Address of the church where the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are located. Representation of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia

No other country in the world has as many Christian values ​​as Russia. And no city preserves as many shrines as the capital. To touch them, people come not only from other regions, but even countries. We will tell you about the most famous and most revered


An exact copy of the Cross on which Christ was crucified. Made from Palestinian cypress and lined with gold, silver and precious stones.

But for Christians main value is that inside the cross are hidden particles of the relics of almost four hundred saints.

An interesting detail: after the revolution, the cross was kept for a long time in the anti-religious museum in the Solovetsky camp.

What does it help with?

People come to this Cross with all their troubles. They also touch it to gain strength not only spiritual, but also physical.

Where is

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, Krapivensky lane, 4 (metro station "Pushkinskaya" or "Chekhovskaya").


Pieces of the remains of Russia's most revered saint are kept in a silver reliquary at St. Daniel's Holy Trinity Monastery. There are many known miracles that happened thanks to these relics. But even scientists consider the mere fact that they have not been touched by decay for many centuries to be a phenomenon.

What do they help with?

They pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help to those floating, traveling and prisoners. In poverty and need. They ask for peace in the family and the intercession of widows and orphans.

Where are they located?

Danilov Holy Trinity Monastery, Danilovsky Val, 22 (Tulskaya metro station).


One of the most important Christian shrines. It is believed that this nail is one of those with which Christ was nailed to the Cross. Kept in the Assumption Cathedral in a silver ark.

What does it help with?

For believers, touching such a shrine means strengthening their faith. For cities where such nails are stored, this is a strong protection against epidemics and wars.

Where is

Kremlin, Assumption Cathedral Mother of God(metro station "Borovitskaya" or "Alexandrovsky Garden").


After martyrdom Panteleimon's relics were spread in pieces throughout the world. In Moscow there are two churches with particles of relics and miraculous icons.

What do they help with?

The saint was recognized as a great healer during his lifetime. And since then people have turned to him with prayers for various illnesses.

Where are they located?

Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Sokolnicheskaya Square, 6 (Sokolniki metro station).

Church of the Great Martyr Nikita, st. Goncharnaya, 6 (metro station "Taganskaya" or "Chistye Prudy").


There are about 30 holy springs in Moscow. The most famous - Kholodny - is located in Teply Stan, not far from the Konkovo ​​metro station. It has long been believed that if you drink water from Kholodny on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, it will help quickly cleanse the kidneys and liver. This water also quickly relieves headaches.

Another equally famous source is located in the Tatar ravine, near the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. The water in it is the cleanest of all the springs in the capital. Cures many ailments, even mental disorders.

There are more than 20 springs in Kolomenskoye. One of them - Kadochka - hits next to the famous Church of the Ascension. According to legend, it was the water from it that saved one of the wives of Ivan the Terrible from infertility.

There are also healing springs near the Voikovskaya metro station, in the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo forest park, in Filevsky park, St. Danilov Monastery, Neskuchny Garden, Serebryany Bor, Bitsevsky forest park, Kuntsevo, Medvedkovo and Tsaritsyn.

However, even confessors advise drinking water from holy springs with caution.

With today's ecology, no one can vouch for the purity of the springs, explains Archpriest Nikolai (Remzovsky). - Therefore, before drinking from a healing spring, draw water from it and consecrate it at a prayer service in the temple.

How is it decided that a relic or an icon is miraculous?

The ruling bishop, either himself or through authorized persons, not only collects information about miracles, but also conducts their examination. He also provides the commission with documentary evidence of the former miracle (whether it be medical documents or eyewitness testimony before the Cross and the Gospel).

For Pilgrimage. Who is this saint? What is he famous for, who does he patronize, what do they ask him for? And why are his relics kept in Italy?

On May 21, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker were brought to Moscow from the Catholic basilica in the Italian city of Bari, where they have been kept since 1087. In Moscow, at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the delegation was met by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', along with representatives of the clergy and believers. For the fourth day in a row, there was a queue of many kilometers near the temple of people wishing to venerate and touch the relics of one of the main saints christian church.

What relics were brought to Moscow?

The ninth left rib of the saint was brought in a special capsule. It is located closest to the heart - the seat of faith.

Who is Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Nicholas the Wonderworker - or, in other words, Nicholas the Pleasant - is a Christian saint who lived in the 4th century AD. Holidays in honor of St. Nicholas are celebrated twice a year: December 19 - on the day of the saint's death, and May 22 - in memory of the transfer of relics from Myra (where Nicholas was archbishop) to Bari. Mira is a city in the ancient Asia Minor country of Lycia. Now this is the city of Demre in the territory of modern Turkey, not far from Antalya.

Who did he patronize?

Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of wanderers and seafarers: according to his life, while still young, he revived with his prayer a sailor who fell from the mast onto the deck during a storm and was broken. He also stopped this storm, which could have destroyed the entire ship. Believers believe that Nikolai Ugodnik helps everyone who turns to him with prayer, especially prisoners, orphans and children.

Prototype of Santa Claus

Nicholas the Wonderworker is the prototype of the world-famous Christmas character Santa Claus. In the life of St. Nicholas there is a story about the salvation of a poor man and his three daughters. The poor man in question was once very rich, but then went bankrupt and therefore could not marry off his daughters (they had no dowry). The father had no other options but to send his daughters to sell themselves.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, having learned about this story, decided to help and secretly threw a bag of gold through the window into the girls’ house. And this bag ended up in a stocking that was drying near the fire. This is where the Catholic tradition of hanging stockings over the fireplace came from so that Santa Claus would put a Christmas present there.

Transfer of relics to Bari

After his death, Nicholas the Wonderworker was buried in a tomb in Myra. But in the 8th century, gradually increasing cases of desecration of Christian shrines began in the Middle East: many of the central cities of the faith, for example, Jerusalem, were under Muslim rule. Military detachments attacked the tombs of saints and temples and plundered them.

In 1087, Italian merchants from the town of Bari decided to steal the relics of St. Nicholas. There were two main reasons for this: they believed that the relics would be in danger in the World, and in addition, the inhabitants of Bari needed the support of the saint: they were often attacked from the sea, and they needed a protector. The merchants managed to steal the relics of the saint, and only 8 years later, during the first crusade Venetian Patriarch Padoradoasked the Venetians participating in the campaign to bring the main shrines to Venice not only from Jerusalem, but also from Myra. The crusaders knew that, according to legend, a sarcophagus was hidden at the far end of the temple in Myra Bal, in which a small part (about 1/5) of the relics of Nicholas was kept. They stole the sarcophagus and brought it toTemple on the Lido Island in Venice.

For a long time, Bari and Venice argued over who had the real remains of St. Nicholas, but in the twentieth century Professor of Anatomy at the University of Bari Luigi Martino proved that the relics in Venice and Bari really belong to the same person and complement each other.

Where are the relics kept now?

More than half of the relics of St. Nicholas are in Bari in the Catholic Basilica of St. Nicholas, most of the remaining are kept in the Catholic Church of St. Nicholas on the Lido Island in Venice. But small particles of Nicholas's relics are in different ends peace.

Are there particles of Nicholas's relics in Russia?

Yes. In Moscow alone there are 25 churches where you can find the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker . There are particles in other cities as well.

Did they previously bring the relics of saints to Russia for pilgrimage?

Yes, a similar situation happened in 2011, when the belt was brought to Moscow Holy Mother of God. Then more than 3 million people came to see the shrine and worship it. In 2006, the brought right hand of John the Baptist gathered more than 2 million people throughout Russia in 40 days. You can read more about what relics were brought to Moscow and when, as well as how many people worshiped them.

The relics will remain in Russia until July 28. More information about the relics, where you can venerate them in Russia, and other useful information for pilgrims can be found.

One of the most important helpers for believers is Nicholas the Savior, who during his lifetime answered the requests of those in need. After his death, people pray in front of his image, and the main place of pilgrimage is the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You can ask the saint for solutions to various problems.

How were the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker obtained?

After his death, the saint was buried in a city called Mira. At that time, there were wars in these lands and people tried to leave the cities, moving to more secluded areas in the city. The Barians decided to take advantage of this, wanting to obtain the relics of the saint, since in their city he was considered the main patron. In the history concerning how the relics of Nicholas were obtained, it is indicated that in 1097 a detachment attacked the temple and stole most relics of the saint. According to the new style, the relic was delivered to the city of Bari on May 9.

Where are the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

After the theft of the remains in the city of Mira, some of the relics remained, but they also did not remain in their homeland and were stolen. As a result, they ended up on the Lido Island in Venice. The main part of the saint's remains are in Bari. After transportation, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker were located in the local Cathedral, and after a while a temple was built, which received its name in honor of the saint. In 1989, the shrine was placed in an underground chapel in the Basilica. Every year, clergy collect myrrh from the relics, dilute it with holy water and distribute it to pilgrims.

How do the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker help?

The saint helps people in different situations, so near his relics you can ask for many things:

  1. He is the patron saint of wanderers and sailors, so if loved ones are on the road, then you can ask the Wonderworker for their well-being and successful return home.
  2. Worship of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can be done in order to protect children from problems, strengthen their health and direct them on the righteous path.
  3. The saint is an assistant in reconciling warring people.
  4. Lonely girls and boys turn to the Miracle Worker to help them find their soulmate and find love.
  5. There is much evidence that the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker were cured of various diseases.
  6. The saint helps people who want to improve and take the righteous path. Relatives pray for innocently convicted people, asking for their release.

How to venerate the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker correctly?

Sometimes the relics are transported to other churches so that believers in other cities can venerate the shrine. There are certain rules that apply to visiting the temple in which the relic is located. Use following tips how to venerate the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

  1. After a person enters the temple, he must be filled with deep faith. You must approach the relic without haste. It's important to remember that this Holy place, so there is no need to push.
  2. Before venerating the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, approaching the ark, mentally read the prayer addressed to the saint.
  3. In front of the shrine, bow to the waist twice, crossing yourself. After this, you can venerate the relics, and then step aside and cross yourself a third time and bow.
  4. The pilgrimage to the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker does not stop for a long time and people with different corners of the world come to the relic, although worship does not take a few seconds.

What do they ask from the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

If a person managed to touch the relic, then he can ask for the most cherished things, for example, healing, the birth of a child, searching for a job, marriage, and so on. It is important that veneration of the relics be accompanied sincere prayers, and every word must be spoken from the heart. The clergy claim that the saint helps everyone who deserves it, but first of all, you need to pray that he will help you enter the eternal kingdom of the Lord.

How to pray to the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

When visiting the temple where the relic is located, you must read a special prayer addressed to the saint. There are several prayer texts and all of them are allowed for use. Visiting the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is an important event in the lives of believers, so it is recommended to memorize the text. Eat short prayers and one of them is presented above. After visiting the temple, it is recommended to pray in front of the image of the holy house.

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - miracles

There are many stories that prove God's power and the power of the relic, therefore great amount believers strive to venerate the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in order to experience all the benefits.

  1. When the second part of the relics was taken from the city of Myra, the bishop placed a palm branch next to them, which was brought from Jerusalem. After some time, people noticed that she was running away.
  2. Pilgrims come to the shrine with terrible diagnoses, for example, many women dreamed of having a child, but doctors spoke of infertility, and a year after the veneration of the relics, women came to the temple again to baptize their babies. There is evidence of healing of cancer and other serious diseases.

Saint Nicholas became famous as a great saint of God and one of the most revered Saints in the entire Christian world, as an ambulance in the most seemingly hopeless and insoluble problems - both spiritual and everyday.

Nikolai Ugodnik lived to a ripe old age and died peacefully around the year 351. His venerable relics were kept incorrupt in the local cathedral church and exuded healing myrrh, from which many received healings. In 1087, his relics were transferred to the Italian city of Bari, where they rest to this day.

Where were the relics of the Saint transferred?

Believers can venerate the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker already in Russia - for the first time in 930 years, the relics of the saint left the Italian city of Bari.

The relics of the Saint were delivered to Russia on May 21 - the shrine was brought to Cathedral The New Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow at the beginning of the evening service, on the eve of the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas. The festive service and meeting of the relics on May 21 in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was led by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

Access for pilgrims to the shrine in Moscow will be organized on May 22 from 12:00 to 21:00. The relics of Nikolai Ugodnik will be in Russia until July 28, 2017.

Miracle Worker

Saint Nicholas was born thanks to the prayer of desperate parents who had no children for a long time. He was born in 270 in the town of Patara, which was located in the region of Lycia in Asia Minor (now the territory of Turkey) and was a Greek colony.

The parents of the future archbishop were very wealthy people, but at the same time they believed in Christ and actively helped the poor. From childhood, the saint completely devoted himself to faith and spent a lot of time in church. Having matured, he became a reader, and then a priest in the church, where his uncle, Bishop Nicholas of Patarsky, served as rector.

After the death of his parents, Nicholas the Wonderworker distributed all his inheritance to the poor and continued his church service. In the years when the attitude of the Roman emperors towards Christians became more tolerant, but persecution nevertheless continued, he ascended the episcopal throne in Myra. Now this town is called Demre, which is located in the Antalya province of Turkey.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Yuriev

People loved the new archbishop very much - he was kind, meek, fair, and sympathetic. Not a single request to him went unanswered. With all this, Saint Nicholas was remembered by his contemporaries as an irreconcilable fighter against paganism - he destroyed idols and temples, and a defender of Christianity - he denounced heretics.

During his lifetime the saint became famous for many miracles. He saved the city of Myra from a terrible famine with his fervent prayer to Christ. He prayed and thereby helped drowning sailors on ships, and brought unjustly convicted people out of captivity in prisons.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of all travelers.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

On May 21, a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas was brought to Moscow. It is reported that part of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will be delivered from the basilica of the Italian city of Bari to Russia for the first time in 930 years. This does not mean, however, that until now there have not been particles of the relics of St. Nicholas in Russia and Moscow.

The editors of offer an incomplete list of those Moscow churches and monasteries where particles of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept.

From May 22 to July 12, the relics of St. Nicholas will be available for veneration by believers in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. From July 13 to July 28, the relics will be in St. Petersburg.

Particles of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in churches in Moscow and the Moscow region

A particle of the saint’s relics is kept in the Moscow Danilov Monastery in a silver reliquary. The Ark is located in the northern, Danilovsky chapel of the Church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils. The particle was donated to the monastery in 1991. The address of the monastery is Danilovsky Val, 22.

Sretensky Monastery (Bolshaya Lubyanka Street, 19). The particle was transferred to the monastery on May 21, 2014.

John the Baptist Convent (Maly Ivanovsky lane, 2A, building 1).

Novodevichy Convent (Novodevichy Proezd, 1, p. 2). Icon of St. Nicholas with a particle of his relics is in the Assumption Cathedral of the monastery.

Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery (Shosseynaya St., 82). A piece of the relics of St. Nicholas, brought from Jerusalem, was donated to the monastery on February 17, 2014 by the monastery’s benefactors.

Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov (Spartakovskaya St., 15). At the northern wall of the temple, under Crucifixion XIX c., there is a metal crayfish with a particle of the Tree Life-giving Cross of the Lord, by the right hand of St. Andrew the First-Called, head of St. John Chrysostom, particles of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki (Sokolnicheskaya Square, 6). The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with particles of the relics of the saint himself, as well as several dozen other saints - John of Rylsky, Mary of Egypt, Pimen the Great, the Great. Catherine, the apostles Matthew, Mark and Luke, St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and others and particles of the shroud from the Holy Sepulcher.

The Church of All Saints on Kulishki is a courtyard of the Alexandrian Patriarchate in Moscow (Slavyanskaya Square, 2). Reliquary with a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas, as well as a large reliquary with particles of other saints, was brought to the capital by the rector of the temple, the representative of the Patriarch of Alexandria to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Metropolitan Athanasius (Kikkotis) of Kirin. Every Sunday after the end Divine Liturgy these arks with holy relics are brought out for public worship before the start of the water-blessing prayer service.

The Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki is a representative office of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia (1st Kotelnichesky Lane, 8, building 1). A particle of the relics of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, was donated to the temple by Archbishop George of Michalovsko-Kosice.

The Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo is a courtyard of Optina Hermitage (Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, 42).

Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi - a house church-museum at the State Tretyakov Gallery (Maly Tolmachevsky Lane, 9).

Church of St. Nicholas in Stary Vagankovo ​​(Starovagankovsky Lane, 14). The revered image of St. Nicholas and a particle of his relics are kept here.

Church of the Great Martyr St. George the Victorious in Starye Luchniki (Lubyansky Proezd, 9, p. 2). A piece of the relics appeared in the temple in March 2011. It was placed in a specially made reliquary and inserted into a large life-size icon of St. Nicholas.

Church of St. Nicholas of Myra in Golutvin (1st Golutvinsky lane, 14). The church houses an icon of St. Nicholas with a piece of his relics.

Church of St. Nicholas in Pokrovsky (Bakuninskaya St., 100). The church contains an ark with particles of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as the Robe of the Lord, the Life-Giving Cross, the stone of the Holy Sepulcher and particles of the relics of many saints: the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, the Apostles Andrew the First-Called and Barnabas, St. John Chrysostom, the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, Great Martyr. St. George the Victorious, military center. Barbarians and others.

Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki (Lva Tolstoy St., 2). A particle of the relics of St. Nicholas, brought from the city of Bari, was transferred for storage to this capital church in December 2010 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.

Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Mountains (Novovagankovsky lane, 9). A reliquary with a particle of the saint’s relics is kept here, which is taken out of the altar on Sundays and holidays, as well as the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a particle of his relics, located in the St. Nicholas chapel.

Church of St. App. Peter and Paul in Lefortovo (Soldatskaya St., 4). The ark with the relics is located in the main chapel to the right of the pulpit. It contains a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas, as well as a particle of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, the relics of St. Isaac, St. Alypius, icon painter, Pechersky, ap. Thomas, martyr. John the Warrior, martyr. George, martyr. Nikita, St. Sergius of Radonezh, martyr. Mercury, mar. Arefi, sschmch. Basil of Amasia, St. Nila, blgv. Prince Mikhail Tverskoy.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord on Gorokhovoy Pole (Radio St., 2). Here is a reliquary cross with particles of the relics of St. Nicholas, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Andrew of Crete, a piece of the Holy Sepulcher, the tomb of the Mother of God and the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands on Setun at the Kuntsevo Cemetery (Ryabinovaya St., 18). The temple houses an icon of St. Nicholas with a piece of his relics.

Church of the Archangel Michael in Troparevo with the baptismal church of the All-Merciful Savior (Vernadsky Avenue, 90).

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kosino (Bolshaya Kosinskaya Street, 29, building 3). The revered icon of St. is kept here. Nicholas with a piece of his relics.

Temple of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky miracle workers in Golyanov (Baikalskaya street, 37A). The particle is kept in a reliquary, which contains the relics of about a hundred saints. The Ark is located on the left side of the sole.

The home church of the Russian Cultural and Educational Foundation of St. Basil the Great and the company “Your Financial Trustee” (B. Vagankovskaya St., 3). In 2010, a large particle was separated from the relics and was located in the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari, and in 2012 it was transferred to a charitable foundation. This temple is dedicated to the Nativity of St. Nicholas, the World of Lycian wonderworker.

Monastery of David's Hermitage (Chekhov district, Moscow region, village of Novy Byt).

Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery (Moscow region, city of Dzerzhinsky, St. Nicholas Square, 1). The monastery houses an icon and a fold with particles of the relics of St. Nicholas, which were donated to the monastery by the state joint museum-reserve Kolomenskoye-Lublino-Lefortovo.

Particles of the relics of St. Nicholas in the dioceses of the Russian Church

Arks and icons with particles of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is kept in many churches and monasteries in Russia. Similar shrines are located, for example, in Ioannovsky convent in St. Petersburg, in the Novo-Tikhvin Convent in Yekaterinburg, in a number of parish churches.

IN last years Particles of the relics of St. Nicholas were repeatedly brought to Russia - as coming from Orthodox fraternal churches Local churches, and those belonging to Catholic monasteries and parishes, as well as to private individuals.

So, on May 19, 2012, an ancient Tuscan reliquary with a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant was brought to the church in the name of the Apostle John the Theologian near Elm (the home church of the Russian Orthodox University). The action was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 925th anniversary of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari.

The reliquary with the shrine is permanently kept in a private collection and was provided to the temple for temporary use for worship. A fragment of relics was taken from the left tibia from the relics of St. Nicholas, stored in Venice. Before the shrine was brought to Moscow, the authenticity of the reliquary was confirmed at the Voronezh examination center.

A little earlier, in March 2012, the ark with a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, was brought to the Tula diocese.

In May 2013, an ark containing a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was brought from Moscow to the Intercession Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk. This piece of relics was transferred Charitable Foundation St. Nicholas the Wonderworker by Franciscan monks serving at the Basilica of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bari. The Foundation organized the transportation of the relics to the eastern dioceses of the Russian Church. The relics were transported along the Ob and Yenisei, they visited many cities in Siberia, from Omsk to Salekhard, and walked throughout Kamchatka from the Commander Islands to the southern coast of Kamchatka.

The relics passed through the Amur, Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk Territories, the Jewish Autonomous Republic, the Barnaul Diocese, as well as throughout the Northern Arctic Ocean from Murmansk to Sakhalin. During the several years that the shrine was in Russia, more than a million believers worshiped it.

On December 1, 2014, a particle of the relics of St. Nikolai was brought to Thailand. The ark with the shrine was delivered to Bangkok Suwannaphum Airport on an Aeroflot flight from Moscow. On the same day, the ark with the shrine was transported to the Church of All Saints in Pattaya. From December 1 to December 25, the shrine was transported throughout Orthodox churches Thailand, and then before her the laying ceremony of a new temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker took place in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok.

In November 2016, another ark with the relics of St. Nicholas visited Belgorod.

In February 2017, a reliquary with a particle of the saint’s relics was in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Veshnyaki.

Relics of St. Nicholas. Short story

The relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker were transferred from Myra Lycia to Bari in 1087. At the moment, the main part of the saint’s relics is located in this Italian city. The tomb was not opened until the fifties of the 20th century. The burial in Bari was opened only once, in 1953-1957. Small fragments of the relics were dispersed to many major cities Europe, such as Berlin, Paris, Rome, Venice.

In Venice, in the Church of St. Nicholas on Lido Island contains about a fifth of the saint’s relics. The relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker have been kept in Venice since 1099. The “Venetian part” of the relics of the saint is the part that the Barians did not have time to take in a hurry when they took the main part of the relics from Myra in 1087.


  • Elena - 06/10/2017 17:03
    I am ashamed of our Russian Orthodox Church. My grandfather was a priest in Ryazan. He was an educator - he taught children, sent capable children to educational establishments, monitored their fate, the parishioners’ doctor, as he was an expert in folk
    medicine. He raised six pure, good and talented children. And now even many believers stop going to church, since everything that is happening there contradicts all 10 commandments. The Church has become politicized and it’s disgusting. They created a stir about the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, when in Moscow they are in 26 churches. And in Rostov-on-Don, a puppet theater is being taken away from children, which is already 50 years old in a beautiful green place in the very center of the city, carrying out a routine raider takeover with the support of the city leadership. The 10th commandment: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house...” is not for them. A disgusting act.
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