What kind of plant is this evergreen? Overview of types of balsam and growing rules. Indoor balsam or Vanka Wet

Few plants manage to stay at the peak of popularity for a long time. One of the record holders who has managed to remain a welcome guest on window sills for about a hundred years is indoor balsam. The secret is that caring for this plant at home will not make it difficult even for novice owners, and the long, abundant and bright flowering will leave few people indifferent.

Touch-me-not, Vanka wet, light - these are common names for Balsam. It belongs to the Balzaminov family. Africa is considered the birthplace of Balsam, although representatives of the genus, about 500 species, are found not only in the tropics and subtropics, but also in the Northern Hemisphere.

Impatiens are perennial or annual subshrubs, often with fleshy stems. The leaves are alternate, oblong-ovate or oval-cordate, with a pointed end and finely toothed edge, no longer than 10 cm. Due to the water-repellent coating, their upper surface is shiny. The flowers are solitary, axillary, five-petaled, with long curved spurs.

The most popular types and varieties

There are three main groups of Impatiens (impatiens). The first is the traditional varieties with spreading succulent stems, white, red or pink flowers. This includes Balsam of Holst and Peters. The first has green leaves and brownish stems. The second has purple-bronze leaves and reddish stems. Both varieties reach 60 cm in height.

Based on them, many hybrids and varieties with more compact sizes and abundant flowering, which make up the second group, have been bred. Purple and orange colors were added to the natural color of the petals, bicolor specimens and plants with variegated leaves appeared. One of the popular hybrids of this group is terry balsam.

Indoor balsam received a new round of popularity with the advent of two hybrids: Hawker and linear-leaved. They form a group of New Guinea Balsams. Their flowers are much larger than others (up to 10 cm) and brighter in color. The range of colors has been expanded with purple and lilac, and more shades of red have appeared. Yellow variegation is often found among New Guinea hybrids.

Caring for indoor balsam

Caring for wet vanilla at home is simple, but this does not mean that you can “remember” it once a week. This plant dies if the watering regime is violated, and loses its appearance if the lighting is incorrect. To make Balsam happy with its lush bush and abundant flowering, follow a few simple rules.


Vanya wet needs an abundance of bright diffused light with a small amount of direct sunlight. Its deficiency directly affects the duration of flowering and the number of buds. But you shouldn’t be zealous about placing pots on southern window sills without shading.

Protected from excess light on a summer afternoon, the leaves will become stiffer. At the same time, in dark-leaved varieties they acquire a brownish tint, and in light-leaved varieties, on the contrary, they turn pale - this will reduce the intensity of photosynthesis in the plant. Subsequently, the “burnt” foliage will fall off. The plant does not die, but it will take time to restore its “fluffy” appearance. To avoid this, shade the bushes from the midday sun or place them on eastern or western windowsills.

In winter, Balsam suffers from a lack of light: flowering stops, the leaves become smaller, the stems become thinner and elongated. You can accept the loss of decorative qualities and prune the plant in the spring. The side shoots will quickly develop and bloom. You can make wintering easier by moving the bush to a southern windowsill and providing the Balsam with additional lighting. With sufficient light, Vanka wet continues to bloom even in winter.

Temperature and humidity

Balsam is tolerant of temperatures down to 12 degrees and tolerates summer heat well. In the warm season, it is better to expose it to the open air. He is not afraid of drafts.

In winter, it continues to lay buds until the temperature drops below 15 degrees. Therefore, if the plant overwinters in insufficient light, it is important to keep it cool. Unlike most indoor plants, Balsam does not need spraying - the humidity level of our apartments suits it.

How to water correctly and how to apply fertilizers

Impatiens need regular, abundant watering, but do not tolerate stagnant water. In summer, the plant is watered daily, and if necessary, twice a day. Excess water from the trays must be drained.

In winter, the amount of moisture depends on the conditions of detention. If Vanka stands wet in a warm room, he has enough light, and he continues to bloom, maintaining the “summer” mode. If the winter is cool and the plant has stopped flowering, water it as the soil dries. Balsam reacts painfully to a lack of water: the leaves, and in extreme cases the stems, become limp. Turgor returns soon after watering, but the resulting “stress” is not without consequences. Impatiens, which often suffer from drying out of the earthen coma, sheds its leaves and stops laying buds.

Considering that Balsam is a profusely flowering plant, caring for it at home is not complete without applying fertilizers. Any mixture with a high content of potassium and phosphorus is suitable for fertilizing. They are applied twice a month during the flowering period and once a month in winter.

Carrying out pruning

Caring for Balsam involves annual pruning. The procedure is best carried out in the spring. Firstly, this way you get rid of the stems that have stretched out over the winter and stimulate the appearance of side shoots. Secondly, spring pruning promotes abundant flowering. The remaining material can be used for propagation.

Remove all weak and inward-looking shoots. The remaining stems are shortened if they are stretched out, or pinched. All work is performed with a sharp, non-kitchen knife. It is advisable to sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal. A month later, the bush is thinned out again, removing weak side shoots that interfere with each other that appeared after the first pruning. This way they will not shade each other, the bush will take on a more elegant appearance and will bloom longer.


Vanka wet is a fast-growing flower with a powerful root system. It needs annual transplants. It tolerates interference with the root system well. It is better to perform the procedure in the spring, before pruning. The bush grows quickly, so when it reaches 2-3 years of age, it is thrown away and a replacement is grown from cuttings.

Choosing the right pot and soil

Impatiens blooms profusely only when the roots have completely entwined the earthen ball. Therefore, the pot is selected so that there is 4-7 cm left from the trunk to the sides. Wet Vanya feels better in deep containers. The soil for growing should be light and nutritious. A mixture of leaf soil, sand and peat (3:1:2) works well.

Step-by-step transplant process

Replanting Balsam is easy:

  • the bush is removed from the old pot;
  • the roots are partially freed from the soil;
  • damaged areas, if any, are removed;
  • drainage and fresh soil are poured into the new pot;
  • make a hole in the ground, spill water on it;
  • install the plant so that the trunk does not have to be buried;
  • fill up the soil;
  • watered.

After transplantation, Balsam does not need to be placed in greenhouse conditions. After increasing the volume of the pot, Vanka wet will not begin to lay buds until he has entwined the entire lump with roots. Therefore, experienced flower growers carry out this procedure in mid-February: then by May the first flowers already appear.


Vanka wet propagates by seeds or cuttings. Seeds can be purchased at flower shops or collected yourself, for the sake of “interest”. Most indoor Balsams are first generation hybrids. The “children” of such hybrids will be ugly and weak. However, if you have always dreamed of trying your hand at breeding, Balsam is one of the best plants for experimentation.

Seeds are sown in a mixture of sand and peat, covering the containers with glass or a plastic bag. Before the first pick, they are protected from bright light. If necessary, moisten with a spray bottle. After 3-4 true leaves appear, they are picked into separate containers, adding leaf soil to the mixture.

After transplantation, they are kept in greenhouse conditions for several more weeks, after which they begin to gradually accustom them to the open air. Now young seedlings can be placed on illuminated windowsills. It is important not to allow it to dry out - the tender roots of the seedlings will not survive without water for even several hours.

Cuttings of Balsam is an equally easy and no less exciting process. Cuttings take root best in spring and summer, especially for New Guinea Impatiens.

For planting, cut off the upper part of the stem 6-10 cm long. The lower leaves are removed. I plant the cuttings in a tight container in a mixture of peat and sand. Placed in a greenhouse. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out. The roots appear after a few weeks, after which the seedling is gradually accustomed to the open air. After another month, the young plant can be transplanted into a pot and placed in a permanent place.

Problems during cultivation

It is strictly forbidden to wipe Balsam with alcohol! Its tender leaves disappear even at low concentrations. This also applies to the insecticide: in order not to “burn” the bush, add more water than indicated on the package.

Acaricides are used to get rid of spider mites. Since the dosage has to be reduced, the number of treatments is increased to 4-5. Interval 7 days.

Common fungal diseases of Balsam are various rots.

They mainly affect the roots:

  • with constant excess moisture;
  • when overmoistened at low temperatures.

Drain excess water from the tray after watering. Remember that if in winter the plant is kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees, it must be watered carefully.

Sometimes the cause of Balsam’s “poor health” is violations of agricultural practices during cultivation.

External manifestationsCausesRemedies
Balsam's leaves are fallingThis usually occurs due to overcooling or irregular watering. The cause may also be mite infestation.Make sure that the temperature in winter does not fall below 12 degrees; This flower needs abundant regular watering.
Balsam's leaves wither and curlThis phenomenon is encountered by the owners of wet roly-poly, who forget to water the plant daily in the summer. Subsequently, Balsam sheds withered leaves.Follow agricultural practices. In summer, water the plant daily.
Indoor balsam does not bloomThere may be several reasons:
  • lack of light;
  • low temperature;
  • lack or excess of nutrients.
Follow agricultural practices; Fertilize the plant in a timely manner, following the dosage indicated on the label.
Flowers are fallingThis phenomenon can be caused by a lack of light or moisture, too high a temperature, or spider mite damage.Provide the plant with plenty of bright, indirect light. In hot weather, it is better to take it out into the fresh air in a semi-shaded place.
Stems stretch out and become exposedThis is how the wet roly responds to a lack of light at high temperatures.In winter, it is better to keep Balsam at a lower temperature.

Impatiens is a magnificent flower, valued for its beauty and lush bloom, and also because it is easy to cultivate, grows quickly and exhibits sufficient resistance to various diseases and pests. In order for the plant to bring aesthetic satisfaction, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for caring for indoor balsam at home.

Biological characteristics and uses of the plant

Impatiens belongs to the balsam family. When translated from Latin, the name of this plant means “restless.” The plant received this name due to its fruits, which at the slightest touch in a ripe state “explode” and throw out seeds over a long distance. There are several types of balsam, which can be either annual or perennial plants.

Balsam is characterized by succulent and thick stems; its leaves can have a solid or jagged shape and green color with various shades. The flowers have different shapes and are velvety; they can grow either separately or in inflorescences. Depending on the type of balsam, flowers can have the following colors:

  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow.

The balsam family includes about 400 different species. They grow naturally in Africa and Asia and prefer tropical and subtropical climates, in which they bloom almost all year round.

Impatiens are grown in large quantities as an ornamental flower, but in some countries it is also used for medicinal purposes. Currently, the chemical composition of various parts of the plant is poorly understood. The only thing that is reliably known is its strong toxicity, and also the fact that during flowering the flower petals contain a large amount of ascorbic acid.

As decoration and for treatment

Impatiens is a beautiful flower, so it is widely distributed in floriculture. Its flowering period is quite long. So, it blooms from July until the first autumn frosts. In different countries, thanks to this flowering, it received different nicknames, for example, in England it is called “hardworking Lisa”, and in Austria, for the expressiveness of its flowers, balsam received the nickname “beautiful crown”. Impatiens are grown both to decorate private houses, balconies and terraces, and to decorate industrial facilities.

When choosing one or another planting method, you should keep in mind that planting from a seed has the disadvantage that you never know exactly what flower will grow that is similar to the mother plant. Every time you need to get a specific flower, and also when there are doubts about the quality of the seeds for planting, it is better to resort to the cutting method.

If you choose the method of propagating balsam by cuttings, then you should cut the cuttings from the mother at any time from April to October. Cuttings should be cut 10−15 cm in size. To avoid damage to the tissue of the cutting, it is recommended to cut it with a razor blade or a sharply sharpened knife. The instrument must be clean and disinfected, for example, under an open flame.

After removing the lowest leaves on the cutting, it should be placed in a glass of water and left there until it sprouts roots. Usually they do the following: take a sheet of aluminum or aluminum foil, make holes in it in an amount equal to the number of cuttings, place this sheet on a vessel with water and insert the cuttings into the holes made so that their ends touch the surface of the water in the vessel.

Impatiens is one of the oldest inhabitants of gardens and apartments, which does not lose its popularity even today. It is enough to go to any forum of flower growers and gardeners, where you can always find many photos and discussions, the hero of which is Vanka wet. This is the second common name of the flower in our country, due to the fact that after watering small droplets form on the leaves. But the British call it “zealous Lisa” for its long flowering.

Main types of balsams

More than 400 species of balsams are known in nature, but since their natural habitat is the tropics and subtropics of Africa, India and Malaysia, and southern China, only a few species are cultivated in the Northern Hemisphere:

  • garden balsam - often called Vanka wet, the most famous and popular type. Garden balsam has been cultivated since 1542. This is an erect plant with a spherical or pyramidal shape and can reach a height of up to 70 cm. The stems are fleshy, smooth, green, and easily break at the nodes. The leaves are lanceolate, petiolate, serrated along the edges, the entire bush is densely leafy. The flower is large, irregular, depending on the variety it can be either simple or double, the color ranges from white to purple. Flowering begins in June and continues until the first cold weather. The plant is very heat-loving, so planting in the middle zone is not recommended before June
  • Waller's balsam - a species that is gaining popularity thanks to many hybrid varieties; it is the one that most often becomes the hero of photos on “flower” sites and forums. It has larger flowers than garden ones, which are abundantly located at the ends of the stems. Modern series have a wide variety of colors (17 shades of white alone, as well as shades of purple, red and pink), there are varieties that have a two-color color. The flower shape can be simple, semi-double or double (Rosette, Duet and Confection series). A peculiarity of the species is that in partial shade the flowers are brighter in color than those of specimens in the sun. This is a perennial plant, relatively low (15-20 cm), but in open areas it is grown exclusively as an annual plant; it dies immediately at the first frost. The main disadvantage is that the stems are very fragile, which can easily break in heavy rain or a sharp gust of wind, which must be taken into account when choosing a place for planting.
  • New Guinea balsam - a perennial bushy flower obtained through long-term selection. Compared to other species, it is distinguished by the largest flowers with different colors (all shades of red, white, lilac, pink), which have a characteristic spur at the bottom. New Guinea balsam blooms almost all year round. The leaves range from bright green to bronze, sometimes with variegated colors. This species is very light- and heat-loving, so it is best to grow it in winter gardens or rooms where it can develop normally for several years. Sometimes New Guinea balsam in the form of ready-made seedlings is planted on the site as an annual, choosing a place for it that is well-lit and reliably protected from the wind.

Balsams in landscape design

In landscape design, balsams are used for planting in ridges or flower beds, medium-sized (whose height is 20-50 cm) varieties are used for landscaping balconies and loggias. Group planting of balsams can create beneficial bright accents in the garden.

Despite the fact that “wet Vanka” does not tolerate dampness and cold well, with increased humidity and heat the flower begins to actively develop and bloom profusely, so it is often used to decorate the banks of reservoirs.

Balsam will be in good company with begonia, verbena, bellflower and ageratum, the combination looks original boxwood and garden balsam.

Walter's Impatiens looks good in flower boxes or hanging planters, at the same time, due to its unpretentiousness, planting it does not require a large volume of nutritious soil, as is the case with petunia seedlings. It develops well in small pots, but it is very important to maintain the humidity regime - hydrogel is added to the soil, and the plant itself must be periodically watered and fed using fertilizers for flowering plants.

Impatiens have forced many gardeners to reconsider their attitude towards vertical flower beds. With the help of Waller's balsam, you can do this by abandoning decorative vines that do not bloom so profusely. To obtain a flower screen, a large-mesh plastic mesh connected to black lutrasil (a type of covering material, it is often used for mulching) is fixed to four strong pegs. The resulting container must be filled with earth, and two tubes must be placed inside - watering will be carried out through them. Bushes of flowering balsam are planted in the cuts in the lutrasil, which over time, growing, will close and form one large flowering screen.

Impatiens in the garden: planting, care, propagation

Impatiens are quite unpretentious and not at all capricious plants to grow. They grow well in partial shade and sun, but not in bright sun - if it is very hot, the leaves and flowers begin to fade, so you should choose a place that is in the shade at midday.

A bright light on the windowsill attracts many lovers of home flowers.

Indoor balsam, its flowers and photos delight with their beautiful appearance for a long time.

With a variety of varieties, every gardener will find a plant to his liking by following a few steps.

Step 1. Getting to know balsam

Family "Balzaminaceae" has more than 500 species, who are united by a love of moisture and light. The plant has spread from the countries of Asia, Africa, and the islands of Zanzibar.

The upright bush is densely strewn with succulent oval-shaped foliage with pointed ends. Color variety from light green to bronze shades.

The average height is 30-40 cm, but there are dwarf 15-20 cm and garden giants of two meters.

The color of the inflorescences and buds is very different (snow-white, lilac, red, crimson, two, three colors).

This unusual plant likes to “cry” in cloudy weather, secreting sweet drops at the ends of its leaves. For this feature they began to call him "Vanka is wet".

Indoor balsam is widespread, the flowers in the photo of which attract many lovers of potted plants with their brightness and simplicity. He fell in love for his long and colorful flowering, reminiscent of lights, hence the name "Ogonyok".

Step 2. Studying the types and varieties

Balsam is classified according to several criteria:

  • according to the shape of the flower and petals,
  • according to splendor (simple, terry, semi-double),
  • by height (dwarf, medium, tall).

Garden balsam

A long-cultivated, annual species. The stem is succulent, knotty, densely covered with leaves. The leaf shape is elongated, with a serrated edge. Flowers grow in the upper part of the stem, in the axils of the leaves. Happy in the garden from June to October. Ripe seed pods open when touched lightly.

=’info’]The plant is tall, 70 cm and above. When cold weather sets in at home, air humidification (spraying) is required to reduce leaf falling.

Waller's or Waller's balsam

Perennial plant, forms a small bush 30-40 cm (in the garden below). Branches well with regular pinching. It blooms 50-70 days after planting the seedlings. Simple single inflorescences are painted in white, red, pink, lilac, and can be two-colored.

New Guinea

A hybrid species obtained as a result of interspecific crossing. The plant is drought tolerant and has bright green, bronze or variegated leaves. branchy bush blooms all year round. The flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, often simple, but there are semi-double varieties.


Impatiens are represented by three groups: carnationaceae, roseaceae, and camelliaceae. The amazing color variety looks great on balconies and in the garden. In winter, it requires air humidification of 60-80%. Due to low humidity, it loses its foliage, so it is advisable to spray it and keep it at a temperature of 15-18⁰C.


Balsam of the hybrid group, height 15-20 cm. Well-branched bushes with short internodes and strong stems.

The flowers are simple in shape, crimson, purple, red or bicolor - white with a pink center. Loves warmth and sunlight, but grows well in partial shade. Hanging varieties are suitable for planting balsam in hanging pots.


Not a decorative look. This is an annual, weedy plant two meters in height.

It got its name because glands located at the base of the leaf.

Crimson, pink, red flowers grow from the axils of the leaves.

Ripe fruits open sharply upon contact, scattering seeds.

Balsam came to us from Africa and has other names: African and Congolese.

Used for indoor growing or outdoors in summer.

Attracts with unusual flowers that look like birds or jugs of different colors (red-yellow, pink, red).

High and low varieties grow.

Peters' balsam

Reminiscent of Waller's balsam, but reaches 1.5 m in height. It has an interesting bronze color of stems and leaves. The flowers are red.

Hawker's Balsam

It grows wild in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Externally similar to Waller's balsam. The flowers are large, of different shades. Plants of this group are hardier. They are not widely used; they are used more in breeding work.

Step 3. Choose balsam in the store

After studying the species diversity of indoor balsam and its photo, you can choose a flower in the store.

Stages of choosing a plant

  1. It is undesirable for the flower to be located near the aisle where there are drafts or on a window with bright sunlight (risk of burns possible).
  2. Studying roots. If the plant has not been replanted for a long time, roots come out of the drainage hole.
  3. Looking at the leaves. They must be whole, not curled, without dry ends and without pests on the petioles or leaf blade. Branched stems with leaves.
  4. The ground is slightly damp(not dry, not very moisturized). There should be no green or white coating from mosses or lichens on the walls of clay pots.
  5. Looking for buds. It is better if the balsam has more buds than blooming flowers.
  6. Buy young plants. They acclimatize more easily to a new place.

Advice. On a frosty day, the flower must be well packed. Do not remove the flower if it was wet that day, the root system may freeze.

Step 4. Proper care

Indoor balsam is a plant in a subtropical climate that loves a lot of light and moisture.


Prefers brightly lit windows, but Doesn't like direct sunlight, partial shade is better. For this purpose, choose south-eastern, eastern, western windows. In winter, on the contrary, for flowering, the daylight hours are increased and illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

Here's what experts advise on caring for this flower:


The average winter temperature is 10 -16⁰С, and it is moved away from the glass so that it does not freeze. In summer, the comfortable temperature is 18-22⁰С. At high temperatures, it is necessary to increase the humidity.

Watering and humidity

The balsam flower quickly reacts to a lack of moisture with drooping leaves. In summer, watering is frequent, every 1-2 days, in winter - less often, 2 times a week. The soil in the pot should be moist, especially during flowering.

Attention! It is better to water in a deep tray; the flower itself will take as much moisture as required. Watering under the trunk can damage it and cause rot.

The plant loves systematic spraying. In winter, dry air from the radiator negatively affects the foliage, which sometimes falls. Spraying from a spray bottle will help prevent this.

Soil and fertilizing

The soil for indoor flowers is neutral or slightly acidic, The main thing is that it is loose and airy.

Soil options:

  • a mixture of earth, peat and sand;
  • a mixture of earth, compost or humus and perlite;
  • ready-made, store-bought soil mixtures for indoor flowers.


It is better to feed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers for flowering plants. When there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil, rapid growth of greenery occurs, and the number of flowers is reduced. Fertilizing is carried out constantly, every 2 weeks, after watering. In winter, fertilizers are not applied.

Step 5. Transplant into a new pot

Indoor balsam is transplanted annually, or even twice a year.

Time for transfer

  • They are often replanted in the spring, when the period of active growth begins. Once every 1-2 years the plant is completely renewed.
  • Two weeks after purchase, when the home flower has acclimatized to a new place.
  • At any time, if the pot is crowded, the roots are peeking out of the drainage hole or the plant is infested with pests.

For transplantation they choose the container is 1.5-2 cm larger in diameter previous container.

Be sure to have drainage holes. Drainage is poured onto the bottom: stones or expanded clay and sand. Add 1.5-2 cm of soil. Water the plant well and carefully remove it.

Having placed it in a new pot, hold it and fill the empty space tightly with earth. Shed well and place in the shade for 1-2 weeks.

The video shows how to do it correctly:

Step 6. Create conditions for flowering

A healthy flower bush does not always please with abundant flowering. This is due to incorrect content.

  • A large pot stimulates root growth, compensating for the reduction in the number of ovaries.
  • A cramped pot causes roots to grow and leaves to fall off.
  • Temperature below +15⁰С, a dormant period begins, which may be accompanied by a lack of buds and falling leaves.
  • Excess nitrogen, associated with frequent fertilizing, leads to the formation of only greenery.
  • Low humidity, dry air from the radiator in winter.

Step 7. Let's start breeding

The indoor flower reproduces in two ways: cuttings and sowing seeds.

Cuttings are the most convenient method of propagation, which allows you to quickly grow a viable crop with varietal qualities.

Advice. For cuttings, choose balsam tops without flowers or remove them. The stalk should be 8-10 cm, with 2-3 internodes. The bottom sheets are removed.

Rooting is carried out in water for 2 weeks or in soil, deepening 1-2 internodes (points of root formation). To speed up the formation of roots, water the soil well and create a greenhouse from film or a plastic bottle.

Another less effective method of propagation is by seeds.. This is due to low germination and not always 100% preservation of the variety. If you want to have an exotic flower, you can use this method.

When sowing, the seeds are not deepened; they are stored on a moist surface. A greenhouse effect is created from above. After 2 leaves appear, the greenhouse is removed.

Step 8. Prepare for winter and prune

In winter, the light is dormant. A temperature below +16⁰С, regular watering and spraying are recommended. Although you can create conditions for flowering: increase the temperature, humidity and illuminate with phytolamps.

The flower does not overwinter well. A lot of leaves fall and the attractive appearance is lost. Therefore, in the spring they prune and remove elongated shoots. It is carried out in several stages with an interval of 14 days, so as not to cause stress to the indoor flower.

Step 9. Fighting diseases and pests

Most common diseases - gray rot and spider mites.

The gray rot virus occurs when the air and soil are waterlogged.

The leaves begin to wither and fall off.

Urgent transplantation into fresh soil is required, rinse the roots with water.

In the future, change the watering method and let the soil dry out.

Spider mites appear on the inner surface of the leaf.

As a result, yellow dots or large spots appear on the leaf. The disease occurs due to dry air and high temperatures. Therefore, do not forget to periodically spray the flower.

The affected areas are removed and the leaves are washed with soapy water. In difficult cases, treat "Vertimek", "Akarin", "Fitoverm".

Step 10. Organize prevention

The main causes of diseases are improper care.

The key to a beautiful plant: optimal temperature, timely watering without stagnation of water.

Watch the flower Periodically wipe the leaves with soapy water and rinse thoroughly in the shower.

After studying the indoor balsam flower, its photo, care and propagation features, you need to decide on the type and variety of the plant.

After all, this wonderful decoration for the room, balcony, terrace and garden. In addition, a flowering bush will be a nice gift for any woman.

This flower has many names - “Wet Vanka”, “Spark”, “Star”. Indoor balsam is an ideal home plant for novice florists and people who are not accustomed to careful care of flora. It is unpretentious, does not require much effort, and its bright, cheerful flowers can decorate the interior all year round.

Indoor balsam flower - varieties

The stems of the bush are succulent, branched, their height ranges from 15 to 50 cm in different species. The leaves are green, reddish or bronze, fleshy, wavy along the edge. At high humidity, droplets of dew appear at their ends, for which the indoor balsam flower is called “Wet Vanka”. The corollas of the “light” are bright, located in the axils of the foliage, there are white, pink, purple, orange, red buds, as well as with stripes or spots. Breeding science has made it possible to obtain many varieties that differ in tone, flower height and diameter, and foliage color.

Houseplant - Waller's Impatiens

It is a perennial and is easily cultivated indoors. The most popular type of “Vanka wet” is indoor plants Waller’s impatiens (Wallera). They have a spherical shape with a height of 15-20 cm, their juicy thick stems are very fluffy - they are found erect or hanging, depending on the series. Single large flowers are located at the ends of the branches. The most diverse colors have been developed - uniform or two-color with contrasting cores - eyes in the center, with edges, even with a silvered surface of the petal.

Indoor balsam - terry

Such varieties have very beautiful corollas of any color, except pure yellow and blue. The double indoor balsam flower has an unusual corolla shape with multiple petals arranged in several layers. They are similar in structure to roses, but smaller in diameter. Terry flowers look more lush in comparison with simple flat corollas. Such hybrids are found in many varieties of “Ogonyok” - for example, in the garden or many Waller series.

New Guinea balsam

The difference between this variety and the others is its powerful stem, fleshy flowers, the plant has a neat bush, but it is taller than the Waller variety. The leaves of the New Guinea indoor balsam are large, short-petioled, with a jagged edge, elongated, up to 10 cm long and 5 cm wide. The plates have pronounced veins, their color varies from green-burgundy to emerald, sometimes they have a reddish core.

The flowers are large, five-petaled, 5-8 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in small groups. New Guinea balsam requires basic care at home. This is an unpretentious and persistent crop, with proper care it pleases with long, lush flowering all year round. It has different colors - pink, white, salmon, red, crimson.

Brazilian balsam - indoor plants

This flower has many names - dipladenia, mandevilla, Bolivian rose, Chilean jasmine. In fact, this is one plant - a compact (up to one and a half meters long) evergreen vine with glossy bright green foliage. It blooms profusely with fragrant corollas 10-15 cm in diameter with five petals of regular shape. Their color depends on the type of variety; white, pink, and cherry red are popular. Semi-double species are often found.

The indoor Brazilian balsam flower is planted in small flowerpots, which are equipped with high supports along which the vine will actively branch due to the stems rising upward. All attempts to grow the plant as a hanging plant are unsuccessful. Its growing season occurs from April to September, then the vine falls into a period of stagnation due to the reduction in daylight hours.

Indoor balsam - care

This exotic crop grows well and produces flowers in abundance in any bright place in the house; it needs to be shaded from the sun's rays. “Wet Vanka” is an unpretentious indoor flower; caring for it consists of keeping it in a small pot, providing abundant watering and good lighting (can also be artificial). The optimal temperature for the plant is 16-22 °C. The bush signals about improper care by dropping leaves. Under suitable conditions, indoor balsam blooms from spring until frost. In winter, after some rest, it also pleases with bright buds.

Soil for indoor balsam

For full flowering, the plant needs a small pot (the size of the root system) and a small amount of substrate. Indoor balsams are unpretentious to the soil; they grow well in any loose mixture that is moderately nutritious. But if it is oversaturated with minerals, ammonium sulfate and, then this will lead to rapid growth of greenery and insignificant flowering. Sometimes buds may not appear.

A slightly acidic mixture is suitable for planting: two parts each of turf, leaf soil, humus, sand and one part peat. The balsam flower needs indoor care from early spring to autumn. This is done using fertilizers for flowering crops once every two weeks. The result of fertilizing will be abundant, juicy greenery and flowers. From the end of August until February, the number of fertilization cycles is reduced to one per month. Every year the plants are transplanted into fresh soil so that they do not lose their decorative properties. In new soil, the bush is not fed for three weeks.

Indoor balsam flower - watering rules

The plant prefers water in large quantities. It has succulent, moisture-loving stems; if there is insufficient moisture, the flower loses its elasticity and sheds its lower leaves. How to care for a houseplant balsam - watering rules:

  • the water must be soft and settled;
  • if a white limescale deposit appears on top of the soil, it means that the soil has become alkalized due to the use of hard water - part of the substrate must be replaced;
  • watering is carried out along the edge of the flowerpot, avoiding liquid getting on the root collar of indoor balsam;
  • in summer the plant is moistened every other day, in winter – twice a week;
  • drying out of the soil clod is unacceptable for such a plant;
  • Long-term stagnation of water in the pan should not be allowed - it must be drained;
  • the soil should always be moist, not wet;
  • balsam likes daily spraying, especially if the room temperature is above 20 ° C;
  • It is useful to loosen the soil to a depth of 1 cm, in this case the root system of the bush will “breathe” better.

How to trim a wet Vanka?

To prevent the plant stems from overgrowing, it is recommended to pinch their tops. It is better to prune balsam in the spring, then it will send out side shoots and become a neat, lush bush. How to care for “Vanka wet” - pinching:

  • first, elongated branches are cut off, which are then used for propagation;
  • the crown and ends of the flower stems are pinched so that the bush becomes compact and lush;
  • the process must be carried out in several stages so as not to injure the balsam;
  • During pruning, watering of the “light” increases; you can transplant it into fresh soil.

Wet Vanka - diseases and treatment

Anyone who loves balsams will someday want to have a little more of them. How to propagate indoor balsam:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

In both cases the plant is well received and during the season begins to bloom luxuriantly. The cuttings successfully take root in water. Propagation by seeds is more labor-intensive. They are formed after flowering and are placed in dry boxes; with a slight touch they scatter and scatter the grains. Because of this, another name for indoor balsam appeared - “touch-me-not”. A bush grown from grains blooms after 3-4 months, and you can always have flowering plants of various colors in your house.

Indoor balsam - growing from seeds

The grains can be planted all year round. For example, if you plant them in January, they will begin to bloom in May. Impatiens - growing from seeds and caring for seedlings:

  • before planting, the grains are soaked in a manganese solution for 10 minutes;
  • they are sown in soil prepared from a mixture of one part perlite and two parts peat;
  • balsam seeds are planted to a depth of 7 cm, after which the ground is moistened and the vessel is covered with cellophane so that the temperature is at 20-25 ° C;
  • seeds begin to germinate 8-10 days after planting;
  • When growing, the substrate should not be allowed to become waterlogged; seedlings should be ventilated periodically;
  • after the length of the sprouts reaches 1.5-2 cm, they need to be picketed;
  • It is necessary to distribute the seedlings into separate pots if the seedlings have at least one true leaf.