Do-it-yourself path from wooden saw cuts. How to make a path from wood cuts with your own hands

Do you remember how in childhood, adults sang to us a song: little legs run along the path? And what a delight the tangled webs of these same paths, paths and curbs evoked in us. We have grown up. Many of the former kids have acquired personal gardens and summer cottages, and the intricate paths continue to attract us with their intricacy, some kind of reckless meaning and... It's just convenient and beautiful. So, it's time to make a path from a cut tree with your own hands. We will tell you about this now so that your dream comes true in full.

Path from a cut tree. Why do we choose this material?

Firstly, this is a pricing decision. The cost of sawing wood is lower than the cost of paving slabs or stone paths. And, in addition, in order to make a path from a cut tree, you can use a sawn solid wood from your site, which will cost you absolutely free.

Secondly, natural beauty wood texture, which does not limit your imagination and makes it possible to create any options for paths in the garden without attracting additional funds and building materials.

Thirdly, environmental friendliness. Considering the mainstream of ethno-style in the region landscape design, you can follow the fashion trend without special effort and with benefit for environment and your own health.

Fourthly, laying a path in the garden from a cut tree does not require certain professional skills, abilities and a set of tools of a certain complexity.

However, there are also some “buts” that you need to know about in advance - a path made from cut wood is susceptible to rot, mold, and spoiled by insects. If you are ready for such costs, then we will begin arranging paths from cut wood with our own hands immediately. Moreover, we will tell you how to mitigate such disadvantages.

Making a path from cut wood with your own hands. Preparing the foundation.

Owners of garden and personal plots, who have not yet managed to make a path from a cut tree, but make do with other options, often face problems of sinking or, on the contrary, bulging, uncontrolled growth of weeds and destruction of existing garden paths. These troubles do not always depend on the material from which the path on the site is made, but always on compliance with the instructions for creating a path in the garden.

First stage:

An outline of future paths should be drawn on the site plan for better visualization, so that the result of the work pleases you and does not bring discoveries in the form of inaccuracies and imperfections. Then the outline future track, using pegs and a cord, we transfer it directly to the surface of the earth.

If there is a flat landscape, it is enough to drive in stakes every two to two and a half meters. If there are hills or uneven surfaces, or if the path you have planned is very winding, the travel of the pegs is about forty centimeters. If pegs with twine seem very difficult option, then you can mark the directions with grated chalk, sand or lime - just pour the silhouette in full width and along the entire length. The option for a path with a curb should also take into account the need for indentations.

Second phase:

We dig a trench, the depth of which should be approximately twenty-five centimeters. Such work should be carried out exclusively in dry weather so that the quality of the base and subsequently the path itself are not damaged or deformed.

When a curb is provided, we pour compacted sand along the edges and install and level it, guided by a building level.

Third stage:

We compact, compact the base of the future path and cover it with geotextiles. But you can go more budget option and use polyethylene. This step will not give weeds a single chance to encroach on your path, and will also protect the path from subsidence after rainfalls and melting snow.

Fifth stage:

At the bottom of the dug ditch we lay a layer of drainage to a height of five to eleven centimeters. It can be expanded clay, crushed stone, gravel or a mixture. And, of course, this layer must be thoroughly compacted.

Cutting down a tree. Where do we get it?

There are several options. One of them is to use solid wood from your site if you are planning to cut down something.

If this option does not work, we turn to specialized building materials stores, where you can purchase wood cuts of any species.

Many manufacturers offer ready-made material, processed and coated with all special solutions and oils, so all you have to do is make a path from a cut of wood with your own hands. However, it should be noted that this option is the most wasteful and not everyone can afford it.

Therefore, we will dwell in detail on the most accessible option for everyone - cutting a tree with your own hands.

Making wood cuts for a walkway with your own hands

If, as we have already mentioned, you do not have the opportunity to use trees from your site, in this case, we purchase round timber.

In principle, to create a garden path from a cut tree with your own hands, an array of any type will do. But the ideal wood for such work is larch. Pine, oak, alder, hornbeam and even acacia will also fully justify themselves and will serve faithfully long time. Here it is worth clarifying that larch and oak, for all their reliability, are quite difficult for self-made I slept.

Dry wood is another nuance that is worth focusing on. Wet wood deforms the cuts quickly enough, causing the path to warp, crack and eventually become unusable.

After you have purchased a cut of wood, we prepare the tools: sandpaper for sanding, tape measure, chainsaw, pencils for markings, approximate templates. We can start next stage creating garden paths from cut wood.

  • We clean the trunk from twigs and branches.
  • Sand with a scraper, coarse sandpaper or planer. (ready-made cuts can also be sanded).
  • Using a template, we mark the tree evenly. Approximately twenty centimeters. Experts do not recommend saving and making cuts less than fifteen centimeters. The path will not be durable or stable.
  • We cut down a tree.

Processing the cut for the path

This section can be skipped for those who bought a ready-made and already processed saw cut.

And the rest proceed to the next stage of arranging a path in the garden with their own hands.

To protect your product from mold, mildew and harmful insects, we treat the cut with special solutions. These can be ordinary antiseptics, impregnations (necessarily with deep penetration). You can make the solution yourself. To do this, you need copper sulfate and water in a ratio of two to eight, which must sit for at least two days. A word of caution here is that copper sulfate gives the wood a darker hue. If you don’t like the aged effect, this option is not suitable for you. If you are satisfied, then the soaked saw cuts should lie for two days in the shade after treatment to dry completely.

Another option for a solution that you can prepare yourself is from drying oil. We bring it to an almost full boil and process the cuts, letting them dry, as in the version with copper sulfate.

We have one more in stock - the old-fashioned method. It is quite labor-intensive, but quite effective - brew larch bark, which is famous for its antiseptic properties, and saturate wooden cuts, at the same time giving them a beautiful reddish tint.

But that’s not all in preparing the blanks to make a path from wood cuts. The lower part of the wooden templates must be covered with a waterproofing layer. And this work is not easy. To do this, melt the bitumen and dip the saw cuts into it. You should immediately know that the boiling point of bitumen is two hundred degrees, which in itself is not safe and such an operation must be carried out in compliance with all fire safety standards.

Making a path from wood cuts with your own hands. Photo.

So we have come to the last, but most enjoyable stage of our work in the marathon: how to create a garden path from a cut tree with your own hands.

So that you don’t worry about the final look of the cut track, we present options in the photo that will not only dispel your fears and doubts, but also give you options for designing the laying pattern.

  • Let's start paving.
  • We place each part in its rightful place, pressing it into the sand bed, leveling it by lightly tapping it with a wooden hammer with a rubber striker.
  • Do not forget to control the evenness of the cuts to create one level.
  • We get rid of voids between the cuts using sand or decorative crushed stone.
  • We decorate the garden path with your favorite plants or moss.

Caring for a garden path made from cut wood

Periodically remove dirt using metal brush or a scraper followed by treating the cuts with an antiseptic or drying oil.

Immediately remove weeds that have powerful destructive power.

Monitor the level of the path after rainfall or melting snow to prevent erosion of the base coating. To do this, you can dig moisture-wicking channels or grooves on the sides.

IN winter period Be sure to clear the snow and prevent the formation of ice.

Under no circumstances should you use aggressive chemical solutions and salt to combat frost if you do not want the wood to be destroyed.

A garden path made from cut wood, made by yourself, is not only a decoration for your site, but also a reason for pride. And maybe someday a photo of your path will also please the eye of a novice master.

Among the owners summer cottages Wooden garden paths are very popular. On local area plays a huge role not only appearance elements, but also convenience. In order to easily reach any building, gazebo or flower bed, special paths are used. They can be made from various materials, but not all of them are of high enough quality, durable or beautiful. If you choose the most suitable species elements from which you can lay out a garden path, then cutting down a tree will be on the leaderboard. This material has several important and undeniable advantages. They relate primarily to such points as low cost, durability and pleasant appearance. If the structure is laid out correctly, it will become a real decoration of the local area and will last for a very long time. But then, when the master chooses wood, he should take into account that this material requires special care. Without meeting these requirements in a year or two garden path will turn into an unkempt path along which it will be very difficult to move.

Several types of wooden material can be used to make the structure. Some craftsmen opt for wooden beams, but such paths do not look very beautiful. If you use garden parquet, it will be expensive. Therefore, if we take the best value for money, then ideal option There will be a garden path made from saw cuts. It takes some work to make everything look good, but the result should be excellent. Such DIY paths made from wood cuts will become a real decoration of the yard and will surprise all guests.

Initial manufacturing stage

It cannot be said that this option is the simplest, since there are several important and complex steps. If you make a mistake in these moments, then in the future the tracks will not look the way you would like, and can also quickly become unusable. However, if you put in the effort and time, you can achieve excellent results. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not break the basic rules.

Garden paths of this type are called paths made of stumps, logs, logs and dies.

Regardless of the name, the principle of the workflow does not change. In any case, you will have to properly process the wood, and then carefully lay out the elements to achieve a good result.

The very first step will be preparing the tool. This is necessary so that you don’t waste time searching for this or that device.

To create wooden paths on your site, you need to prepare:

  • wooden elements;
  • mallet;
  • hand chainsaw;
  • bucket;
  • level;
  • brush;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • gravel and pebbles;
  • roll waterproofing;
  • water.

Only after everything necessary elements will be at hand, you can move on to the next stage.

Preparation of cuts

This is one of the most critical jobs in manufacturing wooden paths on the local area. Both their durability and the quality of the path itself depend on how correctly the cuts are prepared.

In order to beautifully decorate the local area with wooden saw cuts, you can take various materials. But experts recommend pine or oak wood. Larch works well. These materials can withstand heavy loads, and this important quality for paths. Experts note that when correct processing larch, oak and pine can last up to 20 years!

In order to properly prepare the cuts, you need to take whole logs.

They are cut into pieces no more than 20 cm high. It is worth noting that the height of the cut depends on its diameter. The average size will be 15 cm. This is quite enough to build a high-quality path that will not be afraid of mechanical stress.

After the log is divided into pieces, each element must be cleared of bark. It is fragile and therefore not suitable for use on garden paths. Moreover, the bark quickly begins to rot. This is an unacceptable characteristic for quality material.

When cleaning elements from bark, it is necessary to inspect each cut. Those units that have cracks or chips can be removed immediately, as they are considered defective. If you leave cracked elements, they will very quickly become unusable and crumble under your feet.

The saw cuts, cleared of bark, can continue to be processed. This is necessary in order to protect the elements from rotting and aggressive influences external environment and any troubles that may negatively affect the condition of the wood. Drying oil is best suited for these purposes. Processing can be done in various ways, but in general, drying oil is very easy to work with.

To begin with, it is heated to a boil. Then the wood is generously lubricated with drying oil. Next, you can use an antiseptic. Such bioprotection for wood is very important if it will often be affected by moisture and temperature changes.

After treating with drying oil and antiseptic, the wooden cuts should be left in this state for a couple of days.

This will be followed by the final stage of processing, which involves the use of bitumen. This is not a mandatory part of the work, but experts recommend not skipping this step. Bitumen should only be used on the side on which the saw cuts will be laid down. In this way you can protect wooden garden paths from rotting.

Working with wood is very interesting. You can use a lot here in various ways for creating unique design. For example, wooden cuts can be artificially aged. This will give the surrounding area a more peaceful atmosphere. In order to give the elements an antique effect, you need to take copper sulfate.

You can begin further work only after all the hemp is completely dried.

Carrying out marking

An important step is correct marking. How comfortable the wooden paths will become after installation depends on this moment. First you need to determine how many paths the prepared material will be enough for. If only enough preparations were made to pave 1 path, you need to choose a central area for it. This will allow you to access most remote objects.

The optimal width of a garden path is considered to be 35 cm. This will be enough for 1 person to walk freely. But if the area allows, you can make a garden path of half a meter. This will be much more convenient.

After the master has accurately calculated the width and future route of the garden path, you can move on to the next stage. But in order not to get confused in the future, it is worth pulling a strong thread along the route of the future path.

Trench for the path

The width of the pit should match the expected dimensions of the path. As for the depth, it should also be equal to the height of the cuts. If they are 10 cm, then you need to dig a trench of the same size. If to create garden path 20-centimeter cuts will be used, respectively, and the pit should be the same.

For this, waterproofing or polyethylene film is used, which is laid out over the entire width, length and height of the pit. Half the height should be crushed stone or gravel. This is important because the stones create drainage and prevent liquid from accumulating, which prevents the wood from rotting.

On last stage The stone cushion is leveled. To do this, you need to take sand and carefully pour it into the trench so as to get the most even and level line. This is necessary so that the wooden cuts lie evenly and do not look skewed in the end.

At this stage, you can install curbs, if provided. Although in fact, garden paths made from wooden saw cuts look great without them. If the master still wanted to complement this beauty with borders, he could lay a brick along the edge of the trench, decorative rock, wooden blocks, sheet iron or logs. As an option, you can install several wooden cuts vertically, the same ones that will be laid out for the base of the path.

After completing this work, you will need to lay the 2nd layer of cushion in the trench. To do this, sand is used, which is leveled and abundantly moistened with water. This important point, since the pillow must settle. If you skip this step, then after laying the wooden cuts, the path may become skewed. As a rule, such paths cannot withstand even the first rain.

Laying wooden elements

After the most difficult stage of the work is completed, you can begin creative task. We are talking about laying prepared wooden cuts into a trench.

There are many options for how wooden cuts can be laid out. Each master chooses the most suitable option for himself, based on the size of the elements and the width of the track.

You can make any distance between parts. But you need to take into account that if the saw cuts are located too far away, it will be inconvenient to walk along the garden path.

To ensure that the wooden elements do not wobble, but sit tightly in place, it is necessary to drive them into the pillow. A wooden mallet is used for this. You shouldn’t hit the saw cuts too hard to prevent them from cracking. But it is still necessary to ensure that the wooden element is firmly installed in the right place. When laying cuts, you must constantly use a level. This will allow you to avoid drops and the appearance of dangerous steps, which can lead to injuries in the future, since everyone will trip over these protrusions.

How to care?

After all the cuts have been laid, you can long time enjoy the beauty and special atmosphere of a beautiful and well-groomed local area. But you need to take into account that in this case we are talking about wood, so if the paths are not given due attention, they will quickly become unusable, and not a trace of beauty will remain. Experts note that when oak, pine or larch were taken to make garden paths, the path can last for several decades. But even such options require mandatory care.

In order for the tree to maintain its pleasant appearance, it is necessary to clean the cuts once a year using sandpaper. This is a simple procedure that is performed quickly and does not require serious physical effort. Immediately after processing, you need to apply a layer of drying oil and antiseptic to the cuts.

This is the most important rule for caring for wooden walkways. If they were laid correctly, then extra work you won't have to do it anymore.

In order for the path to remain beautiful, you need to monitor the appearance of cracks in the cuts. Such elements should be replaced immediately, as they not only spoil the appearance, but also quickly rot. In this case, the craftsman should have a dozen corresponding wooden cuts in stock in order to be able to quickly replace them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts highly value this option for decorating the local area. It is not necessary to take care of wooden paths every day, because to maintain their normal appearance, it is enough to devote a little time to the wood once a year. Among the advantages of such options, it is also worth noting that they are cost-effective this method design of garden paths and ease of operation. All stages can be performed by the owner of the house himself, even without special skills. If you need to repair a track, this procedure takes about 15 minutes. Garden paths made from wood cuts will be an ideal option for those who love the eco-style that is popular nowadays.

But we also cannot fail to note a couple of disadvantages that this method of decorating the local area has. First of all, this concerns the high probability of rotting of wooden elements if the cuts are processed poorly. But this can be avoided if you approach the job correctly and follow all the steps. You need to be very careful with wooden paths after rain. The wood may become wet and slippery. But this can also be corrected, since if you process the cuts with sandpaper every year, then there should not be excessive slipping.

Considering all the advantages and disadvantages this method design of garden paths, it can be called the ideal combination of price and quality. Such projects will look great on any site. But you need to keep in mind that some types of wood do not tolerate sudden temperature changes very well. If the path will be laid out in an area with a harsh climate, it is better to choose materials that are more weather-resistant.

Having built a house and outbuildings on suburban area, and having planted trees and flowers pleasing to the eye, we must take care of laying communication routes between them. The article contains information about wooden paths for a summer house, garden and cottage - their advantages, disadvantages and features. You will learn what kind of wood is used for paths, what other materials can be used and what kind of care is required for wooden paths.

Garden paths made from wood cuts are unusual and original Source

Advantages and disadvantages of using wood for paths

One of the criteria for choosing a site design is the material from which the paths will be made. Use wood for these purposes - good idea, because wooden paths look organic, are comfortable for walking, and do not require large expenses for their production.

But before you consider specific types wooden garden paths, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of using any tree as building material for paths.


    Original appearance. On some types of paths, you can view a unique pattern of wood structure.

    Completely environmentally friendly material

    Cheapness. Many creation options involve the use of wood, which you can extract yourself or use waste from wood production.

    Relative simplicity while creating

    Space for creative and design solutions


    Fragility. It is necessary to treat the wood placed in the ground with special compounds against rotting.

    Untreated wood becomes slippery after rain

    The need for periodic repairs

Application of wooden cuts

Perhaps the most original and catchy way is a path made from wood cuts.

Outwardly, it looks like paving stones. Only each wooden “round” differs from the neighboring one in size and pattern, which gives the entire path a unique flavor.

Scheme for creating a path from saw cuts Source:

The types of wood from which the “rounds” are sawn can be any, but it is better to give preference to hard deciduous ones - oak, larch or beech. Coniferous cuts, despite the presence of resin in them, are looser and rot faster. There is evidence that deciduous cuts with proper processing and care can last more than 20 years. Pine will last several times less.

But the beauty of such a road surface requires careful preparation of the wood before laying and compliance with certain rules during installation. Preparation consists of processing each cut before laying and creating a pit along the entire length of the path into which the wooden cuts will be laid.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer turnkey project development and landscape work of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Processing of cuts

    The height of the wooden rings should not be less than 10 cm, otherwise they will crack under load. It is better to discard saw cuts with cracks.

    Each cut must be cleared of bark, which is difficult to process and promotes rotting.

    Top part the saw cut is treated against rotting. Economical option– waste oil or drying oil. But it is better to use special compounds, which are abundant on sale.

    It is recommended to treat the lower part of the cut, which will be in the ground, with bitumen.

    You can specially make the wood dark beautiful colour, having previously treated it with copper sulfate.

Before laying on the track, the saw cuts undergo mandatory processing Source

Preparing the ground for the path

    A trench for a wooden path is dug to its entire length and width, and its depth should be 10–15 cm greater than the height of the prepared cuts.

    The bottom of the trench is lined with a waterproofing film, onto which a sand or gravel cushion is poured.

Curbs to protect the path from dirt Source

Installation of cuts

    To densely fill the entire area of ​​the path, it is necessary to prepare cuts of different diameters.

    Required condition is that the surface of the installed cuts should be 2 - 3 cm above the backfill layer.

    The voids between the logs can be filled with sand or gravel. A path made from saw cuts with gaps between them seeded with grass looks beautiful. But the grass will need additional care.

    There are path options where the gaps between the cuts are filled with concrete. But the combination of wood and concrete does not look entirely natural.

In general, it is these wooden paths that give room for imagination. You can vary both the size and shape of the dies being dug in, as well as their grouping in different places along the path. They can be placed evenly, in a herringbone pattern, or combined into groups, creating the illusion of islands on the road.

There are different ways to decorate paths with tree cuts Source

Application of boards

The first thing that comes to mind is to make garden paths from boards. A fairly simple option that does not require searching and painstaking preparation of material. But, unlike saw cuts, it is necessary to prepare a base on which the boards will be laid. You can't just lay the boards on the ground. Unsecured, they will move apart and rot quickly. The simplest base is long logs made of timber installed along the entire length of the path being constructed.

Wooden path made of boards on a slight rise Source

Most of the proposed options for garden plank flooring are characterized by a transverse arrangement of the boards. But it is worth considering longitudinal “deck” flooring. Yes, they don’t look as stylish, but they also have their advantages:

    Possibility of using long boards without cutting them to fit the width of the path

    But for the base on which the boards are stuffed, you can take short bars from waste

    Such floorings are more convenient when cleaning them, especially in winter from snow

Longitudinal arrangement of boards in a garden path on a hill Source

Application of timber

You can lay out the entire path from thick wooden beam. The installation of such flooring will cost more in terms of material, but will last much longer. In addition, there is no need to install any base on which to attach the beams.

Of course, you will have to level the ground along the entire length of the path, and gravel backfilling will not be superfluous at all.

Beams laid on gravel bed Source

Treatment of timber against rotting is the same as for plank flooring. There are proposals to use railway sleepers for timber flooring, but this is not recommended. Sleepers are treated with creosote, which causes burns if it comes into contact with the skin. And on a hot day, the fumes from such a “path” are unlikely to be pleasant.

Video description

Interesting ideas for creating paths from wood in the video:

Application of ready-made pallets

When planning wooden paths in your dacha, you can consider using already knocked down pallets, especially if you can purchase them inexpensively. Such pallets can be found at construction sites and warehouses where various materials are stored on them.

Each pallet is finished design with a base on which the boardwalk is already fixed. They differ only in the density of the boards. If you don’t want to bother with additional processing, then you need to choose those with minimal gaps between the boards. All that remains is to remove the uneven areas in the places where the path will pass and lay the pallets on the ground one by one.

This is the most suitable option for temporary paths to some places on a summer cottage.

Decoration of the site and approach to the pool with pallets Source

The purchase of pallets will also be justified for the option of installing boardwalks. The boards, already cut to size, are knocked off the pallets, and damaged ones are rejected. They are then processed protective composition and knock down the required flooring from them. Any pallets are suitable for this application.

Application of mulch

Garden paths can be created using shredded wood shavings, tree bark and other wood waste called mulch. To do this you just need to remove upper layer soil, lay a small border around the edges, and pour mulch into the prepared trench. On sandy soils where water does not stagnate, you don’t even have to line the trench with waterproofing.

But as a temporary path or decorative path, they are quite suitable.

Garden paths made of mulch Source:

Application of garden parquet

Modern material for landscaping Decking is considered to be garden or terrace parquet. These are ready-made tile modules with a surface made of various types of wood. WPC boards are also produced - a wood-polymer composite, in the manufacture of which a mixture of wood and polymers is used. Strictly speaking, such material cannot be called wood, but outwardly it is hardly distinguishable.

Such parquet should be laid on a prepared hard surface to prevent it from sagging. Various options external design parquet modules allow you to create real compositions when arranging paths and platforms on the site.


Video description

Creating a garden path from wood cuts in the video:

Caring for wooden paths

Any garden paths made of wood require maintenance. Wooden elements may break, the tree begins to rot over time. Therefore, approximately once a year it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection and restoration of the damaged area.

    Cleaning paths from debris and washed-up soil

    Applying a new protective layer of antiseptic

    Replacement of damaged or beginning to rot elements. When installing wooden path it is recommended to leave some finished material“in reserve” so that you don’t have to hastily prepare a replacement of the required size and quality.


Despite the instability of wood compared to other materials, when correct device wooden paths and proper care, they will delight the eye for many years. But when considering options for garden wooden paths, you should take into account the features of their creation and preparatory work when laying them. Similar works require knowledge of many nuances, and it is better to trust them to professionals.

It's hard to imagine a comfortable dacha plot, if there are no garden paths on it. Paths not only connect the house with the gazebo, pool or garden, but also play a key role in landscape design. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, try make paths from wood cuts. Simple and original way decorate the area and make it convenient for transition from one zone to another.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make paths from saw cuts

Before you begin, prepare all the necessary materials:

  • Cutting stumps or trees
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Waterproofing fabric
  • Hammer
  • Level gauge
  • Water for wetting sand
  • Shovel
  • Buckets

Before you begin, you must carefully prepare the initial wood material. Cuts of stumps are suitable for this, in general, any part of the tree that you have available. Since wooden paths in the garden will be exposed to moisture and elevated temperatures, you should carefully choose the type of wood. Thus, oak cuts will last about 10 years, pine cuts up to 5, and larch cuts will not lose their original attractiveness for several decades.

If you have an already prepared log, then saw it into cuts up to 20 cm high. Keep in mind that the larger the width of the log, the greater the height of the cut. This is necessary to increase the strength of the track. To ensure that the sawn wood does not rot for a long time and is not exposed to insects, it must be well treated.

Most often, drying oil is used for these purposes, which should be boiled and then coated with saw cuts. Processing with drying oil requires special skills, so work with it carefully or buy it already ready-made compositions to protect wood from rotting. Another option high-quality processing saw cuts - cover the lower part with bitumen. By using copper sulfate you will be able to artificially age the wood.

Now you can start preparing the track itself. Think over the route and optimal size so that it is convenient to move around. It is also important to make a small trench to make it easy to fix. The depth of the trench should be 5-10 cm greater than the height of the cut; the width of the trench depends on the width of the path. You need to lay waterproofing material at the bottom of the trench, and then make drainage from gravel and crushed stone. This will help protect the wood from moisture. Use a level when laying the pillow, then it will make it much easier for you to install the wood cuts.

Photos of cuts for a garden path

If you plan to make curbs to separate the path from the site, they must be installed before installing the tree cuts. It is best to use wooden posts as borders, however, sheets of iron, stones and bricks are also suitable.

When the curbs are installed, sand is poured onto the path, leveled and watered. This way, it will be possible to compact the pillows completely and prepare the path for installing the wood cuts.

Beautiful path made of log houses

Photos of paths from saw cuts

After all the cuts are installed, you can fill the space with sand or earth. Some gardeners add seeds to the ground ground cover plants so that they can then decorate the path. You can also paint the tree cuts with colorful paints to make your garden path more attractive.

How to care for a saw-cut path in the garden

A sidewalk made from wood cuts needs constant maintenance, otherwise after a couple of years it will lose its attractiveness. Every year you will have to use a metal scraper to clean dirt from the saw cuts, and then treat them with an antiseptic or paint them.

If you are making a path from saw cuts yourself, then set aside a few good cuts in case you need to repair the path. In this case, you don’t have to look for a cut suitable diameter or type of tree.

Garden path made from saw cuts has undeniable advantages, because it can be done with minimal costs with your own hands. The original path - good way and give country house notes of originality.

What could look more natural among blooming flower beds And cozy garden than a path made from wood cuts? It is the naturalness of the material and its natural, but original look determine the popularity of such paths in private areas.

Garden paths made from wood cuts: all the pros and cons

Paths are an integral part of any landscape design. The presence of paths in the garden allows you to move around without injuring the plants or getting your shoes dirty. Decorative role tracks are no less important than them functional purpose. With the help of properly selected materials for the path, you can emphasize the elements of a flowerbed or garden and even brighten up some of the imperfections of the area.

The choice of material for a garden path must be made based on several factors: the material from which the house and main buildings are made, general style plot, garden, flower beds and other decorative elements. If the main buildings are made of brick or insulated modern materials(foam plastic, polystyrene foam), then paths laid out for this area are suitable paving slabs. And if there are elements such as a bathhouse made of timber or wooden gazebo, then the paths to them can be made from wood cuts.

A path made from wood cuts has a number of positive and negative aspects that you should familiarize yourself with before you start sawing trees on the site.


  • environmental friendliness is one of the main advantages of wooden paths. That's all today more people strives to furnish his home in an eco-style, so wood is becoming increasingly popular;
  • availability. Cuttings are practically waste; they can be cut from trees and branches cut down on the site or bought as firewood for the winter;
  • originality. Pattern on saw cuts different trees is different, and you will never get two identical paths, so your neighbor will not have the same path as yours;
  • ease of use. Won't be needed here special tools or skills, such as working with paving slabs.

Don't forget about the disadvantages:

  • fragility - significant drawback. Exposed to environmental factors: rots, burns, insects infest the tree;
  • specifics of application. Paths made from saw cuts do not always fit harmoniously into overall design plot.

Path made from wood cuts: preparatory process

The production of the path is carried out in two stages: preparation of the cuts and their laying. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the presence of cuts. The easiest way is to buy ready-made circles. You can buy “raw” blanks - just straight cuts, or you can immediately buy impregnated ones by special means from rotting, fungus, etc. The second purchase will cost more, but the circles will be ready for installation.

More economical option– make the cuts yourself. To do this you will need an electric or chainsaw. The cuts must be made of the same height (10–12 cm), for this you can make a template or make markings on the log in advance. It is necessary to cut cuts from both the tree trunk and its branches. The result should be circles of various diameters (7–45 cm), the number of which will depend on the length and width of the future path.

To make cuts of the same height, you can use a rail with a jumper at a height corresponding to the height of the circles (10–12 cm).

To make saw cuts, you can use soft and durum varieties wood Deciduous wood is the strongest and most durable: oak cuts will last 8–10 years, aspen and alder – 5–7 years. There will be pine too good option and will last up to 6 years. Saw cuts can even be made from timber. For these purposes, it is better to choose an asymmetrical thick beam (for example, 15x25 cm).

When making a path from wood cuts with your own hands, you must remember to specially treat the wood with antiseptic agents that will protect the material from insects, rot and fungi. Wood can also be treated with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate (10%) or hot drying oil. After impregnation, the saw cuts should dry well.

Next, dry saw cuts need to be covered with waterproofing. This can be done using molten bitumen. For this procedure you will need bitumen (preferably in briquettes), a metal container (for example, a bucket) and a couple of bricks for an improvised fireplace. Only the bottom side, which will be laid on the ground, should be dipped into the molten bitumen. After this, the cuts also need to be thoroughly dried.

Step-by-step diagram of laying a path from wood cuts with your own hands

The most crucial and final moment has arrived - laying the path from the prepared cuts. You need to start this process by marking the area, i.e. you should choose where the path will go, how long and wide it will be. It is also necessary to prepare tools and materials so that they are at hand at the right time, and then follow the installation diagram.

Laying a path from wood cuts with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Preparing the Trench

The first step is to dig a trench along the intended contour with a depth of 20–25 cm and a width corresponding to the width of the future path. Markings for the path can be done using pegs and a thread stretched across them.

Step 2: Waterproofing

To ensure that the tree interacts less with the ground, you need to ensure there is a layer of waterproofing. As a material for insulation from moisture, you can choose geotextiles or dense plastic film, which are placed at the bottom of the pit.

Step 3: Installation of a drainage system

Drainage is necessary to drain rainwater, which will protect the wood from rotting. For drainage, you can use crushed stone of the middle fraction. Crushed stone is poured to the bottom, slightly moistened with water and thoroughly compacted. The drainage layer should be 10–15 cm.