In indoor floriculture.

Omite Drug
Description. Instructions for use

Omite is a highly effective contact action acaricide. Active ingredient: Propargit. AI content - 570 g/l. Preparative form - Aqueous emulsion. Method of penetration - Contact pesticide. Effect on organisms - Acaricide, pesticide. Hazard class for humans - 2. Hazard class for bees - 3. Registrant - Uniroyal Chemical, Crompton Registrations Limited. Advantages of the drug: Destroys the active stages of tick development (larva, nymph, adult). Does not destroy eggs, but the residual effect destroys larvae. Affects through direct contact and vapors during evaporation. Optimal efficiency is achieved at temperatures above 20°C. The use of the drug does not reduce the natural populations of predatory mites and beneficial insects.

Omite can also be presented on the market in the form of a dry powder (DP). Excellent at destroying all types spider mite; Long protective period on fruits, vineyards and field crops; No noticeable negative effect on beneficial insects, including bees and predatory mites; There have been no registered problems with the emergence of resistance in ticks over many years of use of the drug; Supplied in water-soluble bags. OMITE has a well-deserved reputation as a highly effective means of killing spider mites (Panonychus Tetranychus, Fotetranychus, Aculus, etc.) and is used on more than 30 crops in 60 countries around the world. OMITE SP is an easy-to-use formulation, the powder easily dissolves in water and is stored for more than 2 years in dry warehouses. OMITE is an ideal preparation for integrated plant protection systems, since it has no harmful effects on beneficial insects, predatory mites and bees.

Omite is a drug from the acaricide group with a contact mode of action. It is used to destroy pests of ornamental, vegetable, fruit and berry and industrial crops. Very effective in reducing tick populations. The advantage of the drug is the ability to use it shortly before harvest. The drug is effective only upon direct contact with any parts of the pest’s body, as it is a contact non-systemic pesticide. In addition, it has fungicidal properties, poisoning ticks with fumes. Propargit is the longest-lasting protective agent among specific acaricides. The protection period is 15 days. It begins to act almost instantly and is capable of causing the death of pests in the first minutes after treatment. Often used to destroy mite populations that are resistant to organophosphorus compounds. It was noted that it itself does not cause the development of resistance.

How to use Omite. Dilution with water. For spraying use only clean water. Fill the sprayer halfway with water, turn on the mixing mechanism and add required amount OMAYTA 30 SP. Add the second part of water to the sprayer container. Spraying is carried out with continuous stirring of the working solution. When working, it is necessary to achieve complete coverage of the surface of the treated plants with the solution. In the case of spraying trees, the volume of spray is determined by their size and available equipment. Treatments with OMITE begin when the mite population reaches the threshold of harmfulness. OMITE is not a systemic acaricide. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect It is necessary to achieve the most complete spraying (covering) of plants. The effectiveness of OMAYT is optimal at air temperatures above 25 °C.

The action of OMAYT does not depend on air humidity, the drug is resistant to direct action ultraviolet rays and retains its properties under conditions of prolonged illumination. OMITE dissolves well in the waxy coating of the leaves and is therefore resistant to being washed off by rain. When treating young apple trees, the minimum dose of the drug is 2.0 l/ha; young vineyards - 1.5 l/ha. To avoid the risk of phytotoxicity, OMITE should be used in conditions that promote rapid drying of plants (warm weather, low humidity). When using OMAITE in tank mixtures, it is not recommended to mix it with oil-containing and highly alkaline products. No restrictions on use in sanitary zone around fishing waters.

The drug effectively reduces the number of all types of spider mites, which has earned numerous positive reviews from gardeners, gardeners, farmers and simply plant lovers.

General information

The insecticide "Omite" with the highest speed of action fights against any active stages development of phytophages, such as larva, nymph and adult.

The acaricide has no effect on eggs; however, the long-term effect of the drug (at least 3 weeks) helps to destroy hatched larvae from treated eggs. The indisputable advantage of "Omite" is that in addition to ticks, it has an effect on others harmful insects, for example, on .

The mechanism of action of the insecticide on plants

The action of a contact acaricide is most effective at temperatures above +20°С, in dry, warm weather, when the treated plants dry out quickly and the risk of phytotoxicity of the drug is minimized. It is quite resistant to ultraviolet radiation and retains its properties under prolonged lighting conditions.

The functionality of Omite is not reduced by changes in air humidity; it quickly penetrates into the waxy coating of plant leaves, and therefore cannot be washed off with water.

Important! It should be remembered that when treating plants in bright sunlight, drops of the solution act like a magnifying glass and can help the crop obtain sunburn. Plants should never be exposed to open sun.

An important point is the lack negative influence“Omaita” for beneficial insects and predatory mites. The use of the product in a sanitary zone or near fisheries is also not limited.

Instructions for use

For effective use the drug "Omite" must follow the instructions for use.

When applying the working solution to plants, ensure that their entire surface is covered. The volume of solution used for spraying depends on the size of the crop and the equipment available. It is better to start treatment when the insect population reaches threshold of harmfulness.

In indoor floriculture

The acaricide is most effective against infecting. Spraying should be carried out until all parts of the flower are completely wetted, or the treatment should be carried out by immersing it in a container with a solution (top of the head down).

For maximum destruction of mites and the eggs they lay, it is necessary to carry out treatment in several stages:

When treating green pets, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • spray only dry plants;
  • in case of persistent infection of crops, it is necessary to alternate acaricides in order to avoid ticks becoming accustomed (these pests easily adapt to, so each next generation partially develops immunity to the drugs and over time the effect of insecticides weakens);
  • processing must be done before noon at optimal temperature air (+21...+25°С);
  • After working with insecticide, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and face, rinse your nose, mouth and throat with water.

For spraying indoor pets, Omite 30 is usually used, with active substance propargite (in a proportion of 3 grams per 1 liter of water).

In the garden

When spraying trees against ticks, the volume of the Omite solution is determined based on the size of the plants and the available equipment. It is necessary to take into account the toxicity of the drug in relation to some species and young shoots and leaves.

It is important to use only clean water to prepare the solution. First, you need to place half of the required amount of water and the full volume of Omite into the sprayer. Next, thoroughly stir the resulting mixture and add the rest of the liquid. The entire spraying process must occur with constant stirring of the working solution.

When using the drug (on any site), it is necessary to apply it to the plants immediately after dilution and do not store the solution for more than two hours.

"Omite" cannot be combined with oil-containing preparations, as well as substances with a high alkaline reaction.

Safety precautions during processing

In terms of danger to humans, the substance is classified as low-hazard (class 3), and for humans as dangerous (class 2), therefore, when processing, certain safety requirements must be adhered to.

Safety regulations

When using a tick killer, you should: do the following:

  • First of all, it is not recommended to use Omite during the flowering period of crops.
  • It is also important to avoid toxic contamination of water bodies and drinking water sources.
  • Do not dilute the product in containers used for eating and preparing food.
  • It is strictly not recommended to eat, drink or smoke while processing plants.
  • In case of processing indoor plants Children and pets must be removed from the premises.
  • When applying the solution to crops, you must use protective gloves and a respirator.
  • If possible, for treating indoor plants, it is better to prepare the solution outside and only after the smell has subsided, bring it indoors.
  • After carrying out all work, thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap, rinse the mucous membranes well with water.

Omite drug.

Omayt 30, SP

Active ingredient: propargite, at a concentration of 300 g/kg

Chemtura AgroSolutions.

Release form:
Wettable powder.

Omite-30 is a contact action acaricide with a high initial speed of action. Destroys a wide range of phytophagous mites.

Advantages of the drug:
Destroys active stages of tick development (larva, nymph, adult).

Does not destroy eggs, but the residual effect destroys larvae.

Affects through direct contact and vapors during evaporation.

Optimal efficiency is achieved at temperatures above 20°C.

The use of the drug does not reduce the natural populations of predatory mites and beneficial insects.

Mode of application:
In indoor floriculture, the drug is taken at the rate of 3 grams of the substance per 1 liter of water.

For spraying, use only clean water. Fill the sprayer halfway with water, add the required amount of the product and mix. Add the second part of water to the sprayer container. Spraying is carried out with continuous stirring of the working solution.

The last treatment period for apple trees is 45 days before harvesting, for other crops – 60 days, for cucumbers – 3 days before harvesting. The frequency of treatment is no more than 2 per season.

The effectiveness of the drug is optimal at air temperatures above 25°C.

Precautionary measures:

First aid for poisoning:

If the victim is conscious, give him a suspension of activated carbon to drink. large quantities warm water at the rate of 3-5 tablespoons per 1 glass, then induce vomiting by irritating the back wall of the throat; If the victim is unconscious, you should not try to induce vomiting.

You must call a doctor immediately!

If necessary, consult the toxicology center: 129010 Moscow. Sukharevskaya Square, 3, Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after Sklifasofsky, Toxicology Center (open 24 hours a day). Tel. 928-16-87; fax 921-68-85

Omayt 57, EC

Acaricide of contact action.

Active ingredient: propargite, at a concentration of 570 g/kg.

Chemtura AgroSolutions.

Release form:
Emulsion concentrate. Available in ampoules of 12.5 ml.

Acaricide of contact action, with a high initial speed of action. Destroys a wide range of phytophagous mites.

Advantages of the drug:
Destroys active stages of tick development (larva, nymph, adult). Does not destroy eggs, but the residual effect destroys larvae. Affects through direct contact and vapors during evaporation. Optimal efficiency is achieved at temperatures above 20°C. The use of the drug does not reduce the natural populations of predatory mites and beneficial insects.

Mode of application:
First dilute the drug in a small volume of water. Then bring the volume of water to the required amount, according to the table.


Consumption rate ml/5 l of water

Last processing time before harvest

Vegetable crops in open ground


Apple, pear, plum



When working, it is necessary to achieve complete coverage of the surface of the treated plants with the solution. In the case of spraying trees, the volume of spray is determined by their size and available equipment.

Treatment with the drug should begin when the mite population reaches the threshold of harmfulness.

The effectiveness of the drug is optimal at air temperatures above 25 °C.

The effect of the drug does not depend on air humidity, the drug is resistant to the direct action of ultraviolet rays and retains its properties under conditions of prolonged illumination.

The drug dissolves well in the waxy coating of the leaves and is therefore resistant to being washed off by rain.

To avoid the risk of phytotoxicity, the drug should be used in conditions that promote rapid drying of plants (warm weather, low humidity).

To prevent the emergence of resistance, it is necessary to alternate Omite with drugs from other chemical groups.

Active period 2 - 3 days

Residual effect 3 - 4 weeks

Precautionary measures:
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance).

Hazard class for bees - 3 (slightly dangerous).

Do not use food containers to prepare the solution. Carry out the treatment in the absence of children and animals, using protective clothing, goggles, a respirator, and gloves. While working, you must not smoke, drink, or eat. After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water; on skin, wash with soap and water.

First aid for poisoning:

At the first signs of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, general malaise, weakness), immediately remove the victim to fresh air.

In case of contact with skin, carefully, without rubbing, remove the drug with cotton wool or a piece of cloth, rinse with a stream of water or a weak soda solution.

If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse your eyes for 15 minutes under running water, trying to keep them open.

If mucous membrane irritation remains, consult a doctor immediately.

In case of accidental ingestion, you must immediately call a doctor and show him the container label.

If the victim is conscious, give him to drink a suspension of activated carbon in a large amount of warm water at the rate of 3-5 tablespoons per 1 glass, then induce vomiting by irritating the back wall of the throat; If the victim is unconscious, you should not try to induce vomiting. You must call a doctor immediately!

"Omite" is a fairly common highly effective acaricide for fruit and berry plants. vegetable crops, as well as technical and ornamental plants. The drug effectively reduces the number of all types of spider mites, which has earned numerous positive reviews from gardeners, gardeners, farmers and simply plant lovers.

The insecticide "Omite" with the highest speed of action fights against any active stages development of phytophagous mites, such as larvae, nymphs and adults.

The acaricide has no effect on insect eggs, however, the long-term effect of the drug (at least 3 weeks) helps to destroy hatched larvae from treated eggs. The indisputable advantage of Omite is that in addition to mites, it has an effect on other harmful insects, for example, thrips.

Did you know? Tiny spider mites feed on plant sap and weave a carpet of cobwebs around the affected areas. Moreover, they are carriers of gray rot.

The mechanism of action of the insecticide on plants

The action of a contact acaricide is most effective at temperatures above +20°С, in dry, warm weather, when the treated plants dry out quickly and the risk of phytotoxicity of the drug is minimized. It is quite resistant to ultraviolet radiation and retains its properties under prolonged lighting conditions.

The functionality of Omite is not reduced by changes in air humidity; it quickly penetrates into the waxy coating of plant leaves, and therefore cannot be washed off with water.

Important! It should be remembered that when treating plants in bright sunlight, drops of the solution act like a magnifying glass and can cause the crop to get sunburn. Plants should never be sprayed in open sun.

An important point is the absence of a negative effect of “Omite” on beneficial insects and predatory species of mites. The use of the product in a sanitary zone or near fishery reservoirs is also not limited.

Instructions for use

To effectively use the drug "Omite", you must follow the instructions for use.

When applying the working solution to plants, ensure that their entire surface is covered. The volume of solution used for spraying depends on the size of the crop and the equipment available. It is better to start treatment when the insect population reaches threshold of harmfulness.

With the help of the drug "Omite" you can protect against Kalanchoe pests, streptocarpus, begonia, anthurium, zamioculcas, geranium.

In indoor floriculture

The acaricide is most effective against spider mites that attack indoor plants. Spraying should be carried out until all parts of the flower are completely wetted, or the treatment should be carried out by immersing it in a container with a solution (top of the head down).

For maximum destruction of mites and the eggs they lay, it is necessary to carry out treatment in several stages:

  • spray only dry plants;
  • in case of persistent infection of crops, it is necessary to alternate acaricides in order to avoid ticks becoming accustomed (these pests easily adapt to chemicals, so each subsequent generation partially develops immunity to the drugs and over time the effect of insecticides weakens);
  • processing must be carried out before noon at the optimal air temperature (+21…+25°C);
  • After working with insecticide, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and face, rinse your nose, mouth and throat with water.

For spraying indoor pets, Omite 30 is usually used, with the active ingredient propargit (in a proportion of 3 grams per 1 liter of water).

In the garden

When spraying trees against ticks, the volume of the Omite solution is determined based on the size of the plants and the available equipment. It is necessary to take into account the toxicity of the drug in relation to some types of trees and young shoots and leaves.

For spraying young apple trees, the minimum allowed dose of Omaite is 2 liters per 1 hectare, and for young vineyards - 1.5 liters per 1 hectare. Processing of trees is carried out during the growing season, and cherries - after harvesting.

The standard insecticide consumption rate for crops such as apple trees, plums and pears is 10-15 ml of the substance per 5 liters of water. For citrus trees- 15-25 ml of substance per 8-10 liters of water. To treat grapevines, use 7-20 ml of the substance per 8-10 liters of water. And for cherry trees - 8-15 ml of the substance per 8-10 liters of water.

Important! It should be remembered that the last treatment with the drug cannot be carried out within a 20-day period before harvesting.

In the garden

Apply Omite to plants in dry, windless weather, that is, in conditions conducive to its rapid absorption and drying.

The active effect of the drug lasts up to 3 days, and the residual protective effect lasts up to 4 weeks.

When processing vegetable crops, open ground, and melons, use 10-15 ml of the substance per 5 liters of water. To spray strawberries, use 7-12 ml of the substance per 8-10 liters of water.

You can also use other insecticides on your site: Calypso, Bitoxibacillin, Actellik, Karbofos, Golden Spark, Inta-vir, Konfidor, Komandor, Aktara, Bi-58, Fitoverm.

Greenhouse plants can be treated shortly before harvest. The effect after treating crops is quite stable and the plants remain protected until harvest.

It is important to use only clean water to prepare the solution. First, you need to place half of the required amount of water and the full volume of Omite into the sprayer. Next, thoroughly stir the resulting mixture and add the rest of the liquid. The entire spraying process must occur with constant stirring of the working solution.

When using the drug (on any site), it is necessary to apply it to the plants immediately after dilution and do not store the solution for more than two hours.

"Omite" cannot be combined with oil-containing preparations, as well as substances with a high alkaline reaction.

Safety precautions during processing

Based on the danger for bees, the substance is classified as low-hazard (class 3), and for humans as dangerous (class 2), therefore, when processing the area, you must adhere to certain safety requirements.

Safety regulations

When using a tick killer, you should: do the following:

  • First of all, it is not recommended to use Omite during the flowering period of crops.
  • It is also important to avoid toxic contamination of water bodies and drinking water sources.
  • Do not dilute the product in containers used for eating and preparing food.
  • It is strictly not recommended to eat, drink or smoke while processing plants.
  • When treating indoor plants, children and pets must be removed from the premises.
  • When applying the solution to crops, you must use protective gloves and a respirator.
  • If possible, for treating indoor plants, it is better to prepare the solution outside and only after the smell has subsided, bring it indoors.
  • After carrying out all work, thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap, rinse the mucous membranes well with water.

First aid for poisoning

After using a toxic product, signs of poisoning may appear such as general malaise, weakness, nausea and even vomiting. At the slightest manifestation, you must immediately go out into fresh air.

If the solution gets on open area skin, you should carefully, without rubbing, remove it using a cotton pad or a piece of natural fabric, then rinse running water or a light soda solution.

If the drug gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, you need to rinse them under running water for at least 15 minutes.

Important! If any negative symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you accidentally swallow the solution, call a doctor immediately and show him container packaging "Omayta".

If the victim is conscious, you need to give him something to drink Activated carbon or any other sorbent with plenty of warm water. Then provoke a gag reflex and cleanse the intestines of intoxication. If the victim loses consciousness, it is important to immediately call a doctor.

"Omite": benefits of using the drug

To summarize, we can highlight the main benefits of use insecticide in the destruction of phytophagous mites:

  • the substance acts upon contact with plants, as well as through evaporation;
  • the drug is effective at temperatures above +20°C;
  • the product is suitable for combating active stages of pests: from larvae to adults;
  • despite the fact that the pesticide has no effect on eggs, it has a destructive effect on larvae formed from treated eggs;
  • the use of the product does not affect the natural population of beneficial insects, as well as predatory species of mites.

Agree, there are many advantages to trying to use “Omite” in pest control on your site.

Instructions for use of the drug Omite indicate that the product belongs to the group of contact insecticides, that is, during treatment, the plant must be completely moistened with acaricide. Approved for use in indoor and garden flowers, vegetable and fruit and berry plants. The product is effective against all types of spider mites.

Description of the drug

The drug quickly combats any stages of mite development, but the Omite insecticide does not affect insect eggs.

The main advantage of the acaricide is that in addition to ticks, the product has a negative effect on others.

Operating principle

The effect of the insecticide is more effective in dry weather with a temperature of +22-26 °C. In this case, the treated bushes dry quickly after spraying, reducing the risk of phytotoxicity of the product. The drug is resistant to sunlight and retains its properties under prolonged illumination.

The effectiveness of the acaricide does not deteriorate due to changes in air humidity; it instantly penetrates into sheet plates and is not washed off with water.

During processing with direct sun rays Insecticide droplets act like a magnifying glass and cause burns. It is forbidden to treat plants in the open sun.

The drug Omite against ticks is an effective organophosphorus agent. But to avoid resistance, you need to alternate the insecticide with drugs from other groups.

Acaricide Omite does not affect beneficial insects. Also, processing near reservoirs for fish farming or in a sanitary zone is not limited.

Instructions for use of the drug Omite

When applying the composition to a bush, you need to ensure that the entire surface is treated. The amount of preparation required depends on the equipment used and the size of the plant. It is recommended to carry out treatment when insects reach the stage of harmfulness.

When growing indoor flowers

Spraying is carried out until all areas of the plant are completely treated, or the plant is immersed upside down in a container with insecticide.

Instructions for using Omite for indoor plants:

  • the composition is mixed with water in a ratio of 3 g per 1 l;
  • after the first treatment, up to 75% of pests are destroyed;
  • the next spraying is carried out a week later, when the larvae emerge from the eggs;
  • The last cleaning is performed after 4-6 days.

There is always the possibility of insects entering the ground, and after a certain time they reappear.

In the garden plot

When treating trees, you need to take into account the toxicity of the insecticide with respect to some varieties of trees and young seedlings.

For the treatment of young shoots of apple trees, the dose is selected taking into account 2 liters per 1 ha, for young shoots - 1.5 liters per 1 ha. Plants are sprayed during the growing season; cherries are treated after harvesting.

The standard dosage for adult pears, plums and apple trees is 12-17 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water. - 17-27 ml per 9-12 l. Grapes – 9-22 ml per 9-12 l. Cherry - 7-16 ml per 9-12 l.

The last spraying is carried out 20 days before harvest.

In the garden

Garden crops are cultivated in calm and dry weather. This promotes rapid absorption and drying of the acaricide. The active effect of the product lasts up to 3 days, and the residual effect lasts up to a month.

On open ground When processing vegetable and melon crops, use 12-17 ml of the drug per 6-7 liters of water. When processing strawberries, use a proportion of 8-14 ml per 9-12 liters.

For greenhouse conditions bushes can be sprayed shortly before harvest. To prepare the composition, it is important to use only purified water. First, half the required volume of water and the full dosage of insecticide are poured into the sprayer. Stir the mixture well and pour in the rest of the liquid.

The finished product must not be stored for more than 2 hours.

Chemistry as a remedy against ticks is a last resort. Preventive work and creation of obstacles in the path of the pest The best way prevent insect attacks.

Fighting ticks in a summer cottage - video