What material can be used to waterproof the floor. Types of floor waterproofing: materials and most common technologies

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom, materials for which can be found in a large assortment today in any hardware store, is mandatory procedure before starting finishing work and installing plumbing.

The bathroom is the wettest room in both a private house and an apartment, therefore, no matter what material they are made of, they need high-quality waterproofing, otherwise during the operation of the room, leaks may occur at the junctions of walls and floors, in places where utility lines pass through the ceilings . Not only is there a high risk of flooding the rooms below. As you know, moisture entering a confined space inevitably contributes to the formation of mold and mildew, which gradually begin to destroy the structure of the floor and walls, lead to a persistent unpleasant smell of dampness, and can cause a number of diseases in people living in the apartment.

Main types of floor waterproofing

There are many varieties of waterproofing materials made on various bases and in various forms. To choose the most suitable option, you should consider their characteristics and technology for working with them in advance.

So, according to the type of application, waterproofing is divided into the following types:

  • Coating.
  • Pasting.
  • Impregnating.
  • Cast.
  • Plastering.

It is difficult to say which of these waterproofing materials is better for a bathroom floor, since there is no consensus on this matter even among experts. The choice of material and technology for its installation is made taking into account the characteristics of the surface that should be waterproofed, and the allotted time frame for completing the work.

Coating type waterproofing

Compositions for coating (painting) waterproofing are the easiest to use

Coating compositions for waterproofing are produced on different bases and can be:

  • Water-based, acrylic based;
  • Bitumen-rubber;
  • Bitumen-polymer;
  • Cement-polymer;
  • Polyurethane;

Bitumen-based compositions are made with additives from various fillers and organic solvents. Fillers make mastics more elastic, as they use plasticizers, crumb rubber or latex.

Mastics have excellent adhesion and can be applied to both concrete and wood surfaces.

It should be noted that bitumen-based materials have a number of disadvantages, which include:

— possible cracking and chipping as a result of temperature fluctuations;

— biological corrosion;

— unpleasant odor during waterproofing work.

But, despite These are the shortcomings of coating compounds; they are most often used to insulate bathroom floors, since this is the most affordable way to create protection against moisture penetration.

Cost of mastics coating waterproofing It is quite affordable, but its service life is no more than five to six years.

Materials made on the basis of polymers have virtually no negative qualities, so they can be used without fear.

The advantages of coating compositions include the ease of applying the material to the surface of the floor and the lower part of the walls, as well as to corners and joints using a regular brush.

Material consumption depends on the original quality waterproofing surface and number of layers. Typically, the recommended amount per 1 m² area is indicated by the manufacturer of the composition.

How to apply coating (painting) waterproofing

There is nothing complicated in installing this type of waterproofing - the main thing is to do all the work carefully and adhere to the developed technology.

If the coating composition is purchased in dry form, then the technology for its production can be found on the packaging. The mixture must be homogeneous. If a liquid component is included in the dry composition, it is first mixed with water and only then poured into the dry mass and mixed into a paste-like mastic. This type of waterproofing is called two-component. When the mixture is ready, you need to immediately get to work.

  • The first thing to do before applying any coating is to thoroughly clean the surface of fine dust and larger debris. The work is carried out using a vacuum cleaner.

  • Next, you need to remove absorbed grease stains or paint residues from the surfaces; if there are any, clean them down to “healthy” concrete. The same is done with loose areas where erosion is noticeable. concrete slab. After cleaning, dust and debris are removed again.
  • The next step is application (of the composition deep penetration). The primer can be poured onto the floors and spread using a roller.

Corners and surfaces around pipe outlets in the wall and floor drains must be treated with a primer using a brush so as not to leave untreated areas. After the first layer of solution has dried, another one is applied.

  • Next, you can proceed to applying the waterproofing composition. Work begins by covering the corners and all joints of the floor and wall, and pipe passages through the ceilings with mastic.
  • On freshly applied The mastic is covered with a sealing tape. It is glued with the uncured composition onto the walls and floor, so that the joint between it, which is always weak point in case of leaks. Required condition– the tape must be completely straightened, have no waves, kinks, folds, voids under it are unacceptable.

When joining strips, the overlap must be at least 50 ÷ 70 mm (during initial laying, the overlap area must be coated with mastic.).

In the bathroom, not only the joints of the floor and walls, but the corners of the walls are processed in the same way, to a height of at least 150 ÷ ​​200 mm.

Another layer of waterproofing mastic is applied on top of the tape.

  • Next, it is necessary to stick sealing membranes around the points of water supply and drainage, that is, pipes or sleeves coming out of the walls and floors with communications laid through them.

Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing around pipes, holes, sleeves in the ceiling, etc.
  • Then the entire remaining surface of the bathroom floor and walls is covered with waterproofing mastic to a height of 150÷200 mm.

By the way, qualified craftsmen recommend not sparing material and applying the composition at least 500 ÷ 700 mm from the floor, especially around the bathtub and washbasin - this will protect the walls from from dampness and mold formation.

Do not spare material and at the same time insulate the walls near the bathroom and sink

When applied to the floor surface, the mastic does not spread thinly - it should form a thick, uniform layer of equal thickness, approximately 2 mm.

  • Waterproofing is carried out, if necessary, in two or even three layers. Education not allowed uncovered mastic"islands". Each layer is applied in a perpendicular direction relative to the previous, already dried layer, approximately five to six hours later.
  • When the work on waterproofing the floor is completed, you can begin finishing only after 24 hours.

To conclude this section, here is an example of performing coating waterproofing in a bathroom.

Prices for coating waterproofing

Coating waterproofing

Video: the work of a master waterproofing a bathroom

Plaster waterproofing

Plaster waterproofing also belongs to the coating type, but it needs to be distinguished separately, since the work uses materials that differ from the rest in their composition.

Plaster mixtures include components such as gypsum, cement and polymers. If the bitumen used for waterproofing the floor, at a temperature of 0 degrees, begins to lose its elasticity, becomes brittle, and cracks can form on it, then temperature changes are not dangerous for plaster compositions.

There are many plaster waterproofing mixtures from various manufacturers on sale. Particularly popular are the compositions of the companies “Knauf” and “Ceresit”.

  • For example, the KNAUF FLACHENDICHT waterproofing composition includes a component such as synthesized latex, which gives the material special elasticity. Therefore, the layer applied to the surface, after polymerization, retains its qualities at temperatures from - 18 to + 55 ° C.

This composition does not require heating after mixing and is applied to the surface immediately.

  • Another option for high-quality plaster waterproofing is a mixture of the Ceresit CR-65 brand, which has excellent adhesion to surfaces, provided that it is applied to a surface treated with a primer.
One of the most popular compositions is Hydroizol Ceresit CR-65

Plaster mixtures can also be applied using a brush or roller. The joints of the planes must be taped with sealing tape. It is advisable to choose all materials from the same manufacturer - they are fully adapted to each other.

Prices for plaster waterproofing

Plaster waterproofing

Pasted waterproofing

This method of protecting floors from moisture penetration can be called the most effective, but correct styling materials will be somewhat more difficult than with coating compounds. The most popular materials for adhesive waterproofing: roofing felt, isoplast, ecoflex, iselast, mostoplast, technoNIKOL, hydroisol.

The materials are not affected by temperature changes, and if they are laid correctly, according to existing technologies, they will protect the floor surface for many years.

Waterproofing is produced in the form of sheets or rolls of waterproof material with good elasticity. But despite this, it is not easy to install them yourself in difficult places, for example, in the corners of a room.

Two types of pasting materials are made. Some of them fit on on carried adhesive, others are self-adhesive.

For installation of the first type, bitumen mastic is most often used as an adhesive base. On self-adhesive canvases, in principle, the same mastic is applied to the back surface and protected with a special film, which is removed only during installation.

The most widespread Until recently, the type of adhesive waterproofing was ordinary roofing felt, but with the advent of more advanced materials, it is used less and less. Modern types may have a polymer or bitumen base, so they differ somewhat in their characteristics.

  • Polymer material consists of films and membranes made of vulcanized rubber. Most often they are already covered with an adhesive composition.

What sets them apart is:

- small thickness;

— long service life;

- excellent mechanical strength;

— no shrinkage;

- resistance to vibration.

  • Bitumen-based waterproofing is used much more often, as it is more affordable. Such materials, for example, include waterproofing, made from fiberglass impregnated with bitumen, and a plasticizer makes it resistant to cracking and gives it flexibility. This material is not subject to biological decomposition and mold growth.

It can be produced in single- and double-sided versions.

Double-sided material suitable for creating multi-layer coatings

Double-sided material differs from single-sided material by the presence of a polymer protective film on both sides - it melts when exposed to high temperatures during installation. This material is used when a multi-layer waterproofing coating is installed.

Single sided material equipped protective coating, consisting of mineral chips. - it is usually used for outer covering soft roof.

Pasted waterproofing is used not only for concrete coatings, but also for wooden flooring, on which it is laid without melting - on bitumen mastic.

Laying adhesive waterproofing

Before laying the lining material, the surface of the bathroom floor must be prepared more thoroughly than when applying coating compounds to it - this nuance must be observed to create long-term and reliable protection of the floors.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • Bathroom floors should not have even small protrusions, so they must be removed. If necessary, the surface is leveled with compounds. Then the floor is thoroughly dried and cleaned of dust.
  • Next, the surface of the floor and the lower part of the walls are covered with primers, which must also dry well.
  • Then a layer of mastic approximately 2 mm thick is applied to the surface of the floor and walls to a height of 200 mm. Mastic can be rubber or polymer-bitumen based.
  • Next comes the waterproofing sticker. The first canvas that will be placed on the wall is laid with a bend, but is glued first to the floor surface, and then to the wall.

The mastic is heated until softened using a gas burner. The surface is covered with a waterproofing sheet, which is then rolled using a roller.

The next canvas is laid on the already laid waterproofing strip with an overlap of 80 ÷ 100 mm. Then come the third and subsequent stripes.

  • If you plan to lay the material in two layers, then mastic is applied again on top of the first and waterproofing is laid. The second layer is laid in such a way that the middle of the canvases is at the joints of the strips of the lower layer, completely covering them.

The process of installing TechnoNIKOL is exactly the same, but its advantage is that the bitumen layer is already present on the material. When laying, all that remains is to heat it until the protective polymer film melts and roll it to the surface with a roller. It is very important not to overheat the material, as this will make the waterproofing brittle and its service life will be significantly reduced.

Hot styling is not too much good idea, since in small enclosed spaces it is recommended to avoid working with the burner. When heated, waterproofing material and mastic emit a sharp and persistent odor that does not erode well. In addition, working independently with a burner without proper experience is quite dangerous, but if you decide to stick the waterproofing in this way, then it is better to entrust this process to specialists.

To do the work yourself, it is better to use self-adhesive sheets that do not require the use of a torch - this installation is also called the “cold” method. For such a coating, the concrete floor must be treated with a primer - a special composition made on a bitumen basis.

Using it, you can create an almost seamless hermetic coating, since the canvases, overlapped by 100 mm, are tightly glued together. Before fastening them, the protective film is removed from the adhesive layer, and the canvas is immediately pressed against the already laid waterproofing sheet.

When using adhesive material, special attention must be paid water pipes and water drain holes. For them, holes are cut in the waterproofing into which rubber seals are inserted. The contact areas are coated with polyurethane or silicone sealant.

Cast waterproofing

Cast waterproofing can also be made from different materials. As the name suggests, installation of these compositions on the surface occurs by pouring them cold or hot.

Hot waterproofing

Hot waterproofing can be asphalt-polymer or asphalt. Consumable materials for it are hot bitumen, asphalt concrete and pitch. This material shows good performance indicators - elasticity, high bending resistance, strength and reliability.

The materials are poured onto surfaces where work has been done in advance to seal the seams using sealants and mastics.

This type of waterproofing is almost never used for bathrooms in apartments - they are more suitable for the same rooms equipped in private houses.

Laying hot waterproofing

To properly perform hot waterproofing, you need to proceed in the following order:

  • The floor surface must be thoroughly cleaned of various contaminants, which could remain from repair work.
  • Detected cracks, as well as plane joints, are filled with sealing compounds.
  • After this, the floor must be thoroughly dried - for this they often use infrared heaters, gas burners and other fairly powerful appliances.
  • Priming is in progress. For this type of waterproofing, hot bitumen is used as a primer.

  • After this, the primed working surface around the perimeter is separated by formwork. It is necessary if waterproof You only need part of the room.
  • The waterproofing is heating up mass - temperature its heating is indicated on the packaging.
  • The hot composition is carefully poured onto the surface, evenly distributed over it using a squeegee and left until completely hardened.
  • If necessary, several layers of waterproofing are poured, but each subsequent one is poured only after the previous one has completely dried.

Cold cast waterproofing

Cold types of waterproofing include materials such as “liquid” rubber and “liquid” glass. The technology for working with these compounds is similar, but their components differ significantly.

"Liquid rubber

This waterproofing material is made from bitumen and polymer additives, which make the resulting emulsion more wear-resistant and resistant to external influences.

Packaging "liquid rubber"

Calcium chloride is used as a fixer for bitumen-polymer mixtures, which reduces the density of the material, which makes it possible to install “liquid rubber” using spraying. Before adding to the emulsion, the fixative is diluted with water in proportions of 1:10, and after that the final composition is mixed.

Prices for liquid rubber Apiflex

Sprayed liquid rubber Apiflex

In order for the coating to be applied successfully, it is necessary to adhere to the technology, prepare the base for it well and carry out work at a temperature not lower than + 3 ÷ 5 ° C.

“Liquid” rubber is produced in different consistencies, which allows it to be applied to surfaces in various ways:

  • The pouring installation method is the most popular, as it does not require special equipment, and the composition fills everything small cracks and creates an even, smooth coating.
  • Spraying is a more complex method, as it requires special equipment and skills to work with it. When waterproofing is applied correctly by spraying, it turns out to be of higher quality than when using other methods, since the composition is supplied under pressure and fills not only cracks, but also microscopic pores of the base.
  • Painting (coating) technology is the most affordable of all three existing ones. The application differs little from the usual coating insulation, which was already mentioned above. For painting application, waterproofing is produced in the form of a paste or solution.

After treating the floor with “liquid” rubber, a sealed elastic film should form on the surface, which will reliably protect the floor from moisture.

The table shows the main characteristics of this material:

Material parametersIndicators
Tensile Strength (MPa)2E-3
Elongation at break (%)1500
Adhesion strength to concrete surface (MPa)1
Density (kg/m³)1000÷1100
Amount of non-volatile substances (%)57÷65
Curing time of the composition after its application (hours)24
Maximum water absorption in the first 24 hours,%0.5
Water permeability at a pressure of 0.01 MPa in 24 hoursNo wet spot
Average consumption of the main component in the manufacture of floor covering material is 1 mm, in dry matter kg/m²1.61

Technical and performance characteristics different brands may vary slightly. But due to the fact that all the components of “liquid” rubber are environmentally friendly, during operation they do not emit harmful fumes and are safe for humans.

The positive qualities of all types of “liquid” rubber include:

  • High degree of adhesion to various surfaces.
  • Chemical resistance.
  • Possibility of applying waterproofing to old cleaned floors.
  • Formation of a continuous seamless surface.
  • High elasticity and strength of the material.

A good example high elasticity and strength of “liquid rubber”
  • Endurance under temperature changes.
  • The composition is odorless during installation, so it is suitable for waterproofing indoor areas.
  • Long service life.
How to apply “liquid” rubber

There is no point in describing the work with the coating type of “liquid rubber” - it is no different from ordinary coating waterproofing. In order not to repeat ourselves, it is worth considering only the technologies of spraying and pouring waterproofing composition.

The first step is T t conventional surface preparation. It is carried out in the same way as for any type of waterproofing. The main condition is the evenness of the floor surface, without protruding fragments, and its cleanliness.

Before applying all types of “liquid” rubber, the surfaces must also be primed. As a primer, a similar composition of a polymer-bitumen solution, which will not only create excellent adhesion for the coating, but also enhance its waterproofing properties. The primer is applied using a roller or brush.

The next step, after the soil has completely dried, is the application of waterproofing material. Spraying of “liquid” rubber is carried out using special equipment. The compressor unit is connected to containers with a bitumen-polymer composition and fixative - solution calcium chloride. Both components are fed into the sprayer at once, which are mixed and applied to the surface under pressure, forming an elastic membrane 2 ÷ 3 mm thick. This process is usually trusted to specialists who have the necessary equipment and experience working with it.

Liquid rubber spraying process

The pouring method consists of pouring finished material on the floor surface and spreading it using a needle roller, spatula or squeegee. Waterproofing is applied not only to the floor surface, but also, as in previous cases, to the lower part of the wall and around the water pipes.

The approximate consumption of this material per 1 m² is 2.8 ÷ 3 liters. Complete drying of the coating occurs after two days. After this time, you can proceed to further work on the floor installation.

"Liquid glass"

Knowing the characteristics and technology of applying various waterproofing materials, it will be easier to choose one that suits all parameters and will be available to everyone. self-execution works

All structural elements of a house or apartment, including floors, need reliable protection from high humidity. If the apartment is located above damp basement, moisture gradually destroys the concrete of the floors. In joists and boards wooden floor From high humidity, fungus develops and rotting begins. Even in a high-rise apartment on the middle floor, when moisture penetrates through the cracks at the joints of the floor and walls, parquet, laminate or carpet lose their appearance and may become unusable. To these objective “accidents” are added subjective leaks due to one’s own or negligence and “floods” from neighbors, primarily flooding the floors. High-quality floor waterproofing is the most reliable way do not encounter the listed troubles and the annoying smell of dampness in your home.

Depending on the purpose and operating conditions of the premises, they are used various materials for waterproofing the floor, which by creating a dense waterproof and water-repellent layer on the surface or penetrating inside, protects it from destruction and rotting.

According to the area of ​​application, all types of waterproofing are divided into two large groups:

  • for outdoor work;
  • for interior work.

According to the main water-repellent component in the composition, waterproofing is:

  • bitumen;
  • based on mineral components;
  • polymer;
  • bitumen-polymer.

Based on the method of application to the surface, the following main types of waterproofing materials are distinguished:

  • roll;
  • film;
  • penetrating;
  • membrane;
  • painting;
  • pasting;
  • coating;
  • powder;
  • plastering.

If you are waterproofing the floor in an apartment or private house, the best effect is achieved, and therefore the following materials are most popular.

Roll and film materials

The most familiar and popular representatives of this broad group of waterproofing materials in the last century are roofing felt, roofing felt and glass roofing felt. They were and continue to be used to insulate foundations, roofs and floors from moisture. They are cardboard or fiberglass impregnated with a mixture of bitumen and basalt chips.

Modern rolled floor waterproofing is represented by polymer multilayer membranes, which, as a rule, combine not only waterproofing, but also thermal insulation properties.

Self-adhesive roll waterproofing is quickly laid and attached to the base without any problems

Film waterproofing is polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride films produced in rolls, which are most often used if waterproofing of a concrete floor is required before creating a dry or cement-sand screed.

Floor waterproofing mastics

This is the second most popular group of waterproofing materials - plastic adhesive compositions based on bitumen, liquid rubber, polymers, resins, plasticizers and other additives. In residential premises, mastic for waterproofing floors is used to create a waterproof layer, as well as to treat joints and seams in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, sauna, and swimming pool. Waterproofing mastics come in hot and cold types.

Mastic for waterproofing floors forms a dense waterproof surface, fills all pores and cracks

Liquid water-repellent materials

A comprehensive group of waterproofing materials, which includes primers, varnishes, paints, impregnations, injection compounds for topical use, and many other liquid waterproof and water-repellent materials varying degrees viscosity The latest liquid floor waterproofing, such as Penetron, is applied to the surface and, penetrating into the pores of the material, dries in the form of a waterproof but air-permeable crystal. Other flowing materials create a thin but durable water-repellent film on a wood or concrete floor surface.

Powder materials for waterproofing

Presented on the construction market with a huge range of dry mixes based on different proportions cement, glue, binders and plasticizers. Immediately before applying to the surface in a dry mixture, you just need to add water according to the instructions and waterproofing the floor with your own hands will not be a problem even for a beginner in construction. Powder mixtures are used to create concrete screeds, a waterproof layer on the floors and walls of swimming pools and basements.

Methods for waterproofing floors

There are several ways to waterproof a floor, but they all follow the same general rule of continuity.

Important to remember:

At the junction of the floor with walls or other structures protruding above the surface, the waterproofing layer must, without interruption, rise to a height of at least 30 cm above the floor level.

Application of liquid waterproofing

This method of waterproofing the floor surface, depending on the composition and consistency of the material, is of two types:

  • cast waterproofing;
  • impregnating waterproofing.

Cast waterproofing is the application of polymer or asphalt (bitumen) solutions to the floor surface, which, when hardened, form a smooth waterproof film. Bitumen mastics or solutions are heated to a temperature of 120-140°C, poured onto a previously cleaned floor and leveled using a wide spatula in an even layer.

The cast waterproofing method is used only for treating rigid monolithic bases before pouring a cement-sand screed. The waterproofing material is applied in several layers, which, if necessary, are reinforced metal mesh or fiberglass. As a result, the thickness of the waterproof film should be 5-15 cm.

Application of liquid waterproofing material using a sprayer, application of the composition using a brush is possible

Impregnating liquid waterproofing of floors in an apartment consists of spraying using special equipment or applying liquid polymer impregnations and primers with a regular brush. These materials impregnate the base of the floor to a certain depth, or harden on its surface, forming a monolithic seamless waterproof membrane.

Painting and coating the surface

Unlike cast, which involves working with heated bitumen mastics, floor waterproofing by coating and painting is carried out by treating the base with “cold” polymer and rubber-epoxy or “hot” bitumen-polymer mastics, as well as paints and varnishes. Depending on the viscosity of the composition, it is applied to the surface using a spatula, roller or a regular paint brush.

A common feature of all coating and painting waterproofing options is to obtain a fairly thin, about 2-3 mm thick, waterproof layer on the floor surface, which is also an effective anti-corrosion and anti-fungal protection. True, the service life of this type of waterproofing does not exceed 5 years.

Use of adhesive materials

As the name suggests, this type of waterproofing involves laying rolls and sheets of waterproof materials, glued in layers onto a pre-cleaned and primed floor base. There are three methods of adhesive waterproofing:

  1. Simple flooring on the surface under any material or floor structure with a joint or in an independent way fastenings: under cement or dry screed, under plywood or other subfloor, etc.
  2. Fusing rolled material onto the surface of the floor base using a gas burner is a fire hazardous method that requires strict adherence fire safety standards.
  3. Gluing roll waterproofing to the base of the floor using special adhesives and mastics.

Many modern views Rolled film waterproofing is produced with its own adhesive layer, which simplifies their installation. If bitumen-polymer based mastics are used to glue layers of rolled waterproofing, they are selected so that their melting point is 20-25° higher than the highest air temperature characteristic of the room.

Laminated waterproofing of a wooden floor works well in a floor pie, both with a dry and wet screed

All types of adhesive waterproofing are very sensitive to shear and tensile loads, and therefore it is recommended to use it when protecting rigid structures made of brick, reinforced concrete or concrete from excess moisture.

Plastering: methods of execution

A well-known, environmentally friendly, quite effective and easy-to-implement method of waterproofing using a variety of cement-based dry mixtures with the addition of binding mineral and polymer additives. One of the main advantages of plaster waterproofing is that the cement-based plastic solution fills well any unevenness, crevices and cracks in the base, and it can be applied in one or several layers using a spatula or brush on any surface: concrete, stone, wood, tiles and even over paint.

Loose-fill waterproofing can also be considered as a type of plaster, in which bulk waterproofing materials are poured onto the surface to be treated in an even layer and, absorbing moisture, form a durable waterproof layer.

It takes approximately 14 days for the plaster waterproofing to harden and during this time it should not be allowed to dry out. During the first 24 hours after application, the fresh waterproofing layer is moistened from a spray bottle every three hours, and then twice a week.

DIY Guide

When choosing a material and method for waterproofing a floor, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the room:

  • high humidity and the presence of stationary plumbing equipment in the bathroom, toilet or swimming pool;
  • the presence of a “warm floor” heating system;
  • aggressive atmospheric influences on the balcony.

Waterproofing underfloor heating

In addition to protection from high humidity, the waterproofing of a heated floor must also provide reliable anti-corrosion protection for the main working elements of the heating system - electrical mats or pipe systems.

Waterproofing “warm floors” not only creates a waterproof layer, but also protects elements from corrosion

Before pouring the screed, waterproof the base of the heated floor using either mastics or rolled materials, treating bitumen mastic seams and overlaps of insulating material on walls. An alternative device for waterproofing a floor with a built-in heating system is coating waterproofing of the base using traditional bitumen, bitumen-polymer or cement-polymer mastic. A cement-sand screed is poured onto the hardened waterproofing layer to lay the finishing floor covering.

Waterproofing the balcony floor

Unglazed balconies and open terraces are subject to sudden changes in temperature and humidity, scorching heat, frost, fog, showers and snowfall, and therefore waterproofing the balcony floor is necessary measure, which will reliably protect the balcony slab and other bearing structures.

Video: waterproofing in the bathroom

Floors in rooms with stable high level moisture, where water leaks from the water supply system are possible, it is recommended to equip it with a waterproofing layer:

The process of arranging high-quality waterproofing of floors in any residential premises does not require any special skills, but extremely simple technology laying the majority modern materials makes this work an enjoyable experience. The main condition for the durability and effectiveness of protecting the floor from high humidity is the correct choice of material.

All structural elements of a house or apartment require reliable protection from high humidity. Why is waterproofing needed?

In a room located above a damp basement, moisture destroys the concrete of the floors. High humidity causes mold to grow in wooden coverings and rotting begins. IN multi-storey buildings on the middle floors, when moisture penetrates through cracks at the joints of the floor, carpet, laminate, parquet, bamboo lose their original appearance and become unusable.

Waterproofing the first floor of a private house that does not have a basement or floor in the country house will extend the life of the building. Water vapor rising from the ground can be acidic or alkaline.

Interacting with concrete, moisture can destroy it completely in a few years. Waterproofing the floor will help avoid such problems in your home, increase the safety of its operation, and improve comfortable conditions accommodation.


Depending on the purpose, conditions of use of the room, the condition of the subfloor, and financial costs, various materials are used for waterproofing, which protect it from destruction. All types of waterproofing comprise two main groups - for external and internal work.

According to the main composition of the water-repellent component:

  • bitumen – based on mineral components;
  • polymer;
  • bitumen-polymer.

Based on the method of application to surfaces, the main types are distinguished:

  • roll;
  • film;
  • penetrating;
  • membrane;
  • painting;
  • pasting;
  • coating;
  • powder;
  • plastering.

Roll and self-adhesive waterproofing

They have become widespread for waterproofing floors in apartments and private houses. Roofing felt is still used for waterproofing today, along with roofing felt and glass roofing felt. Cardboard or fiberglass impregnated with a mixture of bitumen and basalt chips. They can be laid to protect foundations, roofs, and floors from moisture. Modern waterproofing materials have additional thermal insulation properties.

Roll waterproofing - membrane (geomembrane). There is a lock at the junction. Additionally, gluing is performed.

Rolled waterproofing materials come in two types: floating and self-adhesive. Floating materials are durable and inexpensive. Their disadvantage: the waterproofing must be installed using a gasoline or gas burner; when heated, they emit an unpleasant odor and harmful smoke. The method is quite suitable for use at the dacha with your own hands when waterproofing the subfloor. Laying roofing felt during waterproofing work requires the installation of an additional screed.

Self-adhesive waterproofing is installed quickly and is easily attached to the base. Which side to lay the self-adhesive material is indicated in the attached instructions. For waterproofing, a self-adhesive film made of polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and polypropylene is used. Usually pvc film used to create a dry or cement-concrete screed for a concrete floor. Working with self-adhesive film does not take much time.

Penetrating waterproofing

used as a primary or additional measure to protect a concrete floor. Includes subgroups:

  • Concreting – increases the density and strength of the material. Placed as an additive to create a reinforcing layer.
  • Cement-polymer - used for treating concrete, wood, and brick floors. Polymer waterproofing has high adhesion to the surface, easy to use, and environmentally friendly. Waterproofing the subfloor can be done with cement-polymer mastic laid on a reinforcing mesh - you get a waterproofing layer and a screed at the same time.
  • Cement inorganic waterproofing is used to treat concrete floors.

Ceramic tiles can be easily laid on a layer of penetrating waterproofing.


plastic adhesive solutions based on bitumen, liquid rubber, polymers, resins, plasticizers, and other additives. Mastic solutions are of hot or cold type. Floor waterproofing mastic is used to create a waterproof layer and treat joints in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bathhouse, and swimming pool. Mastic displaces rolled materials, since, unlike them, it does not have unpleasant odor, does not form seams that could cause water leakage.

Water-repellent materials

For waterproofing, liquid water-repellent materials can be laid. The composition of the group includes primers, varnishes, paints, impregnations.

Powder materials

for protection against moisture, they are represented by a variety of dry mixtures based on cement, glue, binders, and plasticizers.

Immediately before use, add the dry mixture to the water so that the solution is ready for use. Powder mixtures are used to create concrete floor screeds, a waterproof layer for basement floors, and swimming pools. It all depends on the chosen material.

Execution technologies

When applying waterproofing, it is important to follow the rule - in places where the floor meets the walls, the waterproofing layer must be raised to a height of at least 30 cm.

Application of liquid waterproofing. Liquid waterproofing for floors, depending on the composition and viscosity of the material, it is divided into cast and impregnating.

Polymers and bitumen compositions

Casting – application of polymer or bitumen solutions, which, when hardened, form an even waterproof film. Bitumen solutions are heated to a temperature of 130 - 140 ° C, poured onto a clean floor and leveled with a wide spatula.

This method is used to treat continuous bases before pouring the screed. Waterproofing can be laid in several layers, between which a metal reinforcing mesh or reinforced fiberglass is placed; The thickness of the waterproof film can be 5–15 cm. The base of the floor is impregnated with waterproofing material.

Surface coating involves working with heated bitumen-polymer mastics, cold polymer, rubber-epoxy mastics. Coating waterproofing based on oxidized bitumen is produced with the inclusion of an organic solvent and various fillers.

Crumb rubber, plasticizer, and latex are used as additives, which significantly increases the elasticity of the coating and prevents it from cracking. Bitumen-polymer mastics are characterized by high adhesion. Laying waterproofing under a concrete floor with reinforcing fiber significantly increases its strength and abrasion resistance.

A special primer applied before applying the mastic increases the bond of the waterproofing layer with concrete base. Mastic can be sold complete with a primer; they have a common main component. Main advantages coating materials- economical, easy to apply.


How to waterproof a floor by painting? Painting is used for floors along joists, for wooden or concrete covering. Polymer or bitumen varnish is used. Depending on the consistency of the composition, it is applied to the surface with a spatula, roller, or paint brush. The layer with this treatment is 2 - 3 mm thick and additionally performs the functions of anti-corrosion and anti-fungal protection. The service life of such protection is 5 years.

Pasting materials

Self-adhesive roll-on waterproofing option

How to properly waterproof a floor using adhesive materials? This method involves laying rolls and sheets of moisture-resistant materials in layers on a previously cleaned and primed base floor.

Types of adhesive waterproofing:

  • Conventional flooring on a surface under a cement or dry screed, under a wooden rough covering with a joint or independent method of fastening.
  • Fusing rolled material onto the floor with a gas burner. The method is fire hazardous and requires skills and strict adherence to fire safety rules.
  • Gluing using special adhesives and mastics. Many types of modern film waterproofing have an adhesive layer, which greatly simplifies their installation. The melting temperature of mastic on a bitumen-polymer base is selected 20 - 25 ° higher than high temperature air of this room.

All types of lining materials react to shear, and therefore they are used to protect rigid structures made of brick, concrete, and reinforced concrete from high humidity. This type of waterproofing is also used for wooden subfloors.


A simple, environmentally friendly method using various dry cement-based mixtures with the inclusion of binding mineral and polymer additives. The solution fills well any unevenness, cracks, or crevices of the surface being treated. The mixture is applied with a spatula or brush.

Mastic and plaster

Mastic for waterproofing floors. Features of working with mastic and plaster.

After applying the self-leveling material, the floor must be in a calm state for the composition to polymerize. The mastic is applied in several layers - in this case, each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one after it has completely dried.

Complete waterproofing is ensured when the floor and walls are treated to a height of 10 - 15 cm. Cement-polymer mastics provide water protection and form a self-leveling surface. There is no need to fill the screed. A floor finishing coating is laid on top of the waterproofing.

Backfill materials

Backfill waterproofing is used to protect floors in wet areas. How to lay backfill material? Bulk components are poured into the pre-constructed formwork in an even layer.

Perlite sand, ash, mineral wool, and bentonite are used as fillers. Backfill hydraulic protection has a long service life, but its installation is a labor-intensive and expensive process.

Choice of premises

When choosing a material and method of waterproofing the floor, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the room’s operation - humidity, the presence of a “warm floor” heating system, the presence of a toilet, a swimming pool.

Work must be carried out especially carefully at the dacha in the garage - a constant excess of moisture will lead to rotting of vehicles. Which waterproofing to choose to protect your garage floor?

The optimal solution is concrete. Waterproofing under a concrete floor - penetrating, impregnation, additives to concrete when preparing the solution. Immediately before pouring concrete, the soil is filled with bitumen; construction clay or rolled material - a geomembrane - are also used.

It is possible to use a combined method of waterproofing - roll coating lay the first layer, then seal all the joints that appear and apply a layer of mastic on top.

Preparing for work

Before starting waterproofing work, preliminary measures are taken with the subfloor:

  • removal of old coating;
  • thorough cleaning and drying of the rough surface;
  • sealing cracks and cracked parts of the surface with waterproofing putty.

The main condition for the duration of operation and the effectiveness of preserving the floor from high humidity is the correct choice of material and adherence to installation technology.

Previously, solving the issues of protecting premises from the penetration or spread of moisture became a real problem. It was not easy to find the necessary materials on sale, and many technologies were known and available only to professionals. However, today, if you wish, you can find everything.

Waterproofing materials for floors are produced in various forms, and from this variety you can easily choose the most suitable one in terms of characteristics and application technology.

Much, of course, depends on what specific floor and what rooms need to be protected from moisture, since each of them requires a special approach. Therefore, before you go to the store and rush to spend money on waterproofing compounds, you need to familiarize yourself with each of them.

In addition to the floor material, which a protective composition will be applied; factors such as temperature conditions are also taken into account when choosing waterproofing premises and the floor of its location.

Today, there are several ways of laying or applying different moisture-proof materials - these are coating or plastering, painting, impregnation, pasting, casting, injection and backfill. For any type of waterproofing to give the expected effect, it is very an important condition is a well-prepared, cleaned surface on which it will be applied.

These materials are applied to floors using a roller, brush or spray, and are the most popular and used. Painting waterproofing agents create a thin hydrophobic film on the surface, with the composition penetrating into the structure of the material up to two millimeters deep. This happens thanks to additives from lime, talc, asbestos, which can close the pores waterproofing surface - brick or concrete.

Painting technology can easily be called the easiest to apply and affordable. To carry it out, materials based on polymers, resins, minerals, bitumen and other compounds with good adhesion and hydrophobicity are used. These can be polyurethane, rubber, epoxy compounds, silicone gels, acrylic or bitumen suspensions.

Sometimes they try to replace these waterproofing agents with thickened oil paint or varnish, but we must not forget about the special properties of the profile material, which are common paint and varnish compositions will not be able to replace.

A separate group of painting waterproofing compounds includes sprayed ones, which are applied using spray guns. These suspensions are made on an acrylate base. These include, for example, such a well-known product as liquid rubber. This composition is applied in several layers and conscientiously performs protective functions for 40-50 years, and under the most unfavorable conditions of high humidity.

The application process is as follows:

  • the old coating is removed from the surfaces down to the base, then it is cleaned;
  • are sealed with thick concrete mortars found damage - cracks or chips, then leveled and dried well;
  • then the surface is impregnated with special primers or coloring compounds diluted 1:3;
  • after the soil has been absorbed, waterproofing compounds are applied;
  • some of them are slightly heated, but, for example, certain bitumen-based suspensions require heating even to 150-160 degrees;

Corner of the room treated with "liquid rubber"

  • For reliable waterproofing it is necessary to apply two layers of the composition. The first of them should have a thickness of about two millimeters, since it should be well absorbed into the surface being treated, and the second, control layer can be very thin;
  • Drying of each layer can take from one and a half to 15 hours.

Video: example of applying paint waterproofing

Pasted waterproofing

The adhesive type of waterproofing is a sheet (roll) material that is laid out or glued with resins or mastics having a thick consistency to surfaces that require protection from moisture.

The material is produced in the form of rolls and sheets, they can be dense or thin, have a transparent, opaque or foil appearance.

  • Materials such as glass batt, roofing felt, metalloizol, folgoizol, technoNIKOL and the like are produced in rolls.
  • Waterproofing asphalt, polymer, bituminous materials and others with similar characteristics.
  • Membrane waterproofing, which has small rounded spikes on its surface, is also produced in the form of sheets and is well suited for laying under a screed.

It should be noted that protective materials are laid on the floor surface in different ways. But all forms of installation are quite simple, and bitumen or epoxy compounds are most often used for this process:

  • the adhesive mass is applied to the base. Some types of mastics must be heated before spreading;
  • on on When the composition is carried and, if necessary, heated, the cut roll material is applied, ensuring that each subsequent sheet overlaps at least how 10 cm;

When using roll materials, two layers are often laid, with the second oriented perpendicular to the first.

  • waterproofing in the form of panels is also laid overlapping or end-to-end;
  • each subsequent row of insulating panels is laid with a shift to the previous one in one direction or the other by half a panel (according to the brickwork system);
  • Any waterproofing laid on floors must extend 10-15 cm onto the walls.

Coating waterproofing

Coating waterproofing compounds have a thick consistency with very good elasticity. Such materials include thick bitumen and polyurethane mastic, polymer cement, etc.

These waterproofing agents contain fillers made of polymer fibers and plasticizers, which increases their adhesion and hydrophobicity.

These compounds are distributed on the surface in the same way as plaster solutions - using a spatula. The thickness of such a seamless coating can range from 0.4 to 4 cm.

This type of waterproofing composition perfectly insulates the floors of problem areas such as balconies and loggias, basement rooms and cellars, bathrooms and kitchens from moisture.

Mastics based on bitumen and polymers are applied not only in the technical rooms of constructed buildings, but also directly on the foundation slabs. It should be noted that hot coating applied in living rooms undesirable, as it is quite toxic and requires good ventilation during work.

Coating waterproofing also includes plastering work using appropriate moisture-resistant compounds, which can additionally be applied to bitumen coating or simply to waterproofing cleaned surface.

The mixtures are diluted with water, applied with a spatula and evenly distributed over the surface. There can be two or three such layers, and each of them must dry well.

Plaster waterproofing in dry form resembles conventional plaster mixture or construction adhesive, but they contain special components that penetrate the pores of the material and close them.

Video: waterproofing the floor with a coating compound

Cast waterproofing

Cast waterproofing is divided into hot and cold, depending on the form in which it is applied to the surface. Apply hot to floors asphalt-polymer and asphalt composition - it can be pitch, hot bitumen or asphalt concrete.

For cast waterproofing to work effectively, the base underneath must be thoroughly cleaned and dropped.

Hot waterproofing

When laying this material, it must be heated to a temperature of 50 to 120 degrees, depending on the viscosity of the composition.

Bitumen is natural material, made from petroleum products, and in its pure form, when solidified, it will crack at any temperature. But its main advantage is water resistance and insolubility in water. Therefore, it is used as a basis for the manufacture of waterproofing compounds.

When heated, they are applied to clean surfaces in several layers.

Pitch is a product obtained by processing coal tar. There are several types of this material, they differ in melting point, usually in the range from 70 to 90 degrees. But this material is rarely used, and, mainly, it is used as an additive to other waterproofing compounds.

Cold cast waterproofing

This method of waterproofing is the most reliable of all existing ones, since it penetrates into every pore of the surface material without forming cracks. Most often, cold waterproofing is made from an epoxy mixture or liquid glass. This material is today used for the installation of self-leveling 3D floors, which at the same time serve not only as waterproofing, but also as a decorative design for the room. This method of protection against moisture penetration is especially suitable for a bathroom that requires 100% waterproofing.

  • The epoxy mixture consists of two components - epoxy resins and a special solvent, which are mixed immediately before pouring and distributing it over the surface. The working composition is prepared in portions, as it sets quickly enough.
  • Liquid glass is an excellent waterproofing solution for cellars and rooms on the first floors. This composition will reliably protect the room from moisture penetration and will work no less effectively than a two-component epoxy mixture. The durability of such waterproofing can be determined by the service life of the entire structure, i.e. Having arranged it once, you don’t have to worry about repeating the procedure or repairs.

The material is environmentally friendly and does not emit fumes harmful to human health, and at the same time has excellent qualities penetration into the most microscopic pores of concrete or other waterproofing basics.

Liquid glass is produced in dry and liquid form. Dry powder material is added to cement mortars, making them water resistant. It is possible to add the composition and liquid consistency to ready-made concrete - in this case the mixture is made in proportions per 10 liters mortar one liter of waterproofing agent.

Application of cast waterproofing

Any cast waterproofing is arranged as follows:

  • The surface is cleaned and dusted using a powerful construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Then the surface is repaired - cracks and defects in the base are repaired.
  • After repair work, the floors need to be thoroughly dried.
  • Next are the floors primed. In each specific case, the composition of the soil will depend on the material that will subsequently be used for waterproofing work.
  • The waterproofing composition is prepared in accordance with the instructions attached to it, brought to the required consistency and poured in parts onto the surface.
  • Level the mixture using wide spatulas or a squeegee, then leave the surface to dry and harden.
  • Waterproofing may not be limited to one layer - two or three fills can be done, but after the final hardening of each previous layer.

Penetrating waterproofing

A penetrating type of waterproofing is applied to floors with an already installed screed. The compositions used in this case have the ability to penetrate the concrete structure and seal the pores, creating a moisture-resistant layer. The solution can be applied in several layers.

After deep impregnation of the surface has been achieved, the waterproofing should not be damaged by mechanical actions or perforation. Therefore, this type of material is very often used for protection basements and cellars. In addition to water resistance, this composition gives the concrete surface additional strength by creating special crystalline bonds intertwined with the structural crystal lattice of the cement and closing all pores in the base. These processes occur thanks to special silicate or lithium additives.

The penetrating mixture is applied to any smooth or uneven surface. surface - leveling It is quite possible to carry out the floor on top of it. It is necessary to take into account that each layer applied to the floor surface must be completely dry.

Injection waterproofing

For injection waterproofing, polyurethane one-component solutions with low viscosity are used. A chemical reaction in such compositions occurs when they come into contact with water - this contact leads to a significant expansion of the solution, an increase in its volume, and an increase in internal pressure. Such features allow him spread inside concrete structure, displacing water and taking its place. The result is a waterproof polyurethane composition. Some of the materials used become elastic during a chemical reaction, while others take on rigid shapes. Bringing the composition used to a similar state occurs within 2 to 20 minutes.

Special equipment is used to carry out injection waterproofing. It can be carried out in combination with other measures, and is even suitable for conditionally mobile elements of the structure, for example, joints load-bearing walls and foundation.

But it should be noted that this process is quite expensive, both in terms of the price of materials, labor intensity and the use of special equipment. It is almost always accompanied by drilling additional holes for introducing the composition. In this regard, this option is usually used in extreme cases, when it is impossible to use other methods for emergency isolation of previously erected building structures.

Backfill waterproofing

There is the simplest and accessible view waterproofing, although quite labor-intensive, involves filling areas with water-impermeable bulk materials.

To carry out this process, materials of a powder, fibrous or granular consistency are used, such as slag, mineral wool, clay, foam granules, sand, etc.

For rooms with high humidity - cellars, basements, basements, perlite sand is used mainly to protect the floor, which is considered a universal material for waterproofing work.

Each layer of the poured composition must be well compacted, so the entire area of ​​​​the room is enclosed by walls (formwork), which will prevent the material from spilling beyond their boundaries.

On top of the compacted backfill should be laid concrete screed, which is arranged according to all the rules with reinforcement and alignment with beacons.

In addition to the materials described above, modern production produces a large number of other means, but, as a rule, they are not fundamentally different from those that were mentioned. In some rooms it is simply impossible to do without waterproofing, therefore, when choosing a material, as well as the technology for its application, you need to carefully consider all the characteristics of the compositions intended for this important process.

Waterproofing of floors is necessary not only in private houses and in apartments located on the first floors. In all rooms with high humidity, it is imperative to protect surfaces from moisture with waterproofing materials. This work is performed to avoid destruction of concrete floors and to prevent wood rotting if the floor is wooden.

Basic methods of protection against moisture

Bathrooms where fungus has taken up residence present a sad picture. Moisture, once on an unprotected surface, promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, their population grows exponentially. This phenomenon could have been avoided by waterproofing the floor in time. This work is done in two main ways:

  • applying seamless coating waterproofing;
  • laying roll waterproofing.

There are many varieties of these materials on the market. To choose the most suitable one for waterproofing a floor in specific conditions, you should familiarize yourself with the composition, advantages and disadvantages, methods of application and installation of various waterproofing materials.

3 types of painting (coating) waterproofing

With the help of painting waterproofing, problems with moisture penetration into the structural materials that make up the floor covering are solved in the fastest and most affordable way. All that remains is to choose the most suitable look, and you can get to work.

  1. Bitumen mastic. Consists of bitumen with the inclusion of crumb rubber or latex. It adheres well to the surface being treated, lays down in an even layer and dries quickly. Provides a durable water-repellent coating. However, with temperature changes, the integrity of the bitumen layer is damaged and it becomes covered with cracks.
  2. Cement-polymer mastic. In addition to cement and polymer additives, its composition includes plasticizers that ensure the strength and reliability of the finished material. It not only protects the flooring from water, but also fills uneven surfaces.
  3. Polymer mastic. An ideal type of insulation, resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress. Characterized by durability, elasticity and reliability. It is the polymer mastic that is laid as the basis for heated floors.

Rolled (papered) waterproofing

Most a budget option roll waterproofing, which is also the most short-lived - materials based on cardboard. These are roofing felt, roofing felt and glassine, known to everyone. Despite their short service life, they are still used to this day for waterproofing floors. The main thing is not to lay these materials in basements and on the first floors, then they will last longer.

Insulation based on liquid glass is more reliable:

  • fiberglass, unlike cardboard, does not rot at high humidity, but over time it delaminates.
  • fiberglass does not delaminate, but breaks easily, so special care is required when laying it.

A new generation material, reliable and durable, easy to install and convenient to use - membrane waterproofing. It is made of elastic polyvinyl chloride or high-strength polyethylene, resistant not only to moisture, but also to chemicals. The material creates a sealed protective layer that can withstand high loads.

New house - protecting floors from groundwater

When building a new house, a “cushion” is formed under the floor of the first floor, which acts as a barrier between water rising through the capillaries of the soil and construction materials. Coarse crushed stone is poured in a layer of 10 cm onto tightly compacted soil, followed by the same layer of sand. The laid materials are carefully compacted and laid on their surface. plastic film thickness of at least 200 microns. The joints of the film are glued with tape, and on this basis they are made rough screed made of cement, crushed stone and sand. This method reliably protects the house from groundwater. After the concrete has completely dried, the floor is waterproofed using any chosen method.

General principles for preparing the base

Regardless of the type of waterproofing materials chosen, the base for their installation is prepared in the same way. If waterproofing of floors is carried out in a room that is already in use, the surface of the concrete floor is repaired with putty, thoroughly cleaned of dust, and greasy stains are removed from it. After the cleaned base has completely dried, or when the concrete of the rough screed in the building under construction has hardened, the base for waterproofing is primed. Most often, universal acrylic primers are used for this purpose; they are suitable for any type of insulation and dry very quickly.

Before starting work on waterproofing a floor made of wood, it is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, and all cracks are sealed with special mastic. In rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, kitchens, impregnation is required wooden floors antiseptic. On a natural basis, the pathogenic fungus multiplies especially quickly.

Performing insulation with elastic mixtures

If the base is well prepared, applying paint waterproofing to it will not be difficult even for an amateur. The simplest option is an elastic bitumen mixture, it is ready for use immediately after opening the can. If a dry mixture is selected, it is diluted with water in the proportion indicated on the package. Using a wide brush or roller, apply an even layer of the composition to the floor, while capturing part of the wall, up to 15 cm. To process hard to reach places, use a narrow fluted brush or spatula. After 6 hours, the procedure is repeated, painting is carried out perpendicular to the first layer. After the layers have completely dried, linoleum is laid or tiles are glued.

Technology for laying adhesive waterproofing

Before waterproofing floors, the rolled material must lie in a straightened state for at least a day. To glue the insulation to the base, the surface of concrete or wood is treated with special glue or bitumen mastic. The roll is pressed to the floor and rolled out, the material is laid with an overlap of 15–20 cm. The insulation is glued to the base with a seam gas burners, heating the bitumen layer to a semi-liquid state. The joints and edges are additionally glued and treated with putty to waterproof the floor.