Aquastop technical characteristics. Waterproofing Aquastop: use on a balcony or loggia

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  • Resistance to alkalis and salts
  • Resistance to mechanical damage
  • High vapor permeability and frost resistance

Designed for waterproofing building foundations, facades, plinths, basements, balconies, terraces, walls and floors in wet areas.


used to create waterproofing layers in swimming pools; in containers and reservoirs, incl. With drinking water; in hydraulic engineering and wastewater treatment plants; in tunnels, cooling towers and other concrete structures. For interior and exterior use.

Bases: concrete, brickwork, cement strainer, cement plaster.


Non-deforming mineral bases (concrete, brickwork, cement screed, plaster). The age of cement-sand foundations is at least 28 days, brick and concrete foundations– at least 3 months.


The base must be dry and durable. Before applying waterproofing, it is necessary to remove from the surface weak and loose layers, oil stains and other contaminants that prevent the adhesion of the material to the surface. Clean out seams and cracks, deepen them by 1 – 2 cm and fill with appropriate Perfekta® material. Significant unevenness must first be leveled using appropriate Perfekta® materials. On internal corners make roundings (fillets, fillets) with a radius of at least 3 cm, on external corners make chamfers at an angle of 45°. Before applying Perfekta® “Aquastop” waterproofing, the base should be moistened.


To prepare the solution, pour the contents of the bag into a container with constant stirring. clean water at the rate of 1 kg of dry mixture per 0.12 - 0.18 liters of water (for 1 bag of 20 kg - 2.4 - 3.6 liters of water) and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. After this, let it sit for 5 minutes, then stir again. Mixing is done using an appropriate tool (mixer for solutions, low-speed drill with an attachment). The solution must be used within 3 hours from the moment of mixing with water. When the viscosity of the solution in the container increases (within the pot life time), it is necessary to mix it thoroughly without adding water. To prepare the solution, use only clean containers, tools and water.


The prepared solution is applied with a brush or spatula. The mortar mixture is applied in 2 or 3 passes in a layer of uniform thickness. It is recommended to apply the first layer with a brush. The following layers are applied in cross directions with a brush or spatula onto the hardened but still wet previous layer. The fillets and chamfers in the corners are carefully processed during the application of the first layer.


During work and in the next two days, the temperature of the air and the surface of the base should not be lower than +5 ºС and not higher than +30 ºС. During the first day of hardening, the waterproofing layer must be kept moist, protected from precipitation, direct contact sun rays and freezing. Application of subsequent coatings, creation of screed, plastering and gluing of tiles is possible no earlier than 3 days after installing the waterproofing layer


1.2 kg of dry mixture per 1 m² with an application layer of 1 mm.


The material is made on the basis of high-quality special cements, fractionated aggregates, water-repellent and modifying additives.
The material is environmentally friendly and does not contain harmful impurities that have a negative impact on human health. Complies with those in force in the territory Russian Federation hygiene standards.


Attention! Keep away from children. During work, protect your skin and eyes. If the solution gets into your eyes, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.


The mixture is supplied in durable kraft bags. The shelf life of the material without changing its properties is 12 months. The production date is indicated on the packaging. Store in a dry place in original, undamaged packaging. If you need to use expired material, contact the manufacturer.


The quality of the material is guaranteed only if the manufacturer’s instructions for the technology of application and the requirements of SNiP are strictly followed.




Compressive strength: 20 MPa

Layer thickness, mm: 2 – 5 mm

Flexural strength: 5 MPa

Strength of adhesion to the base: 1 MPa

Consumption at 1mm thickness: 1.2 kg/m²

Amount of water per 1 kg of mixture: 0.12 – 0.18 l

Viability of the solution in the container: 180 minutes

Regulatory document : GOST 31358-2007

Shelf life: 6

Packing: 20 kg

Frost resistance: 75 cycles

Water resistance, brand: W12

Waterproofing Aquastop Perfekta (Perfecta) is a building mixture for creating a hard waterproof coating (waterproofing layer) on various reasons; used for building foundations, facades, plinths, basements, balconies, terraces.

The coating is highly waterproof and waterproof, withstands high mechanical loads, and is resistant to alkali salts. We especially note that the price of Aquastop is quite affordable compared to competitive brands.

The material is used for waterproofing building foundations, facades, plinths, basements, balconies, terraces, indoor pools, water tanks, walls and floors in wet areas. The material is designed to create a hard, waterproof coating. Buy waterproofing at favorable price only available from an official partner.

Key properties

How to apply Aquastop waterproofing?

Perfekta Aquastop waterproofing is easy to apply. This is done using one of the tools: a brush, trowel or spatula on bases whose temperature is in the range from +5 to +30 degrees.

If you decide to work with a brush, then for the desired effect the waterproofing mixture is applied in three layers, with each layer applied at an angle of 90 degrees to the previous one. Each subsequent layer is applied after approximately eighteen hours. The thickness of the coating should be about 3-4 mm.

If it is more convenient for you to work with a trowel or spatula, then you can apply the waterproofing mixture in two layers, and it is recommended to apply the first layer with a brush.

In addition, in order to achieve greater water resistance, it is best to apply Aquastop with a spatula (or trowel), in this case the indicator will reach the W20 level, which means the ability to withstand water pressure of 20 atmospheres.

When applying the waterproofing mixture with a brush, the waterproof rating will not exceed level W8 (8 atmospheres).

Subsequent work, such as plastering, laying tiles or porcelain stoneware, creating self-leveling floors, screeds, is recommended to be carried out no earlier than three days later. At the same time, for three days it is necessary to avoid exposure of the applied waterproofing (waterproofing mixture) to direct sunlight, natural precipitation and exposure to low temperatures(frost).

What is the mixture consumption?

The average consumption of Perfekta Aquastop dry mixture is about 4 kg per 1 sq.m.

Scope of application

  1. Waterproofing of building foundations, facades, plinths, basements, balconies, terraces, indoor pools, water tanks, walls and floors in wet areas;
  2. Installation of horizontal cut-offs;
  3. Creation of a waterproof coating on traditional substrates: concrete, brickwork, cement screed, plaster.

To prevent excess moisture from entering the room, use various methods protection. When choosing waterproofing, not only the conditions of its application are taken into account, but also the material of the structure that needs to be protected. Aquastop waterproofing is a universal product that approaches waterproofing issues comprehensively. Experts consider such a system to be an advanced product that has no analogues.

What is Aquastop waterproofing?

Aquastop waterproofing is a specific material that is used to obtain a coating that is capable of not allowing water to pass through, is quite reliable and durable. It is used for finishing various bases:

  • made of brick;
  • plasters;
  • aerated concrete;
  • cement;
  • concrete;
  • gypsum and other materials.

This waterproofing is excellent for priming porous surfaces and moisture-sensitive materials. Main scope of application: finishing of residential, office and production premises inside and outside, for priming loggias and balconies. It is also used for bathrooms and kitchens that have high humidity.

A base with such waterproofing is not capable of allowing moisture to pass through and can withstand pressure of several atmospheres. This elastic mixture has good adhesive characteristics. After the treated coating has dried, it can be coated with paint or facing tiles can be laid on it.


Can be produced in different versions. Aquastop consists of a powder that, when diluted with water, creates a water-repellent film on the treated surface.

It is used in places with complex configurations and in places that have been subjected to dynamic loads with displacement.

It can be used to treat surfaces with any base, for example, stone, foam blocks, blocks.

This material is absolutely harmless, so it can be used for drinking water containers.

Can be sold as a concentrate and as a ready-to-use formulation.

Some types contain substances that prevent the formation of various rots.

Positive sides

  1. Versatility. This insulating material can be used to cover contaminated surfaces. It is not necessary to put it in order, which reduces the amount of work several times.
  2. Easy to use. No need to purchase additional technical means. The technology itself is quite simple; waterproofing is easy to do with your own hands.
  3. Reliability. Aquastop waterproofing contains components that can withstand high liquid pressure. Thus, it is used in areas of serious breakthrough.
  4. Durability. Able to withstand the aggressive influence of alkaline and saline substances, petroleum products. Not susceptible to mechanical damage.
  5. Use temperature. Can withstand a wide range of temperature fluctuations.
  6. Low consumption of other materials. Various paints and varnishes and adhesive compositions are consumed less during their processing.


Such insulating material used for finishing almost any part of the room, from the foundation to walls and balconies. It must be applied to a hard surface. Application of Aquastop waterproofing includes the following steps:

  • First the base is prepared. For stronger adhesion of the material to the base, it is better to clean it;
  • install the Aquastop key. When applying subsequent layers of waterproofing, the base must be moistened. Waterproofing cannot be applied to a dry surface; the result may be a poor quality coating;
  • Apply a layer of sludge, having previously diluted it and mixed it thoroughly with water. The result should be a solution with a homogeneous and soft consistency. It should be remembered that sludge is a material with a short pot life. That is why it is diluted in such a proportion that it can be used in literally 10 minutes;
  • After the layer of sludge has dried, a fixing powder is applied. It is quickly rubbed into the base in the form of a dry mixture;
  • the next layer is a silicicate, which seals even micropores;
  • then apply a second layer of sludge, which must dry completely;
  • most last layer also slurry. The final finishing of the surface is done using plaster;
  • waterproofing is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees.

Consumption and price

For 1 m2 with a coating thickness of 3 mm, 4 kg of dry mixture is consumed. The price of one package is 560 rubles.

The price of a 25 kg Aquastop package is 480 rubles. Consumption for a 1 mm layer is 1.5 kg/m2.

The price of sealing cords with a specific rectangular profile is 140 rubles/linear meter. (depending on the specific section).


Aquastop waterproofing perfectly protects the foundation and base, balconies and loggias, facades and terraces, floors and walls from even the slightest penetration of moisture.

Protection of buildings from moisture penetration is carried out using various techniques. But quite often the choice of the necessary product is influenced not only by the conditions of use, but also by the material from which this or that part of the structure is constructed. Waterproofing Aquastop is one of the universal remedies and allows you to finish any surface in a comprehensive manner. According to experts, it currently has no analogues.

Product Features

  • Available in various designs. AquaStop - coating waterproofing, is a powdery composition that, after dilution with water, forms a water-repellent film on the treated area. In addition, there are products such as waterstops, profiles (for sealing expansion joints), Injecto system and some others.
  • Ability to work in areas with complex configurations, including in places subject to dynamic loads with displacement.
  • Surfaces with any base (stone, concrete, foam blocks) can be treated.
  • The waterproofing layer does not contain harmful substances, therefore can be used to protect drinking water containers.
  • Sold both in the form of a concentrate and a composition ready for immediate use.
  • Some products contain substances that protect against putrefactive processes.


  • Aquastop insulation can provide high-quality coating, even outer side dirty or filled with liquid. Therefore, there is no need to dry the materials, which significantly reduces the time required for waterproofing measures.
  • High speed of manual work using simple technology. There is no need to use special technical means.
  • Withstands not only high pressure, but also makes it possible to carry out work to eliminate the defect at the site of the breakthrough, with direct liquid pressure. This allows you to effectively eliminate emergency situations.
  • Resistance of the aquastop layer to aggressive environments (alkalies, salts, petroleum products, etc.).
  • Wide temperature regime use.
  • Increased resistance to mechanical damage.
  • This waterproofing significantly reduces consumption adhesive compositions And paint and varnish materials during further processing.


In everyday life, compositions are most often used for coating waterproofing Perfecta AQUASTOP. Excellent for finishing any parts of buildings: from foundations and basements to walls and balconies. Application is carried out on a hard surface - masonry, plaster, screed, concrete slab. When using it, the following steps are followed:

1. prepare the base. It must be cleaned as much as possible so that the adhesion of the composition to the base is of better quality;

2. if there are potholes or cracks outside, they are sealed with Perfecta “Leveling” solution. Corners or sharp places are pre-rounded;

3. preparation of the solution. The technology is indicated on the packaging. It all comes down to thoroughly mixing the composition with water. To achieve a better result, it is advisable to use an electric drill with an attachment. The waterproofing solution must be used within 3 hours;

4. Application is done with a brush or spatula (trowel). The surface is first wetted with water. A certain sequence of actions must be followed. First, apply the 1st layer, which must dry. After at least 18 hours, the 2nd one is laid, in a perpendicular direction. If the work is done with a brush, then after it dries it is necessary to arrange a 3rd one (parallel to the 1st). The thickness of one layer is about 4 mm;

5. Waterproofing measures are carried out at the temperature indicated on the packaging (at least +5 °C).

Consumption and cost

When covering in 3 layers, the approximate consumption is 4 kg of powder per 1 m2 (20 kg in a bag). Cost – 554 rubles.

"AQUA-STOP" Hercules is supplied in packs of 25 kg. Cost – 477 rubles per bag. Consumption for a layer of 1 mm is 1.5 kg/m2. Has some restrictions in use. For example, you cannot treat surfaces with different basis. To do this, they must first be plastered.

Sealing cords with a rectangular profile are also widely used. The price of Waterstop waterproofing is from 140 rubles/rm. (depending on the section).

The product is very convenient for sealing joints, cold seams, and places where pipes pass through ceilings or walls.

Any construction or renovation work requires a professional and thoughtful approach to ensure a long service life as a result. In order to protect the surface or components from exposure to excess moisture, waterproofing is used. Aquastop waterproofing qualitatively fulfills its main purpose - to protect the surface from the destructive effects of moisture.

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Features and Benefits

What is Aquastop waterproofing? This is a product that is used to treat building structures such as balconies, ceilings, floors and walls against moisture.

The popularity of Aquastop in the consumer market is very high; its use is due to the main qualitative properties and advantages:

  • Waterproofing Aquastop provides high-quality coverage even in cases where, when applied to the surface moisture is present. Thanks to this property, you can bypass the procedure of long-term drying of the surface, which saves effort and time.
  • Quick application short time processing that does not require special skills, there is no need to use any special devices.
  • Helps enhance protective properties against exposure to strong liquid pressure, helps cope with high pressure pressure, and is also widely used in eliminating emergency problems.
  • Heat resistance.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • When you use Aquastop, you save money on the cost of purchasing additional paint and varnish compositions, glue and other things.

Consumption and cost of Aquastop

When choosing materials, the majority of buyers are guided by their cost. Aquastop Hercules is optimal material from a price point of view, you still get high quality products. The material is packaged in 20-25 kg quantities, powder consumption- about a kilogram per square meter.

For many, the manufacturer's recommendation for applying a layer of about 3-4 mm is insufficient to provide the required level of protection against moisture. But these fears are in vain if you are Aquastop, since the manufacturer produces high quality products that guarantee good grip, as well as durability and long service life.

Also, the manufacturer puts forward the only condition when using its products - full compliance with the technology of using the material, otherwise the final quality may differ.

Prices for Aquastop

Aquastop waterproofing

Application of waterproofing

The success of using any material is the instructions that are included in each package.

Before use protective material Aquastop, regardless of the fraction and structure, it is necessary to prepare the surface to be treated in advance.

You also need to study how Aquastop works.

You can improve airflow by thoroughly cleaning the structure you will be treating.

If necessary, use brushes and rags to remove all dirt and dust.

The next step is to remove all weak areas of concrete that will be subject to deformation. Then concentrate is diluted(in stores you can also find already ready-made compositions, which do not require preparation of the solution: they can be used immediately after opening the container), then the solution is distributed over the surface and left until completely hardened.

In the case when a waterproofing coating mixture or Aquastop primer is used, you should perform preparatory work surface: its should be moisturized. The coating mixture is diluted with water until a paste-like consistency is achieved.

After surface treatment, a fixative powder is used, then a silicon-based fixative is applied. Next steps– this is the repeated application of the coating mixture: each layer should be applied after the previous one has completely dried. After completing all stages of work, you will succeed protective layerno more than 3 mm.

Composition of the product

Depending on the purpose of use, the composition of Aquastop may be different. It is produced in different modifications. Waterproofing material- powder for coating, which must be diluted in water, as a result you get a solution to cover the surface; during processing, a water-repellent layer of film is formed on it. This material can be used to process surfaces of absolutely any complexity.

The interaction of the material showed good results during processing different types surfaces: stone, concrete, and others. The components that make up the waterproofing are non-toxic and absolutely harmless. In stores you can purchase a composition ready for application, or use a concentrate that is used to obtain a solution.

So you can process significantly large area surfaces.

Aquastops are also available for sale, which help protect the material from rotting, which also guarantees an extension of the service life of the treated surface.

Before using any material, read the instructions and make sure that it is what you need.

You can also contact consultants at a specialized store who will help you decide on a purchase. Due to the fact that it does not require any special professional skills, you can easily cope with this task yourself.

Important! Use products when working with materials personal protection, such as glasses and gloves.

Using protection prevents the solution from coming into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and open skin. These protection methods are also described in the instructions for waterproofing.

In order to decide on required quantity waterproofing, you should calculate in advance the area that you need to process. The powder consumption per square meter is usually indicated on the packaging.

Material manufacturers

The construction market offers waterproofing products from the following manufacturing companies: Litokol, Index, Kerakoll, Mapei, Remmers.


The brand originated in Italy and spread throughout the world. A plant for the production of this product has also been opened in Russia. trademark. The company produces a diverse range of construction products, including moisture protection. In the catalog you can find dry mixtures and ready-made compositions that can be immediately applied to the surface; there are also various liquid primers.


The brand is an Italian trademark that has its representatives in Russia. The company produces products intended for building insulation. More than 300 positions allow you to choose suitable material for a specific situation and construction site.


Leading Italian manufacturer chemical compositions and mixtures for construction. All products have certificates of compliance with international standards. The company's catalog contains more than 200 names of products, all of them are aimed at creating a safe indoor microclimate and are harmless to environment and human health.


Russian manufacturer
, which uses the experience of German manufacturers to produce products building mixtures and materials.

He works closely with world laboratories, which is why the building materials of this brand are different high quality and relatively inexpensive.

When purchasing and selecting material, you should also take into account the type of surface you will be processing.

Treatment products are commercially available various surfaces. Aquastop products have all the necessary quality certificates and are safe for use. Subject to basic safety rules, you can carry out the work yourself at home.

Useful video: how to apply Aquastop waterproofing