Openwork bedspread. What color should you choose for the bedspread? Dressing the bed correctly

It's hard to imagine cozy home no textiles.

These include bedroom bedspreads, blankets, curtains, pillows, tablecloths, napkins and other small items made from fabric necessary for the interior.

From the history of bedspreads

Initially, bedspreads did not serve a decorative function. So, for example, in the cold castles of the era

In the Middle Ages they served to warm the sleeping. Even animal skins could be used instead of bedspreads.

In the 18th century in France, expensive, elegant bed decoration came into fashion. Beautiful bedspread for the bedroom becomes independent detail interior Sofas and couches were decorated with pieces of silk and velvet.

Bedspreads these days

The past is always visible in the present, so the decision to use bedspreads in the interior combines the experience of generations and the desire to decorate the room in accordance with fashion trends.

On the one hand, there is no longer an urgent need to insulate the bed. On the other hand, styles in which practicality is the predominant principle may not require bedspreads as decorative elements.

Why is this product still in such demand?

The answer to this question is contained in the word “blanket” itself. It not only protects from dirt, but also covers bedding, which is not usually displayed.

Bedspread design for the bedroom

Bedspreads with large patterns, decorated with ruffles or tassels, can visually reduce an overly spacious bedroom, making it more comfortable.

You can use bright colors. A bedspread with curtains for the bedroom will create a single harmonious composition.

For a small room, on the contrary, you should give preference to a bedspread with a small pattern. It is desirable that it matches the color scheme of the wallpaper. You can use small decorative pillows as an accent.

Do not ignore the texture of the fabric. Ready-made bedspreads for the bedroom with a matte surface bring “warmth” to the room, while glossy ones make it visually “cold”.

How to choose material?

When choosing fabric for bedspreads, you should pay attention to its density, wear resistance and strength. It is important that the material is pleasant to the touch.

Elite silk bedroom bedspreads attract attention with their impeccable appearance.

In addition, it does not cause allergies. Toile can be considered the most exquisite type of silk.

To sew a durable bedspread, it is better to opt for satin, crepe or silk mixed with elastane. Satin, taffeta or corduroy will also be worthy materials for a beautiful bedspread.

Linen bedspreads are durable and breathable. They are easy to wash. You can avoid shrinkage if you purchase linen with the addition of lavsan.

On store shelves you can find synthetic sets of bedspreads for the bedroom, but they often do not meet the criteria for environmental friendliness. It is worth paying attention to the staples made of cotton and viscose.


Handmade products are very popular these days. Handmade things create atmosphere in the room home comfort and warmth.

The easiest way to make a patchwork product is from a photo of a bedroom bedspread on hobby sites. The technique, which is now called patchwork, originally appeared in the conditions of a peasant hut.

Over time bright patchwork bedspreads, which can be sewn even from old things, are loved by thousands of needlewomen.

Making a quilt from scraps is quite simple. To do this, you need to cut the fabric into square pieces of the same size (no more than 15 cm) and sew them together. The resulting fabric is trimmed along the edge with braid or a lining is sewn to it.

Beautiful bedspreads for the bedroom can be crocheted. They are always relevant and remind you of home.

Openwork knitting is in fashion now. If it is difficult for a novice needlewoman to complete such a voluminous work, you can make individual parts and only then connect them. The bedspread can be plain or consist of multi-colored squares or triangles.

In order for the product to last as long as possible, you should choose durable natural threads.

A wool blanket can be used as a warm blanket.

Photos of ideal bedspread options for the bedroom

It is in the sleeping area that the need to create a cozy, comfortable and homely environment is felt especially acutely. In the bedroom, we don’t want to get a good night’s sleep, but rather get mental and physical relaxation, rest and gain strength, and get peace. Of course, when creating the interior of a room for sleeping and relaxing, every detail is important. And the bed is the main, central element of the design of the room and its decoration acts as an important participant in shaping the image of the entire space. Textile decoration of a bed is one of the most enjoyable activities for any housewife. It is when decorating a bedroom with fabrics that you can give free rein to your fantasies, express your attitude to beauty, aesthetics and the concept of comfort. But even such a pleasant activity requires a certain concentration, because when choosing textiles for a bed, it is important to take into account several nuances.

Criteria for choosing a bedspread

Buying a bedspread cannot be called small, because created interior will serve you for several years, and the cost of many modern models textile design of beds is very high. That is why it is important to approach this issue with special care. When choosing a bedspread, you will need to consider the following factors:

  • first of all, the dimensions of the bed (in some cases, the dimensions of the mattress, depending on the design of the bed);
  • bed design - basically the bedspread is purchased based on the possibility of covering the entire bed frame, along with the legs. But some bed models need short covers tucked under the frame to show off the beautiful carvings or upholstery of the bed elements;
  • choice color palette will depend on whether you want the bedspread to match the chosen interior color scheme or act as an accent spot;
  • Also, the choice of color for the bedspread depends on the location of your bedroom relative to the cardinal points - in a room located on the north side of the building you will need to bring warmth through color schemes, for the south side you can choose cool shades;
  • the choice of bedspread will also depend on other textile decisions made for the bedroom interior - window drapery, upholstery of additional furniture such as armchairs, ottomans, poufs and small sofas;
  • the style of textiles for the bed will depend on the design style of the entire room (obviously, a bedspread with ruffles will look ridiculous in a minimalist bedroom, and in a girl’s room with a romantic interior you should not cover the bed with a monochromatic gloomy fabric);
  • even if there are no allergy sufferers in your family, the bedspread must be chosen for reasons of comfort and safety - natural fabrics that are not capable of collecting static electricity;
  • if you have pets and small children in your home who can jump on the bed with a pack of cherry juice, it is better to give preference to inexpensive, practical textile options that can be washed not by hand or in a dry cleaner, but using a washing machine;
  • the choice of purchasing a bedspread in a store or having it made to order will depend on the model of the bed and your personal preferences (many companies sew bedspreads even for round beds, but choosing the right size can still be difficult - if you have custom bed, then sewing decorations for her will be optimal solution question);
  • if you want to achieve the perfect combination of textiles in bed decoration, window drapery or upholstery upholstered furniture, then individual tailoring is your solution for decorating the bedroom.

Bedspread style - design features

Some 15-20 years ago, our compatriots tried to choose a bedspread to match the color of the curtains. It cannot be said that this unspoken rule has sunk into oblivion irrevocably, but it is no longer applied so strictly. It is not necessary to order bedspreads made from the same fabric that decorates the window openings, but it is advisable to select textiles in such a way that the drapery is compatible. For example, if the windows are draped with thick curtains, then against their background a thin lace bedspread will look out of place.

When creating a classic interior, it is still appropriate to use the same textiles to decorate windows and beds. Most often, dense, tapestry or velor fabrics are chosen for this design. Textiles can be either plain or with a print - it all depends on the other color and textile solutions adopted in the interior.

The choice of bedspread is influenced by the size of the bed. On double beds, large structures Bedspreads made of dense fabrics that hold their shape perfectly look luxurious. For a single bed, you can choose a lighter option - airy fabrics, flounces and folds will look appropriate, for example, in the bedroom of a teenage girl.

An original way to quickly change the look of a bedroom is to use double-sided bedspreads. If the bedroom decoration has a light tone, then using a bright bedspread will be especially in an effective way creating an accent. Simply turn the bedspread over to the side you need and change the character of the interior.

Bedspread cover

There are many models of beds for which the complementary decoration will not be a bedspread long to the floor, but textile product, made in the form of a cover. For a bed of standard sizes, it will not be difficult to find such a bedspread on sale - the choice is made according to the size of the mattress (plus 5-10 cm for placing bed linen and blankets).

The bedspread, made in the form of a cover, looks quite strict and is perfect for a bedroom decorated in a modern style. Both plain and printed designs of the bedspread-cover will harmoniously fit into the atmosphere of “cozy minimalism”.

This model of bedspread is perfect for beds made of solid wood, decorated with carvings and all kinds of decor. Also the cover-cover will become optimal choice textiles for a bed with a canopy design. Such a bedspread will fit organically into the overall picture of the bedroom with soft upholstery, having strongly protruding frame elements in the lower part.

I wouldn’t want to hide a single centimeter of the original bed, made of wicker rattan, under the covers. It is for such cases that a textile product in the form of a bed cover will become an effective addition to the sleeping area. The textured bedspread shown in the photo fits perfectly into the tropical style of the bedroom interior.

Bedspreads with valance

For high beds or models with a thick mattress, choosing a bedspread with a valance can be an excellent way to drape. It can be strict or lush, airy or dense, quilted, textured, decorated with ruffles or frills - it all depends on your personal preferences and the choice of the overall style of the bedroom interior.

A bedspread with a valance always brings some solemnity to the interior. Notes of romanticism and at the same time a festive mood will be provided to your bedroom when using a light (snow-white) bedspread with a valance of a similar tone.

Knitted and wicker products

For an interior designed in Provence, shabby chic or vintage style, a knitted bedspread will be an organic addition to the drapery of a bed. Snow-white lace patterns, fringe and embroidery are elements that can add beauty to the image of a room, but also make its atmosphere more homely, cozy, and comfortable.

Knitted lace looks great against a dark or bright background. If you want all the decorative details of your handmade bedspread (which will probably cost a lot of money... individual order) were clearly visible, then either use plain bedding in a colorful tone, or use a lining in the design of the bedspread itself

Ruffles, flounces and ruffles for original bed decoration

A bedspread with ruffles and gathers visually increases the size of the bed. This effect must be taken into account when planning the interior. If your bedroom is a modest-sized room with a large bed, then a bedspread with an abundance of ruffles can make the main piece of furniture simply immense, filling the entire space. The room is medium and large sizes Such bed decoration will look appropriate, bringing a touch of romanticism to the interior.

Bedspread with frills and ruffles – perfect option to complement textile decoration girl's room. Complement the romantic style of bed drapery with several decorative pillows and the bedroom decor will become incredibly sweet, cozy and girlishly tender.

Snow-white bedspread – universal option for those who don't want to rack their brains color combinations, combinatorics of prints and ornaments. White color is always refreshing and gives lightness to especially large-scale structures - king-size beds. And at the same time, a white bedspread is a rather boring option. But if you decorate a textile product with folds, drapery, original clips and interceptions, then even fabric without a pattern will sparkle with new facets.

Quilted patchwork products are the highlight of the interior

Quilted bedspreads, especially with patterns made in patchwork style, will look especially impressive in vintage style, romantic interiors and eclectically decorated bedrooms. Such products exude the warmth of human hands, comfort, coziness and originality.

Color solutions for bedroom textiles

Choosing a color palette for sleeping area textiles – important point in shaping the image of the room. One of the options color scheme for the bedspread - matches the color scheme of the interior. For example, for a bedroom located on the north side of the building, it would be favorable to use a warm, beige palette that can bring coziness to the room. It would be logical to use one of the shades (darker, brighter or, on the contrary, lighter than the main background of the decoration) of the main color of the interior to create textiles for the bed.

If your bedroom is a neutrally decorated space with predominantly light finishes and a similar choice of furnishings, then a bedspread could be just the thing. color accent, which is so necessary when compiling harmonious interior. Moreover, with such combinatorics, create new image the room will not be difficult - just replace the bedspread.

The color of the bedspread can be combined with the color of the wallpaper on the walls. For example, when decorating a room using printed wallpaper, you can choose the color of the pattern as the main background for the sleeping area textiles. The resulting interior will be harmonious and balanced, but at the same time it will not seem motley or tacky.

Another way to combine textiles in bed decoration is to combine bedspread fabric and headboard upholstery. You can use the same fabric or combine the main background and the color of the pattern or ornament. But such a composition will need to be “diluted” with decorative pillows. If the fabric of the headboard and bedspread is printed, then for pillows it is better to choose a plain option and vice versa.

For anyone who would like to use a print on a bedspread, but does not want to use bright colors and variegated patterns, purchasing black and white textiles may be the solution. A bedspread with a black and white pattern can organically fit not only into modern style bedroom design - depending on the theme of the ornament (geometric pattern, floral, animalistic or abstraction), you can create original compositions together with decorative pillows.

The color of the bedspread can be used to emphasize the chosen style of room decoration. For example, in a children's room decorated according to the theme of comic book characters, you can use textiles with drawings from cartoons and images of heroes. In the bedroom, executed in nautical style, it would be logical to use striped fabric for a bedspread or textiles with a print on a theme - images of anchors, sailboats, sea creatures.

One of the options for choosing colors for a bedspread is combinatorics with other items of bed decoration - decorative pillows, bolsters, “thoughts”. Many bedspreads are sold complete with one or two pillowcases for decorative pillows, made of similar fabric. You can diversify such a set with matching fabrics, but with a different pattern, or use one of the colors of the bedspread ornament to make cushion covers.

You can combine the colors of the bedspread not only with pillows, but also with the so-called decorative runner. As a rule, when choosing a runner, an unspoken rule is used - if the bedspread is colorful and bright, then it is better to choose a neutral, monochromatic decorative accessory. And vice versa - with the help of a decorative runner you can add brightness to the textile design of the bed. A decorative runner can also act as a textured accent - be fur, decorated with ruffles, sequins, and embroidery.

Bedspread made from fabric used for upholstery of additional furniture bedroom interior, will be organically integrated into the image of the room. Thick plain fabric or textiles with non-variegated patterns will decorate your bedroom design.

To create a color accent using bed textiles, bedspreads with ethnic patterns are perfect. An original, bright ornament can not easily act as an accent spot, but give the interior a completely unique charm and original character. Such bed decoration will fit organically into a room with a plain, neutral finish. color scheme premises.

You can choose a bedspread for a bed located in a children's bedroom, not just a color, but a very bright one. Provided that the decoration of the room is made in light, neutral colors, the colorful design of the bed will look accentuated and advantageous. It is much more important for children than for adults to be able to focus their eyes on bright details and receive a boost of energy from colorful spots of color.

922 Dix https://www..pngDix 2016-05-24 20:01:03 2018-11-30 11:17:14 Stylish bed decoration - choosing a bedspread for the bedroom

Only in a cozy and comfortable bedroom can you escape from the worries of the day, relax and fully restore your strength. Regardless of the chosen interior of the room, the sleeping bed is the main accent. A correctly selected bedspread for the bedroom will not only help protect the bed from dirt and dust, but will also emphasize the individual style of the room. Depending on the preferences of the owners, they choose products from synthetic or natural fabrics with intricate patterns or plain ones.

A bedspread in the bedroom can perform several functions:

  • On a made bed you can read, play, watch TV. Bed linen will remain clean and fresh;
  • Choosing bedspreads big size, you can disguise defects in the bed frame or its legs;
  • A product that harmonizes with curtains and carpet helps to create coziness and an atmosphere conducive to relaxation;
  • It can be used instead of a blanket in the warm season;
  • Beautiful products made using the patchwork technique, decorated with embroidery and appliqué, can become the main accent of the decor and emphasize the good taste of the owners.

According to their functional purpose, there are 2 types of products: for a children's room and an adult's bedroom. Children's bedspreads are made from natural fabrics or fabrics with a mixed composition that are pleasant to the touch: satin, cotton, fleece, microfiber. Products are made in bright colors with decorative elements.

Adult models are available in a variety of styles and designs. The most expensive canvases made from natural silk and brocade are intended for classic bedrooms, baroque, rococo, and art deco interiors. Unusual fur blankets, artificial leather, microfibers with minimalist decor are used for modern bedrooms, loft and high-tech rooms.

Modern bedspreads are often offered complete with bed linen, examples can be seen in the photo. Such sets are suitable for people who prefer to use one style of bedding. Making such a bed will be quick and easy.

Criterias of choice

When choosing suitable model bedspreads take into account not only its visual appeal and functionality, but also the combination of the product with the decor of the room and other textile accessories.

Based on the type of fabric texture, smooth and textured bedspreads are distinguished. Smooth satin or silk fabrics have a reflective effect that hides minor surface imperfections. Shiny fabrics are ideal for spacious rooms. Textured products are fashionable and create an atmosphere of elegant casualness.

Knitted wool or fur used in the cold season, light openwork bedspreads are popular in summer. Knitted and fur bedspreads require careful care; a lot of dust accumulates inside them, which can cause allergic reactions.

  • The color of the bedspread in the bedroom is matched to the color of the curtains. This option is suitable for classic bedrooms, baroque, Scandinavian styles. The interior turns out to be harmonious, but somewhat boring. To diversify it, choose the same type of textile for curtains, pillows and bedspread frills. The main part that covers sleeping area, sewn from companion fabrics;
  • The product is chosen to match the color of the bedroom walls. This rule is most relevant for small rooms, in which monochrome decor allows you to visually increase the space. The bedspread does not have to be the same color as the walls; it is enough to use a single color scheme. For example, in a beige bedroom, a milky, light brown, light golden bedspread would be appropriate. It is recommended to decorate rooms with windows facing north warm colors. In a sunny room you can use cool tones;
  • An unusual bedspread is selected, which acts as the main color accent of the interior. You can use a double-sided model, which has one side with a plain, calm color, the other - bright or with an unusual texture. Products with complex patterns are more suitable for spacious rooms. bright rooms with plain walls.

The striped pattern is neutral and fits into almost any design. Some people prefer layering, when a colored strip of runner and several soft pillows are placed on top of a thin fabric with frills. This option should be carefully thought out; choose the optimal cut to avoid overloading the decor.

Preparation method

Exclusive models of bedspreads are made by hand, such products have a high cost. The design is selected according to individual sketches, the fabrics and yarns are natural and mixed. The following methods can be used for production:

  • Patchwork - a technique that allows you to create canvases sewn from multi-colored patches. Only new high-strength fabrics are suitable for use. Pieces of fabric are selected according to the pattern, forming an exclusive pattern. Such custom-made products are expensive. When using colorful bedspreads, the rest of the decor is made monochromatic so as not to overload the interior. Patchwork is popular in country, Provence, and shabby chic styles;
  • Sewn bedspreads are most often used for bedroom decor. They can be made from fabrics various types, colors, textures. Embroidered bedspreads are decorated with lace, ruffles, appliqués, and leather and fur inserts. Choose the most suitable option possible for any interior;
  • Knitted items can decorate a child's or adult's bedroom. For knitting, knitting needles or a hook are used. Using combined techniques, you can create unique products. They will be lightweight and retain heat well. You can knit from wool or acrylic threads to obtain a dense fabric. When choosing thin threads and openwork knitting, the bedspread will turn out to be delicate and airy;
  • Felted bedspreads are often used as a single blanket. They are very warm and light. Creating such products requires a lot of time and felting skills. Multi-colored wool fibers are used to create intricate designs that imitate watercolor painting. Price finished products high.

Sewn bedspreads are most in demand. Products are offered from various materials and in a wide range of prices, so they are available to all consumers.


In the manufacture of bedspreads they use various fabrics, having their own characteristics.

  • Faux or natural fur. Fur bedspreads for a bedroom bed look very unusual; photos of new products can be seen in catalogs famous manufacturers. Caring for the products is problematic - they can only be dry cleaned;
  • Woolen fabrics and yarns are characterized by good hygroscopicity. Wool products are easy to wash and comfortable to use at any temperature;
  • Natural and artificial silk have a beautiful shine. The materials are pleasant to the touch and comfortable on the skin in hot weather. Moderate shine creates an atmosphere of luxury;
  • Jacquard is most popular in monochromatic interiors. A jacquard product gives the room visual depth and volume. The composition of the fabric is mixed, viscose fibers are combined with natural cotton. The fabrics have a high density, but allow air to pass through well. Thanks to the unusual weaving of threads, a jacquard bedspread lasts a long time, holds its shape well, and does not fade;
  • Bamboo fabrics are low cost, easy to care for and highly durable. Bamboo fibers are soft and delicate and have an antibacterial effect. The canvas allows air and moisture to pass through well and weighs little. Such products can be used instead of blankets in the summer. Bamboo fabrics are suitable for allergy sufferers, children, and people with respiratory diseases. Bamboo products should be washed in warm water;
  • Tapestry fabrics differ in density. A variety of patterns are obtained by cross-weaving threads from cotton, acrylic, and polyester. The canvases are heavy and hold their shape well. Products with exclusive designer patterns have a high cost;
  • Velvet, velor is suitable for Baroque, Rococo, Art Nouveau interiors. Heavy velvet bedspreads look elegant and noble. Soft fabrics with small fluffy pile are undemanding in care and have high strength and wear resistance. The fabric does not require ironing.


Before choosing a bedspread, you need to measure the dimensions of the mattress and bed base. Traditionally, the bedspread was chosen to be about 60-70 cm larger than the width of the mattress. When unfolded, it covered the legs almost entirely. Modern interior design suggests using thin bedspreads that cover only the mattress and are tucked under it. The canvas should have a width of 40-50 cm greater than the width of the mattress. Standard size The bedspread for a double bed is 240x280 cm; with a mattress width of 160 cm, there will be an allowance of 40 cm on each side.

For double beds, thick, heavy bedspreads are preferable; single beds are covered with small, light bedspreads.

The table shows the most popular bedspread sizes.

Bed owners non-standard sizes It is often difficult to choose the right option. This applies to round and corner beds, models with large complex podiums. In this case, the bedspread is sewn to order from the most suitable material.

Finishing and decor

There are many options for finishing bedspreads. The most popular is to add decorative pillows to the bedspread and add ruffles along the edges of the mattress. Such sets are suitable for classic, Provence, and Rococo interiors. Beautiful ruffles are made from soft flowing materials: silk, velvet, satin. Moderate shine will highlight the beauty of the set. Small pillows can be made from the same fabric or from a companion fabric that matches the curtains. For romantic interiors, bedspreads made of light fabrics, decorated with lace inserts, frills of satin ribbons, and bows are optimal.

If used in the interior Decoration Materials without drawings, then on the bed you can put a bedspread made using the patchwork technique, decorated with appliqué, painting or a bright product made of tapestry fabric. A minimalist bedroom is decorated with a canvas that is black, dark gray or steel in color. The preferred fabrics are satin, thick silk, faux fur or a combination of cotton and leather. Such products are decorated with metal rivets, graphic stitching or stitching.

Fashionable prints for different styles

Different bedroom designs require appropriate textile accessories:

  • For classic bedrooms, sets of bedspreads and curtains in plain colors are relevant. Most often selected products beige-brown tones, which are suitable for any wall color, create a cozy atmosphere;
  • The Rococo interior allows the use of luxurious satin or silk bedspreads with canopies. The production uses plain fabrics with glitter, decorated with floral patterns or with large patterns on the theme of mythology;
  • The bed in an Art Deco or Baroque bedroom is decorated with a tapestry, velvet or satin bedspread. The products are generously decorated with lace, fringe, and decorative lacing. The color of the canvases can be rich blue, burgundy, gold, brown, plain or with a small pattern in the form of monograms and floral motifs;
  • For minimalist interiors, the most suitable are textured products with simple graphic prints and color combinations;
  • Provence or shabby chic bedroom decorated light colors. The most suitable bedspread would be a canvas with floral patterns, made in cream, light pink tones;
  • IN ethnic interior, country, patchwork bright canvases are used. A bedspread imitating animal skin can become the main accent of the decor. IN modern product a combination of natural and faux fur, leather, textiles.

A universal bedspread is considered to be a product of white or beige color, made of smooth or low-texture cotton fabric. It fits into any interior, easily combined with colored pillows, curtains, and other bright accessories.

A properly selected bedspread helps to decorate the bed in the bedroom and also protect the bed linen from dirt. Its size must exceed the dimensions of the mattress. The presence of products made from natural and artificial materials, made in different styles, allows you to choose best option for every interior.

You can buy a cotton bedspread in Moscow in the online store from us: we offer bedding from natural materials with stylish design. They will decorate your bed and bedroom and will go well with other interior items.


Depending on the material there are:

  • Satin bedspreads made of thick fabric with a slight shine (its texture resembles silk);
  • Jacquard models. On the surface there is a three-dimensional pattern due to the interweaving of threads; natural fabrics and polyester are used. The surface has a characteristic shine;
  • 100% cotton models. Inexpensive bedspreads for lovers of natural materials;
  • Velor bedspreads (soft fabric with a velvety surface).

There are models for single, single and double beds, and Euro-bedspreads for non-standard large beds.

A bedspread in an online store can be plain, quilted or with patterns. Floral ornaments, geometric figures, oriental patterns - the choice depends on the design of the bedroom.

We have thin and dense models, velor bedspreads are used as blankets. Common colors:

  • beige;
  • ivory shade;
  • ashen;
  • grey;
  • pink;
  • dark colors.

How to choose?

  • Material. If you are prone to allergic reactions, if children often play on the bedspread, choose models made from natural fabrics (cotton, velor). They allow air to pass through well and do not cause irritation;
  • You can buy jacquard bedspreads with patterns if you prefer classic style, quilted and plain - for high-tech style, modern design;
  • A bedspread made of thick fabric will go well with a bed with heavy legs and a massive carved headboard. TO light metal models – lightweight materials (thin cotton);
  • If there are pets in the house, choose models made of rough, rough fabric. The satin surface is easily damaged by claws;
  • Do you prefer to change your design often? Double-sided bedspreads, the sides of which have different colors, are suitable for you;
  • If your model needs to be washed frequently, choose products that contain synthetic threads. They retain their shape and color after washing and are more practical;
  • Before purchasing, measure the bed; the bedspread should hang a few centimeters from the mattress.

Before purchasing, squeeze the fabric in your hand; it should quickly return to its original shape. If there are strong wrinkles on the material, it will have to be ironed regularly.

Why us?

Why is it recommended to buy bedspreads in Moscow on our website? Here are the reasons:

  • In the manufacture of goods, manufacturers used wear-resistant materials, so after several years the model will retain its attractive appearance;
  • Variety of colors, patterns for modern interiors, classics;
  • Low price, discounts for regular customers. The amount depends on the size, fabric, density, complexity of the pattern;
  • The goods are packed in a polyethylene case and have a branded insert. The blanket can be given as a gift;
  • Free delivery in Moscow for orders over 2000 rubles;
  • Consultations from managers, assistance in choosing;
  • Payment in cash, bank card;
  • Regular updating of the assortment.

To buy cotton products, call us and indicate which model you need. We will answer questions, clarify the price and delivery time.

The more beautiful and luxurious it is, the more beautiful and noble the bedroom will look.

The main subject of any bedroom is the bed, and the bedspread on the bed attracts most of the attention. The more beautiful and luxurious it is, the more beautiful and noble the bedroom will look.

The top and bottom of the bedroom bedspread can be made of different material, or the bedspread can be symmetrical, then it will not matter which side to cover it with. A bedspread with a double-sided pattern gives you the opportunity to choose - today you can make the bed with one side of the bedspread, and tomorrow - the other, and each time the bedroom interior will look different.

Bedspreads with frills look chic. Ribbons, piping and lace give the bedspread a sophisticated look. Instead of a frill, you can choose a bedspread with a valance; it can be strict and lush, quilted and figured. The valance performs an important function - it hides the bed frame.

Bed cover + pillows

To create a composition, you can select several pillows for the bedspread, which are made of a similar fabric or contrasting with it. In the cold season, quilted bedspreads with lining will keep you warm. The stitches on the bedspread give it shape and create volume. If you have several bedspreads of different colors and styles in your arsenal, then you can always refresh the interior of your bedroom, and at any time you can change the boring look.

Bedspreads made of satin fabrics and fleecy bedspreads will create additional comfort in your bedroom. Bedspreads whose edges go down to the floor look great; they can be well combined in style with thick curtains. These bedspreads also look good with pillows made of similar material.

Bedspread for the bedroom - very important element, this item will be hidden from prying eyes, and it must be chosen taking into account individual requests and preferences. When choosing a bedspread, there are several important factors to consider.

How to choose a bedspread for the bedroom

  1. First, you need to select a bedspread based on the size of the bed and room. If the room is small, then it is better to choose a bedspread to match the color of the furniture and walls, otherwise the bed will visually fill the entire volume of the room and will not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Secondly, you need to take into account the temperature and lighting of the room. If the room is cold and dark, then it is better to choose bedspreads in warm shades; if the room is warm and light, then you can use a plain bedspread in pastel colors.
  3. Thirdly, you should not get carried away with very cold tones and shiny fabrics, otherwise the bed will look gloomy, which will not contribute to creating a cozy atmosphere.
  4. Fourth, if you want to refresh appearance bedroom, then choose a bedspread with an interesting design or pattern.

Buy or sew a bedspread and curtains

A few words about sewing bedspreads. If you want to bring something special to your bedroom, then it is best to sew a custom-made bedspread. This is done by specialized ateliers or special departments in a fabric store, where you can get advice on the choice of fabric and the specifics of sewing bedding from it.

In addition to the bedspread, you can sew curtains separately. Thus, you can make a complete bedspread-curtain composition. If you are renovating, rearranging or replacing furniture in your bedroom, it will be convenient to order individual tailoring of bedspreads and curtains, so you can independently simulate the interior of this room down to the smallest detail.

Naturally, bedspreads and curtains need to be sewn in the same studio, because... then the sewing technology will be followed and there will be no differences between the products. Sewing bedspreads and curtains is a purely individual procedure, in which you need to carefully work out all the details and details with the atelier workers.

Or you can sew a bedspread yourself! And then your spiritual warmth, which the bedroom blanket absorbs, will spread throughout the entire room, creating comfort, harmony, and a favorable aura.

If you want to give a great gift to your loved ones, then a blanket or bedspread for the bedroom will always be a relevant option. They can be different colors and textures - from classic to modern; the most popular today are the so-called “tartans”. These bedspreads and blankets have checkered colors in red and green tones and are perfect for most bedroom interiors. When choosing these accessories, it is better to give preference to products made from natural materials, then they will not cause allergies and will be pleasant to the body.

Bedspreads for the bedroom - photo