All made of sunlight - Eschscholzia. Eschscholzia "Apple blossom"

Eschsolzia – amazing beautiful plant. Its flowers look amazing. They look like delicate butterflies. It is better to contemplate the beauty of a flowering plant in sunny weather!

The flower feels great in the harsh conditions of Russia. It reproduces by self-seeding and continues to delight year after year beautiful flowers, so many people confuse it with a perennial. Height varies from 20 to 60 centimeters. The stems are smooth, thin, branching, forming a lush bush. The foliage and shoots are covered with a waxy coating, which makes them appear bluish. As a result, a charming bluish-silver bush with bright inflorescences.

Varieties and types of eschsolzia

The plant belongs to the poppy family. There are 12 types of flowers in total. The most famous of them are turf and California Eschscholzia. The flowers are characteristically yellow or Orange color.

However, thanks to the efforts of breeders, plants have been bred with pink, carmine, white, cream and mixed-colored flowers. The variety of shades allows you to use eschscholzia.

  1. "Strawberry" fields. This flower It has a color that is bright pink at the edges, turning to a yellow core. The flowers are semi-double.
  2. “California” resembles a poppy in appearance. Height reaches 40 cm. Flowers are white, cream, carmine. Flowering is abundant from June to October.
  3. “Fruit Explosion” is a variety that has ruffled flowers of various colors - from yellow to crimson.
  4. “Peach Ice Cream” has double peach flowers.
  5. Soddy eschscholzia is a small annual plant. The height reaches 15 cm. The flowers are yellow, located above an openwork rosette of bluish-colored leaves. Blooms until the first frost.
  6. “Apple blossom” is distinguished by terry, ruffled petals, and the flowers are bright pink.

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Growing eschsolzia (video)

Sowing Eschsolzia

Sowing occurs in mid-April or October. The seeds are placed in nests to a depth of 0.5 cm.

The distance between the seeds should reach 20 cm. Shoots are formed after 20 days if the temperature reaches 20 o. At the same time, the seeds germinate best in the fall. Plants can tolerate frosts down to -5 degrees. Flowering occurs approximately a month after germination. It can last for one and a half months. If you sow, this enchanting process can be extended.

How to care for a plant

  • It is worth noting the fact that Eschscholzia requires dry soil. Wet soils can cause roots to rot. Also, do not add organic fertilizers to the soil.
  • However, watering the plant during flowering is a must. It is better to perform this action in the evening, when the flowers are already “sleeping”.
  • It is necessary to produce mineral fertilizing and promptly remove faded buds. The following mixture is suitable as a fertilizer: 10 liters of water, a spoonful of Vermisol, flower fertilizer or nitrophoska. The mixture is used at the rate of 2 liters for 1 plant.

Beautiful Eschsolzia (video)

Features of cultivation

Eschscholzia, which is grown from seeds, is stored in seeds for no more than three years. After this, germination will be lost.

Planting occurs immediately in the ground, since the plants are rod-shaped and long, which means that replanting will be disastrous. It is allowed to plant the plant under glass.

Shoots will appear in a couple of weeks. After 4 leaves are formed, the eschscholzia can be thinned out. Mature plants can reach a height of 60 cm. Over time, the shrub will occupy the entire flowerbed.

Overripe fruits, after cracking, shed seeds, eventually self-seeding. This is great because it allows the plant to renew itself many times in one place. long years. It is for this reason that Eschscholzia is used.

At the beginning of summer, bean aphids can noticeably damage the leaves of Eschscholzia. The drug “Commander” will help fight it. To do this, spray the affected flowers.

If the weather is dry, spider mites may appear. If you have such a problem, you will have to remove the affected bushes.

It happens that diseases such as yellowing and shrinking of bushes occur. Such plants will have to be removed so that the infection does not spread to healthy bushes.

Reproduction of Eschscholzia

In nature, the plant reproduces by self-seeding. On garden plots the best way out propagation will occur using seeds. In autumn the plant will bloom faster because this option closest to natural. For planting, it is best to use sunny places where water does not accumulate. For sowing in spring, it is recommended to keep the seeds in the refrigerator.

People often call Eschscholzia wormwood or California poppy. This plant owes its scientific name to the botanist, zoologist, traveler and doctor I. F. Eschscholz. Growing an eschscholzia flower will not cause any trouble for the gardener - wormwoods can survive even on depleted, moisture-deprived soils. The only thing these crops need is sufficiently, so it is in sunlight.

Eschscholzia - a small plant with graceful flowers different colors. They begin to bloom early. Eschscholzia blooms for quite a long time. Flowers open in sunny weather and are closed in the evening and at night. Loves an open sunny location. Culture refers to perennial plants, which are grown as annuals.

Types and varieties of Eschscholzia: description and photo at flowering time

Eschscholzia comes with compact or creeping bushes. The leaves are carved, covered with a waxy coating and therefore have a bluish-green color. It has single, cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of 5–8 cm. It blooms in the first half of July, 40–50 days after emergence, and blooms until late autumn. When describing the effoltia plant, it is worth noting that its flowers open only in sunny weather.

There are 12 types of Eschsolzia. The most commonly grown plants are Californian Eschscholzia and Turf Eschscholzia. Varieties of these species have simple, semi-double, and double flowers. They open only in good sunlight (from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). In cloudy weather, Eschscholzia flowers remain closed.

Eschscholzia Californian is low or medium-sized (20–45 cm). Its shoots are bluish-green in color, and its intricately dissected leaves form a basal rosette. The flowers of this type of eschscholzia are simple, corrugated, and double. The colors are white, cream, yellow, orange, red and pink.

Eschscholzia californica is officially the symbol of California, one of the US states. Her image is placed at the entrance to the state. Every year on April 6, California hosts a holiday in honor of this plant - California Poppy Day.

The overgrown Californian Eschscholzia is very noticeable from a distance and seems to sparkle in the sun. There is a legend that where Eschscholzia grows, gold ore is formed in the ground. It is the fallen bright yellow petals of the plant that turn into gold.

Eschscholzia variety Anchantre has double flowers of raspberry-pink color. The Ballerina variety has semi-double and ruffled flowers, salmon-colored. The height of this plant is 25–30 cm.

Eschscholzia variety Bobby has yellow-orange flowers and reaches a height of 40–45 cm.

The flowers of the Eschscholzia variety Golden Glory are simple. They have smooth or wavy petals of unusual color - bright yellow with orange spots.

The Golden Orange variety has rich orange flowers.

Pay attention to the photo of Eschscholzia variety Carmine King - these plants have medium-sized crimson-pink flowers that fade in the sun in hot weather:

Varieties Mandarin, Orange King and Mikado have flowers of different shades of orange.

Eschscholzia variety Milky White has cream-colored flowers..

There is even Eschscholzia with dark lilac flowers - this is the Ash Violet variety.

The Red Chief variety, also a Californian species, is distinguished by its red.

Variety Tahiti - pink flowers.

Original flowers of the Feuerflame variety– they have corrugated petals of a dark orange-red color.

Eschscholzia varieties Apricot Chiffon have colored leaves sea ​​wave, and the petals are wrinkled, cream or yellow color. The flowers of this plant often appear drooping due to the heavy petals.

Eschscholzia varieties Rose Chiffon with inside The petals are the same color, but the outside is pink.

Eschscholzia turf is distinguished by the elegance of its bushes. It is only 12–15 cm in height. The bushes are dense. The leaves are also complexly dissected, forming a basal rosette. The flowers are bright yellow, 3 cm in diameter.

Eschscholzia Lobba forms compact bushes 13–18 cm high. This plant has flowers of different shades of yellow and a small diameter of 2–2.5 cm.

Growing Eschscholzia flowers from seeds (with video)

Eschscholzia, or California poppy, is very easy to grow. It should be sown directly into a container in the fall or in early spring. But the seedlings are difficult to plant because of their taproots. Plants sown in autumn need some protection from frost, such as placing the pot under a greenhouse frame or in a greenhouse. In the sun with regular watering, the plant will bloom until late autumn. The perianth calyxes will fall off and new buds will bloom.

Eschscholzia is propagated by seeds with or without picking. When seeds fall into the soil, it germinates in the same place. It does not tolerate transplantation well, as it has a tap root, weakly fibrous.

This plant does not tolerate transplantation well, so it is immediately planted in flower beds. Seeds are planted in spring (late April or early May) and autumn (October). Before spring planting, it is recommended to keep Eschscholzia seeds in the refrigerator for several days for hardening. To grow eschscholzia, seeds are sometimes planted in the soil at a shallow depth after the first snow has fallen.

When caring for the plants, sprinkle the planting site with mulch. You can use fallen leaves to cover crops. To ensure uniform germination, the seeds are mixed with sand before planting. They are embedded in the soil to a depth of 0.5 cm. In spring, when the soil temperature rises to 16–18 °C, sprouts appear 10–14 days after sowing. The plant tolerates a drop in ambient temperature to 4–5 °C. When caring for Eschscholzia in open ground, as soon as after planting the seedlings grow to 7–10 cm and have 5 true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out. A distance of 20 cm is left between plants. In the warm season, eschscholzia blooms 40–45 days after planting.

When seeds are planted in autumn, the plant blooms more abundantly and earlier the next year. At the same time, it grows more bushy. The lifespan of an eschsolzia flower is one day. You can prolong flowering and decorativeness if you additionally plant seeds in flower beds during June.

If eschscholzia self-sows and sprouts on its own, then it is necessary to thin out the young plants. This will help them grow better and maintain the decorative appearance of the flower garden.

This video shows how to care for Eschscholzia flowers in open ground:

Caring for the Eschscholzia plant

Care for growing eschscholzia is simple: it grows well on loose sandy loam soils of neutral or slightly acidic reaction. She prefers dry areas, as she cannot tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. At the same time, the plant needs watering, especially during the flowering period, otherwise the flowers will be small. To plant this plant you need a well-lit place. In the shade it becomes very elongated and loses its attractive appearance. Eschscholzia does not tolerate the presence of fresh natural organic fertilizers in the soil.

Eschscholzia care is minimal. The main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out. It is recommended to water the plant in the evening, when the flowers are closed. If faded flowers and seed pods are promptly removed from the plant, flowering will prolong.

For more abundant flowering, Eschscholzia is fed mineral fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out before the flowering period. To do this, pour 2 liters of solution under each bush: add 1 tsp per 10 liters of water. nitrophoska, natural organic fertilizer and universal flower fertilizer.

Excessive watering causes rot in Eschscholzia. She is also susceptible to viral infections. At the beginning of summer, Eschscholzia often suffers from bean aphids. In dry weather it may suffer from spider mite. Affected plants must be removed.

Using Eschscholzia in the garden

Eschscholzia is often planted mixed with cereal plants on meadow and Moorish lawns. It is suitable for creating ridges, flower beds, rockeries, mixborders, and group plantings. The use of eschsolzia when landscaping slopes and balconies is also relevant. It can be grown in containers and cut for bouquets.

Good neighbors for Eschscholzia in the garden are bright summer plants and tall grasses. It is suitable for filling voids between large bushy plants.

The plant is used to create Moorish lawns, color spots, and for planting on alpine hills, lawns, and balconies. Terry varieties suitable for cutting.

Eschscholzia is also known among gardeners as “California poppy.” This is popular among summer residents wild flower deserved thanks to its low maintenance requirements and abundant delicate flowering, which begins in the summer and continues until autumn.

The plant, which now densely inhabits parks, squares and garden beds, came to us from North America. This crop belongs to the biological family Poppy, which includes a dozen more species of wildflowers.

There is a legend according to which, back in the 17th century, Spanish sailors sailing to the coast of modern California saw an amazing glow on the shore several dozen miles away. Deciding that they had found gold mines, the Spaniards landed on the shore, where they discovered endless fields of yellow-gold Eschscholzia. To this day, in Spanish-speaking countries this flower is called nothing more than “Bowl of Gold.”

In Russia, the plant was named in honor of the Russian botanist and naturalist Johann Eschscholtz, who brought the seeds of this wonderful flower to our country from another expedition to the north of the American continent.

Eschscholzia: description of the species

For the plant to feel comfortable, it must be planted in sandy soil which drains well. Eschscholzia requires soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. If you know that the acidity of the soil is high, then dig up the area intended for planting eschscholzia, adding 200 g to the soil dolomite flour per 1 m2 (can be replaced with 2 cups of wood ash).

To plant a flower, choose a sunny place located on a hill so that there is no stagnation of water (the plant dies from dampness and shade).

The species characteristics of the California poppy are as follows:

  • herbaceous bushy perennial plant;
  • reaches 40 cm in height;
  • has thin shoots;
  • openwork leaves of bluish-green color;
  • flowers are solitary, can reach 9 cm in diameter;
  • flowers are double or simple (depending on the variety);
  • flowers of various shades;
  • bloom throughout the summer;
  • the life period of one flower is no more than 4 days;
  • The flowers close at night and during rain.

Eschszolzia: growing from seeds

Eschscholzia is most often grown from seeds. You can sow in autumn or spring - both methods are suitable for the plant. Flowers planted in October will bloom in early May. The emerging seedlings will need to be thinned out so that only the strongest plants remain. Advantage autumn planting is that in winter soil the seeds will undergo natural stratification - therefore, almost all of them will produce strong and viable seedlings.

If for some reason you decide to postpone planting flowers until spring, then stratification should be carried out by placing a bag of eschscholzia seeds in the bottom (vegetable) drawer of the refrigerator for the whole winter. For spring planting, do it at the end of April or beginning of May (depending on the climate in your region), and within two weeks the plant will delight you with its first shoots, and a month after sowing, flowers will appear.

So, regardless of the season, planting is carried out as follows:

  1. First, find appropriate place for planting Eschscholzia: it should be a dry and sunny area with sandy soil.
  2. Mix the plant seeds with sand - this will be enough to prepare them for sowing.
  3. Make shallow furrows in the soil and sow eschscholzia.
  4. Due to the fact that the seeds of the plant are very small, when planting they need to be slightly pressed into the ground so that the soil around them is compacted.
  5. After planting, be sure to mulch the soil: this will prevent it from drying out and hardening too much (sprouts may not grow through soil that is too dense). Spring planting mulch with a layer of peat, and in autumn - with dry leaves.
  6. When the seedlings reach 12–15 cm in height, thin them out, leaving a distance of 20 cm between flowers.

Eschszolzia: growing seedlings

Instructions for growing eschscholzia most often suggest growing it from seeds. However, many gardeners share their experience of growing seedlings of this crop and see a lot of advantages in this.

Eschscholzia has a rod-shaped root system, which means that when transplanting seedlings into the ground, the roots of the plant are easily damaged. Therefore, to grow crop seedlings, you will need to use peat tablets.

  1. Place peat tablets in a deep container (in one layer) and fill them with water.
  2. When the tablets are saturated with water, drain off any remaining water.
  3. Place one eschscholzia seed on each peat tablet (use a toothpick for this - the plant's seeds are very small).
  4. Sprinkle the seeds with a small amount of soil (use a special soil mixture for growing seedlings).
  5. Use a spray bottle to spray the “bed” with water.
  6. Cover the seed container with glass or thick film.
  7. Keep container at room temperature.

Within 10–12 days the first shoots will appear. As soon as you notice germination, move the container with the seedlings to a bright place (it is better to place it near a window). And also remove the glass (or film) - it will no longer be needed. At this stage of growing, seedlings need an air temperature of at least +20°C and watering as the soil dries out.

14 days after the sprouts appear, feed them with special fertilizer for seedlings (follow the proportions indicated in the instructions).

Before planting in the ground (late April - early May), the seedlings need to be hardened off. To do this, 15-20 days before the expected landing on permanent place, start taking the container with the seedlings to a cool place (on the balcony or veranda) for several hours every day. If the hardening of plants is carried out correctly, then after planting in open ground they will be able to tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to -5°C.

The seedlings are planted in prepared soil along with peat tablets. Make planting holes 30cm apart to allow flowers to grow freely. After planting in the ground, water the seedlings well.

Eschsolzia: cultivation and care

Caring for the plant is absolutely simple. Even the laziest gardener can cope with this task.

  1. Watering. Eschscholzia likes dry soil, so it does not need to be watered often. Usually the crop needs the moisture provided by the rains. However, if the summer is too dry and there is no rain, then water the flowerbed little by little when you notice that the soil is completely dry. You need to water the plant in the evening, when all the flowers are closed.
  2. Fertilizing the soil. It is worth remembering that Eschscholzia does not need organic fertilizers. But mineral fertilizing should be carried out before the flowering period. Use nitrophoska or flower composition as fertilizer. Make a solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers per 10 liters of water. Pour 2 liters under each eschscholzia bush.
  3. It is necessary to loosen the soil regularly - oxygen supply to the roots is important for Eschscholzia.
  4. After the flower has faded, remove it immediately. This will allow the plant to bloom with renewed vigor in a few days. Also, do not leave seed pods and old shoots on the bushes.

Eschszolzia: collecting seeds

There is no need to replant the plant next year. Eschscholzia reproduces well by self-seeding and survives the winter. So in next year your flowerbed will become even more magnificent.

But if for some reason you need to collect eschscholzia seeds, then do the following:

  • as soon as the plant fades, put a loose gauze bag on it - the seeds will ripen under it;
  • after flowering, fruits are formed on the crop - boxes with seeds;
  • they ripen 25–30 days after flowering ends;
  • the ripe box will be dry and dark;
  • cut off the box and then shake the seeds out of it onto a sheet of clean paper;
  • leave to dry indoors;
  • when the seeds are dry, put them in a paper bag and place them in the refrigerator (in the vegetable drawer);
  • in the spring such seeds will be ready for planting;
  • The seeds of the plant retain their properties for up to three years.

Eschsolzia: popular varieties

In nature, there are 12 plants that, like Eschscholzia, belong to the Poppy family. There are 2 types common in our country:

  1. Eschscholzia soddy is an annual compact plant (up to 15 cm in height). The leaves are openwork, collected in a rosette, above which bright yellow flowers (about 3 cm in diameter) develop.
  2. Californian Eschscholzia is the most famous species. It is a rather tall (up to 40 cm) perennial herbaceous plant. It has carved leaves and straight thin stems that form a creeping shrub. Blooms from May to October. The flowers are large (9 cm in diameter), white, yellow, orange or cream.

However, based on Californian Eschscholzia, breeders have bred many hybrids. decorative varieties, which differ in color, flower shape and resistance to various diseases. The most popular varieties:

  • “Apple blossom” - has very large double flowers of bright pink color, very reminiscent of apple blossoms;
  • “Peach Ice Cream” - double flowers of a delicate peach color;

  • “Strawberry fields” are semi-double flowers with a very interesting color (from red along the edge of the petal to yellow in the core of the flower);
  • “Fruit explosion” - has corrugated semi-double flowers, the color of which can be red, yellow or crimson;

  • "Mikado" - tall bushes with single flowers of rich yellow color and a bright orange core;
  • "Ballerina" - has very double flowers of large diameter (about 15 cm).

Eschsolzia: diseases and pests

Even the most unpretentious and hardy plant can be affected by a disease or pest. Inspect the plants regularly to help them get rid of problems in time, otherwise the entire crop may die. The main diseases of Eschsolzia:

Bean aphid. It usually appears at the beginning of summer and begins to actively reproduce on the leaves of the plant, drawing juices from it. The drug “Commander” will help fight the pest, which needs to be sprayed on the plant according to the instructions.

  • on initial stage lesions - a solution of laundry soap (the entire above-ground part of the plants is sprayed with it);
  • V difficult case– acaricides (the drugs act only on the tick, but not on its eggs, so re-treatment is required after a few days).

Rotting of the roots and above-ground parts of the plant. Occurs in case of excess moisture (heavy rains, excessive watering or poorly chosen damp place for planting). To help the plant, remove all affected areas. And if the roots are damaged, then the whole bush is damaged.

Powdery mildew. This fungal disease plants are very common. The shoots and leaves of the plant become covered with a white coating (this is the mycelium of a harmful fungus), which captures everything large area and then it gets dark. When the fungal spores mature, droplets of liquid appear, which is why the disease is called “powdery mildew.” In order to recognize the appearance of fungus in time, inspect the lower part of the plants (the development of the disease begins from there). Plants affected powdery mildew, stop blooming and die from exhaustion. You can fight the disease traditional methods without the use of aggressive chemicals:

  • soda ash (4 g), laundry soap (4 g) - dissolve in 1 liter of water; spray 2 times with an interval of 7 days;
  • pour wood ash (150 g) with boiling water (1 l) and leave for 24 hours; add laundry soap(4 g) and spray 2 times with an interval of 7 days.

Growing Eschscholzia: video

Eschscholzia varieties: photo

Eschscholzia - genus ornamental plants papaveraceous. It has long gained popularity among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, attractiveness appearance and brightness of colors. Its homeland is North America, where you can see entire fields of these flowers.

Eschscholzia are low, abundantly branching bushes that are covered with bright, delicate inflorescences all summer. The plant has a well-defined main stem, from which many additional shoots arise. The leaves are openwork, slightly reminiscent of wormwood, which is why the flower is popularly called wormwood. The inflorescences are solitary, most often simple, similar to butterflies and poppy flowers. All green parts are covered with a thin white coating, which makes them look bluish.

Common types and varieties of eschscholzia flower

The genus Eschscholzia consists of only 12 species. However, most of them have many cultivars, different forms and varieties.

California Eschscholzia, also known as California poppy.

A standard variety, the most common among garden plant lovers. This eschscholzia is the emblem and symbol of California. herbaceous plant with partially creeping shoots. The height of the bush does not exceed 43-46 cm.

The species is distinguished by a large number of varieties with varied flower colors.

  • Mikado. The inflorescences are simple, of 4 petals, painted in a rich bright red hue, the middle is slightly darker.
  • Apple tree flowers. Large simple or double inflorescences are pale pink in color. This variety easily tolerates light frosts.

Photo. Californian Eschscholzia apple tree flowers variety

  • Strawberry fields. The bright yellow center gradually turns red at the edges of the petals. The inflorescences are semi-double, the number of petals is 6-9.
  • Golden glory. The inflorescences are simple, painted in a very bright yellow shade, becoming orange in the middle.
  • Peach ice cream (Pearh sorbet). Lush double inflorescences have a delicate pinkish-cream color.
  • Karminkoenig. Simple inflorescences large sizes painted in a rich garnet hue with a white center.
  • Orange king. Inflorescences can be simple, semi-double or double. The color is bright, orange-golden.
  • Apricot chiffon. An original, recently bred variety. The leaves and shoots are colored blue-green, and the inflorescences are a mixture of orange, gold and pink. The petals are corrugated and slightly wrinkled, collected in double flowers.
  • Fruit crash. A varietal mixture of semi-double inflorescences with corrugated petals. The color can be red, pink, yellow, burgundy and crimson.

Photo. Californian Eschscholzia variety fruit explosion

Herbaceous miniature bushes, reaching a height of only 1-1.5 inches. The leaves are dissected and covered with a whitish coating. The inflorescences are simple, consist of 4 petals, the color is always yellow.

A low plant (up to 17 cm tall), most often used to decorate alpine slides. The inflorescences are small, their diameter does not exceed 3 cm, the color is fawn or yellow.

Growing Eschscholzia from seeds in open ground

Eschscholzia can be planted in spring and autumn, but it needs to be planted correctly in autumn

Wormwood can be sown both in spring and before winter. In any case, you will get a whole clearing of beautiful bright “butterflies”.

Autumn sowing

It is preferable because for Escholzia they are imitated natural conditions. During the winter, the seeds undergo natural stratification, which gives almost one hundred percent germination. Another plus is the earlier onset of flowering. Eschscholzia, planted in the fall, blooms already in May.

Seeds are sown in prepared furrows and pressed slightly into the soil. It is recommended to cover the top of the crops with a layer of mulch, which will prevent the soil from hardening and preventing seed germination. Sowing should be done in October, after it gets colder. Otherwise, the seeds may germinate in the fall. And the seedlings, naturally, will die with the onset of frost.

It is better to sow the seeds immediately in a permanent place, since Eschscholzia does not tolerate transplantation very well.

To prevent the seeds from freezing during severe frosts, they need to be covered special material or just a thick layer of fallen leaves.

Spring sowing of eschsolzia

If you decide to plant flowers in the spring, prepare planting material. To do this, the seeds must be placed in a bag and placed in the refrigerator - on the lowest shelf. Here they should be stored until sowing into the ground.

Usually the seeds are sown in April, when it is warm and the earth has warmed up at least a little. Planting material is placed in furrows in a permanent habitat and lightly sprinkled with sand. After this planting, it is necessary to water and mulch with peat. Shoots appear within 11-16 days.

Growing seedlings

Although Eschscholzia does not tolerate transplantation well, some gardeners grow it with seedlings

Despite the fact that Eschscholzia does not tolerate transplantation very well, some gardeners grow it seedling method. To avoid damaging the tap root system, the seeds are sown in peat tablets.

Each tablet must be placed in a separate a plastic cup and fill with water. Leave for a while so that the liquid is absorbed into the peat, then pour out the rest. Place 1-2 seeds in each tablet using a match or toothpick. Sprinkle lightly on top peat soil and spray with water from a sprayer.

When sprouts appear (after about 11-13 days), the glass or film must be removed immediately. The seedlings must be kept in a cool (up to 19-21°) place in bright light. Seedlings should be watered moderately, only after the top layer of peat has dried. 12-15 days after the seedlings appear, they are fed with a special complex of minerals for seedlings.

They begin to harden the seedlings 18-20 days before transplanting them outside. The seedlings need to be replanted together with the tablet, without disturbing the roots.

Planting Eschscholzia in open ground

Wormwood can withstand frosts down to -5°, so it can be planted outside as early as April. The plant does not like dense and poor soil and does not tolerate an acidic environment. You can reduce the acidity of the soil by adding wood ash or dolomite flour (180-240 g per square meter land).

Plants are placed according to a 30x40 cm pattern, as they are quite spreading. In order for Eschscholzia flowers to show themselves in their full glory, they need to be planted in a very sunny area.

The inflorescences open only in bright sun. When in the shade or on a cloudy day, the flowers remain closed.

Eschscholzia seedlings are planted in the ground along with peat tablet into pre-prepared holes, drop them in and lightly compact the area around.

Caring for the Eschscholzia plant in open ground

Before flowering, Eschscholzia can be fed with a mixture of phosphorus.

The unpretentious Eschscholzia requires minimal attention and care. It should be watered exclusively during drought, pouring water at the root, trying not to get on the inflorescences. Watering should be done in the evening, shortly before sunset.

Before flowering, the plant can be fed with a mixture of phosphorus and potassium with nitrogen. This will increase the flowering period and stimulate the abundant formation of inflorescences. Organic fertilizers cannot be used, as this may destroy the Eschscholzia.

To improve oxygen access to the roots, you can periodically loosen the soil around the plants. Trimming dead flowers and removing seed pods will prolong flowering time and improve the appearance of Eschscholzia.

Pests, diseases and plant care during this period

Wormwood is surprisingly resistant to various diseases. He can only be hit root rot with constant soil dampness. The plant loses turgor and remains lethargic after watering. If you dig it up, you can see a gray coating on the roots and brown spots of rot. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to get rid of the most affected bushes, and reduce watering for the rest and treat the soil with fungicides (Rovral, Previkur, Bordeaux mixture, Fundazol, Skor, copper sulfate).

The ubiquitous aphid also does not ignore Eschscholzia. Plants may be attacked by the beet variety, which is black, green or brown in color. Most modern insecticides can be used against it, for example, Iskra, Karate, Fas, Biotlin, Hostakvik, Actellik.

The healing properties of eschsolzia

Eschscholzia is not only a beautiful plant but is also used in medicine

The Indians living in America were well aware of the beneficial qualities of eschsolzia and actively used it against various diseases. To relieve toothache, they used all above-ground parts; a decoction of the petals helped get rid of lice. The pollen collected by women helped them maintain freshness and elasticity of their skin.

Eschscholzia extract is still used in traditional medicine and is included in some medicines. The analgesic and calming effect of the flower against the backdrop of complete safety allows it to be used even in pediatrics as a sedative with mild properties.

When to start collecting seeds

If you plan to grow eschscholzia next year in the old place, you don’t have to collect the seeds at all, because the plant reproduces well by self-sowing. You will still have to pull through the plantings, removing a bunch of extra shoots.

Seeds should only be collected to move the escholzia to another area. The operation can be carried out during the entire flowering period. The easiest way is to hang small linen bags on dried inflorescences and wait until the fruit ripens, opens, and the seeds spill out. It is recommended to spread the finished planting material on cloth and dry it a little. You need to store the seeds in the bottom of the refrigerator until spring. Germination period is up to 3 years.

It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with the video material about the eschscholzia plant, we wish you pleasant viewing.

Preparing for winter

Eschsholzia is unable to survive winter frosts, therefore grown as an annual. When they come autumn cold, the plant dies. All you need to do is cut off the above-ground parts and dispose of them.

Trembling and romantic Eschscholzia - growing from seeds and caring for it unpretentious plant will be a great pleasure for flower growers. Delicate inflorescences that ripen to replace each other, a rich palette, a variety of textures - all this Eschscholzia is a real decoration of flower beds and lawns.

What does Eschscholzia look like?

California poppy, as this unusually tender and beautiful flower, is a herbaceous perennial bush. The plant reaches a height of 50 cm, has numerous shoots and small bluish-green leaves with a waxy coating. From the description of Eschsolzia it is difficult to imagine all its beauty. Flowers that look like fluttering butterflies can be colored various colors– white, red, pink, yellow, orange, cream, the diameter of the open bud can vary from 4 to 8 cm.

How does eschscholzia bloom?

Flowers open only in clear sunny weather, in rainy, cloudy and at night - the petals close, the lifespan of one bud is 3-4 days, then new ones grow and bloom to replace it. With proper care, the eschscholzia bush can bring joy abundant flowering all summer and half of autumn, until the first frost. To do this, you need to promptly remove faded flowers and the fruitful seed pods that have formed in their place.

Eschsolzia - views

This amazingly beautiful plant came to Europe from North America. There, in 1816, naturalist Johann Friedrich von Eschsholtz first collected California poppy seeds. In his honor, the plant received its second name - eschscholzia. In our homeland, even in those days, there were about 12 species of Eschscholzia; in our country, only three became widespread - Californian, Soddy and Lobba Eschscholzia. But since science does not stand still, today Eschscholzia in the garden can be full of unconventional shades and show off with double and ordinary petals.

Eschscholzia terry

Breeders have developed many hybrids of this flower. But among the numerous varieties of Eschscholzia, flower growers especially loved the double species. They seduce with large silky petals of various colors - white, cream, carmine, pink, have petals that are corrugated or smooth along the outer edge, and depending on the variety - different flowering periods, shapes and sizes. Like its fellow terry eschscholzia, growing from seeds and caring for it does not require much time and effort. The plant is not whimsical, tolerates drought well, and reproduces by self-sowing.

Eschsolzia Ballerina

One of the types of Californian Eschsolzia - Eschsolzia Ballerina will decorate the flower beds, alpine coaster and lawns. The flowers of this variety are distinguished by a delicate salmon color, large diameter, semi-double petals, corrugated along the edge. Eschscholzia Ballerina bushes are very beautiful, growing up to 40 cm in length. Ballerina seeds are often mixed with other hybrids - the result is bright, truly summer plantings.

Eschsolzia Orange King

A royal flower with an ordinary disposition, unpretentious to living conditions, cold-resistant, tolerates frosts down to -5°C, and its flowering period is 120-150 days. This variety of Eschscholzia has an orange color - bright and rich, flowers reach 5-6 cm in diameter, double and simple petals in quantities of 4 to 15 pieces, strongly corrugated, without a characteristic aroma. The orange king combines well with other colors, creating magnificent compositions in flower beds, balconies, and flower beds.

Eschsolzia Mirage

The perennial Eschscholzia Mirage will be a real decoration of a flowerbed or rocky hill. This variety is represented by a rich color scheme. Alternately changing each other, white, pink, lilac, yellow inflorescences delight the eye from June to October. The flowers reach a diameter of 5 cm and can have either a smooth or silky texture. Mirage loves light and well-drained soil and does not require additional frequent watering.

Eschscholzia Apple blossom

Very beautiful delicate flower- Eschscholzia Apple tree flower. This variety is considered the most popular among flower growers and summer residents. Apple blossoms resemble the flowers of a fruit-bearing tree, only they are larger in size; when opened, the diameter of the flower reaches 5 cm. The inflorescences have a soft pink color, a densely double texture and petals with corrugated edges. This type of Eschscholzia is also easy to care for.

Eschsolzia Thai silk

When answering the question of what Escholzia Thai silk looks like, it is difficult to give an unambiguous description. This variety is replete with rich warm shades, forms a lush bush about 50 cm high, and boasts beautiful openwork foliage that shimmers in the sun. Thai silk flowers reach a diameter of 7 cm, begin to bloom in early summer, and right up until mid-autumn they delight the eye with their abundant flowering.

Unlike its artificially bred counterparts, Californian Eschscholzia is considered. Once you sow it in a flowerbed, you can safely expect that next year shoots will begin to appear with the first warmth. Externally, the inflorescences resemble wild poppies, with the only difference being that their colors can vary from white to deep red. Eschscholzia flowers - growing them in summer cottages and garden plots - is not a painstaking task, since the plant is not picky and does not require frequent watering and regular feeding.

How to plant Eschscholzia seeds?

Due to the peculiarities of the root system of the eschscholzia flower, it is planted only with seeds. You can sow them in open ground in spring or autumn. The practice of growing Eschscholzia seedlings is common only among experienced flower growers, who use ready-made sprouts to make decorative floral designs. The process of growing Eschscholzia seedlings from seeds is labor-intensive, its algorithm is something like this:

  • Initially, the seeds need to be soaked and treated with growth stimulants and fungicides;
  • after that, place tableted peat pots in a container with water;
  • then the tablets must be removed from the water and two seeds placed in each;
  • after this, the seeds need to be sprinkled with peat and sprinkled with water;
  • put the finished tablets in a dry container, which is covered with film or glass;
  • place the container in a cool, well-lit place;
  • as necessary, the tablets need to be watered, only in moderation, since Eschscholzia will not tolerate an excess of moisture;
  • After approximately two weeks, the seedlings in the tablets will begin to sprout, after which the container must be opened;
  • at this stage, you can start hardening the seedlings; for this, the seedlings should be periodically taken out to a cold place where the temperature drops to -5°C;
  • when planting, the seedling is transferred to the hole along with a peat tablet;
  • The soil in the flower bed where the Eschscholzia seedlings will be planted also requires preliminary preparation. Three weeks before planting, the area must be dug up; immediately before moving, holes should be made at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

When to plant Eschscholzia in open ground?

Growing an eschscholzia flower from seeds on unprotected soil, due to the unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness of the plant, is considered the best option for beginner flower growers. Eschscholzia can be sowed in open ground under the first snow and covered with a thick layer of leaves; it can be planted in the spring - in April. For flowers, it is better to choose areas unprotected from sunlight, with sandy crumbly soil that is weak. Before planting, you need to dig up the soil and make furrows. It is better to sow seeds together with sand.

Before landing you need to make preliminary preparation the Eschscholzia seeds themselves. Planting material collected in the fall should be stored in refrigerators, so it undergoes natural stratification. Strong, hardened seedlings can be obtained in the spring if you sow the seeds in the fall. But it is worth remembering that too cold winter Eschscholzia may not tolerate it, so crops need to be carefully mulched with fallen leaves.

Eschszolzia cultivation and care

Eschscholzia garden flowers do not require special care. In order for the plant to please the eye with its abundant flowering all summer, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Flowers planted in a sunny area should be watered regularly, but not too much. For good health, the plant only needs a small amount of water in the evenings;
  • fertilizing with mineral phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will benefit Eschscholzia; it is better to fertilize the soil before the flowering stage begins;
  • Pests are not averse to eating eschscholzia, so the plant needs to be sprayed. At the beginning of summer, bean aphids may covet flowers, and on hot days in the middle of the season -. Pest control should be carried out with systemic drugs in a timely manner;
  • The plant can get sick from excess moisture when the rhizome begins to rot. In such cases, watering should be stopped; it is also inappropriate in rainy summers.
  • involves caring for the plant by mulching and loosening the soil;
  • seedlings of Eschscholzia flowers, grown from seeds that were produced in the spring, need thinning;
  • For abundant and long-lasting flowering, faded flowers must be removed from the bush.