We choose the best varieties of cherry plum. Cherry plum: varieties for central Russia

Cherry plum in natural conditions is typical for the southern regions: Crimea, North Caucasus, Central Asia. This garden culture has long been known for its juicy fruits of bright color and rich taste. Thanks to the intensive work of breeders, today varieties have been bred for growing cherry plum also in the North-Western and Central regions of Russia, including in the Moscow region.

The best varieties of cherry plum for the Moscow region

Cherry plum is highly valued in the human diet for its healthy, tasty fruits, which also have medicinal properties. And if in the south cherry plum grows without any problems, then in the Moscow region, with its unfavorable climatic conditions, it is quite difficult to grow ordinary varieties of this crop. In spring, due to cold, rainy weather, cherry plum flowers are poorly pollinated, and severe frosts in winter can damage flower buds and young shoots. In order to grow this heat-loving crop in the middle zone, it became necessary to develop zoned varieties with high winter hardiness and early fruit ripening, as well as resistance to major diseases stone fruits. As a result of breeding work, cherry plum varieties were obtained for cultivation in the Central region, which includes the Moscow region.

Video: review of cherry plum varieties for the middle zone

To get rid of the negative qualities of varieties and strengthen them best properties, breeders use multiple crosses between different types of plums. In the early 90s of the last century, Russian scientist, academician G.V. During the selection process, Eremin developed a new variety of cherry plum by crossing fungal-resistant Chinese plum and winter-hardy Ussuri plum with hybrids of southern cherry plum. The new promising crop is called “Russian plum” or hybrid cherry plum. In the conditions of the Moscow region, varieties of this cherry plum showed quite high winter hardiness, good quality large, very tasty fruits and the yield is higher than that of ordinary plums.

Self-fertile varieties

Most cherry plum varieties grown in the Moscow region are self-sterile. This means that for their high-quality pollination and fruit setting, the presence of other varieties of cherry plum or plum is necessary. However, in some species, flowers have the ability to self-pollinate; such a culture is called self-fertile. The names and characteristics of self-fertile varieties are given in the table. In addition to these varieties, the local folk selection variety Tulskaya and cherry plum Eyachnaya blue (selection VSTISP) are self-fertile. It should be noted that cherry plum Utro has a high degree of self-fertility and does not require additional pollination. The Kuban Comet variety is partially self-fertile and needs pollinating trees. Vladimir Comet and Blue Gift are self-fertile varieties, but their self-fertility is quite conditional. If the weather is warm, dry during flowering, cherry plum flowers can be pollinated by their own pollen. This is also facilitated by the early departure of pollinating insects: bees, bumblebees, wasps. But to guarantee pollination and fertilization in any weather conditions, it is recommended to plant several varieties of cherry plum nearby (usually two or three, suitable for flowering dates, are enough).

Table: characteristics and main features of self-fertile cherry plum varieties

Variety name Kuban comet Morning Blue Gift Vladimir comet
The variety was bred in: Crimean experimental
breeding station
All-Russian Research Institute
plant growing named after
N.I. Vavilova

and nursery
Selection and Technology Institute
and nursery
Suzdal (Vladimir)
Variety testing
Parent couple Chinese plum
Red early ripening
x French variety Renclaude Ullensa
Ochakovskaya black
x Memory of Timiryazev
In the State Register
not registered.
Open pollinated seedling
hybrid variety of Ussuri plum Red Ball
Growing region Northwestern, Central,
North Caucasian,
Central Central Central
Fruit ripening period Early,
end of July -
early August
Middle, first ten days of August Middle, second
ten days of August
Early, mid - late July
Characteristics of wood Low-growing with a sparse crown Medium height with
thick crown
Medium height, crown
medium thickness
Medium height with sparse crown
Fruit coloring Intense pink, burgundy Greenish-yellow, with pink blush and
with a waxy coating
Dark purple, with a strong waxy coating Dark pink, burgundy,
with a waxy coating
Fruit weight 29–35 g 25–32 g 14–17 g 20–40 g
Productivity per tree High (25–40 kg), regular Average (20–22 kg), almost regular Medium (13–14 kg), regular High (35–40 kg), regular
Taste of fruits Subtle sweet and sour, with
subtle aroma
Pleasant sour-sweet Sweet and sour, regular,
with medium aroma
Pleasant sweet and sour, without a pronounced aroma
Separability of the stone from the pulp Separates poorly Separates easily Separates Separates
Winter hardiness Average Average Average, at flower buds - increased Very high
Disease resistance Complex resistant
main fungal diseases. Moderately resistant to hole spotting,
fruit rot
Resistant to major
fungal diseases
and pests
Average resistance to klyasterosporiosis,
fruit rot
Complex resistant
main fungal diseases
Self-fertility Partially self-fertile High degree of self-fertility Self-fertile Self-fertile
The best pollinating varieties Mara, Traveler,
Gift to St. Petersburg, Pchelnikovskaya
- Kuban comet,
St. Petersburg
Gift to St. Petersburg, Pchelnikovskaya,
Fruit shedding Does not crumble for a long time
when ripe
Doesn't crumble Doesn't crumble When overripe it crumbles

Hybrid cherry plum can be pollinated by all types of plums, except home plum and sloe plum.

Video: cherry plum variety Kuban Comet

Kuban Comet, unlike many varieties of plums, adapts well to different climatic conditions and is completely unpretentious to soils. It is also characterized by good resistance to moniliosis, clasterosporiosis, and wood bacteriosis. The pit, which is difficult to separate from the pulp, is perhaps the only drawback of this variety.

The Vladimir Comet variety is distinguished by its large fruit size and very high winter hardiness.

The cherry plum Vladimirskaya comet, against the general background of varieties, is especially distinguished by its self-fertility, very high degree winter hardiness and resistance to major fungal infections. The disadvantage is the strong shedding of fruits after full ripening.

Cherry plum variety Kolonnovidnaya

To improve the taste and resistance of trees to fungal diseases when carrying out breeding work The selection involves the most promising varieties of cherry plums and damsons, as well as hybrids of plums and cherries. So, as a result of using the Gayovat cherry plum, the hybrid cherry plum variety Kolonnovidnaya was obtained.

The new variety was bred by breeders of the Crimean OSS VNIIR named after. N.I. Vavilov by crossing wild cherry plum and cherry plum seedling. The tree, from two to three meters high, has the shape of a column, with a crown diameter of 1–1.2 m. Rare branches extend from the trunk at an acute angle and grow along it.

An interesting feature of this variety is great amount flower buds (rings), which are formed not only on the branches, but also on the trunk - on short processes called spears.

In this case, the tree trunk is mainly loaded with fruits, due to which the role of lateral branches is insignificant. The trunk has strong, rigid wood and does not bend under the weight of the harvest. The fruits of the cherry plum are large, weighing 50–70 g, evenly distributed along the entire height of the trunk, starting from 0.5 m from the ground. The color of the fruit is from purple to dark burgundy, with a slight coating of pruin (fruit wax). The taste of cherry plum is dessert, sweet, slightly sour. The variety is a mid-late variety; the harvest ripens in early August.

Video: Columnar cherry plum

The compact size of the crown makes it possible to plant many more trees on the site, and the sparse arrangement of branches makes it possible to effectively process the tree during the care process and makes it convenient to collect fruits.

A variety of columnar cherry plum is the Kolonnovidnaya-2 variety. These are tall (up to six meters tall) trees late date ripening, with fruits of dark red color with a whitish coating. The fruits of this variety are smaller than those of Kolonnovidnaya, the weight of each is about 35 g, the taste of the fruit is usual - sweet and sour. Unlike Columnar, the stone is easily separated from the pulp of the fruit.

Both columnar-shaped cherry plum varieties are known as excellent pollinator donors for most hybrid varieties of Chinese and Ussuri plums.

The columnar cherry plum is characterized by qualities that distinguish it favorably in comparison with other plum varieties:

  1. High degree of winter hardiness of flower buds due to the length of the growing season.
  2. The trees tolerate winter cold well and do not freeze at temperatures down to -28 º C. If a tree is damaged by severe frost, it quickly recovers and continues to grow and develop normally.
  3. The variety is resistant to most fungal and viral diseases stone fruit crops.
  4. The high taste qualities and good transportability of the fruits make it possible to use them in a variety of ways: fresh, freezing and various types of processing.
  5. Unpretentiousness in care and drought resistance make this variety indispensable when grown on various types of soil and in any conditions.
Columnar fruits grow directly on the trunk, have a spectacular color and a wonderful taste. A thin waxy coating on the fruit allows them to be transported without losing their presentation.

Both varieties of columnar cherry plum are not self-pollinating. For their pollination, the optimal varieties are late-flowering Mara, Pchelnikovskaya, Podarok St. Petersburg.

Winter-hardy and frost-resistant varieties

The winter hardiness of the variety is one of the determining factors when growing cherry plum in the Moscow region. And you should definitely pay attention to it, because... In spring, late frosts can cause flower buds and ovaries to freeze. The following varieties have the best indicators of cold resistance: Vladimirskaya Cometa, Podarok St. Petersburg, Ariadna, Anastasia, Nesmeyana, Cleopatra. Winter-hardy varieties of cherry plum are obtained mainly by crossing hybrid cherry plum with a related species - Chinese plum, the wood of which can withstand temperatures down to -50 º C.

Table: main features and characteristics of frost- and winter-hardy cherry plum varieties

Gift St.
Nesmeyana Ariadne Cleopatra
The variety was bred in: Pavlovskaya experimental
VNIIR station
them. N.I. Vavilova,
Saint Petersburg
agricultural academy
them. K.A. Timiryazeva
agricultural academy
them. K.A. Timiryazeva
agricultural academy
them. K.A. Timiryazeva
Parent couple Chinese plum
Skoroplodny x cherry plum Pioneer
Seedling free
pollination hybrid
cherry plum Kuban comet
Chinese plum
Precocious cherry plum
Seedling free
pollination hybrid
cherry plum Kuban comet
Growing region Northwestern, Central Central Central Central
Fruit ripening period Mid-early,
mid to late August
early-mid August
early-mid August
Late, end of August
Characteristics of wood Medium height,
with a dense crown
crown of medium density
Medium height,
crown of medium density
Medium height,
with a sparse crown
Fruit coloring Bright, yellow-orange Ruby red
with a slight touch
Crimson red,
with a waxy coating
Dark purple,
with a strong
waxy coating
Fruit weight 12–20 g 30–35 g 30–32 g 35–40 g
Productivity with
one tree
High (27–60 kg), regular Above average (30–35 kg), regular Medium (25–30 kg), regular
Taste of fruits Harmonious
sweet and sour,
with a delicate aroma
Pleasant sweet and sour, juicy Sweet and sour, harmonious Sweet and sour, dessert,
with fruity aroma
bones from the pulp
Separates poorly Separates easily Separates poorly Separates poorly
Winter hardiness High High High High
Disease resistance Moderately resistant to
highly resistant to
cleasterosporia leaf blight.
Resistant to aphids and winter moth
Moderately resistant to
fungal diseases
Moderately resistant to
viral diseases
Moderately resistant to
fungal diseases
Self-fertility Self-sterile Self-sterile Self-sterile Self-sterile
The best pollinating varieties Pavlovskaya Yellow, Nesmeyana,
Varieties of common cherry plum
and Chinese plum
Varieties of common cherry plum
and Chinese plum
Mara, Gift
St. Petersburg, Pchelnikovskaya
Shatterability When fully ripe it crumbles Doesn't crumble Doesn't crumble Doesn't crumble

Photo gallery: fruiting of cherry plum varieties with increased winter hardiness

One of the best and most sought after varieties due to its winter hardiness, high productivity and excellent quality of large, juicy fruits
Trees of this variety have a unique ability to very quickly restore the vegetative system after mechanical damage

Early varieties

The earliest cherry plum varieties can be characterized as Zlato Scythians and Timiryazevskaya. These varieties, despite a number of differences, have much in common:

  • both varieties were bred at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev;
  • hybrids are the result of free pollination of the Kuban Comet seedling and are recommended for cultivation in the Moscow region;
  • the height of mature trees does not exceed three meters;
  • both varieties of cherry plum are early ripening and have large fruits weighing from 25 to 40 g;
  • fruiting is regular, the average yield is 25–30 kg of fruit per tree;
  • trees are not capable of self-pollination and need donor pollinators; the best pollinators for these varieties are the hybrids Pavlovskaya yellow, Traveler, Podarok St. Petersburg;
  • Both varieties have a high degree of winter hardiness and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Cherry plum trees Zlato Scythians look very decorative during the ripening period of the harvest

Hybrid variety Scythian gold opens the cherry plum season in the garden. At the end of June and beginning of July, the trees present a magnificent sight: the branches are literally covered with clusters of large juicy fruits, with a unique aroma and amazing sweet taste. The Scythian cherry plum stands out for its color - against the background of dense greenery, amber-yellow fruits sparkle like precious coins.

Large fruits of unusual color are " business card» varieties Timiryazevskaya

Trees of the Timiryazevskaya variety attract attention due to their fruits with a smooth, seemingly polished burgundy-colored surface and light pink sides. The sweet and sour, refreshing taste of this cherry plum makes it very popular at the beginning of summer, when most fruit trees The fruits are just beginning to set.

The main differences between early varieties are as follows:

  1. In Timiryazevskaya, the stone is difficult to separate from the pulp, while in Zlata Scythians it is easily separated.
  2. Timiryazevskaya has good resistance to major fungal diseases, Zlato Scythians has average resistance.

Video: a little about the beneficial properties of cherry plum

Cherry plum varieties for Belarus. Varieties described different periods maturation, their characteristics, the best pollinators. The advantages and disadvantages of each variety are considered

Early ripening cherry plum varieties for Belarus





Cherry plum varieties for Belarus with medium ripening period





Cherry plum varieties for Belarus with medium-late ripening


Late ripening varieties of cherry plum for Belarus


Early ripening cherry plum varieties


Tree fast growing, with a rounded, raised crown.

Biological features: Self-sterile. The best pollinators are varieties Mara and Vitba.

Fruit average size(average weight - 25 g), round in shape, dark red with numerous large, clearly visible subcutaneous dots. The stone is small, fused with the pulp.

Pulp yellow, very juicy, pleasant sweet taste, with a strong aroma, tasting score - 4.2 points.

Consumption period: first half of August.



Tree low-growing, with a round-oval sparse crown.

Biological features: Partially self-fertile.

Fruit large (average weight 30 g), oval. The skin is smooth. Color ranges from dark pink to burgundy. Bone small size, elongated, separated from the pulp. Pulp burgundy, very juicy, sweet taste, with a very pleasant aroma.

Consumption period: first ten days of August.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, early-fruiting and high-yielding.


Tree medium vigor, round-pyramidal crown, medium density.

Biological features:

Fruit large (average weight - 36 g), round. The abdominal suture is deep. The main and top color of the skin is yellow. The stone is small and easily separated from the pulp. Pulp yellow, tender, very juicy, with a caramel aroma. The taste is sweet and sour. Consumption period: end of July – beginning of August.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, productive, resistant to cluster blight, caramel aroma.


Tree fast-growing, vigorous, with a round-spreading, medium-density or sparse crown.

Biological features: Self-sterile.

Fruit medium size, 25-28 g, round. The ventral suture is moderately pronounced. The skin is bright red with a faint waxy coating. The skin is thick and dense. The peduncle is short. The bone is large.

Pulp juicy, yellow, aromatic. The taste is sweet and sour, good.

Consumption period: August.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, high-yielding.
Relatively resistant to disease. Fruits of universal use.

Medium ripening cherry plum varieties


Tree low-growing, with a round, spreading crown.

Biological features: Self-sterile. The best pollinators are the Mara and Asaloda varieties.

Fruit medium size (average weight - 25 g), round in shape. The main color is yellow, the cover color is pink. The stone is small and easily separated from the pulp.

Pulp orange, loose, very juicy, pleasant sweet taste, tasting score - 4.2 points.

Consumption period: first half of August.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, productive, and highly resistant to cluster blight.


Tree medium-sized with a flat-round crown of medium density.

Biological features: Self-sterile. The best pollinators are Mara, the Traveler. Fruit quite large (26-30 g), do not fall off the tree until full maturity. The skin is shiny, brown-red in color, the subcutaneous points are barely noticeable, the waxy coating is weak. Pulp yellow, fibrous, juicy, sweet and sour taste with a faint pleasant aroma.

Consumption period: August.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, productive, resistant to moniliosis, relatively resistant to klyasterosporiosis.
Fruits of universal use.


Tree fast-growing, with a spreading, sparse crown. Biological features: Self-sterile. The best pollinators are the Mara and Asaloda varieties.

Fruit large (average weight - 30 g), rounded oval shape. The color of the fruit is dark purple, almost black, there are many subcutaneous spots, gray. The stone is small and easily separated from the pulp.

Pulp dark red, juicy, fibrous, pleasant sweet and sour taste. Juice dark red. Tasting score – 4.4 points. Consumption period: August.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, productive, and moderately resistant to cluster blight.


Tree fast-growing, with a round, spreading crown. Biological features: Self-sterile. The best pollinators are the varieties Mara, Asaloda, Vitba.

Fruit large (average weight - 30 g), ovoid, dark red with numerous large, clearly visible subcutaneous dots and a waxy coating. A medium-sized stone, half-fused with the pulp.

Pulp yellow, loose, very juicy, pleasant sour-sweet taste, tasting score - 4.3 points.

Consumption period: August.

Advantage: Variety winter-hardy, productive, highly resistant to cluster blight.

Cherry plum varieties of medium-late ripening


Tree low-growing, the crown is flat-rounded, drooping, of medium density.

very large(average weight - 45 g), round. The skin is light green, pure yellow when ripe. Bone
medium size, does not separate from the pulp.

Pulp yellow, medium density, Very juicy, aromatic. The taste is sweet and sour, tasting score - 4.5 points.

Consumption period: end of August.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, productive, and resistant to cluster blight.

Late ripening cherry plum varieties


Tree fast-growing, vigorous, with a round, spreading crown.

Biological features: Self-sterile. The best pollinators are the Vitba and Asaloda varieties.

Fruit medium size (average weight - 25 g), round in shape. The main color is bright yellow. A medium-sized stone fused with pulp.

Pulp yellow, very juicy, pleasant sour-sweet taste, tasting score - 4.0 points.

Consumption period: September.

Dignity: The variety is winter-hardy, productive, and highly resistant to cluster blight.

Material prepared by: horticulture specialist Buinovsky O.I.

Cherry plum is a real Cinderella in the garden. She is usually the last thing people remember. But without it, compote is not compote, and it is indispensable for twists for the winter. You just need to find a good variety. And the cherry plum has a few of them.

Take at least Kuban comet. There is not a single gardener who would speak poorly of this variety. The Kuban comet is so productive that even from one tree so many fruits ripen that there is a problem with their sales.

The fruits are oval, large (up to 40 g or more), of blue color, but simple in taste, the flesh is yellow. The bone is difficult to separate. By mid-July you can harvest. Today this is the most common variety of cherry plum.

Less popular variety Angelina. It has round fruits, but smaller in size than the Kuban Comet, and the yield is lower. But the fruits are so dense that they are easily transported over long distances. Besides, Angelina can be stored longer than all other varieties of cherry plum. Its fruits can last up to three months.

In general, this is a problem-free variety, suitable for both food and sale.

A special place in the garden should be given to cherry plum globe. It was obtained by crossing the Obilnaya variety with a hybrid of cherry plum and apricot. The result was a cherry plum with fruits of record sizes - 100 g each. However, when fruiting is too abundant, the fruits become smaller to 50-60 g.

Fruiting is annual and very good. The harvest ripens by mid-August. The skin color is dark blue, almost black, the flesh is yellow, with an excellent dessert taste. The trees are disease resistant but self-sterile. Therefore, it is useful to graft a couple more varieties into the crown. Trees grow vigorously and therefore require regular pruning. The variety is slightly winter-hardy, therefore it is zoned only according to North Caucasus.


By the way, some scientists classify these varieties of cherry plum as a new species - Russian plum. The new crop has several characteristics that allow it to displace ordinary cherry plums and plums from gardens.

Namely, amazing yield, large fruit sizes - in some varieties up to 100 g. The taste of the best varieties is not only not inferior to ordinary plums, but even superior to them. More than 60-80 kg are collected from each tree. Plants begin to bear fruit in 2-3 years.

For lovers of yellow cherry plum, we can recommend the variety Huck. It was obtained by crossing a Chinese plum with a variety An excellent pupil. The variety is very productive and bears fruit abundantly every year. Huck's fruits are large (up to 35-40 g), the pulp has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

One of the disadvantages is the large stone, which is difficult to separate from the pulp. The frost resistance of the plants is not bad, but still the variety is zoned only in the North Caucasus.

One of the purposes of obtaining new culture there was also the advancement of culture to the north, which was accomplished. Some varieties grow well and bear fruit not only in central regions, but also further north. Important advantage and timing of ripening. In the Hybrid plum they last for 2-2.5 months: from July to September. That is, after the cherry and before the plum begins to bear fruit.

Just recently, growing cherry plum in places with a changeable climate seemed just a myth, but now it is not only possible, but also necessary. Has the highest frost resistance variety Seedling Rocket, and the most large fruits cherry plum tent. Early, ready for harvesting at the end of July - beginning of August: Vetraz, Monomakh, Nesmeyana. Medium, ripening by the beginning - mid-August: Kuban Comet, Chuk, Anastasia, Sarmatka, Karminnaya Zhukova, Apricot, Late Comet, Peach. Experienced gardeners recommended to grow in the Moscow region varieties Zlato Scythians, Skoroplodnaya, Mara and Kolonovidnaya. A description of the best varieties of cherry plum or Russian plum can be found below.

The taste of many fruits depends on the size of the fruit, the same applies to cherry plum. Large-fruited varieties are very popular, the best of them are considered:


Tree vertically challenged, quickly reaches the required height and begins to bear fruit within 4-5 years of life. The crown is round, dense, and grows downward. The fruits are large in size, their weight can reach 40 grams. The pulp is sweet and sour, yellow in color; such fruits can be eaten fresh and used for preparations. The average yield of one tree is 35 kilograms. The ripening period is early, frost resistance is high, in addition winter cold kidneys also tolerate spring frosts. The disadvantages include self-sterility and average resistance to lack of moisture.


The variety has a medium ripening period, the tree grows to medium size, the crown is dense, round, slightly flat. Fruit weight reaches 35-37 grams, the flesh is rich yellow in color, the taste is pleasant, refreshing, sweet and sour. A tree can bear its first harvest as early as 3 years old, and after some time it will be possible to collect up to 40 kilograms of delicious fruits from one tree. The variety tolerates both winter and spring temperature changes well, and its drought resistance is average. Pollination occurs with the help of other varieties that bloom during the same period as Naydena.


A variety that bears fruit in medium terms. The tree grows very quickly, but at the same time reaches an average height, the crown is dense, slightly drooping, rounded. The fruits weigh up to 35 grams, the color of the pulp is dark yellow, the taste is sweet and sour, the seed is difficult to separate. The purpose of this cherry plum allows it to be consumed in any form. The winter hardiness of the variety is good, the same applies to the yield, which pleases with its high stability. Pollination is cross-pollination with other trees growing near the cherry plum.


The fruits of this variety are smaller in size than other varieties and weigh only 25-30 grams, but the distinctive feature will be excellent taste, juiciness and easy pitting. Also, this cherry plum has unusual shape, reminiscent of Monomakh's hat and rich, purple peel. The harvest ripens early, the tree bears fruit annually and in large quantities.

The most frost-resistant cherry plum varieties for the central and middle zones

To grow cherry plum in Central Russia, you need to pay close attention to the frost resistance of the variety. Trees must not only survive winter cold well, but also spring frosts, because main threat unstable climate lies precisely in them. The varieties have the best performance: Tsarskaya, Seedling Rocket, Vladimir Comet and others.

Gift to St. Petersburg

The variety is characterized by good resistance not only to cold, but to unstable climatic conditions, heavy rainfall and frost. Medium-sized tree with a wide, dense crown large sizes, bears the first fruits already in the 4th year of life. Productivity is annual. The fruits are light orange in color, slightly elongated in shape and weigh only 20 grams.. The taste is sweet and sour; the fruits also tolerate transportation well and can be used for various types conservation.

Vladimir comet

This variety was bred relatively recently, but in all respects it already surpasses many older subspecies. A medium-sized tree has a wide but at the same time sparse crown. Fruit large sizes, round-oval in shape with a pointed end, burgundy skin color, with a light waxy coating. The pulp is a rich, dark orange color with a sweet and sour taste. The purpose of such cherry plum is universal. The tree quickly begins to bear fruit and also quickly increases its yield; ripe cherry plum can be harvested as early as mid-July. Frost resistance is very high, the same applies to the self-fertility of the variety.

Rocket Seedling

The variety is exceptionally frost-resistant; a medium-sized tree can withstand frosts down to -35 degrees. The crown of the tree is dense and spreading. The fruits are large, grow up to 30 grams, red in color, round in shape with pointed ends. The productivity of the variety is at the highest level.


The variety got its name in honor of the scientific institute where it was bred. The tree grows to a height of no more than 3 meters, the crown is spreading, its shape resembles a cone, the foliage is very sparse. The fruits are small, egg-shaped, covered with a thin skin of light red color. The pulp is very tasty and juicy, loose, fibrous, the stone is separated without difficulty. You can collect up to 30 kilograms of fruit from one tree, while it does not require complex care, tolerates frost well and is not affected by fungal diseases.

Self-fertile varieties of Russian plum

It is extremely inconvenient to grow cherry plum varieties that require additional pollination. This creates unnecessary hassle or you have to plant several varieties of the same crop in one area, which is extremely inconvenient for small farms and those gardeners who want to collect a variety of fruits. The following self-fertile varieties have proven themselves best::

Kuban comet

Perfectly suited for cultivation on subsidiary farms; the tree of short stature annually produces bountiful harvests up to 40 kilograms. Fruits with reddish, ruddy skin and yellow flesh weigh up to 28 grams, taste kilo-sweet, suitable for fresh consumption and for various types of processing. The seeds are very difficult to separate. The variety does not require additional pollination; both wood and flower buds. The tree requires timely watering.


Acts as a pollinator for other varieties, but at the same time annually brings a harvest of up to 40 kilograms. A tree of medium height with an ordinary crown begins to bear fruit at the 3rd year of life, the ripening period is average. The fruits of the Traveler can reach a weight of 30 grams, the flesh is dark yellow in color, this variety is characterized by a slight banana flavor. Frost resistance is high, as is drought resistance.


A self-fertile variety ideal for growing in middle zone Russia, tolerates frost well and is immune to many diseases. A tree that grows up to 2-3 meters has a beautiful crown that resembles a ball, so it is necessary to regularly carry out formative pruning. The fruits ripen in early July and can hang without falling until early August. The color of the skin is rich, yellow-orange, the skin is slightly lighter. The taste is pleasant, fibrous, very sweet, this variety is perfect for making preserves and jams.

The best varieties for growing in summer cottages in the Moscow region

In order to grow cherry plum in the Moscow region, you need to choose the right varieties that can withstand a changeable climate, but at the same time will be easy to care for. Most often found at dachas in the Moscow region:


Perhaps the most unusual and compact cherry plum variety. The tree grows up to 3 meters in height, while the crown diameter does not exceed 1.5 meters. The variety is not afraid of frost and recovers very quickly after freezing, while other species begin to wither and slowly die. The fruits are very large, their weight can reach 40 grams, the skin is a rich red color with a slight waxy coating, is not afraid of heavy rainfall and is not prone to cracking. The pulp is tasty, juicy, fibrous.


The low tree does not require complex care and adapts perfectly to any weather conditions. The variety does not suffer from sudden changes in temperature and at the same time bears bright burgundy fruits with dark yellow, honey-colored pulp. The taste of cherry plum ripening in mid-summer lacks sourness, which is very attractive to lovers of sweet fruits.

Scythian gold

The variety was bred in 2005 and is a tree that grows no more than 3 meters in height with a crown shaped like a wide cone. Fruit big size distinguished by a rich, golden skin color. The pulp is very sweet, juicy and tender. The tree is not afraid of a sudden change from cold to heat and vice versa, it does not require long-term attention, while the Zoloto Scythians variety bears fruit very early and annually. The harvest size is average and requires additional pollination.


Chinese variety. The tree is small; already in 2-3 years of life it can bear the first harvest of medium-sized reddish fruits. The pulp is very pleasant, tender and tasty, the stone is easily separated, which is why such fruits are well suited for fresh consumption. It is resistant to frost and gusty winds and requires planting a pollinator tree nearby.

The achievements of modern selection allow grow cherry plum not only in the southern regions, but also in the central part of Russia. If desired, every gardener can try to grow a tree with excellent and tasty fruits on their plot.

The plant came to us from the Caucasus, it was there that this half tree, half shrub grew. Modern cherry plum, the photos will convince you of this, is the result of the painstaking work of breeders. The diverse varieties that have appeared differ in taste qualities, color, size of the fruit and size of the tree itself. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, cherry plum was not widespread and only in the 70-80s of the last century it began to be actively grown in collective and private farms.

Variety of cherry plum varieties

At first the tree was used for decorative purposes, then for grafting fruit trees. Special attention was paid to cherry plum only in the second half of the twentieth century; work began on the cultivation and selection of cherry plum. From the variety of varieties, we will highlight several of the most popular:

  • Kuban Comet;
  • July Rose;
  • Lama;
  • Tsarskaya;
  • Present St. Petersburg;
  • Peach;
  • Nesmeyana;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Sonya;
  • Globe.

Variety Kuban Comet

The cherry plum variety Comet was bred by Russian breeder Eremin G.V. A tree of medium height with fruit ripening at the end of July. The fruit itself is quite large (35-40 g), round or slightly oval in shape, from reddish-burgundy to light purple. The pulp of the fruit is quite juicy, yellowish in color, and is superior in taste to other varieties of cherry plum. The disadvantage is that the seed is tightly attached to the pulp, but this does not prevent the variety from being used in industrial production and for home canning.

The trees bear fruit consistently and have high yields. There is a tendency to overload the branches with fruits, which affects their size. Systematic correct pruning to obtain a quality harvest.

Cross-pollination is not required, the variety is self-fertile and withstands the winter period.

The presented cherry plum variety Kubanskaya Cometa is considered the best derivative of the selection.

Cherry plum variety July rose

Cherry plum July rose is the earliest of the varieties; its fruits begin to ripen in early July, and under favorable natural conditions, even earlier. The fruits are dark red, round or slightly oval in shape, weighing 30-35g. The pulp of the cherry plum is fibrous, yellowish in color with a pronounced sweet and sour taste. The cherry plum variety Kubanskaya Cometa became a derivative for breeding the July rose. The characteristics of these varieties are similar, the appearance of the fruit is also almost the same.

Cherry plum variety Lama

The middle of the twentieth century was marked by work on the selection of cherry plum; it was during this period that the Lama cherry plum variety was developed, which characterizes itself as winter-hardy, resistant to biological aggression, and with improved taste.

This variety feels great not only in central Russia; it is also grown in the Far Eastern region.

Trees with a height of 1.5 to 2 meters are not at all pretentious to natural conditions and aggression environment. The fruits are sweet and sour with a barely noticeable almond aftertaste. The pulp is dark red in color and separates well from the stone. The variety has a lot of advantages, but there are also disadvantages: annual pruning of the tree to increase the amount of harvest, fruit shedding during the ripening period.

Cherry plum variety Tsarskaya

Cherry plum Tsarskaya has a medium ripening period, a tree with a compact crown, grows up to 2.5 meters. Compared to its counterparts, it has medium-sized fruits from 20 to 25 g with a rich skin yellow color. The juicy yellow pulp of the Tsarskaya cherry plum has a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is good preservation of fruits, resistance to frost, diseases and pests.

The disadvantage of the Tsarskaya cherry plum is that the variety is self-sterile, which means that to get a harvest, plums or other cherry plum trees must grow next to it.

Cherry plum variety Gek

Hybridization of the Chinese plum and cherry plum Otlitnitsa gave the result in the form of the cherry plum variety Gek in the early 90s of the twentieth century. A tree with an average ripening period and a fruit weight of up to 35 g. The pulp is of low juiciness, yellow in color, like the fruit shell, sometimes a soft pink blush is observed. The fruits have good taste, are resistant to transportation, a high-yielding variety, consumed fresh and used for preservation. The disadvantage of the Gek cherry plum is that the seed is poorly separated, there is instability to diseases (gray rot), it requires systematic pruning and constant care.

Cherry plum variety Obilnaya

As a result of crossing the Chinese plum Burbank and the Tauride cherry plum, a wonderful hybrid of the Obilnaya cherry plum was obtained. The tree is low-growing, even by 10 years it rarely reaches a height of 2.5 meters. The fruits are large, as can be seen in the photo of the cherry plum of this variety. At proper care and good natural conditions, the weight of the fetus can range from 35 to 55g. The round shape of the fruits and their dark purple color attract the eye. The sweet and sour taste, rich in juiciness, matches appearance. Already in early August you can harvest a high harvest of cherry plum.

Cherry plum variety Gift to St. Petersburg

As a result of crossing the Pionerka and cherry plum varieties, the Podarok St. Petersburg cherry plum was bred. The height of an adult tree reaches 3 meters. Small oval fruits weighing 12-15 g. The photo of cherry plum shows that the fruits are small in size, but they cover the branches abundantly; the variety is considered high-yielding. The bright yellow color of the fruit, sometimes with a pink tint, has average taste, the stone does not separate from the pulp.

Cherry plum Gift to St. Petersburg is one of the frost-resistant hybrids and is highly resistant to fungal diseases and pests.

Cherry plum Peach

Withdrawn new variety Peach plum, description and photo will help you get to know it. The plant is not self-fertile, so for pollination it needs to be planted next to plums or other varieties of cherry plum. Fruits weighing up to 40 g are endowed with excellent taste. Tree early variety ripening, from mid-July, under favorable natural conditions, harvesting can be done. Distinctive feature fruits - sweet taste and peach aroma.

Cherry plum variety Nesmeyan

Cherry plum Nesmeyana is an early ripening variety that is resistant to major diseases and unfavorable natural conditions. A spreading tall tree bred from. The surface of the fruit is smooth, the size is large, the peel is light red. The pulp is the same color as the skin, juicy and with a sweet and sour taste.

Cherry plum Cleopatra

Free pollination of the Kuban Comet variety made it possible to develop and large-scale cultivation of the Cleopatra cherry plum variety. High productivity and endurance, resistance to classic diseases, these are the main characteristics of this variety. As for the fruits, they are large, up to 40 g, round-oval in shape, dark red or purple in color, covered with a waxy coating. The pulp is reddish in color with a sweet and sour pleasant taste.

Cherry plum variety Soneika

Cherry plum Soneika is a variety with a late ripening period; harvesting begins at the end of August. At first, the color of the fruits is greenish, with a slight blush, but by the time they ripen they turn yellow. The fruits themselves are quite large, up to 50 g, with a pleasant taste. The bone does not come away from the pulp.

To obtain a high-quality and full-fledged harvest with maximum fruit size, branches of all varieties of cherry plum hybrids should be pruned annually to ensure proper crown formation.

Cherry plum variety Globus

Cherry plum Globus is considered one of best hybrids, relative to all compared characteristics. Domestic breeders received excellent result, by crossing the Obilnaya cherry plum with its high yield, with the second hybrid obtained as a result of breeding the Cultivated red cherry plum with apricot. The result was the Globus cherry plum, its fruits reach a weight of 100 g and have a dark red and purple hue. Sweet yellow pulp with a pleasant aftertaste. The variety is resistant to frost and disease, and the fruits tolerate transportation well.

The cherry plum Globus, the photo of which you see, in all its external characteristics and taste is more similar to a plum, so it is often confused with plum varieties.

Lush flowering makes cherry plum trees unusually beautiful, therefore, along with growing them for fruit, low-growing varieties are planted along the perimeter of the fence, and flowering branches are used for decorative purposes.

Cherry plum varieties Obilnaya and Gek - video