“Softening Evil Hearts”: Two Versions of Russian Kindness. What does the “Softening Evil Hearts” icon protect against?

the celebration of the Seven Arrows icon takes place on August 13/26; icon "Softening evil hearts» - February 3/16 and All Saints Sunday

According to the Law of Moses, all Jewish parents were required to bring their children to the temple on the fortieth day after birth to be dedicated to God. In fulfillment of this law, the Mother of God and the holy righteous Joseph the Betrothed brought the Baby Jesus to the Jerusalem Temple.

At this time, an old man named Simeon lived in Jerusalem. Many years ago, being the most learned man of his time, he translated the holy books from Hebrew into Greek. Translating the book of the prophet Isaiah, he settled on the phrase: “Behold, the virgin will conceive in her womb.” Thinking that a mistake had been made, Simeon was about to write “wife,” but the Angel of the Lord restrained his hand, forbidding him to correct the prophecy, and predicted to him that he would not die until he saw the fulfillment of the prophecy. Righteous Simeon lived after this for an unusually long time (according to legend, 270 years). And finally the long-awaited time has come. Elder Simeon, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, came to the Temple at a time when Holy Virgin with righteous Joseph they brought the Baby Jesus there. The righteous old man met the Baby, took Him in his arms and, glorifying God, said: “Today you fare away Your servant, Master, according to Your word, in peace. For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all nations, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel” (Luke 2:29-32).

The Mother of God and the holy righteous Joseph marveled at the words of Elder Simeon. The holy elder blessed them and, turning to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, predicted to Her about the Child: “Behold, this one is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel and for the subject of controversy, and a weapon will pierce your own soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” (Lk 2, 34-35).

The prophecy of the holy righteous Simeon: “... and a weapon will pierce your very soul” indicates the future suffering that the Blessed Virgin endured during Her earthly life. Number seven in Holy Scripture in general means the completeness of something, and in this case the completeness of the grief, sadness and heart disease that befell Holy Mother of God. The Mother of God, with firm trust in God, meekly endured such suffering that no earthly being could bear it. The entire akathist to the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Mother of God is dedicated to the memories of the suffering She endured and the glorification of the patience and humility of the Most Pure One. Being tempted and enduring to the end, the Blessed Virgin can also help us in our earthly sorrows: Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

The first description of the Seven Arrows icon is known.

For a long time this holy image was located at the turn of the stairs of the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, near Vologda (on the banks of the Toshni River). The icon turned face down was mistaken for an ordinary board and people walked on it.

This icon was painted on canvas pasted onto a board, and received its name from the image itself. The Mother of God is depicted on it without the Eternal Child, Alone, pierced by seven arrows or swords - four on the left side and three on the right. The painting of this icon bears obvious traces of ancient origin, and experts claim that it was painted about 500 years ago. Despite this age, the painting is perfectly preserved.

She became famous after the miraculous healing of a peasant from Kadnikovsky district, who had suffered from general weakness and lameness for many years. During his sleep he was told that if he visited the Church of St. John the Theologian and found an icon on the bell tower Mother of God, then, having prayed before her, he will receive healing. Twice he came and, conveying his dream, asked to be let into the bell tower; but they did not believe him and refused to fulfill his request. Finally, for the third time, they let him into the bell tower. Here he immediately found the holy icon he had seen in a dream: it replaced the place of the board along which they walked at the turn of the stairs. The icon he found was washed to remove the debris and bird droppings that covered it. A sick peasant asked to serve a prayer service before her and received healing.

Later, the icon became famous in 1830, when cholera was raging in Vologda. The residents, in fear, resorted to the help of the Queen of Heaven and, raising Her holy icons, “Seven Arrows” and “Semigradskaya”, carried them around the city in a solemn procession of the cross. Soon the cholera completely stopped. Since that time, many have received healing from illnesses from the icon.

After the revolution, the miraculous icon disappeared.

Currently, the myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” is known in the Church of the Archangel Michael at the clinics on Devichye Pole (Moscow, metro stations “Sportivnaya”, “Frunzenskaya”).

The “Softening Evil Hearts” icon differs from the “Seven Shot” icon in the arrangement of swords: they are located three on the right and left, and one (seventh) on the bottom. Here the swords mean the seven main sinful passions of human fallen nature. For the indescribable sorrows endured by the Most Holy Theotokos during Her earthly life, which were rightly called a weapon piercing the soul, the Most Pure Virgin was given the special grace to discern the thoughts of human hearts. The prophecy of the righteous Simeon was fulfilled: “...and a weapon will pierce your own soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” Since then, the dispensation of every person has been revealed to the Mother of God. Human sins, like swords, sting the loving heart of the Most Pure Virgin, but when a person in repentance resorts to Her help, the ineffable mercy of the Mother of God softens and heals his evil heart.

The miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts” has been known since ancient times, but, unfortunately, there is no information about its origin.

Before the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Seven Arrows” and “Softening Evil Hearts” they pray for healing from cholera, lameness and relaxation, for the pacification of those at war and for the softening of evil hearts during enmity or persecution.

Editor's response

On August 26, the Orthodox Church glorifies the icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” in its version “Seven Arrows”.

This icon is also called “Simeon’s prophecy.” The Virgin Mary is depicted with seven swords piercing her heart. On the “Seven Arrow” icon they are located like this: four on the left and three on the right, and on the “Simeon’s Prophecy” the seventh sword is drawn from below. Currently, in the Russian Orthodox Church it is customary to consider these icons to be varieties of the same iconographic type and, accordingly, to unite the days of their celebration.

Icons of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts.” “Semistrelnaya” and “Simeon’s Prophecy”. Source: Public Domain

The number “seven” in the Holy Scriptures usually means completeness, redundancy of something, and in this case - the completeness and vastness of the grief that she experienced Mother of God during her earthly life, when she happened to see torment Jesus on the cross. Sometimes the infant Christ is also written on the lap of the Most Pure Virgin.

The image also has another, allegorical meaning: swords wounding the Blessed Virgin are the seven deadly sins. It is about these sins, about the softening of hearts that are hardened in them, that one should pray before the Face of the Mother of God pierced by swords (arrows).

Why is the icon called “Simeon’s Prophecy”?

As the Gospel of Luke says, righteous elder Simeon the God-Receiver it was predicted that he would see the Savior. When the Virgin Mary And Joseph They brought the baby Jesus to the temple 40 days after his birth, and Simeon met them there. The elder took the child in his arms (where his nickname came from - the God-Receiver) and uttered the famous words with which every Vespers service has since ended: “Now do You dismiss Your servant, O Master, according to Your word, in peace...”

Afterwards, Simeon turned to Mary with a prophecy: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel and for the subject of controversy, and a weapon will pierce Your own soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

Thus, the elder predicted to the Mother of God that she would be destined to experience a lot of grief and sadness at the sight of the suffering of her son.

This interpretation of Simeon’s prophecy became the subject of the “symbolic” icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts.”

Where did the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” come from?

There is no exact historical information about where the icon “Simeon’s Prophecy” came from. It is believed that the image came from southwestern Rus' more than 500 years ago.

The veneration of this image in Catholicism is known.

The “Seven Shot” icon came from the Russian North, from the Vologda region. Its first location is the St. John the Theological Church on the banks of the Toshni River, which flows not far from Vologda. The icon is more than 600 years old, but, in all likelihood, this is a later copy of the original image, which was lost.

According to legend, a peasant from Vologda suffered from incurable lameness for many years. Once in a dream, he heard a voice that told him to find the image of the Mother of God in the bell tower of the Church of St. John the Theologian. While climbing the bell tower, he stumbled and saw the image of the Virgin Mary on an inverted step under his feet.

It turned out that once upon a time, in a blasphemous manner, one of the steps of the staircase was made from the board on which the icon was painted. From year to year, priests and bell ringers climbed along it, stepping on the image of the Most Pure One, facing down.

The church servants cleaned the icon of dirt and placed it in the church with prayers. The peasant also prayed heartily before her and received healing of his illness.

The icon became especially famous in 1830 during the cholera that raged in Vologda. This disaster struck fear into the inhabitants and prompted them to seek help from the Blessed Virgin Mary. The miraculous icon “Softening Evil Hearts” was carried around the city with a religious procession, after which the diseases began to subside noticeably, and soon the epidemic stopped.

How does an icon protect?

It is believed that prayer in front of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” helps improve dysfunctional relationships in the family, between relatives, loved ones, between spouses, as well as parents and children.

The icon protects from other people's intolerance and from our own anger and irritation. Also, in front of this image of the Mother of God, you can ask for protection if any enmity breaks out - in the family or in society. People resort to the icon during war with a request to the Mother of God to protect from attack.

When is the icon celebrated?

The celebration of the icons “Simeon’s Prophecy” and “Seven Arrows” takes place on August 13/26, as well as on February 2/15 (on the day of the Presentation of the Lord) and on All Saints Sunday - the ninth Sunday after Easter, the first after the Holy Trinity.

In which churches is the icon located?

- Church of the Archangel Michael at the Clinics on the Maiden Field - Moscow, st. Elanskogo, 2a.

— Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” in the village. Bachurino - Moscow region, Leninsky district, village of Bachurino.

— Temple in the name of the holy righteous Lazarus — Vologda, st. Burmaginykh, 50.

How to pray in front of an icon?

Before the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” and “Seven Arrows” prayers are read:

Troparion, tone 4

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our soul, for looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by the arrows of ours, who torment You. Do not let us, O Compassionate Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.


O many-spirited Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. For you know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but since you have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The icon “Softening Evil Hearts” is one of the most revered in the Orthodox world. Her veneration is associated with miraculous powers capable of healing physical and spiritual ailments.

The famous icon has a second name - “Simeon’s Prophecy” - and is similar to the “Seven Shot”. However, on the last one the swords are written differently: three on the right and four on the left side of the Mother of God’s heart.

History of the icon

The image of the Mother of God, according to some surviving data, came to us from Southwestern Rus'. However, there is no exact historical data on this matter - only guesswork by scientists and icon painters, as well as popular rumor.

Where is the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” located?

You can venerate the image in the Church of the Archangel Michael, which is located in the city of Moscow, as well as in the city of Vologda, in the Church of St. Lazarus. There is another image in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in the Moscow region, in the village of Bachurino.

Description of the icon

The icon depicts the Mother of God, whose heart is pierced by seven swords - three on the right and left, one on the bottom. The number seven in the Holy Scriptures usually means the completeness, redundancy of something, and in this case, the fullness and vastness of the grief, sadness and pain that the Mother of God experienced during Her earthly life. Sometimes the Baby is depicted on the lap of the Most Pure Virgin.

What does an icon help with?

Orthodox Christians pray in front of this icon of the Mother of God in the hope of improving relationships with others, between loved ones: children and relatives, spouses and parents. The icon is designed to protect everyone from someone else’s manifestation of aggression, soften the hearts of believers and give them the opportunity to atone for their sins. They pray before the icon during periods of unfavorable conditions in the world, during illnesses, civil strife and wars.

Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God

“O most holy and sorrowing Mother of God, I appeal to you in my great sorrow. The servant of God (name) asks you, all-merciful protector of the human race! Do not reject my sincere prayers, protect me from human wrath, deliver me from persecution and turn your gaze on me, a sinner. Soften my heart, drive out of it the blackness that is not worthy of a true son of God, and guide me along the right road, freed from filth and leading to the kingdom of God. Amen".

“Mati, soften our evil hearts, extinguish the anger directed at us. Heal our ailments, those of our loved ones, and those who hate us. Just as we forgive their sins and do not take upon ourselves sin for their repentance, so do you pray for us sinners before the Almighty Lord. We are touched by your compassion and mercy, we offer righteous prayers, and let us not forget about your true purpose, which the human race protects. Amen".

Days of Honor

The celebration of the icon takes place on February 15, and the main day of veneration is the first Sunday after Trinity. On this day, a divine service is held, and every Orthodox Christian can pray for himself and his loved ones, asking the Mother of God for protection and patronage.

Each icon has its own meaning, and each can be venerated in need and despair. We wish you true happiness, love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

At the turn of the millennium, the amazing icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” was revealed to the world, glorified by numerous miracles. This image was made at the Sofrino printing house and purchased by an ordinary Orthodox family Muscovites in the late 90s of the XX century.

Specialists from the Commission for the Study of Orthodox Miracles examined the image and confirmed the truth of what was happening to her. The icon was placed in a precious ark, to which a cloth was applied to collect the “tears of the Mother of God.” With the blessing of Schema-Archimandrite Ilia (Nozdrina) of Optina Hermitage, a chapel was built for her permanent stay in the village of Bachurino. The guardians of the image, the Vorobyov family, also moved here to fully devote themselves to serving the Mother of God.

The Mother of God, through Her icon, cries for our sins and sympathizes with us, sending signs and healings. In 1999, shortly before the terrorist attacks in Moscow, the Face of the Blessed Virgin changed: dark shadows appeared under Her eyes. The first case of bleeding occurred on August 12, 2000, when the ship sank Submarine"Kursk". During other terrible terrorist attacks, the entire icon was copiously covered in blood.

The image is often brought to the location Russian troops, security forces, into conflict zones and its bleeding invariably intensifies. When in 2009 the procession, during which the miraculous icon was carried by naval officers in full dress uniform, their white gloves were completely soaked in bleeding blood. Crimeans who witnessed this miracle are now confident that the Queen of Heaven warned and protected them from the consequences of the Ukrainian “Maidan” and helped them bloodlessly reunite with their Motherland!

In the same year, the shrine, together with the miraculous Theodore Icon of the Mother of God, was present at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, who elected a new Primate - Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill. After the Council made its decision, the icon was abundantly filled with myrrh.

In 2014, a list of the image was delivered to besieged Donetsk (it was dangerous to transport the miraculous image itself to the zone of fierce fighting). Immediately, the Blessed Virgin showed the first miracle: a prayer was served for the salvation of the soldiers who were at the very epicenter of the shelling at Saur-Mogila - by that time only 10 people remained alive, who no longer hoped to return home. But the next day they were all able to get out from under the fire. And the entire city of Donetsk withstood the encirclement and was not taken.

The help and blessing of the Mother of God is needed by millions of people in the most different corners land. Therefore, the icon constantly travels, visiting different countries and continents. The rest of the time the shrine is located in the village of Bachurino.

Watch the report about visiting the shrine of the Cancer Center:

Modern miracles based on prayers before the image

Some believe that it is worth praying to this icon of the Mother of God in conflict situations to “soften” the enemy’s temper. But the Shrine helps both childless couples and the sick. She also sensitively responds to the prayers of military personnel and their loved ones. On this page we collect numerous contemporary testimonies about the miracles revealed by the image of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” in whose honor our temple was consecrated.

In November 2016 and three gifts were brought to our temple image from people who received relief from their sorrows through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin:

  1. One of them is a woman who was present at the akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” (such services are held in the church every Saturday at 8:00). She prayed fervently for her adult children, with whom she had had a very tense, difficult relationship for many years. A couple of weeks later, the woman appeared in the church again, brought a gift to the image of the Mother of God and said that the situation with her relatives had begun to change. Mutual claims and bitterness suddenly began to disappear, and hope arose to restore the lost mutual understanding...
  2. The Institute of Radiology is located next to the temple. One of his patients, suffering from a severe stage of cancer, learned about the construction of a temporary church building and took an active part in it (design is her profession). And today this woman does everything she can to help build the temple. She says that she feels the support of the Mother of God and can lead an active lifestyle, thanks to Her. This sister of ours in Christ also presented her gift to the temple image.
  3. The third cross that adorned the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” in the church in Konkovo ​​was donated by regular parishioners. They say that since they began to attend akathists and pray to the Mother of God, they constantly feel Her help in all matters.

Since birth, my daughter has been suffering from dacryocystitis, a closed lacrimal canal. For 7 months her eye was inflamed and festered, every morning her eyelids were stuck together from pus and she could not open her eye and thank God they brought the icon to us in Bulgaria and I was able to ask God’s Mother for healing and she heard me. The next morning the baby woke up with a clean eye.

R. B. Marina 08/16/2016

The miraculous icon visited our city in March last year. I didn’t look for miracles and didn’t ask for anything, I just wanted to touch the shrine, to be in a wonderful spiritual atmosphere, among believers. However, during the akathist, I felt the disease receding, and after a while I had the opportunity to see a very good doctor, he changed the diagnosis, and the treatment helped. I feel much better, but a couple of years ago I didn’t even dream of ever returning to a normal life, I didn’t even think that I would survive.

anonymous testimony, 01/21/2013

Recently, the icon of the Mother of God Softening Evil Hearts or the Seven Shots visited Munich. The nun of the St. Elizabeth's monastery Nina, suffering from cancer in the last stage, which the doctors had already given up on, reached the temple and venerated the icon, and then began to wear the resulting cotton wool with the holy myrrh on her body. After some time, she felt, and her treating German doctors confirmed this, COMPLETELY HEALED.

Agnia Lvovna, 07/19/2012

Here are just a few pieces of evidence (be sure to read this article too, and watch the video report that concludes it!). We will add new ones to the list and really hope that you, brothers and sisters, will help us in compiling this wondrous chronicle of miracles given to us by the Mother of God and her icon “The Softening of Evil Hearts”!

The icon “Tenderness of Evil Hearts” depicts the Virgin Mary. Seven swords are pointed at her, symbolizing suffering, pain, and human sins. The image has a “sibling” called “Seven Shot”. She is depicted similarly with one difference - the arrows are located on both sides (on the left - 3, on the right - 4), and in “Softening Evil Hearts” one of the swords is located at the bottom.

Experts in icon painting identify the two images. You can often find the names of one under the image of the other. Such an error is not considered gross. The celebration of “Seven Arrows” and “Softening Evil Hearts” takes place on the same day.

Origin of the icon

Nothing is known exactly about the origin of the shrine. Experts know that she is of Northern Russian origin. The original image was created a very long time ago, so no records have been preserved about its history.

Analysis of the image painted on canvas pasted on a board made it possible to determine that it dates back to the 18th century. This is evidenced by the type of paints and their condition. It is obvious that the examined canvas is a copy of an earlier icon.

Interpretations of the image

The symbolism of the image is multifaceted. It can be interpreted in different ways, and each meaning will be correct in its own way. Three main explanations:

  • Gospel - associated with the lines of the Gospel that were addressed to the Virgin Mary.
  • Swords - 7 sins that threaten every person.
  • Swords are a physical threat. The birth of Orthodoxy is associated with persecution. Everyone who preached the faith put themselves in danger.

Gospel interpretation

On the appointed day, the Mother of God brought her baby to the temple - this was required by the Mosaic Law. The priest there, Simeon, was enlightened - he spent his whole life in fasting and prayer, so he saw the souls of people, could prophesy and work miracles. He saw the holy spirit and realized that the newborn was the Son of God. Simeon told Mary about the greatness of her baby, but warned her that she would suffer because of the sacrifice her son would make.

“And a weapon will pierce your own soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed,” the prophet compared mental suffering to physical pain. The fact that there are seven swords on the icon is not an accident. The number means completeness, completeness.

“Simeon’s prophecy” is the unofficial name of the icon. She found it because of the gospel lines.

7 Sins

7 swords - like seven sinful passions that threaten a person and destroy the soul: anger, envy, gluttony, adultery, despondency, greed, pride. During difficult trials, they also threatened the Virgin Mary during her earthly life. But she did not succumb to sins and walked her path with a humble soul and faith in the Almighty. It is believed that through “Softening Evil Hearts,” the Mother of God is able to discern any of the sinful feelings in a person and help get rid of them. The icon of the Mother of God reminds us that we need to steadfastly endure all the hardships of life, believing in God and humbly submitting to his will.

Miraculous acquisition of the image

According to legend, the image was found in the 17th or 18th centuries in one of the cities Vologda region. One peasant suffered from lameness almost all his life - neither doctors, nor healers, nor prayers helped. He had already lost hope of being cured and humbly carried his cross. One day, in a dream, a holy face came to him, who ordered him to visit the local Theological Church and find the image of the Virgin Mary in the bell tower, where the oldest icons were kept.

At first, the priests did not believe the man and refused to let him into the ancient shrines. He came three times and only on the third time did they take pity on him and go to the bell tower. But in the room itself there was not a single image of the Most Holy Theotokos. The peasant did not despair and continued his search. It turned out that the icon served as one of the steps and was covered with dirt, which is why it was not noticed before. It was an unforgivable sacrilege - they walked on the holy face with their feet. She was immediately washed and a prayer ceremony was performed. Chromata left the person.


In 1830, an epidemic of a terrible disease raged in the North of the Empire. It literally devastated Vologda and its outskirts. The ruling bishop at that time blessed the religious procession. “Softening Evil Hearts” was moved to one of the churches in the city. Everyone could come and pray before the holy face for salvation. The epidemic soon subsided.

The fate of the image is unknown. Back in 1930, it was hidden in the Church of St. John the Theologian. It was closed and resumed its work relatively recently. But this shrine was not there.

“Softening Evil Hearts” - a new miraculous shrine

The discovery of one of the miraculous images happened in our days. In 1997, a tragic event occurred for the Orthodox world - the “Iveron-Montreal” myrrh-streaming icon was stolen. She mysteriously disappeared on the day of her guardian's death. After some time, the pious Russian woman Margarita bought in one of church shops image “Softening Evil Hearts.”

Anticipation of disasters

At first glance, the shrine was no different from the others. But soon it began to flow myrrh. Moreover, she did not do this haphazardly, but reacted to important events happening in the world. The face of the Mother of God changed when in 1999 Moscow was rocked by house explosions - black circles were clearly visible under her eyes, and the smell of incense began to be heard throughout the apartment. After the death of the Kursk, bloody wounds appeared on the shrine. To this day, the image is covered with drops of blood in anticipation of tragic events. Many who approached the shrine say that they were never left by the feeling of communicating with a living being who understands and sympathizes with them.

The shrine's wanderings around the world

Now the icon is carried around the world by Margarita’s husband. A precious ark was created for her, a chapel was built. The list was present at the election of the new Patriarch of All Rus'.

The keeper of the icon says that she herself chooses her wandering paths and always ends up where she needs to be. Any of the owner’s most logical plans always collapse in an instant, and what seemed impossible becomes possible.

What do they pray to the image for?

Many people are interested in what the image helps with. The Most Holy Theotokos is our common mother, intercessor before God and the Son. Her image on “Softening Evil Hearts” is prayed for various things:

  • so that the evil thought, intention leaves or rids one’s ill-wishers of them;
  • return to true spiritual path, remove doubts in your faith that appear in difficult situations;
  • Many prayers to the shrine are aimed at getting rid of diseases and protecting soldiers.

In fact, it is not so important why you pray in front of this or that shrine, what images of saints are on it. The main thing is that the request is conveyed with pure thoughts, from the bottom of the heart - then it will definitely be heard and passed on to the Savior.