Table of correspondence between letters and numbers in numerology. Basics of numerology, the meaning of the letters of the Russian and English alphabet

Alphabetic symbols (letters) are graphic signs that represent more than just speech sounds. Entire philosophical concepts and categories fit into such familiar “icons.” They reveal the mysterious, supernatural meaning of human speech.

Letters - symbols physical phenomena.

From a linguistic point of view, the letters of the alphabet are designations of phonemes that have acoustic parameters. Phonemes, from the point of view of physics, are sound waves and have physical characteristics, which obey the laws of mathematics. Therefore, the letters of the alphabet can confidently be considered not only as linguistic symbols, but also as mathematical signs that represent sound waves. Letters are symbols of physical phenomena that have mathematical quantities and corresponding to numbers in Numerology. They are comparable to numerical values, which correspond to cosmic laws. The space of world reality is built according to these global laws.

Numerical meaning of letters.

Numerical meaning of letters of the alphabet in Numerology confirmed by history. In many ancient languages, letters denoted not only speech sounds, but also numbers. This tradition is still preserved in Church Slavonic language. The same thing is observed in ancient Greeknative language founder. Moreover, each letter had its own name and individual meaning. For example, the letter upsilon, shaped like a fork in the road, symbolized the choice between good and evil. Pythagoras was the first to understand the meaning of this letter, and ancient world For a long time there was a saying: “Choose the road according to the Pythagorean letter,” that is, make a decisive choice.

Serious linguistic research has proven that the letter basis of the modern Russian alphabet mainly corresponds to the phonemes of the language. In this sense, the Russian language is unique - it has a complete correspondence of letters to numbers in Numerology. Coming into use Arabic numerals forced and letters go into the shadows. But not so long ago, Numerology experienced a rebirth and began to actively develop. Recent studies have shown that the Russian alphabet has a strict mathematical structure, which means that our thoughts can be expressed in numbers. Letters have the same numerical vibrations as phenomena, natural objects with a similar numerical code. This allows us to better understand a person’s connection with the world around him, reveal his purpose, and predict the course of life events.

Table of numerical values ​​of letters of the Russian alphabet.

In Numerology, there are several numerical alphabet codes. All of them have been tested empirically and have the right to exist. The simplest and most understandable one distributes letters in alphabetical order according to the prime numbers from “1” to “9”. The sum of the numerical values ​​of all letters of the word you are interested in can reveal mysterious meaning any concept, object or action.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

The combination of a person’s last name, first name and patronymic is his identification code and is called Name Number. The information it carries is just as individual.

Your full name represents the talents and abilities given to you by nature. Your potential level of intelligence, your predisposition to a certain lifestyle and type of activity, your difference from others.

Particular attention should be paid to cases where the first or last name, for one reason or another, has been changed. As a rule, this is a subconscious refusal to develop certain innate talents in order to acquire others that are more in tune with the needs of the soul.

Full name numerology studies are a detailed and comprehensive analysis of your inner content. They reveal your hidden essence, peculiarities of perception of the world around you, and the basis of motivation.

Name numbers carry a very special kind of information. These are the answers to the most painful questions that a person asks himself throughout his life.

“Who am I?”, “Why was I born into this world?”, “What do I want?” and – most importantly – “What do people really think about me?”

How to calculate the number of a name?

Full name of the person- one of two basic principles for numerological calculations. It contains three numbers that are part of your numerological core: the Expression Number, the Soul Number and the Appearance. That is, information about the abilities, desires and characteristics of the image in the perception of others.

Each letter of the last name, first name and patronymic corresponds to certain number. Calculating the number of a name is very easy - it is enough to have knowledge of arithmetic at the 2nd grade level and have this table before your eyes:

Letters to numbers conversion table

Number Expressionsthe sum of the numbers of all letters of the full name, simplified by sequential addition to one of the first ten digits - from 1 to 9. This number is an indicator of innate talents. Abilities you may not even be aware of. However, when identified and implemented, they will make your life meaningful. The phrase “I can’t do this” will disappear from your vocabulary forever.

Soul Numberthe sum of the numbers of all the vowels of the name, converted in the same way. She is responsible for your true spiritual aspirations. What does “authentic” mean in this case? This means those that you purposefully suppress in yourself because they do not meet generally accepted standards.

Appearance Number . — the sum of the numbers of all consonants of the full name. This is your image and the opinion of others about who and what you are. As a rule, deciphering the meaning of this number causes the greatest bewilderment, even distrust. Few people know what exactly he is.

For clarity - some specific example. Let's say Igor Yurievich Kharlamov, better known to the general public as Garik Bulldog Kharlamov. We will consider both options.

So, Number Expressions– the sum of all numbers in the name. We use the table and get:

Igor Yurievich Kharlamov 1+4+7+9+3 (Igor), 5+9+3+6+3+1+7 (Yurievich), 5+1+9+4+1+5+7+3 (Kharlamov ).

Add and simplify: 1+4+7+9+3+5+9+3+6+3+1+7+5+1+9+4+1+5+7+3=93, 9+3= 12, 1 + 2 = 3. So, the Expression Number is “three”. A brightly colored, talented person endowed with creative abilities.

Soul Number(vowels): i-o-yu-e-i-a-a-o. Accordingly: 1+7+5+6+1+1+1+7=29, 2+9=11, 1 + 1 = 2. Igor’s desires are determined by “two”. This means that his soul strives for harmony, mutual understanding and peace.

Appearance Number(consonants): g-r-r-b-v-h-h-r-l-m-v. 4+9+3+9+3+3+7+5+9+4+5+3=64, 6+4=10, 1+0=1. Who do we see in front of us? That's right - a leader with a sharp, lively mind, and constantly looking for new ways for self-realization.

But there is also a stage name: 4+1+9+1+3 (Garik), 2+3+4+3+4+7+4 (Bulldog), 5+1+9+4+1+5+7 +3 (Kharlamov). Amount – 80. Number of Expressions – “eight”. What qualities did Kharlamov the actor have? Obviously, this is a high level of professionalism, authority, and determination.

Soul Number in this case: 1+1+3+7+1+1+7 (a-i-u-o-a-a-o). Sum – 21. 2+1=3. Garik Bulldog has the desires of the “troika” - to be in the center of attention, to live openly and cheerfully.

As you can see, the numerology calculation is not at all complicated, and you can easily perform it for your name. Calculate the main numbers of the name and familiarize yourself with their meanings below.

The meaning of name numbers in numerology


Leadership ambitions, independence, determination, composure and ingenuity. The unit sets the image of a pioneer who knows exactly where he is going. At the same time, he is so ahead of the “main group” that in a difficult situation he can only rely on himself. He gets all the responsibility and all the “laurels of the winner.”


Striving for balance, diplomacy, sensitivity and natural kindness. The image of a “wingman”, always ready to help, take on part of the load, and give good advice. But - no “willful decisions”, unexpected changes in worldview, bad intentions. Peace and tranquility - even at the cost of your own desires.


Creativity, energy, charisma, “incurable” naivety and pathological rejection of monotony and routine. The image of a person who does not want to part with childhood, turning life into a game, and himself - and the people around him - into toys, just to “prolong the pleasure”. A keen interest in the world is the basis of motivation.


Solid rules, reliability, practicality, patience and an inexhaustible supply of ability to work. The man of the system, its basis and driving force. Does not like surprises or uncontrollable situations. All his life he works for the future, although he never clearly imagines it. Prefers “bird in hand”, even in his personal life.


The desire for absolute freedom, versatility of nature, activity and sociability. The image of a “free shooter”, ready to give up stability in order to preserve the right to choose. High level survival is not based on grit, but rather on the confidence that hopeless situations- does not exist.


The ability to compassionate, a predisposition to family life based on mutual support, sensitivity, responsibility. The image of a person who is able to turn caring for his neighbor into a creative process and completely “dissolve” in it. A genius of selfless love, who knows, however, that everything in life has its price.


A rich inner life, closed from everyone, a critical mindset, the ability to analyze, pedantry. A person who is confident that the most complex issue There is a simple answer, and one strives to find it in each specific case. Rejection of half measures and increased sensitivity often become the cause of failures in personal life.


Good organizational skills, authority, determination, business passion, ability to count money and professional competence. The image of the “master of life”. Goals are defined, the means to achieve them are taken into account and contained in perfect order. Clear separation between personal and business life.


Idealism, maximalism, dreaminess, generosity and true unselfishness of thoughts. The nature is extremely contradictory. Life motivation is based on the belief that “higher” justice exists. The loss of this confidence can overnight turn positive traits in their opposite.

Everyone knows what innate abilities and natural talents are. In any case, they think they know, since the most pronounced of them appear in childhood.

But how many manage to identify in themselves that one, unique gift that fully corresponds to the level of intelligence, spiritual needs, and purely physiological characteristics of the body? Hardly one in ten.

Because there is a gap between a child and an adult. And bright manifestations of children's talent just as rarely become the defining qualities of an adult, just as first love becomes the basis of many years of marital relationships.

A six-year-old boy wants to be a sailor. And then it turns out that he has seasickness, and he becomes a “middle-level” manager. Perhaps, having “buried” the second Columbus within himself.

A person who fails to “find himself” cannot be happy. Therefore, the correct interpretation of indicators name numbers is of paramount importance. Any age. After all, it’s never too late to become happy.

With faith in your success,

Arthur Golovin

* Information for this article is taken from the book “Introduction to Numerology” (Mindvalley Academy)

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The ancient science of numbers will help every person see their true purpose in life. Sofia numerology considers the first and last name as a special code. Having deciphered it, you will understand what your undeniable talent is for. This helps in choosing a profession or hobby, and for some it can help radically change their life. The number of a name is easy to find out from the numerological alphabet. If you are ready for change, surprise yourself with this information.

The secret of the name will reveal not only your abilities, you can find out what the soul of the child, your soulmate, lies in.

This ancient knowledge can make life easier and guide a person along the right path. The letters have their own meaning, and it can make the owner of the name the happiest of people. If a person changes his first or last name, then his fate will also change - do not forget about this.

Numerology of fate

About what is hidden in numbers greatest secret The universe has known for a long time. Many scientists have devoted their lives to numerology, and this science is half exact, half mystical. Letters have their own magic, which will be revealed only to those who are ready to plunge headlong into it. secret knowledge. Letters surround us, first of all - our first and last name. Parents choose names that are pleasant to hear, sometimes completely incredible, invented ones.

Are they doing the right thing or not? The set of letters gives the number of the name, and it determines its future life and destiny. Be sure to check which first name along with the last name will give your baby a lucky destiny. If you have been living with your name for a long time, then find out how it can help you. Each of us has talents, hidden skills. We don’t always know about them, but if we develop them, our talents can bring us not only satisfaction, but also fame, fame, and money.

For any alphabet you can calculate a numerological chart. Find out everything about yourself, your loved ones and friends. All you need is full name, middle name and last name. If your friend is from a country that doesn't use middle names, just put the father's full name for calculations. This is important, because the patronymic is a kind of guiding beacon connecting your life and the fate of your parents. In the most intimate lies the answer to your question “Who am I?”

What's in a name

Different names - different destinies. Repeating the same name in a family many times is a mistake. All its positive qualities, of course, are preserved, but the negative ones become a generic trait. Here, unfortunately:

  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • addiction to gambling;
  • tendency to cheat;
  • aggressiveness, criminal tendencies.

It’s better to introduce new names - they will become a stream fresh air for you and your descendants. Diversity and a mixture of cultures benefits your family. Unusual name can be very happy. Calculate its meaning using the Russian alphabet. In the Latin layout it may give a different meaning.

ABC matters a lot

The alphabet is important, because a child or an adult will write it and sign it many times. The name is on passports, passes, and personal documents. It also gives them a special destiny. It is believed that people with long, sonorous names always happier. This is not necessarily the case, because we consider a name as a combination of the first name, patronymic and surname. Essentially, these are three names: your own, your father’s, the whole family’s.

Tables of values

Everything has already been calculated, a table has been compiled for each alphabet. All you have to do is substitute the value - it's not difficult. The calculations are simple, anyone can do them.

Meanings of the Russian alphabet (Cyrillic)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

They should be used in this order. Combinations of letters and numbers will give you the final number. If you have already done calculations for classical numerology, then you know how to do this. If not, then an example will tell you.

Latin alphabet meanings

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The numerology chart for the Latin alphabet is no different. The calculations are carried out in exactly the same way.

Name number counting

NICHOLAY 6+1+3+7+4+1+2=33=3+3=6

VASILIEVICH 3+1+1+1+4+3+6+3+1+7=66=6+6=12=3

GOGOL 4+7+4+7+4+3=29=2+9=11=2

We got three numbers. Each of them has important letters, which can be considered separately. To find out the final value, add three numbers:

Here it is, number that determines fate of this person. In the same way, numerology allows you to choose a name for a child. You already have a last name and, most likely, a middle name. Choose the perfect combination. True, this method can deprive your baby of something important - a gift from Fortune. Parents are mainly guided by their feelings about the name, and not by counting letters. This gives the child a chance to gain an unexpected talent.

Decoding the number of the name

The alphabet is important, but essentially it is only needed to obtain this meaning. This numerology tool has been used since ancient times.


The man does not take a step back. His whole life is a constant movement towards his intended goal. Have you met such people? All they have on their mind is what they love. It could be a hobby that has become a job. It’s hard with them, no one argues. But pay attention - their idea always exceeds expectations. A person with number 1 always gets things done. Most likely, he chose the profession of a lawyer, economist, investment specialist, or is engaged in high technology. Less often, these people are doctors and politicians. Number 1 is difficult for its owner; it does not allow one to deviate from the planned path towards relationships, unnecessary feelings, and experiences.

Units are people of action


The number of letters in the name is 2. A person strives for harmony in life. But he cannot achieve it. He is always unhappy, he always wants to get something better. People often suffer from health problems, especially mental ones. It seems that he lives only for him famous life. Always a lot of plans, prone to creative activity. the paintings are only half painted, everything is not completed. It is part of his nature to quickly become disillusioned with the results of his labors before he has even seen the results. It happens that once they are lucky - they receive recognition, applause, fame. All life is a reminder of that moment. It's hard, you'll agree. Poets, artists, researchers - this is their purpose.


For Threes, the main thing is stability and balance.

Stable personalities with name number 3. The numerological alphabet shows 3 when a person knows how to find harmony in his existence. Three is the first of the number of harmony, it says that in the spiritual, material and on a personal level the person has achieved balance. He knows how to be different at the same time, change, adapt to circumstances. He will find a place in almost any field of activity, but most often - doctors, designers, teachers. Moreover, they are very successful in their business. One can only envy people with name number 3, because they find a path through life that leads on a straight path.


Four is the second stable number. It characterizes 4 elements. The harmony of that number is colossal, so a person knows how to not only improve his own life, but also bring balance to the lives of other people. Most often these are social professions, psychology, massage, people working with children. If this is your number, then you have probably noticed that animals love you very much, people are drawn to you, children always smile. It's yours intrinsic property giving can be seen from afar. A positive person with huge possibilities.


Fives need to control themselves

Five is a very dangerous number. It indicates that a person often deviates from his intended plan. There is an urge to give up everything, start something new, come up with another project. He needs constant supervision. In childhood it’s the parents, and then? The person is an adult, but children's problems still remain. He wants to borrow leadership position, but it’s hard to do, and if it works, failure is inevitable. The alphabet of your name suggests that you simply need to take hold of yourself with both hands. Make plans, schedules, keep a diary. This will help you concentrate.


The third harmonious number, consisting of two triplets or 2 and 4. Those who possess it are very lucky. Often names that give 6 are specifically given to children. A person is at the epicenter of events, but does not lose his head; concentrated when needed, and after that - can relax and have fun; knows exactly how to distribute her time and love between family, friends, work, and personal life. Positive number 6 can do a lot. These are good drivers, first of all. Of the professions, 6 choose legal specialties, cooking, and are excellent at numbers.


Seven is the number of an adventurer. Very often these people cannot hold money in their hands. They literally burn your pocket. There is a great danger of becoming addicted to gambling. It seems that the wheel of Fortune is turning towards you, here it is - the long-awaited success. The lucky period quickly passes, and it is simply impossible to catch up with Fortune. Along with gambling comes a passion for waste and useless purchases. Pay attention to what you spend your money on; it may very well be that it flows away so quickly precisely because of your inability to spend. This person definitely shouldn’t work where there is cash.

Gambling Sevens are always on the move


Eight indicates that the alphabet of your name is harmonious, although it has its own problems. Man is fixated on the material world. Things, objects, money, income mean too much to you. You are completely absorbed in your material life, and have not thought about the spiritual sphere for a long time. This is not only about the religious aspect, but also simply about have a good rest, values. Traveling outside the city is a pleasure from nature, clean air. A good book is an impression, a fantasy, a dream. Lunch with old friends - laughter, emotions, fun. All this makes life richer spiritually. Why not? You are used to working, thinking about your family, solving problems. Who will think of you? Such a person succeeded as an administrator, business leader, political scientist, and university professor.


Nines are prophets among people

Sofia numerology agrees with classical numerology here. People with number 9 are messengers of heaven. They came into the world with a specific purpose and carry their burden for as long as necessary. Their path is always clear, because the Angels guide a person with a nine. He knows exactly where to step, where to turn, what to do next. How? Don't ask, just believe in him. His mission is not easy for him, but he is a sign - if not him, then no one will be able to do it. The most beautiful thing is that after its completion, he feels unprecedented freedom. What was supposed to happen, he fulfilled the Divine destiny. What will happen next? Maybe, new plan waiting for him, but for now - a little rest.

Change of first and last name

Now it's fashionable to change your name. A person can choose for himself exotic name, or vice versa - change to a simpler one. This is good, because together with him we can change our fate. Always approach the change process intelligently if you decide. Changing letters will change your name number, and with it new talents may come. Unfortunately, something old will definitely go away.

Another situation with changing the surname. Women do this often, just to maintain the tradition, to make nice for my husband. If you see that new surname will bring you trouble - it’s better not to change. The numerological alphabet allows you to calculate everything possible options. Why not, maybe your husband will want to change his last name in this case?

Fate is in your hands. Fortunately, you can influence the number of the name. If you think that:

  • fate treats you too harshly;
  • you can't do anything;
  • Relationships, love, friendship don’t work out.

Think about it, maybe it's the name? Of course, in order to decide to change your name, you need to be very good reason, the presence of all these points at once, for example. Changing names is exciting, but not always beneficial. You can't get confused by fate. A change is possible only once in a lifetime; it cannot be done more often.

Our book presents calculations and interpretations of a group of the most important numbers adopted in various numerical systems, including Pythagorean, Vedic, Kabalistic and modern. You will become acquainted with the dream book of Pythagoras and be able to look into your future with the help of fortune telling. Numerology will tell you how to adjust your destiny, what abilities you have and how the best way realize yourself in life.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book The Big Book of Numerology (Natalia Olshevskaya, 2009) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Numeric alphabets codes

The most complex writing systems arose in ancient times. Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform were pictographic. In other words, each sign was a picture that reflected a whole concept: a person, a cat, a snake... To describe in detail the world, I had to use a lot of such pictures, and it was not easy to master such writing.

Much changed with the emergence of the alphabet, when each sound of the language was assigned its own letter. As a result, symbolic pictograms could be abandoned. The appearance of the alphabet sharply accelerated the development and spread of numerology, since the sounds and vibrations of the language are the shortest path to the numerical code. In addition, the letters of the alphabet turned out to be the most convenient means of writing numbers.

The first alphabet was invented by the ancient Phoenicians, who lived in ancient times on east coast Mediterranean Sea, approximately where modern Lebanon is located. The earliest examples of the use of the alphabet date back to 1400 BC. e. All the civilizations surrounding Phenicia, including the Greeks, at that time used only pictographic systems. The Phoenician alphabet had 32 letters. The Phoenicians wrote from right to left. They spread their alphabet throughout the world. Many ancient and modern alphabets, including Russian, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek and others, owe their appearance to this ancient people.

The Phoenicians gave a name to each letter of their alphabet. Some names were a legacy of pictographic origins, others served as mnemonics to make them easier to remember. For example, the name of the first letter of the alphabet “aleph” means “bull” in Phoenician. The second letter is called "bet" and is translated as "house", the third - "Gimel" means "camel". Over time, these letters were slightly distorted and became the names of Greek letters - alpha, beta, gamma.

The Phoenician alphabet contained only consonant letters. Vowel sounds were added during reading, based on various auxiliary signs. The Greeks radically improved the alphabet (at least in our Western perception). They took the letters of the Phoenician alphabet, which corresponded to sounds that were absent in the Greek language, and assigned them to the vowel sounds of their language. Interestingly, the Greeks, like the Phoenicians, first wrote from right to left. Then there was a period when they wrote one line from right to left, the second from left to right, the next from right to left again, etc. Only after some time did the Greeks begin to write from left to right.

The Greeks also created a system in which letters were used as symbols for numbers, which became very important step in the development of numerology. Before this, numbers were often written in words (“ten times ten tens,” “one hundred dozen”) or using special symbols that were repeated required amount once.

For example, if you designate the number 1 with the sign K, then 3 will be written as KKK, 7 - as KKKKKKK. Upon reaching a certain number of characters, most often ten, another icon was introduced.

Say, if we designate ten as L, then the number 86 will be written as LLLLL LLLLL KKK KKK. So inconvenient! What if you try to write 88888?!

Therefore, the appearance of the Greek system, in which letters served not as icons that could be counted on the fingers, but as symbols of numbers, was almost revolutionary.

According to some sources, alphabetical notation of numbers was invented in greek city Miletus, located on the territory of modern Turkey, in the 8th century. BC e. In the Milesian system, each number corresponded to its own letter of the alphabet. For example, one corresponded to alpha, two to beta, etc. This system became widespread in the ancient world, especially during the period of the conquests of Alexander the Great.

Many nations adopted this particular system. In terms of efficiency, it is close to the modern, so-called Arabic, system of writing numbers.

Isopsephys and Gematria

The use of the Greek alphabetic number system gave each written word some numerical content. By adding the numerical values ​​of all the letters of a word together, you can get a specific number. The Greeks called this addition process isopsephy (from the Greek words “iso,” meaning equal, and “psephos,” meaning pebble). Isopsephia Isopsephia was widely used during the Hellenistic period in magical works and in the interpretation of dreams.

The ancients believed that if the numerical sum of a word or phrase had the same numeric value, then there is some invisible connection between them.

For example, the name Jesus has an isopsephic sum of 888, and the phrase “I am Life” has exactly the same sum. And for a Christian, such a coincidence is filled with deep meaning.

Personified meanings for the number 666, representing the "Beast" in the Book of Revelation, included Nero, Caesar, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X and Napoleon.

IN Ancient Greece There was another popular method of studying the connection between letters of the alphabet and numbers - arithmology. In this system, each number - letter corresponded to a wide range of different qualities, epithets, and magical attributes. In modern numerology, arithmology is almost never used.

In the 13th century German Kabbalists used isopsephy for mystical numerical interpretation scriptures and called this method gematria (presumably from the Greek word for geometry), or cryptography.

It is believed that gematria was first used during the reign of the Babylonian king Sargon II, in the 8th century. BC e., during the construction of the Khorsabad wall, the length of which was 16,283 cubits, which corresponded to the numerical value of the king’s name.

In Hebrew, consonants are used as numbers, but by adding vowels to them, you can read them as words, and vice versa - read words as numbers.

Modern numerologists also add the numerical values ​​of letters to characterize names and any words in general. However, the algorithm for adding and meaning letters differs significantly from those used in ancient Greek isopsephy.

Numerical codes of Russian words

Each of us has our own unique word (usually the number of the full name), which corresponds to a certain number. And it has an impact on our lives.

It is known that all letters of the Russian alphabet occupy a strictly defined place and correspond to their serial number, that is:

A – 1, A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4, D – 5, E – 6, E – 7, F -8, G – 9, I – 10, J – 11, K – 12, L – 13, M -14, N – 15, O – 16, P – 17, R – 18, S – 19, T – 20, U – 21, F – 22, X – 23, C – 24, H – 25, W – 26, Sh – 27, b – 28, Y – 29, b – 30, E – 31, Yu – 32, Z – 33.

For example, let’s define the code for the word “language” (in this case, language is a means of communication), summing up all the serial numbers of the letters, we get the number 83.

The word “number” itself is associated with the same mathematical meaning.

Language: 33 + 9 + 29 + 12 = 83.

Number: 25 + 10 + 19 + 13 + 16 = 83.

The word “numerology” and the phrase “Count all words” also have the same code in total – 116.

NUMEROLOGY: 15 + 21 + 14 + 6 + 18 + 16 + 13 + 16 + 4 + 10 + 33 = 116.

Reading words: 19 + 25 + 10 + 20 + 1 + 11 + 3 + 19 + 6 + 19 + 13 + 16 + 3 + 1 =116.

If each letter of the Russian alphabet is assigned a numerical value from 1 to 9, then any phrase - be it a first name, surname or just a phrase - is decomposed into simple numbers, adding which we get a certain resulting number that determines the nature of what was said.

To characterize a person in the modern Russian alphabet, the correspondence of letters to numbers (from 1 to 9) is distributed as follows:

1 - A, I, S, B.

2 – B, J, T, Y.

3 - V, K, U, L.

4 - G, L, F, E.

5 – D, M, X, Yu.

6 - E, N, C, Y.

7 – E, O, Ch.

8 - J, P, Sh.

9 – Z, R, Shch.

Currently, there are generally accepted characteristics for numbers from 1 to 9:

1 – unity, creativity, independence;

2 – duality, appearance;

3 – power, authority, productive force;

4 – solidity, hardness, dullness;

5 – sensuality, pleasure;

6 – perfection, harmony, balance;

7 – mysticism, mediumship, magic;

8 – materialism, success, justice;

9 – spirituality, mental achievements.

People whose names correspond to the numbers 11 and 22 are believed to be very spiritually developed. These numbers cannot be reduced to one digit.

For example, in the name Ivan the letters correspond to the following numbers: I=1, B=3, A=1, H=6. Sum of numbers: 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11. In accordance with the rule, the number 11 does not add up, and its value determines a highly developed and spiritual personality.

Words we don't need

Let's calculate some words and phrases that we are used to using in ordinary speech, let's try to determine whether they are compatible with the number of your name and your birth. For convenience, we repeat the table with which you can perform the calculation:

1 - A, I, S, B.

2 – B, J, T, Y.

3 - V, K, U, L.

4 - G, L, F, E.

5 – D, M, X, Yu.

6 - E, N, C, Y.

7 – E, O, Ch.

8 - J, P, Sh.

9 – Z, R, Shch.

Now let’s try to find the code for the word “count”: 8 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 3 + 1 = 4.

Number 4 – on the one hand, is ruled by Mercury, which is responsible for sociability and communication. On the other hand, it is the number of obligations assumed. Thus, by telling someone “guess,” we are actually forcing the interlocutor to take part in the conversation and forcing him to commit to some action. That is, “pretending.” Think for yourself, how pleasant is such a responsibility for your partner?

Let’s break down the word “tin”: 8 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 2 + 0 = 2.

In numerology, the main disadvantage of two is that it expresses self-doubt and eternal hesitation. By saying the word “tin”, we thus express our feelings. But at the same time they are rather negative in nature.

Each of us has our own unique word (usually the number of the full name), which corresponds to a certain number. And it has an impact on our lives.

It is known that all letters of the Russian alphabet occupy a strictly defined place and correspond to their serial number, that is:

A – 1, A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4, D – 5, E – 6, E – 7, F –8, G – 9, I – 10, J – 11, K – 12, L – 13, M –14, N – 15, O – 16, P – 17, R – 18, S – 19, T – 20, U – 21, F – 22, X – 23, C – 24, H – 25, W – 26, Sh – 27, b – 28, Y – 29, b – 30, E – 31, Yu – 32, Z – 33.

For example, let’s define the code for the word “language” (in this case, language is a means of communication), summing up all the serial numbers of the letters, we get the number 83.

The word “number” itself is associated with the same mathematical meaning.

Language: 33 + 9 + 29 + 12 = 83.

Number: 25 + 10 + 19 + 13 + 16 = 83.

The word “numerology” and the phrase “Count all words” also have the same code in total – 116. Num er o l ogy: 15 + 21 + 14 + 6 + 18 + 16 + 13 + 16 + 4 + 10 + 33 = 116.

Reading words: 19 + 25 + 10 + 20 + 1 + 11 + 3 + 19 + 6 + 19 + 13 + 16 + 3 + 1 =116.

If each letter of the Russian alphabet is assigned a numerical value from 1 to 9, then any phrase - be it a first name, surname or just a phrase - is decomposed into simple numbers, adding which we get a certain resulting number that determines the nature of what was said.

To characterize a person in the modern Russian alphabet, the correspondence of letters to numbers (from 1 to 9) is distributed as follows:

1 - A, I, S, B.

2 – B, J, T, Y.

3 - V, K, U, L.

4 – G, L, F, E.

5 – D, M, X, Yu.

6 – E, N, C, Y.

7 – E, O, Ch.

8 – J, P, Sh.

9 – Z, R, Shch.

Currently, there are generally accepted characteristics for numbers from 1 to 9: 1 – unity, creativity, independence;

2 – duality, appearance;

3 – power, authority, productive force;

4 – solidity, hardness, dullness;

5 – sensuality, pleasure;

6 – perfection, harmony, balance;

7 – mysticism, mediumship, magic;

8 – materialism, success, justice;

9 – spirituality, mental achievements.

People whose names correspond to the numbers 11 and 22 are believed to be very spiritually developed. These numbers cannot be reduced to one digit. For example, in the name Ivan the letters correspond to the following numbers: I=1, B=3, A=1, H=6. Sum of numbers: 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11. In accordance with the rule, the number 11 does not add up, and its value determines a highly developed and spiritual personality.

Words we don't need

Let's calculate some words and phrases that we are used to using in ordinary speech, let's try to determine whether they are compatible with the number of your name and your birth. For convenience, we repeat the table with which you can perform the calculation:

1 - A, I, S, B.

2 – B, J, T, Y.

3 - V, K, U, L.

4 – G, L, F, E.

5 – D, M, X, Yu.

6 – E, N, C, Y.

7 – E, O, Ch.

8 – J, P, Sh.

9 – Z, R, Shch.

Now let’s try to find the code for the word “count”: 8 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 3 + 1 = 4. The number 4, on the one hand, is ruled by Mercury, which is responsible for sociability and communication. On the other hand, it is the number of obligations assumed. Thus, by saying “guess” to someone, we actually force the interlocutor to take part in the conversation and force him to commit to some action. That is, “pretending.” Think for yourself, how pleasant is such a responsibility for your partner?

Let’s break down the word “tin”: 8 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 2 + 0 = 2.

In numerology, the main disadvantage of two is that it expresses self-doubt and eternal hesitation. By saying the word “tin”, we thus express our feelings. But at the same time they are rather negative in nature.

Numerology - most interesting science, which will open the doors to mysterious world secrets of the name. We all know that a person’s name has an impact on the fate and character of its bearer. Numerology calculated by date of birth and name will be able to show its true meaning, show the hidden talents and inclinations, aspirations of a person.

Table of correspondence between name letters and numbers:



For example, let’s calculate the name “Tatyana”:

As a result, we get 2+1+2+3+6+6+1= 21, we will reduce this figure to the simple number 2+1=3.

It turns out the number of the name "Tatiana" - 3.

Have you already found out your name number? Let's find out what this number means.

Having calculated numerology by date of birth and name, let’s summarize the results of the calculation:

1. The numerology of this person’s name is rooted in leadership. A person with such a name number is ambitious, ambitious, energetic, courageous, and confident in his abilities. Such people need to occupy leadership positions or run their own business.

2. The person is active, but he needs the help of a partner. People of number 2 are peace-loving, they are oriented towards family values, such people get along well in teams. They need to find themselves in working with people; their professions are teachers, doctors, psychologists.

3. Threes are talented, well-rounded people who love to be the center of attention. They are great optimists, often the life of the party. Their strong point is the world of art, so they will make excellent writers, singers, musicians, and speakers.

4. Stability, reliability, honesty are the main features of fours. Such people are workaholics, prone to painstaking, responsible work, they are very punctual. Fours are excellent accountants, architects, and engineers.

5. Extraordinary, independent people with their own outlook on life. Numerology says about such people that they are not afraid to plunge into the abyss of novelty; they easily abandon outdated stereotypes. Fives constantly strive for intellectual development. Such people will be comfortable working in tourism, law, and journalism.

6. Sixes have a heightened sense of justice, honesty, and responsibility. They are very demanding of themselves, for which they are respected by others. They can be entrusted with any business that requires trust and responsibility. The profession of the owners of names with the calculated number “1” is social workers, educators, doctors.

7. Such a person constantly strives for knowledge, he will collect Interesting Facts, check whether theory corresponds to practice, and loves to share knowledge with others. Since Sevens do not really like physical labor, their professions are philosophers, scientists, and inventors.

8. Eights require attention and recognition. They are in constant pursuit of new victories and achievements. Such people are practical and seek benefits always and everywhere, while expecting recognition in their deeds. The ideal habitat for Eights is finance, commerce, administration, and construction.

9. Man-harmony. He is kind, patient and strives for peace. Such people usually defend the rights of the disadvantaged, they are for world peace. Person Nine will always come to your aid in difficult times. Professions of nines are teachers, nurses, social workers, writers.

We hope that we have lifted the veil of secrecy associated with the calculation of name numerology. Check your name and you might learn something new about yourself.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. Before you send any phrase “in flight, make sure that you are not releasing negative energy into the Universe. Often even seemingly harmless words have it...

Everything we say has a certain vibration. Backed by strong emotions, words can materialize - and bring both joy and sorrow.

Calculate the energy of the words that you often use and think: is it time for you to “cleanse” your speech?

In the Russian alphabet, each letter corresponds to a specific number:

1 - A, I, S, B,

2 - B, J, T, S,

3 - V, K, U, b,

4 - G, L, F, E,

5 - D, M, X, Yu,

6 - E, N, C, I,

7 - Yo, Oh, Ch,

8 - F, P, Sh,

9 - 3, R, Shch.

Add up all the numbers in the word or expression whose energy you want to know, and bring the sum to prime number. For example, the word “okay” (4+1+5+6+7=23. 2+3=5) has the vibration of five.

1. The unit “shows character.” It is a symbol of leadership, ambition, risk and selfishness. Words endowed with the energy of the number 1 often carry a fairly strong negative message. For example, by saying the expression “wow,” you let the Universe know that you don’t need anything. By saying the word of refusal “dismiss”, you fill the space with negative vibrations. The word “war” and the expression “not in life” also have “single” energy.

2. The energy of two is unifying and entirely positive. She charges the words with enthusiasm, warmth and love: “I love”, “God has had mercy”, “wealth”, “welcome”. The word “great” has the same energy - it’s worth saying it more often instead of the popular “cool” (number b) and “cool” (number 5).

3. Three has very strong energy and symbolizes the fulfillment of desires. By pronouncing words with the energy of three, you literally doom them to materialization: “thank you,” “good,” “dear.” Be careful about negative phrases - “threes”, try to pronounce them as rarely as possible (for example, “never in your life”).

4. Four is a symbol of a healthy body, physical strength and beauty. Words - “fours” can affect you and your life in different ways. Everything will depend on what emotions you put into them. For example, the words “I can’t” and “don’t” represent your physical powerlessness, refusal good health and good mood. The words “gloriously” and “endlessly” also have the energy of the four. When admiring the appearance of a person or object, say “wow” or “lovely” - they carry a stronger positive charge.

5. Five is associated with home, family, human development, and life planning. This is a symbol of new knowledge, travel, activity, dynamics. It is better not to use negative phrases - “fives” in this sense: “mess”, “enough”, “don’t like”, “better not.” By saying them, you will not achieve positive changes in the area of ​​responsibility of the five.

6. Six denotes hard work on the path to prosperity. It symbolizes the process of achieving a goal at any cost without regard to one’s own health and state of mind. A clear confirmation of this is the words “nightmare” or “no way.” By assessing what is happening with their help, you send a negative impulse into your own life. If you often pronounce the word “six” “of course”, you risk not achieving your dream. Replace it with the energetically more positive “definitely.”

7. Seven carries the energy of luck, success, and happiness. By pronouncing words in which the vibration of the number 7 is concentrated, you tune the Universe to a favorable attitude towards you. These words include “good” and “excellent.” The energy of the seven is also carried by the word “money”.

8. The number eight as a symbol of infinity gives words positive energy. The word “hello” is just one of its ranks. By greeting someone this way, you wish the person endless health. Based on the sum of the letters, the word “money” also appears in the eight team. By saying it often, you program the space so that your financial source never ran out. The number eight is also a symbol of responsibility and duty. When agreeing to fulfill a request, instead of “yes” (six is ​​negative energy), say “definitely”, and the energy of the eight will help you achieve your goal.

9. Nine is the number of strength and belligerence. Words endowed with the energy of the number 9 remain in the memory of the Universe for a long time. It is difficult to come up with an expression that has a more negative charge than “only over my corpse.” The word “never” also carries extremely negative energy. Think carefully before you swear, otherwise you risk regretting what you said. It is interesting that the word “truth”, which can both heal and wound, gives a nine by the sum of its letters. If you say “truth” (three) instead, then your words will very soon come true.