Measurements of glass structures. Measurements for the manufacture of glass structures How to install glass partitions yourself

Today, glass partitions are an integral part of most modern offices. The question naturally arises: how to care for them so that they appearance remained attractive during the entire warranty period?

The Unitex company is confident: high-quality office partitions are durable and reliable structures that are easy to maintain. Compliance with several simple rules will allow you to always keep glass partitions clean without spending extra effort.

What and how to wash glass partitions

So, the main methods of caring for glass office partitions are wet wiping and washing. Cleaning products should be liquid, slightly alkaline (with Ph approaching neutral). If necessary, you can use a soap solution or a solution based on unscented shampoo. Powdered cleaning agents are not recommended. The washing water should not be too hot, as this will dull the glass. To wash and clean office partitions, you should always use soft sponges and non-abrasive products. Under no circumstances should you use hard, especially metal, sponges. Simple, cheap and reliable way cleaning glass - wiping its surface with water and vinegar. Transparent glass without tinting can be sprayed with water with a small addition of blue, and then wiped with a soft cloth.

It is enough to wipe simple tempered glass with regular glass cleaning products once every 3-7 days and as needed. Glass with decorative elements, included inside the glass sheet, are washed in the same way.

All-glass partitions with decorative elements applied to the outer surface of the partition are washed with gentle means so as not to damage the decorative film or paint. Always test new products on the most inconspicuous area of ​​the surface of the glass partition - for example, in its lower corners.

On corrugated and embossed glass, dust is usually less noticeable than on partitions made of ordinary transparent glass. But this is only external - in fact, dust accumulates on such a partition several times more, because it total area surface area is significantly increased. To keep the corrugated partition always clean, it should be washed at least once a week.

If there is a stain from food or dirt on the surface of the glass, it is better to immediately wipe it with a wet soft cloth, if necessary with soap solution. If the marks are dry, wipe them with a cleaning solution and let the stains soak, and then wash them clean. There is no need to try to clean such stains immediately, as you may accidentally scratch the glass. It will become matte, and it will be quite difficult to restore its shiny surface.

Clearing profiles

When mounted correctly, dirt does not get inside, between the wall and the profile. However, dust can accumulate in the corners and joints of the profile, as well as on their moving parts. To ensure that these places always look neat, they need to be washed as often as glass walls. Be sure to use the correct cleaning products for plastic and aluminum profiles, without abrasive inclusions. There is nothing worse than a scratched profile - dust quickly begins to accumulate in the scratches, which is extremely difficult to wash out.

Decorating our home is a creative process, allowing us to create housing that is completely different in functionality, purpose and type of home from rooms of the same layout. A wide variety of new and old materials provide a wealth of opportunities to implement the most daring projects. For example, glass partitions in an apartment or house allow you to give your home a non-standard look or change the layout without erecting new walls. Their installation does not require permission; they do not “load” the space, but divide it, fencing off separate zones.

Types and varieties

First, let's talk about design features glass partitions. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups;

There are also original versions that are difficult to classify as any type, although most of are variations on the theme of frame and French glass partitions, which use different geometric shapes frame, different types of glass. It’s just hard to imagine how different the results of such experiments might look.


Glass partitions in an apartment or house can be made stationary or mobile. Stationary ones are replaced ordinary walls, they are simply made of unusual material. This is an excellent solution if the part of the room being fenced off is without windows - through glass wall enough light penetrates. This technique can often be found in shared offices: glass partitions mark boundaries but do not create the feeling of a beehive with small honeycombs/cells. Everyone has their own working corner, but the room is one.

Stationary partitions do not fold, do not move....

Stationary glass partitions in apartments and houses can be found in bathrooms, where they separate the shower or bathtub from the rest of the room. They are also called “sanitary glass partitions”. This division provides waterproofing, but does not visually divide the space, which is why even a small bathroom remains spacious. In this case, frameless glazing is often used. The glass joints are sealed with a transparent sealant, which perfectly maintains water resistance and does not spoil the appearance. This solution is better for two reasons. Firstly, it’s easier to care for; there’s nowhere for water, dirt, or salt deposits to accumulate. Secondly, profiles for frequent contact with water are expensive. So it's a smart decision.


Mobile glass partitions are common design solutions, which allow different time use the same area in different ways. In this case, the glass wall can be moved. This is a great solution for small apartments, this technique is also used in the design of studio apartments.

Mobile partitions

This technique is also used when combining a kitchen with gas stove and living/dining room. To ensure safety, the room in which it is installed gas appliance, must be fenced off and have doors. But the point of unification is precisely to remove the partition. This contradiction is resolved with the help of a glass mobile wall. It is made entirely or partially of glass and has sliding/folding doors.

Mobile glass partitions in an apartment can be:

If you cannot decide whether you need a stationary partition or a mobile one, take into account the issue of price. Mobile partitions are much more expensive. The difference can be two times or more. If the budget is limited, it is reasonable to make a combined glass partition in an apartment or house - make part stationary and part sliding.

Types of glass and their maximum sizes

The same glass partition can be made from different types glass It is important to choose the right parameters performance characteristics materials, and for this you need to know their features and properties. If you came up with a similar design yourself, it is better to consult an experienced glazier. Not all designers have all the necessary information, let alone ordinary people They're just unaware of some things.

Glass partition can be with doors

Thickness for partitions for various purposes

First of all, you need to decide on the thickness of the glass, which is best used when constructing a partition. Depends on the type of partition, the location of its installation, and the type of glass used.

If the partition is external, it serves to separate the covered veranda, winter garden etc. Most likely, you will need a double-glazed window, and this is a different story and a different approach.

Conventional silicon glass

Glass partitions in an apartment can be made of transparent, matte, patterned, tinted, colored glass, mirrors and their combinations. The dimensions of the glass sheet depend on its type. Sheet ordinary glass has a width of 1200 mm and a height of 2000 mm. If larger sizes are needed, either make imposts (additional dividing profiles) or use tempered glass. It has higher strength characteristics; when broken, the fragments are not sharp, so the likelihood of injury is low. Maximum dimensions Tempered glass with a thickness of 6 to 19 mm allows you to make a solid partition for almost any room: 3210 mm * 6000 mm. There is only one drawback of this glass: it is expensive. And what larger size sheet, the higher the price.

Triplex can be armored, or it can consist of three glasses glued with two films...

Laminated glass has even higher strength: duplex and triplex. Sheets of glass are glued with transparent plastic film(duplex is glass with a film, triplex is two glasses and a film between them. The technology is developed so that the transparency of laminated glass does not decrease, when the glass breaks, it does not fly apart, but becomes covered with a network of cracks, the fragments remain hanging on the film. The maximum dimensions of duplex and triplex are 2600 mm * 3100 mm. Which glass is better for glass partitions in an apartment: duplex or triplex? You can’t say for sure - it depends on the purpose of the partition. Duplex is lighter and cheaper, triplex has best characteristics for heat and sound insulation. So if a glass partition in an apartment or house will separate the room from the street, best options- double glazing or triplex. For internal partition you will have to choose between the usual, tempered glass or duplex.

Organic glass

You can also use glass partitions in an apartment or house acrylic glass or sheet polycarbonate. They have low thermal conductivity (0.2-0.3 W/(m K)), transmit light well (transparency up to 92%), weigh 2-3 times less (with the same thickness), and are more resistant to shock loads , cost less. These are their advantages. Organic glass also has high plasticity at a certain temperature, due to which they can be bent into any shape. After cooling, the glass retains its given shape.

Organic glass can be used to construct glass partitions in an apartment or house

The disadvantages are that the material melts at low temperatures. high temperatures(250-300°C), scratches easily appear on the surface, which significantly reduces light transmission. There is nothing you can do about melting - you can’t install them close heating devices or open flame. And they fight scratches by gluing a thin but durable film. Plexiglas thickness is from 2 mm to 50 mm, sheet dimensions are 2050 mm * 3050 mm.

There can be different objects in acrylic glass

Acrylic glass can be cast or extruded. Cast - more durable, can be of considerable thickness. Extrusion - thinner (maximum thickness depends on the extruder), can be light-proof, light-diffusing, colored. There is also decoacrylic, a variety with matte or smooth surface. Various objects can be inserted inside - from sparkles to any small objects. Decorators love to use such acrylic glass.

Glass blocks and glass profiles

For stationary glass partitions for an apartment or house, in an office, you can use glass blocks and glass profiles. Both are glass products, but they have different kind and manufacturing technology. Partitions made from these materials allow light to pass through, but are not completely transparent. Visible in best case scenario, silhouettes. Details, even with very good lighting, it will not be possible to disassemble.

Glass blocks are cast into specific shapes. Two identical fragments are then combined into one block - a parallelepiped. Do they have small sizes, are available in the form of squares or rectangles, made of transparent or colored glass. The edges can be smooth or patterned, with the grooved surface usually on the inside and the outside smooth.

Stationary partitions made of glass blocks and glass profiles

Glass blocks have good thermal insulation ability, since there is air gap between two glass walls. They are used to build a wall, like bricks, but it is not necessary to lay them staggered; there can also be a seam in a seam. Glass partitions in an apartment made of glass blocks allow light to pass through, but are not transparent. This good option, if you need to isolate, for example, a bathtub from the rest of the room, put a partition in a long room.

Stekloprofilit is a U or U shaped product made of bent alkali silicate glass. It is produced in long strips (up to 3 meters), which are inserted into a special profile. The wall can be assembled as a single wall, or as a double one, by turning the profiles towards each other.

Glass partitions in apartments and houses: photos of interesting options

A partition made of glass blocks in the bathroom - both the shower is fenced off and the space is not overloaded

A stationary partition made of patterned glass separates the bed without creating a division into cubicles

The absence of sharp corners is another possibility that can be realized with glass blocks

For classic interiors Can you make a sandblasted design on glass?

Glass screen on wheels to divide the room

Glass blocks are very popular in the bathroom

If you need to separate the kitchen from the corridor, but maintain natural light in a dark corridor, install a glass partition

Milk glass, rounded fragments - beautiful, stylish

One of the decoration options

Framed glass partitions in an apartment or house look very good... the main thing is that the style matches

An original way to highlight a kitchen without taking up space

Radial partitions - always interesting

Colored partitions also create a certain atmosphere

Frames, thin imposts... interesting effect give the simplest solutions

An important and crucial stage in the work of any glass workshop is measurement. The selection of the optimal offer for fittings and constructive solution, as well as further production glass product. Every millimeter is important for glass production.

Why is measurement necessary for every project?

It is during the measurement that the engineer makes a decision regarding the possibility of installation glass structures, information is collected about the materials of the openings, about possible communications in the walls and the ability of the opening to withstand the planned load. The measurement must be carried out by a specialist with high level technical education. The calculation of the cost of components and materials, preparation of the project and technical specifications for glass processing depend on the accuracy of the work performed.

When is measurement carried out in several stages?

  • Measurements are taken when fully or partially ready finishing openings. It depends on the planned type of construction. If it is necessary that the profiles of a future shower or interior partition were “recessed” into the walls, then before the finish line is ready, our employee arrives for consultation and further organization installation of profiles. And then the final measurement is carried out.
  • Also, 2 or more visits by a technician to take measurements are carried out in cases where it is planned to install sliding and telescopic systems. They are mounted in the ceiling. Therefore, before executing suspended ceilings an embedded part is designed, manufactured and installed, ensuring further safety and functionality sliding system. The weight of the entire sliding door (glass doors and fittings) “falls on the shoulders” of the embedded part or architectural ceiling. Therefore, it is very important that they are reliably and efficiently made.
  • There are also nuances when designing doors whose movement is planned inside the walls. In these cases, technical specialists visit the site before and after the construction of partitions into which doors are planned to be rolled back in the future.

What tool is used for measurement?

  • Laser roulette
  • Laser level
  • Plane Builder
  • Electronic protractor
  • Telescopic ruler

Measurement cost:

Our company provides free measurements for all objects located within the Moscow Ring Road.

Outside the Moscow Ring Road, the cost of measurement depending on the distance in km:

From 1 to 5 km - 1500 rub.

From 6 to 10 km - 2000 rub.

From 11 to 30 km - 3000 rub.

From 31 to 50 km - 4000 rubles.

From 51 to 70 km - 5000 rub.

From 71 to 100 km - 6000 rubles.


  • Payment for the measurement is made by the customer on the day the measurement is taken. The cost of a measurement visit is deducted from the total amount for all orders over RUB 70,000. upon conclusion of the contract.
  • Repeated visits to Moscow initiated by the buyer are paid. The cost is 1500 rubles. for 1 trip within the Moscow Ring Road.
  • Measurements are carried out strictly at the time agreed with the customer. Our engineers additionally warn each client about their visit an hour before arriving at the site.
  • The technical specialist, at the customer’s prior request, brings to the site all the necessary glass samples, decorative film, fittings, profiles, as well as catalogs and price lists. On site, the master will be able to offer possible variations of the future design, talk about the types of glass, fittings and their differences.
  • The duration of the measurement is determined by the total volume of the planned order, the quantity and complexity of future structures. As a rule, measurement does not take much time.
  • You can take the measurement yourself. In this case, the glass company is not responsible for the correctness of the measurements taken. Glass is manufactured to the dimensions you provide, maintaining the required tolerances and clearances.

Measuring has two purposes.
The first is to determine the suitability of openings for installing glass partitions and structures and, if necessary, draw up technical specifications for additional work on preparation (remaking crooked openings, installing embedded parts, etc.).
The second is to determine the exact dimensions of the openings, according to which working drawings of glass and non-standard fittings will be prepared in the future.

If there are errors at the first stage during installation, it turns out, for example, that the existing suspended ceiling the partition cannot be fixed, and under the tiles there are “warm floor” pipes and installing a door in this place is impossible. If the dimensions are taken incorrectly, it may be necessary to rework the manufactured glass or non-standard parts (and it’s good, if not all of them)!

The key to successful measurement is the qualification of the measurer and the availability of the necessary tools. Let's talk about them.

1. Roulette.
The simplest tool, which, nevertheless, in a number of situations turns out to be more convenient than more expensive analogues.

2. Laser roulette.
The main tool of any measurer. Modern roulettes good producers reliable and provide minimal error. However, it should be remembered that laser tape measure may not always be used:
- Some types of coatings (for example, translucent marble) reflect the beam of the tape measure so that it gives overestimated measurements
- The laser tape measure does not measure the distance to reflective surfaces (mirror, polished metal, etc.)
- It is not always possible to measure the distance to a surface with a strong relief - with the slightest displacement of the tape measure, reflection occurs from a point on the surface located at a completely different distance. The solution is to use mechanical measuring instruments in such situations or “replace” the surface. Masking tape, glued to the mirror, will allow you to measure the distance to it.

3. Telescopic ruler
Very useful when measuring heights when a laser tape measure cannot be used.

4. Laser plane builder.
Indispensable for any measurement. Allows you to check the horizontality of the floor and the verticality of the walls and determine how many millimeters and in what places they are blocked. We prefer to use full-size models with three laser planes - with their help you can transfer points and lines from the floor to the ceiling and vice versa strictly vertically, build a straight line and an arbitrary angle. In openings for glass partitions more than two meters wide, the usual level is no longer able to solve even simple task checking the levelness of the floor. Therefore, we can safely say that it is impossible to perform high-quality measurements without a laser builder.

5. Electronic level- goniometer.
Useful when you need to measure some angle or angle of a line (for example, flight of stairs) relative to the horizon.

Glass structures are used everywhere today: partitions in offices, showers, railings for stairs and balconies, and much more. They are comfortable, practical, very durable, and also fit perfectly into any interior. But also to make a quality product from tempered glass not so simple: you must not only use high-quality, properly tempered material for this purpose, but also take all the measurements correctly. And after the structure is ready, carry out installation. These procedures require a lot of knowledge and high qualifications, therefore only experienced specialists should be involved in measuring and installing glass structures.

Why are measurements needed and in what cases are they taken twice?

Before starting any work, you need to carefully note all openings, ceiling heights, etc. Usually this happens in one stage: the master comes and in one day finds out all the dimensions he needs. But in some cases the process is divided into several stages. This happens in the following cases:

  • If the fastenings for the glass partition are built into the walls. In such a situation, the specialist takes measurements twice: before finishing. After the first taking of measurements, the master decides which profiles need to be used for this design.
  • If sliding systems are installed, their elements are attached directly to the ceiling, therefore preliminary measurements are necessary to find out whether the ceiling will bear such loads.
  • If the sliding door extends into the wall. In order to save space, some designers do glass sliding doors moving as if inside the wall. In this case, measurements are also taken before the boxes into which the partition will slide are installed. Everything here must be measured very accurately, otherwise the partition simply will not budge.

For measurements you need many tools: a laser tape measure, a laser level, a plane builder and much more. And, of course, great care and skill are needed. Therefore, it is better not to try to take measurements yourself, but to invite a specialist.

How to install glass partitions

The method of installing a glass partition directly depends on whether it is stationary or sliding. Let's look at the stationary option - it is quite simple to understand.

  • Using a plumb line, markings are made for the future partition.
  • Next, the profile is mounted. A layer of rubber is placed under the tires secured with dowels - this will be more reliable and there will be better sound insulation. This
  • Then the angles are attached to the top of the tires. They are located approximately every half meter. There are clamps on top of the squares - they will fit tightly to the glass so that it does not “walk” in the profiles.
  • After this, a sheet of glass is installed - first in the lower mounts, and then in the upper ones. The clamps are tightened and you're done. The main thing is to insert the canvas very evenly and neatly, without any distortions.

WITH sliding partitions everything is much more complicated: there are connectors, carriages, limiters and much more. But even if in theory this idea seems simple to you, it is better to turn to a specialist: when performing the work, he will take into account nuances that you might not know exist. In addition, they have sufficient experience and knowledge, because City Glass hires only masters of their craft. Therefore, if you decide to order glass partitions from our company, services for measuring glass partitions, you will definitely not regret it.


Product SKU 00985
Brand City Glass