Astrological compatibility of the signs Virgo men and Taurus women: relationships, marriage, work, friendship. Sexual attraction of a couple

Natalya Erofeevskaya

It can't be said that astrological signs Virgo and Taurus are very similar to each other, but belonging to the same element of the Earth, their representatives and look in one direction, and perfectly understand each other perfectly. Good compatibility, combined with intelligence and interest in each other, results in successful love and family unions: astrologers estimate the percentage of compatibility of these horoscopes to be 90% or higher.

These two are not looking for adventure in their lives: a calm way of existence allows them to maintain their inner world and mutual harmony. Taurus is characterized by perseverance, useful for life, and Virgo's sharp mind quickly and correctly makes important decisions. Being absolute homebodies and having common interests, Virgo and Taurus find in each other the support necessary to maintain stability: they trust each other, value their partner’s personal space, avoid conflicts, and resolve controversial issues using civilized methods.

The prudence of both competently shapes family budget: this couple will always be financially secure, they will have the funds to buy a car or real estate, and for a joint vacation, and for the education of children. Together, representatives of these signs become stronger and more confident in each other and in themselves.

Virgo and Taurus Compatibility Chart

Compatibility of Virgo Man and Taurus Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

This combination is stable due to the predictability of both representatives of earth signs, their calmness and equanimity. There simply won’t be any Mexican passions here: the composure and restraint of the Virgo man combined with the poise and hard work of the Taurus woman exclude cataclysms in love and family. From the outside, this union may even seem boring, but it is partnership, and not physical attraction or mind-blowing love, that will become the basis for a long and happy relationship.

Neither in business nor in love, Virgo and Taurus don't give each other surprises: they are open, but not intrusive, they know how to keep their distance and be moderately romantic. Good compatibility makes an excellent application for a strong and reliable union.

Love at first sight is the order of the day for Virgos and Taurus

Are they compatible in love?

Hard work and conscientiousness, prudence and extraordinary practicality - it would seem that these qualities do not apply to a love union between a man and a woman, but they determine the development of relations between a Virgo man and a Taurus woman. Their romance is based not on fruitless dreams and castles in the air, but on the character qualities that partners are picking up in this union with each other.

Balance and balance, pragmatism and diligence of partners for the sake of the other are the basis of this love union

Calmness and external coldness do not mean that the Virgo man and Taurus woman are incapable of deep, sincere feelings: they are undoubtedly present in this union, but are not openly demonstrated, but their actions and mutual care speak for themselves. And neither partner will allow himself a bad review of the other: they sincerely trust each other, and even if things are not going well, they understand that this is only a temporary circumstance.

Virgo guy and Taurus girl in sex

The lack of passion in Virgo and the sexual assertiveness of Taurus can lead to tension and some disagreements in bed, especially at first. The Taurus girl is quite straightforward to obtain physical pleasure, but the Virgo man is a subtle and even conservative nature, and his friend’s similar approach to joint intimate moments may even shock him. These two just need listen to each other: a man should relax and give his partner a little more sexual freedom, a woman should not rush things and be patient. Mutual caresses, tenderness, attention, tactful discussion intimate problems and a mutual search for solutions will eventually allow you to find harmony in the bedroom.

Virgo's lack of passion and Taurus' sexual assertiveness can lead to tension

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

If he is a Virgo and she is a Taurus, should they decide to link their destinies? Yes, this marriage will be serious, long and indestructible. Partnership in this union, mutual concessions, every chance to live in material prosperity, similarity of characters and a unified strategy for raising children will be the key to a strong family. A man in such a marriage is an intelligent and caring father, a loving and faithful husband. The woman is a sociable, “punchy” wife who maintains cleanliness and comfort. In this marriage union, going to the left is extremely unlikely: both are happy with everything within the walls of the house, they have no need to go in search of something else.

But even in such a harmonious marriage, family conflicts are possible, and most often they happen due to stubbornness and obvious leadership claims Taurus women, which she is not ready to completely give to her husband. More adapted to life, flexible and modern, at a certain moment she may become eager to suppress a man: whether Virgo will defend her rights or immediately give the palm to Taurus depends on the specific person and life circumstances.

A Virgo man and a Taurus woman do not quarrel in the family over trifles: it is not in the nature of both to make mountains out of molehills

Is there friendship if he is a Virgo and she is a Taurus?

Friendly relations between representatives of these signs are based on the independence of individuals, their prudence and natural compatibility. What do they like so much about each other? Together they will always have something to talk about: they are erudite, have creative abilities and common interests and do not have conflicts. Natural abilities for commerce, prudence and a sober mind are quite capable of transforming friendly relationships into very successful business ones, and physical relationships into love ones. Whatever this union may be, it will be fruitful and pleasant for both. If a couple decides not to cross certain boundaries, friendship can last for years.

How to win a Virgo man?

Even if a Virgo man looks like a true hero-lover, is charming and undresses with his eyes, his essence is consistency and predictability. In women, he values ​​calm and reliability, not open cleavage and obvious flirting. A Taurus woman with good taste and quite straightforward will be very attractive to such a man if she relies on clear and simple relationships, and does not try to seem mysterious and unique, passionate and experienced in love. Virgo doesn’t want to endlessly guess the woman he loves: he needs a friend and support, not love cataclysms and “brain blowing.”

Virgo doesn’t want to endlessly guess the woman he loves: he needs a friend and support

Developing a strategy to conquer a Virgo man, a Taurus woman don't bet on sex: yes - he is a man, but a man with very puritanical views, even a comparison with a prude would be appropriate. The need for sexual relations in Taurus is much higher than in Virgo: but if you do not rush to move to this level, and in the future find a compromise on this important issue, the couple will succeed.

How to get the attention of a Taurus woman?

A Virgo man, picky even about little things, can drive a woman of the Taurus sign literally to the point of white heat. Thorough by nature, calculating and considering every step, the Taurus woman does not make critical mistakes in her life and in relationships with the opposite sex, and therefore all that remains for Virgo is patience and calm attitude to some errors on the part of the chosen one. None of us are perfect.

A Virgo man manages to interest a Taurus with his persona easy enough: she loves listening to interesting, erudite storytellers, and he really has something to tell. And if you also praise the magnificent cooking, into which a woman of the Taurus sign puts all her soul and skill, then the couple will be bound by a warm and trusting relationship for a long time.

Compatibility Horoscope for Virgo Woman and Taurus Man

An interesting and classic union: he will be strong in this relationship and a confident leader, capable of solving any everyday problems, she is affectionate, loving and gentle, with all her being aimed at comfort in the home and caring for her man. Both friendly and business relationship will be harmonious: the Virgo woman only needs to give the reins of power to Taurus, which he will easily and with professional skill pick up. She needs him, and he needs her.

The basis of this combination of signs: the main one in the couple is the man, the woman’s role is support and help.

Love relationship

The Virgo woman does not give her fans a fountain of emotions: it is created for a comfortable life. This woman will clean and polish, put things in order and cook deliciously, sincerely care about her beloved and will not change, even if not everything is good in the family. This is exactly how the Taurus man will see her if it comes to living together.

In love relationships, especially at the first stage, not everything goes smoothly for them: Virgo is stiff and even dry, completely unemotional will cause a slight shock in the brutal body and thoughts of a Taurus man. This is where the moment of truth comes: Taurus must decide why he needs this woman. Due to her coldness and conservatism, she is definitely not suitable for a quick and bright affair, but for further serious relationships and as a future wife and mother of his children... Taurus will have something to think about.

The complete unemotionality of Virgo causes a slight shock in the brutal body and thoughts of the Taurus man

As for Virgo, a man born under the sign of Taurus - this is just the hero of her novel. She will be attracted to almost everything about him: his seriousness and sociability, his ability to speak and listen. A small negative point in this person may be some everyday chaos, which she categorically does not accept. But this is an insignificant drawback that she is quite capable of turning a blind eye to for the sake of the common good.

Sexual attraction of a couple

Virgo, due to her natural restraint and almost puritanical views, will not become a bright and enchanting lover for Taurus: they have too different views on sex and temperaments. His sensuality and self-confidence, the regular need for sex at first can even shock the conservative Virgo, who does not allow herself to be excessively active. But such a fairly textbook attitude of a man-woman to sex will lead to the fact that the bed for them will become a place where a woman can liberate herself, and a man will receive his portion of affection, warmth and tenderness. Over time, his patience and care will be rewarded: Virgo will begin to take the initiative, and intimate relationships will become brighter and more harmonious.


A serious test of the strength of a marriage relationship, which both the Taurus man and the Virgo woman are able to achieve quite quickly, will be their different attitudes to housekeeping and everyday life. Taurus will definitely act as the breadwinner: he will be able to provide his family with everything they need thanks to his perseverance. And here the house should be given entirely into the hands of Virgo, because she does not intend to tolerate an order different from hers. This young lady, having barely crossed the threshold of her husband’s house, is capable of throwing his entire previous life into the trash heap. At this point, the Virgo woman should stop and breathe out: direct encroachments on Taurus’s personal space are fraught with conflicts. If a compromise is found in the everyday sphere, then this couple will easily solve other everyday problems.

Approaches to raising children they are almost identical, so there will be no disagreements on this basis, and the birth of a baby will smooth out the rough edges that the Taurus husband and Virgo wife will discover in their life together.

How are a Virgo girl and a Taurus guy friends?

In a friendly relationship, both will unusually pleasant to each other: Both Virgo and Taurus know how to listen and speak, they will be comfortable having conversations on any topic. The man will most likely immediately take on the role of a spiritual mentor: timid Virgo, who is not always able to find a solution to her problems, needs his advice and prudence. Taurus, in turn, will enjoy this communication with a well-mannered and modest young lady.

In a friendly relationship, both will be unusually pleasant to each other

How to win a Taurus man and build a relationship with him?

Virgo is obviously focused on long-term and serious relationships, and this is exactly what Taurus needs to fall in love and get married. Intelligent and calm, homely and balanced - the Virgo woman just needs to be herself and refrain from criticism some disorderliness of life and everyday life of Taurus. This man has an excellent sense of humor, which, well-read and well-educated, Virgo cannot help but appreciate.

A Virgo woman should know that a Taurus man has special reverence for sexual pleasures: sex for him is an important component of existence. In order to give her man not only spiritual, but also physical pleasure, Virgo is advised to reconsider the puritanical attitude towards intimacy and allow herself to liberate herself.

Is it possible to make a Virgo woman fall in love with you?

The good thing about the union of a Taurus man and a Virgo woman is that they don’t have to do anything special to please each other: Virgo will accept Taurus as such, what he is, and will be grateful for your cordiality and understanding. She will certainly appreciate the peace at home and on vacation, interesting conversations and spiritual affection. Very sensual Taurus don't rush into intimate relationships: Virgo, with her conservative views, needs a lot of time to become attached to her partner, feel trust in him and want physical intimacy.

If a Taurus invites a girl to his territory, he should take care of the cleanliness and order in the apartment: the household chaos characteristic of Taurus will plunge the neat and pedantic Virgo into shock.

December 14, 2017

A pair of a Virgo man and a woman born under the sign of Taurus is one of the most stable and durable. As a rule, representatives of the earth element are not prone to expression. They are calm, predictable, and sometimes even boring. There is little romance and lively adventures in them; first of all, this is a partnership that cements the couple for many years. For a Virgo man who values ​​predictability and reliability, a Taurus woman is ideal. By by and large, he doesn't need a puzzle woman. Directness, the ability to please, to be supportive - that’s what he values. Men born under the sign of Virgo, like the Taurus woman, build close relationships from a practical point of view. This couple is grounded and maximally provided for in material terms. They are alien to adventurous moods in any relationship: love, family, financial, work. Public display of feelings is unusual for this couple. Rationality and pedantry are the main qualities that the earth element signs value in each other. Their love is somewhat ponderous and very reasonable in the sense that they are guided by heartfelt impulses in the last place. Excessive emotional outbursts are also unusual for this couple. Not to say that everything is completely smooth and even boring for them, but it is unusual for these signs to lose their heads over trifles. People born under the signs of Taurus and Virgo may have fleeting love affairs, but it will be very difficult to tear them out of the bosom of the family. But even such stable unions have their problems. For example, when some kind of force majeure intervenes in business, requiring a quick response, they may get lost. The shaky foundation of their stability greatly unsettles the couple. Loss of balance in any of the areas brings problems to the relationship between a Virgo man and a Taurus woman.

Sexual compatibility

Both signs are not dreamers and romantics at their core. Taurus is more affectionate than Virgo in the sexual sphere and is very scrupulous in matters of pleasure. The Virgo man is more subtly organized and does not always give important intimate issues.

Sexual compatibility between Virgo and Taurus women is at an average level. Despite the fact that these are two representatives of the same element, who have related needs, a woman’s need for intimacy is an order of magnitude higher than a man’s. Probably due to the fact that Virgo is not a very temperamental sign, and Taurus is considered to be a fertile sign, therefore, his need for intimate contact is higher.

Of course, everything is individual, but in such a union, Taurus should not place high hopes on the sexual sphere. An emotionally reserved man born under the sign of Virgo may be somewhat frightened by the pressure of a woman. In the sexual sphere, Taurus are more straightforward, but for Virgos, a certain ritual in intimacy is important.

In a Taurus-Virgo couple, mutual trust is very important. Once it is achieved, enslavement fades into the background.

At work and at home

The stars say that business compatibility is good when a Taurus woman and a Virgo man decide to join forces on the work front. Both signs have a lot of qualities that can be used for the benefit of the common cause. Virgo and Taurus will work well together due to his analytical ability and responsibility. They are conservatives, so it is better not to entrust them with risky operations and innovative ideas.

As a couple, Taurus and Virgo work towards results thanks to their hard work. Here the man acts as a generator of ideas, and the woman will be good as a performer. It is better for these signs not to work in an area where rush and emergency work is expected.

The Taurus boss will not become a source of confusion at work. She interacts well with subordinates, especially with a Virgo subordinate - dutiful and understanding. The reverse balance of power, when Virgo is the boss and Taurus is the subordinate, is not very successful. All because of the Virgo nature, the tendency towards perfectionism gives this sign excessive pickiness. Such a boss can criticize any actions, especially if something failed. Since Taurus is an ideal performer, this attitude may seem unfair.

In friendship, what is important for earth element signs is how they relate to material values. This aspect unites them, and relationships are built on this important foundation. They can help each other out financially, they can give practical advice. Balance and reason are very important in such relationships.

The Virgo man communicates equally smoothly with representatives of his own and the opposite sex, the Taurus woman is very sweet in conversation, so they are always pleased to talk with each other.

An affair on the side in the relationship of such people is possible only when personal life not very successful. These are static signs; they do not need change. But if they are both free, they will make a great couple.

Taurus are very purposeful, and Virgos like this, although Virgo’s stubbornness is difficult to bear. But Taurus is conquered by Virgo’s quick wit, although excessive scrupulousness in all areas of life tires them. In general, the union is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

No matter what happens in the lives of Taurus and Virgo, they will always adhere to their principles to the end. What these two signs have in common is that they both pay great attention to memories. Especially Virgos. This is a sign that generally loves to immerse itself in the past, while experiencing pleasure. Taurus are more skeptical; they only need memories to “work on mistakes.”

The development of such relationships occurs, as a rule, very slowly, but purposefully and faithfully. After all overall quality for Taurus and Virgo is reliability.

They are also characterized by a certain feminine principle - receptivity and passivity. Negative qualities include suspicion, excessive caution and timidity.

At first glance, it may seem that what Virgo and Taurus have in common is patience. However, it is not. Taurus doesn't apply special effort, showing patience, which cannot be said about Virgo. This is a sign full of tension within itself. Virgo is easily thrown out of balance, and although outwardly it will seem that Virgo is absolutely calm, in fact, a wave of indignation is raging in her soul. Especially when something goes wrong.

Taurus is characterized as a permanent sign, so it is easier for him to succeed in life than for Virgo. He is more stable and organized, and also more capable of creating solid foundation for career, family and marriage. Virgo is a mobile sign, prone to inconstancy.

Both Virgos and Taurus prefer privacy with themselves. Therefore, there is a high probability that such a couple in their declining years will be drawn to live in the village. Away from the bustle of the city and chatty people. Such a passion for life “on earth” can easily be explained by belonging to the element Earth.

Speaking about stubbornness, we note that both signs are sufficiently have this quality. And to say who is more stubborn is not entirely appropriate, since this is manifested in different areas. So, for example, Taurus is stubborn in principle, but Virgo is scattered over trifles.

Relationships of the type “Taurus Man and Virgo Woman”

Virgos are extremely neat; they do not accept chaos in anything. Therefore, it will be difficult for Taurus if they are not used to putting things in their place.

Although there are Virgos who tolerate a little disorder, all the thoughts in their heads are in their places.

Because of fundamental accuracy, Virgos and Taurus may have conflicts. Because Taurus have never been scrupulous in matters of cleanliness, to be honest, some of the Taurus are absolutely careless. This is explained by the fact that the Taurus man is more busy global problems and does not find fault with trifles, and maintaining order for him is not something that should be given much attention. It is unfair to say that a Taurus man does not take care of his appearance. He will take care of himself, but not turn it all into a cult of beauty.

Attitude of a Taurus man to a Virgo woman

At first, Taurus may think that Virgo is very conservative and picky. However, this is not so, Virgo has a mathematical mindset, and basically reason, rather than feelings, predominates in her. Therefore, Virgo will not criticize everything he sees; on the contrary, he will show condescension where it is really needed.
When Virgo notices that something has gone wrong, she will not run and sort things out headlong. First, Virgo will conduct a clear analysis of why this happened, and only then Virgo will act. She does not make sudden conclusions, and this helps her avoid many mistakes.

A Taurus guy will not go crazy from long thoughts. His nature is designed in such a way that he initially knows where the truth is and what to do.

In solving problems, he acts decisively at the level of intuition and does not think at all about the difficulties that may arise. This behavior can alienate a sensible Virgo. But, having lived together for several years and understood the nature of her chosen one, over time Virgo will learn to trust Taurus and see that his intuition rarely lets him down.

As time passes, Taurus will also understand that Virgo’s cold mind is not a disadvantage, but a virtue. Taurus will consider honesty to be the main quality of his girlfriend. In the union of the impulsive Taurus and the judicious Virgo, harmony will appear only when both signs treat each other condescendingly and see more good than bad.

In sex, Virgo is focused and thinks through everything down to the smallest detail. This approach to intimate relationships can turn off a Taurus man. But if the union survives a turning point, then such meticulousness of Virgo will be able to raise love to new level. Relationships will not be based on fleeting passion, but on sentimental affection and the desire to please each other.

Attitude of a Virgo woman to a Taurus man

Practicality is, naturally, not a synonym for love, but not in the marriage of Taurus and Virgo. These earth signs They will not go to extremes and cut from the shoulder.
On a subconscious level, a man like Taurus is an ideal for a Virgo woman, because for her he is the absolute personification of masculinity and attractive power.

Like any woman, a feeling of security is important to Virgo. This is the feeling that the Taurus man brings into the world of Virgo with his presence.

The sensible Virgo will immediately be captivated by the determination of her chosen one and his stubbornness in work matters. The Virgo woman will be grateful to the man for the harmony that he creates when he is next to her.

Union of a Taurus woman and a Virgo man

From an astrological point of view, a very rare union, but quite possible, since both signs are united by their practicality and constancy. This gives them a chance to get to know each other while spending time doing something they love.

For example, a Taurus woman and a Virgo man can meet each other on ski resort or while hunting. Such an activity is more likely for a practical Taurus woman.

Common views on life, and most importantly, interests will make the acquaintance not stand still. Both Taurus and Virgo are absolutely balanced, down-to-earth signs. Therefore, conflicts will not arise out of nowhere.

In many ways, the development of relationships depends on the Taurus woman. She has the power to get and keep the attention of a Virgo man. And if she does everything right, then the man will become pliable and tame, without even realizing it.

A state of peace is very important to a Virgo man, so when a Taurus woman is calm next to him, he will be pleased. Such a chosen one thinks everything over and does not allow rash actions. Although representatives of this sign do not get irritated over trifles, internal harmony is important for both.

Still, when a scandal brews in their life together, Virgo and Taurus behave completely differently. The Taurus woman will explode immediately and for a long time. Such scandals will be difficult to erase from memory, so it is better not to drive such a woman into hysterics. And if a Virgo man gets turned on, then it’s not so scary. He does not know how to make a scandal, the quarrel will be superficial and will not last long.

The Taurus woman is not particularly sensitive. As a rule, it is difficult for her to understand the inner world of a vulnerable Virgo man. Such a guy has a lot of thoughts and experiences in his head that he is not used to sharing.

And if his chosen one does not find the right path of relationship with him, then the union will fall apart.

A Virgo man will often doubt his woman's love if she is a Taurus. Because she is not used to showing tenderness all the time and everywhere. For a Taurus woman, this is alien; for her, love is not in kisses and hugs, but in achieving common goals, in common hobbies.

In order for the relationship to be strong and the inner world of the Virgo man to be calmer, the Taurus woman will have to force herself to give compliments and say words of love. Over time, this will become a habit, although at first it will be annoying. But for the doubting Virgo this is very important.

The undoubted advantage of the Virgo guy is that he loves everything natural and natural. A minimum of cosmetics, only what nature created. Therefore, it will be easier for his woman: no unnecessary expenses for expensive perfumes and other things that the Virgo man does not understand.

Video - Taurus and Virgo compatibility in love relationships


It may seem that the partners have a lot in common, but in fact they may be completely incompatible with each other. Even though both appreciate home comfort, the man is too rational for such a woman. He may consider her a spendthrift, and she may reproach him for greed and stinginess, which will not bring happiness to both.

A woman of this sign is often endowed with creative abilities and loves passion and love, which this partner does not have enough of. Therefore, to maintain a relationship, a man will have to try.

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

Virgo Rat Man and Taurus Ox Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

Virgo Rat Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

Virgo Rat Man and Taurus Dragon Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Horse Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

Virgo-Rat Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Ox Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

Virgo Ox Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

Virgo Ox Man and Taurus Dragon Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Horse Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

Virgo-Ox Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Rat Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Ox Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Tiger Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Dragon Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Snake Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Horse Woman

Virgo-Tiger Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Monkey Woman

Virgo-Tiger Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

Virgo Tiger Man and Taurus Dog Woman

Virgo-Tiger Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

Virgo Rabbit Man and Taurus Rat Woman

  • Decisiveness and determination are what fuel your mutual interest. You will never be bored, and you are capable of real mutual assistance, even if everything around you is against you;
  • Lack of jealousy is not a sign of indifference. Therefore, you respect each other’s opinions and strive to preserve the relationship;
  • Tenderness and sensuality cannot erase the years of your relationship. Take care of these wonderful qualities.

Virgo Rabbit Man and Taurus Ox Woman

  • Main secret your union in the ability to keep secrets and secrets;
  • You understand each other perfectly, and are even able to read each other’s thoughts from a distance;
  • Marriages between you in your youth are the happiest, but even in adulthood you can create a wonderful couple.

Virgo Rabbit Man and Taurus Tiger Woman

  • It is not easy for you to find a common language with each other. Become more relaxed and arrange pleasant surprises and celebrations for each other more often;
  • A short relationship can develop into something serious, but the romance will most likely leave them. Try to preserve it;
  • It is not your enemies that destroy your relationship, but your own jealousy. Stop suspecting each other of infidelity and lies.

Virgo Rabbit Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

  • You are constantly looking for and finding something new in each other, so the joint interest will not fade between you even in old age;
  • The main thing that connects you is the rare ability to forgive and feel each other. Even the most serious ups and downs of life are unlikely to be able to separate you forever;
  • Your love can overcome all life's obstacles. Therefore, you are happy and able to revive relationships even from the ashes.

Virgo Rabbit Man and Taurus Dragon Woman

  • You may not notice each other, especially at the very beginning of the relationship. But over time they can become passionate and interesting;
  • Despite your different views, you value each other. That’s why you’re so interested in being together;
  • Relationships rarely develop between you in your youth. But in your mature years, you are simply happy together.

Virgo-Rabbit Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • You have a rare ability to understand each other's quirks and oddities. This is why you value collaborative relationships so much;
  • You both have passion and the ability to overcome obstacles. Therefore, material problems can never separate you;
  • You will always find a way to reconciliation and forgiveness of each other. Maintain these beneficial qualities.

Virgo Rabbit Man and Taurus Horse Woman

  • The union will not be durable, since both of you are sure that it is temporary. It's time to start appreciating each other;
  • Be considerate of each other. Only mutual and long-term interest will help you save your relationship;
  • Beware of deception; you both tend to be secretive. More openness and goodwill will not hurt you.

Virgo-Rabbit Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Financial difficulties may arise in your couple. To maintain a relationship, show persistence and character;
  • Be careful with anger. You are both quick-tempered and unpredictable, so control yourself;
  • It is difficult for you to resist outside influence. Hold on tight to each other and develop independence.

Virgo-Rabbit Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

  • The habit of consulting with others will not benefit you. Learn to act yourself, and not at someone else’s orders;
  • Don't let others interfere in your relationship. Your feelings may not stand the test of time and circumstances;
  • In an effort to imitate happy couples you risk forgetting about yourself. Focus on your own needs, even if they are not ideal.

Virgo-Rabbit Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • No matter what happens between you, you will always understand each other. Mutual respect is the main trump card of your relationship;
  • Love and kindness help you out in many situations. Therefore, do not lose these wonderful qualities;
  • Neither people, nor money, nor circumstances - nothing can separate you. Because you are endowed with a rare attraction to each other.

Virgo Rabbit Man and Taurus Dog Woman

  • The passion between you flares up immediately, but over time it develops into a very tender feeling;
  • Love is not always able to reconcile you, but you always find reasons to be together;
  • Your relationship can hardly be called predictable, but there is always intrigue and passion in them.

Virgo-Rabbit Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • You tend to accumulate mutual grievances and complain to relatives. Under no circumstances do this if you want to save the relationship;
  • Over time, passion can subside, leaving an emptiness. Only patience and tender feelings can fill it;
  • Material difficulties can tear you apart. Don't blame each other for your failures.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Rat Woman

  • You are capable of falling in love with each other in spite of everyone and despite negative circumstances. And then find real feeling and consistency in relationships;
  • You constantly prove to each other that you are right. But at the same time, always find a reason for romance and real happiness;
  • You are happy just with dreams and dreams of love. But sometimes you lack determination and activity.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Ox Woman

  • The volcano of your passions risks burning all living things, including tender love. Be careful, especially when angry;
  • Sometimes it is not easy for you to understand each other, especially when angry. Therefore, listen to each other;
  • You quarrel and make peace easily, but sometimes your quarrels develop into real scandals. More trust and respect will not hurt you.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Tiger Woman

  • Your relationship can hardly be called boring. You either quarrel or make peace, but you always do it with passion;
  • The desire for mutual success is your main trump card. Together you can create very strong relationships;
  • Your love is more like a competition to see who can seduce whom than serious feeling. However, there is still some piquancy in this.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

  • Jealousy is painful and you know it, so don't let it ruin your relationship;
  • Don’t think that independence is a bad thing; some couples simply need separation. If you don’t want to bore each other, take pauses in the relationship;
  • Love like in the movies is possible, if not for jealousy and resentment. Don't blame each other for all your sins.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Dragon Woman

  • Creativity and the ability to think outside the box brings you together, but you are still far from real passion. Learn to appreciate each other and your time together;
  • You will find love only through mistakes and delusions. But if you find it, you will certainly be able to keep it;
  • Your feelings are fragile, but decency and consistency hold you together.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Snake Woman

  • You understand each other perfectly and are no worse than a wizard at satisfying your joint desires. The main secret of the strength of your union is that you both feel like children and are not embarrassed by your spontaneity;
  • Nothing can separate you, since passion will never disappear from your relationship. You are both young at heart;
  • You magically attract each other. Therefore, one can only envy the durability of your relationship.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Horse Woman

  • Love flares up in your relationship for a short time. Try to hold her and don’t be afraid of crazy actions;
  • Routine is unbearable for anyone, add variety to your life;
  • Sometimes you miss celebrating and taking risks. Try to remind each other about them more often.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Goat Woman

  • Your story can start from hate to love. Therefore, surrender to the whirlpool of events and do not try to curb your feelings;
  • Lying risks ruining your relationship from the very beginning. Stop manipulating each other;
  • When trying to please your partner, you both run the risk of overdoing it and forgetting about your desires. More frankness will not hurt you.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Monkey Woman

  • You don't believe rumors and trust only each other. Therefore, no rumors, gossip and intrigue can undermine your trust in each other;
  • An unabating volcano of passions makes your relationship interesting even in old age. Therefore, you will never be bored with each other;
  • Mutual love for children is what binds you. Take care of it and then you can achieve a lot.

Virgo-Dragon Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • Love between you does not arise immediately, but it is strong and reliable. You can always find a compromise and agree;
  • You both set high goals and know how to both win and lose. But, no matter what happens between you, you are able to understand and forgive each other like no one else;
  • Your relationship is full of tenderness and sincerity. Take care of these rare qualities to preserve love.

Virgo Dragon Man and Taurus Dog Woman

  • You stand firmly on the ground and gradually accumulate material well-being. But when all goals are exhausted, disappointment may set in;
  • Your love is like a deep, calm lake. She is gentle, but without much passion;
  • You get along easily with each other, but sometimes you lack the intensity of passions.

Virgo-Dragon Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • When showing character, do not go too far. Otherwise, your partner will perceive this as pressure, so you can save the relationship if you allow each other more freedom;
  • Your relationship is like a dying volcano. Over time, passion may leave them, giving way to routine; try to maintain interest in each other.

Virgo Snake Man and Taurus Rat Woman

  • Love can work miracles, and you will experience this for yourself more than once;
  • The strength of the alliance ensures your mutual understanding. Take care of each other and maintain this wonderful quality as long as possible;
  • You, like no one else, are able to cheer each other up. Your sense of humor is a reliable talisman against all sorts of discord and quarrels; it helps you maintain optimism in any situation.

Virgo Snake Man and Taurus Ox Woman

  • Love for you is a sea of ​​romance in which you are so pleased to be. You are able to find romance in the most ordinary things;
  • The ability to seduce is what binds you. You can make a real holiday for each other out of nothing;
  • You don't lose your sense of humor and you do the right thing. It, like no other, is capable of reconciling you after long quarrels.

Virgo Snake Man and Taurus Tiger Woman

  • For each other's sake, you are ready to reach even the stars from the sky. And this is commendable, because you always understand each other perfectly;
  • Even if the whole world is against you, you are unlikely to break up. Because you love and appreciate each other very much;
  • Your relationship can hardly be called permanent, but no matter what happens, you always come back to each other and this is commendable.

Virgo Snake Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

  • You are unlikely to fall in love at first sight. But the feeling that arises between you is worthy of applause;
  • A love game between you can develop into a serious feeling. But, having truly fallen in love, you are able to maintain playfulness and unpredictability even in a permanent relationship;
  • You can ruin everything and restore everything on your own. And such a game attracts you to each other and makes the relationship sharper.

Virgo Snake Man and Taurus Dragon Woman

  • Over time, your affection will only grow stronger, even if you did not give it special significance earlier;
  • Love does not immediately appear in your relationship. But, if it occurs, it will last for a long time;
  • Calmness and the ability to avoid conflict are commendable qualities. But over time, it can make your relationship boring.

Virgo-Snake Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • Love will never leave your relationship, even if you know each other well and have been together for a long time;
  • Your relationship can become more perfect if you maintain interest in each other for a long time;
  • No matter how the circumstances develop, you will always find a way to make peace and forgive each other. I can only envy your peace of mind.

Virgo Snake Man and Taurus Horse Woman

  • You either love each other or hate each other. Find a middle ground in feelings;
  • Love is wonderful, but it can take you too far from reality. Show concern for each other more often, not in words, but in action;
  • At times you will feel like you are making a mistake. Don't give in negative emotions and your own mood: they are changeable and do not in any way affect your true feelings.

Virgo-Snake Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Sexual harmony is not the only thing that keeps you going. You feel great together, as if in the same element;
  • It’s as if you were born in the same environment, perfectly understanding and feeling each other. Therefore, you are not afraid of any obstacles;
  • You are not capable of hurting each other. Therefore, trust between you is stronger than any obstacles;
  • You rarely quarrel and quickly find the key to reconciliation. Therefore, your happiness is guaranteed.

Virgo-Snake Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

  • When you are young, you may not pay attention to each other. But in maturity, feelings become genuine and strong;
  • You will never lose passion, but only love can boil over. Only sincere respect and recognition of one’s own wrongness will help save a relationship;
  • Sometimes it seems to you that you cannot live without each other. But relationships can become more vibrant if you show affection.

Virgo-Snake Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • From love to hate there is only one step. Learn to trust each other more and try to better understand your own and other people’s feelings;
  • Over time, love can fade away completely. Don't let her bright light go out, add more romance and love to your relationship;
  • Suspicion and mistrust are the main enemies of your relationship. You can easily handle the rest if you want.

Virgo-Snake Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

  • Your relationship may flare up and fade away for no particular reason. But romance and passion will always remain in them;
  • Sometimes small gossip and conversations can harm a relationship, but you can easily distinguish between truth and lies, which allows you to stay together no matter what;
  • The relationship between you is an example of real passion. But sometimes you both do wishful thinking.

Virgo-Snake Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • Your relationship can hardly be called cloudless, but there is always pepper and salt in it. Therefore, you are constantly drawn to each other, even after the final separation;
  • You rarely gossip and this is commendable. Never and in any situation will you make fun of each other’s shortcomings;
  • Sensitivity, daydreaming and sentimentality may prevent you from taking the first step towards each other, but if you take it, you definitely won’t go wrong.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

  • Decisiveness and determination are what fuel your mutual interest. You will never be bored, and you are capable of real mutual assistance, even if everything around you is against you;
  • Lack of jealousy is not a sign of indifference. Therefore, you respect each other’s opinions and strive to preserve the relationship;
  • Tenderness and sensuality cannot erase the years of your relationship. Take care of these wonderful qualities.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Ox Woman

  • The main secret of your union is the ability to keep secrets and secrets;
  • You understand each other perfectly, and are even able to read each other’s thoughts from a distance;
  • Marriages between you in your youth are the happiest, but even in adulthood you can create a wonderful couple.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

  • It is not easy for you to find a common language with each other. Become more relaxed and arrange pleasant surprises and celebrations for each other more often;
  • A short relationship can develop into something serious, but the romance will most likely leave them. Try to preserve it;
  • It is not your enemies that destroy your relationship, but your own jealousy. Stop suspecting each other of infidelity and lies.

Virgo Horse Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

  • You are constantly looking for and finding something new in each other, so the joint interest will not fade between you even in old age;
  • The main thing that connects you is the rare ability to forgive and feel each other. Even the most serious ups and downs of life are unlikely to be able to separate you forever;
  • Your love can overcome all life's obstacles. Therefore, you are happy and able to revive relationships even from the ashes.

Virgo Horse Man and Taurus Dragon Woman

  • You may not notice each other, especially at the very beginning of the relationship. But over time they can become passionate and interesting;
  • Despite your different views, you value each other. That’s why you’re so interested in being together;
  • Relationships rarely develop between you in your youth. But in your mature years, you are simply happy together.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • You have a rare ability to understand each other's quirks and oddities. This is why you value collaborative relationships so much;
  • You both have passion and the ability to overcome obstacles. Therefore, material problems can never separate you;
  • You will always find a way to reconciliation and forgiveness of each other. Maintain these beneficial qualities.

Virgo Horse Man and Taurus Horse Woman

  • The union will not be durable, since both of you are sure that it is temporary. It's time to start appreciating each other;
  • Be considerate of each other. Only mutual and long-term interest will help you save your relationship;
  • Beware of deception; you both tend to be secretive. More openness and goodwill will not hurt you.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Financial difficulties may arise in your couple. To maintain a relationship, show persistence and character;
  • Be careful with anger. You are both quick-tempered and unpredictable, so control yourself;
  • It is difficult for you to resist outside influence. Hold on tight to each other and develop independence.

Virgo Horse Man and Taurus Monkey Woman

  • The habit of consulting with others will not benefit you. Learn to act yourself, and not at someone else’s orders;
  • Don't let others interfere in your relationship. Your feelings may not stand the test of time and circumstances;
  • In an effort to imitate happy couples, you risk forgetting about yourself. Focus on your own needs, even if they are not ideal.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • No matter what happens between you, you will always understand each other. Mutual respect is the main trump card of your relationship;
  • Love and kindness help you out in many situations. Therefore, do not lose these wonderful qualities;
  • Neither people, nor money, nor circumstances - nothing can separate you. Because you are endowed with a rare attraction to each other.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

  • The passion between you flares up immediately, but over time it develops into a very tender feeling;
  • Love is not always able to reconcile you, but you always find reasons to be together;
  • Your relationship can hardly be called predictable, but there is always intrigue and passion in them.

Virgo-Horse Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • You tend to accumulate mutual grievances and complain to relatives. Under no circumstances do this if you want to save the relationship;
  • Over time, passion can subside, leaving an emptiness. Only patience and tender feelings can fill it;
  • Material difficulties can tear you apart. Don't blame each other for your failures.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

  • You are capable of falling in love with each other in spite of everyone and despite negative circumstances. And then find real feeling and consistency in relationships;
  • You constantly prove to each other that you are right. But at the same time, always find a reason for romance and real happiness;
  • You are happy just with dreams and dreams of love. But sometimes you lack determination and activity.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Ox Woman

  • The volcano of your passions risks burning all living things, including tender love. Be careful, especially when angry;
  • Sometimes it is not easy for you to understand each other, especially when angry. Therefore, listen to each other;
  • You quarrel and make peace easily, but sometimes your quarrels develop into real scandals. More trust and respect will not hurt you.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

  • Your relationship can hardly be called boring. You either quarrel or make peace, but you always do it with passion;
  • The desire for mutual success is your main trump card. Together you can create a very strong relationship;
  • Your love is more like a competition to see who will seduce whom, rather than a serious feeling. However, there is still some piquancy in this.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Rabbit Woman

  • Jealousy is painful and you know it, so don't let it ruin your relationship;
  • Don’t think that independence is a bad thing; some couples simply need separation. If you don’t want to bore each other, take pauses in the relationship;
  • Love like in the movies is possible, if not for jealousy and resentment. Don't blame each other for all your sins.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Dragon Woman

  • Creativity and the ability to think outside the box brings you together, but you are still far from real passion. Learn to appreciate each other and your time together;
  • You will find love only through mistakes and delusions. But if you find it, you will certainly be able to keep it;
  • Your feelings are fragile, but decency and consistency hold you together.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • You understand each other perfectly and are no worse than a wizard at satisfying your joint desires. The main secret of the strength of your union is that you both feel like children and are not embarrassed by your spontaneity;
  • Nothing can separate you, since passion will never disappear from your relationship. You are both young at heart;
  • You magically attract each other. Therefore, one can only envy the durability of your relationship.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Horse Woman

  • Love flares up in your relationship for a short time. Try to hold her and don’t be afraid of crazy actions;
  • Routine is unbearable for anyone, add variety to your life;
  • Sometimes you miss celebrating and taking risks. Try to remind each other about them more often.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Your story can start from hate to love. Therefore, surrender to the whirlpool of events and do not try to curb your feelings;
  • Lying risks ruining your relationship from the very beginning. Stop manipulating each other;
  • When trying to please your partner, you both run the risk of overdoing it and forgetting about your desires. More frankness will not hurt you.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

  • You don't believe rumors and trust only each other. Therefore, no rumors, gossip and intrigue can undermine your trust in each other;
  • An unabating volcano of passions makes your relationship interesting even in old age. Therefore, you will never be bored with each other;
  • Mutual love for children is what binds you. Take care of it and then you can achieve a lot.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • Love between you does not arise immediately, but it is strong and reliable. You can always find a compromise and agree;
  • You both set high goals and know how to both win and lose. But, no matter what happens between you, you are able to understand and forgive each other like no one else;
  • Your relationship is full of tenderness and sincerity. Take care of these rare qualities to preserve love.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

  • You stand firmly on the ground and gradually accumulate material well-being. But when all goals are exhausted, disappointment may set in;
  • Your love is like a deep, calm lake. She is gentle, but without much passion;
  • You get along easily with each other, but sometimes you lack the intensity of passions.

Virgo-Goat Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • When showing character, do not go too far. Otherwise, your partner will perceive this as pressure, so you can save the relationship if you allow each other more freedom;
  • Your relationship is like a dying volcano. Over time, passion may leave them, giving way to routine; try to maintain interest in each other.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

  • Love can work miracles, and you will experience this for yourself more than once;
  • The strength of the alliance ensures your mutual understanding. Take care of each other and maintain this wonderful quality as long as possible;
  • You, like no one else, are able to cheer each other up. Your sense of humor is a reliable talisman against all sorts of discord and quarrels; it helps you maintain optimism in any situation.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Ox Woman

  • Love for you is a sea of ​​romance in which you are so pleased to be. You are able to find romance in the most ordinary things;
  • The ability to seduce is what binds you. You can make a real holiday for each other out of nothing;
  • You don't lose your sense of humor and you do the right thing. It, like no other, is capable of reconciling you after long quarrels.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

  • For each other's sake, you are ready to reach even the stars from the sky. And this is commendable, because you always understand each other perfectly;
  • Even if the whole world is against you, you are unlikely to break up. Because you love and appreciate each other very much;
  • Your relationship can hardly be called permanent, but no matter what happens, you always come back to each other and this is commendable.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Rabbit Woman

  • You are unlikely to fall in love at first sight. But the feeling that arises between you is worthy of applause;
  • A love game between you can develop into a serious feeling. But, having truly fallen in love, you are able to maintain playfulness and unpredictability even in a permanent relationship;
  • You can ruin everything and restore everything on your own. And such a game attracts you to each other and makes the relationship sharper.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Dragon Woman

  • Over time, your affection will only grow stronger, even if you did not attach much importance to it before;
  • Love does not immediately appear in your relationship. But, if it occurs, it will last for a long time;
  • Calmness and the ability to avoid conflict are commendable qualities. But over time, it can make your relationship boring.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • Love will never leave your relationship, even if you know each other well and have been together for a long time;
  • Your relationship can become more perfect if you maintain interest in each other for a long time;
  • No matter how the circumstances develop, you will always find a way to make peace and forgive each other. I can only envy your peace of mind.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Horse Woman

  • You either love each other or hate each other. Find a middle ground in feelings;
  • Love is wonderful, but it can take you too far from reality. Show concern for each other more often, not in words, but in action;
  • At times you will feel like you are making a mistake. Do not give in to negative emotions and your own mood: they are changeable and do not in any way affect your true feelings.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Sexual harmony is not the only thing that keeps you going. You feel great together, as if in the same element;
  • It’s as if you were born in the same environment, perfectly understanding and feeling each other. Therefore, you are not afraid of any obstacles;
  • You are not capable of hurting each other. Therefore, trust between you is stronger than any obstacles;
  • You rarely quarrel and quickly find the key to reconciliation. Therefore, your happiness is guaranteed.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

  • When you are young, you may not pay attention to each other. But in maturity, feelings become genuine and strong;
  • You will never lose passion, but only love can boil over. Only sincere respect and recognition of one’s own wrongness will help save a relationship;
  • Sometimes it seems to you that you cannot live without each other. But relationships can become more vibrant if you show affection.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • From love to hate there is only one step. Learn to trust each other more and try to better understand your own and other people’s feelings;
  • Over time, love can fade away completely. Don't let her bright light go out, add more romance and love to your relationship;
  • Suspicion and mistrust are the main enemies of your relationship. You can easily handle the rest if you want.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

  • Your relationship may flare up and fade away for no particular reason. But romance and passion will always remain in them;
  • Sometimes small gossip and conversations can harm a relationship, but you can easily distinguish between truth and lies, which allows you to stay together no matter what;
  • The relationship between you is an example of real passion. But sometimes you both do wishful thinking.

Virgo-Monkey Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • Your relationship can hardly be called cloudless, but there is always pepper and salt in it. Therefore, you are constantly drawn to each other, even after the final separation;
  • You rarely gossip and this is commendable. Never and in any situation will you make fun of each other’s shortcomings;
  • Sensitivity, daydreaming and sentimentality may prevent you from taking the first step towards each other, but if you take it, you definitely won’t go wrong.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

  • Decisiveness and determination are what fuel your mutual interest. You will never be bored, and you are capable of real mutual assistance, even if everything around you is against you;
  • Lack of jealousy is not a sign of indifference. Therefore, you respect each other’s opinions and strive to preserve the relationship;
  • Tenderness and sensuality cannot erase the years of your relationship. Take care of these wonderful qualities.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Ox Woman

  • The main secret of your union is the ability to keep secrets and secrets;
  • You understand each other perfectly, and are even able to read each other’s thoughts from a distance;
  • Marriages between you in your youth are the happiest, but even in adulthood you can create a wonderful couple.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

  • It is not easy for you to find a common language with each other. Become more relaxed and arrange pleasant surprises and celebrations for each other more often;
  • A short relationship can develop into something serious, but the romance will most likely leave them. Try to preserve it;
  • It is not your enemies that destroy your relationship, but your own jealousy. Stop suspecting each other of infidelity and lies.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Rabbit Woman

  • You are constantly looking for and finding something new in each other, so the joint interest will not fade between you even in old age;
  • The main thing that connects you is the rare ability to forgive and feel each other. Even the most serious ups and downs of life are unlikely to be able to separate you forever;
  • Your love can overcome all life's obstacles. Therefore, you are happy and able to revive relationships even from the ashes.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Dragon Woman

  • You may not notice each other, especially at the very beginning of the relationship. But over time they can become passionate and interesting;
  • Despite your different views, you value each other. That’s why you’re so interested in being together;
  • Relationships rarely develop between you in your youth. But in your mature years, you are simply happy together.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • You have a rare ability to understand each other's quirks and oddities. This is why you value collaborative relationships so much;
  • You both have passion and the ability to overcome obstacles. Therefore, material problems can never separate you;
  • You will always find a way to reconciliation and forgiveness of each other. Maintain these beneficial qualities.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Horse Woman

  • The union will not be durable, since both of you are sure that it is temporary. It's time to start appreciating each other;
  • Be considerate of each other. Only mutual and long-term interest will help you save your relationship;
  • Beware of deception; you both tend to be secretive. More openness and goodwill will not hurt you.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Financial difficulties may arise in your couple. To maintain a relationship, show persistence and character;
  • Be careful with anger. You are both quick-tempered and unpredictable, so control yourself;
  • It is difficult for you to resist outside influence. Hold on tight to each other and develop independence.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

  • The habit of consulting with others will not benefit you. Learn to act yourself, and not at someone else’s orders;
  • Don't let others interfere in your relationship. Your feelings may not stand the test of time and circumstances;
  • In an effort to imitate happy couples, you risk forgetting about yourself. Focus on your own needs, even if they are not ideal.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • No matter what happens between you, you will always understand each other. Mutual respect is the main trump card of your relationship;
  • Love and kindness help you out in many situations. Therefore, do not lose these wonderful qualities;
  • Neither people, nor money, nor circumstances - nothing can separate you. Because you are endowed with a rare attraction to each other.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

  • The passion between you flares up immediately, but over time it develops into a very tender feeling;
  • Love is not always able to reconcile you, but you always find reasons to be together;
  • Your relationship can hardly be called predictable, but there is always intrigue and passion in them.

Virgo-Rooster Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • You tend to accumulate mutual grievances and complain to relatives. Under no circumstances do this if you want to save the relationship;
  • Over time, passion can subside, leaving an emptiness. Only patience and tender feelings can fill it;
  • Material difficulties can tear you apart. Don't blame each other for your failures.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

  • You are capable of falling in love with each other in spite of everyone and despite negative circumstances. And then find real feeling and consistency in relationships;
  • You constantly prove to each other that you are right. But at the same time, always find a reason for romance and real happiness;
  • You are happy just with dreams and dreams of love. But sometimes you lack determination and activity.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Ox Woman

  • The volcano of your passions risks burning all living things, including tender love. Be careful, especially when angry;
  • Sometimes it is not easy for you to understand each other, especially when angry. Therefore, listen to each other;
  • You quarrel and make peace easily, but sometimes your quarrels develop into real scandals. More trust and respect will not hurt you.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

  • Your relationship can hardly be called boring. You either quarrel or make peace, but you always do it with passion;
  • The desire for mutual success is your main trump card. Together you can create a very strong relationship;
  • Your love is more like a competition to see who will seduce whom, rather than a serious feeling. However, there is still some piquancy in this.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Rabbit Woman

  • Jealousy is painful and you know it, so don't let it ruin your relationship;
  • Don’t think that independence is a bad thing; some couples simply need separation. If you don’t want to bore each other, take pauses in the relationship;
  • Love like in the movies is possible, if not for jealousy and resentment. Don't blame each other for all your sins.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Dragon Woman

  • Creativity and the ability to think outside the box brings you together, but you are still far from real passion. Learn to appreciate each other and your time together;
  • You will find love only through mistakes and delusions. But if you find it, you will certainly be able to keep it;
  • Your feelings are fragile, but decency and consistency hold you together.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • You understand each other perfectly and are no worse than a wizard at satisfying your joint desires. The main secret of the strength of your union is that you both feel like children and are not embarrassed by your spontaneity;
  • Nothing can separate you, since passion will never disappear from your relationship. You are both young at heart;
  • You magically attract each other. Therefore, one can only envy the durability of your relationship.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Horse Woman

  • Love flares up in your relationship for a short time. Try to hold her and don’t be afraid of crazy actions;
  • Routine is unbearable for anyone, add variety to your life;
  • Sometimes you miss celebrating and taking risks. Try to remind each other about them more often.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Your story can start from hate to love. Therefore, surrender to the whirlpool of events and do not try to curb your feelings;
  • Lying risks ruining your relationship from the very beginning. Stop manipulating each other;
  • When trying to please your partner, you both run the risk of overdoing it and forgetting about your desires. More frankness will not hurt you.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

  • You don't believe rumors and trust only each other. Therefore, no rumors, gossip and intrigue can undermine your trust in each other;
  • An unabating volcano of passions makes your relationship interesting even in old age. Therefore, you will never be bored with each other;
  • Mutual love for children is what binds you. Take care of it and then you can achieve a lot.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • Love between you does not arise immediately, but it is strong and reliable. You can always find a compromise and agree;
  • You both set high goals and know how to both win and lose. But, no matter what happens between you, you are able to understand and forgive each other like no one else;
  • Your relationship is full of tenderness and sincerity. Take care of these rare qualities to preserve love.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

  • You stand firmly on the ground and gradually accumulate material well-being. But when all goals are exhausted, disappointment may set in;
  • Your love is like a deep, calm lake. She is gentle, but without much passion;
  • You get along easily with each other, but sometimes you lack the intensity of passions.

Virgo-Dog Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • When showing character, do not go too far. Otherwise, your partner will perceive this as pressure, so you can save the relationship if you allow each other more freedom;
  • Your relationship is like a dying volcano. Over time, passion may leave them, giving way to routine; try to maintain interest in each other.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Rat Woman

  • Love can work miracles, and you will experience this for yourself more than once;
  • The strength of the alliance ensures your mutual understanding. Take care of each other and maintain this wonderful quality as long as possible;
  • You, like no one else, are able to cheer each other up. Your sense of humor is a reliable talisman against all sorts of discord and quarrels; it helps you maintain optimism in any situation.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Ox Woman

  • Love for you is a sea of ​​romance in which you are so pleased to be. You are able to find romance in the most ordinary things;
  • The ability to seduce is what binds you. You can make a real holiday for each other out of nothing;
  • You don't lose your sense of humor and you do the right thing. It, like no other, is capable of reconciling you after long quarrels.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Tiger Woman

  • For each other's sake, you are ready to reach even the stars from the sky. And this is commendable, because you always understand each other perfectly;
  • Even if the whole world is against you, you are unlikely to break up. Because you love and appreciate each other very much;
  • Your relationship can hardly be called permanent, but no matter what happens, you always come back to each other and this is commendable.

Virgo Pig Man and Taurus Rabbit Woman

  • You are unlikely to fall in love at first sight. But the feeling that arises between you is worthy of applause;
  • A love game between you can develop into a serious feeling. But, having truly fallen in love, you are able to maintain playfulness and unpredictability even in a permanent relationship;
  • You can ruin everything and restore everything on your own. And such a game attracts you to each other and makes the relationship sharper.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Dragon Woman

  • Over time, your affection will only grow stronger, even if you did not attach much importance to it before;
  • Love does not immediately appear in your relationship. But, if it occurs, it will last for a long time;
  • Calmness and the ability to avoid conflict are commendable qualities. But over time, it can make your relationship boring.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Snake Woman

  • Love will never leave your relationship, even if you know each other well and have been together for a long time;
  • Your relationship can become more perfect if you maintain interest in each other for a long time;
  • No matter how the circumstances develop, you will always find a way to make peace and forgive each other. I can only envy your peace of mind.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Horse Woman

  • You either love each other or hate each other. Find a middle ground in feelings;
  • Love is wonderful, but it can take you too far from reality. Show concern for each other more often, not in words, but in action;
  • At times you will feel like you are making a mistake. Do not give in to negative emotions and your own mood: they are changeable and do not in any way affect your true feelings.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Goat Woman

  • Sexual harmony is not the only thing that keeps you going. You feel great together, as if in the same element;
  • It’s as if you were born in the same environment, perfectly understanding and feeling each other. Therefore, you are not afraid of any obstacles;
  • You are not capable of hurting each other. Therefore, trust between you is stronger than any obstacles;
  • You rarely quarrel and quickly find the key to reconciliation. Therefore, your happiness is guaranteed.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Monkey Woman

  • When you are young, you may not pay attention to each other. But in maturity, feelings become genuine and strong;
  • You will never lose passion, but only love can boil over. Only sincere respect and recognition of one’s own wrongness will help save a relationship;
  • Sometimes it seems to you that you cannot live without each other. But relationships can become more vibrant if you show affection.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Rooster Woman

  • From love to hate there is only one step. Learn to trust each other more and try to better understand your own and other people’s feelings;
  • Over time, love can fade away completely. Don't let her bright light go out, add more romance and love to your relationship;
  • Suspicion and mistrust are the main enemies of your relationship. You can easily handle the rest if you want.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Dog Woman

  • Your relationship may flare up and fade away for no particular reason. But romance and passion will always remain in them;
  • Sometimes small gossip and conversations can harm a relationship, but you can easily distinguish between truth and lies, which allows you to stay together no matter what;
  • The relationship between you is an example of real passion. But sometimes you both do wishful thinking.

Virgo-Pig Man and Taurus-Pig Woman

  • Your relationship can hardly be called cloudless, but there is always pepper and salt in it. Therefore, you are constantly drawn to each other, even after the final separation;
  • You rarely gossip and this is commendable. Never and in any situation will you make fun of each other’s shortcomings;
  • Sensitivity, daydreaming and sentimentality may prevent you from taking the first step towards each other, but if you take it, you definitely won’t go wrong.

Virgo man and Taurus woman take relationships seriously; they do not need experiences, passions, or unexpected surprises. They need stability and confidence in the future.

Both partners are different

  • Loyalty
  • Reliability
  • Devotion
  • Seriousness
  • Realism
  • Practicality
  • Economy

Thanks to their inherent practicality, together they can achieve excellent results in work, improve the well-being of the family, achieve financial prosperity.

The Virgo man has excellent analytical skills, knows how to carefully analyze a situation, calculate the most profitable directions how to act. He approaches relationships seriously and responsibly, knows how to organize family life, relationship. The Taurus woman will undoubtedly like this approach to life.

She will be a support for him, a good caring housewife, a reliable and devoted person who will always support, understand and help.

Both partners know how to work effectively and have excellent qualities to achieve success.

  • Perseverance
  • Perseverance
  • Perseverance
  • Hard work
  • Ability to complete what has been started
  • Discipline
  • Organization
  • An impartial and realistic view of what is happening

They will always have wealth in the house. And although the relationship is devoid of emotional intensity of passions, it is calm, stable and long-lasting. Their life together is measured, quiet, it can be called ordinary and simple human happiness.

Despite their inherent restraint in emotions and realism, there will always be care, tenderness and love between them. Love in such relationships is earthly, even, based on mutual respect and understanding.

A Taurus woman will be in love

  • Realistic
  • Calm
  • Tolerant
  • Unperturbed
  • Practical
  • Reasonable
  • Faithful
  • Devoted
  • Economic
  • Strong
  • Solid
  • Brave
  • Loyal
  • Hardworking
  • Persistent

A Virgo man will be in love

  • Friendly
  • Practical
  • Realistic
  • Faithful
  • Devotees
  • Reliable
  • Conscientious
  • Attentive
  • Caring
  • Logical
  • Decent
  • Practical
  • Hardworking
  • Calm
  • Rational
  • Clean
  • Those who love order

Taurus woman and Virgo man compatibility in love relationships - cons

Problems between them are rare. The lower the spiritual level of the partners or one of the partners, the more negative qualities will appear. For example, a Taurus woman may show laziness, which will not suit a Virgo man. In response, he will begin to criticize her. Which she won't like either. This can lead to disagreements and conflicts.

The next problem of the union is the inertia of the partners; they can isolate themselves from the outside world, become completely immersed in monotonous work, and avoid changes. As a result, they may become bored with each other. You will miss impressions and something new.

Negative qualities of a Taurus woman in love

  • Restraint
  • Materialism
  • Prudence
  • Dryness
  • Callousness
  • Emotionality
  • Demandingness
  • Inflexibility
  • Steadfastness
  • Intransigence
  • Greed
  • Boring
  • Jealousy
  • Selfishness

Negative qualities of a Virgo man in love

  • Over-criticality
  • Meticulousness
  • Discontent
  • Suspicion
  • Mistrust
  • Stinginess
  • Greed
  • Cold
  • Demandingness
  • Selfishness
  • Callousness
  • Pickiness
  • Pettiness
  • Pedantry
  • Moodiness
  • Nervousness

Compatibility of Taurus Women and Virgo Men in Love

To strengthen relationships, it is useful for them not to limit themselves to work and home, but to diversify their lives more. Add more communication, impressions, and time together. It is useful for them to change the environment, which will give them the opportunity to relax and gain strength.

Also, they should not treat each other with demands, but rather with understanding and support. In general they are similar in negative qualities character and everyone may not like the same character traits that they themselves have.

In general, they have a reasonable and calm attitude towards life and will be able to agree on many things, analyze the situation and find a reasonable solution that satisfies both. Taurus and Virgo are harmonious signs and try to avoid conflicts.

see also How a Virgo Man Loves How a Taurus Woman Loves

How can a Taurus woman win a Virgo man?

To win a Virgo man, a Taurus woman needs to show her best qualities.

  • Calm
  • Realism
  • Practicality
  • A smart approach to life
  • Thrift

The Taurus woman has all the character qualities to conquer the Virgo man. He is not very attracted to bright, passionate women.

He first of all pays attention to how much a woman

  • Reserved
  • Calm
  • Neat
  • Behaves reasonably within the bounds of decency

Just don’t focus on sexuality and create a seductive image; this won’t win a Virgo man.

Taurus woman and Virgo man in bed

Compatibility in bed between Taurus women and Virgo men is not always ideal. Much depends on the individual preferences of each partner. Usually, it often happens that a Virgo man does not give of great importance sex and maybe for a long time do without it, putting more strength and energy into work.

When, as a woman, Taurus, on the contrary, wants more bodily and sensual pleasures. And if a Virgo man behaves with restraint and coldness, this will only cause disappointment in the woman. And she can prudently look for someone more suitable for pleasure.

But there is also an option that the Taurus woman is disappointed in men and sex for her then also moves into the background. She, like the Virgo man, will then put more effort into their work. A sexual relations will be just a formality, for physical satisfaction.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.