scorpio Daughter-in-Law

It is better not to get involved with this mother-in-law personality, not to encounter him again - for your own safety. “A snake warmed on the chest” - this is exactly the wording that can be safely addressed to a representative of the Zodiac sign Scorpio. Living together with her will turn into hell - the mother-in-law should keep this in mind.

Daughter-in-law Sagittarius

Stands out from the crowd thanks to her contradictory qualities. Excitement in her coexists with workaholism, increased religiosity with a penchant for intrigue. Her soul is possessed by endless experiences. Has a quick reaction. It is quite possible to find a common language with her.

Daughter-in-law Capricorn

The representative of the element Earth cannot be called anything other than a “manipulator”, and she carries out the voiced function gradually, but very masterfully. The disobedience of unmanipulable individuals awaits revenge. The Capricorn daughter-in-law wants to be her husband’s only beloved woman and will not share her husband with anyone, including her mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law Aquarius

He gives the impression of an open person, but it is deceptive. This person loves money very much, and therefore will happily enter into an arranged marriage. However, I do not intend to pay for material goods by restricting personal freedom. There are always a lot of strange people and unusual things around the Aquarius daughter-in-law. It is not recommended to quarrel with her: on occasion, the representative of the air element knows how to be cruel.


Here perfect option for any mother-in-law! Understanding, compassion, caring, tenderness - all these qualities are characteristic of the Fish. She has developed a natural talent as a psychologist, hence the representative water element rarely makes mistakes in people. He often acts at the behest of his heart and has strong intuition. Such a daughter-in-law would never abandon either her own weak parents or her husband’s parents to the mercy of fate.

Of course, it is worth considering the fact that there are few people in the world who are representatives of any zodiac sign in its pure form. As a rule, each of us is a mixture of the traits of two signs. And not only the stars influence the formation of a person’s destiny. But mothers-in-law can use the above information as a basis for developing a certain model of behavior with their son’s wife. And daughters-in-law, after reading the horoscope, will be able to work on eliminating their own shortcomings. Go for it!

Nadezhda Ponomarenko

It is safe to say that in her relationship with her son, she, like a queen, will not tolerate scandals. Your “second mother” is generous and merciful. With the same regal bearing, she will approach her young wife, but only if she perceives her as her own. By maintaining distance in a relationship, you are guaranteed readiness to provide the necessary help. But be careful! Don't get too close to your husband's mother, because you risk becoming her overprotective child.

Mother-in-law - Taurus

She is calm and very rational, and in relation to her son’s young wife she can become simply super caring. If she accepted you into her family, then as a beloved daughter. Care and guardianship await you, but the bonus will be a million niggles about various little things. We advise you to learn to keep a peaceful distance, because in this case your Taurus mother-in-law will not interfere in your family once again. In a conflict, conspiracies and intrigues await you, and maybe even open scandals. So don't become a victim of provocation.

Mother-in-law - Gemini

Such a mother-in-law knows how to avoid conflicts in her relationships with both her son and daughter-in-law and will provide the necessary assistance to the young people in the first years of their life together. But this is if you and her get along in character. Otherwise, you will experience irritability, excessive straightforwardness, and impulsiveness, so be careful. We advise you to build warm, friendly relationships and become a real daughter for your mother-in-law.


Mother-in-law - Cancer

For many daughters-in-law, the character of a Cancer mother-in-law will come as a surprise. Hospitable Cancer will turn out to be a powerful person who wants to control not only her son, but his entire newly-made family. The positive thing is that the mother-in-law will be able to provide emergency assistance and support if necessary. A little stingy, but will always give valuable advice. We recommend maintaining distance from your mother-in-law. In this case, peace of mind is guaranteed to you.

Mother-in-law - Leo

The representative of this zodiac sign is strict with others, but not with her son. If the daughter-in-law was accepted as her own, then the mother-in-law will show her positive qualities in full. If you decide not to get too close to her, then your mother-in-law will be absolutely indifferent to you. An ordinary acquaintance - superficial interest without any concern for your fate.

Mother-in-law - Virgo

A caring Virgo in her relationship with her son turns into a true Capricorn - demanding and domineering, practical and reserved. This attitude does not escape the young daughter-in-law either. The new family has every chance of remaining in a powerless position with the mother-in-law at its head. We advise you to behave with restraint, then your mother-in-law will become homely and caring, and will become attached to the family. After all, her imperiousness is caused only by the fear that the young will make mistakes.

Mother-in-law - Libra

She is sweet and pleasant. Libra has a good friendly relationship with his son. We advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her mother-in-law, because in this case you will become her own daughter, whom she will be happy to surround with warmth and care.

Mother-in-law - Scorpio

A representative of this zodiac sign, powerful with others, will be loyal to both her son and his young wife. The Scorpio mother-in-law is able to forgive them a lot. However, despite this, we do not recommend quarreling with her, since the mother-in-law’s love of intrigue, curiosity and vindictiveness can significantly ruin your family life. Keep your distance from her, and then your mother-in-law will provide you with the necessary help. Of course, it won’t happen without criticism, but we’ll have to be patient.

Mother-in-law - Sagittarius

Despite the fact that in ordinary life the representative of this zodiac sign is sociable and active, when she becomes a mother-in-law, she turns into a self-centered tyrant. We advise you to keep your distance from her and not become a daughter. Love each other from a distance, so you both have a better chance of maintaining a positive mood.

Mother-in-law - Capricorn

Despite her occupation (business lady or housewife), she is strict and reserved. She tries to act according to the rules of the role assigned to her, and demands the same from those around her. She treats her son and young daughter-in-law calmly, balancedly and without unnecessary emotions. Since communicating with Capricorn is much more pleasant in everyday life, we advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her. You don’t want to get a suspicious and grumpy “second mother”?

Mother-in-law - Aquarius

Representatives of this zodiac sign in the role of mother-in-law do not change at all. If the daughter-in-law does not move away from her, the mother-in-law will become sociable, but superficial, curious and not very sincere. In other words, the perfect mother-in-law-buddy. If she does not notice any special affection on your part, then she will simply leave you and your husband to live at your own discretion, occasionally engaging in teachings.

Mother-in-law - Pisces

She can easily be classified as impractical and dreamy women. It’s not even clear how she becomes rational and caring in relation to her beloved son. However, with a daughter-in-law, a Pisces mother-in-law is capable of displaying the characteristic traits of Cancer: touchiness and capriciousness, care and sincerity. We do not recommend moving away from her, because in this case the attitude towards you will be rather cold.

Stubborn as a ram, emotional, persistent and impulsive. Don’t try to offend her son - you’ll get war and peace in fifty volumes in just one week. He loves starting new things, involving the whole family in them, yes, yes, you won’t be able to sit in the trenches either. And try not to object when General Aries orders how to cook soup or iron her son’s shirts; this is fraught with scandal. This type of mother-in-law is especially sharp-tongued and in less than five minutes you will feel extremely humiliated and insulted, but do you need that?


In general, a pleasant option for mother-in-law. She will patiently teach you how to cook borscht and deflope with casius seeds, fill the pantry with preserves from her own garden, and give you her perfectly preserved crimple suit from 1979. It is difficult to quarrel with her; Taurus is extremely patient. But it’s still not worth bringing matters to a boil; when they are angry, Taurus are unpredictable and dangerous. But such a mother-in-law will not allow you to seriously quarrel with your husband - family values comes first for her.


Such a mother-in-law is extravagant and unpredictable. Museums, concerts, hikes and travel are guaranteed, even if you resist. It's easy to make friends with her, you just have to call her more often and chat about everything in the world. Children with such a grandmother find it easy and interesting, because she never minds playing hide and seek, telling scary tales and make a mess in the house. And how to correct it is none of her business, because she is in a hurry to the Van Gogh exhibition!


Try to call her “mom” and demonstrate in every possible way how much you love her son, surround him with care and comfort, because for Cancer, family and home are the main thing in life. Even if she is not delighted with you as a daughter-in-law, she will put up with it, since it was you who was chosen by her boy to be his wife. But get ready for the fact that all your shortcomings will be noticed and recorded in the memory of your mother-in-law. The most important rule is never criticize her son in her presence, do not complain that he earns little or behaves differently. If you follow it simple rules and habits, there will be no conflicts. And yes, she will always be happy to take care of her grandchildren.

a lion

The only thing we can say is - hang in there! No matter how good you are, your Leo mother-in-law will always feel that you are not suitable for her son. Don't interrupt her, don't call her by name, don't contradict her, and admire her. Yes, all my life. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the circle of those who are despised, with whom they do not speak until the guilty daughter-in-law falls to her knees and sincerely repents. On the other hand, Leo’s mother-in-law is well versed in fashion and looks great; you can always turn to her for advice. But don’t forget about admiration and compliments, we beg you!


We hope that your nerves are strong enough not to take to heart all the comments and valuable instructions from your Virgo mother-in-law. She's boring. Everything in the house should be like in a pharmacy, clean, sterile and in its place. He cannot stand a mess in the apartment, extravagance and squandering. But if you are by nature a house mouse, setting up a hole, then the advice of such a mother-in-law can be an invaluable help in housekeeping.


With her, you will not need TV and the yellow press, because thanks to your mother-in-law you will be aware of all the gossip in the world. She adapts perfectly to her daughter-in-law, but there is one small “but”. If suddenly your Libra mother-in-law is unmarried or widowed, get ready to quickly go through the entire list of single male relatives and acquaintances. And introduce her to them! Otherwise, she will bring down her entire unspent supply of love on your family. More precisely, on his son, demanding attention and care from him every hour, while giving you dubious compliments: “Your Anya looks wonderful today, despite her cute nest on her head instead of a hairstyle.”


This is a real mother-in-law, one hundred percent, as in jokes. She will try to control you, be sarcastic, tactlessly interfere with the family and make a face at the sight of your signature scrambled eggs. Patience, patience and more patience, getting into quarrels with Scorpio is more expensive for yourself. Unfortunately, with age, Scorpio’s enthusiasm does not fade at all, so the most the best option- live away from her.


Gambling workaholic, with a desire to change places. A domestic chicken that has no ambitions will be difficult to accept by such a mother-in-law. Of course, she raised her son in the hope that he would find himself an equally successful, business-minded girl! Don’t think that she will easily agree to suddenly babysit her grandchildren - Sagittarius’s mother-in-law is planning a trip to Hong Kong to meet with a millionaire, or, at worst, a business forum for residents of Cherry Street. But she has a lot of useful connections, and if you are committed to an active lifestyle, your mother-in-law will always be on your side.


Do you not drink, smoke, swear, or have hysterics five times a day? Then you are already almost an ideal daughter-in-law for a Capricorn mother-in-law. Decency and calm, that's her motto. She won't throw herself into your arms, won't insist on becoming your best friend, and won't help you with money if something happens. But he will certainly give advice, and it is worth listening to it, because Capricorns are smart and calculating. If you come to visit on time, remember all the dates and do not let her son slide into the abyss of poverty, you are guaranteed good attitude mother-in-law and, perhaps, a good inheritance.


She will be happy to chat with you, unconditionally accepting the choice of her son in your person. Aquarius is a most interesting conversationalist, with an active life position and a wide range of interests. Which does not include your scandals, problems and lack of a nanny. She will not, like Cancer, sit with her grandchildren or, like Taurus, pickle cucumbers for you. The world is full of new and interesting things, so it’s as if this mother-in-law is in your life, but it’s as if she’s not there.


She is strange. No, not even that. It’s as if there are two of them, and both are strange. Now she may be crazy about you just because you called and asked how she was feeling, and two hours later she complains to her son that you looked at her wrong. In general, Pisces are cute, they are interested in all kinds of mysticism and the occult, and it must be said for good reason, one can only envy her intuition. It’s not difficult to get along with her; it’s enough to ask your husband to call her more often and ask yourself how she’s doing? But she raised an exclusively independent son. Well, he had to take care of himself while his mother was traveling to the astral plane!