What foods cause gas during breastfeeding? Newborn colic: foods that cause it

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the mother and her baby in the first few months after childbirth are one of the main causes of concern for a woman. To prevent such a pathology, it is necessary to know the main gas-forming products when breastfeeding.

Naturally, for a woman after giving birth, the health of her baby comes to the fore, so any intestinal problems that arise in the mother or child can become an obsession for the patient. To prevent such situations, specialists must explain all the intricacies of nutrition during this period to a nursing mother.

Experts consider gas formation in mother and child to be one of the main problems in the early postpartum period. Doctors attribute 80% of such disorders to unbalanced disorders.

Modern dietetics has developed full list recommendations for a nursing woman, which will reduce the likelihood of various pathological reactions in the mother and her baby:

  • Sufficient fluid intake by a young mother in her diet is considered mandatory. The daily requirement should increase by 1 - 2 liters during this period.
  • Specialists in a pediatric consultation should offer the woman a specific diet that corresponds to the calorie loss of her body for 2 to 3 months in advance. The calorie content of foods and the speed of their digestion in the gastrointestinal tract contain the opportunity to prevent excessive gas formation in mother and child.
  • Extremely important for proper feeding is the constant attempt by the nursing mother to balance the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. Violation of this proportion often leads to excessive fermentation of products in the mother’s intestines, which can be passed on to the baby through the milk.
  • The most important way to avoid gastrointestinal upset in a young woman and her child is to eat regularly and carefully observe feeding times. New-fangled manuals recommend giving breastfeeding to a baby on demand, but this practice is considered by many experts to be quite vicious.

But even if you adhere to these rules, the possibility of gas formation in the mother or baby still remains. A lot depends on the foods that a nursing mother eats.

Foods that cause gas in the intestines

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are known to all people. However, if for most patients such disorders bring only minor troubles, then for a nursing mother these problems can become a cause of serious concern.

In medical practice, there are quite a lot of medications that help reduce intestinal turmoil in a baby, but the use of such drugs is far from harmless, so it is best for a young mother to adhere to a certain diet.

Prohibited products include:

  • First of all, these are any leguminous plants. Peas, beans, beans, and even soy, which is popular after childbirth, can increase fermentation in the intestines of mother and baby.
  • Many foods, including pears, grapes, are contraindicated for a woman in the first few months of breastfeeding.
  • Not all plants grown in one’s own garden can be eaten by patients if they are bothered by the urge to produce excessive gases in the intestines. Turnips, onions, celery and even should be excluded from the diet.
  • It is prohibited to drink any sweet carbonated drinks, fresh white and.
  • In a relationship vegetable oil Disputes continue among experts: many are against eating it, others recommend this product as a way to combat intestinal and stomach disorders in mother and child.
  • Doctors consider it the most dangerous vegetable for a young mother. Many nutritionists offer breastfeeding women cauliflower or a variety of broccoli almost from the first days after birth. However, recent studies have confirmed increased gas formation in the intestines of mother and child after eating this vegetable.

Flatulence during breastfeeding is a fairly serious problem. And it is the use of the listed products for the daily diet of a nursing woman immediately after childbirth that can lead to a similar problem. A nursing mother should limit herself to lamb or veal and potatoes in the first few months of lactation. Such products do not lead to the formation of excess gases in the patient and child; a dietitian should recommend such a diet to the young mother.

Diet of a nursing woman: how to avoid problems

It should be noted that not only certain vegetables or fruits cause excessive gas formation in the intestines of the mother or baby, but also a combination of completely neutral substances. Therefore, a nursing woman should always consult a specialist before introducing certain foods into her diet.

It has long been noted that the simultaneous consumption of foreign foods causes certain discomfort. If such a condition often enough provokes problems in people in ordinary life, then gastrointestinal disorders in a nursing mother can cause quite serious complications.

A young woman should be wary of the following combinations:

  • It is not recommended to eat various legumes and fresh wheat or wheat bread at the same time. It should be noted that if wheat varieties are included in the food, intestinal upset may occur 2 times more often.
  • Women during lactation are completely prohibited from any carbonated drinks, especially Pepsi and Cola. The combination of sugar and carbohydrates is harmful to the health of patients, and since soda is based on chemicals, the poisoning of the body does not depend on the food that the lady washed down with such a potion during lactation.
  • Absolutely not suitable for feeding a nursing mother, especially those prepared with various spices, in combination with sweet homemade and fruit drinks. Carbohydrates and proteins always cause flatulence in patients, and in a nursing mother, a similar problem can spread to the baby.
  • It has long been known that various dairy products cannot be combined with meat products, fish or vegetables. Everyone knows about possible consequences simultaneous use of milk and food. And this is far from the only example.

Modern nutrition systems for nursing mothers suggest leaving all milk drinks for the last hour before bed to stimulate excretion breast milk. And it is advisable to remove all sweet drinks from a young woman’s diet before the child reaches 6 months.

The lack of carbohydrates in the mother’s body is quite easy to compensate for with other products, but problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the mother and child can cause a delay in the baby’s development and early refusal of breastfeeding. To prevent such complications, modern medicine offers a wide range of medications.

Watch the video about nutrition for a nursing mother:

How can a pharmacy help with flatulence in mother and baby?

Most often, a young mother copes with intestinal bloating by changing her diet and selection of foods. However, there are situations when medical intervention is required to solve such a problem.

In such situations, doctors advise:

  • The most common drug allowed during breastfeeding is Linex. This medicine enhances the growth of intestinal microflora of both mother and child, thereby preventing the formation of gases. It should be noted that this product is created on the basis of natural plant components.
  • As one famous advertisement says: “There’s a hurricane in your stomach - take Espumisan.” This product really reduces the formation of gases in the intestines of a woman and baby thanks to its active ingredient - simethicone.
  • And, of course, the well-known drug “Hilak Forte”. This medicine is indispensable if the patient has a disruption in the production of beneficial bacteria in the intestines caused by a malfunction in the diet of a nursing woman. This drug helps reduce gas pressure on the intestinal walls of the baby and his mother, thereby reducing the severity of pain and intestinal colic.

Flatulence in newborns during breastfeeding is most often caused by inconsistency between workers in the postpartum department and children's wards. Naturally, childbirth and the associated loss of calories cause a burning appetite in a young mother, which can lead to disturbances in the mother’s diet.

Not all foods are allowed in the first days after the baby is born. It should be borne in mind that even ordinary ones can provoke little man intestinal colic and bloating in the abdomen.

The coordinated work of the neonatal and postpartum wards is the key to reducing digestive problems for mother and baby. This is reflected in the latest protocols for the work of perinatal centers and maternity hospitals.

Folk remedies for fighting gases during lactation

Treatment of intestinal bloating in nursing women and their children is best started by stabilizing the diet of the young mother. For this purpose, modern medicine has enough developments, which a nursing woman will be introduced to with great pleasure at the antenatal clinic.

However, there are also folk remedies to solve a similar problem. The most effective traditional healers recognize fennel decoction. This famous plant, besides the others positive qualities, has a good effect on gas formation in the intestines. The subtlety is that all healthy drinks based on this gift of nature destroy gas bubbles in the intestines, thereby facilitating the passage of feces and relieving pain.

To prepare a folk medicine, 150 grams of dry plant are poured into 0.5 liters of water and brought to a boil. The solution is boiled for 30 minutes, after which it is diluted running water in a 1:1 ratio.

The recommended dose of the drug for patients is 30 grams 20 minutes before meals at least 2 times a day. After achieving the result, use of the decoction should be continued to consolidate the effect. Usually 2 weeks are enough.

Young mothers immediately after childbirth face a lot of problems, and bloating in the baby or woman is not the worst. However, any disruption of the natural state of a nursing woman during this period can lead to various diseases in the child.

Therefore, the main recommendation if a gastrointestinal disorder occurs in a young mother is to immediately seek help from a doctor. Any self-medication during lactation is fraught with problems not only for the woman, but also for the baby.

The baby cannot fall asleep, at first glance he cries for no reason, and behaves anxiously. All this causes concern for young parents who cannot immediately guess what is the main reason for this behavior. And the answer may lie on the surface. Mom just didn’t follow the diet and allowed herself foods that cause colic in babies. As a result, the baby develops intestinal spasms and pain, which means that the little one begins to cry and spin around. To prevent this from happening, the mother must monitor her diet, excluding from the menu foods that cause colic in children.

What foods can cause colic in a newborn?

When planning your daily diet, exclude foods that cause colic in newborns. These include:

  • Whole milk. Lactose contained in the composition is a substance that causes colic in newborns due to gas formation. This product is poorly absorbed by the baby’s body and can cause allergic reactions in addition to bloating. In your diet, it is better to replace milk with kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk.
  • Hot sauces. Ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard cause intestinal irritation, which causes colic in newborns, so it is not recommended to include these products in the menu of a nursing woman.
  • Black bread. The enzymes included in the composition lead to gas formation. When breastfeeding, it is better to replace this product with whole grain bread.
  • Legumes. Lentils, corn, beans, peas are foods that cause colic in newborns. Instead, it is better to include other protein-containing foods in a nursing mother’s diet. For example, cottage cheese, soy cheese, low-fat fish.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits. Flatulence is caused by fiber, and some fruits can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, any vegetables and fruits should be heat treated.
  • Sweets. Chocolate and candies are among those foods that cause colic in children. So it’s better to give up your favorite treats. Carbonated drinks. Not only Fanta or Coca-Cola can cause colic in newborns, but also regular mineral water with gas. So you should accustom yourself to drinking weak tea or herbal infusions.

How to create a menu to relieve a newborn from colic

Knowing which foods cause colic in infants, any woman can make up her own correct menu. This may include:

  • Lean fish and meat.
  • Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  • Buckwheat, rice, wheat cereals.
  • Baked vegetables and fruits.

It is important to consider not only what foods cause colic in newborns, but also to understand what can cause gas formation. In this regard, it is necessary:

  • Eat foods separately without mixing them.
  • Drink more clean water.
  • Eat in small portions.
  • Do not introduce exotic foods into your diet.

To increase the protective properties of the child’s body, it is necessary to gradually introduce new foods into the diet. After all, the baby must prepare to eat not only mother’s milk. And at this stage it is very important to reduce the formation of colic. For this purpose, you can give your baby the drug “Colikid”, which is indicated for children from the first months of life. The active ingredient simethicone gently eliminates gas formation in the baby's stomach without penetrating into the blood or being absorbed by the body. This makes it possible to relieve the baby from unpleasant sensations even if the mother allowed herself to eat some foods that cause colic in babies.

Colic in newborns is a fairly common occurrence that poisons the life of not only the child, but also his parents, increasing psychological tension in the family. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but first of all, a young mother needs to exclude from her diet foods that cause colic in newborns. As practice shows, these measures, enhanced by taking special medications, are often enough to eliminate the problem.

How colic manifests itself and what foods cause it

How can you tell if your newborn is suffering from colic? The baby cries very often for no reason, especially in the late afternoon. At the first moment he shows some anxiety, combined with tension in his tummy. Then the blood rushes to his face, he begins to scream and kick his legs. After bowel movements, it calms down.

Products that cause similar problems in newborns:

  • Milk is the first and most important product that causes flatulence. Many mothers abuse it, believing that the more milk they drink, the stronger the lactation will be. But in last years An increasing number of newborns suffer from lactose intolerance, so the sugar contained in such drinks can not only cause flatulence, but also provoke allergic reactions. There is no doubt that a nursing woman's diet should include dairy products, but it is better to get the necessary dose of calcium, protein, fluid and vitamins from cottage cheese, kefir, cheese or natural yogurt.
  • Black bread. Whole grains, bread and all cereals except rice cause flatulence. Therefore, it is better to give up these products for a while and replace bread with extrusion bread, made without the use of yeast.
  • Legumes - chickpeas, peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, vetch, sainfoin, lupine, peanuts and others are the cause of severe flatulence. Therefore, for several months you will have to forget about your favorite pea soup and vinaigrette. Yes, legumes contain a lot of protein, which is so necessary for a nursing mother, but it can be obtained from fermented milk products and lean meats - veal, beef, rabbit, chicken breast, as well as lean fish - hake, pike perch, catfish, carp, flounder and etc.
  • Vegetables and fruits. It must be said that some of them must be present in the diet of a nursing mother. We are talking about carrots, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower, as well as berries - raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc. The fact is that the fiber they contain has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, preventing constipation. But some cause bloating. These include all types of cabbage except the two mentioned above, radishes, radishes, turnips, Chinese lettuce, onions, grapes, pears, apples, peaches and artichokes. This can also include mushrooms, which can pose a great danger to the baby’s immature digestive system. However, if mom really wants an apple, she can bake it.

Actions to take if the situation worsens

If the young mother has completely excluded dangerous products from the diet, and the baby continues to suffer from flatulence due to lack of appetite, weight loss and abnormal consistency of stool, it is worth seeking help from a specialist. Based on the examination and tests, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment or give appropriate feeding recommendations.

Foods that cause colic in newborns vary from person to person. There is no general list that would allow the mother to understand that if she eats certain foods, the child will feel unwell, manifesting this in every possible way through his behavior, crying and restless sleep.

Parents eagerly await the arrival of their newborn and, accordingly, take responsibility for his life and health. Nutrition and care for the child depend on the mother, so it is necessary to make as much effort as possible to ensure that he is surrounded by affection and love.

There are some foods that can subsequently cause colic in a baby. To prevent this from becoming a real torment for both the child and the parents, it is recommended to exclude such food.

Typically, colic goes away in some children by 4 months, and in all by six months. By this time, the child’s gastrointestinal tract adapts to the diet, and a certain regime appears.

Colic in newborns

Colic is the first health problem that parents face. 70% of babies from two weeks to six months suffer from this disease.

As a rule, the symptom is expressed in the child’s unreasonable cry, especially in the evenings. His face may turn red and his stomach may become tense. The behavior is restless, it becomes impossible to lull the baby to sleep. He may also begin to jerk his legs. Relief occurs after the passage of gas or stool.

At first, colic in newborns does not occur so often. Their duration is 10-15 minutes. May occur several times a week. However, the frequency can increase sharply if proper attention and treatment is not given. After this, attacks can last for 5-6 hours, so they complicate the life of parents.

Colic is not considered a disease, but it significantly undermines the psychological situation in the family, since the child is constantly worried and crying. They can cause various diseases: the child may be allergic to milk or lactose intolerant. Therefore, colic is accompanied by loss of appetite, decreased weight gain, and abnormal stool consistency.

If there is no serious illness, then the solution to the problem will be to change the mother’s diet. To all this you can add taking medications that will greatly facilitate the passage of gases. If a child’s colic does not go away for a long time, this means that the gastrointestinal tract is not working correctly and some adjustments are needed.

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List of prohibited foods for mothers that cause colic

If a mother has digestive problems, the baby will soon have them too, so you need to create your own diet that will not harm either the mother or the baby.

The first food that causes colic is milk. Many people are lactose or milk sugar intolerant. It often happens that these ingredients contribute to flatulence. It is absolutely true that dairy products are a source of calcium and protein, but whole milk is not as valuable as fermented milk products. Therefore, the latter can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

The next prohibited product is black bread. It is recommended to avoid this product during breastfeeding, despite the fact that wholemeal wheat bread is very healthy. Extruded bread can be an excellent replacement; they contain much more vitamin B, and fermentation technology is not used in their production.

The next group of foods that cause colic are legumes. They stimulate the production of gases, so it is recommended to eat lean meats, fish, cottage cheese and cheese.

Vegetables and fruits also cause intense gas formation, especially those rich in fiber. The feeding period should take place without raw or pickled fruits and vegetables. During breastfeeding, you should steam, boil or bake them. Micronutrients lacking due to exclusion of this type products from the diet can be replenished with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes.

One of the most common reasons Crying in a newborn baby during the first three months of life is intestinal colic. The main factors causing their occurrence are the immaturity of the baby’s digestive system and a violation of the diet by the nursing mother. A lot depends on nutrition during breastfeeding, so every woman must know what foods can increase.

Intestinal cramps

Colic is a physiological phenomenon caused by the immaturity of the baby's digestive system. This is a painful spasm of the intestines of a newborn baby, which causes a lot of trouble for the young mother in the first months of the baby’s life, but eventually goes away on its own.

It is not always possible to completely eliminate colic before the gastrointestinal tract matures, but you can significantly alleviate the child’s condition by following a diet.

If during breastfeeding a woman limits or completely stops eating foods that cause increased gas formation, the baby will suffer less from intestinal colic.

The presence of this painful phenomenon can be determined by the baby’s behavior: he usually shows anxiety and begins to scream shrilly and for a long time. The baby's stomach tenses, his face turns red, and he draws his legs up. After the process of defecation or passing of gases, the newborn feels better and calms down.

Principles of nutrition

Among them are the following instructions:

  • When breastfeeding, you need to eat lean meats and fish, fermented milk products, low-fat soft cheeses (feta, feta cheese, Zdorovye cheese).
  • It is advisable to adhere to separate power supply. Products that are poorly compatible in their composition make it difficult to digest and absorb food.
  • During breastfeeding, it is very important to take at least 2 liters of fluid. In this case, 50% of the volume should be plain water. You should also consume compotes and fruit drinks, tea, fruit juices, and fermented milk products. In case of breastfeeding, herbal preparations are useful for improving lactation if the child does not have allergic reactions.
  • A new product should be included in the diet gradually. Between introducing new foods, you should take a break of several days and carefully monitor changes in the child’s well-being. If your baby shows signs of food allergies, you should postpone complementary feeding for 1–1.5 months.
  • You should not overload your stomach; it is better to eat often and in small portions.
  • It is not advisable to eat excessively fatty and fried foods. You should avoid smoked meats, marinades and pickles, sauces, and spices. In the first months of a baby’s life, a nursing mother needs a hypoallergenic diet that excludes the intake of exotic fruits and delicacies. During the GW period, you can only purchase local fruits.
  • To monitor your diet, it is useful to keep a food diary. It should include all the foods that the woman consumed during the day. It makes it possible to control the intake of food that causes colic in a child. If after a few hours or the next day the baby has severe pain, then it is necessary to exclude those foods that were eaten the day before.

Unwanted Products

There is a direct connection between nutrition and the quality of breast milk. And if a woman on breastfeeding eats anything that promotes gas formation, then the baby suffers from intestinal colic. Therefore, during breastfeeding, especially the first 3 months, a woman is contraindicated to eat certain types of food.

Foods that cause bloating in a baby:

Black bread

This product is obtained by fermentation, so it is better to exclude it from the diet during breastfeeding. Black bread can be replaced with whole grain bread, which has a good effect on digestion, improves metabolism and enriches the body with vitamins. For the mother of the baby the best option There will be bread with cumin. Their components have a good effect on the lactation process and have a carminative effect.


The consumption of boiled whole milk is not recommended during the first months of breastfeeding; it should not even be added to cereals. You can pour a small amount of milk into tea.

Products such as kefir, yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese are suitable as milk substitutes. Better tolerance of goat's milk has been noted compared to cow's milk, but not everyone likes it because of its specific taste and smell.


All legumes have a high gas-forming effect on the intestines. Products such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas and soy are in first place in terms of vegetable protein content, but at the same time provoke increased flatulence.

Vegetables and fruits

Raw plant foods take a long time and are difficult to digest and cause fermentation. In addition, it can promote infection by microorganisms, so vegetables and fruits should be eaten after heat treatment. In this case, the process of breaking down food is accelerated and the risk of infection is eliminated.

Plant foods are very useful for breastfeeding because they contain trace elements and vitamins. Within 14 days after birth, zucchini, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, apples and bananas are introduced into the diet.

You should hold off on exotic fruits, as they contribute to allergies.

You should not eat during breastfeeding white cabbage and beets, since these are difficult-to-digest vegetables that cause flatulence and colic.

It is better to steam vegetable products; they can also be stewed, boiled and baked.

Confectionery and baked goods

Sweets can also contribute to colic in babies. Mothers with breastfeeding should not eat flour products with cream filling, cream, chocolate, or baked goods. Dried fruits, marshmallows, biscuits and oatmeal cookies, marshmallows, jam and marmalade are allowed in small quantities.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases

If a woman strictly adheres to a diet, but there is no result, and infant continues to scream piercingly for more than three hours in a row, you should contact your pediatrician. Sometimes such colic-like pains indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In order not to miss the existence of a serious pathology in the baby, you should pay attention to the signs that accompany intestinal colic.

Causes for concern are:

  • lack of appetite in the baby;
  • poor weight gain;
  • foul-smelling, mucous or greasy stools, unusual color.

These symptoms may indicate the presence of intestinal diseases.

For successful breastfeeding, a woman must adhere to proper nutrition. We must remember that in the first 3-4 months, the most common foods can contribute to the development of an allergic reaction or intestinal colic in a baby. Often spasms occur due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast, in which the baby does not fully grasp the nipple. This leads to the swallowing of air during feeding and the appearance of intestinal spasms. A young mother should visit a breastfeeding specialist and learn correct technique feeding.