Thermal insulation works. Types of materials

On this moment All more attention is focused on reducing heat loss in the structures of buildings and structures, in pipelines in industrial equipment, in vehicles etc. The growing interest in this topic is caused by the permanent increase in the cost of non-renewable energy resources.

So, what are thermal insulation works according to SNiP and what are the features of their implementation?

Goals and implementation features

Thermal insulation work is aimed at reducing the degree of thermal conductivity various designs and, as a result, minimizing heat loss and increasing energy efficiency.

Thermal insulation work are divided into:

  1. Construction;
  2. Assembly.

Construction work involves the installation of thermal insulation of buildings, structures and enclosing structures.

Installation work extends to thermal insulation of heating pipelines, refrigeration equipment, heating units, etc.

Types of Insulation Materials

Collection 26, according to GOST 16381-77, subdivides thermal insulating materials according to the following number of main characteristics:

  • in accordance with production raw materials – organic and inorganic;
  • in accordance with the structure - fibrous, loose, granular and cellular;
  • in accordance with the shape - flat (mats, slabs, felt, etc.), loose (perlite and cotton wool), shaped (segments, cylinders, half-cylinders, etc.) and corded.
  • according to the degree of flammability - combustible, difficult to combust and non-combustible.

Installation technology

In accordance with the standard sizes and configuration of the thermally insulated surface, one or another type is selected thermal insulation material and the method of its installation.

The instructions for the manufacture of thermal insulation fences involve the implementation of work using the following methods:

  • laying and fixing large-sized industrial products (blocks, slabs, segments);
  • laying soft roll materials(cords and mats);
  • laying bricks and other small-piece products;
  • pouring and spraying;
  • coating;
  • backfill.

Important: the most labor-intensive at the moment are considered to be thermal insulation work carried out by backfilling and coating.
The main disadvantage of the method is the need to comply with measures that exclude the possibility of self-sealing of the heat-insulating material and, as a result, prevent the formation of voids.

Relatively new methods are pouring and spraying. This type of thermal insulation application has found wide application abroad, while in the post-Soviet space it has been used for the last 10-15 years. During the implementation of such work, polymer materials in the form of curing foam are mainly used.

Thermal insulation work by pouring and spraying is carried out using both polymer compositions that foam and harden during the drying process (for example, polyurethane or phenolic compositions) and pre-made polymer foams prepared by mixing liquid polymers with foaming agents.

Scope of application

The production of thermal insulation works covers almost all areas National economy. Thermal insulation systems are necessary wherever there is a need to minimize heat loss. Be it the construction of a house or the construction of a water supply system, in both cases it is impossible to do without the use of thermal insulation materials.

Important: thermal insulation works, for the most part, are complex measures that, in addition to applying and fixing thermal insulation material, provide for the arrangement of its vapor and waterproofing and the manufacture of means of protection against mechanical impact.

Thermal insulation of pipelines

The installation of vapor and waterproofing is necessary when the thermal insulation layer is permanently moistened, in particular on pipelines located underground or on outdoors. Also, work on thermal insulation of pipelines is required if one of the sides of the thermally insulated structure is exposed to critical temperatures. This rule is relevant for refrigeration units, construction sites located in harsh climatic conditions, etc.

Thermal insulation work on pipelines in this case involves installing a vapor barrier on the warmer side of the insulated structure, since condensation occurs on a cold surface. In order to protect the thermal insulation layer from mechanical damage, the entire structure is lined with dense materials or plastered.

Modern insulation systems in industrial scale, in addition to construction, are used to isolate a wide range of engineering communications, such as pipeline systems for water supply, heating networks, sewerage, oil and gas and process pipelines.

Advantages of modern pipeline insulation

The use of fundamentally new categories of thermal insulation materials allows us to minimize the leakage of thermal energy through the thermal insulation and protective layer.

Despite the not-so-budgetary cost of thermal insulation work, the following qualities:

  • High moisture resistance. This indicator is very important, since the accumulation of moisture in the thickness of the insulation provokes a significant decrease in thermal insulation qualities and the intensive development of corrosion processes on the metal of the pipes.
  • Long service life. Water pipes are characterized by a certain service life, after which it is not possible to use them for their intended purpose. According to statistics, the use of correctly installed thermal insulation allows you to double the service life of pipes without reducing technical and operational characteristics.
  • Protection against condensation. Thermal insulation materials with low vapor permeability are used on pipelines through which technical liquids are transported in a cooled state. The optimal protection against condensation is considered to be a polyurethane foam shell, which is characterized not only by low thermal conductivity, but also by hydrophobicity.

This insulator is a double shell, the cavity of which is filled with polyurethane foam. In addition to polyurethane foam shells, synthetic rubber or polyethylene foam can be used to insulate water pipes.

Among the main requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines, the following should be noted:

  • resistance to the aggressive effects of chemically active substances;
  • increased electrical resistance;
  • resistance against rodents and microorganisms.

The practice of using thermal insulation for water pipes shows that weak electric currents arising on the surface of pipes provoke the development of metal corrosion, which becomes the cause of leaks. Again, chemically aggressive environments, rodents and microorganisms can cause harm to both the thermal insulation shell and the pipes.

However, professional selection of materials and well-implemented thermal insulation measures guarantee a long service life of both the pipes and the insulation itself.

How much does it cost to install thermal insulation?

Have you decided to thermally insulate a residential building, pipeline or other structures with your own hands to save money? It may be possible to save money, but it is much more likely that an unprofessional approach to work will result in excessive consumption of materials and a waste of time.

A completely different result is achieved if thermal insulation work is carried out qualified specialists who have the necessary experience and have all the necessary tools.

Speaking about the criteria that determine the cost of thermal insulation of pipelines, first of all it is necessary to take into account how high the price of the thermal insulating material is.

In addition, the cost of finished insulation and the cost of work on thermal insulation of the pipeline is formed in accordance with such parameters as:

  • ease of installation;
  • scale of work;
  • availability of technological capabilities to ensure pipe protection;
  • location of the object;
  • season.


If you have any questions while reading the material, watch the video in this article.

    Specialists with equal accuracy and 100% quality workmanship can perform work with various materials: galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless steel, as well as thermal insulation for pipes, thermal insulation cylinders, insulation in the form of mats and slabs. Pipeline thermal insulation work include surface preparation, priming, installation of vapor barrier, mineral material, fasteners, galvanizing (at the request of the client).

    Carrying out installation of thermal insulation materials on pipes, industrial, main and routes with various working fluids, we offer additional installation of a thin-sheet metal casing. Its device will allow you to avoid mechanical damage to the internal heat-insulating layer and protect it from direct exposure to moisture. The completed installation of the galvanized shell makes the pipeline aesthetically attractive, convenient for maintenance and care.

    Specify prices for thermal insulation of pipelines and you can get a preliminary estimate of the price by calling the indicated telephone numbers.

    Why should you trust insulation installation professionals? Because when the right approach You can achieve an extension of the service life of the pipes themselves, eliminating ruptures, damage, and corrosion.

    Insulation of buildings inside

    When repairing the facade and insulating it is impossible, or the installation of insulation performed does not bring the expected result, the only effective solution insulation of building walls is installation of reflective thermal insulation. Depending on the wall material, experts select suitable way fastening: with glue, stapler, nails, double-sided tape. All joints are treated with aluminized strips or tape. For finishing works The sheathing is made on top of the insulation. Installation of foil thermal insulation allows you to stop thermal radiation.

    When choosing durable sheet insulation installation of thermal insulation materials is carried out on a pre-prepared profile, after which the slabs are glued to the walls.

    Asters are used in their work only by those adhesive compositions, which are recommended by the thermal insulation manufacturer and have excellent adhesion.

    To find out the preliminary cost of installing thermal insulation indoors, call a specialist.

    Stages of work:

  • You need to call our company to order installation services. At this stage, a master is called, the scope of work is clarified, and the final goals are determined.
  • Thermal insulation is being designed. At this stage it is selected suitable look thermal insulation, methods of pipeline insulation(contractions, walls), the quantity is calculated, drawings, diagrams and other working documentation are made.
  • The cost of work on insulating pipelines (walls, facade, technological equipment), an estimate for completing the order is provided, taking into account or excluding the purchased thermal insulation products.
  • Thermal insulation is being installed. Our specialists implement projects in the shortest possible time.

To order installation of wall insulation, structures, pipelines, call us at the numbers provided.

Installation work

Composition of operations and controls



Controlledoperations Control(method, volume) Documentation
Preparatory work Check:

Availability of a quality document;

Quality of materials and products;

Treatment of pipeline surfaces for insulation.

Visual, measuring, selectively, at least 5% of products

Passports (certificates), acceptance certificate, test report, general work log
Pipeline insulation Control:

Quality of anti-corrosion insulation;

Quality of thermal insulation;

Fastening the main thermal insulation layer with bandages or nets;

The quality of the covering layer.

Visual, measuring

Journal of work,

certificate of inspection of hidden work

Acceptance of completed work Check:

Quality of insulation;

Compliance of materials with project requirements and standards.

Visual, measuring

Acceptance certificate for completed work
Control and measuring tools: metal ruler, probe.
Operational control is carried out by: master (foreman). Acceptance control is carried out by: quality service workers, foreman (foreman), laboratory assistant, representatives of the customer’s technical supervision.

Technical requirements

SNiP 3.04.01-87 pp. 2.32, 2.34, 2.35, table. 7

Permissible deviations:

When installing thermal insulation from rigid products laid dry, it is necessary to ensure:

The gap between the products and the insulated surface is no more than 2 mm;

The width of the seams between products is no more than 2 mm;

Fastening of products - according to the project.

When installing thermal insulation using soft and semi-rigid fibrous products, it is necessary to ensure:

Compaction factor:

for semi-rigid products - no more than 1.2; for soft ones - no more than 1.5;

Tight fit of products to the insulated surface and to each other;

Overlapping longitudinal and transverse seams when insulated in several layers;

Installation of fastenings on horizontal pipelines to prevent sagging thermal insulation.

When installing thermal insulation cover shells, it is necessary to ensure:

Tight fit of shells to thermal insulation;

Reliable fastening using fasteners;

Thorough sealing of flexible casing joints.

When installing an anti-corrosion coating metal pipes it is necessary to check continuity, adhesion to the protected surface, and thickness.

Not allowed:

Mechanical damage;

Sagging layers;

Loose fit to the base.

Requirements for the quality of materials used

GOST 10296-79*. Isol. Technical conditions.

GOST 23307-78*. Heat-insulating mats made of mineral wool, vertically layered. Technical conditions.

GOST 16381-77*. Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Classification and general technical requirements.

GOST 23208-83. Heat-insulating cylinders and half-cylinders made of mineral wool with a synthetic binder.

Isol must be flexible. When bending a strip of I-BD grade Isol at a temperature of minus 15 “C, I-PD grade at a temperature of minus 20 “C on a rod with a diameter of 10 mm, no cracks should appear on the I-BD strip. Isol must be temperature resistant. When heated in a vertical position for 2 hours at a temperature of 150 °C, there should be no increase in length or appearance of swelling. The insulating material must be wound on a rigid core with a diameter of at least 60 mm, made of a material that ensures the safety of the insulating material during transportation and storage. The length of the core should be equal to the width of the web or less than 10 mm. The ends of the insulation roll, as well as the edges of the sheets at the joint of the roll, must be trimmed evenly. The insulating material should not have holes, tears, folds, edge tears, as well as unprocessed rubber particles and foreign inclusions. The lower surface of the insulating material (inner V roll) should be covered with a continuous layer of dusty coating. The insulating material should not be sticky.

Thermal insulation materials and products must meet the following general technical requirements:

Have a thermal conductivity of no more than 0.175 W/(m K) at 25 °C;

Have a density (volumetric mass) of no more than 600 kg/m3;

Possess stable physical, mechanical and thermal properties;

Do not release toxic substances and dust in quantities exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations.

For thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines with an insulated surface temperature above 100 °C, inorganic materials must be used.

Foam diatomite and diatomite thermal insulation products must have the correct geometric shape. Permissible deviations from the perpendicularity of faces and edges should not exceed 3 mm. Defects in appearance are not allowed in products:

Voids and inclusions more than 10 mm wide and deep;

Broken and blunted corners and ribs more than 12 mm deep And
longer than 25 mm;

Through cracks over 30 mm long; products with cracks above
30 mm is considered halfway.

Instructions for carrying out work

SNiP 3.04.01-87 pp. 1.3, 2.1, 2.8-2.9, 2.32, 2.33,

SNiP 3.05.03-85 pp. 6.1, 6.2

Thermal insulation work can begin only after an act (permit) has been issued, signed by the customer and representatives of the installation organization and the organization performing the thermal insulation work.

Insulation work can be carried out at positive temperatures (up to 60 °C) and negative temperatures (up to -30 °C).

Before insulation, the surfaces of pipelines must be cleaned of rust, and those subject to anti-corrosion protection must be treated in accordance with the requirements of the project. Thermal insulation work on pipelines should begin only after they are permanently secured. Insulation of pipelines located in non-passable channels and trays must be performed before they are laid.

At a coolant temperature of up to 140 °C, a two-layer Isol coating with Isol mastic is used to protect the outer surface of heating network pipes from corrosion. The total thickness of the coating is 5-6 mm. For air heating networks with a coolant temperature of up to 140 °C, coatings combined with BT-177 paint and GF-020 primer are used to protect the pipe surface from corrosion. The total coating thickness is 0.15-0.20 mm.

To check the quality of work on the anti-corrosion protection sticker, an incision is made to the metal in an area measuring 200 x 200 x 200. The quality is considered satisfactory if the insulation is separated from the pipe with some force. 5% of pipes are subjected to this pull-out test.

Thermal insulation on pipelines should be secured with bandages. To protect the main layer of thermal insulation from moisture and mechanical damage, it is necessary to use cover shells made of rigid or flexible (non-metallic) materials.

Installation of thermal insulation products must begin from flange connections and fittings and be carried out in the direction opposite to the slope.

During an intermediate check, surfaces prepared for thermal insulation are inspected; with multi-layer thermal insulation, each layer is checked before applying the next one. During the final check of thermal insulation, the uniformity of the insulation thickness along the entire length of the forward and return pipelines is determined.

The thickness of the insulation is checked with a probe. Particular care must be taken to monitor the dosage of cement and asbestos when protecting insulation with asbestos-cement mortar. Excess cement in the asbestos cement mass leads to cracking after hardening and heating.

With the greatest effect in thermal insulation structures industrial equipment and pipelines with positive and negative temperatures the products listed in table can be used. 1 and 2.

Thermal insulation structures for pipelines

For pipelines with outer diameter from 15 to 159 mm incl. for a thermal insulation layer made of tufted mats made of glass staple fiber on a synthetic binder, tufted mats made of mineral and basalt wool, mats made of basalt or glass superfine fiber, the following fastening is used:
for pipelines with an outer diameter of the heat-insulating layer no more than 200 mm - fastening with wire with a diameter of 1.2–2 mm in a spiral around the heat-insulating layer (Fig. 1), while the spiral is fixed on wire rings along the edges of the mats. If mats in covers are used, then the edges of the mat covers are sewn together with glass fiber, silica thread, roving or wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm; for pipelines with an outer diameter of 57 - 159 mm: when laying mats in one layer - with bandages made of 0.7x20 mm tape. The installation step of the bandages depends on the size of the products used, but not more than 500 mm.

When laying mats with a width of 1,000 mm, it is recommended to install the bandages in increments of 450 mm with a distance of 50 mm from the edge of the product. Two bands should be installed on a product with a width of 500 mm (Fig. 2); when laying mats in two layers - with wire rings with a diameter of 2 mm for the inner layer of two-layer structures, bandages - for the outer layer of two-layer heat-insulating structures. Bandages made from 0.7x20 mm tape are installed on the outer layer in the same way as in a single-layer structure.

Black steel bands should be painted to prevent corrosion.
The edges of the facings are sewn together as indicated above. With two-layer insulation, stitching of the edges of the inner layer linings is not performed.
When using molded products, cylinders or segments for thermal insulation of pipelines, they are secured with bandages. Two bands are installed when insulated with cylinders. When insulating by segments, it is recommended to install bandages with a pitch of 250 mm for a product length of 1,000 mm.
For pipelines with an outer diameter of 219 mm or more, the following fastening is used for the heat-insulating layer of mats:
– when laying products in one layer– bandages made of tape 0.7x20 mm and pendants made of wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm. The hangers are located evenly between the bands and are attached to the pipeline. Fiberglass pads are installed under the pendants when using unlined mats (Fig. 3).

When using mats in linings, no backing is installed. The fiberglass covers are stitched together;
when laying products in two layers– rings made of wire with a diameter of 2 mm and pendants made of wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm for the inner layer of two-layer structures. The pendants of the second layer are attached to the pendant of the first layer from below. Bandages made from 0.7x20 mm tape are installed on the outer layer in the same way as in a single-layer structure.
The thermal insulation layer is laid with a thickness seal.
In two-layer structures, the mats of the second layer should overlap the seams of the inner layer.
For pipelines with an outer diameter of 273 mm or more, in addition to mats, mineral wool slabs with a density of 35-50 kg/m 3 can be used, although the optimal area of ​​application is for pipelines with an outer diameter of 530 mm or more. When insulating with slabs, the heat-insulating layer can be fastened with bandages and hangers (Fig. 4).

The location of fastening elements - bands, hangers and rings (with two-layer insulation) is selected taking into account the length of the slabs used. Linings made of rolled fiberglass or roofing felt are installed under the pendants. When using slabs laminated with fiberglass, fiberglass matting, or fiberglass, linings are not installed. The slabs are laid with the long side along the pipeline.
In thermal insulation structures less than 100 mm thick when using metal protective coating Support brackets should be installed on horizontal pipelines.
The brackets are installed on horizontal pipelines with a diameter of 108 mm or more in increments of 500 mm along the length of the pipeline.
For pipelines with an outer diameter of 530 mm or more, three diameter brackets are installed in the upper part of the structure and one at the bottom.
The support brackets are made of aluminum or galvanized steel (depending on the material of the protective coating) with a height corresponding to the thickness of the insulation.
In horizontal thermal insulation structures of pipelines with a diameter of 219 mm or more with positive temperatures, insulation thickness of 100 mm or more, support rings are installed.
For pipelines with negative temperatures, the supporting structures must have gaskets made of fiberglass, wood or other materials with low thermal conductivity to eliminate “cold bridges”.
When insulating with form-stable thermal insulation materials, such as cylinders, segments of mineral wool or fiberglass, as well as mats such as KVM-50 with vertical fiber orientation (manufactured by Isover) or Lamella Mat, supporting structures on horizontal sections are not required.
On vertical pipelines with an outer diameter of up to 476 mm incl. The heat-insulating layer is fastened with bandages and wire rings. To prevent slipping of rings and bandages, wire strings with a diameter of 1.2 or 2 mm should be installed (Fig. 5).

On vertical pipelines with an outer diameter of 530 mm or more, the heat-insulating layer is fastened to a wire frame with the installation of wire strings that prevent the fastening elements (rings, bandages) from slipping.
Rings of wire with a diameter of 2–3 mm are installed along the length of the pipeline on its surface in increments of 500 mm for slabs 1,000 mm long and 500 mm wide and mats 500 and 1,000 mm wide. Bundles of wire ties with a diameter of 1.2 mm are attached to the rings with a step along the arc of the ring of 500 mm (Fig. 6).

There are four ties in a bundle for one-layer insulation and six for two-layer insulation. When using mats with a width of 1,000 mm, the screeds pierce the thermal insulation layers and are secured crosswise. When using mats with a width of 500 mm and slabs with a width of 500 mm, the screeds pass at the joints of the products.
Bandages made of 0.7x20 mm tape with buckles are installed in increments of 2-3 pieces depending on the width of the product. per product (slab or mat 1,000–1,250 mm wide) with single-layer insulation and along the outer layer with double-layer insulation. Instead of bandages, wire rings with a diameter of 2 mm can be installed along the inner layer of two-layer insulation.
When using mats with a width of 500 mm, two bands (or rings) should be installed on the product.
The edges of the mats in the covers are sewn together with 0.8 mm wire or glass fiber, depending on the type of cover.
The strings can be attached to unloading devices, which are installed in increments of 3-4 m in height, or to rings of wire with a diameter of 5 mm, welded to the surface of the pipeline or its other elements.
Unloading devices are installed on vertical pipelines in increments of 3-4 m in height.
When insulating pipelines cold water, pipelines transporting substances with negative temperatures, as well as pipelines of heating networks underground laying For fastening structural elements, galvanized wire, galvanized steel or painted bands should be used.

Designs for thermal insulation of fittings and flange connections

To insulate fittings and flange connections, depending on the material of thermal insulation of the pipeline, both cylinders and pierced mats made of mineral, basalt or glass wool or super-thin basalt fiber can be used.
As a rule, slabs are not used to insulate reinforcement.
For insulation of fittings and flange connections of pipelines, mats can be used in the form of mattresses covered with fiberglass, basalt or silica fabric on all sides. The type of fabric is determined by the temperature of the insulated surface.
A removable metal casing is installed on top of the mattresses, the fastening of which can be carried out by locks welded directly to the casing, or by bandages with locks installed on top of the casing (Fig. 7 and 8).

Mattresses are attached to the insulated surface with bandages with buckles and tied with wire on hooks.
Cylinders and stitched mats covered with metal mesh or fiberglass are used as a heat-insulating layer as part of fully prefabricated heat-insulating structures (cases or half-cases) for insulating fittings and flange connections of pipelines (Fig. 9).

In this case, the mats are installed in a case, pinned onto cotter pins or secured with glue. The case is equipped with bandages or locks. The cases are mounted on flange connections or flange fittings.

Thermal insulation structures for industrial equipment

To insulate equipment, depending on its geometry, slabs of mineral, basalt or glass wool, or super-thin basalt fiber or pierced mats covered with fiberglass and metal mesh can be used.
Canvases made of super-thin basalt fiber or unlined mats for insulating equipment should be used in exceptional cases, if no other material can be provided.
The mats are recommended for insulation of horizontal and vertical equipment with an outer diameter of 530–1,420 mm.
Boards for insulating equipment with a large radius of curvature and for flat surfaces.
For horizontal and vertical devices with outer diameter from 530 to 1420 mm incl. (containers, heat exchangers, etc.) KVM-50 mats and other products with a corrugated structure can be used as a heat-insulating layer, since this does not require the use of supporting structures (on horizontal devices).
Fastening the heat-insulating layer on horizontal devices with an outer diameter of 530 – 1420 mm can be provided with bandages and hangers similar to fastening pipelines (Fig. 10).

To insulate vertical devices with an outer diameter of up to 1,420 mm, the fastening of the thermal insulation layer is mainly provided on a wire frame using wire strings (Fig. 11).

It is recommended to make rings installed on the surface of the devices from wire with a diameter of 2–3 mm in increments of 500 or 600 mm, depending on the size and type of heat-insulating material used. Bundles of wire ties with a diameter of 1.2 mm are attached along the perimeter of the rings at a distance of 400 or 600 mm from each other when insulated with slabs and 500 mm when insulated with stitched mats. The number of ties is determined by the number of thermal insulation layers: 4 for single-layer insulation, 6 for double-layer insulation.
After fixing the heat-insulating layer with screeds, it is planned to install bandages made of 0.7x20 mm tape. Three bands are installed when insulated with slabs and two bands are installed when insulated with mats 1,000 mm wide.

Fastening the thermal insulation layer on devices with a diameter of more than 1,020 mm

On the surface of devices with an outer diameter of more than 530 mm, as a rule, brackets or bushings must be welded to attach the heat-insulating layer. Staples and bushings are welded to the surface of vessels and apparatus at the equipment manufacturer. The location of the brackets is established by the requirements of GOST 17314-81 “Device for fastening thermal insulation of steel vessels and apparatus. Designs and sizes. Technical requirements". Removable parts are installed during installation of thermal insulation.
As a rule, welded parts on vessels and apparatus are placed:
a) on vertical objects: in vertical and horizontal directions with a step of 500 mm. Welding distance of fastening elements from anchor bolts flange connections or welded joints or welds connecting the bottoms (lids) and bodies of vessels and apparatus can be 70-250 mm. On surfaces (bottoms, covers) facing downwards, brackets or bushings are welded in increments of 250x250mm;
b) on horizontal objects:
– in the horizontal direction with a step of 500 mm, departing from the flange connections or welds connecting the bottoms (lids) and bodies of vessels and apparatus, at a distance of 70-250 mm;
– in the vertical direction: on the upper half of the object with a step of 500 mm; on the lower half of the object with a step of 250 mm. The pitch is measured from the plane of the horizontal diameter.
This arrangement of fastening elements causes difficulties when using products with dimensions different from 500x500, 1,000x1,000 or 1,000x500 mm, typical for slabs and mats domestic production, since it requires the use of additional fasteners to secure the heat-insulating material.
Fastening the thermal insulation layer from fibrous materials in insulation structures of vertical and horizontal devices with an outer diameter of more than 1,020 mm, it is recommended to use wire pins with a diameter of 4-5 mm, which are inserted into brackets or bushings welded at the manufacturer.
Thermal insulation products are pinned onto pins, which are then bent. Further fixation of the heat-insulating layer can be carried out by tying the bent pins with wire strings with a diameter of 1.2-2.0 mm and bandages, installed, as a rule, in increments of 500 mm (Fig. 12).

Another step for installing the bands may be provided.
Fastening with bandages (without tying strings) and bandages and rings with two-layer insulation can be provided (Fig. 13 and 14).

In this case, on horizontal devices, rings and bandages are installed in the spaces between the pins with a pitch of 500 mm when insulated with pierced mats and soft slabs. When insulating with canvases made of super-thin basalt fiber, it is recommended to install the bandages in increments of 250 mm.
When insulating vertical devices and placing bandages and rings in the spaces between the pins, wire strings with a diameter of 2 mm are provided to secure them (Fig. 15).

If the bands are installed on pins, then strings are not provided.
For single-layer insulation, single pins are used; with two layers of insulation - double pins. Mats and slabs of the inner layer are pinned onto pins, one end of which is bent. Then inner layer fastened with wire rings with a diameter of 2 mm. The outer thermal insulation layer is secured with pins and bandages made of 0.7x20 mm tape.
The dimensions of welded brackets, single and double pins are regulated by GOST 17314.
In the thermal insulation structures of the bottoms of vertical and horizontal devices, depending on their diameter and configuration, the fastening of the thermal insulation layer made of fibrous heat-insulating materials can be carried out using wire ties and bandages or strings made of wire with a diameter of 2 mm or pins, bandages or strings.

The heat-insulating layer is fastened to the bottoms of devices with a diameter of more than 1,020 mm using pins installed in brackets or bushings, and bandages or strings.

Removable structures can be fully prefabricated - in the form of half-cases or cases, and complete - in the form of mattresses and casings, the type used for insulating fittings (see Fig. 11, 15).
Unloading devices (rings, brackets) with diaphragms are installed at the flange connections and bottoms of vertical devices and in increments of 3-3.6 m along the height of the device. The installation step of unloading devices is determined by the dimensions of the heat-insulating material.
Unloading devices can be welded or with bolted structural elements.
Pins are provided to secure the boards to the insulation surface. Additionally, the plates can be secured with wire with a diameter of 1.2-2 mm (ligation using pins).
In thermal insulation structures of the bottoms of vertical and horizontal devices using thermal insulating mats and slabs, depending on their diameter and configuration, the fastening of the thermal insulating layer of mats or slabs can be carried out using wire ties and bandages or strings made of wire with a diameter of 2 mm, or with pins, bandages or strings.
As a rule, one end of the bandages and strings is attached to a wire ring welded or tied around the pipe, and the other to a wire or support ring (unloading device), which are installed at the bottom (see Fig. 11).
Hatches and flange connections of devices are subject to periodic inspection and therefore removable heat-insulating structures are used for them.
Removable structures can be fully assembled - in the form of semi-cases or cases, and complete - in the form of mattresses and casings.
As a heat-insulating layer in fully prefabricated structures (half-cases), it is recommended to use stitched mats covered with metal mesh or fiberglass.
In this case, as a rule, mats of the MM-50, MM-75 or MS-50, MS-75 brands are attached with cotter pins to metal surface casing. The edges of the metal mesh or fiberglass are embedded inside the metal casing and sewn with wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm.
The half-case is equipped with locks or bandages. The half-cases are installed on flanges on top of the thermal insulation of the device and fastened together. The dimensions and number of half-cases are determined by the dimensions of the flange connection.
For flange diameters greater than 1.5 m, it is preferable to use a complete thermal insulation structure in the form of mattresses and removable casings.
As part of complete structures, it is recommended to use mats in the form of mattresses with fiberglass or silica fabric coverings on all sides. To make mattresses, it is recommended to use mats without covers, which are wrapped in fiberglass (basalt, silica), the edges of the fiberglass are stitched. Mattresses are stitched with glass thread, silica thread or wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm. When using mats with fiberglass covers, the edges of the mats are additionally covered with fiberglass.
Mats in silica fabric stitched with silica thread or wire can be used at temperatures of the insulated surface up to 750 °C.
Mattresses are secured to the insulated surface with bandages with buckles.
When insulating flange connections of large-diameter devices, hooks are sewn to the mattresses. For large diameter flange connections, two or more mattresses may be provided around the perimeter of the flange. When installing mattresses on a flange connection, the hooks are connected with wire (lace), and then bandages are installed on top of the mattresses.
The thermal insulation layer is covered with a removable metal casing, which can be fastened with locks welded directly to the casing, or with bands with locks installed on top of the casing.
For devices, as a rule, metal coatings are provided as a covering layer. For the manufacture of coating elements (covering layer), sheets or strips of aluminum and aluminum alloys, thin-sheet galvanized or roofing (painted), or thin-sheet stainless steel, metal-plastic. The thickness of the coating sheets is from 0.8 to 1.2 mm.
Fastening of the cover layer of thermal insulation of horizontal devices is carried out with self-tapping screws 4x12 s anti-corrosion coating or rivets. Screw (rivet) installation pitch: horizontally 150 – 200 mm, circumferentially – 300 mm (Fig. 17).

To speed up installation, the elements of the protective coating can be connected using recessed folds 8–10 mm wide (section G-G) into large-sized pictures.
To impart rigidity to the thermal insulation coating structure, the coating elements are ridged at the ends horizontally and circumferentially with a ridge radius of approximately 5 mm. The covering must be supported by support rings or other welded support elements.
Support rings ( section A-A) are made from tape 2x30, 3x30, 2x40 or 3x40 mm. Metal support structures for thermal insulation of objects with positive surface temperatures must have low thermal conductivity elements to reduce the temperature on the surface of the protective coating in contact with them. As a rule, supports or spacers made of asbestos cardboard are used.
For vertical devices, as well as for horizontal ones, metal coatings are used. Metal sheets can be collected into pictures. As a rule, joining sheets with a lying seam is used.
The cover layer of vertical devices is also secured with self-tapping 4x12 screws with anti-corrosion coating or rivets. Screw (rivet) installation pitch: vertically 150 - 200 mm, horizontally - no more than 300 mm (Fig. 2 and 18).

Thermal insulation of gas ducts and rectangular air ducts

For thermal insulation of gas ducts rectangular section recommended to use thermal insulation boards. The heat-insulating layer can be fastened using pins (welded, plug-in) and bandages (or wire rings) (Fig. 18 and 19).

At the corners of the thermal insulation of rectangular gas ducts, metal linings made of coating material are installed under the bandages or wire rings replacing them.
As a rule, gas ducts have significant fins. If the height of the stiffeners is greater than the thickness of the thermal insulation, then they should be insulated. The design of the insulation depends on the configuration of the fins. Pins, studs, staples and other elements for fastening thermal insulation and coating can be welded to the ribs.
When insulating air ducts supply ventilation The heat-insulating layer of slabs can be fastened with pins, wire rings and strings, or by gluing with bitumen mastics.
Can be used as supporting elements under the coating wooden blocks or structural fiberglass elements that are attached to metal brackets.
Instead of metal brackets, a frame made of wooden blocks installed on the surface of the air duct can be used. In this case, the metal covering layer is attached to the frame with screws.
A vapor barrier layer is installed over the thermal insulation layer. It is also recommended to place the joints of the vapor barrier layer on the bars (elements) of the frame.
When used as a heat-insulating layer of slabs or mats coated with foil on one side, the joints of heat-insulating products must be glued with aluminum tapes with an adhesive layer. These tapes can also be used as bandages for attaching the thermal insulation layer of foil-coated boards and mats.
If welding of pins to the air duct is not allowed, then wire welding can be used frame construction, as when insulating pipelines. Metal bands made from 2x30 or 3x30 mm tape with pins welded to them can be used. Such bandages are installed on the surface of the air duct and fastened together with bolts and nuts.
When insulating supply ventilation air ducts, a vapor barrier layer is installed.
To prevent damage to the vapor barrier layer from polyethylene film or aluminum foil when using a metal coating with screw fastening, it is recommended to install a protective layer 15-20 mm thick made of fibrous materials (Fig. 20).

Canvas or needle-punched fiberglass fabric or other materials having a small thickness can be used. Other design solutions can be used, for example fastening the covering with strips.

Thermal insulation of steel vertical cylindrical tanks

For thermal insulation of tanks for storing oil and petroleum products, it is recommended to use thermal insulation boards made of mineral and glass wool. The plates are attached to the tank wall with pins welded at intervals of 600x600 or 400x400 mm.
To fasten the metal covering, support structures made of vertically located steel angles or strips can be provided. The protective covering is secured with screws. Elements of the protective coating can be combined into patterns.
A frame made of wooden blocks can also be provided. The covering layer is attached with screws to the frame made of wooden blocks vertically and with screws horizontally (Fig. 20).
The installation step of the supporting structures is determined by the dimensions of the protective coating elements and heat-insulating boards.
Additional fastening of the plates may be provided by tying the pins with wire (in the form of rings or crosswise).
Support shelves must be provided along the height of the tank to prevent the thermal insulation layer from slipping. In the place where the support shelves are installed, there are also expansion joints in the cover layer.
To insulate tanks, mats lined with metal mesh can also be used. The welding pitch of the pins is 500x500 mm.
If bandages are welded to the surface of the tank with a pitch of 3 m, then a design of hanging mattresses made of mats with a heat-insulating layer of mats stitched in linings on both sides made of fiberglass or fiberglass mesh can be used (Fig. 21).

Hinged mattresses must have hooks for attaching to bandages (Fig. 22).

The mattresses are suspended from bandages and attracted to the surface of the tank by rings of wire with a diameter of 2 mm. The installation pitch of the rings should be 500 mm along the length of the mattress (along the height of the tank).
It is recommended to sew the joints of mattresses with wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm.
In this case, the roof of the tank must be insulated with mats that are laid between guides made of steel angle welded to the roof. Instead of a corner, strings made of wire with a diameter of 5 mm can be provided, while the mats are fastened to the strings with wire with a diameter of 2 mm, and the cover layer is secured with clamps.
When insulating cold water tanks, the insulation structure made from fibrous materials must have a vapor barrier layer made of polyethylene film, aluminum foil or foil materials.
When using materials with a closed-porous structure (foam glass, foam rubber), a vapor barrier layer is not installed.

When laying pipelines prerequisite is to perform work on thermal insulation of networks. This applies to all pipelines - not only water supply, but also sewerage systems. The need for this is due to the fact that winter time Water passing through pipes may freeze. And if coolant circulates through the communications, this leads to a decrease in its temperature. To minimize heat loss, when laying pipelines they resort to installing a heat-insulating layer. What materials and methods can be used for thermal insulation of networks - this will be discussed in this article.

Thermal insulation of pipelines: ways to solve the problem

Provide effective protection for pipeline systems from factors external environment mainly on the outside air temperature, it is possible if you take the following measures:

Since the last method is most often used, it makes sense to talk about it in more detail.

Standards for thermal insulation of pipelines

Requirements for thermal insulation of equipment pipelines are formulated in SNiP. IN regulatory documents contained detailed information about materials, which can be used for thermal insulation of pipelines, and in addition methods of work. In addition, in regulatory documents standards for thermal insulation contours are indicated, which are often used to insulate pipelines.

  • regardless of the temperature of the coolant, any pipeline system must be insulated;
  • Both ready-made and prefabricated structures can be used to create a thermal insulation layer;
  • Corrosion protection must be provided for metal parts pipelines.

It is desirable to use a multilayer circuit design when insulating pipelines. It must include the following layers:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • protection made of dense polymer, non-woven fabric or metal.

In some cases reinforcement can be built, which eliminates the collapse of materials, and in addition prevents pipe deformation.

Note that most of The requirements contained in regulatory documents concern the insulation of high-power main pipelines. But even in the case of installing household systems, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with them and take them into account when installing water supply and sewerage systems on your own.

Materials for thermal insulation of pipelines

Currently offered on the market big choice materials that can be used to insulate pipelines. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in addition, application features. For the right choice heat insulator needs to know all this.

Polymer insulation

When the task is to create effective system thermal insulation of pipelines, most often attention is paid to foam-based polymers. A large assortment allows you to select suitable material, thanks to can provide effective protection from the external environment and eliminate heat loss.

If we talk in more detail about polymer materials, the following can be distinguished from those available on the market.

Polyethylene foam.

The main characteristic of the material is low density. In addition, it is porous and has a high mechanical strength. This insulation is used for the manufacture of cylinders with a cut. Their installation can be carried out even by people far from the field of thermal insulation of pipelines. However, this material has one drawback: structures made of polyethylene foam, wear out quickly and in addition to this they have poor heat resistance.

If polyethylene foam cylinders are selected for thermal insulation of pipelines, then Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to their diameter. It must match the diameter of the collector. Taking this rule into account when choosing an insulation design, it is possible to exclude spontaneous removal of polyethylene foam casings.

Expanded polystyrene.

The main feature of this material is elasticity. It is also characterized by high strength indicators. Protective products for thermal insulation of pipelines made from this material are produced in the form of segments that resemble a shell in appearance. Special locks are used to connect parts. They have tongues and grooves, which ensure quick installation of these products. The use of polystyrene foam shells with technical locks eliminates the occurrence of “cold bridges” after installation. In addition, during installation there is no need to use additional fasteners.

Polyurethane foam.

This material is used mainly for pre-installed thermal insulation of heating network pipelines. However, it can also be used to insulate household pipeline systems. This the material is available in the form of foam or shell, which consists of two or four segments. Spray insulation provides reliable thermal insulation with high degree tightness. The use of such insulation is most suitable for communication systems with a complex configuration.

When using polyurethane foam in the form of foam for thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks, you need to know that it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in order for the insulating layer to last a long time, it is necessary to ensure its protection. To do this, apply a layer of paint on top of the foam or lay a non-woven fabric with good permeability.

Fibrous materials

Insulation materials of this type are mainly represented by mineral wool and its varieties. At present They are the most popular among consumers as insulation. Materials of this type are also in high demand, like polymer materials.

Thermal insulation made using fiber insulation has certain advantages. These include the following:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • resistance of the thermal insulation material to aggressive substances such as acids, alkalis, oil;
  • the material is able to maintain a given shape without an additional frame;
  • the cost of insulation is quite reasonable and affordable for most consumers.

Please note that during work on thermal insulation of pipelines with such materials fiber compression must be avoided when laying insulation. It is also important to ensure that the material is protected from moisture.

Products made from polymer and mineral wool insulation for thermal insulation in some cases can be covered with aluminum or steel foil. The use of such screens reduces heat dissipation.

Multilayer structures for pipeline protection

Often, to insulate pipelines, thermal insulation is installed using the “pipe-in-pipe” method. When using this scheme, a heat-protective casing is installed. The main task of the specialists installing such a circuit is to correctly connect all the parts into a single structure.

Upon completion of the work, the result is a design that looks like this:

  • a metal pipe or polymer material. She happens to be load-bearing element the entire device;
  • The thermal insulation layers of the structure are made of foamed polyurethane foam. The material is applied using pouring technology; the molten mass is filled into a specially created formwork;
  • protective casing. Pipes made of galvanized steel or polyethylene are used for its manufacture. The first ones are used for laying networks in open space. The latter are used in cases where pipeline systems are laid in the ground using ductless technology. In addition, often when creating this type of protective casing, insulation based on polyurethane foam copper conductors are laid, the main purpose of which is remote monitoring of the condition of the pipeline, including the integrity of the thermal insulation layer;
  • If the pipes arrive at the installation site in assembled form, then the welding method is used to connect them. Specialists use special heat-shrinkable cuffs to assemble the heat-protective circuit. Or overhead couplings can be used, made on the basis of mineral wool, which are covered with a layer of foil.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of pipelines

There are a number of factors on which the technology for creating a thermal insulation layer on pipelines may depend. One of the most important is how the collector is laid - outside or in the ground.

Insulation of underground networks

To solve the problem of ensuring thermal protection of buried communications, insulation work is carried out in the following order:

Thermal insulation of external pipeline

In accordance with existing standards, pipelines located on the surface of the earth are thermally insulated as follows:

  • insulation work begins with all parts being cleaned of rust;
  • Next, the pipes are treated with an anti-corrosion compound. After that proceed to installing a polymer shell followed by pipe wrapping roll insulation from mineral wool;
  • Please note that a layer of polyurethane foam can be used to cover the structure, or the structure can be covered with several layers of heat-insulating paint;
  • The next step is to wrap the pipe as in the previous option.

Along with fiberglass, other materials can be used, for example, foil film with polymer reinforcement. When this work is completed, the structures are secured using steel or plastic clamps.

Thermal insulation pipelines is an important task that must be carried out when laying communications. There are many materials and technologies for its implementation. Having chosen the appropriate method of thermal insulation, you must adhere to the work technology. In this case heat loss will be minimal, and in addition, the pipeline structure will be protected from various factors, which will have a positive effect on their service life.