How water pollution affects the environment. How does a person pollute water?

How humans pollute the hydrosphere, you will learn from this article.

How does a person pollute water?

Hydrosphere is an aquatic environment that includes groundwater and surface water. Today, man's activities have led to massive water pollution.

Main types of pollution:

  • Pollution from petroleum products and oil. Oil slicks prevent sunlight from reaching the water column and slow down the process of photosynthesis.
  • Wastewater pollution due to mineral and organic soil fertilization and industrial production. Algae in water bodies begin to actively reproduce and lead to waterlogging and death of other ecosystems.
  • Pollution with heavy metal ions.
  • Acid rain.
  • Radioactive contamination.
  • Thermal pollution. Emissions from nuclear power plants and thermal power plants contribute to the development of blue-green algae and water blooms.
  • Mechanical contamination.
  • Biological and bacterial contamination promotes the development of pathogenic organisms and fungi.

How do people pollute the ocean and seas?

Every year more than 10 million tons of oil enter the Ocean. Today, about 20% of its area is covered with an oil film. The problem of pollution from industrial waste and household waste is especially acute. Often, marine inhabitants swallow plastic and bags and die either from suffocation or from the fact that this garbage gets stuck in the body. A serious environmental threat to the world's oceans and seas is the human burial of radioactive waste and the dumping of radioactive liquid waste.

How do people pollute rivers and lakes?

In the process of human industrial activity, large amounts of petroleum products, wastewater, and radioactive liquid substances enter the waters of lakes and rivers. Pesticides are especially dangerous. Once in the water, they instantly dissipate and reach a maximum degree of concentration. Waste from nuclear fuel and weapons-grade plutonium destroys the fauna of these water bodies.

How do people pollute groundwater?

They suffer greatly from oil fields, filtration fields, the mining industry, slag dumps, chemical fertilizer and waste storage facilities, metallurgical plant dumps, and sewers. As a result, groundwater is polluted with phenols, copper, zinc, petroleum products, nickel, mercury, sulfates, and chlorides.

We hope that from this article you learned how people pollute water.

Water pollution is a serious problem for the Earth's ecology. And it should be solved both on a large scale - at the level of states and enterprises, and on a small scale - at the level of every human being. After all, don’t forget, responsibility for the Pacific Garbage Patch lies on the conscience of everyone who does not throw their trash in the trash.


Household wastewater often contains synthetic detergents that end up in rivers and seas. Accumulations of inorganic substances affect aquatic life and reduce the amount of oxygen in the water, which leads to the formation of so-called “dead zones,” of which there are already about 400 in the world.

Often, industrial wastewater containing inorganic and organic waste is discharged into rivers and seas. Every year, thousands of chemicals enter water sources, the effect of which on the environment is not known in advance. Many of them are new compounds. Although industrial wastewater is often pre-treated, it still contains toxic substances that are difficult to detect.

Acid rain

Acid rain occurs as a result of exhaust gases released by metallurgical plants, thermal power plants, oil refineries, as well as other industrial enterprises and road transport entering the atmosphere. These gases contain oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, which combine with moisture and oxygen in the air to form sulfuric and nitric acids. These acids then fall to the ground - sometimes many hundreds of kilometers away from the source of air pollution. In countries such as Canada, the USA, and Germany, thousands of rivers and lakes were left without vegetation and fish.

Solid waste

If there is a large amount of suspended solids in the water, they make it opaque to sunlight and thereby interfere with the process of photosynthesis in water bodies. This in turn causes disturbances in the food chain in such pools. In addition, solid waste causes siltation in rivers and shipping channels, necessitating frequent dredging.

Oil leak

In the United States alone, approximately 13,000 oil spills occur annually. Up to 12 million tons of oil enter seawater annually.

In the UK, over 1 million tons of used engine oil are poured down the drain every year.

Oil spilled into sea water has many adverse effects on sea life. First of all, birds die: they drown, overheat in the sun or are deprived of food. Oil blinds animals living in the water - seals and seals. It reduces the penetration of light into enclosed bodies of water and can increase water temperature.

It is often difficult to determine the source of water pollution - it could be an unauthorized release of harmful substances from an enterprise, or pollution caused by agricultural or industrial work. This leads to water pollution with nitrates, phosphates, toxic heavy metal ions and pesticides.

Thermal water pollution

Thermal water pollution is caused by thermal or nuclear power plants. Thermal pollution is introduced into surrounding water bodies by waste cooling water. As a result, an increase in water temperature in these reservoirs leads to an acceleration of some biochemical processes in them, as well as a decrease in the oxygen content dissolved in the water. The finely balanced reproduction cycles of various organisms are disrupted. In conditions of thermal pollution, as a rule, there is a strong growth of algae, but the extinction of other organisms living in the water.

Wastewater pollution

Pollution of water resources refers to any changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water in reservoirs in connection with the discharge of liquid, solid and gaseous substances into them that cause or may create inconvenience, making the water of these reservoirs dangerous for use, causing damage to the national economy, health and public safety.

Pollution of surface and groundwater can be divided into the following types:

Mechanical - an increase in the content of mechanical impurities, characteristic mainly of surface types of pollution;
- chemical - the presence in water of organic and inorganic substances of toxic and non-toxic effects;
- bacterial and biological - the presence of various pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and small algae in the water;
- radioactive - the presence of radioactive substances in surface or underground waters;
- thermal - release of heated water from thermal and nuclear power plants into reservoirs.

The main sources of pollution and clogging of water bodies are insufficiently treated wastewater from industrial and municipal enterprises, large livestock complexes, production waste from the development of ore minerals; water from mines, mines, processing and rafting of timber; discharges from water and rail transport; waste from primary flax processing, pesticides, etc. Pollutants entering natural bodies of water lead to qualitative changes in water, which are mainly manifested in changes in the physical properties of water, in particular, the appearance of unpleasant odors, tastes, etc.); in changes in the chemical composition of water, in particular, the appearance of harmful substances in it, the presence of floating substances on the surface of the water and their deposition at the bottom of reservoirs.

Wastewater is divided into three groups: waste water, or fecal water; household, including drains from the galley, showers, laundries, etc.; sub-oil, or oil-containing. Fan wastewater is characterized by high bacterial contamination, as well as organic contamination (chemical oxygen consumption reaches 1500-2000 mg/l), the volume of this water is relatively small. Domestic wastewater is characterized by low organic pollution. This wastewater is usually discharged overboard the ship as it is generated. Dumping them is prohibited only in the sanitary protection zone. Subsoil waters are formed in the engine rooms of ships. They are characterized by a high content of petroleum products.

Industrial wastewater is contaminated mainly with waste and emissions from production. Their quantitative and qualitative composition is varied and depends on the industry and its technological processes; they are divided into two main groups: containing inorganic impurities, incl. both toxic and containing poisons.

The first group includes wastewater from soda, sulfate, nitrogen-fertilizer plants, processing factories of lead, zinc, nickel ores, etc., which contain acids, alkalis, heavy metal ions, etc. Wastewater from this group mainly changes the physical properties of water.

Wastewater of the second group is discharged by oil refineries, petrochemical plants, organic synthesis enterprises, coke plants, etc. The wastewater contains various petroleum products, ammonia, aldehydes, resins, phenols and other harmful substances. The harmful effect of wastewater from this group lies mainly in oxidative processes, as a result of which the oxygen content in water decreases, the biochemical need for it increases, and the organoleptic characteristics of water deteriorate.

Oil and petroleum products at the present stage are the main pollutants of inland waters, waters and seas, and the World Ocean. When they enter water bodies, they create various forms of pollution: an oil film floating on the water, oil products dissolved or emulsified in water, heavy fractions settled to the bottom, etc. At the same time, the smell, taste, color, surface tension, viscosity of water changes, the amount of oxygen decreases, harmful organic substances appear, water acquires toxic properties and poses a threat not only to humans. 12 g of oil makes a ton of water unfit for consumption.

Phenol is a rather harmful pollutant in industrial waters. It is found in wastewater from many petrochemical plants. At the same time, the biological processes of reservoirs and the process of their self-purification sharply decrease, and the water acquires a specific smell of carbolic acid.

The life of the population of water bodies is adversely affected by wastewater from the pulp and paper industry. Oxidation of wood pulp is accompanied by the absorption of a significant amount of oxygen, which leads to the death of eggs, fry and adult fish. Fibers and other insoluble substances clog the water and impair its physicochemical properties. Fish and their food - invertebrates - are adversely affected by moth alloys. Rotting wood and bark release various tannins into the water. Resin and other extractive products decompose and absorb a lot of oxygen, causing the death of fish, especially juveniles and eggs. In addition, moth floats heavily clog rivers, and driftwood often completely clogs their bottom, depriving fish of spawning grounds and feeding places.

Nuclear power plants pollute rivers with radioactive waste. Radioactive substances are concentrated by the smallest planktonic microorganisms and fish, then transmitted through the food chain to other animals. It has been established that the radioactivity of planktonic inhabitants is thousands of times higher than the water in which they live.

Wastewater with increased radioactivity (100 curies per 1 liter or more) must be disposed of in underground drainless pools and special reservoirs.

Population growth, the expansion of old cities and the emergence of new cities have significantly increased the flow of domestic wastewater into inland water bodies. These drains have become a source of pollution of rivers and lakes with pathogenic bacteria and helminths. To an even greater extent, synthetic detergents, widely used in everyday life, pollute water bodies. They are also widely used in industry and agriculture. The chemicals they contain, entering rivers and lakes with wastewater, have a significant impact on the biological and physical regime of water bodies. As a result, the ability of water to saturate with oxygen is reduced, and the activity of bacteria that mineralize organic matter is paralyzed.

The pollution of water bodies with pesticides and mineral fertilizers that fall from the fields along with streams of rain and melt water is of serious concern. As a result of research, for example, it has been proven that insecticides contained in water in the form of suspensions are dissolved in petroleum products that contaminate rivers and lakes. This interaction leads to a significant weakening of the oxidative functions of aquatic plants. Once in water bodies, pesticides accumulate in plankton, benthos, and fish, and enter the human body through the food chain, affecting both individual organs and the body as a whole.

In connection with the intensification of livestock farming, wastewater from enterprises in this sector of agriculture is becoming increasingly noticeable.

Wastewater containing plant fibers, animal and vegetable fats, fecal matter, fruit and vegetable residues, waste from the leather and pulp and paper industries, sugar and breweries, meat and dairy, canning and confectionery industries are the cause of organic pollution of water bodies.

Wastewater usually contains about 60% of substances of organic origin; the same category of organic includes biological (bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae) pollution in municipal, medical and sanitary waters and waste from tanneries and wool washing enterprises.

Heated wastewater from thermal power plants and other industries causes thermal pollution, which threatens with quite serious consequences: there is less oxygen in heated water, the thermal regime changes sharply, which negatively affects the flora and fauna of reservoirs, while favorable conditions arise for massive development in blue water reservoirs - green algae - the so-called “water bloom”. Rivers are also polluted during rafting and during hydropower construction, and with the beginning of the navigation period, pollution by river fleet vessels increases.

Release of wastewater into water bodies

Self-purification of water in reservoirs is a set of interconnected hydrodynamic, physicochemical, microbiological and hydrobiological processes leading to the restoration of the original state of a water body. Due to the fact that wastewater from industrial enterprises may contain specific contaminants, their discharge into the city drainage network is limited by a number of requirements. Industrial wastewater released into the drainage network must not: disrupt the operation of networks and structures; have a destructive effect on the material of pipes and elements of treatment facilities; contain more than 500 mg/l of suspended and floating substances; contain substances that can clog networks or deposit on pipe walls; contain flammable impurities and dissolved gaseous substances capable of forming explosive mixtures; contain harmful substances that interfere with the biological treatment of wastewater or discharge into a body of water; have a temperature above 40 C. Industrial wastewater that does not meet these requirements must be pre-treated and only then discharged into the city drainage network.

Sources of water pollution

Petroleum oils pose the greatest threat to the cleanliness of water bodies. To clean oil, it is necessary to capture not only the film floating on the surface, but also the deposition of an oil emulsion.

Wastewater from the pulp and paper industry is a very dangerous pollutant. The wastewater from these enterprises absorbs oxygen due to the oxidation of organic substances, contaminates the water with insoluble substances and fibers, gives the water an unpleasant taste and odor, changes color, and contributes to the development of fungal growth along the bottom and banks.

Wastewater from various chemical plants especially pollutes water bodies and has a detrimental effect on the development of aquatic organisms. Discharges from thermal power plants are usually heated 8-10 C higher compared to water from reservoirs. As the temperature of water bodies increases, the development of micro- and macroplankton intensifies, the water “blooms,” and its smell and color change.

Forest moths heavily pollute and litter rivers. Masses of floating forest injure the fish, block the path to spawning grounds, and the fish mostly leave their usual spawning areas. Bark, twigs, and branches litter the bottom of reservoirs. Logs and wood waste release resin and other products harmful to the fish population into the water. Substances extracted from wood decompose in water, absorbing oxygen, causing the death of fish. Especially during the first day of rafting, fish eggs and fry, as well as food invertebrates, die from lack of oxygen.

The clogging of rivers is increased by the dumping of sawmill waste into them - sawdust, bark, etc., which accumulate mostly in creeks and channels. Part of the forest is drowning, the number of logs is increasing from year to year. Rotting wood and bark poison the water, it becomes “dead”.

The source of water pollution in many cases is municipal wastewater (sewerage, baths, laundries, hospitals, etc.).

The population is growing, old cities are expanding and new ones are appearing. Unfortunately, the construction of treatment facilities does not always keep pace with the pace of housing construction.

The situation is complicated by the fact that in recent years the content of biologically active and persistent impurities in wastewater, such as new types of detergents, organic synthesis products, radioactive substances, etc., has sharply increased.

In a number of areas, groundwater pollution is observed due to the seepage of surface contaminants into aquifers. The greatest threat to the life of water bodies and human health is posed by radioactive waste from the nuclear industry. The source of radioactive contamination of water bodies are plants for the purification of uranium ore and for the processing of nuclear fuel for reactors, nuclear power plants, and reactors.

Currently, wastewater with increased radioactivity of the order of 100 curie/l and above is buried in underground reservoirs or pumped into underground drainage basins.

It has been established that sea water can corrode containers and their dangerous contents spread in the water. The consequences of radioactive contamination from improper waste disposal affected the Irish Sea, where plankton, fish, algae, and beaches were contaminated with radioactive isotopes.

Discharging radioactive waste into seas and rivers, as well as burying it in the upper waterproof layers of the earth's crust, cannot be considered a reasonable solution to this important modern problem. Additional scientific research into ways to neutralize radioactive contamination in water bodies is required.

In the organisms of plants and animals, processes of biological concentration of radioactive substances occur throughout the food chain. Concentrated by small organisms, these substances then reach other animals and predators, where they form dangerous concentrations. The radioactivity of some planktonic organisms can be 1000 times higher than the radioactivity of water.

Some freshwater fish, which represent one of the highest links in the food chain, are 20-30 thousand times more radioactive than the water in which they live.

Wastewater pollution is divided mainly into two groups: mineral and organic, including biological and bacterial.

Mineral pollution includes wastewater from metallurgical and machine-building enterprises, waste from the oil, oil-processing and mining industries. These contaminants contain sand, clay and ore inclusions, slag, solutions of mineral salts, acids, alkalis, mineral oils, etc.

Organic water pollution is produced by urban fecal wastewater, slaughterhouse waters, waste from tanning, paper and pulp, brewing and other industries. Organic contaminants are of plant and animal origin. Vegetables include paper residues, vegetable oils, residues of fruits, vegetables, etc. The main chemical substance of this type of pollution is carbon. Pollutants of animal origin include: physiological secretions of people, animals, residues of fat and muscle tissue, adhesive substances, etc. They are characterized by a significant nitrogen content.

Bacterial and biological contaminants are various living microorganisms: yeast and mold fungi, small algae and bacteria, including the causative agents of typhus, paratyphoid, dysentery, helminth eggs coming from the secretions of people and animals, etc. Bacterial contamination of wastewater is characterized by the size of the coli -titer, i.e. the smallest volume of water in millimeters that contains one Escherichia coli (coli bacterium). So, if the coli titer is 10, this means that 1 E. coli was found in 10 ml. This type of pollution is characteristic of domestic waters, as well as wastewater from slaughterhouses, tanneries, wool washers, hospitals, etc. The total volume of bacterial mass is quite large: for every 1000 m3 of wastewater - up to 400 liters.

Pollution mostly contains about 42% mineral substances and up to 58% organic substances.

When considering the composition of wastewater, one of the important concepts is the concentration of pollution, i.e. the amount of pollution per unit volume of water, calculated in mg/l or g/m3.

The concentration of wastewater contaminants is determined by chemical analyses. The pH of wastewater is of great importance, especially during treatment processes. The optimal environment for biological purification processes is water with a pH of about 7-8. Domestic wastewater has a slightly alkaline reaction, while industrial wastewater has a strongly acidic to highly alkaline reaction.

Pollution of water bodies is characterized by the following symptoms: the appearance of floating substances on the surface of the water and the deposition of sediment at the bottom; changes in the physical properties of water, such as: transparency and color, the appearance of odors and tastes; changes in the chemical composition of water (reactions, the amount of organic and mineral impurities, the appearance of toxic substances, etc.), a decrease in oxygen dissolved in water; changes in the types and numbers of bacteria and the appearance of pathogenic bacteria due to their entry with wastewater.

Water has the extremely valuable property of continuous self-renewal under the influence of solar radiation and self-purification. It consists in mixing contaminated water with its entire mass and in the further process of mineralization of organic substances and the death of introduced bacteria. Self-cleaning agents are bacteria, fungi and algae. It was found that during bacterial self-purification, no more than 50% of bacteria remain after 24 hours, and 0.5% after 96 hours. The process of bacterial self-purification slows down greatly in winter, so that after 150 hours up to 20% of the bacteria remain.

To ensure self-purification of contaminated water, it is necessary to repeatedly dilute it with clean water.

If the pollution is so great that self-purification of the water does not occur, there are special methods and means for eliminating the pollution coming from wastewater.

In industry, this is mainly the construction of workshop and general plant wastewater treatment facilities, improvement of the production process and construction of recycling plants for extracting valuable substances from wastewater.

In river transport, the greatest importance is the fight against losses of petroleum products during loading, unloading and transportation on river vessels, equipping vessels with containers for collecting contaminated water.

When timber rafting, the main methods of combating river clogging are strict adherence to timber rafting technology, clearing river beds of sunken wood, and stopping moth rafting of timber on rivers of fishery importance.

Protecting water from pollution

The protection of water resources consists of prohibiting the discharge of untreated water into reservoirs and watercourses, creating water protection zones, promoting self-purification processes in water bodies, preserving and improving the conditions for the formation of surface and underground runoff in watersheds.

For a long time, issues of water protection in our country were dealt with by the Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Management of the USSR, which included the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Water Sources and the Main Directorate for the Integrated Use of Water Resources. Currently, these functions are performed by the Committee on Water Resources, the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, and the Federal Service for Environmental Monitoring. The main analytical and coordinating center for environmental activities is the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

Several decades ago, rivers, thanks to their self-purifying function, managed to purify their waters. Now, in the most populated areas of the country, as a result of the construction of new cities and industrial enterprises, water use sites are located so densely that often wastewater discharge sites and water intakes are almost nearby. Therefore, the development and implementation of effective methods for wastewater treatment and post-treatment, purification and neutralization of tap water is receiving more and more attention. In some enterprises, water-related operations are playing an increasingly important role. Costs for water supply, treatment and wastewater disposal are particularly high in the pulp and paper, mining and petrochemical industries.

Sequential wastewater treatment at modern enterprises involves primary, mechanical treatment (easily settling and floating substances are removed) and secondary, biological (biologically degradable organic substances are removed). In this case, coagulation is carried out - to precipitate suspended and colloidal substances, as well as phosphorus, adsorption - to remove dissolved organic substances and electrolysis - to reduce the content of dissolved substances of organic and mineral origin. Disinfection of wastewater is carried out through chlorination and ozonation. An important element of the cleaning process is the removal and disinfection of the resulting sediment. In some cases, the final step is distillation of water.

The most advanced modern treatment facilities ensure that wastewater is freed from organic contaminants by only 85-90% and only in some cases by 95%. Therefore, even after cleaning, it is necessary to dilute them 6-12 times, and often more, with clean water to maintain the normal functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The fact is that the natural self-purifying ability of reservoirs and watercourses is very insignificant. Self-purification occurs only if the discharged water has undergone complete purification, and in the water body it has been diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 12-15. If wastewater enters reservoirs and watercourses in large volumes, and even more so untreated, the stable natural balance of aquatic ecosystems is gradually lost and their normal functioning is disrupted.

Recently, more and more effective methods of purification and post-treatment of wastewater after its biological treatment have been developed and implemented using the latest wastewater treatment methods: radiation, electrochemical, sorption, magnetic, etc. improving wastewater treatment technology, further increasing the degree of purification are the most important tasks in areas of water protection from pollution.

The post-treatment of treated wastewater on agricultural irrigated fields (AIF) should be used much more widely. When post-treatment of wastewater at ZPO, no funds are spent on their industrial post-treatment, the opportunity is created to obtain additional agricultural products, water is significantly saved, since the intake of fresh water for irrigation is reduced and there is no need to spend water to dilute wastewater. When municipal wastewater is used in a waste treatment facility, the nutrients and microelements it contains are absorbed by plants faster and more completely than artificial mineral fertilizers.

Important tasks also include preventing pollution of water bodies with pesticides and toxic chemicals. To do this, it is necessary to speed up the implementation of anti-erosion measures, to create pesticides that would decompose within 1-3 weeks without preserving toxic residues in the crop. Until these issues are resolved, it is necessary to limit the agricultural use of coastal zones along watercourses or not to use pesticides in them. The creation of water protection zones also requires more attention.

In protecting water sources from pollution, it is important to introduce fees for wastewater discharge, create comprehensive regional schemes for water consumption, water disposal and wastewater treatment, automate control over water quality in water sources and develop quality management methods. It should be noted that complex regional schemes make it possible to move to the reuse and reuse of water, the operation of wastewater treatment facilities common to the region, as well as to automate the processes of managing the operation of water supply and sewerage systems.

In preventing pollution of natural waters, the role of protecting the hydrosphere is great, since the negative properties acquired by the hydrosphere not only modify the aquatic ecosystem and have a depressing effect on its hydrobiological resources, but also destroy land ecosystems, its biological systems, as well as the lithosphere.

It must be emphasized that one of the radical measures to combat pollution is to overcome the ingrained tradition of considering water bodies as wastewater receivers. Where possible, either water abstraction or wastewater discharge should be eliminated in the same watercourses and bodies of water.

Surface water pollution

The water quality of most water bodies does not meet regulatory requirements. Long-term observations of the dynamics of surface water quality reveal a tendency to increase the number of sites with high levels of pollution (more than 10 MPC) and the number of cases of extremely high content (Over 100 MPC) of pollutants in water bodies.

The condition of water sources and centralized water supply systems cannot guarantee the required quality of drinking water, and in a number of regions (Southern Urals, Kuzbass, some territories of the North) this condition has reached a dangerous level for human health. Sanitary and epidemiological surveillance services constantly note high pollution of surface waters.

About 1/3 of the total mass of pollutants is introduced into water sources with surface and storm runoff from areas of sanitary undeveloped areas, agricultural facilities and lands, which affects the seasonal, during the spring flood, deterioration in the quality of drinking water, which is observed annually in large cities, including including in Moscow. In this regard, water is hyperchlorinated, which, however, is unsafe for public health due to the formation of organochlorine compounds.

One of the main pollutants of surface waters is oil and petroleum products. Oil can enter water as a result of natural seeps in areas where it occurs. But the main sources of pollution are associated with human activity: oil production, transportation, refining and use of oil as fuel and industrial raw materials.

Among industrial products, toxic synthetic substances occupy a special place in their negative impact on the aquatic environment and living organisms. They are increasingly used in industry, transport, and household services. The concentration of these compounds in wastewater is usually 5-15 mg/l with a MPC of 0.1 mg/l. These substances can form a layer of foam in reservoirs, which is especially noticeable on rapids, riffles, and sluices. The ability to foam in these substances appears already at a concentration of 1-2 mg/l.

The most common pollutants in surface waters are phenols, easily oxidized organic substances, copper and zinc compounds, and in some regions of the country - ammonium and nitrite nitrogen, lignin, xanthates, aniline, methyl mercaptan, formaldehyde, etc. A huge amount of pollutants is introduced into surface waters with wastewater from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, chemical, petrochemical, oil, gas, coal, forestry, pulp and paper industries, agricultural and municipal enterprises, surface runoff from adjacent territories.

Mercury, lead and their compounds pose a slight danger to the aquatic environment from metals.

Expanded production (without treatment facilities) and the use of pesticides in fields lead to severe pollution of water bodies with harmful compounds. Pollution of the aquatic environment occurs as a result of the direct introduction of pesticides during the treatment of reservoirs for pest control, the entry into reservoirs of water flowing from the surface of treated agricultural land, during the discharge of waste from manufacturing enterprises into reservoirs, as well as as a result of losses during transportation, storage and partly from atmospheric precipitation.

Along with pesticides, agricultural runoff contains a significant amount of fertilizer residues (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) applied to the fields. In addition, large amounts of organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds come from livestock farms and sewage. An increase in the concentration of nutrients in the soil leads to a disruption of the biological balance in the reservoir.

Initially, the number of microscopic algae in such a reservoir sharply increases. As the food supply increases, the number of crustaceans, fish and other aquatic organisms increases. Then a huge number of organisms die off. It leads to the consumption of all oxygen reserves contained in the water and the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide. The situation in the reservoir changes so much that it becomes unsuitable for the existence of any form of organisms. The reservoir is gradually “dying.”

The current level of wastewater treatment is such that even in waters that have undergone biological treatment, the content of nitrates and phosphates is sufficient for intensive eutrophication of water bodies.

In many water bodies, the concentrations of pollutants exceed the maximum permissible concentrations established by sanitary and fisheries protection rules.

Groundwater pollution

The causes of groundwater pollution are very diverse and can be of both natural and man-made origin. The following types of water pollution are distinguished: chemical, oil, radioactive, microbiological and thermal. Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of components in groundwater are regulated by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPin

Chemical pollution. This type of pollution has regional and local distribution. Regional processes that cause the concentration of individual components in groundwater to exceed the MPC are of a zonal nature. An increase in mineralization and a change in the type of water occurs as it moves through the formation and to depth. Hydrogeochemical zoning is associated primarily with the processes of rock dissolution, convective and diffusion transport of matter, as well as the concentration of salts in groundwater during evaporation in arid regions. As a result of these processes, in humid areas, fresh waters are replaced with depth by brackish and salty ones, and in arid areas, continental salinization processes are widespread, in which waters are enriched with sulfates and chlorides and become unsuitable for drinking.

Hydrogeochemical zoning (latitudinal and reservoir) is largely regulated by redox and acid-base conditions. In tundra conditions, an acidic environment is formed, often with an anoxic and frozen regime. In the forest-steppe zone, cover deposits are dominated by an alkaline environment with an uneven leaching regime. The redox zoning of groundwater reveals itself more clearly when it moves through the formation. Ehu decreases with depth, since the main potential-setting component - oxygen - is spent on oxidative processes. Oxygen waters with Еh are common in the upper part of the section; with depth they are replaced by oxygen-free and sulfide-free waters with Еh = 200+100 mV; sulfide waters with Еh appear even deeper
Waters containing elevated amounts of iron, manganese and ammonium are almost universally distributed in the upper part of the hydrogeological section of the humid region, as well as in the inter-permafrost and sometimes sub-permafrost waters of the permafrost region. Average iron contents reach 10 mg/l, with maximum values ​​up to 30-40 mg/l, manganese is usually present in quantities of 0.1-0.5 mg/l with maximum values ​​up to 10 mg/l, ammonium is usually determined in amounts several milligrams per liter with a maximum value of several tens.

Of the components formed in the oxygen zone, the most dangerous for drinking water is selenium (HseO3), which accumulates in near-neutral waters with Eh> 200 mV. Another condition for the accumulation of selenium in quantities exceeding the MPC is the presence of selenium-containing minerals in the host rocks. In near-neutral waters, the migration of some chemical components is favored by the presence of organic, fulvic and humic acids, as well as fluorine, which act as ligands. With organic acids, iron (Fe3+,Fe2+), beryllium (Be2+), mercury (Hg2+) form stable complex compounds. Beryllium compounds with fluorine are also characterized by high migration ability.

Under certain conditions, the quality of fresh water deteriorates as a result of the accumulation of fluorine and strontium in it. Their appearance in waters with concentrates exceeding the maximum permissible concentration is observed where the host rocks are enriched with them, and sodium predominates in the cationic composition of waters. Calcium promotes the precipitation of strontium and fluorine from water, and sodium, on the contrary, transfers them to a dissolved state. Fluorine-bearing waters are common in the Moscow and Volga-Kama artesian basins, as well as on the Baltic shield. Strontium waters are found in gypsum-bearing sediments of the Permian in the north and east of the Russian Plate. The same conditions, i.e. an increased concentration of the element in the host rocks and the sodium composition of waters are necessary for the formation of arsenic and boron-bearing waters. A similar situation is observed in the aquifer complexes of the eastern Ciscaucasia. So, pollution of fresh groundwater under the influence of natural processes usually covers large areas, which are sometimes combined under the name of biohydrogeochemical provinces. They noted an increase in the concentration of iron, manganese, fluorine, selenium, strontium, arsenic and other standardized components.

Technogenic pollution of groundwater is most often local. Under its influence, halos and flows of pollution are formed in aquifer systems. Pollution enters groundwater from the earth's surface and can be point, area or linear in nature. Based on the nature of the impact on the hydrogeological environment, two types of pollutants are distinguished: inert and active. In the first case, the chemical type of groundwater does not change, in the second, depending on the Eh/pH ratio, the composition of groundwater, the physicochemical situation, and the conditions for the migration of chemical components undergo significant changes. According to S.R. Krainova, all the diversity of geochemical properties of polluted groundwater created by industry, agriculture, social, domestic and other technogenic impacts comes down to the creation of a strictly limited and specific set of geochemical situations. On the graph of Еh/pH ratios, they fit into five main types of groundwater pollution: acidic waters with high values ​​of Еh(III), (I), neutral waters with high values ​​of Еh(II), alkaline waters with low positive values ​​of Еh(III) ), near-neutral oxygen-free, sulfide-free waters with low positive values ​​of Eh(IV), near-neutral alkaline waters with negative values ​​of Eh(V).

Analysis of technogenic pollution of groundwater allows us to come to the conclusion that all of their geochemical diversity is associated with the formation of certain Eh- and pH-situations. The established types of groundwater pollution are characterized by a certain set of chemical components with their corresponding migration properties and concentrations. In the process of technogenic impact, the physicochemical situation and all components involved in this process change significantly: water-bearing rocks, water contained in them and introduced pollutants.

Oil pollution. This type of groundwater pollution is widespread and highly persistent. Over the past century and a half, humanity has pumped out approximately 100 billion tons of oil from the depths. Currently, its production has stabilized at 3.5 billion tons per year. Of these, approximately a tenth is mined in our country. At the beginning of this century, we had 1,649 known oil fields, of which 1,061 were exploited. Pollution of groundwater during oil production occurs not only as a result of its spill, but also during pumping of associated water, injection of water to maintain reservoir pressure and other reasons. It continues and covers vast areas during the transportation and processing of oil and the use of petroleum products in various areas of human activity. Along the technological chain from oil production to use, many compounds with different properties are formed. Therefore, contamination of groundwater with oil and oil products at all stages of their movement along the technological chain represents various patterns of interaction of water with any organic compounds.

The supply of oil and petroleum products to the earth's surface is most often accidental and spontaneous (well blowing, pipeline rupture, transport accidents, etc.). It can be longer and more regular in areas of leaking oil tanks, fuel pumping, gas stations, airfields, etc. Liquid petroleum products are the most mobile; they most easily penetrate soil-cover deposits. Only part of the leaked oil products reaches the groundwater surface, since some of them evaporate, and some are sorbed by the surrounding rocks. Contamination of soil and rocks in the aeration zone is uneven and mosaic. It can be washed out by precipitation for a long time and, together with it, enter the upper aquifer. In the waters of this horizon, oil pollution can be dissolved, dispersed, enameled, and form a gas shell around the water surface. The highest solubility in will is gasoline (500 mg/l), oil (10-50 mg/l), diesel fuel (8-22 mg/l) and kerosene (2-5 mg/l). For most petroleum products, the MPC is 0.01-0.3 mg/l. The lowest MPC (0.005 mg/l) is established for such a carcinogenic substance as benzopyrene. To assess the threat of oil pollution, we will cite just one fact: getting 1 liter of gasoline into groundwater can make 2,106 liters of fresh water unsafe.

The movement of oil pollution in groundwater is divided: one part dissolves in groundwater and moves with it, the other forms an oil film and moves independently in accordance with its viscosity and density. More viscous fractions of oil inhibit its spreading; the most stable emulsions contain up to 30-40% water and undergo oxidation during movement, as a result of which a new compound appears with new properties that usually facilitate dissolution in water. Another part of the hydrocarbons - the light fraction - passes into the gaseous phase. In addition, some hydrocarbons are sorbed by the host rocks. Thus, after entering the aquifer, primary oil pollution changes its composition, properties and state and is influenced by the processes of self-purification of groundwater, which is facilitated by biodegradation, destruction, sorption of chemical compounds, etc. The process of groundwater pollution and its destruction is complex. More than 450 individual compounds have been identified in oil, 95% of them are hydrocarbons (saturated hydrocarbons or alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons and organic acids). Non-hydrocarbon compounds are represented by derivatives of sulfur (0.1-10%), nitrogen (1%), oxygen (up to 3%). 30 metal elements and 20 non-metal elements were found in oil. Of the metals, the most important are vanadium, nickel, iron, cadmium, zinc, fluorine, chromium, copper, and manganese. This shows how wide the range of pollution is that can occur in groundwater when petroleum products penetrate into them. It should be noted that some metals (vanadium and nickel), with their content exceeding 10-2%, can be extracted from oil and considered as an independent mineral resource. The same can be said about technogenic deposits of oil and petroleum products. They are formed in areas where oil refineries, gas stations, and airfields have been operating for many years. In these places, accumulations of oil, kerosene and other petroleum products with a thickness of more than 1 m were discovered.

Nuclear pollution. Radioactive contamination of groundwater can be of both natural and man-made origin. Natural contamination of groundwater is associated with water-bearing rocks. The concentration of natural radioactive nuclides (RNN) in natural waters varies within significant limits.

At the same time, the radioactivity of surface waters is very low. In groundwater it directly depends on the content of radioactive elements in the water-bearing rocks. Therefore, their presence is especially high in the waters of uranium deposits, acidic igneous rocks, and zones of tectonic disturbances. More favorable conditions for the accumulation of uranium and radon in groundwater are created in an oxidizing environment, and for the accumulation of radium in a reducing environment in brines of calcium-sodium chloride composition.

Depending on the concentration of NRN, groundwater is divided into radon, radium and uranium. When these waters are mixed, various variations can occur. Standardization of the NRN content makes it possible to solve a variety of practical problems: environmental, drinking water, medicinal, and extraction of components (for example, uranium) from water.

Technogenic contamination of groundwater with radioactive substances is mainly associated with testing of nuclear weapons for military and peaceful purposes, processing of nuclear raw materials, routine and emergency emissions during the operation of nuclear power plants, storage, transportation and processing of radioactive waste.

Let us dwell on the issue of nuclear power plant operation. Electricity production using nuclear installations is growing every year in European and North American countries; it has reached 10-20% or more of its total production. Eight nuclear power plants operate in the European part of Russia (Kursk, Smolensk, Balakovo, Novovoronezh, Kalinin, Leningrad, Kola, Rostov). Even during the normal operation of a nuclear power plant, a certain amount of radionuclides is expected to be released into the atmosphere through ventilation pipes and process waters are discharged into surface water bodies (ponds, settling tanks). Air emissions are produced at an altitude of 100-150 m and are dispersed by the wind into the surrounding area, entering the soil, groundwater, surface water, and are assimilated by biota. Liquid runoff enriched with radionuclides can also enter aquifers and surface watercourses in surrounding areas. Thus, during the operation of a nuclear power plant, a certain amount of radionuclides will systematically enter the atmosphere, soil-cover deposits, aquifers and surface waters. According to measurements of radioactive contamination, during normal operation of the nuclear power plant it does not lead to serious environmental consequences and is approximately 10% of the established maximum level.

However, during the operation of a nuclear power plant, violations of normal operating conditions are possible with certain consequences.

Accidents related to the operation of nuclear power plants can be caused not only by emissions of inert radioactive gases or the discharge of radioactive water, but also by many other reasons (technological, violations of rules for transporting storage of radioactive substances, etc.). The most serious consequences arise during accidents at power units, as happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986. As a result of this disaster, 1.9 1018Bq of radioactive substances were released onto the earth's surface, of which 8.1 1015Bq were strontium-90 and 3, 7 1016Bq for cesium-137. In the spectrum of the fallen radionuclides, rubidium-87, plutonium-240, uranium-234, uranium-238, ruthenium-106, etc. were found. Radioactive contamination covered the entire continent, the territories adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were especially affected.

The movement of radionuclides in soil-cover deposits can be represented in the form of three migration flows:

Slopes of washout;
vertical diffusion flow;
vertical infiltration flow.

Slope washout is the most dynamic; it depends on the erosive activity of rain and snow waters.

The diffusion path of movement of radionuclides is the slowest, it is carried out by the so-called “hot particles”; combustion products of a nuclear reactor and inert materials dumped into the fire. Their average size is 0.1-2 microns, the activity of each particle is estimated at 1-100 Bq, 50-70% of these particles are covered with a “jacket” of iron silicates, i.e. are in non-hydrolysable form. The moving “hot particles” are very slow. In the 10 years after the accident, they traveled no more than 10-20 cm.

The infiltration vertical flow brings radionuclides into the upper aquifers. When moving through the aeration zone, dissolved radionuclides are partially sorbed, partially deposited on physicochemical barriers or retained by water-resistant rocks. Therefore, groundwater pollution after the Chernobyl accident turned out to be uneven. The lifetime of hydrogeochemical anomalies formed after the Chernobyl accident was usually limited to two to three years, necessary for their dilution and dispersion by atmospheric waters. At the same time, in areas where long-lived radionuclides have accumulated in groundwater, long-term existence of geopathogenic zones is possible.

Radioactive waste. The RW management system includes the following stages of their transformation: collection, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and isolation. As a result, the physical, mechanical and filtration properties of water-bearing rocks change with possible negative consequences.

Thus, in the areas of operating nuclear power plants, the environmental situation is close to normal. But the risk of emergency situations in these areas always exists, as does the possibility of the formation of radiohydrogeochemical pollution halos. As was shown in the examples of the Mayak enterprise and the West Siberian Chemical Plant, similar situations are possible in all other places of collection, processing and storage of radioactive waste.

Microbiological contamination. Three groups of bacteria are found in groundwater: aerobic, facultative and anaerobic. The distribution of microflora in groundwater is regulated by mineralization, groundwater temperature, hydrogeochemical conditions (Eh, pH) and the presence of organic matter that provides nutrition for microorganisms. In fresh waters, living organisms are found in the amount of tens to hundreds of thousands of bacteria per 1 ml. These are mainly putrefactive bacteria and saprophytes. In addition, hydrogen-oxidizing, denitrifying, fiber-decomposing, iron-oxidizing, methane-forming and other bacteria function in fresh waters. The microflora develops especially intensively in areas of penetration of household and industrial wastewater, during the seepage of infiltration water in places of landfills, cesspools, accumulation of waste from livestock farms, pig plants, poultry farms, and in areas of oil pollution.

Causative agents of infectious diseases (typhoid fever, cholera, plague, etc.) can be found in groundwater, which enter aquifers with wastewater, penetrate from burial grounds and in other ways. The lifetime of microorganisms is limited to 30-400 days. Their life expectancy is influenced by nutritional conditions, composition, mineralization and temperature of groundwater, and the density of the microbial population (the higher the density, the longer the life expectancy). The vitality of pathogenic bacteria increases when they are absorbed by the host rocks. Thus, halos of microbial contamination are limited in area of ​​distribution and time of manifestation. At the same time, in some cases, it is possible to form constantly functioning halos of microbial contamination and create a habitat for pathogenic bacteria. Such foci of infection can arise in places where major epidemics of infectious diseases occur, or in burial places of victims of these epidemics. The main hydrogeological problem in all these cases is the correct choice of location of water intake structures, ensuring their safe operation.

Thermal pollution. The effects of thermal pollution can vary. In particular, they can lead to degradation of permafrost and disruption of the thermal regime of the active layer. An increase in the temperature of groundwater does not allow in some cases to use it for practical purposes in accordance with sanitary and other standards. Under these conditions, the chemical composition, taste, biological properties and the amount of dissolved gases, especially oxygen, change. The chemical consequences of changes in the temperature regime of groundwater are varied. Firstly, they lead to the creation of nonequilibrium hydrogeological systems, usually speeding up (less often slowing down) the flow of chemical processes. Secondly, thermal pollution, as a rule, is accompanied by other types of pollution: chemical, microbiological, radioactive, which leads to extremely undesirable environmental consequences. Thermal pollution of groundwater is most often associated with the activities of power plants, especially nuclear, and energy-intensive industries, as well as heated pipelines and boreholes. In these areas, a unique microclimate is created, contrasting thermal anomalies are formed, capturing groundwater, and large volumes of hot and warm water are discharged.

“Warm islands” appear on the territory of urban agglomerations, pipeline routes of production wells, their breath heats large areas. The thermal field can also change at great depths (up to 3 km) during pumping and injection of water. These processes are observed during the drainage of mine workings, the operation of water intakes at oil and gas production sites, especially during the artificial maintenance of reservoir pressure, the injection of industrial waste, in the deep dislocation horizons of thermal water and steam-hydrothermal deposits, and the extraction of petrogenic heat by production well systems. Thermal pollution of groundwater is accompanied in these cases by changes in the redox potential and acid-base reaction, chemical, gas composition of water, which, in turn, leads to clogging of voids and cracks in the water-bearing rocks as a result of precipitation of salts and other substances.

Water pollution problem

Currently, the problem of pollution of water bodies (rivers, lakes, seas, groundwater, etc.) is the most pressing, because Everyone knows the expression “water is life.” A person cannot live without water for more than three days, but even understanding the importance of the role of water in his life, he still continues to harshly exploit water bodies, irreversibly changing their natural regime with discharges and waste.

Water makes up the majority of any organism, both plant and animal; in particular, in humans it accounts for 60-80% of body weight. Water is the habitat of many organisms, determines climate and weather changes, helps cleanse the atmosphere of harmful substances, dissolves, leaches rocks and minerals and transports them from one place to another, etc. For humans, water has an important production value: it is a transport route, a source of energy, a raw material for production, an engine coolant, a purifier, etc.

The bulk of water is concentrated in the oceans. The water evaporating from its surface provides life-giving moisture to natural and artificial land ecosystems. The closer an area is to the ocean, the more precipitation there is. The land constantly returns water to the ocean, some of the water evaporates, especially by forests, and some is collected by rivers, which receive rain and snow water. The exchange of moisture between the ocean and land requires a very large amount of energy: up to 1/3 of what the Earth receives from the Sun is spent on this.

Before the development of civilization, the water cycle in the biosphere was in equilibrium; the ocean received as much water from rivers as it consumed during its evaporation. If the climate did not change, then the rivers did not become shallow and the water level in the lakes did not decrease. With the development of civilization, this cycle began to be disrupted; as a result of irrigation of agricultural crops, evaporation from land increased. The rivers of the southern regions became shallow, the pollution of the oceans and the appearance of an oil film on its surface reduced the amount of water evaporated by the ocean. All this worsens the water supply to the biosphere. Droughts are becoming more frequent, and pockets of environmental disasters are emerging, for example, a multi-year catastrophic drought in the Sahel zone.

In addition, the fresh water itself, which returns to the ocean and other bodies of water from land, is often polluted. The water of many Russian rivers has become practically unsuitable for drinking.

The problem of maintaining water quality is currently the most pressing. Science knows more than 2.5 thousand pollutants of natural waters. This has a detrimental effect on the health of the population and leads to the death of fish, waterfowl and other animals, as well as the death of the flora of water bodies. At the same time, not only toxic chemical and oil pollution, but also excess organic and mineral substances coming from the wash-off of fertilizers from fields are dangerous for aquatic ecosystems. A very important aspect of pollution of the Earth’s water basin is thermal pollution, which is the discharge of heated water from industrial enterprises and thermal power plants into rivers and lakes.

Today, water suitable for drinking, industrial production and irrigation is in short supply in many areas of the world. We cannot ignore this problem, because... Next generations will be affected by all the consequences of anthropogenic water pollution. Already, 20 thousand people die annually due to dioxin pollution of water bodies in Russia. Approximately the same number of Russians become fatally ill with skin cancer each year as a result of the depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. As a result of living in a dangerously poisoned environment, cancer and other environmentally related diseases of various organs spread. Half of the newborns who received even minor additional radiation at a certain stage of fetal formation in the mother’s body show mental retardation. Therefore, this problem must be solved as soon as possible and the problem of cleaning industrial discharges must be radically reconsidered.

Discharge of wastewater into reservoirs

Reservoirs are polluted mainly as a result of the discharge of wastewater from industrial enterprises and populated areas into them. As a result of wastewater discharge, the physical properties of water change (temperature increases, transparency decreases, colors, tastes, and odors appear); floating substances appear on the surface of the reservoir, and sediment forms at the bottom; the chemical composition of water changes (the content of organic and inorganic substances increases, toxic substances appear, the oxygen content decreases, the active reaction of the environment changes, etc.); The qualitative and quantitative bacterial composition changes, and pathogenic bacteria appear. Polluted water bodies become unsuitable for drinking, and often for technical water supply; lose their fishery importance, etc.

The general conditions for the release of wastewater of any category into surface water bodies are determined by their national economic significance and the nature of water use. After the release of wastewater, some deterioration in the quality of water in reservoirs is allowed, but this should not significantly affect its life and the possibility of further use of the reservoir as a source of water supply, for cultural and sports events, or for fishing purposes.

Monitoring the fulfillment of the conditions for discharging industrial wastewater into water bodies is carried out by sanitary-epidemiological stations and basin departments.

Water quality standards for water bodies for household, drinking and cultural and domestic water use establish the quality of water for reservoirs according to two types of water use: the first type includes areas of reservoirs used as a source for centralized or non-centralized household and drinking water supply, as well as for water supply to food industry enterprises; to the second type - areas of reservoirs used for swimming, sports and recreation of the population, as well as those located within the boundaries of populated areas.

The assignment of reservoirs to one or another type of water use is carried out by the State Sanitary Inspection authorities, taking into account the prospects for the use of reservoirs.

The water quality standards for reservoirs given in the rules apply to sites located on flowing reservoirs 1 km above the nearest water use point downstream, and on non-flowing reservoirs and reservoirs 1 km on both sides of the water use point.

Much attention is paid to the prevention and elimination of pollution of coastal areas of the seas. The seawater quality standards that must be ensured when discharging wastewater apply to the water use area within the designated boundaries and to sites at a distance of 300 m to the sides from these boundaries. When using coastal areas of the seas as a recipient of industrial wastewater, the content of harmful substances in the sea should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations established by sanitary-toxicological, general sanitary and organoleptic limiting hazard indicators. At the same time, the requirements for wastewater discharge are differentiated in relation to the nature of water use. The sea is considered not as a source of water supply, but as a therapeutic, health-improving, cultural and everyday factor.

Pollutants entering rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas make significant changes to the established regime and disrupt the equilibrium state of aquatic ecological systems. As a result of the processes of transformation of substances polluting water bodies, occurring under the influence of natural factors, water sources undergo a complete or partial restoration of their original properties. In this case, secondary decay products of contaminants may be formed, which have a negative impact on water quality.

Self-purification of water in reservoirs is a set of interconnected hydrodynamic, physicochemical, microbiological and hydrobiological processes leading to the restoration of the original state of a water body. Due to the fact that wastewater from industrial enterprises may contain specific contaminants, their discharge into the city drainage network is limited by a number of requirements. Industrial wastewater released into the drainage network must not: disrupt the operation of networks and structures; have a destructive effect on the material of pipes and elements of treatment facilities; contain more than 500 mg/l of suspended and floating substances; contain substances that can clog networks or deposit on pipe walls; contain flammable impurities and dissolved gaseous substances capable of forming explosive mixtures; contain harmful substances that interfere with the biological treatment of wastewater or discharge into a body of water; have a temperature above 40 C. Industrial wastewater that does not meet these requirements must be pre-treated and only then discharged into the city drainage network.

Wastewater treatment methods

In rivers and other bodies of water, a natural process of self-purification of water occurs. However, it proceeds slowly. While industrial and domestic discharges were small, the rivers themselves coped with them. In our industrial age, due to the sharp increase in waste, water bodies can no longer cope with such significant pollution. There is a need to neutralize, purify wastewater and dispose of it.

Wastewater treatment is the treatment of wastewater to destroy or remove harmful substances from it.

Cleaning methods can be divided into:

- chemical,
- physical and chemical,
- biological.

When they are used together, the method of wastewater treatment and neutralization is called combined. The use of one or another method, in each specific case, is determined by the nature of the contamination and the degree of harmfulness of the impurities.

The complex of treatment facilities, as a rule, includes mechanical treatment facilities. Depending on the required degree of purification, they can be supplemented with biological or physical-chemical treatment facilities, and with higher requirements, deep treatment facilities are included in the treatment facilities. Before being discharged into a reservoir, treated wastewater is disinfected, and the sludge or excess biomass formed at all stages of treatment is supplied to sludge treatment facilities. Treated wastewater can be sent to circulating water supply systems of industrial enterprises, for agricultural needs, or discharged into a reservoir. The treated sludge can be disposed of, destroyed or stored.

Mechanical cleaning

It is used to separate undissolved mineral and organic impurities from wastewater. As a rule, it is a pre-treatment method and is intended to prepare wastewater for biological or physico-chemical treatment methods. Mechanical treatment makes it possible to isolate up to 60-75% of insoluble impurities from domestic wastewater, and up to 95% from industrial wastewater, many of which (as valuable materials) are used in production.

Mechanical cleaning structures include screens, various types of traps, settling tanks, and filters. Sand traps are used to separate heavy mineral impurities (mainly sand) from wastewater. Dehydrated sand, with reliable disinfection, can be used in road work and in the production of building materials.

Moderators are used to regulate the composition and flow of wastewater. Averaging is achieved either by differentiating the flow of incoming wastewater, or by intensive mixing of individual wastewater.

Primary settling tanks are used to separate suspended substances from wastewater, which, under the influence of gravitational forces, settle to the bottom of the settling tank or float to its surface.

Oil traps are used to treat wastewater containing oil and petroleum products at concentrations greater than 100 mg/l. These structures are rectangular tanks in which oil and water are separated due to the difference in their densities. Oil and petroleum products float to the surface, are collected and removed from the oil trap for disposal.

Chemical method

It consists of adding various chemical reagents to wastewater, which react with pollutants and precipitate them in the form of insoluble sediments. Chemical cleaning achieves a reduction in insoluble impurities up to 95% and soluble impurities up to 25%.

With the physicochemical method of treatment, finely dispersed and dissolved inorganic impurities are removed from wastewater and organic and poorly oxidized substances are destroyed. Of the physicochemical methods, the most commonly used are coagulation, oxidation, sorption, extraction, etc., as well as electrolysis. Electrolysis involves breaking down organic matter in wastewater and extracting metals, acids and other inorganic substances by passing an electric current. Electrolytic purification is carried out in special facilities - electrolyzers. Wastewater treatment using electrolysis is effective in lead and copper plants and in the paint and varnish industry.

Wastewater is also purified using ultrasound, ozone, ion exchange resins and high pressure. Cleaning by chlorination has proven itself well.

The biological method is a widely used method for treating domestic and industrial wastewater, based on the use of the laws of biochemical self-purification of rivers and other bodies of water. It is based on the process of biological oxidation of organic compounds contained in wastewater. Biological oxidation is carried out by a community of microorganisms, including many different bacteria, protozoa and a number of more highly organized organisms - algae, fungi, etc., interconnected into a single complex by complex relationships (metabiosis, symbiosis and antagonism).

Various types of biological devices are used: biofilters, biological ponds and aeration systems.

In biofilters, wastewater is passed through a layer of coarse material coated with a thin bacterial film. Thanks to this film, biological oxidation processes occur intensively.

In biological ponds, all organisms inhabiting the pond take part in wastewater treatment.

Aerotanks are huge tanks made of reinforced concrete. Here the cleansing principle is activated sludge from bacteria and microscopic animals. All these living creatures develop rapidly in aeration tanks, which is facilitated by organic substances in wastewater and excess oxygen entering the structure through the flow of supplied air. The bacteria stick together into flakes and secrete enzymes that mineralize organic contaminants. The sludge with flakes quickly settles, separating from the purified water. Ciliates, flagellates, amoebas, rotifers and other tiny animals, devouring bacteria (not sticking together into flakes) rejuvenate the bacterial mass of sludge.

Before biological treatment, wastewater is subjected to mechanical treatment, and after biological treatment (to remove pathogenic bacteria) and chemical treatment, chlorination with liquid chlorine or bleach. Other physical and chemical techniques (ultrasound, electrolysis, ozonation, etc.) are also used for disinfection. The biological method gives the best results when cleaning municipal waste, as well as waste from oil refining, pulp and paper industries, and artificial fiber production.

Scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA), together with researchers from Florida International University (Miami) and the University of Miami, are developing a method for destroying hazardous liquid waste using an electron accelerator. An experimental study at a municipal waste treatment plant in Dade County, Florida, irradiated a thin layer of falling contaminated water (at a flow rate of 380 L/min) using a scanning electron beam. This destroyed dangerous pollutants such as benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol.

In order to reduce hydrosphere pollution, it is desirable to reuse it in closed resource-saving, waste-free processes in industry, drip irrigation in agriculture, and economical use of water in production and in everyday life.

Human water pollution

Throughout his life, a person feels the influence of many factors on his own health. Some of them have a positive impact, while others have a negative impact. The genetic and biological characteristics of each of us play a very important role. But besides them, our well-being is greatly influenced by environmental factors. Everyone knows that air, soil and water pollution directly affects health, quality and life expectancy.

We will talk about the first two very important natural factors next time. Today, let’s talk about human health and water pollution, namely, let’s find out how these two concepts are interconnected.

Human influence on water pollution - causes of pollution

In fact, human water pollution began with the development of industry. The world's population is increasing, new cities are growing, industry is developing. Oil refining enterprises use water as a solvent, after which wastewater contaminated with oil waste products ends up in natural water bodies and soil.

Pulp and paper production, light and food industries use water as a working medium. Without it, businesses simply won’t be able to operate. Meanwhile, they pollute it with hydrocarbons, after which the wastewater also pollutes clean land-based sources.

During the production of synthetic detergents (shampoos, washing powders, etc.), production waste ends up in reservoirs that store drinking water. Cleaning storage facilities from such pollutants is ineffective and contaminated water ends up in the water supply. But these pollutants are very harmful to nature and have a detrimental effect on human health.

But in addition, agriculture pollutes water, soil, and air. Rains and melting snow wash away chemicals, poisons, and pesticides from the fields. They all fall into the air and merge into rivers and lakes. In particular, reservoirs that receive wastewater from agricultural fields contain huge amounts of lead. This element ends up in the city water supply. As a result, the nervous and circulatory system receives a powerful blow. Children especially suffer from lead poisoning.

You need to understand that chemical compounds that enter rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs with runoff change the composition of water. Under their influence, it may turn out to be completely unsuitable even for household and household needs, not to mention drinking and cooking.

Water and human health

According to WHO experts, humanity could avoid most diseases and deaths from them if the population received clean drinking water. But, unfortunately, in most Russian (and not only) cities, liquid flows from the tap, which can hardly be called drinkable.

It is quite obvious that drinking water should not contain maximum permissible levels of chemical components. But not maintaining them at all is also bad. Excess, as well as deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, fluorine, etc. bad for health. For example, a lack of fluoride provokes caries, and a deficiency of iodine causes thyroid disease.

But there is no need to talk about a deficiency of minerals in drinking water, as well as the presence of toxic chemicals and harmful chemical compounds in drinking water. Although their concentration remains predominantly low, they have the ability to accumulate in the cells of the body, and subsequently become the cause of the development of most known diseases, including cancer.

Regular drinking water often contains low concentrations of heavy metals. It contains lead, mercury, tin and arsenic. Chromium, cadmium, copper, and zinc are often found. Their ions, entering the body, have a destructive effect on enzymes. They suppress their work and subsequently cause neurological diseases.

When a pregnant woman is poisoned with mercury, very severe anomalies occur in children - developmental retardation, mental abnormalities and congenital deformities. Children who drink water containing an excess of lead also lag behind in development.

Heavy metals are very dangerous because the body cannot cleanse itself of them. Penetrating into it along with water and food prepared with it, metals accumulate in cells, bind to proteins, and begin to participate in synthesis. Hence the incomprehensible epidemics of severe diseases of internal organs, oncological tumors, and congenital anomalies.

The accumulation of metals entering the body with food is said to be difficult to notice. But only at early levels until they reach dangerous concentrations, when the body literally “breaks down” from the disease. Unfortunately, once this level is reached, it is almost impossible to improve the situation.

Pesticides - nitrogen compounds, nitrates, nitrites - have the same detrimental effect on the body. They enter the air, soil and drinking water, contributing to numerous diseases.

Man is almost 80% water. Its effect on health is invaluable. This natural substance is involved in all physical and chemical processes in our body. Not only health, but also human life largely depends on water and its quality.

Natural water pollution

One of the main water pollutants is oil and petroleum products. Oil can enter water as a result of natural seeps in areas where it occurs. But the main sources of pollution are associated with human activity: oil production, transportation, refining and use of oil as fuel and industrial raw materials.

Other pollutants include metals (for example, mercury, lead, zinc, copper, chromium, tin, manganese), radioactive elements, pesticides from agricultural fields, and runoff from livestock farms. The greatest danger from metals to the aquatic environment is mercury, lead and their compounds.

Expanded production (without treatment facilities) and the use of pesticides in fields lead to severe chemical pollution of water bodies with harmful compounds. Pollution of the aquatic environment occurs as a result of the direct introduction of pesticides during the treatment of reservoirs for pest control, the entry into reservoirs of water flowing from the surface of treated agricultural land, during the discharge of waste from manufacturing enterprises into reservoirs, as well as as a result of losses during transportation, storage and partly from atmospheric precipitation.

Along with pesticides, agricultural runoff contains a significant amount of fertilizer residues (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) applied to the fields. In addition, large amounts of organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds come from livestock farms and sewage. An increase in the concentration of nutrients in water leads to a disruption of the biological balance in the reservoir.

Initially, the number of microscopic algae in such a reservoir sharply increases. As the food supply increases, the number of crustaceans, fish and other aquatic organisms increases. Then a huge number of organisms die off. It leads to the consumption of all oxygen reserves contained in the water and the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide. The situation in the reservoir changes so much that it becomes unsuitable for the existence of any form of organisms. The reservoir is gradually dying.

Humanity consumes a huge amount of fresh water for its needs, mainly for industrial and agricultural needs. The most water-intensive industries are mining, steel, chemicals, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, and food processing. They consume up to 70% of all water spent in industry. The main consumer of fresh water is agriculture: 60-80% of all fresh water is used for its needs.

Calculations show that 2,200 km of water per year is spent on all types of water use. Effluent dilution consumes almost 20% of the world's freshwater resources. Calculations show that even if treatment covers all wastewater, 30-35 thousand km of fresh water will still be required to dilute it. This means that the world's total river flow resources will be close to exhaustion.

Already at the present time, not only territories that have been deprived of water resources by nature, but also many regions that until recently were considered prosperous in this regard are experiencing a lack of fresh water. Currently, the need for fresh water is not met for 20% of the urban and 75% of the rural population of the planet.

Human intervention in natural processes has affected even such large rivers as the Volga, Don, and Dnieper. At the same time, the volumes of transported water masses (river flow) decreased. Water used in agriculture is mostly spent on evaporation and the formation of plant biomass. Therefore, it does not return to the rivers.

Limited fresh water supplies are being further reduced due to pollution. The main danger is wastewater (industrial, agricultural and domestic), since a significant part of the used water is returned to water basins in the form of wastewater.

Water cannot be replaced by anything; this is why it differs from almost all other types of raw materials and fuel. Water can only be replaced by water itself! Without water there is no life; life on Earth appeared when water appeared. The human embryo consists of 97% water. The body of a one-year-old child is 66%.

Sources of water pollution: settlements, industry, thermal pollution, agriculture.

Types of water pollution: heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, nickel, chromium), radioactive pollution (uranium, plutonium, thorium, strontium, cesium), inorganic substances (nitrogen, phosphorus), organochlorines (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, chloroform), toxic inorganic substances, sewage, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides (pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, nitrites).

Environmental water pollution

Pollution of water bodies is understood as a decrease in their biosphere functions and economic significance as a result of the entry of harmful substances into them.

One type of water pollution is thermal pollution. Power plants and industrial enterprises often discharge heated water into a reservoir. This leads to an increase in the water temperature in it. With increasing temperature in a reservoir, the amount of oxygen decreases, the toxicity of water pollutants increases, and the biological balance is disrupted.

In contaminated water, as the temperature rises, pathogenic microorganisms and viruses begin to multiply rapidly. Once in drinking water, they can cause outbreaks of various diseases.

In a number of regions, groundwater was an important source of fresh water. Previously, they were considered the purest. But currently, as a result of human economic activities, many sources of groundwater are also subject to pollution. Often this contamination is so great that the water from them has become undrinkable.

Humanity consumes huge amounts of fresh water for its needs. Its main consumers are industry and agriculture. The most water-intensive industries are mining, steel, chemicals, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, and food processing. They consume up to 70% of all water spent in industry. The main consumer of fresh water is agriculture: 60-80% of all fresh water is used for its needs.

In modern conditions, human needs for water for domestic needs are greatly increasing. The volume of water consumed for these purposes depends on the region and standard of living, ranging from 3 to 700 liters per person. From the analysis of water use over the past 5-6 decades, it follows that the annual increase in irreversible water consumption, in which used water is irretrievably lost to nature, is 4-5%. Prospective calculations show that if such rates of consumption are maintained and taking into account population growth and production volumes, by 2100 humanity may exhaust all fresh water reserves.

Already at the present time, not only territories that have been deprived of water resources by nature, but also many regions that until recently were considered prosperous in this regard are experiencing a lack of fresh water. Currently, the need for fresh water is not met for 20% of the urban and 75% of the rural population of the planet.

Human intervention in natural processes has affected even large rivers (such as the Volga, Don, Dnieper), changing towards a decrease in the volumes of transported water masses (river flow). Water used in agriculture is mostly spent on evaporation and the formation of plant biomass and, therefore, is not returned to rivers.

Already now, in the most populated areas of the country, river flow has decreased by 8%, and in rivers such as the Don, Terek, and Ural - by 11-20%. The fate of the Aral Sea is very dramatic, which essentially ceased to exist due to excessive water intake from the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers for irrigation.

Limited fresh water supplies are being further reduced due to pollution. The main danger is wastewater (industrial, agricultural and domestic), since a significant part of the used water is returned to water basins in the form of wastewater.

Types of water pollution

The most common types of contamination are chemical and bacterial. Radioactive, mechanical and thermal contamination is much less common.

Chemical pollution is the most common, persistent and far-reaching. It can be organic (phenols, naphthenic acids, pesticides, etc.) and inorganic (salts, acids, alkalis), toxic (arsenic compounds of mercury, lead, cadmium, etc.) and non-toxic.

When deposited to the bottom of reservoirs or during filtration in the formation, harmful chemicals are sorbed by rock particles, oxidized and reduced, precipitated, etc., however, as a rule, complete self-purification of contaminated waters does not occur. The source of chemical contamination of groundwater in highly permeable soils can extend up to 10 km or more.

Bacterial pollution is expressed in the appearance in water of pathogenic bacteria, viruses (up to 700 species), protozoa, fungi, etc. This type of pollution is temporary.

It is very dangerous to contain radioactive substances in water, even at very low concentrations, causing radioactive contamination. The most harmful are “long-lived” radioactive elements that have an increased ability to move in water (strontium-90, uranium, radium-226, cesium, etc.). Radioactive elements enter surface water bodies when radioactive waste is dumped into them, waste is buried at the bottom, etc.

Uranium, strontium and other elements enter groundwater both as a result of their precipitation on the surface of the earth in the form of radioactive products and waste and subsequent seepage deep into the earth along with atmospheric waters, and as a result of the interaction of groundwater with radioactive rocks.

Mechanical pollution is characterized by the ingress of various mechanical impurities into water (sand, sludge, silt, etc.). Mechanical impurities can significantly worsen the organoleptic characteristics of water.

In relation to surface waters, they also highlight their pollution (or rather, clogging) with solid waste (garbage), timber rafting residues, industrial and household waste, which worsen the quality of water, negatively affect the living conditions of fish, and the state of ecosystems.

Thermal pollution is associated with an increase in water temperature as a result of its mixing with warmer surface or process waters. For example, it is known that at the site of the Kola Nuclear Power Plant, located beyond the Arctic Circle, 7 years after the start of operation, the temperature of groundwater increased from 6 to 19 C near the main building.

As the temperature rises, the gas and chemical composition in the waters changes, which leads to the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria, an increase in the number of hydrobionts and the release of toxic gases - hydrogen sulfide and methane. At the same time, water “blooming” occurs, as well as the accelerated development of microflora and microfauna, which contributes to the development of other types of pollution. According to existing sanitary standards, the temperature of the reservoir should not increase by more than 3 C in summer and 5 C in winter, and the heat load on the reservoir should not exceed 12-17 kJ/m3.

Soil and water pollution

The Earth's soil cover is the most important component of the Earth's biosphere. It is the soil shell that determines many of the processes occurring in the biosphere.

Soil contaminants are difficult to classify; different sources give different divisions. If we generalize and highlight the main thing, we observe the following picture of soil pollution: garbage, emissions, dumps, sludge; heavy metals; pesticides; mycotoxins; radioactive substances.

The most important importance of soils is the accumulation of organic matter, various chemical elements, and energy. Soil cover functions as a biological absorber, destroyer and neutralizer of various pollutants. If this link of the biosphere is destroyed, then the existing functioning of the biosphere will be irreversibly disrupted. That is why it is extremely important to study the global biochemical significance of the soil cover, its current state and changes under the influence of anthropogenic activities. One type of anthropogenic impact is pesticide pollution.

Almost all pollutants that are initially released into the atmosphere eventually end up on the surface of land and water. Settling aerosols may contain toxic heavy metals - lead, mercury, copper, vanadium, cobalt, nickel. They are usually inactive and accumulate in the soil. But acids also enter the soil with rain. By combining with it, metals can transform into soluble compounds available to plants. Substances that are constantly present in the soil also turn into soluble forms, which sometimes leads to the death of plants.

The third, no less important than the sky above your head and the earth under your feet, factor in the existence of civilization is the planet’s water resources.

Humanity uses mainly fresh water for its needs. Their volume is slightly more than 2% of the hydrosphere, and the distribution of water resources around the globe is extremely uneven. Europe and Asia, where 70% of the world's population lives, contain only 39% of river waters. The total consumption of river waters is increasing from year to year in all regions of the world. It is known, for example, that since the beginning of this century, fresh water consumption has increased 6 times, and in the next few decades it will increase by at least 1.5 times.

The lack of water is aggravated by the deterioration of its quality. Water used in industry, agriculture and everyday life returns to water bodies in the form of poorly treated or completely untreated wastewater.

Thus, pollution of the hydrosphere occurs primarily as a result of the discharge of industrial, agricultural and domestic wastewater into rivers, lakes and seas. According to scientists' calculations, at the end of the twentieth century, diluting these wastewaters may require 25 thousand km3 of fresh water, or almost all the actually available resources of such runoff! It is not difficult to guess that this, and not the increase in direct water intake, is the main reason for the worsening fresh water problem.

Currently, many rivers are heavily polluted - the Rhine, Danube, Seine, Ohio, Volga, Dnieper, Dniester, etc. Pollution of the World Ocean is growing. Moreover, not only wastewater pollution plays a significant role here, but also the release of large quantities of petroleum products into the waters of the seas and oceans. In general, the most polluted inland seas are the Mediterranean, Northern, Baltic, Inland Japan, Java, as well as the Biscay, Persian and Mexican Gulfs.

One of the main sanitary requirements for water quality is the content of the required amount of oxygen in it. All contaminants that, in one way or another, contribute to a decrease in the oxygen content in water have a harmful effect.

Increasing pollution of water bodies and drains is observed in all industrial countries.

Water pollution indicators

To judge the epidemic danger of water, bacteriological and chemical indicators of pollution are used. Bacteriological indicators of water pollution. From an epidemiological point of view, when assessing water, it is mainly pathogenic microorganisms that matter. However, even with modern advances in microbiological technology, testing water for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, and even more so viruses, is a rather labor-intensive process. Therefore, it will not last for mass water tests and is carried out only if there are epidemiological indications, for example, during outbreaks of infectious diseases in which water transmission is suspected.

Recently, environmental pollution by various chemicals has become so global that severe pollution of water sources does not surprise anyone. Not only harmful ingredients from industrial and domestic waters, but also surface runoff from agricultural lands, residential areas and industrial sites often enter the aquatic environment.

In assessing water quality in sanitary practice, indirect bacteriological indicators of water pollution are widely used. It is believed that the less water is contaminated with saprophytes, the less dangerous it is from an epidemiological point of view.

One of the indicators of contamination of a water source with saprophytic microflora is the so-called microbial number.

The microbial count is the number of colonies that grow when 1 ml of water is inoculated onto meat-peptone agar after 24 hours of cultivation at a temperature of 37 C.

The microbial number characterizes the total bacterial contamination of water. When assessing the quality of water according to this indicator, they use observational data that in the water of unpolluted and well-equipped artesian wells the microbial number does not exceed 10-30 per 1 ml, in the water of unpolluted mine wells - 300-400 per 1 ml, in relatively clean water open reservoirs - 1000-1500 in 1 ml. With effective cleaning and disinfection of tap water, the microbial number does not exceed 100 in 1 ml.

Of even greater importance is the determination of the presence of E. coli in water, which is excreted in the excrement of humans and animals. Therefore, the presence of E. coli in water signals fecal contamination and, therefore, possible contamination of water with pathogenic microorganisms of the intestinal group (typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, dysentery, etc.).

Testing water for E. coli content allows us to foresee the possibility of contamination of water with pathogenic microflora in the future and, therefore, creates the opportunity to prevent it through timely implementation of the necessary measures.

The degree of contamination of water with E. coli is expressed by the value of the coli titer or coli index.

Coli-titer is the smallest amount of test water in which, using the appropriate technique, E. coli is detected (grown). The lower the coli titer, the more significant the fecal contamination of the water source.

Coli-Index with % - the amount of E. coli in 1 liter of water.

In clean water from artesian wells, the coli-titer is usually above 500 (coli-index less than 2), in uncontaminated and well-equipped wells the coli-titer is not lower than 100 (coli-index no more than 10).

A number of experimental studies have shown that E. coli is more resistant to disinfectants than the causative agents of intestinal infections, tularemia, leptospirosis and brucellosis, and therefore can serve not only as an indicator of water contamination, but also as an indicator of the reliability of its disinfection, for example, in a water supply system.

Although enteroviruses are more resistant to chlorine than E. coli, experiments on disinfecting water containing E. coli and enteroviruses in quantities reflecting their possible ratio in water under real conditions have shown that lowering the coli index to 3 ensures the destruction of enteroviruses, as well as pathogenic bacteria intestinal group. Thus, if after water disinfection the titer of E. coli rises to 300 (coli index no more than 3), then such water can be considered safe against the main pathogens of the disease that spread by water.

Chemical indicators of water source pollution

Chemical indicators of water pollution. Chemical indicators of water pollution include organic substances and their breakdown products: ammonium salts, nitrites and nitrates. Apart from nitrates, these compounds themselves, in the quantities in which they are usually found in natural waters, do not affect human health. Their presence can only indicate contamination of the soil through which the water flows, feeding the water source, and that along with these substances pathogenic microorganisms could have entered the water.

A large role in the pollution of water sources is also played by aerotechnogenic pollution, which is transported along with air masses over fairly long distances. Anthropogenic transformation of natural landscapes by humans also leads to an increase in the removal of chemical compounds from them, and, consequently, to increased pollution of water bodies.

In some cases, each of the chemical indicators may have a different nature, for example, organic substances are of plant origin.

Therefore, a water source can be considered contaminated only if the following conditions are met:

1) there is not one, but several chemical indicators of contamination in the water;
2) bacterial indicators of contamination were simultaneously detected in the water;
3) the possibility of contamination is confirmed by a sanitary inspection of the water source.

An indicator of the presence of organic substances in water is oxidability, expressed in milligrams of oxygen spent on the oxidation of organic substances contained in 1 liter of water. Artesian waters have the least oxidizability - up to 2 mg O2 per 1 liter; in the waters of mine wells, oxidability reaches 3-4 mg O2 per 1 liter, and it increases with increasing color of the water. In water from open reservoirs, oxidation can be even higher.

An increase in water oxidation above the above values ​​indicates possible contamination of the water source.

The main source of pollution of natural waters with ammonia nitrogen and nitrites are decomposing protein residues, animal corpses, urine, and feces.

With fresh pollution by waste, the content of ammonium salts in the water increases (exceeds 0.1 mg/l). Being a product of further oxidation of ammonium salts, nitrites in quantities exceeding 0.002 mg/l also serve as an important indicator of contamination of a water source. It must be taken into account that in deep underground waters the formation of nitrites and ammonium salts from nitrates is possible during reduction processes. Nitrates are the end product of the oxidation of ammonium salts. Their presence in water in the absence of ammonia and nitrites indicates relatively long-standing contamination of water with nitrogen-containing substances that have already become mineralized. Intensive use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers also leads to an increase in nitrate content in groundwater.

Chlorides are some indicator of the contamination of a water source, since they are contained in urine and various waste, but it must be taken into account that the presence of large quantities of chlorides in water (more than 30-50 mg/l) can also be caused by the leaching of chloride salts from saline soils.

To correctly assess the origin of chlorides, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the water source, the presence of chlorides in the water of neighboring water sources of the same type, as well as the presence of other indicators of water pollution.

Causes of water pollution

Back in the 80s, the World Health Organization published information according to which 25 thousand people die every day in the world as a result of drinking contaminated water. According to American researchers, the impact of a unit volume of a toxicant released into water is similar to the impact of ten units of the same toxicant released into the air.

Natural waters can be contaminated with a wide variety of impurities, divided into groups according to their biological and physicochemical properties. The first group includes substances that dissolve in water and are there in a molecular or ionic state (these are two different subgroups). The second group is those substances that form suspensions or colloidal systems with water (these are also two different subgroups). In the colloidal state there may be mineral or organic particles, insoluble forms of humus and individual viruses. Suspensions are most often plankton, bacteria and insoluble tiny solid particles.

The content of natural (natural) particles in surface waters varies. The minimum salt content is typical for our northern rivers, and for the southern ones, fed by groundwater, the maximum is up to 1.5 g/l. Based on the type of initial (natural) salts prevailing in the water, rivers are divided into hydrocarbonate (Volga, Dnieper), sulfate (Don, Seversky Donets), chloride and the like. But still, the condition of rivers is primarily determined by the anthropogenic factor.

Agricultural production has the greatest impact on the condition of rivers. The use of pesticides (from “pest” - harm, “cido” - to kill) in many cases literally destroys the biocenosis of the river, especially when working on lands directly adjacent to the riverbed. In the former USSR, more than 23 million tons of fertilizers and more than 150 thousand tons of herbicides were used. Due to their careless storage, improper incorporation into the soil and simply negligence (for example, chemicals from pollinating aircraft ended up in the ponds of the Manych system of the Rostov region), some of these chemicals end up in rivers (including with melt and flood waters).

Pollution of rivers by industrial and domestic wastewater ranks second in terms of mass, but is often decisive in terms of harmfulness. Thus, discharges from electronic and radio industry enterprises that use organochlorine solvents, waste from pulp and paper mills, even with a relatively small amount of waste, kill with dioxins all living things in nearby water bodies. To reduce these wastewater by at least 15-20%, it was decided to transfer enterprises discharging wastewater into the sewer system to a water-starved regime. As a result, mainly household waste water was discharged into the Don River (at the same time, its dilution with water from the Tsimlyansk reservoir increased slightly). At the same time, the analyzes showed a significant improvement in all indicators of water quality (except for organic pollution) in the area downstream of the discharge (especially at the Azov water intake) compared to normal operation, when poorly treated wastewater from enterprises, along with sewage, entered the Don. This is the role of enterprises. It should be borne in mind that our water treatment plants, as a rule, are prepared for organic pollution, which cannot be said about pollution with metal salts, dioxins, and so on. This kind of pollution is typical for the facilities of the Ministry of Railways, which discharge several hundred million cubic meters of polluted wastewater every year.

Particular attention should be paid to oil pollution of water bodies. Not only are the products of oil decomposition extremely toxic, but the oil film, which isolates water from air, leads to the death of living organisms in the water. Up to 3-10 million tons of oil and its derivatives enter the World Ocean annually. The influence of outboard motors has also been determined. During one hour of operation of the Whirlwind outboard motor, 0.5 g of benzopyrene enters the reservoir. Special vessels have been created to collect oil film from the surface of the water (one such vessel catches 250 tons of fuel oil per year). The West Siberian Geological Oil Prospecting Institute has developed a special bacterial preparation, a few grams of which is enough to remove an oil film per day over an area of ​​1 hectare (0.01 km2). But already 1 ton of spilled oil requires more than 1 kg of this rather expensive substance.

Recently, harmful elements (lead, tin, zinc, copper, mercury, radioactive isotopes) have become increasingly common in water; water has an acidic environment in which fish cannot live.

Basic measures to combat water pollution:

1. Establishment of coastal protective strips and water protection zones in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation. In coastal protective strips (10-50 m wide from the river edge), any work is prohibited - from plowing the land to grazing livestock, the use of pesticides, and the placement of enterprises and farms. In the water protection zone - up to 300 m from the water's edge - it is prohibited to place any objects that could affect the state of the river, cutting down plantings, etc. is not allowed. Zones are established on the basis of thorough surveys and are secured by a special design that takes into account the terrain and existing facilities. They are either eliminated, or supervisory authorities establish a special water use regime. By limiting these zones along the Temernik River (a tributary of the Don River), special water use regimes have been established for some livestock and homestead farms, a number of factories in the city of Rostov-on-Don, garden plots, residential buildings and garages. Extensive damage to the river has been confirmed due to the cutting down of coastal forest belts by builders and gardeners. The water protection zone is indicated by special signs. Work in it, in special cases, can only be carried out in agreement with government agencies.
2. Refusal of extremely toxic agricultural pesticides, primarily chlorine-containing ones.
3. Reducing discharges from industrial enterprises by reducing the water intensity of production and the use of circulating (closed, semi-closed) water supply systems.
4. Separation of industrial and domestic wastewater. Ensuring their purification before discharging into water bodies. For Rostov-on-Don, for example, discharges from industrial enterprises or washouts from industrial sites account for approximately a fifth of sewage. At the same time, a large share of wastewater goes to sewage treatment plants, which are capable of recycling only purely domestic water. Therefore, poorly purified water flows into the Don. Due to the insufficient capacity of the sewer network, up to 10% of all city wastewater is directly pumped into the Temernik River, a tributary of the Don. All this has a detrimental effect on the lower part of the Don, although the total water content of Temernik is 2-3 orders of magnitude less. To correct the situation, it was necessary to combine the efforts of the regional and city authorities and attract resources from the World Bank.
5. Reducing the risk of pollution of water bodies with oil and petroleum products, both by increasing the reliability of tankers and by measures of an organizational and legal nature. The floodplain parts of large rivers are especially affected by oil pollution. Thus, the flooded floodplain of the Lower Don - a unique natural phenomenon, a source of natural food and reproduction of juvenile fish - in recent years has been a recipient of oil washouts from southern oil depots (Batayskaya, Matveevo-Kurganskaya and others), oil spills as a result of accidents on oil pipelines and ships.

Chemical water pollution

Any body of water or water source is connected with its surrounding environment. It is influenced by the conditions for the formation of surface or underground runoff, various natural phenomena, industry, industrial and municipal construction, transport, economic and domestic human activities.

Sources of water pollution can be:

Atmospheric precipitation, which carries various anthropogenic pollutants from the air and soil;
municipal wastewater containing feces, detergents (detergents), pathogenic microorganisms;
wastewater from various industries.

The most persistent pollutants are petroleum oils. Dangerous pollutants come from the pulp and paper, chemical, textile, metallurgical, mining, food industries, plants for the purification of uranium ore and the processing of nuclear fuel for reactors, and nuclear power plants. Agriculture is also a source of pollution due to the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and the formation of livestock runoff rich in urea (they can enter water bodies from agricultural land with storm water).

Typically, a distinction is made between biological (organic), chemical and physical (thermal) water pollution. Thermal pollution is isolated separately.

Biological pollution - wastewater containing feces, urine, food waste, effluent from slaughterhouses, breweries, dairy and sugar factories, cheese factories, waste from the pulp and paper industry, tanneries, etc. Such waters are bacteriologically contaminated and can cause dysentery, intestinal infections, typhoid and other infectious diseases. Pathogens include: bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, worms, etc.

Biological water pollution differs from chemical and physical pollution in the following ways:

Pathogens are discrete in nature;
pathogens gather in clumps and settle on solid particles, that is, they do not have an average concentration in water;
the probability of infection risk depends on its biological hazard, as well as on the age, weight, gender and immunity of the water consumer, i.e. Pathogens pose the greatest danger to young children and the elderly;
pathogens multiply in the host’s body not only after drinking water, but also in food and drinks;
pathogens do not accumulate in the body.

Chemical pollution is a change in the natural chemical properties of water due to an increase in the content of harmful impurities of inorganic (mineral salts, acids, alkalis, clay particles) and organic nature (oil and petroleum products, organic residues, surfactants, pesticides). It is caused by wastewater from enterprises containing toxic amounts of salts of heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites, sulfates and sulfides, persulfates, petroleum products, phenols, pesticides and other chemical compounds that disrupt photosynthesis processes, making water unsuitable for fisheries, recreational purposes and economic - for drinking purposes.

The main inorganic (mineral) pollutants are a variety of chemical compounds that are toxic to the inhabitants of the aquatic environment. These are most often compounds of arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, copper, fluorine. Most of them end up in water as a result of human activity. Heavy metals are absorbed by phytoplankton and then transferred along the food chain to higher organisms.

In addition to the listed substances, dangerous contaminants of the aquatic environment include inorganic acids and bases, which cause a wide range of pH of industrial wastewater and can change the pH of the aquatic environment to values ​​of 15.0 or above 18.0, while fish in fresh and sea water can only exist in the pH range 5.0 - 8.5. Among the main sources of hydrosphere pollution with minerals and nutrients, food industry enterprises and agriculture should be mentioned. About 16 million tons of salts are washed away from irrigated lands annually. Waste containing mercury, lead, and copper is localized in certain areas near the coast, but some of it is carried far beyond the territorial waters. Mercury pollution significantly reduces the primary production of marine ecosystems, suppressing the development of phytoplankton. Waste containing mercury usually accumulates in the bottom sediments of bays or river estuaries. Its further migration is accompanied by the accumulation of methyl mercury and its inclusion in the trophic chains of aquatic organisms. Thus, Minamata disease, first discovered by Japanese scientists in people who ate fish caught in Minamata Bay, into which industrial wastewater containing technogenic mercury was uncontrolled, became notorious.

Among the soluble substances introduced into the ocean from land, not only mineral and biogenic elements, but also organic residues are of great importance for the inhabitants of the aquatic environment. The removal of organic matter into the ocean is estimated at 300 - 380 million tons/year. Wastewater containing suspensions of organic origin or dissolved organic matter has a detrimental effect on the condition of water bodies. As they settle, the suspensions flood the bottom and delay the development or completely stop the vital activity of these microorganisms involved in the process of self-purification of water. When these sediments rot, harmful compounds and toxic substances, such as hydrogen sulfide, can be formed, which lead to the contamination of all water in the river. The presence of suspensions also makes it difficult for light to penetrate deep into the water and slows down the processes of photosynthesis. One of the main sanitary requirements for water quality is the content of the required amount of oxygen in it. All contaminants that, in one way or another, contribute to a decrease in the oxygen content in water have a harmful effect. Surfactants (fats, oils, lubricants) form a film on the surface of the water, which prevents gas exchange between water and the atmosphere, which reduces the degree of oxygen saturation of the water. A significant volume of organic substances, most of which are not characteristic of natural waters, is discharged into rivers along with industrial and domestic wastewater. Increasing pollution of water bodies and drains is observed in all industrial countries.

Due to the rapid pace of urbanization and the somewhat slow construction of treatment facilities or their unsatisfactory operation, water basins and soil are polluted by household waste. Pollution is especially noticeable in slow-flowing or non-flowing water bodies (reservoirs, lakes). By decomposing in the aquatic environment, organic waste can become a breeding ground for pathogenic organisms. Water contaminated with organic waste becomes practically unsuitable for drinking and other needs. Household waste is dangerous not only because it is a source of certain human diseases (typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera), but also because it requires a lot of oxygen to decompose. If household wastewater enters a body of water in very large quantities, the content of dissolved oxygen may drop below the level necessary for the life of marine and freshwater organisms.

Thermal pollution comes from thermal power plants. The discharge of heated water into natural reservoirs causes an increase in water temperature, replacing the usual flora with blue-green algae, which release toxic substances during decomposition. Such water is unsuitable for drinking, fishing, and often for industry, since disruption of technological processes and corrosion of metal structures are possible. Toxic substances contained in waters are very dangerous for humans, as they actively accumulate in food chains. Thus, hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, nitro compounds, when entering the human body, can cause cancer. There are cases of poisoning from fish containing mercury compounds.

Durakhanova Suna Jalalovna

The objectives of our mini-research are:

Analysis of the state of water bodies in the vicinity of our village;

Identification of the causes of irrational water use;

Possible ways to correct the situation.







Completed by: Suna Dzhalalovna Durakhanova,

student 9 a class of Mikrakh secondary school

Dokuzparinsky district RD

Head: Radzhabov Ruslan Radzhabovich,

Biology teacher at Mikrakh Secondary School

year 2012


It is useless to talk about the value and importance of water for all life on Earth, everyone knows this. But, even understanding the importance of the role of water in life, people still continue to harshly exploit water bodies, irreversibly changing their natural regime with discharges and waste. In addition, water also serves as a habitat for many living creatures. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production. It is well known that it is necessary for the everyday needs of humans, all plants and animals. Population growth, intensification of agriculture, significant expansion of irrigated areas, improvement of cultural and living conditions and a number of other factors are increasingly complicating the problems of water use. The demand for water is enormous and increasing every year. Most of the water, after being used for domestic needs, is returned to rivers in the form of wastewater.


The goals of our mini-research are:

  1. analysis of the state of water bodies in the vicinity of our village;
  2. identifying the causes of irrational water use;
  3. possible ways to improve the situation.


According to our estimates, approximately 70% of all water consumption is used in agriculture. A significant amount of water is spent on the household needs of the population. Most of the water, after being used for domestic needs, is returned to rivers in the form of wastewater.

Fresh water shortage is already becoming a global problem. But in mountainous and foothill areas, which includes our region, this problem is imperceptible. Firstly, because our nature is quite generous with springs, streams, small rivers and other sources of fresh water. Secondly, their reserves do not dry out, since they are fed by precipitation, which falls in abundance here, and also by glaciers in summer. But to have it does not mean that we should treat this priceless gift of nature recklessly and uneconomically.

Previously, for a whole family of several people, only a few jugs of water were enough for the whole day. They knew how to value water, as well as the labor of the women who brought it. Now the situation has changed. In recent years, every household in the village has been provided with tap water. Baths and swimming pools were built, with vehicles, and car washes were built in the yard. Every year the diameter of water pipes increases, but the culture of water consumption decreases. By the way, having provided themselves with water taps, not many thought about where this water would then flow. As a result, already unsightly roads and streets turn into an extreme skating rink in winter, and full of puddles and mud in summer. In our region, the areas covered by moisture-loving crops (primarily cabbage) are constantly increasing. This leads to a significant increase in water consumption. Therefore, with the beginning of the irrigation season, uncontrollable flows of irrigation water will literally pour in the direction of agricultural land through several channels. When water is withdrawn from the upper reaches of the Chakhichay River, it is lost on thousands of hectares of farmland. As a result, the number of landslides and potentially dangerous areas within the village has increased.

The drama of the situation also lies in the fact that no one is doing anything to solve this problem. For district and local administrations, the absence of complaints from the population and the provision of citizens with drinking and irrigation water, on the contrary, is a source of pride rather than a problem.


With an increase in the area of ​​irrigated land, the volume of drainage (waste) water increases. They are formed as a result of periodic watering, when there is excess water flow. Large volumes of drainage water are discharged into the Chakhichay and Samur rivers. Another problem is soil leaching (salinization). In these cases, the mineralization of river waters increases. It should be borne in mind that with drainage waters that flow into rivers, nutrients, pesticides and other chemical compounds that have a harmful effect on natural waters are carried away. Many of the impurities in water are natural and get there through rain or groundwater. Some of the pollutants associated with human activities follow the same path. Smoke, ash and industrial gases settle to the ground along with rain; chemical compounds and sewage added to the soil with fertilizers enter rivers with groundwater.

In places where there are large concentrations of people and animals, natural clean water is usually not enough, especially if it is used to collect sewage and transport it away from populated areas. If not much sewage enters the soil, soil organisms process it, reusing nutrients, and clean water seeps into neighboring watercourses. But if sewage gets directly into the water, it rots, and oxygen is consumed to oxidize it. A so-called biochemical demand for oxygen is created. The higher this need, the less oxygen remains in the water for living microorganisms, especially fish and algae. Sometimes, due to lack of oxygen, all living things die. The water becomes biologically dead - only anaerobic bacteria remain in it; They thrive without oxygen and, in the process of their life, emit hydrogen sulfide, a poisonous gas with a specific smell of rotten eggs. The already lifeless water acquires a putrid odor and becomes completely unsuitable for humans and animals. This can also happen when there is an excess of substances such as nitrates and phosphates in the water; they enter water from agricultural fertilizers in fields or from wastewater contaminated with detergents. These nutrients stimulate the growth of algae, which begin to consume a lot of oxygen, and when it becomes insufficient, they die. Organic waste and nutrients become an obstacle to the normal development of freshwater ecological systems. But in recent years, ecological systems have been bombarded with huge amounts of completely alien substances, from which they have no protection. Pesticides used in agriculture, metals and chemicals from industrial wastewater have managed to enter the aquatic food chain, which can have unpredictable consequences. Species at the beginning of the food chain can accumulate these substances in dangerous concentrations and become even more vulnerable to other harmful effects.


Polluted water can be purified. The water cycle, this long path of its movement, consists of several stages: evaporation, cloud formation, rainfall, runoff into streams and rivers, and evaporation again. Throughout its entire path, water itself is capable of purifying itself from contaminants that enter it - products of decay of organic substances, dissolved gases and minerals, and suspended solid material. But polluted basins (rivers, lakes, etc.) take much longer to recover. In its endless circulation, water either captures and transports many dissolved or suspended substances, or is cleared of them. Industrial emissions not only clog, but also poison wastewater. And expensive devices for purifying such waters are not yet available.

To purify drainage water, it is necessary to organize its demineralization with simultaneous purification from harmful impurities.

When developing irrigation, it is necessary to base it on water-saving irrigation technology, which will contribute to a sharp increase in the efficiency of this type of reclamation. But until now, the efficiency of the irrigation network remains low, water losses amount to approximately 30% of the total volume of its intake.

A significant reserve for the normal use of moisture is the correct

selection and rational use of various methods of irrigation of agricultural land. To save water, developed countries use sprinkling irrigation, which provides almost 50% water savings.

In order for natural systems to recover, it is necessary first of all to stop the further flow of waste into rivers. To protect water from pollution, it is necessary to know the nature and intensity of the possible harmful effects of pollution at certain concentrations, and especially the limit of permissible concentrations (MAC) of water pollution. The latter should not be exceeded so as not to disrupt the normal conditions for cultural and domestic water use and not to cause damage to the health of the population located downstream from the wastewater discharge site.

Treatment facilities come in different types depending on the main method of waste disposal. With the mechanical method, insoluble impurities are removed from wastewater through a system of settling tanks and various types of traps. In the past, this method was widely used for the treatment of industrial wastewater. The essence of the chemical method is that reagents are introduced into wastewater at wastewater treatment plants. They react with dissolved and undissolved pollutants and contribute to their precipitation in settling tanks, from where they are removed mechanically. But this method is unsuitable for treating wastewater containing a large number of different pollutants.

When treating domestic wastewater, the best results are obtained by the biological method. In this case, aerobic biological processes carried out with the help of microorganisms are used to mineralize organic contaminants. The biological method can be used both in conditions close to natural and in special biorefinery facilities.


1.Avakyan A.B., Shirokov V.M. “Rational use of water resources.” Ekaterinburg: “Victor”, 1994.

2. Cherkinsky S.N. “Sanitary conditions for the discharge of wastewater into reservoirs.”

Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1977.

Water pollution is a decrease in its quality as a result of various physical, chemical or biological substances entering rivers, streams, lakes, seas and oceans. Water pollution has many causes.


Industrial wastewater containing inorganic and organic waste often discharges into rivers and seas. Every year, thousands of chemicals enter water sources, the effect of which on the environment is not known in advance. Hundreds of these substances are new compounds. Although industrial wastewater is often pre-treated, it still contains toxic substances that are difficult to detect.

Domestic wastewater containing, for example, synthetic detergents eventually ends up in rivers and seas. Fertilizers washed off the soil surface end up in drains leading to lakes and seas. All these reasons lead to severe water pollution, especially in closed lakes and ponds.

Solid waste.

If there is a large amount of suspended solids in the water, they make it opaque to sunlight and thereby interfere with the process of photosynthesis in water bodies. This in turn causes disturbances in the food chain in such pools. In addition, solid waste causes siltation in rivers and shipping channels, necessitating frequent dredging.


Industrial and agricultural wastewater that enters water sources contains high levels of nitrates and phosphates. This leads to an oversaturation of closed reservoirs with fertilizing substances and causes increased growth of protozoan algae microorganisms in them. Blue-green algae grows especially strongly. But, unfortunately, it is inedible for most fish species. The growth of algae causes more oxygen to be absorbed from the water than can be naturally produced in the water. As a result, the BOD of such water increases. The release of biological wastes, such as wood pulp or untreated sewage water, into water also increases the BOD. Other plants and living things cannot survive in such an environment. However, microorganisms that are capable of decomposing dead plant and animal tissues multiply rapidly in it. These microorganisms absorb even more oxygen and form even more nitrates and phosphates. Gradually, the number of plant and animal species in such a reservoir decreases significantly. The most important victims of the ongoing process are fish. Ultimately, the decrease in oxygen concentration due to the growth of algae and microorganisms that decompose dead tissue leads to the aging of lakes and their waterlogging. This process is called eutrophication.

A classic example of eutrophication is Lake Erie in the USA. Over 25 years, the nitrogen content in this lake has increased by 50%, and the phosphorus content by 500%. The cause was mainly the entry into the lake of household wastewater containing synthetic detergents. Synthetic detergents contain a lot of phosphates.

Wastewater treatment is ineffective because it removes only solids and only a small proportion of dissolved nutrients from the water.

Toxicity of inorganic waste.

The discharge of industrial wastewater into rivers and seas leads to an increase in the concentration of toxic ions of heavy metals, such as cadmium, mercury and lead. A significant part of them is absorbed or adsorbed by certain substances, and this is sometimes called the self-purification process. However, in closed pools, heavy metals can reach dangerously high levels.

The most famous case of this kind occurred in Minamata Bay in Japan. Industrial wastewater containing methyl mercury acetate was discharged into this bay. As a result, mercury began to enter the food chain. It was absorbed by algae, which were eaten by shellfish; Fish ate shellfish, and fish was eaten by the local population. The mercury content in fish turned out to be so high that it led to the appearance of children with congenital deformities and deaths. This disease is called Minamata disease.

Increased nitrate levels observed in drinking water are also of great concern. It has been suggested that high levels of nitrates in water can lead to stomach cancer and cause increased child mortality.

Microbiological contamination of water.

However, the problem of water pollution and unsanitary conditions is not limited to developing countries. A quarter of the entire Mediterranean coastline is considered dangerously polluted. According to a report on pollution in the Mediterranean Sea published in 1983 by the United Nations Environment Programme, eating shellfish and lobsters caught there is unsafe for health. Typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, polio, viral hepatitis and food poisoning are common in this region, and cholera outbreaks occur periodically. Most of these diseases are caused by the discharge of untreated sewage into the sea. An estimated 85% of waste from 120 coastal towns is dumped into the Mediterranean Sea, where holidaymakers and locals swim and fish. Between Barcelona and Genoa, every mile of coastline produces approximately 200 tons of waste dumped per year.

Oil leak

In the United States alone, approximately 13,000 oil spills occur annually. Up to 12 million tons of oil enter seawater annually. In the UK, over 1 million tons of used engine oil are poured down the drain every year.

Oil spilled into sea water has many adverse effects on sea life. First of all, birds die - they drown, overheat in the sun or are deprived of food. Oil blinds animals living in the water - seals and seals. It reduces the penetration of light into enclosed bodies of water and can increase water temperature. This is especially destructive for organisms that can exist only in a limited temperature range. Oil contains toxic components, such as aromatic hydrocarbons, that are harmful to some forms of aquatic life even in concentrations as low as a few parts per million.

Other forms of water pollution

These include radioactive and thermal pollution. The main source of radioactive pollution of the sea is low-level waste removed from nuclear power plants. One of the most important problems arising from this contamination is that marine organisms such as algae accumulate, or concentrate, radioactive isotopes.

Thermal water pollution is caused by thermal or nuclear power plants. Thermal pollution is introduced into surrounding water bodies by waste cooling water. As a result, an increase in water temperature in these reservoirs leads to an acceleration of some biochemical processes in them, as well as a decrease in the oxygen content dissolved in the water. This causes rapid and often very significant changes in the biological environment in the vicinity of power plants. The finely balanced reproduction cycles of various organisms are disrupted. In conditions of thermal pollution, as a rule, there is a strong growth of algae, but the extinction of other organisms living in the water.

Water pollution is a problem for everyone. First of all, the government and local governments should be interested in solving the problem, but each of us can also help. The first step is to become interested in the problem and try to study the issue.

Types of water pollution

Water pollution with nutrients

Wastewater is often contaminated with nutrients (biogens), which when released into the water encourage the growth of weeds and algae.

And these plants, in turn, often clog filters, make water unfit for drinking and consume large amounts of oxygen, as a result of which aquatic organisms die due to oxygen starvation.

Surface water pollution

Surface waters include rivers, bays, oceans and lakes. Chemicals entering water simply dissipate and pollute its volume and surface.

Groundwater contamination

Fertilizers and pesticides from fields fall into deeper layers of soil during rain and watering and pollute groundwater. When choosing a place for a well or borehole, first check the soil for the presence of groundwater contamination; otherwise, a dug well may be a waste of money.

Microbiological contamination

Water may be unfit for consumption even if it has not been chemically contaminated.

Open sources contain viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to humans. Unfortunately, in a number of poor countries, people are forced to drink water directly from rivers without purification, so in these countries there is a high percentage of illnesses and even deaths due to the poor quality of drinking water.

Chemical pollution

Factories and factories dump production waste into rivers, sometimes without proper treatment, sometimes even illegally.

Metals and solvents catastrophically pollute water; these poisons slow down the development of aquatic fauna, can make aquatic inhabitants infertile and even kill them.

Gasoline and oil leak

Oil and gasoline entering the water in one local place spreads over kilometers. Oil leads to the death of fish and gums up the feathers of birds, causing them to lose the ability to fly and become more susceptible to the cold.

Thus, in Australia this year, penguins were injured in an oil spill. But the Australian Penguin Rescue Foundation found a solution to the problem - sweaters were sewn for penguins that prevent them from pecking toxic waste from their bodies and keep the birds warm.

Water Pollution Control Methods

The first step is to protect yourself from the negative effects of contaminated water. A reverse osmosis water purification system can help with this, as it is the most advanced purification technology at the moment. Below are the steps that each of us can take to reduce global water pollution.

Use water wisely

Turn off the tap when water is not needed, save water when bathing and when washing dishes. Do not think that you do not have a meter and you will pay a fixed amount for utilities, regardless of the amount of water used.

Think about the fact that in this way you reduce the amount of dirty water, which is then discharged into the Dnieper and other rivers without proper purification, after which the same water is filtered at city stations and returned to your water supply.

Not everything can be thrown down the sink.

Avoid throwing chemicals, medications, paint, and oil down your sink and toilet—these are some of the most difficult pollutants to deal with. Throw all of the above into the trash bin.

Buy environmentally friendly cleaning products

Nowadays, more and more environmentally friendly detergents are appearing: phosphate-free washing powders, dishwashing detergents containing fewer chemicals and other household products. Pay attention to them if you want to contribute to the future of ecology.

Switch to organic fertilizers

If you have your own garden or vegetable garden, then try to use less pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Pesticides are one of the major contamination problems in our tap water that chlorine cannot combat. As a result of field irrigation, pesticides enter deeper layers of the soil and mix with underground sources. It is better to use humus and natural fertilizers, which are pre-collected in a compost pit or barrel.