Pearl is what a stone. Pearls: properties of the stone

Pearls are one of the most coveted and beautiful stones for woman. Its properties are very diverse. For some Zodiac Signs, pearls can be a wonderful talisman.

According to experts, pearls are not only a feminine stone. It can also be worn by men, but not necessarily as a decoration. It can simply be in the owner’s pocket or lying in the workplace. This will not diminish his strength. It is worth noting that this is more of a stone-amulet than a talisman of good luck.

Energy properties of pearls

The stone protects a person, enveloping him in a positive aura. Pearls make their owner more stable emotionally, protect them from the evil eye and damage, and from unpleasant people. Women, like men, should wear or take pearls with them on a first date so that a person shows his true colors and reveals his positive and negative qualities.

Pearls come in black, white, pink, greenish, blue and cyan. All shades work about the same, but between black and light colors there is a difference. Black pearls are even more powerful in terms of protective functions - they can additionally calm the owner and help give up bad habits. A white or light stone is more aimed at enhancing intuition. Light pearls also help in learning, sharpening attention and memory.

The element of stone is Water, since it gives birth to it. For this reason, stones of the element of Fire should not be worn together with pearls: ruby, garnet, tiger's eye, carnelian, amber.

They wear pearls not only on dangerous and unfavorable days, but also on any other days. The stone does not have to be removed at night. Pearls can have several owners: they are not tied to human energy. The stone is absolutely neutral towards gold, despite its energetic incompatibility with this metal. With gold it works on its own, neutralizing the positive and negative properties of the metal, so it can be worn as inlay. Pearls go well with silver and platinum. Silver enhances protective properties, and platinum helps to give confidence.

Which Zodiac Signs suit pearls?

Pisces, Gemini, Leo, Libra pearls help get rid of bad habits. They should wear it as often as possible to fight laziness, procrastination, fears and negative thoughts.

Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer and Sagittarius pearls will help you better understand people and notice something hidden in others. This stone will allow you to see untruth in words and actions.

Negative thoughts and doubts often haunt Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio. Representatives of these Signs are more likely than others to abandon projects they have started due to fears, uncertainty, and doubts. Pearls help them fight these problems. This stone is incredibly useful, as it activates intuition and helps clear the mind, protecting it from fears and negativity.

There is not a single Sign for which pearls would be contraindicated. This universal remedy protection, as well as a talisman stone for everyone who often makes important decisions. It prevents you from acting rashly, but not at the cost of reducing your decisiveness, but by increasing your speed of thinking.

Pearls help to restore energy and strength faster, so it is useful to wear them even at home. The power of the element of Water will help wash away fatigue and remove the negative energy accumulated during the day. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.02.2019 08:07

Natural minerals are exceptionally powerful. They can enhance a person’s capabilities and help him achieve success...

Pearl stone, which is an amazing gift of living nature and mined not in the bowels of the earth, but at the bottom of large bodies of water (oceans and seas), is used human society for several thousand years and is revered as the most unusual jewel.

What is this stone?

Pearl is precious stone biogenic origin, extracted from the shells of mollusks living in freshwater and salt water bodies.

Its formation is the result of a mollusk’s protective reaction to any irritant (pebble, grain of sand, shell fragment) that penetrated from the outside and ended up in its mantle.

In an effort to get rid of the irritant, the mollusk begins to intensively produce nacre and gradually, layer by layer, envelops the foreign body with it. After some time, a pearl appears in this place.

Several dozen pearls can form in the shell of one mollusk, but in this case they will be very small.

IN chemical composition pearls, which are not a mineral from the point of view of mineralogy, contain aragonite, a mineral that is a solid variety. The value of pearls used to make jewelry is very high.

Origin story

According to scientists, the first pearls were discovered in the shells of bivalve edible mollusks caught in the waters of the Gulf of Mannar 4,000 years ago.

The age of the oldest pearl jewelry discovered during archaeological excavations in Susa is 4.5 thousand years.

As legend has it, one of the secrets of the incomparable beauty of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra was that she drank a glass of wine every day, in which a large pearl was dissolved.

In memory of the miraculous drink, guests of the modern Japanese hotel Otani are offered to try the Pearl cocktail: along with a glass of wine, they receive a pearl lying on a rose petal.

The rulers of ancient states used pearls to regulate interstate relations: by presenting each other with expensive jewelry, they not only showed their affection, but also demonstrated their own wealth.

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great, who became the owner of countless treasures obtained as a result of his campaigns in the East (this happened in the 4th century BC), laid the foundation for a pearl fever that lasted for two centuries and made pearls incredibly popular among the nobility of that time.

IN ancient China the pearl adorning the cap of every nobleman emphasized his high status.

Pearls arrived in ancient Rus' from China and began to be widely used to decorate clothing, household utensils and icon frames.

Prince Svyatoslav, as chroniclers testify, wore a pearl earring in one ear. Ivan the Terrible's robe, embroidered with pearls, amazed foreign ambassadors with its beauty and wealth.

They were also surprised by the fact that peasant women in some provinces wore pearl beads and headdresses generously embroidered with river pearls for the holiday.

IN medieval Europe Pearls were used to decorate icons, church utensils, and priests’ robes.


The main meaning of pearls, which has not changed for several millennia, is its use in jewelry.

Physical properties

Pearl, which is an organomineral aggregate of conchiolin (a protein polymer synthesized by a mollusk) and calcium carbonate, has:

  • Layered structure. Organic plates alternate with the thinnest and most transparent mineral layers in such a way that they do not touch at all. This gives rise to the phenomenon of light interference, which gives the pearls spectacular rainbow patterns.
  • Density from 2.6 to 2.78 g/cm 3, thanks to which pearls can be drilled without any cracks or chips.
  • Shell fracture.
  • Lack of cleavage.
  • Pearlescent shine.
  • Low (up to 4 points on the Mohs scale) hardness index, since any sharp object can easily scratch it. The delicate stone is not polished so as not to damage the mother-of-pearl layer.
  • Ability to dissolve even in very weak acids.
  • Varying (depending on the variety) degrees of transparency.
  • A variety of color palettes.

Pearls can be white, silver, cream, pink, blue, green, yellowish, golden, blue and black. The color of pearls depends on many factors, but their maturity, measured in microns, is of decisive importance.

This characteristic indicates the thickness of the aragonite plates. The highest quality pearls are those in which this indicator exceeds half a micron. As a rule, this is typical not for river pearls, but for sea pearls.

Place of Birth

Bivalve mollusks (scientists have counted over 32 species), from the shells of which pearls are extracted, form colonies and live in shallow waters warm seas at depths from 5 to 40 m.

The main extraction of natural pearls is carried out:

  • in the Gulf of Manara and the Persian Gulf;
  • off the coast of the island of Sri Lanka;
  • in the Red Sea.

Freshwater pearls are mined in the clean rivers of Russia, Germany, China and North America.

Varieties, colors

Gemologists divide pearls into river and sea pearls:

  • Producers of river pearls are freshwater mollusks that live in clean waters slow-flowing lakes and rivers. Freshwater pearls, appearing in only one shell out of a thousand, have an uneven surface, grayish color, small size and weak shine. The cost of freshwater pearls (they can be natural or cultured) is low.
  • Sea-grown pearls are distinguished by their large size, smooth surface and bright mother-of-pearl luster. They are most often painted white or pink. Pearls of blue, black, yellow and green are much less common.

Sea pearls (depending on the type of mollusk that grew them, the purity, temperature and degree of salinity of the water in the reservoir) are divided into the following types:


This is the name given to pearls that have a ribbed surface and an intricate shape resembling a disk, pear, drop or cylinder.

Among them, specimens called paragons are of particular value: their outlines show similarities with animals, human faces, wolf fangs, bird wings, etc.

They have always been attributed magical properties and used as amulets and talismans.


This group includes large (up to 22 mm in diameter) pearls, mined only in warm seas, having a variety of colors and thick layer mother of pearl


This type of pearl, grown to one of the shell valves, lacks a nacreous coating at the site of germination. They are typically used for necklaces and chokers and mask the defect by drilling a hole in the area for the threads.


Pearls of this type, painted bright yellow, orange, brown or red, do not have nacre at all and can gain weight up to 70 g.

The giant melo melo sea snails, which produce precious beads, are not able to live in artificially created conditions. Their habitat is the waters washing the shores of Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma and Thailand.


This type of pearl, colored grey, silver and black, is characterized by its particularly large size and perfectly round shape.


Hollow and aerial view pearls obtained thanks to special technology. The pearl bag of the mollusk, from which the pearl has already been removed, is filled with dry hygroscopic material, which absorbs moisture and gradually stretches the bag.

The mollusk envelops it with a layer of mother-of-pearl and after some time a very large pearl is formed from it, the cost of which is determined by the thickness of the mother-of-pearl coating.


Very expensive cultured pearls produced by oysters (they were bred through selective breeding at the end of the 20th century) living in the Japanese Lake Kasumigaura.

Large (up to 2 cm in diameter) kasumi pearls, colored pistachio, white, gold, cream and Orange color, have a teardrop shape and an iridescent bright shine.


Each pearl of this cultivated species looks like a flower petal. The peculiarity of the shape is explained by the fact that the formation of a pearl occurs as a result of the mollusk’s refusal to accept the inserted implant.

If a foreign body enters the pearl sac with a rejected implant, the process of formation of the precious mineral still starts. The rarity of Keshi pearls is due to the fact that an oyster that does not accept an implant is usually given a new one.


A rare type of pearl produced by the mollusk of the same name and mined in Mexico, California, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.

The abalone shell is unique: its inner surface shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The pearls formed in it have the same feature.

Abalone pearls, painted in bright shades of beige, blue, pink, green, orange and lilac, are highly valued in the jewelry market.

Concluding the description of abalone pearls, it is worth saying that the shape of most of them follows the outline of a horn or shark tooth, therefore the most valuable are rounded specimens.


Black pearls of this cultivated species are grown in the shells of large oysters, thereby ensuring the outstanding dimensions of the resulting stones.

Tahiti pearls are cultivated in Vietnam, Australia and the Seychelles (the island of the same name is only the center for their sales). Tahitian pearls can be colored deep charcoal, chocolate or silver.

Natural pearls can be natural or cultured. In both cases, it is formed in the shells of living mollusks.

There is only one difference: The formation of natural pearls occurs naturally, while cultured pearls are created by mollusks as a result of human intervention, deliberately introducing a special implant into their shells.

Because the traditional way mining (pearls were obtained by divers who opened mollusk shells with a knife), which provoked mass death of mollusks, which are natural filtrates of water, caused enormous harm to the natural environment, it was banned in 1952.

Since then, 95% of pearls entering the market are cultivated on specially created farms.

The technology for mass cultivation of pearls in artificially created conditions was invented and patented in 1896 by Japanese entrepreneur Kokichi Mikimoto.

In 1926, pearls obtained in this way and for a long time considered a fake, received the status of a natural gemstone.

Pearls in an oyster

The cultivation technique is as follows: A small mother-of-pearl bead is inserted into the carefully opened shell of a three-year-old mollusk, after which the oyster is placed in a special reservoir with an artificially created environment that is ideal for its life.

Thanks to greenhouse conditions The duration of formation of river pearls is 2 years, and sea pearls - 3. All stages of the process are under the continuous supervision of specialists.

The properties and appearance of cultured pearls are in no way inferior to those of natural pearls.

The cultivation of cultured pearls is established in Japan, China, India, Australia and some countries in Southeast Asia.

Magic properties

  • Magic properties pearls turn it into a powerful talisman that can protect the owner from communicating with deceitful and vain people. Once in the hands of such a person, the stone will either lose its shine or be lost.
  • Pearl relates well to stubborn and strong people, so politicians, athletes and entrepreneurs who enlist its support can achieve success and avoid many troubles (for example, from contacts with dishonest partners or from making unprofitable transactions).

Jewelry with black pearls (according to legend, this is the widow's stone, which is a symbol of loneliness) is not recommended to be worn unmarried girls.

Black Pearl

Having succumbed to the influence of the stone, its owner may refuse to meet with potential suitors for her hand and heart. This stone, endowed with powerful energy, will protect a mature woman from the evil eye, damage and adultery.

  • The magic of pearls is beneficial for women: this stone is able to prolong youth, preserve beauty, endow them with maternal wisdom, enhance femininity, softness and charm.

Pearls are not suitable for men of creative professions with an active psyche: the influence of the stone can lead them to depression and severe psychiatric disorder.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of pearls are widely used by modern lithotherapists.

In their opinion, this stone is endowed with pronounced diagnostic qualities.

For example, loss of luster, discoloration and clouding of pearls may indicate the onset of a serious tumor process in the abdominal organs. In this case, the owner of the pearl jewelry should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Patients suffering from arrhythmia, liver and gastrointestinal diseases. A pendant with a large pearl will help alleviate their condition.
  • People complaining of emotional overload and frayed nerves are recommended to wear pearl beads or a bracelet.

Pearl tincture has excellent hemostatic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

To obtain it, 3-4 pearls are placed in a glass of cold water and infused for 12 hours. Using it to wash your eyes can help get rid of conjunctivitis, and regular mouth rinsing will help cure sore gums.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Pearls are not suitable for representatives of every zodiac constellation, and this should be taken into account when choosing jewelry.

Ignoring this circumstance can undermine the health of a person whose zodiac sign is incompatible with this stone.

The horoscope states that jewelry with pearls is most suitable for representatives of the water signs of the zodiac:

  • Wearing the stone will help develop communication and rhetorical abilities.
  • with its help they will gain purposefulness and determination.
  • The influence of the gem makes them more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Amulets with a mysterious mineral will help , And avoid the machinations of ill-wishers.

The influence of pearls is also beneficial for:

  • The support of the stone will balance the temper of Capricorns and help them live in harmony with themselves.

Representatives of the signs of the fire element - , And– wearing jewelry with pearls is contraindicated, since the energy of their patron planets (Mars and Jupiter) actively conflicts with this stone.

Who is the name suitable for?

Sunny pearls are ideal for a woman named:

  • Valentina. The stone will emphasize her purity and purity.
  • Marina. With his help, she will gain wisdom, calmness, become more attractive and avoid disappointments.
  • Albina. The support of the mineral will bring her good luck, spiritual comfort and help preserve her family union.
  • Hope. The magic of the stone will ensure her prosperity and longevity.
  • Evdokia. The stone will protect her from meanness and fill her life with joy. Margarita. The precious mineral will bring harmony and peace into her life.

Talismans and amulets

Pearls are among the stones that become accustomed to their owner.

In order for a stone used as a talisman or amulet to work exclusively for its owner and not harm him, it should be worn in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Accept pearls as a gift from unfamiliar people is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to disaster.
  2. Jewelry given by a loved one, will bring good luck to the new owner only if it is paired (for example, a set consisting of earrings and a bracelet), and the donor’s intentions are good and sincere. Otherwise, the energy of pearls will be negative.
  3. Talismans that have been in use for a long time, should not be re-gifted or passed on by inheritance, since pearls that have retained the energy of the previous owner do not always accept a new owner. In this case, it may get lost or crack.
  4. Frequently used pearl talisman needs regular recharging: to do this, place it in a glass of clean water, take it outside and leave it in a place filled with moonlight for 15 minutes.


Pearls are very often used as an insert in jewelry: pendants, earrings, rings and tiaras. The most valuable are natural pearls of blue and black color, which have impeccable round shape and diameter more than 10 mm.

Jewelry with pearls is most often set in gold (yellow and white), and a little less often – in platinum. Pearls painted silver and gray tones, look impressive in a silver frame.

Girls and women of any age can wear jewelry with pearls, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. When creating a sophisticated evening look, a young girl going to a special event is advised to limit herself to just one long string of pearls.
  2. For a mature woman, in this case, a heavy necklace or a necklace in several rows is suitable.
  3. A short string of pearls, harmoniously complementing a trouser suit, an office dress or a set consisting of a skirt and blouse, will help create the perfect business look.
  4. The pearl that became universal decoration, these days are often used to create everyday looks.

According to this trend, bracelets, necklaces, brooches and sets of rings and earrings can be worn with voluminous sweaters, T-shirts, distressed jeans and bright T-shirts.

Other uses of stone

In addition to being used in jewelry, pearls are widely used in lithotherapy and in performing magical rituals and ceremonies.

These days, icons embroidered with beads, pearls and rhinestones are extremely popular.


The cost of jewelry (in rubles) with natural pearls is quite affordable:

  • Earrings made of 925 silver can be bought for 1200-5800 rubles.
  • The price of gold earrings ranges from 12,500-30,800 rubles.
  • A silver ring will cost the buyer 1400-2400 rubles.
  • The cost of a gold ring ranges from 7,700 to 15,800 rubles.
  • For a pearl pendant in a silver frame you will have to pay from 990 to 1900 rubles, for a gold pendant - from 3800 to 8700 rubles.
  • A white pearl necklace (47 cm long) can be purchased for 2500-4700 rubles.
  • Beads made from freshwater pearls cost from 460 to 750 rubles.


Natural pearls require careful care and storage.

Products with it must be cleaned regularly using a piece of velvet and a lukewarm solution of shampoo or baby soap.

Rinsing the pearls running water, it is necessary to dry it naturally, without resorting to a hair dryer or other heating devices.

Cleaning pearls with a solution of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, as well as any abrasive materials is strictly prohibited.

To avoid damage to the mineral, it is recommended to wear items with pearls only after applying deodorant, cream, perfume and hairspray.

To avoid exposing the stone to high temperatures, jewelry should be removed before visiting a sauna or bathhouse.

Products with pearls that are susceptible to mechanical damage should be stored in a separate box with soft interior lining.

How to distinguish from a fake?

People have been counterfeiting natural pearls for many centuries:

  • In the 15th century “Roman” pearls – glass balls filled with paraffin – were very popular.
  • Chinese craftsmen to this day cover glass beads with “pearl essence” - an extract of scales sea ​​fish having a strong pearlescent luster. To prevent the paint from rolling off the surface of the glass, the beads are baked in a muffle furnace.
  • The fake is considered ready after applying and baking several layers.
  • The “shell pearl” technology, which appeared in America in the 20th century, consisted of turning beads from the thick part of mother-of-pearl shells and then applying a thick layer of varnish to them.

Nowadays, jewelry manufacturers use technology to improve low-quality natural pearls by irradiating and tinting them.

As a result of treatment with neutrons or x-rays inexpensive yellow pearls change color, becoming black or Brown color, as well as dark shades of blue.

Pearls of this color are more valuable and are in high demand, so products with ennobled stones are much more profitable to sell.

The cheapest fakes are made from glass and plastic, covering them with a layer of pearlescent paint.

In order to avoid becoming a victim of fraud, you need to know that natural pearls:

  1. They have more mass than artificial ones.
  2. They have a uniform deep shine, regardless of the angle at which the light falls on them. A dull surface is a sign of a fake.
  3. When falling from a height of half a meter, they will - like balls - bounce off the surface; artificial beads, falling, will remain motionless.
  4. Unlike artificial ones, which quickly take on temperature environment, real pearls remain cool even in a warm room.
  5. They have holes with perfectly smooth edges; Fake beads will always have bumps and chips around the holes.
  6. They have a scaly surface (this is clearly visible under a microscope), unlike artificial beads, the surface of which is smooth.
  7. When exposed electromagnetic field will remain motionless while the artificial pearls begin to roll.

What stones does it go with?

The proximity of pearls to other stones is considered optimal. water element(with the exception of ).

  • semi-precious;
  • ;

    The chemical formula and composition of the glassy mass used to form the basis of future pearls is kept in the strictest confidence, but you can observe the initial process of their production by visiting the company store located in Mallorca.

    The company's production and head office are also located there.

    At the first stage, the master, having strongly heated a translucent stick from a secret composition and wound the softened mass on a metal rod, makes a ball - the basis of the future pearl.

    The cooled balls are placed in a wooden frame and sent to the production workshop, where they are coated with a layer of paste consisting of mother-of-pearl and natural pearls ground into powder.

    Dried pearls are thoroughly polished, thanks to which they acquire the shine characteristic of natural pearls of the most expensive varieties. The process of making one pearl takes at least a month.

    With help modern technologies Majorica pearls are colored in different shades of blue, yellow and Pink colour, cover them with gold or silver.

    The cost of organic pearls is lower than cultured and natural pearls, but products with them look no less impressive and are more durable.

    In May 1934, a tragedy occurred off the coast of the island of Palawan (Philippines): a young pearl fisherman died after becoming a prisoner of a giant tridacna (mollusk) that pinched his hand. The diver's body was taken out of the sea, and the shell flaps - the culprit of his death - were opened.

    Inside was a huge pearl with a diameter of 23.8 cm and a weight of 6 kg 370 g. The local mullah, who saw in its intricate shape the resemblance to the head of a man in a turban, gave it the name “Pearl of Allah”.

    The cost of the treasure (this pearl is considered the second largest in the world) - despite the lack of mother-of-pearl luster - is 40 million dollars. Its storage location, according to unverified data, is in New York.

    In 2010, in the same places, one of the local fishermen was lucky enough to catch a giant shell, inside of which a pearl weighing 34 kg was formed.

    Its owner, who was remarkably unpretentious, kept it in his home as a talisman. The discovery became known only after a fire occurred in the house of a successful fisherman.

    The cost of the unique pearl, according to preliminary calculations, is $100 million.

    Bright orange melo pearls measuring 23x18 mm were sold at Christie's in 1999 for $488,000.


Magic minerals are not only mined from earthly rocks. Today we will talk about seafood, natural pearls. The huge variety of shades and magical properties of natural stone make it desirable for many representatives of the fair sex.

Pearl jewelry helps cope with various diseases and resist negative environmental factors.

Magical and healing properties

Natural pearls are formed from nacre in the body of a mollusk.

Since ancient times, pearls have been endowed magical power. Moreover, each culture attributed its own unique properties, depending, apparently, on values.

  • In India it represents wealth, prosperity, wealth.
  • In European culture - longevity, youth and beauty.
  • China prescribes abilities in strengthening marriage and the birth of healthy children.
  • In Mongolia, it is a symbol of power.

Regardless of culture, people believe that magic beads have protective properties.

M agic properties of pearls:

  • Protect the owner from thieves,
  • n does not allow melancholy and depression to develop;
  • protects from mental evil (evil eye, slander, curse or bad word spoken in anger);
  • has a beneficial effect on the state of internal balance;
  • gives wisdom, calmness and prudence;
  • helps to assess the sincerity of a partner,
  • protects against fraud and unprofitable deals;
  • pink pearls represent tenderness and love;
  • white means purity, honesty and integrity;
  • black gives physical and mental strength;
  • shades of yellow and brown attract wealth and help gain self-confidence.

Using pearls as a personal talisman helps to quickly restore wasted strength and calm nerves.

Each sea pebble is unique in its size and shape. During extraction it does not require additional processing.

Jewelry made from sea stones are original indicators of the health of their owner. If beads suddenly faded or cracked - there are health problems, the person should consult a doctor.

Healing properties of pearls:

  • Strengthens memory;
  • harmonizes nervous system, is an excellent antidote to stress and depression;
  • improves the body's protective properties. Helps to recover as quickly as possible in case of illness;
  • affect visual acuity;
  • help normalize blood pressure.

Blue pearls are considered the most expensive. Marine can be white, pink, blue, cream, green, yellow, black. The river one is only white.

Who is suitable as a mascot?

Jewelry with natural pearls is not suitable for everyone. If they bring happiness to some, they may harm others. Representatives of a conflicting zodiac sign are better off choosing an imitation stone or majorca, and if they want to decorate themselves with a scattering of unique stones.

Jewelry with pearls is the jewelry of the strong, strong-willed people, managers and businessmen. For people of creative professions, the stone is not recommended as a talisman. The water gem completely suppresses creativity.

Signs of the water element can boast the greatest compatibility. The signs of the earth will become quite friendly, while the fire element does not get along with natural pearls.

Compatibility of pearls with zodiac signs:

    Pisces pearls will help overcome the fear of speaking and develop the gift of eloquence.

    Cancer will betray determination in business and determination. Suitable as a talisman in achieving a goal.

    Scorpios Black pearls are ideal. Such stones will help cope with excessive irritability and short temper.

    As a talisman against evil spirits Yes, the machinations of the unkindly disposed people around will help the pearls Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

    Capricorns And Aquarius will help you cope with difficult life tasks and not fall into depression.

Astrologers advise Leos, Aries and Sagittarius to refrain from choosing jewelry with natural pearls.

Which name would suit pearls best?

Thanks to the variety of colors of the sea mineral, every woman can choose a piece of jewelry to suit any outfit and mood.

  • For Albina, pearls will be a guarantee of peace and a strong family.

    Valentina. Jewelry with pearls will add attractiveness and charm.

    Pearls will protect Evdokia from evil and help her avoid serious life disappointments.

    Marina will find harmony with herself and the world around her. The absence of strong emotions will help you avoid committing rash acts. Which you might regret later.

    Hope will gain youth, health and longevity.

Single girls should not wear pearls, because the energy of the water stone suppresses the will. For married women, pearls will become a talisman of fidelity and strengthen family ties.


Sea gemstones can come in different shades.

As a personal talisman, it gradually gets used to its owner and cannot be given to another person. The power of the amulet becomes stronger over the years. At the same time, assistance is provided to people with noble thoughts and actions.

Basic rules for using pearls as a talisman:

    You should not accept gifts from ill-wishers or unfamiliar people. Only given from a pure heart and with goodness will it serve for good.

    Pearls given by a loved one as a gift have great protective power. This could be a combination of a pendant with a bracelet, earrings or a ring and a bracelet. In general, any 2 items with a unique stone should be worn at the same time.

    To recharge the talisman, just place it in a glass with clear water and leave it on the window during the full moon to be charged with the magical power of the luminary.

How is it formed

Pearl jewelry will never go out of style.

Pearls have their own special appeal and uniqueness. This is perhaps the only stone of animal origin. The pebble is formed not in the earth's rock, but in the body of a mollusk. During the life of a mollusk, various grains of sand or small substances of a different nature may enter the shell. A protective reaction against injury to the mollusk’s body is the formation of nacre. This substance envelops a foreign object, gradually increasing. Each pearl grows over many years and has its own unique shape. Sea stones do not require additional processing, because each natural pearl stone is a unique creation, captivating with the beauty of its tints and shapes.

Today there are 2 forms:

In this case, the following types can be distinguished by origin:

    natural - made by nature without human intervention.

    Cultivated – obtained naturally, but with human participation. When a pebble or bead is specially placed in the shell.

    Artificial - completely created by man using mother of pearl, including that obtained from fish scales. An example of high-quality artificial pearls is Mallorca.

Legends of origin

Pearls are the only precious stone that is of animal origin and is obtained from the sea, and not from the bowels of the earth.

Since ancient times, real pearls have been valued as treasure. Many nations have their own legends about the origin of mother-of-pearl beads.

    Ancient Greece believed in the divine nature of sea beads. According to legend, pearls were born from a drop of water flowing from the hair of the goddess of beauty and love, who arose from the foam of the sea - Aphrodite.

    Residents of the ancient east believed that pearls are born where a rainbow touches the sea waves.

In Japan, legends were not created; people there knew the true nature of the appearance of beautiful mother-of-pearl beads. In Japan, pearl mining was the responsibility of women and this craft was passed down from generation to generation.

The people of China went the furthest in the jewelry industry, learning to artificially plant beads in mollusk shells, on the basis of which valuable pearls grew in relatively short time. Nowadays there are a huge number of farms growing valuable stones all over the world. However, this does not exclude a large number of fakes of various levels.

How to care

At correct use natural pearls will delight with their exquisite beauty for at least 150 years, which is several times longer than the average life expectancy modern man. However, if the product is not taken care of, it may lose natural beauty in a fairly short time.

    Should be stored in a specially prepared place. It could be a box, it would be better if it is made of wood. You can also store it in canvas bags. It is important that pearls are kept separate from other minerals, especially if they are not compatible.

    Natural stones do not like fats, cosmetics and perfumes. When wearing, try not to let your cosmetics come into contact with the jewelry.

    After wearing, it is advisable to wipe with a soft, clean cloth. Various chemicals and hard brushes are contraindicated.

    An equally unfavorable environment will be both excessively dry and high humidity air.

    Do not speed up the drying of the stone using a hair dryer or heater. Overheating is not favorable for the pearl ball.

What does the price depend on?

Variety and attractiveness of color.

The cost of natural pearls depends on several factors.

    River minerals are several times cheaper than their sea counterparts;

    yellowish or gray in color are considered cheap. Instances of black, pink, gold, white pearls, especially regular round ones, are the most expensive.

    Large pearls are not often found in nature, which is why a natural stone larger than 10 mm in size will not be cheap.

Considering the beauty and cost of natural stone, you can often encounter fakes on the market. In order not to overpay for artificial glass that can be coated with natural stone, it does not hurt to find out in advance the distinctive qualities of a fake.

How to distinguish a fake?

It is customary to give pearls to a bride at her wedding as a symbol of fidelity and a strong family unit.

Several simple ways will help you distinguish natural pearls from fake ones:

    taste the stone, the natural one will creak, but the fake one is smooth and glides easily;

    rub several beads together. If the stones are natural, they cling, but glass slides easily;

    the imitation of the gift of the seas will be light, while a natural pebble will have noticeable weight;

    If you have the opportunity to look at the product in ultraviolet light, be sure to take advantage of it. Natural mother-of-pearl has a bluish tint in ultraviolet light, while fake pearls glow pink or green.

Natural pearls will never go out of style. For many centuries, it adorns women of all ages, gives them beauty and longevity, and helps them achieve lordship. This unique stone will fit perfectly into any look. Perhaps this is one of the few gems that looks equally good on an evening dress and with a regular T-shirt and shorts.

Pearl is the only precious stone in the world that is not mined from the earth.

Then how are pearls formed? It occurs in mollusk shells. This occurs when foreign particles enter the sink. This could be sand, small fauna, and so on. All this can injure the body of the mollusk. To prevent this from happening, it begins to secrete a special substance. It is called and translated as mother of pearls. This substance envelops the foreign body, smoothing out everything sharp corners. This is how pearls are formed.

The longer it stays inside the shell, the larger its size will be, since the substance of the mollusk envelops it in layers, and it is released until the pearl leaves its home. This may happen when the diver retrieves it.

After this, the gemstone is delivered to the jewelers. They create jewelry from pearls, and even from photographs you can appreciate their beauty. Such products quickly sell out, not only due to their magnificence, but also due to the fact that pearls have healing and magical properties.

Pearls can be grown in a natural environment - this is a natural pearl, in an artificial environment - this is a cultured pearl, or created artificially - this is a synthetic stone.

In the traditional understanding of users, pearls are white, round-shaped gemstones. This is just one of the varieties of this gemstone. There are several other types of this stone. These include cultured, artificial, and natural pearls.

Types of pearls:

  • South Sea.
  • This type of pearl is the most expensive of all cultured stones. It has several color options - white, gold and silver. These pearls have the thickest layer of nacre compared to their counterparts. Due to this, the stone has a large size. This influences the high cost of the gem.

  • Ocean pearls.
  • These pearls grow in large mollusks that live in warm bays of the oceans. This species comes in white, silver, cream, pink and greenish-black tones.

  • Baroque pearls.
  • The name of this gem translated from French means irregular or bizarre. Its baroque stones were obtained thanks to their unusual oblong shape. Baroque pearls can be cultured or natural. It is grown in both fresh and sea water. Baroque pearls always affordable price. Therefore, it is always in demand among buyers. Jewelers pay great attention to Baroque pearls. Thanks to him, craftsmen can create jewelry that can be compared to works of art.

  • Mabe pearls.
  • This is a natural blister pearl. It has a hemispherical shape, which is formed due to the fact that the pearl appears and grows not inside the mollusk, but on the inner surface of the shell itself. Such pearls have the most big size compared to natural analogues. Color palette This stone ranges from gray-silver to shiny black in tone.

  • Tahitian pearls.
  • These are cultured black pearls and have a round shape. It is mined near the Polynesian islands in the southern part Pacific Ocean. These pearls are large and medium in size.

  • Mallorcan pearls.
  • Not all users know what Mallorca pearls are. These are pearls that are produced artificially in Spain at a factory located on the island of Mallorca. This is where the stone got its name from. Mallorcan pearls have almost the same properties and appearance as natural stones. Only a professional can distinguish it from real pearls.

  • Freshwater pearls.
  • Such pearls grow and develop in bodies of water with fresh water. He has small size and round shape. Pearl tones range from light silver to light yellowish. It can be natural or cultivated. These pearls are mined in China. It has an affordable price, because from 5 to 25 pearls can form in the shell of a river and lake mollusk.

  • Akoya pearls.
  • These are natural pearls that are formed in the shells of mollusks that live in sea water. It has a round shape and medium size. Typically these pearls are cultured. It can be cream, pink, white, silver and greenish-black.

How to distinguish artificial pearls from real ones

How to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones? It’s no wonder that consumers often have this question. Nowadays, when many fakes have appeared on the market, anyone can encounter a counterfeit. Therefore, you need to know how to identify real pearls so as not to make a mistake with your choice. There are several ways to do this:

  1. You can run pearls over your teeth. Natural stone will creak, but artificial stone will not. This is one way to distinguish pearls from fakes, but not the most reliable, because in a jewelry store sellers will not allow you to determine the authenticity of a stone using this method.
  2. The next way to identify natural pearls is to rub the stones against each other. Natural pearls will cling to each other, artificial pearls will not.
  3. You can tell a fake from a real stone by its weight. Natural pearls have significant weight, artificial stone is light.
  4. You need to look at the surface of the stone. This is the most reliable way How to distinguish real pearls from synthetic ones. Natural stone has an uneven surface, while fakes have a smooth surface.
  5. You need to drop the stone on a flat surface. The difference between the present and artificial stone is that the first one will bounce, the second one will not.
  6. The differences between artificial and natural stones also lie in the shade. It is necessary to hold the stone up to light. If it is real, then the shade will be a delicate blue. Artificial pearls have a pink or green glow.
  7. Cost is the most easy way, how to check whether pearls are real or not. Natural and cultured stone cannot be cheap. If the jewelry is inexpensive, then the pearls are artificial.

Signs associated with pearls

There are many signs associated with pearls. IN Ancient Rus' pearls were a good wedding gift. Grooms gave jewelry with this stone to their brides. Then there was a version that if you give pearls for a wedding, then everything will turn out well for the couple. Pearls are a symbol of pure and eternal love. If the groom gave it to the bride, then they were supposed to live a long and happy life.

In European countries, wedding ceremonies are performed with this stone. Pearls for a wedding are a symbol of a strong and happy family. During the wedding, it was customary to tie the newlyweds with a pearl thread. They should stay with her for a while. If the string of pearls broke, it meant that the marriage would be short-lived and during family life there will be a lot of tears.

Nowadays it is believed that pearls should not be worn to a wedding. This is a bad omen. Wearing pearls to a wedding brings tears, but what would a wedding be without tears? But not all tears are bitter. Brides often cry with happiness.

Therefore, many of them do not believe in omens and are happy to wear pearls to a wedding, but now it is not customary for the bride to wear pearl jewelry. At a wedding they usually flaunt jewelry with rhinestones or. They decorate their outfits, veils, and so on with pearls.

There is no consensus on whether pearls can be given as a gift. According to one version, the recipient will experience tears and disappointment because of such a gift. If you accept it as a gift, it will mean that you are dooming yourself to misfortune.

Another version says that there is no better symbol of purity and sincerity than pearls. In earlier times, it was given to innocent, unmarried girls. In China, if a guy gives a girl pearls and she accepts them, then she thereby gives her consent to marry him.

Astrologers advise only strong-willed people to wear pearls. The stone will always protect such a person. He will make weak people absent-minded. Because of the stone they will also become angry and envious.

Astrologers are unanimous in one opinion - pearls should only be given close person and only in pairs. For example, a necklace should go with a bracelet. Jewelry with this stone should not be accepted from strangers, because it can bring troubles and misfortunes.

Healing and magical properties

Pearls have magical and medicinal properties. Its benefits have been known for a long time. It warns a person about an approaching illness. If it fades, this is a signal that it is time to see a doctor.

The benefit of stones is that it improves memory. Lithotherapists assure that it helps even with sclerosis. Pearls contain such power that can restore memory.

Pearls normalize the central nervous system when it is disturbed. It has a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Pearls are beneficial internal organs– kidneys and liver. It restores their functions. The stone will help not only with certain illnesses, but also generally regulate their work.

Lithotherapists advise wearing pearls if you have problems with blood pressure. At the same time, the stone helps with both hypertension and hypotension.

Tinctures and powder are made from natural stone. They are used to treat eye diseases. These compounds also stop bleeding. People learned about the hemostatic properties of the stone decades ago. Even modern lithotherapists do not deny them.

Esotericists attribute magical properties to real pearls. The naturalness of the stone is a guarantee that it has magic.

IN different countries the stone has its own meaning. In India, it is a symbol of material wealth. People in this country wore and still wear pearls to attract money.

Here are the meanings of the stone in Europe - long life, eternal youth and perfection.

In China, the magical properties of the stone develop kindness and mercy in a person. In this country they also think that pearls in a person himself can awaken magic and strengthen it.

The fact that pearls have magical properties is also known in Greece. There people think that the stone protects the family.

The magical powers of the stone are enough to protect your home from thieves. Pearls also relieve suffering due to unhappy love. It also protects from bad thoughts. Business people trust pearl jewelry. They protect them from unscrupulous partners and unprofitable contracts.

How to wear pearls - people ask this question for a reason. Jewelry with this stone is worn only in pairs. This applies to both married and single people. A single piece of jewelry can bring misfortune to a person. For example, if a married woman wore only beads without earrings and soon got divorced, then this may have happened because of pearls. Therefore, you should only wear jewelry with this stone in pairs.

Who suits pearls according to their zodiac sign?

Many years ago, an astrologer was able to determine which stone was suitable according to their zodiac sign. Based on this, many people choose talismans for themselves according to their horoscope. They also managed to find out which zodiac sign suits pearls.

Compatibility of pearls with zodiac sign. Table 1.

Pearls suit Cancers. The stone improves the mood of this zodiac sign. Pearls will make Cancer women more emotional and sensitive.

The stone is suitable for Taurus. It calms them down and helps normalize relationships with loved ones.

Pearls can suit such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Capricorn. Thanks to the stone, these zodiac signs will become calmer and more balanced.

For a single woman of the Libra sign, pearls will help her find a spouse.

Pearls are not suitable for Leos.

Pearls require special care. When chemicals and even sweat come into contact with it, it leads to peeling and loss of shine. Therefore, after use, it should be wiped dry with a soft cloth and stored separately from other jewelry. Under these conditions, the stone can last more than 150 years.

The word “pearl” was first found in the inscription on a cross made in the city of Polotsk in 1161. Already at that time, this stone was highly valued; it was used to decorate church utensils, noble ladies wore pearl beads, embroidered clothes with pearl beads, and decorated hats . Time passes, but mother-of-pearl beads still attract the eye with their iridescence. What is the magic of pearls and why is it so highly valued by jewelers?

How do sea, river and cultured pearls appear?

Despite the fact that pearls are called a precious stone, in fact they are not. Pearl is not a stone, mineral or gem, but an organic formation that is formed in the shells of mollusks.

There are two types of pearls: sea and river. As the name suggests, the difference between them is that one is formed in sea waters, and the other in fresh waters. There are also differences in appearance. Sea pearls are usually round and come in not only white, but also pink, red, blue and even black. Freshwater pearls are usually smaller, have irregular shape, its color range is poorer - milky white, gray and beige colors predominate.

How are pearls formed? A foreign body - a grain of sand, a shell fragment, a small pebble - gets into the shell of a sea or freshwater mollusk and irritates the mantle. The mantle is an organ that forms two folds on the body of a mollusk; its outer layer is covered with cells that produce nacre. The foreign body sinks deep into the mantle and is surrounded on all sides by the outer epithelial layer.

To isolate the irritant, the cells of the mantle begin to produce nacre, which evenly envelops the grain of sand or pebble. Mother of pearl is an organic-mineral substance that consists of the mineral aragonite (CaCO 3) and the protein conchiolin. This is how a pearl is formed.

Pearl mining is fraught with many dangers. There has long been a profession of divers who dived under water and opened the shells. To find one pearl, one had to sort through hundreds, or even thousands, of mollusks. All this has led to the fact that some species, for example the freshwater European pearl mussel, which lives in the rivers of Karelia, are under threat of extinction.

IN late XIX century, a method of growing pearls in artificial conditions. To obtain a cultured pearl, a grain of sand or a plastic ball is placed inside the shell. Over several years (usually it takes 3–8 years), the mollusk covers the foreign body with nacre.

The replanting of the nucleus is not always successful; about 10–40% of the mollusks die in the process. Cultivation is carried out on special farms, the largest are located in China and Japan. Cultured pearls are no different in their characteristics from natural ones. You can see what cultured pearls look like in the photo below.

Cultured pearls

Health benefits of pearls

Pearls have long been considered a healing stone. Patients were treated with pearl powder and pearls were applied to sore spots. What healing properties do these mother-of-pearl beads have and what effect do they have on human health?

The stone helps with problems with the liver and gall bladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and brings relief from urological problems. Pearls have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and are indicated for those who suffer from high blood pressure. The mineral also cleanses the blood of cholesterol plaques and increases vascular tone.

Sea and freshwater pearls help in the treatment of mental illness and cognitive disorders. It improves memory and thinking, increases concentration. Pearls have a calming effect on the central nervous system, which is especially important after experiencing stress or nervous shock.

Lithotherapists advise making pearl water and drinking it. To do this, place several beads in a glass of water and leave for 12 hours. This water should be drunk in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist.

Pearls can indicate that a dangerous disease has appeared in a person’s body, and he should visit a doctor. Bad omen darkening of the pearls is considered - this means that your health is not in order, you need to go to the hospital without delay.

The magical qualities of different types of pearls

A pearl is a symbol of youth. This is exactly the meaning that has been attached to this sea stone for many centuries. It was believed that regular wearing pearl beads, earrings, pendants helps to preserve a youthful appearance, and rich women, in pursuit of the slipping years, drank crushed pearls every day.

Symbolism connects pearls with another property - preserving family ties. They should be worn by single girls and men who want to meet their soulmate. Married women pearls give a new surge of love in a marriage, smooth out conflicts between husband and wife, and prevent infidelity. If the mistress cheated on her chosen one, then the pearls will lose all their magical power.

Pearl jewelry protects its owner from the evil eye. They should be worn by those who have many ill-wishers and envious people. The stone especially helps public people, such as actors and politicians, who are constantly in sight and thereby arouse the envy of others.

An important condition under which pearls will retain their magical properties is the good intentions of the owner. The water stone will not serve someone who has a black soul, wishes harm to others, or lies.

Which zodiac signs suit pearls?

Pearl – whose stone is it according to the horoscope? A stone born in sea or river water shows greater compatibility with representatives of the element of Water - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Cancers tend to indulge in fantasies and go into the world of illusions. Pearls gently bring them back to reality, allowing them to look at the world on the other side. This stone is most suitable for those representatives zodiac sign who have chosen the profession of a doctor or psychologist - it allows you to look into the souls of people.

For Scorpios, the mineral enhances the best character traits - a sharp mind, critical thinking, insight. The pearl talisman is indispensable for Pisces. It brings them good luck and protects them from rash actions. The talisman pacifies the anger of Libra and Scorpio and protects them from the evil eye.

Air signs of the zodiac (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) can also wear pearl talismans, but they should remove them periodically. Pearl is a stone of strong and determined people. Geminis sometimes lack these qualities, so the talisman helps them make decisions. It gives Libra and Aquarius the ability to predict the future and comprehend the hidden meaning of things. However, constant wearing can lead Libra into the world of illusions. For Libra, it turns out to be useful only if worn rarely.

Should fire zodiac signs wear pearls? Aries, Leo and Sagittarius have an indomitable will, stubbornness, and pride. Pearls help Aries find a balance between determination and excessive perseverance, between self-care and selfishness. If representatives of the Leo sign want to tame their violent temper, reconsider their orientation to the outside world and look inside themselves, then they should wear pearls. Aries and Sagittarius should not wear it in front of a responsible business meeting or an exam.

Astrologers do not recommend that representatives of the Earth element - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - wear a pearl talisman, paying attention to the gems that form in the bowels of the earth. Pearls instill uncertainty in Taurus and lower their self-esteem. Virgos become prone to excessive introspection. He makes Capricorns reckless, which is why they commit rash acts. Constantly wearing pearl jewelry leads to the fact that Capricorns have to bitterly pay for their actions.

How to wear and store pearl jewelry?

Pearls were a symbol of status and wealth in earlier times, and today remain a precious stone worn by women with taste. Exquisite jewelry is made from it: rings, earrings, beads, pendants.

Who is most suitable for pearl jewelry? Since the pebble is a symbol of youth, it is suitable for unmarried girls. Pearls are one of the most popular stones used to decorate a bride’s outfit and hairstyle. It symbolizes girlish purity and chastity, helps to make a future marriage happy, and simply harmonizes well with a white wedding dress.

Natural pearls are not cheap. The price depends on the size of the pearl, its shape and color, and origin. Typically, sea pearls are more expensive than river pearls. They can be strung on a thread or framed with gold and silver, which also affects the price of the product. Average cost of one pearl:

  • river - from 20 to 100 dollars per piece;
  • cultivated – $100–500;
  • sea ​​– 500–1000 dollars;
  • black – from 1000 dollars.

Since pearls are an organic material, they are very fragile and soft. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is only 3-4, while garnet has a value of 7, topaz has a value of 8, and the hardest mineral is diamond with a value of 10. The surface of pearls is easily scratched by a knife, glass and harder crystals. gems.

That is why pearl jewelry should be stored in a separate box; they should not come into contact with other items. If it is not possible to allocate a separate place for storage, you can put them in a thick but soft fabric bag.

How to properly care for such delicate jewelry at home? Periodically, any piece of jewelry needs to be cleaned, because dust, skin particles and sweat settle on it. The pearlescent surface is easily damaged by highly abrasive cleaning agents and household chemicals. To keep your jewelry clean, it is enough to wipe it with a soft, damp cloth each time before putting it in the box.

If dirt gets on the product, it should be immersed in a soapy solution and then rinsed under cool running water. After the pearls are cleaned, they should be blotted with a napkin.

No matter how carefully your pearls are cared for, pearls are made up of organic matter, and over time they lose their appearance. The water that makes up the pearls evaporates, the surface becomes dull, grooves appear on it, and the pearl changes shape. Freshwater specimens retain their presentable appearance for the longest time, because their layer of mother-of-pearl is denser.