Mother-in-law cancer daughter-in-law Virgo what to do. Mother-in-law - Libra

Mother-in-law-Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Your “second mother” is generous and merciful. In her relationship with her son, the Aries woman will not tolerate any scandals. She will approach her young wife with the same standards, but only if she perceives her as her own. By maintaining distance in a relationship, you are guaranteed any help you need. But be careful! You shouldn’t get too close to your husband’s mother, because in this case you risk becoming her overprotective child.

Mother-in-law-Taurus (21.04 - 20.05)

Usually a Taurus mother-in-law behaves calmly and very rationally, but in relation to her son’s young wife she can become super caring. She is ready to accept you into her family only as a beloved daughter. In this case, care and guardianship awaits you, but in addition you will receive a million quibbles over trifles. We advise you to learn to keep a reasonable distance, because only in this case will your Taurus mother-in-law not try to interfere in your family. But you shouldn’t conflict with her! Conspiracies and intrigues await you, and maybe even open scandals. So try not to become a victim of provocation.

Mother-in-law-Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)

In relationships with both her son and daughter-in-law, the Gemini mother-in-law knows how to avoid conflicts. She is ready to provide the necessary assistance to the young people in the first years of their life together, but only if you and her get along in character. Otherwise, you will be surprised by her irritability, excessive straightforwardness and impulsiveness, so be careful. We advise you to immediately build warm, friendly relationships and become a real daughter for your mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law-Cancer (21.06 - 22.07)

For many daughters-in-law, the character of a Cancer mother-in-law comes as a complete surprise. In this role, the hospitable Rakinya turns into an imperious person who wants to control not only her son, but also his entire newly-made family. But such a mother-in-law will always provide emergency help and support if necessary. She may be stingy, but she can always give valuable advice. We recommend maintaining distance from your Cancer mother-in-law. Only in this case will you be guaranteed peace of mind.

Mother-in-law-Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

The mother-in-law, born under the sign of Leo, is strict with everyone around her, but not with her son. If she likes her daughter-in-law, then the Lioness will fully demonstrate all her positive qualities. If you decide not to get too close to her, then your mother-in-law will be absolutely indifferent to you. In this case, only her superficial interest awaits you without any concern for your fate.

Mother-in-law-Virgo (23.08 - 23.09)

A caring Virgo in her relationship with her son begins to strongly resemble a Capricorn woman - demanding and domineering, practical and reserved. This attitude does not escape the young daughter-in-law either. With such a mother-in-law new family there is every chance of remaining in a powerless position. We advise you to behave with restraint, then your “second mother” will calm down and again become homely and caring. After all, all her power is caused only by the fear that the young will make mistakes.

Mother-in-law-Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

This mother-in-law is sweet and pleasant. Libra has a good friendly relationship with his son. We advise you to get close to your Libra mother-in-law, because in this case you will become her own daughter, whom she will surround with real warmth and care.

Mother-in-law-Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11)

A representative of this zodiac sign will be loyal to both her son and his young wife. The Scorpio mother-in-law is able to forgive them a lot. However, we do not recommend quarreling with her, since Scorpio’s love of intrigue, curiosity and vindictiveness can significantly ruin your life. family life. Keep your distance from her, and then your mother-in-law will provide you with the necessary help. Of course, it won’t be possible without criticism, but you’ll have to be patient.

Mother-in-law-Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21)

Despite the fact that in ordinary life The archer is sociable and active; having become a mother-in-law, she turns into a self-centered tyrant. We advise you to keep a reasonable distance from her and under no circumstances become a daughter. Love each other from a distance with your mother-in-law, so you both will have a better chance of maintaining a positive relationship.

Mother-in-law-Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)

Despite her occupation, a Capricorn mother-in-law will always be strict and restrained. She tries to act according to the rules of the role assigned to her, and demands the same from those around her. Such a mother-in-law will treat her young daughter-in-law calmly, balancedly and without unnecessary emotions. Since communicating with Capricorn in everyday life is quite pleasant, we advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her. You don’t want to deal with the always suspicious and grumpy “second mother”?

Mother-in-law-Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02)

The Aquarius woman in the role of mother-in-law does not change at all. If the daughter-in-law does not move away from her, such a mother-in-law will be sociable, but superficial, curious and not very sincere. In other words, this is the ideal mother-in-law friend. If she does not notice any special affection on your part, then she will simply leave you and your husband to live at your own discretion, from time to time engaging in lengthy moralizing.

Mother-in-law-Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

The representative of this zodiac sign can easily be classified as impractical and dreamy women. However, with a daughter-in-law, a Pisces mother-in-law is capable of showing character traits Cancer: capriciousness and touchiness, caring and sincerity. We do not recommend moving away from her, since in this case the attitude towards you will be rather cool.

And one general advice lastly. No matter who your mother-in-law is according to the horoscope, both of you should remember the simple truth: “As it comes around, so it will respond!”

It is safe to say that in her relationship with her son, she, like a queen, will not tolerate scandals. Your “second mother” is generous and merciful. With the same regal bearing, she will approach her young wife, but only if she perceives her as her own. By maintaining distance in a relationship, you are guaranteed readiness to provide the necessary help. But be careful! Don't get too close to your husband's mother, because you risk becoming her overprotective child.

Mother-in-law - Taurus

She is calm and very rational, and in relation to her son’s young wife she can become simply super caring. If she accepted you into her family, then as a beloved daughter. Care and guardianship await you, but the bonus will be a million niggles about various little things. We advise you to learn to keep a peaceful distance, because in this case your Taurus mother-in-law will not interfere in your family once again. In a conflict, conspiracies and intrigues await you, and maybe even open scandals. So don't become a victim of provocation.

Mother-in-law - Gemini

Such a mother-in-law knows how to avoid conflicts in her relationships with both her son and daughter-in-law and will provide the necessary assistance to the young people in the first years of their life together. But this is if you and her get along in character. Otherwise, you will experience irritability, excessive straightforwardness, and impulsiveness, so be careful. We advise you to build warm, friendly relationships and become a real daughter for your mother-in-law.


Mother-in-law - Cancer

For many daughters-in-law, the character of a Cancer mother-in-law will come as a surprise. Hospitable Cancer will turn out to be a powerful person who wants to control not only her son, but his entire newly-made family. The positive thing is that the mother-in-law will be able to provide emergency assistance and support if necessary. A little stingy, but will always give valuable advice. We recommend maintaining distance from your mother-in-law. In this case, peace of mind is guaranteed to you.

Mother-in-law - Leo

The representative of this zodiac sign is strict with others, but not with her son. If the daughter-in-law was accepted as her own, then the mother-in-law will show her positive qualities in full. If you decide not to get too close to her, then your mother-in-law will be absolutely indifferent to you. An ordinary acquaintance - superficial interest without any concern for your fate.

Mother-in-law - Virgo

A caring Virgo in her relationship with her son turns into a true Capricorn - demanding and domineering, practical and reserved. This attitude does not escape the young daughter-in-law either. The new family has every chance of remaining in a powerless position with the mother-in-law at its head. We advise you to behave with restraint, then your mother-in-law will become homely and caring, and will become attached to the family. After all, her imperiousness is caused only by the fear that the young will make mistakes.

Mother-in-law - Libra

She is sweet and pleasant. Libra has a good friendly relationship with his son. We advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her mother-in-law, because in this case you will become her own daughter, whom she will be happy to surround with warmth and care.

Mother-in-law - Scorpio

A representative of this zodiac sign, powerful with others, will be loyal to both her son and his young wife. The Scorpio mother-in-law is able to forgive them a lot. However, despite this, we do not recommend quarreling with her, since the mother-in-law’s love of intrigue, curiosity and vindictiveness can significantly ruin your family life. Keep your distance from her, and then your mother-in-law will provide you with the necessary help. Of course, it won’t happen without criticism, but we’ll have to be patient.

Mother-in-law - Sagittarius

Despite the fact that in ordinary life the representative of this zodiac sign is sociable and active, when she becomes a mother-in-law, she turns into a self-centered tyrant. We advise you to keep your distance from her and not become a daughter. Love each other from a distance, so you both have a better chance of maintaining a positive mood.

Mother-in-law - Capricorn

Despite her occupation (business lady or housewife), she is strict and reserved. She tries to act according to the rules of the role assigned to her, and demands the same from those around her. She treats her son and young daughter-in-law calmly, balancedly and without unnecessary emotions. Since communicating with Capricorn is much more pleasant in everyday life, we advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her. You don’t want to get a suspicious and grumpy “second mother”?

Mother-in-law - Aquarius

Representatives of this zodiac sign in the role of mother-in-law do not change at all. If the daughter-in-law does not move away from her, the mother-in-law will become sociable, but superficial, curious and not very sincere. In other words, the perfect mother-in-law-buddy. If she does not notice any special affection on your part, then she will simply leave you and your husband to live at your own discretion, occasionally engaging in teachings.

Mother-in-law - Pisces

She can easily be classified as impractical and dreamy women. It’s not even clear how she becomes rational and caring in relation to her beloved son. However, with a daughter-in-law, a Pisces mother-in-law is capable of displaying the characteristic traits of Cancer: touchiness and capriciousness, care and sincerity. We do not recommend moving away from her, because in this case the attitude towards you will be rather cold.


It is clear that the night cuckoo will still cuckoo the day cuckoo, but it won’t hurt to know the mother-in-law’s date of birth.
And if you know the date of birth, then you can somehow calculate the character and general mood of the second MAMO. After all, not all mothers-in-law are ready to give their treasure to others, even if good hands. And not all of them they need adult daughter, although they know very well that with the right attitude you can gain a daughter, and if you take everything with hostility, then you can lose your son, because, as mentioned earlier, the night will win.

Perhaps this one astrological horoscope Zodiac signs will help some to build good relationships with their future mother-in-law at the start, and for others to correct existing difficult ones.

Aries are generally complex signs. People born under this sign are ambitious and emotional.
And since mothers-in-law are also people, you should know that the second mother will be an extremely emotional and impulsive person. These qualities greatly spoil Aries’s life in general, but with age, especially women, they may have poor control over themselves in a fit of anger or irritation. In this state, the mother-in-law is capable of saying a lot of unnecessary things to close people, and to the daughter-in-law in the first place. because he considers her his main enemy.
The daughter-in-law should know that the Aries mother-in-law is a kind of envious athlete. She will try to succeed in everything, to compete with her daughter-in-law, since she adores her son. And God forbid that a daughter-in-law should at least once say something bad to her Aries mother-in-law about her son, as she immediately becomes enemy number one, if not forever, then for a very long time.
If suddenly the mother-in-law fails in competition, then she becomes depressed or grabs onto several things at the same time, but does not complete them.
The advantages of an Aries mother-in-law include the fact that she loves to sleep.

Mother-in-law Taurus
Taurus people are patient in life. Some daughters-in-law will be very lucky to have such a mother-in-law. They have enviable patience, so they rarely lose their temper. One can only sympathize with a scandalous daughter-in-law, since one will have to try hard to involve such a mother-in-law in a quarrel.
Women of the Taurus zodiac sign are quite indecisive. They belong to the category that is afraid of harming their son with words, but they think about every step they take, they never rush, because they think “if you rush, you will make people laugh.”
And they are right. Communicating with women whose mothers-in-law are Taurus, they all almost unanimously assure that the various jambs of their husbands very successfully smoothed over their mothers-in-law and the fruits of their labors “grow” to the envy of everyone, striking with a solid, reliable family foundation. Under the close control of the Taurus mother-in-law, their sons rarely divorce and, as a rule, create a serious family for a long time.
Winning the love of a Taurus mother-in-law is easy.
It is enough to show respect to her and listen to her carefully good advice regarding the family in general and the son in particular.

Gemini Mother-in-Law
Geminis are basically talkative, hard workers.
Gemini mothers-in-law work for two people, but at the same time they love to talk, to tell how hard everything is for them, how tired they are, although the work is burning in their hands, but they need to complain. If a daughter-in-law or future daughter-in-law shows compassion and care and helps her future or current mother-in-law even a little, she will immediately gain trust and favor.
Although such a mother-in-law will treat her daughter-in-law well, she will watch and evaluate her every step all her life.
The Gemini mother-in-law tries her best to give the impression of a serious person, but she does it poorly.
Blame it all - appearance"second mother". Her constant cackling about how hard everything is for her and how difficult it is to live does not fit into the image of seriousness, and therefore, when she pretends to be a serious lady, the image contains comic details, which makes her smile.

Cancers are smart owners in life, not fussy, thoughtful and pragmatic.
They make quite tolerable mothers-in-law. But it won’t hurt to know that this mother-in-law sincerely loves her son, so she won’t “gnaw” his wife over trifles. And in general I’m not inclined to do this.
But daughters-in-law also have enough problems with their Cancer mother-in-law. The most common problem is that Cancers want to enslave their daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law, as a rule, resists. The mother-in-law often perceives her son's wife as her named daughter, but do not delude yourself. She's probably waiting for an assistant, if she's lucky. And if you’re not very lucky, then a free housekeeper for your own child, a servant, rather than a party worthy in all respects. Because for the Cancer mother-in-law there are still no people worthy for her son. But this mother-in-law does not get involved in family quarrels, she even avoids them.
Cancer mothers-in-law make wonderful and very loving grandmothers!

They say that if your mother-in-law is a Virgo, you are incredibly lucky.
These are quite normal women with whom you can find mutual language provided that oddities are ignored.
Virgo is a person consisting of more flaws than virtues. Virgos are boring and touchy in life, petty and obsessed with cleanliness to the point of insanity. Virgos are difficult to please.
But they never insist that their daughters-in-law run to them to help. They don't like help. They are from that category when “if you want it done well, do it yourself.” They should not be helped, they should not be disturbed, but they should be praised for everything.
Virgos are happy to help even their daughter-in-law. Just don’t ask your mother-in-law to help clean the house. In this case, you will learn a lot of new things about yourself.

This the best option“second mother” for anyone, even the most demanding daughter-in-law. The Libra mother-in-law is famous for her diplomacy and ability, and most importantly, her desire to adapt to her son’s wife.
But she also has a nasty side. The Libra mother-in-law is a big fan of gossip and intrigue; moreover, she washes dirty laundry in public and is extremely dependent on other people’s opinions.

This mother-in-law always - energetic vampire. She tries to please, but with her specific sense of humor it doesn’t work out well. More often than not, a Scorpio mother-in-law has a dark sense of humor, which offends her daughter-in-law and forces her to be treated with caution. Only later, when she has spoiled her daughter-in-law’s soul, she turns on her conscience and begins to engage in self-flagellation, but, as a rule, with a decent delay.
The relationship between the daughter-in-law and her Scorpio mother-in-law is complicated, but it is important to know that there is no point in arguing. It's more expensive. This mother-in-law is a rare intriguer and if she sees a hint of defeat, she can suddenly sting so that the situation gets out of control. The Scorpio mother-in-law stops at nothing. She is insidious in her hatred. It would do no harm for daughters-in-law to be careful. And you should never talk about your past, even in great secret. This information is in treacherous hands may become that trump card.

Sagittarians are almost all successful, provided that they work in their favorite field. And they rarely work on what they love. Mother-in-law-Sagittarius - successful personality. Regardless of what field and regardless of age, he often holds a position, may occupy a high position or have an important position. She always “works” in addition to her main job, so she often has additional income. The Sagittarius mother-in-law is often well-off, but she does not throw her money down the drain. If the daughter-in-law turns out to be a wise, active, hardworking and enterprising girl, and most importantly, shows love for her son, then the mother-in-law will thank her in full, help her advance, support her financially and connect all her many necessary connections.
Fortune truly loves the representative of this sign.
You should know that a Sagittarius mother-in-law will respect her daughter-in-law, provided she strives for similar success in life.
She is ready to help.
BUT!!! Intrusion into the territory of one's personal space does not forgive.
The Sagittarius mother-in-law will not tolerate or will hardly tolerate living with her daughter-in-law in the same territory. This is unacceptable for her.

Capricorn women are by nature very strong in spirit, not very vulnerable, but touchy. Everyone who knows middle-aged and older Capricorn women says that there is a lot in their nature and character masculine qualities, which help a lot in life. Decisive, looking for benefits everywhere, but without fanaticism, has a sense of purpose.
And so, the Capricorn mother-in-law is not bad. Her daughters-in-law are often considered tough but fair. Although, as a rule, Capricorn mothers-in-law receive the most resentment, they are considered squanderers. It is important to know that the mother-in-law, born under the constellation Capricorn, will always and reliably help in deed, in word, but not in money. Her advice is very useful and effective. She will not carry news and gossip about her friends, she will not tell at work how unlucky she is with her daughter-in-law, she will help in everything, at any time of the day or night, she will be a diplomat, protector and adviser, but will never be a philanthropist and sponsor . She has a hard time parting with her money, and is even very reluctant to lend money, although she will not refuse, but she will not sleep at night and worry.
There is no point in quarreling with your Capricorn mother-in-law; the offense will be mortal. And after a quarrel, they will never be the first to reconcile. Capricorns love their children, but they let them go quite calmly and allow them to make their own decisions, although they never refuse advice.

Several times I heard the expression “God forbid you from your Aquarius mother-in-law!”
Is it so? Some people have excellent compatibility with Aquarius, and if the daughter-in-law also has angelic patience, then this is happiness. There is no other way to endure such a mother-in-law than without patience, angelism and obedience (or appearance).
The Aquarius mother-in-law is unpredictable in everything, even in her mood, which can change several times in an hour. She incredibly loves arguments even over trifles. And it creates a precedent for arguing out of nowhere and over trifles. And my Aquarius mother-in-law loves to read various kinds lectures, give instructions, teach intelligence and wants her daughter-in-law to be grateful for her wise skills.
But rare daughters-in-law love their Aquarius mothers-in-law. And the reason is that it is the mother-in-law who will cover up all her son’s mistakes and even betrayal, which will still come up later.
Compassionate - if she decides to help anyone, she will give her last.
The original mother-in-law, to say the least, is quite harmless and has a really big and kind heart.
The grandmothers from these mothers-in-law are wonderful. They teach their grandchildren a lot.

They say that a Pisces mother can easily figure out or feel a girl who is suitable or not for her son as a wife, because she has a very keen sense of strangers and has paranormal abilities, although she does not always use them. The Pisces mother-in-law is a strong but romantic nature, she easily avoids danger and senses benefits a mile away. Brave, decisive, inquisitive, loves everything unknown. The daughter-in-law she likes respects and loves, protects and supports, but this does not mean that she does not love her son.
If the daughter-in-law is interested in music, painting and travel, then the Pisces mother-in-law will be her best friend and support, since she herself has a love for painting, music, poetry, everything spiritual and lofty. The Pisces mother-in-law is rarely rich in money, as she prefers to buy a painting or go on a trip, so she rarely helps financially, but loves to give everyone small souvenirs, gifts and attention.
She rarely visits, does not interfere in “other people’s lives,” rarely gives advice to her daughter-in-law, gladly receives guests at home, and loves help. It is important to know that this is the same mother-in-law that not a single night cuckoo will interrupt, because the son will always consult with his mother, and the mother will always give him advice, strength and confidence.
But in quarrels, the Pisces mother-in-law always looks for those to blame. And even if she understands that it is her fault, she still “turns the arrow” - the kind of nature that people who know her do not take offense at, since these are trifles in comparison with what she gives.
Grandmother Pisces is very responsible, wise and loving. But love and wisdom gives in doses. She is freedom-loving and independent herself, which is why she does not pester her daughter-in-law.

Girls dream of marrying a handsome prince, but they do not even suspect that behind the prince there is a “dragon” who reliably protects him from predators. It is often difficult to establish relations with a future mother-in-law, even if her son’s chosen one has angelic patience.

It is impossible to judge the good and bad qualities of a future mother-in-law until you have lived with her for a couple of years. Although even then there is no guarantee that you will be able to find out everything about it. Neighbors' gossip, husband's words, feedback from work, etc. are not reliable information. It is human nature to change and only general features zodiac sign will help you create the right strategy.

Based on the zodiac sign of your mother-in-law, you can get a rough idea of ​​the compatibility of your characters with her and prevent conflict situations.

Mother-in-law - Aries

What is she like?

Aries are by nature people who are accustomed to being first in everything. The mother-in-law is no exception; in her love for her son, she will try to get the main role, and the daughter-in-law will come later.

What to do?

Language is hers worst enemy, and the young wife can only endure her impulses. In no case should you bring the matter to an end by answering her with appropriate words; an Aries mother-in-law can become depressed and will happily annoy the people around her with her rage. To replenish vitality All she needs is a restful sleep. Sleep compensates for energy costs and in the morning - back into battle! The daughter-in-law should remember that in order to preserve peaceful relations she will often have to make concessions.

Mother-in-law – Taurus

What is she like?

A monument can be erected to the mother-in-law born under this zodiac sign - after all, she is the most patient of all. Before starting to quarrel with someone, she will weigh the pros and cons, but will still find a peaceful solution. Its main goal is to settle all matters peacefully, if the issue is not about MONEY.

What to do?

As for the daughter-in-law, no matter what temperament she has, most likely her mother-in-law will forgive her everything. But in order not to fall in the eyes of your husband, you just need to carefully listen to his mother’s advice and have a relaxed conversation with your beloved mother-in-law.

Mother in law - Gemini

What is she like?

Geminis try to look elegant, despite the fact that there will always be a comical element in their appearance, be it glasses of a funny model, or a sloppily sewn button. Well, what can you do, all the freebies are by no means branded, because it’s the freebies that twin mothers are looking for. She has nothing to do with her family as long as there is gunpowder in the flask to fly around all the stores.

What to do?

To maintain peaceful relations, you should always remember that sales in the store are their strong point, and the bride’s task is to praise everything that is not laudatory, otherwise the husband’s mother will take everything into her own hands and the daughter-in-law will be under strict supervision, which will definitely not lead to good.

Mother-in-law - Cancer

What is she like?

For this mother, her son will always be small and defenseless. Since a “stranger” woman cannot carry out all the procedures for caring for her “baby,” get ready for her to be a constant presence in your life: teaching her how to wash her son’s socks, cooking his favorite dish, watching how he dresses etc.

What to do?

How to find an approach to it and not run into conflict? Obey in everything and take care of her “child”. But on the other hand, she will leave you behind when the grandchildren are born, because she is an excellent teacher.

Mother-in-law – Leo

What is she like?

Leo loves gifts and does not go to visit empty-handed. She will not tolerate a cold reception from her daughter-in-law, she must dance at full speed: prepare a luxurious dinner, indulge her mother-in-law in everything, take care of her husband, give gifts and much more.

What to do?

The first thing to do is to win her attention with warm compliments and nice gifts. An accidentally forgotten birthday will put an end to your relationship, and she will try by all means to take her son away from her daughter-in-law. In no case should you make any comments - she will either turn you into ashes or leave silently, but you will have to ask for forgiveness for a very long time.

Mother-in-law – Virgo

What is she like?

Virgo is very neat and will not tolerate a sloppy daughter-in-law. It is very difficult to please her; she likes to be offended over trifles. There will be enough conflicts in the family, but over trifles. The mother-in-law is quick-witted, but what kind of daughter-in-law will you get?

What to do?

It is not difficult to gain her trust and respect, you just have to ignore her comments and tolerate her tediousness. And she has a weakness for compliments; to improve relationships, you just have to say what she is like good mother and a skilled housewife.

Mother-in-law – Libra

What is she like?

Much to the daughter-in-law’s regret, Libra loves to gossip about others, including close people. You need to get used to the fact that neighbors, friends and relatives will know about your family problems. Although, on the other hand, Libra mothers-in-law are diplomatic and do not hold grudges to themselves. But who will like the fact that the rubbish from the hut is taken outside? If the daughter-in-law makes a complaint, the mother-in-law will run to her son to complain and it will take a long time to prove she is right.

What to do?

The daughter-in-law just needs to keep her mouth shut and not talk too much around her mother-in-law. This way you can avoid many problems with both your husband and his mother.

Mother-in-law – Scorpio

What is she like?

Woman with cockroaches in her head. Her jokes are specific, a little rude. She is not interested in the opinions of others, including her daughter-in-law. She can easily offend a person, and masterfully, but she will never be the first to apologize. This is beyond her strength, even though she herself is the culprit. But if she likes her son’s chosen one, then there is a chance to make friends.

What to do?

Try to please your mother-in-law in any way.

Mother-in-law – Sagittarius

What is she like?

A woman under this sign knows how to quickly navigate, but at the same time does not lose sensitivity. At work she is a respected person and occupies a prestigious position; at home she is distinguished by her skill and responsiveness. Sagittarians are usually popular with men and in adulthood, and she will not tolerate anyone reminding her of her wrinkles. The daughter-in-law will be required to have similar qualities, but she should not be her best.

What to do?

You will have to act here very masterfully, thinking through every step. You should always remember to be the best, but also not to surpass your mother-in-law, otherwise you will not have a peaceful relationship with her.

Mother-in-law – Capricorn

What is she like?

Mother-in-law – Godfather, I decided something, so it will be like this. A godfather in a skirt will never tolerate nagging, which means that the daughter-in-law should be on the same page with her. Her advice is always necessary and practical; in general, she will help everyone, although not without reproach. But if you offend her, you can hear a lot of “good” things about yourself, and she will also leave you guilty. The first one will never do.

What to do?

Try to compromise, since it will never be possible to defeat her in a quarrel if the daughter-in-law is not godfather-2.

Mother-in-law - Aquarius

What is she like?

Distinguished by unpredictability and indecent generosity. She may come home without a jacket only because someone asked her for it, complaining about the cold. He will love his daughter-in-law as much as he loves his son, forgiving her all her shortcomings.

What to do?

Be happy, because there will be very few conflict situations with her.

Mother-in-law – Pisces

What is she like?

Although the fish is a silent creature, the mother-in-law has a sense of profit. She is a scout and the fact that her son married you means she already has her own plans in this regard. He does not admit his guilt, but, on the contrary, carefully shifts it onto others, and does it flawlessly.

What to do?

When communicating with her, you must be extremely careful so as not to fall into cleverly placed networks, and so that your words are not used against you.

There are a lot of jokes about mother-in-law, but they don’t joke about mother-in-law. She can become a pillar and support for a young wife, or she can destroy family happiness.

A woman in the role of mother-in-law displays not only those character traits that are characteristic of her zodiac sign, but also the traits of some other signs. She will not show them anywhere else - neither at work, nor with friends, nor with neighbors. Therefore, for many wives, the new behavior of a good friend who has become her mother-in-law comes as a surprise. Astrology can help. Here's what she says about female mothers-in-law of different signs.


In relation to her son, she is a queen. She is lenient, generous, but does not tolerate arguments. The sign of Leo awakens in her. She will treat her daughter-in-law with the same royal condescension if she considers her a “daughter.” If she maintains her distance, then she displays the traits of Aquarius - friendliness, willingness to help, equality in communication. You shouldn’t get close to your Aries mother-in-law as you would a mother if you don’t want to be a cared-for child all your life.

Mother-in-law Taurus

Practical and calm, this woman becomes over-caring towards her son. If she has accepted her daughter-in-law as a “daughter,” then she can either show her the same care and try to help her in various little things, or, if the “daughter” is unloved, she can bring her down with petty nagging. If a distance is maintained in the relationship, and for her the daughter-in-law is her son’s wife, and not her relatives, then the mother-in-law is dreamy, ready to sympathize, does not interfere in the everyday affairs of the young family, and in case of bad relations, she weaves intrigues and does not go into open conflict.

Gemini Mother-in-Law

An active, inquisitive and young-at-heart Gemini woman displays the traits of the Libra sign in relation to her son and daughter-in-law. At good relations this is the ability to smooth out conflicts and help a young family get used to each other, and in case of bad ones - the position of “both yours and ours.” When communicating at a distance, the Aries sign manifests itself - impulsiveness, directness and irritability. It is dangerous to keep a distance from her, because in front of her son she will be in the guise of a peace-loving Libra mother. With Gemini mothers-in-law, you need to try to build family relationships and become a beloved “daughter”.


It will be a surprise for the daughter-in-law that the hospitable and cozy Rakinya in the role of mother-in-law will begin to show Scorpio traits - authority, the desire to completely possess the son, and in the case of a close relationship with the daughter-in-law - the entire young family. True, she is ready to go through thick and thin for her loved ones, but she will not give them independence. It's better to keep your distance from her. Then she behaves with her daughter-in-law like a Taurus - balanced and calm. She can be stingy, but she is always ready to help with practical advice.


The Royal Lioness is not at all as strict with her son as with those around her. In communicating with him, and then with her daughter-in-law, if she has accepted her as her own, the Leo mother-in-law displays Sagittarius traits - generosity, a tendency to make broad gestures, a desire to teach, but without malice. If you maintain distance in the relationship, then the Lioness will generally be indifferent to the affairs of her daughter-in-law. She will behave with her like a typical Gemini friend: superficially, without thinking about her problems and without interfering in her life.


The caring, troublesome and picky Virgo, in communication with her son, becomes a true Capricorn: domineering, rational, restrained and demanding. She will be the same in relation to her daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law, and the husband, risk losing power over their family; the mother-in-law will be the head of everything. It is better to keep a distance from her, then the taken aback Virgo behaves like a Rakin: she becomes caring, homely, very attached to her young family. And over time she begins to like this, because she does not have enough inner strength for Capricorn’s authority, and she leads the children through force, only because she is afraid that they themselves will not be able to build their lives correctly.


The Libra woman is pleasant and sweet. She tries to build an equal and friendly relationship with her son and behaves like an Aquarius: friendly, simple, without intrusiveness. good friend she will also become for that daughter-in-law who will become dear to her. But if the daughter-in-law keeps her distance, the Libra mother-in-law is capable of arrogance: the royal pride of Leo will be multiplied by the secular cold manners of Libra. Therefore, you need to establish close, family relationships with Libra.


Who would have thought that the powerful Scorpio woman is in love with her son and is ready to forgive him all his sins? With him, she shows the traits of the sign of Pisces. She will be the same in relation to her daughter-in-law. But we should not forget that Pisces are masters of intrigue and omissions, so it is better not to quarrel with the mother-in-law, otherwise Scorpio’s vindictiveness and observation and the ability to intrigue, inherent in Pisces, will be aimed at war with the daughter-in-law. If you maintain a distance from her, then she will behave like a Virgo: help in small things and constantly criticize. No matter where you turn, the Scorpio woman is not the easiest mother-in-law.


The Sagittarius woman is active, sociable and educated. But in the role of a mother-in-law, her broad outlook disappears somewhere, and she behaves like an Aries, perceiving everything extremely self-centeredly. The ideal way communicating with her - maintaining a distance without becoming a “daughter” for her. Then she will show the traits of Libra, she will be sweet, charming and a little on her own mind with her daughter-in-law.


This is a strict and reserved woman. She may be a businesswoman, or maybe a housewife, but in both cases, she strictly follows the rules that her chosen role imposes on her, and requires the same correct behavior from others. In communicating with her son, and then with her daughter-in-law, she displays the traits of Taurus - calmness, balance and practicality. In everyday life, for relatives, it is much more pleasant than with strangers. But don’t let your daughter-in-law keep your relationship with her at a distance. The mother-in-law will immediately become a real Scorpio - strong, domineering, vindictive and suspicious.


The Aquarius woman in the role of mother-in-law hardly changes. With her son and daughter-in-law, whom she recognized as relatives, she displays Gemini traits: she is sociable, somewhat superficial, curious and not too soulful. This - perfect option mother-in-law-friends. And if the daughter-in-law prefers to keep her distance, then the mother-in-law will show the traits of a Sagittarius - she will lecture from time to time, but in general she will show a philosophical attitude towards life, shrug her shoulders and allow the young people to live as they please.


The Pisces woman is an impractical dreamer. Where does she get practicality, caringness and homeliness when it comes to her son? With him, and then with her daughter-in-law, she shows the traits of Cancer - capricious, touchy, but very sincere, affectionate and caring. You shouldn’t keep your distance from her: she will treat her son’s wife, who has not become a family member or relative, like a Capricorn - coldly and rationally.