Pig: description and characteristics. Personal eastern horoscope

  • From 01/30/1911 to 02/17/1912 - Year of the Metal (White) Pig;
  • From 02/16/1923 to 02/04/1924 - Year of the Water (Black) Pig;
  • From 02/04/1935 to 01/23/1936 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Pig;
  • From 01/22/1947 to 02/09/1948 - Year of the Fire (Red) Pig;
  • From 02/08/1959 to 01/27/1960 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Pig;
  • From 01/27/1971 to 02/14/1972 - Year of the Metal (White) Pig;
  • From 02/13/1983 to 02/01/1984 - Year of the Water (Black) Pig;
  • From 01/31/1995 to 02/18/1996 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Pig;
  • From 02/18/2007 to 02/06/2008 - Year of the Fire (Red) Pig;
  • From 02/05/2019 to 01/24/2020 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Pig;
  • From 01/23/2031 to 02/10/2032 - Year of the Metal (White) Pig.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Pisces.

Character Strengths

A person born in the year of the Boar (Pig) Chinese calendar, has a kind character and knows how to sincerely care for those he loves. His generosity knows no bounds: if he helps, it is not out of gratitude; if he gives gifts, he does it from the bottom of his heart. The Pig is the most selfless sign of the eastern horoscope, possessing all the qualities of a noble knight from a beautiful novel.

Another positive quality characteristic of the Pig, or Boar, is responsibility. This person does not forget about his promises, is not able to let down those who count on him, and does not commit rash acts. In addition, the Pig does not lie, and if he does it, it is only for the purpose of self-defense. A representative of this sign speaks the truth even when it is not at all beneficial to him. As for criticism, not wanting to offend anyone, the Pig would rather find a way to switch the conversation to another topic or refrain from answering.

Character Weaknesses

The Pig is the most trusting sign of the eastern horoscope. Since this person is not capable of meanness himself, he does not expect dirty tricks from others. The Pig, or Boar, believes the deceiver to the last, even if this person by all indications is not trustworthy. If his exposed enemy begs for forgiveness, then the Pig may well mistake his depicted repentance for sincerity of feelings, as a result of which he will step on the same rake a second time.

Outwardly, a person born in the year of the Pig is very optimistic, but in his soul everything is not always as smooth as it seems. He is cheerful and does not like to complain about life, because he thinks first of all about the feelings of those who are dear to him, and if he really feels bad, he will be alone with his problems. Troubles most often are not of a material nature, but are related to personal life. As mentioned above, the Pig often falls under the influence of two-faced people who feign favor for the sake of profit. If she is “lucky” several times in a row with such acquaintances, she may well withdraw into herself and become depressed.

In love

The representative of the Pig sign is amorous and tends to endow his chosen one with character traits that are not at all characteristic of him. It is worth noting that this is not a matter of daydreaming. It would be more correct to say that the Pig, or Boar, sees a loved one the way he sees himself, or the way he wants to appear. If, for example, a girl is not restrained in communicating with men, then a guy born in the year of the Pig will justify her by saying that she is beautiful and has many fans, because that is how she herself sees this situation.

The Pig is the most generous and magnanimous sign of the eastern horoscope. This person is able to give everything to his loved one without hesitation, without demanding anything in return. It is very good if the Pig’s chosen one turns out to be no less noble and does not take advantage of the kindness of the person in love, but as a rule, a fateful meeting comes after a series of disappointments.

The Pig's first love often turns out to be unhappy, and the lover does not reject her, but tries to extract the maximum benefit from this relationship. As the Pig grows up, it gradually gives up its naivety, but does not become cynical. When entering into marriage, he treats his spouse kindly and usually remains faithful to him.

In career

A pig is a responsible worker, a competent specialist, or a fair but demanding leader. If this person takes on something, he delves into all the nuances of the work he has started, because he believes that he has no right to make a mistake. He does not curry favor with his superiors and does not strive for promotion, and he will never have the desire to “sit on” one of the employees.

The Pig's income does not depend on his position. This person strives for a decent standard of living, but not for luxury, and therefore is looking for a reliable workplace with a stable income. As a rule, in addition to his main occupation, the Pig does something else that brings profit. This could be handicrafts, a useful hobby, or something that is somehow related to creativity.

The Pig, or Boar, has a delicate taste and a noticeable craving for art. If this person, for example, is a musician, then he is definitely talented and extraordinary. In addition, he knows how to get along with other people and explain clearly, so he may well become a tutor or teacher who is sincerely respected by students.

Pig Man

The characteristics of a man born in the year of the Pig include such qualities as determination and straightforwardness. He is used to getting his way by acting openly, but does not act dishonestly towards other people. He never hides his intentions, even in the presence of a large number of competitors or ill-wishers, and this applies to both work and personal life.

The Pig (Boar) man is friendly and pleasant to talk to. He is balanced, watches his language, and knows how not only to speak, but also to listen. People are drawn to him, so he has a large circle. However, he has very few close friends - due to his gullibility, he often becomes a victim of deception, so he values ​​\u200b\u200bconnections that have already been tested over the years.

The Pig man treats women with respect. He is a true gentleman who knows how to look after beautifully, and does it not in public, but from the heart. If he is in love, he will not even look at other women. Many people dream of such a man; not all of his chosen ones behave decently towards him.

The Pig man is a maximalist, so he either loves and wants to be with his beloved, or is completely disappointed in her and intends to abruptly break off the connection. It is not his nature to doubt, and he makes decisions quickly.

Pig Woman

A woman born in the year of the Pig lives in the interests of her loved ones. She loves when the house is cozy and everyone is kind to each other, so in the family she often takes on the role of a lightning rod in order to reconcile quarreling relatives. She sincerely shows care, without demanding anything in return, and never remembers her good deeds for the sake of beauty of words or profit.

The Pig (Boar) woman is a good housewife, but she is not pedantic. Everyday quarrels with her are almost impossible - she respects the opinions of other people and perceives their shortcomings as a manifestation of individuality. She - loving wife and a caring mother. Created on our own She supports the idyll, and of course, values ​​it.

If a Pig woman has a rival, then you will not envy the latter. The Pig's anger, supported by a sense of self-righteousness, can result in huge scandal or outright hostility. She only knows how to act openly, so there will be no spying on her husband or vile dirty tricks on her rival on her part.

By nature, the representative of this sign is very kind to people, but given her gullibility, starting from her early youth, people did nothing but take advantage of her favor. As she grows up, her sense of justice grows stronger, so having become a wife and mother, she is already quite capable of defending her right to happiness and protecting herself and her children.

It is known that carp was first used as food already in 1000 BC. e. in China. It later came to Europe as an ornamental fish and as a food product.

In the 13th century, special ponds for growing carp were equipped in the Czech Republic.

In France, carp began to be bred under Francis I (1494-1547). Today, carp are grown everywhere. Carp breeding is very profitable due to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth.

Researchers believe that the word carp comes from the Greek fruit, which is given because of the extraordinary fertility of this fish. In Ukraine, carp was known as korop. In the Russian and Belarusian languages ​​it was supplanted in the 18th century by carp, borrowed from French.

The carp is very hardy, which made it a symbol of samurai strength.

They say that scales of royal carp, served on Christmas Eve, placed in a wallet, bring fabulous money.

In Feng Shui, carp is a sacred fish, a symbol of good luck and spiritual achievement. Placing the talisman in the wealth sector (in the southeast) stimulates material well-being. Feng Shui experts advise getting live carp (goldfish), or hanging a panel, painting or photograph depicting carp, or purchasing a figurine of carp(s) from any material.


Carp is a large omnivorous fish. Lives in rivers and reservoirs, where it inhabits quiet waters with a clay bottom. Carp is a heat-loving fish; it feeds at water temperatures not lower than +7 °C. Carp spawns at a water temperature of +18 °C. During the winter cold, carp hibernate.

Carp feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, and worms almost without interruption, as they are stomachless fish. It is compared to a pig due to its unpretentiousness in choosing food and rapid growth.

The fish reaches a length of 1 m and a weight of 20 kg, although there are cases of caught carp weighing up to 70 kg. Carps live in schools. They reach sexual maturity at the age of three and live to 50 years or more.

There are several types of carp: scaly, mirror, naked, etc. They differ in cover, number of bones and body shape. “Mirror carp” is genetically bred to have virtually no scales.

By appearance carp is very similar to crucian carp, and is distinguished by 4 short antennae on its lips.


Carp inhabits the waters of the Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral seas. It is found in the Danube, Dnieper, Don, Amur and Volga rivers, as well as some rivers in China.

Properties and application

Carp practically all year round goes on sale. It is consumed boiled, fried, baked. Due to the high fat content of carp, it is recommended to cook and serve with vegetables, lemon and herbs.

Carp is rich in vitamins and minerals: vitamin B12, PP, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, iodine, chromium, cobalt. It's good for the brain thyroid gland, skin and mucous membranes, nervous and digestive systems, regulates blood sugar. Thanks to the content of vitamin B12, it promotes DNA synthesis, is an antioxidant, is involved in fat metabolism, and increases oxygen consumption by cells during acute and chronic hypoxia. Carp contains phosphorus, which is involved in the construction of numerous enzymes (phosphatases) necessary for our bones.


In general, carp does not have any contraindications. The only thing worth paying attention to is that the fish is quite unpretentious in food. It feeds on mollusks, insect larvae, and worms, which often leads to the fact that, along with useful substances Harmful substances also accumulate in fish and can lead to a deterioration in human well-being. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the feed for fish grown in artificial conditions, growth accelerators, antibiotics and various dyes are often added.

  1. There should be no blood or stains on the carcass (no more than 2-3 bloody marks are allowed). Otherwise, we are talking about sick fish.
  2. The quality of frozen carp can be assessed by its glaze: smooth glaze without cracks is a sign of proper freezing, while lumpy glaze with cracks is not correct.
  3. When dry freezing, there should be no glaze at all, and the carp carcass should resemble a smooth stone.
  4. In fresh, not frozen carp, the bones should not be easily separated from the flesh, and the flesh itself should be elastic. The eyes of fresh carp should be bulging and transparent, the scales should be moist, with transparent and slippery mucus. The skin should not be damaged. The gills should be bright pink or bright red. In addition, they should not stick together!

Calorie content and nutritional value of carp per 100 g:

Calorie content of carp is 112 kcal.

Nutritional value of carp: proteins - 16 g, fats - 5.3 g, carbohydrates - 0 g

Zodiac sign Pig, Pig, by year of birth: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031.

Water Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/16/1923 - 02/02/1924; from 02/13/1983 - 02/02/1984;
Wooden Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/04/1935 - 01/24/1936; from 01/31/1995 - 02/19/1996;
Fire Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/22/1947 - 02/10/1948; from 02/18/2007 - 02/07/2008;
Earth Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1959 - 01/28/1960; from 02/05/2019 -
Metal Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1971 - 02/15/1972;

Metal Pig, year of birth: 1911, 1971, 2031.

What distinguishes Metal Pigs from other brothers is their most pronounced ambition. These are purposeful, open, energetic people who are engaged in the most different areas human activity. They hold certain views and are principled, but they tend to take many things at face value and show excessive gullibility. Boars of this type of sign are endowed with an excellent sense of humor and love all kinds of entertaining activities. Possessing an affable, friendly character, they acquire a large number of fans and friends.
The only thing that the Metal Pig could use some work on is excessive gullibility.

Water Pig, year of birth: 1923, 1983, 2043.

It can be said without exaggeration about representatives of this type of sign that these are people with a heart of gold. Their generosity knows no bounds; Water Pigs strive to have and maintain friendly, even relationships with everyone around them. They are gullible, which periodically makes them suffer due to someone's bad intentions.
People born in these years prefer to live modestly and very quietly. Nevertheless, they also really like being in society; Often, Pigs of this type become the life of the party. These people have very broad interests and for the most part work very successfully in their chosen professional field. This is helped by the presence of hard work and a developed sense of duty.
To improve his life, the Water Pig should learn to distinguish between white and black, to pay more attention own interests, show more firmness.

Wooden Boar, year of birth: 1935, 1995, 2055.

Wooden Boars are quite friendly; their speeches are very convincing. They make new friends and like-minded people with extraordinary ease. They like to own complete information about what is happening. It happens that people born in these years take on too much, shouldering an unbearable burden.
These people, devoted to their loved ones, gladly help those in need of their support. They themselves are endowed with a sense of humor, optimism, and most of them lead an active lifestyle.
To improve the quality of their own lives, Wooden Pigs must learn to periodically say the word “no,” since goodwill and reliability often cause damage to their interests.

Fire Pig, year of birth: 1947, 2007, 2067.

Fire Pigs are energetic, enterprising people who are straightforward in their statements. They take a thorough approach to everything and can take risky steps for the sake of the goal. At the same time, they can, obeying momentary hobbies, easily and quickly be distracted from the main thing and lose all interest in their work. People of this type of sign are very attentive, caring, generous towards their loved ones, and are lucky in matters related to money.
It would be good if the Fire Pigs, who tend to take on any task without hesitation, showed more caution.

Earth Pig, year of birth: 1959, 2019.

People born in these years have pronounced organizational skills, are knowledgeable in business, and know how to handle money well. They are usually social activists and have a kind, generous soul.
Earth Pigs should keep in mind that they are prone to alcohol abuse, so you must always control yourself.

According to eastern calendar, 1983 is the year of the Water Pig. People born this year are naturally endowed with certain character traits, the main ones of which are cleanliness, responsiveness and kindness.

Thanks to his hard work, the Pig always persistently achieves his own goals, thanks to which he ensures a prosperous life for himself. At first glance, people born under the sign of this animal are weak-willed and can follow a lead, but behind their sweet appearance lies a persistent character, a stable worldview and self-confidence.


The Pig man is a calm and reasonable person. He values ​​his friends and takes care of his family members. IN labor activity he does not spare himself and always achieves good results. Due to their cleanliness, such men prefer to live in comfort and prosperity.

The Pig woman is very attractive, sophisticated and friendly, and always enjoys great success with the opposite sex. Representatives of the fair sex, born in 1983, are wonderful and faithful friends who forgive acquaintances and friends for mistakes.

In general, people born in the year of the Boar (Pig) can be called peaceful, open and honest, and their main trait is hard work. If the Pig is focused on the goal, he will always achieve his goal despite obstacles.

Influence of zodiac signs

Along with the year in which a person was destined to be born, it makes adjustments to his life and exact date birth, according to which the zodiac affiliation is determined. The table below will help characterize people born in the year of the Pig, taking into account their zodiac sign.

Zodiac sign Pig Woman Pig Man
Aries Assiduous and patient. Loves difficult tasks and easily copes with them without unnecessary conversations, tears or complaints. Love relationship builds relationships only with those men who admire her and idolize her A leader by nature. He is diligent, hardworking, sociable, but at the same time knows how to maintain the necessary distance from the people around him. He prefers passionate relationships; he gets bored with modest and shy girls extremely quickly.
Taurus Sociable and energetic. A good wife and housewife who will be glad to see many guests in her home He prefers physical labor to mental labor, but despite this he is well-read and intelligent. Knows the value of money. Romantic and monogamous
Twin Has many talents. A bright and interesting personality, she loves the attention of men and noisy companies. Freedom-loving Sociable, likes to give advice even when he is not asked for it. Charming and charismatic. Achieves success in work, especially if it is connected with people. Faithful husband
Cancer She is attentive and efficient, but rarely takes initiative in her work. She cannot be in a team where her work is not appreciated. Vulnerable, needs a caring man In his work he is demanding of himself and others. Monogamous, caring father and husband
a lion Justice is paramount to her. She can only get along with an honest and kind person and will never forgive betrayal Selfless and hardworking, ready to take on the most complex tasks and projects. Appreciates warmth hearth and home. Monogamous
Virgo She is thorough in her work, for which she is highly valued by her colleagues and boss. Does not accept frivolity in relationships, puts family values ​​and caring for loved ones at the forefront He does all his work conscientiously and expects that his work will be appreciated. Good friend. Has a great sense of humor
Scales She is sociable, has a delicate taste and excellent organizational skills. Loves to surprise and give surprises to his soulmate. Often encounters internal contradictions Fair and ambitious. Sometimes stubborn when it comes to his principles. He is self-critical, which is why he spends a lot of time evaluating his activities and their results. He is courteous with women, and family life prefers equality
Scorpion Loves to be the center of attention. Capable of bewitching a man from the first minutes of communication. Bright and cheerful Cheerful and enterprising. A conflict-free person who will gladly come to the rescue. Likes it when women have their own opinions. He always takes the first steps in a relationship himself.
Sagittarius Smart and talented. Around her family, she is caring and gentle. Easy to communicate, prefers to lead an active lifestyle Moral pleasure in work is more important to him than the material part. Ambitious, approaches business with all seriousness. Needs an understanding woman who has her own opinion
Capricorn She is practical, smart and even calculating, but at the same time she knows how to be gentle and soft. Creates coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in family life Sociable and generous. Can be too stubborn at times. Caring husband and father
Aquarius Reliable and communicative. Achieves success thanks to logical thinking. The family values ​​respect and teamwork Inventive and diligent. Optimist. In family life, he prefers to share responsibilities and strictly follow family rules
Fish Receptive and vulnerable. Often suffers because of men. Tries not to fall in love and subconsciously seeks stability Ambitious and optimistic. He will never choose easy money; he believes that stability is better than risk. He often becomes a victim of intrigue because of his trust in women. He needs a gentle and understanding woman as a companion.


In order to create a strong family, Pig does not need to put in too much effort. Everything rather depends on who he will build these relationships with. The Pig will be able to come to harmony and understanding with the Ox, Tiger, Goat, Dog and Pig, but couples where the Snake or Monkey will be his partners are considered a bad combination.

With Rat

The compatibility of the Pig - Rat pair is 67%.

  • general views on life;
  • understanding;
  • passion in bed;
  • joint desire for stability.
  • ebbs and flows of feelings are possible;
  • competition in relationships;
  • desire for personal gain.

Mutual sympathy quickly arises between the Pig and the Rat. The pig is able to let the partner relax and forget about internal pettiness and aggressiveness. If the Pig and the Rat are intellectually developed, then the likelihood of conflicts between them is significantly reduced. If their relationship is built on love, then over time they find an approach to each other, which leads to mutual respect.

With the Bull

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Ox is 81%.

Positive sides in a relationship:

  • mutual sincere feelings;
  • respect;
  • devotion and mutual understanding.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • despotism in relationships is possible;
  • struggle for the role of leader.

The Pig's naivety and openness are initially perceived by the Ox as stupidity. After closer communication, he changes his attitude towards the Pig and begins to take his partner more seriously. The Ox makes Pig feel reverent respect, which, in turn, is reflected in the distribution of roles in relationships, where he becomes an authority. The boar, being under protection, will give him warmth and affection.

With Tiger

The compatibility of the Pig - Tiger pair is 96%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • sincere mutual feelings;
  • understanding;
  • warm friendly relations;
  • the ability to create comfort in the family.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader.

The Pig - Tiger pair is capable of creating a strong and reliable union. They understand each other perfectly because of a similar worldview and are able to withstand any problems, maintaining honor and dignity. According to the horoscope, Pig and Tiger are wonderful friends, lovers and allies for whom it is easy and simple to understand each other’s thoughts and feelings.

With Rabbit

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Rabbit is 68%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • support and mutual assistance;
  • help to reveal best qualities each other;
  • know how to forgive each other.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • Outbursts of jealousy may occur;
  • struggle for leadership.

Having met the Rabbit, the Pig realizes that she no longer needs big company, they really enjoy spending time together having friendly conversations. The rabbit is capable of giving to the Boar good advice, thanks to which the latter achieves success in business.

With the Dragon

The compatibility of the Pig - Dragon pair is 68%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • mutual understanding and support;
  • warm friendly relations;
  • the ability to forgive each other.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • frequent quarrels due to jealousy;
  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • Feelings may cool down.

Boar and Dragon complement each other well. Beauty, harmony and complete mutual understanding reign in their relationship. They do not make their experiences and quarrels public, trying to resolve conflicts through constructive dialogue. Mutual respect for each other allows them to create a strong and reliable union.

With a Snake

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Snake is 41%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • passion in bed;
  • good friendly compatibility.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • quickly get bored of each other;
  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • Feelings may cool down over time.

This couple only sees negative traits each other's character. The Snake's reticence seems something wild to the Pig, and he tries his best to stir it up, to which it either reacts reluctantly or gets irritated. The longer these partners stay together, the more tension will grow between them, which will ultimately lead to constant scandals. This couple will have a chance of starting a family only if the Pig is a woman and the Snake is a man, but even in this case they will have to for a long time get used to each other, cultivate respect for your partner and take into account the personal characteristics of your other half.

With a horse

The compatibility of the Pig - Horse pair is 65%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • mutual fidelity;
  • good friendly compatibility;
  • harmony in relationships;
  • complete mutual understanding.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • alertness;
  • difference in temperament.

The couple will achieve success in love, which will be based on the ability of the Pig and Horse to compromise. They prefer to spend time in noisy companies and doing active species sports Controversial issues can arise only in the fact that the Horse loves change, while the Pig, on the contrary, prefers stability.

With Goat

The compatibility of the Pig - Goat pair is 74%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • similar views on life;
  • passion;
  • pursue common goals and know what they want.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • obstinacy and selfishness;
  • loud scandals.

These signs have great opportunity create a strong and harmonious union. These people enjoy each other, spending evenings together having a pleasant conversation. Both partners are self-sufficient, thanks to which they know the value of themselves and their own actions, so the likelihood of cheating in such couples is negligible.

With Monkey

The compatibility of the pair Pig - Monkey is 50%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • passion;
  • know what they want;

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • quarrels and jealousy;
  • frequent deceptions.

It is easier to call such an alliance a business one than a friendly or love one. Due to their opposite characters, it is difficult for these people to find common ground, even despite great mutual desire. It will be more difficult for the Pig in such a relationship, since she may face betrayal and lies from the Monkey.

With Rooster

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Rooster is 61%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • know what they want;
  • passion;
  • can think in one direction.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • mistrust;
  • competition.

In these relationships, the Pig acts as a noble spectator of all the intricate fantasies of the Rooster. But after a while this comes to an end. And the Pig understands that most of what the Rooster said is just what is desired, presented as reality. Strong relationships These people can develop only with the great desire of the Pig to come to terms with the pompousness of the Rooster and begin to treat him with condescension.

  • can think in one direction.
  • Negative aspects of the relationship:

    • struggle for the role of leader;
    • grievances;
    • stubbornness.

    This alliance is built on mutual trust; they are not afraid of intrigues or conflicts. From the first minutes of communication, a spark flashes between them, which over time turns into a bright fire that warms them throughout for long years. In quarrels, they are ready to make concessions in order to maintain harmony in the family. It happens that one of the partners may begin to show possessive feelings towards their other half; at this moment it is very important for the couple to discuss the problem and come to a compromise.

    Private Eastern horoscope. Boar (Pig)

    On Far East The boar is a symbol of generosity, abundance, fertility and masculine strength. Boar is perhaps one of the easiest and most enjoyable psychological types. All Pigs are great lovers of worldly pleasures and pleasures, be it good food, wine, luxury cars or sex. They are sociable, friendly and always happy to help friends in difficult times. In turn, they expect support and advice from friends when they have to make difficult decisions. Pigs value their independence very much; Having an inviolable personal space is very important for them. They don't have the best a strong character, but they are quite determined people who do not give in to obstacles. They are balanced, honest and good-natured, forgiving of other people's shortcomings. The main drawback of the Pig is the inability to say “no”. The Pig promises a lot to everyone, and when it fails to fulfill its promise, it can never honestly admit it, preferring to hide from people and lie to them.

    Metal Boar –1971

    A proud, passionate Pig, overwhelmed by emotions and moods, who values ​​​​his reputation. He is more strong-willed than other Pigs and likes to dominate more; His appetites are often large, and this can lead to indelicacy or tactlessness.

    He is very sociable, extroverted and openly demonstrates his affections. It is unlikely that he will be secretive, rather direct and trusting to the point of naivety. Because of this, he underestimates his enemies and overestimates his friends. Ambitious and strong, but not always objective, the Metal Pig can be a dangerous opponent, because when angry or offended it can be cruel.

    The Metal Pig is endowed with great creative power. He is a decisive, active figure who has enough strength for ten.

    Water Pig –1983

    This persistent and diplomatic Pig is endowed with all the qualities of an excellent spy: he is receptive and sensitive to the hidden desires of others, skillfully and carefully negotiates with opponents. And yet, under the influence of Water, he sees the best in people and often refuses to believe in the evil intentions of others until the last minute. This type of Pig has a touching belief in loved ones. He believes in miracles, and if he is not careful, others can use him for their own purposes.

    Hospitable, peace-loving and honest, the Water Pig loves to have fun. He likes to be in company, he carefully follows the rules of the game, and is always happy to meet people halfway.

    Like the Pig, he is always somewhat passionate and amorous. In the worst case, he may focus too much on sex, gluttony, alcohol, and begin to indulge in luxury at the expense of others.

    Wooden Boar –1995

    The Wood Pig accidentally, but with enviable success, manipulates other people. Although he is concerned with his personal gains and ambitions, he is also willing to devote a good part of his time to charity and is excellent at managing social work or club activities. He enjoys helping everyone he crosses paths with and will do whatever it takes to make friends with everyone. Being an excellent PR man, he can “promote” his business himself.

    He is unusually kind-hearted, condescending even to the most unworthy people and is often promiscuous in his relationships. So his suspicious friends may fool him or get him into trouble if he spends too much time in their company.

    On the other hand, his faith in people will be rewarded, and he will take high position thanks to his talent for introducing people to each other.

    Under the influence of the element of Wood, he is unrestrained, but scrupulous enough to act by honest methods. He will try to contact the right people, and together they will launch ambitious projects.

    The Wood Pig knows how to persuade and loves to entertain; he also knows how to create a trusting atmosphere wherever he goes. People love both his strengths and his weaknesses, because he is a cheerful and friendly person.

    Fire Boar –1947

    Fire fills the Pig with the strongest, very intense emotions. Thanks to this, he is bold and daring in his endeavors and can implement his plans decisively - and sometimes recklessly.

    He is able to achieve the highest success or, having degraded, fall to the very bottom, depending on which path he chooses and how strong the rope with which he has tied his inexhaustible energy and sensuality.

    The Fire Pig is never afraid of the unknown. Undaunted, optimistic and self-confident, he will try his luck in everything and succeed in spite of all odds. He is motivated by love and will try to accumulate wealth to provide beautiful life to his entire family, which comes first for him. Easily does favors for everyone, even strangers, and is known for generously giving gifts to friends.

    IN bad mood this Pig becomes intractable, rude, and suffers from feelings of guilt. In general, however, he is characterized by a breadth of soul and a lack of prejudice. He enjoys manufacturing and other businesses that require work force because he likes to hire a lot of people and give them the opportunity to succeed.

    Soil Boar –1959

    This peaceful, sensitive and cheerful Pig is intelligent enough to be lenient with himself and others. Thanks to the element of Soil, he is productive, readily takes on financial obligations and plans his own future.

    Known for his tenacity and patience, he gives himself completely to a goal until he achieves it. Willpower allows him to overcome stress and endure hardships that others are completely unable to bear.

    Dedicated to both work and family, the Soil Pig is diligent and endowed with unsurpassed energy. But he will not become a dictator; rather, by forcing himself to move, he will serve as an example to others.

    He tends to be overweight because he loves to eat and drink, but doesn't worry too much about it. His ambitions are reasonable and do not exceed the limits of his physical capabilities and health. Consequently, he easily achieves the security and material success he craves.

    The Soil Pig is a kind and attentive friend, a reliable ally and a useful worker.

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