Find out the lunar day. What is hidden behind the lunar birthday

Ruling planet IN esov: Venus.

Talismans IN esov: heart, cuppa, book.

Libra Personality: Noble, polite, honest, intuitive, harmonious, charming.

Libras have a good feeling aesthetic values and analytical mind. Loves order and justice, objectively needs balance and harmony. When defeated, he is often at odds with the surrounding reality, not finding harmony in it, and can become extravagant, challenging everyone around him.

Libra's desire for harmony and agreement leads directly to compromise and even the loss of one's individuality. With low development, Libra is an egoist, a liar, and an unreliable partner in business. The zodiac sign in question rules the area of ​​love and idealism. Libras have a great need for balance and harmony, but when they realize that this is impossible, they would rather retreat than make any effort to change things.

The Libra man is constantly forced to take into account the interests of other people, often sacrificing his own. Libras achieve success in the partnership business; they need to have a companion. They work well in a team. He can become a boss very unobtrusively, demonstrating a lack of special zeal and indifference to power. Beauty plays a huge role in the life of Libra - many artists and artists were born under this constellation.

They spare no ideas and efforts if they get a chance to realize a project they have long dreamed of. They get money easily, but they earn really large sums only in cooperation with other people. Having found their calling, Libra sometimes learns all their lives: they constantly improve their professional level, constantly travel to conferences, seminars, courses, including abroad.

They often have diplomas in different, unrelated fields of knowledge and manage to use all the knowledge they have acquired in their work. Libras are creative and enthusiastic people, so they often choose the profession of a freelance artist. Libras are often at odds with the surrounding reality, as they completely identify themselves with elegance and grace; they will go to great lengths to avoid contact with people who offend the laws of ethics and good taste.

When Libra is balanced, they are completely irresistible. Libra also likes to initiate frequent rearrangements and engage in cosmetic repairs, which takes very little time and does not bring much dirt. Regarding the spending of family money, they plan it so that they also have money left to satisfy their own needs, and if the thing is very expensive, they will save money.


Take data from the tear-off calendar. Almost each of them contains information about the lunar day of the cycle and the phase celestial body in this period.

Use to calculate lunar day special computer programs. Since differences from daylight hours also arise at the level of calculating the day, the program will need to indicate not only the date, but also the time, as well as geographical coordinates. This is especially important if you are compiling by time. The system will give you data not only about the lunar day, but also about the new moon and full moon closest to the date, as well as the rising and setting of the moon in a specific period.

Find out for yourself. The lunar cycle begins with the new moon, which you can fix yourself, and lasts about 29 days. Thus, the fifth day after the new moon will be the fifth day of the lunar cycle. But this calculation does not take into account that one day Gregorian calendar may occur on two lunar days. You can fix this by counting the new day from the moonrise.

Get information about the lunar day according to various calendars. The Islamic year consists of 354 days, so its dates are constantly shifting relative to the solar calendar. In this case, it is best to use comparative tables of calendars. For example, one of them shows that the first day of the first month of Muharram in 2012 will occur on November 15 according to the solar calendar. Please note that the start dates of the year differ in lunar calendars. For example, the year 2012 starts on January 23rd according to the Gregorian calendar.

Use the information received about the lunar day for. Its accuracy will be higher if, in addition to the date, you also indicated the time and place of observation of the moon or any event.

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The influence of lunar phases on human life has been known since ancient times. Following the lunar calendar helps to bring life into harmony with natural cycles, plan your actions for several days and even weeks in advance, choose the most favorable moments to start or complete important things, and survive difficult periods with fewer losses.

Characteristics of the lunar day

The full moon period begins on the fourteenth lunar day. The symbol of the day is a trumpet, calling for an offensive, for decisive action.

14th lunar day favorable for starting serious business that requires exertion of all forces. On this day you can take a step that you have not dared to take for a long time, an effort to complete long and difficult work. The energy of the day is conducive to both physical and mental stress. Passivity is contraindicated. Whatever you have in mind - renovation, opening own business, travel - try to time the start of active actions to coincide with the first half of the 14th lunar day.

This day is considered especially successful for businessmen, people dealing with finances and other material resources. A deal concluded on the fourteenth lunar day will bring a win to both parties.

It would be a good idea to ask for a raise and propose your own plan of action to your superiors. Dating promises long-term, mutually beneficial relationships.

In the second half of the day, it is better to limit communication somewhat - people become prone to manipulation, shifting their problems onto the shoulders of others. It’s better to listen to yourself, take stock of the first half of the month, and prepare for the full moon – the time of transition to a qualitatively new state.

Life, health, nutrition

The 14th lunar day is characterized by a craving for salty food - do not deny yourself this pleasure. It is better to limit fluid intake, especially alcohol.

The spleen, pancreas and intestines are vulnerable, so if you suffer from chronic diseases of these organs, you should take measures to prevent their exacerbation. Procedures for cleansing the intestines, music treatment and vocal therapy, and intense sports are recommended. Increased eye strain should be avoided.

Although marriages are recommended to take place in the first half of the lunar month, the 14th lunar day is not suitable for marriages. It is also better to postpone trials and divorces to a more favorable time.

On this day it is desirable

17th Lunar day

People born on this day are very happy in their families. Girls grow up to be faithful spouses and good mothers. They need their "other half". They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of pair polarity, otherwise they will be pathetic and weak in life.

Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio is watermark, ruled by Mars and Pluto. Therefore, a person is unconsciously tuned to situations of crisis, destruction, restructuring of the internal structure, that is, transformation, death.

In any case, the original structure will be destroyed - this is the sphere of activity of Pluto, which destroys the structure and brings chaos. But then there will be two paths: 1. Self-destruction, and there are no higher creative forces, higher values... this is destruction and death. 2. If highest values are found, then it is immediately formed new order, new structure, transformation, change is underway. Therefore, a person with the Moon in Scorpio will be unconsciously attuned to situations of transformation, change, crisis. Since his unconscious structures inner world are constantly subject to some kind of destruction, changes, then such a person will naturally be distinguished by a certain degree of hysteria, in any case, strong excitability, there will be strong mood swings and a very high need for psychological renewal, since his inner world is not in a state of balance located.

In any case, no matter what structure arises, it begins to collapse again, all the time being in a state of increased activity. This is the need for constant change, the need to create some new structure. If this does not go away, then a negative psychology is formed. That is, whatever a person sees, he will take for granted, as having no value and subject to destruction. For him, there is nothing in the world that would be worthy of existing, even to the point of misanthropy. That is, in order for such a situation not to arise, he needs an internal transformation so that this need finds a way out.

The Moon in Scorpio gives a heightened psychological gift. Let's say the Moon in Cancer gives the psychological gift of feeling a person, his psychological condition, and the Moon in Scorpio will give the ability to feel not only the inner world of a person, but also his vulnerable points, complexes, flaws, weak spots. These are such aggravation points, since the Moon is visiting Mars and Pluto here. Pluto, bringing all these weaknesses into active state, V active form and Mars, which gives aggravation, acute manifestation. Therefore, such people, depending on their spiritual orientation, can, on the one hand, become excellent psychotherapists and psychologists who clearly see these weaknesses. If a person is directed towards Evil, then he can turn out to be a sadist, a manipulator, since he can press the right buttons and manipulate. These are terrible people.

On an esoteric level, it should be noted that since through the energy of Scorpio there is a connection with another world, people with the Moon in Scorpio are often mediums, clairvoyants, that is, they are able to unconsciously perceive another world. For example, Nostradamus had the Moon in Scorpio.

The influence of the Moon on a person’s character has long been recognized and can be traced even more than the influence of the Sun.

Today you can find out your lunar birthday using ready-made online services or by checking the lunar calendar. True, they began to compile them not so long ago, and for people over thirty years old it is difficult to find ready-made lunar calendars. In this case, you can use calendars recent years. Every 19 years the lunar cycle repeats itself, which means that the same calendar is valid for 1940, 1959, 1978 and 1997.

Calculating lunar birthday using Harvey's formula

To do this, we need a date: four digits of the year, the number and day of the month. If the calculation is made for those born in January or February, then one must be subtracted from the year, because January and February refer to the previous year.

Let's calculate the lunar birthday using an example.

Date of birth: 04/25/2003.

  • 1. Divide the year by 19. Subtract the whole part from the result obtained:
  • 2003:19=105,421053
  • 105,421053-105=0,421053
  • 2.Multiply the result by 209 and round the resulting number to the nearest integer:
  • 0,421053*209=88,000077 =88
  • 3. Add the month of birth to the resulting number. If it is January or February, then additionally add 12
  • 88+4=92
  • 4.Add the coefficient per century (For the 20th and 21st centuries this is “-3”)
  • 92+ (-3)=92-3=89
  • 5.Add the number of birth:

  • 7. Multiply the resulting fraction by 30 and round the result to the nearest whole number:

0.8*30=24 (in our case there was no need to round)

  • 8.Add one to the result obtained

24+1=25 – this will be the lunar birthday

Characteristics of people according to their lunar birthday

The moon influences our innermost thoughts and emotions, is responsible for the subconscious and instincts, the origin of which is not always possible to understand on our own. Below are brief characteristics people depending on their birthday according to the lunar calendar.

Despite their melancholy and complex character, people born on the 4th lunar day are rarely alone.

  • Those born on the 5th lunar day have a craving for everything otherworldly. The connection with the subtle world is so strong that they can talk about their past lives or relationships with brownies and elves. From childhood they begin to be interested in various religions and often connect their destiny with the service of religion. Such people draw energy and knowledge from the world around them. Calmness and wisdom help you cope with any troubles in life. Negative qualities include fussiness and a tendency to spray.
  • On the 6th lunar day, dreamers and predictors are born. They become philosophers and thinkers, talented actors, singers or musicians. These people live according to their own routine and cannot stand attempts to make them disciplined and organized; they value freedom. When making decisions, they rely more on their own intuition than on knowledge and experience.
  • As a rule, they live to a ripe old age maintaining health and clarity of mind.
  • People of the 7th lunar day are born speakers and journalists, translators and writers, talented businessmen and investigators. Possess strong character, a subtle sense of humor, excellent memory and the ability to quickly analyze information. They do not tolerate loneliness and realize themselves through communication. They can be conductors of subtle energies, but they are often unable to discern spiritual abilities in themselves. If brought up incorrectly, they can become selfish and superficial, lovers of gossip. It is important to learn to believe in yourself and express your own opinions.
  • The main qualities of those born on the 8th lunar day are inexhaustible optimism, natural charm and artistry. As a rule, these are people with ordinary appearance. But thanks to their goodwill, hard work and huge stock of knowledge, they achieve a lot. They are distinguished by extravagance and ingenuity, and embrace change with pleasure. Well developed intuition. They make excellent chemists and doctors. Negative qualities include loss of self-control and, as a result, repetition of the same mistakes. You need to learn to control yourself and the course of events.
  • On the 9th lunar day, people with difficult characters and the same fate are born. Their craving for everything extreme constantly creates unpleasant situations. Often such people end up in bad company, become addicted to drugs or alcohol, and participate in extreme organizations. As a rule, these people live long and fruitful lives, but they suffer from misunderstandings from others, constantly struggle with their negative emotions, complexes and fears, and rarely feel lucky. It is important to learn to see the positive aspects in life, develop humility and altruism, and avoid conflicts.
  • The 10th lunar day gives the world energetic and charming people, romantics and adventurers who are able to infect others with their ideas. From an early age there is a close connection with family traditions, attachment to parents. They are interested in history and archeology, love business trips and travel. Among people born on this day you rarely meet selfish people.
  • More often than others, they are susceptible to chronic and cancerous diseases, and therefore must take care healthy image life. Large physical exercise contraindicated
  • The 11th lunar day is characterized by increased energy activity, so people born during this period have enough strength to do everything. In addition to powerful energy potential, these people are endowed with a sharp mind - you can expect the most extraordinary actions from them. However, they spend their talent and energy unwisely, scattering themselves on trifles. For a long time and happy life It is important to learn to maintain the vector of development and direct excess energy to creation.
  • Those born on the 12th lunar day are shy and charming, merciful and modest. Since childhood, they have been interested in religion and esotericism; if they do not find support in the family, they can leave it to study spiritual practices. Their gentle nature does not allow them to fight back, so these people often suffer a lot. They draw their strength from love for their neighbors and creation. They are constantly improving and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the common good. They have the strongest gift of persuasion - their voice is listened to. They are often endowed with the gift of healing and can see prophetic dreams.
  • The 13th lunar day will give the world easy-going, sensitive and sociable people with excellent memory and extraordinary abilities. They can easily do several things at the same time, accumulate knowledge throughout their lives, and look for a new approach to everything. Well developed ability to analyze. Negative qualities include restlessness and restlessness. With negative development, nervous and fussy natures grow. If you direct your energy in the right direction in time, you can achieve high results in almost any field of activity.
  • A calm, balanced character and determination distinguish people born on the 14th lunar day. They are sensitive to falsehood, they subtly feel the connection with other world, find their calling early and follow it throughout their lives. Fate is favorable to them. Excellent teachers, preachers, doctors and healers from negative qualities can develop disgust, cunning and excessive adaptation.
  • The 15th lunar day is characterized by increased lunar activity. On this day, people with difficult fates come into our world. Talented by nature, they are difficult to train and even more difficult to educate. They do not respect authorities or boundaries. Easily excitable, hot-tempered, capricious and conflicting. They easily fall in love and succumb to carnal temptations. It is important to learn how to hold as early as possible negative emotions under strict control. Success is achieved through enormous work capacity.
  • The calling of those born on the 16th lunar day is to reconcile people. Outwardly inconspicuous, they have a huge amount positive qualities: they do not judge anyone, they are peaceful and non-conflict, non-envious and modest. Romantics and idealists with a well-developed imagination. They are often talented, achieve a lot and enjoy authority among others. The greatest results can be achieved by becoming a lawyer, psychologist, priest or doctor.
  • Children of the 17th lunar day are energetic, artistic people, sincere and trusting, they put emotions first, although they try to hide behind feigned callousness and shockingness. Often the meaning of life becomes the search for a partner - a soul mate, without whom a full life and development are considered impossible. There is a risk of developing depression due to loneliness, so it is recommended to meet with friends as often as possible. Under favorable circumstances, they are able to infect everyone around them with their energy and positivity.
  • Those born on the 18th day of the lunar month are distinguished by their inability to live among turmoil. These modest ones calm people physically feel someone else's physical and mental pain. Thanks to their efficiency and hard work, already in mid-life they achieve financial stability and even wealth. These people give an account of their actions and do not build castles in the air; they are able to guide and lead others along with them. Negative qualities can develop into cynicism, hypocrisy and selfishness. They do not tolerate obligations being imposed, but having received freedom, they take them upon themselves.
  • On the 19th lunar day, people are born who are endowed with a sharp mind and do not need noisy companies. Loner by nature, they feel the people around them and choose their own friends. Education has a great influence on the choice of life path: in the absence quiet love withdrawn children grow up insecure, irritable and proud. With proper upbringing, real creators, wise and kind, emerge.

  • On the 20th lunar day, born leaders are born
    . These courageous and strong-willed people, not without a touch of romance, full of new ideas and projects. They easily find like-minded people and almost always achieve their goals; they can sacrifice their own interests for the sake of an idea. Negative qualities can lead to anger and intransigence.
  • Those born on the 21st lunar day combine creative, out-of-the-box thinking and self-control, hard work and patience. You should not limit a child in his creative endeavors, otherwise he will learn to achieve goals by going over his head. With the right upbringing, there is every chance of becoming a great writer or artist.
  • People born on the 22nd day of the lunar month take on the most complex tasks and implement them successfully. These people are bearers of wisdom; from an early age they show interest in ancient manuscripts and philosophical works. At the same time, they are also familiar with frivolous fun. At their best, they are honest and gifted people with light touch cynicism, in the worst case - inveterate conservatives who do not accept innovations.
  • Those born on the 23rd day are endowed complex character combined with increased activity. In order to direct development in a positive direction, it is necessary to engage the child in a circle or sports section. If a person born on this day finds something he likes, then thanks to his pedantry he will bring his skill to perfection. Like no one else, you need love, care and approval. He is not distinguished by external beauty, however, due to maturity and completeness of actions he can achieve a lot.
  • Those born on the 24th lunar day are, on the one hand, creative and kind, on the other hand, envious and greedy. Prone to early puberty, with proper upbringing, they are able to transfer sexual energy into creativity. Otherwise, there is a high risk of raising a sexually preoccupied person or, even worse, a maniac. Basically, people born on this day are successful in business and can defend their point of view.

  • The strength of those born on the 25th lunar day is wisdom and patience.
    These are reasonable and leisurely people, who nevertheless have a light character and an excellent sense of humor. Those born on this day enjoy good luck throughout their lives. They know how to be in the right place at the right time.
  • People of the 26th lunar day are true introverts: their inner world is much more important than current events. These people live in their own rhythm and it is useless to push or force them to show activity that is unusual for them. Surround him with silence and love and he will answer you in kind. They are actually nice and helpful people. If they can overcome it within themselves negative qualities, then they will find a calm and prosperous existence
  • The 27th day of the lunar month gives us leaders who know exactly what they want and how to achieve it. They are not devoid of a thirst for knowledge and imagination. They often exhibit paranormal abilities and are wise beyond their years. Their words are endowed with enormous power - such people can become spiritual leaders, healers and even priests. Under unfavorable conditions, they become soft-bodied and lethargic, and may become addicted to alcohol or drugs. Therefore, it is important to develop fortitude.
  • Those born on the 28th lunar day prefer calm, and to some extent even meditative, activities. They are attached to their family and rarely cause trouble. They need to show love and affection, and in their absence or disrespectful attitude toward themselves, they quickly become cruel and uncontrollable. Growing up, they become either altruists or cynics without any values ​​or attachments at all. On the material side, they are always provided for.
  • People of the 29th lunar day are endowed with a complex character and a long, full of adventure life. From birth, they fight with their dark side, working off not only their sins, but often the sins of the entire family. If there are positive examples in the first years with dignity.
  • People born on the 30th lunar day are lucky. Nature generously endowed us with beauty, wisdom and kindness. It seems that they are born spiritually developed. They realize their purpose at an early age and follow their ideals throughout their lives. They are monogamous by nature. They bring love and forgiveness into the world. These are people who have gone through a full circle of reincarnation.

Knowing a person’s date of birth according to the lunar calendar, one can accurately describe his character, reveal professional inclinations and determine career development options, predict the possibility of developing diseases and reduce the influence of negative factors.

What was your lunar birthday? Astrologers pay great importance details such as a birthday according to the lunar calendar.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the past, it will be possible to compare the moment of birth with the position of the night luminary, to understand the influence that it has on the essence of a person.

Certain features will no longer seem strange. After all lunar birthday has a significant impact even at the physiological level. Not to mention character traits. In addition, knowing birthday according to the lunar calendar, you can prepare in advance for life lessons which you will certainly have to endure.

Red colorunfavorable period for birth.

Orange color - neutral period for birth.

Green color - favorable period for birth.

Find out what lunar day it is today...

Click on the Moon of the lunar day and find out more details...

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By successfully identifying your lunar birthday, you may even discover a hidden part of your personality. Self-analysis, taking into account such details as your birthday according to the lunar calendar, allows you to look at yourself with different eyes and obtain valuable information. We are talking about a picture of the inner world. He is always in darkness, and only a competent approach allows him to realize the light. Among other things, be able to see hidden potential or weaknesses.

In this way, you can help not only yourself, but also to a loved one. For example, define it positive sides, make dreams come true. And what brought only torment will dissolve in darkness.