Windows xp error codes 0x0000007b.

Every user knows about the blue screen of death, or BSoD of death). Many people think that this is one error that means the operating system stops working, which can only be cured by reinstalling it. However, few people know that such errors are labeled differently depending on the cause of the system failure. A prime example of this is when loading.

Let's get to know each other better

You can see the error number at the very end of the text on the blue screen. It will look like this: stop 0x0000007b. This code tells the computer what exactly is causing the BSoD. This code indicates that the Windows 7 operating system was unable to access the system partition during initial boot. This means that the problems may be the following:

  • the driver responsible for the initial loading of the OS from the hard drive is missing or damaged;
  • hardware incompatibilities or problems;
  • data in the Windows registry about drivers responsible for loading the system is damaged;
  • The boot sector of the driver responsible for loading the system is infected or deleted by an antivirus.

As you can see, BSoD 0x0000007b in Windows 7 and XP can occur for various reasons, and they are all located in different areas of the computer system. Therefore, in order to more accurately identify the cause of the malfunction and create a subsequent “treatment”, it is necessary to consider each problem separately.

due to hardware incompatibility

Nowadays, many computers and laptops are equipped with the ability to expand different ones (RAM board, video card, hard drive). In order for the additional part to fit like a glove and not create problems, you need to check its compatibility with the motherboard. Some do not do this, after which the new part does not allow the computer to start, and a BSoD error stop 0x0000007b occurs in Windows.

This problem is solved as follows. First of all, the screen of death should appear after connecting the new hardware component. To check for incompatibility, you need to remove this part and then restart the computer. If everything is fine, then that's the problem. If there are several connected parts (for example, the computer was assembled in parts), then you need to remove each one one by one (if, of course, there are pairs) until the computer starts.

If all else fails, you shouldn’t disassemble everything and throw it in the trash, because the Windows 7 boot problem 0x0000007b may be hiding in the system.

Driver problem

The problem may lie in the device drivers that are responsible for booting the operating system. For example, the old hard drive was replaced with a newly purchased one, after which Windows 7 error 0x0000007b occurred during boot. Or a non-functioning screw from an old computer was replaced. However, for some reason the system did not switch or install the driver for the new device.

Let's solve this problem like this. We return the old hard drive to its place, after which we download the driver package based on the brand of the hard drive we want to install. Next, install a boot disk or flash drive with these drivers using any of the programs (Alcohol 120, UltraISO, Nlite, etc.). We place the unidentified hard drive in its future location. After starting the computer, go to the BIOS and put the drive or flash drive in first place in the priority of bootable devices (should be in the BOOT menu). Next, we start installing the driver from the disk. After installing the driver, reboot the computer and work. Now the Windows XP boot error 0x0000007b and Windows 7 boot error should disappear.

Antivirus problem

Sometimes it happens that an antivirus program mistakes an important operating system file for a virus or spyware. Then it blocks it or deletes the infected object. As a result, the surprised PC user asks the question: “Error 0x0000007b, I can’t load Windows - what should I do?” In this case, reinstalling the driver can also help, but where is the guarantee that the antivirus will not delete it again?

It's best to do the following. Turn on the computer and press F8 before loading the OS. Select “Last Known Good Configuration” from the list that appears. After the operating system has loaded, you need to disable the antivirus and roll back the system until the important file is deleted. This is done as follows: “Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Next, select the saved configuration by date and restore it. When everything returns to normal, you will have to replace the anti-virus program or at least add the Windows folder to the exceptions.

Trouble in the registry

Windows 7 boot problem may occur when replacing an old motherboard with a new one. The problem is that Windows, which is located on the hard drive, cannot load the required driver for the new motherboard. This problem can be solved through the registry, and it is better to take care of it in advance, since without a motherboard you certainly will not be able to start the computer.

Go to the Start menu and enter the name of the “Run” service in the search or press Win+R. In the line of the window that appears, enter the regedit command, after which we get to the registry editor. Here we go the following way: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM and delete (or better yet, just rename) the MountedDevices folder. In the same System folder, go to CurrentControlSet - services, where we find the following sections: Amdsata, Amdide, Ayapi, Amdxata, Intelide, Pciide, Msahci.

In each such section, look for the Start document and change the value to 0. After which you can safely change the motherboard, which should work without problems.

Diagnosis of the error

It often happens that the boot occurs first, error 0x0000007b when loading Windows, and a split second after that the system reboots. This does not bring anything good, since without a blue screen it is impossible to diagnose the cause of the malfunction. But this function is easily disabled.

Right-click on “My Computer” and go to “Properties”. Next, select “Advanced system settings”. In the “Boot and Recovery” section, click “Options”. A new window will open, where in the “System failure” section, uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” box. Now during a failure, instead of rebooting, an error will appear.

You can identify the error using the following information:

  • INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE - error type. It is always written at the top of the screen in capital letters with an underscore.
  • STOP: 0x0000007b (…) - hexadecimal error code, always located at the bottom of the screen.

These two signs are enough to determine what the error is and how it can be solved.

Event Viewer

You can understand why Windows 7 won’t load, BSoD 0x0000007b appeared, and what to do about it, not only from the above information. You can determine the causes of failures in normal system operation by viewing events. It’s easy to find them: “Control Panel\Administrative Tools\View Event Logs”. Most likely, the event type will be “Critical”, where you can see the number of failures over different periods of time: the last hour, day, week. By clicking on the plus sign, you can expand the list, which will contain general information about the error. By double-clicking on the event, you will open a window with a detailed description of the problem, from which you can draw some conclusions.

If the event recording function is disabled, you should enable it. We go to the already familiar computer properties and additional system settings. The window and section are the same: “Boot and Recovery” and “System Failure”. Check the box next to “Write events to system log” and set “Kernel memory dump” in the debugging information entry. You can also specify a file where events will be recorded.


It is worth remembering that the computer produces errors for a reason, they need to be read, because correcting them without knowing what is pointless and useless. And this case is no exception. Any BSoD error can be identified and resolved in many ways, not just by reinstalling Windows.

The stop 0x0000007B error or “blue screen” is familiar to many personal computer users. It can occur both during normal startup of the computer, and during installation of the operating system or when transferring it to another motherboard. To eliminate this problem, it is first necessary to identify the nature of the malfunction and the cause of its occurrence.

When error 0x0000007b occurs, the PC screen looks like this:

Boot sector virus infection

Often the computer displays error 0x0000007B due to infection by various viruses and Trojans. In this case, you need to run Windows XP and scan the system, as well as all external media, for the presence of harmful programs using an anti-virus utility. It is recommended to use more than one virus scanning program. For example, you can scan your computer with Kaspersky and the Doctor Web utility. To ensure continued safe browsing on the Internet, you must correctly configure your firewall settings, avoid visiting sites with a bad reputation, and limit downloading unverified files.

If the antivirus program is unable to deal with viruses on its own and the system cannot be restored, a complete reinstallation of Windows XP will be required. Before doing this, you should format your hard drive and partition it.

Problems with disk device drivers

There are several reasons for the stop 0x0000007B error message:

  1. The disk device driver required by the boot controller is not configured to start or is configured incorrectly.
  2. The device driver is faulty.
  3. The Windows XP registry has damaged the necessary data responsible for loading drivers when the system starts.

When installing Windows XP, you may see the following entry at the bottom of the screen: “Press F6 to install a third-party SCSI or RAID driver.” After pressing a given key, you must follow the instructions, which describe in detail how to install the manufacturer's storage device driver. A list of compatible hardware and information about hard disk controller drivers can be found in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Driver Update

Sometimes a simple device driver update can solve the problem. Find the Device Manager tab in the control panel (in the “System” menu item). Select the Driver sub-item and click the Update button.

The system will offer a way to search for the driver; you must select Install from the specified location. From the proposed list, click on the line Standard 2-channel PCI IDE controller.

When the installation is complete, click Finish and restart your computer.

If the miniport driver required for full operation of the controller produces an error when trying to load, then this is a signal of a problem with the System node from the Windows XP registry. The problem can be solved by restoring a backup copy of the registry itself.

Problems with the equipment being used

The system issues a stop error 0x0000007B as a result of disk conversion failure and resource conflicts between SCSI devices and boot controllers with other disk controllers when using the same I/O port.

Ways to solve this problem:

  1. The cause of the error may be the installation of new hardware that causes a conflict with the disk controllers. Removing or changing the hardware settings will help resolve the problem.
  2. In case of problems, it is recommended to check the SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) circuit for termination errors. It is necessary to remove unused SCSI devices and check the uniqueness of identifiers. Check the disk conversion function (enable if required) for changes. It is possible that the controller parameters have been reconfigured, which is why the system displays the error stop 0x0000007B.

Other faults

There are other potential causes of a blue screen: problems with the boot sector and damage to the file system, as a result of which Windows XP cannot be connected. To solve this problem, you should transfer the disk to another PC running the same operating system. Next, run the special command chkdsk, and if this method does not suit you, you can proceed with installing Windows XP in parallel on the same disk, only in a different folder. Before copying files, the operating system installation program itself will check the boot volume for problems and, if necessary, fix them.

In the event that it was not possible to identify the possible cause of the problem, it is recommended to use the general scheme for solving the blue screen problem:

  • If the system displays the notorious error 0x0000007b when installing windows xp, you should update the BIOS. This is done as follows: by pressing the F2 key (you can also Del) enter the BIOS. Next, find the Sata Mode item (usually located in the Main menu). Here, instead of AHCI Mode, set the value to IDE Mode. Save and restart your computer. You can also install drivers for the hard drive controller obtained from the device manufacturer.
  • If you installed a new driver on your computer that is incompatible with your hardware, this may cause an error. To resolve the problem, it is recommended to select the last known known configuration offered by the system when booting.

System Restore as a way to resolve error 0x0000007b

If other methods are ineffective, you can use the system recovery procedure to eliminate the stop 0x0000007b error. To do this, you will need the following auxiliary attributes:

  1. Floppy disk or flash card with archive files.
  2. The ERD Commander utility is a set of useful tools for repairing the system in case of any problems.
  3. A set of files to fix bad sectors.

First of all, you need to insert a flash drive (or floppy disk). And only above this, load data from a CD drive recorded onto a disk with ERD Commander.

In the main menu Start -> Administrative Tools you should launch Registry Editor - this is the registry editor.

Here in the main menu select File -> Import. To import into the system registry, you need to find a special file mergeide.reg (it should be written to a floppy disk in advance). After this operation is completed, Explorer is launched by clicking 2 times on “My Computer”. Next, you just need to copy the following files from external media to the C:Windowssystem32Drivers folder: atapi.sys, intelide.sys, pciide.sys, pciidex.sys. The final step is to restart the PC.

The appearance of a blue screen, designated as BSoD, almost causes a real shock for users. However, in most cases, you can get rid of the problem using several simple methods. But first you need to look at the special stop code in the description. Let's consider the problem of the appearance of BSoD with the STOP code: 0x0000007b (Windows 7) when the system boots. Sometimes the description may also contain the line INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE (for systems above version seven).

Error 0x0000007b when loading Windows 7: what is the problem?

The nature of this failure can be determined not only by the stop code, but also by the extended description of the problem presented above. Even if you simply translate the phrase into Russian, it will immediately become clear that the link points to an inaccessible boot device.

Thus, when loading Windows 7, a blue screen (0x0000007b) indicates that there is some problem with the hard drive, or more precisely, with the boot record, which the system cannot access. However, this is only the general case. As practice shows, the problem can be, strange as it may sound, even in an ordinary USB flash drive, which is in the port at the time of boot. In addition, the root causes of failure 0x0000007b Windows 7 when loading the system can be called an incorrectly set operating mode of the hard disk controller, the absence or failure of special drivers, damage to the boot record due to viruses, etc. Based on the above reasons, in each specific case you will have to take appropriate measures. Let's consider the order of actions that it is advisable to perform exactly in the sequence in which they will be described.

Windows 7 crash 0x0000007b on boot: how to fix it, what to do first?

It is possible that the blue screen is due to some kind of short-term failure, such as a sudden power outage when the user does not have an uninterruptible power supply. In this case, you should simply try to restart the computer (maybe even with a preliminary forced shutdown). In this case, it is advisable to completely disconnect all existing peripheral devices and connected drives from the system unit.

During a restart, an automatic system recovery may follow if the failure was indeed short-lived, after which everything will return to normal.

Using special boot options

If Windows 7 failure 0x0000007b appears again during boot, you should restart again, and then quickly press the F8 key several times before the operating system starts loading.

A menu of special start options will appear. First of all, you need to select the start line of the last working configuration. In essence, this is the same restoration or rollback of the system to a previous stable state, when failures and errors were not observed.

Safe mode

In some cases, to resolve Windows 7 crash 0x0000007b at boot, you can use Safe Mode, which can be selected from the menu described for the previous case.

If the system boots normally, the first thing you should do is check it for viruses. To do this, it is best to use portable anti-virus programs, and if necessary, use “heavy artillery” in the form of disk utilities with the general name Rescue Disk, from which you will need to download a virus scanner even before starting the operating system itself, having previously set the appropriate boot priority in the BIOS settings .

Disk check

If the problem reappears in the form of Windows 7 failure 0x0000007b upon boot, you may need to check the disk using the command line. If the system boots at least in safe mode, the command console is called by the standard method using the cmd combination in the Run menu.

If it is impossible to boot, you will have to use any boot or installation disk (or flash drive), in the menu of which you select system recovery, and then call the command line (either from the appropriate section, or by pressing Shift + F10).

In the console you need to enter the check command chkdsk /f/r (sometimes you can use chkdsk /p/r), the execution of which will lead to a full scan of the hard drive with restoration of damaged sectors. When booting from removable media, you must additionally enter the letter of the system partition.

Recovering system files and boot sector

If checking the hard drive does not give results, you will have to use a more complex method. There are two options here: restoring system files and restoring (or completely overwriting) a bootloader that cannot be accessed. But, again, for both methods you will need to make a command line call, as shown above.

In the first case, enter the command sfc /scannow in the console. The process of completing it can be quite long, so you will have to wait.

In the second case, several commands are entered. The first is Bootrec.exe /FixMbr. The second is Bootrec.exe /FixBoot. Once they are completed, you need to exit the Shell and check the system boot. If the result is the same, the console is called again, but the third command to completely rewrite the bootloader is written in it - Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd. If the failure concerned the boot record, this will give the result in one hundred percent of cases out of a hundred.

BIOS Settings

But the problem may also come from another area. This applies to specialized operating modes of hard disk controllers, the settings of which are located in the primary BIOS input/output system.

When rebooting, you should enter the BIOS and find there something like SATA Mode or SATA Type (the names of the lines, as well as the sections in which they are located, may differ in different BIOS versions). In the settings of the controllers themselves, if the AHCI mode is set, you need to switch it to IDE, then save the settings (F10 + Y), and then reboot.

Hardware and driver problems

It is not uncommon to experience Windows 7 crash 0x0000007b when booting after replacing the motherboard or other hardware. In this case, the user is faced with a situation where the installed motherboard model is not supported by this OS, which causes conflicts, or the system does not recognize it. In this case, the solution will be much more complicated, but if you have an installation disk with drivers, you will only need to install the motherboard chipset drivers yourself or tell the system to select from removable media rather than from its database when installing the driver.

The same, by the way, can also apply to hard drives when special AHCI or SCSI drivers are missing or installed incorrectly. They will also have to be integrated into the system.

If none of the above helps, you may have to reinstall the system with a complete formatting of the system partition, and if the hard drive is physically damaged, replace it. As a last resort, if it is not possible to purchase a new hard drive, you can try to use the HDD Regenerator software package, but this requires that the system boot in at least some mode.

Additional options

As an undocumented method that is used very infrequently, you can use resetting the CMOS settings by first removing the battery on the motherboard for 10-15 minutes. Sometimes it may be necessary to install new BIOS firmware. It is also advisable to check the correct connection of the cables and connectors of the hard drive itself and their integrity. For more serious problems, the computer will have to be taken to a service center for a full diagnosis.

Despite the fact that more than three years have passed since Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP, some users still do not want to part with this operating system. Well, this is understandable - some still have an old computer, the technical characteristics of which do not allow installing a newer OS, some need a fast system, while others are simply used to XP, not wanting to change anything for themselves.

Windows is a fairly stable and reliable system that can work without reinstallation for up to several years, but sooner or later it begins to fail, including critical ones. An example of one such failure is the Stop 0x0000007b error, which occurs during the loading/installation of the operating system and is accompanied by the appearance of the traditional blue screen of death. Most often, Windows XP users have to deal with it, however, owners of computers running Windows 7 are not immune from it.

The main reasons for the appearance of a blue screen with Stop error 0x0000007b

Error 0x0000007b, like a number of other similar ones, does not indicate a specific source of the problem, and the code itself may indicate various types of problems. In some cases it is accompanied by a message INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE, which immediately makes the user suspect that the hard drive is faulty. In fact, this error only means that the boot driver cannot initialize the boot device, that is, the hard drive.

The appearance of a blue screen with error 0x0000007b is often caused by a conflict of drivers of devices connected to the PC, incorrect BIOS settings, damage to system files or important registry keys, virus infection, the presence of bad sectors and file system errors on the disk, various hardware problems (most often associated with disk), problems with RAM, lack of support for the SCSI controller or hard drive installed by the operating system. We will not analyze all cases in detail; instead, we will pay attention to the most common ones.

What to do if an error occurs when installing Windows XP

The main and most likely cause of error 0x0000007b when installing Windows XP on a new PC is incompatible BIOS settings. The fact is that on new computers, the ACHI standard is used for drives connected to SATA, which was not yet used at the time of the release of Windows XP. You try to install the system, but it can't find a suitable driver and throws you into a BSOD. What to do? Try changing the operating mode of SATA drives from AHCI to IDE.

Go to the BIOS, in the Advanced section find the IDE Configuration setting, in it find the SATA Configuration parameter and set it to Compatible instead of Enhanced. In other BIOS versions, the indicated setting may be located in the Integrated Peripherals section and called OnChip SATA Type or SATA RAID/AHCI MODE. Its value needs to be set IDE or Native IDE.

If your BIOS has a Main section, look for SATA Mode in it and set it to IDE Mode.

Loading drivers during XP installation

The next way to resolve the error is to install the missing SCSI or ACHI drivers during the installation of Windows XP, but for this you must already have a floppy disk with drivers that match the configuration of your PC. At the very beginning of the XP installation you need to click F6 to install a special SCSI or RAID driver.

But since this method is hopelessly outdated, there may not be a utility for writing drivers on a disk with Windows XP, just like a floppy drive in your computer. Alternatively, you can use a USB Floppy Drive, but purchasing this device for the sake of installing an outdated system seems impractical.

Integrating SATA AHCI drivers into a Windows XP image

If you consider yourself an advanced user, you can integrate SATA AHCI drivers directly into the Windows XP installation image. For these purposes you will need a utility nLite, original SATA drivers with AHCI support for text mode (downloaded from your motherboard manufacturer’s website) and the Windows XP image itself.

The algorithm of actions is as follows. Unpack the driver archives and the XP ISO image into separate folders.

In the next window, click “Add” and specify the path to the folder with drivers.

Then activate the “Text mode driver” radio button, check the drivers you need and click “OK”, after which the boot image will be recreated.

If error 0x0000007b during system installation was due to driver incompatibility, it will not occur this time.

The method works, but why fool yourself if it is much easier to find on the Internet an image of Windows XP with already integrated AHCI drivers; fortunately, there are more than enough such assemblies created by enthusiasts!

How to fix error 0x0000007b when booting Windows 7

As with XP, incorrect BIOS settings can cause error 0x0000007b to appear when loading Windows 7. The system crash into BSOD with code 0x0000007b was often observed after the user enabled AHCI mode in the BIOS, especially in cases where an SSD drive was installed on the PC. No one argues that AHCI mode has its advantages, but in Windows 7 simply enabling it in the BIOS is not enough; before that, the system must be prepared. Therefore, we restore the previous settings in the BIOS, boot, launch the registry editor with the regedit command and expand this branch:


On the right side we find the parameter Start and change its value to 0.

We do the same with the Start parameter in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/iaStorV.

After that, go to the BIOS and enable AHCI. This time the system should boot without error. The next time you reboot the system, the appropriate disk drivers will be installed. At the same time, we also recommend opening Device Manager and checking in the disk properties whether disk write caching is enabled.

Other causes of error 0x0000007b

The following reasons for error 0x0000007b, as well as ways to fix it, are equally applicable to both Windows 7 and Windows XP. If before this the system booted normally, but after updating or installing some driver during the next boot, Windows displayed error 0x0000007b, the reason is probably that the driver is not working properly. First, try booting into the last known known configuration by holding down the key right after turning on the PC. F8 and select the appropriate option.

You can also try booting into safe mode and uninstalling the installed software. If this does not help, you should roll back to a previous restore point if booting into Safe Mode is available. In Windows 7, everything is simpler; in this system you can roll back to a control or full backup copy by booting from the installation disk with the distribution kit.

Disk errors

File system errors and bad sectors can also cause error 0x0000007b. This is where the built-in utility can come to the rescue. chkdsk. Boot the PC from the installation disk (the same XP) by clicking R enter the recovery environment and run the command chkdsk /r.

In Windows 7, the same command is used, but with the /f switch.

If the disk is old and there have been problems with it before, it is recommended that you first connect it to a work computer.

Viruses in the boot sector

It also wouldn't hurt to check the disk for infection with bootkits - viruses that infect the boot sector and MBR record. Naturally, such a check should be done using bootable rescue disks like Dr.Web Сureit. Another option is to remove the disk, connect it to a working PC and run the test from there.

Hardware problems

A blue screen with error 0x0000007b may well be caused by hardware problems. If the problem really is in the hardware, then first of all you need to check the hard drive. The cables (are they connected well) and the power supply are also subject to inspection. Be sure to test your RAM, as there have been cases where error 0x0000007b occurred when RAM modules were damaged.

As additional measures, we can recommend disconnecting all peripheral devices from the PC (to avoid conflicts with their drivers), re-creating the MBR master boot record, updating the hard drive controller drivers, clearing the CMOS, and also replacing the atapi.sys, intelide driver files from under the boot disk .sys, pciide.sys, pciidex.sys from the directory System32/Drivers driver files from a working system of the same version. If you doubt the results of your own actions, it would be wiser to take your computer to a diagnostic center, where specialists will fix the problem.

– one of the most common BSOD errors that appears on computers when loading the system or when reinstalling Windows XP. Personally, for me, it popped up immediately after solving the problem that I described in the previous article, where we talked about how to deal with the “ ” error that appeared immediately at the beginning of loading the operating system.

As always, first let’s look at what could have caused the blue screen with error 0x0000007B.

Again, there can be very, very many reasons, depending on the situation in which it appeared. Let me remind you that the main cases when an error occurs is when the system starts to boot and installs Windows XP.

Reasons why error 0x0000007B appears when loading Windows XP:

  • The first cause is damage to system files;
  • Hard drive damage;
  • Viruses are the reason why a huge number of computers around the world suffer;
  • As strange as it may sound, the problem of normal loading may simply be a flash drive inserted into the computer;

List of reasons why a blue screen with code 0x0000007B appears during a clean installation Windows:

  • One of the most common reasons is incorrect settings in the BIOS;
  • Damage to device drivers that are needed by the boot controller;
  • The SCSI controller or hard drive on which the installation is being performed is not supported by the system being installed;

What to do in such cases, and how to fix error 0x0000007B? Now, below I will consider several possible options for correcting the error when the system boots and when installing the system.

Fixing error 0x0000007B when loading the system

As I mentioned earlier, there are many different factors that could cause a blue screen to appear. Now I will list what in my practice helped me correct error 0x0000007B.

Let's start with the simplest thing. When starting the computer, press the button several times. F8", which will bring up the system boot menu. Next, in the list of all possible functions that appears, go to the line with the following content: “ Last Known Good Configuration" Having selected this line, confirm the choice with the “ Enter" Windows will start starting with the last configuration it was running fine with. If code 0x0000007B appears on the screen again on a blue background, then read on.

Also, a very popular cause of this problem is damage to the hard drive or file system. In this case, we will need any burned disc with Windows. After inserting it into the drive, reboot the computer and enter the system recovery console. And already there with the help of the command “ chkdsk /p /r» We fix and restore damaged files. Sometimes instead of " P"key used" F", where the command would look like this " chkdsk /f/r" For a more detailed description of working with the recovery console, you can read the article where we.

Another problem that can cause you to see a blue screen on your monitor is viruses. No matter how trivial it may sound, but or, and sometimes cause more serious malfunctions in the computer, for example, like this one. To check for a virus, we can try to use safe mode. To do this, go to the boot menu with the " F8" and try to run "".

Further, using any antivirus program, completely . The main thing is that the program being checked has the latest current virus database installed. Personally, I use Dr. to check for viruses. Sureit, I advise you to do the same.

If you connected additional hard drives to your computer before the blue screen appeared, I recommend removing it before fixing it. Because it is he who can cause this error. The same goes for flash drives. Sometimes, when working with various flash drives, just a black screen with a cursor appears when the system boots, but in some cases this appears as a blue screen with code 0x0000007B. Therefore, to rule out this option, be sure to remove all external and previously added internal drives.

Well, and finally, a hundred percent way that will help you cope with the error: is. But, if you need to save information on the “C:/” drive, then I recommend using this option last.

What to do with error 0x0000007B that appears when installing Windwos XP

Most often, the cause of error 0x0000007B when installing Windows XP is incorrect BIOS settings. More precisely, on the new hardware, for drives connected to SATA, the new ACHI standard is used. And since at the time of the release of Windows XP it did not yet exist, so during installation, the system cannot find a suitable driver, as a result this causes a blue screen.

There is nothing difficult in correcting this error. All we need to do is switch from ACHI mode to IDE, in which Windows will install without problems. To do this, we immediately go to the “ Advanced" Next, having selected the “” item, click on it and instead ACHI let's shave Native IDE .

Save the settings by pressing F10. Reboot the computer and restart the installation.

In some BIOS, the names of the items are slightly changed. Here’s another example: go to “Advanced” and go to disk settings “ IDE Configuration" and already there in the item "" we set instead Enhanced meaning Compatible. Having saved the settings, we continue installing the system.

Just in case, I’ll give you another option for changing the SATA mode, so that everyone can choose the most suitable one. Having entered the BIOS, go to the “Main” section, where, going down to the bottom, click “SATA Mode”. A small window will appear where we select IDE Mode. As always, be sure to save your changes before exiting.

In some cases, error 0x0000007B appears because the installation distribution is missing a SCSI or ACHI driver. Of course, you can download a set of these drivers and add it to the installation distribution using additional software. Well, then re-write the image to disk. But, personally, I recommend that in this case, find and download a ready-made image with drivers already built into it. This will allow you not to bother with driver integration yourself.

For those who really want to integrate the drivers themselves, I will write detailed instructions, but a little later. In order not to miss this article, be sure to subscribe to us. Also, perhaps you know any other options for fixing error 0x0000007B on Windows? If so, then I will be very grateful if you share them with me in the comments. I will definitely add them to the article as an addition and this way we can help even more users.