Funny scenes for the New Year of the Rooster. Cockerel - a blue comb (fairy tale for adults)

HOW A FOX STEALED A ROCK. New Year's musical parody script for adults.


ROOSTER. Beautiful. Narcissistic. Loves flattery and the female sex. Proud to be nominated for the title “Symbol of the Year”.
FOX. Cunning. Bright. Daring. Naturally, red. He has long dreamed of catching the Rooster, but so far he has only caught the admiring glances of the male representatives, that is, the males.
WOLF. Gray in every way. I gave up on the past and at the same time gave up on myself. A typical "collective farmer".
CHICKEN. Legitimate wife of the Rooster. Despite his tough temper, I got used to putting up with his antics. Where can you go - love...
CROW. A typical representative of the crow family. Loves everything bright and shiny. She endlessly repeats that she is old and sick, but despite this, she desperately hopes to brighten up someone’s loneliness.
BABA YAGA. Ever since Santa Claus “encoded” her with his staff, she has been kind... Right up to the point of stupor. He breeds snowdrops and Leshy - for clicks.
TIPTOE. Three. Daughters of the Rooster and Hen. Modern teenagers.
FATHER FROST. Despite the red nose, he is completely sober. Appears, as always, at the end.
SNOW MAIDEN. The eternal tail of his grandfather. But without it, what would a holiday be?


Forest. To the side of the stage is Baba Yaga's hut. Baba Yaga sits by the porch and cross-stitches. Lisa runs onto the stage. She is wearing a fashionable red outfit, in her hands are car keys, and “BMW” is written on a huge keychain.

FOX. Hello Yaga! Have you heard the news?
BABA YAGA. Hello, Lisa. I haven't heard anything! See, I’m sitting, cross-stitching a gift for Leshy.
FOX. What are you talking about? Don't know this news!
BABA YAGA. What's the news? Speak already!
FOX. Tomorrow is New Year! Do you know who will be the symbol of the New Year?
BABA YAGA. Koschey?
FOX. No!
BABA YAGA. Dragon?
FOX. Did not guess!
BABA YAGA. Is it really possible that this is an overseas monster?!
FOX. Not overseas! Is our!
BABA YAGA. Who is this?!
FOX (indignantly). Rooster! Can you imagine?! This upstart! Why didn’t I fry it at the time?! Listen, Yaga... Help! I need to catch this Rooster... Together we’ll roast it in your oven, and New Year Let's eat! Come up with some dirty tricks, huh? I won't be in debt!
BABA YAGA (distressed). I can't! I'm coded! The year before last, Santa Claus coded me with his staff, so I can’t do any more dirty tricks. It turns my bones, like I want to do some harm to someone! And instead of this, the daisies will bloom, or the rainbow will light up. Ugh!
FOX. Like this?!
BABA YAGA. And like this!

Baba Yaga sings a song.

SONG OF BABA YAGA. (To the tune of “Childhood” from the group “Tender May”).

Santa Claus made me nervous.
And once I coded it.
I can't do any more harm
And from me - like milk from a goat.

And I want, and I want again
In the forest, you can scare passers-by at night.
Fool your head, give a kick,
And put Ivan the fool in the oven.

Recently Kashchei came to visit.
I immediately kicked him out.
I said “Shoo” to him for courage,
Don’t you see, I’m knitting socks for Lesha.

I sit and weave macrame,
And friends go around a mile away.
Various rumors are spread,
Apparently they think it's contagious.

FOX. Well, you butted in, Yaga...
BABA YAGA. I just cross-stitch Taperich and plant flowers.
FOX. Well, give me at least some potion, a sleeping pill! Some kind of tincture of spiders and frog legs... Or a decoction of fly agarics!
BABA YAGA. There is no such thing! Only cherry liqueur... And - cherries... drunk.
FOX. Bring your cherries here! (to the hall). You'll have to blackmail someone!

The Wolf enters the stage. He is wearing a padded jacket, felt boots, and a hat with earflaps. On their feet are “farewell to youth” boots.

WOLF (to the Fox). Hello, Lisa! So that's the meeting!
FOX (delighted). Hello, hello, Gray! It's you that I need!
WOLF (looks at Fox). And you, I see, are packed... (Touches the fox's tail) Fur coat... New, or what?
FOX (hits him on the paws). Well, you!.. Quiet! Don't let your paws loose here! (Shakes off his fur coat) You've already torn off one of my tails! By the way, when will you return the favor?
WOLF. What debt?
FOX. Like which one? For a new tail. Do you know how much tails are on the market today?
WOLF. How should I know? I don’t go to markets... So, I live locally...
FOX. You, Volchara, owe me three chickens, four geese and one ram!
WOLF. Why so much?!
FOX. Do the math yourself: three chickens for the tail, four geese for the plastic surgery, ram for moral damage! (proudly looks at his tail, smoothes it). By the way... I did it abroad! In the neighboring forest!
WOLF (with envy): You know how to live, Red!
FOX (boastfully): I can! That's why he's always covered in chocolate, not like you.
WOLF. A! (waves his paw doomedly). I’m completely lost!.. No family, no lair!
FOX (significantly) Well, how are you and Little Red Riding Hood?..
WOLF. No way! As soon as she took away my grandmother’s house, she left me! I found one here... Hunter...
FOX. And what about the Goat? Have you tried to approach her? True, there are seven kids there... But still, the woman is with a house, with food...
WOLF. Yes, the Goat is okay... she seems to agree... But these little goats are against her... They've grown up! Now there are seven goats!

The wolf sings a song.
SONG OF THE WOLF (To the tune of "The Smell of Spring" by "Butyrka")

I was born, apparently, in a leap year.
That's why I have no luck in life.
What happens in the forest - they immediately shout:
"It's Gray, it's Gray's fault!"
I don't set any traps or nets,
But they scare small children with me.
The soul is torn from resentment -
All the villains were recorded as sidekicks.

I'm deep in the forest
I'm sitting under a pine tree.
And one song
I sing to the moon.
Then I'll smoke
I'll make some tea
And all night
I look at the stars.

I gave up my criminal past a long time ago,
All the bustle of the forest is a bazaar-station.
Even in the pack there is no place for me now,
Because at heart I am not a beast at all.

I am not young, but rather already old.
They call me “forest orderly.”
Due to the weather, gray paws hurt,
I can’t even catch up with seven kids.

FOX (thoughtfully). Hmmm... Well, how are you going to repay the debt to me now? Look, I’ll complain to Boar!
WOLF. Don't ruin it, Lisa! I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t complain to Boar!
FOX. Don't complain, you say... Well, well... I have a job for you! If you do it, I’ll forgive the debt... If you don’t do it, I’ll turn on the meter!
WOLF. Speak, Red! I’ll serve, there won’t be a century of will in sight!
FOX. Well, listen. I need to steal one Cockerel... I’ve had a grudge against him for a long time! We would then fry them together and eat them for the New Year!
WOLF (indignantly). What are you talking about, Lisa?! I don't subscribe to wet stuff anymore! (Points to his neck) I'm stuck!
FOX (threateningly). Well, you’ll tell Boar this later...
WOLF. I'm done, Lisa! I can't, you understand?! It was still summer - no matter what, but now it’s winter, Santa Claus is wandering around the forest, finds out that I’ve taken up the old thing, and turns it into ice! Last time he threatened, when Boar and I wanted to drive the Deer! Yes, I forgave you on the occasion of the New Year... I brought you under amnesty!
FOX (ingratiatingly): Come on, Wolf... Well, we are one team! Remember how you and I were in our youth... (Playfully pushes the Wolf in the side).

The Fox and the Wolf sing a song.
SONG OF THE FOX AND THE WOLF (To the tune of "Dream" by F. Kirkorov and M. Rasputina).

Do you remember our children's gang - Lynx, Bear, Boar.
They stole chickens in the village, Polkan chased us.
I even envied him - he was at the kennel,
And I’ve been in a rabbit hole for years now.
Do you remember how we sat in ambush, hunting a goat?

And I was a wolf cub...
I was a little fox.
They caught a rooster, but suddenly they ran into a moose.
And I was a wolf cub...
And I was sweating all over.
I remember licking the wounds from his horns.
And since then I have completely
I don't like roosters!

Chorus (together):
And even though we don’t know what to do,
We'll catch the Rooster anyway.
Well, hold on, rooster face,
We ourselves will be the symbol of the year!

We will have roast and scallop soup on New Year's Day.
I somehow felt sorry for Cockerel.
Don't relax here, Gray, but look forward.
You too will be a symbol in a year.

WOLF. And anyway, Fox... Let's get burned! As it is, let's sleep!
FOX. So, let’s go to a noble cause! Tell me, is there a Year of the Wolf?
WOLF. I've never heard of it!
FOX. And the year of the Fox?
WOLF. It never happened!
FOX. But there is a year of the Rooster! Today at midnight it will begin! This is a terrible injustice! There are all kinds of years - Snakes, Cows... even a Hare! There are even Goats! But the year of the Fox and the Wolf is not! How long will we endure all this?!
WOLF (spreads his paws in confusion): So what should we do?!
FOX. That's what I'm saying... We need to catch this Rooster and roast it! And instead, declare the year... the year of the Fox! (Looks at the Wolf, speaks insinuatingly) And on next year– Year of the Wolf... How do you like the prospects?
WOLF (scratching the back of his head thoughtfully). The prospect is good... But how to catch this Rooster? So that Moroz would not have any suspicions? You and I have been denied entry into the village... They'll figure it out right away! (Shows a criminal gesture) I’m telling you, we’ll get caught!
FOX. Stay calm! There is one bird in the forest... She will help us! Tell you what, find me Vorona. Hurry up!
WOLF. Crow? For what?
FOX. You'll see!

The Wolf leaves to look for Crow. The fox sings a song.

SONG OF THE FOX. (To the tune of “Red-haired Girl” by V. Korolev).

One day I came to the poultry yard.
I hear a conversation from the chicken coop.
The Rooster boasted to Kura,
Called me a redheaded fool.
The Rooster boasted to Kura,
He said that I was a fool.

And I’m like that - I’m cunning
Fox, fox, fox, fox, fox.
And my life is only red
Solid stripe.
And since childhood, I have only wound one truth into my head:
The cockerel tastes good!

Next time I met him:
On the fence he sang at midnight.
But I couldn't grab him
Only a rooster's tail stuck in his teeth.
I couldn't catch him again
I just caught my tail.

But this time, watch out, Rooster!
Let's see which of us is a mug.
You wear your red panties
There will be a New Year with the name of Fox.
You wear your red panties
Only with the name of Lisa.

At the end of the song, the Wolf comes from behind the scenes again, dragging Crow by the hand. The crow resists and is indignant. He stops and fights off the Wolf.

CROW, what kind of disgrace is this? She sat on a tree stump and didn’t touch anyone! He grabbed me, dragged me away, crushed everything!..(rushes to the middle of the stage, theatrically wrings his “hands”) I am an old, sick crow!.. I didn’t see anything!.. I didn’t hear anything!.. I don’t give anyone away!. (to the audience) Well, if only for a very good reward...
FOX (feigning admiration). Crow! You look so wonderful!
CROW (memorized). I am an old, sick crow!..
FOX. Yes, you're slandering yourself!.. (touches feathers) Oh, what feathers!.. (touches beak) What a sock!.. Well, sing!..
CROW. Kar!
FOX (feigning admiration). And an angelic... well, just an angelic raven voice! (The crow blinks its eyes in confusion.) And with all such virtues, you are a lonely bird!.. Where are the peacocks looking?! Where the hell are the flamingos looking?!
FOX. Where is your prince, I ask? (theatrically) No! Not a prince!..
CROW (stunned) And who?!
FOX. King! Where is your king?!
CROW. Which king?
FOX. King of the Birds! Do you even know who our king will be now? And not only birds, but all, all, all!
CROW. Who?!
FOX. Rooster! From tomorrow he is the bird of the year! So - the king! Who does the king need?
CROW and WOLF (simultaneously). Who?!
FOX. Queen! (to the crow) You, for example... Could become his queen!
CROW (embarrassed, but she likes this idea). Well... actually... he's already married!
FOX (indignant). On whom?! On Chicken?! Just listen to this word: Ku-ri-tsa! Where is the greatness?! Where is the melody?! And listen to yours: Vo-ro-na! There is music in every letter! Every syllable is a hymn to beauty! No, no and NO! Only you should be the queen!

During Fox's speech, Crow perks up, transforms, begins to proudly walk around the stage, and admires himself.

CROW. Well... I, of course, don’t mind... (Stops, turns to face the audience, raises his “wings”) But - how?!
FOX. It's very simple! Come on, I'll tell you everything!

(The Fox and the Wolf take Crow backstage.)


House of the Rooster. Rooster and Chicken on stage. The Rooster is nervous, tries on ties, and scatters them around the stage. A chicken in a dressing gown and curlers runs after him, handing him ties and socks.

COCK (runs from side to side). Where's my tie?! Where are my socks?! Coo-coo-where did my tail comb go?! (Stops opposite the Chicken). Why are you giving me all these rags?! Well, who wears ties like that now?! And the socks?! They don't match the color of my tail! Chicken!
CHICKEN (begins to get angry, hands on hips, stamps her foot). Soooo... I see. Are you going to the goose again?
ROOSTER (a little lost, apparently the wife’s suspicions are not groundless. However, she makes an indignant face). Where do these ridiculous suspicions come from? What goose? I'm expected at the coronation! I am the symbol of the year!
CHICKEN. Tomorrow you are the symbol of the year! And today you are a womanizer!
ROOSTER. What kind of expressions?! You are undermining my authority!
CHICKEN. You need to hang around women less! Where did you get it from? goose feathers, A?!
COCK (grabs his head). Who am I married to?! On some Chicken! Mom told me!..

The rooster and hen sing a song.
SONG OF THE COCK AND THE CHEN (To the tune of "Nicholas" by Natalie)

I'm filing for divorce!
Come on, give it!
I'm breaking the contract!
Come on, break it up!
We are not suitable for each other, we different birds,
And I should have married so poorly!
Perhaps you were joking?
I am not kidding!
Did you forget about alimony?
I'll pay for everything!
I'd rather fly alone in the open air!
Yes, your job is to yell at the fence all day!
Well, what kind of fashion?!
What a breed!
I am the symbol of the year
From tomorrow!

Cockerel, Cockerel, Cockerel,
Don't disgrace, don't disgrace my comb!
Cockerel, Cockerel, Petya!
You have grown children!

Where's my tail shampoo?
Yes, there it is, on the shelf.
Where's my new suit?
In the closet, hanging behind the door!
Are you going to Goose again?
Or maybe to Turkey?
Look, it's Turkey again
Knock on the top of the head!
Are you scaring me again?
You know everything yourself!
You're undermining
My authority!

At the end of the song, Crow appears on stage. She in festive attire, red beads, with a reticule and a cake in a box. On the box it is written in large letters: “CHERRY CAKE.” When he sees the Crow, the Rooster takes on a gallant appearance. She looks at him and pretends to faint.

The duration of the entire performance is about 1 hour. 10 min. It contains 8 musical parody numbers and includes several dance numbers.

Dear reader! If you are interested in this script and want to receive the full version, then write to:
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Terms of purchase full version purely symbolic. Details in personal correspondence. It is possible to discuss an individual scenario.
Thank you in advance for your attention and interest!
With warmth and sincere respect, Evelina.

The presenter comes out
The tables are full! They're worth lunch!
It’s almost midnight, but there’s still no holiday!
Happy New Year! Let's have a drink!
Let's eat, dance, sing!
(Looks at his watch)

I'm tired of waiting. Ahead of everyone

I'll take a sip, so to speak, of an aperitif!
(opens the bottle - the Genie appears and claps the cracker)
Who are you? Where did it come from?
Me? Gin.
Do you fulfill your wishes?
(Jin nods)
(shows finger)
That's cute! Why - one?
Inflation. I've been in the bottle for a long time.
What can I ask? You need to think about it here.
Will you ask for money? Everyone will leave quickly.
Taxes, rising prices - it’s easy for money to disappear.
I want to be a boss. I need power!
And now the morals are the same as in the old days!
Well, so be it, now you are the king!
What - king? I can't handle it!
What are you doing? I want to be a director!
Don't bother me with the term.
Don't give me verbal riddles.
King - I know. So reign. Be a king.
I wanted it myself. And I have nothing to do with it.
What to do? Nothing comes to mind!
I’m not boom-boom in this royal business!
Tsar, Treasurer and Choir:

Thanks to fate
There is now a crown
Be your boss
There is no more reason.

In our age, to be a king?
It couldn't be cooler!
Only what do you have to do with it?
You're not trained!
Happiness came from a bottle
You weren’t expecting him, as luck would have it,
You haven’t studied the life of kings,
You know, you graduated from the wrong universities.
And, thanks to the bottle,
Now you are in the role of king,
If only it were in vain,
It was not in vain!
Perhaps settle down in new role
And we will allow ourselves to interrupt you.
It's time to raise a toast to the New Year,
May he bring us a lot of joy.
We wish you to achieve everyone's plans.
May success accompany you in everything!
D. and V.
Here we move on to the unofficial part!
Health and happiness to everyone! Happy New Year!

(The presenter and treasurer come out)
Father Tsar.
Well? What nonsense?
The French ambassador is coming to visit us here.
Hordes of foreigners are always coming to us.
What does he want?
He brought some kind of order. *
(notes at end)

Song about the Order of the Legion
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
New orders.
Oh, how nice we all are,
At least they are not given to us.
Bye-bye-bye yet
They didn't become French
We drink Cognac willingly for "madame".
The French Legion was replenished
New Chevalier,
And it doesn’t matter that France
Many leagues away from us!
Bye-bye-bye yet
There are awards in Paris
We are all ready to become “monsieur” too.
Will we get recognition?
Are we on our time?
Let the lasers shine on us,
To disperse the melancholy.
Bye-bye-bye yet
Science exists
We whisper to fate more than once:
"Mercy side!"
By the way, a new piece of toast turned up.
Not bad, I would say, perhaps, the royal post.
I ask everyone to pour full cups
And raise a toast to everyone for the important order.
V. (Prose).
Dear Sergey Nikolaevich! We are seriously pleased to congratulate you on conferring the Order French Legion. We would like to wish you further success, and, of course, new orders.

(Treasurer runs in with accounts)
Father Tsar, may I tell you?
About what?
Accounts. Please sign.
Why else?
Then to pay.
I am a king! Do you want to live at my expense?
(The Queen enters)
"Tsar?" And the Queen, does knowing no longer count?
To whom does the king sign the account?
I'm in trouble! The queen is right there!
(to the treasurer)
Let him sign the invoice...
(long pause)
Really, I'm screwed! **
Ts. and maids of honor
To the tune of a gypsy song from the movie "Ah, Vaudeville!"
Fashion changes daily
But as long as there is white light,
The king spends all his time in science,
There is no time for the queen,
On New Year's Day I was given rhinestones,
Well, why did I marry the king?
He spends diamonds*** on lasers!
Spends gold on mirrors***!
Well, what can I say, what can I say,
Diamonds are always in fashion
And he again and again
Harassing lasers,
When I wait, when I wait,
I have diamond pendants,
When I dress up in diamonds,
I'll give myself a holiday! (three times)
(quietly to the treasurer)
Until now I considered myself a king,
But I don’t like arguing with women.
(Loud to the queen)
You call me king in vain.
Don't you see? I don't look like a king! ****
Aren't you a king? Hm. This is true. But nothing.
You seem to be replacing him.
So give diamonds for the New Year.
And by the way, there is an account here for diamonds!
No time, my friend, for your bills!
The time has come for us to drink to the ladies!
How cleverly he turned the conversation.
What can we do here! Don't argue with kings!
Any man willingly drinks for the ladies,
They don't issue an invoice yet.
When they drink to women, the treasury is generous.
We are ready to drink for them until the morning!
I am happy to wish them a Happy New Year.
Let's all drink to our women. Vivat!

We drank and had time to chew
What next will the king deign to order?
Here's the news! Thanks to fate,
You turned me into a king,
And with a microphone I must, like a jester
Amuse you while others drink?
What to do? I forgot to warn you
Such a share of power. Always vigil.
Always answer for everything and everyone.
Then there is no desire to be a king.
This is an unfortunate fate - there is nothing worse!
I want the banquet to continue!
It's time to switch to prose
And call the Snow Maiden and Father Frost.

New Year holiday is coming
May he bring us joy,
May he give us warmth and happiness and love.
May winter not be cold
So that spring returns to us soon,
Let the Sun shine for us again with renewed vigor.
We wish you happiness,
Happiness for the whole next year,
Because he's about to come,
May he bring joy
And may signs give us
Everything will be worth a lot of money,
And let science be the temple
Only brings you happiness.
Song (spare)

Let's look into the New Year together,
After all, everyone who is not deaf has heard,
That the Monkey is leaving us,
At this hour the Monkey leaves,
And the Rooster, Rooster, Rooster comes to us!

Come Cockerel, Golden Comb,
And dance with us
What have you in store for us, now without embellishment
Tell us, Cockerel!

Tell me, you know, bird,
What will this year bring us?
Let all the good things happen again
And let the best happen
And let the bad things go away, go away, go away!

* - the director was awarded the Order of the French Legion of Honor, which gives the right to the title of nobility.
** - The phrase “kaput came to me” rhymes with the name of the deputy director who signs invoices for payment.
*** - diamonds (and gold) are used in the production of lasers (and mirrors for them).
**** - the position of director is filled for a long time by order by his deputy.

“How the Fox stole the Rooster...” - on December 31, residents of the village of Vernyavino in the rural settlement “Cherskaya Volost” learned, who put aside their affairs, farewell to the Old Year 2016 and came to the assembly hall of the Vernyavino Secondary School.

New Year is a time of magic, smiles and happiness. On this holiday, everyone can believe in a fairy tale, plunge into the atmosphere of something extraordinary, mysterious, fascinating and, undoubtedly, unforgettable. This holiday is important for everyone, without exception. Adults, feeling the festive mood, begin to believe in fairy tales again, and the sincere admiration and joy of children only complement and add color to this event.

Guests present at the event were treated to a meeting with the Rooster, who was nominated for the title “Symbol of the Year”; the role was played by the head of Cherskaya rural library Alevtina Ushkacheva, with Lisa (in the role of Victoria Makryakova - Pskov Bread Factory OJSC, internal logistics management department - specialist), who has long dreamed of catching the Rooster, but so far only catches admiring glances from male representatives, with gray wolf(Igor Gliklikh - JSC "Zevs-auto" adjuster of the rolling line in Pskov), who gave up on the past, at the same time gave up on himself, a typical "collective farmer", with Chicken (Elena Vasilyeva teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Vernyavino Secondary School") - his legal wife Rooster, despite his tough temperament, is used to enduring his antics, but where can you go - love... With Crow (Irina Savelyeva LLC "Pskov Polymer" - seamstress.), a typical representative of the crow family. She endlessly repeats that she is old and sick, but despite this, she desperately hopes to brighten up someone’s loneliness. With Baba Yaga (Maria Malysheva is a master of making awning products in the village of Stremutka), since Santa Claus “bewitched” her with his staff - she’s kind... Right up to the point of stupor, she breeds snowdrops and Leshy - into clicks, with chicks - daughters Rooster and Hen - modern teenagers - participants of the dance group "Constellation" And, of course, with Father Frost (Gurduza Alexander - assembler and installer of furniture in Pskov), and Snow Maiden (Anastasia Yaroshevich - student of the Cooperative Technical School), who appeared, as always , at the end of the script and congratulated everyone present on the upcoming 2017! During the event, win-win lotteries were played.

We express special gratitude to the director of the MBOU "VSSH" Galina Goranskaya for providing the school assembly hall for the celebration, Anzhelika Alekseeva for her help with musical accompaniment, Alevtina Ushkacheva for sewing costumes for the actors, and the school choreographic group "Constellation" for the fiery dances.

Resident of the village of Vernyavino Elena Vasilyeva


New Year is knocking on our doors again,

We continue to believe in fairy tales and magic.

May your mood be excellent

Miracles will happen to everyone personally today.


Forest. To the side of the stage is Baba Yaga's hut. Baba Yaga sits by the porch and cross-stitches. Lisa runs onto the stage. She is wearing a fashionable red outfit, in her hands are car keys, on a huge keychain it is written “BMW».

FOX. Hello Yaga! Have you heard the news?

BABA YAGA. Hello, Lisa. I haven't heard anything! See, I’m sitting, cross-stitching a gift for Leshy.

FOX. What are you talking about? Don't know this news!

BABA YAGA. What's the news? Speak already!

FOX. Tomorrow is New Year! Do you know who will be the symbol of the New Year?

BABA YAGA. Koschey?

FOX. No!

BABA YAGA. Dragon?

FOX. Did not guess!

BABA YAGA. Is it really possible that this is an overseas monster?!

FOX. Not overseas! Is our!

BABA YAGA. Who is this?!

FOX(indignantly). Rooster! Can you imagine?! This upstart! Why didn’t I fry it at the time?! Listen, Yaga... Help! I need to catch this Rooster... Together we’ll roast it in your oven and eat it for the New Year! Come up with some dirty tricks, huh? I won't be in debt!

BABA YAGA(upset). I can't! I'm coded! The year before last, Santa Claus coded me with his staff, so I can’t do any more dirty tricks. It turns my bones, like I want to do some harm to someone! And instead of this, the daisies will bloom, or the rainbow will light up. Ugh!

FOX. Like this?!

BABA YAGA. And like this!

Baba Yaga sings a song.

    SONG OF BABA YAGA. (To the tune of “Childhood” from the group “Tender May”).

Santa Claus made me nervous.

And once I coded it.

I can't do any more harm

And from me - like milk from a goat.

And I want, and I want again

In the forest, you can scare passers-by at night.

Fool your head, give a kick,

And put Ivan the Fool in the oven.

Recently Kashchei came to visit.

I immediately kicked him out.

I said “Shoo” to him for courage,

Don’t you see, I’m knitting socks for Lesha.

FOX. Well, you butted in, Yaga...

BABA YAGA. I just cross-stitch Taperich and plant flowers.

FOX. Well, give me at least some potion, a sleeping pill! Some kind of tincture of spiders and frog legs... Or a decoction of fly agarics!

BABA YAGA. There is no such thing! Only cherry liqueur...

FOX. Bring your cherries here! ( to the hall). You'll have to blackmail someone!

    OnThe Wolf enters the scene. He is wearing a padded jacket, felt boots, and a hat with earflaps. On their feet are “farewell to youth” boots.

WOLF(Lisa). Hello, Lisa! So that's the meeting!

FOX(overjoyed). Hello, hello, Gray! It's you that I need!

WOLF(looks at Lisa). And I see you are packed... ( Touching a fox's tail) Fur coat... New, or what?

FOX (hits him on the paws). Well, you!.. Quiet! Don't let your paws loose here! ( Shakes off his fur coat) You've already torn off one of my tails! By the way, when will you return the favor?

WOLF. What debt?

FOX. Like which one? For a new tail. Do you know how much tails are on the market today?

WOLF. How should I know? I don’t go to markets... So, I live locally...

FOX. You, Volchara, owe me three chickens, four geese and one ram!

WOLF. Why so much?!

FOX. Do the math for yourself: three chickens for a tail, four geese for plastic surgery, a sheep for moral damage! (proudly looks at his tail, smoothes it). By the way... I did it abroad! In the neighboring forest!

WOLF (with envy): You know how to live, Red!

FOX (boastfully): I can! That's why he's always covered in chocolate, not like you.

WOLF. A! ( waving his paw doomedly). I’m completely lost!.. No family, no lair!

FOX (meaningfully) Well, how are things going with Little Red Riding Hood?..

WOLF. No way! As soon as she took away my grandmother’s house, she left me! I found one here... Hunter...

FOX. And what about the Goat? Have you tried to approach her? True, there are seven kids there... But still, a woman with a house, with food...

WOLF. Yes, the Goat is okay... she seems to agree... But these little goats are against her... They've grown up! Now there are seven goats!

The wolf sings a song.

    SONG OF THE WOLF (To the tune of "The Smell of Spring" by "Butyrka")

I'm deep in the forest

I'm sitting under a pine tree.

And one song

I sing to the moon.

Then I'll smoke

I'll make some tea.

And all night

I look at the stars

FOX (thoughtfully). Hmmm... Well, how are you going to repay the debt to me now? Look, I’ll complain to Boar!

WOLF. Don't ruin it, Lisa! I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t complain to Boar!

FOX. Don't complain, you say... Well, well... I have a job for you! If you do it, I’ll forgive the debt... If you don’t do it, I’ll turn on the meter!

WOLF. Speak, Red! I’ll serve, there won’t be a century of will in sight!

FOX. Well, listen. I need to steal one Cockerel... I’ve had a grudge against him for a long time! We would then fry them together and eat them for the New Year!

WOLF(indignantly). What are you talking about, Lisa?! I don't subscribe to wet stuff anymore! ( Points to neck) I'm stuck!

FOX (threatening). Well, you’ll tell Boar this later...

WOLF. I'm done, Lisa! I can't, you understand?! It was still summer - no matter what, but now it’s winter, Santa Claus is wandering around the forest, finds out that I’ve taken up the old thing, and turns it into ice! Last time he threatened, when Boar and I wanted to drive the Deer! Yes, I forgave you on the occasion of the New Year... I brought you under amnesty!

FOX(ingratiatingly): Come on, Wolf... Well, we are one team! Remember how you and I were in our youth... (Playfully pushes the Wolf in the side).

    Performance by 6th grade students “Ditties”

WOLF. And anyway, Fox... Let's get burned! As it is, let's sleep!

FOX. So, let’s go to a noble cause! Tell me, is there a Year of the Wolf?

WOLF. I've never heard of it!

FOX. And the year of the Fox?

WOLF. It never happened!

FOX. But there is a year of the Rooster! Today at midnight it will begin! This is a terrible injustice! There are all kinds of years - Snakes, Cows... even a Hare! There are even Goats! But the year of the Fox and the Wolf is not! How long will we endure all this?!

WOLF (spreads his paws in confusion): So what should we do?!

FOX. That's what I'm saying... We need to catch this Rooster and roast it! And instead, declare the year... the year of the Fox! ( Looks at the Wolf, speaks insinuatingly) And next year is the year of the Wolf... How do you like the prospects?

WOLF (thoughtfully scratching the back of his head). The prospect is good... But how to catch this Rooster? So that Moroz would not have any suspicions? You and I have been denied entry into the village... They'll figure it out right away! (Shows a criminal gesture) I’m telling you, we’ll get caught!

FOX. Stay calm! There is one bird in the forest... She will help us! Tell you what, find me Vorona. Hurry up!

WOLF. Crow? For what?

FOX. You'll see! (The wolf goes to look forCrow).

9th grade performance.

    At the end of the song, the Wolf comes from behind the scenes again, dragging Crow by the hand. The crow resists and is indignant. He stops and fights off the Wolf.

CROW, What kind of disgrace is this? She sat on a tree stump and didn’t touch anyone! He grabbed me, dragged me away, crushed everything!..(rushes to the middle of the stage, theatrically wrings his “hands”) I am an old, sick crow!.. I didn’t see anything!.. I didn’t hear anything!.. I don’t give anyone away!. (to the audience) Well, if only for a very good reward...

FOX (feigns admiration). Crow! You look so wonderful!

CROW (rote). I am an old, sick crow!..

FOX. Yes, you are slandering yourself!.. ( touches feathers) Oh, what feathers!.. ( touches beak) What a sock!.. Well, sing!..

CROW. Kar!

FOX(feigns admiration). And an angelic... well, just an angelic raven voice! (The crow blinks its eyes in confusion.) And with all such virtues, you are a lonely bird!.. Where are the peacocks looking?! Where the hell are the flamingos looking?!


FOX. Where is your prince, I ask? ( theatrically) No! Not a prince!..

CROW (stunned) And who?!

FOX. King! Where is your king?!

CROW. Which king?

FOX. King of the Birds! Do you even know who our king will be now? And not only birds, but all, all, all!

CROW. Who?!

FOX. Rooster! From tomorrow he is the bird of the year! So - the king! Who does the king need?

CROW and WOLF (simultaneously). Who?!

FOX. Queen! ( crow) Here you are, for example... You could become his queen!

CROW(embarrassed, but she likes the idea). Well... actually... he's already married!

FOX (is indignant). On whom?! On Chicken?! Just listen to this word: Ku-ri-tsa! Where is the greatness?! Where is the melody?! And listen to yours: Vo-ro-na! There is music in every letter! Every syllable is a hymn to beauty! No, no and NO! Only you should be the queen!

During Fox's speech, Crow perks up, transforms, begins to proudly walk around the stage, and admires himself.

CROW. Well... I certainly don't mind... ( Stops, turns to face the audience, raises his “wings”) But how?!

FOX. It's very simple! Come on, I'll tell you everything!

5th grade performance


    House of the Rooster. Rooster and Chicken on stage. The Rooster is nervous, tries on ties, and scatters them around the stage. A chicken in a dressing gown and curlers runs after him, handing him ties and socks.

ROOSTER (runs from side to side). Where's my tie?! Where are my socks?! Coo-coo-where did my tail comb go?! ( Stops opposite the Chicken). Why are you giving me all these rags?! Well, who wears ties like that now?! And the socks?! They don't match the color of my tail! Chicken!

CHICKEN (begins to get angry, hands on hips, stamps his foot). Soooo... I see. Are you going to the goose again?

ROOSTER (I’m a little lost; apparently, my wife’s suspicions are not groundless. However, he makes an indignant face). Where do these ridiculous suspicions come from? What goose? I'm expected at the coronation! I am the symbol of the year!

CHICKEN. Tomorrow you are the symbol of the year! And today you are a womanizer!

ROOSTER. What kind of expressions?! You are undermining my authority!

CHICKEN. You need to hang around women less! Where did you get goose feathers in your tail, huh?!

ROOSTER (grabs his head). Who am I married to?! Who am I married to!!! Mom told me!.AH...

    The rooster and hen sing a song.

SONG OF THE COCK AND THE CHEN (To the tune of "Nicholas" by Natalie)

I'm filing for divorce!

Come on, give it!

I'm breaking the contract!

Come on, break it up!

We are not suitable for each other, we are different birds,

And I should have married so poorly!

Perhaps you were joking?

I am not kidding!

Did you forget about alimony?

I'll pay for everything!

I'd rather fly alone in the open air!

Yes, your job is to yell at the fence all day!

Well, what kind of fashion?!

What a breed!

I am the symbol of the year

From tomorrow!

Cockerel, Cockerel, Cockerel,

Don't disgrace, don't disgrace my comb!

Cockerel, Cockerel, Petya!

You have grown children!

At the end of the song, Crow appears on stage. She is in a festive outfit, red beads, with a reticule and a cake in a box. On the box it is written in large letters: “CHERRY CAKE.” When he sees the Crow, the Rooster takes on a gallant appearance.08. She looks at him and pretends to faint.

ROOSTER. What's happened?! What's happened?!

CHICKEN (crow runs around). What's happened?! You are sick?!

The Crow rises, looks at the Rooster again,08. rolls his eyes again and falls,scatters his arms and legs. The chicken splashes water on her. Finally, Crow “comes to her senses.”

CROW. Divine... Simply divine KAR-sota!.. I'm about to lose consciousness again!

ROOSTER. Dear Crow, before you pass out again, could you please explain the purpose of your visit?

CROW. (Rooster): I came on behalf of all the birds to congratulate you, dear Rooster, on such a karmic event! You are the symbol of the year! Everyone is proud of you! Everyone loves you!

ROOSTER (proudly). I am very happy! ( Helps Crow get up. Says to the Chicken): Here you see! I haven’t taken office yet, but people are already congratulating me! I have fans! I'm popular! I am a symbol! I am a star!

CROW. Star! As it is - a star! The stariest star! ( puts the cake on the table). But this is a gift! From all forest birds!

ROOSTER (Chicken): Well, why are you standing there like a chicken?! Hurry up and prepare the samovar! Prepare a snack! Finally, run to the kitchen! Don't you see - I have a representative of the public!

The chicken leaves offended. The Crow begins to fool the Rooster.

CROW(walks around the Rooster, admiring): Divine car-sota! Divine mind! Divine charm!

ROOSTER (happy, embarrassed) You flatter me!

CROW (opens a box with a cake, takes berries from the cake, brings them to the Rooster’s beak). Well, eat... eat a piece! Well, at least peck at these wonderful berries! The rooster tries the berries - he likes them, he himself takes a few berries from the cake and eats them.

CHICKEN DANCE. SONG OF THE COCK (To the tune of "Daddy Cool" by "Boni M")

There are plenty of chickens in the world.

Glamor reigns everywhere.

What should Cockerel do?


Ku-ka-kareku-4 times.

I lived yesterday like everyone else -


But the chicken coop became small,

Bring on the throne room!

Hold on, chickens!

My Snow Maidens.

It's easy to reach you

Shout ko-ko-ko.

I'll stand in full height,

I'll fluff my tail.

Eh, make way people

The Year of the Rooster is coming.

CROW(gives him more berries). And yet you, father, are like a bee... like a bee!

ROOSTER (pecks berries, then tries to hug Crow). You are the only one who understands me! Even my own wife doesn’t understand me! A! (waves his wing). Chicken!.. ( In the voice of Vasily from the film “Love and Doves”): Where is the business money?.. Where is the business money?..

CROW (suspicious): Where is the money?!

ROOSTER (already completely besotted, looks at Crow, playfully): What a feathered minx you are!.. What are we doing tonight?

The Crow flirts, runs to the side, the Rooster reaches out after her, and immediately falls to the floor and falls asleep. The crow leans over, listens, then rubs his hands joyfully. Immediately she pretends to be scared.

CROW (makes a sad face, screams at the top of his lungs): Kar-raul!.. Kar-raul! Dies! The symbol of the year is dying!

The Chicken runs in, followed by the Chicks. The Chicken grabs its head and tries to bring the Rooster to his senses.

CHICKEN. Ay, fathers! Killed! Who did you leave me for?!

CROW(yells towards the backstage): Doctor!.. S-KAR-rey doctor!..


The Fox and the Wolf, in white coats, run out from behind the scenes and pretend to be “ ambulance" The chicken doesn’t recognize them, fusses, and says: “Killed!”

FOX (With businesslike ): What's happened? Who's feeling bad?

CROW(flaps its wings, gesticulates). The rooster is sick! I just collapsed alive! Alive!

The Fox and the Wolf “examine” the Rooster lying on the floor, feel the pulse, touch the legs, open the eyelids. The rooster doesn't react.

FOX. All clear!

FOX. We'll hospitalize you immediately! Assistant, follow me!

The Fox and the Wolf grab the Rooster by the legs and “arms” and drag him backstage.

The chicken is in grief, clutches its heart, and sits on the floor. The crow is happy, sings a song, dances.

11. SONG OF THE CROW (To the tune of “Men must be loved” by Raisa Otradnaya)

He will build a house for mine,

He will live with me in it.

Eh, this is going to be life,

Oh, I'm in love, I think.

You have to love roosters

Roosters must be appreciated.

Let him be a womanizer and a fool,

But the symbol of the year after all!

He will be like a king,

We'll go to the seas.

Everything in the world is grass,

Hang in there, Canary Islands!

Well, so what if there is a wife,

Let's move it aside - it's not a wall.

Let him live in a chicken coop

And he wears an old quilted jacket.

I will drive a car

I'll wear a mink coat.

There will be a beak with rhinestones

And the sky with diamonds.

Eh, Lisa was right,

There are miracles in the world.

And there will be no sin in that,

That I will marry the Rooster.

The chicken begins to guess something while she sings.

CROW (understands that she has given herself up completely). Well, it's time for me to say goodbye... goodbye, Chicken... goodbye, children...

CHICKEN (catches up with the Crow, clings to her feathers): Oh you... you're beautifully painted!..

CROW (fights back): Why is this painted?! Why is this painted?! This is my natural color!

CHICKEN (talks to the Crow, shouts to the side, to the tiptoes): Lyudk!.. Ah, Lyudk!.. Look! It's her!..

12. "The Chase." The Crow and the Chicken run around the stage for a while, fall, and rise. The Crow runs away, the Chicken catches up, beats it in vain. Then both run backstage.


Again - the forest, Baba Yaga's hut. The Fox and the Wolf drag the still sleeping Rooster onto the stage. They throw him near the hut.

FOX (screams). Yaga! Come out!

WOLF. Come out, Yaga!

Baba Yaga leaves the hut. Knitting in hands.

BABA YAGA. Well, have you made some noise? All my butterflies were scared!

FOX. What butterflies?! Turn on the stove, cook the frying pan, and make more of it! New Year's table we'll collect!

BABA YAGA (looking at the Rooster). Fathers! Is it really a Rooster?!

WOLF. There was a Rooster! And it became - a snack!

FOX. Enough chatter, let's quickly put him in the oven before he wakes up!

BABA YAGA. I can’t put him in the oven! I'm coded!

FOX. But you will have to!

WOLF. Have to!

BABA YAGA. I can't do it! ( To the hall): But I want to... Wow, how I want to do some dirty tricks! (Looks at knitting) Ugh!

FOX. So do it! You are still an accomplice now! You'll go with a trailer!

BABA YAGA. Chavoita am I an accomplice?! I didn’t do anything!

FOX. Is the hut yours?

BABA YAGA. Well, mine.

FOX. Is the land near the hut yours?

BABA YAGA. Well, mine.

FOX. Is there a rooster on your land? So you are an accomplice! Open the door quickly before the Rooster wakes up!

BABA YAGA. This is a setup!

WOLF. Don't talk, open the doors!

The Fox and the Wolf want to raise the Rooster, but then the Crow runs onto the stage. He runs up, tries to push the Fox and the Wolf away, and blocks the Rooster with his wings.

CROW. We didn't agree like that! Give it back, this is my loot! He wanted to marry me, I saw how he looked at me!

FOX (throws the Rooster, grabs Crow by the arm, tries to lead him aside). Crow, why do you need it? Let's eat it and be done with it!

CROW (rushes to the Rooster again): I'm not giving it! I'll complain to Santa Claus about you! Now I’ll fly, find him, and complain! Kar-raul! They're robbing! The groom is being taken away!

13. The Fox and the Wolf silently advance on the Crow, Baba Yaga only watches from afar. The Crow tries to escape, the Wolf and the Fox grab her and try to drag her into the hut.

FOX(Baba Yaga): Yaga! Get out the second frying pan!

CROW(fights back). Kar-raul! Police! Santa Claus!

At this time, the Chicken runs onto the stage, sees that the Fox and the Wolf are dragging the Crow, immediately rushes towards them, pushes them into different sides. The Chicks help her.

CHICKEN (grabs Crow by the feathers). Well, back! I'll deal with it myself!

A general dump begins. The chicken kicks the Crow, the Fox and the Wolf at this time grab the Rooster and drag him to the hut.

WOLF. Yaga, help!

BABA YAGA (doesn’t know where to throw himself - and then there’s a fight, and then there’s disgrace). Yes, I can't! ( Suddenly throws away his knitting, desperately waves his hand, decides to play a dirty trick) When you can’t, but really want to, then you can! I have my shovel lying around somewhere... I kept trying to put Vanka the Fool in the oven with it, but I didn’t succeed! Now this is useful for the Rooster! Eh, chufir-chufyr...

14. Baba Yaga brings in a shovel to use it to put the Rooster in the oven, but at this time thunder rumbles, the light blinks, Baba Yaga suddenly begins to hit herself with a shovel. Music from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune” is playing.

BABA YAGA (beats and sentences). Ay! Oh! I won't do it again! Well, honestly!

WOLF (tries to take the shovel from her). Why, Yaga, did you fall from the oak tree? Why are you beating yourself?

BABA YAGA (continues his own beatings). Ay! It's not me! She herself! I told you, you can’t play dirty tricks on me! Save! Help!

Baba Yaga begins to beat the Fox and the Wolf, they run around the stage from her, she catches up. At this time, the Crow and the Hen begin to “divide” the Rooster - they pull him by the wings in different directions. The Chicken is helped by the Chicks. The rooster wakes up and tries to free himself. General dump, fight, chase. 15 Suddenly the music stops, another one begins: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” All participants freeze: Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear on stage.

FATHER FROST ( looks around in surprise at everyone present). What's going on here? What a mess it is New Year's Eve? ROOSTER ( finally comes to his senses - he is completely happy, he thinks that everyone has gathered just for him). Success! A dizzying, mind-blowing success! I haven’t taken office yet, but here are such events, such events! Everyone is happy, applauding, excited! I'm just being torn apart! What a success! FATHER FROST ( looks at everyone again) This is true? Everyone starts nodding in unison and shouting: “True! Is it true!" The Crow and the Chicken continue to push each other on the sly, but they also unanimously agree. Baba Yaga again hits herself on the forehead with a shovel, shouting “Truth!” She tries to put the shovel on the floor and sit on top of it. FATHER FROST ( Snow Maiden): You see, granddaughter, I always said that on New Year’s Eve there are miracles, and even the most evil enemies capable of making peace! Look how crowded the holiday is! And the Wolf, and the Fox, and the Rooster - all in one cheerful, friendly company! You can safely celebrate the New Year! FOX ( quiet, Vorone): Is it you, shabby one, who snitched on us to the old ones? Did you burn everyone? CROW. You were the first to deceive me! FOX (threateningly). Well, just wait, you shabby one... I'll get you... CROW. And I won’t remain silent even now! ( Loud for everyone else to hear): Comrades! This one ( points to Lisa) promised me that this ( points to the Rooster) will marry me! ROOSTER ( indignantly): Who?! I?! Symbol of the year?! On Raven?! No way in the world! ( Chicken) Darling, this is some kind of misunderstanding! Slander! The machinations of competitors! CHICKEN ( menacing): Let's talk at home! FOX ( About myself) Or - in a frying pan! ROOSTER ( to the hall). I solemnly promise that I will be the most exemplary symbol of the year! I'll be the most best husband and father! I promise to bring everyone only happiness and the fulfillment of their brightest desires! CHICKEN. Let's see! I give it to you probation… Twenty five years! ROOSTER ( joyfully). I agree! SNOW MAIDEN ( conciliatory). Let's leave all grievances behind in the old year! In such a magical night You can't quarrel! (To Santa Claus) Grandfather, let's wish everyone a Happy New Year! FATHER FROST. Indeed, granddaughter, come on! SNOW MAIDEN.

The Earth is spinning, one more turn

The next one, and here it is

No delays, exactly on time,

New Year is coming!

The clock will strike twelve times,

The arrows will outline a circle.

And at this long-awaited hour

Will light up around

Smiles of loved ones and friends,

The glasses will ring,

And a Christmas tree with hundreds of lights

Decorate your outfit!

Happy second of the first of January,

Under the snowy round dance,

Giving new hopes,

New Year will burst in!

FATHER FROST. Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Everyone joins in a round dance, the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds. Grades 5-6 - Santa Claus congratulates everyone, treating them to sweets.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden from the stage, saying goodbye:

Happy holiday to you!

The stars shine trustingly from the sky,

On this beautiful, joyful evening,

Let him give you new meetings,

Happy holiday to you!

Let happiness settle in your home,

May you always believe in good things,

A cheerful song will warm your heart,

Happy holiday to you!

Let the wonderful fairy tale come true,

With a new dream, with new songs.

Let life be even more interesting,

I - in good hour!

The floor is given to the school director Sofya Mobudovna Chikunova.

17. “Happy New Year, mom, dad!”







Ragulina M.M.

Rubekina A.D.


Christmas story.


Cockerel - Nekrasov Al., Santa Claus - Tolstikov Vl.,

Fox - Kahuta Iv., Snow Maiden - Soboleva K.,

Wolf - Torsunov V., Masha - Karachevtseva Yul.,

Baba Yaga - Luneva Yan., Crow - Shestopalova Ar.,

Leshy - Kruptsev N., Izbushka - Kolupaev M.,

Cat Bayun - Budnikov D., Chickens - Ryazanytseva Ar.

Time flies forward and forward,

The New Year is just around the corner.

May this year be good for everyone,

Ring louder, cheerful laughter.

People will come to us with an open soul,

Everyone will gather for a big holiday!

Ah, New Year! Amazing ball!

How many good friends have you gathered?

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing.

Interesting miracles await everyone.

New Year's dance of snowflakes and snowmen.

At the festival we will dance with all our hearts,

Let's sing our favorite songs.

Let's do a little magic with Santa Claus

And we will find ourselves in his fairy tale.

Baba Yaga is dressed up for the holiday, striding across the stage, looking out from under the arms of the guests. Near the hut there are stump-chairs, a stump-table.

BABA YAGA (impatiently). Where are they? Where are my friends, my little guests? It's time to get ready, but they're still not there! Let's see what's going on in our distant forest?

Baba Yaga pulls out a laptop, stylized as a “saucer,” from the hut. Opens, turns on. There is a grinding noise coming from the “device”.

BABA YAGA (grumbles). Wow, this technique is newfangled! Oh, this is technical progress for me! You can’t fly calmly on a stupa - either airplanes or spaceships, then these, what’s their name... cell phone towers... Just look, you’ll hit them with a broom! What about the news? Before, if you put an apple on a saucer, you can see everything in the palm of your hand! And now it makes noise, then crackles, then the connection is lost... Ugh! (Looks at the screen). Dragon! Get in touch! (The sound of a flying plane is heard in the laptop, then a crash, grinding of brakes, ringing broken glass). Sooo... I see! (He puts his hands on his hips.) There will be no snake Gorynych. (Looks at the screen again.) Kikimora, my faithful friend! Well, answer! Hello!.. (Something is crackling in the laptop again, rapid, incomprehensible speech is heard). FAQ?! (Again - fast, incomprehensible speech, frog croaking. Baba Yaga shields herself from the screen with her hands). No balabolka, balabolka! Did you say FAQ?! Won't you come?! (Into the hall). Well, here it is, called a friend! I won’t come, he says! She has nothing to wear, you see! (Listens). A! Someone's coming! I feel it, I feel it!.. No Goblin! (Rubs hands). The first guest, the most dear!

Music is playing. Leshy appears on the stage. He is wearing a “ceremonial suit”, with a tie.

Goblin. Hello, Yaga! Are you tired of guests?

BABA YAGA (grumbles). Today guests are like mammoth bones!

Goblin. How is that?


Goblin. Where is everyone? (Looks around). Did no one come to the holiday?!

BABA YAGA. Zmey Gorynych had an accident and did not make it. Kikimore has nothing to wear! Kashcheyushka, our boss, has been sick since the summer! Only you are left, my faithful friend! (Sniffs, moves his nose). I smell it again... I smell it! Another guest is coming!

GOBBLE (joyfully). Who?

BABA YAGA. Now we'll see whether my nose was wrong or not!

Music sounds and Cat Bayun appears on stage. He waddles importantly, rubs his back against everything that gets in his way, and smiles slyly.

CAT BAIYUN. Mmm-urrr... Hello honest company!

BABA YAGA. Hello, if you're not kidding! Well, come on in, cat, just don’t tear anything with your claws, don’t steal sour cream from the jar, and don’t jump on the tables!

CAT BAIYUN. You offend me, Yaga! I’ll lie on your warm bench, I won’t offend anyone, I won’t touch anything.

BABA YAGA (looks around at the guests). Well, my dear little guests, my lousy little friends, let’s go for a walk?!

GOBBER and CAT BAYUN (in unison) Eh, let's take a walk!

BABA YAGA. Oh, wait, dear guests, it seems an uninvited guest has arrived. For now, you hide in the hut, and I will pretend to be the kindest and sweetest.

Baba Yaga sits by the porch and cross-stitches. Lisa runs onto the stage. She is wearing a fashionable red outfit, in her hands are car keys, and “BMW” is written on a huge keychain.

FOX. Hello Yaga! Have you heard the news?

BABA YAGA. Hello, Lisa. I haven't heard anything! See, I’m sitting, cross-stitching a gift for Leshy.

FOX. What are you talking about? Don't know this news!

BABA YAGA. What's the news? Speak already!

FOX. Tomorrow is New Year! Do you know who will be the symbol of the New Year?

BABA YAGA. Koschey?

FOX. No!

BABA YAGA. Dragon?

FOX. Did not guess!

BABA YAGA. Is it really possible that this is an overseas monster?!

FOX. Not overseas! Is our!

BABA YAGA. Who is this?!

FOX (indignantly). Rooster! Can you imagine?! This upstart! Why didn’t I fry it at the time?! Listen, Yaga... Help! I need to catch this Rooster... Together we’ll roast it in your oven and eat it for the New Year! Come up with some dirty tricks, huh? I won't be in debt!

BABA YAGA (distressed). I can't! I'm enchanted! The year before last, Santa Claus bewitched me with his staff, so I can’t do any more dirty tricks. It turns my bones, like I want to do some harm to someone! And instead of this, the daisies will bloom, or the rainbow will light up. Ugh!

FOX. Like this?!

BABA YAGA. And like this!

FOX. Well, you got it, Yaga...

BABA YAGA. I just cross-stitch Taperich and plant flowers.

FOX. Well, give me at least some potion, a sleeping pill! Some kind of tincture of spiders and frog legs... Or a decoction of fly agarics!

BABA YAGA. There is no such thing! Only lemonade.

FOX. It's a pity. Then you'll have to blackmail someone!

The Wolf enters the stage. He is wearing a padded jacket, felt boots, and a hat with earflaps. On their feet are “farewell to youth” bots.

WOLF (to the Fox). Hello, Lisa! So that's the meeting!

FOX (delighted). Hello, hello, Gray! It's you that I need!

WOLF (looks at Fox). And you, I see, are packed... (Touches the fox's tail) Fur coat... New, or what?

FOX (hits him on the paws). Well, you!.. Quiet! Don't let your paws loose here! (Shakes off his fur coat) You've already torn off one of my tails! By the way, when will you return the favor?

WOLF. What debt?

FOX. Like which one? For a new tail. Do you know how much tails are on the market today?

WOLF. How should I know? I don’t go to markets... So, I live locally...

FOX. You, Volchara, owe me three chickens, four geese and one ram!

WOLF. Why so much?!

FOX. Do the math for yourself: three chickens for a tail, four geese for plastic surgery, a sheep for moral damage! (proudly looks at his tail, smoothes it). By the way... I did it abroad! In the neighboring forest!

WOLF (with envy): You know how to live, Red!

FOX (boastfully): I can! That's why he's always covered in chocolate, not like you.

WOLF. A! (waves his paw doomedly). I’m completely lost!.. No family, no lair!

FOX (thoughtfully). Hmmm... Well, how are you going to repay the debt to me now? Look, I’ll complain to Koshchei!

WOLF. Don't ruin it, Lisa! I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t complain to Koshchei!

FOX. Don't complain, you say... Well, well... I have a job for you! If you do it, I’ll forgive you the debt...

WOLF. Speak, Red!

FOX. Well, listen. I need to steal one Cockerel... I’ve had a grudge against him for a long time! We would then fry them together and eat them for the New Year!

WOLF (indignantly). What are you talking about, Lisa?! I can't, you understand?! It was still summer - no matter what, but now it’s winter, Santa Claus is roaming around the forest, finds out that I’ve taken up the old thing, and turns it into ice! Last time he made threats.

FOX (ingratiatingly): Come on, Wolf... Well, we are one team! Remember how you and I were in our youth... (Playfully pushes the Wolf in the side).

We are going for a noble cause! Tell me, is there a Year of the Wolf?

WOLF. I've never heard of it!

FOX. And the year of the Fox?

WOLF. It never happened!

FOX. But there is a year of the Rooster! Today at midnight it will begin! This is a terrible injustice! There are all sorts of years - Snakes, Cows... even a Hare! There are even Goats! But the year of the Fox and the Wolf is not! How long will we endure all this?!

WOLF (spreads his paws in confusion): So what should we do?!

FOX. That's what I'm saying... We need to catch this Rooster and roast it! And instead, declare the year... the year of the Fox! (Looks at the Wolf, speaks insinuatingly) And next year is the year of the Wolf... How do you like the prospects?

WOLF (scratching the back of his head thoughtfully). The prospect is good... But how to catch this Rooster? So that Moroz would not have any suspicions? You and I have been denied entry into the village... They'll figure it out right away!

FOX. Calmly! There is one bird in the forest... She will help us! Tell you what, find me Vorona. Hurry up!

WOLF. Crow? For what?

FOX. You'll see!

The Wolf leaves to look for Crow.

Baba Yaga. Well, you are a cunning Fox. Goblin, Kitty, come out!

Leshy. Yagusya, let her join our company and it’s time to move in!

Baba Yaga, Leshy and Cat Bayun, Fox are dancing. During the dance, the cat quietly climbs into Baba Yaga's hut, then comes out of it, looks around slyly, licks his lips, and strokes his belly. The rest do not notice this, carried away by the dancing. After the dance, everyone gathers again in a flock.

Goblin. Well, Yaga, invite me to the table! Fewer guests - more treats!

BABA YAGA. And that's true! Now, I’ll invite you! (Coquettishly). I'll just fix my hair!

Baba Yaga enters the house, but a second later she flies back out. She is extremely indignant. The cat Bayun is backing away, trying to hide behind the tree.

BABA YAGA. What is this being done?! Guard! Robbed!

Goblin. Just tell me, Yaga, what happened, what happened?!

BABA YAGA. Stolen! All the food was stolen! Everything that was on the table has disappeared!

CAT BAYUN (from behind the Christmas tree). This is some kind of witchcraft!

BABA YAGA (suspiciously). By any chance, you didn’t go into the hut?!

CAT BAYUN (feignedly indignant). I?! How could you think, Yaga?! So that I can go to your hut?! Without asking?!

BABA YAGA. But we'll check it now!

GOGGIE (echoes her). Yes, we'll check!

BABA YAGA (turns to the hut, puts his hands on his hips). Come on, hut, show me who came into you?! Who ate the treat from my table?!

The hut at first sways slightly, creaks, then raises its “chicken paw” and points at the Cat. Baba Yaga and Leshy are approaching Kota Bayun. He thrashes about, then fearfully falls to his paws, looking pleadingly. The fox sits calmly and watches everything.

CAT BAYUN (folds his paws). I won't do it again! Well, honestly! M-mu-rrrr... (Rubs his head against Yaga and Leshy).

BABA YAGA (swings at the Cat with a broom). I knew that this cat would eat everything! I’ll tell Koschey everything! I’ll write a complaint about you, you shabby one, and you’ll know how to steal from the table!

CAT BAIYUN. Oh please! Well, please, please, please! Don't tell Koshchei! And I’ll catch you mice for this!

BABA YAGA. FAQ?! He ate sour cream himself, and he was going to feed me mice?!

GOBBER (at the Cat) Shoot! I would eat you, but I know it’s not tasty! (Yage). So what to do now, Yaga? How will we celebrate the holiday? Where can I get treats now?!

CAT BAYUN (ingratiatingly). I know! I know!

BABA YAGA. Well, where?

CAT BAIYUN. Here, not far away, the Rooster lives alone! I noticed him a long time ago! Let's catch him! We will have both the first and the second, and feathers on our hats!

BABA YAGA. Isn’t this the same rooster that doesn’t let me sleep in the morning?!

CAT BAIYUN. That! My heart feels that it’s the one! Ready to help in the capture!

BABA YAGA. You ate the treat, you will catch it! Otherwise, I’ll complain to Koschey!

FOX. Calm down, Yaga. You didn’t forget that I sent Wolf for an assistant. Soon everything will be. Hush, it looks like someone is coming.

Caws and screams are heard. The Wolf comes in and drags Crow by the hand.

The crow resists and is indignant.

CROW, what kind of disgrace is this? She sat on a tree stump and didn’t touch anyone! He grabbed, dragged away, crushed everything!..(rushes to the middle of the stage, theatrically wrings his “hands”) I am an old, sick crow!.. I didn’t see anything!.. I didn’t hear anything!.. I don’t give anyone away! (to the audience) Well, if only for a very good reward...

FOX (feigning admiration). Crow! You look so wonderful!

CROW (memorized). I am an old, sick crow!..

FOX. Yes, you're slandering yourself!.. (touches feathers) Oh, what feathers!.. (touches beak) What a sock!.. Well, sing!..

CROW. Kar!

FOX (feigning admiration). And an angelic... well, just an angelic raven voice! (The crow blinks its eyes in confusion.) And with all such virtues, you are a lonely bird!.. Where are the peacocks looking?! Where the hell are the flamingos looking?!


FOX. Where is your prince, I ask? (theatrically) No! Not a prince!..

CROW (stunned) And who?!

FOX. King! Where is your king?!

CROW. Which king?

FOX. King of the Birds! Do you even know who our king will be now? And not only birds, but all, all, all!

CROW. Who?!

FOX. Rooster! From tomorrow he is the bird of the year! So - the king! Who does the king need?

CROW and WOLF (simultaneously). Who?!

FOX. Queen! (to the crow) You, for example... Could become his queen!

CROW (embarrassed, but she likes this idea). Well... actually... he's already married!

FOX (indignant). On whom?! On Chicken?! Just listen to this word: Ku-ri-tsa! Where is the greatness?! Where is the melody?! And listen to yours: Vo-ro-na! There is music in every letter! Every syllable is a hymn to beauty! No, no and NO! Only you should be the queen!

During Fox's speech, Crow perks up, transforms, begins to proudly walk around the stage, and admires himself.

CROW. Well... I, of course, don’t mind... (Stops, turns to face the audience, raises his “wings”) But - how?!

FOX. It's very simple! Come on, I'll tell you everything!

(The Fox and the Wolf take Crow backstage.)

BABA YAGA. Let's go and get ready for the festive dinner.

CAT. And I would take a little nap...

Goblin. And I need to wear a new tie for the holiday.

Everyone leaves the stage. Rooster, chickens and Masha come on stage to cheerful music

MASHA (instructively to Cockerel). Well, Petya, Misha hasn’t returned from work yet, and I’m leaving for the school Christmas party, so you remain in charge of the eldest! Don't let anyone into the house, don't go anywhere yourself! And please don’t sit on your neighbor’s fence! Well, that's all for now! (Runs away)

COCKER (Looks upset. Walks around the yard). Well, what is this?! She ran away! In such weather! And I? Now sit alone, wait until everyone returns. (Looks behind the scenes with interest - there should be neighbor's fence). And no freedom! Don't go there, the fox will eat you. Don’t come here - the marten will grab you... Don’t fly onto the neighbor’s fence! Well, how many times is it possible?!

The Rooster gets nervous, starts trying on ties, and scatters them around the stage. The chickens run after him, handing him ties and socks.

COCKER (runs from side to side). Tired of it! I want to go to the carnival. After all, today is my coronation. Where's my tie?! Where are my socks?! Coo-coo-where did my tail comb go?! (Stops in front of the Chickens). Why are you giving me all sorts of rags?! Well, who wears ties like that now?! And the socks?! They don't match the color of my tail!

I'm expected at the coronation! I am the symbol of the year!

Cheerful music sounds. A rooster and chickens rush around the stage looking for clothes. At the end of the music, Crow appears on stage. She is in a festive outfit, red beads, with a reticule and a cake in a box. On the box it is written in large letters: “CHERRY CAKE.” When he sees the Crow, the Rooster takes on a gallant appearance. She looks at him and pretends to faint.

ROOSTER. What's happened?! What's happened?!

CHICKENS (crows run around). What's happened?! You are sick?!

The Crow rises, looks at the Rooster again, rolls his eyes again and falls, scattering his arms and legs. The chickens splash water on her. Finally, Crow “comes to her senses.”

CROW. Divine... Simply divine KAR-sota!.. I'm about to lose consciousness again!

ROOSTER. Dear Crow, before you pass out again, could you please explain the purpose of your visit?

CROW. (To the Rooster): I came on behalf of all the birds to congratulate you, dear Rooster, on such a karmic event! You are the symbol of the year! Everyone is proud of you! Everyone loves you!

ROOSTER (proudly). I am very happy! (Helps the Crow get up. Says to the Chickens): You see! I haven’t taken office yet, but people are already congratulating me! I have fans! I'm popular! I am a symbol! I am a star!

CROW. Star! As it is - a star! (puts the cake on the table). But this is a gift! From all forest birds!

ROOSTER (to the chickens): Well, why are you standing there?! Hurry up and prepare the samovar! Finally, run to the kitchen! Don't you see - I have a representative of the public!

The chickens leave offended. The Crow begins to fool the Rooster.

CROW (walks around the Rooster, admiring): Divine car-sota! Divine mind! Divine charm!

ROOSTER (satisfied, embarrassed) You flatter me!

CROW (opens the box with the cake, takes berries from the cake, brings it to the Rooster’s beak). Well, eat... eat a piece! Well, at least peck at these wonderful berries!

The rooster tries the berries - he likes them, he himself takes a few berries from the cake and eats them. The berries are sleepy and he gradually begins to fall asleep

CROW (gives him more berries). And yet you, father, are like a bee... like a bee!

ROOSTER (pecking at the berries, then trying to hug the Crow). You are the only one who understands me!

The Crow flirts, runs to the side, the Rooster reaches out after her, and immediately falls to the floor and falls asleep. The crow leans over, listens, then rubs his hands joyfully. Immediately she pretends to be scared.

CROW (makes a sad face, yells at the top of his lungs): Kar-raul!.. Kar-raul! Dies! The symbol of the year is dying!

Chicks run in. They are trying to bring the Rooster to his senses.

CROW (yells towards the wings): Doctor!.. S-KAR-ray doctor!..

The Fox and the Wolf run out from behind the scenes, wearing white coats, posing as an ambulance.

FOX (with a businesslike look): What happened? Who's feeling bad?

CROW (flapping its wings, gesticulating). The rooster is sick! I just collapsed alive! Alive!

The Fox and the Wolf “examine” the Rooster lying on the floor, feel the pulse, touch the legs, open the eyelids. The rooster doesn't react.

FOX. We'll hospitalize you immediately! Assistant, follow me!

The Fox and the Wolf grab the Rooster by the legs and “arms” and drag him backstage.

The chickens are crying. The crow is satisfied and says quietly.

I will drive a car

I'll wear a mink coat.

There will be a beak with rhinestones

And the sky with diamonds.

Eh, Lisa was right,

There are miracles in the world.

And there will be no sin in that,

That I will marry the Rooster.

Slowly leaving.

Masha appears on the stage.

MASHA (to the hall). How forgetful I am! I completely forgot to leave the Millet Cockerel! I had to go back. That is OK! I’ll have time for the Christmas tree, but the Cockerel won’t be hungry. (Looks into the house) Cockerel! Cockerel! Where are you? (He walks around the stage in confusion, looking for the “missing thing”). Cockerel! Where are you? Answer me! (Turns to the hall). Something happened!.. He couldn’t just up and disappear? Something needs to be done... We need to go searching! (Distressed). What about the Christmas tree?.. It will be so fun there!.. But I can’t leave him in trouble! And what's that? (looks down) Black feathers?! But why are they so huge?! So-o-o... (Thinks). It seems that I’m starting to guess!.. (He enters the house, after a few seconds he appears on stage again. He speaks to the audience). Letter to Santa Claus e-mail I sent! I wrote a note to Misha! And now - let's go! Save Cockerel!

Masha goes backstage.

The hut and Baba Yaga come out, followed by Leshy and the cat. Yaga is busy with embroidery, and the goblin and the cat go to bed.

The Fox and the Wolf drag the still sleeping Rooster onto the stage. They throw him near the hut.

FOX (shouting). Yaga! Come out!

WOLF. Come out, Yaga!

Baba Yaga leaves the hut. Knitting in hands.

BABA YAGA. Well, have you made some noise? All my guests were scared!

FOX. What guests?! Turn on the stove, cook the frying pan, and make more of it! We'll be setting up the New Year's table!

The cat and Leshy rub their hands.

BABA YAGA (looks at the Rooster). Fathers! Is it really a Rooster?!

WOLF. There was a Rooster! And it became - a snack!

FOX. Enough chatter, let's quickly put him in the oven before he wakes up!

BABA YAGA. I can’t put him in the oven! I'm enchanted!

FOX. But you will have to!

WOLF. Have to!

BABA YAGA. I can't do it! (To the audience): But I want... Wow, how I want to do some dirty tricks! (Looks at knitting) Ugh!

FOX. So do it! You are still an accomplice now!

BABA YAGA. Chavoita am I an accomplice?! I didn’t do anything!

FOX. Is the hut yours?

BABA YAGA. Well, mine.

FOX. Is the land near the hut yours?

BABA YAGA. Well, mine.

FOX. Is there a rooster on your land? So you are an accomplice! Open the door quickly before the Rooster wakes up!

BABA YAGA. This is a setup!

WOLF. Don't talk, open the doors!

The Fox and the Wolf want to raise the Rooster, but then the Crow runs onto the stage. He runs up, tries to push the Fox and the Wolf away, and blocks the Rooster with his wings.

CROW. We didn't agree like that! Give it back, this is my loot! He wanted to marry me, I saw how he looked at me!

FOX (throws the Rooster, grabs Crow by the arm, tries to lead him aside). Crow, why do you need this plucked one?! Let's eat it and be done with it!

CROW (rushes to the Rooster again): I won’t let you! I'll complain to Santa Claus about you! Now I’ll fly, find him, and complain! Kar-raul! They're robbing! The groom is being taken away!

The Fox and the Wolf silently advance on the Crow, Baba Yaga only watches from afar. The cat and Leshy drag the rooster closer to them. The Crow tries to escape, the Wolf and the Fox grab her and try to drag her into the hut.

FOX (to Baba Yaga): Yaga! Get out the second frying pan!

CROW (fights back). Kar-raul! Police! Santa Claus!

WOLF. Yaga, help!

BABA YAGA (doesn’t know where to throw herself - and then there’s a fight, and then there’s disgrace). Yes, I can't! (Suddenly throws away his knitting, desperately waves his hand, decides to play a dirty trick) When you can’t, but really want to, then you can! I have my shovel lying around somewhere... I kept trying to put Vanka the Fool in the oven with it, but I didn’t succeed! Now this is useful for the Rooster! Eh, chufir-chufyr...

Masha enters the stage. Sees the picture, puts his hands on his hips.

MASHA. Ah, that's it! That's what I thought!

BABA YAGA. What kind of phenomenon is this?!

Goblin. Look, you came into your own hands!

MASHA. Well, give me back my Cockerel!

BABA YAGA. Look, what a daring girl! Now we'll fry you too! We'll have a two-course dinner!

MASHA. Don't fry!

BABA YAGA. And I say, let's fry it!

MASHA. And I say, don’t fry it! I know the magic word!

BABA YAGA. What word is that?! Oh, well, tell me!

MASHA. I will not say!

BABA YAGA (started to argue). If you don't tell me, I'll fry you!

MASHA. You won't fry!


MASHA. And I know the magic word!

BABA YAGA. You know, say so!

MASHA (teasing Baba Yaga). I won’t tell!

BABA YAGA. Then I'll fry it!

Masha and Baba Yaga argue for some time, but they are interrupted by music - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds. Baba Yaga, Leshy and Kot-Bayun are wary. Masha looks around triumphantly.

MASHA. You won't fry! Because Santa Claus is coming here now! Do you hear his call sign?!

GOBBER (begins to rush around in fear). How - Santa Claus?! Where is Santa Claus from?! Why - Santa Claus?!

CAT BAYUN (trying to sneak away). Looks like it's time for me!..

BABA YAGA (manages to grab him by the scruff of the neck). Whoa?! Let's all sit down!

Baba Yaga suddenly starts hitting herself with a shovel. Music from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune” is playing.

BABA YAGA (beats and sentences). Ay! Oh! I won't do it again! Well, honestly!

WOLF (trying to take the shovel from her). Why, Yaga, did you fall from the oak tree? Why are you beating yourself?

BABA YAGA (continues her own beatings). Ay! It's not me! She herself! I told you, you can’t play dirty tricks on me! Save! Help!

Baba Yaga begins to beat the Fox and the Wolf, they run around the stage from her, she catches up. At this time, the Crow and the Cat begin to “divide” the Rooster - they pull him by the wings in different directions. The rooster wakes up and tries to free himself. General dump, fight, chase. Suddenly the music stops, another begins: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” All participants freeze: Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear on stage.

SANTA CLAUS (looks at everyone present in surprise). What's going on here? What a mess on New Year's Eve?
ROOSTER (finally comes to his senses - he is completely happy, thinks that everyone has gathered just for him). Success! A dizzying, mind-blowing success! I haven’t taken office yet, but here are such events, such events! Everyone is happy, applauding, excited! I'm just being torn apart! What a success!

SANTA CLAUS (sternly). What kind of company is this? Are you being nasty again? Are you being mischievous again?!

The whole company begins to say: “Never!” “No way!”

MASHA. They're lying, Grandfather Frost! They stole my Cockerel! They probably wanted to eat it!

BABA YAGA. But you can’t prove it!

Goblin. You can't prove it!

CAT BAIYUN. I have nothing to do with it, my honorable word! (Points to Baba Yaga and Leshy). That's all them! They forced me! They blackmailed me!

GOBBER (also points to Yaga). She - she started everything!

SANTA CLAUS (menacingly to Baba Yaga). Well, what do you say, Yaga? You can't calm down! (To the goblin) And you, shaggy one? How many times have you promised me not to do any more dirty tricks? Are you back to your old ways again?!

BABA YAGA. Forgive us, Frost!

Goblin. Sorry, we won't do it again!

CAT BAYUN (depicts complete repentance). Murrrrr...

BABA YAGA (to Vasilisa on the sly). Wow, nasty girl! If I catch you... I'll fry you!

SANTA CLAUS (to the Snow Maiden): You see, granddaughter, I always said that on New Year’s Eve there are miracles, and even the most evil enemies are able to make peace! Look how crowded the holiday is! And the Wolf, and the Fox, and the Rooster - all in one cheerful, friendly company! You can safely celebrate the New Year!
FOX (quietly, to Crow): Was it you, shabby one, who ratted on us to the old man? Did you burn everyone?
CROW. You were the first to deceive me!
FOX (threateningly). Well, just wait, you shabby one... I'll get you...
CROW. And I won’t remain silent even now! (Loudly so that everyone else can hear): Comrades! This one (points to the Fox) promised me that this one (points to the Rooster) will marry me!
ROOSTER (indignantly): Who?! I?! Symbol of the year?! On Raven?! No way in the world! I wouldn't trade my chicken coop for anything!
(to the hall). I solemnly promise that I will be the most exemplary symbol of the year! I will be the best husband and father! I will never look at any Crow!..
SNOW MAIDEN (conciliatory). Let's leave all grievances behind in the old year! You can't quarrel on such a magical night! (To Santa Claus) Grandfather, let's wish everyone a Happy New Year!
FATHER FROST. Indeed, granddaughter, come on!

The Earth is spinning, one more turn

The next one, and here it is

No delays, exactly on time,

New Year is coming!


The clock will strike twelve times,

The arrows will outline a circle.

And at this long-awaited hour

Will light up around


Smiles of loved ones and friends,

The glasses will ring,

And a Christmas tree with hundreds of lights

Decorate your outfit!


Happy second of the first of January,

Under the snowy round dance,

Giving new hopes,

New Year will burst in!

FATHER FROST. Happy New Year! With new happiness!

SNOW MAIDEN. And now we invite everyone to dance around our Christmas tree. Grandfather, for some reason our Christmas tree isn’t burning.

Father Frost. Yes, it's a mess. We'll fix everything now. Let's say together - one, two, three - our Christmas tree is on fire!

(They light up the Christmas tree and dance in circles)

After the round dances, the children recite poems to Santa Claus.