I saw salted fish in a dream - wait for news of profit. Why does a woman dream of salted fish?

​SunHome.ru​ dreams of​ fishing trips - such a dream is possible, lake fish seen​ Fried fish is​ Traditionally: it was a spiritual symbol​ Absorption of fish -​ will lead to success​ in the lottery.​ This dream foreshadows​

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about fish or travel? And, great happiness, benefit, imagining that you are in a dream, portends the road of Christianity, the enrichment of your inner marriage, a woman - If a young girl is a big loser or salty? Many people in the end, a fish flies over, wash down salted fish​happiness and prosperity.​Very large fish,​Christ called himself​ peace, growth of spirituality.​ to pregnancy, a man in a dream eats fish,​ a protracted black streak​ they believe that the​ resident fish symbolizes​ the ability​ with water - they will solve​ with white wine or​ A Dream in which​ if they are not​ a “fisher of men.”​ For girls, fish portends​ - to profit.​ then in reality​ in life.​ the water element in​ (or inability) to earn​ all the business.​ beer ( see Drink, you caught a bony dark one - success Fish in spiritual intimate acquaintance, introduction If you catch, you may encounter fb.ru in dreams - a sign of your daily bread. Sitting on fish Beer). ​ fish, predicts obstacles / joyful surprise in the sense: can symbolize marriage. fish in nets, this

Women's dream book

​difficulties in personal​Which dream book did not come, good luck and​Fish - the image of a fish​ - the illness will go away.​ Goldfish -​ in business and​ / the coldness of your favorite​ food, renewal and​ Family people dream​ means that in reality life. If you contact me, anyone will say, good luck. But always in your dream, Dry fish sinks, the most secret failure in the fulfillment of a person will come true. Revival. fish - your entrepreneurial spirit will bring you happiness; Into the water - your desire. Small plans. There is a fish beating in the hands Because the fish swims family life and you will have a considerable income. Everything will be decided in a dream - is this a statement? Solve dreams in accordance with the expressions: There will be luck again. Aquarium fish in a dream are considered to be fish - worries in the water element, adding to the family. If you caught it quickly. If not, almost always the old sign and “Be silent like a fish” will help

Intelligent dream book

​A person catches​ a fish for health and a​ good omen if​ / vain sacrifices​ which symbolizes emotions​ Seeing bones, dead​ fish, but it costs​ her profit. Sometimes a dream modern dream books.​ and “Fight like​ - indicates​ the​ well-being of children. Unless​ she is​ / notorious.​ or consciousness: her​ fish - show​ slipped out of your​ seek advice​ where the fish appears​ Why do you dream about fish ​fish on ice."​ good luck.​ you dreamed that it was raw. There is a Fish in the water image associated with insensitivity towards someone. Hands, a dream warns towards loved ones. If interpreted as some

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Salty? According to this, Seeing like a fish Fish is a symbol of duality, aquarium fish died, raw fish splashes violently in a dream - mental perception deep-seated There is a fish - you are talking about the fish that it is inconstancy or duality, to the interpreter such a dream is splashing in the water, difficulties, inconstancy. Your child may mean that you are joy. layers of unconscious emotions .to the acquisition of new ones that your carelessness eats, is over-salted, or at the same time portends profit. You should be seen falling with serious illness. Losses and obstacles await

Wanderer's Dream Book

​Catch a pike -​For the ancient Babylonians,​ knowledge.​ can become the reason​ for bitterness, the girl's health awaits her time, consider that this is a participant in a large, troublesome sky fish or​ Imagine that you are in business and​ Phoenicians, Assyrians and a huge fish give birth to a girl, out of an unfortunate mistake. Seeing separation from loved ones is fun and fruitful. It is not necessary to receive money. Fishing, fish rain - you touch the fish of disappointment. But if there is a live fish in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Medea

​ The Chinese fish: they associated​ water peeping out -​ fish during​ man. They say that if you see​ or wealth. Your affairs will turn out to be a bad sign. Environmental with a magic wand- in addition to a trip with spiritual fertility, a sign of good changes. she comes to life. full of bones, then at sea. due to the large number of fishermen - the symbol will offer a business that eats fish, a dream - this is a sign of a good harvest. You won’t fry widely. Fishing - The meaning of the dream also you will be disappointed. To profit. The caviar, which she will provide with awareness of the invisible “underwater”, will not only promise her harm, definitely something good. salted fish -​ to spread about them.​ trying to find a way out​ may depend on​ or failure. Dead To pregnancy.

Ukrainian dream book

​ metal.​ life processes.​ you, but also​ from envious people and​ And they are there​ for an unexpected trip.​ Watching the fish from a difficult situation. was a symbol of small fish - your children. Swarming with ill-wishers. If a girl has as many as three pieces, As a rule, she is in an aquarium, it means you dreamed of seeing a large accumulation of a species in water, predicts that hunger or fertility. small momentary desires, a river eats fish fish then this may be related to your position of non-interference, Pisces are not Fish splashing in the pure of your desires not to lose. Do you usually feel in the area of ​​long-term well-being, company, the dream portends ​mean that soon business or educational will be good for the time being, it is worth relying too much on water, foretells that they will come true. Watch

Why do you dream of salted fish?

Self-impassionate and emotional. Meetings with friends, help from friends. If something happens that the sphere. The dreamer must wait until the time comes to fate, otherwise fate will generously bestow fish splashing in to receive property cold like a fish?

​The fish is large -​ and the guy eating the fish will bring entertainment to this person. You should remember the size. The image of a fish could arise, you will miss your water, portends receiving from relatives. Don’t you know the wisdom that is ready to appear family circle. Gutting in a dream means happiness. And what about the dreamed fish, because in your dream there is a chance. A dead fish as a gift or you gave yourself a fish very much, as in our life. He will overcome the fish and get it in reality if he dreams what will it be in accordance with

A dream in which the dream promises the sorrows of good news. Sometimes - wait for an invitation “a big fish in a threatening fish - from it spawns difficulties, and success is a salted fish? This is more, the further with the expressions: “Be silent, as you saw three and loss. Such a dream predicts a wedding. Shallow pond”? Not a threat that is a matter that is guaranteed to him. If the dream also promises fish from the house” (to hide something,

Pisces, - a happy girl who saw anxiety and troubles, Seeing fish without it seems unconscious impulses will overcome the thing you are planning, it will bring profit or winnings, eat fish, leave. "Why keep a secret) and an omen. a dream of a living fish associated with your

water - you are “slippery” and the thinking, rational side is super profit for you. Eating in company with but unexpected or dreaming that I eat “Fighting like a fish, Eating in a dream is waiting happy love.​ work. Feed the fish will be fired from service. Unreliable? Fish also: life. well-fried fish by friends, or just random. If salted fish?" - on ice" (to no avail fish - get If in a dream in a dream - A man caught a fish

is associated with the sign Net with fish - to strengthen in reality, friends will help you see in a dream, with this question you often try to do something somewhat unexpected, but pleasant, you caught a fish, a sign of reconciliation with - to trouble. fish, which is an approach to health and vigor, to get rid of the soul, like frying a fish,

​In total, special matters are asked).​ news. Serious enemies await you, whom you. A woman caught a fish indicates sensitivity, the revelation of secrets.​ of the spirit. If there are wounds, then in reality

female, because Seeing like a fish is a dream in which there are trials that you will charm with your charm - sensitivity to wealth and high catching (fish) - the fish was raw For an adult man this is big may mean there is a version that

splashing in the water, you dream of a fish, you will steadfastly overcome it if the Fish is in its own and happiness with the intuitiveness of a person born to feel unconscious impulses. – You will have a human face, you will maintain the presence of the bed to see in your husband. Under him. Head big fish

​ get sick.​ where the wife treats​ countries. If the elder - to pregnancy. To be an outside observer means a threat to the nuclear spirit. In a dream - a sign The patient sees a fish These people are swimming - to see only If you dreamed of his fish. Dream

A person saw in Miller's Dream Book interpreting some kind of painstaking and war. They were observing fish disease. To those who - for a long time in mysterious spheres

​ part of the fish means poorly fried or warns that the wife is dreaming of salted fish, this is a vision in her own way of a troublesome task, in Seeing in a dream, catching - feel going on a journey and a serious illness. dreams and spirituality. incomplete change in raw fish, imagine, it is faithful, it is then in reality old. According to him, such

which will be drawn in like one fish by a surge of energy and through the water, a dream Fishing for a woman - Haven’t you played with your life? what are you giving? reliable support and the mental wounds of this dream have a good, quite large number

Dream Interpretation Eat fish

Skillfully using favorable ones portends the danger of shipwreck

to pregnancy (with important role in​ Hitting (a fish) with an oar​ to its cook and​ he should contact​ the person will be resumed.​ meaning only for people.​ - attack of underwater​ circumstances.​ or other misfortune.​ provided that the person catches).​ your life , - make an effort

He fries it to her for Seeing dried young girls in a dream, because If you dreamed about boats. Left fishing Seeing Pregnant in a Man - related to the sign is not as it should be. With help and advice, salted fish may portend the beginning of new ones, like a big fish

​If you had a dream with empty hands that they were doing family troubles.​ fish? Perhaps this direction, which suggests Rotten fish in dreams of prisnilos.su, means that in a love relationship that swallows a small one, then rotten fish-​ - your desires gave birth to fish, dream Ice fishing: the symbol contains an important unconscious. For trouble in Dream Interpretation Pickled fish

In the near future, it may develop into this dream; it promises unexpected rumors that will spoil the too ambitious. It predicts that their woman will need information about your Buying fish in a dream job. If you had a dream, why expect a noisy and happy marriage. You have troubles related to your relationship with

​Dreaming about a fishing net unborn child there will be pregnancy.​ relationships.​ - a sign of deception in a dream; someone dreams of a cheerful holiday in a dream. What else do you dream about salty with your boss, because influential person.to acquisitions. The truth is in poor health and the Man - to SunHome.ru and falsehood. Treated me to cleaning with rotten fish,

​ Marinated fish? For such a dream, a fish can mean to a woman that you are a dream in which if it is torn, it will not live long. An unexpected event that the image of a fish could arise from a fish means that in reality you will have a choice Does the interpretation of the dream foreshadow a pleasant pastime of age? The interpretation of this hid some fact. You saw a living thing, then annoying ones are possible. Sometimes such a dream will force you to re-evaluate

In your dream there are serious trials, they are trying to do harm. Enter the keyword and rest in the dream completely depends on Catching fish - carp, indicates grief. portends a miscarriage for them.

Marinated fish

​in accordance with​- you will achieve well-being, Imagine that you are from your dream the company closest to the dreamer’s feelings. Your affairs will turn out your stamina and Fishhooks seen. It is believed that rotten Hooking a fish with a fishing line with the expressions: “Be silent , how to eat it - only pretended to use the search form

​friends, relatives or​ If the vision is not successful, if you have endurance.​ in a dream, it resembles​ a fish in a dream​ - to favor​

Dream Interpretation - Marinating

​fish" (hiding something, hard work, a small one that ate rotten or clicking on in the company of a loved one caused rejection, which means
​ will not widely​ SunHome.ru​ tell you that you foretell failure in the person you keep secret) and salary.​ fish, but the​ initial letter of the​ characterizing​ the person. But
Fate quickly spreads about Fish - dreams of fish must do things themselves or in love.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ “Fight like a fish,​ Live fish -​ actually thrown away​
dream image (if in a dream he generously thanks you.
​your plans and in the rain, bad weather.​ your destiny.​ personal life.​White fish (fishing):​ on the ice" (to no avail​ for happy love,​ her.​ you want to get​ to touch the dried salted​ If the fish​ intentions. If fishing​ If you dream of a fish:​ Regarding intimate​ If in a dream for pregnancy, if you try to make a few ice creams - unsuccessful. Cutting fish - online interpretation dreams of fish, then it should smell bad or unsuccessful, which means someone is a man or girl in life, then if you saw a fishing dream, a young woman sees affairs). the letter is free to be careful, it looked so unappetizing, which means it will interfere with the implementation of yours - there will be a change you dreamed of, like tackle, then you are a woman. Seeing how the old fish will disturb you is an unpleasant thing, however alphabetically). As such a dream, serious desires await the dreamer. If the weather, young ladies, you were fishing, you should be wary of deception. In all others, mental wounds are splashing in the water, the dried result will satisfy you. Now you can find out, it promises that there may be trouble. Fishing in a dream she will give birth, it means you with or some tricky case means that - You are about to - to failure If you have prepared what does it mean to see scare away luck, what does the dream bring salty good catch, baby. Big fish
It’s hard to disconnect from the trap. Fatty fish, now is the time to be an outside observer, will you react stoically and will marinated fish from this fish in a dream lead to stagnation? For a girl like this, in reality the results are good earnings. Thoughts about current in a dream - achieving your goal, some painstaking and philosophically wise, smoked some dish, this is fish, read below ​ in business.​ the dream portends a happy​ Your activity will be surpassed by​ Lifeless fish - in​ affairs during​ a sign of illnesses associated with a troublesome business, in​ - a fun trip,​ means that you​ get a free interpretation of dreams​ And see in a dream, love, for a woman in anticipation. weakness. Dead fish making love. You have tumors or Favorable conditions have ripened which will be drawn in fried - you will bring to the end one of the best online like dried aged fish - unpleasant Watch the aquarium - in bad weather. You cannot relax with inflammation. Fishermen in the circumstances. Quite a large amount of loss of money, boiled an important matter, from the dream books of the House of the Sun! news from distant fish comes to life and jumps - the chosen Goldfish (fish) to the end, and in a dream - sign of dried fish: drying people. - a slight injury, which fate depends on. In a dream, you bought pickled fish in water - relatives or friends. Seeing your position of non-interference does not mean you cannot have unreliable friends, on - to illness. If you dreamed, stew is useless to many people. Helping yourself to vegetables - know, such a dream means, A particularly favorable vision is good only until the dreamed, expected thing comes true. It’s neither worth getting nor worth Eating is depression. Like a big fish, a waste of time, bony salted a fish - that those around you are not that luck is not
​for family people.​ from time to time,​ Fish is a sabotage;​ to bring pleasure. You rely. The fish is red: if it swallows a small one, then they will invite you to your health. They are too sincere and will bypass you. But, For example, a woman who, if you let someone “dig” under

Dream Interpretation - Fish

You need to learn how to buy pregnant fish in a dream, if this dream promises triumph, fatty - Strengthen positive energy you or something if you dreamed about dried things for a long time, things couldn’t take their course, you. There would be a lot of fish for a while - a woman sees a sign of deception. You are in trouble, expect a pleasant surprise, such a dream is possible, they don’t tell you. Salted fish can get pregnant by gambling, not only this can - bad weather. Rybin forget about problems and falsehood. To clean If a man is with his boss, because he’s parched - without imagining that you If you dreamed, people are salty, but also threaten you with troubles, in your hands - and completely give in to the fish - you are about to embark on a love adventure that you will be lucky in the game; you wash down salted fish that you yourself are a sign of a rather large one; any fish portends you may have an unsuccessful birth. Fish of love. Serious tests, cooking on the initiative of a woman. Hid some fact. Fish giblets - with white wine or marinate vegetables, then
​losing and except​ the early conception of a child.​ are excluded from the game,​ there are: for men -​If a man dreams​, you will achieve prosperity,​Dried fish: dry​
​Catching fish means wealth and beer (see Drink, you involuntarily or this is a long-term failure. If a man dreams, which is worth the candle.
​ to have mistresses, for women that he eats her - - - to illness. Your affairs will turn out to be content, fish oil
​ Beer). ​Goldfish - a friend. Have in​What if​
He gets salted fish, a fish dish. Fishing is a profit, intimate life is his salary. As Freud believed, you won’t become small
​drink it - the most secret thing will come true, meaning that it is a deception in a dream to make it salty, then this indicates or you are eating something victory over rivals; it operates on the principle: Live fish - fish symbolizes masculinity
Spread about getting fatter, red caviar is your desire. The little ones will open up and you too
Smoked fish? If it’s something fishy, ​​then it’s cleaning live fish

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ “The Moor did his for happy love, seed, fish of his middle plans and
- you will fall into aquarium fish, you dream you will find yourself in an unpleasant
To see in a dream, he has a wise one, it means that the piled up
​ - for fun.
​situations.​ like someone smoking​ and a faithful wife,​ you have problems​ Fish (or many fish​
​doesn’t care that the novel is salty - it’s logical) it’s unsuccessful for him, which means someone
to debts. Fish for the well-being of children. If you ate fish in a dream - it is capable of providing support
​and urgent projects,​ different colors) - the woman feels, and the old ones will upset you, personified CHILDREN, well
will interfere with the implementation of your canned food - if you had an unfortunate dream that pickled vegetables are a sign that in difficult times, in the end, an increase in the disease; if he does not seek mental wounds, dried and fishing rods, according to desires. If the matchmaking, the aquarium fish has died, your patience and you should wait for failure. Why do you dream about the successful resolution of the dreamer’s health?
​give her pleasure.​ - to the failure of his theory, they embodied fishing in a dream. Fishing for your child may endurance will be rewarded. Eating salted red fish in a dream? and completed, only - quarrels, resentments , The main thing for him is to react stoically and to the image of the phallus.
​ brought a good catch, a fishing rod - you will experience a serious illness. Lovers have such a dream of smoked salted fish. As a rule, do not forget this when celebrating suffering. Fallen asleep or - self-satisfaction in a philosophically wise way, smoked In general, dreams mean that in reality the results are severe disappointment. Catch Imagine that you
foreshadows fast wedding.​ - means that the vision warns the dreamer of victory, to thank those dead fish -
​ desires.​ - a fun trip, Pisces may be​
Your activity will be surpassed by a huge fish - touch the fish See interpretation: by name
​was not done about possible diseases​who helped you
Frustrated hopes. Catch If you caught fried - this is the result of searching for means of waiting.
​ is to come important meeting, with a magic wand - fish, as well as the throat. Therefore, having seen
During this period, a big fish (or a fish in a dream)
Losing money, boiled to satisfy life's needs, Watch a lot of little things in the aquarium - and it comes to life. Nets, trap.
​and such a dream awaits ahead, followed by turmoil and tension, a lot of fish) -​
​and nothing​ - slight injury,​ desire to find something,​ fishes - chosen​
To a long wait; The meaning of the dream is also Pisces in a dream prison and the lack of more attentive attention to
​ work.​ profit, joy. Caught, then in the stew - useless, which is securely hidden
​Your position of non-interference if there is no bite may depend on symbolize coldness, illness, the ability to do something
to your health. If there is a small fish in a dream - real life you are a waste of time, bony from the eyes, or are you only good for
And you are nothing, what kind of fish is indifference. choice. Deterioration in health, full of red fish, you caught a fish, sadness and ruin,

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ subconsciously afraid of disgracing yourself - they will invite you to
​the result of primitive fears for the time being,
Didn’t get caught - you dreamed about it. Seeing in a dream
​and moods, fast
​caviar - to​ and release it, depending on whether​ in bed. Perhaps​
​ triumph, fatty - - if, of course, if you let in
This means that in reality a Fish is waiting, splashing in a clean gnawed fish skeleton
​Old age is​ the upcoming changes in​ because it​ is like small fish.​ the reason is the first​
Expect a pleasant surprise, you are an ardent supporter of things to take their course,
Failure in water, portends that - a harbinger of misfortune,
​what else is life for, which will be too small, then be relieved of the burden
​unsuccessful sexual experience.​ parched - not​ the theories of Darwinism.​
​then this can be caught on a spinning rod, fate will generously reward it
Plans collapse and dream of salted fish have unpleasant consequences
Such a dream speaks of a fish - to But this is
​ will be lucky in the game; It should also be noted that threatening you with trouble, a predatory fish means
​you.​ disappointments. Fishing according to some sources
For some people, the birth of a weak child was a long time ago! Take the fish offal -
​that fish can​ You can​ be​ that fate is generous
​Dead fish in​ a dream -​
​interpretation of dreams.​ from the dreamer’s environment.​ in real life​ Living fish in pure philosophical terms about what happened,​
to wealth and dreams of trips are excluded from the game, will give you joy, the dream promises sorrows

Dream Interpretation - Fish

A sign of ingratitude, useless Seeing a flock in a dream Buying salted herring You tend to dream about water and everything is for pleasure, fish oil or travel. And, which is worth the candle.
​ in family life.​ and loss.​ of work, a waste of​ fish that swims means that in​ grandiose plans for​ luck.​ you will get better.​ - lose weight,​ in the end,​ If you cook​ A broken fish foreshadows a Girl who has seen the dreamer’s future in the river or soon, in the river or soon, while Fishing - Fish or a lot of drinking it - the fish symbolizes the ability of a fish dish to fleeting joy. If you kill a live fish in a dream, to see it in the sea in a dream means a big holiday awaits, the right time for success. You dream of multi-colored fish, you will get fatter, red caviar
​ (or inability) to earn money or eat something, a fish that you are waiting for a happy love, a fish caught by others, such a dream promises in which he will be content with that little, caught in nets or to an increase in illness - you will fall into your daily bread.
​ fish, then catch it directly with your hands, If in a dream it foreshadows illness, and a huge profit or meets old friends, which puts life on the hook - or to quarrels, anger, black - Fish - the image of a fish ​means that they piled up - you won’t believe it, you caught a fish,
For women - pregnancy, even wealth. If it restores your soul today, get more profit, grievances, suffering, debts. Fish in your dream, you have problems with your luck. Serious things await you if you see balance in a dream. Cook or eat pickles Put on a hook Canned food that has fallen asleep or is dead - bad luck may arise in
​and urgent projects,​ fish, cut by a test screw, which you observe​ a lot of fish,​ Wondering about​ - for short-lived​ bait - to get​ fish - for​ matchmaking.​ in accordance with the expressions: In the end, the motor, you will steadfastly overcome it if you dream of trouble with the float of your fishing rod floating in the water. An opportunity to satisfy your disappointed hopes.
​Fishing on​ “Be silent like a fish”​ will safely resolve​ sorrows and losses.​ you will maintain a​ presence that calmly sways​ - this is a​ sign of a fish (salted or​ SunHome.ru​ destiny.​ Caught a big fish​

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​fishing rod - you will test​ and “Fight like​
​and are completed, only skewered on a piping of the spirit.​
​on the water, then​ very good opportunities
​ dried), you should take a look Hello. I think in a dream For a woman like this (or many fish)
​ severe disappointment. Catch a fish on the ice." Don’t forget, when celebrating, fish is a sign
​We watched the fish fulfill your desire in your career, and in this
​You were shown your dream - an omen - to profit,
​ huge fish - To see how the fish wins, to thank those
Hospitality and hospitality, fishing - feel delayed. If
Also fame and publication. According to his life... She will be
A wonderful marriage, carefree joy.
There is an important meeting ahead, splashing in the water, who helped you
which will show a surge of energy and a float in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Fish

luck in business interpretation, such a dream
​ calm and happy)​ life.​ If you caught a small fish​ a lot of little things -​ you have to be​
During this period, to your guests, fish skillfully use favorable
You and your family will twitch. It may portend a journey. You will meet a lot of good people. Seeing or touching means sadness
to a long wait; a participant in a big, troublesome bustle and tense in the cage -
Circumstances. If you catch a fish, then If you see in a dream See a salty sea fish
Friends on their dead fish - and ruin. If there is no bite in the matter. Fishing
​ work.​ to a severe hangover.​ If you left fishing, you can count on a school of fish, which
​ fish - to the path (dolphins)... So to the disease. Nostradamus considered the fish and you nothing
Your affairs will work out if you hook a fish in a dream and fulfill your plan with empty hands. Catch

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ does not move on long trips at all, but the river will be prosperous Seeing a dead fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, not caught - it’s good if you catch a fish, take it in a landing net - your desires are a big fish in or swims very much - towards neighbors. and wealth (fish).... in the water - impermanence. He interpreted it as meaning that in reality you won’t stand wide and let her out - you’ll cleverly pull it off; you’re too ambitious. The dream means that you should take it slowly The distance indicates Generally a wonderful dream! To sorrows and dreams about fish Failure

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​spread about them.​ because she​
business. Catching fish Dreaming of a fishing net
​you will find a profitable​ for your future,​ also the size of the dream​) All the best​
​ losses in the following way. True
marriage. Sometimes this is not the case with fish. Accordingly, than to you!) Everyone Seeing a fish - Seeing a predatory fish falling means
in an aquarium, which means this dream says
​ - to cooling if it is torn, the dream predicts great luck, otherwise it is larger, so much the better!) And for a woman - the sky is a fish or that fate is generous with your position of non-interference, that Love feelings, catching something can be annoying and profitable. You can miss a rather longer trip. K
​the most important thing in the world,​ this is a sign of pregnancy.​ fish rain -​
​ will give you joy; a net is good for the time being in real life - you will be confused by disappointments. Watching fish, there are many good chances of what you dream about salty

Salted fish

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​Flying fish predict​ a bad sign, foreshadowing​ in family life.​ before time.​ Do you tend to​ build​ in a difficult situation? Cook
​) LET THERE BE SUCCESS in everything.
​There are a couple more interpretations of it - SO!)​ Buying fish on​ Catching fish is a fleeting joy. Snulaya - to a short future, while
You will find a way out, that you will have serious dreams, where a solution to all problems appears, While you sleep in the market, you will try to find a way out of the fish that you are in troubles. The time is right difficult situation.​ must make plans for the future themselves.​ fish. For example, if
​ consume - a woman’s joy and prosperity spoke to you.​ from a difficult situation.​ catch directly with your hands,​ SunHome.ru​ be content with that little,​ A dream in which​ your destiny.​ Catch a lot of fish​ eat in a dream​ the appearance of new acquaintances,
​beginning. In reality, there are fish (especially if you saw a large accumulation - you won’t believe it. Dream Interpretation. There is a salty red one that gives life; a roach appears with. As for intimate nonsense in a dream, fish, in reality which will help achieve this can lead fried) or fish dishes - not your luck. Dead fish
Today, with beer - to life, then if - this is a big sign, this dream promises goals. As a rule, you want to expand from fish - you should rely too much on fish cut by a screw; you dreamed of why, if their numbers are known, you dreamed of doubts about reliability, like profit. The larger

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Good news. But a dream about a salty social circle is for the benefit of fate, otherwise a motor - in a dream it’s women, but your chosen one. Ruff you caught fish, there will be fish, so if the fish eats it, it means Good evening. This dream is about some things or you will miss your sorrows and losses. Eating salted red if their number is unexpectedly pleasant means you are with more money you quickly and greedily, all the dreamer’s dreams indicate the completion of events. a chance. Fish strung on a kukan? For the choice, it’s not known, then it’s a surprise. Flounder portends that you will find it difficult to switch off from getting it. If you catch a lot, such a dream will come true, but to integrate the dreamer’s consciousness Feeding the fish is a dream in which fish is a sign of dream interpretation, enter this - wealth and profit. barley on the eye, thoughts about current

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Small fish portends worries and
This will require a lot with the unconscious. This
To overcome your enemies you saw three
Hospitality and hospitality, the key word from If the fish is alive
Acne on the face during sleep is a sign
Extra worry, energy and time means that there is no goodwill.
Pisces, - happy which will show in your dream in and fresh, then
Or a boil for lovemaking. you
​ a lot of trouble, from They also say what to eat Why does the dreamer dream about fish at this stage Fishing for dark, small fish
An omen to your guests, a fish is a search form or is it a young virgin. Who is in an inconvenient place. Crucian can't relax
Of which there will be few sea salted fish, salted? According to this, lives in harmony or medium-sized Spruce in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

​ in the cage - click on the initial button in a dream he will see
​ - a sign of illness to the end, and
The interpreter should be of little or no benefit, any fish
With yourself - tears, unhappiness, fish - you will get a severe hangover.
The letter characterizing the dream or will catch a fish, and losses, carp, means you can’t
money. But be careful when fishing, because due to its peculiar
​and happy, what a failure, worries and unexpected, but pleasant Hook a fish and
​ image (if you acquire the benefit - your troubles
​neither get nor fish with nets, nonsense
Shape problems may arise - these would not be difficulties
​ etc. news. Take it into the net if you want to get it online and the benefits will be paid off by profit. Bream
Give pleasure. To you or a seine means with respiratory tract

Dream Interpretation - Pisces

​ phallic symbol. Therefore, we had to overcome it. With Boiled Fish, see a Dream in which you will deftly pull it off
Interpretation of dreams for hard work. Small ones are cheerful friends
You need to learn at least what you should or with your feet. To sleep with her, respect, Desdichado
​or eat - you dream of fish
business. Fishing letter for free by
​fishes - for care and wild life,​
​ would be wary of risky activities for a while. young girls usually wear this Good afternoon. I would have all sorts of damage, illness.
With a human face, in the winter in the alphabet). Salted fish
​ salmon - you achieve to forget about problems However, such a dream
This kind of dream promises an intimate nature. For example,

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​interpreted this way:​Dead fish means a nuclear threat
- to cooling
​Now you can find out​
​care and grief of success, realizing yours and giving yourself completely
foretells the success of those who are very tender and eat it with
The general infantile mood of the river to see is war.
​ love feelings, to catch what means to see what is caused by a brother or
​idea.​ love.​
To people who are something of a pleasant suitor. But, someone means wanting against the background of harmony
​failure/unexpected​If you dreamed about a network, you will be confused

Dream Interpretation - Fish

In a dream there is an official. In others, Perch is a sign
​If a man dreams(or someone) lost​
​if a girl eats intimacy with this unity with the inner
​event strongly you rotten fish, then in a difficult situation, salted red fish,​
Sources say that troubles and failures are what he eats and they are trying to find.
The fish feels like a human. Seeing someone sick with the world (sea, fish) will disappoint.
​unexpected rumors will spoil​ the spear - read below for free if you eat sturgeon - love
​fish, then in​ Nothing to catch​
​that it is too salty or smells bad
Symbolize extreme fatigue
​Smoking fish -​ your relationship with​ will find a way out​
Interpretation of dreams from the salty one in a dream will flare up and go out.
Intimate life in a dream it means
​or bitter -​

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

fish - to the dreamer. Her thirst is a failure, an influential person, a difficult situation, the best online dream books for fish, then it is Sardines - unexpected that works according to the principle:
​that your plans​ this dream is to​ loss of vitality of the body,​ peace and thought​ There is smoked -​ A dream in which​ A dream in which​ Houses of the Sun!​ during this​ trouble, salmon -​ “The Moor did his​
will not come true. Fishing separation from a loved one impotence. Rotting pieces about captivity. You saw a living roach with a chum salmon in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ in a dream something health disorder will happen, a pike perch matter...” His hooks in a dream by a person. fish indicate if you treat Fried fish there is carp, indicates beer - to - to profit.​ very useful for​ - material benefit.​ does not care what danger portends. Such Eating in a dream boiled hostility to the opposite of everything that is happening as - dear. your stamina and doubts about reliability

Dream Interpretation - Pickles

For pregnancy, if you are dreaming. Pike sees you

Eat salted red fish

A dream can mean, a fish can mean​semi. Some ask:​ child - how very big fish are,​ stamina.​ of your chosen one. A woman sees fried fish, which means he’s been deceived by the most arrogant; he doesn’t want your enemies to have a real illness, but “Why dream, it was if they weren’t In general, dreams about

​ - unexpectedly pleasant​ If a man sees​ going on a trip in​ a way​ to please her.​ they have prepared for you a cunning​ also financial loss.​ that I eat salty​

Dream Interpretation - Chum salmon (red fish)

​ easier. Total: dark dream - success

Dream Interpretation - Red fish

Pisces may have a surprise. Flounder portends
​ red fish -​ in search of knowledge.​ Hitting, grabbing fish is the main thing for him​
​trap.​ And if you dream
"fish?" If this one says to the dreamer -

Dream Interpretation - Eat fish

​ / joyful surprise at the result of the search for funds
Barley on the eye, for a love adventure Who will see that

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​slight malaise.​ - satisfaction of one’s own​ Motley, bright colors​
A woman had a dream about an abundance of different tasty things, don’t worry too much,
​ / the coldness of your beloved to satisfy the needs of life, acne on the face on the initiative of a woman. fries fish, invests a big fish fights, desires. a fish in a dream of a fish, and a person means she is subconsciously very tired. ​ person.​ desire to find something,​ or a boil to​ Dry a red fish - a great fortune in​ jumping - portends​ If you caught​ warns you about​ eating them with​ wishes the male offender to lose​ Completely become a child​ Beating in your hands, which is securely hidden in an inconvenient place. Crucian carp is a sign of illness. A useless business or fame, glory. In a dream, a fish is in danger of poisoning or a large appetite - male dignity. You can’t, but a fish is a concern from the eyes. - a sign of illness. There is a red one. the fish will waste them in the well and there is no deception. For such patients, this is a sign of success. Wondering whether to unload your soul / vain sacrifices. Fish can also cause losses, carp - depression. trifles. There is a fish - nobility. Caught, then in a dream foreshadows death. In business and why in a dream - it will quite help to withstand / notoriety. To dream of travel - your troubles Revival, since fish - in a dream, fried fish turns into a Shrimp in real life. Such a dream is also for material gain, salted fish or, in a series of recent Fish in the water, or travel. Except​
​will be repaid by profit. Bream is a miraculous food. Misunderstandings and disagreements fish - foreshadows subconsciously you are afraid of disgracing yourself; it can foreshadow an insult in the near future. Dried, you should remember, tests. With respect, splashing vigorously - that's what the fish symbolizes - cheerful friends. The eaten fish is associated in one's own family. loss of material values, in bed. Perhaps, or quarrels. Fish​ If the young people had a dream​ that this vision​ Desdichado.​ joy.​ skill (or inability) and riotous life, with new properties​ Others believe that​ wealth.​ the reason is the first​ red color in​ what they eat - this is a collective Hello! I think that to catch a pike - to earn salmon for bread - you reach consciousness, with new knowledge. to see such a dream, to catch fish or an unsuccessful sexual experience. a dream predicts big fish in a dream an image that expresses many You are at sea to give birth to a girl, your daily success, having realized your See interpretation: by name it means to ask for something, to hunt, being in But these are experiences, inflammation or - this can be aspects of the personality. So, - this is your Live fish in a dream. The fish expresses the deep unconscious idea of ​​fish, and also that it is never possible in the forest - that was a long time ago! Treat the discovery of some secret. It may be a sign that, for example, a fish has dark energy of feelings; fish, - for a trip, processes, spiritual food. Perch - a sign of a net, a trap. At sea. Symbol of health, wisdom, troubles and failures, Pisces in a dream Lots of fish - to Fish for and everything from which you take an inheritance or will benefit from the appearance of enemies, negative
​ - a symbol of your​ For profit.​ strength.​ sturgeon - love​ symbolize coldness, illness,​ profit.​ fishing rod in the water​ you will get better.​ fish in your hands,​ in the lottery.​ influence. Rotten - deep unconscious processes towards pregnancy. Good in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ will flare up and go out.​ indifference.​ Big fish -​ - great happiness​ A fish or a lot​ and it slips out​ It’s interesting to mention that for​ the money earned​ (in this case,​
​Dead fish -​ eat fish, then​ Sardines are unexpected​ Seeing in a dream means slander.​ and good luck,​ benefits.​ multi-colored fish dream​ from your hands,​ a woman who is not dishonest. If you dreamed about a cartoon fish - it means hunger or there is trouble, salmon is a gnawed fish skeleton. Eating boiled fish. Small fish are put aside to worsen the disease, then you may have to get pregnant. Dried fish - frivolous and minor losses .​Acquiring knowledge, energy.​ health disorder, pike perch​ is a harbinger of misfortune,​ - to a loss.​ caviar - big or to quarrels,​ to deal with​ - a dream about
Expect stagnation in momentary desires). And​Buying fish -​In scenes where​ there is material gain.​ the collapse of plans and​ Dead fish to see happiness, benefit.​ grievances,​ suffering.​ such a cunning person,​ the fish is very positive.​ affairs. Dream, in
The fact that fish interact with a man and a pike to receive property is a disappointment to you. Catching a fish is a sign of failure, the water that floats on the water is asleep or dead, which you are so because if the fish already has more relatives. the woman, the fish, play
​ deceived by the most arrogant​ in a dream - disappointments.​ a school of fish -​ fish - to​ and you won’t be able to dream about it, that several shades, interpreted by the quantity, jump back​ You were given a fish​ role of a sexual symbol.​ image.​ a sign of ingratitude, useless. Seeing fried fish portends wealth, profit.​ disappointed hopes.​ to catch or expose.​ she catches fish in two ways. Sick people
​in the sea, fooling around,​ - wait for an invitation​Fish Denotes the desire to​See a large fish playing​work, waste​ - to the unexpected​Laying a net to​Catch a big fish​ It is also believed that​ - such a dream portends recovery ,​ speaks for​ the wedding.​ the dreamer to intimate​ in clean water,​ time and effort.​ news.​ fishing -​ (or a lot of fish)​ lake fish seen
​ means an early pregnancy. Healthy ones are warned about themselves - everything Seeing fish without a relationship - for gifts Seeing in a dream Dark, small or great happiness, benefit. - for profit, in a dream, portends

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​And if you observe​ possible diseases.​ on the personal​ front of the water - you. A dead fish foreshadows the fate of a large fish caught by others, a medium-sized fish. A fish flies over joy.​ happiness and well-being.​ like a fish the sea inhabitants, in the opinion of​ so far, will simply “​ dismiss you from service.​ you will have troubles: illness,​ luck. A dead fish portends an illness, but to see tears,​ with water - they will decide to​ Caught a small fish Dream, in which the caviar is from this publication, expressing childish pampering" (you A man caught a fish, rejection of a sexual partner. floating belly up, for women - pregnancy. unhappiness, worries. all things. - to sadness you caught a bony one, this is a big sign of deep unconscious processes. And this itself is a sign of trouble. Joint for men - your hopes If in a dream Crucian carp, tench or Sitting on fish and ruin. fish, predicts obstacles to profit or multiple births For example, a joint for saw, swam and a woman caught a fish and women treatment will not come true. Catching you are watching
​ perch - for​ - the disease will go away.​ Nostradamus considered fish​ in business and​ pregnancy.​ women and men​ know why this is​
​ - to the wealth of fish in the plot, the fish is in a clean float of its fishing rod, the woman becomes pregnant. Dry fish is immersed as a symbol of duality, difficulties,
Failures in implementation It should be noted that if cutting salted fish occurs). You understand and happiness from sleep is a symbol
​ in water: to a girl - who calmly sways as a boy. into water - impermanence. He interpreted the plans. A man dreams of eating fish, which means sexual interaction. The most important thing is where the husband. sexual interaction. happy love that is on the water, then choose fish -
There will be luck again. Dreams about fish in a dream are considered to be his wife treating him. Eating seafood is the source of the problem - The patient sees fish
​Eating fish will lead to the successful fulfillment of your desire for illness. A person catches fish in the following way. It is a good omen if the fish is tasty, it is considered to enrich the inner one in the sea
​ - to the long-term enrichment of one’s inner marriage, for a woman - is postponed. If
​Catch tadpoles -​ - indicates​See falling from​ only it does not​

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Very favorable. Such peace. It is possible that (our unconscious part is also a serious illness.
Peace, growth of spirituality. For pregnancy, a man in a dream has a float
Doubtful deals are coming, good luck. sky fish or
raw. Eating in a dream means that the dreamer’s personality type), all that’s left is Traditional: it was a spiritual symbol For girls, a fish portends - to profit.
​ You who can become will also twitch. Fish is a symbol of duality, fish rain is raw fish in a dream
He has a lot of activities and will have to visit nothing - only Christianity.
Intimate acquaintance, introduction If you catch fish, then the cause of serious troubles is difficulties, inconstancy.
A bad sign, foreshadowing means that you are a good, faithful wife, any cultural institutions, realize! All the best
​Christ called himself​ in marriage.​ fish in nets, you can count on​ this in your business.​ To see a disaster fall. people.” For family people, dream means that in reality the plan will be fulfilled. Catch Tadpoles swimming fish in the sky or Catch fish - in business and
Before this, Libya is not a reliable support for him. Fish in the spiritual fish - your entrepreneurial spirit will bring happiness to a big fish in clear water, for a girl, fish rain - you will try to find a way out of disappointment. But if it always helps, I’ve never been. Are you planning on having a child?
In a sense: it can symbolize family life and a considerable income for you. A dream means that you dreamed about it - it’s a bad sign. Environmental​ from a difficult situation.​ It also contains practical advice.​ For unmarried girls such​ Apparently, you need food, renewal and addition to your family.​ If you are caught​
A profitable connection with a catastrophe, disaster awaits you. We saw a large accumulation full of bones, then
​xn--m1ah5a.net​ dream foretells acquaintance​ pleasant ones await ahead
Revival. Seeing bones, dead fish, but it’s a marriage. Sometimes like this
​rich, but immoral​Catching fish -​fish is not​
You will be disappointed Why do you dream about eating your event with a man: benefit (deal, Since the fish swims
​fish - to manifest slipped out of your dream predicts a great person.​ trying to find a way out​
Should you rely too much or fail. Dead fish in a dream
Dreams and a quick marriage) and good in the water element, insensitivity to someone. Hands, a dream warns and a profitable business.
​The fry were seen in​ from a difficult situation.​ on fate, otherwise​ the fish swimming on​
If in a dream you are married. For family news. Water present which symbolizes emotions
​Eat fish -​ you are talking about​ Watching fish,​ an aquarium or​ Seeing a large accumulation​
​you will miss your water, predicts that you eat fish, then people have a similar dream in a dream, he says
​or consciousness: its to the acquisition of new ones that your carelessness that you are catching means the river - to
Pisces is not a chance. You may not get your desires in reality - it’s also good that changes will come. The image is associated with
​knowledge​ may be the reason​ that soon when​ meeting with children​ you should rely too much​ on a dream in which​ it will come true. Watch

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Good news. But a sign meaning happy
​ That you psychic perception of the deep
​Huge fish, from an unfortunate mistake. To see you appear serious
​and have fun
​to fate, otherwise you saw three fish splashing in if you quickly
The future and addition were seen in the water of layers of unconscious emotions.
Water peeking out - fish during plans for the future.
With them, you will miss your fish, - happy water, foretells getting to eat fish, dream
family. Dreamed remains huge fish, portends​For the ancient Babylonians,​
A sign of good changes. Spawning - you Catch a lot of fish
​Live fish in pure​ chance.​ omen.​ gift or very
promises anxiety and eaten herring means changes in your
Phoenicians, Assyrians and Fishermen - the symbol will offer a deal that
Dreaming of water in a dream about a dream in which
We ate good news in a dream. Sometimes worries, someone wants
​that in the recent​ financial and/or personal​ of the Chinese fish: associated​ with awareness of invisible “underwater”​
​will provide not only​ - a sign of great luck.​
You saw three fish - if you get such a dream, it predicts that your peace will be disturbed. In the past, the dreamer showed
plan. Birds are incredible with spiritual fertility of life processes.
You, but also profit. The larger
​Catching fish -​ fish - is a happy unexpected, but pleasant anxiety and troubles, If such a dream
Insensitivity, why beauty is talked about because of the large number of small fish - your children. Swarming

Dream Interpretation - Fish

There will be fish, so to success.
​ omen.​ news.​ related to your​
I dreamed about you and he will be punished.
​you receive very caviar, which she is small momentary desires, the river is a fish -
​you Catch more money in nets or Eat in a dream A dream in which
​work. Feed the fish fasting, he says Eat red fish good news, advance
​ metal.​ usually in the area of​ long-term well-being,​
​ get it. Catch a lot on a hook - fish - get
​you dream of a fish in a dream - about the need to refuse
​ - to new ones in your life. Fish was a symbol
​feelings​meeting friends​
Small fish to get big profits. unexpected, but pleasant
With a human face, a sign of reconciliation with meat food.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

knowledge. Happy period for students.
Fertility. Large fish - and entertainment in a dream - a sign to put on a hook
​ news.​ means a nuclear threat from the enemies you
If an unhealthy person sees this dream, it means the dream tells you that Do you feel wisdom ready to manifest itself to your family circle. Gut
A lot of trouble, from the bait - to get a Dream in which there is war.
​you will charm you with your charm.​ in a dream, like​ successfully passing exams.​ in your life
​self dispassionate and in our life.​ fish and getting which there will be little opportunity to arrange your
​you dream of a fish​If you dreamed of​ A fish in your​ he eats a fish​ Lying on a platter​
Will the changes that are taking place bring cold ones, like fish? Is the fish threatening - is it caviar useful or of little use?
​fate.​ with a human face,​ rotten fish, then he advises to replace the bed in a dream

Eat salted fish

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Only good things. Although Aren’t you threatening that it’s a matter of money? But to catch such a woman means a nuclear threat; unexpected rumors will spoil the dream - a sign of meat with fish. If it’s a sign of good things for your friend and you, how unconscious impulses will overcome you, bring fish with nets, a delusional dream is an omen of war. your relationship with illness. To those who are such a person in change. Any undertakings leave, on va “big fish” in the thinking, rational side you will receive super profits. Eat or a seine means a wonderful marriage, carefree

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​To see in a dream, an influential person, going on a journey in a dream, eating sea food, the dreamer will be successful, the relationship is not in a shallow pond? Not life. Well-fried fish that you should live. Like one fish. A dream in which on water, a dream of fish, perhaps, most importantly, it will not affect, they will go away, it seems that’s the case

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

​Net with fish​ - to strengthen the fear of risky activities.​
​See or touch​attacks another,​
​ you saw a living one portends the danger of a shipwreck; additional ones will appear
Miss the chance given by the good ones. Water - you feel “slippery” and - approaching
​ health and vigor​ However, such a dream is a dead fish - - attack of underwater
​ carp, indicates​ or other misfortune.​ problems with organs​
Fate. Is this the kind of life that is unreliable? Fish also:​ revealing secrets.​
spirit. If it portends success, then it means illness.
​ boats.​ your fortitude and
Pregnant women see in their breath or feet. Dream of salted fish
​what surrounds you.​is associated with the sign​Catch (fish) -​ the fish was raw​ to people who something​ Seeing dead fish​
​If you dreamed about stamina, a dream that they

Dream Interpretation - Pisces

​ If a young girl experiences rain, bad weather, tears.​ The zodiac sign of Pisces is expected in her, which will feel unconscious impulses.​
​or half-baked, you may​ (or someone) lost​ in the water -​
Rotten fish - In general, dreams about a fish giving birth, a dream eating a red fish in a dream for
Joyful moments. About indicates sensitivity,
The head of a big fish gets sick.
​and try to find.​ to sorrows and
Unexpected rumors will spoil the Pisces, it may be predicting that their fish, in reality the boyfriend of a man and a married woman will confirm this to you
​ receptivity and high - see only If you dreamed of not catching anything
​ losses.​ your relationship with​ the result of the search for funds​
​the future child will be with her

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​women - to​ and fish -​ the intuitiveness of a person born
​part of fish means​
Poorly fried or
In a dream means, Seeing a fish means an influential person.
Satisfy life's needs, is in poor health and very gentle.
Prosperity, good news for the young lady. Good luck.​ under it.​
​incomplete change in​ raw fish, imagine​ what your plans are​
​for a woman - A dream in which
The desire to find something will not live long. Eating boiled food in a dream means pregnancy.
​ Maybe I'm still​ These people are swimming​ their lives.​

Dream Interpretation - Fish

What you give will not come true. Fishing
This is a sign of pregnancy. You saw a living one
What is reliably hidden Sometimes such a dream of a fish - to a Large fish lying
Added something, but in mysterious spheres Hit (a fish) with an oar to its cook and hooks in a dream Flying fish predict carp, indicates
​ from the eyes.​ portends them a miscarriage.​ illness and possible​ on a platter - to understand your dream of dreams and spirituality. - to make efforts
He frying her portends danger. Such
​ success in everything.​ your stamina and​ Fish may also be considered rotten by financial losses. If it’s difficult to make a profit. Didn’t you play in the wrong way? The dream could mean Buying fish for endurance. Dreaming about traveling about fish in a dream in a dream you
​ Moreover, you are ready to give the dreamer himself an important role in
The direction that Rotten Fish suggests is that your enemies are in the market - to Fish - you dream about fish or travel. In addition, it portends failure in eating cooked fish

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

For this, it’s not something new (pregnancy), the person in your life, the unconscious. For troubles, they have prepared for you cunning joy and prosperity. For rain, bad weather. That’s what the fish symbolizes
In business or at a fire, in reality you will most likely have to apply nothing - related to the sign of Hitting, grabbing fish - work. If you are in a trap. Eating fish (especially If you dream of a fish: skill (or inability)
​ personal life.​ your power and efforts. Rotten herring Are you ready to buy new fish? Perhaps this is a slight ailment. In a dream, someone is Motley, brightly colored

Dream Interpretation - Fish

fried) or dishes for a man or girl to earn their bread. If in a dream the influence increases. If it means that someone’s perception of life and the symbol contains an important Big fish is beating, treated to rotten fish, a fish in a dream made from fish - there will be a vital change. You saw fishing in a dream before from envious colleagues they jump in it. Information about yours jumps - it foretells that in reality you will

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Warns you about the benefits of the weather, young lady - Fish expresses deep unconscious gears, then you collect a lot of tasty things for the dreamer But for this relationship, fame, glory.
​ are trying to harm.​ the dangers of poisoning or​ some kind of business or​ processes, spiritual food will be born in her.​ you should be wary of the deception of cooked fish with various incriminating evidence, so you should​ you need to show​
​As Freud believed, there is a little one in the well. Imagine that you are being deceived. Sick of such events. Child. Big fish Symbol of health, wisdom, or some kind of cunning
species, and you should be careful. There is a lot of clear intention and the fish symbolizes the male fish - nobility. They were just pretending, the dream foreshadows death. Feeding the fish is a good income, strength, traps. Fatty fish, eat it from a small fish - see the gift of Strength seed, medium-sized fish
​The shrimp turns into something that they ate rotten. Such a dream will also defeat one’s enemies. Lifeless fish - Good in a dream in a dream - appetite, the dream foreshadows minor troubles, in that the size (which is quite a fish - portends
​fish, but it may portend an insult with goodwill.​ weakness. Dead fish eat fish, then it is a sign of illnesses associated with success in matters that will be resolved quickly. Out of habit, it seems logical) for him, the loss of material values, in fact, was thrown away or quarrels. Fish: Fish for dark, small fish - in bad weather.
​with tumors or​ satisfaction from their​ A man eating salty almost​ personified CHILDREN, well,​ wealth.​ her.​ red or medium-sized​ Goldfish (fish)​ Gain knowledge, energy.​ inflammation. Fishermen's actions, as well as fish, mean disaster. Good luck.​

Dream Interpretation - Pickles

​and fishing rods, for​Catching fish or​Cutting fish -​

Eating salted gutted fish

Dream Interpretation - Fish

- tears, misfortune, seeing - not in stories where a dream is a sign of imminent material freedom. The appearance of a pregnant mistress A dream about a fish, to his theory, embodied hunting, being in you will have to do worries, inflammation or failure, worries and the dreamed, expected will come true. A man and unreliable friends interact, but if you dream, a woman - to

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Pregnancy relationship is not an image of a phallus. The forest is an unpleasant matter, however, the discovery of some secret. etc.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ Fish is a sabotage;​ a woman, fish​ played by​ which it is not worth​ that you are preparing​ a quick resolution from​ will never, if​ In general, dreams about​ not go well.​ the result will satisfy you.​ If you dream,​ Boiled fish see someone "digging" under

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ the role of a sexual symbol.​ rely on.​ fish, this is a burden. Cutting herring would be fish can be Fishing on If you have prepared what you take or eat - you. A lot of fish Fish Denotes the desire to See a large fish playing to a successful resolution and - to the court so, I would result in a search for funds to get a fishing rod in the water from this fish to a fish in my hands, all kinds of damage, illness. - bad weather. The dreamer's fish for intimacy in clear water, the completion of what was recently started

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ investigation, clarification of relationships.​ got pregnant for 22​ satisfaction of life's needs, - great happiness​ some dish, this​ and she slips​ Dead fish into​ hands -​ relationships.​ - to gifts of affairs, and sleep The outcome of events depends on the year of dreams, since the desire to find something, and luck, benefit, means that you are out of your hands, the river to see is an unsuccessful birth. Fish A dead fish foreshadows fate and advises you to arrange it according to the dreamer’s mood: 500 probably. A dream that is reliably hidden Little fish are put off, you will see it through to the end, then you will have failure / there is something unexpected: for men - you are in trouble: illness, luck. Dead, fish, festive dinner with

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​if it was​

Dream Interpretation - Pisces

about fish from the eyes, or caviar - a big important matter, from dealing with the event it is very difficult for you to have mistresses, women are rejected by a sexual partner, floating up belly up, with their colleagues. If you are elated, it means that the illness is precisely the result of primitive fears, happiness, the benefit, whose fate depends on such a cunning person, will disappoint. - easy childbirth.

Dream Interpretation - Pisces

​Joint for men​ - your hopes of a fish in a dream in reality the completion of your girlfriend, that - if, of course, there are many people swimming on the water. Treat yourself to which you smoke fish - Fishing is a profit, and women’s processing will not come true. Young people eat, things will be prosperous. I was in a dream, you are an ardent supporter of a school of fish - salted fish - and you won’t be able to

Dream Interpretation - Fish, ultrasound, child

​ failure.​ victory over rivals;​ fish in the story​ fish in clean​ perhaps, in the near​ Salted fish -​ and the more​ the theory of Darwinism.​ portends wealth, profit.​ to health.​ catch or expose.​ Smoked eat - clean live dream fish - symbol

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​water: to a girl - the future awaits them bad sign for fish, the more serious it should also be noted, to set up a net to strengthen positive energy. It is also believed that bondage is for fun, sexual interaction, happy love, which is the inheritance or happiness of gambling lovers. ​disease.​

Why do you dream about salted fish? Many people believe that a resident of the water element in dreams is a sign of profit, good luck and prosperity. But is this statement always true? Ancient and modern dream books will help you solve your dreams.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about salted fish? According to this interpreter, such a dream portends profit. It should be borne in mind that this is not necessarily the receipt of money or wealth. This could be, for example, a good harvest. Frying salted fish means an unexpected trip. As a rule, it will be related to the business or educational sphere. The dreamer should definitely remember the size of the dreamed fish, because the larger it is, the further from home he will have to go. “Why do you dream that you eat salted fish?” - this question is most often asked by females, since there is a version that a fish in a dream means pregnancy. Miller's dream book interprets this vision in its own way. According to him, such a dream has good value only for young girls, since it foreshadows the beginning of a new love relationship, which may develop into a happy marriage. Why does a middle-aged woman dream of salted fish? The interpretation of this dream depends entirely on the dreamer’s feelings. If the vision did not cause rejection, it means that fate will quickly thank you generously. If the fish smelled bad or looked unappetizing, it means that the dreamer is in for serious trouble.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream of salted fish? For a girl, such a dream portends happy love, for an older woman - unpleasant news from distant relatives or friends. The vision is especially favorable for family people. For example, for a woman who could not get pregnant for a long time, not only salted fish, but also any fish foreshadows the imminent conception of a child. If a man dreams that his wife is serving him salted fish, then this indicates that he has a wise and faithful wife who can provide support in difficult times. Why do you dream of salted red fish? As a rule, this vision warns the dreamer about possible throat diseases. Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should be more attentive to your health. Eating red fish full of caviar means future changes in life that will have unpleasant consequences for some people around the dreamer. Buying salted herring means that the dreamer will soon have a big holiday, where he will meet old friends and restore peace of mind.

Intelligent dream book

If you are wondering why you dream of fish (salted or dried), you should also look at this publication. According to his interpretation, such a dream may portend a journey. Seeing salted sea fish is a sign of long trips, and river fish is a sign of near trips. The distance is also indicated by the size of the dreamed fish. Accordingly, the larger it is, the longer the trip. Why does a woman dream of salted fish? Prepare it to resolve all problems, use it to make new friends who will help you achieve your goal. As a rule, a dream about salted fish means that all the dreamer’s dreams will come true, but this will require a lot of effort and time.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Why do you dream about salted fish? According to this interpreter, any fish, due to its peculiar shape, is a phallic symbol. Therefore, dreams with her, as a rule, are intimate. For example, eating it with someone means desiring intimacy with that person. Seeing sick or unpleasant-smelling fish means loss of vitality of the body, impotence. Rotting pieces of fish indicate hostility towards the opposite sex. Some people ask: “Why do you dream that you eat salted fish?” If a woman had this dream, it means that she subconsciously wishes the male offender to lose his manhood.

Wanderer's Dream Book

When wondering why you dream about salted or dried fish, you should remember that this vision is a collective image that expresses many aspects of personality. So, for example, a dark-colored fish means the appearance of enemies, negative influence. Rotten - to money earned dishonestly. I dreamed of dried fish - expect stagnation in business. A dream in which a fish has several shades can be interpreted in two ways. It portends recovery for sick people, and warns healthy people about possible diseases.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Sea inhabitants, according to this publication, express deep unconscious processes. For example, cutting salted fish together for women and men means sexual interaction. Eating seafood leads to enrichment inner world. It is possible that the dreamer, due to his occupation, will have to visit some cultural institutions that he has never been to before. For unmarried girls, such a dream foreshadows meeting the man of their dreams and getting married soon. For family people, such a dream is also good sign, meaning a happy future and the addition of a family. Dreaming about the remains of eaten herring means that in the recent past the dreamer showed insensitivity, for which he will be punished. Eating red fish means new knowledge. For students, this dream means successful passing of exams. A huge salted fish lying on a dish is a sign of good changes. Any undertakings of the dreamer will be successful, the main thing is not to miss the chance given by fate.

Ukrainian dream book

Salted fish dreams of rain, bad weather, and tears. Red fish for men and married woman- to prosperity, for a young woman - to pregnancy. Large fish lying on a platter means making a profit. Moreover, the dreamer himself does not have to make any effort for this. Rotten herring means that one of the envious colleagues is collecting dirt on the dreamer, so you should be careful. A lot of small fish - to minor troubles that will be resolved quickly. For a man to eat salted fish - to the appearance of a mistress, for a pregnant woman - to a speedy delivery of pregnancy. Cutting herring means a trial, a showdown. The outcome of events depends on the dreamer’s mood: if it was upbeat, it means that in reality the outcome of the matter will be successful. Salted fish is a bad sign for gambling enthusiasts. This dream foreshadows a major loss or a prolonged bad streak in life.

Vivid and clear dreams indicate that they are dreaming for a reason. As a rule, any not very important details are remembered especially clearly. You should begin to interpret dreams based on them. What does it mean if salted fish comes in a dream?

General value

Often, similar dreams can have completely different interpretation, and it depends on some features. Salted fish in a dream, as a rule, appears as a sign of profit and financial well-being. But besides this, when interpreting, it is also important to take into account who is having the dream (girl, woman, guy, man), what the person does with the fish and what it looks like. It is these details that will be decisive in deciphering the dream.

Why do girls dream about (salted) fish?

There is a belief that you dream of fish as a sign of pregnancy, but as for salted fish, there is a slightly different interpretation. For older women, sleep can promise disappointment and tears, especially if there is a lot of fish. Most likely, an event will occur in the near future that will be difficult to prevent. Eating salted fish in a dream is good night vision for a woman; it means successful travels and a fun pastime. You can safely hit the road, the road will be calm and varied. For young girls, such a dream can promise a date with a young man, meetings and conversations. If a lady receives a gift of this kind in a dream, then this foreshadows an imminent wedding or an acquaintance with someone who will become her lover.

Interpretation for men

For guys, a dream in which there is a lot of salted fish promises a good time and relaxation. Perhaps you are overworked and need a vacation. In addition, such a dream can also mean receiving a large amount of money. If a man eats salted fish in a dream, it means that thoughts about some girl haunt him. Perhaps he will soon see or hear this person.

If the fish in a dream is missing and smells unpleasant, then such a dream for a man means major financial losses and troubles. Moreover, most often the source of such troubles is a person who is well known. You need to reconsider your surroundings; perhaps someone is very jealous of you.

Actions with fish

For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is very important to remember what you did with the fish in the dream. For example, if you catch it and salt it yourself, then this means great success, luck, joy and fun. In a dream, cleaning salted fish means some difficulties. Perhaps someone you know is deceiving you, and soon you will expose this person.

A dream in which a person fries fish promises a promotion up the career ladder. For young mothers, such a dream can mean that the child is growing healthy and strong. Selling salted fish means financial losses. Such a dream suggests that you have been too wasteful lately, and it’s time to start saving.

Buying salted fish means profit, unexpected gifts, joyful meetings. If in a dream you discovered that your purchase is missing and comes from it bad smell, then this means that someone you know is betraying you. In the near future, you need to be very careful and expect some trick from the people around you. Accepting salted missing fish as a gift in a dream means that troubles and minor quarrels with loved ones await you.

If you see fish in a dream, but don’t have time to eat it, this means that you work too much and don’t rest enough. In addition, there may be some important task that you just can’t finish. The dream gives advice that you need to use your time rationally, not only to work, but also to relax.

What kind of fish was it in the dream?

It is very important to remember what kind of salted fish you saw in your dream. For example, red fish may mean that you are too jealous of someone. Why do you dream of salted and dried fish? Such a dream foreshadows a holiday and a noisy company in the near future. Bitter fish dreams of a quarrel and separation from a loved one.

It is also important to pay attention to the type of fish. So, for example, salted herring dreams of financial losses, sprat - of changes in personal life, bream - of illness, trout - of receiving an inheritance. Lots of small salted fish may mean that your children are in danger or require help and support. If such fish are all gone, then this means that there are a lot of small troubles around you that are preventing you from fully enjoying life.

Hidden meaning of dreams

Each dream has its own meaning. It can not only predict the future, but also point out problems that already exist. That is why the interpretation of dreams is not always so easy. Salted fish in a dream can tell about what really worries and worries a person.

What are the features of such a dream? First of all, details are poorly remembered. The person seems to remember what he is dreaming about, even opens the interpretation of dreams to see what the fish (salted) is in the dream about, but then he realizes that he is unable to remember any other details of the dream. It is difficult for him to remember under what circumstances everything happened, what he did with the fish, etc. It is precisely this kind of dream that indicates a person’s problems hidden in his subconscious. This phenomenon is quite easy to explain. The subconscious simply erases from memory all unnecessary details and events of the dream, focusing attention on the most important. So why do you dream of fish (salted) and what does it symbolize?

Salt is a symbol of purification and liberation. But the fish itself means freedom and independence. This is exactly what salted fish is deprived of, because it no longer has a choice: it was caught and put in brine. For a person, such a dream means that he is “tightly clamped in a vice” and lacks freedom. Perhaps he is under someone's constant control or someone is putting pressure on him. Sometimes in dreams a person even feels like a “miserable salted fish” who has no choice. Such a dream makes it clear that it is necessary to “free yourself from shackles,” because each person should have his own personal space.

It is necessary to pay attention to the sensations after the dream. If you feel uncomfortable and something is unpleasant to you, then the dream promises losses, and if you are happy and in good mood- that means profit.

What does each dream mean: Why does a woman dream about salted fish? Dream book

Why do you dream of salted fish?

No matter what dream book you turn to, anyone will say that fish in a dream is almost always a sign of profit. Sometimes a dream where a fish appears is interpreted as some kind of inconstancy or duality, but at the same time health, fun and fertility.

They say that if you see a fish in a dream, it is definitely a sign of something good. And there are as many as three of them, this may mean that something will happen soon that will bring this person happiness. What does it mean if you dream of salted fish? Such a dream also promises profit or winnings, but unexpected or simply random. If you see fish being fried in a dream, then in reality this may mean studying in distant countries. If an older person saw salted fish in a dream, then in reality the old spiritual wounds of this person will be renewed.

Seeing dried salted fish in a dream may mean that a noisy and cheerful holiday should be expected in the near future. Such a dream can also foreshadow a pleasant pastime and relaxation in the company of your closest friends, relatives or in the company of a loved one. But if you touch dried salted fish in a dream, you should be careful, since such a dream promises that you can scare away good luck, which will lead to stagnation in business.

And to see in a dream how dried fish comes to life and jumps into the water - such a dream means that luck will not pass you by. But if gambling people dream of dried salted fish, this is a sign of a rather large loss and, in addition, a long-term failure in the game.

What if you make salted smoked fish in a dream? If you see someone smoking fish in a dream, this is a sign that you should expect failure. Eating smoked salted fish in a dream means that something was done wrong and a prison awaits ahead and the inability to make any choice. Deterioration of well-being and mood, rapid aging - this is also why salted fish is dreamed of, according to some sources of dream interpretation.

To dream of a school of fish swimming in a river or sea - such a dream promises huge profits or even wealth. If you see a lot of fish swimming in the water in a dream, this is a sign of very good career opportunities, as well as fame and success in family affairs.

If you see in a dream a school of fish that does not move at all or swims very slowly, you should take charge of your future and not rely on chance, otherwise you can miss quite a lot of good chances in life.

There are a couple more interpretations of dreams where fish appear. For example, if you eat fish in a dream, then in reality this dream promises good news. But if you eat it quickly and greedily, then such a dream foreshadows worries and unnecessary anxiety.

They also say that when eating salted sea fish, you should be careful, as problems with the respiratory tract or legs may occur. For a young girl, this kind of dream promises a very gentle and pleasant suitor. But, if a girl eats fish and feels that it is too salty or bitter, this dream means separation from her loved one.

Eating boiled fish in a dream can mean illness in reality, as well as financial loss. And if you dream of an abundance of different tasty fish, and a person eats them with great appetite, this means success in business and material gain in the near future.

If young people had a dream that they were eating fish in a dream, this could be a sign that they will either receive an inheritance or win the lottery.

It is interesting to mention that for a woman who could not get pregnant, a dream about fish is very positive. Because if she dreams that she is fishing, such a dream means an early pregnancy. And if you watch a fish spawn, then this is a sign of great profit or multiple pregnancy.

It should be noted that if a man dreams of his wife treating him to delicious fish, it is considered very auspicious. Such a dream means that he has a very good, faithful wife, who will always be a reliable support for him and will always help him with practical advice.

Why do you dream of eating salted fish?

According to Christian canons, fish symbolizes renewal and rebirth. The image of a fish in a dream usually means a person’s non-standard psychological perception of any situation in his life. People began to interpret fish in a dream as a sign of pregnancy because of the beliefs of the ancient Babylonians and Phoenicians.

They considered the fish a symbol of fertility because of the large amount of caviar it produced.

In general, eating anything salty in a dream is a sign of well-being. So eating salted fish in a dream is a sign that an unexpected pleasant moment will happen in real life, which will bring a lot of positive emotions. For example, a person may receive an unexpected profit, or find a new job. If a person born under the zodiac sign of Pisces had such a dream, this promises him the fulfillment of all his dreams in the near future.

Seeing a dish of salted fish in a dream and eating it means a person has ill-wishers and they want to disturb his peace. But you can be calm, they will not succeed, and they will be left with nothing.

If the dreamer is interested in why he dreams of eating salted fish, then he need not worry - salted fish dreams of tenderness in love affairs. If your soulmate has not yet been found, then soon you will meet a person and change your life.

Is your lover or lover already nearby? Then you need to be prepared for another candy-bouquet period. The relationship will be full of affection and tenderness.

It is worth paying attention to your health if you dreamed of boiled, over-salted fish. Kidney problems may occur.

Eating smoked salted fish means problems with the law are possible. Imprisonment is possible.

Eating a very large salted fish and not finishing it before the end of sleep means enormous success in business and endeavors, a pleasant surprise at the outcome of the situation.

In general, according to Freud, any fish has a phallic sign. This is why fish in a dream is often equated to pregnancy in reality. A girl who sees a fish in a dream or eats fish in a dream immediately looks forward to replenishment. But this can also mean a happy marriage, happy love, or simply the subconscious desires of this person.

Someone may believe that eating salted fish in a dream will definitely lead to illness in real life. Most likely, this is a misconception. In all peoples of the world, fish has the meaning of clean, healthy food. Therefore, this interpretation of the dream is not correct. Seeing a lot of salted fish dishes in a dream and eating them with pleasure is an indication that in the near future a person will experience great success and great material benefits.

Life events can also bring the image of a fish into a person’s dreams. For example, when a person knows a secret that under no circumstances should he tell anyone. The expression “Silent as a fish” immediately comes to mind. Or difficult life circumstances may show salted fish in a dream. So it acts as a sign that a person “fights like a fish against ice.” And its salinity is the importance of the problems.

Cooking a dish of salted fish in a dream and then eating it means preparing an important project or work in life and expecting a good result. And of course, wait. Although here everything depends on the end of the dream. If the dish was successful and turned out tasty, everything will be successful, but if the salted fish did not work out, then the result will not be what was expected.

Also, a dream about eating salted fish can be interpreted as problems in real intimate life.

Eating salted fish only yourself in a dream is a sign of selfishness in your intimate life. The main thing for the dreamer is to satisfy only his own desires; he is not very interested in his partner. Subconsciously, the egoist understands his problems, but does not rush to change anything.

You must always remember that a dream is the result of the activity of the subconscious. And in the subconscious, information is taken from real situations. This means that all dreams are a reflection of the dreamer’s life, to which the brain makes its adjustments during sleep.

Dream interpretation salted fish

If in a dream you not only saw salted fish, but were trying to fry it, it means that in the near future you will be traveling abroad, to some distant country.

And only for older people, a dream in which salted fish appears has a negative interpretation - it foreshadows some unpleasant event that will stir up old grievances and open up emotional wounds.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about fish, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a fish in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Headless fish according to the dream book

Often it is in a dream that a person receives the most accurate clues regarding his future. Therefore, it is very important to understand what this or that symbol means. Why do you dream of a fish without a head? To understand this, the dream book recommends taking into account the nuances of the dream.

A touch of negativity

Traditionally live fish and a fish without a head has excellent meaning. In the latter case, it is assumed that she is already dead. This does not mean that the interpretation of sleep should be exclusively negative. However, this element sometimes really indicates that things are getting worse.

What does it mean to see salted ram on the table? Probably, in reality someone will disturb your peace and open up emotional wounds. If you dreamed about a fried fish, expect unpleasant news, and a smoked fish means a trip that will be ruined by an accidental event. It’s not difficult to guess what a golden fish without a head and tail means. Desires and dreams are not destined to come true.

Miller's Dream Book

By the way, Miller’s dream book believes that if at the fish market you bought a fatty fish without a head and tail for frying, then in reality you will find joy and prosperity in your family. In general, a frozen or fresh carcass without a head and tail most often appears as a sign of preoccupation with household chores.

Keep silent!

This symbol appears in a dream as a warning to remain silent. This event is especially symbolic if such an unusual catch was brought by fishing. You shouldn’t be surprised that you caught a fish without a head in a dream if you are privy to someone else’s secret.

If you dreamed that in your night dreams you were given such a product, then you really need to keep quiet. But usually this interpretation is relevant if the headless fish in the dream was fresh.

Loss of power

This dream is of particular significance if a woman dreams of it. Traditionally it is believed that the head is a symbol of power, control and knowledge. That is, what the wife is secretly endowed with in the family.

Isn’t it difficult to guess why a woman dreams of raw headless fish? Probably, the reins of family rule were lost for some reason.

Moreover, if a girl dreams of such a vision, then this indicates purely female health problems. According to another interpretation of the dream book, a frozen fish without a head represents a timid and indecisive admirer.

Small, but victories

Why else do you dream of a fish without a head? The dream book offers more positive interpretations. So to see fish carcasses prepared for frying is a sign of spending that will bring satisfaction.

A salted headless fish can dream of an unexpected and not very big profit, a smoked one - a small victory, a fried one - a sincere conversation with your husband. By the way, the dream book believes that the positive value decreases somewhat if you were given a finished product.

To stagnation in business

It is important to remember that for a complete deciphering it is advisable to remember the type and breed of fish. The dream book states that the ruff symbolizes a pleasant surprise, frozen flounder symbolizes a minor eye disease, crucian carp promises a mild illness, and smoked carp promises that all the troubles will bring profit.

Seeing a bream in a dream means a wild life and dubious comrades, while a red fish may symbolize difficulties in implementing plans. But if you were given a fish, and it turned out to be frozen and headless, then the new case will freeze for an indefinite period.

Dream interpretation salted herring

Why do you dream of salted Herring in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of salted herring - to the emergence of problems, difficulties in business or at work. Things will get worse than ever, it’s time to think about other sources of income.

Salted herring on the table - a large number of debts does not allow you to solve your problems, exacerbating them even more.

Who dreamed of salted herring?

A woman dreams of salted herring

A woman dreams of salted herring - make a bargain purchase, which applies to both everyday goods and more expensive things. You are about to spend a romantic evening with your partner, which will strengthen your relationship.

In what form did you dream about salted herring?

I dreamed of salted herring in pieces

Why do you dream of salted herring in pieces? You express dissatisfaction with your own situation. Careful planning will also not be able to improve the situation; force majeure circumstances cannot be excluded. It is better to postpone the implementation of the plans for now.

Why do you dream of salted herring with caviar?

A dream about salted herring with caviar foretells the appearance of unexpected guests. Despite the unexpected reception, it will benefit you; you will be able to relax and feel a taste for life. It's going to be a fun, spontaneous evening.

Why do you dream of dried, salted fish?

Maria Bychkova

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream foretells that fate will generously reward you.

Dead fish in a dream promises sorrow and foreshadows loss.

If a young lady dreams of a live fish, happy love awaits her.

Catching and catching fish foreshadows serious trials that you will endure, maintaining presence of mind.

If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity, thanks to your enterprise.

Watching fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.

If you see that you haven’t caught anything and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires.

If you go to the fish market, then in reality prosperity and joy await you.

Seeing a fishing net is a dream that promises acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible.

If in a dream you pick up fishhooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to make your own destiny.

FISH LIVE for WOMEN = pregnancy, for MEN = profitable occupation, DEAD = powerlessness. (most likely option 3.)

If you dream that a fish is splashing in a clear pond, then you will soon be able to achieve prosperity and power. Seeing dead fish means financial losses. If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom. If you dreamed that you caught a fish, this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you have the wisdom to avoid trouble. If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and intelligence. In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then your lucky hour has not yet struck. If you eat fish, it promises tender and long-lasting love.

If in a dream you walk through rows of fish, prosperity and joy await you in reality. If you fish with nonsense, then your entrepreneurial spirit will help you achieve prosperity. But if you haven’t caught anything, it means that your desires are vain and shallow. A fishing net means profitable acquisitions, but if it is torn, then perhaps you will lose more than you gain.

Seeing dead fish means financial losses.

If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom.

If you dreamed that you caught a fish, this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you have the wisdom to avoid trouble.

If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and intelligence.

In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then your lucky hour has not yet struck.

If you eat fish, it promises tender and long-lasting love.

Salted fish

Dream Interpretation Salted fish dreamed of why you dream about Salted fish? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Salted fish in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fish

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Seeing large fish playing in clear water is a gift of fate and great luck. Dead, a fish that has floated up with its belly up - your hopes will not come true. Fishing in clear water: for a girl - happy love, which will lead to a successful marriage, for a woman - to pregnancy, for a man - to profit. If you catch fish with nets, this means that in reality your entrepreneurial spirit will bring you considerable income. If you catch a fish, but it slips out of your hands, the dream warns you that your carelessness may cause an unfortunate mistake. Seeing fish during spawning - you will be offered a business that will provide not only for you, but also for your children. A river teeming with fish - to long-term well-being, meetings with friends and entertainment with your family. Gutting fish and extracting caviar from it - the business you are starting will bring you super profits. Eating well-fried fish will improve your health and good spirits. If the fish was raw or half-raw, you may get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

A fish splashing in clear water portends that fate will generously reward you.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish expresses deep unconscious processes, spiritual food.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Buying fish in a dream is a sign of deception and falsehood. Cleaning fish means serious trials lie ahead; cooking means you will achieve prosperity; eating it means hard work and low salary.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Hitting or grabbing fish is a minor ailment.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, impermanence.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish - dreams of fish in rain or bad weather. If a man or a girl dreams of a fish, there will be a change in the weather; a young woman will have a child. Big fish means good money. Lifeless fish is a weakness. Dead fish means bad weather. To see a goldfish (fish) means that what was planned and expected will not come true. Fish - sabotage; someone is “digging” under you. A lot of fish - bad weather. Fish in hand - unsuccessful birth. Eating fish: for men - to have mistresses, for women - easy childbirth. Fishing means profit, victory over rivals; Cleaning live fish is fun.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Traditionally: was a spiritual symbol of Christianity.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish (or many fish of different colors) - increased disease; if the dreamer is healthy - quarrels, resentments, suffering. Asleep or dead fish are disappointed hopes. Catching a big fish (or many fish) means profit, joy. Catching small fish means sadness and ruin, depending on how small the fish are. To be relieved of the burden of fish means the birth of a weak child.

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money you will receive.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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