Thuja occidentalis Smaragd and Brabant differences. Using thuja brabant in garden design

One of the members of the cypress family, Thuja Brabant is considered almost ideal for decorating any area, as a single tree or to create a magnificent hedge. Of all the species of this plant, the Western Brabant is the most popular and loved, as it has remarkable qualities.

The tree looks like a cypress, the height and shape of the crown are similar, but it has an undoubted advantage over its gentle brother. Today it is grown throughout the country, even quite healthy and beautiful plants can be found in Siberian cities. Many gardeners, when planning their future garden, are happy to set aside space for this exotic plant.

Positive qualities of thuja

Many are attracted by the rapid growth and splendor of the needles. In addition, it is characterized by frost resistance. Usually, in middle lane grows to a maximum of two tens of meters. Due to this, it is often used as a hedge. The compactness of the crown and the almost unchanged color are attractive.

Color can vary from light green to emerald with a golden tint. It is also characterized by unpretentiousness, which only increases interest on the part of plant growers. It can grow in dry and waterlogged soil, but fertile soil with good but moderate watering is considered the most favorable.


Thuja occidentalis brabant is considered to be native to East Asia, it also grows in North America. The survival rate in other places is good. Existing variety Golden Brabant is recognized as the tallest (height - 20 m, crown width - about 4 m.

Trees live for almost 150 years. The shape is conical, with light green needles, the scales of which look upward. For those planted in the middle zone, the usual height is up to 6 m. In this case, the crown can be a meter high.
Flowering occurs in May. The fruits are small cones. The bark does not look like normal bark; it peels off, sometimes in the form of ribbons.


The purposes for purchasing thuja are different. Some people dream of an evergreen hedge, while others like a plant in full height. In any case, planting and care should be carried out according to rules that are not difficult to follow.

Even an inexperienced person can cope with this task. The main thing is to maintain the recommended distance. It depends on the composition of the soil; if it is rich, then there should be about a meter between seedlings in a row. If the soil is poorer, then 80 cm is sufficient. For a two-row dense hedge, an interval of 70 cm is required.


This type of planting requires more space. Trees need to be given space, so the distance between them is up to 8 m.
It is preferable to plant thuja in autumn period, but so that it can take root before the weather gets colder. This method will also save the gardener from excessive watering. The baby planted in this way will meet spring with new vigor.

For the first two years, it is advisable to protect the plant from scorching rays, and send it well covered in winter. Having reached a height of 1.5 m, the thuja is able to cope with natural vagaries on its own.

How to plant thuja correctly

First you need to take care of the supporting cast. What will you need?

  • foliage, turf in 2 parts,
  • sand, peat, humus 1 hour each,
  • nitroammophoska - 0.5 per seedling.

A hole is dug along the thuja with a diameter of 1 m to a depth of 0.7 m. Drainage is laid and soil is poured. The tree is planted so as to completely cover the root collar with soil. If the soil is too dense, the drainage layer is increased to 0.2 m. This will help avoid excess moisture.

At first, small thujas Brabant require regular watering. In the future it will not be so important.
In spring, green pets need feeding (organic + minerals). Usually they take 100 g per square meter. Loosening and removal of dried or frozen branches are also required.

If a haircut is necessary, it is better to plan it for August and early spring. The cut should be a third of the length of the shoot, without damaging the bark, which will then take a long time to heal. It is advisable to carry out this procedure on a cloudy or cloudy day to avoid sunburn.


Like all conifers, Thuja Brabant is sick, so proper care can help you avoid them. If, nevertheless, the tree is exposed to disease or is overcome by pests, it is worth resorting to drugs.

Sometimes yellowing is due to poor watering or sunburn. In another case, the presence of brown spots indicates that the tree or bush is suffering from cercospora. Increasing watering and removing all diseased branches will help to cope with this.

Smaragd and Brabant: what is the difference

At first glance, both types of thuja are almost the same, but you shouldn’t rush to choose. You need to decide what exactly your tree is being planted for. If the goal is to acquire a hedge as quickly as possible, then it is worth considering that the emerald grows slower than its fellow, although both of them are tall.

The emerald has a denser, cone-shaped crown that does not branch much. The color remains dark green in winter. This type of haircut is also done less frequently. Thinking about the differences between Emerald and Brabant, you should not forget that caring for them is almost the same, although the external indicators are slightly different, as the photo shows well.

Thuja Brabant will perfectly complement any local area. It will decorate with a bright hedge, fill the air with healing phytoncides, and give the opportunity to create and create something new.

A summer cottage or garden plot is not only a way to obtain fruits, berries and vegetables. Planning your vegetable world, gardeners do not forget about the important decorative component.

Even in a limited space there is always room for flowers and ornamental shrubs who create amazing compositions. Any gardener can form them, even those who do not know the techniques. landscape design.

An excellent material for this will be coniferous plants - thuja. Their diversity will allow any owner’s idea to come true. The area will be transformed. Evergreens will decorate it all year round.

Of interest is the tallest and fastest growing variety - Brabant.

Short description

The foreign coniferous thuja moved to Europe from North America and East Asia. It caught on quite quickly and became popular.

This was facilitated by its unpretentiousness and excellent winter-hardy qualities. It thrives wherever there is moderate light and moisture.

The long-lived shrub has a dense crown. It amazes with its variety of shapes and colors.

For beginning gardeners and those who want to replace wooden hedges with green ones, the thuja occidentalis Brabant variety will be indispensable. This is the tallest plant.

Good to know: Thuja Brabant grows quickly, this allows you to quickly form the intended composition. Over the course of a year, the ephedra grows 30 or 40 centimeters. The density and splendor of the bush is achieved by regular pruning.

Its height can reach 20 meters. The diameter of the columnar conical crown grows up to 4 meters. The characteristics of the plant are as follows:

  • needles – scaly, dark green;
  • bark - rough, brown;
  • branches are long, vertically oriented.

Planting and care

Landing is easy. Suitable for both spring and autumn.

Ephedra is popular, so seedlings can be purchased at any nursery. Thuja Brabant is undemanding soil composition. But preference should be given to loams.

It is useful to know that when forming a vegetable hedge, Brabant is planted at a distance of seventy or one hundred centimeters from each other. The area must be protected from drafts.

The pit method of planting trees is used. Size seat depends on the condition and volume of the root system. It should be freely placed in the prepared pit. Its bottom is filled with a layer of crushed stone. A twenty-centimeter layer will serve as good drainage.

Gardening advice: Thuja seedlings will require well-heated soil.

p<>The soil mixture for planting Brabant must be fertile. A tree characterized by intensive growth will require increased nutrition. Lack of nutrients has a negative impact on appearance ephedra

The seedling is positioned so that the root collar is exactly at the ground level. After planting, regular moderate watering is performed. Enhanced growth 1-2 years after planting is provided with fertilizing.

In the spring, mineral fertilizers containing magnesium are applied. Ephedra responds well to mulching with peat. It wouldn't hurt to add compost.

Further care consists of weeding and removing weeds. Watering is moderate. Haircut required.

Crown formation

Western Thuja Brabant is a cypress with intensive growth.

To ensure that the green composition does not lose its intended shape and density, regular haircuts are performed. It is carried out in several periods:

  • first stage – June 7-10;
  • second stage – August 14-20.

You should know that it is unacceptable to cut thuja branches to the ground. A slight shortening of the regrown shoots will be sufficient. The event itself must be planned for cloudy days or in the evening.

Most often used for elegant hedges and curtains western thuja Emerald. This plant has graceful emerald needles. To form a hedge, you can use plantings of thuja Brabant or Smaragd. What's better?

Each plant is attractive in its own way. The difference between the western thuja variety Golden Smaragd is that its height reaches 4 meters. Thuja is characterized by very slow growth.

Such plants are planted at a distance of 80 cm. The curtains from Smaragd practically do not grow. The slow growth of the plant allows you to reduce the number of forming haircuts.

Take note: to create more powerful garden forms, arches, arbors, hedges and curtains, it is better to use Thuja Brabant. Properties of the plant for more a short time will allow you to form an amazing dense green configuration of any size.

The plant world is amazing. Thuja western varieties Brabant is a tool that will help you create a unique garden filled with subtle pine aroma and the beauty of green forms.

The capabilities of intensively growing ephedra allow short term form entire sculptures. Reviews from gardeners say that when a hedge grows, it becomes an impassable barrier. At the same time, coniferous plantings fill the air with phytoncides.

For an overview of thuja occidentalis Brabant, see next video:

Thuja - evergreen tree or shrub of the Cypress family. This plant is ideal for creating a hedge that pleases with freshness and brightness. green even in snowy winter. Currently, thuja is often used in landscape design, due to the lush shape of the needles and the unpretentiousness of the plant.

Common varieties of thuja

There are several types of this plant, but there are several varieties that are most popular in landscape design:

  • Thuja Danica is a spherical shrub. It grows very slowly and reaches 80 cm in height. It should be used to decorate small garden areas or patios.
  • Smaragd is a tree of the Cypress family, with a broadly conical crown shape. The height of the plant reaches 5 m. The tree grows slowly, but is quite wind-resistant. Used by landscape designers to decorate park areas and personal plots.
  • Thuja Brabant, whose hollow qualities will be described below, is a fast-growing tree with lush needles, the most popular among the population.
  • Thuja Golden Brabant is another variety of thuja, with yellow-green needles and dense branches.

Popular evergreen tree

This plant is quite common in our latitudes and is known for the tart aroma of seaside boulevards and parks. Thuja Brabant is a frost-resistant tree, reaching a height of about 4 m. The plant grows quite quickly, and its growth is about 15 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height. The growth rate makes this plant the most preferred for planting hedges in park areas or summer cottages, because thanks to this property, you can create a beautiful evergreen living fence in a fairly short time.

The crown is branched, but at the same time compact and can reach the ground. The color of the needles is light green, sometimes acquiring a golden tint at the ends. A special advantage of this variety of thuja is that the color of the needles does not change in winter.

Advantages of a coniferous beauty

Thuja Brabant has received well-deserved respect from many gardeners and landscape designers, due to the many advantages of this coniferous plant. The main advantage is rapid growth. This tree can also grow in very wet or dry soil. But the most lush and bright green crown is obtained if you plant the plant in fertile soil and do not forget about watering.

Another advantage of thuja is that it does not have to be planted in the shade or in the light. But this plant still prefers sunny side, on which its growth and crown splendor increases. The frost resistance of the plant allows you to create a hedge of coniferous trees even in the northern regions, and such a fence will delight you with rich flowers in winter weather. Long known healing properties this plant. Thuja Brabant releases phytoncides that disinfect the air, killing germs.

Hedge - decoration of the site

With this decorative tree you can quickly and easily hide an ordinary fence behind a wall of a group of plants, which is especially suitable for impatient gardeners. Thuja West Brabant tolerates pruning perfectly, thanks to which you can create flat wall or trim trees as you wish.

A hedge can surround a lawn or a garden gazebo. Playground, surrounded by decorative coniferous trees, will create unique comfort and will be pleasing to the eye. A special advantage of living fences made of ornamental plants is that they can be made with my own hands, and a thick and impenetrable wall will reliably hide the yard from prying eyes.

Creating a hedge on a personal plot

Thuja Brabant will delight you with its beautiful and lush green color all year round. Even a beginner in gardening can create a hedge from this plant. First of all, you should correctly calculate the distance between the trees. To create a dense hedge, it is recommended to plant plants in a row with a distance of at least 80 cm. If the soil is fertile enough, then you should retreat up to 1 m between the trees. When planting an alley, you can allow a spacing of 5-8 m between the trees. To create a hedge in two rows it is necessary to maintain an interval between them of 50-70 cm.

Planting thuja better in autumn. During this time, it will have time to take root before frost, and the rainy season will eliminate unnecessary watering, and in the spring the tree will begin to grow with renewed vigor. In the first few years, it is better to cover young plants with an awning from the scorching sun, and in the winter to cover them from frost with breathable material. Once the hedge reaches 1.5 m in height, it will become sun and frost resistant.

How to plant thuja correctly

Before planting a plant, the main rule should be taken into account - the roots must be dried, but not disturbed by the earthen ball on them. Thuja Brabant, the planting of which requires some rules, will be grateful if the auxiliary staff is prepared in advance. To do this, mix two parts of sheet or turf land, as well as one part each of peat, sand and humus. To improve the effect, you can add 0.5 kg of nitroammophoska to each tree.

The planting hole should be 70 cm deep and 1 m in diameter. Before planting, you need to put drainage and prepared soil in it. Next, the seedling is deepened to the required depth, trying to ensure that the root collar is completely covered with soil, and the roots and trunk do not change their location. If the soil is dense enough, then the amount of drainage layer should be increased to 20 cm, because stagnation of moisture can lead to plant diseases.

Mandatory plant care

The tree must be watered abundantly and constantly in the first months after planting. Mature plant almost does not need watering, if available sufficient quantity groundwater. In spring, it is better to feed the trees with organic matter and minerals at the rate of 100-120 g/m2. In spring it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove dry shoots.

It is better to trim the plant in the spring, as well as in mid-August. It is better to choose cloudy days for this to avoid burns of shoots hidden under the crown. You should not trim the plant down to the bark, as this will take a long time for it to become overgrown.

It is optimal to cut 1/3 of the length of the shoots. That's all the attention that Thuja Brabant needs. Caring for plants grown at home is more demanding.

First of all, the plant requires shade and a temperature of 10 to 15 °C. In summer, you can place the pot with the seedling outside in a cool and shaded place. Regular but moderate watering, as well as fertilizing with minerals, should be mandatory. If the air in the room is dry, then the needles should be sprayed with warm water.

Tree propagation at home

Thuja occidentalis Brabant propagates not only from seeds, but also by cuttings. At the same time, the cutting process is more preferable, because this is the only way to save time and the characteristics of the variety. For this, it is necessary to use lignified shoots that are 2-3 years old, at least 40 cm long, or semi-lignified growth, cut in June of this year, the length of which has reached 20 cm. The cuttings must be cut in such a way that a piece of old wood remains at the base.

Next, it is necessary to treat the shoots with a solution of heteroauxin and plant them in a greenhouse with a pre-prepared soil composition consisting of: equal parts peat, river sand and turf soil, the planting depth should be 1.5-2.5 cm. Plants must be sprayed and ventilated. At the end of autumn, established cuttings need to be insulated with sawdust or leaves, and in frosty conditions they should be wrapped in film.

Diseases of coniferous beauty

Yellowing and falling of needles can be caused by insufficient watering, burns from direct sunlight or severe winter frosts. In this case, there is no need to panic, but if the plant continues to be covered with brown spots, then it may be infected with Phomopsis or Cercospora. Then it is worth pruning diseased shoots and increasing watering of the plant.

Thuja Brabant - great choice for landscape design. With its help you can create not only a hedge, but also trim trees to an unusual geometric shape, such as balls, spirals or animal shapes. A special advantage of this plant is its ease of care and a fairly affordable price that families can afford even on a modest budget.

Rare landscape design personal plot or does the park do without the popular, rich and simply beautiful plant– tui. Many people fell in love with it for the wonderful aroma of pine needles, its pliability to cutting and, of course, for its bright greenery, pleasing with its purity and freshness all year round. This plant of the cypress family has 5 species in its genus:

  • Korean thuja;
  • thuja occidentalis;
  • thuja gigantea;
  • thuja japonica.

Thuja occidentalis Brabant is perhaps one of the most preferred conifers by gardeners.

Description of the variety

Thuja Brabant is one of the varieties of thuja occidentalis, with a conical crown shape. Her distinctive feature is quite fast growing and evergreen needles. The annual growth of the tree is on average 30 cm in height and 10 cm in width.

Western thuja came to us from Atlantic coasts North America, where natural conditions the plant grows up to 20 m in height. In our latitudes, Thuja Brabant reaches a maximum of 4 meters.

The plant blooms in April - May, the cones are small, only 1 cm, oval or ovoid in shape.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many domestic gardeners are amateurs and landscape designers They prefer this particular variety of thuja due to the following advantages:

  • fast growth;
  • ease of care;
  • frost resistance;
  • ease of reproduction;
  • pliability to haircut.

However, due to such rapid growth, the plant will have to be trimmed 2-3 times a year. Although thuja is generally unpretentious in its maintenance, however, in the first time after planting it requires care and regular abundant watering, until three times in Week.

Also young plant in winter it will be necessary to cover it, and to prevent lumps of sticky, wet snow from spoiling the shape of the tree, tie the branches to the trunk with twine or rope.

How to plant correctly in open ground

Pledge successful landing V open ground Thuja occidentalis Brabant lies in compliance with several conditions:

  • it is necessary to choose the landing time correctly;
  • choose a planting site favorable for the plant;
  • prepare an auxiliary substrate for the soil;
  • correctly plant the plant in open ground, taking into account all the features of its growth and development.

1. Choosing the landing time

Planting thuja Brabant in open ground better in spring, but it is possible in early autumn. It should be noted that the plant must be planted at least a month before the first frost, so that the tree has time to take root safely.

2. Site selection and soil preparation

To grow healthy beautiful tree, with lush, dense needles, it is better to choose a place for planting that is not very shaded, but even in the bright sun all day long the thuja will not be comfortable. Light partial shade of water is the key to success in choosing the location of this plant.

Thuja Brabant can, in principle, grow in any soil, but in a nutritious, pre-prepared substrate the plant will feel much better, take root faster, and will delight you with its rich greenery all year round.

To prepare nutritious soil for planting thuja, you should take two parts of soil, and one part each of sand, peat, and humus. Gardeners also recommend pouring 500 grams of nitroammophosphate into the hole under each tree.

3. The process of planting in open ground

Before planting the plant in the ground, the roots should be slightly dried without destroying the earthen clod on them. The width and depth of the planting hole depends on the size of the plant’s root system; on average, you need to dig a hole meter by meter.

Place drainage at the bottom broken bricks or expanded clay. Deepen the seedling by sprinkling and compacting it with soil, while the root collar should be flush with the ground, and the roots and tree trunk should not change their location. Within a month after planting, the plant must be watered quite often at the rate of 10–15 liters per week.


There are two ways to propagate thuja occidentalis Brabant at home:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Woody 2-3 year old shoots are suitable as cuttings. They are cut in the spring, about 40 cm long. The cuttings are placed one at a time in a jar of water until roots form. Once the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a pot, and in the fall they can be transferred to open ground for the winter.

When planting a cutting, you need to place it in a hole so that the leaves at the base are located at least 5 cm above the soil level. After the thuja cutting is planted, it should be watered thoroughly, adding soil if necessary if it shrinks.

3 pegs are installed around the planted plant and tied with tape, so that in windy weather the young tree sways, thereby strengthening the trunk, but does not break.

While the root system is forming and developing, the thuja occidentalis Brabant requires regular watering. In the future, the tree will need to be watered only in dry, hot weather.


When purchasing a Western Brabant thuja seedling in a store, experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  1. The condition of the plant's needles. If the branches have become fragile and break off at the slightest touch, and the needles fall off, then most likely the plant has died. The thing is that after death, a tree can retain its original appearance for up to 3 weeks.
  2. You should not buy thuja if the soil in its pot is completely dry. If the earthen clod dries out excessively, the plant may begin to irreversible consequences, and it will no longer be possible to “cast”, as is the case with deciduous trees.
  3. If possible, you need to carefully examine plant roots, the tips of the root should be light and always juicy.

1. Soil and fertilizers

Thuja occidentalis Brabant is absolutely not fussy about soil. Both peat and loamy soil and dry sandy loam are suitable for its development and growth. The main condition is that the substrate is permeable. Heavy and dense soil will contribute to the development of root rot in thuja.

Thuja needles constantly evaporate a large number of moisture, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. The plant not only needs to be watered, it is advisable to also irrigate the crown with water.

Thanks to this, dust is washed away and the wood can breathe easier, which improves general condition and intensity physiological processes plants.

To prevent overheating and drying out of the soil, tree trunk circles are mulched with peat, compost or wood chips.

2. Feeding

The plant should be fed in March and, if necessary, repeated in early and mid-summer.

It is better to use complex fertilizer purchased in the store. If during planting you introduced mineral fertilizer, then in order not to burn the roots, it is better to carry out the next feeding no earlier than two years later.

3. Diseases and pests

Thuja Brabant usually has diseases such as:

  • root rotting;
  • trunk rot;
  • mold.

All these diseases are usually caused by fungi and indicate poor quality care of the plant. Since the disease is not very noticeable at the initial stage, it is recommended to inspect the plant more often. A signal to start treating thuja can be various plaques on tree branches, as well as changes in the color of the needles.

In addition, the disease can be caused by various pests:

  • sucking – aphids, thuja false scale, spider mites;
  • pine-eating– leaf roller, moth;
  • other root and stem pests– thuja pine beetle, scale insects, false scale insects.

A haircut

In order for Thuja Brabant to delight with its lush, dense, green crown, the plant needs to be trimmed regularly, otherwise the tree will look loose and ugly. The required shape should be given immediately after planting, and then only adjusted. To achieve a dense and dense hedge, thuja

Brabant is pruned in March and August. When cutting a plant, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Trim the thuja with a confident hand, cutting off more branches to obtain a denser crown.
  2. When cutting branches, leave part of the young shoot.
  3. A cloudy day is better for cutting; this will help avoid yellowing of the needles due to sunburn received by the thuja during increased evaporation of moisture.
  4. Be sure to water the thuja after pruning.


The price of thuja occidentalis Brabant in stores and nurseries largely depends on the height and condition of the plant and varies between 300–400 rubles for a small seedling, and 1500–4000 for an adult tree.

Making your garden stylish is not an easy task. It must be designed so that it is cozy, comfortable, and beautiful. Today, heavy stone fences have been replaced by living plants that can divide space and give the joy of communicating with nature. Thuja Brabant will help you create a wonderful garden design, and its description, planting and care rules will help make the plants strong and beautiful.

What is Thuja Brabant

One of the varieties of thuja of the western Cypress family with a conical crown is called Brabant (thuja occidentalis brabant). Homeland of the tree - North America and East Asia. Despite its exotic roots, it has excellent frost resistance and high level survival rate. Golden Brabant differs from other representatives of the thuja family - it is considered the largest specimen. An adult plant can grow up to 20 m in height with a dense crown up to 4 m.

Life expectancy is up to 150 years. The tree has a conical, lush shape, the shade of the needles is light green, and the scales tend to rise upward, adding to the attractiveness of the tree. In our regions it reaches a height of about 5-6 m with a crown diameter of 1 m. The bark peels off easily, the cones are brown and small. The plant grows rapidly in all regions except arid ones, with low temperatures. The plant blooms in April-May.


Compared to other conifers, thuja has a number of advantages:

  • The main thing is its unpretentiousness to the sun, cold and other conditions.
  • Gas resistance will make it possible to grow thujas in unfavorable regions.
  • The needles are beautiful, tolerate cutting well, and are decorative.
  • Conifer tree allocates in environment phytoncides, which disinfect the air, kill microbes.

Planting thuja Brabant

The key to proper growth and health of a plant is its proper planting:

  1. Thuja occidentalis Brabant should be planted from spring to autumn; it takes root in April-May.
  2. Seedlings planted in spring will grow better and suffer less, and the greenery of the area will be maximum.
  3. Thuja is undemanding to the soil - it should be moist and loose, for example, loam.
  4. Thuja does not prefer sunny weather and permanent shade - the area should be balanced, protected from the wind (partial shade).


It is important to maintain the correct distance when propagating thuja by planting seedlings:

  • They must be distributed at a distance of 0.5-3 m, buried to a depth of 60-75 cm.
  • The drainage layer is 20 cm.
  • After preparatory work you can start planting: superficial root system The tree is connected to any soil so that the neck of the plant is at ground level.
  • Sprinkle the roots of the thuja seedling with the mixture and tamp it down a little.


The advantage of propagation by cuttings is the ability to preserve the characteristics of the variety and save time. For this process, lignified shoots (up to 50) 2-3 years old or growth cut off in the current year are used:

  • The cutting should be cut so that a small piece of old wood is formed at the base.
  • Before this, the cuttings are treated with heteroauxin and placed in a greenhouse in prepared soil.
  • Then they are disinfected in a potassium solution and planted in open ground at a depth of 1-2 cm.
  • Rooted cuttings should be insulated with sawdust in the fall.


The method of propagation by seeds is used in cases where the plant does not require special decorative and varietal properties, since in this case they are not saved. Collected seeds left under snow in autumn to speed up germination. In spring they are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, sprinkled with sawdust. The soil will need constant loosening, fertilizing and moistening, and protection from the sun.

Caring for Thuja Brabant

This plant counts unpretentious variety in care, but, nevertheless, has some preferences for soil, humidity level, amount of light, temperature conditions etc. If you do not take into account the basic rules for growing thuja, the decorative functions may be lost or the plant will dry out. The basic rule is systematic pruning of shoots to give a beautiful shape.

The soil

After planting, immediately water the seedling with plenty of water - the tree prefers moist soil. Then you need to mulch the trunk area of ​​each tree with a layer of 10-12 cm. Mulch helps retain moisture in the ground, prevents weeds from overheating and growing, and nourishes the roots useful substances. In winter, it protects the root from the cold and prevents the soil from turning to stone. Peat, bark, and compost can be used as mulch.


In the first weeks after planting, thuja Brabant should be watered abundantly every day, because from a lack of water, young shoots wither, turn yellow and crumble, and the crown thins out, and all decorative and aesthetic functions are lost. The roots should always be moderately moistened - not too dry or wet. The plant needs constant loosening at a depth of 12-15 cm.

Top dressing

Fertilizers for this variety of thuja are not much different from feeding for other species. If the thuja is planted in the spring-summer season, then in the fall it is necessary to fertilize it with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. On next year subcortex is carried out in the spring, with dry water-soluble fertilizer “Kemira Lux”. After 2 weeks, watering is repeated. In the fall, mixtures containing potassium and phosphorus will be needed again.

Crown formation

To keep the tree beautiful and with a dense crown, it must be constantly trimmed. Trimming should be done in spring and late summer, when the growth of new shoots stops. Pruning is done in cloudy weather to protect the tree from burns. The haircut should be such that the composition at the top is narrower than at the bottom - a conical crown. Before old wood It is not recommended to trim shoots.

Thuja Brabant hedge

Thuja occidentalis Brabant is a fast-growing variety that grows well and is suitable for hedges and landscape design. It tolerates frost and replanting well; thuja growth averages 25-30 cm per year. In a short period of time you can get tall and dense thickets. When planting a hedge, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the depth of the hole for the seedling must be at least 1 m;
  • the roots from the cover are cleared directly in the hole;
  • the neck of the root must be flush with the ground, otherwise the tree may begin to rot or dry out;
  • the seedling is trampled down and watered.

The distance between trees in an evergreen hedge depends on its purpose, type of tree, number of branches, width and height of the trunk:

  • if a single planting is planned, then the distance should be 80-100 cm, at a distance of 50 cm from the walls of the site, if there are any, so that the tree has the opportunity to grow and reproduce;
  • with a two-row planting, thujas are planted in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 2 m;
  • if the variety of green needles is large, then the distance can reach 4-5 m.

Fence care is simple:

  • watering depends on the composition of the soil, on average, it will be normal to do it once a week, 1 bucket per tree, and during periods of drought about 2 times a week, 2 buckets;
  • loosening is required after each watering;
  • mulching is carried out a month after planting;
  • The hedge should be fertilized every spring;
  • young shoots are not photophilous and do not prefer direct sunlight;
  • It is better to trim branches and give the plant shape in spring and autumn.
