Pig: description and characteristics. Pig (Boar) according to the eastern horoscope - characteristics of the sign

  • 1911 January 30 - element of the year metal
  • 1923 February 16 - element of the year water
  • 1935 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1947 January 22 - element of the year fire
  • 1959 February 8 - element of the year earth
  • 1971 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1983 February 13 - element of the year water
  • 1995 January 31st - element of the year tree
  • 2007 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 2019 February 5 - element of the year earth

The most good quality Pig (Boar), ruled by the element of metal, is prudence; thanks to it, these people manage to safely get out of various unpleasant situations. He is conservative than his other brothers and is more cautious and wary of various surprises. But, despite the fact that the sign of the metal boar acts methodically and carefully, and makes a good career, in relationships he is open, direct and very trusting. For people born under the sign of the metal pig (boar), reputation is very important, and they will not back down if they can gain even greater authority and social position.

These people maintain a great distance when communicating with others who do not belong to their circle. This style of communication borders on impoliteness, but in reality they have good character and are capable of being warm-hearted people. Since the boar has a warm heart, he tries his best to demonstrate his love to those he loves and has feelings for.

He is united with his partner “in body and soul” and finds his happiness in family life.

Thanks to the influence of Water, this Pig is the most fickle and unpredictable of all. This sign is always ready for immediate action, but at the first difficulties it washes its hands. He does not tolerate opposition and becomes furious if something does not turn out the way he wants.

The Water Pig resembles a capricious child. He is very independent, does not listen to advice and does not recognize norms. Deep down in his soul, he needs to believe in the people close to him and in the fact that the family hearth is a place where he can always take refuge in difficult times.

The Pig has developed intuition, can guess other people's intentions, and this helps him a lot in communication.

Most often, Pig manages to be restrained and diplomatic, but at times earthly passions still overcome him.

Sign of the Wooden Pig (Boar)

The Wood Pig knows how to show off the best side and wins people's sympathy almost instantly, he needs to be in good relations with everyone. However, he is promiscuous, so he often succumbs to bad influences and gets into trouble. He himself is quite good at manipulating people, capable of rallying a large crowd around himself and becoming its leader.

The Pig has a sensitive character, is very sociable, emotional and fickle, and can switch from one state to the opposite in the blink of an eye. This Pig is active and loves to play sports; movement and healthy competition stimulate it and have a beneficial effect. His intelligence and energy make him an excellent organizer, and he also has a kind heart.

IN personal life He is not constancy; breakups and new hobbies are common for him.

Fire endowed this sign with inexhaustible energy. These individuals know how to work with full dedication. IN highest degree they are stubborn, the Fire sign of the Boar (Pig) chooses its path only itself, otherwise it will always be dissatisfied with something in life.

These people are fearless, always confident and optimistic. They can be a little arrogant and even aggressive. All this is due to their fiery disposition; they are always surrounded by people who want to recharge from their energy.

They love to mobilize and unite people for a cause, and in doing so they gain many followers and supporters, becoming exceptional leaders in the process.

People under the sign of the Fire Pig (Pig) are haunted by extremes, and it is difficult to do anything about it. They can fly very high, or they can fall into the underworld.

People born under the sign of the earthen pig (boar), like no other, are attached to the material world. They long to live in great luxury, in a good comfortable home, surrounded by beautiful and expensive things. They will never resist pleasure, and will not be able to deny themselves a source of entertainment or a good feast.

It is equally important for people under the sign of the Earth Pig (Pig) to achieve good success in life. Therefore, they will not miss the opportunity to remind about their achievements and merits and will stop at nothing if someone stands in their way to the top. But they are usually peaceful and reasonable and will always think twice before doing something, and this often pays off. Their practical mind weighs the pros and cons of any situation. They are stubborn, calm, and able to withstand a lot of stress. Productivity is one of their priorities, they are not afraid of responsibilities, and this makes them very valuable employees. And since they know how to avoid conflict situations and remain faithful, therefore they enjoy the complete trust of others.

Representatives of this sign are very sympathetic and kind people. The Year of the Water Pig, which awarded its charges with a golden heart and immeasurable generosity. Pigs usually have a wide range of interests in completely different areas of life, but if they choose a path for themselves, they usually become very successful in it. Although these are mostly creative people, an analytical mind is practically not characteristic of them.

1983 according to the eastern calendar: year of the Water Boar (Pig)

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1983 according to the Eastern calendar?

This year is quiet and calm, which leaves a certain imprint on the character of people born in it. This is the year of the Water Pig, the kindest and most gullible of the representatives of this sign.
Representatives of this year prefer to live quite quietly and modestly, which, however, does not prevent them from sometimes going out into the world and shining there in all their glory. Out of passion different areas The life of this year's boars is widely developed lexicon and intelligence. In a company, they sometimes become the center, which usually happens extremely rarely with boars.

Pigs have a very developed sense of duty and responsibility, although they are somewhat lazy and slow, they cannot afford to fail to fulfill a promise or abandon a task halfway, especially if this is not done for themselves.

Boars are quite conservative. It is almost impossible to pull them out of their comfort zone. They quickly become attached to people, to things, to places, and it is very difficult to part with what has already outlived its usefulness and must go away. Therefore, they often fall into an apathetic state and experience stress.

Features of the Water Boar (Pig) sign according to the Chinese calendar

The boar is a rather extraordinary sign eastern calendar. He can be passionate and with a huge craving for pleasure, on the other hand he is naive and gullible.
At its core, the boar is more of a wild creature than a tame one. It is difficult to catch him, so most often in life he is haunted by loneliness. But again, the duality of nature allows him to be a tame pig who loves comfort and tranquility.
Representatives of this sign gravitate toward luxury and comfort; they are materialists in everything. The practical side of life often plays a dominant role for them.

The eastern horoscope Pig endowed its wards with the ability to sympathize and empathize. They rarely label people and try not to make hasty and unambiguous conclusions.

Pigs do not like conflict situations and try in every possible way to avoid them. They constantly look for the good even in the worst, which often leads pigs to disappointment in people.

Representatives of the Pig sign have a very developed sense of justice, and in this they often go too far.
The thirst for knowledge is absorbed into the boar with mother's milk; they are ready to study absolutely everything that appeals to them, but they almost never get to the very essence, which makes them quite superficial.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Boar (Pig)

  • People who were born under the sign of the Pig can become good and true friends who are always ready to help out and help. But the wards of the boar star cannot stand betrayal and anger at all, they do not forgive such things and simply leave them once and for all.
  • People born in the years of the Rooster eastern horoscope, They are distinguished by honesty; they can lie in very rare cases.
    Often these are people who constantly doubt everything, and even after making a decision, they continue to doubt its correctness.
  • Boars are very difficult to lift, it is difficult to move them from a dead point, but if they decide to do this, then there is no stopping them and they will go towards their goal with wild fanaticism and determination.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

Year of the Pig according to the eastern horoscope

Hieroglyph Pig: Hai.

Pig's motto:“I protect.”

Sign location: twelfth.

Triad: fourth (triangle of Initiators of Change).

Element (element) of the sign Pig: Water – Yin.

Nature of the sign: Yin.

Direction: north-northwest.

Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period: Scorpion.

Time of day ruled by the Pig: 21.00 – 23.00.

Color: black.

Pig Gemstone: ruby.

Food traditions: fish, beef, baked vegetables.

Years of the Pig

2031 is the year of the Metal Pig.

2043 is the year of the Water Pig.

Characteristics of the Pig

The pig is distinguished by honesty, sociability, peacefulness, patience, loyalty, gullibility, sincerity, calmness, scrupulousness, thoughtfulness, scrupulousness, intelligence and dedication. However, she can be naive, too self-indulgent, lazy, dissolute and prone to fatalism.

The Pig (Boar in the Japanese tradition) is the twelfth sign of the 12-year calendar cycle, personifies kindness, peacefulness, calmness, sincerity and patience, but, on the other hand, laziness and lack of initiative.

The Pig's natural element is Water.

The natural element of the Pig is Water, in which Yin qualities are clearly expressed; the nature of the sign is also Yin - therefore, these qualities predominate in the character of people born this year.

The direction of the pig corresponds to north-northwest, which in turn is associated with late evening - the beginning of the night, the time from 9 to 11 o'clock in the afternoon - in China it is called the “twelfth watch”. The tenth month is also correlated with the north-northwest direction. Chinese calendar(By Gregorian calendar This is the period from November 8 to December 6), which is considered the beginning of winter in China.

The Pig sign in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to the color black (xuan). In Chinese symbolism, black is the color of the north and is associated with learning and education.

The main character, which in Chinese tradition is strongly associated with the color black, is Xuan-wu (“black turtle”), which is a symbiosis of a snake and a turtle. Thus, a stable chain of associations is formed: snake (wisdom) - turtle (longevity) - water (pervasiveness, which was associated with learning, knowledge).

Apparently, for this reason, black became the accepted color for the clothes of scribes and teachers. The black color (like the element of water) was also associated with the black spirit Xuan-ming, under whose patronage were the temples of the Moon, the lord of rain Yu-shi, as well as the planet Mercury (Chenxing).

The sign of the Pig represents the feminine principle of yin, the fourth triangle (Rabbit, Sheep and Pig), the element of water.

The sign of the Pig embodies concern for the well-being of the family, the education of children, and strives for comfortable life. The pig represents kindness and mercy. Strong intuition, sensitivity and the gift of empathy help representatives of this sign achieve success in their careers and surround themselves with interesting people. Patience, perseverance in life's troubles, and a calm character help this sign in partnerships. The Pig knows a lot about good things, needs interesting interlocutors and attracts tempters into his life like a magnet. The main problem of this sign is self-doubt. The Pig is a real fatalist, loves to dramatize and withdraw into depression. At these moments, she needs the support and emotional participation of friends in her problems.

She is too unconventional in relationships, loves to experiment and diversify love relationships. She herself is also changeable in her moods, everything depends on the moral and material investments on the part of her partner. The pig cannot endure poverty, but in abundance it flourishes, becomes prettier in appearance and invariably becomes kinder. If the Pig has a bad character, it means she was in the wrong circle and did not work hard enough.

Positive qualities of the sign

Men are real gallant knights, women are noble, sensitive ladies, representatives of this sign have good taste, understand art, and know how to appreciate beauty. Hardworking, thoughtful, open to new things. Trust makes for a good environment, but can make the Pig a target for a liar. A passionate sign that understands love and raising children.

Negative qualities of the sign

When it comes to income, she can be scrupulous and too materialistic in partnerships. Often falls into dependent relationships, cannot overcome infantilism and abandon naivety. Self-indulgent, does not use intuition to unravel deception or manipulation. Fatalism blocks opportunities and stifles inspiration.

In the year of the Pig you should enjoy the joys of life, look for a way to express yourself in a new way. Favorable period to increase income, start a business, increase material well-being. Intellectually developed people will be more successful than others. The Year of the Pig is good for the entire zodiac, differing only in the degree of positivity. A successful year for the Pig, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Dragon, Monkey. Neutral for Ox, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and Dog.

Celebrities of this sign

Cleopatra, Dalai Lama, Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Francoise Sagan, Carl Gustav Jung, Fyodor Tyutchev, Marc Chagall, Chiang Kai-shek, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Ralph Waldo Emerson, German Titov, Ernest Hemingway, Aleister Crowley, Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Elton John, Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock. Actors: Arkady Raikin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov Alain Delon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Winona Ryder, Ewan McGregor, Charlotte Ginsbourg, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Emily Blunt, Chris Hemsworth, Mila Kunis, Svetlana Khodchenkova .

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Pig

The expression “if you fall in love, you won’t stop loving” refers to representatives of the element of fire of this sign. No matter what, the Fire Pig will always win, will be able to overcome opposing circumstances and will find something to be happy about in difficult moments of life. She is least dependent on the vicissitudes of fate, knows how to find benefit everywhere, an optimist with a bright temperament. This sign is not inclined to deeply analyze situations, but intuitively chooses the best.

Yellow Earth Pig

This combination of sign and element often promotes laziness and inertia. Passivity is dangerous for the Earth Pig, as excellent opportunities are not realized. Meanwhile, the Pig of the earth element is an excellent housekeeper who cares about the continuation of traditions and is capable of anything for the sake of loved one, a peaceful and kind sign. The desire to avoid conflict often puts the Earth Pig in an ambivalent position, which leads to dependence and manipulation. The most distrustful of the elements of this sign, the Earth Pig will require guarantees in their personal life.

White Metal Pig

This combination carries mystery and richness. inner world. The most selfless among the elements of her sign, she is ready for self-sacrifice. Metal Pig always lives a rich spiritual life, is not inclined to materialism, although she provides for herself well. Success and career come easier to her than others. She is more demanding of living conditions, loves luxury and comfort, knows how to earn money, and values ​​her achievements. She expresses her feelings very emotionally, is integral and purposeful.

Black (blue) Water Pig

This combination of qualities makes the representative of the sign vulnerable to manipulators. The Water Pig is kind and trusting, her own emotions and feelings are most important, she is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love. If the environment is hostile, then the Water Pig knows how to mask its feelings, keeps secrets, avoids scandals and showdowns. He often makes mistakes and chooses a partner that is not suitable for his level of development. Needs protection. Usually has bright appearance and pleasant manners. Very sexy, independent, cannot stand life in captivity.

Green Wooden Pig

, Fire Boar, Earth Boar, Metal Boar, Water Boar.

A person with a heart of gold and noble generosity - this is what they say about someone born in the year of the Pig and the element of Water. He is diplomatic, tries to maintain calm relations with others, but can be too trusting. Therefore, he should learn to be firmer, defend his interests and always check everything, without taking people’s words at face value. As a rule, a person is silent and outwardly it may seem that his life is quiet and measured. But meanwhile, such a person’s range of interests is very wide, he is cheerful, and has a good sense of humor. In his career, he is a hardworking, responsible person, and therefore always succeeds in his chosen profession.

This persistent and diplomatic Pig is endowed with all the qualities of an excellent spy: he is receptive and sensitive to the hidden desires of others, skillfully and carefully negotiates with opponents. And yet, under the influence of Water, he sees the best in people and often refuses to believe in the evil intentions of others until the last minute. This type of Pig has a touching belief in loved ones. He believes in miracles, and if he is not careful, others can use him for their own purposes.

Hospitable, peace-loving and honest, the Water Pig loves to have fun. He likes to be in company, he carefully follows the rules of the game, and is always happy to meet people halfway. Like the Pig, he is always somewhat passionate and amorous. In the worst case, he may become too focused on sex, gluttony, alcohol, and begin to indulge in luxury at the expense of others.

Water Pig according to Chinese Horoscope

Thanks to the influence of Water, this Pig is the most fickle and unpredictable of all. This sign is always ready for immediate action, but at the first difficulties it washes its hands. He does not tolerate opposition and becomes furious if something does not turn out the way he wants.

The Water Pig resembles a capricious child. He is very independent, does not listen to advice and does not recognize norms. Deep down in his soul, he needs to believe in the people close to him and in the fact that the family hearth is a place where he can always take refuge in difficult times. The Pig has developed intuition, can guess other people's intentions, and this helps him a lot in communication. Most often, Pig manages to be restrained and diplomatic, but at times earthly passions still overcome him.

Water Pig Man

This man's kindness is often taken advantage of various kinds crooks. He has a big heart, is trusting, and sincerely wants to help everyone. He is often disappointed in people, but still believes in love and friendship. The Water Pig is a hardworking man who works hard to achieve success. Although sometimes he is too capricious and impatient, he pulls himself together in time. Therefore, he reaches great heights in his career and is considered an excellent expert in his field. He is highly respected, appreciated and praised. He is not limited only to business contacts, he is sincerely friendly with colleagues and even competitors. Likes to have fun and travel, of course, not at the expense of work.

The Water Pig is a romantic man, touchingly caring for women. This is not an egoist; he sincerely wants to please his chosen one. Ready to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of the woman he loves. He arranges romantic dates, even if he does not have enough money, and tries to surprise his beloved. IN ordinary life This is a rather modest person, but when he falls in love, he completely loses his head. He idolizes his chosen one and is completely indifferent to other women. Having married, he becomes an ideal family man. He spends all his time with his wife and children; it is important for him to create for them comfortable conditions life, his loved ones should not experience need and deprivation.

Water Pig Woman

This soft, gentle woman demonstrates a strong will when necessary. She is aimed at a successful career, so she acts slowly and carefully weighs her every step. He will not get involved in adventures, never argues or proves that he is right. It’s easier for her to seem like a sweet, charming person; this image helps to gain the trust and affection of the people around her. The Water Pig is a kind woman, she doesn’t hold a grudge, she doesn’t intrigue, but she won’t let go of her own. Ability to find mutual language helps her in business. Often this successful woman holds a high position. At the same time, everyone around her admires her; women of this sign have practically no enemies or ill-wishers.

The Water Pig is an impressionable woman who has a hard time dealing with betrayal and deception. Although she tries to appear strong and confident, she really needs support. She expects help from a man and looks for a worthy partner in him. She favorably accepts courtship, but will not connect her life with a frivolous man. Women of this sign are distinguished not only by their beauty, but also by their excellent manners. Men go crazy about them and try to achieve reciprocity. Water Pig is a wise woman, she will try to do right choice. Has a serious approach to love relationships, does not have easy affairs. After getting married, she completely focuses on the family.