Bamboo indoor care at home pruning propagation. How to care for bamboo at home: useful tips

Indoor plants from exotic countries are becoming increasingly popular. Breeders improve them to such an extent that they become quite comfortable in our apartments and houses.

If you want to bring something unusual, oriental and creative into your interior, then bamboo is the plant for you. You just need to choose a special type of this plant - indoor bamboo. Homemade bamboo is nothing more than a certain species of Dracaena - Dracaena Sandera. This is very unpretentious plant. Indoor bamboo can be planted either in the ground or in plain water.

Indoor bamboo is sold in many flower shops. If you can't find it, order it. To do this, contact your florist.

Indoor bamboo stems are often added to flower bouquets and compositions to decorate them. Bamboo will be especially pleasant for lovers of Feng Shui. After all, the owner of such a plant becomes luckier and happier. According to Feng Shui, indoor bamboo is a symbol of prosperity. It is called the bamboo of happiness or bamboo of good luck.

But for this Feng Shui element to take effect, it is necessary to place it in right place- the south-eastern part of the house or, at least, a room.

Appearance of indoor bamboo

Indoor bamboo is an evergreen plant. It is a stem of green or golden straw color. Stems are either bare or leafy. The leaves are located at the top of the stem. They are rich green in color (brightness depends on the degree of illumination) and have a lanceolate shape.

Indoor bamboo rarely blooms at home. These can be individual flowers or flowers that are collected in inflorescences - panicles.

Location of indoor bamboo in the house

At home, indoor bamboo usually lives for a very long time, but subject to proper care conditions (light, correct location, air humidity, etc.).

Small specimens are best placed in the house on the windowsill, since in the depths of the apartment they may not have enough light. And with a lack of light, plants (especially old ones) lose lower leaves, which harms external beauty.

Windows are best suited on the east and west sides of the house. But still, the plant should be separated from the window with light tulle curtains - this is excellent protection from exposure to direct ultraviolet rays.

Remember that in order for the bamboo of happiness and good luck to help you achieve your plans, place it in the correct place according to Feng Shui: in the south-eastern part of the room. But if it doesn’t have enough light there, then it’s better not to put it there. Poor development of bamboo will bring nothing but problems to the owner.

Large specimens of indoor bamboo can be planted in buckets or tubs and also placed near the window so that they get enough sun.

Caring for indoor bamboo

Growing bamboo at home is not difficult, it is only important to know its requirements for environmental conditions.

  • Bamboo is a very light-loving plant. In the summer, periodically take it outside Fresh air, but protect from wind and drafts.
  • Indoor bamboo is quite resistant to temperature changes.
  • In addition to lighting, bamboo is also sensitive to watering. IN summer period Watering should be plentiful, in winter - moderate.
  • Support and good level humidity for the plant, it will only benefit it.
  • To plant and grow indoor bamboo, you need to use spacious pots. Don't forget about fertilizing. Buy special fertilizer for the Dracaena family at the flower shop.

So, maintenance factors for indoor bamboo the following:

  1. Lighting it takes quite a lot. Bright places are suitable, but protect the plant from direct exposure sun rays.
  2. Temperature should be moderate, in winter it should not fall below 13°C.
  3. Air humidity increased. It is necessary to regularly spray the leaves with water at room temperature.
  4. Watering abundant-moderate. The soil should be moist, but avoid overwatering. In winter, watering must be limited.

Propagation of indoor bamboo

Bamboo propagates stem cuttings, suckers and apical shoots, sometimes seeds. Seed propagation in room conditions almost impossible, so The only method available to flower growers for propagating indoor bamboo is cuttings. Cutting a plant better in spring when new, young shoots appear in spring. Reproduction is carried out during transplantation.

Choose well-fertilized soil for planting cuttings; it is better to buy special soil (for the Dracaena family). Even for small propagated plants, a pot needs to be spacious, since bamboo grows quickly both in the visible field (stems) and in the invisible field (roots).

Indoor bamboo is replanted in the spring once every two years.. During the growing season from April to August, indoor bamboo needs to be fed every two weeks. For this you can use complex fertilizers for indoor plants, which are sold in flower shops. Loosening the soil has a very beneficial effect on the plant, as it increases the access of air to the roots.

Bamboo is very ancient plant tropical and subtropical zones South-East Asia and Brazil, a plant symbol of the countries of this geographical region, where it is considered a “harbinger of joy”, capable of attracting good luck, prosperity and happiness to its owners. Currently widely used as a crop for decoration " Japanese garden"and in indoor culture to create exotic compositions from its rooted branches in various vases hydroponically, hydrogel or soil-based in pots. Green foliage, intricate tortuosity of branches and ease of care attract many lovers of home greens.

In places of natural growth, bamboo (Bambusa lat.) belongs to the genus of evergreen perennials, the family Cereals, represented by 130 of its varieties. In nature, these are lignified stems (straws), reaching a height of 35 meters, densely branched in the upper part. They are distinguished by their rapid growth of up to 0.75 centimeters per day (the growth champion among terrestrial plants). Leaves with very short petioles, lanceolate. They bloom only in endemic conditions.

In home culture, bamboo is a bare stem of different colors from bright green to yellow color, decorated upper leaves. Its hue is determined by the lighting in the places where it is kept. Thanks to the plasticity of its stems, which easily bend and twist in a spiral, this plant makes it possible to form a bonsai.

Bamboo for indoor growing differs only in the diameter of the stem and its height, even its color is related only to the intensity of lighting.

Medium height bamboo

The maximum height of such plants in Japan, where they originated, is no higher than 4 meters. They are photophilous and resistant to direct sunlight. Among them there are specimens with white-green leaves.

Low growing bamboo

This is the most compact plant variety, most suitable for green decoration of both home and office interiors. Its height reaches no more than 1.5 meters. In addition, low-growing bamboo, originally from Brazil, prefers relative coolness and moisture-rich air.

Features of growing indoor bamboo

  1. Considering the increased requirements of this plant for air humidity, pots or vases with it should not be placed near sources of any type of heating, especially electric.
  2. 25 warm degrees, with a small temperature amplitude, are considered comfortable for growing bamboo at home.
  3. Like many other indoor plants, bamboo needs mineral fertilizing. To keep the plant healthy and the foliage juicy and lush, it is necessary to add fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen to the soil of the container where it grows in proportionate proportions.
  4. When rooting bamboo or replanting it in fresh soil, the plant can be fertilized only after its complete adaptation and obvious growth dynamics.

Bamboo is grown at home in different ways:

  • in water;
  • in a container with soil for dracaenas;
  • in hydrogel.

The choice of growing method remains up to the grower, but you should immediately warn that varnishes and hydrogels are quite expensive for the reason that they need frequent replacement due to the loss of their original properties. If you keep bamboo stems in them longer than their intended shelf life, the plant will begin to wither.

Growing bamboo in a container with soil:

Most of all, despite all the unpretentiousness to soil quality, a soil mixture for dracaenas is suitable for bamboo. The planting container should be spacious, taking into account the rapid growth of its root system. Young specimens of indoor bamboo need to be replanted into a larger pot annually, and mature specimens - once every 3 years. Especially new plantings should be kept moist for 2 weeks. In further caring for them, do not allow the soil to dry out.

Growing bamboo in water:

There is an opinion that growing this in water tropical plant, in its natural habitat, gives best result: lush greenery, strong stem, but this method also requires knowledge and discipline in care:

  • They start with the root system: remove weak and overgrown ones - bamboo will calmly survive the removal of even one third of its roots.
  • Choose a suitable container and acquire decorative look stones - both are thoroughly washed, and the stones are boiled in water.
  • Water for such planting should be distilled or filtered, but possibly settled.
  • Place the bamboo stems into the prepared container and, straightening the roots evenly, carefully lay them with stones, creating support for them. Lastly, pour into the container with the planted plant. sufficient quantity prepared water.
  • Once every two weeks or more often (if there is a smell of mustiness, cloudiness, foam or bubbles), the water is completely changed, and advanced cases The stones are also washed.
  • When growing in this way, the water in a container with bamboo is fertilized once a month with a specialized fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

Growing bamboo on hydrogel

The process of planting into hydrogel granules is the same as when using decorative stones. The prepared stems are covered with granules, held in an upright position, and filled with prepared water. All further care consists of periodically adding water and applying appropriate fertilizer once every six months. Transparent glass containers with growing bamboo in hydrogel are very decorative.

Over time, the granules in a transparent container gradually change color, and the bamboo roots may become exposed, crawling up and drying out, which should not be allowed.

Except low-growing species, bamboo is a heat-loving plant, sensitive to cool drafts, and in winter time You should ventilate the room with bamboo very carefully. Lighting through eastern windows is more comfortable for him. The intensity of illumination is related to the size of its instance: than bigger plant, the closer to the light source. Diffuse light and even partial shade are allowed. In summer it needs frequent watering, and in winter - dosed and moderate watering.

Secrets of caring for indoor bamboo:

  • It is important to maintain a balance of light and shadow: with a lack of lighting, the stems stretch out and lose their decorative effect, but with an excess of it, the foliage grows excessively and there is a need for frequent pruning.
  • IN natural conditions bamboo blooms only at the age of 30 and dies immediately. It is for this reason that you cannot overdo it with fertilizers, as this can lead to flowering of the stems and their natural death. The flowers are white and very fragrant - one stem, planted separately, can be sacrificed to admire the flowering of bamboo.
  • Growing indoor bamboo involves periodically pruning it according to following rules: shoots can only be cut 5 centimeters above the node; By cutting off the top, the plant will stop growing in height and it will begin to grow leaves, constantly changing its shape.
  • Make sure to replant the plant in a timely manner, otherwise it will lose its leaves.
  • During the warm season, a container with bamboo can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden - it benefits from fresh air in the wind.
  • Regular spraying of the plant will help maintain sufficient air humidity in the room.

  • Strong stems and mature shoots are suitable for propagation by cuttings. It is necessary to cut the cuttings with several nodes and immediately root them in water or suitable soil with constant moisture and optimal lighting.
  • When replanting, dividing the bush is effective, in which a developed shoot with a sufficient root system is separated and young plant takes root using the method chosen above.

Diseases and pests of indoor bamboo

  1. Dark spots appear on the leaves - a sign fungal disease. Treatment with a fungicide and ventilation of the room is necessary.
  2. Bamboo develops poorly - deficiency nutrients in soil or water. Fertilizing should be strictly dosed, starting with minimal doses.
  3. Violation of the temperature regime leads to darkening, softness and shedding of leaves. There is a need to create temperature norm within 25 warm degrees with sufficient humidity.
  4. Periodically, bamboo leaves should be carefully inspected to identify pests: spider mite or aphids. If any are found, remove damaged leaves and wash the plant. soap solution and treat with the appropriate insecticide according to the instructions supplied with it.

As in most cases with domestic flora, diseases and pests of unpretentious and tenacious bamboo are associated with violation of the rules of care and conditions for its correct maintenance.

What you didn't know about indoor bamboo

In the area of ​​names of bamboo varieties in Lately changes have occurred, which leads to a certain confusion among those gardeners who know their previous names. A comparative list of these changes would be useful.

New name: Old name:
Bashania fargesii Arundinaria fargesii
Pseudosasa japonica A. japonica
Fargesia murienaliae A. murienaliae
F. nitida A.nitida
F. palmata A. palmata
Pleoblastus pygmaeus A. pygmaea
P. variegatus A. variegata
P. auricomus A. viridistriata
Indocalamus tessellatus Sasa tessellata

Bamboo growing in containers can be replanted in any season. open ground, not coinciding with frosts and droughts, in places protected from direct cold winds, it is imperative to mulch the root zone to preserve moisture.

A clump of bamboo planted in a spacious and large pot looks picturesque on a balcony or in a patio with normal, regular watering, for which the short and cold-resistant species Shibatea kumasasa is most suitable.

If you want to grow taller bamboo (Fargesia murienaliae or F. nitida) in a pot, you will need not only a large pot, but also one that is heavy enough so that it will not be knocked over by the wind, but this is due to the need to replant the bamboos into a larger pot each year, since they are quite grow quickly.

Bamboo growing in a pot on the balcony can be left there in winter, covering its soil layer with a thick layer of straw and wrapping the entire curtain with the pot in several layers of polyethylene, loosely tying it with a rope to the very top.

Indoor bamboo is widespread. The plant has gained popularity due to its beautiful greenery, ease of care and the ability to create exotic compositions. If you stick to simple rules for caring for Dracaena Sandera, the plant will delight with greenery all year round.

Indoor bamboo Dracaena Sandera is a home exotic.

Indoor bamboo - exotic in a pot. It is also called Dracaena Sandera. The plant is attracted by the fact that it is easy to grow and flower pot, and in the water. Both options do not affect the conditions of plant growth and development. Bamboo is unpretentious. Its shoots are used to decorate flower bouquets; it goes well with most flowers. Feng Shui lovers actively buy the plant.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Dracaena Sandera brings happiness and good luck to every home. It is considered a symbol of well-being.


Bamboo is a bare stem with several shoots developing at the end.

Various compositions from this plant look very impressive.

The color of the stem varies from bright green to golden straw. It can twist into spirals of various shapes. Leaves are lanceolate. The intensity of leaf color depends on the lighting in the room. Saturated green color foliage occurs only in bright light during the day. Blooms indoor plant very rarely. Flowers can form into panicles or appear singly on shoots.

Unlike the not-so-pretentious bamboo, it will require increased attention and patience from you. But this one beautiful flower worth the effort! Bright large flowers against the backdrop of lush green leaves will decorate any interior and cause genuine admiration.

If you prefer exquisite flowers, you should pay attention to the orchid. The phalaenopsis hybrid is most suitable for home breeding. Here is about the propagation and cultivation of this type of orchid.

Caring for bamboo at home

It is recommended to place the plant on eastern windows. Bamboo does not tolerate direct sunlight. In this case, burns appear on the leaves. If it is not possible to place the flower on the east side, it is covered with a curtain or blinds. Dracaena Sandera - heat-loving plant, which does not tolerate cold air currents. Ventilation is carried out carefully so that cold winter air does not fall on the stem.

Proper care is the key to the proper development of your pet.

With a lack of light, the stem may lose its lower leaves. Large specimens are best placed on the floor in places where they receive diffused light, or in partial shade. They are planted in large pots or tubs. In summer, bamboo is watered well, in winter - moderately. The soil in the pot should always be moist.

Dracaena does not tolerate temperatures below +13°C and above +35°C.

Planting Dracaena Sandera

There are three ways to grow the plant.

Hydrogel - bright modern solution not only for planting, but also for decoration.


See tips from a professional florist on planting and caring for decorative bamboo.

Bamboo propagation

Bamboo easily propagated by cuttings, less often - by dividing the root. The stems can be rooted during the pruning process, when vintage spirals are formed from the stem. Strong shoots and stems are suitable for this. For propagation, you can use shoots during transplantation - this best option. The plant can be immediately planted in a pot and watered abundantly, or it can be rooted in water. Young shoots are provided with bright light, excluding direct sunlight.

Dracaena Sander is not propagated by seeds.


Bamboo is unpretentious, diseases appear only when grown improperly. Small dark spots may appear on the leaves. This is a fungal infection. For treatment, special fungicidal preparations are used. At the same time, the room is thoroughly ventilated.

We get rid of such uninvited guests using fungicides.

If the shoots grow slowly or the bamboo has stopped growing, it means it doesn’t have enough minerals. In this case, the plant is fed more often or the dosage of feeding is increased. It is very important here not to overdo it with the dosage, so as not to cause harm.

If the leaves darken and become soft, it means the room is damaged temperature regime- too cold. In this case, the leaves may curl and fall off. To prevent the bamboo from dying, heaters are installed in the room.

There is a widespread belief among amateur flower growers that any flower in the house harmonizes the space. Think, maybe it’s time for you to get such a magnet for good luck?

If you are the lucky owner land plot, then without much hassle you can arrange a mini-production of high-quality substrate for planting your plants. about the reproduction of earthworms and their role in the formation of fertile soil.

In the photo below you can see what composition can be created from bamboo with proper care:

How to plant at home?

Let's take a closer look at how to plant bamboo at home. When choosing good seedling need to pay attention to its color. It should be deep green and not yellowed in any way. It is also worth checking the roots for damage.

Planting and care

Having purchased a bamboo seedling, you need to place it directly in a pot (usually the bottom of such a pot is pierced with holes) in a large number of water in a dark place for several hours so that the roots are well saturated with moisture. During this time, prepare the planting container by making a hole in it approximately 2 times larger than the rhizome.

Attention! If the leaves begin to curl or turn yellow, then the plant does not have enough moisture. But water stagnation should not be allowed.

At the bottom there must be fertile soil and drainage, then you need to move the seedling into this hole and compact it well on the sides with the same soil, the next layer, about 5 cm, there must be land.

You should water the plant well after planting, do not allow it to dry out afterwards, you can sprinkle the ground with sawdust or small pebbles, you can also put a bath of water next to it so that the air is well humidified and spray the plant itself. Some experts grow directly in water or in a special substance - hydrogel, in a stable vase.

Important: In summer you need to water more abundantly and more often, you should not overdry the soil. Any plant needs to be fed; bamboo is usually fertilized from April to August.

Choosing a pot

As mentioned above, it needs to be planted in the depression is twice the size of the rhizome itself. In accordance with this, you should choose a pot. Be sure to take care of water drainage!

Attention! You should not place bamboo in a pot in direct sunlight; it is better to place it on the east side of the room. It’s also worth taking care that it doesn’t freeze if, for example, you open the windows. If the stems and leaves become dark and soft, the plant is cold.

If all planting rules are followed, then it will not be difficult for you.


Bamboo grows quickly, so it should be replanted once a year in larger pots, mature plant- once every 3 years.

When transplanting a seedling, it was discussed above. As for transplanting cuttings during propagation, which is usually carried out in the spring (upper and stem), the cuttings are first placed in a container of water to take root. It is necessary to plant when the roots are about 4 cm in size, no more, so as not to damage the roots.

There should be in the pot about 3 cm of drainage And thin layer soil, the sprout must be carefully held in the center and gradually sprinkled with soil, then watered. Some gardeners spray the roots with a special substance to accelerate growth; it is very effective.

Attention! Bamboo loves to be trimmed; you can trim and remove weak shoots all year round, this will only make the plant grow better.

It is believed that he brings happiness to the home, now you can meet him often. It's very beautiful and unusual plant, if you wrap its stem around some kind of support, you can get an interesting decorative element. In addition, after reading our article, you should not have a question about how to plant bamboo in a pot.

Useful video

Personal growing experience and in the video below:

Caring for indoor bamboo is a fascinating activity that will inspire any connoisseur of fresh flowers. The bamboo plant tends to be more finicky indoors, so it needs a lot of tender loving care. It is especially important to monitor humidity so that the bamboo receives enough water, and at the same time is not oversaturated with it.

The properties of bamboo lie in the flexibility and plasticity of its stems, thanks to which intricate shapes can be created. Bamboo flowers almost never ripen in indoor conditions, and therefore the main advantage for room decor is the graceful stem, which perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the exotic. Growing such a miracle at home is a task of average difficulty and quite an accessible pleasure even for a beginner. Some gardeners suggest growing bamboo directly in water or hydrogel. This option has a beautiful aesthetic appearance and will decorate any room. However, it should be remembered that raw materials such as water and hydrogel (balls that absorb water) lack essential minerals and do not ensure long-term preservation of the plant. If you want the plant to please the eye and enliven the interior for 3-7 years, you should plant it in the soil. To do this, use the following steps.

Step 1

Find a wide, squat pot to grow in. Choose a container whose diameter is 2 times larger than the plant's root. There should be at least 5 cm of space between the rhizome and the side walls.

Good drainage is key to the survival of most types of bamboo, so make sure there are enough holes in the base of the pot.

Step 2

Consider a moisture tray. Bamboo loves moisture, which can make indoor growing challenging task. The constant presence of water under the bamboo, which is not absorbed by the roots, is the easiest way to make the air in the room humidified. This can be done in two ways.

Drainage tray:

  • Fill the tray with a layer of gravel.
  • Add a layer of water to the tray.
  • Place the pot on top of the drain so it doesn't touch the water.


  • Place a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.
  • Place the pot in a shallow pan of water.

This way you will create Greenhouse effect, which corresponds to the humid climate usual for this plant.

Step 3

Fill the pot with well-draining soil. Bamboo needs light to moderate soil density to provide a fast draining effect with moisture holding capacity. You can use a standard potting mix or make your own version of the potting soil from loam, perlite (or washed sand) and ⅓ peat moss (or well-rotted compost).

Most types of bamboo can live in different draining soils, so the exact composition will not affect the plant. You can also use decent quality soil from your garden. Avoid heavy clay soil, which conducts water poorly.

Bamboo tends to grow best in slightly acidic soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5, but most species tolerate pH as low as 7.5. Most soils fall into this range.

Step 4

Plant bamboo at shallow depths. Leave the stem and top of the rhizome above the soil level to prevent rot. Press the soil down to remove any air bubbles and water the plant.

Caring for bamboo at home

Bamboo should be watered carefully and with extreme caution. This is the most difficult part of care because indoor bamboo is always thirsty, but at the same time prone to oversaturation. To begin, pour water until some water overflows. Let the top 5 to 7.5 cm of soil dry before each watering session. If the soil remains wet for more than 1-2 days, reduce the amount of water.

Watering and humidity level

If top part The soil dries out quickly, dig to a depth of 10 cm to check the moisture. At depth the soil should remain slightly moist most time, especially during the first three months after planting.

Most bamboo plants prefer wet air, especially in hot weather.

To provide the necessary comfort to the plant, you need to follow the basic recommendations:

  • place the pot in a tray with moist drainage as described in the planting section above;
  • lightly mist the leaves with a spray bottle every couple of days;
  • use a humidifier indoors;
  • place plants close to each other (but keep in mind that this increases the risk of disease).

You need to maintain a balance, a fine line between staying hydrated and over-hydrating, as this is a necessary condition healthy growth.


Caring for indoor bamboo at home necessarily includes the correct level of illumination, which may differ for each type. If you know the name of your bamboo, you need to find specific recommendations for it. If the plant requires more light than the climate allows, install evening lighting. If the plant species is unknown, start with the following rules of thumb.

More light required:

  • plants with small leaves;
  • tropical species;
  • located in warm rooms.

Less light required:

  • plants with large leaves;
  • during winter season hibernation;
  • plants that are kept in cool rooms.

Most types of bamboo, including the “bamboo of happiness,” prefer bright, filtered sunlight, for example, located under the canopy of a tropical forest. Avoid direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves. They are more tolerant of a lack of light than of its excess.

Transplantation and feeding

Bamboo needs to be fertilized regularly as this plant grows quickly as long as it has room in the container and needs additional nutrients to support that growth. Dose of slow release fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season - good way ensure sustainable supply. Use a balanced fertilizer such as 16-16-16 or a nitrogen (N) fertilizer such as 30-10-10. The high-nitrogen option inhibits flowering, which weakens many types of bamboo.

Warning: Do not fertilize bamboo within 6 months of purchase. Most plants receive adequate amounts of fertilizer from the nursery.

You should also avoid seaweed-based fertilizers due to their excessive salt content.

Bamboo propagates vegetative way. You can take cuttings from the plant all year round. Cut cuttings are rooted in soil or water.

Regular pruning

Bamboo is very tolerant of pruning, so feel free to shape it once the plant is established and if there is no suspicion of poor health:

  • trim dried, stunted or excess stems (culminations) at soil level;
  • to prevent the stem from growing upward and to maintain it at a certain height, cut it just above the node (branching point);
  • Branches should be thinned regularly if you are encouraging vertical growth.
  • remove lower branches for aesthetics.

Bamboo can grow two different ways, depending on its type. So Dracaena Sandera, or “bamboo of happiness,” leaves long shoots, forming ovaries, which should then be separated and a new plant grown. This species grows spirally for three to five years. Any type of plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot once a year in the first three years of life.

Bamboo plants are propagated by cutting off part of the stem and placing it in a separate container of water until it grows roots.

Diseases and pests of indoor plants

It is quite common for a bamboo plant to lose a lot of leaves when moved around a room or replanted. As long as the new leaves at the ends of the branches look healthy, the plant should recover. If these leaves are falling or looking unhealthy, a couple of months of this may help with recovery. outdoors(if climate permits).

If the leaves turn yellow and fall off without being moved or replanted, other reasons are possible:

  • some species hibernate and drop off in low light conditions. Cold winter period Low light is suitable for these plants and reduces leaf fall. Remember that the fewer green leaves, the less water required by the plant.
  • Often the leaves fall off in the spring, and this is a variant of the norm, as there is a gradual replacement with fresh foliage. If there is a mixture of green, yellow and new leaves and shoots, then the plant is healthy.

If leaf yellowing occurs outside of the dormant season, it could mean a few different things:

  1. If they look dry and the tips are brown or curled up, the plant needs more water. It may also need a larger pot.
  2. Leaves that slowly turn pale and yellow are usually nutrient deficient. Add fertilizer with minerals.
  3. A sudden change in color after feeding indicates an excessive amount of them. In this case, the plant can be cured by removing any remaining fertilizer and watering deeply to flush out excess minerals.

Indoor bamboo plants are more vulnerable to diseases and pests, especially if the room is poorly ventilated. For mild insect infestations, wash the leaves with insecticidal soap or spray outdoors with an insecticidal spray.

There are over 1,000 species of bamboo, so no guidebook will cover every issue. If your plant has a disease that does not fit the description above, check with local gardeners about the presence of diseases in your area.