Growing orchids at home. Caring for orchids using different growing methods

Growing an orchid at home is quite painstaking work.

Orchid loves light, but not direct rays of the sun. Therefore, in terms of lighting, windows on the western and eastern sides are suitable for it.

In winter, natural light is not enough for the plant at home, because it needs light for at least 12 hours a day. It is easy to see from an orchid whether it has enough light: no, if the leaves have darkened, become soft and elongated greatly.

The temperature at home is usually from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. A favorable environment for a heat-loving orchid. The plant should not be allowed to remain at temperatures below 12 degrees Celsius: it will die.

Before opening the window in winter to ventilate the room, remove the orchid from the room. If already disabled central heating, and the house has become very cold, optimal temperature conditions for a tropical plant can be created using an air heater.

Perfect option - grow an orchid in a greenhouse, where the humidity can be more than 70% (as in the tropics).

There is no way to create such air humidity at home. But even at 50% at home, the plant feels normal if it is sprayed with water three times a day (morning, lunch and evening).

When an orchid blooms, all its parts except the flowers are sprayed. At night, the leaves of the plant should be dry, so the last spraying is not recommended late. If the orchid is grown at temperature conditions below 18 degrees Celsius (for example, on a veranda), it does not need to be sprayed.

Airing the room where the orchid grows, definitely. Lack of air circulation can lead to... There should be no drafts during ventilation, and the orchid should not be overcooled in winter period.

soft and warm water(40°C)
. Ideally - rain. For watering tap water can be settled, filtered or boiled.

To make the water softer, peat wrapped in a rag bag is placed in a container with it for a day. The calculation is as follows: 10 liters of water - 10 grams of peat. There is no need to water frequently, only when completely dry. Water should not stagnate in the pot. For summer, the optimal watering regime is every 3 days; for winter - after 7 days.

Ordinary soil is not suitable for growing orchids. As a rule, the pot in which the shoot is sold does not contain soil. There are pebbles (expanded clay) and bark. The fact is that the roots of a tropical epiphyte need air, and ordinary land- the substance is too dense for them.


From seeds

How to grow an orchid from seeds? Orchid seeds are very small. They are like dust: 15 thousand times smaller than a wheat seed. They lack endosperm, which makes the seeds extremely vulnerable when they germinate.

Everything that comes into contact with the seed during its germination must be sterile, otherwise it will be destroyed by pathogenic microorganisms.

A special mixture with agar-agar is sold in stores. for growing orchids from seeds.

It needs to be diluted as written in the instructions and sterilized in a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid for 20 minutes.

The resulting substance is in the form of jelly; it is placed in jars (30 milliliters each) and seeds are sown in them. The jars are hermetically sealed. After 9 months the seed will germinate. Transplanting into a pot will be possible only after 3 years.

From bulbs

How to grow an orchid from a bulb? Orchid pseudobulbs are sold in flower shops. They are called bulbs.

Using a disinfected knife, we free the bulbs from the small pseudobulbs that form on the roots.

Sprinkle the sections with crushed charcoal or lubricate them with potassium permanganate. and plant pseudobulbs in moss.

From baby

How to grow an orchid from a baby? Orchids usually have babies in the spring. But they can also form at other times of the year.

From the root

How to grow an orchid from a root? The method is often used at home to propagate orchids.

Successful propagation of an orchid using this method is only possible if the mother plant is large and has grown greatly.

It is carefully removed from the pot and shaken a little to release the roots from the substrate. Using pruning shears, rhizome divided so that each part has at least 2 pseudobulbs. There is no need to divide it smaller: you will have to wait a very long time for new orchids to grow.

To prevent the plants from getting sick, the cuts are sprinkled with charcoal. Parts of the roots are distributed individually into pots. The pots must contain substrate for growing orchids (you can buy them in the store).

It is better not to water the delenki, but to spray them 2 times a day. A sign of plant adaptation is the appearance of roots and leaves.

From a cutting

How to grow an orchid from cuttings at home?

A shoot about 15 cm in length is cut off from the side of the orchid with a sterile knife. The sections are sprinkled with charcoal. The cutting is placed on sphagnum moss and greenhouse conditions are created for it until it takes root.

Cuttings can be made from faded peduncle . It is cut off at the base and divided into parts so that each has a bud in the middle.

The cuttings are placed horizontally on moss in a plastic container, covered with film, and the container is placed in a room where it is warm (about 25°C) and light. Watering - after 4 days. When the roots appear, the cuttings need to be transplanted into pots.

In hydrogel

Flower shops offer orchids in vases filled with hydrogel beads. It looks beautiful, but you cannot grow an orchid in hydrogel.

By the way, even the manufacturers of this material themselves write about this. Orchid doesn't like frequent watering, and the hydrogel was developed specifically for growing moisture-loving plants.

With prolonged contact with the beautiful balls, the orchid roots die. Experience shows that this usually happens after 6 months.

A simple worker in Wales in the 19th century could only buy a potted orchid after working for 10 years and saving his entire salary for this purchase.

Then it was believed that the orchid was not suitable for growing at home, because it lives only on tropical trees and feeds on them. In fact, this is not so: this plant needs trees as a support, but not as a source nutrients.

We talked about several ways to grow orchids at home. If that worker had known even one of them, he would have become one of the richest men of his time.

One of the most beautiful indoor plants is an orchid. Its blossoms are mesmerizing. This plant can become the main decoration of any interior. In order for an orchid to feel good at home, it needs to be provided with proper care. Its subtleties will be discussed further.

general description

How to care for an orchid at home? This question interests many gardeners. After all, this beautiful plant is one of the most desirable for growing at home. To understand all the intricacies of this process, you will need to know better about the wonderful flower.

The orchid is a member of the orchid family. It includes almost 10% of all plants in the world. This ancient plant. Traces of it were found in Cretaceous sediments. Orchids grow in wildlife everywhere where at least approximately suitable conditions have been created for them. However, the favorite place for this plant to grow is tropical forests.

Most orchid species are epiphytes. These flowers do not have double process fertilization (which later types of green spaces managed to acquire). Wherein species diversity There are a lot of orchids. Some of them are quite tiny. There are plants that grow up to 2 m in height.

Growing orchids at home requires taking into account some of the features of their growth in the wild. Many of these flowers grow on tropical trees. This helps to receive the light necessary for life. Orchids are also often found on steep cliffs. They are firmly held by their roots to uneven terrain. Water accumulates in such depressions.

Many legends are associated with this flower. Some people still believe that man-eating orchids live in the jungle. However, the largest prey that predatory species feed on are small insects. The orchid was associated in ancient cultures with love and beauty.


Today they grow at home different types orchids. They may have different size, color and shape of flowers. There are very small plants. Some orchids grow quite large. All of them are united by indescribably beautiful flowering.

The Dendrobium orchid, which can be cared for at home and reproduces without any particular difficulties, is heat-loving plant. It also needs sufficient lighting. One of the popular species today is Dendrobium Phalaenopsis. If the temperature in the house cannot be maintained at +23 °C, it is better to purchase a different type of this plant. This is Dendrobium Nobile. The plant prefers moderately cold temperatures.

One of the most unusual species orchids is Vanda. It has a completely open root system. In this case, the plant does not need supports. Watering it consists of constantly humidifying the air. The plant receives moisture from natural conditions from fog, precipitation. Houseplant loves high humidity and bright light.

Growing orchids at home is easy if you choose a species that suits your existing indoor conditions. So, less demanding than other species (and therefore the most popular) is Phalaenopsis. This type of orchid is characterized by abundant flowering. She loves warmth and light, but when the temperature drops she can adapt to the surrounding conditions. Flowering continues long time.


How to care for an orchid at home? You will need to provide the plant with everything it needs. First of all, you need to pay attention to the lighting. This plant needs large quantities diffused light. However, it must be taken into account that direct Sun rays are contraindicated for her. This rule should be followed when choosing a place to grow an orchid.

The main sign of deficiency sunlight is the lightening of the leaves. They become elongated. If the plant has enough light, the orchid’s flowering at home will be long-lasting and bewitchingly beautiful.

In summer, a plant that stands on a windowsill will need to be shaded. If this is not done, the orchid will get burned. Also, too bright lighting does not allow the plant to properly adapt to environmental conditions after a long winter period. For shading, a special opaque film is used.

In autumn, shading is not required for the plant. At this time, the lighting intensity decreases. The plant will gradually rebuild itself, entering a dormant period. Buds will form on it and new shoots will develop.

It is also worth paying attention to the length of daylight hours. It must be at least 12 hours. If it becomes shorter, the orchid will require artificial lighting.


Care and watering of orchids at home should be carried out depending on the type of plant. It is also important to consider at what temperature a certain species grows. There are orchids that need high, medium temperatures. There are also cold-loving species.

Plants that prefer warmth should grow at daytime temperatures between 23 and 32°C. At night the temperature can drop to 15 °C. In winter, the temperature can remain at 15-18 °C. In this case, the temperature difference should not be more than 3-5 degrees. Its reduction should occur gradually.

Plants that prefer average temperatures should grow in conditions of 18-23 °C in summer and 12-15 °C in winter. They are most often found in mountainous areas. Such plants are more hardy. However, they do not like rising temperatures.

Cold-loving orchids are also grown at home. In the wild, such species grow in highlands and mountains. They prefer a temperature of 15-18 °C. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 11 °C.

Almost all types of orchids feel comfortable at temperatures of 13-27 °C during the day, and 13-24 °C at night. The difference between day and night temperatures must be maintained in order for the plant to bloom for a long time.


How to water an orchid at home? This is one of the most important factors, which affect growth and flowering. The plant does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water. To correctly perform this procedure, you need to know the characteristics of the growth of this species in the wild. Depending on this factor, watering rules can vary significantly.

Species such as Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum prefer to grow in a slightly moist substrate. However, the soil should not be wet. If Dendrobium, Oncidium, or Cattleya are grown in the house, the soil must dry completely before it is moistened again.

When choosing the frequency and abundance of watering, the room temperature and the amount of light are also taken into account. It is also important to consider the size of the pot in which the orchid is located and the composition of the substrate. During the growing season, the plant requires more moisture. Since the orchid is an epiphyte, it can tolerate short-term drought. However, if this situation becomes regular, the leaves will begin to wither.

Excess moisture is also dangerous for the plant. In this case, the roots will rot. A yellow outline forms along the edges. Knowing how to water an orchid at home, you can achieve its chic appearance.

Soft (settled) water is used for irrigation. It should be a couple of degrees higher than the room temperature. In summer, orchids are watered on average 2-3 times a week. In this case, you need to monitor the condition of the soil. In winter, the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Plant propagation

Reproduction and replanting of orchids at home is a responsible task. The appearance of the plant depends on the correctness of these procedures. Orchids can be propagated in different ways. One of possible options is the division of the rhizome. To do this, the plant will need to be removed from the pot. The roots are carefully cleared of soil. The rhizome must be cut between the false bulbs. Plants should be sprinkled on the wound charcoal. Two separate plants are planted in separate pots.

For orchid propagation, cuttings from the tops are also suitable. This method is suitable for those species in which the nodes are located at a sufficient distance. At the height of half of such a cutting, you will need to cut off the shoot. The cut site must be disinfected with charcoal. The knife must also be sterile. Then the shoot is planted in a pot with soil.

Can be used for breeding side shoots. When it appears on the plant, it needs to be sprayed. This stimulates the appearance of roots. It is separated and the orchid is transplanted. It is easier to grow a plant at home using this method.

Seeds are also used for propagating orchids. This the hard way, which is used only by specialists.


Particular attention when considering the rules of care is to transplant an orchid at home. This procedure should be considered in detail step by step. The plant reacts poorly to such procedures. Therefore, the work must be carried out carefully. It is best to leave the root ball of soil. If this is not done, the hairs on the shoots in the soil are damaged. It is through them that the plant receives the necessary for life nutritional components and moisture.

Therefore, the lump does not need to be removed. This is done only as a last resort, if the soil no longer contains mineral components and has lost its structure. In other cases, transshipment is done. Capacity required bigger size. A new substrate is poured into it. Next, you need to remove the orchid from the pot. It is installed in a new container at the same level where it was before.

Only after the flowering period has completed can the orchid be replanted at home. This step by step procedure should be reviewed in detail before starting work. It is carried out if the pot has become too small for the plant or if living and dead roots are intertwined in the container. The procedure may also be required if the substrate is salinized.

If the substrate needs to be removed, the orchid is removed from the pot. It must be carefully freed from the substrate. Dry, rotten and damaged roots must be trimmed. The roots are washed with water. Soil is poured into the prepared container. The plant is placed in a pot. Soil is poured into the container. The growing point should not be covered with soil. It is slightly moistened and placed in the shade for several days.

Substrate for transplantation

How to replant an orchid at home? Step by step description was presented above. However, it is worth paying attention to the preparation of the substrate. It is purchased in a specialized store. You can also prepare the soil yourself. For this, chopped fern root, peat, tree leaves, pine bark and charcoal are used. Willow leaves should not be used.

A properly prepared substrate allows you to avoid fertilizing the plant for a long time. The container for transplantation must have drainage. It should make up 25% of the entire pot. There should be holes in the bottom.

If the orchid is grown in a wicker basket, then the cracks need to be processed. They are lined with sphagnum moss. Place a heap of soil at the bottom of the pot or basket. Place the plant on it, carefully straightening the roots. More substrate is poured on top. There is no need to compact it. If necessary, the plant is additionally strengthened with a support made of threads or wire. Watering is not carried out for 4 days. The wounds should dry out and heal.

Flowering period

An orchid at home can bloom for a long time with proper care. During this period, she must be provided with everything necessary. During the period of growth and flowering, the plant requires a lot of light. In summer and spring, the orchid stores up its strength. In autumn it blooms. At this time, watering should be increased. However, stagnation of water in the pot is unacceptable.

You can apply fertilizers, which are purchased at a specialty store. The leaves of the plant should be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. The humidity around a blooming orchid should be high. At the same time, you need to periodically open the windows in the room. This will create the right microclimate.

However, drafts should be avoided. Also, sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed. Before the flowering period, watering is reduced to a minimum. If the orchid has managed to stock up on all the necessary substances, it can bloom continuously for up to six months. After this, a number of actions are also required.

Care after flowering

An orchid at home after flowering requires some care. After drying, the peduncle does not need to be cut off immediately. It will nourish the flower for some time. Only when it turns yellow can the peduncle be removed. The stump should be about 2 cm.

Watering at this time is reduced. No feeding is required either. If the plant is replanted after this, it may not bloom for a whole year. To resume the process, it is recommended to move the plant to another location.

By considering the features of growing an orchid at home, you can achieve its healthy appearance and charming flowering. The plant will delight its owners for a long time.

There are about 100,000 orchid species in the world. And only some varieties can be grown at home. Flower growers are often frightened by the conditions for growing exotic plants at home.

But if you know the characteristics, conditions and care, some types of orchids You can not only successfully grow, but also propagate at home.

Of the numerous variety of orchids, only about 10 species are suitable for home cultivation. Hybrid forms are the most adapted, and species forms require more stringent requirements for conditions and care.

When purchasing any type of orchid, you should find out the characteristics, features and tips for organizing growing conditions. Knowing how these beauties grow, it will be easier to organize their care.

Light-loving orchids usually require a wide window sill and additional humidity. Some varieties, on the contrary, require partial shade in order to fully develop and grow.

Some varieties can bloom almost all year round, while others bloom just once a year for a few weeks or months.

There are two approaches to raising such exotic pets in an apartment.

  • Can be purchased blooming orchid And after several months of flowering it will get rid of it. This is what some floriculture lovers do without bothering with care.
  • But the majority of fans home floriculture prefers keep orchids on an ongoing basis and even breed them. Of course, in this case you will have to make some effort, but the result is worth it.

The most popular types orchids for home growing:

  • Phalaenopsis;
  • Dendrobium;
  • Brassia;
  • Cumbria;
  • Cattleya;
  • Cymbidium;
  • Lycasta;
  • Miltonia;
  • Odontoglossum;
  • Paphiopedilum.

Phalaenopsis is the most popular indoor orchid.

Attention! Each of them requires the creation of certain conditions and appropriate care.

Read more about growing orchids at home.

Causes of poor growth

Problems during cultivation can manifest themselves in the form poor growth orchids. There are many reasons for poor growth. And in order to activate the process, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon. In 90% of cases this is due to incorrectly created conditions or improper care of the plant.

The main ones are:

  • the temperature regime is not maintained;
  • lack of lighting;
  • exceeding or decreasing air humidity limits;
  • incorrect selection of container;
  • violation of watering and fertilizing rules;
  • diseases and pests.

Another important reason is disturbance of the rhythm of plant growth. Each orchid species is genetically programmed to alternate periods of growth and dormancy. Disturbances in growth rhythm can be quite long time stop the development process. All of the above reasons can cause this process to fail.

You can learn more about the reasons for poor growth from.

How to get kids?

A baby is a young shoot or shoot, formed on the stem, peduncle or roots of orchids. The main reason for their appearance is nature’s procreation (offspring).

If in nature the birth of children occurs independently, then when home growing orchids Only providing competent care will enable the baby to be born. As a last resort, you can stimulate its appearance.

Some orchids produce babies one or more at a time in return for a flower anywhere on the peduncle. In this case, it is recommended to separate it from the mother part when growing at least 3-4 roots with a length of at least 5 cm.

Baby orchid on a peduncle.

In most cases, babies appear at the roots. Separation is more difficult, as there is a risk of damage to the roots of an adult orchid. With careful and correct separation, such a shoot takes root well and develops quite quickly.

kids may also appear on the stem. But their separation is unsafe, since they do not have their own roots and if the separation is unfavorable, the plant itself can most likely be destroyed.

Raising a child, although labor-intensive, is an interesting activity. It is placed in damp moss– sphagnum, wrapped in film and placed in a warm, well-lit place.

Important! When growing roots, it is necessary to maintain a daylight period of at least 12 hours.

After the roots have formed, it is placed in a small transparent container (eraser cup) with drainage and a high-quality substrate.

Can be placed in a small greenhouse, which must be ventilated daily and monitor the humidity of the substrate.

After good rooting, the baby is placed in a permanent growing place with a high-quality substrate specially composed for orchids.

Read more about reproduction by children.

Orchid propagation

There are many ways to grow an orchid yourself.

You can get comprehensive information about methods of propagating orchids.


Attempts to grow an orchid from seeds at home practically impossible. The seeds are so microscopic in size that without a special laboratory, tools and growing medium, this will be quite troublesome. The process of such reproduction is very complex and long, taking 4 or more years. to obtain a viable plant.

Orchid seeds are very small.

Read more about whether it is possible to grow an orchid from seeds.

How to germinate?

Agricultural cultivation technology includes several stages.

First of all a sterile substrate is required. IN laboratory conditions For this purpose, agar-agar is used, which is a mixture of polysaccharides extracted from seaweed. Lovers home breeding They use Knudson's nutrient medium, which is prepared according to a special recipe and does not have symbiosis with a special fungus.

Some flower growers use sphagnum, but for this it is finely ground, sterilized and filled with special nutrients. Moreover, throughout the entire germination period its acidity is maintained at a certain level.

Plus everything special containers are required, such as flasks, jars, sterile and with screwed lids.

Seeds are sterilized before sowing in calcium hydrochloride and only then quickly, over steam, are transferred to a sterilized nutrient mixture and container.

Observing greenhouse conditions, cleanliness, care, conditions, sprouts appear after 3-9 months, depending on the type of orchid. But the plant will be ready for planting only in 2-3 years.

You can read more about cultivation technology.

Leaves or roots

Unfortunately, It is not possible to grow an orchid from a leaf or root. Orchids do not reproduce or grow in this way.

Read more about whether it is possible to grow an orchid from a root.

By shoots

The simplest and reliable way reproduction and cultivation for beginners - from the baby formed on the peduncle. For a positive result, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • when a baby appears, spray the plant more often, thereby activating its growth and the release of roots;
  • separate it only after 3-4 leaves have been released and the roots are no less than 5 cm and no more than 7 cm long;
  • if necessary, it is necessary to stimulate formation and growth with special growth preparations;
  • Having separated the baby with a sharp tool, it is necessary to leave 1 cm on each side of the faded flower stalk;
  • crush the cuts activated carbon;
  • place it in a substrate specially prepared according to all the rules;
  • create a warm and humid climate using a greenhouse or small greenhouse;
  • provide sufficient quantity lighting - at least 10-12 hours of daylight.

The easiest way to reproduce is by shoots.

Having completed such simple conditions, the baby is able to turn into a well-developing plant and bloom next year.

You can get more information about growing from shoots.


Sometimes propagation of orchids “from the leaf” is confused with cuttings, since the top of the side shoots or the peduncle itself is cut. The process is lengthy, requires some labor, but is quite effective.

Important! Cuttings are prepared only from completely faded peduncles.

Cuttings cut from a side shoot must contain at least 2 internodes. Usually leave 2-3. The cut areas are treated with activated carbon and dried well.

They are then placed in a horizontal position into a container with moist soil and create Greenhouse effect film, glass or small plastic container, creating good humidity and maintaining temperature not lower than 28-30° C.

In one day The greenhouse is watered and ventilated. The formation of condensation on inside. Periodically, every 10-15 days it is advisable to fertilize with a concentration reduced several times.

Such conditions and care are carried out until roots form from dormant buds and until they reach a length of 3-5 cm. Then the cuttings are separated and planted in new soil.

Read more about how to properly grow orchids from cuttings.

How to grow an orchid at home?

Let's take a closer look at how to properly grow these whimsical exotic beauties at home.

From a cut peduncle

Rarely used method when growing at home. Used if there is no possibility or formation on the plant itself. After the peduncle has faded, it is cut off to the very base. Dormant buds must be present on the cut flower stalk.

The peduncle is placed in a container of water with the condition of placing the kidneys above the water level. The main task for the grower is control until bud sprouting appears. They usually take about 3 months to germinate, but if necessary this process can be accelerated with special stimulating compounds.

Subsequently, when 3-4 leaves appear and roots of 5 cm are formed, the baby is transplanted into the substrate, providing the conditions and care described above.

Germination of buds on a cut peduncle.

A positive fact of growing in this way makes it possible to germinate several shoots from a peduncle at once, since when placed in a container with water, several buds can awaken at once on the peduncle.

Advice! It is important to protect it from direct sunlight.

Read more about obtaining an orchid from a peduncle.

From an onion

It would be more correct to call not a bulb, but a pseudobulb- tuberous thickened parts of shoots that serve as storage of nutrients and moisture in sympodial orchids.

Outwardly, it may resemble an onion, although this is not necessary. The main thing is that it is located in the aboveground part and has a green color. U various types orchid "bulbs" various sizes and shapes.

They are obtained by dividing the bush. Three conditions are required for cultivation: a bulb, a container and soil. This is quite enough to get a well-developing plant.

Exists two ways to grow an orchid from a bulb:

  1. Air. Without substrate, container, watering, spraying, but with good and sufficient lighting. After about a month, villi roots appear and then the pseudobulb can be transplanted into high-quality soil;
  2. Standard. IN plastic pot Substrate is poured with drainage holes. An onion is placed on it and covered with sphagnum. The moss is periodically sprayed. Sufficient lighting and humidity are provided.

After good rooting, begin replanting into a container appropriate to the size of the root system and provide care according to the instructions for caring for orchids.

You will get more information about bulbous orchids.

From Vietnam

Varieties Paphiopedilum - the most popular Vietnamese orchids among gardeners. The bulbs of these orchids are brought not only by tourists, but also last years they can often be found in flower centers. And although there are many varieties of Paphiopedilum, their cultivation is identical.


If we grow Paphiopedilum from a bulb (bulb), brought or purchased in bottles, then before we start planting, they should be kept for some time in the purchased container in your room so that they can acclimatize and get comfortable.

It is better to have a transparent container for planting so that you can observe the development of the bulb. Also, there should be a sufficient number of holes on it to remove excess moisture and ensure good air circulation.

The container, according to all the rules inherent for orchids, is filled with a substrate, which is best purchased in finished form at a flower shop. The bulb is buried 1 cm into the moist substrate and supported with a prepared peg for stability. Container with onion installed in a well-lit place.

Advice! In order for the bulb to develop well, it needs some care and attention.

The next watering is carried out after the first roots appear. AND After about a month, the sprouted onion is transplanted into a container for permanent place growing.

Like most orchids, Vietnamese Paphiopedilums prefer good, diffused sunlight, a certain temperature and humidity:

  • temperature not lower than +18° C and not higher than + 35° C;
  • humidity from 50% to 80%;
  • amount of daylight hours 10-12 hours.
  • watering– as the substrate dries;
  • monthly feeding fertilizers special for epiphytes, with a concentration reduced by 3-4 times;
  • periodic spraying.

Typically, for full development and full flowering, the Vietnamese bulb requires 4-5 years.

Read more about growing from bulbs from Vietnam.

Best Places to Keep

Orchids can be grown anywhere as long as the location meets the required conditions. At the same time, do not forget about the correct choice of container in which to grow the orchid.

You will receive all the comprehensive information about places where orchids are grown.


  • northern- most unsuitable for growing tropical plants. The lack of lighting both in winter and summer will have to be compensated for by additional lighting;
  • western- not much better than the north window. There is also a lack of light;
  • eastern– a comfortable window for summer period, but in winter additional lighting is required;
  • southern- the most successful window for growing orchids. But you should protect the plant from direct sunlight and ensure that the required humidity is maintained.

Orchids on a south window should be shaded from direct sunlight.


Most natural way for orchids to grow. Placing baskets or blocks of bark on the walls or even the ceiling of a room is not only natural for epiphytes, but also attractive to the gardener. The method is quite labor-intensive to maintain due to maintaining humidity and rationing watering.

Location on

Maybe, the most ineffective way. Of the large group of orchids, only northern (terrestrial) orchids can grow on the site. And then, success is in great doubt, since it is difficult to maintain symbiosis with a certain type of mushroom.

In the greenhouse

In a moderately warm greenhouse Most tropical orchids can be cultivated. Epiphytes can be grown on branches or trunks of dry trees. Can also be cultivated in flower pots.

In the apartment

The most common cultivation method.

Cultivation methods

In glass vases

With cultivation in glass vases Newbie orchidists should hold off and gain experience and knowledge. The method of growing in glass is quite attractive and aesthetic, but requires certain skills, knowledge, as well as certain nuances.

The optimal shape of a vase is a “glass” shape, when the base is wider than the neck. This gives increased stability to the plant and freer development of roots.

Orchids can be grown in glass vases, but this requires knowledge and effort.

The orchid is not completely immersed in the container, but is suspended by some kind of device at a certain level so that prevent the root system from suffocating. Some experienced gardeners use drainage from inert materials to protect the root part from rotting. But A special feature of this method is the cultivation of tropical orchids without soil (substrate).

You can read more about the contents in glass vases.

In a closed system

According to experienced flower growers the closed system is quite effective. But it should Special attention give watering. The essence of this method is that the container does not have drainage holes, and the moisture that provides nutrition to the plant is constantly located at the drainage level.

Take glass or plastic container depending on room temperatures. It must be kept in mind that glass container located on the windowsill, Can get very cold in winter, if the windows are not insulated enough.

A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom, and a substrate is placed on top of it. Larger fractions of bark are placed on drainage. The root collar should remain on top of the substrate.

Subtlety of watering is the most important part of this method. The water level should always be at drainage level. An increase in moisture above it carries the risk of rotting the root system, and a decrease can dry out the roots.

Phalaenopsis in closed system.

You can get more information about the closed system.

In water

The method is based on the principles of hydroponics and got the name - open cultivation system. Not all types of orchids can be cultivated in this way, better suited for this:

  • Phragmipedium;
  • Phalaenopsis (grows slower than standard cultivation);
  • Cattleya;
  • Mormodes;
  • Oncidium;
  • Dendrobium;
  • Miltoniopsis;
  • Zygopetalum.

Important! Orchids grown open method, should not have a pronounced period of rest and the required drying of the roots.

The optimal one is transparent container, the volume corresponding to the root system. The roots are not in the ground, but constantly in water.

Conditions and requirements:

  • the water temperature should be 2-3° less than room temperature;
  • weekly water change;
  • the roots must be constantly covered with water to the point where they exit the plant;
  • temperature and lighting must correspond to the characteristics of the species;
  • additional nutrition is introduced throughout the entire growing season, with a decrease in concentration by 2-3 times.

Read more about growing in water.

In the greenhouse

A greenhouse or mini-greenhouse is necessary when creating certain conditions, which is not always possible in spacious apartments or insufficient temperature regime or humidity.

Such a design easy to make yourself from improvised means. There is plenty of information on making a mini-greenhouse or mini-greenhouse on Internet sites and forums.

The greenhouse is especially useful for resuscitation orchids that for some reason were left with virtually no roots. Stable maintenance of temperature and humidity – important conditions for rehabilitation.

You can read more about how to make a greenhouse yourself in.

There are no special secrets when growing orchids. Knowledge of their species and hybrid characteristics gives full information for care and creation of conditions for growing. Main secret lies in the desire and love for floriculture.

The apartment conditions are quite suitable for cultivating many varieties of orchids. AND if you engage in them at a serious level, then tropical pets will bring only pleasure.

You can get more information about the secrets of growing orchids.

Useful videos

Orchids and everything you need to know about growing them - video guide:

Watch a video of how orchids are grown in Holland:

ABOUT in different ways The following video will tell you about the propagation of orchids:

The video below shows non-standard methods growing orchids:


Answer to the question: “Can you grow orchids at home?” - lies on the surface - Of course you can.

But acquiring exotic beauty, a novice florist first of all needs to study to the smallest detail not only the description, characteristics and features of growing at home, but also get acquainted with the recommendations, experience and advice of more experienced flower growers to protect yourself from difficulties, unpleasant moments and especially the death of tropical orchids.

Growing orchids requires care; the plants will return the benefits in the form of magical flowers.

Exotic plants have become easily accessible, attracting original appearance. Despite proper care, within a short time after purchase, beautiful flowers fall, the leaves turn gray, the plant withers. The death of the plant occurs due to a lack of knowledge about the proper care of orchids. The most popular exotic plant has become phalaenopsis .

Natural habitat

Heat-loving species, Dendrobium, grow best at a daytime temperature of 21-29 °C, at night not lower than 18 °C.

Orchids require cooler temperatures at night. It is important to ensure a difference between day and night of approximately 3-6 °C. Orchids live in climates with fairly stable temperatures and are sensitive to sudden fluctuations. Avoid opening the window where the pot is placed.


In nature, orchids are regularly wetted by rain and quickly dried by the wind on tree branches. Most optimal humidity air 50-60%. The required humidity can be achieved by placing the pot on a tray filled with ceramite and filled with water. Do not spray with water - it gives a short-term increase in humidity. Spraying may cause water to accumulate at the base of the leaves, causing ideal conditions for development bacterial rot, can lead to the death of the plant.


Air movement around the plant is essential; ventilation counteracts stagnation of water on the plant. Achieve the effect of a light breeze by installing a small computer fan or home fan next to the orchids. The air should not blow too much on the plant and should not be too cold. It is better to turn on the fan for several hours.


It is important that the pot with roots dry out well between waterings. It is better to water orchids in the morning before lunch; the plant should have time to dry before dark.

You need to select water, it should be soft, slightly acidic (pH 4.5-6.0), slightly salty. Suitable water from a reverse osmosis filter, distilled water, rain water, melted snow, boiled tap water.

Remember, excessive watering can cause more harm than slight drying.


For orchids highest value have physical properties substrate, not chemical composition. Orchids cannot be grown in traditional soil used for indoor plants, the consistency does not allow air to pass freely.

An ideal substrate should be characterized by:

  • durable structure;
  • high porosity allowing air flow;
  • good permeability with simultaneous retention of mineral salts and water;
  • constant, slightly acidic reaction (pH 4.5-6.0).

Suitable substrates:

  • Expanded clay is a lightweight ceramic filler, chemically inert, of various granulations, lightweight, better suited for hydroponic growing.
  • Pine bark – heat treated.
  • Peat – has fibrous structure and large water and air volume. Due to the content of substances that inhibit the development of microorganisms in the material, it has no pathogens.
  • Beech leaves - contain many mineral salts. Collected leaves should be dried well. The leaves serve as humus.
  • Crushed polystyrene foam - as a supplement to the substrate (peat).
  • Peanut husks - excellent for increasing the porosity of the base.
  • Coconut flakes are pieces of coconut hair. Facilitate air access to orchid roots.

To the bottom flower pot It is necessary to put drainage about 1/4 and 1/3 of the container. For drainage, use expanded clay, large pieces of bark or foam.


The most suitable pot for growing orchids is transparent pot, you can assess the condition of the roots and the moisture content of the base. The pot must stand on “legs” and have large holes in the lower part. Thanks to the holes, there will be adequate air flow to the ground. To make the pot harmonize with the interior, you can insert it into a colored shell. The shell must be wider than the pot, otherwise the air will not reach the root system.

Orchids are purely decorative. Using knowledge about caring for orchids at home, the plants will bloom profusely and for a long time.

The orchid is probably the only flower that absolutely everyone likes. Walking through the shop windows where pots with these wonderful flowers are located, everyone begins to be touched and receive incredible pleasure. In fact, you can grow orchids yourself at home, although you will need to apply maximum amount effort, but the result will definitely please you.

Choosing flowers

There are about 25,000 species of orchids on the planet, and about 90,000 various hybrids. However, you need to know that not all flowers are suitable for home breeding.

Much depends on the room temperature. Varieties such as cutleys, dendrobiums and phalaenopsis bloom beautifully in warm rooms, but Paphiopedilum and Coeloginia, on the contrary, prefer cold.

If this is your first time deciding to grow an orchid at home, then it is best to give preference to phalaenopsis. This flower is less picky than its other relatives and is ideal for the climate of our country.

IN natural environment the orchid grows on other plants, which means that at home it also needs to be planted in a special substrate. But at the same time, it is always worth considering recommendations for choosing soil depending on the selected subspecies of plant.

1. Plant an orchid on a block

What to choose for the block? A wide variety of options are suitable. This can be tree bark, ferns, and even various driftwood. The choice must be made based on the size of the flower, as well as depending on the recommendations put forward for its subspecies.

The landing itself is not that difficult. First you need to take a suitable flowerpot and cover its bottom with high-quality moss. Then place the selected block in it and, using a special thread, tie the root of the plant to a snag or bark.

2. Plant the orchid in the substrate

It is best to purchase a substrate for orchids ready-made, but if this is not possible, you can prepare the soil at home.

Option #1

All you need is to take pine bark and moss. First you need to pre-treat the pine in order to destroy all insects. To do this, the bark needs to be boiled for 10 minutes, then dried well and repeated the procedure several more times. As soon as the bark is ready, it needs to be crushed, mixed with moss and then flowers can be planted.

Option No. 2

We take in equal parts fern, moss and earth. Mix well and, if possible, add oak leaves that have already fallen.

Option No. 3

You need to take pine bark and peat, depending on the ratios in which they are suitable for the selected type of orchid. Mix well and the substrate is ready.

You can use a wide variety of containers for flowers, but now in the store big choice flowerpots intended specifically for orchids. Also, flowerpots must have drainage holes so that excess moisture does not accumulate and the earth does not begin to bloom. You also need to take care of a perch in advance that can support the flowers.

3. Plant flowers in a pot

We put drainage at the bottom of the peas, it can be either special or the most ordinary broken shards, tiles, etc. We plant the flower itself in the pot and cover everything with substrate, but so that part of the stem is not sprinkled.

4. Plant flowers in a basket

Orchids can be planted in a basket; such a container is considered ideal for a flower. Naturally, drainage is not needed for such an area, as it occurs natural ventilation. It is important to prepare good block and attach it well to the bottom of the basket. It is also worth choosing a more humid substrate due to increased ventilation. Peat is placed on the sides of the basket.

Conditions for growing orchids

Orchids love light, but only if the sun's rays are not direct, but diffuse. If the windows are located on different sides light, it is best to give preference to the eastern side. But in winter time It is imperative to create artificial lighting, since the daylight hours of the orchid must be at least 12 hours. Otherwise, the leaves of the flower will simply begin to wither and fall off.

Now about the air temperature that is suitable for plants. The minimum possible temperature can be 12 degrees, but it is better not to let it get to that point. The most optimal temperature should fluctuate around +20 - +25 degrees.

Air humidity should be optimal, approximately 50%. In general, the ideal state is when the air humidity is 70%, but such numbers are only possible in a greenhouse. Therefore, it is still advisable to artificially humidify the air, at least periodically. In addition, it is imperative to ventilate the room so that the air does not become stagnant, otherwise the plant may become ill with a variety of diseases. infectious diseases. In addition, under no circumstances should drafts be allowed to appear, otherwise the plant will die immediately.
It is worth humidifying the air by spraying so that the water does not fall on the flower of the plant. It is worth carrying out the procedure at least 3 times a day, especially in the summer. You should not spray orchids at night if they are in a well-ventilated area so that they do not freeze from temperature changes. In winter, even when the air is humidified, spraying the plant itself is not recommended.

It is necessary to water the orchid only with special soft water. It should not contain chlorine or any other chemical compositions. That is why water for irrigation is settled or boiled. But it is best to collect if possible rainwater or defrost snow. By the way, defrosted water can be prepared artificially. To do this you need to freeze plain water from the tap until it becomes ice, and then simply defrost at room temperature.

To prevent the water from being too hard, it is also softened artificially. To do this, take peat, wrap it in a bag made of natural fabric and lower it into water. Peat should be taken at a ratio of 1:1, that is, per 10 liters of water, 10 grams of peat.

As for the watering regime, it is individual for each subspecies separately. It is worth remembering one rule that applies to all orchids. You can water them only when the substrate dries completely, otherwise the root may dry out. If suddenly there is excess water in the flowerpot, it must be able to escape through the holes, otherwise the plant will simply die.

You can water flowers only in the morning. The water temperature should be no less than +30 and no more than + 40 degrees. In summer, you need to water every two days. In winter, no more than 2 times a week. And if the air humidity is high, then watering can be done once a week.

From time to time you can create souls for an orchid from hot water. It should last no more than 2 minutes. It is very effective for the flower, especially during its flowering period.

Of course, it is difficult to carry out all these actions. But if you love orchids and give them due attention, they will repay you in kind and will delight you with their exquisite blooms for at least 6 months a year.