Fistula on the pipe. Fistula in a pipe: repair without welding, how to fix it on a hot water pipe, in a water pipeline, what is it?

The term “pipe fistula” refers to deformation changes in the form of through hole on the pipeline. The main reason The formation of this phenomenon on rolled pipes is considered to be pitting corrosion.

It is a clear signal that the pipe line needs urgent replacement. It is not always possible to perform a full range of pipe repairs with replacement, so it is only partially performed.

At the same time, we must not forget that such measures are temporary, and replacement of areas that have fallen into disrepair cannot be avoided anyway. You can use the help of professional craftsmen, or you can fix everything yourself.

How to eliminate an “accident”

To complete the installation you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. Drill.
  2. Bolts (set).
  3. Brush for cleaning rolled metal.
  4. BV-2 adhesive and epoxy adhesive type.
  5. Acetone and gasoline.
  6. Ketn.
  7. Putty knife.

Before sealing the fistula in the pipe, water is drained from the network. To do this, you need to close the stop valve and open each tap. The system should be free of residual water.

After this, the cleaned area must be degreased with acetone. You can use gasoline for the same purpose. When sealing, this stage of action is very important.

When applying a bandage to a workpiece with an uneven surface, it is impossible to obtain the most airtight joint, and all sealing measures will have to be repeated again.

On a well-cleaned surface of the product, the amount of deformation can be accurately determined. And, guided by the information received, they determine how to further eliminate the deficiency. Fistulas according to the form of formation are divided into: point And elongated. Each of them is eliminated differently.

How is the work carried out?

Troubleshooting plastic products

A fistula on a plastic pipe is repaired in two ways: threaded And soldering.

The threaded method can only be used for products where thread cutting is possible. A piece of pipe line with a fistula that has become unusable is cut off with special scissors.

An insert is prepared from blanks of the required volume. On plastic materials the thread is cut with a tool. Then another structure is secured to the pipe network using fittings and couplings.

Welding on plastic pipe materials begins with cutting off the leaking area. After this, a fitting and a workpiece of the appropriate size are prepared.

A heated soldering iron for welding plastic pipes is used to heat the outer edges of the plastic and the inner edges of the fittings. At the final stage of repair, the prepared pipe is attached with fittings.

This should be done without delay, as plastic tends to harden instantly, and an incorrectly fastened structure cannot be remade again.

Repair of copper products

Copper pipe fistula is not a rare occurrence. Copper pipes have been used in construction for a very long time. They are not only suitable for all types of highways, but are also characterized by high ductility and resistance to corrosion.

Their service life is not limited, and they will easily last the entire period allotted to the house without breakdowns. But, sooner or later, situations arise when these products need to be repaired for fistula.

The underlying reasons for heating leaks are:

  • Wear. It is tied to a long period of use of the heating system. Most often, steel products suffer from leaks.
  • Violation of operating conditions of the heating system. This includes temperature fluctuations and.
  • Use of goods of questionable quality.
  • Poor sealing of joints.

If a leak appears in the heating pipes, proceed as follows.

You need to prepare several clamps with rubber seals ( in this case, the most important thing is not to forget to turn off the water, stop the operation of the heating boiler, disconnect the pumps from the power supply and turn off the necessary valves and taps). Repair of rolled pipes in the heating network depends on their type.

For example, steel pipes with a joint problem threaded variety will require dismantling the joint and applying a new layer of winding.

If the destruction has occurred on the heating pipe itself, then problem area you will have to weld using gas or electric welding.

If it leaks copper pipe, then it also needs to be brewed. But, welding work with copper are quite complex, therefore, it is better to entrust them to specialists.

If metal-plastic pipelines of the heating system are leaking, then the entire section where the leak occurred will need to be replaced. In this type of pipe, it most often forms in compressor-type joints.

On heating pipes made of plastic, the problem is solved in this way. This is the replacement of an entire section. Soldering of polypropylene is recommended to be carried out in accordance with all standards for this work. Any errors can cause the joint to fall apart after a very short period of time.

IMPORTANT! When working with plastic products, it is prohibited to make changes to the wiring diagram.

Features of metal pipelines

If we are talking about how to weld a fistula in a pipe, which is different large sizes, then the recommended solution is a complete replacement.

And, if the fistula is small, then here are several options for action. But, these recommendations can only be applied when pipes made of metal are leaking.

Option 1. In this case, the defect is eliminated using a medical bandage and cement for sealing. First, a solution of cement and water is diluted. 15-20 strips, 20 cm long, are cut from the bandage. The strips are moistened in the solution and wrapped around the line. The result is something similar to a cocoon. A cement mortar is applied on top of it. All this must dry for 24 hours, and then the pipe network can be started.

Option 2. Pieces of rubber to make repairs. A strip is cut out of rubber, slightly longer than the circumference of the pipe. The problem area is tightly covered with this strip, which is then fixed. For reliability, it must be covered with a bandage with cement, as described in the previous method.

Option 3. Bandage and table salt. This is how the small “gaps” between the joints are covered. To do this, wrap the leak site with a bandage mixed with salt. Salt, when dissolved, fixes the microleak. But this method cannot be used for large formations; you should act differently.

Defects in water supply networks

How to seal a fistula in water pipe, are often interested. Unfortunately, plumbing leaks are a very common occurrence.

At the beginning of the sealing, an assessment of the defect and strength of the workpiece will be required. Small leaks can be eliminated using plugs for this type of tube rolling. You can also try the repair method - wrapping it with gauze soaked in epoxy resin.

An option with a rubber gasket secured with a clamp will help to temporarily seal a water leak. It and the clamp for repair can be purchased at any store. building materials. Also, its gasket can be fixed using wire.

Longitudinal cracks and chips on the pipe can be easily eliminated with sealant. To do this, the fistula is slightly enlarged, degreased and dried.

After this, a sealant is applied to the area. Metal materials water leaks in the sewer are sealed with cold welding.

Repairing leaks with your own hands

Water leaks occur at any time, so sealing fistulas in pipes with your own hands is a very important skill.

For very urgent repair of a fistula, it is recommended to use a clamp. It is a metal tie. And you need to apply the clamp like this:

  1. The water supply system is shut down.
  2. The bolts on the clamp are unscrewed and it is wrapped around the water leakage area.
  3. The nuts on the clamp are tightened with an adjustable wrench, while the pipe itself is held in place with a pipe wrench. Without support, which will entail additional water leaks and repair costs.

Sealing methods using a locknut and a rubber band are also effective. In general, it is not difficult to repair and eliminate a fistula on a pipe.

If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, then you should invite professional craftsmen. And if the fistula is repaired using one of the temporary methods, then you should worry about how to carry out a full repair of the pipes in the near future.

The article below will help you independently resolve the issue of sealing fistulas in pipes. The problem of how to repair a fistula in a pipe under pressure is indeed very pressing.

After all, a leak in water supply, heating, or drain pipes can occur at the most inopportune moment, and it must be resolved quickly and effectively.

First of all, you need to understand that all the proposed tips are interesting, but, unfortunately, they are not long-lasting, and the results in the future could be much worse.

They are not only not expensive, but also easy to install. Their installation is not complicated and is easy to do yourself.

When talking about methods for sealing a leak, we mean a “breakthrough” of a small scale. If water comes out like a fountain, then there is only one way out - replacing the pipeline.

They call it a fistula pitting corrosion, which is formed from partial destruction of the material, or from general old age. As a result, a hole appears through which liquid flows out.

The external visual manifestation of the fistula is swollen paint and growths of rust. Having seen such a growth, you should not rush to tear it off, because the extent of the damage underneath is not predictable.

In general, repairing pitting is not a difficult job, but, nevertheless, it also requires serious preparation.

For such events you will need (experts say that you should always have on hand):

  • Clamp (a couple of pieces).
  • Rubber pads (they can be easily made from any available materials such as old boots, thick rubber gloves, a bicycle tire, and so on).
  • Screwdriver and bolts.
  • Epoxy materials.
  • Liquid for degreasing.
  • Emery.
  • Cold welding.

Causes of fistulas

The reasons for the formation of fistulas on a water pipe most often come down to one denominator. This is the impact corrosion.

The most suitable temperature indicator for corrosive formations is +15 degrees. Most often, pipe rolling materials in this mode are in spring, summer and autumn periods.

Water located in the system also accelerates corrosive destruction. Over time, rust builds up inside metal pipelines.

The metal in such products becomes thinner every year. And then the moment comes when corrosion breaks through the wall completely. The result is a leak.

This problem must be eliminated immediately, without waiting until it turns into a big nuisance. If the leak is small, then it can be sealed under pressure without turning off the water supply.

The most common problems that result in leaks heating pipe, relate:

Since water is constantly under pressure in the pipe, and with outside it is affected by temperature changes in the air and accelerates corrosion processes.

Leaks can form not only in a metal pipeline, but also in a plastic one. Naturally, the problem most often arises as a result of mechanical damage or improper installation, since this material does not corrode.

Where do leaks most often occur?

Most often, a leak can form at the joints at the place of the connecting seam or the connection of the pipe to the battery.

How to fix leaks in metal pipes

Fistula in a metal pipe with hot water can be repaired quickly in the following ways.

For the clamp, a strip of rubber is cut out, a couple of millimeters wider than it. The length of the strip should be one centimeter shorter than the circumference of the pipeline. .

This entire structure must completely cover the fistula. Next, the clamp is tightened. During these activities, the surface at the site of corrosion must be cleaned.

Video: ways to repair a fistula

It should not contain any irregularities. If this is not done, the liquid will pass through the bandage in the area of ​​​​uneven areas.

Fistula sealing in plastic pipelines

Plastic pipe materials in Lately used very often. They quickly replaced conventional steel products, thanks to an extensive range of positive characteristics. These materials are not only easy to install, but also easy to repair when fistulas appear.

You can seal a leak on a plastic piece by using couplings and fittings (change part of the line). At the same time, a new piece of pipe with a thread is prepared.

Through connecting elements it is installed in place of a site that has fallen into disrepair. If you are not sure that all actions have been performed correctly, you can seek advice from to a professional master.

After reading it carefully, you can safely begin repairing the PP pipeline. It is not difficult to seal a leak this way.

Flowing in the middle of the pipe

You need to inspect everything and identify the location of the damage. What to do if the hole is small and water is flowing, but there is no way to call a plumber? You can use Titanium White automotive putty and fill the hole with it.

This repair method will extend the life of the pipe by several years, but only if it does not supply water under high pressure.

If the leak is significant, then a layer of rubber, the so-called bandage, is placed in place of the gap, which should be larger in size than the hole.

The patch is fixed using soft wire. All of the above items can be purchased at a hardware store.

Do not forget that this method can be repaired only for a temporary effect (until the arrival of a master who can properly fix everything).

Unreliable connecting seam

What to do if water flows at the junction of the pipe to the battery, tap or in the area of ​​the threaded joint? In this case, eliminating the problem will be somewhat more complicated, since sometimes elements of different diameters are connected.

What to do in this case? You can seal the hole using a piece of thin rubber, which must be clamped with a special metal clamp.

This solution cannot be a 100% solution to the problem. The joint will have to be disassembled and thoroughly welded or glued.

Final repairs can only be made if the heating and water drainage systems are completely turned off. If in a private house this process can be done independently, then in an apartment it is recommended to entrust such work to a specialist.

If the house is heating system, the owner must constantly have new couplings and spare connecting elements on hand in order to quickly repair the hole in the event of an accident.

Leaking between battery sections - what to do?

A small hole from which water flows can be sealed using a regular self-tapping screw, which can be found in every home.

Naturally, such a solution will not be enough for a long time, but it will still help eliminate the damage that even a slight leak can cause.

Second way. It is recommended to wrap the problem area thick fabric impregnated with sealant or adhesive solution resistant to water (hypoxide glue).

When the fabric is dry, you can connect the battery to the system, but in order to seal it properly, you should still seek help from a plumber.

What to do if the cause of the accident was a surge in water pressure? First of all, you should take care of eliminating the internal problem.

The use of pipes of different cross-sectional sizes may result in water hammer, especially in the process of eliminating air pockets.

In what cases is heating system repair necessary?

In any case, major repairs of heating systems are carried out on warm spring or summer days before the start of the winter season.

If the apartment has been standing for more than five years iron pipes, you need to think about replacing them with reinforced polypropylene samples, without waiting for it to burst.

The latter do not undergo oxidation when interacting with water and withstand water hammer, which makes them more durable compared to iron ones.

Often, when repairing heating system pipes, professionals recommend sealing holes with “cold welding”. This material is super durable and, after drying, reliably covers any leaks.

All of the above methods for repairing heating pipes are not bad, but they can only save for a while, so in order not to ask yourself the following question: “The heating pipe is leaking, what should I do?” – call a plumber who can correctly and reliably fix all problems associated with the operation of the heating system, so that later, when winter comes, you do not have to carry out expensive repairs and do not turn off the entire house from heating.

Features of hot water supply

A fistula in a hot water pipe appears more often than in other places. The place that is most susceptible to this phenomenon is the riser. The first signs of danger in such a system are rusty growths.

Video: how to fix a leak on the drain

It was already written above that if a decision is made to seal a leak, then this build-up cannot be torn off. In the case of hot water, such actions can cause serious burns.

Such a fistula in the pipeline can be repaired using a bolt or temporary bandage. In both the first and second cases, it is impossible to act under pressure. The water supply must be shut off before work can be done.

A small leak can be sealed under pressure using an adhesive bandage. The edges of fiberglass with BF-2 glue applied are applied to the damaged area (the tape is applied very tightly). At the end, the tape must be tightened with a metal plate. Such a section will be able to function under pressure only after 24 hours.

Also in this situation, you can seal the leak with “cold welding”. It is better not to do such work under pressure. The resulting hole is slightly enlarged using a drill, and the area is degreased.

When everything is dry, apply the compound to the leaking crack. It should freeze completely. This takes approximately ten minutes.

If we consider the sources of water supply in private areas, wells can be called the most promising. Compared to wells, they contain more water High Quality. It practically does not require cleaning or additional filtration.

During operation, the well, pump and water-lifting pipelines vibrate. This leads to weakening of the joints on the water-lifting mains, and accordingly, leaks (fistulas) appear. This often ends in serious accidents.

The well is operating with vibration of the water-lifting pipe due to pumping equipment, and this provokes weakening of the joints. As a result of the appearance of a fistula, the functioning of the well may be completely disrupted.

Many owners of private houses try to carry out repairs and eliminate such leaks on their own, but experts strongly recommend trusting this to professionals.

Such repairs cost a lot of money, but they are completely worth it. Repair work on wells involves a number of complex operations that require special equipment.

Non-professional craftsmen may not be able to do this work. You can clean the well yourself and replace the pump. And carrying out these events will also require some skill in this matter.

Also, craftsmen without experience and knowledge who decide to close the “hole” need to keep in mind the following information.

Incorrectly carried out work can result in fatal results for the well. For example, it is impossible to remove scrap that was accidentally dropped into a hole when inserted into a hole. And such a loss is very common for amateurs who decide to do everything themselves.

Video: replacing a pressure tap

IMPORTANT! Masters who service wells say that flushing them is a mandatory annual event. It can only be omitted for wells that are in constant operation.

It is equally important that specialists will immediately install the real reason Problems. And this will make it possible to seal leaks and avoid unnecessary extra expenses. Plus, all the work will be done in as soon as possible.

Now it’s clear how to seal a fistula in a pipe under pressure. By carefully studying the proposed options, you can quickly fix this unpleasant problem.

The sewer pipes, both for supplying and draining water, were sewn up in my apartment removable box made of plywood, and I could only guess about their condition.

Removal of the box showed that the cast iron sewer pipe, although it had a decent appearance, but on its surface there were several tubercles of wet rust, when touched, the fistulas were exposed. By the way, I painted a sewer pipe 12 years ago with a metal primer, and, as you can see, the primer lasted for many years, and the surface of the sewer pipe remained in excellent condition.

There are many recommendations on the Internet on how to repair a fistula. The most common method is to place a piece of rubber on the fistula and press it with a clamp; it is also recommended to hammer a lead cone into the fistula with a hammer, seal the pipe with epoxy resin and all kinds of sealants, drill out the fistula, cut a thread in the hole and tighten the screw with a rubber washer. In my case, it was impossible to use a clamp, since one of the fistulas was located at the branching point of the cast iron pipes. And without knowing the condition of the walls of the sewer pipe, use mechanical methods sealing may cost more. At the site of the fistula, you can get a large hole.

The second fistula was located on straight section pipes, it was possible to apply a clamp, but the cost of pipe clamps large diameter quite high.

I was not sure about the reliability of sealing a fistula moistened with water with rusty edges with epoxy resin and sealants. And it was not possible to prohibit neighbors from temporarily using the sewer system in order to prepare the fistula site for sealing and allow the sealant to harden.

It seemed that there was only one way to get rid of the fistulas, to replace the cast-iron sewer pipe with a new, plastic one. But I had experience sealing groundwater leaks in the corners of a steel caisson installed in a garage. The method allows you to quickly close wet fistulas with your own hands, using available material.

To seal a fistula in cast iron pipe Sewerage from materials will only require a little cement and silicate glue, which can be purchased at any store that sells office supplies. All you need is one small brush, file or piece of sandpaper.

Before sealing the fistula, you need to remove paint and rust from the pipe around it, which do not adhere well. This work is done with a file or sandpaper. After cleaning the surface of the pipe, the location of the fistula became invisible. It is obvious that the fistula was very small size and it was clogged with dust. If the opening of the fistula is larger, then you can close it with a layer of plasticine or any sealant. This will be a technological seal that will not further serve the function of sealing the fistula, but will serve only to enable the application of a cement coating.

If cement mortar is made with water, it acquires mechanical strength in a day. But if the water for preparing the cement mortar is replaced with silicate glue, the mortar will harden in a few minutes. There is both a plus and a minus to such a high speed. While the solution is being mixed, it is already becoming solid. This difficulty can be easily circumvented by mixing the solution directly on the sewer pipe itself.

This is done as follows. First, a layer of office glue is applied to the site of the fistula with a brush. I took the sealing area much larger than the size of the fistula in order to prevent the possible appearance of a new fistula nearby.

Next, with the same brush, a layer of pure cement is applied to the applied layer of glue, and the cement is mixed with the layer of glue. Since the brush is in glue, cement adheres well to it and is convenient to apply and mix. The amount of cement applied should be such that the layer of applied adhesive is covered with a dry layer of cement. Immediately after applying a layer of cement, to prevent damage to the brush, you need to rinse it thoroughly in water and squeeze out the remaining water with a rag. To do this, it is advisable to have a small container of water on hand.

After 10 minutes, when the cement has hardened, a second layer is applied for reliability. To do this, you need to repeat the operation, paint over the previously applied layer of cement with glue and apply cement again to the glue, mixing with it.

For reliability, I apply three layers of cement adhesive mortar. The resulting thickness of the seal is about 3 mm, which is quite enough to reliably seal the fistula. The work ends by applying last layer cement layer of silicate glue. After a few hours, the last layer of glue dries, the surface of the cement patch becomes light and smooth to the touch. You can coat the pipe with paint and sewage pipe will look like new.

Formation of a fistula in a heating or water supply riser mounted from metal pipes, is not uncommon. The situation needs to be corrected as quickly as possible. Therefore, information on how to repair a fistula in a pipe and what methods are available to eliminate it will not be superfluous.

The presence of a red-colored growth on the pipe, which is called pitting corrosion, indicates a problem and that the pipeline can burst at any time (read also: “What to do if a pipe bursts and how to prevent it”). Damage occurs as a result of partial destruction or general wear of the line, or under the influence of stray currents. When a fistula is detected, the reason for its appearance no longer matters, the main thing is to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

  • using a bolt;
  • using a temporary bandage;
  • using an adhesive bandage;
  • cold welding method.

Seal a hole with a bolt

  1. Expand the fistula in the pipe with a drill.
  2. Cut the thread with a tap.
  3. Screw the bolt into the resulting hole.

  • medical tourniquet;
  • thick glove;
  • bicycle tire;
  • boot top, etc.

Sealing with adhesive bandage

  1. Wire brush clean the pipeline from dirt, treat its surface with acetone or gasoline and allow it to dry for 15 minutes.
  2. Tapes are cut from fiberglass, the length of which depends on the diameter of the pipe - it is necessary that the winding has at least 6 layers. The width of the material must exceed the cross-section of the pipeline by no less than one third.
  3. BF-2 glue is applied to the edges of the tape, then one side of it is covered with an epoxy adhesive with a spatula.
  4. The tool is pressed firmly against the fiberglass so that it is well saturated with glue.
  5. Then the tape is tightly wound onto a previously prepared surface so that its center covers the problem area.
  6. The bandage is secured with metal tape.
  7. After 24 hours, the repaired pipeline can be used.

Cold welding method

  1. The hole is expanded with a drill.
  2. The surface of the pipeline is degreased and cleaned with acetone.
  3. When the pipe dries, a product called “ cold welding” and wait for it to completely harden - this usually takes about 10 minutes.

Hole sealing process

  1. A thin strip is cut from a piece of rubber - its width should be 2-4 millimeters larger than the same parameter for the clamp. The length of the section is measured by wrapping the material around the pipe. The excess piece of tape is cut off.
  2. The clamp is opened and placed on the pipe, then it is not grabbed tightly.
  3. A rubber gasket is placed under the clamp and carefully moved to the location where the hole appears.
  4. After covering the fistula, the clamp is tightened using a screwdriver or wrench, depending on the characteristics of the tightening device.
  1. First of all, turn off the water and drain it from the pipeline.
  2. Before installing the clamp, carefully inspect the pipe. When its surface is uneven, it should be cleaned sandpaper to prevent fluid from flowing through the roughness.
  3. A rubber pad is cut out under the clamp and placed on the hole.

Different ways to seal a fistula in a pipeline - SamStroy

The formation of a fistula in a heating or water riser mounted from metal pipes is not uncommon. The situation needs to be corrected as quickly as possible. Therefore, information on how to repair a fistula in a pipe and what methods are available to eliminate it will not be superfluous.

The presence of a red-colored build-up on the pipe, which is called pitting corrosion, indicates a problem and that the pipeline can burst at any time. Damage occurs as a result of partial destruction or general wear of the line, or under the influence of stray currents. When a fistula is detected, the reason for its appearance no longer matters, the main thing is to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

A variety of ways to seal a fistula

To properly deal with the problem, first of all, you need to understand what a fistula in a pipeline is. This is the hole in the pipe through which water flows out.

You can eliminate it in several ways:

With a bolt;

Using a temporary bandage;

Using an adhesive bandage;

Cold welding method.

But at the same time, it is imperative to drain the water from the system by closing the valves and opening all available taps.

Seal a hole with a bolt

This option involves a number of actions:

1. Expand the fistula in the pipe with a drill.

2. Cut the thread with a tap.

3. Screw the bolt into the resulting hole.

This method cannot be used when the pipes are too old, since it will be impossible to thread them, and attempts to do this usually end in increasing the size of the leak.

Repair using a temporary bandage

This method is used when the fistula in the pipeline has an oblong, elongated appearance.

A bandage is applied to the hole using sealing gaskets, which can be made from the following products:

Medical tourniquet;

Thick glove;

Bicycle tire;

Boot top, etc.

The main thing is that the size of the rubber gasket is significantly larger than the size of the hole. To fix the bandage on the pipeline, clamps or bolts are used.

Sealing with adhesive bandage

Elimination of a fistula using this method is carried out in stages:

1. Using a metal brush, clean the pipeline from dirt, treat its surface with acetone or gasoline and allow it to dry for 15 minutes.

2. Tapes are cut from the fiberglass, the length of which depends on the diameter of the pipe - it is necessary that the winding has at least 6 layers. The width of the material must exceed the cross-section of the pipeline by no less than one third.

3. Apply BF-2 glue to the edges of the tape, then use a spatula to cover one side of it with epoxy adhesive.

4.The tool is pressed firmly against the fiberglass so that it is well saturated with glue.

5.Then the tape is wound tightly onto a previously prepared surface so that its center covers the problem area.

6.The bandage is secured with metal tape.

7.After 24 hours, you are allowed to use the repaired pipeline.

In the case when the system is laid in unheated room where the temperature does not exceed 17 degrees, the pipeline can be used only after 4 days.

Cold welding method

Repair of water pipes without welding is carried out using a special composition:

1. The hole is expanded with a drill.

2. The surface of the pipeline is degreased and cleaned with acetone.

3. When the pipe is dry, apply a product called “cold welding” to it and wait for it to completely harden - this usually takes about 10 minutes.

Using "cold welding" or epoxy adhesive composition, you need to use rubber gloves. If glue gets on your skin, it must be removed with cotton wool and acetone, and then wash your hands. warm water with soap.

Hole sealing process

When the system is worn out, it is advisable to prepare several clamps having the same diameter as the pipeline. In addition, you need to stock up on tires for them. If a water pipe fistula appears at night, such preparation will not be superfluous, since the emergency team is unlikely to arrive in a matter of minutes.

If the hole is small, it can be sealed using a regular vehicle clamp:

1. Cut a thin strip from a piece of rubber - its width should be 2-4 millimeters larger than the same parameter for the clamp. The length of the section is measured by wrapping the material around the pipe. The excess piece of tape is cut off.

2. The clamp is opened and placed on the pipe, then it is not grabbed tightly.

3. A rubber gasket is placed under the clamp and carefully moved to the location where the hole appears.

4.After covering the fistula, the clamp is tightened using a screwdriver or wrench, depending on the characteristics of the tightening device.

When a fistula is detected completely small size and there is no clamp at hand, the hole can be closed with the end of a match. But this method is used infrequently, since in old pipelines it is rarely possible to eliminate a leak - it only increases in size. Even if the gap is successfully sealed with a match, it needs to be repaired as quickly as possible using a clamp.

To eliminate a serious fistula on the pipe hot water, you will need a more powerful clamp:

1. First of all, turn off the water and drain it from the pipeline.

2.Before installing the clamp, carefully inspect the pipe. When its surface is uneven, it should be smoothed with sandpaper to prevent liquid from flowing through the roughness.

3.Cut out a rubber pad under the clamp and place it on the hole.

From the above information it is clear that it is quite possible to eliminate a fistula in a pipe with your own hands - you will not need any special tools, nor special skills. If there are metal risers, you need to prepare several clamps and rubber gaskets.

Formation of fistulas in the pipe

Sometimes it happens that in hot water pipes that have served a short service life (a year and a half, sometimes less), microscopic holes are already formed, the so-called. “fistulas” through which water begins to escape under pressure. What could be the reason? Two factors can influence the formation of fistulas.

Firstly, important role plays the quality of the pipe itself, whether it is made according to GOST (in our case according to GOST 3262-75 "STEEL WATER AND GAS PIPES. TECHNICAL CONDITIONS"), here, the main thing is the chemical. steel composition with inclusions of harmful impurities and compliance with the pipe wall thickness. On the inner surface of defective pipes there are sometimes mushroom-shaped deposits of metal, which, under water pressure, can break off and form depressions and holes.

Secondly, internal corrosion has an impact, the protection against which must initially be given close attention, because DHW hot water is a weak but aggressive medium. According to clause 13.1. SNiP 41-02-2003 " Heating network", when choosing methods for protecting pipes, you need to take into account the main parameters of network water, such as: water hardness, pH value, content of sulfates and chlorides, organic impurities, oxygen and free carbonic acid in the water.

13.1 When choosing a protection method steel pipes heating networks from internal corrosion and make-up water preparation schemes, the following main parameters of network water should be taken into account: water hardness; pH; content of oxygen and free carbonic acid in water; content of sulfates and chlorides; content of organic impurities in water (water oxidability).

This must be taken into account when operating heating networks and protecting pipes from internal corrosion, in accordance with clause 13.2. SNiP 41-02-2003 "Heat networks". Can be done by increasing the pH (within the recommendations of the PTE), reducing the oxygen content in the supply water, coating the inner surface of steel pipes with anti-corrosion compounds or using corrosion-resistant steels, using a reagent-free electrochemical method of water treatment, using water treatment and deaeration of make-up water, using corrosion inhibitors .

13.2 Protection of pipes from internal corrosion should be carried out by: increasing pH, within the limits of PTE recommendations; reducing the oxygen content in network water; coating the internal surface of steel pipes with anti-corrosion compounds or using corrosion-resistant steels; using a reagent-free electrochemical method of water treatment; using water treatment and deaeration make-up water; use of corrosion inhibitors.

With increased corrosion, fistulas will form, first of all, in places where there is a local decrease in the thickness of the wall or cavity, and in places with heterogeneous chemical properties. composition. To control internal corrosion, according to SNiP 41-02-2003 “Heating networks”, clause 13.3. Installation of corrosion indicators should be considered.

13.3 To monitor internal corrosion on the supply and return pipelines of water heating networks, at the outlets from the heat source, and, in the most typical places, installation of corrosion indicators should be provided.

It should be noted that, although rare, increased levels of corrosion can result stray currents, somehow passing through the pipe.

How to repair a fistula in a pressure pipe in a plumbing and heating system

The article below will help you independently resolve the issue of sealing fistulas in pipes. The problem of how to repair a fistula in a pipe under pressure is indeed very pressing.

After all, a leak in water supply, heating, or drain pipes can occur at the most inopportune moment, and it must be resolved quickly and effectively.

First of all, you need to understand that all the proposed tips are interesting, but, unfortunately, they are not long-lasting, and the results in the future can be much worse.

They are not only not expensive, but also easy to install. Their installation is not complicated and is easy to do yourself.

When talking about methods for sealing leaks, we mean a “breakthrough” of a small scale. If water comes out like a fountain, then there is only one way out - replacing the pipeline.

Fistula is called pitting corrosion, which is formed from partial destruction of the material, or from general old age. As a result, a hole appears through which liquid flows out.

The external visual manifestation of the fistula is swollen paint and growths of rust. Having seen such a growth, you should not rush to tear it off, because the extent of the damage underneath is not predictable.

In general, repairing pitting is not a difficult job, but, nevertheless, it also requires serious preparation.

For such events you will need (experts say that you should always have on hand):

  • Clamp (a couple of pieces).
  • Rubber pads (they can be easily made from any available materials such as old boots, thick rubber gloves, a bicycle tire, and so on).
  • Screwdriver and bolts.
  • Epoxy materials.
  • Liquid for degreasing.
  • Emery.
  • Cold welding.

See also - how to repair a leak in a heating pipeline: methods of elimination

Causes of fistulas

The reasons for the appearance of fistulas on a water pipe most often come down to one denominator. This is the effect of corrosion.

The most suitable temperature indicator for corrosive formations is +15 degrees. Most often, pipe rolling materials are in this mode in the spring, summer and autumn periods.

Water located in the system also accelerates corrosive destruction. Over time, rust builds up inside metal pipelines.

The metal in such products becomes thinner every year. And then the moment comes when corrosion breaks through the wall completely. The result is a leak.

When a small fistula occurs, water slowly flows down the pipe line, where a puddle subsequently forms.

This problem must be eliminated immediately, without waiting until it turns into a big nuisance. If the leak is small, then it can be sealed under pressure without turning off the water supply.

Leaks in various systems

A fistula in a hot water pipe or any other system that consists of metal pipes can be quickly repaired in the following ways:

Option 1. Medical bandage and cement solution. It is cut into pieces, soaked in pre-prepared cement mortar. These bandages are wrapped around the leakage area, forming a cocoon-like structure.

Finally, the resulting structure is also covered with cement mortar. It dries in about one day.

Option 2. Pieces of rubber. Rubber is cut into strips. Each of them should be slightly longer than the circumference of the pipe.

Option 3. Table salt and bandage. As a rule, this method is used to seal pressure leaks in couplings, elbows, etc. The leaking area is wrapped in a bandage mixed with salt.

When dissolved, salt fixes micro-leakage. If we compare this method of sealing under pressure, it is immediately worth noting that it is not as reliable as the first two.

Option 4. Bandage. This method can be used for pressure pipes. The bandage is considered one of the oldest and most proven options. A small car clamp can be used for a fistula with a volume of up to 0.005 cm.

For the clamp, a strip of rubber is cut out, a couple of millimeters wider than the clamp itself. The length of the strip should be one centimeter shorter than the circumference of the pipeline. The clamp is placed on the pipeline, and a rubber gasket is placed under it.

This entire structure must completely cover the fistula. Next, the clamp is tightened. During these activities, the surface at the site of corrosion must be cleaned.

Video: ways to repair a fistula

It should not contain any irregularities. If this is not done, the liquid will pass through the bandage in the area of ​​​​uneven areas.

Fistula sealing in plastic pipelines

How to eliminate a fistula in a water pipe if it is made of plastic. Plastic pipe materials have recently been used very often.

They quickly replaced conventional steel products, thanks to a wide range of positive characteristics. These materials are not only easy to install, but also easy to repair when fistulas appear.

You can seal a leak on a plastic piece by using couplings and fittings (change part of the line). At the same time, a new piece of pipe with a thread is prepared.

Using connecting elements, it is installed in place of the area that has become unusable. If you are not sure that all actions were performed correctly, you can seek advice from a professional technician.

After inspecting the structure, he will give an exact answer as to whether it is suitable for use, or will advise complete replacement damaged pipe.

This method can be applied not only to plastic pipes, but also to metal ones. Only it will not be possible to eliminate the fistula in this way under pressure. You will have to worry about turning off the water in the plumbing system.

To ensure that water pressure (find out the optimal values ​​for the plumbing system) does not interfere with repairs, it is necessary to turn off the main valve. It is usually installed in the toilet.

Video: eliminating water leaks in accessible ways

How to weld a fistula in a water pipeline

How to weld a fistula in a plastic pipe with water can be learned from the method that is attached below.

Unlike the previous option, which could be used not only for plastic products, this method is only suitable for working with PP pipe materials.

The actions are carried out using a special tool for soldering plastic - an iron. This tool melts the prepared components and fastens them after cooling.

To repair minor damage to an area, all repair measures can be carried out under pressure.

But, for a formation of significant size, plumbing system will have to be closed, since it will be impossible to weld the defect under pressure.

Anyone can operate an iron. No special experience is required for this. Such devices come with instructions that describe the entire operating process step by step.

After reading it carefully, you can safely begin repairing the PP pipeline. It is not difficult to seal a leak this way.

Features of hot water supply

A fistula in a hot water pipe appears more often than in other places. The place that is most susceptible to this phenomenon is the riser. The first signs of danger in such a system are rusty growths.

Video: how to fix a leak in a drain pipe

It was already written above that if a decision is made to seal a leak, then this build-up cannot be torn off. In the case of hot water, such actions can cause serious burns.

Such a fistula in the pipeline can be repaired using a bolt or temporary bandage. In both the first and second cases, it is impossible to act under pressure. The water supply must be shut off before work can be done.

A small leak can be sealed under pressure using an adhesive bandage. The edges of fiberglass with BF-2 glue applied are applied to the damaged area (the tape is applied very tightly). At the end, the tape must be tightened with metal tape. Such a section will be able to function under pressure only after 24 hours.

Also in this situation, you can seal the leak with “cold welding”. It is better not to do such work under pressure. The resulting hole is slightly enlarged using a drill, and the area is degreased.

When everything is dry, apply the compound to the leaking crack. It should freeze completely. This takes approximately ten minutes.

If we consider the sources of water supply in private areas, wells can be called the most promising. Compared to wells, they contain water of higher quality. It practically does not require cleaning or additional filtration.

During operation, the well, pump and water-lifting pipelines vibrate. This leads to weakening of the joints on the water-lifting mains, and accordingly, leaks (fistulas) appear. This often ends in serious accidents.

The well operates with vibration of the water-lifting pipe due to the pumping equipment, and this provokes weakening of the joints. As a result of the appearance of a fistula, the functioning of the well may be completely disrupted.

Many owners of private houses try to carry out repairs and eliminate such leaks on their own, but experts strongly recommend trusting this to professionals.

Such repairs cost a lot of money, but they are completely worth it. Repair work on wells involves a number of complex operations that require special equipment.

Non-professional craftsmen may not be able to do this work. You can clean the well yourself and replace the pump. And carrying out these events will also require some skill in this matter.

Also, craftsmen without experience and knowledge who decide to close the “hole” need to keep in mind the following information.

Incorrectly carried out work can result in fatal results for the well. For example, it is impossible to remove scrap that was accidentally dropped into a hole when inserted into a hole. And such a loss is very common for amateurs who decide to do everything themselves.

Video: replacing a pressure tap

IMPORTANT! Well service technicians say that well cleaning is a mandatory annual event. It can only be omitted for wells that are in constant operation.

It is equally important that specialists will immediately determine the true cause of the problem. And this will make it possible to seal leaks and avoid unnecessary extra costs. Plus, all the work will be done in the shortest possible time.

Now it’s clear how to seal a fistula in a pipe under pressure. By carefully studying the proposed options, you can quickly fix this unpleasant problem.

Fistula. What is this? This term refers to a deformation in the pipe in the form of a hole. The main reason for its appearance is considered to be chiseled corrosion. This a clear sign that the water supply structure is worn out and needs to be replaced. However, it is not always possible for a person to immediately carry out a full range of work to replace the system with a new one. In this case, you need to do partial renovation to eliminate the fistula. It is worth remembering that such repair work is temporary and does not eliminate the need to replace worn pipes. You can call a professional to carry out the work, but you can also do it yourself.

Tools and materials

In order to eliminate a fistula, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • Drill;
  • Set of bolts;
  • Special adhesive composition BV-2;
  • Metal brush;
  • Epoxy adhesive;
  • Petrol;
  • Tap;
  • Acetone;
  • Kern;
  • Putty knife.

Before eliminating the fistula, it is necessary to drain the water from the system. For this purpose, it is necessary to close the stop valve. Then all the taps open.

How to fix a defect using a bolt

First you need to expand the fistula. This is done using a drill. Threaded elements are cut with a tap. The bolt is screwed into the widened hole. It is worth noting that these repairs are recommended to be performed only if the pipes are not very worn out. If the structure is old, it is unlikely that you will be able to make high-quality carvings on it. This will only increase the defect.

How to eliminate a defect using a bandage

This type of repair work is optimally performed if an elongated fistula has formed on the structure. In order to seal it, a bandage with a rubber seal is applied. The seal can be made from rubber gloves, an unnecessary bicycle tire, a doctor's tourniquet, or a piece of rubber boots. The size of the seal must be larger than the volume of the defect in the pipe. This gasket is attached to the structure using clamps or a bolt.

How to seal a hole with an adhesive bandage

To begin with, the pipe is cleaned with a metal brush. It is then treated with acetone or gasoline. Wait about 15 minutes. At this time, you can start cutting the fiberglass into equal parts. Optimal sizes such tapes are directly dependent on the size of the pipes. The tape is cut correctly if it can be wrapped around the structure at least six times. The width of the segment should be three times larger diameter designs. BV-2 adhesive is applied to the edges of fiberglass sections. Then an epoxy adhesive is applied to one side of the piece using a spatula. It should saturate the segment well. To do this, while applying the glue, the spatula must be pressed well against the surface of the tape. It is then wrapped around the structure. The middle of the segment should be in the area where the fistula formed. The bandage is tightened using a metal tape. The structure is left for a day. If it is located in a cold room, you will have to wait at least 4 days for the system to come into working condition.

We eliminate the defect by “cold welding”

The defect should be expanded using a drill. Then the structure is cleaned of dirt and treated with acetone. You should wait until the structure dries and then apply the “cold welding” compound to it. It dries within ten minutes.

Attention: If you use cold welding or epoxy adhesive during repair work, you should wear rubber gloves. The glue should not come into contact with the skin. If it does get on the skin, it should be immediately removed using cotton wool soaked in acetone, and then the area on which the glue is found should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.

In conclusion, we can say that the listed methods for sealing a hole in pipes give only temporary results. We recommend that you replace the water supply with a new one. People who do not allow the structure to wear out do not even know that it is a fistula.