Restoring the surface of a wooden table. Step-by-step restoration of an old table

If you have an old table that has lost its presentable appearance, do not rush to throw it in the trash. It has served you for many years, and rest assured, it will continue to serve you if you spend a little time on it. The restoration of the table can be carried out in such a way that it will compete with any designer item. New life can be breathed in with absolutely different methods and technician. Let's look at the most popular methods.

Options for how to transform an old table

To restore old table with your own hands, you can resort to one of the following options:

  • Veneering (pasting old wooden surface veneer).
  • Painting.
  • Pasting with self-adhesive film.
  • Decoupage (application of tabletops with designs from napkins, banana or rice paper).
  • Painting using stencils (using a paper or fabric stencil).
  • Tiling.
  • Decor using gold leaf (foil that is glued in the form of designs).

Materials and tools for restoration

To restore your old table to its former beauty, you will need the following:

  • Sandpaper.
  • Sander.
  • Paint for wooden surfaces.
  • Impregnation.
  • Primer.
  • Primer roller.
  • Varnish (colorless and colored).

Also don't forget about individual means protection:

  • Respirator.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Work gloves.


To restore an old table with your own hands, you need to follow the following steps:

  • First, inspect the table for scratches, cracks and other defects. If there are any damage, be sure to fix them. Check all bolts on the tabletop and legs and tighten them.

Important! The most the best option will disassemble the table into individual parts, clean them from dust and dirt, and then assemble it again. When assembling, for better fixation, you can add glue to the attachment points and wait until it dries completely (at least 15 hours).

  • Next, sand the table using a machine or sand it by hand. This will make it possible to align all problem areas that were not previously visible. Removing old varnish and paint is quite time-consuming and labor-intensive. Sand the surface with medium-grain and then fine-grain sandpaper.

Important! Try to sand the wood along the grain. If processed incorrectly, defects may occur that are subsequently very difficult to eliminate.

  • All discovered deep scratches and seal the cracks with putty. Dry the patches completely, then clean and sand the surface.
  • Degrease the table with acetone and prime its surface. For these purposes, you can use a universal primer. Instead of impregnation, prime the tabletop 2-3 times, completely drying each layer.
  • Sand the table surface thoroughly again.
  • If there are no cracks, chips or scratches on the countertop, you can treat it with water-repellent impregnation, and then cover it with several layers of varnish or stain. This gives the surface the unique effect of fresh wood.
  • If the condition of the surface is unimportant and the table is subsequently planned to be decorated, then it needs to be painted. For these purposes it is better to use paint on water based. Apply it with a large brush. When the paint is dry, apply a second coat. Application must be quick thin layers. Dry the table for at least four days.

Important! It is advisable to apply dark paint in two or three layers to avoid unsightly gaps.

How can you decorate a tabletop?

Restoring a table is, of course, good. But to create a real work of art, you need to design the tabletop. To do this, you can choose one of the following methods.


Painting is one of the most popular techniques for decorating interiors and household items. There are several options for painting furniture:

  • Artistic painting with thin brushes.
  • Painting with stamps.
  • Painting using stencils (templates).

Important! For glass table top ideal options there will be an airy and bright painting with stained glass paints.

Painting using tulle or some other lace looks incredibly beautiful. To apply an openwork pattern to the surface of the table, you just need to attach the tulle to the tabletop, securing it with tape, and paint the table in the same way as with an ordinary stencil - using a roller, foam sponge or spray paint. It is advisable to choose a paint color that contrasts with the color of the surface.

Important! Painting on a glass tabletop must be applied from the reverse side, while the front side must remain smooth.

Tile decor

You can update your countertop by decorating it with tiles. The use of tiles on the table opens up a lot of scope for imagination, since today the choice is truly huge. For these purposes you can choose:

  • Mosaic tiles.
  • Ceramic tiles.
  • Tiles made of plastic composite materials.

Important! It is very convenient to work with mosaic tiles. Such tiles are simply cut with a knife. Thus, excess parts can be removed without any problems.

The whole procedure will be creative and simple:

  • Restoring a table begins with cleaning the surface and degreasing it.
  • Then, using a special glue, the tiles are fixed on the table.
  • After a few hours, the joints between the tiles are grouted, using grout or special joint paint for this purpose.

Important! A mosaic made of pieces of tiles looks very interesting on the table.


Potal is very thin sheets of different metal alloys, used to imitate any surface in silver, bronze or gold. The gilding technique is often used when finishing pieces of furniture along with other decorative techniques and techniques:

  1. To begin, draw a stencil on which the gold leaf will later be glued.
  2. Then apply glue to it using a thin brush.
  3. Carefully place the sheets of gold leaf onto the glue.
  4. Using a soft brush, very carefully remove unnecessary parts of the sheet.
  5. The thicker the brush you use to apply the glue, the thicker the gold leaf pattern will be.

Important! Particles of sheets of gold that remain from decorating the tabletop in this style can be collected and used again in powder form.

Painting in different colors

You can restore an old table with your own hands by painting it in different colors. This is a very interesting technique that many modern designers use:

  • To begin, cover the entire tabletop with one color.
  • After the paint has dried, stick it on masking tape, creating a stencil for the remaining colors from it.
  • Using a brush or roller, apply all the other colors one after another.
  • After the paint has dried, remove the masking tape.

Important! You can glue or draw various pictures on a colored background.

  • Finally, coat the table with two or three coats of clear varnish. This will add strength to the decor and protect from mechanical damage.

Important! The varnish can be either matte or glossy - according to your desire.


You can update an old table using the decoupage technique even without any special skills. Learning to create masterpieces using this technique is not at all difficult.

To restore a table using decoupage technique you will need the following:

  • Pictures for decoupage - you can use ordinary napkins with a design you like or even images from magazines.
  • PVA glue.
  • Acrylic varnish (it is better to buy varnish in a can).
  • Napkin.
  • Acetone or alcohol.
  • Brush.

The work sequence is as follows:

  • Clear the table of old paint, dirt. After this, degrease the surface by wiping it thoroughly with a cloth with alcohol or acetone.

Important! If the surface is poorly cleaned, the decor will turn out sloppy.

  • Select pictures and make the necessary composition from them. Any images are suitable: for kitchen table you can choose motifs of vegetables and fruits, various colors. A table with motifs of ancient buildings looks very interesting.

Important! If you use special decoupage pictures, then you don’t need to do anything extra with them - just glue them on, removing the top layer.

  • Place the cut out pictures on the table. Mix PVA and water in equal proportions and glue the pictures to the surface in selected places. To prevent bubbles from forming, smooth the pictures with a napkin, expelling excess air from under them. Next, leave the pictures to dry.
  • After the decoupage is completely dry, varnish the surface of the table with pictures. Apply the varnish in several stages, waiting until the previous layer has completely dried.
  • Restoring a table can help turn an old, unnecessary item into a real work of art. In order to decorate a piece of furniture, you can choose any decor option convenient for you. As you can see, this does not require a lot of money, effort or skills - even a beginner can cope with this task.

To get the first skills necessary for this, first restore an old table. If you don’t have such stuff in your attic, it doesn’t matter, on the Internet you will find a lot of advertisements for the sale of tables at the lowest prices from people who dream of getting rid of them.

Of course, it is better to choose a table that has, although small, artistic value. Working with such furniture is much more interesting and pleasant. In any case, the end result will please everyone. If in doubt, take a “before” and “after” photo - and you will see how the table was made with the help of your hands new life.

Be patient and prepare to make a few mistakes. Don't rush to get upset about this. Consider this your learning project.

You got the table and we we can start restoration.

You will need these materials and tools:
- the hero of the occasion himself is an old table;
- dye;
- water-based varnish;
- solvent for degreasing the surface;
- putty;
- coarse and fine grain sandpaper;
- self-tapping screws and furniture bolts (as needed);
- rubber spatula for putty;
- brushes for applying varnish and paint;
- a roller for applying paint to the tabletop (you can use a brush);
- clamps;
- Sander(you can do without it).

1. Inspection, identification of defects and repairs
Start by inspecting the table and evaluating it general state. Look for defects; old furniture always has them. Our table, for example, had cracks and scratches. In addition, the varnish has worn off in some places and cracked in others. All this will have to be fixed.

I had better luck with my legs. They don't wobble or dangle, which means we don't have to disassemble the entire table. If you're less fortunate, it's even better - by correcting the situation, you'll get useful experience repair.

Inspect the leg mount. If it's a screw connection, you just need to tighten the screws and watch the table. If it starts to wobble again, replace the screws.

If the leg is attached to the table with glue and it becomes loose, it means the glue has dried out. To correct the situation, disassemble the table, thoroughly clean the joint surface from any remaining old glue and apply a new layer according to the instructions. Secure the leg with clamps and leave it to dry completely for a day. If the design allows, attach it additionally with self-tapping screws, or even better, with furniture bolts.

2. Sanding
The repair is complete and you can start sanding. To do this, use a grinding machine. If you don't have one, use coarse and fine grit sandpaper and sand it by hand. However, depending on the type of wood and the degree of damage, such handmade can take a lot of time and effort. But there are also people here positive sides. For example, without the necessary skills, you will not be able to damage the product during the work process, and hand grinding will allow you to feel the material and gain an understanding of some of its properties.

We used a sander. First, go over the surface of the table with a coarse paper attachment. Sand carefully, without pressing and special effort. First, get a feel for the material. Now move on to a lighter grit paper to make the surface as smooth as possible. Remove any remaining varnish and paint.

Grinding of figured parts is carried out exclusively by hand so as not to damage the relief. Only in cases where the design does not allow this, use power tools with suitable attachments.

After sanding, be sure to remove all dust from the surface of the table and work area. Use a vacuum cleaner.

3. Putty
All deep defects, whether scratches or dents, that could not be eliminated during the sanding process should be filled with a special wood putty.

Use a rubber spatula to do this and apply putty to the damaged areas. Wait until completely dry and sand the surface thoroughly.

4. Coating
Let's start treating the surface with paints and varnishes.

You can combine the coating on different areas of the table. For example, we decided to paint only the lower part, and treat the tabletop with stain and varnish.

Start with the countertop. Cover it with stain of your chosen tone and leave until completely dry to properly evaluate the resulting shade. If you are not satisfied with the tone, apply another layer and wait until it dries again.

Now you can start painting the lower part. Turn over and position the table in such a way that it is convenient for you to work and you do not have to move it from place to place while working.

Surely you have already decided on color scheme your future table, and for ours we selected white matte paint in a warm tone.

Paint one element and only then move on to the next so that the coating applies evenly. Allow the first coat to dry completely and sand the surface with fine sandpaper to create micro-scratches. Apply a second coat of paint, wait until dry and sand again.

Let there be at least three such procedures, and even better 4-5. Sanding helps each new layer of paint penetrate the previous one without creating a thick buildup. Thus, the output we get is very durable coating, which will last for many decades and protect the table from mechanical damage and other types of external influences.

To secure the result, apply a water-based varnish. It dries quickly, is relatively safe and has no unpleasant odor, characteristic of other types of varnish. Apply the varnish with a brush, picking up a little each time to avoid smudges.

Also varnish the tabletop. To achieve a more durable finish, proceed in the same way as with paint. Thus, apply at least a couple of layers.

Essentially, the job is over. Dry the table thoroughly in a ventilated place or ventilated area to get rid of the specific smell and admire the creation of your own hands.

Restoring a kitchen table allows you to update the design and improve it appearance. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to continue to use your favorite piece of furniture, and it is possible to change the color of the coating and apply a design. There are many options for tabletop design. This can be any image, different types of techniques are used, including decoupage, artificial aging furniture, etc.

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Repair of table structures

To return the product to its former attractiveness, two restoration methods are used:

  • simple;
  • with design changes.

At the next stage, the piece of furniture is decorated. In this case, work is performed on prepared surfaces. Repair of the product without the need to change the design is carried out taking into account the type of material. For example, if the kitchen table is made of metal, the following types works:

  1. Removal of the countertop is required.
  2. The old coating is removed.
  3. Individual sections or the entire surface of the product are puttyed, which is necessary when the table is old.
  4. Grinding. This is done using coarse, medium or fine grit sandpaper. It is selected taking into account the degree of roughness of the coating. For example, to eliminate significant defects, coarse-grain sandpaper is used. However, in any case, before moving on to next stage, the structural elements of the kitchen table are processed with fine-grained sandpaper.
  5. After sanding, priming is performed. Special compounds are used. It is important to choose a product designed to work with the type of material from which the table is made.
  6. Painting is done using a roller or brush. You can proceed to this stage if you have already chosen a decorative technique. Applying varnish after priming will improve adhesion to the surface. To obtain an even coating, coloring is performed several times. First, primary processing is carried out, then you need to let the first layer dry. After this, the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times.

Restoration of the legs and surface of the table with changes in design is carried out according to the instructions discussed, but some points may be added. For example, install additional elements designs: legs, wheels, wooden fringe around the perimeter, carved parts, etc. You can change the shape and size of the tabletop, its thickness. For comparison, with a simple restoration such work is not performed.

If the wooden or metal legs become loose, you can replace the fasteners. If the holes for fasteners have enlarged over time, you will need to use larger screws.

An alternative option is to change the mounting locations of the legs. Old holes in the countertop need to be filled with putty. These works are carried out on preparatory stage, just before finishing painting. It is possible to replace the tabletop by choosing a different material: glass, chipboard, chipboard.

How to update your kitchen table?

Are used different techniques surface decoration. When choosing the material from which a piece of furniture is made does not always play a role important role. The difference in the process of finishing a wooden and metal table lies in the use of special primers and processing methods. If you plan to update your kitchen table yourself, you should consider popular decorating techniques. Most of them are carried out using paints and varnishes, but there are also those that are implemented using ceramics, tulle, etc.


This is the most common way to update furniture pieces. Paint and varnish are used, it all depends on the type of material from which the product is made. For example, a painted kitchen table with a peeling finish is restored and varnished, which will preserve the natural wood grain. Painting will help hide minor defects and update products made of metal, plastic, wood.

You need to choose a color. If the color scheme of the interior is bright, you should use muted tones, and vice versa, make an emphasis in the design, highlighting the kitchen table with bright colors. The pattern and coloring technique are selected individually. You can use alkyd enamel, water-based, oil paint. The choice is made taking into account the type of material. If you are deciding how to paint a product, you need to remember that all surfaces are covered in several layers. paints and varnishes can be sprayed from a can or applied with a roller or brush.


In this case, paper elements with different types of patterns are glued to the surface of the tabletop. Napkins are often used for this purpose. They buy special glue for decoupage; the decor will not last long if you do not apply varnish to the surface. It is also possible to use PVA glue. Sequencing:

  • the surface is degreased;
  • the tabletop is opened with an acrylic primer twice, each layer must dry well;
  • grinding;
  • coloring with a background shade;
  • the drawing is glued to the table, it is straightened in the direction from the center to the edges, it is better to leave the napkin to dry in natural conditions;
  • then applied acrylic lacquer, it is advisable to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, while you need to wait until the surface is completely dry.

Decoupage of a kitchen table can be done not only with the help of napkins - wallpaper and other paper-based materials are used for this purpose.


They use the burning technique. This option Suitable for working with wood. The decor can be anything: stickers, stencils, painting. Kitchen tables are decorated in different ways; how to decorate furniture to make it look stylish requires a closer look. A popular method is artificial aging of objects. A wooden kitchen table can also be decorated in this way; the design is carried out according to the instructions:

  1. Surfaces are sanded. Large area can be processed with a grinder; difficult areas are cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. Wood dust is removed from the surface.
  3. They artificially create defects on the countertop: indentations from heavy objects, scratches, etc.
  4. The tabletop is covered with stain twice.
  5. To preserve the antique effect, tung oil should be applied immediately after treating the product with stain. It is better not to use varnish for this purpose, since a glossy finish does not help maintain the antique style. Tung oil should be thoroughly rubbed into the surface and left to dry overnight.
  6. On last stage treat the kitchen stack with wax and polish.

You can use paint of different shades to give the product an antique effect. The secret is to apply another layer; to create abrasions, use a sponge soaked in paint or a thin brush. The shade should be different from the background. A pattern is applied that imitates cracks or a pattern of peeling paint.

Decorating with tiles

This technique has many advantages:

  • improving the appearance of an old table;
  • ability to install hot dishes on the tabletop;
  • ease of care;
  • long service period.

Do-it-yourself kitchen table restoration can be done using large tiles. They also use mosaics. In any case, the weight of the piece of furniture will increase significantly. Broken tiles are also suitable for table decoration. Using pieces of different sizes will result in a mosaic effect.

We continue our journey into the world of updated things. In the previous episode they told us their stories, this time there are 8 tables on stage. And no less interesting transformations that occurred with each of them.

They received not only a fresh appearance, but also new functions. And for their “flexibility of character” and willingness to change, the owners gave them a chance for a second youth. Some have become simply comfortable things, and others - even as interior decoration.

Check out the stories 8 tables and tables in “before” and “after” condition, and let your own things acquire equally interesting and spectacular “faces”!

If you want, take a look at our new collection of ideas, where 23 models are described in detail.

idea No. 1: ancient table-book-> colorful table for the terrace

Very old thing, which, despite everything, has retained stability and grace lower limbs. Her young owners decided that a slightly outrageous outfit would not hurt her. Unlike lovely ladies, old things bright colors sometimes it suits you very well.

But when little children come to visit, they are delighted with this dining table, which on ordinary days does not take up any extra space at all. These are acrylic paints, a stencil and a preliminary sketch on paper.

idea #2: instead of boring lessons-> exciting hobby

Once upon a time there was a girl, and she considered preparing her homework to be the most boring thing in the world. Therefore, on your own school desk endured all my feelings. And then she grew up and realized how to get rid of not the most pleasant memories.

The body of the old table was stripped of its worn paint, puttied and repainted in a stylish wenge color. Attached to the fronts of the drawers furniture film with a zebrano pattern. And the new bright red funny paw-shaped handles are in harmony with the shade of the inside of the drawers, also updated. It turned out to be an excellent place for a home hobby: just look at it, and the boredom will blow away like the wind.

idea #3:massive monster ->elegant gentleman

The massive old table has survived more than one generation of intellectuals in this family. One of the great-grandfathers of the current owner even owned a successful publishing house. His entrepreneurial spirit was inherited.

The young lady showed her imagination and turned family heirloom into an elegant piece that blends perfectly with her home. And to complete the impression, I surrounded it with interior details that matched the color. Laconic bronze handles, specially purchased in vintage style- in memory of the origin of the table.

idea #4: sad gray donkey-> flirty green crocodile

The gray, faceless two-pedestal table had long ceased to please its owners, and they were thinking about how to get rid of it. But one day a student niece came to visit, critically examined the “donkey” and a couple of days later moved it to her home, despite the protests of her parents.

Imagine the amazement of the old owners when they saw what happened to the boring object. Its young owner created a flirtatious corner for studying and sewing. Juicy green tone matte paint- on the table and old chair from the pantry. Plus - new fluffy leather upholstery for the seat. And for harmony - flat handles for drawers, covered with printed pink fabric.

By the way, she is thinking about attaching a mirror in the same colors to the wall: it would also create a dressing table. That's what fantasy is!

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idea No. 5: the Baroness's journey from the 18th to the 21st century

Its new owner purchased this elegant antique item at a flea market. The seller assured that Baroness N had once owned it. Well, the buyer decided, then we’ll rejuvenate the Baroness.

As is known, White color even a very advanced age is refreshing. This was chosen as the new color for this antique dressing table. The necessary variety is achieved thanks to a new tabletop using the decoupage technique and harmoniously selected objects on it.

Idea #6: The Exhausted Friend of Magazines-> mobile thing for a children's room

Almost every house once lived like this coffee table. And some people still have it somewhere in their closet or at their dacha to this day. Why not give it a chance to serve your children too?!

Check how tightly the fastenings for the legs and table top are held. Add bright colors and a stencil pattern - in general, nothing complicated. This table already “wore” rollers. If yours does not yet have such mobility, then strengthen them too: a bright mobile thing will certainly please the young owner.

idea #7:old card table -> a cozy place for a meal on the balcony

Like all previous tables, this card table was stripped of its old finish and given a fresh coat of paint. And they attached it inside ceramic tiles small format. Now it can easily withstand weather fluctuations on an open balcony.

Let's give our 2 cents on this topic: instead of tiles, you can use inexpensive mosaics - it will look absolutely luxurious. Or - scraps of multi-colored tiles left over from renovation: split into small pieces and laid like a mosaic - this is a budget solution.

Important: regular glue for tiles (dry in bags) cannot be used, only ready-made viscous, solvent-based (dragon type).

idea #8: fresh colors bring summer closer

A weather- and wind-resistant metal table served you faithfully in your yard for several years, but now, alas, it has lost its appearance? The same situation happened in this story. And recently folding chairs with wooden seat and back on metal frame. In anticipation of summer, the owners decided to create such a colorful corner that attracts attention. Turquoise paint for metal and the same for wood (on chairs). Plus - update the legs of the entire “set” with black.

But the most spectacular decoration- This is a white pattern on the tabletop, applied using a stencil. If you don’t want to bother with “small art,” you can use ready-made stickers made from vinyl film.

Probably, almost every home has this type of furniture such as a coffee table or desk. These tables are very convenient; they can be placed in the living room, bedroom, or nursery.

It is desirable that it fits into general interior. Therefore, if at your home modern renovation and the old coffee table doesn't fit general appearance rooms, do not rush to throw it away. We invite you to use your imagination and repair an old table with your own hands. Moreover, the process is very exciting and you should not have any special difficulties.

We will describe the restoration process using an example made from natural wood and coated with furniture varnish.

For restoration, we decided to use the decoupage technique, since this is most suitable for magazine and desks. As a result of using the decoupage technique, you will get an original item at home that no one else has.

1. Any type of restoration or repair begins with an inspection. We inspect the table and identify defects.

2. Next we need to clean it from the old varnish coating. To do this we need sanding paper of different grit sizes. It’s very good if you have a grinding machine. It will help you sand the table much faster and better. It is better to sand along the grain.

If you sand across the grain, scratches will remain on the surface.

The grinding process is carried out in three stages. First you need to use sandpaper with the highest grit. Next, take medium-grain sandpaper, and at the end, sand down all remaining irregularities with sandpaper.

When sanding, it is better to wear a respirator, because wood dust can damage the upper parts. Airways and lungs.

After sanding, wipe the table with a damp cloth to remove any remaining dust.

3. Then we proceed to putty. It is needed to hide defects in the form of cracks, scratches, chips. To do this we need a rubber spatula and the putty itself. Carefully rub all scratches and cracks.

Leave the putty until completely dry. After drying, remove all excess using sandpaper. Now the base of the table is ready.

Stages of restoration using decoupage technique

If we decide to restore the coffee table with our own hands, for decoupage we will need the following tools and materials:

  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Napkins with drawings or special pictures for decoupage (in our version these are photographs)
  • Polyethylene file
  • Brushes of different thicknesses
  • PVA glue
  • Acrylic primer
  • Paints for furniture (in our version, acrylic white and black)
  • Stencil (but you can do without it)
  • Finish acrylic varnish

The table restoration process step by step

1. Now we can start decorating the coffee table. First we need to apply primer to the surface of the table. For this we use acrylic primer. It is needed so that the paint that will be applied in the future is more evenly distributed on our product.

We prime it carefully with a brush and wait about half an hour for the primer to dry.

3. Now take the drawing. In our version, this is a photograph. Dip the drawing in a bowl of water for 30 seconds.

It is very important not to overexpose the drawing, as the paper may be damaged. We take the photo out of the water and place it face down on a plastic file.

4. Since our photo paper is thick, we carefully remove excess layers of paper so that the picture remains undamaged. Then use a brush to apply PVA glue to the photo.

5. Now carefully turn over the file with the photo stuck to it and place it in the desired place on the tabletop. Using the file, we smooth out the drawing so that it lies evenly. And only after that we remove the file.

6. Take white acrylic paint and, using a brush with stiff bristles, draw fields along the contour of the drawings. We try to hold the brush at one angle, as the bristles leave streaks. Then leave the table to dry for about 1 hour.

7. We decided to further decorate the corners of our table using a stencil. To do this, you need to attach the stencil to the corner of the tabletop and use a brush with acrylic paint black color walk on it. We hold the brush in a vertical position so that the paint does not flow under the stencil and is not smeared.

8. Now you can remove the stencil. Leave the table to dry for 1 hour.

9. And finally, after the paint has dried, you can apply a finishing acrylic varnish to fix the drawings. We also apply the varnish with a brush.

10. Finally, the restoration of the table is coming to an end. The table must be dry before it can be used. Dry in a well-ventilated area for 24 hours. After this time has expired, use it to your health!

Now you know how to update a coffee table with your own hands, the photos presented above demonstrate what a masterpiece you can create yourself. Don't throw away old furniture, give outdated items the opportunity to please you for a while longer, give them a second life!

Video: restoration of a bedside table using decoupage method