45 manager tattoos read online in full. Fuck analytics during a crisis

Maxim Batyrev

45 manager tattoos. Rules of the Russian leader

© M. Batyrev, 2014

© Publication. Decor. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (www.litres.ru)

Resolution: study, take notes, comprehend, apply!

You need to read this book. Thoughtfully. Leisurely. If you are a leader or want to become one. If you are successful and if you are not so successful. Why? It was written by a PROFESSIONAL. A person who systematized and described his WAY. To success. Warning: not good luck. To success.

You may be asking: what is success? And add: well, you know, this is such a complex concept... Of course. You're right. But there is one sign that takes into account all the nuances. A successful person when asked, are you happy, answers: Yes. He doesn’t say: well... happiness... you know... it’s different for everyone...

This is a book about management. There are millions of books on management. But this book was written by a professional. And he described in it the rules, the effectiveness and significance of which he tested on himself. And therefore he has the right to share with you.

You may ask: what are the guarantees? None. Because there is no technology that will allow you not to use your head. That's why I put this resolution in the title.

Management rules from Maxim Batyrev (known by his nickname Combat) are specific, practical, effective and reasonable. They are based on the principles of effective management. Therefore, if you start using them, you will see: the work of your subordinates becomes more meaningful, responsible and effective.

Will these rules be easy to apply? Perhaps not. And everything will not work out right away. Because using any new skill requires changing your habits. But it is our current habits that do not allow us to be at the desired point in the world. So…

True, there is another way. For example, sit under the Christmas tree and wait for Santa Claus. Or buy “happy pills”, especially since there are a huge number of sellers.

Is learning these rules enough to become an effective leader? No. There is no such thing as enough knowledge in management. The leader is coming the warrior's way. And he knows that the pinnacle of mastery is unattainable, but every day is given to us to take one step closer to it. And the master is not the one who has reached the top, but the one who is always on the way. Therefore, Maxim Batyrev is a master. And its rules are worth paying attention to.

Perhaps some rules will frighten beautiful-hearted and tremulous managers who want to turn their structures into a flock of joyfully fluttering contented moths, joyfully and inspiredly working under the leadership of a wise and kind boss. And they regularly bring him buckets of nectar. If you are anything like the type described, then you should not read this book. To avoid, as they say. Because there is not a word in it about any kind of “corporate values” with which many are trying to “feed” their companies in the hope of results. I have read a lot of such documents. They all resemble a bad translation of the Bible. And none of them work. Which is quite surprising to the authors.

So, Maxim's rules work. If you apply them, and do not limit yourself to reading the text.

45 manager tattoos. Rules of the Russian leader Maxim Batyrev

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Title: 45 manager tattoos. Rules of the Russian leader

About the book “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" Maxim Batyrev

The learning process does not stop for a person throughout his life. We learn some things instinctively, for others there are special textbooks, for others even teachers, because such a subject may not be mastered alone. But while studying many of the most important sciences and acquiring the necessary skills, one of the most necessary skills often remains in the shadows - the ability to do one’s job. Here we are talking, of course, about the direct ability to work effectively, and not just about knowledge of one’s responsibilities.

And as soon as a real need arose to teach people how to work, many authors and experts in management psychology took up this topic. The result of their research and work has become quite a few guide books, thanks to which people will be able to organize their work process more efficiently, make the atmosphere in their workplace pleasant and harmonious, and will also be able to move up the career ladder faster and easier.

However, most of these books were created by Western authors, and as we all have already understood, their advice for our mentality and lifestyle is only partially effective. That is why we have all been waiting for so long and with such hope for the release of a truly high-quality, useful and educational book by a domestic author. So, before us is an unsurpassed book-guide “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" authored by Maxim Batyrev.

The name is very original and intriguing. As you read, it becomes clear that the titles of the chapters of the book are tattoos. And tattoos, as you know, are inscriptions that remain with us forever. Therefore, the book consists precisely of such postulates that remained in the heart and mind of the author. These are systematized rules and principles that Batyrev, like many managers, have tested over many years of practice. This is the life, organizational and scientific experience of the author. Every rule, every principle is someone’s pain, disappointment, or success and recognition.

In the book “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" reveals some secrets of management that are specific to our country. By putting the author's advice into practice, you can achieve great results. Moreover, the book itself is written in a very simple and understandable language; anyone who has set the goal of becoming the best specialist in their field can master it. Moreover, the author describes the events personally using his own example. He had his ups and downs and made serious mistakes. All this forced him to work on himself, and as a result, we can learn from his experience ourselves.

The book “45 Manager Tattoos” will be equally useful to both ordinary middle-level employees and their managers. It does not promise mountains of gold and instant wealth, but it opens the way to real, tangible success that a person can achieve thanks to his knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, “45 Manager Tattoos,” with a little paraphrasing, can be safely recommended to school and university graduates as one of the first textbooks for mastering it in adult life.

Maxim Batyrev has created a truly worthy book that will become an effective assistant in both work and everyday matters. “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" is a manual for those involved in sales. Perhaps specialists from other industries will also find something useful here. However, for managers this will be a real godsend and a lifesaver in the most difficult and incomprehensible situations.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “45 Tattoos of a Manager. Rules of a Russian leader" by Maxim Batyrev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. Rules of the Russian leader" Maxim Batyrev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf formats. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book by Maxim Batyrev “45 tattoos of a manager. Rules of the Russian leader"

From that day until now, before proposing anything new to my colleagues, I prepare for objections, draw diagrams, and assume what my colleagues will say in this or that case. Just like with clients.

Let the words of Artemy Lebedev sound in response: “How to motivate yourself to do something? No way! Stay in the ass!

Be a person of purpose and manage people of dreams.
They can’t do it without your management...

And remember - it is better to be happy and rich than poor and sick!

Please remember: EVERYONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEMSELVES! Everyone builds their own life, determines their place in life, sets goals that can be either completely mundane or completely grandiose. Everyone does it themselves.

It is the ability to be extreme, to work as if no one is behind you, to make maximum personal efforts to resolve issues that distinguishes a good manager from a non-manager.

Maxim Batyrev

45 manager tattoos. Rules of the Russian leader

© M. Batyrev, 2014

© Publication. Decor. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

Resolution: study, take notes, comprehend, apply!

You need to read this book. Thoughtfully. Leisurely. If you are a leader or want to become one. If you are successful and if you are not so successful. Why? It was written by a PROFESSIONAL. A person who systematized and described his WAY. To success. Warning: not good luck. To success.

You may be asking: what is success? And add: well, you know, this is such a complex concept... Of course. You're right. But there is one sign that takes into account all the nuances. A successful person when asked, are you happy, answers: Yes. He doesn’t say: well... happiness... you know... it’s different for everyone...

This is a book about management. There are millions of books on management. But this book was written by a professional. And he described in it the rules, the effectiveness and significance of which he tested on himself. And therefore he has the right to share with you.

You may ask: what are the guarantees? None. Because there is no technology that will allow you not to use your head. That's why I put this resolution in the title.

Management rules from Maxim Batyrev (known by his nickname Combat) are specific, practical, effective and reasonable. They are based on the principles of effective management. Therefore, if you start using them, you will see: the work of your subordinates becomes more meaningful, responsible and effective.

Will these rules be easy to apply? Perhaps not. And everything will not work out right away. Because using any new skill requires changing your habits. But it is our current habits that do not allow us to be at the desired point in the world. So…

True, there is another way. For example, sit under the Christmas tree and wait for Santa Claus. Or buy “happy pills”, especially since there are a huge number of sellers.

Is learning these rules enough to become an effective leader? No. There is no such thing as enough knowledge in management. The leader is coming the warrior's way. And he knows that the pinnacle of mastery is unattainable, but every day is given to us to take one step closer to it. And the master is not the one who has reached the top, but the one who is always on the way. Therefore, Maxim Batyrev is a master. And its rules are worth paying attention to.

Perhaps some rules will frighten beautiful-hearted and tremulous managers who want to turn their structures into a flock of joyfully fluttering contented moths, joyfully and inspiredly working under the leadership of a wise and kind boss. And they regularly bring him buckets of nectar. If you are anything like the type described, then you should not read this book. To avoid, as they say. Because there is not a word in it about any kind of “corporate values” with which many are trying to “feed” their companies in the hope of results. I have read a lot of such documents. They all resemble a bad translation of the Bible. And none of them work. Which is quite surprising to the authors.

So, Maxim's rules work. If you apply them, and do not limit yourself to reading the text.

Do I agree with Maxim Kombat Batyrev in everything? No. I propose to solve some issues differently. But Maxim is responsible for the result, so his methodology must be studied. And as the great Confucius taught us, “...there are different ways to achieve results.”

In 2013, I celebrate my twentieth anniversary in the profession. I have trained many leaders. But when my technology is approved by managers - masters people like Maxim are a special pleasure and a special pride.

Alexander Fridman,consultant and business trainer in the fieldprofessional operation of personnel

Dedicated to my main teachers

Valery Vladimirovich

and Tatyana Vitalievna


Please consider any resemblance to real people to be an accident.

During the writing of the book, not a single person or animal was harmed.

– The boomerang was invented in Australia. What would have happened if it had been invented in Russia?

- Why do we need a boomerang? We have a rake!

Joke from KVN

They say that everyone wants to write a book. At the same time, there are a thousand reasons why this needs to be done “later”. The last time, a couple of years ago, I came up with this reason: I don’t have enough convincing arguments for managers (that’s what I call managers, not sales specialists at all) to buy this book.

Having won the all-Russian competitions “Commercial Director of the Year 2012” (held by Salecraft), “Manager of the Year 2012” (organized by the International Academy of Management and the Moscow Government) and entered the TOP 1000 best managers in the country according to the Kommersant Publishing House, I am I found the arguments. Here, for example: the company “What to do Consult,” in which I am one of the directors, has become the undisputed leader in its industry for the fifth year in a row.

We were not always leaders, and I was not always a director. Consultant on strategic management of organizations Tigran Harutyunyan says that my success is not a classic case for world practice: I managed to achieve it in just eleven years, without connections, kickbacks, European education, but with a thousand mistakes, a hundred falls and serious tests like a four-hour sleep per day for several years.

Why would a top manager write a book? Not to a consultant who will sell his name and services thanks to her, and not to a business owner who will promote his company in this way? Top manager - why?

For example, because we have practically no domestic books that hired managers write for hired managers. At the same time, we have orders of magnitude more hired managers than owners and consultants.

This is the first thing.

Secondly, this book is about learning to be grateful. Those people from whom you learn both good and bad. Teachers, managers, employees and loved ones.

Everything that is described here took place within one organization - in the company “What to do Consult”, which turns 20 years old in 2013. The book shows our organization from the inside - with all the difficulties, problems, and inner workings. Sometimes this happens: you read about a cool company, and a lump comes to your throat, you feel disgusted by the pretense and falseness. Everything here is true. This is about fate with its twists and turns and how we got to the straight line together.

I tried very hard to make it easy to read, because I hate instructive stories in the spirit of “how to become a successful/billionaire in 24 hours” or books of ready-made management recipes. After all, even if you absolutely accurately reproduce all the technologies and methods from such books, they will not work in the absence of a solid foundation on which your company and your division are built. And the foundation is, first of all, the principles by which you conduct business. In this book I call principles tattoos, since they were forever imprinted on me after various events that happened in life. From a blow to the jaw to waterfalls of women's tears. These are my rakes, these are my cones, these are mine tattoos. My manager Olga Firsovna Samokhina says that in this book I bare my managerial heart to the reader and that not everyone can decide to take such a step.

The title of each chapter is tattoo, left for a long memory by the lessons that the fate of a manager and other sharp turns of life taught me. They will never disappear from my memory, like real tattoos from my body, and they always accompany me.

My main goal is to explain Why you have to do things exactly the way described here if you want to succeed. Behind each new chapter lie meaningful actions, someone’s pain, torment, joy, successful and unsuccessful experiences, ups and downs, layoffs and leadership, and most importantly, the desired result.

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I found this book for sale on Ozone...


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When I received an offer from the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber to record my audiobook, I was, frankly, at a loss. I listened to audiobooks many times and, in most cases, remained dissatisfied - books on business topics are perceived by my consciousness with a loss of approximately 70% of the information. Apparently, I’m very “visual” and not at all “auditory” J.
Although, of course, there are pleasant exceptions.
But the opportunity to learn something new and a fairly large number of questions from readers, specifically about the audiobook, did their job. Eh, if I knew what I was getting into, I would have thought 10 times whether it was worth doing J)))


yeah Roev Is your ass burnt? Did you sit on a frying pan or something? Or did someone make a good noise? Well, yes, you are down in IT! :mrgreen

matve1ch wrote:

70150585After listening to this book, I was once again convinced that various specific people and those who can’t do anything else become sales people.
In general, the author does not hide this and tells how he had to work with all sorts of alcoholics and slackers. And for some reason (for some reason) he himself dropped out of university in his last year and went to sell.
Yes, some salespeople can grow professionally and become sales guru. But at their core, they will remain the same cudgels as they were before. The author gives the example of an employee whom he trained, and that scoundrel took up and went to work with competitors for a higher salary. And even after a couple of years, the author cannot forgive this betrayal. Well, whoops: you took a dunce, trained him, he began to show good results, well, this must somehow affect the employee’s finances, naturally he will move to where they pay more, he already knows how to do everything.
It was interesting to hear about the organization of work in his office. Judging by the book, they fire everyone there and for every sneeze: there was a support department (the best department in the company according to the author) - they fired one day, someone contradicted them at meetings - they fired them for nothing, the employee refused to stay late without explaining the reasons - he also left. The turnover is vigorous.
We conducted trainings by reading classical literature, or gave assignments to write poetry. Useful professional trainings.
Terminology. Salespeople are called "negotiators." I didn’t even understand at first when the author said that he was a “negotiator”; I think this is probably an interesting profession for a person. The employees are “fighters”, they are all fighters. Work well, sell - “save the world” save the world, Karl! Dude, if you sold something, you didn't save the world, dude.
Overall, the book is worthwhile and a must-listen for anyone interested. It was as if I had been in another world (I come from IT, but I see the results of sales almost every day) and I was “burned” by many points in the book. It's good that you don't have to deal with sales.

Listen to the audiobook "Batyrev Maxim - 45 tattoos of a manager. Rules of a Russian leader" online

The chapter titles of this book are tattoos. This is a set of principles and rules, tested by many years of practice of a successful manager, his everyday and organizational experience. These are simple and vivid stories about how and why you need to do business if you want to succeed. Behind each of these chapters are meaningful actions, someone’s pain, torment, joy, successful and unsuccessful experiences, layoffs and leadership, and most importantly, the desired result.Additional. information: Contents:
From the author
1. First learn to play by the rules, then come up with your own
2. Read, comprehend. Train your core muscle
3. Abandoning bad strategies is a show of strength.
4. What is obvious to you is not obvious to others.
5. Look for the strong, the weak will stick themselves
6. Everyone can be forgiven for making a mistake (under certain circumstances)
7. Don't do the work for your subordinates
8. Don't negotiate with terrorists
9. Clients are our everything
10. And even in a tavern you are a manager!
11. Don't work with mentally disabled people
12. Call a spade a spade
13. Practice what you preach.
14. The pack copies the leader
15. Good should be rewarded and evil punished. Always
16. Teach – treat – wet
17. You need to develop your strengths, not your weaknesses.
18. The strong respect only strength
19. Only like-minded people strengthen a team
20. Do not discuss decisions made with subordinates
21. Recognizing the specificity of death is similar
22. Praise people
23. Don't count on people's gratitude
24. A team is created only by common efforts.
25. A manager should be extreme
26. Time is more important than perfection
27. Protect the interests of your manager
28. People will do things when it is easier to do than not to do.
29. Grow people - this is your main goal
30. Any idea you have can be questioned.
31. Fuck analytics during a crisis
32. There is no justice
33. First we fight the consequences, then the causes.
34. Everyone is responsible for themselves
35. Coaching in business is evil
36. Be consistent: they will start pushing you out
37. Don't trust people of dreams, trust people of purpose
38. Any ambiguity is interpreted for the worse for you
39. Anything you say can become a task
40. A unified conceptual apparatus improves controllability
41. Discipline is the mother of victory
42. Exchange the weak for the strong
43. Do more than necessary
44. Don't be afraid when you're alone. Be afraid when you're zero
45. Always remember: one day you will be fired

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    Rated the book

    Rated the book

    My coworker recommended this book to me as “very motivating.” The head of the department adjacent to mine promised a day off to anyone who reads this book and writes a review of it (of course, the review should be close to the opinion of the authorities).
    I decided to delve into what was going on in the brains of people like him. And I read it.

    So - there is nothing to do there.

    If you are an expert in your field (which means you read topical books, communicate with colleagues and exchange experiences, try to do something a little more professionally than before), then you don’t even need to touch this book.
    If you work conscientiously - and this, in my opinion, does not mean that you should be a perfect timer and arrive exactly at 9 and leave exactly at 18-00. In my opinion, this means arriving at some reasonable time in the morning (depending on the specialty, for a cashier this is possible even half an hour to an hour earlier, for an engineer - half an hour later). and leave in the evening - not “when I want,” but when a logically completed piece of work is completed.
    So, if you love what you do and want to do it well, this book is not for you. It says a lot about the fact that you must arrive strictly before work starts, and stay late if your boss tells you to (otherwise, there was a funny story about the dismissal of someone who was indignant).
    In my picture of the world, you either work with your head or work from 9 to 6, because it is difficult to fit any thought process into a strict framework. You can’t tell your head “solve this problem before six, but not before half past six.” Therefore, for people who work with their heads, his advice is not applicable (for example, there is a boast that he always went to work by 8, and sometimes stayed until 7 pm). Perhaps something is burning somewhere, but I think that it will not be possible to think intensely in this mode all the time (for years). The advice to work to the maximum, always more than others - is also there.

    Therefore, the book is for those who work in the lowest positions or simply for service personnel who really, really want to become bosses (but I guarantee that even after following all the advice you will also need knowledge, hard work and perseverance. And the author’s advice is secondary here) . For some cashier in a “six” company who is always late, these tips will help them stop messing up and start working normally (and later, I hope, find a more intellectual job).

    If you like to sit on your butt straight and in 10-20 years you have never “upgraded” your knowledge, tried to snatch extra minutes from working time (stay longer at lunch, escape quickly) - then this book is for you.
    But those to whom it is addressed will not read it, because such people do not read books.

    P.S. I don’t recommend this book at all for Livelib visitors. There, the author is quite seriously proud of the fact that he reads books on the subway (implying that his subordinates, and most importantly, those to whom the book is addressed, do not read). And the fact that I once spent 10 thousand rubles a month on them (for example, I know people for whom this is the norm of life, it’s not about the money, of course, people just love and read books.)

    Rated the book

    My company encourages employees to read literature that helps them develop themselves and move forward.
    We have a small, constantly updated office library, an archive of audiobooks and manuals in the public domain. Sometimes, the boss can announce at a planning meeting that in the next few days - “We are collectively reading and listening” - and says what! And that's not it! We also write a short essay based on what we read and watched and submit it to our boss.
    In general, we read.
    I won't say that I re-read everything. Not all of them) I am a pessimist, and it is extremely difficult to cheer me up with business literature that teaches how to live.
    A couple of weeks ago I read a book that taught me how to free my life from unnecessary things and put things in order. I read it casually. - Result - 10 bags of garbage were taken out of the apartment and the furniture in the bedroom was rearranged...
    “45 Tattoos” made me very happy. I remembered all my previous works. I remembered all the managers, the atmosphere in the team and my inner state in it.
    On some issues I absolutely agreed with Maxim Batyrev. Just a great approach to what you do and the people you work with.
    The head of my department has 95%% depicted herself with these tattoos. This is my most comfortable job!
    If every manager followed at least 65% of these tattoo rules, the number of happy working people would immediately increase noticeably. I'm not saying that this is an axiom!!! Everything is debatable and depends on people... I have life values ​​that cover everything in this book, but... I will remember many things more than once, and even put them into practice.
    And yes!