Rope ladders: types, sizes and manufacturing instructions. How to make a rope ladder for children How to tie knots on a rope ladder

The rope ladder is an irreplaceable invention of mankind. They are used in households for technical work in wells and mines, for playgrounds, as ship's tackle, by mountaineers, rock climbers, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and so on.

Features and purpose

Rope ladders are used in cases where it is impossible to use stationary and attached structures, and it is also necessary to reach hard-to-reach places: climb onto the roof, go down into a well, move to another place as if on a suspension bridge. These are also children's favorite toys. And they are also used for the rehabilitation of bedridden patients.

Such stairs have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. they are universal in use;
  2. are light in weight;
  3. convenient for storage;
  4. easy to manufacture;
  5. It is possible to adjust the length;
  6. affordable.


Depending on the intended purpose of using the staircase, materials, type of processing and manufacturing method are selected.

  • Stairs for children. It is advisable to take ropes with a cross-section of at least 12 mm. The crossbars need to be carefully processed by special means so that your hands do not slip.
  • For bedridden patients. With the help of such a ladder, a person will be able to sit up on the bed himself. Please note that the crossbars are very short, about 25 cm.
  • For household needs. Such a staircase must meet many parameters. Ropes must maintain their length and be moisture resistant; the crossbars must also be treated with special compounds so that they do not absorb moisture. The design must withstand heavy weight (up to 300 kg) and be resistant to temperature changes. Nylon and nylon meet these requirements.
  • Stairs for climbers and climbers. A rope ladder is included in the mandatory equipment. Its main quality should be as light a weight as possible; the ropes should not stretch or absorb moisture.
  • Decorative stairs to the garden or room. They are not burdened with any special requirements, since they do not imply full use. If you intend to use the stairs outdoors, you should consider treating them with a water-repellent agent.
  • Ship stairs. They are subject to requirements in accordance with the established GOST standards.

Required tools and materials

The ladder includes 3 components: ropes, crossbars, fastenings.

The rope is selected based on the circumstances of the intended use. For children's attractions and decorative use It is recommended to use ropes made from natural materials in rooms. Best suited for household needs synthetic materials. They have increased resistance to solvents. Steps can be made of wood, rope, metal (light alloys) or plastic pipes OK.

Regardless of the material, they should not be damaged or deformed. The crossbars can be round or square.

When making our own, we will need:

  • chisel;
  • power tools (for example, drill);
  • saw (for “cutting” steps);
  • grater with sandpaper(for sanding wooden steps);
  • metal scissors;
  • a skein of thick thread.

We will also need two pieces of rope (their length is calculated based on the fact that each piece will be halved due to the cost of knots). AND required amount crossbars

How to do it?

Let's proceed to the first manufacturing option.

First, let's determine how long the ladder we need and prepare the ropes. We need to process the cuts so that they do not unravel. To do this, heat up the scissors for cutting metal and cut off one centimeter from each end, and then wrap them with a thick layer of thread.

The next step is to prepare the crossbars. For this purpose, you can use cuttings from shovels and straight branches. It is necessary to process the entire surface of the step so that there are no snags or roughness. Then, at a distance of 3-4 cm from the ends of the steps, make grooves 2 cm wide and 0.5 cm deep. We treat the entire step with a water-repellent compound.

Before you start assembling the structure, try tying a test knot and see what length of rope it takes.

And the last thing is securing the suspended structure. In this simple way you can make a staircase.

The second option is made using a very similar technology, but differs in the way the crossbars are attached. We will need to use a drill to make holes at the ends of the crossbars. Make sure that the holes are larger than the cross-section of the rope, and do not forget to treat them with a water-repellent agent. They are secured using a whole set of knots: the first knot is tied a couple of centimeters below the level of the intended crossbar, and should be larger than the diameter of the hole. The second knot is tied as a safety knot around the crossbar itself. And we make the third knot above the crossbar. The bowline knot works well for this.

The third method involves using hollow tubes made of metal or plastic as crossbars. The length of the rope for such a ladder is calculated as the sum of the distance between the rungs and the length of all rungs. Technique for assembling a ladder: Mark the ropes for the spaces between the rungs and those areas that are supposed to pass through the rungs. Then put all the rungs on one rope one by one and lay them out on a straight surface as the ladder will look like. Pass the second rope through the crossbars, but with reverse side. Tie a knot on each side of the crossbar to better secure the structure.

The fourth method does not involve the use of crossbars at all. They are made from rope. This method may cause difficulties, but there is nothing complicated about it. Knotting skills will be an advantage.

One of the ropes is taken as a basis, after which loops are “strung” onto the section allocated for the step. You can tie such a loop using a “burlatk knot.” A safety knot is made before the front and last loop. Dimensions for steps are calculated from the thickness of the rope.

After this the situation changes a little. For the base of the next step, we take the rope from which we knitted the loops. And from the rope that was at the base, we begin to knit loops.

The requirements for the rope depend on the situation, but to prevent it from rotting, treat it with a water-repellent agent. The total length of the stairs is no more than 10 m.

Fifth way. This staircase will not have a standard appearance. For its manufacture, only one rope is used. Its processing occurs in the same way as in other cases: we melt the sections on a rope and fix them with thread. The role of the steps will be performed by loops woven using a “fisherman’s knot”. It is recommended to place them at a distance of 35 cm. The loops must have a diameter of at least 10 cm. It is most convenient to attach such a ladder in an open space, using hooks, carabiners or loops.

How to install?

Let's look at installation methods. For fastening, we can use rings (if we plan to hang them from the ceiling), carabiners, hooks, an additional crossbar, or simply loops from the same rope.

If you need to secure the ladder to a tree branch or attach it to a ring, we recommend using knots such as the Prusik grasping knot, guide knot, or figure eight knot.

It is advisable to use an additional crossbar when the ladder is fixed for a relatively long period of time. In this case, you simply nail the crossbar to a wall, tree or other surface.

Carabiners are used when connecting ladders to other ropes or structures. Used when constructing obstacle courses or forest houses.

It makes sense to use hooks when the structure is hung for a relatively short period of time. To facilitate fastening, connect them with a rigid crossbar.

Despite all the advantages, using this design can lead to injury. To prevent this from happening, follow safety precautions:

  1. follow manufacturing technology;
  2. do not exceed the weight capacity of the ladder;
  3. if you plan to mount it along any surface, then consider special fastenings so that the ladder moves slightly away from the wall (10-15 cm);
  4. square steps must have smoothed corners, and round ones must have a cross-section of at least 2.5 cm;
  5. Before using the ladder, carefully inspect it for damage;
  6. do not use the design in a state alcohol intoxication or if there is physical damage.

Making a rope ladder with your own hands is more profitable than purchasing a ready-made store product. A homemade reliable rope ladder is a necessary thing in the household, and especially in country living conditions. Making it yourself does not take much time and effort, but it requires obligatory adherence to certain rules.

The scope of application of high-quality and reliable rope ladders is very wide:

Basic, The most obvious advantages of the modern rope ladder can be represented by:

  • compactness. The peculiarity of the materials used in the manufacture of such a product makes it convenient not only for storage, but also for movement. A folded rope product will take up very little space;
  • light weight. Even a very long product with maximum strength and reliability is quite light;
  • affordable price. The rope ladder is by far the most economically profitable solution compared to other categories of stairs.

When making it yourself, it is possible to determine the most convenient and optimal lengths to use. Among other things, this design will serve you well when doing it yourself. different types repair work.

How to make a rope ladder with your own hands (video)

The right rope for making a ladder is a guarantee of safety!

To get a durable and reliable product, you need to choose the right raw materials. Important to remember that the rope from which the ladder will be made should not stretch even after significant wetting, as well as under conditions of fairly high loads. As a rope base you can use:

  • durable and reliable cotton rope. This type of raw material is optimal for creating stairs in children's rooms. play areas. Gymnastic equipment made from this type of rope can support a child’s weight up to 25-30 kg. Rope rope has certain advantages, including high level naturalness and environmental friendliness;

  • rope based synthetic fiber , represented by nylon, lavsan or nylon, can be selected according to color scheme. High-quality synthetic rope is most often used for rope ladders used in outdoor conditions, due to sufficient water-repellent properties and the absence of stretching as a result of getting wet;
  • rope based on hemp flax tows, has sufficient strength and is distinguished by a textured, very decorative appearance. This version of the product is perfect for use in interior decoration and when creating a children's play area.

The steps when creating a rope ladder can also be made from various types materials, but most often durable high-quality plastic, wood, light and reliable metal, as well as rope weaving itself are used for this purpose. A properly made step should be durable and comfortable, non-slippery and designed to bear significant weight.

How to make a rope ladder with steps yourself

A suspended structure with steps is the most convenient option in terms of operation, which is easy to do yourself. Nevertheless, often made and more simple models, in which the role of steps is performed by correctly tied knots and located at a certain distance from each other.

Rope ladder with steps having through holes

Feature Such a suspended rope product is represented by the presence of through holes in the installed rungs. As a rule, for self-made This type of staircase uses ready-made hollow steps made of metal, plastic or wood. The basis can be a rope made of nylon threads, which must be passed through the steps.

A ten-meter rope must be divided into a pair of parts of equal length and the ends of such parts must be heat treated. If for the manufacture of steps not finished products are used, but standard ones wooden blocks, then they should be sanded and through holes with a diameter of one and a half to two centimeters drilled on both sides of the step. There should be a gap of 3-4 cm from the end of the product to the hole. Ready-made wooden steps must be treated with an antiseptic.

Secure knots are tied at the end of the two ropes, after which the free ends are passed through the holes made in the first stage. The long part is used to form a loop that is raised above the step. Other steps are installed in a similar way. The result should be a suspended rope structure in which all steps are placed between a pair of reliable nodes. To extend the service life of the resulting staircase, as well as to avoid cracking of the steps, protective metal rings of the required diameter are placed on the edges of the rungs.

How to tie a rope ladder (video)

Ladder with a rope tied around the rungs

Most often, products of this type are used to service a deep well. Do-it-yourself manufacturing technology involves purchasing a pair of ropes 20 m long, seven wooden slats 35 cm long with a cross section of 50 mm and a roll of strong threads. A pair of ropes are used to connect the partitions.

It should be noted, that if it is necessary to obtain a twenty-meter ladder, a rope 40 m long is used. Ready product always shorter than the original length of the rope by half. To minimize the risk of the end part of the rope unraveling, singeing is done with a hot knife, followed by wrapping with a coarse thread. Before installing the first crossbar, you need to tie a loop at the end of the rope, which will allow you to fix the hinged staircase structure.

Fixing the steps, at the ends of which grooves are made, is required in accordance with the technology of the self-tightening “constrictor” unit, which allows you to obtain a reliable and durable design. In order to increase ease of use and extend the service life, it is advisable to treat the crossbars with an antiseptic and paint them. You can also make several notches on the surface that will prevent your foot from slipping during the descent and ascent process.

Rope ladder without steps: how to tie knots correctly

According to experts, the most simple option A rope hanging ladder is a model that has no steps and has foot rests in the form of strong knots. The absence of crossbars somewhat reduces ease of use, but allows you to complete this design yourself very quickly, with minimal costs funds for the purchase additional elements.

In this case, the nodes are replaced by peculiar loops into which the legs and wrists are inserted, which allows you to take a break during the descent or ascent and rest for a while.

To make “burlak” loops, you need to twist the rope twice, creating some semblance of a figure eight, then stretch the lower parts and pull the upper part of the loop into the formed circle. A definite advantage is that, despite the very high level of reliability, “burlat” loops, if necessary, can be easily untied and the rope can be used for completely different purposes.

How to tie knots (video)

A hanging rope staircase structure can be made independently very quickly and easily, and the benefits of such a product are: household invaluable. Such a thing is especially needed in country living conditions, if there is a local area wells or outdoor children's sports complexes with ropes and other types of equipment.

Anyone can use a rope ladder in their household; making such a structure with your own hands is not at all difficult if you know certain nuances of its manufacturing technology.

Of course, not a single person can do without conventional fixed-type marching structures. But rope ladders also become literally irreplaceable in a number of situations. They are used by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations when urgent evacuation of citizens from the site of a tragedy is required, by climbers, and sailors. They are also used ordinary people when performing various tasks around the house. With their help you can:

  • go down into a narrow well on your suburban area to clean it;
  • climb onto the roof and repair hard-to-reach parts of the roof;
  • please your children by making a full-fledged rope ladder sports simulator for teenagers or an interesting toy for kids.

They can be purchased at the store, but it’s easier to spend a couple of hours of your free time and make an excellent staircase yourself. Let us highlight the basic requirements for such products. They have to:

  • withstand up to 360 kg of load if the ladder is used by adults to perform various tasks;
  • have steps without sharp corners (they make it difficult to move along the rope structure and can injure a person);
  • have a distance between individual steps of no more than 0.35 m;
  • weigh 18–20 kg;
  • have a width of more than 0.25 m.

Acceptable maximum length rope products is 15 m. If you make a ladder longer, it will not provide the required safety of its use and will take up a lot of space during storage.

DIY rope ladder

Rope structures consist of only two elements - the rope itself and the steps. The most practical and durable materials for making the “frame” of a staircase are lavsan, nylon and nylon. It is also possible to use ropes made of other materials, such as linen or cotton.

Steps are usually made of wood. Although in Lately Wood is increasingly being replaced by plastic and light metal. Also, instead of classic steps, it is allowed to tie knots or loops onto the stairs. But such designs are quite difficult to operate. Not every person will be able to use them.

Separately, we note that the ideal thickness of the ropes used to create mobile staircase structures, is 7–9 mm. In this case, high reliability of the ladder and ease of movement along it are guaranteed.

We purchase two 20-meter sections of rope from the material of your choice (it is best to buy polypropylene products that differ high strength) a roll of coarse thick thread, a piece of wood 40–60 mm thick and 400 mm long (usually cuttings from garden shovels are used, which are sold in any hardware store). Let's stock up construction knife, saw, fine-grain sandpaper, jigsaw, etc.

Making a rope ladder

Let's get started:

  1. Cut the cuttings into 0.3 m slats. You get 25 identical pieces.
  2. Carefully process the cuttings with sandpaper, achieving their ideal smoothness. And then make two grooves along the edges of the slats, 1.5 cm wide and about 4 mm deep. First, it is recommended to use a saw (jigsaw) to make small cuts. Then refine the grooves with a construction knife.
  3. It is advisable to apply paint or some special composition to the steps to increase the service life of the wood. But at the same time, make sure that the steps are not too slippery.
  4. Wrap the ends of the ropes with thick thread. Before this, it is recommended to singe the ends of the ropes with a heated knife. Tie loops on the upper parts of the ropes. They will be needed to hang the ladder. The cross-section of the loops is about 6 cm.
  5. Take the first piece of cutting and tie a rope on it. It is advisable to learn the rules for performing a constrictor - a strong self-tightening knot (watch the video). It guarantees excellent fastening of the rope ladder steps.
  6. Install the second one 0.3 m from the first crossbar and secure it with a constrictor. Tie all the other slats in the same way.

Important! Before tying the constrictor, be sure to check that the steps are parallel to each other. If you don't do this, you will end up with a crooked staircase that is unusable. safe operation. And untie self-tightening knot and it is very, very difficult to correct the situation.

Now let's figure out how to make a rope ladder with rungs with holes. The latter are necessary for pulling ropes through them. This product is very compact due to the fact that all the crossbars are pulled together into one structure with a simple movement.

To make the stairs, we will use nylon synthetic rope 10 m long and square (not round) wood steps. The technology for performing the work is as follows:

  1. Cut 1.5-centimeter diameter holes from two edges of the wooden slats (we retreat approximately 30 mm from the ends). Note! If you purchased a rope with a cross-section of 2 cm, the holes are also made two centimeters, 3 cm - three centimeters.
  2. Use sandpaper to clean the crossbars. And then be sure to apply an antiseptic to them.
  3. Cut the nylon rope in half. Burn the ends with a knife and tie with thread.
  4. Make knots or loops at the ends of the ropes (on one side). Thread the free ends into the holes of the first stage.
  5. Fold the loose tails of the ropes into a loop, lift them slightly above the batten, and wrap them around the knots of the rope. As a result, you will receive a crossbar that is securely fixed between the rope knots.
  6. The remaining wooden slats are mounted in the same way.

Nylon synthetic rope construction

The rope ladder is ready!

If you have no particular desire to tinker with the crossbars, try making a simple rope structure without them. The function of steps in such stairs will be performed by ropes, which are tied with a burlatk or similar knot. The burlat loop is made like this:

  • twist the rope twice to get a figure eight;
  • stretch the lower half;
  • stretch the upper half of the figure eight into the stretched lower part.

The procedure for making a staircase with burlatk knots is shown in more detail in the video.

A rope ladder is a useful thing. It can be useful in the household, it can be equipped with a children's sports center. Making a rope ladder is not at all difficult, even in camping conditions.

Despite the fact that this device is not universally popular and in demand, in some cases it is impossible to do without a rope ladder.

The rope ladder in these structures helps develop flexibility, dexterity and endurance in the child. Also serves as additional entertainment.

For people with various motor pathologies. These devices help a person lying down to take a sitting position without assistance.

Rope ladders are actively used by rescue services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and fire departments to rescue people.

For household needs. Rope ladders can be used for cleaning wells and for repair work in hard to reach places, for example, the facade of a house or roof.

Rope ladders are included in the equipment of climbers, also lightweight and durable structures vessels must be equipped. The ladders are intended for boarding lifeboats in emergency situations.

Sometimes rope ladders can be made for decorative purposes if, for example, a children's room or living room is decorated in a marine style.

Material from which the structure is made

Crossbars. These staircase elements can be made from various materials: metal, plastic, wood, rope. The main thing is that they fully fulfill the function assigned to them: they can withstand the weight of a person without deformation or kinks.

Sidewalls or bowstring. These elements are made from rope. The material is selected depending on the application of the product: for children's sports corners it is better to use natural rope. For household needs, it is recommended to use synthetic options: lavsan, nylon, nylon. These materials are designed for high loads, they are not afraid of humidity and temperature changes.

It is worth knowing that there are special types of ropes that have certain characteristics. Thus, ladders for the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters are made of high-strength and non-flammable material. Mountaineering ropes can withstand low temperatures, and thin, strong and lightweight ropes have been developed for climbers. When making a rope ladder, you can use special models of ropes, this will help make the structure strong and durable.

Requirements for a rope structure

Rope ladder with wooden rungs

Crossbars with holes

To make the structure, you need rectangular wooden blocks, 2.5 cm thick and 3.5 cm wide. It is not recommended to use glued or tenoned blanks for the crossbars. Under load, they can fall apart into fragments. It is best to use solid wood without knots. The width of the workpieces should not be more than 40 cm. The number of crossbars depends on the required length of the structure. You also need to take into account the acceptable distance between steps - no more than 36 cm.

The bars require preliminary preparation. Sharp edges need to be sanded to give the crossbars a smooth finish. Then, using a drill, holes are drilled at the ends of the workpieces. It is important that the holes are not located at the very edge of the wooden beams; it is best to drill 3-4 cm from the edge.

If the ladder will be used outdoors, it is recommended to treat the wood with protective materials.

Ladder rope should not stretch, even when wet or under heavy loads. Therefore, it is best to use non-elastic synthetic options, for example, nylon rope 8-9 mm in diameter. The length of the rope is calculated very simply: the length of the entire staircase structure multiplied by two + 1-1.5 meters by the nodes on the rungs. It is best to leave more material on the joints; the remainder will be easily cut off.

You need to start making the stairs from the bottom rung. The rope must be passed through the holes, its ends must be the same length. The steps are fixed with knots. Then, 35-40 cm from the bottom crossbar, the following knots are tied. They must be strictly parallel to each other so that the crossbar does not warp. The nodes will be located under the second crossbar. After the second wooden step is strung on ropes, it must be tied with a special knot, this will protect it from breakage during

In the same way, the remaining crossbars are strung onto the rope at the same distance and secured with reliable knots.

When the ladder is ready, you should not immediately test it at high altitude. It is better to conduct preliminary strength tests at 1.5-2 meters. To do this, hang the structure on a horizontal bar or on a tree branch and check its safety and reliability.

For this design it is advisable to use round wooden blanks. You can buy shovel handles at a hardware store; their diameter is ideal for stair rungs, and the wood is already processed and sanded.

The cuttings are cut into fragments 40 cm long. At a distance of 3-4 cm from the ends of the crossbars, you need to cut indentations around the circumference using a knife or chisel. These grooves are needed to secure the rope to the wooden step. Thus, each workpiece must be processed.

The rope for this staircase design needs a synthetic, non-stretchable rope with a diameter of at least 8 mm. The length depends on the structure being manufactured. It is also worth remembering that the knots for fixing also require about 2 meters of rope.

To make a ladder, you need to make a wooden template that will help you accurately position the rungs from each other. The template is also needed to ensure that the steps are parallel to each other, without distortions.

The template is placed on a flat surface. The rope is cut into 2 pieces of equal length. The ends are singed and wrapped with thick thread. Then between wooden planks The crossbars are laid using the template. A rope is tied to the bottom step on both sides and securely fixed. Ropes are pulled to the second step and secured in the grooves using a knot called a “Constrictor”.

Video - How to tie a Constrictor knot correctly

The rest of the ladder rungs are connected in the same way. Loops are woven at the ends of the ropes, to which the ladder will be attached. It is important to maintain the same distance between the steps; this will ensure the safety of using the suspended structure.

A ladder with rungs on which grooves are carved is the fastest and easiest way to make suspended structure. You can make such a ladder even on a hike if you have a strong rope, a knife and an ax with you.

In order to quickly make a staircase in field conditions, you need branches with a diameter of at least 4 cm. You can simply cut them down with an ax. It is important not to use dry and brittle workpieces that may not support a person’s weight. It is better to look for strong and healthy wood.

The branches need to be cut into pieces, and using a knife, cut grooves along the edges for attaching ropes. There is no need to remove the bark from the rungs; under the bark the wood is slippery and smooth; climbing the stairs will be difficult and inconvenient.

After making the crossbars, you can start attaching the rope. There will be no template in the forest, so you need to carefully calculate the gap between the steps.

If desired, such a simple staircase can be easily made in an hour and a half.

Hanging staircase with plastic steps

This design requires PVC pipe, having outside diameter 26 mm, internal - 20 mm. Wall thickness - 6 mm. Using a grinder, the pipe is cut into the required size fragments - 35-40 cm. It is advisable to clean it with sandpaper or grinder after cutting, the ends of the workpieces, since sharp edges can eventually wear out the rope during intensive use.

For the stairs you need a strong, non-stretchy synthetic rope with a diameter of at least 3-4 mm. To weave the sides you need 3 ropes, two of the same size but different color, one half more: 10 m (blue) +10 m (blue) + 15 m (black).

The bottom crossbar is attached first. Two 10-meter ropes are passed through the tube, and the 15-meter rope is let down over the top. At the edges of the crossbar, the ropes are connected and a braid is woven from them. To avoid confusion, you can use twine of different colors. The braids on both sides are braided to the beginning of the second crossbar.

Then the second crossbar is attached. A rope 15 m long is made into a loop and pushed into the cavity of the tube. Another piece of long black rope is threaded through the end of the loop protruding from the other side. It turns out that the 2 ends of a long rope are fastened inside the tube. Then a braid is again braided from 3 ropes on both sides of the stairs, until the next crossbar. The third step is attached in a similar way.

It is important to maintain the same distance between the rungs so that the stairs do not warp and the steps do not have different levels.

When the ladder is ready, you can make loops at the end of the ropes or attach carabiners. This will simplify the use of the suspended structure.

If you only have rope, you can use it to make a simple and reliable ladder, called a fire ladder.

Video - Rope fire escape

A rope ladder is an item that has a fairly wide range of applications. It is successfully used when performing high-altitude work, in the field of navigation, in the field of mountaineering and speleology. Firefighters and rescuers use rope ladders. It can also be found quite often at playgrounds for children and attractions. A rope ladder can be presented in a variety of modifications, but first of all it must be reliable and safe.

We will tell you how to make a rope ladder with your own hands in our article.

Important Specifications

A reliable and comfortable rope ladder must meet several parameters:

  • Width - 0.45m.
  • Length - no more than 15m.
  • It must be no heavier than 20kg and be able to withstand loads of at least 300kg.
  • Rope diameter 7-10mm.
  • If the staircase is an adult, then the distance between the horizontal rungs should be about 45cm; for a children's staircase, this parameter is reduced to 30cm.


When making bowstrings, they usually use durable synthetic rope made of nylon, nylon, polypropylene, etc. They are much stronger than any other natural material, and also do not rot or swell when exposed to water.

For steps, metal, plastic, wood or rope are usually used. The main thing is that these parts are intact, do not deform and can take on a large load. If wood is used to make the crossbars, it must be sanded thoroughly.

Staircase with wooden rungs and support units

In this case, you will need round or rectangular blocks of wood. You need to drill a hole in each of them from the edges. Then begin to sequentially put the bars on the ropes, leaving a distance of about 35cm between them. Remember to tie simple knots at the top and bottom of the holes.

This is how easy it is to make a rope ladder for children.

Rope ladders with a boa constrictor knot

In this option, wooden crossbars are usually used. Through holes won't be needed here. The rope is tied along the edges of the crossbars, and to prevent it from moving, grooves are cut into them, the depth of which is 5 mm and the width is 2 cm. You need to retreat about 3cm from the edges. Tie the steps with rope as shown in the picture.

This option is also perfect for making a rope ladder for a wall bars.

Ladders made of rope and plastic pipes

Here the role of steps will be played by plastic pipes (diameter - 2cm). Pass the rope sequentially inside the pipes, placing them 30cm apart. Next, without cutting the rope, repeat this procedure on the other side. As a result, the rope will pass inside the plastic pipes twice. You will receive a fairly strong and reliable design, which may well play the role of a children's rope ladder.

Rope ladder

In this model, apart from rope, no other materials are used. To create it you need two ropes. Place them parallel to each other at a distance of about 40cm. Place one rope behind the other, folding it into a loop, the length of which should be equal to the length of the steps. Wrap the other rope tightly around this loop. Then repeat this procedure using another rope. At the end of each step, take a final puff.