Mirror tiles on the wall. Mirror tiles in the interior: design features, photos

The question immediately arises - how do future interior unusual and modern. Keeping up with the latest fashion trends in the field of interior design is sometimes very difficult. After all, as soon as you find an image on the Internet with a room design you like, literally a couple of weeks later famous designers find even more interesting options finishing. The win-win method still remains mirror tiles V interior. We will give some tips on its use in various rooms and consider its main types.

1. Classification of mirror tiles

The range of shapes and textures of this facing material is actually much more diverse than it might seem at first glance. The very first criterion by which mirror tiles are distinguished is manufacturing material. There are three options in total:

  • Mirror glass tiles;
  • Made of polished metal;
  • Made from hard, high-quality plastic – polystyrene.

The second and third types of material only serve as the basis for applying a mirror coating. The reflective surfaces of such tiles will be worse than those of a real mirror. In addition, metallic paint may distort the reflection slightly. But the cost will also be lower. The base in these cases can be self-adhesive, which greatly simplifies the installation process and the costs associated with it. Tiles from real mirror glass is classified according to the following parameters:

It is sometimes simply impossible to distinguish from what material this or that type of tile is actually made, simply by its appearance. If your goal is to purchase a mirror version, then you can determine it by weight. It will be much heavier than a plastic or metal base.

Standard sizes this finishing material allows you to easily select the most suitable option– 10×10, 15×15, 18×18, 20×20, 25×25, 30×30, 40×40, 50×50, 20×30, 30×45, 30×60 cm. However, some manufacturers can offer you tiles from 6x6 cm in size to order. Standard thickness is 4 mm. Such a wide choice makes it possible to combine it with a regular one, avoiding a large difference in the lengths of the edges. An interesting option are ready-made kits, which, after installation, form entire panels. They can convey a wide variety of images or create a pattern using elements of different sizes.

Concerning mosaic version execution, then the standard dimensions of one fragment can be 20×20, 42×20, 50×50, 149×10 mm. This type of tile is sold in sheets. The base is a flexible mesh material onto which squares of the above sizes are glued. There is a gap between them for seams, standard width which is 2 mm. Thanks to this structure, it is easy to tile radius surfaces using mosaics. Pillars designed in this way look especially elegant.

2. Advantages and disadvantages

Like all finishing materials, mirror tiles have a number of pros and cons that are worth knowing about. Let's start with good:

Now about disadvantages:

  • The material is very brittle and its edges are prone to chipping. This cannot be avoided if installation and transportation are not carried out carefully;
  • If the mirror fragments are incorrectly positioned on different surfaces, may occur maze effect, which has a depressing and overwhelming effect on the human psyche;
  • The surface is easily scratched and does not tolerate contact with abrasive substances;
  • If the room is poor, over time the surface of the tiles may darken.

As you can see, the disadvantages are easily removable and can only arise from ignorance of the features working with this material. Choose trusted sellers who value their reputation and take care of their own products. This can ensure that the cargo is individually packaged and insured during transport. This means you, in turn, will be safe and insured against purchasing damaged goods. The installation of tiles can be entrusted to experienced professionals who provide a guarantee for their work. Our article will help you avoid mistakes in using mirror tiles in the interior.

3. Recommendations for using mirror tiles on various surfaces

Designers simply love working with this type of material. All thanks to the fact that with its help you can instantly change the interior in the most incredible way. Even small fragments can add a new mood to the atmosphere of the room. The most common surface for implementing ideas is, of course, walls. But many recommend using reflective elements on the ceiling and even on the floor.

Secrets wall decoration

It is unlikely that owners will deny themselves two pleasures at the same time - it is beneficial to emphasize individuality premises and make it more spacious. All this will be possible if you adhere to simple tips:

  • The main rule using tiles on walls - do not decorate two opposite walls with them. This will create the illusion of an endless corridor. It is in this case that the negative impact on psychological health will appear. Such a visual illusion distorts space makes our brain actively work in search of a way out of the resulting labyrinth. You can forget about relaxing in such a room.
  • Finishing can only be done part of the wall or a small fragment of it. Think about which wall you want to highlight and show off to your guests. After all, such an element will immediately attract attention. Even a small panel above is already a self-sufficient decoration. For the background it is better to use neutral or. And to further emphasize this highlight of the interior, you can dress it in beautiful frame.
  • To visually raise the ceiling the cladding is performed in the form of vertical strips of small width. Elements can be either paired or single. Repeating elements should have a smaller thickness, while a single strip should occupy about 1/3 of the wall surface. In this case, the most optimal location such an element - on the longest wall.
  • A solid mirror wall makes the room appear larger, while a few narrow stripes make it cozier.
  • To fill with light dark room, place the mirror panel on the wall opposite the window opening.
  • , the back wall of which is laid with mirror mosaics, will appear deeper. And with the right lighting, this effect will be transmitted to the entire room.
  • Looks very original combination ordinary tiles with mirror To achieve the best result, very important choose the same size of two elements. If this condition is met, the composition will be holistic and harmonious.
  • For facing two adjacent surfaces, for example, the corner between two walls or the junction of a wall and ceiling, use different variants tiles One can be plain, the other with a pattern, colored or plain.

AND remember that the effect of increasing space is achieved precisely due to the presence of reflection in the mirror elements. Therefore it is very important subject of reflection. The interior must be carefully thought out. After all, you must agree that if your mirror wall reflects a massive wardrobe, it will create the feeling that you are in a cave. And a completely different impression will be created by the reflection of the window opening and sunlight. Attentively choose location– this is the key to a successful result. Also pay close attention to the placement of lighting fixtures. Glare and sunbeams can interfere and tire your vision. That's why lamps It is better to place it along the edges, and not in front of the mirrors. Then the light from them will be reflected from the surface more softly, tangentially and not create discomfort.

Mirror ceiling - yes or no?

This unusual technique is very rarely seen in the interior of apartments. This is due to the fact that it has not yet gained sufficient popularity and requires a competent approach. When is it advisable to use mirror tiles on the ceiling?

Mirror floor in the interior of the apartment

This is probably the most non-standard solution for finishing floors. However, there really is a special type of floor tiles. It is made from a mirror cloth of increased strength and wear resistance, which at the same time has a very large thickness. Its surface is not subject to mechanical stress. All these factors together do this type of facing material incredibly expensive.

As for residential use, you should think twice before deciding to take such a step. Laying on such a floor is simply impractical, given its cost. This means that you will always see the reflection of the ceiling on the floor... The sensations will be quite strange, it is possible the appearance of dizziness and disorientation. Therefore, no matter how interesting and attractive this crazy idea may seem to you, it is better to abandon it in time. Moreover, you will spend a large amount on purchasing the material, but over time you will spend no less on dismantling, purchasing and installing another coating.

The only thing you can safely do is use small ones mirror elements, to diversify the usual tile masonry. They are square-shaped, measuring 50x50 mm or more, and are inserted between tiles that are laid offset. This method is quite acceptable for apartments or houses. Fully mirrored floors very rarely, but can be found in huge shopping centers. This serves as an excellent technique to attract clients. Whether you like it or not, you can go in and look at the upside-down shop windows and buy something.

4. In what rooms is it appropriate to use mirror tiles?

If you have definitely decided for yourself that there should be such an element in your apartment, the time has come decide V Which or room It is worth placing such decor, and in which it is not. Let's start with the main thing - not the place mirror tiles in children's interior rooms. Let’s immediately answer the question “why?”:

  • This material is quite easy to break, crumble into small sharp pieces and cause injury. Even if you are not using real glass, but plastic, its fragments can also be very dangerous.
  • Rate fashionable and modern trend The baby definitely won’t be able to for the first 15 years. This means you are doing this solely for yourself. In this case, place a mirror panel in your room.
  • A child's unstable psyche may have ambivalent perceptions of such a technique. Reaction baby maybe unpredictable.
  • From a comfort point of view, this is not the “warmest” material for decorating a child’s room.

In all other rooms you don’t have to limit your own imagination. Let's take a closer look.

Mirrored interior of a dining room or bathroom

Thanks to your positive qualities, this type of tile is an excellent solution for use in rooms where present constant humidity and temperature changes.

For bathroom, which often do not allow full use of various techniques for increasing space, it’s just find. You can not only diversify the interior, but also make it more spacious. In addition, if you choose a tile that is suitable in shape, you can replace it is ordinary, which you simply cannot do without. The remaining walls can be decorated with tiles with ornaments or plain ones mixed with tiles. Only in this room does the concept of “too” completely disappear. The most interesting cladding options mirror tiles in the bathroom:

The only one disadvantage Using mirrors in the bathroom causes them to fog up when using hot water. You will need to constantly wipe all walls dry to ensure that there are no soap or limescale residue left by hard water.

IN dining room mirror tiles look equally good both in the work area and in the dining area.

double benefit. The space will seem much larger, and the need for an ordinary mirror will immediately disappear. In this case, you can combine two types of tiles. For example, in the middle of the wall, from floor to ceiling, lay a regular mirror one, and on the sides - tiles with patterns.

Mirror tiles in the design of a living room or bedroom

Use case ceiling mirror elements looks most appropriate in living room.

Bedroom implies proper rest and healthy sleep Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use mirrors in large quantities here. This means that only one wall should be allocated for them. But whether it will be completely covered with tiles or not is a matter of taste.

This is because for many people, having too many reflective surfaces can be a source of embarrassment.

Many people are accustomed to doing all home repairs with their own hands. Some people save money this way, while others simply don’t trust unfamiliar craftsmen. Whatever the reasons, if you decide to install mirror tiles yourself, you need know the key points. The surface must be prepared as before. And here is the process itself installation has some peculiarities:

After successful completion installation work, you can enjoy unique design made with your own hands.

It's hard to imagine a hallway without a mirror. This is an important element of the interior that performs several functions. A mirror decorates a room and enlarges the space. In addition, it allows owners to control their appearance before leaving home. This decorative element makes the hallway cozy and comfortable. Proper use of it will give the room a stylish and modern look.

A mirror in the hallway is a must

The mirror in the hallway serves several functions

This decorative element makes the hallway cozy and comfortable.

The hallway is the first room that greets everyone who enters a house or apartment. She is the face of the home and forms the main impression of the owners. Therefore, it must have an attractive interior and be comfortable.

The design of a corridor largely depends on its area. If it allows, then you can install a set, shoe rack, pouf and other furniture. In small rooms, you should limit yourself to a hanger for outerwear and a shelf for shoes and slippers. But there is one decorative element that is present in any corridor - a mirror. It has a special role and carries several functional loads.

The hallway should have an attractive interior and be comfortable

The design of the hallway depends on its size


Responsible for the appearance of the owners

Before leaving the apartment, you can look at it and put yourself in order, notice the shortcomings of your outfit. Especially if the mirror large sizes and allows you to examine the entire growth.

Stylish decor item

Today the choice of mirrors is endless. They differ in size, quality and other characteristics. The design is especially worth noting. An elegant frame is installed around the mirror, which is made from various materials. It is appropriate to use wenge and baguette. They will emphasize the grace and nobility of the main item.

Visually expands the space

As a rule, the size of the hallway is quite modest, and the shape is not very comfortable. A mirror will help hide such imperfections. It will visually enlarge the room several times.

Fills with light

If we are talking about a hallway in an apartment, then there is no window in it. Therefore, the issue of lighting is acute. You have to install several devices. A mirror will be an excellent assistant in this matter. Thanks to this reflection effect, the decorative item will diffuse light throughout the room. It will be light, airy and spacious.

A mirror in the interior of a hallway is one of the main attributes. It takes up minimal space and is located on the wall, so it can fit even the smallest square meters. The functional load of the item is great, it is difficult to do without it in the hallway. It should be in the first room of the apartment.

The mirror can fit even in the smallest hallway

It’s difficult to live without a mirror in the hallway

Mirror, the main attribute of the hallway

What types are there?

A mirror without a frame is rarely used in the interior. The frame gives it a stylish and finished look. It allows you to change its design and make it an original and interesting piece of decor. In this case, not only the color of the frame changes, but also the shape and texture. Additionally, the item is covered with buttons, stones, rhinestones, fur, wood and other materials.

Working with a mirror surface is more difficult, but possible. There are different ways that will help in this process. As a result, the mirrors differ in their appearance. The most common options include the following.

  • Patterns. The surface is painted. Acrylic and stained glass are well suited for these purposes. They are designed for use on glass surfaces. They are firmly fixed on it, do not spread and do not fade over time, painting long time remains bright and saturated. They mainly paint with acrylics, and with other paints they create stained glass windows.
  • Stained glass. A similar painting has characteristics, which distinguish it from the usual one. All elements must be painted with a metal outline. He is entrusted with a special task - fastening glass elements of different color range. You can create such masterpieces with a special paint called contour. Its tone imitates metal. The number of shades is limited; to obtain new ones, the paints are mixed and diluted.
  • Matte drawing. The most popular way to decorate a mirror surface. To perform such a design, the sashes are treated with abrasive parts. At home, a special paste can cope with the task perfectly. The matte surface makes the mirror unusual, stylish and luxurious. If the processing is done manually, then it will be individual and unique, because the soul of the owner is invested in its creation. This will fill it with a special aura.

Usually the mirror is hung in a frame

You can use a mirrored wardrobe

Light and mirror

A mirror reflects not only the appearance of a person and objects opposite him, but also light. This fact must be used when arranging the premises. A well-thought-out design will allow this ability to operate profitably. Especially in dark and small hallways. If you install lampshades above the mirror or use a dressing table, the room will become light and spacious, cozy and comfortable.

There is no window in many corridors. Especially when it comes to an apartment. As a result, we can’t even talk about natural lighting. To correct such a defect, lampshades, chandeliers and other items that can replace it are installed. It is impossible to solve the problem one hundred percent even in this situation. A full-length illuminated mirror will help eliminate darkness in the first room. Additionally, an elegant hanger is installed, light colors furniture.

Think through the design of the hallway in advance, taking into account all the features of the room.

The light is playing important role in the interior of the hallway

Make sure the room is bright and comfortable

The installed lighting above the mirror is interesting to look at. It complements the overall picture and style of the interior. Makes it beautiful and modern. You should not neglect such a decorative item when arranging a room. This is a winning solution for any hallway. It gives it a fabulous and magical look. Such lighting has a soft and warm effect on the interior. If we are talking about a small-sized corridor, then such a solution will visually make it larger and more comfortable.

Mirror in wooden frame will look very beautiful and impressive

A mirror on the entire wall can visually expand the boundaries of the room

What to look for when choosing a mirror?

The selection of mirrors is huge. Despite this, it is not easy to settle on the option that will be optimal for a particular case. This is explained by the following factors.

  • The hall area is limited. Basically it is small, so after arrangement it remains minimal amount free space. It is necessary to properly decorate the room to avoid such problems.
  • The door is located inconveniently. A similar oversight was made initially when planning the housing. It causes many difficulties in preparing the design.
  • A lot of furniture is being installed. Since the hallway performs several functions, it is necessary to make it comfortable. Pieces of furniture in which shoes and clothes are stored will help with this. If you don’t think through everything to the smallest detail, then there is a high probability that chaos will result after the arrangement. ABOUT beautiful room one can only dream.
  • Little light. In this case, not all mirrors will look impressive. Trellis, oval, floor-mounted are inappropriate in this case.
  • Inconvenient layout of the hall. As a result, finding a place on the wall where you can hang a mirror is difficult.
  • Limited budget. Cost of luxury and beautiful mirrors correspondingly high. It is possible that the owners simply do not have enough money to purchase it. After all, interior design involves a lot of work that will cost money.

You need to choose a mirror carefully

The mirror should fit harmoniously into the interior of the hallway

Choose a mirror in the same style as the room

But don’t be upset, there are options that will help make the interior beautiful and comfortable. A mirror in a baguette frame or dressing table is inexpensive, but looks stylish and visually increases the space. If the room area is limited, then it can be inserted into the cabinet doors. Thus, it will not require extra space on the wall. An original solution there will be a mirror on the front door. Such an interior is always a winner.

Not only should you be careful when choosing a mirror, but also its design. The right decor will give it originality and luxury. Beautiful lamps will do this perfectly, Entrance door in wenge color, sophisticated trellis.

The function of a mirror can be performed by a sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors.

You can order furniture with a built-in mirror

Full-length mirror: features of the decorative item

A full-length mirror is a non-standard solution for the hallway. If you apply it correctly, then a simple and uncomplicated design will instantly become effective and original. The decorative element will make it possible to implement complex design ideas. A masterful transformation will produce a stunning effect, the dark hall will become a rainbow-colored looking glass. It can become a wonderful panel and be located along the entire wall.

An interesting solution is a mirror corridor. It involves installing several items at once, located on different sides. It is appropriate to have reflective surfaces opposite. Despite its originality, this technique is rarely used. Because not everyone feels comfortable in such an environment.

A win-win option would be to install a reflective surface on the right or left wall relative to the entrance. This location is the most convenient. Residents can look into it before leaving. It is not recommended to place a dressing table opposite the door. This violates the aesthetics of the whole picture. The only exceptions will be original design ideas.

A mirror can visually expand the boundaries of a room

You can use a wardrobe with mirrored doors

Full-length mirror - a non-standard solution for the hallway

Hallway layout: what to consider?

A reflective surface can hide imperfections in the corridor layout. It does not clutter or weigh down the design. On the contrary, it gives it sophistication, visually increases its size, and fills it with light. This attribute performs the following tasks.

  • Raise the height of the ceiling if you install it vertically.
  • Pull apart the walls. A horizontally shaped object has a similar effect.

Using a mirror you can hide the imperfections of a room

A mirror in the hallway is a win-win option

In the hallway you can make a special finish from reflective materials. Mirror tiles look stylish and unusual. Such a panel on the wall raises the ceiling. The visual effect from it will be incredible. It is similar to the illusion that magicians can create.

Mirrors of various shapes, sizes and types are suitable for decorating any home. It is not difficult to use them, since this design is a win-win option in any interior. They make it possible to create a unique and stylish design with minimal financial costs.

Video: Mirror in the hallway. Placement ideas

50 photos of hallway design ideas with a mirror:

Mirror surfaces can refresh and transform the interior, highlight the most advantageous places and disguise elements that require concealment. Mirrors mask unevenness and allow you to decorate slopes, beams, and columns in an original way. Mirror tiles in the interior, successfully selected and used, have become universal tools to give design solutions special accents and create a unique atmosphere. Its use is especially beneficial in narrow or low rooms, where it is necessary to visually expand the space.

While agreeing with the obvious advantageous aspects of using this material in any interior style, it is often rejected, citing excessive fragility and wear and tear. But the beveled mirror tiles offered by well-known companies have very high strength and wear resistance indicators - quite comparable to the same parameters of ceramics. At the same time, the resistance to scratches and other minor mechanical defects of mirror tiles is lower than that of ordinary ceramic tiles.

Due to its high resistance to changes in humidity and temperature, as well as chemical attack, this material is ideal for rooms with high humidity and sudden temperature changes, on surfaces to which household chemical cleaning products are often used.

Mirror tiles in the interior can be standard or beveled. Faceted is distinguished by a beveled side from which the chamfer is removed. This gives the product a special grace. On the surface of the ceiling or walls, beveled tiles can be laid to create a solid mirror surface or in combination with any finishing materials.

It is believed that bevels complicate the process of laying the material. But professional craftsmen They can easily be installed in any room - in the bathroom, living room, kitchen. They will lay individual covering elements with minimal gaps and seams, and after grouting the seams the surface will be perfectly smooth.


The bathroom is a room where you can not be afraid to install excess mirrors, especially considering the moisture resistance of such material. Any number of them can be appropriate if these elements are thoughtfully arranged and allow you to achieve the desired effect.

The main goal when using mirror tiles in the bathroom is to visually increase the space. In most bathrooms, the area is too small, and new interior trends and the growing needs of people dictate the need to at least visually make the space wider, higher, and lighter. The soft light provided by reflections will be a beneficial feature for any bathroom.

Designers recommend laying mirrored bathroom tiles diagonally, especially if you need to increase the space and make the room visually taller. Diagonal laying creates the illusion of depth, strong perspective, and makes the atmosphere more intimate and separate.

It is very beneficial to choose mirror elements for lovers of dark tones who cannot afford to use black and others. dark colors in a small bathroom. By combining black tiles with mirror ones, you can achieve unique effects, without the risk of making an already narrow space even smaller.


In the kitchen, mirrors, as in the bathroom, can be used without any special restrictions on the number. With them, the room will only become brighter, more energetic, uplifting, invigorating in the morning. With dim lighting in the evening, the atmosphere will be relaxing. And for a romantic dinner, candles are ideal, reflected in each tile on the wall or ceiling.

On the kitchen ceiling, mirror tiles will add solemnity to the room and increase the height. To do this, it is enough to frame the main lighting fixture with tiles.

Small or large, laid horizontally or diagonally, in combination with ceramics or without it, mirror tiles on the backsplash will immediately make even the work surface more elegant and sophisticated. Don't be afraid of how dirty mirrors are - just as easily as they get dirty, they can be cleaned.

Corridor and hallway

One of the very advantageous use cases is on walls and ceilings in narrow corridors or hallways. These important places Apartments are often poorly lit and have a small area with very high functionality. This is the place by which the guest judges the apartment as a whole and its owners.

Tiled mirrors are placed on both sides of the corridor, on the ceiling, in wall niches. Even without additional lamps, the hallway will immediately brighten, because the mirrors will reflect the soft daylight coming from the living room. An appropriate technique that creates the effect of “hovering” in the air would be to use contrasting tiles. This technique is ideal for modern, light, minimalist interiors.


This material is also used very successfully in the bedroom and living room. A small bedroom will become bright and spacious if you place a mirror panel at the head of the bed.

One of the risky decisions that designers recommend to be treated with extreme caution is placing mirrors on the ceiling, above the bed. Such an element can extremely rarely be appropriate, but people who love experimentation and extravagance in everything sometimes find it very to their liking.

Design techniques

One of the spectacular techniques in the design of a bathroom, kitchen, living room is a combination of mirror and ceramic tiles. The room becomes elegant, solemn, and original panel, unique in each individual case. This decor is often used in cafes, restaurants, nightclubs; this solution looks great in any living room.

The use of mirror tiles has its limitations. It is not advisable to install such elements on a surface exposed to direct sunlight. Under the sun, the material can quickly lose its attractiveness.

Not only entire bathroom or living room surfaces decorated with mirror tiles look impressive, but also individual interior elements. It will not harm the design to use this material on the back wall of the mantelpiece or shelves for collections.

It is not advisable to hang a mirror next to a painting. The seam lines of the mirrors should not be on the line of the eyes. The exception is small tiles, in which the face is reflected in several elements.

Mirror tiles with a bevel in the shape of bricks, perfect for decorating walls in the hallway or a backsplash in the kitchen

When using a mosaic of alternating ceramic and mirror tiles, or placing ceramic and mirror surfaces side by side, try to choose elements of the same size so that they are interchangeable. Subsequently, you can quickly transform the room by replacing a few tiles.

To clean mirror tiles, you can use regular glass cleaners. To preserve the surface and avoid clouding due to micro-scratches, use napkins made of natural materials and non-abrasive products.

One of the great features of modern quality mirror tiles is their affordable price. Without allocating fabulous budgets for the renovation of a living room or hallway, using tiles even to smooth out defects or hide imperfections, you can not only create the room of your dreams, but also save significantly. But you need to take into account that a mirror is a specific element; it is very difficult for a non-specialist to predict what effect it will create in advance. Before using mirror tiles, it is advisable to consult with professional designers who will help you choose the ideal option and demonstrate how the room will look before you make a final decision.

In contact with

Using mirrors in the interior is a great way to significantly change the decor, expand the space, and make it deeper. And this applies to absolutely any mirror coatings, be it full-fledged structures, or decoration using mirror tiles or mosaics. This type of finishing has many advantages. It is used in the interior of residential premises, for example, in the design of a bathroom, kitchen or corridor. And also for cladding public buildings- shopping and entertainment centers, office foyers, cinemas, restaurants and other establishments. This article will talk about mirror tiles in the interior.

Mirror surfaces do not require complex maintenance and such products are relatively easy to install; in addition, the characteristics of the tile allow it to be used for a long service life.

  • Often mirror tiles are presented in the form of mirror sections of a certain shape. The edges can be processed to make them safe and aesthetically pleasing. It is possible to produce tiles according to individual order, the edges of which will be beveled - beveled tiles. But it is uncomfortable to perceive your reflection in it, since it turns out to be fragmentary and partial. However, the material itself becomes more elegant and sophisticated.

Mirror tiles in the interior photo

Features of mirror tiles

Making mirror tiles

  • The process of producing mirror tiles is slightly different from the production of ceramic tiles that are familiar to many (for which the method of pressing a clay mass and firing it is used). In factories that produce mirror tiles, the process of cutting large sheets into individual elements of the required size and planned shape is carried out.
  • The mirrors themselves are produced using the jamming method. That is, special compounds are added to the molten glass mass, which are gaseous crystalline substances called mufflers. They are the ones who give finished product mirror shine.

  • Incoming raw materials for further processing may have different thickness, starting from 4 mm. Standard size The finished product can vary from 9.5x9.5 cm to 30x30 cm. Usually, the shape chosen is square, but it can also be rectangular, diamond-shaped and even triangular. Of course, when making products to order, you can choose any possible parameters.
  • After the tiles have been cut, they go to the workshop for grinding and polishing. An important stage of work is to properly process the edges so that they do not pose a threat to further use. Also, the edge, depending on the developed design, can be polished, matte, or with cut bevels (a bevel along the edge of the product that is decorative in nature). Due to this processing ready product decreases in size by approximately 1.5 mm from the original parameters. And this is exactly the value that tiles can differ from each other even in the same batch.
  • In addition, mirror tiles can be made from a material such as polystyrene. The top of this product is covered with a plastic layer. Distinctive feature This product is that it is quite easy to cut, and it is also possible to paint it in a variety of colors and create embossing on the surface. However, due to the unsatisfactory indicator of environmental safety, it is used a little less often than glass elements.

  • In order to create any pattern on the surface, manufacturers most often use sandblasting. That is, when high blood pressure Sand is applied to the surface of the glass using a pre-made template. In this case, the drawing itself will have matte finish, and the rest of the product has a glossy shine. It is also possible to apply images with paint or thermal printing, but such methods do not always allow the surface to remain long years in an unchanged state.

There are 3 main options for creating mirror planes:

  • mirror tiles;
  • mirror polystyrene boards. They are represented by ordinary polystyrene slabs, the front side of which is coated with paint containing tiny metal particles. Its advantages lie in affordable price, ease of installation, and the disadvantages are the low quality of reflection, the image is blurry;
  • self adhesive mirror tiles. This option for creating mirror decor is the easiest to install. The elements are presented in the form of tiles, consisting of an outer mirror layer and an inner layer attached to the base. The thickness of the material is only 5mm. To apply such tiles, it is necessary to create a perfectly flat surface. The entire installation consists of ridding the inner surface of protective film and applying the material to the base. This material is securely attached to the surface and does not require additional finishing processes. But its cost is much higher than glass tiles.

Advantages and disadvantages of mirror tiles

Positive qualities of mirror tiles:

  • long service life;
  • versatility of use;
  • a variety of design solutions, the surface of the material can have different color solutions(gold, silver, bronze or chrome), be smooth or embossed, and also have inserts (square, in the form of embossing or any stripes and lines), in addition, there is an option in which upper layer a holographic pattern is applied;
  • has sufficient flexibility that it allows you to veneer even curved structures (niches, columns, etc.);
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to chemical reagents, including acids and alkalis;
  • high corrosion resistance and moisture resistance;
  • easy care;
  • environmental Safety;
  • visual expansion of the room;

  • Possibility of self-installation and easy replacement of components.


  • fragility of the product, that is, a more careful and careful attitude is required compared to other finishing materials, since in cases of damage to the products, there is a high probability of injury;
  • with prolonged use in conditions of high humidity, the surface may change, its darkening, of course, this process can be slowed down and even prevented entirely by using well-functioning ventilation and carefully sealing seams;
  • high price of products compared to other similar cladding options.

Technical characteristics of mirror tiles

  • The most important parameter is high reflective ability (more than 90%). Due to this indicator, it became possible to fill with light even those rooms where the level of illumination is minimal. It is important to place it correctly lighting and it does not matter in what quantity they are used.
  • The next characteristic is excellent moisture resistance and resistance to chemicals. This parameter also affects the resistance of the product to atmospheric phenomena. That is, it is allowed to use tiles in rooms where conditions are far from ideal. In addition, due to its immunity to elements such as ammonia and acid, even chemicals can be used to clean the surface. detergents based on them.

  • The mirror coating is produced using a special technology, due to which the product does not contain copper and lead impurities, which are actively used to create a protective layer for household mirrors.

Features of installing mirror tiles

  • Mirror tiles can be mounted on almost any surface; in particular, they look good on walls or ceilings. There is also a common option in which mirror-coated tiles are combined with ceramic products. Of course, it will be difficult for an unprepared person to carry out installation right away. mirror panels or mosaics, because unlike tiles, whose back side has a relief or rough surface, this tile has an even and smooth texture.
  • So, in order to start laying tiles, you need to properly prepare the base. It must have almost perfect evenness. After all, any defects will lead to the fact that it will be impossible to achieve a uniform mirror surface. Roughness or waviness will immediately be reflected on the installed product, and this will lead to image distortion. Surface preparation is carried out in the same way as in cases with other cladding methods.
  • When the base is prepared, the tiles should be laid out in the order in which they are planned to be installed. Since not all elements are identical in size even in the same batch (differences can be up to 3 mm), this must be taken into account before installation begins. It is also better not to use the method of cutting edges, since initially all products have edges processed in a special way, and if they are removed, the appearance will noticeably deteriorate.

  • But if it is necessary to adjust the material to size, then use a glass cutter. With its help, the tiles are adjusted to the required size and shape. It is necessary to work carefully to prevent the formation of chips and cracks in the material.
  • The first row must be laid horizontally. It is best to leave joints between the tiles, but no more than 4 mm, this will help maintain the pattern throughout the entire surface. That is, when mounting the products closely, after several rows you can notice that the edges no longer match and the entire pattern “floats”.
  • On the first mirror tile with back side Silicone-based glue is applied with a spatula. Then the decorative element is applied to the place where it will be located, placing it within the outlined boundaries, pressed to the surface and held for some time until adhesive composition won't grab.

  • Then a plastic cross is placed on the edge of the tile, the thickness of which corresponds to the desired width of the seam. You should not make seams that are too wide, otherwise the integrity of the reflection will be compromised. The next element is placed next to the first element, etc. All panels are laid out in this way. Laying tiles, especially mirrored ones, requires leisurely, precise movements. Mirror elements should only be pressed to the base soft cloth, otherwise you may damage the surface or leave unpleasant scratches or stains.
  • There are several in different ways fixing mirror tiles on the walls. First of all, you need to take into account the parameters of the product itself. So, if the reverse side is opaque, then it can be covered with a mixture of bitumen and sand, but if the product is completely transparent, then it is allowed to use a composition of liquid glass mixed with some sand. In general, mirror products can be mounted on silicone solutions or liquid nails; it is important to pay attention that there are no acids in the composition, otherwise unpleasant stains may appear on the front side.
  • Mirror tiles on suspended ceiling secured with screws. The fastener caps are hidden under chrome-plated plugs. This is a labor-intensive, responsible process, but more reliable. Not a single tile will fall from the ceiling.

  • After the installation is completed and you are completely satisfied with the result, the lined surface is left to dry for several days (about 2-3 days, depending on the gluing method). After this period, the seams should be grouted with silicone grout, which does not contain acids. This product is ideal for bathrooms or kitchens, as it does not allow moisture to penetrate between the tiles, which means that the likelihood of dark spots appearing on the front side is reduced.
  • On last stage The mirror finish is polished with a soft cloth. This is done after the grout has completely dried. It is important to maintain evenness during installation; each laid row must be checked using a building level.

Basic space design techniques

  • Since mirror tiles or panels may have various shapes, sizes, and design solutions, then there are many options for including them in the interior. In any case, glass products are always appropriate indoors and no matter what style was chosen - classicism, baroque, oriental, gothic, antique, hi-tech or even minimalism. For example, artificially aged mirrors are ideal for almost all classical styles.

  • Since the shape of the mirror elements can be different, this can be used to advantage in the design. For example, tiles in the shape of a diamond or rectangle can expand the space, but at the same time, without becoming the center of the composition. There is also an option in which the large central mirror will be framed by small triangular or square elements. It is no longer easy to cover the surface of a wall or ceiling; it is the art of creating panels.
  • In general, the panel can be ready-made, that is, the manufacturer independently chooses the shape of the products, what elements they will consist of and in what sequence installation is required. If this method of creating an interior is not optimal, then you can always create a composition yourself.

  • The peculiarity of mirror finishing is that it allows you to visually enlarge the space around and make it lighter and more comfortable. Beveled tiles are most often used in the interior. Due to the beveled edges, this design looks as elegant as possible, while the tiles seem almost weightless.
  • The traditional place for laying tiles is the bathroom or kitchen. But this does not mean that it is inappropriate in the living room or bedroom. So, if the house has small room, then to expand it, it is enough to trim the wall opposite the window with mirror tiles. In this case, it is important to take into account that the surface of the mirrors should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which is why it is recommended to install the panel slightly above the window level. You should not fill large areas of the walls with mirrors, so as not to turn the room from cozy to cold. The mirror should act as an auxiliary tool, an element that hides the shortcomings of the premises.
  • If you need to achieve reverse effect, that is, narrowing the space, it is recommended to dilute the mirror elements with other materials, that is, not use a single canvas. This technique is perfect for large living rooms or hallways. But if you use it in a small room, you can forget about the harmonious and cozy atmosphere.

  • Another rule is that mirrors should not be installed on two opposite surfaces. That is, when one wall will be displayed in another. This tires the eyes and psyche, therefore, if it is required that the tiles be on each wall, then it is recommended to mount them at different levels, avoiding mutual reflection.
  • When you need to visually raise the ceiling, a mirror ceiling covering is best suited for this purpose. Moreover, experts advise using a seamless installation method. In addition, it is important to properly complement the decoration with light sources. There is also an option in which only central part ceiling with mirror inserts, and throughout the rest of the space multi-level ceiling. Here it is important to correctly calculate the design parameters, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect - reducing the height of the room. If decorating the ceiling was not included in the plans, then you can use this solution - decorate the lower part of the room with mirror products. This will also increase the height of the walls and at the same time expand the space.
  • Of course, the decision to decorate a kitchen or bath with mirror material is considered more common. Tiles in the kitchen allow you to expand the space, make it more comfortable and bright. Here, mirror elements can be combined with furniture made of glass or with a glossy surface. It is best to decorate only one wall with mirrors, for example, it can be a large panel in the center of the wall, or kitchen apron. But since drops of fat from cooking food settle on kitchen surfaces, it is worth using smaller tiles for tiling. On solid, large canvases, dirt and grease will be very noticeable.

  • As for the bathroom, it is allowed to use mirror finishes on all walls and even on the ceiling, if the room does not have sufficient lighting. But still, if you completely cover a room with mirror tiles, it will turn out faceless and cold. It is recommended to place a mirror accent on one of the surfaces. For example, the decor of mirror stripes in the bathroom, placed along the entire height of the walls, looks very original. The tiles are attached to moisture-resistant drywall, behind which all communications are hidden.
  • If there is large space, then it is recommended to use mirror tiles for the bathroom as a decorative element. That is, combining it with other materials, for example, a mirror surface in combination with black tiles looks very advantageous. It is important to take into account that when combining products of different compositions, it is best if they have the same dimensions.

Golden rules for using mirrors in the interior:

  • To visually enlarge the room, wall cladding should be selected according to light colors. The tile is placed so that it reflects the window opening;
  • if the mirror plates are framed, this prevents the room from expanding. The thicker the frame, the smaller the room appears;
  • For finishing with mirror slabs, choose a wall that will not create the effect of the presence of strangers. It is best to place mirrors on the side of the entrance, behind the sofa.

Caring for mirror tiles

  • Like any other type of finish, mirror tiles also require regular care. Only by carrying out certain procedures in a timely manner can you maintain the attractiveness of the product and preserve its natural shine. First of all, as an everyday activity, it is recommended to treat the surface with plain water, that is, wipe the mirrors with a slightly damp soft cloth.
  • If stains or persistent dirt appears on the front of the products, you can use special cleaning products for mirrors or glass. In addition, you can use folk recipes, for example, dilute table vinegar in warm water and wipe the surface with this solution.
  • Of course, it is worth adhering to a number of restrictions. It is forbidden to wipe mirrors with a hard brush or preparations that contain abrasive particles. Since such treatment will lead to scratches, which will not only spoil the appearance, but will also become a place for the active reproduction of microorganisms.
  • After the mirror tiles have been cleaned with water or liquid products, it is necessary to rub the surface with a soft, dry napkin or cloth. This procedure will restore its shine and beauty. To ensure that the product retains its original appearance for as long as possible, exposure to direct sunlight should be protected and high humidity should be avoided. In addition, you can use special protective agents that create an antistatic effect on the coating, so the tiles will attract less dust and become dirty.

  • The average cost of one tile ranges from 150-500 rubles. The price is determined by the manufacturer, a specific collection, as well as the main parameters (shape, size, color, and so on). But such an investment fully pays for itself with the beauty that a mirror finish can give. Of course, when choosing this option for cladding, you should take into account many facts, not least of which is the illumination of the room. After all, only when correct placement lamps, you can achieve a truly stunning effect, in which the space expands and is saturated with light.

Thanks to mirror tiles, you can bring into reality any design ideas. This product can be used not only for finishing walls or ceilings, but also for decorating niches, furniture, openings, columns, fireplaces and many other architectural elements. It is important to follow the rule of harmonious combination of the mirror surface with the rest of the interior, and then you can really create the most comfortable conditions.

In what cases and for what can decorative mirror tiles be used?

Mirror tiles - playing with light

The most common use is for visual increase space. But if in a small or narrow room you will place the tiles opposite the cabinet and the light from the window to the street will not be directed into them, the effect of magnification will not be created, and the mirror wall will distract and disturb the views of those in the room.

If you want to use mirror tiles wisely, choose a place where the window will be accurately reflected. It is not necessary to cover the entire wall space with finishing, but if you are joining tiles, it should not be one or two stripes. You can cover with them, for example, the upper half of the wall or part of the wall behind the back of a sofa or armchair. If you're decorating a bedroom, you shouldn't place a mirrored wall opposite the bed unless the bed is near a window and the tiles don't directly reflect it. Under all of the above conditions, the ceilings in the room should be high enough, the color of the walls should be light. Mirror wall on small kitchen can double the space. Wallpaper in the kitchen should be light.

Mirror tiles - a labyrinth that goes into the heights

If indoors low ceiling, Maybe, the best solution will decorate it with mirrors. Moreover, there are special self-adhesive tiles. In the case where the ceiling is two or three levels, for example, the central part can be decorated with panels. An interesting example is when, with the help of such decoration, a whole labyrinth of reflections was created. Although this technique is best used in small corridor, where no one will bother their psychological impact a mysterious labyrinth, while the first effect of a spacious corridor will be preserved.

Mirror tiles - the purpose of beautiful objects

It is not necessary to do this with the entire (or part of) the wall; you can use mirror tiles to create accent areas by placing the tiles fragmentarily, for example, above a false fireplace, chest of drawers, or near a table located against the wall. In this case, you must comply next condition: mirror tiles should not reflect too many objects, they will distract attention and will not create the illusion of space. In overcrowded rooms, it is almost impossible to achieve the goal of expanding the space with the help of mirrors. And what things are reflected in the mirrors is of great importance. If it is a beautiful lamp or an unusual floor vase, consider that you have made the right decision!

Mirror tiles - possible compositions with mirrors

Three large mirror framed fragments on one wall look very impressive; for example, in the dining room they pleasantly decorate the wall, diversifying its relief and texture and creating the impression of a cafe with beautiful furniture. Spotlights or beautiful chandelier will not be superfluous.

The panel can be placed not opposite or next to the window, but next to its reflection in another mirror. The achieved double effect will be original and catchy if you accurately calculate the size of the tile and its location. It’s good when such a mirror fragment reflects houseplants, in this case the illusion of a winter garden will appear.

A non-trivial way to use tiles is to cover a wall using the “crushing” method - for example, with squares in a checkerboard pattern, alternating mirrors and a covering made of cork or any other material. Not squares can be used, but stripes of equal size, or narrow ones in combination with wide ones. They can be placed both vertically and horizontally. An interesting example is the arrangement of panels with a “honeycomb” texture.

You can create a whole collage of panels, but the composition should not leave a feeling of chaos. Decorating with mirror tiles gives great opportunities to those who dream of a fairy-tale looking glass.

Mirror tiles in the interior - photo