To dream of a plant in a pot. flowering houseplant

In order to understand with high accuracy how a plant interprets a dream book, it is necessary to consider this symbol in the context of a dream.

The plant usually symbolizes growth, both materially and spiritually. A special case - indoor plants - reflect the dreamer's state of affairs in the family and in relationships.

If you saw them growing in pots, it means that you are quite satisfied with the atmosphere in the family and in relationships with your loved one. Depending on the type of indoor plant, you can analyze in more detail the feelings of you and your partner.

What exactly happened?

Most often dream:

  • Flowers
  • palm trees
  • cacti
  • fruit
  • ferns



Fern dreams as a reflection of your thoughts about the past. Perhaps you experience regrets about something or scroll through your head with possible outcomes of events if you had acted differently in this or that case. A withered fern means that you are ready to let go of the past and start new life from scratch.

Sleep details

What did you do with a potted plant in a dream? To help decipher what indoor plants dream of, your actions performed in relation to them can.

1. What does it mean if you dreamed that you were given a plant?

If you dreamed that someone gave you a gift in the form of a flower in a pot - wait for a pleasant offer or an invitation to a date. The person who gave you such a present has really sincere feelings and will not let you down.

2. What does the dream mean in which you had to uproot a plant from a pot?

If in a dream you broke a plant or pulled it out, in the near future there is a chance of making a mistake and breaking firewood. Do not destroy a relationship with a loved one or business partner because of your stubbornness and unwillingness to admit your mistakes.

3. Why see a dream in which you water the plants?

If you dream that indoor plants are fertilizing the earth, it means that you are making every effort to achieve your dream. And thanks to such perseverance, you will be able to achieve real results very soon.

4. Interpretation of the dream in which you broke the flower pot.

Why break a flower pot in a dream depends on the feelings that you experienced at the same time. If this happened by accident, and you are very upset, then you will become a victim of circumstances, and in order to avoid an unpleasant outcome, you will have to resort to deception. Later you will be very ashamed of this act, but there is no other way out.

If you did it on purpose in a fit of anger, it is highly likely that because of your ambitions or inflated claims, you will hurt a person who loves and appreciates you very much. Do not ignore this warning, try to control your emotions, and then an unpleasant situation can be avoided. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

From this article, you can find out why you dream of a Plant from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why the Plant is dreaming: interpretation of sleep

Why does a woman dream of a Plant, what is this dream about?

Plant - A green plant in a dream portends worries, after which you will experience a feeling of deep satisfaction. forever green plant or a shrub near your house portends an increase in wealth, new knowledge and skills, personal happiness. See in a dream useful plants- to good relations among friends, a hospitable and comfortable home. If in a dream you saw poisonous plant- in the near future, try not to fall into the trap of ill-wishers, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Plant dreaming in night dreams?

Plant - See green in a dream indoor plant- a harbinger of worries, which, however, will please you. If this plant is poisonous, the dream warns you of possible intrigues. Seeing useful plants is a harbinger of warm relationships with friends, joy and comfort in your home. See in a dream evergreen or a bush near your house - to well-being in it and gaining knowledge that will help you become happy.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of the Plant in the dream book:

Plant - Seeing some green plant in a dream is a harbinger of worries, for which a feeling of deep satisfaction will come to you. If in a dream they explain to you that this plant is poisonous, then the dream warns you of possible intrigues (gossip, traps). Seeing useful plants portends good relations among friends, warmth and comfort in the house. See an evergreen or evergreen shrub next to your house - promises prosperity and the acquisition of knowledge that will help you become happy, the dream that you dream is ambiguously deciphered.

Why dream and what does the Plant mean in our time?

Plant - Profit and wealth

The plant is dreaming of, interpretation:

Plant (domestic) - A climbing someone in your house "sat on your neck" and vampirizes your energy. With flowers at home, everything will be calm, do not worry about children and family. Other potted household chores predominate in your life, don't become a layman.

The plant is dreaming, the symbolism of sleep:

Plants - Show the state and development of various activities of the sleeping person himself, sometimes external and internal influences (growth, flowering, wilting ...). In addition, some plants are endowed magic power and can express initiation to secret knowledge, unexpected (wonderful) luck and healing. The following direct meaning is also obvious: “thickets” are obstacles; "seeds" - potency, possibility; "weeds" - harm, interference, evil machinations of enemies; "green grass" - hope, expectation.

What does the plant symbolize and why is it dreaming?

Plants - Growth, internal development.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream and how to interpret the Plant?

Plants - Plants symbolize life, so their nature and their condition (juicy, green, or withered) is important. Juicy, green plants - to well-being. Dried - to illness, the end of a relationship. (See also Grass, Flowers.)

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream of a plant, psychological analysis:

Plants - In most cases, plants cannot serve as a clue to the interpretation of dreams, as they often play the role of background decorations. An exception to the rule is a certain plant that runs like a red thread through the whole dream. Plants of importance are those that have received a certain meaning in the literature or are an iconic component of your own experience. For example, your dream may be about visiting a friend who is sitting in a hemlock bush. Obviously such a plant is important because of the connection between hemlock and SUICIDE in ancient lore. Other plants that may have symbolic meaning are those that remind you of your childhood, a certain place, or a certain person. In this case, the nature of the relationship that exists between you in the present and these memories is important.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

What is the dream of the Plant in the dream book?

Plants - Profit, joy - care, water - good education - plant - a rich marriage

Dreaming Houseplants - Symbolize the psychological climate in the family; bloom - happiness in the house; care, water - reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Plants - In general, they indicate more states of consciousness of the sleeping person, rather than events; These are our thoughts, feelings, desires.

What does it mean when you dream Healing plants - Our helpers, expressed by positive, optimistic personality traits, the creative part of our character, positive thoughts and feelings. Sometimes it is a symbolic embodiment of the intelligent concentrated energy of the earth that has penetrated into our sleep. Such a reasonable energy promises physical recovery and can really help in this (through sleep), but at a very high price later - at the cost of losing one's own soul, in which an agreement with the Lucifagi leads to a gradual blocking of high, spiritual, love energies and captivity of individual consciousness in dark labyrinths noosphere of the earth. The latter situation includes specific dreams with initiation into healing and gaining the ability to heal other people. See Dictionary "mythological" miraculous plants.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of the Plant, the interpretation of sleep:

Wilted plants - To death.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

The plant is dreaming, why?

Plants are young - Care, water - good education; planting is a rich marriage.

Why is the plant dreaming?

Dream interpretation: Wonderful plants (trees, herbs, bushes) - Analogy of wonderful animals in flora, also appear in a dream as speaking, reasonable, helping, but with a more specific and narrow, limited purpose - they signify the cure of the sleeping person himself, a revelation about life, the structure of biological organisms in general and the secrets of their energy functioning. They can embody initiation into a healer, sorcerer, healer, the art of non-traditional healing with the simultaneous ability to extrasensory diagnostics, preparation of medicinal herbs and foreseeing the future of sick people.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If the Plant is dreaming in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of the Plant in the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If the Plant is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If the Plant is dreaming from the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why is the Plant dreaming from Thursday to Friday
  • If the Plant is dreaming in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • What is the dream of the Plant in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Sat February 13, 2016, 11:37:46 AM

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A plant in a dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

Why dream of flowers in pots in dream books?

Flowers at all times acted as the personification of joy and beauty. It is not surprising that most interpreters of dreams interpret dreamed flowers as a good sign. For example, a dream where flowers in pots appeared, many dream books are associated with a sphere interpersonal relationships. Attention to the details of the dream allows you to get a more detailed and accurate prediction.

Why dream of flowers in pots: a general interpretation

Most dream books agree that flowers in pots are a good sign, a symbol of future prosperity and success, pure and sincere relationships, joyful changes.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the material side of life

If the plants you dreamed about were fresh and beautiful, it promises soon positive changes that are directly related to the material sphere- perhaps you will finally have a chance to buy a new home or a car that you have been dreaming about in your dreams for so long. This big purchase is sure to please you.

Dry flowers in pots warn of the possibility mistakes, making the wrong decision in any case, which will eventually lead to unexpected failure. Sometimes such a dream can portend about financial ruin or a car accident in which the dreamer suffers.

Flowers in pots: what does the dream book promise in your personal life?

Concerning personal life, a dream with fresh and beautiful flowers suggests that soon you get rid of loneliness and meet a soul mate, and this meeting promises to be memorable and romantic. It is considered a good sign if in a dream you were in a room completely filled with beautiful flowers. Such a vision is a sign that real life some man (woman) is in love (in love with you), but because of his shyness, he (she) is afraid to confess his tender feelings. If you are no longer alone, a dream where you were present lush and bright flowers in pots, points to love and fidelity of a partner, pure, sincere and harmonious relationships, as well as reconciliation after a quarrel. For young girls such a dream can symbolize and imminent marriage.

However, beware if you see in a dream potted plants were malformed, wilted or completely withered. Such a dream signifies nothing but grief and loss. Perhaps soon you will be forced to face deterioration in family relations or betrayal by a partner.

artificial flowers in pots warn about coming from loved ones hypocrisy. dreaming young man, such a dream indicates that it is necessary to postpone the marriage proposal if he was going to make it to his girlfriend. Artificial plants in pots in a dream are a symbol of superficial relationships and insincerity of feelings.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the dreamer's actions

The actions that you performed in a dream with potted plants also matter. Based on the interpretations given various dream books(universal, Miller, Vanga, Grishina, gypsy, family, female), the following results are obtained:

  • plant flowers in pots- the desire for solitude and peace. Sometimes such a dream speaks of changes that can turn out to be both positive and negative, but, in the end, joy will certainly replace the negative;
  • plant a plant in a pot and watch its speedy death- to money problems. If the flower you planted withered instantly - get ready for difficulties in your personal life;
  • transplant houseplant- a good sign for a married woman. Such a dream promises the onset of pregnancy (and it will be easy) and the subsequent birth of a baby;
  • watering a flower in a pot- to favorable changes in a career: receiving bonuses, promotions. Some may have such a dream before winning the lottery;
  • feed a plant in a pot- receiving an expensive gift or making an expensive purchase;
  • receive a potted flower as a gift- to news related to a person whom you have not seen for a long time. A not particularly favorable interpretation of such a dream is given by Wangi's dream book: a dream promises health problems in your loved one, however, promises a quick recovery (especially if you dreamed young plant in a pot);
  • give someone a houseplant- help this person in real life;
  • drop the flower and break the pot- promises major troubles, the elimination of which will require a lot of effort and financial investment from the dreamer;
  • break the plant, leaving the pot intact, - warns that the dreamer has secret ill-wishers who know important information.

The appearance and color of plants in a dream

The dream books listed above pay attention to the coloring of the flowers seen in a dream.

  • Red flowers, according to the universal dream book, predict success in personal life and career;
  • flowers with colorful buds(universal dream book) portend numerous joys prepared for the dreamer in his real life;
  • White flowers promise a meeting with a person who will radically change the dreamer's life (for the better);
  • pink flowers- a symbol of tenderness experienced by the dreamer for his partner;
  • yellow flowers warn of a possible betrayal (treason) on the part of a lover;
  • blue flowers- patronage provided by an influential person;
  • green plant, according to the gypsy dream book, is a symbol of numerous worries and troubles, however, they will lead to a feeling of deep satisfaction;
  • fantastic plant, which is not in real life, speaks of some kind of talent that the dreamer is endowed with. With the development and realization of this gift, a person will experience triumph and prosperity.

It happens that sometimes a person can only dream empty flower pot, without any houseplant in it. Such a dream portends long and difficult journey, but in the end, his dreamer will be able to fulfill everything that he has planned.

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What is the dream of a green flower in a pot on the window?

Blooming houseplants are a predominantly positive sign, and are usually interpreted as a symbol of future financial well-being. What is the dream of a green flower in a pot, and can the vision mean something really bad for the future?

What if you dream of a green flower in a pot?

green flower in a pot - a sign that has many interpretations. So, for example, if a person waters a plant, then in real life he makes a serious contribution to his own successful future. If, on the contrary, the flower fades, then the dreamer does not pay enough attention to financial prosperity. Indifference to business can lead to an early material crisis.

Seeing in a dream a green flower that falls from the windowsill - to the destruction of one's own plans and hopes. It is likely that the dreamer's ambitions will not justify themselves, and the goal set many years ago will never be achieved.

A vision has a good interpretation, in which a person sees a big and beautiful plant. Such a dream means that in real life you can not be afraid of problems, because a person’s affairs will go uphill, bringing him not only satisfaction, but also considerable financial benefits. Seeing a tiny, prickly plant in a pot is a sign that the dreamer will have to endure a series of unpleasant shocks that can temper his spirit.

A vision has a special interpretation in which a broken pot with a green plant appears. Usually a dream portends a failure on the personal front, which will turn out for a person not only with spiritual wounds, but also with a number of serious material problems.

Seeing in a dream a green plant in a pot that stands on a balcony in the cold is a sign that the dreamer is not serious about his own endeavors. Perhaps he easily abandons any business he has begun, which for him turns into only financial losses and disappointments.

If the plant itself turns out to be not real, but artificial, then in real life a person is being misled. Someone close is trying to hurt the dreamer on the sly, giving him a lot of problems.

A separate positive interpretation has a vision in which a person sees a flowering green plant. If the flower turns out to be large and lush, then any dreamer's undertaking now can turn into financial victories. Required by full program use this period to isolate the maximum benefit from it. If the plant is just starting to bloom, it means that in real life a person has come as close as possible to the goal of his whole life, and now the main thing is not to retreat.

What portends?

If a person sees a tree in a pot, then it is important to pay attention to the condition of the plant itself. The fact is that the tree marks the inner strength, the energy of a person. That is why a large and juicy green tree means that a person is full of energy that he can use for a variety of purposes. If the tree looks shrinking and small, then in real life something undermines the dreamer's potential, preventing him from developing morally.

Seeing in a dream an exotic plant that does not actually exist is a pleasant romantic acquaintance in the future. It is likely that the dreamer will soon meet a soul mate and find family happiness.

If someone uproots a plant from a pot, then in real life a person has a powerful enemy who is capable of anything to harm the dreamer. In business, it is better to exercise extreme caution, otherwise a bad influence from outside will destroy all career plans.

The interpretation of a vision about a green plant can be very different, so not a single detail should slip out of sight. Even the most negative interpretation should not be considered critical, since the vision only symbolizes the future course of life, but troubles can still be prevented.

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What do dream plants mean?

at the Women's Club!

In order to understand with high accuracy how a plant interprets a dream book, it is necessary to consider this symbol in the context of a dream.

The plant usually symbolizes growth, both materially and spiritually. A special case - indoor plants - reflect the dreamer's state of affairs in the family and in relationships.

If you saw them growing in pots, it means that you are quite satisfied with the atmosphere in the family and in relationships with your loved one. Depending on the type of indoor plant, you can analyze in more detail the feelings of you and your partner.

What exactly happened?

Most often dream:

Flowers appear in a dream, reflecting the state of a person's soul. This means that in this moment he experiences a surge of feelings and positive energy. Perhaps he is driven by some idea, on which high hopes are placed.

If you dream of flowers in pots, it means that an emotional upsurge is associated with personal life. Soon there will be changes in relations that can move to a new level or take official status.

dreaming beautiful flower- get ready for a meeting that can change your whole life.

Seeing a palm tree in a dream, you can get ready for the road. You will have an exciting journey, during which you will get a lot of positive impressions and make new pleasant acquaintances.

A palm tree in a pot dreams of a romantic trip to exotic countries. It is necessary to spend unforgettable days next to your loved one.

To find out why a cactus is dreaming, remember how long its needles were and whether it was a flowering species. Long, sharp needles speak of your closeness and distrust. Someone hurt your soul badly, and now you are afraid to open up to another person.

If the needles were small, and there were also beautiful flowers among them, this speaks of your kind and vulnerable heart. You are not alien to the feeling of compassion, but it is not reckless. You know how to distinguish bad intentions and do not let yourself be offended.

If you dreamed of a fruit plant

Seeing in a dream a houseplant that bears fruit means that all your plans and ideas are successfully implemented and will bring great profit. Sweet fruits symbolize the sincere feelings of a loved one and portend you happy life next to him.

You can understand why to see a dream in which a fruit plant was in a pot, by remembering exactly which fruits were on it. If it was citrus fruits, take a closer look at your partner. Is this really the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? Perhaps you will fall in love soon.


Fern dreams as a reflection of your thoughts about the past. Perhaps you experience regrets about something or scroll through your head with possible outcomes of events if you had acted differently in this or that case. A dried fern means that you are ready to let go of the past and start a new life with a clean slate.

Sleep details

What did you do with a potted plant in a dream? To help decipher what indoor plants dream of, your actions performed in relation to them can.

1. What does it mean if you dreamed that you were given a plant?

If you dreamed that someone gave you a gift in the form of a flower in a pot - wait for a pleasant offer or an invitation to a date. The person who gave you such a present has really sincere feelings and will not let you down.

2. What does the dream mean in which you had to uproot a plant from a pot?

If in a dream you broke a plant or pulled it out of the ground, in the near future there is a chance of making a mistake and breaking firewood. Do not destroy a relationship with a loved one or business partner because of your stubbornness and unwillingness to admit your mistakes.

3. Why see a dream in which you water the plants?

If you dream that you are watering indoor plants, fertilizing the earth, then you are making every effort to achieve your dream. And thanks to such perseverance, you will be able to achieve real results very soon.

4. Interpretation of the dream in which you broke the flower pot.

Why break a flower pot in a dream depends on the feelings that you experienced at the same time. If this happened by accident, and you are very upset, then you will become a victim of circumstances, and in order to avoid an unpleasant outcome, you will have to resort to deception. Later you will be very ashamed of this act, but there is no other way out.

If you did it on purpose in a fit of anger, it is highly likely that because of your ambitions or inflated claims, you will hurt a person who loves and appreciates you very much. Do not ignore this warning, try to control your emotions, and then an unpleasant situation can be avoided.

And the most important advice

Why do indoor plants dream? If in a dream they bloom, then family life will delight with small joys, if faded, then be prepared for difficulties in the house. The correct interpretation, taking into account various details, will be given by the dream book.

What are you hiding?

Why dream of many indoor plantings? it clear sign that you are trying to hide your innermost feelings from others.

Many different flowers, according to the dream book, symbolize regret for the past joy and new hopes.

Got to see a lot different plants? Your life will be filled with equally diverse events.

Live well!

Dreamed of indoor plants in a pot? This is a reflection of your moods for the near future. By the appearance and condition of plant pets, one can judge their character.

If you dreamed of a climbing plant in a pot, then one of the household members is clearly sitting on your neck.

In a dream, a flower in a pot of earth reflects prosperity and a long life. If you were presented with a potted flower, then news of the death of a relative is coming.

Interpretation according to Miller

Why do green houseplants dream? Miller's dream book is sure that worries are coming, which, however, will bring deep moral satisfaction.

When to interpret?

If you dreamed of green plants, then you deserve well-being. The dream book also believes that this is a hint of gaining knowledge that will bring understanding and happiness in the future.

In general, green indoor plants are a background decoration in a dream. And the interpretation of sleep matters only if this or that planting attracts attention with something.

Decoding by type

In this version, the dream book advises to recall its appearance or at least color as accurately as possible.

  • White - joy, holiday.
  • Yellow is a minor obstacle.
  • Red - movement, progress.
  • Black - mourning. disease.
  • Brown - treason.
  • Curly - lies, gossip.
  • Cactus - alienation, callousness.

If a geranium is seen, then a secret desire will come true. Seeing an orchid in a dream is good luck in a risky venture or a win.


Did flower roots appear in the night? The dream interpretation suspects that you need to reconsider a certain problem, get to its essence.

If the roots are damaged, then serious miscalculations will harm your plans. Try to rethink the situation and find weakness in it before the irreparable happens.

Don't get carried away!

Why dream of flowering houseplants? This is an eloquent sign of a cloudless and fairly wealthy family life.

Seeing flowering sprouts in a dream means that you will hear an unexpected compliment from your lover.

If you dreamed of only leaves and stems without a flower, then the dream book believes that you will literally be captured by the cycle of household chores, and you will forget about other pleasures.

Dont be upset!

Did you have a chance to water the bores in pots on the windowsill in a dream? The case in which you are involved will bring losses and frustration.

The human mind is inexplicable, and people can only guess about the meaning of dreams, resorting to the help of clairvoyants and soothsayers. Doing everyday things, we observe the plants in our homes, take care of them, water them, transplant them from an old pot to a new one. Therefore, there is nothing strange that in dreams we see flower pots and flowerpots. Other types of pots (night pots) are faced by parents with small children, the elderly and caregivers. However, it happens that the appearance of a pot in a dream cannot be explained objectively. In this case, you should turn to the dream books and find out the interpretation.
Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book: flowers in pots, if they have bright colors and look fresh, promise pleasure and profitable purchases. White flowers are a symbol of sadness. A fading flowerpot in a cracked pot portends trouble. To receive flowers as a gift for a girl means the appearance of a fan. A flower growing in the sand prophesies without joyful events. A dream about flowers in pots has a positive meaning, which will manifest itself after the difficulties experienced.
  • Why dream of flower pots? Full pots dream of prosperity, material well-being; empty pots portend monetary losses, unnecessary waste, troubles in the family. Pots with cracks prophesy quarrels and conflicts; broken into pieces - parting with a loved one, a long forced departure, the destruction of happiness.
  • Why in pots? If you see in a dream exotic plants that do not really exist, the dream portends a romantic acquaintance and an unexpected turn in life. A beautiful multi-colored and large pot means a generous person, next to whom you will not need anything and will find your true happiness.
  • Why dream of a presented flower in a pot? The interpretation of a dream can be very different depending on what kind of flower in a pot you were presented with, how it looked and who the donor was. Viable, beautiful flowers in whole pots, donated by relatives and friends, portend positive influences on fate. It can be lucky days, financial incentives, gifts, health, friendship and reciprocal love. Withering or dead flowers in cracked or beaten pots, presented by unpleasant people or the dead, endow the dream with a bad meaning. They portend failures, losses, losses, quarrels and conflicts, illnesses and other troubles. (cm. )
  • in a pot symbolizes life and internal energy person. Therefore, it is worth remembering what the tree looked like in a dream. Juicy and green predicts years of prosperity. Branchy - a large family. A drying tree shows the deterioration of health due to wrong image life and bad thoughts. An evergreen tree speaks of the dreamer's generosity.

Dream Interpretation of Flowers

Lunar dream book

Freud's dream book

  • What is the dream of a tree in a pot? The main element of a tree is its trunk, which Z. Freud considers a phallic symbol. If a man saw a dream, this shows his disposition towards homosexual relationships. Seeing a tree in a pot for a woman means a desire to change a partner or re-experience the sensations of first intimacy. For women of age, sleep can be a harbinger of a decrease in sexual activity. Beautiful tree in a pot with a lush crown portends good luck in love affairs. If the tree dries up, is crumpled or broken, this may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. The psychoanalyst pays special attention to watering the plant in a dream. If a man does this, then he has a tendency to satisfy himself on his own. If a woman waters a tree, then she wants to have a family and raise children. Watching in a dream how someone takes care of a tree in a pot means that the dreamer is subconsciously attracted to one of his parents (oedipus complex).
  • Why dream of peeing in a pot? The brain signals that your bladder is full. Seeing the urge to urinate in a dream means really wanting to go to the toilet.
  • Why dream of a pot of urine? If the dreamer does not have children or sick relatives whom he is caring for, the dream symbolizes negative energy. This is the bad influence of people around, troubles, accusations, persecution of a person.
  • If you dreamed of cucumbers in a pot, the dream book predicts the birth of children for a woman, and for men - monetary profit. Also, a dream with cucumbers may indicate the dissatisfaction of sexual fantasies.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

  • Why dream of blooming violets in pots? Just as violets love shade, the person who dreams of these flowers is a shy and modest person, often remaining in the shadow of others. Violets in pots that have bloomed their flowers portend wonderful news that uplifts the mood. A dream in which you water a pot of violets predicts the birth of love. She will be deeply distressed. Picking off leaves from a plant or cutting it - to a conversation with an interesting, but silent person in everyday life, who will make an indelible impression on you.
  • What is the dream of a red flower in a pot? Red color symbolizes energy, love, leadership, passion. A large red flower in a pot that looks healthy and growing portends good prospects when starting a new project or business, reciprocity in matters of the heart, good health, victory in competitions, financial profit.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a flower in a pot? A bright, full of freshness flower portends joy and pleasure. If the flower is grown by you, then such a dream prophesies the help of the gods in any business. To appease higher power, at midnight it is necessary to burn the petals over the flame different colors. If the pot is presented, for a girl, a dream means a fan. A dry flower in a cracked pot predicts trouble.

Eastern female dream book

  • The interpretation of dreams "flowers in a pot" comes from a comparison of a pot with a hearth and family, and a flower with the course of affairs. The better the plant looks, and the larger and more beautiful the pot in which it grows, the more favorable the atmosphere in the dreamer's house, the better his work goes, the healthier his relatives. Otherwise, the dream takes on a negative meaning. Dying flowers in cracked, dirty flowerpots predict instability in relationships, quarrels and quarrels, inability to lead a family life and manage a budget, financial losses and deterioration in well-being.
  • Why dream of a geranium in a pot? To see a flowerpot at someone's house on the windowsill means that the dreamer is a homely person striving for comfort. Planting a flower at home suggests that a problem has arisen in the family, the solution of which lies entirely on your shoulders. Geranium in a pot is a symbol of planning household. If the flower looks beautiful, plans will be easy to carry out. If the flowers are wilted, the well-being of the family is in danger.
  • Why do girls dream of flowers in pots? The dream tells of a subconscious desire to find one's own family, home, children. If you have a young man, it is worth discussing the prospect of marriage, as you are fully prepared for an independent life.
  • Why dream of transplanting flowers in pots? Such a dream suggests that your life seems boring to you. you need a sip fresh air, change of occupation, rest from routine. By transplanting plants, you are projecting a desire to move to a new place.
  • If in a dream they presented a flower in a pot, judge the dream by the appearance of the gift. A beautiful pot and an elegant flower received from a pleasant person portends help in business and respect for others. If the donor was a stranger, expect a new acquaintance that will bring joy. If the gift was made by an ill-wisher, beware of gossip and intrigues. A dry, faded flower in a pot without soil portends trouble, quarrels and loss of trust.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • Why dream of flowers in pots? If the flowers look beautiful, grow well, then the dream portends you a long healthy life.
  • Why dream of watering flowers in pots? To the fulfillment of a cherished desire, in which you have already invested a lot of effort. Labor will be rewarded.
  • Dream Interpretation: to take out a full pot for children - to participate in gossip, discussions, talk badly about others.
  • Dream Interpretation: a plant in a pot portends a young girl of a wealthy groom, for whom she will not know the need.
  • What is the dream of the earth in a pot? Such a dream speaks of the need to take a break from the hardships of life, to plunge into an atmosphere of calm and silence.
  • Why dream of living flowers in pots? A sign that speaks of the wealth of the inner world, a generous soul, a disinterested attitude towards others. You are a person who refuses to help anyone.
  • Why dream of transplanting flowers in pots? Bad sign who prophesies that you will be left alone with your pain, and there will be no one to help you.

Big dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see indoor plants in pots - to worries, the period of which will soon be replaced by a phase of silence, calmness and satisfaction. If someone tells you that plants are poisonous or you can get burned, the dream portends betrayal in a close circle. Useful indoor plants in pots talk about good relations with household members, comfort and harmony. Evergreen indoor plants predict the time of study and gaining useful knowledge.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flower pot filled with black soil speaks of a hardworking owner; filled with sand speaks of labor that is poorly paid; an empty pot shows empty hopes and the futility of the efforts being made.
  • Dream Interpretation: transplant flowers in pots - prepare for big changes in life. You will be able to look at old things in a new way, give up burdensome relationships, change jobs or places of residence, complete things that were once started but unfinished.
  • What is the dream of earth scattered from a pot? Such a dream speaks of the excessive efforts that you are making to create an atmosphere of comfort in your home. No one appreciates your efforts, and you slowly turn into a victim and begin to accumulate resentment. A dream can also indicate a mess in the house and the inability to manage the household.
  • The dream “flowers in pots, a lot” portends well-being in the family, if the flowers are beautiful, grow well and exude fragrance. If the flowers look lethargic, unviable, you should be careful about your health and your household.
  • Seeing a children's pot empty in a dream - to a difficult financial situation, the need to get into debt. A full pot means a good financial situation, no need. If in a dream you don’t know if the pot is full or empty, it means that in life everything can change in an unexpected direction.
  • The dream “houseplants in pots”, provided that the plants are healthy and grow well, portends a person’s spiritual growth, the multiplication of existing knowledge and skills. Children will have good marks at school, students dream portends a successful session.
  • See in a dream blooming flower in a pot is a very auspicious sign. The dream suggests that a person will begin to lead big, and he will be able to realize long-planned plans. It can be a job change for a more profitable one, and an interesting journey, or maybe even a wedding.

Dream Interpretation Anopova

  • Dream Interpretation: house flowers in pots that curl, mean that someone feeds on your energy or simply perches on your neck and dangles his legs.
  • Dream Interpretation: a green flower in a pot means that you are more and more drawn to household chores and worries, forgetting that there are other aspects of life, entertainment, and enjoyment. Don't lose touch with the world.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flower in a pot has blossomed - things in the house will go smoothly, you don’t have to worry about your children or other family members.

Dream Interpretation Volkova
Dream Interpretation: a fern in a pot shows that family life has become insipid, former love and a sense of novelty have disappeared. Each new day is identical to the previous one, in bed there are no longer pleasures, but the routine simply eats up. It is difficult for you to be in such an atmosphere, there is a constant lack of movement and change of scenery. However, no one except you can bring the fire back into the relationship. Remember yourself when you were young, that you liked what places you and your husband visited. Start changing life, and it will sparkle again with colors.
General dream book
If in a dream you see that snowdrops have grown in a pot, dream books speak of the renewal of any feelings or events. It may love relationship, romantic tender feelings, strong friendship left in the past. Giving snowdrops in a pot portends love adventures, as well as helping other people who will express financial gratitude. Withering snowdrops speak of overlooked opportunities, both in business and in personal life, and the dream calls for immediate action. Also, snowdrops in a dream can portend the arrival of pleasure. If a flower in a pot has just begun to bloom, this means that you will have changes for the better in all areas of life. To receive a flowerpot with snowdrops as a gift predicts the receipt of a marriage proposal, or a profitable one. affiliate program in business.
Dream Interpretation: to see a ficus in a pot on your windowsill - you have narrowed your circle of interests to such an extent that there is nothing left in it except for home and work. This state of affairs makes you anxious, and dissatisfaction accumulates and accumulates. To receive a ficus in a pot as a gift portends a bunch of advisers who are ready to quarrel with each other for the right to equip your home for you. Listen to everyone, thank everyone for their help, and do things your way.
Ladies dream book

  • Why dream of planting flowers in a pot? Such a dream may indicate the beginning of a new business that you have been planning for a long time. In some cases, a dream prophesies a wedding or the birth of a child.
  • Why dream of home flowers in pots? If a young girl or guy has such a dream, it portends a quick marriage. For couples, this dream portends strong bonds and obedient children. Elderly portends the proper care of children and grandchildren.
  • Why dream home flower in a pot? For single women, a dream shows a desire to find a soulmate with such qualities so that you can start a family and be "for a husband." It is not easy to meet a reliable person, but you do not agree to windy novels - this is the reason for loneliness.
  • Why dream of a sprout in a pot? Such a dream shows a woman the opportunity to become pregnant, and literally "sprout" - to give birth to a child.
  • Why dream of dried flowers in pots? A dream portends anxiety from which you will not know where to hide.
  • Why dream of planting flowers in a pot? Planting plants in pots is laying the foundation for both the future family and the future home. Favorable period to start implementing joint plans, weddings, moving, major purchases.
  • Why dream of white flowers in pots? White color is a symbol of spirituality, purity of heart thoughts, bright thoughts and, at the same time, mystery. Pleasant flowers presented to you in a dream speak of a person's concern for your well-being. Perhaps, about friendly love, unstained by passion and vulgarity. To see such a dream during pregnancy means a successful birth and the health of the baby.
  • What is the dream of a green plant in a pot? The green flower has many interpretations: love experiences, the hope of resolving a difficult situation, successful acquisitions and making a profit. If the plant has a lush green crown, a dream predicts joyful events. Hearing the rustle of the leaves of this plant in a dream may mean that ill-wishers are whispering behind your back.
  • Transplanting lilies into a pot in a dream is a change in the love sphere. Whether there will be good changes should be judged by the state of the flowers. White elastic flowers speak of the fidelity of a lover, your relationship can reach a new level. Red lilies portend passions on the side, because of which relationships with a partner may worsen or end. To transfer a lily to a new pot that looks better than the previous one - to fall in love with another person who looks like the current chosen one. Also, a dream can mean a wedding and the formation of a new unit of society. (cm. )

Tabolkin D.V. Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Why dream of children's pots? Such a dream portends the fulfillment of desires and the satisfaction of all existing needs.
  • Why dream of a pot of feces? To profit and unexpected material enrichment.
  • Why dream of sitting on a potty? Such a dream portends a deterioration in well-being or illness.
  • Why dream of a broken flower pot? A bad sign, portending quarrels, material losses or illness.
  • Why dream of orchids blooming in pots? To a tempting offer you can't refuse.
  • Why dream of a big flower in a pot? Such a dream portends career and promotion, reward or financial incentives.
  • Why dream of a clay pot? A container for cooking or planting plants indicates that the person missed his relatives, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Russian dream book

  • What is the dream of a children's pot? A dream portends worries and troubles.
  • Why dream of a full pot of baby urine? To get rid of unpleasant people, stressful situations, relief as a result of solving problems.
  • What is the dream of a wilted flower in a pot? An unkind dream that warns the dreamer of the need to undergo a medical examination. You may be developing an indolent disease.
  • Why dream White orchid in a pot? An unexpected proposal of a hand and heart from a chosen one or another, no less interesting surprise awaits you.
  • Why dream of a lot of flowers in pots? To the thriftiness of the dreamer, the willingness to face difficulties and the absence of fear of hard work. A person like you is usually called a hard worker.
  • Why dream of buying flowers in pots? A dream portends a very successful investment. Money or real estate transactions. Any operations and manipulations in the financial sector will bring considerable profit.
  • Why dream of breaking a pot? Such a dream has two opposite currents. In one case, breaking a pot is for good and happiness, in the second case, a dream portends troubles, failures and even death.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

  • Sleep "pot" means that your property may multiply in the near future. A broken pot, or if you break it, means that an unfavorable time will come.
  • The dream “flowers in pots” dreams of prosperity, and if the dreamer keeps livestock, then to a worthy offspring.
  • Dream "flower pots" means that you have to make a wise decision, on which the further course of events will depend.
  • The dream of "a child on a potty" portends the receipt of large profits, as well as gifts in the form of valuables or jewelry.
  • The dream of "many flowers in pots" portends a warm family meeting.

Big family dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the pot has different interpretation. For example, pottery for cooking or planting flowers means longing for relatives and friends who have not been seen for a long time. A urination pot means a tricky situation that can put you in an unsightly light.
  • Dream Interpretation: flowers in pots mean the fulfillment of desires associated with own house and family.
  • Dream Interpretation: watering flowers in pots - multiply income, promote enrichment.
  • Dream Interpretation: indoor flowers in pots - family happiness and home comfort.
  • Dream Interpretation: blooming flowers in pots portend pregnancy and the birth of healthy, strong children.
  • Dream Interpretation: put flower pots on the window - invite welcome guests to the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting flowers in a pot, filling it with earth, means that in the near future you are threatened by a disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: presented a flower in a pot - expect pleasant chores associated with the arrival of guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of flowers in pots speaks of strong love between spouses, a warm friendly atmosphere in the house.
  • If you dreamed of a pot of earth, the dream book interprets what you saw as a good sign. The dreamer will achieve great success in matters related to agriculture, will receive a rich harvest or grow a beautiful garden.
  • Why is the pot dreaming? Such a dream shows that your family is a "full cup", and you have enough of everything.
  • Why dream of indoor flowers in pots? Dreams about indoor plants indicate that the dreamer is an economic person who appreciates the comfort and warmth of the hearth.
  • Why dream of plants in pots? A dream predicts guardianship of the household, pleasant excitement.
  • Why dream of blooming flowers in pots? A good dream portends well-being in the family and home, material stability, good health, peace and harmony.
  • Why dream of flower pots? Multi-colored pots portend an interesting pastime with close friends.
  • The dream "indoor flowers in pots" means that you will soon have to organize family holiday or reception. It will be a happy time, you can be with loved ones.

Tsvetkov E. Dictionary of happy dreams

  • Dream Interpretation: a rose in a pot indicates the presence of a partner with whom you want to build a family. The more colorful the flower, the stronger the relationship and the brighter the love experiences.
  • Dream Interpretation: watering indoor flowers in pots means taking care of relationships and protecting them even to the detriment of your own pursuits and interests. Time will pass, and you can count on a strong family and a person nearby, on whom you can fully rely.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see flowers in pots is to think about traditional family values.
  • Dream Interpretation: indoor blooming flowers in pots indicate inner world dreamer, his state of mind. Healthy, flowering and delicious-smelling plants speak of mental health and energy, good mood.
  • Dream Interpretation: fresh flowers in pots show the dreamer's optimism, his positive outlook on life and the world as a whole. A dream portends good physical health, and good spirits for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: white flowers in a pot are a symbol of peace, harmony and harmonious relationships. If in a dream such a flowerpot stands on the window of your house, then in the near future you will have an ideal relationship with all your loved ones, your children will be obedient, and your spouse or wife will show love and care.
  • Dream Interpretation: orchids in pots dreamed of by men speak of the impregnability of the lady of the heart. You need to have perseverance and be original in order to win her favor and love.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a flower in a pot? To surprises and surprises from a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • Dream Interpretation: “a child on a potty” means that others around you have put too much on you, and such responsibility weighs on you. It's time to rethink your life priorities.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pot of urine suggests that a person slanders a lot and is fond of things that have a bad effect on his reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a violet in a pot portends an acquaintance with a person who can not only turn your worldview around, but also be dangerous to your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a night pot may have the opposite interpretation. If it is filled with excrement, it is worth waiting for an inheritance or a large and valuable gift, including jewelry or gold jewelry. If the pot is empty, finances will be tight, a person may go broke or lose property.
  • Dream Interpretation: sitting on a pot means struggling with a money issue, planning an important deal, thinking about whether to lend or how to claim your money from a debtor.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cactus in a pot speaks of mental suffering, misunderstanding of others and a person's tendency to solitude, introversion.
  • If you dreamed of an unusually beautiful flower in a pot, the dream book prophesies that wealthy and wealthy people will be interested in your person. influential person. However, you need to be on the alert: instead of the expected fairy tale, a person can simply take advantage of your naivety.
  • in a pot portends large unexpected profits, including both bonuses and the thirteenth salary, as well as winnings in the lottery, casinos, and machines.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying flowers in pots - hoping that someone will be able to solve your problem, looking for help on the side.
  • Dream Interpretation: break the pot - ruin the relationship with your loved one. As a result, separation may occur.

Modern dream book of birthdays

  • The dream "pot of flowers" predicts the dreamer a pleasant surprise, a surprise.
  • The dream of “watering flowers in pots” portends the indulgence of fate in any business, material growth and prosperity.
  • Planting flowers in a pot in a dream means a desire to put everything in order in your life, to sort out some unstable situation.
  • The dream "violet in a pot" speaks of the dreamer's romantic and secretive nature. It is difficult for this person to make new acquaintances, so he really appreciates his existing friends.
  • The dream "pot of earth" predicts the appearance of free time, which is worth devoting to rest.
  • Giving a flower in a pot in a dream means showing respect or gratitude to a person, wishing him health and well-being in real life.

Dream interpretation "Secrets of healers"

  • To dream of many flowers in pots, if they are beautiful, means good health. In the near future, you will be bypassed by the disease, even if a seasonal epidemic occurs. If the flowers look bad, wither, the dream portends diseases or an exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • The dream of "sitting on a potty" may mean nothing if the dreamer wants to go to the toilet after waking up. Often such dreams indicate diseases of the genitourinary system, and for women it can indicate the approach of the menstrual cycle.
  • The dream “a flower in a pot withered” portends a loss of health, an illness or a sluggish disease. It also speaks of the end of a period of good luck and the onset of a gray streak.

English dream book

The pot is a symbolic object that has been and is used in the most different cultures ranging from ancient civilizations to modern times. An empty pot is associated with distress and need, and a full pot is associated with well-being, prosperity and a strong family. The plants that we see in a dream in pots reflect the proverb "as you sow, so shall you reap." Strong viable flowers speak of the dreamer's vital energy and portend the absence of barriers in any business. Stunted painful flowerpots speak of a lack of vitality, and, as a result, predict health problems. Broken pots in a dream are a bad sign, like cracked dishes in reality. By carefully analyzing the signs received in a dream, a person can avoid serious illnesses, conflicts, troubles, protect the budget from ruin, and also plan the formation of a family and the birth of children.

The appearance of indoor plants in a dream is considered an auspicious sign. At the same time, the appearance of flowers symbolizes the current situation or the near future.

Dreams about flowers are interpreted depending on the details of the plot: appearance, the color of the buds, the location and action of the dreamer. For an accurate decoding, you need to remember all the details and turn to the dream book.

Color condition

Traditionally potted plants represent home. If indoor flowers dream, this is a good sign. According to the state of the leaves and buds, they judge the relationship of the dreamer with loved ones, the strength of their relationship.

In a dream, plants can be:

  • blooming;
  • withering and withering.

If in a dream a woman sees many flowers in pots, this means that next to her is loving man who hesitates to confess his feelings.

A daffodil standing alone in the water symbolizes an unwillingness to enter into a relationship.

If you dreamed of a house with many beautiful indoor flowers with lush buds on the windowsill, life will be happy, failures and problems will go away, peace and harmony will reign in the family.

Blooming and flowering plants dream in pots on the eve of favorable changes, portend the fulfillment of hopes.

Dreams in which indoor plants wither promise grief and trouble:

  • Home flowers in pots with drooping leaves predict losses, failures and sorrows to the sleeper.
  • A dried bouquet prophesies financial problems and a quarrel with close relatives, trouble at work.
  • Dry, broken or rotten inflorescences are harbingers of sad events.
  • A plant crumbling in a dream is a sign of a possible serious illness in the future. Seeing a dried bud, you should take appropriate measures and be careful.

Dreamer's actions

To decipher the dream, you need to remember what manipulations were performed with the flowers:

  • Planting shoots - to the emergence of a new business, requiring the dreamer to exert additional effort and maximum dedication.
  • To see how the planted flowers grow - to the active and successful implementation of the planned projects. For lovers, such a dream portends a wedding and the birth of children.
  • Cut leaves with buds, replace the earth in a pot - to receive a gift, but a joyful state will be overshadowed by troubles.
  • Watering indoor flower in a pot - to a significant increase in financial well-being.


Replanting plants is a very good sign. Miller's dream book interprets a dream depending on the place where the action takes place:

  • On the flowerbed - a fun family celebration.
  • On the grave - the strength of the spirit, which will help to survive in the most difficult situation.
  • In the city square - good news.
  • In the forest - pastime in the company of good friends.
  • In the garden - the visit of guests.
  • In a pot - a gift or a surprise of a pleasant nature.

A dream with transplanting a plant into fresh soil or a pot suggests that the time has come to start putting things in order in the workplace and in your home.

If in a dream a married woman is engaged in transplantation, then in reality she will have a happy family life, material prosperity and the birth of children.

bud color

The shade of flowers in a dream also has importance:

  1. 1. Yellow is a symbol of strife, partings and tears. To see a plant of this shade is to receive a warning about financial difficulties or the betrayal of a loved one.
  2. 2. Red is a harbinger of material well-being. A dream prophesies to lovers quick wedding, and single - success in business.
  3. 3. Pink - a shade of tenderness and youth, romance and love. If a bush dreamed with pink flowers, the dreamer expects good luck and joy.
  4. 4. The blue and green hue of plants prophesies to the sleeper success in business and new opportunities to increase earnings.
  5. 5. A snow-white lily in night dreams means that a person is in love and his feelings are pure and sinless.

The appearance of plants of all shades in a dream, as a rule, is interpreted in a positive way, but when black ones dream, this is a sad event. Such dreams portend divorce, betrayal and failure in business.