The best family planning center. Family Planning Center

Thanks to the development of medical technology, infertility is no longer a death sentence. Modern family planning and reproductive centers are able to solve problems with conceiving and bearing a healthy child for the majority of couples who apply. In vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogacy programs are no longer unheard of, and more and more people are getting the opportunity to become parents with their help.

Services of family planning centers

The concept of “family planning” appeared in the second half of the 20th century. It includes solving problems aimed at protecting the reproductive health of men and women and the birth of healthy and desired children. Today, the family planning program operates a large number of specialized centers and departments at maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics. IVF centers can be part of the structure of family planning centers or be independent structural units that provide assistance to couples with reproductive problems in conceiving and bearing a child.

IVF centers solve the following tasks:

  • early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of reproductive diseases;
  • conducting examinations and treatment of infertility using intrauterine insemination with the sperm of the husband (donor) or IVF;
  • identifying fetal pathologies in the early stages of development;
  • regulation of the timing of conception and pregnancy.

All IVF centers provide almost the same range of services. Differences can only be in the level of service, the cost of a particular service and the technologies used. They have their own embryological laboratories, in which embryos for IVF are created and studied, as well as cryobanks.

The best IVF centers in Moscow

Today in Moscow there are more than 70 IVF centers of various levels - from state medical institutions to small private clinics. Nevertheless, this number is still not enough, since married couples apply to the capital’s institutions not only from Moscow itself and nearby settlements, but from remote regions of the country.

The quality level of the services offered is usually quite high. It should be noted that large clinics have more opportunities in diagnosis, choice of treatment and in attracting highly qualified specialists. Most clinics have their own laboratories and modern equipment for conducting research and procedures.

State IVF centers:

  • FSBI NTsAGiP named after V.I. Kulakov Ministry of Health of Russia- Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after. Academician V.I. Kulakova is a state budgetary institution, which is a leading clinic in this area. The center employs world-famous specialists. The center provides a full range of obstetrics and gynecology services, including IVF, childbirth management and high-tech medical care.
  • TsPSiR Moscow- Center for Family Planning and Reproduction - a multidisciplinary clinic that provides management of normal pregnancies, assistance with premature births, and management of patients with group and Rh incompatibility in the mother and fetus.
  • GBUZ MO MONIIAG- Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a leading scientific and practical healthcare institution providing all types of assistance in the field of reproduction and family planning. Its structure includes departments of reproductology, endoscopic surgery, neonatology, and a perinatal diagnostics laboratory.

Private IVF centers:

  • Medical Center "Embryon"- one of the oldest clinics in its field in Russia (founded on the basis of Maternity Hospital No. 4 in Moscow in 1992), specializing exclusively in conducting programs of in vitro fertilization, cultivation and intrauterine implantation of the embryo according to various protocols. An important advantage is the availability of modern diagnostic facilities and treatment materials to establish the causes and successful treatment of infertility of various origins. All necessary laboratories and departments are located on the territory of one center. In addition to classical IVF, the center also uses assisted reproductive technologies that increase patients’ chances of pregnancy.
  • "Mother and Child"- these are four modern hospitals and 26 clinics with good diagnostic and therapeutic resources in different cities of Russia. The main areas of work of the center are women's health, infertility treatment, surgical gynecology, pregnancy management.
  • "AltraVita". When creating the clinic, the standards of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine were applied. Today, the center is actively introducing new IVF technologies.
  • "Lera". The clinic positions itself not only as an institution dealing with women's health issues, but also as an andrology clinic. The center's specialists took part in conducting some of the first IVF procedures in the USSR. The Lera clinic provides a full range of services for infertility treatment, pregnancy management, and surrogacy.
  • "Test Tube Babies". The clinic provides assistance in the treatment of male and female infertility in all forms. The clinic's arsenal includes the latest ART methods of various types.

Prices for services of IVF centers

Although most reproductive services, such as IVF or ICSI, are paid, it is possible to receive them free of charge under a quota both in government institutions and in some private centers. Since 2015, infertile couples have the opportunity to receive this quota under the compulsory health insurance policy. At the same time, all quota procedures are paid for by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF).

In 2018, IVF quotas will be available not only to officially married couples, but also to those in civil marriages and single women.

But how to get a quota? First of all, the couple must be diagnosed with infertility, and the woman must be registered with the antenatal clinic and strictly follow all the doctor’s prescriptions. After the diagnosis is made, the couple undergoes additional tests and the documents are sent for consideration by a special commission. After making a positive decision, you must contact an IVF center included in the list of institutions registered in the program. The wait can last for a year or a year and a half. If a positive decision from the commission cannot be obtained, then you still have the opportunity to pay for IVF yourself. An initial consultation with a fertility specialist will cost from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

On average, the cost of an IVF procedure in Moscow ranges from 110,000 (basic program) to 400,000 rubles (maximum IVF).

How to choose a medical center

Choosing a reliable IVF center is a very important task, because it is the specialists of this center that determine the likelihood of a childless couple being able to finally give birth to a healthy baby.

The basic requirements for any medical center are the period of existence, the availability of high-level specialists, and the necessary equipment for conducting research and manipulations. It is worth paying attention to the availability of certificates for carrying out a particular activity. In reputable clinics, all necessary documentation is usually freely available to patients.

The choice of a medical center when planning and managing pregnancy is usually based on information from various sources. You need to carefully study the websites of the clinics you like, the list of services provided, prices, and the level of specialists. It is recommended to talk with those who have already undergone treatment at the chosen center to find out how effective it was. Please pay attention to the clinic's opening hours and the availability of contact with your doctor in case of an emergency. If it is necessary to conduct ART programs (IVF or IUI), the qualifications and experience of doctors are even more important. The staff of a clinic performing ART must include an obstetrician-gynecologist, an andrologist, an anesthesiologist and an embryologist. It is necessary to clarify whether the center has experience working with germ cell donors - the presence of such experience indicates high professionalism. Request statistics on successful pregnancies under ART programs and statistics on multiple pregnancies - these data will give you almost all the necessary information about the clinic.

IVF clinic specialists act in stages, realizing opportunities to solve the problem of infertility in various ways. If simpler methods are ineffective, an IVF procedure is prescribed.

Modern couples do not always manage to quickly become parents. Some people have to undergo treatment for infertility, and others simply cannot get pregnant due to psychological factors or improper planning. In any case, when having problems conceiving, many turn to medical organizations for help. Today we have to find out what the Family Planning and Reproduction Center is. Moscow is the region in which this organization is located. What services does it offer? How good are the living conditions here? Why are patients satisfied and not upset? The answers to all these questions will be presented below. Only after this will each couple be able to decide for themselves whether contacting the institution under study is advisable.


What is the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (Moscow)? This organization is a budget medical company dealing with planning and reproduction issues. At the center you can undergo infertility treatment, be monitored during pregnancy and even give birth.

Accordingly, the center for planning and reproduction in Moscow is a kind of multifunctional maternity hospital. The services provided here are varied, which attracts new visitors. But is it worth coming here for help? What do clients think about this institution?


The center has several addresses. In total, this organization is represented by 3 separate buildings. Each of them is a building in which you can get certain services. Where to go to use the facilities of the institution?

Today, the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (Moscow) offers the following addresses:

  • Sevastopolsky prospect, house 24 A;
  • Azovskaya, house 22 - branch No. 1, maternity hospital 10;
  • Nezhinskaya 3 - branch No. 2, maternity hospital 3.

As a rule, CPiRS means the institution located at the first address. It is considered the main one. This is where the bulk of the center's services are provided.

About services

What exactly are we talking about? What services does the institution under study provide? There are quite a lot of them. Unlike ordinary ones, the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (Moscow) deals not only with assistance in childbirth, but also with issues of child planning. Accordingly, if you decide to come here, you can be sure that the clinic’s doctors will provide comprehensive assistance.

Among the main services of the institution are:

  • genetic tests (including during pregnancy);
  • infertility treatment;
  • diagnosis of problems when planning a child;
  • pregnancy management;
  • choosing a doctor for childbirth;
  • partner birth;
  • hospital treatment;
  • maintaining pregnancy;
  • accommodation in general wards;
  • individual superior rooms;
  • a full range of tests and studies for pregnant women and those planning pregnancy;
  • vaccination of newborns;
  • tests for newborns;
  • services for nursing premature babies;
  • surgical intervention;
  • IVF and ICSI services.

With all this, the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction has a clinical department. Many good specialists practice and study here.

All services are offered both free and paid. The possibility of concluding a contract for childbirth pleases many potential clients. Often, the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (Moscow) receives reviews as a maternity hospital. What do people undergoing treatment here say about this institution? What about women in labor? What are the most common pros and cons of an institution in practice?


The situation in the Center for Public Relations is not the worst. There are different reviews about it. The facility has been renovated, but not the most luxurious. If you believe some reviews, then the Planned Parenthood Center looks good in appearance, albeit with minor flaws. They are usually available in free departments and wards. Here, as patients say, the furniture installed is not the newest. The couches sag under people, but they do not creak and are quite comfortable. There is no particular comfort in the institution, but in paid wards it exists.

Here, judging by the reviews, there is everything necessary to ensure maximum comfort - private bathrooms, a TV, and a personal refrigerator. The furniture in the paid wards has also been updated. There are air conditioners.

The outpatient department looks good. Cosmetic repairs have been made here and all equipment has been updated. The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (Moscow) does not frighten patients with its appearance and atmosphere. But, as has already been said, it has flaws.

In some departments of the institution there is constant bustle. For example, it is impossible to rest and calm down in the birth block. Especially with free childbirth, you have to give birth together with several women in labor, each of whom is usually frightened by the birth process.

But the postpartum department often receives positive reviews. The external environment here is not the best, but there is no unnecessary fuss and tension. It is here that women in labor and ordinary patients can rest properly.

Conditions of stay

The clinics also speak differently about the hospital. Much depends on the expectations of the woman in labor herself. But in general, the Family Planning and Reproduction Center receives positive reviews. This is far from the worst place for infertility treatment or for childbirth.

The free department, as noted earlier, has its drawbacks - for example, there is no feeling of comfort here, the furniture is not the newest. Some people simply do not like the renovations done in the free wards. But from a medical point of view, free patients are provided with everything they need for a comfortable stay in the hospital. Refrigerators are shared, as are bathrooms. That is why there are constant queues.

In paid departments there are almost no complaints about the conditions of stay. The renovation here is good, the furniture is new, and the comfort is of the highest standard. You can relax peacefully and enjoy the time spent at the Center for Research and Development. The only drawback is the huge queues of payers. Not everyone gets paid chambers after signing a contract. You have to wait for them, sometimes for a long time.

About nutrition

The State Center for Reproduction and Family Planning receives mostly positive messages about nutrition. The majority of patients indicate that the food in the institution is good. Hospital food isn't to everyone's taste, but overall it's okay. No frills. The menu is compiled taking into account the characteristics of patients' stay in the hospital.

However, some women note that not all dishes are suitable for breastfeeding mothers. If you exclude some of the food offered, you can establish breastfeeding without any problems.

You can also take food with you. Special refrigerators are installed in the wards and corridors to store food. It is recommended to check the list of permitted dishes at the hospital post.

The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (Moscow) receives reviews as a place where you won’t go hungry. Everything is organized at the proper level.


How good are the doctors working in the institution under study? The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction receives mixed reviews in this area.

All clinic specialists are educated and experienced people. They constantly improve their skills and gain invaluable work experience. Advanced training courses are also known to all doctors of the center. If you believe the administration, then all the clinic’s specialists are polite and kind people.

But patients do not always speak well of doctors. The majority of visitors to the center are truly satisfied with the work of both obstetricians and specialized specialists - they are distinguished by sympathy, empathy, understanding and professionalism. Here, not a single person will be left unattended.

At the same time, some women in labor describe the doctors of the Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow as rude and inattentive people. This statement applies to both paid and free childbirth. Women in labor are rude, treated inattentively, and undergo unnecessary medical intervention. But these are just isolated complaints.

Prices for services

The Center for Family Planning and Human Reproduction (Moscow) provides births not only free of charge, but also on a contract basis. In addition, it offers accommodation in superior rooms for an additional fee.

Prices for all paid services of the clinic can be called acceptable. For example, some say that a contract for childbirth will cost 140,000 rubles. Compared to this it's cheap. The price includes almost all additional medical procedures. For example, nursing a premature baby in intensive care.

However, not everyone sees the point of concluding a contract for the management of pregnancy and childbirth at the Center for Pregnancy and Childbirth. If you believe some girls, doctors under contracts do not always come when called, so you have to give birth with a team on duty. The attitude will not be the most welcoming. But those who took full advantage of the contract and its services are satisfied with the birth and the attitude towards the mother in labor.


The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction receives different reviews from clients. However, like any similar organization. This is a good place for fertility treatment and childbirth, especially if the expectant parents have money. The majority of patients are satisfied with childbirth in this institution. In order for the husband to be present at all times with the expectant mother, it is necessary to provide fluorography and documents confirming the absence of any diseases (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis). Often, only “payers” can take advantage of partner births.

But the institution also has its shortcomings. The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (Moscow) is a place where free childbirth raises a lot of doubts. Despite this, people still come here again and again. If you want to give birth in a good place under the supervision of experienced specialists, CPiRS is perfect for this. Some household defects will not be noticeable during childbirth!

Pregnancy planning in the clinics of the Mother and Child Group of Companies is a full range and therapeutic services for every family. We take into account everything that can affect conception, successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. We create individual programs for women and men, because the health of the unborn baby depends on both mother and father.

Pregnancy planning at Mother and Child is a full examination and pre-conception preparation, as well as medical and genetic counseling for each family:

  • for fertile women and men of reproductive age;
  • for women 35+;
  • for infertility and preparation for IVF;
  • for women at risk;
  • for patients with recurrent miscarriage;
  • prospective pregnancy planning - cryopreservation and long-term storage of eggs and sperm in the PMC cryobank.

Do you want to become parents and don’t know where to start planning your pregnancy? First of all, you need to contact qualified specialists. Even vitamins when planning pregnancy must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. The possibility of conception, successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child depends on a number of factors.

Pre-gravid preparation takes into account:

  • reproductive health of both future parents and their age,
  • genetic diseases in the family,
  • gynecological status,
  • the presence of somatic pathology,
  • the number, course and outcome of a woman’s previous pregnancies, if we are talking about repeat pregnancies;
  • the general health of both future parents.

Efficiency pregnancy planning programs“Mother and Child” ensures the interaction of highly qualified specialists - geneticists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, andrologists, functional diagnostics and reproductive medicine doctors.

Each program is created individually. A mandatory component of effective planning for the birth of a healthy child is a competent assessment of the reproductive capabilities of women and men. Expectant parents need to undergo a full comprehensive examination before planning a pregnancy.

Necessary examinations for women

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coagulogram, hemostasiogram;
  • determination of antibodies of hepatitis B, C, HIV, RW;
  • analysis for TORCH infections;
  • STD testing;
  • hormone tests;
  • bacterioscopic examination of smears for flora and oncocytology;
  • colposcopy;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands;
  • chest x-ray;
  • consultations with a therapist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, dentist, gynecologist, geneticist.

Examinations for men

  • consultation with a therapist;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test to determine the group and Rh factor;
  • PCR infection analysis;
  • spermogram.

When planning pregnancy individually, the number of necessary studies can be adjusted. A urologist or andrologist can recommend additional studies for a man, a therapist and gynecologist for a woman. If future parents are generally healthy, there are usually fewer tests than for a couple with diagnosed diseases or pathologies.

Important: tests for a man are just as important as for a woman.

Based on the results of the examination, when planning pregnancy, therapy can be recommended and carried out for one or both future parents. The results of the research allow specialists to determine how a married couple can best prepare for pregnancy, whether it is worth taking medications and vitamins for men and women in order to safely carry and give birth to a healthy child.

The technical equipment of the diagnostic departments of our leading pregnancy planning centers allows us to carry out all the necessary laboratory and functional examinations. High qualifications and practical experience of specialists guarantee success in planning every family.